View Full Version : Help me remember the name of a video game! [Resolved]

2010-09-26, 09:37 PM
So, I played this game when I was young. And I mean pretty young—I'm only 17 now. It was probably in the early 2000s. I don't remember much of it, but it popped into my head the other day, and now I'm obsessed with finding it.

I'm almost positive that its name started with "Chronicles of _____." I just can't remember the last word of the title. Although I think it started with an E.

It's sort of like a jRPG, in the sense that you're given a main character and you don't get to choose his actions, and you have a party of several allies, and there's turn-based combat with special abilities and such, but I'm pretty sure it's western in origin.

My recollection of the plot is pretty hazy as well. The protagonist is some guy named Jed, definitely. He begins the game as a member of some sort of evil organization. There's a blonde girl in a white lab coat who starts out in your party (she dies eventually, maybe?), and I think you are setting off a nuclear bomb or something. Anyhow, something happens and you end up fighting the evil organization instead (including your old friend the blonde girl). Once you turn good, some other people join you. One is middle-aged, grey-haired, and wears brown. And there's also a guy named Atticus, who I'm pretty sure is a doctor in some town that maybe gets attacked by someone.

And there might be a place called Parisia or Paramecium or something like that somewhere. It might be a mythical, legendary place? It might be in danger?


That's really not a lot to go on, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a big mainstream game—it might have even been freeware. So I'm not expecting anyone to be able to find it.

If you do, however, I will be forever indebted to you and will mail you cookies and blintzes and will name my firstborn after you (male or female), as long as your name isn't "Snorkelbush" or something equally ridiculous. "Chewbacca" or "Larry" I'd be OK with.


2010-09-26, 10:26 PM
Sounds like Chronicles of Ekan (http://www.macgamefiles.com/detail.php?item=12743).

2010-09-26, 11:20 PM
Wow. That's totally it.

Case closed!

I didn't know it'd be this easy.

I guess my poor, poor child shall be named "Nosignal," then.

2010-09-27, 04:18 AM
Name it Ekan, then you'll never forget. :smallamused: