View Full Version : Saragost - Kasimir's Dark Reign

2010-09-27, 07:29 PM
Alright, Kasimir. Here you go.

Remember, you do not 'speak' to your minions, so much as basic concepts are delivered - and the range of such is similar to that of speech, with barriers affecting, and so forth. There is no 'hivemind' so don't think of it like that.

2010-09-28, 06:42 PM
Question: what does "inescapable craving mean"? Also, can anyone else open the Node wall? Or do I not know?

It doesn't. You obviously haven't reviewed your character sheet if you asked that question. Your feats/ flaws/ some spells/ even your SLA as a lower aasimar ... they've changed.

These are not negotiable. They simply are.
Huh. Rats. Even the flaw feat, or no, not even that? Because practiced spellcaster is lookin' mighty fine right about now, unless those shadow levels count as CL (which I highly doubt). Sizable difference between 1d4+1 and 3d4+3 and all.:smalltongue:
Also, 'tis a pity I can't use my now even more prodigious charisma for anything ('cept maybe bluff checks).

Also: what does the node chamber look like? Can I get a layout, dimensions & all?
Kasimir's first order of business is contacting his new patron, through Denet is necessary. The following questions will be asked:
First things first, can I get a more... corporeal minion? One that can blend in in society? Even some plebian human would do the trick, so long as I can send him on errands.
Second of all, do the rules that apply to the dumb shadows apply to me? I'm thinking, just perhaps, suddenly the vagrants, elderly, sick, dead and dying will start dying off of a horrible wasting disease... but these are people with either already one foot out the door, or those nobody really cares about. What with all the current commotion, it shan't be a mystery anyone will care to solve.
Thirdly, must we guard the node all day, all night? And is the 'no other shadows' a hard and fast rule, or can we bring in a few more once in a while- say, right before a certain attack?

Once this is done, he asks Denet about his capabilities, specifically those of the divine sort- knowing the Starborn, he'll want to know what they should prepare for them, as they are currently their single greatest threat.

2010-09-28, 11:11 PM
Question: what does "inescapable craving mean"? Also, can anyone else open the Node wall? Or do I not know?

Huh. Rats. Even the flaw feat, or no, not even that? Because practiced spellcaster is lookin' mighty fine right about now, unless those shadow levels count as CL (which I highly doubt). Sizable difference between 1d4+1 and 3d4+3 and all.:smalltongue:
Also, 'tis a pity I can't use my now even more prodigious charisma for anything ('cept maybe bluff checks).

Also: what does the node chamber look like? Can I get a layout, dimensions & all?
Kasimir's first order of business is contacting his new patron, through Denet is necessary. The following questions will be asked:
First things first, can I get a more... corporeal minion? One that can blend in in society? Even some plebian human would do the trick, so long as I can send him on errands.
Second of all, do the rules that apply to the dumb shadows apply to me? I'm thinking, just perhaps, suddenly the vagrants, elderly, sick, dead and dying will start dying off of a horrible wasting disease... but these are people with either already one foot out the door, or those nobody really cares about. What with all the current commotion, it shan't be a mystery anyone will care to solve.
Thirdly, must we guard the node all day, all night? And is the 'no other shadows' a hard and fast rule, or can we bring in a few more once in a while- say, right before a certain attack?

Once this is done, he asks Denet about his capabilities, specifically those of the divine sort- knowing the Starborn, he'll want to know what they should prepare for them, as they are currently their single greatest threat.

Inescapable craving is something that your own character isn't quite sure about, but Denet gives you the idea that you must feed, but it doesn't sustain you. It isn't absolute, and the stronger of will you are, the better you can hold off from feeding. This is just like a vampire in this manner ... vampire's don't actually draw sustenance that keeps them alive from blood ... and yet they must feed.

You are the only one that can open/ close the Node wall.

What's on your sheet is what you have. I don't need to answer CL questions when you know the answer ... you'd just rather it be different, is all.

With darkvision alone, this is what you see in the Node: The underground chamber is akin to the stone circle at the Tump. The Node consists of a spherical chamber with a walkway that leads to a central platform. The walls of the chamber have been painted black and decorated with the constellations in eternally luminous paint, so that when all lights are extinguished, the patterns of the stars can be seen.

Denet is required more to divine the will of She through his great Wisdom, not because he has a 'red phone' and an open line. Remember, also, that you do not have 'telepathy' with sentences/ words, but more general telempathic sense of ideas, concepts (and not in detail). Denet's feeling on your questioning ideas are:
* We are perfect and pure, though others out there help us as She wills them to. Otherwise, a meatsock is up to your ingenuity.
* She's rules are for all. If She gave you rules, they are yours as well. She wants us to be careful hunters.
[OOC: It was already discussed, unless it was just with douglas via PM, that hi-profile slayings, no matter how clever you think you are ... is bad for 'business.' Otherwise, the shadows are meant to disperse throughout the city to try to be very diverse ... not just the indigent in the same parts of the city. Also, don't neglect the delicious array of non-censused folks in the tent city outside the walls of Saragost - hundreds of them or more - that are not allowed into the city. Imagine if they think that Saragost isn't so safe after all? Again, though, be careful .... and don't be massed.]
* She's rules are absolute, but you must see to your own imperfections.
[OOC: You heard the lady ... the Node is just as sacred to the Host as it is to the Starborn ... but in different ways. Having any Tom, ****, or Shady is like allowing rabble to walk through an archmage's private sanctum. Just you and Denet. However, you can have guards - on a one-for-one basis - guard the Node while you/ Denet go out to feed. But one of you should still always be on guard.]

