View Full Version : Valkyria Chronicles - Gallia Forever!!!

2010-09-27, 12:10 PM
Hey all,

I just picked up Valkyria Chronicles II and started playing and and I must say so far I am deeply enjoying the game and excited to hear III has already been annouced in Japan.

I must say I would have never thought and action/SRPG would have worked but the final product is fun! Still it is a young series and already betwen 1 and 2 they've made a lot of improvements adding subclasses you can take.

I'm really enjoying the WW 1.5 style setting and the way the game develops the whole squad much more then you typically see in an SRPG which usually just give you their name and a one sentence explination of why they joined your party.

I'll be the first to admite the game is far from flawless. I certainly think that improvements could be made in the series particularly on the action side of game which seems like there is still room for improvment and the AI which seems extreamly reluctant to press its advantage by moving the same unit more than once in a turn which is a powerful, game changing, tactic for players allowing them to rapidly move and attack effectively against a larger force even with only a single unit.

That said I think Valkyria Chronicles is a breath a fresh air in the largely unapreciated SRPG market at a time when most SRPG series like Front Missiona and X-com are being converted to FPS games to appeal more the shooter heavy american market.

2010-09-27, 04:18 PM
So how is the second one compared to the first one?

I loved the original and what it did. The weakest part was probably the story which was entertaining and well-written, but hardly anything resembling original. The rest of the game on the other hand was purely incredible, easily one of the best games i've played.

From what i have heard, though, the story is weaker in the sequel and since that was the part that was already the weakest that doesn't bode well. Also from what i have seen the character designs are a lot more generic, which i think is a shame as well. However, the gameplay and music might be good enough to more than make up for it and not make the sequel a step back for the series.

2010-09-27, 05:03 PM
So how is the second one compared to the first one?

I loved the original and what it did. The weakest part was probably the story which was entertaining and well-written, but hardly anything resembling original. The rest of the game on the other hand was purely incredible, easily one of the best games i've played.

From what i have heard, though, the story is weaker in the sequel and since that was the part that was already the weakest that doesn't bode well. Also from what i have seen the character designs are a lot more generic, which i think is a shame as well. However, the gameplay and music might be good enough to more than make up for it and not make the sequel a step back for the series.

Well I didn't get to play that much of the first one as I don't own a PS3. The story was written in response to the popularity of the Persona series as well as some minor adjustments to the game so if you liked the highschool drama style story of the Persona series this will probably appeal to you. So far the story is once again fairly bland but I kind of enjoy it honestly in a cheese B-TV show sort of way. You won't be surprised, but again if you like that sort of thing you might be amused.

You'll have to forgive a few changes for the sake of getting the game on PSP but some of the downgrades like the much more limited use of cut scenes and voice work to be acceptable.

My main complaint is the Armored Tech whom use a melee weapon which really feels awkward and I've found to not be particularly useful. I don't feel like their addition was either nessessary of well thought out but that might change once I get later into game.

I really, really like the new class change system which is a very nice addition to the game allowing you to give your troops new abilities like creating snipers. I forced me to prepare a number of different tactical groups with different make ups rather than just one squad set up and made sure I had a use for almost every member of my squad something which I didn't see with my admited limited time on VC1.

Hunter Noventa
2010-09-27, 05:21 PM
I'm a fan of both games, got the original right away and had a blast with it, even with the slightly cheesy story, and I'm enjoying the second when I can get to playing it.

Apparently the thing about an armored tech is, once you upgrade them to Fencers they just annihilate troops. Only problem is getting there obviously.

But that's what the APC is for. God I love the APC.

2010-09-28, 08:42 AM
Apparently the thing about an armored tech is, once you upgrade them to Fencers they just annihilate troops.

Hehe well then they got a better shake the engineers who turn into tuba playing dofuses when they advance.

I got a bit further in the game and I'm glad to see the difficulty curve going up sharply as I advance and I’m surprised as I’m several chapters into the game and new features are still being added such as the ability to build temp buffs for my characters.

I've fought against Fencers but it seems like Snipers are just a better investment. I've yet to have any problems with they being able to drop enemies and they've got both huge range and high mobility. It just doesn't seem worth the bother to run a fencers in my squard unless there are some very small mission maps. I'll try bringing some along for base defense and see what happens. What do they advance to after fencer?

I've found area of effect to be fairly worthless so far. The AI never allows its trouble to cluster up enough for it to really become a factor and anytime I get my troops that close together it is only so they can concentrate fire together for the round and I make sure to move them appart before the end of my turn.

One new complaint each month they give you a new transfer student for you squad and the last one was a rather offensive expy-African wild child running around barefoot shouting about how great and strong she was. Seriously what were they thinking in a game where they're always going on about stereotypes and racism towards fictional groups of blue hair people?

2010-09-28, 08:52 AM
That the writers were Japanese and have such a racially homogeneous country that a lot of people only really get racism in an abstract sense? However, that being said i could see a similar character being part of the entertainment made in most European countries, it's certainly less offensive than some of the stock characters from Danish entertainment.

Another option is that the racism theme of the story is a relic from the first game where it was a major theme, that actually mattered and was portrayed consistently, while the second game appears to be a step back in terms of writing. Because i will again say that the original game was well-written and often quite effective in presenting its themes and major events, it was just rather melodramatic and utterly unoriginal too.

2010-09-28, 09:38 AM
That the writers were Japanese and have such a racially homogeneous country that a lot of people only really get racism in an abstract sense? However, that being said i could see a similar character being part of the entertainment made in most European countries, it's certainly less offensive than some of the stock characters from Danish entertainment.

Another option is that the racism theme of the story is a relic from the first game where it was a major theme, that actually mattered and was portrayed consistently, while the second game appears to be a step back in terms of writing. Because i will again say that the original game was well-written and often quite effective in presenting its themes and major events, it was just rather melodramatic and utterly unoriginal too.

Hmmm I'm not familiar with Danish entertainment so I'll have to take your word for it.

Looks like VCIII is going in a very different direction storywise from I & II. From what I can tell in III you'll be playing something of a durty dozen style suicide squad durring the events of the first game with a somewhat darker tone (at least that is the vibe I got from the trailer). What little information has been released on it so far suggest you'll be commanding a smaller squad running dangerous special ops missions. Sounds like it has potential to be a pretty good story with complex characters and shades of gray.

2010-09-28, 10:21 AM
Squeeeeeeeeeee...*breaks down coughing from not breathing enough*

*coughs* Sorry, with the immediate fangirling out of the way i'll actually say something coherent and meaningful. Based on that information, the trailer and even some gameplay footage i found this game looks really nice. The gameplay appears relatively unchanged from the second game, and general consensus seems to be that it was an improvement over the first one, so that is good. And the character designs and story appears, based on incredibly limited information, more similar to the first game. You might be even more of a ragtag band this time around, but the first one had some rather dark moments. Like the ending of the battle at Fouzen, which was darker, if less personal, than the big, tragic moment of the game. It certainly wasn't a squeaky clean, happy game, though the darkness was largely implied rather than shown directly. And then there was Jane, one of your potential squad members, who got into the war because she hated Imperials, but discovered that she liked killing for its own sake. Hardly a lighthearted character to have as one of your sidekicks.

Also the character designs look less like generic shounen anime designs than in the second one, arguably having more of the feel and vibe of the first game. Which i enjoy, the character designs is the one part of the second game i am definitely qualified to comment on since you can see those without having played the game. So i'm morally obliged to be excited and fangirling. The first game was my favorite game of all time after all.

2010-09-28, 12:08 PM
Squeeeeeeeeeee...*breaks down coughing from not breathing enough*

*coughs* Sorry, with the immediate fangirling out of the way i'll actually say something coherent and meaningful. Based on that information, the trailer and even some gameplay footage i found this game looks really nice. The gameplay appears relatively unchanged from the second game, and general consensus seems to be that it was an improvement over the first one, so that is good. And the character designs and story appears, based on incredibly limited information, more similar to the first game. You might be even more of a ragtag band this time around, but the first one had some rather dark moments. Like the ending of the battle at Fouzen, which was darker, if less personal, than the big, tragic moment of the game. It certainly wasn't a squeaky clean, happy game, though the darkness was largely implied rather than shown directly. And then there was Jane, one of your potential squad members, who got into the war because she hated Imperials, but discovered that she liked killing for its own sake. Hardly a lighthearted character to have as one of your sidekicks.

