View Full Version : As the Wheel Weaves - WoT IC

2010-09-25, 07:47 AM
The Crown and Lion is full, the four new arrivals discovering just how full only upon coming down to the dining room to find it packed with ragged individuals, they run the full range of possible dress, a dirty faced woman in a ragged blue stout woolen gown sitting beside a man with a fine red coat, embroidered in gold down the arms.

The air is sour, the smell of sweat and travel hangs from the crowded room, many of the people within had only arrived in the city in the past few days, the imminent arrival of the false dragon Logain was drawing people, either to see him in his defeat or with vague hopes of rescuing him before he is taken to the White Tower in Tar Valon and gentled.

The city is more confusing than you had expected, there is some civil unrest, people seem to wear alternately red or white, ribbons, cockades, armbands, all signifying something, but who really expects politics to make sense to anyone but those living in the thick of it. Some blame the Aes Sedai for the state of things, failing crops have driven more people to Caemlyn, it is not unusual to see young men fresh from the farmland of Andor driven away by a lack of work and opportunity.

Master Dil runs the Crown and Lion, and he manages to keep peace within in a way that is both wise but rather unique in Andor, he keeps the pretty serving maids rushed off their feet, keeping watered down wine flowing, herbs have been added to add flavour, but the stuff lacks the kick that might spark dramatic confrontations. There are nicer taverns in the city, but the stay here is affordable and there is not a bed to be found in the taverns closer to the New City.

The sun is near setting, and the winter's chill hangs on the air outisde, wind whistles down alleys, from outside the Inn, and even over the chatter of the packed common room you hear a shrill noise outside in the courtyard.

listen checks please.

2010-09-25, 08:01 AM
Grych's ears prick up as he thinks he hears something,


2010-09-25, 08:08 AM
Grych can make out a scream, the sound is of blood curdling terror, if you had to guess the direction you would say at the back of the Inn, or closer to it than the front anyway.

Behind you there is the kitchens, to the right the stairs up to the second story of the inn and infront of you there is the full dining room leading to the front door.

2010-09-25, 08:13 AM
Grych stands up fast, knocking both his mug of wine, and the table flying in his haste. He flexes his huge hands, and takes a couple of steps towards the kitchen door, then pausing he listens again to see if he can determine where the sound is coming from, up the stairs on in the kitchens


2010-09-25, 08:13 AM
Ja'ama feels rather uncomfortable around all of this finery. Her shirt, while made of fine material, was travel-worn, and practically vaprous in how it sat on her frame. The fact that she was a female wearing canvas trousers also made her an oddity. She starts towards the bar, planning to order some spiced wine to calm her nerves, when she stops suddenly, a look of consternation on her face as she thinks she hears something. [roll0]

2010-09-25, 08:16 AM
Grych can tell the noise is from behind the kitchens, and outside the Inn, the screams sound like a woman, or perhaps a particularly young man.

Ja'ama hears nothing, perhaps it is the wind itself, she cannot be certain what she heard, nor its direction.

2010-09-25, 08:18 AM
"Someone is being hurt behind the Inn!" Grych roars! Not waiting to see if any of the other patrons care, or even have noticed he draws his massive claymore, he bulls through the kitchen door, through the kitchen, and out behind the inn, ready for anything.

2010-09-25, 08:20 AM
Buirn arrives at the tavern, eager to find somewhere to be able to rest for the night and find some food cooked by someone who can actually cook. He feels slightly miserable having been travelling in his rougher clothes instead of the much nicer - if somewhat battered now - clothes that he preferred to wear...

On entering the tavern, he sees a big man wearing not a huge amount causing some commotion in the middle of the tavern, spilling his drink all over the place...

Listen: [roll0]

2010-09-25, 08:23 AM
Buirn can regonise the noise as a scream, and recognises the voice as likely that of a woman, out behind the Crown and Lion.

2010-09-25, 08:23 AM
Ja'ama draws her dagger from a sheath tucked into her pants, and rushes to follow. She may not be here to help, but help she would.

2010-09-25, 08:28 AM
Seeing people rushing towards the screams, Buirn follows along to see what is happening, being careful not to get too close for fear if getting caught up in things...

2010-09-25, 11:29 AM
Jol can hear a scream, he isn't sure of the direction however.

2010-09-25, 11:35 AM
Jol pushes the pan-fried potatoes around on his tin plate. They'd been left on the heat too long, and what had once probably been a brace of fine, firm russets was now a half-charred brown and black mess. Most of the edible bits had already vanished into Jol's stomach, but there was no harm in not making an effort with the remainder. Just as he'd made up his mind and was raising his fork to his mouth, the plate, the fork, the potatoes, and the table were no longer there. The potatoes were on the floor, the plate was rolling under the bar, the fork had flown out of Jol's hand and was sticking upright in some other patron's gelatin, and the table had cracked into two pieces from the force of having been thrust aside and down.

"Oh!" he calls out to the large man still shoving tables aside in a hurry to get somewhere. "What's the hurry?" Jol waits for a reply, his ears straining to hear above the din of the common room. The man doesn't answer immediately, and the room's noise seems to dim, just enough so that Jol can hear someone, a young boy or girl, a frightened woman, or a terribly frightened man, emptying his or her lungs into the uncaring air.

"Oh," says Jol again, resigned instead of indignant and curious this time. The man has pushed his way out of sight, but there seem to be two others following him. Jol signals to them to expect him to follow as well. He stands up, and swings his backpack off his back and on to his chair. From it, he pulls a battered metal helment with some sort of clamp on the front, and a leather strap to hold under his chin. This he dons, and pulls the backpack back on. Then he untwines his sling from its position around his belt, balls it up in his fist so that he wouldn't alarm anyone, and loosens the clasp holding the slingstones. He then makes his way towards the woman and man.

"Whatever is happening?" he asks, concerns like names and histories not even finding lodging in his mind.

2010-09-25, 11:51 AM
"Help me, please, oh please, the light burn you cowards." The scream comes through more clearly once you reach the spot behind the inn, the kitchen staff are staring, to shocked to move at the scene beyond the door, there is a woman hanging from the barns awning, the stables lanterns illuminate the scene in flickers.

She is trying to pull herself up onto the structure, while a pair of monstrous beasts grasp and jump, grabbing at her. Around the courtyard you see light in windows, and if you look closely you can see people standing at them unmoving.

Behind them, you can make out a figure cowering as another thing, unspeakable, undescribable in its foulness, grabbing a woman. She isn't struggling, a lantern beside her has broken, and a pool of burning oil has leaked out onto the cobbles.

To the far right of the courtyard is a trio, men in rough leather and wool, one wielding a pitchfork at a man wearing a black cloak who appears to be unarmed. Behind the armed man there is a man and woman, clutching each other tightly.

Battle map coming, you may make any actions you want to before whatever you decide to do. You may roll knowledge checks of any variety, or any check you like that you think might help.

2010-09-25, 01:40 PM
Seeing the beasts attacking the helpless people, Buirn can't help but to cry out in fear, "What the...! What's going on!"

2010-09-26, 04:14 AM
"Something that needs stopping," says Jol. His eyes track from the woman hanging off the awning, to the beasts lunging for her, and then to the wall itself. He notices that the wooden planking split in the area around the corner from the woman*, forming a large, two-inch-wide crack that reaches from the ground all the way up to the awning.

"Can anyone climb up that?" Jol asks, pointing at the split. "Maybe help pull her up?"

That is, the crack starts between columns B and C.

2010-09-26, 04:37 AM
Maybe just some people standing up against them will scare them away. I hope so...

Looking at the crack, Buirn just shakes his head and, with his rapier ready and trying to look menacing, he slowly advances on the unarmed man to the right with his back to him...

2010-09-26, 08:22 AM
Grych takes in the situation at a glance, and roars loudly, "Death to Ye beasties!" He hefts the giant claymore over his head, and charges into the fray, attacking the closest beast to the hanging woman.

Charging to E,5 and attacking the beast in E,6 with my charge

Attack:[roll0] (+2 for charge)
Damag: [roll1]

I take -2 AC for the rest of this round because I charged!

I will also do a couple of knowledge checks


(I have 1 rank in both knowledge checks, but I have an Int pen so it works as a straight +0 mod)

"What are Trollocs doin' this far south!?" He exclaims in surprise as his blade bites deep.

2010-09-26, 09:29 AM
Grych's strike hits the creature on its chest, slicing deep into its flesh, a spray of blood from the wound covers him at chest height, the foul thing looks at him in shock.

2010-09-26, 09:38 AM
Ja'ama, seeing the plight of the hanging woman, decides that helping her might be the first course of action. The unconscious citizen was probably beyond hope, but there was still hope for her. She opens her mind to the One Power, and probes into the strands of the Pattern, pulling out the threads she needs. Once she has them, she hardens the air beneath the woman's feet. "Climb, woman!" she shouts, readying herself to battle these abominations.

2010-09-26, 09:59 AM
On the far right you see the man with the pitchfork step lightly, moving closer to the Inn, not striking at the man infront of him, but holding the tool as if it were a weapon, as if trying to ward him back, he calls to the fear striken couple behind him "make a run for it, I will hold him back."

The man he is trying to fend off, lunges at him with a dagger, ignoring the pitchfork completely, and suffering a strike to his chest from the pronged instrument in the process. Each attack fails to hit its target.

Darkfriend attacks [roll0]
Damage [roll]1d4[/rolll]

Pitchfork strike [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Near the small oil fire the trolloc roughly puts the unconscious woman in a sack and turns to face you, the sack over its shoulder. The hay starts to burn.

Hay fire [roll3]

2010-09-26, 10:07 AM
The couple flee, remaining behind the man with the pitchfork, keeping their distance from the dagger wielding man.

The trolloc Grych struck lunges at him, striking at him with a cruel curved scythebladed sword.

Attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

The woman hanging from the awning manages to find the hardened air beneath her feat, and stands on it, she turns looking back at the trolloc that had been striking at her and leans back, taking a seat on the awning roof, dangling her feet over the edge, taunting it.