2010-10-02, 02:27 AM
*poke* :xykon:

2010-10-02, 02:29 AM
Well... honestly, I'm not sure what to do. Right now, it seems like it's just "shadows go out and kill things, Starborn get over here and kick my ass."

2010-10-02, 03:32 AM
Ummmm .... exist separately from the Starborn, that's why we're on this separate thread. Yes, we can't let your plotline advance too far into the future, but still.

You mentioned you had ideas about how to 'platoon' the shadows? Are some going to be 'held hungry' to patrol the sewers? What about your own feeding?
.................................................. ...

The port master looks at the two rough gentlemen in front of him. "Names and business here?"

"Who gives a s**t!," says one, the rougher of the two. "What? You gonna' tell us that we have to swim back to Crescent City or something?!"

Seeing the port master start to get red in the face, the other one drops several gold coins on the civil servant's desk and says, "Sorry about my friend. Sea travel makes him edgy."

The second newcomer has a very soothing voice, and the port master sees a couple month's salary in front of him. "Tha's alright, lads, but you may be comin' to a city what'll be overrun soon enough. A massive army swellin' up from the earth is marching on us from the north. Looks like the ship what dropped you off already got the word to get rid of cargo and cast off ... or be impounded for possible evacuation when the war hits. Bad timing, gents, sorry."

The second smiles at the first and says, "And here you thought I was sending us on a boring, island vacation."

The first, thick and strong of limb, gets a gleam in his eye, smiles, and his fingers unconsciously caress the pommel of his sword of many battles.

The second looks back to the port master, "Do names really matter if we decide to stay and try our hands at mercenary work? Any port in a storm, right?"

The port master writes in his ledger. "Welcome to Saragost, Messrs. Smith and Thompson."

2010-10-02, 03:07 PM
Right. I'll be a bit delayed with posting, what with biting off just a little bit more than I can chew. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9463557) 4 pages in less than 24 hours...:smalleek:
Kasimir organizes a rotating schedule where there's always at least 3 shadows patrolling the sewers, and he tells him to fall on and kill anyone they see: their first priority is that none shall escape. But they know how to kill people, and he's not going to tell them how to do their job.:smallamused:
Meanwhile, Kasimir curbs his hunger. He spends his nights patrolling the city and the outlying refugee camps, on the lookout for likely areas for a good feeding... but for the first night, he doesn't even kill anyone, as a gesture of power over his new form: now that he had cast off the shackles of the mortal coil, he would bend to nothing: no hunger, no orders. This She was an accomplice, a medium, nothing more: he'll go along with her plans because it suits him. When it does not, he'll do as he pleases, and to hell with the consequences.
For now, let's find an area where the sickly, dead and dying congregate.

2010-10-06, 01:03 AM
...And Kasimir *bumps* his head against the wall, thinking he can pass through it.

2010-10-06, 11:07 PM
Roll a Gather Information check ... this, of course, is not you chatting folks up so much as looking at interactions and intuitively getting a feel for where such a grouping of folks might be.

2010-10-06, 11:23 PM
Feel free to roll these things yourself, in the future. Or, better yet, roll them in secrecy.

2010-10-06, 11:31 PM
Normally, for such a roll, I do just that ... this was more to let you roll something, and the end results really aren't secret stuff, anyway. Just a feel for how fast you get this done, than not.

Having spent some time - albeit briefly - as a 'guest' there, you realize that a great place to snipe in the dark for a meal and a recruit would be the Wharf Gaol. The cells are kept dark. Prisoners are stripped of equipment. Spellcasters are bound ... it is a smorgasbord of nonresistance.

Again, there is the 'pacing' demanded by She .... but given your views, what does that matter? :nale:

2010-10-12, 02:07 PM
*poke* (using a forceblade, else you won't feel it)

2010-10-12, 06:45 PM
His first unfeeding night, Kasimir floats around the jail, looking for patrons who were bound much as he was. He looks for one confined solitarily, under heavy guard, if he can find it.
The next night, he brings along Denet, and has the rest of the shadows stand on guard while they're out. At the jail, they kill two of the spellcasters, each in adjoining cells. A horrid plague will soon overtake the jail, killing the prisoners one by one, taking them in the night...
Sorreh. Could've sword I'd posted last.
Also, what's up with the two fellows in this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9466090&postcount=6)post? Really now.:smallconfused:

2010-10-12, 11:13 PM
It just so happens that you find one spellcaster-possible and another under heavy guard. Yes, good plan. The Gaol that might end these men will be their dark salvation. :xykon:
.................................................. ....................................

"Well, it seems that the Harbormaster was right! Though of course, I doubt this was the army of underdwellers he meant."

"Merrithrawn's Patches! What's worse than the smell of a thousand dead rats? The smell of a thousand rats dissolved by acid. F*** it stinks!"

"Aww, come off it. We've smelt worse before. Besides, the owner says that the good-for-nothings he paid before obviously didn't finish the job. What's that you're looking over?"

"Looks like some kinda hole to .... an empty store on the other side? Hey, man, don't you think it's strange that so many bloody, f***ing rats would be hell-bent on our destruction? I mean, we're the big 'uns, right?"

"Yes ..... yes, it is troublesome. I don't know what .... but it's definitely not natural behavior. Something controlling the rats. Pied piper or something like that, I shouldn't wonder? Rival business? I don't know."