Also the character designs look less like generic shounen anime designs than in the second one, arguably having more of the feel and vibe of the first game. Which i enjoy, the character designs is the one part of the second game i am definitely qualified to comment on since you can see those without having played the game. So i'm morally obliged to be excited and fangirling. The first game was my favorite game of all time after all.

Squeeeee away. I did so myself when finding out the series was moving to a platform I actually own.

Good point about the first game but to be clear what I mean by darker is I think Jane will be more the standard character on your squad rather then the exception as you a group comprised entirely of war criminals given a choice between working on this black ops squad and being executed. I think you are right about them being more rag-tag and I think we'll probably have less members on the squad (at least at first) then we see in II.

The developers said VCII was trying to tap into the success of Persona with the school setting, happier tone, more generically anime characters etc. etc. Perhaps VCIII is drawing on Mass Effect or Warhammer 40,000 for their inspiration this time around.

That said I hope the VC series isn't going to be relegated to the handhelds forever the way Side Scrolling Castlevanias and Metroids have been. With the exception of Phoenix Wright hand helds tend to get treated like black sheep by the videogame community and even successful ones like The World Ends with You just don't have close the impact a successful console release has on the industry. Like you I love VC and I'd like to see this series convince others to re-explore the SRPG space. Like another Shining Force game that actually uses strategy elements intead of weak adventure/combat mechanics or convince people that Front Mission series should return to its SRPG roots. Before Valkyria most years it was either you got the latest Nippon Ichi SRPG like Disgaea or Phantom Brave or you didn't get anything at all.

I think VC is kind of like what FF6 was to RPGs a successful little game that people took notice of but didn't really play. If someone could just deliver the FF7 of SRPGs I think that could break out from just being a fringe subset of RPGs.

2010-09-28, 12:57 PM
I don't think your squad will be quite that dark. Especially given that from what i have read of preview material they aren't all war criminals, most appear to have committed civilian crimes, with theft being one of those given. Also i haven't seen any indication that the main characters committed any crime worse than being weird and not really fitting in. Like the crazy, revenge driven gun nut who is one of the female leads.

I personally think, based on what little evidence there is at this point, that it will be relatively close to the first one in tone, but tell a more personal story about all those people too weird for the ordinary military. At least i don't think the trailer was that dark and it certainly doesn't appear anywhere near the grimdark that is 40k and will probably also infer more than Mass Effect does. Mostly because that seems closer to how storytelling in jRPGs work, even excessively dark ones like SMT: Nocturne, but also because that is closer to what the first game was and what i want this one to be.

I'm also not quite certain i get what was going through the heads of the developers if they considered Persona bright and happy. The first one had Nyarlothep trying to do something, i don't really know and haven't played it, the second has Hitler as the villain and in the third humanity's collective despair is calling the embodiment of death to kill us all. The fourth is the happiest, but it still has attempted suicide, serial killing, little girls suffering due to the death of their mothers and someone suffering from a nervous breakdown from her career, none of which is played for laughs. So yeah, not really a very happy and lighthearted series in my opinion.

And while i don't terribly mind it being on the PSP, i do hope for a return to the PS3. The first game was just gorgeous in ways a PSP simply can't compete with and i'd love to see the series return to that. As well as getting the attention it deserves.

2010-09-28, 01:42 PM
I don't think your squad will be quite that dark. Especially given that from what i have read of preview material they aren't all war criminals, most appear to have committed civilian crimes, with theft being one of those given. Also i haven't seen any indication that the main characters committed any crime worse than being weird and not really fitting in. Like the crazy, revenge driven gun nut who is one of the female leads.

I personally think, based on what little evidence there is at this point, that it will be relatively close to the first one in tone, but tell a more personal story about all those people too weird for the ordinary military. At least i don't think the trailer was that dark and it certainly doesn't appear anywhere near the grimdark that is 40k and will probably also infer more than Mass Effect does. Mostly because that seems closer to how storytelling in jRPGs work, even excessively dark ones like SMT: Nocturne, but also because that is closer to what the first game was and what i want this one to be.