2010-09-26, 10:15 AM
Jol snorts through his nose at the woman taunting the trolloc. It was just such an unexpected sight, seeing her using apparently nothing as a stepstool, contorting her face and waving her hands about. He couldn't help it slipping out. As the air slips out his nostrils, Jol feels something slip against his mind. He brings his focus back from his diaphragm spasms onto the task at hand.

Composure: [roll0]

Unfortunately, it's a full-round action, thus:

He takes all of six seconds doing so, and is unable to do more to actually help than to slip a bullet into his sling before the scene wholly changes in front of him and he has to reassess the situation.

2010-09-26, 10:18 AM
The trolloc taunted strikes at the womens feet using its scythesword, however its blade hits the hardened air and is deflected, she laughs again, louder this time, she calls out at it "you son of a goat, is that the best you can do!"

2010-09-26, 10:47 AM
Seeing the couple breaking away, Buirn moves between them and the other two and calls out to them Get inside and go find help!

I'm going to regret this. I just know I am. But if they can get inside safely we may be able to get the guards or someone to come help...

Moving to Q6 and attempting to strike at D
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-26, 10:53 AM
Buirn's rapier slides easily into the mans unarmoured flesh, slicing a deep gash into his shoulder, dealing a nasty wound to the darkfriend.

2010-09-26, 10:57 AM
Grych grunts loudly as the Trolloc's blade slices through his flesh, "I had a score of these wounds at Tanice." he thinks to himself. Glaring at the beast, he twists his torso, ready to slam his blade through the ugly little things head. Before taking a step backwards

Standard Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
please be nice fdr...Or obviously not!

Then five foot step back to E,4

2010-09-26, 11:01 AM
Grych's attack fails to hit the trolloc and it lets out a bestial raw, unleashing its fury and angry and rage, its pain makes it no less dangerous but shows how much damage his earlier strike had done.

2010-09-26, 11:31 AM
Ja'ama, now satisfied with the safety of the woman, though not entirely happy with the cavalier way she was treating it, dashes over to the great kilted man, and lays a hand on his arm. Once more she focuses on the great Pattern, and pulls threads of the very spirit to restore the man's wounds. She says nothing, only readjusting her dagger in her right hand, preparing to defend herself against the monster before her. Healing at 0th level, with power of 1st: [roll0]

2010-09-26, 11:58 AM
Grych feels a cold chill run through him, momentarily and then his injuries from the scythesword begin to close, torn flesh sealing and rejoining, the redness leaving the remains of the gash and a reduction in his level of pain.

The man with the pitchfork strikes at the darkfriend again, instead of stabbing he attempts to club the man with the heavy metal prongs.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

The darkfriend groans, and turns to slash at Buirn with his dagger.

attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

The trolloc near the fire flees away from the increasing flames carrying the sack as if it was full of nothing more than feathers, there is no sign of movement within the sack at all.

The woman behind the man with the pitchfork calls to Buirns "we will get help, hold fast brave sir." and turn on her heel fleeing along the wall, the man following close beside her, it is only once they are out of sight into an alleyway that you hear a man's scream, from her there is only silence.

The injured trolloc stops its roaring, turning to Grych and Ja'ama, in a hoarse croak it intones "drop your weapon, there are rewardss for those who would serve the great lord." behind its lips you see sharp teeth.

The woman sitting on the awning pulls her legs up onto it, and begins searching her pockets desparately, you have no idea what she expects to find.

2010-09-26, 12:33 PM
Jol moves to cut off the escape route of the trolloc with the woman in the sack. He positions himself in front of the entrance to the alley down which the couple had gone.

Running to U4. Might as well make a
Spot: [roll0]
and a Listen: [roll1] after the couple.

2010-09-26, 12:54 PM
Jol's glance down the alley reveals something crumpled in shadow, there is nothing moving, and no sign of the woman who screamed.

The trolloc attacking the woman on the awning attempts to slash at her with its blade again, this time finding no resistance in the air to its strike. As the blow hits one of her feet the woman screams and wriggles backwards from the edge.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2010-09-26, 01:48 PM
To the man with the dagger: Drop your weapon and surrender and you won't lose your life needlessly

Intimidate: [roll0]
Diplomancy: [roll1]

2010-09-26, 01:54 PM
The darkfriend drops his dagger, and raises both his hands in the air.

2010-09-27, 02:30 AM
AsGrych feels the healing energy take hold he takes a step forward, his face grim. "Reward this, beastie!" he growls as his claymore swings through the air once more.

move one square forward (to E,5)
Attack: [roll0]

2010-09-27, 04:40 AM
The trolloc before Grych drops to the ground, the flow of dark blood from its chest wound finally slowing as its heart ceases to beat.

2010-09-27, 07:38 PM
Seeing the surrendered creature in black, and the dead Trolloc at the feet of the claymore wielding man, Ja'ama shifts her focus to the remaining standing trolloc. "Hey, beastie, over here," she shouts, and plucks once more the strands of the weaves out from the air, creating a sphere of air around the trolloc's head, trying to suffocate it.

Reflex save of DC 12 (I need to increase that ...), or he begins to suffocate.

2010-09-27, 10:59 PM
The trolloc throws its free hand to its face, grabbing at the hardened air now causing it such trouble to breath. However it has little trouble by leaning its head forwards a little it manages to gasp for air.

Reflex Save [roll0]

2010-09-28, 12:41 AM
The man with the pitchfork stops menacing the now disarmed darkfriend and instead pushed past him to glare, at the trolloc with the unmoving sack, his nostrils flared, he flourishes the pitchfork before bracing the handle against his boot.

The darkfriend ignores him, and instead gazes towards Jol with a look on his face, as if assessing the man.

In response to the pitchfork wielding man the trolloc drops the sack roughly, you here a cracking noise as it hits the ground, but still no movement from within and charges at the man, deadly scythesword drawn. As he misses his swing at the man, it finds itself running directly into the spikes of the pitchfork, however its hard flesh and muscle turn aside the blunt prongs.

To hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

To hit [roll2]
damage [roll3]

The women on the roof is crawling on her belly along the awning itself, away from the trollocs blade, she keeps quiet and low.

2010-09-28, 12:51 AM
It had been Jol's plan to stop the beast with the woman in a sack from escaping. Now, it seemed, it was no longer intent on the exit alone, but also on its guardians. He swung his sling around to gain speed, and lobbed the bullet at the beast's head.


If this counts as firing into melee, subtract 4.

Yeah, I forgot damage. Fortuitously in this case, since the attack roll was so bad.

As Jol comes out of his swing, he notices the pacified human staring at him. He glares back, wondering how best to respond to the prisoner's unspoken challenge. What about him, Jol, was under question?

2010-09-28, 01:01 AM
The trolloc leaps up at the awning, having lost sight of the woman, it knows she must be somewhere but it is not sure where she has gone. It grabs onto the awning, dropping its sword, it hangs there preparing to pull itself up.


2010-09-28, 03:38 AM
Fetching a length of rope from his backpack, Buirn shoves the man towards the wall - facing into the wall - and ties his hands behind his back. Don't get any bright ideas. It won't end well for you...

2010-09-28, 04:33 AM
The bound man sits, his arms bound, he looks calm, he doesn't struggle against the ropes and gazes at the wall.

2010-09-28, 04:52 AM
Grych smiles grimly at the helpless Trolloc, "I would'a prefered a Shienar, but Ye'll do!" he mutters under his breath. Taking a couple of steps forward he swings his mighty blade.

Move to D,4 (I think that's the one I meant, one square south of the beastie anyway)

Going to take a risk as he's lost some AC with a...
Power attack: (moving my +1 to attack to my damage)

2010-09-28, 04:55 AM
The trolloc roars in pain, as the powerful blow strikes it in the back, the sword blade digs deep into its flesh, but it holds tight to the awning, still attempting to pull itself up.

2010-09-28, 09:02 AM
Ja'ama dashes over to the great HighBorderlander, and says "Allow me to give you a hand with that." settling herself into a moment of concentration, she plucks yet more threads for a weave, and a blade of pure white fire extends from the tip of her dagger. She raises it abover her head, and swings down at the trolloc's thigh, the blade searing the air as it goes. Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] If I get dagger damage, too [roll2]

2010-09-28, 09:37 AM
The burning blade slices into the trollocs flesh, and it releases its grip on the awning falling spawled on the ground, the wound on its back so close to where Grych had struck cauterised some of the wound, and stems the flow of blood, from its chest you hear a death rattle.

2010-09-28, 09:46 AM
The pitchfork wielding man attemps to strike the trolloc again, while he was apparently unskilled in the arts of war he was nothing if not persistant.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The trolloc responds in kind with a blow from its deadly blade. The brave lad with the pitchfork drops to the ground, he has taken a strike from the blade to the stomach, and he clutched at it, rolling on the ground in agony.

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

The lady on the roof remains silent, in her hiding spot on the far side of the awning she is unaware that she is now safe from the trollocs, with the nearest one being a considerable distance from her.

2010-09-28, 10:59 AM
Jol looks about him. The sinister, staring man has been subdued and propped up against the wall. The subduer, a man with an air of self-possession though he bore few of the physical marks of self-reliance, seemed to be blocking the beast's way to the exit. At the same time, he was blocking Jol's view of the beast.

Jol therefore felt quite comfortable abandoning his self-assumed post in front of the exit, and taking up a position where he could get off a better shot on the beast. He'd better do it quickly, too, or he'd batter the man he was facing into the dirt.

Moving to O4.

Attack: [roll0] Darn that firing into melee penalty. Why can't this one be helpless?
Damage: [roll1]

His shot goes wide, its slipstream making the fabric of the sack rustle.

2010-09-28, 11:12 AM
The trolloc doesn't even notice the attempted sling attack.

2010-09-28, 05:19 PM
Grych stares at the bodies of the dead Trollocs for a moment, before turning his gaze on the last remaining enemy. Then waving his sword, he sprints towards it.

Double move Action to P, 9 (I think that's right?! - should be about 10ft away from the last enemy)

2010-09-28, 07:13 PM
Ja'ama, now sufficiently sure of the group's success, strides confidently forward, and then creates and even larger sphere of air, this time encompassing the air for a five foot radius, centered around the beast's head. "Try escaping this, abomination! The man, at least, was wise enough to surrender."

Casting Harden Air as a 2nd level weave, using a 1st level slot. Five foot radius, DC 13. Yeah, try and beat that ... :(

2010-09-28, 07:19 PM
Feeling the air harden around its face the trolloc gasps for air, finding none it begins to throw its head around wildly. And draws in a deep breath as it finds some.

Reflext Save: [roll0]

2010-09-28, 08:20 PM
The pitchfork wielding man continues to clutch at the gut wound he has suffered unable to do anything to help himself, unable to even sit up he passes out.

The trolloc lets out a bestial raw and swings it sword at the man, attempting to slice cleanly through his neck, and manages to completely remove his head from his body.

Coup de Grace
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
damage [roll2]

2010-09-29, 04:32 AM
Jol did not like to shout in battle. Taunting his enemies, he felt, detracted more from his concentration than it did theirs. He stayed silent as he fired off another shot, barring an unavoidable grunt as he let it go.

Attack: [roll0] Huh. No more firing into melee.
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-29, 04:34 AM
The trolloc notices this small stone, as it bounces off its head, it turns its head to look carefully at Jol.

2010-09-29, 06:00 AM
Having ensured this man was secured, Buirn hurries over to the dropped sack to open it and see what - or who - is inside...

Moving to R12 and opening the sack

2010-09-29, 06:09 AM
As Buirn opens the sack, an arm falls out, as he follows the limp limb he follows it from clammy palm to a shoulder, there is a woman in the sack, and she appears to be completely unconscious.

2010-09-29, 06:38 AM
Grych grimaces as he sets his teeth, ready to end this battle, he steps forward, and once more strikes out with his claymore, aiming to cleave the Trolloc's head from it's shoulders as the beast did to the dead man.

Move the ten feet to engage the trolloc...

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Unfortuntaely he sucks!

2010-09-29, 06:43 AM
As Grych's blade swings through the air, the trolloc barely notices, his eyes still intent on Jol after that small rock.

2010-09-29, 08:59 AM
Ja'ama, seeing the battle is nearly won, prepares herself as an auxiliary defense, plucking strands, but not tightening the weave together quite yet. Moving 20 ft. East and 5 north, then readying an action to cast Harden Air as a shield in response to a hostile action by either enemy against any of my new alles.

2010-09-29, 09:13 AM
The last trolloc standing eases itself back from Grych's sword, its mission foiled, injured, only slightly but enough to bother it, it gives a final roar before running away from the fire, everyone knows trollocs hate fire, one of the few things everyone gets right.

It runs off into the night, past the bound darkfriend and down the side of the tavern.

Trolloc made a withdraw action, and has left the map.
Consider it defeated for the purpose of this night.

2010-09-29, 09:18 AM
As the trolloc sprints out into the night, relief and surprise at not dying at the hands of depraved humans and blighted monsters spills out into laughter.

Composure: [roll0]

Eh, might as well.

2010-09-29, 09:48 AM
Ja'ama drops her arm, sheathes her knife, and wipes her brow. She then walks over to the roof, and calls "Now, woman, come down from there. What was this all about?"

2010-09-29, 09:52 AM
From the roof the woman, swings one leg over the edge, takes hold of the awnings edge just as when you first saw her and lowers herself to the ground. She turns to look at Ja'ama carefully before she begins. "I was coming to Caemlyn, from out west you see, and fell in with some other refugees fleeing the devastation the dragon reborn caused."

"You had best do something about those bodies, the queens guard will be here sooner or later, even civil unrest wont keep them away from a commotion like this, and I'd rather not be associated with them who brought trollocs."

2010-09-29, 10:11 AM
"The bodies can be dealt with later. In the meantime, that looks like a nasty cut ..."

2010-09-29, 10:18 AM
The strange lady takes a seat, her back against the cracked stone wall of the barn, it is only now you truly see what she is like, as she unlaced a high boot of an unusual style the moonlight reflects off a string of pearls hanging from an ivory comb and circling the crown of her head, nestled in her wavy long brown hair. "Are you some sort of healer then m'lady?" she asks as the tan leather boot comes off revealing gash running the length of her foot.

Her cream gown had a skirt slashed with crimson panels with yellow fireroses embroided in fine golden thread, while on her left hand there is a ring, a signet ring like that a noble uses to seal a letter, however her ring has no symbol, nothing to leave an impression. "I must thank you for taking care of them, I didn't think I could hold their attention much longer."

2010-09-29, 10:23 AM
I sent the other two to find some guards to help us. They will be able to vouch for us as well, I am sure. Unless you have some other reason to not want the guards to find you around the bodies...?

2010-09-29, 10:27 AM
"Yeah, I got a reason, whitecloaks are in the city, haven't you heard about what they do to people on the merest suspicion of involvement with that sort of thing? Queen Morgase, the light illumine her doesn't let them have the run fo the city of even do much but scowl and make accusations, but with that false dragon people are terrified that the forsaken lie under their bed at night waiting to snatch them for their wicked ways just like they were a child all over again."

Blood drips from her wounded foot, soft drops hitting the cobblestones, forming a tiny spreading pool. "I could wait around I guess, but if its all the same to you, I'd rather not."

2010-09-29, 11:12 AM
"Sir, ma'am" says Jol, looking in turn at the man who talked about the guards and at the woman with the wounded foot, "my name is Jol, and I don't think hiding these beasts' bodies is our biggest concern right now.

"We've still got your prisoner to deal with," he continues, turning back to the man who'd captured him, "and I don't think that couple made it very far. I got a glimpse down the alley before, and there's someone laying there in a heap. Someone down there screamed too. We should get out of here and check on them."

2010-09-29, 11:38 AM
"Well, once I am able to walk I pledge to give you any assistance you require in putting all of our necks on the line." the woman smiles kindly at Jol however, there is no fire in her words.

"It all just happened so fast, I have no idea what I will tell them anyway, my name is Ibrella."

2010-09-29, 12:49 PM
Coming up to the lady, Buirn bows low, My name is Buirn. A pleasure to make your acquitance. If I may be so bold, may I enquire as to where you hail from, and as to what you know of this gentleman here... gesturing to the tied up man...

diplomancy [roll0]

2010-09-29, 12:51 PM
Grych slams his sword down into the ground, the sharp action shaking the blood off the blade. Then running a hand through his grey hair he laughs hearterly, then claps the civilian on the shoulder playfully, "Well that was a good bit of entertainment for an eve!" He glances towards those talking with the lady, and decides that his speaking with ladies skills are not too hot, so instead he approaches the bound man, "So what are you doin here laddie?" he asks menacingly, waving his great blade at him.

Intimadate [roll0] plus any circumstance modifier you think necessary with a giant blade?

2010-09-29, 01:12 PM
"Does it really matter where I am from, I can assure you I didn't crawl out of the pit of dhoom, or cross the blight nor waste. I cannot go back, so I look forwards." she answers Buirn pleasantly "please do not press me for more about that, the wound is still raw."

"And as for that fool, he was just around, amongst the crowds walking to Caemlyn to see the dragon caged, either to celebrate or mourn I had no idea which it was when I offered to let him travel with us, that would be myself, my companion Kirina, the one you have bound, another youth, a run away apprentice I thought. I had thought they might protect us, and there was another a peddler who walked a few days with us."

In reponse to Grych the bound man replies, looking up at him, his face unwrinkled, if you had to guess you would place his age no greater than 18, not old enough to be considered a man anywhere south of the borderlands where you became one the moment you could wield a sword. The boy groans muttering "he knew me, he knew my promise..." he pauses for a moment to wipe his eyes "he said all I had to do was help retrive what he needed from the ladies and no one would be hurt, and I would be free to go my own way, but then there was trollocs and strangers, witnesses, I had to keep them there, against the wall so they wouldn't get mixed up in things too, scare them and maybe cut em a little.

2010-09-29, 01:13 PM
Ja'ama whistles. "That's one fine gash you've got there." She weaves once more, and calls down healing light for the woman's gash. "Now, if you can walk on it, let us make haste from this scene. I will check on the others, and do my best to rid us of these bodies. If anyone is willing to help, please do. Nice ring, by the way. And dress." healing [roll0]

2010-09-29, 01:19 PM
"Why thank you, Aes Sedai." Ibrella smiles at Ja'ama as she stands and flexes her toes, able to move them without wincing in pain she is fully cured.

"I once had many dresses like it, but all things change, but perhaps it will turn out to be for the best." she smiles amiably enough "but if you are Aes Sedai you must check on Kirina, she has something, something unusual that you might find interesting."

2010-09-29, 01:37 PM
"Aes Sedai ... Yes, I will look at your friend."

2010-09-29, 01:45 PM
Ibrella leads the way over to the girl falling out of the sack, still unconscious showing no signs of even being aware, she is long limbed and pale as the night sky, she is wearing a brown woolen dress, it looks a bit worn and frayed at the hems, if it was ever stylish it would have to be back in the age of legends.

"So Aes Sedai, I think the reason we were attacked is here. she reaches down to her friends hand pulling her fist open, within it is a jewel shaped like an apple, no bigger than a large hens egg. "If you hold it against your skin it will put you into a deep deep sleep, you will dream, and if someone doesn't take it out of your grip you will never wake, that is all we have discovered since we found it."

2010-09-29, 01:57 PM
Know: Arcana[roll0] "How ... interesting." Ja'ama gingerly removes the tem from the woman's hand, trying to touch it as little as possible.

2010-09-29, 02:55 PM
That sounds like it could be dangerous. Is that why your friend is as she is? Where did you come across this item?

