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View Full Version : Artificer Help

2010-09-27, 04:44 AM
Hey everyone. I'm gonna be playing an artificer (first time here :smalleek:) in an upcoming campaign of my friends and I was looking for some advice on a couple of small points

It's gonna be a pretty sandbox-y game. DM is probably just gonna let us run with it, little/no railroading, combat will be almost (not quite) optional, pretty high power level (light cheese allowed, but no crazy infinite loops or anything). We start at level 1, and I'll be a human. All official sources allowed.
I'd like my character to be pretty utility heavy, with a lot of defense options. Later on, I'm hoping for killing things with some inventive item uses etc rather than pure power, and I'll probably use a crossbow augmented with bane for early levels

Any build advice? Could go as far as 20, or less, really up to the group. Should I prc out, or go straight artificer? Any particular feats that would be helpful?

On to my main questions:
How do I spend my first few levels (maybe as high as level 7?) or craft reserve? It won't carry over between levels, but with not needing too much early firepower besides my bane crossbow, what should I actually spend it on? A few scrolls or something 'Just in case'? Limited use items always make me feel bad.

And for another question, what are good big items in general? I've always had a bit of a fascination with decanters of endless water, and the lyre of building, so I'll probably pick those up at some point in time. Other than that.. I'm a bit stumped. What sort of equipment should I be looking to make for myself?
Any general utility items I should grab aswell? Particularly for a sandbox game. Again; utility and defense are my main goals, but I still need some ways to deal with things too.

What constructs/hommuncui should I build, if any? Dedicated Wright seems like a no brainer. Other than that?

Any general build/item/gameplay advice in general is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Korrah

2010-09-27, 05:22 AM
just because there is so very much to deal with, this should help speed you on your way!


i am fond of the Hordeficer

2010-09-27, 06:06 AM
Also helpful is the Cost Reduction Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7274.0). You said light cheese is allowed, and some of this is pretty strong cheese. Speak with your DM about what you are allowed to use and what not.

An artificer's power is strongly dependent on the crafting time he has available. The standard assumption is there is sufficient downtime, but if that isn't the case, non-crafting based classes will definitely be stronger (I think that bears mentioning because it is often neglected in discussions featuring the artificer).

From level 7 onwards, you can get lots and lots of utility from just one infusion: Concurrent Infusions from Magic of Eberron. The way it is worded, you get the effects of 3 first level infusions on an item. One of the infusions you choose should be Spellstoring Item - a first level infusion that lets you put any 1st to 4th level spell into an item, making it effectively a wand with 1 charge. The only downside is its xp cost, which it doesn't have if you get it via Concurrent Infusions - it nets you only the effects, without the costs.

There's lots of utility to be had from 1st to 4th level spells: Glibness for +30 to Bluff is an often mentioned gem. Less known is Create Lantern Archon from Champions of Valor. It has a sacrifice cost (1d2 STR, I believe), but as you create the archon instead of summoning it, it may use its greater teleport for you, which can be very neat to have this early.
The Trapsmith PrC from Dungeonscape also has a very impressive spell list (for example, Greater dispel Magic as a 3rd level spell).

Concerning crafting, strongly consider using the rules about improving magic items in the MIC and the DMG.

Try to use all of your craft reserve, if you get sufficient downtime, you can reclaim it after level 4 using retain essence.

2010-09-27, 06:24 AM
That handbook looks incredible, thanks for the link. I think I'd be more of a hordeificer myself.

Aharon, wow, a lot of helpful tips there. A few of those cost reductions I knew about, but most.. wow. Will definitely have to ask about them. And no need to worry about downtime (well, not too much) because, again, it's more or less a sandbox game.

That infusion looks incredible. Could I put 3 of those spells into a single item (3 wards more or less) or do I need to put in 3 different infusions?

I think I've seen those improvement rules, but I'll re-read.

Retain essence.. wow.. can't believe I didn't see the use of that along with the craft reserve. Now any craft reserve that isn't immediately useful can just go to later projects. Just.. wow, never looked at that ability that way. Thanks.

Anyone have advice on specific items I could make for various levels?

Duke of URL
2010-09-27, 07:40 AM
I note you're not currently worried about crafting downtime, but if it ever might be an issue, I'd suggest looking into the Craft Points (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/craftPoints.htm) variant from Unearthed Arcana.

At low levels, certainly use up your craft reserve. It's a great class feature and it would be a waste to not take advantage of it. If nothing else, stock up on scrolls and potions of low-level utility spells that can be set aside and pulled out when needed.

2010-09-28, 03:34 AM
Hmm, those craft points look like they could be very useful in a pinch. I'll have to ask the DM about those.

As for the cost reductions, DM said any that I qualify for (or in the case of locations etc, that I manage to find) are fair game, as long as it doesn't get too crazy. It's sounding promising.

Duke of URL
2010-09-28, 06:02 AM
Hmm, those craft points look like they could be very useful in a pinch. I'll have to ask the DM about those.

If you do use them, I'd suggest losing the requirements for feats to create masterwork items. I mean, seriously, that's horrid.