"So, about next door? It looks abandoned ... and I think we can get into some great trouble. Sound good? I mean, the dwarf did offer free lodging ... too bad you couldn't negotiate the drinks, though."

"The way you drink? I wouldn't dream of doing that to him."

(20 minutes later.... walking out of abandoned clothing store opposite side of The Flaming Beard...)

"Kid vamps? Are you f***ing kiddin' me? What the hell is the world comin' too? Brith's Bloody Stump! What kind of sick f***ing undead doesn't at least have the courtesy to finish its meal when it comes to kids?!? And TWO kid vamps? From the look of this alleyway-only entrance, though, I'm kinda' surprised that I don't see more dead bodies or something. This spot is a hole. Sigh. I need a drink ......... uh-oh. What are you hearing?"

".......................................... Nothing ................. Absolutely nothing."

.................................................. ..

There is an unconscious vestige of organization still in Denet. He is your executive officer in charge of checking patrols and the like.

While the ranks have increased, it seems that three shadows have not returned (and also have no numbers to acccount). As it is doubtful that spawn have lost control of their own spawn, it must be assumed that they were unable to return. With the new recruits, the army will continue to grow ... but this makes for a much slower beginning.

It seems something out there just might be preying on your minions, or the city of Saragost is made of doughtier people than you at first thought.

2010-10-13, 10:53 AM
...Well, this is a problem.
If somebody is preying on the shadows, then that means we've already been discovered... at least to an extent. Well, the priestesses already knew...
Kasimir runs an "inventory" on the ranks- finding out who they were in life, if they can cast spells, and the nature of each one's spellcasting powers. He looks to see how many of the former priestesses he has remaining, and just who and how powerful his formerly bound shadow is.
He gathers the shadows, giving each of them the new strategy:
They are to travel in pairs, and every night they will attack one solitary target- a vagrant, likely- and then move on so the shadow who did not feed can get the second. So long as the killing-buddy is still alive, under no circumstances shall the other shadow "steal" his kill.
If they encounter anyone capable of harming them, they are to fall into the ground immediately and flee to try again that night and immediately return to the sewers so they can tell Shadow Lord Kasimir just who has been killing them.
That night, Kasimir will set out with Denet and the man from the jail he recently took, as well as one of the priestesses if there's an odd man out in the shadow pairs. There, they will spend the night waiting for some good kills- no guards, but prisoners, trying to get them in close proximity to one another. Kasimir himself will haunt the area around the spellcasting prisoner, accompanied by whoever has had their kill, waiting there until day if necessary- he'll have that man. Spellcasting will be a valuable asset to their arsenal.
If Kasimir manages to kill the fellow with some hours remaining, he'll check out the Inn of the Flaming Beard- not to kill anyone, but to see if those meddling Starborn have come to town.

2010-10-13, 10:36 PM
You learn something relatively disturbing ....

You and Denet are obviously 'something special'. For some reason, you have the memories of life - and even your abilities (though modified now). The other shadows have such a tenuous grasp of memory that they only now hate and hunger ... they are barely leashed by you. No one has any ability brought from life. Commoners, priests, and warriors seem to be no better or worse than one another - none cast spells, are tremendous in combat, or anything.

[OOC: All minions are cookie-cutter shadows right out of the MM. Maybe some have a few more or less hit points, but that's it.]

2010-10-13, 11:59 PM
To say the least, Kasimir is very, very disappointed. He has Denet send up a rhetorical "What gives?" to the big 'gal upstairs.
Beyond that, this is shattering to his faith in the power of magic-wielders. He'll have to try it on a known sorcerer sometime- if they don't keep their magic, that means magic isn't as powerful as he thought it was... but that'll just prove that he is someone special.
Of course, he'd always believed that magic is something that's in your very essence. Sure, the fellows who just crib magic off of a few scribbly notes don't really count for that, but the people like him deserve better.
Anyways, same plan, though he'll just go to the prison alone and take one life. Two if it's looking particularly auspicious. And, of course, he'll try for the spellcaster- maybe this one will be different.
And in that case he'll definitely check out the inn of the flaming beard.

2010-10-23, 05:46 PM
The spellcaster is no longer in there. You are able to take out one of the dangerous and segregated prisoners, but his cries are such that you need to hightail it out of there with just him.

What do you direct of the new minion, before going to the Inn of the Flaming Beard?

2010-10-29, 11:12 AM
To the Node!
Actually, Kasimir is quite disappointed, and decides that he wants to take it out on some poor soul. He stalks to poorer side of the inn and helps the new shadow take out some poor drunk.
That done, he'll scan the inn for signs of the starborn, specifically checking their rooms.

2010-10-29, 01:11 PM
Yeah, he'll greedily (though sloppily) take out the drunk. No sign of the Starborn in the rooms you held before.

2010-11-06, 03:07 PM
Then we'll continue the rotations as normal. Kasimir will prowl the areas he thinks the Starborn might be coming to- entrances, the inn, and other places they've already been- in the hopes of finding them before they find him. Also in the hopes of finding Mardak alone and making him his slave.

2010-11-10, 11:26 AM
The problem with this sideline .... is that it is slaved to the timeline of the main story. Which is one of the reasons we haven't gotten much further here.

2010-11-10, 11:28 AM
Understandable. I'm okay with that. If you'd like to make further challenges for me, cool; if not, no big.
Say, what happens when the starborn triumphantly defeat Kasimir, anyways? With me, I mean. Not Kasimir, but me.

2010-11-10, 11:59 AM
The person that is Kasimir's alter ego, having so invested himself into Kasimir's fate, will discorporate. Nuith will come and drag your essence unto herself. You will disappear into a puff of sparkly blue and silver dust, and it will be one of Clemson's big mysteries as to your sudden disappearance.

Your fate will be fodder for ghost stories to come, and will be used to scare initiates of various fraternities as they attempt their pledges and to make them do even more obscene and ridiculous rites-of-passage (aka hazing).

2010-11-10, 12:16 PM
So... no rolling a new character?:smallfrown:

2010-11-10, 03:31 PM
LOL ... of course you'll roll up a new character. But let's burn that bridge at both ends once we're in the middle, okay?

2010-11-10, 05:21 PM
Actually, I was hoping we could work on that now, when I have nothing better to do, eh?

2010-11-10, 07:07 PM
Start giving me ideas ....

btw, I am still waiting for you to remove editing permissions to that 'were' creature on Tangled Web, please. I have lots of orphaned character sheets, and many people aren't even on Giants anymore.

2010-11-10, 07:23 PM
Emmm... yeah. I could've sworn I did. I'm sorry, but I'm not very familiar with tangledweb- can you tell me how to do that?

2010-11-11, 11:51 AM
Go to Tangled Web.
Go to the Profiler page that has your character sheets.
Normally, clicking on the name brings you to the character sheet. Instead, click on "Edit" out to the right.
On this new page, about three lines down, you'll see "Shared Permissions." My name should be there, along with a button saying "Remove".
Click on "Remove".

2010-11-11, 12:05 PM
Done and done.
Now, for my next character... what are we lacking in the party? I was thinking maybe a dry, droll archivist, perhaps even wizard/archivist/mystic theurge. What do you think of early entry tricks (precocious apprentice for wizard 1/archivist 4/MT X)? Will I be starting at level 1 or 2?

2010-11-11, 12:48 PM
No, you have to be able to solidly and competently cast 2nd-level spells .... so, no on precocious apprentice short-cutting that route.

Otherwise, the character concept is sound enough. The party could definitely use that.

Oh, btw, with external events in the world ... after this battle is wrapped up (for good or ill) at the Colombe Mansion, there exists the possibility of an earlier showdown in Saragost than was originally expected.

Also, the only way your new character (bottom of level 3 starting out) can spring into being is if the Node there is 'liberated' from your dark influence. :smallwink:

2010-11-20, 01:24 AM
Hmmm... well, what do you think of using practiced spellcaster to add 2 of the "lower level spellcasting" levels in Ultimate Magus to wizard in a wizard 4/beguiler 1 build?
Either way, for my wizard levels I'll be going for an immediate magic (sudden shift) focused transmuter.

2010-11-26, 02:51 AM
I don't know what you're asking me in the first sentence.

Wiz 4/ Beg 1 >>> Ultimate Magus is fine.

2010-11-26, 03:13 AM
I don't know what you're asking me in the first sentence.

Wiz 4/ Beg 1 >>> Ultimate Magus is fine.

Well, you know how the UM progresses both spellcasting classes at some levels, and specifically the lower-level spellcasting class at other levels? Well, a common trick is to take wiz 4/beguiler 1 and take practiced spellcaster for beguiler, thus increasing its CL to greater than the wizard's, and thus the lower level spellcasting progression going to the wizard even though you technically have more levels in wizard than beguiler. By RAW it certainly works, as the wording is caster level, not just levels, but I wanted to clear it with you first.

2010-11-26, 03:45 AM
Okay, now I understand. No, that works. That is what practiced spellcaster is for. Understand, of course, that only CL is affected, not effective spellcasting level ... by that, the CL-based variables are boosted, but not the spells you know, how many you know, etc.

2010-11-26, 03:49 AM
Okay, now I understand. No, that works. That is what practiced spellcaster is for. Understand, of course, that only CL is affected, not effective spellcasting level ... by that, the CL-based variables are boosted, but not the spells you know, how many you know, etc.

No, yes, I know Practiced Spellcaster's limitations, I just wanted clarification on how it would effect the PrC.

2010-11-26, 03:57 AM
It's fine.

2010-12-16, 02:06 AM
Sooooo, have you started making that arcanist yet?

2010-12-18, 12:41 AM
Sooooo, have you started making that arcanist yet?

Nnnnope, though I know what I'm doing in general. It's not like I'll need it any time soon, though, is it?

2010-12-18, 08:42 PM
Meh. You never know.

2010-12-18, 08:53 PM
Meh. You never know.

Yeah, but they have to fight him first, which will give me plenty of time to make the character... Unless they're suddenly all packing force beads.
But damn if I didn't want to play a fight-y type... I've been having the urge to play a sophisticated, bookish orc wielding a ship's anchor chain.
Actually, I was thinking of playing a sharakim. Could I play one without the LA+1? I mean, honestly, they don't deserve it at all. Actually, a sharakim duskblade would be really cool... just enough magic to be a mage while still kicking ass.
But, no, I think I'll stick with the wizard thing. We need the arcane support.

2010-12-18, 11:24 PM
... besides, yes, they still carry a +1 LA.

2010-12-18, 11:29 PM
... besides, yes, they still carry a +1 LA.

Bleh. You're such a modron.:smallyuk:

2010-12-19, 12:01 AM
You give my moral compass undo credit. Try a little bit south of Neutral morality.

2010-12-19, 12:06 AM
You give my moral compass undo credit. Try a little bit south of Neutral morality.

Oooh, baatezu? Neato, means you're a perfect DM.:smalltongue:
Enyhoo, I'm thinking lesser tiefling- does that work? If not, I'll just do grey elf again.

2010-12-19, 12:37 AM
Lesser tiefling (no LA, and reduced abilities to boot) is just fine. The option will be there to take on the LA +1 in the future if you so desire. Otherwise, taking the +1 LA starting off, to allow for quick buyoff might do you well.

2010-12-19, 12:55 AM
Lesser tiefling (no LA, and reduced abilities to boot) is just fine. The option will be there to take on the LA +1 in the future if you so desire. Otherwise, taking the +1 LA starting off, to allow for quick buyoff might do you well.

Whoah, what? If I so desire? You were saying I had to take the aasimar LA eventually.
And, no, I didn't mean the tiefling class sans LA, I meant the races of faerun lesser tiefling- all of the normal tiefling goodies but with the humanoid type.

2010-12-19, 02:31 AM
I had to give that a long hard look. As it is, I allow one to choose how much they do, as per WotC's "Savage Progression" article online.

The Races of Faerun section is one where I am not so liberal, despite all I allow in the game. Tieflings and aasimar are native outsiders ... always.

2010-12-19, 02:36 AM
I had to give that a long hard look. As it is, I allow one to choose how much they do, as per WotC's "Savage Progression" article online.

The Races of Faerun section is one where I am not so liberal, despite all I allow in the game. Tieflings and aasimar are native outsiders ... always.

Ah, so then I can take the 0 LA lesser tiefling, but it's a native outsider!
Kidding, kidding.:smallwink:
Anyways, I think I'll go for grey elf then, unless you know of any other intelligence bonus races.

2010-12-19, 02:23 PM
Are you asking if I know of other INT-bonus races that ALSO don't have a LA adjustment? Okay, and this will flip your lid .... human, elves, half-elves, and half-orcs. I am slowly phasing character creation to the Paizo 3.75 method.

2010-12-20, 02:11 AM
Are you asking if I know of other INT-bonus races that ALSO don't have a LA adjustment? Okay, and this will flip your lid .... human, elves, half-elves, and half-orcs. I am slowly phasing character creation to the Paizo 3.75 method.

...Whozagiggawhah? Are you saying you're going... PATHFINDER?:smalleek::smallfurious:
Wait... half orcs get an intelligence bonus? This is new to me. What in the sam hill is going on here, Mr. DM?

2010-12-20, 02:18 AM
Elves are the only one that automatically get an INT bonus. The other three human(-istic) races get a +2 bonus to any starting attribute.

EDIT: Feats by level, and skills will also follow suit. However, Jump will be with Climb in a feat called Athletics.

2010-12-20, 02:20 AM
Elves are the only one that automatically get an INT bonus. The other three human(-istic) races get a +2 bonus to any starting attribute.

EDIT: Feats by level, and skills will also follow suit. However, Jump will be with Climb in a feat called Athletics.

...'Kay. Could you give me a link to all of this stuff or something...?:smallconfused:

2010-12-20, 10:40 AM
Again, only the character creation portion is used ... nothing else. Equipment costs, rules of play, spell descriptions .... that is still 3.5.

2010-12-20, 04:57 PM
Again, only the character creation portion is used ... nothing else. Equipment costs, rules of play, spell descriptions .... that is still 3.5.

That's it, DM. You've gone to the dark side. I'm afraid I'll have to kill you now.:smalltongue:
While I'm a fan of the pathfinder races (for the most part- humans are still too good, and half-elves & half-orcs still get the shaft compared to them), the classes are just abysmal. I mean, they look great on paper, but they give a lot of power to the wizard over what it has already (which is gargantuan) and for all the classes that really need the power boost, like fighters, barbarians and paladins, they just give them bigger numbers, which doesn't solve anything. Then again, I'm not complaining so long as I can still go focused specialist. Go-go moar powerz!:smallbiggrin:

Anyways, for great optimization, I'd like to be a wizard focused transmuter (or maybe conjurer) with a bonded... rod? Does rod work? And can I get it enchanted separately from myself? I like rods.:smalltongue:
Probably elf with dreamspeaker, but the other +int races are looking enticing.
Build will... likely change. Damn you, and I'd had it all figured out.:smalltongue:
Are skills changed to PF, by the way?

2010-12-20, 05:00 PM
Gone to the dark side? :xykon:

I am the Dark Side.

Rod only works if you were of a level high enough wherein you could have such a thing ... which is a long way off.

Skills are changed to PF, including skill point allotment and 'class skills'. Again, Jump is not part of Acrobatics, but included with Climb in a skill called Athletics.

2010-12-20, 05:20 PM
Gone to the dark side? :xykon:

I am the Dark Side.

Rod only works if you were of a level high enough wherein you could have such a thing ... which is a long way off.

Skills are changed to PF, including skill point allotment and 'class skills'. Again, Jump is not part of Acrobatics, but included with Climb in a skill called Athletics.

What do you mean by that? I don't need it enchanted now or anything, I meant for my bonded item. By the same token, a staff would be a really, really long way off.

And are we using PF feats? Coz it'll be hard to use PF feats without using PF rules.:smallconfused:

2010-12-20, 05:38 PM
A rod is kinda' pointless. I will know what you intend with such a thing before I make a ruling therein, but I think for now, a dagger or a staff (from a general standpoint ... not a 'magic power/ spell staff') is just fine.