2010-09-29, 03:17 PM
"Here," says Jol, moving over to the large man with the large sword. "Whatever Ibrella says, we're gonne end up following that couple who escaped, and it might be dangerous down that alley. You shouldn't go wounded."

Jol swings down his backpack and removes a strip of cloth wound tight in a roll. He unrolls a few feet, rips off the unwound bit, and binds the wound that the channeler had neglected. As he winds, a picture pops into his head of the minute lattices of the swordsman's body knitting themselves back together. Jol smiles at himself for such a notion. Even the channeler hadn't managed such a feat. He'd heard that more powerful women could indeed reattach severed limbs and similar acts of healing, but this one didn't have that level of expertise, it seemed.

"Just leave that in place for a week or so, and if it starts to hurt more or become hard to move, tell someone. Wouldn't want it enflamed."

Using both a Heal check - to represent what Jol is doing - and the Heal weave -to represent what's actually happening.

Heal: [roll0]
Heal (level 1): [roll1]

Huh. The Heal check might be believable enough that Grych'll follow the instructions, and won't remove the bandage until the wound would have healed anyway...

2010-09-29, 10:17 PM
"Ach thank ye." the giant man nods to the much smaller, "I'm not usually one fer medicine, so once it stops hurtin' I'll be rippin' tha thing off!"

2010-09-30, 05:30 AM
"We found the apple a few months ago, we were travelling with an old man, and he told us it had been in his family a long time, passed from generation to generation, only he was the last one and he was planning to use the last of his life to see the false dragon." Ibrella explains to Buirn while watching Ja'ama with an amused smile.

The apple coming out of Kirina's hand had an immediate response in the girl, she takes a deep breath and sits up, her eyes wide open she peers about suspiciously at first before smiling. "I knew you would save me." she reaches her hand out to Buirn seeing it he will help her to her feet.

2010-09-30, 06:18 AM
Seeing the girl reach towards him, Buirn crouches down over her to check she is ok and then carefully helps her to her feet. That really is an incredible reaction. I cannot see how such an item can be in any way beneficial though. Maybe it is best if nobody handles it directly, to be safe?, then talking directly to the girl How are you feeling now? Are you alright?

Heal check on the girl: [roll0]

2010-09-30, 06:57 AM
"I have the most vivid dreams when I use it." she takes his hand and allows him to help her to her feet, she pauses to look at Ja'ama before she continues. "I feel fine, the sleep is not entirely restful, not as good for me as a real nights sleep, and sometimes I will wake up with strange bruises, but that was after I had the most vicious dream, so perhaps I rolled over onto rocks, we were travelling rough after all."

"I do appreciate your concern though."

2010-09-30, 07:15 AM
Ja'ama falls to the floor, her eyes closing and her limbs going limp, her breathing turns shallow.

Ja'ama: You are in a dream, as you look around you can see you are in exactly the same courtyard, the hay is back unburnt, and there are a couple of barrels of water on the far side, there are no people here.

This place would appear to be the world of dreams or tel'aran'rhiod, a place few can reach for more than a second, and that would make the apple a ter'angreal, an item made with the one power that will have a varied effect.

2010-09-30, 07:24 AM
Seeing Ja'ama collapse, Buirn grabs the sack and uses it to pry the object from her hands. If this item can affect an Aes Sedai as such it must truely be powerful. We should not touch it.

2010-09-30, 07:28 AM
"This thing's fascinating and all, but we really should get a move on," he says. "Don't you ladies have a way of holding this safely, maybe with gloves or wrapping it in some fabric?"

Weavesight: [roll0]
Will Save if necessary: [roll1]

2010-09-30, 07:32 AM
"We just want to be rid of it." Ibrella begins, Kirina cuts in with "We spent most of the first day we had it passing it back and forwards, one person asleep, then the other, unable to do anything else until she figured out that its contact with your skin that triggers it."

Ja'ama wakes up, Buirn's has secured the object with the sack. There is the sound of footsteps, heaving boots moving in unison from the side alley where the couple had run, and there was a figure crumpled in the shadows. It would appear you are almost out of time to decide what you will do about the guards, upon hearing the movement Ibrella takes Kirina's hand and starts to drag her towards the back of the Inn's kitchen door.

You can flee or stay.

2010-09-30, 09:20 AM
Ja'ama wakes with a start, gasping as she's drawn from the dream world to this. Hearing the guards' footsteps, and remembering the womans' mention of "Whitecloaks" or some such nonsense, Ja'ama realised she did not want to be brought before the Aes Sedai. She quickly stands, and says "Let us go. The woman is right, we do not want to be associated with these trollocs. Bring the boy with us!"

2010-09-30, 09:27 AM
Within the Rose and Crown, leaving the kitchen Ibrella heads up the stairs to the rooms instead of heading towards the dining room, Kirina waits on the stairs at the top landing looking down, watching, waiting to see who follows them inside.

At the far end of the courtyard, the booted figures arrive, one a young man in the red and white of the Andoran guard has lost his dignified bearing trying to keep ahead of six white cloaks, all with the golden sunburst pin attaching their cloaks, by the hips are swords.

They have no authority within Andor but that never stops them trying to take all the can grasp.

2010-09-30, 10:39 AM
Ja'ama goes with the two women into the inn, and waits with Kirina. She wasn't standing around for questioning. The Aes Sedai should not learn of the Windfinders.

2010-09-30, 10:51 AM
Not waiting to be caught by the guards in a potentially compromising situation, Buirn grabs the tied up man and follows the women inside and up the stairs. Before going inside he whispers in the mans ear, Whitecloaks are coming. Come inside quietly and do not stir up any trouble at all or else I will leave you for them to find, and I'm certain that you do not want that...

Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-09-30, 10:53 AM
The man continues in his non-resistance, doing as he is told, keeping quiet and even keeping pace with Buirns on the way inside.

Under Buirn's hand he can feel the man's muscles quiver, he is scared, perhaps even terrified. Kirina points back down the corridor behind herself to the guest room Ibrella is standing at the door of, she is pointing inside it, and they are both being completely silent.

2010-09-30, 10:57 AM
Jol is disappointed that these people were more concerned about saving their own reputations against some vague, and possibly non-threatening, threat than about the safety of the people who'd fled down the alley. Still, he didn't want to get them in trouble by remaining behind. Regardless of the fact that they were overreacting, if they were discovered overreacting they would draw unwarranted suspicion. He reluctantly ducked back into the inn, standing just inside the door to see what happened in the barn.

Hide: [roll0]

2010-09-30, 01:03 PM
Grych, for some unaccountable reason is a little slower than the rest to get under cover so is still in the yard when the cloaked, booted men enter. The tall braw boned clansman merely leans on his sword, offering a wry, "Good day to ye." to the nearest then unconcerned he strolls back towards the inn shouting loudly, "More Ale here, I've done my heroic duty for the day!"

Just in case DM needs them: EDIT: hopefully you won't they SUCK!


Sorry not been around much today...work has been nutty...but the good news...I have tomorrow and Saturday off weeee!

2010-09-30, 03:28 PM
Once everyone is inside, Kirina heads towards the room Ibrella has already entered, she takes a seat on one of the beds and begins to stretch. "You know, I was sure the trollocs had us, for keeps this time." Kirina says to Ibrella "I thought in the world of dreams, perhaps I wouldn't have to feel it, and of course once I was there I went as far as I could hoping that I wouldn't even know what was happening."

Jol can see the Children of the Light clearly now, as they move into the courtyard, moving past the human body beside the pitchfork they head immediately towards the pair of trollocs corpses. The man in the lead looks around carefully, but does not see Jol.

2010-09-30, 03:35 PM
Ja'ama looks out the window, and says "Tell me about the dream world. When I touched that ... thing, it seemed as if the world was almost the same in there ... but different. Why? If it could replicate the real world so well, why were there any differences at all? No trollocs, they hay was unburnt ... why?"

2010-09-30, 03:43 PM
It doesn't appear to be a direct version of here, more, idealised perhaps, the only people there are people who vanish after seconds, and the more permanent something is in the real world the more likely you will find it there." Kirina explains as best she knows, Ibrella pipes up adding "Imagine you could see everything that happened this week at once, and then remove anything that was there for less than a third of the time."

2010-09-30, 03:48 PM
"Yes, I see ... quite an artifact indeed ..." Ja'ama then focuses her attention on the courtyard, watching the guards' actions from the room's window.

2010-09-30, 03:54 PM
Outside, the lead whitecloak is sawing at the first trollocs head with his sword, perhaps he intends to take it as some sort of trophy, he gestures angrily at the man nearest to him, who then begins to remove the second trollocs head with a smaller knife. The bodies bleed very little.

"That man is trouble, notice how no one has come out to tell them what they saw, and you know there was lights in windows and faces, I saw some myself." and as per usual the other girl cannot keep quiet, perhaps they always take it in turns to speak. "They aren't popular here, perhaps in part because they were only sent to Caemlyn to cause trouble for everyone."

You may listen check if you are close like Jol.

2010-09-30, 03:55 PM
Listen: [roll0]

2010-09-30, 04:00 PM
Jol hears muffled voices, but the words he can make out include. "...embarassing......here....politically...darkfrie nd scum...orders"

2010-09-30, 04:05 PM
OOC: well, I suppose the FDR was punishing me for not bothering to roleplay...


Jol leaves the doorway and ascends the stairs to report. "As far as I heard, the Whitecloaks have the run of the city because having Darkfriends around during the Dragon's sentencing wouldn't be good for the Queen's image."

2010-09-30, 04:13 PM
Speaking of which, we still have this man here to deal with... gesturing to the bound man.

2010-09-30, 04:20 PM
"So deal with him. I don't understand him when he talks. You do." Jol curls his lip in a parody of a smile.