I'm also not quite certain i get what was going through the heads of the developers if they considered Persona bright and happy. The first one had Nyarlothep trying to do something, i don't really know and haven't played it, the second has Hitler as the villain and in the third humanity's collective despair is calling the embodiment of death to kill us all. The fourth is the happiest, but it still has attempted suicide, serial killing, little girls suffering due to the death of their mothers and someone suffering from a nervous breakdown from her career, none of which is played for laughs. So yeah, not really a very happy and lighthearted series in my opinion.

And while i don't terribly mind it being on the PSP, i do hope for a return to the PS3. The first game was just gorgeous in ways a PSP simply can't compete with and i'd love to see the series return to that. As well as getting the attention it deserves.

Well they were thinking Persona 3 & 4 which had a lot of light hearted character interation sub-plots I guess you could call them even if the main story of the game was still quite dark.

We'll just have to see how the story develops. Having primarily played VCII the trailer I saw seemed exceedingly dark compaired to part 2 (thought they did artistically show civilians getting gunned down in II in an attack on a village).

40K is dark but it also has a lot of Dark Humor for the most part and doesn't take itself to seriously most of the time. I really don't see Warhammer that much different from Fallout most of the time in terms of how dark. I'm not saying I WANT it to be blacker or black mind you, I'm enjoying the lighter II a lot so far, I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if it went a tad darker or at least dark humored then the first game.

Plus maybe I've just not gotten into the dark side of II yet as I have not beaten the game yet.

2010-09-28, 01:57 PM
I'm still bitter #2 is PSP only. I borrowed a friend's PSP but have hardly played because I'd rather be doing it on my nice big TV.

2010-09-28, 02:24 PM
I'm still bitter #2 is PSP only. I borrowed a friend's PSP but have hardly played because I'd rather be doing it on my nice big TV.

Well you can be doubly bitter because III is on the PSP as well. :smallfrown:

The only reason I'm happy about PSP releases is because I don't have a PS3.

Hunter Noventa
2010-09-29, 06:55 PM
You guys could always buy a TV out cable for your PSP. I love mine.

2010-09-30, 03:23 AM
I don't have that problem at least. I also started a new game of the original yesterday and it's still as awesome as it was when new.

2010-09-30, 09:18 AM
You guys could always buy a TV out cable for your PSP. I love mine.

Or a computer monitor even I would bet.

Hunter Noventa
2010-09-30, 04:32 PM
Or a computer monitor even I would bet.

Well you still need the cable. And Component Input, but yeah.

2010-10-01, 08:38 AM
Arg, getting class credits to advance clases is rough! Make sure whomever you want to get the best credits captures base camps and rescues downed soldiers because everything else only gives you one point towards credits earned, though you can get a lot of points by clearing closely clustered landmines as they are 1 point each and do not use up your attack action for the round.

2010-10-01, 11:45 AM
Well you still need the cable. And Component Input, but yeah.

I'd kill for a HDMI (Or something other them component) output from the PSP... since I can just connect my PS3 to my computer monitor.

... I don't even have a TV.

2010-10-02, 02:45 PM
And as my replay of the original game goes on i remember how much it knows how to tug on your emotions. I played both the Fouzen mission and the Marberry Shore mission today. So now i'm all sad. Even knowing that the ends of both those missions were coming i still cried at them.

2010-10-04, 09:16 AM
And as my replay of the original game goes on i remember how much it knows how to tug on your emotions. I played both the Fouzen mission and the Marberry Shore mission today. So now i'm all sad. Even knowing that the ends of both those missions were coming i still cried at them.

Yea I just got to the half way point in VCII and they just turned the sad up a notch. The first half of the game was mostly training missions or minor police actions, look like the second half might be more dire.

Finally figured out how to work the credit system thought in 2 so I can't be too sad though. It was a real pain in the butt until I figure out which missions tend to give which credits to allow you to promote people into the advanced classes like snipers.

2010-10-04, 12:31 PM
That does sound like a pain. So any hints? If all goes well i'll get both the game and a PSP for Christmas.

As for upping the sad. In the original game it is not so much that the second half is sadder. It is that the middle is. Of the three big, dramatic and sad events in the game one is in chapter 10 and the other in chapter 11, out of 19 chapters. Though in general the second half is more serious and the missions follow more closely together in it.

2010-10-04, 01:16 PM
That does sound like a pain. So any hints? If all goes well i'll get both the game and a PSP for Christmas.

As for upping the sad. In the original game it is not so much that the second half is sadder. It is that the middle is. Of the three big, dramatic and sad events in the game one is in chapter 10 and the other in chapter 11, out of 19 chapters. Though in general the second half is more serious and the missions follow more closely together in it.

Hmmm I hope I can get a PS3 for christmas and play the original.

As for suggestions.

I'm not totally clear yet on all the details but it seems much like you would expect once you actually start thinking about it.

Mrch Credits = Escort Missions
Sprt Credits = Defend Missions
Atck Credits = Assault Missions
etc. etc.

My problem was at first I thought the credits related to specific actions such as clearling landmines for support rather then the type of mission you take on. Once I realize that A: Each few months offers different credits. As well as B: Different mission types give different credits I got all 18 members of my squad advanced to the 2nd tier classes I wanted in a single evening of casual game play where as prior to that I had spent several evening of intensive game play trying to get credits.

If you do get VCII make sure you check out the sega blog for VCII as they put codes to unlock bonus content like extra characters (Such as Selvaria Bles from the first game) as well as stickers.

You can find the Blog in question here (http://blogs.sega.com/usa/category/valkyria-chronicles-ii/).

2010-10-04, 01:41 PM
I'll be honest, having Selvaria, Isara, Maximilian and Faldio in my squad in VC2 would feel profoundly weird. However, i do plan on using the code to get Edy, Marina, Jann, Homer, Susie and i think one other person. While only Marina is among my favorites in the original game, the others are still enjoyable.

Also the original game has some quite good DLC, including a two parter where you play as Selvaria and a silly little mission, with some neat and tricky objectives, where you play as Edy and her gang. While both reuses maps from missions in the main game, one does add a good amount of plot, while the other is just plain fun.

2010-10-06, 03:36 PM
Hmmm VC2 has some DLC as well something like 22 missions for 5 dollars. I have not checked it out though but it seems like a pretty good deal compaired the cost of most DLC.

2010-10-06, 03:50 PM
Hmmm, still sounds less impressive than the DLC in the first game. The two major ones had their own fully voiced plot and focuses on expanding the role and knowledge of some of the characters. The longer of the two had you play from the perspective of the Empire and gave a ton of character development to one of the villains, while the shorter one greatly expanded the personality of six or seven of the characters you can recruit for your squad in the ordinary game.

The other two pieces of DLC gave various challenge missions, one gave nine ultrahard levels while the other provided seven levels aimed at catering to different classes. I haven't tried either of those.

Also i have found that replaying the game is radically easier, simply because i seem to understand it better. A lot of missions that were utterly brutal the first time around i can easily A rank in one attempt now. Though Jaeger is still horrifically difficult to fight, but he comes late anyway. And what is really neat is that i have found that not only is the scout rush much less important than people claim, it is a lot harder to pull off than just a coordinated attack towards your objectives. Really, as long as you mostly ignore the tanks getting A ranks while still eliminating most enemies is entirely possible and both more fun and more satisfying.

Replaying the game also reveals just how many of the minor aspects had foreshadowing that was too innocuous to notice. If you are perceptive there are telltale signs revealing who the narrator is before she tells it herself near the end.