2010-09-30, 04:35 PM
Ja'ama says, cruelly, "Well, I know of one way to deal with Darkfriends ..." She draws her knife, and approaches the bound man. "So, boy, tell us, what are you doing here?" If Intimidate is needed: [roll0]

2010-09-30, 04:41 PM
"I will tell you, if you give me a kiss." the darkfriend replies.

2010-09-30, 05:01 PM
Ja'ama smiles seductively. She slowly leans in towards the bound man, and, just before their lips meet, the man feels her dagger pushing against his throat. "Let's try this again, boy, why are you here?" Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-09-30, 09:38 PM
"I said I'd tell you, no need for the knife." he protests "when I was a boy, once I was switched for stealing a jar of this plum based alcohol, me and some friends, we were going to go on an overnight hike, or so we told our parents, but they realised before we get out the village."

The man seems near nostalgic about this switching he got, and he continues "I swore, that night, lying in my bed sore and hungry to serve the dark one himself if thats what it took for me to have freedom."

"I was on the road, adventurin' seeing whats to be seen you know, and then this man approached me, told me he could smell what I was, smell how I was sworn to the dark, and he told me to help" his sentences get shorter, after each short statement he pauses for air, and looks just that little bit closer to tears.

2010-10-01, 04:27 AM
Grych walks softly into the room, and nods at his companions, a tankard of ale in his hand. He slowly slips it as he listens to their conversations.

2010-10-01, 11:09 AM
Jol, supremely uninterested in the Darkfriend's childhood, opens the window a crack to hear the Children talking from this new vantage point.

listen: [roll0]

2010-10-01, 11:18 AM
"And what," she says, moving the dagger to below the rope, "was your purpose? Your mission?"

2010-10-01, 11:32 AM
"but just suppose we are caught, this is all too convenient." the younger looking Child of the Light demands of his companion, both still cutting at the trollocs, reducing them to pieces no longer than a mans arm from elbow to wrist.

"Morgase'll have no choice, she will have to compromise with us, perhaps even get rid of her witch, and won't be able to send the daughter heir to Tar Valon." the other one responds who Jol had heard faintly earlier. "perhaps we will even get a garisson in every city in Andor."

The darkfriend looks puzzled at Ja'ama "Why to steal that thing, the old item they have, I was told it was of great value to the chosen. I was to keep anyone nearby away while the trollocs were to grab those two and take them back to the master." he takes a deep breath, pausing and watching Ja'ama carefully before he concludes "Just outside the city's walls, death waits, on cloven hoof with curved scythesword, but I know his secret. Will you let me live?"

2010-10-01, 11:43 AM
Keep talking and it will be taken under consideration. Specifically about what exactly is waiting outside the city, and what this secret is...

2010-10-01, 11:45 AM
Jol closes the window again, and says to Ibrella, who is nearest, "Oh, this is bad. Now that they've actually found dark creatures here, they think they'll be able to convince the Queen to let them stay full time. Set up garrisons and all that, in all of Andor's major towns. They also want to cut off Andor from the White Tower.

"Of course," he continues, "they probably want this all the time, but they think they can actually get it now. By being seen as useful, more useful than the Aes Sedai. They'll want to bring as much proof of their worth to the Queen as possible. Which means they'll be wondering where our friend here went." He jerks his head towards the Darkfriend. "We have to get out of here, and take him with us."

2010-10-01, 11:52 AM
"The dark is fractured, there are too many plots within plots, they squabble and bicker." he looks around cautiously, checking for any signs of agression from others before he continues "the peddler is taking people, feed the trollocs and they obey, but he seeks it, he thinks there is something in this city that will hurt the dark one, so he trawls the lines of visitors to the city, taking, taking anything with power and taking anyone without it."

2010-10-02, 03:09 AM
"Ach Little man I hav' no time for ye riddles!" Grych says impatiently, "Ye may dress things up in as much rhyme as ye want, if ye say there is evil outside the city, then we go out the city and stop it." He takes a deep shuddering breath, "And if politics gets in the way," he grimaces, "I know how to solve that!"

2010-10-02, 03:29 AM
Why must we go and face this evil? Surely there are better people to face such a task. The Whitecloaks perhaps? No, that will just give them more of an excuse to get their stranglehold. The city guards? I guess they aren't especially well equipped for trollocs and the like... Aes Sedai then? I guess that's getting back to us then, since the only one we know in any sort of proximity is right here....

Outwardly, Buirn just nods to what the large man says

2010-10-02, 07:01 AM
Ja'ama nods her head in agreement. The man had said hs master wished to collect artifacts of great power. And that was what she was after, too.

2010-10-02, 09:56 AM
"So then what is the plan gentlemen?" Ibrella asks, almost mockingly "take your captive darkfriend to guide you to something he claims it outside the city, while still suffering the ill effects of a battle that is being covered up before your eyes?" her companion adds to the conversation a little "at least sleep first, the trollocs are far less dangerous during the day."

2010-10-02, 10:01 AM
"If it can wait, then we will wait. However, I'd rather our captive not be able to communicate with his master beforehand ... so where shall we keep him? Bound and gagged, but where? I certainly don't want the creep in my room."

2010-10-02, 10:04 AM
Grych leans close to the man, "I'll keep him in with me, if Ye'd like, he can help me...." he grins menacingly, "...sharpen my sword!"

2010-10-02, 10:09 AM
I don't pretend to understand these things, but is there any way that he would be able to contact his companions even if he is bound and gagged?

2010-10-02, 10:12 AM
"Not in any way I know of- If the man can weave, then we have more problems than him contacting his master. If his master can weave, that's ... something I'd like to know." Ja'ama turns to the man. "Does he?"

2010-10-02, 10:26 AM
"He cannot, and I cannot, I swear by the light I cannot, if I could they would not have used me so, and would not have given me up so easily." the man, barely a man, but too old to be just a boy wipes his eye "even the whitecloaks say no man can be so lost to the light he cannot find his way back, do you think it true?"

2010-10-02, 11:44 AM
Ja'ama is slightly touched by this man's speech. However, how could she be sure if he's honest? Sense motive, that's how! [roll0] "Yes, child. I do believe that. If you truly wish to turn from the Darkness, the light will embrace you."

2010-10-02, 02:51 PM
"The light might embrace me, Aes Sedai but I am a dead man, if anyone finds out, and I mean anyone, my own mother would have me hung from the neck til dead, if she found out she would build the gallows herself, I would get even less pity from strangers." he looks at those around him carefully, weighing his options before speaking again ”I swear by the light to serve you.”

2010-10-02, 09:47 PM
"I have no need for a servant. I'll tell you your best option. Find the Atha'an Miere. Ask for safe passage to a far away land. Tell them Ja'ama Burning Clouds sent you. You will work for your passage. But first, tell me all we will need to know to fight your master."

2010-10-03, 08:57 AM
"I will take passage as far as the ships will take me, I will exchange my labour for it and will not argue for a second if that means they take me to Shara and sell me to them for silks." a calm but determined looks comes over the young mans face "I will tell you the way to the trollocs in the morning, even describe for you the landscape, and how the holding pens lie in their campsite full of people."

"And what would you have us do, we offer you no fealty Aes Sedai but defer to the wisdom of those who saved us."

2010-10-03, 09:56 AM
Faced with the sudden trust of these people she had never met before, and them deferring to her wisdom, was something she ... actually kind of liked. Perhaps she would keep the guise of Aes Sedai- for a little while, at least. First she addresses the ex-darkfriend: "You need not fear slavery. Simply remember: Ja'ama sent you." Then, turning to the girls, she says "I know not your talents. Tell me what you can do and I'll tell you what you should do."

2010-10-03, 10:02 AM
"And what are we to do til the morning, hm?" asks Jol. "Hole up here and pray the whitecloaks don't find us?" He thinks for a moment, and decides that in and of itself that's probably not a bad idea. There could be some problems with it, though. "Has anybody besides Ibrella and Kirinia paid for a room?

"And I'm sorry, but I don't think I caught everyone's name."

2010-10-03, 10:28 AM
"I Ibrella was apprenticed to an wise woman when I was younger, she taught me some skills with herbs and healing." she considers her words carefully "my companion Kirina, she actually grew up in a palace if you would believe it, not the heir of course, and she is remarkable when it comes to sneaking, perhaps it was all that listening at doors growing up." Kirina snorts with amusement "she talks my talents up, my mother was a ladies maid, and we had hoped to become them ourselves."

"Dowtry "a'Paet" the former darkfriend adds in his own name.

2010-10-03, 10:37 AM
"As I have told Dowtry here, my name is Ja'ama. I am not the most skilled person when it comes to combat, nor strategy. However, it seems prudent to ask if either of you have skill with a blade."

2010-10-03, 10:48 AM
My name is Buirn, and I too have come from knowing about the nobility of my home - much like Kirina here. Fighting is not one of my strengths either, though I know enough to defend myself should it ever be necessary...

2010-10-03, 11:12 AM
"You say you are not skilled with combat Aes Sedai, but you have the ter'angreal, you could walk the dreams, any of you could, tonight and scout the landform itself, find the fastest way in and out, you cannot pick where trollocs will be, but hills don't move, not even there." Kirina makes a suggestion, "I offer my services, if you wish to learn how to do this, whichever of you is the most knowledgable in combat."

2010-10-03, 12:35 PM
"Depends on what you think 'combat' is. I have no doubt Ja'ama is more than proficient, but she'd probably suggest the big guy who hasn't introduced himself yet," says Jol. "On the other hand, if anyone can learn, it makes sense to teach everyone."

2010-10-03, 01:08 PM
"Wait ... is it possible for all of us to enter the dreaming? Perhaps, if all but one of us should enter, we could all learn, and have the one remaining wake us at the end."

2010-10-03, 01:14 PM
"Only one may enter using the apple ter'angreal" Kirina sighs, "We both tried to enter once, and we both woke with raging headaches without entering the world of dreams at all, an entire night wasted." "We will be able to guide you, telling you how to enter though, but once you do, your survival depends on how well you recall what we have taught you."

2010-10-03, 01:36 PM
How do we know it's safe? How do we know it isn't a device sent by the Dark One himself? Buirn says, looking at Ja'ama...

2010-10-03, 01:41 PM
"Mostly we know because despite what people say, he is still bound by the seals on his prison, there have been no signs of the prophecy completed yet, the Stone of Tear stands and there has been no Dragon Reborn, no true Dragon just poor men who can channel like Logain who will be shown to the Queen tomorrow." "If you fear it, let one of us do it for you, we are both experienced enough to do such a simple task."

2010-10-03, 01:45 PM
"The Ter'Angreal are artifacts of the Age of Legends. Created with the One Power. Unless twisted by the Dark One during his near-freedom, I doubt his influence has permeated this object. Let one of us enter."

2010-10-04, 06:36 AM
Grych nods contentedly as the lady introduced as Ja'ama refused the offer of servanthood from the man, "Servants are just another word for slaves, and the clans have had enough of being servants!" he thought to himself.

He kept silent through the rest of the discussion, weighing up these people that he hade fallen in with, whilst their problems were not his, he had seen enough of the evil of Trollocs, in his homelands, not to mention the stranger, yet stronger evil of humankind, to let any of them reside so close to population.

"Ye can call me Grych Tanarach, from the northern clans, of what no doubt you folk call the Shienar," he spits viciously as he says the name, "I'm not a thinker, nor am skilled in many matters," he hefts the huge claymore, "unless it be with this."

As someone suggests he go into this strange dreamland, he speaks up again, "I am no tactician." he shakes his head, and laughs, "I don't see land the way a commander does, I see an enemy, I charge him, and cleave his skull with a blade, no more than that." He grows sombre, "And I'm not a home with any kind of traveling without my body, Call it the weave, call it magic, call it what you will, I'll have nae part of it. Point me in the direction of something to kill, and I'll do that for ye though."

2010-10-04, 07:37 AM
"Well, it seems I am the candidate after all. Very well ladies. Instruct me as you must." Ja'ama sits on the bed, ready to learn.

2010-10-04, 08:22 AM
"When you place the apple in your hand, or anywhere against your skin you must let it take you, do not struggle it will only make things harder." Ibrella pauses to straighten her dress and Kirina continues the explanation "You will find your mind in the world of dreams, but you must be careful, things change there, unless you are careful, your nightmares are able to take form and hurt you and you can do things, as long as you are firm in your mind about them, if you decided you would can fly, you could."

"What you need to do is focus on where you want to be, and that is where you will appear the world will move around you to make it happen. Do not let your mind wonder, be steadfast."

2010-10-04, 09:21 AM
Ja'ama takes a deep breath. "If that's all ... Dowtry, describe to me where our enemy waits."

2010-10-04, 10:13 AM
"Leave by the western gate to Four Kings or the northern, I am sure you are familar with that one the Tar Valon Gate, and head to the space between them, it is North West of the city only an hours walk, conceal in forest from both roads but he has scouts watching both, and trollocs steal away from them both as well. You will recognise it quite easily I think, there is an opening in the forest around a ruin of what was once some fool lords hunting lodge, is there anything further you would need to find it?" he asks.

2010-10-04, 10:18 AM
"I entered from the West ... I should be able to find it. Wish me luck." Ja'ama follows the womens' instructions, relaxing and focusing her mind on the West gate. "I am ready." She holds out her palm for the apple, now lying on the bed. She trusted the others not to let what they thought was an Aes Sedai come to any harm.

2010-10-04, 01:15 PM
Well, if you are certain that you want to do this, far be it for me to stop you... and Buirn passes across the sack still containing the apple.

2010-10-04, 01:45 PM
Ja'ama reaches into the bag, and pulls out the apple, holding it in her hand, and falling to sleep directly.

2010-10-05, 09:52 AM
Ja'ama finds herself standing in the courtyard, everything is how you would imagine it to be on the average day, there are objects the seem to move before your eyes, perhaps they are the things that are most commonly moved around the yard.

The bundle of hay is there again, piled up and unburnt.

You may decide how you wish to find your way in the dream, intuit direction might help, there are many ways in which to achieve your goal of scouting. And different characters will do it differently.

One might use concentration to brute force what they want to happen, and composure to keep their cool if it backfires.

Another might use intuit direction and wisdom, to find their way.

If you decided you wanted to fly over the landscape in the dream it is entirely possible if you believe it is, but of course dangerous you might retain injuries taken in the dream outside it.

Of course how you decide to proceed will change the DCs of events.

2010-10-05, 10:11 AM
Ja'ama proceeds as she normally would, walking carefully through the streets. Autonomously moving objects were disconcerting, but nothing she couldn't handle. She makes her way out to the West gate, where she had entered the city. Starting from a place she is familiar with might be the best way to proceed.

2010-10-05, 10:36 AM
Around the room and hall outside there is a still silence while Ja'ama travels through the world of dreams, in the corner of her eye she sees a flicker, a man has entered the world of dreams but only for a split second he is rather short and round, however in his dream he is covered from head to toe in heavy armour.

From the West Gate she can see the forest Dowtry had decribed, since the one man she has encountered nothing out of the ordinary, and before her the forest appears to be quite still.

2010-10-05, 10:50 AM
"Ah, the forest. Ever changing, yet never changed. It's like a river like that ..." She proceeds into the forest.

2010-10-05, 11:10 AM
Within the forest there are various paths, some seeming so permant that they could be stone for all the diference it makes, others have a termporary feel to them, flickering between dirt and grass before your eyes.

Before you a wolf walks cutting across the path, paying you no mind its sleek body passing through the undergrowth without rustling a single leaf.

Wilderness Lore may tell you more about the forest.
You are able to track the wolf, or you could intuit direction, or try brute force or just about anything.

I have no nasty traps set for you in the world of dreams, this is just to give the party an idea how useful the ability to step into the world of dreams can be, and give you a fighting chance against the number of trollocs there are, along with the peddler.

So basically, I am giving you the chance to strategise as heavily as you want :P

2010-10-05, 11:58 AM
I don't know the key skills for intuit direction and such, so ... Ja'ama follows the wolf. How many tmes had the beast travelled through this path that it registers on the dream world? Following it would certainly be a wise choice.

2010-10-05, 12:13 PM
I don't know the key skills for intuit direction and such, so ...
Intuit Direction's a skill in its own right, and works off Wisdom. According to your sheet, you'd get a +2 modifier on it.

2010-10-05, 01:00 PM
The wolf has noticed Ja'ama following it, but it would appear to be entirely unconcerned about it, after looking back once it continues on at a pace slow enough that she never quite loses sight of the beast.

The wolf itself approaches a clearing where the trees open up, you can make out on the other side of the clearing a stone building, two stories tall. It is somewhat odd in that the lower story is elaborately carved stonework with a curving path around trees, to one side of the building is a smaller shed with a thick chimney coming out of its roof, perhaps a smoking room.

Flicker. For an intstant the entire scene changes, the trees around the clearing have scorch marks, it happens so fast you cannot focus on the small details and are only able to pick out the mood of the place, the balconies on the second story of the lodge have collapsed, and the stones from the path are gone, fences have replaced the trees.

Spot Check please Mootooall, to see how much fine detail you managed to see, your spot is +2.

2010-10-05, 01:58 PM
[roll0] Woo hoo, spot!

2010-10-06, 06:32 AM
Before Ja'ama the scene flickers again, this time there are pens, like you might keep livestock in, the ground beneath them has turned to mud and foulness. Beside the smaller building is a pile of what would appear to be bones.

Some smaller structures have been erected, like trees made from odd pieces of wood, branches spreading from a thick base, pieces of rope hang from each psuedobranch. Some of the paving stones have been moved into a circle and blackened with fire.

The wolf turns to look at her again, this time it growls.

2010-10-06, 06:48 AM
Ja'ama gazes open-mouthed at the destruction in front of her, even as it flickers. Then, her mind enters tactical mode. Her first order of business was to try and calm the wolf. "Shh, wolf, don't worry, I will fix this," she said, her voice as soothing as possible. She then fixes her eyes on the scene in front of her, bringing to mind the structures. The pens were likely for the trollocs, but what were the trees? Fortifications? Handle Animal: [roll0]

2010-10-06, 06:54 AM
The wolf leaps forwards, snapping its teeth at the apple in her hand as if trying to make her drop it, however considering how close his teeth get to her skin, perhaps it is not the best idea to test his patience.

2010-10-06, 07:02 AM
Ja'ama backs away from the wolf. Perhaps trying to interact with it is not the best idea. She decides to pace around the house, to look for routes leading to the building.

2010-10-06, 07:11 AM
The trees are quite thick, and at times burnt and charred facing the buildings, there is a narrow path through them that comes out behind the pair of buildings, the smaller one has no back entrance, while the larger one has wide windows that at times appear to be broken and a door that is mostly there.

2010-10-06, 08:16 AM
Ja'ama opens the door, and cautiously enters the shack.

2010-10-06, 08:22 AM
As Ja'ama enters the shack, she sees the big chimney in the centre is actually surrounded by hooks of metal hanging from the ceiling, the lack of windows and only one entrance is explained simply by the rooms layout, it has been designed for smoking meat, perhaps the noble who had built the hunting lodge liked to take the prize pieces back to the city with him.

Inside the shack there is no flickering, the place has a feeling of age, dust and cobwebs even in the world of dreams.

Outside the wolf is pacing the clearing, its head to the ground sniffing.

2010-10-06, 08:53 AM
Ja'ama looks out all of the windows of the house, to see which paths are visible from the shack.

2010-10-06, 09:00 AM
Ja'ama can only see the main path, cobbled winding between the few trees within the clearing.

She cannot see the path behind the buildings at all, the uneven ground and falling shadows cover it entirely.

OOC: all sorts of clever :o
I assume what you are trying to do is see how complete the cover is, rather than trying to actually spot something you know is there.

2010-10-06, 09:10 AM
Yup. Trying to see if we can sneak up on the main house/grounds. Satisfied that she had gotten all of the information she could, short of what the strange trees were, she walked outside the house, waved to the wolf, and looked at the apple in her hand. Slowly, she lets it slip out of her hand in the dream.

2010-10-06, 09:30 AM
In the world of dreams, in a lonely clearing in the forest outside Caemlyn a lone wolf howls in excitement, calling to any other wolf that can hear its call, sending out a warning to all the other wolves walking the dream that yet another two legs was nosing around.

Back in a room in a tavern far from the cities best in Caemlyn the Sea Folk woman's eyes open and she takes a deep breath. The apple from her hand falls to the ground, the light from the lantern above hits it and splits green light coming from one side, the other red.

Outside the courtyard the Children of the Light finish stuffing the cut up pieces of trolloc corpses into sacks, they leave the poor man behind lying over his pitchfork, blood pooled around his body from the sudden removal of his head from his neck. Their commander Geofram Bornhald, allowing his immediate second in command to take over the plot for the bodies.

2010-10-07, 07:09 AM
Grych gazes at Ja'ama, "Well did ye find anything out tae tell us about?" He offers a hand to help her up.

2010-10-07, 07:32 AM
"A few things. Firstly, there are paths behind the cabin which with we could sneak up on it. Secondly, I believe the trollocs have made some sort of fortification in front, tree-like structures. Dowtry, do you know what they are? Finally, there is a large window in the front of the building. You," she said, looking towards Jol, "Could provide a distraction by breaking that in. I can guide us to the paths tomorrow from the West Gate."

2010-10-07, 07:54 AM
Jol raises his eyebrow, wondering why Ja'ama had singled him out as the decoy. Nevertheless, he confirms "Large window, break it in, distrction, got it."

2010-10-07, 08:01 AM
Ja'ama closes her eyes, and considers the situation. "Perhaps," she says, "I should draw a map of the area. Then, we could project trolloc positions, and assign positioning." Ja'ama looks around the room for parchment and ink. Ja'ama trys drawing a map of the area she observed!

2010-10-07, 08:07 AM
"There is the smoke house, I barely saw anything, I don't belong to a circle, never did, a circle is a group of darkfriends working together, but because I was alone I was expendable and not to be trusted. There was the smoking house for meat, the lodge and they were working, they were using the captured people to change the place, labouring until they were good for nothing but the trollocs."

What features are on her map though, out of the flickers, or are their multiple maps, what is on each?

2010-10-07, 08:12 AM
"I understand ..." The most recent flash, the one with the tree-things.

2010-10-07, 08:38 AM
"I can help you, a little more, I think." Dowtry begins to explain slowly "There are signs I was taught, they give your rank within the followers of the dark, we have our own ranks, a king who was one of us would follow the lowest beggars instructions if the right signs were given, you might not be able to trick them for long but perhaps it would give you vital seconds."

2010-10-07, 08:54 AM
"If we can come up with a plan relying on stealth, I believe that solves this more reliably. But it seems like something to learn. Tell us these signs."

2010-10-07, 09:38 AM
"The easiest sign to give, and the one I would use, were I involved with them anymore, if you had no freed me is to speak against the light, or to name the dark one, but you must be careful. If you speak too strongly they will kill you, not out of fear of treachery but because you might speak to the wrong people."

"If you are under instruction from a higher darkfriend you would name them, but that is outranked by the forsaken. If you claim to be on a mission from one of them, you simply must use the word forsaken in the first sentence you speak, and they will confirm it by saying something positive for example that to be chosen is a blessing."

2010-10-07, 10:24 AM
Of course, if any of those signs are wrong we could be announcing that we are not on their side...

2010-10-08, 05:38 AM
Grych listens in, plans are really not his forte, "Ach, we polished off those laddie's easily enough in the courtyard, why don't we just walk in and slap them about a bit, Aie don't do stealth?!"


I am not in any way endorsing Grych's idea to get himself slaughtered, please talk him out of a solo suicide mission. Thank-you

2010-10-08, 06:34 AM
I'm very impressed by your willingness to go off on a one-man crusade to save the world, but I can't help but think it sounds a little bit on the... unsafe side.

2010-10-08, 06:55 AM
Grych shrugs and laughs, "If it's two things I don't know much about it's stealth and magic!" he replies ruefully!

2010-10-08, 09:03 AM
"There were only four in the courtyard," begins Jol. "They were distracted by their mission to capture Ibrella and Kirinia, and they were led by Dowtry. None of these things will be true in the woods.

"Besides, Ja'ama did her scouting with stealth in mind. She'd have to try again, at whatever risk using that thing carries, to discover the best way to simply power through."

2010-10-09, 02:04 PM
"Fine." Grych declares. "So when do we start, tonight? Or do I get to go to sleep first?"

2010-10-09, 02:15 PM
"Let us rest for the night. I can weave very little more today. Ladies, can we count on your help tomorrow?"

2010-10-12, 01:50 PM
"You do, at least for tomorrow, I suggest we leave early though, because the city will be full and movement through its streets difficult."

sorry, for some reason this wasn't showing on my list of threads with updates I hadn't looked at.

2010-10-12, 02:16 PM
"Then I am off to bed. We shall meet in the morning, in the common room at six o'clock. Grych," she says, "Will you allow Dowtry to stay in your quarters?" Her intent is clear: while she believed the man's reformation, she had no faith in his strength of will. She clearly expected him to run off in the night.

2010-10-12, 02:44 PM
"of course, we will ensure he remains where he should be." Kirina yawns, looking longinly towards the beds while Ibrella points towards the second bed in the room, directing Dowtry towards it.

If you want to take night actions feel free, otherwise I can skip ahead to morning :P

2010-10-13, 12:54 PM
"The room beside this one, and the one across the hall directly are all paid for and empty, should you decide to retire for the night." Ibrella mentions softly, she gives a long yawn and then continues. "The occupants won't be showing up. they are missing or victims of the trollocs."

The two girls climb into one of the beds, after removing their dresses, but still wearing their shifts, Dowtry climbs into the other bed in this room. Each room has two beds in it, they are comfortable without being too luxurious.

2010-10-13, 03:57 PM
Grych yawns, "Ah'm happy to have the fella with me, but he looks quite happy tucked up there." He nods a goodnight to all, and heads for his own room, to sleep off his excursions.

2010-10-13, 04:03 PM
Jol said nothing. He didn't want Dowtry with him, and was quite happy to let other people declare their willingness to take the boy for the night. "I guess we'll be seeing each other in the morning," is all he says, before leaving, crossing the hall, preparing for bed, and laying himself down.

2010-10-13, 04:14 PM
"To bed then. Remember, six tomorrow, in the common room." Ja'ama takes her leave, and goes to her room, falling asleep immediately. Such incidents were run of the mill at sea. Though most aggressors were human on the ocean.

2010-10-13, 04:36 PM
Still not convinced by the plans, but not wanting to bring attention to himself by opposing them just yet, Buirn nods along and then follows the others out to make arrangements for somewhere to sleep.

2010-10-13, 05:04 PM
The sun touches the horizon beyond the white wall of Caemlyn, the city is already bursting with excitement for it is the day the false dragon Logain is due to be taken before Morgase, the very reason that so many people had filled the city, the reason emotions had become so heightened.

A rooster crows somewhere nearby and Ibrella and Kirina are already out of bed, each already dressed completely. Ibrella wearing jewels and silks while Kirina has put on a plain brown gown, shapeless with a square-cut neck.

Dowtry is sitting on a bed in his small-clothes, his head in his hands and his eyes rimmed with red. He had slept poorly.

The two women finish dressing before heading downstairs, while Dowtry dresses quickly, his hair looking somewhat akin to the pile of hay that had gone up in smoke the night before. He follows them down to the common room and each takes a seat, and starts eating some breakfast.

2010-10-13, 06:20 PM
Ja'ama is the next down. She is dressed in similar clothes to the night before, though now her shirt is a dark green, in preparation for the sneaking ahead. She hoped that her white trousers would not give her position away too quickly: she would have to dirty them to provide more camoflauge. She looks somewhat longingly at the food the others are eating. She had had trail rations in her room, lacking, as she did, much money to pay for food.

"Finish eating quickly, please," she said, sitting next to Dowtry. "I'd rather we leave before the Whitecloaks are watching too suspiciously. Us leaving while the Dragon is brought in would be very conspicuous. Unfortunately, we've more important things to do than watch him." She adjusts her frock, and presents those present with the map she had drawn. "Here is my basic plan," she says, pointing out the positions she means on the map. "You two will be split up, I'm afraid. If Jol and Grych are to provide a distraction, they may well need your healing skills," she says, pointing at the healer, "and those capable of sneaking should come around back with me. A coordinated strike should catch the trollocs and their master by surprise significantly enough that a strike at the leader should be available. Hopefully, leaderless, the trollocs should try to flee. So," she says, leaving the map open, "What do you think?"

2010-10-13, 06:24 PM
Grych wanders around outside, he got up, way before the dawn. His stretches, and loud grunts are quite audible in the Inn. Finally he comes back into the common room, and asks only a little whimsicaly, "Time fer a swift tankard of Ale an' breakie before we go fightin'?"

2010-10-13, 06:35 PM
Jol pays the innkeeper two silver pieces* for a breakfast of fried eggs, bread, and a scrapple of potatoes and pork shoulder that the innkeeper recommended. He spent the next few minutes waiting at the bar as the food was prepared, not wanting to burden a server. When the plate of food emerged from the kitchen, he thanked the man who brought it, and took it to the table where Kirinia, Ibrella, Dowtry, Grych, and Ja'ama were sitting. He arrived in time to hear Ja'ama explain her plan, but said nothing and ate as she expounded. He mopped up the last of the egg - he had yet to try the scrapple - with the bread as Grych showed off his bravado.

Finally, he spoke. "I'm not too sure about splitting up, even if it's only tactical," he said. "Is it possible to provide a distraction while keeping the group together, or at least within earshot? If something goes wrong on your end, I'd like to know about it, and I'm sure you feel the same way."

*2 sp is the price given in the book for a common meal. If this particular inn charges differently, or what I've described is more than a common meal, let me know, please.

2010-10-13, 06:44 PM
Ja'ama sighs. "It would be better if we could avoid splitting up," she said, "But I believe a two pronged attack to be our best strategy for a swift victory. We would be in large enough groups that I doubt we could be overcome without a warning shout to the other group first, and should we prove stealthy enough, then a distraction of one of your slingstones through the large window I have described should allow us a quick attack at their flank. With Grych by your side to protect you, you should be safe enough. I am no master tactician, though, so please, if you have any better ideas ..."

2010-10-13, 06:53 PM
"And would you still leave me behind?" Dowtry asks placidly, it would appear he has not reconsidered which side he is on during the night.

"We should be able to step so softly none will hear a sound." Kirina considers the plan carefully, looking for any flaws. "Have you considered a distraction without people for them to find though, perhaps a fire or something likely to take their attention away?"

"You needn't worry too much about healing, I have almost a full collection of herbs available, I will be able to cure anything bar death if you'll excuse my bluntness Aes Sedai."

Cost is correct :)

2010-10-13, 06:58 PM
Ja'ama considers this, and, going through he repetoire of weaves, says "Yes, I can manage a fire, and at a considerable distance."

2010-10-14, 01:33 AM
Buirn comes downstairs, entering the main common room exactly at 6am - arriving neither early or late for this meeting. He collects some breakfast and joins the others who are already discussing the best way to get themselves killed.

Not everybody here is as competent in a fight. We got lucky yesterday, but that may not happen again. Is such a direct confrontation really the most sensible approach?

2010-10-14, 01:55 AM
"What we've got here," says Jol, "is a band of beasts from the borderlands camped outside a big town in a big kingdom, led by the Creator knows who. They shouldn't have been able to get here in the first place, and they didn't come to watch the handover of the False Dragon." Jol slices a corner of one of the scrapple slices and chews. He makes a face, but swallows it down anyway.

"You want to just go to the Queen with what we've got?"

2010-10-14, 06:23 AM
"I believe the ladies have already expressed their preference for avoiding the authorities. After all, the Queen will be busy with her little spectical, and who do you think she'll hand the job over to? Either the Whitecloaks, who're already spread too far into the city, or straight back to us, meaning we'll be back to square one, and having lost precious time."

2010-10-14, 06:42 AM
I didn't mean to simply pass things over to the Queen and be done with it, but rather that there could be a... safer... solution.

Lowering his voice, in an attempt to not be overheard by Dowtry, Kirina or Ibrella. To be honest, I'm not sure I trust any of those three as yet. It all seems rather convenient to me that we have a Darkfriend who's chosen to turn sides, and those two girls with the magical artifact that lets us see whats coming. I worry that it's all an elaborate trap, though I confess to having no clue as to why anyone would go to so much trouble.

2010-10-14, 08:25 AM
"If it's a trap, it's for somebody else," reasons Jol, also keeping his voice low. "Anyone who could have predicted our answering the cries in the courtyard is powerful enough not to have to bother with this nonsense in order to kill us. Not to mention that they have no reason to worry about us, unless one of us is hiding something."

Jol realizes what he said a moment or two after he finishes his sentence. His cheeks flush, and he continues. "I didn't mean anything by that. But let's take the circumstances as we find them. If things are more complicated, what better way than this to discover how?"

2010-10-14, 08:52 AM
One that leaves us alive, would be my preference... Even if it is a trap meant for somebody else, I'd rather not have it sprung on us instead...

2010-10-14, 09:02 AM
Ja'ama smirks, and says "Now, no need to be so paranoid. These people have given us no reason to be distrustful of them. They could have murdered us in our sleep if they wanted us dead. They knew where our rooms are, after all."

2010-10-14, 09:05 AM
Maybe it's nothing so nice as wanting us dead then. Maybe they are planning to deliver us directly to the Dark One himself? Where I'm from, trust is a rare commodity and not something to be given lightly...

2010-10-15, 05:47 AM
Grych sighs disappointedly, "Ach I'm happy to protect ye from the beasties Jol. I canna see any merit in any other action than attacking them, there is no one else tae turn to."

He turns and grins as his food approaches, "And if the lassies here do betray us," he smirks "Chop-Chop!"

2010-10-17, 08:35 PM
"Eh, Grych is right. Besides, this is a better use of our time than standing in a crowd watching the ceremony." Jol finishes the last of his meal. "If we're doing this, we should go soon."

2010-10-20, 06:46 AM
"Would you perhaps like to leave now?" Ibrella asks softly returning to paying attention to the group, Kirina stands closely by her side.

"We should leave soon if we intend to leave the city before the crowds grow too great for any to move."

2010-10-20, 06:51 AM
Grych nods resolutly, "Aye, lets get goin'. The sooner we leave the sooner we can get done, and I can get back to this fine Ale!"

2010-10-20, 06:59 AM
"Follow closely." Kirina makes the comment sound like a command, she is still wearing plain brown but in the morning light it only emphasises her beauty, the lack of adornment leaving her face to stand out. Ibrella on the other hand is dressed much the same as the night before, with only the pearls removed marking any difference at all.

The three you met last night move slowly, so as to avoid notice on their way out the door, Dowtry stopping to talk to the inn keeper, passing him what appears to be a couple of silver coins to pay for the meal.

Outside on the street you find the city buzzing with excitement for the days events, foreigners no longer stand out and nearly outnumber the residents of Caemlyn in the crowd. Dotted through the crowd are members of the Queen's Guard keeping an eye on events, but showing no signs of aggression towards the crowds. Ibrella and Kirina and Dowtry are picking their way through the crowd, the two girls staying quite close together while he follows on their heels like a hound.

2010-10-20, 08:17 AM
"Indeed, let us depart. Unless, of course," she says, glancing at Buirn, "some of you are too ... cautious." Ja'ama follows the girls, trying to act nonchalantly as she moves against the croud.

2010-10-20, 08:33 AM
Grych casually strolls through the crowd, drawing the eye because of his size, and sword.

2010-10-20, 09:31 AM
Sighing, Buirn follows the others too...

2010-10-20, 05:49 PM
Jol follows Ja'ama, the spectacle of humanity around him drawing his eyes from left to right, and back to left again. He took in the image of a man carrying a barrel slipping in a puddle, the barrel breaking, and filling the other potholes in the street with rich brown ale. A dog ran up to one of these, lapped up some, and approached another. The other turned her nose up and sauntered off, and the first curled up in the middle of the street, shaking a little. Jol laughed, drawing his own attention, and continued following.

Composure: [roll0]

If I make the DC, it should be good for the rest of the hour.

2010-10-22, 09:01 AM
You pass down the busy streets of Caemlyn, barely noticing the hawkers selling roasted meat from trays passing swiftly and drawing little attention from the crowd. As you reach a point near the gate to leave the city however halfway down a short alley between two major thoroughfares man steps out from the shadows, a sneer on his face and the smell of brandy strong around him.

His cloak is muddy and he eyes you all warily demanding "Are you for the Queen or are you for the daughter heir Elayne?"

2010-10-22, 09:09 AM
Ja'ama stops short. She has no idea what an Aes Sedai would say in this situation. However, she had been told tales about their self-righteousness ... She pulls herself up, and snootily looks at the drunkard. "I am for leaving the city, blaggard, and quickly. Leave us be." She falters a bit in her speach, and looks almost doubtfully at the others, wondering if she said the right thing.

2010-10-22, 09:11 AM
Grych casually leans over and pins the drunk man back against the wall, "Ach laddie, I don't believe we've met, and I don't talk politics with those I don't know." he wrinkles his nose, "Or those that stash the good stuff in their gut at 8 in the morning." He pushes hard hoping to unbalance the man, and continues walking.

Strength Check just in case you want it:


grrr swordsages!

2010-10-22, 10:10 AM
The man falls backwards into the mud at Grych's mighty push.

You continue on to the city gates, once you reach them you notice that the guards are taking details from people arriving at the city but fortune favours you in that they are far too busy to check the people leaving the city.

There is a great que to leave enter the city, people from all walks of lives, some wearing silk and others plain woolens, some adorned with jewels and accompanied by servants and others looking as if they hadn't eaten for days.

Just outside the gate, off the road a little is the forest Ja'ama had seen in the world of dreams.

2010-10-22, 10:17 AM
"Wonder what that was about?" said Jol, still chuckling. It had been a scene straight out of a commedia. With an exaggerated gesture, he passes his hand in front of his mouth, and bites his lips. "I'm sorry, I'll be quiet."

No real idea how much time's passed, so basically I'm going to keep making these checks every time I speak until we enter combat, to make sure. Fun!

Composure: [roll0]

2010-10-22, 10:52 AM
"Now we head into the forest." Ja'ama guides the others through the forest, remembering each step she took on her way in the world of dreams. Hopefully she wouldn't be turned around by the dense forest. Intuit Direction? [roll0]

2010-10-22, 10:59 AM
Double Post?

2010-10-22, 11:04 AM
Ja'ama finds the path through the forest easily, knowing the correct direction allows her to locate it near immediately.

Used the first skill check :)

2010-10-22, 02:03 PM
Ja'ama, finding the path she had followed in the world of dreams, signals for the others to follow quietly. She falls into the experience of guiding others rather handily, always having been subservient only to three people on the ship. She tries her best to pad silently on the path, leading the group stealthily towards the hunting lodge, following the path around the back of the clearing. "Now remember," she whispers, "After the fire is lit, we attack."

2010-10-23, 03:22 AM
Grych loosens his claymore in it's sheath over his shoulder, his eyes bright with anticipation. He stays alert, unsure of where danger could strike.

2010-10-23, 04:45 AM
Jol nods at Ja'ama's instructions, taking a lead pellet from his pouch and fitting it into his sling.