2010-10-06, 05:02 PM
Btw for unlock codes joystiq compiled them
link (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/09/30/valkyria-chronicles-2-codes-collected/)
and if you don't want link it is listed below

Blitz Logo Sticker VWUYNJQ8HGSVXR7J
Edy Nelson Sticker R5PT1MXEY3BW8VBE
Edy's Squad CR6BG1A9LYQKB6WJ
SEGA Logo Sticker 6RK45S59F7U2JLTD
Skies of Arcadia Sticker WVZLPTYXURS1Q8TV
Unlock After Burner Climax Tank Sticker C9SAGP8M7PJ84H5S
Unlock Alicia Gunther Sticker: K1C7XKLJMXUHRD8S
Unlock Alternative G Cadets costumes (Cosette, Ali, and Zeri) NL45TX9F8VRSUKGR
Unlock Character Emelia (From Phantasy Star Portable:2), two new missions, and a Little Wing Tank Sticker FSHL2DTP1EVB52AN
Unlock Crazy Taxi sticker 38WV17PK45TYAF8V
Unlock Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik Sticker GVFX8GA73FDWHQUS
Unlock Faldio GWNU95RSETW1VGNQ
Unlock Gallian Military Sticker TXU14EUV74PCR3TE
Unlock Isara Gunther and Isara's Dream Sticker 37LRK5D214VQVFYH
Unlock Nei (Phantasy Star II) Tank Sticker 9H1FHVBV2YAZE3A1
Unlock Phantasy Star Zero Rappy Sticker HPF2B7ASMWV5798U
Unlock Prince Maximilian & Imperial Flag Sticker H73G4L9GLJR1CHJP
Unlock Resonance of Fate Tank Sticker UJH5YB4Z7E33VCJT
Unlock Rodin Sticker (Hot!) YLBWA9UFTHQ3ZM1E
Unlock Selvaria 53K8FKGP1GHQ4SBN
Unlock Sonic the Hedgehog sticker CUP34ASEZ9WDKBYV
Unlock Super Monkey Ball Sticker 7JMNHZ83TGH7XFKT
Unlock Yakuza Sticker QAKVXZTALF4TU7SK
Vanquish Tank Sticker BUNLT4EXDS74QRCR

2010-10-07, 04:37 AM
Ah, thanks Illieas. This should come in handy when i get the game.

2010-10-08, 08:17 AM
Hmmm, still sounds less impressive than the DLC in the first game. The two major ones had their own fully voiced plot and focuses on expanding the role and knowledge of some of the characters. The longer of the two had you play from the perspective of the Empire and gave a ton of character development to one of the villains, while the shorter one greatly expanded the personality of six or seven of the characters you can recruit for your squad in the ordinary game.

The other two pieces of DLC gave various challenge missions, one gave nine ultrahard levels while the other provided seven levels aimed at catering to different classes. I haven't tried either of those.

Also i have found that replaying the game is radically easier, simply because i seem to understand it better. A lot of missions that were utterly brutal the first time around i can easily A rank in one attempt now. Though Jaeger is still horrifically difficult to fight, but he comes late anyway. And what is really neat is that i have found that not only is the scout rush much less important than people claim, it is a lot harder to pull off than just a coordinated attack towards your objectives. Really, as long as you mostly ignore the tanks getting A ranks while still eliminating most enemies is entirely possible and both more fun and more satisfying.

Replaying the game also reveals just how many of the minor aspects had foreshadowing that was too innocuous to notice. If you are perceptive there are telltale signs revealing who the narrator is before she tells it herself near the end.

Too be fair that put a huge emphasis on developing the minor characters in the main game for VCII and crafting missions you need different squads for in the main game so in VCII that would have been more of the same.

In the VCII their the classes are all rivals in a tournament as part of the story. Two of those classes are mentioned but you never really interact with them as they are eliminated by classes other then your own. The DLC sort of flushes out the school by added these two rival classess fully into the game giving your class a friendly rivalry with them.

I'll probably pick it up next week and see how it is for myself.

2010-10-09, 02:18 PM
The first one on the other hand focus on developing the overall story and a few main characters, to the exclusion of the recruits. They merely got individual lines, faces and a total of three, short paragraphs of description. Which doesn't make me love Nancy, Jane and several others any less.

Also the Hard difficulty skirmishes live up to their name. It took me three attempts to figure out how to survive my own first phase without losing half my squad. After realizing that, though, it was quite easy to one-turn it while killing almost all leaders and tanks. If i had worked harder i could probably have gotten them all and still completed in one turn. The other ones promise some solid challenge too, though i'm sure it could make it a lot easier if i went and completed Selvaria's DLC and got the Ruhm which basically just destroys everything near it.