Depends on the feat. For example, though it doesn't apply to you, the various channeling feats would be allowed. You may have noticed in the battle on the main Starfall II site that Zeke is actually using this version of channeling ... not the old 'turning.'

2010-12-20, 05:57 PM
A rod is kinda' pointless. I will know what you intend with such a thing before I make a ruling therein, but I think for now, a dagger or a staff (from a general standpoint ... not a 'magic power/ spell staff') is just fine.

Depends on the feat. For example, though it doesn't apply to you, the various channeling feats would be allowed. You may have noticed in the battle on the main Starfall II site that Zeke is actually using this version of channeling ... not the old 'turning.'

Well, I like metamagic rods. Thus, I'd like to make my rod into a metamagic rod one day. Anyways, there's no rulings on switching out bonded items. How might I do that? And could I get a mage separate from myself to enchant the items? I hate crafting.

2010-12-22, 03:11 AM
Please re-read that link again. "Bonded objects fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon."

As in and no others.

I would only allow you to 'switch out' from one category to the next when you level up ... and only if you do not have a current bond. Otherwise, you would need to destroy (not 'sever the connection'), but destroy the bond (and suffer penalties appropriate as such). Think of this as basically having to slaughter one familiar to get a 'better' or 'different' one. It is not meant to be easy ... and won't be.

"A wizard can designate an existing magic item as his bonded weapon."

Therefore, yes, someone else can make the item first. However, the cost for the ritual is the same, minus the cost for the 'masterwork item.'

2011-01-01, 02:19 AM
Happy New Year, Gorgondantess!

2011-01-01, 11:09 AM
What's so happy about it?:smallamused:
EDIT: Ironically, I just took a peek at the IC thread. Mardak's dead. I'm not sure whether I'm saying this IC or not, but great way to kick off the new decade, eh?:smallwink:

2011-01-02, 08:42 PM
I'm going to bite the bullet and roll for ability scores.
...I believe I can now choose 1 through 3, with that epically bad array?

2011-01-02, 08:52 PM
Yes, with rolls like that ... yes indeed, you can.

2011-01-03, 02:56 AM
Crunched up a sheet (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=44220). Tell me if I did anything wrong.

2011-01-03, 03:52 AM
Just saw that addition on my Profiler ...

I'll get to it when I can, but I'll get to it.

2011-01-03, 02:57 PM
Just saw that addition on my Profiler ...

I'll get to it when I can, but I'll get to it.

No problem. Again, it's not like we're in a rush to get this stuff done. Will they be heading back to Saragost any time soon, anyways?

Also: I've had a dearth of decent games recently (mainly from stuff dying off on me all the time), and I noticed you were starting up another forum game. Being one of the few dedicated DMs I've ever met on here, mind if I jump in?

2011-01-03, 03:08 PM
Don't know about the party. They will have cause to, no doubt ... but whether they do or not is a different matter. I no longer have a DM's "voice of reason" (bounde by that NPCs own prejudices, outlook, and AL) in the party. So the party is 100% self-starting.

Shoulda' got in sooner. I chose my three players. I wouldn't have minded if 'old hands' from my games showed up, but I didn't want to do the typical 'in-breeding' by asking only 'my players'. I wanted some new blood. If others of my acquaintance showed, up, great. Games closed though, sorry.

2011-01-04, 01:42 AM
Don't know about the party. They will have cause to, no doubt ... but whether they do or not is a different matter. I no longer have a DM's "voice of reason" (bounde by that NPCs own prejudices, outlook, and AL) in the party. So the party is 100% self-starting.
Ah. I see. But they kindof have to get back to Saragost sooner or later... I mean, if they're going to follow the questline... right?:smallconfused:

Shoulda' got in sooner. I chose my three players. I wouldn't have minded if 'old hands' from my games showed up, but I didn't want to do the typical 'in-breeding' by asking only 'my players'. I wanted some new blood.
Understandable. 'Swhy I asked.

If others of my acquaintance showed, up, great. Games closed though, sorry.
Righto, no problem. Let me know if you need an extra player.:smallwink:

2011-01-04, 05:30 AM
Yes, "sooner or later" being the operative phrase. They may push this part to get it done, save the Colombes and free the pall of defeat over Vannondale, and even get some funding for the war ....

... or they may pack it up and get outta town. They still want to get the bodies of their fallen, so we will see how that goes.

2011-01-06, 05:04 AM
Bluh. I hope they leave soon. Or something. I must admit, I've been keeping an eye on the IC thread... unless you'd rather I not, for fear of metagaming. Either way's fine by me.
Anyways, I was actually thinking about strategizing this coming battle... perhaps luring them into a bottleneck and picking the poor bastards off... but if I'm too smart about it, I might end up doling out a TPK. If a few shadows could do it to a group of clerics, then a couple shadows with class levels could prooooobably do it to a... 5 man party? Many of whom will be useless against us.
Of course, I could definitely see Kasimir holding the battle in the big antechamber, come out, reveal his new form, gloat and then give off a nice villain laugh.
I know you've already pulled a punch or two for the battle to come, so if you'd prefer I pull a punch myself, now's a good time to say so.:smallwink:

2011-01-06, 05:22 AM
It all hinges on whether you listen to 'She's' commandment or not. Daytime is your strongest, because that is when the majority of shadows wander through the vastness of the sewer tunnels, awaiting nightfall.

When nightfall comes, however, you are only to have a handful - Denet reveals each twilight how man 'She' desires to guard the Node - to be there at the Node. You and Denet, too, have your own feeding curses to deal with. The other aspect is that - despite the dramatic irony of Gorgondantess knowing when the characters will be in town - Kasimir has no idea unless he receives some manner of intelligence. Since none of the shadows really know who or what to look for, and can't speak around to find out, it makes it very difficult to gather any information. This means that you are at a distinct disadvantage.

You might not be wise - Denet has that for you - but you are brilliant. The end result has little to do, actually, with the Node. A vast army is heading this way ... do you really think Saragost will stop them? No, but the Node is a secret stronghold unknown to those on the surface, and there will be those that come to corrupt it.

But the real grand plan is to keep shadows dispersed throughout the tunnels so that: a) vagrants and investigators are dealt with immediately, and b) most importantly, a force is maintained to overwhelm Saragost from the inside once 'She' gives Denet (or you, or something else) the signal to attack the surface. Remember your limitations, so as not to be too greedy and then Saragost sends its considerable resources down to crush the shadow threat without the disadvantage of enemies at the gates. But your overall destiny lies in the shadow army, and the Node is just a bonus and a reasonable rallying and 'command center' for you and a few 'officers.'

2011-01-07, 08:22 PM
Wham! Well, we went right into this shot here. We didn't pass go, or get paid $200.

So, in brief .... you have been searching for signs of the Starborn every other night, feeding briefly as you must, and alternating with Denet. This way, an officer is in the Node at all times.

Success hit last night. You had heard that there was a drain on your gain, that there seems to be someone(s) out and about that were knocking off your boys. You still gained, but it isn't at the rate you wanted. Last night, you went out and actually saw a grizzled warrior and a veteran cleric pounding on some of your shadows. They knocked off two before you came in (having waited for them to expend resources ... no need for you to get hurt). It wasn't so tough a battle once you stepped in, and though they seemed to know what they were doing, they weren't quite as powerful as you had ..... hoped?

You returned to the Node (after checking to see that the Starborn will still not back from their mission) and healed up. Your report at the end of the night, such as it is for creatures that don't speak, intuits that you lost nearly a dozen shadows that were in the Wharf and Merchant's Districts (at different times, not at the same time)!!!

You wonder if Saragost itself is alerted, if you were unwise or your minions too uncontrollable in their feasting ... but it doesn't seem right. You took every precaution. Still, at least you can alter your people's habits to look for well-armed, cleric-endowed groups and stay clear. Even such efforts, considering they're on the surface, can be bypassed. But why those two districts?

That's when the final aspect of the report comes from a survivor that fled. That's right. He retreated. He saw two of his buddies totally discorporate. The absolute best that you can get from him (remember, it is semi-conversation, and trying IC to get more will get nothing more) when you demand to know what attacked ....

.... "Shadows." :mitd:

2011-01-07, 08:35 PM
So I can't get ANYTHING more from this fellow? Rats. Well, alright then, let's try this: tomorrow night, no shadows shall leave without Kasimir or Denet. That's right. They'll both leave that night, each flanked by a handful of shadows (depending on how many shadows I have at this point). Kasimir will head to whichever of the Merchant's District or Wharf had more fatalities, and Denet will head to the other. They'll both try to get a lot of kills in, be a liiiittle more conspicuous. If every shadow has fed, then they'll go out and fetch more shadows and go out again.

2011-01-07, 09:40 PM
After you and Denet, you still have a powerful cadre of 22 shadows. Split between both of you, and that is 11 shadows and one officer.

Yeah, only the foolish ...

2011-01-07, 10:02 PM
4 each every few hours should do it.

2011-01-09, 02:40 PM
Saragost is alerted ... recently, the drain you initially went down to get to the Node is being guarded by a squad of soldiers, mages, and priests!

Unless you tried a frontal assault ... which would almost assuredly bring about stronger methods ... your boys'll will have to use all the other ways. Plenty enough, but the problem is that there seems to be some intelligence against you.

Face it, you leave dessicated bodies behind. They may be scattered about, but it is still an epidemic ....

2011-01-09, 02:42 PM
Soooo, you are going against She and basically moving a force en masse through Saragost now, and not later?

Cause that's what it sounds like to me, bub.

2011-01-09, 06:04 PM
Soooo, you are going against She and basically moving a force en masse through Saragost now, and not later?

Cause that's what it sounds like to me, bub.

...They were already travelling in pairs. Now they're just travelling in even larger numbers. However, I couldn't find where it said her orders... would've been nice to have that in the OP.
Oh. Um... did you mean suggesting that? No, no. Kas will talk to Denet and ask him to ask She for further orders, in light of the current situation. If she just says to continue as normal... then he's going to have some fun with these people.

2011-01-09, 09:48 PM
Denet will come out and say ... we must continue to build the army, yes. But it's the 'travel in pairs' that is the problem ... made worse by travelling in bigger groups. A bigger group means more shadows susceptible to a positive energy blast. Lesser numbers means that whoever might be fighting one, isn't fighting two or three, allowing the numbers to 'seed' the city more insidiously.

But, yes, 'She' (or maybe it is Denet's opinion, but like many priests he is saying it is 'She') is unhappy with Kasimir's escalation ... too much, too soon. Losses were expected, but you were impatient. Let there be losses, but we will grow slowly over time. Try to take too much, and there is no doubt that before allies can attack at the walls, the full strength of Saragost will be brought to bear in the tunnels.

You cannot yet risk that. Do not consolidate your shadows. Even if you were to be attacked and the Node recovered ... there might still be more shadows out there. If you are selfish and keep them near you to 'protect' them (which really means you are hoping to protect yourself), then you risk all of Her plans.

2011-01-10, 01:51 AM
Oh, no. "Protecting" them was moreof "trying to see these killers for himself". Kasimir is quite confident in his abilities- any clerics who try to turn him are going to be in for a mean surprise.
Anyways, fine. Shadows travel in singles. Keep it on the downlow. Cool. No problem. Though does that mean he can't mess with the people guarding the tunnels? Because he really wants to mess with the people guarding the tunnels.:smallamused:

2011-01-10, 01:58 AM
Denet strongly advises against it. Just because the unwitting were easy prey ... your actions have alerted the town. Don't think for a second that the ones guarding the main entrances aren't prepared with the right spells and equipment. :miko:

2011-01-10, 02:01 AM
Denet strongly advises against it. Just because the unwitting were easy prey ... your actions have alerted the town. Don't think for a second that the ones guarding the main entrances aren't prepared with the right spells and equipment. :miko:

Pffft... stick up the ass cleric... I have an idea: it begins with M and ends with "obbing them with 20 shadows and putting them in their place!":belkar:
Of course, that's against Her orders, so Kasimir will be a good boy. For now.

2011-01-10, 02:04 AM
Saragost is not a hick town. It has a long and proud tradition ... moderate on the number of clerics, true, but the Adepts of the Prism mages - in force - are stunning. Denet knows you're trying to deflect it to his character flaw ... but he tries to get you to see that you might be thinking yourself a lot more powerful than you are ... we've already alerted them too quickly, and make no mistake, they know their threat by now.

2011-01-10, 03:33 PM
Early evening ... most shadows don't go out until midnight, to allow most persons out and about to be inebriated or for others to be in their beds.

Report is in ... four shadows patrolling the sewers under the Wharf District are unaccounted for.

2011-01-10, 03:51 PM
Dammit, no more patrolling the sewers! When they have downtime they can wait in the walls and compose poetry, or whatever. Patrolling the sewers isn't going to do any good- we already know there's people there.

2011-01-10, 07:14 PM
The shadow you give that report to goes out .....

..... he doesn't come back.

You are missing one of the regular reports from the under-sewers of the Noble District.

2011-01-10, 11:58 PM
Well then, he'll just wait until all of the shadows pass by (as there's a rotating schedule with only a certain amount of shadows patrolling the sewers) and tell them himself.

2011-01-11, 12:14 AM
The patrol that normally swings by the Node at this time - the North Gate shadows - do not appear.

2011-01-11, 12:30 AM
This calls for drastic action, then. Kasimir does his own patrol, casting a quick mage armor to fortify himself then tracking down shadows. He makes sure to keep within the walls. He can sense them- a little, not over great distances, but from smaller distances, right? Either way, he only pokes his head out from time to time, but keeps a low profile. Damn stupid grunt shadows... Grumble grumble...

2011-01-11, 12:36 AM
No, you are not equipped with any form of 'life sense' or 'unlife sense' or tremorsense or blindsight or anything like that. This, actually, is why a demand that patrols hide within walls is ludicrous, because how will you know where they are? how will they know when someone passes by, especially to give orders? Besides, whatever orders you may give ... they are still shadows, and unless directly kept in check their chaotic natures will make them fidgety.

That said, you gird yourself with mage armor. Your unholy will (CHA bonus), spell, and phenomenal agility should keep you from all but the most capable harm.

You are about to set out when you see flashes of light echoing off a side passage about a hundred feet down. Seconds later, Denet-shadow and others are fleeing towards you at full speed.

What do you do?

2011-01-11, 12:41 AM
I wanted them to remain inside the walls at all times. The sewer passages are 5' wide.

An incorporeal creature can enter or pass through solid objects, but must remain adjacent to the object’s exterior, and so cannot pass entirely through an object whose space is larger than its own. It can sense the presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to its current location
Thus, they could always sense when someone is passing by. This was very intentional.:smallsigh:
Oh well.
Kasimir flies down the hallway, telling all of them he can with his... weird shadow-to-shadow speech thingie... to get inside the node. He tells Denet to close it if all of the shadows are inside, or if someone (other than a shadow) is about to enter.

2011-01-11, 01:29 AM
You and the remaining shadow mob get inside the Node. Even though, technically, undead are not affected by fear effects, does not mean that their self-preservation does not allow them to actually fear.

Denet basically is curious how the Node shall be shut?

This begs the question ... do you take refuge in the Node as well? Or, do you stand alone outside?

2011-01-11, 01:30 AM
Ummm... isn't there that, ummm, door thing? That I can't pass through? That only Denet and I can open and shut? That thing.
And Kasimir isn't stupid enough to stand outside.
And yes I know they can still feel fear even though they're immune to magical fear. Kindof like how, if not, all paladins would die before 4th level.:smallwink:

2011-01-11, 01:56 AM
The door to the Node trapped the 'genesis' shadow ... perhaps since the Node was last used some unaccountable centuries before. And you think it won't hold you? Still, you are the Starborn-shadow.

Once all of the remaining shadows are inside. You hear a voice from the shadows a few feet away - yet even with darkvision and nothing to hide behind you see nothing - a gruff, voice that says, "Yeah, that's the dip-s**t. If you look close enough, Mr. Smith, you'll see that there is a swirling of darkness on his face - darker than even his black-turd shadow form. Whoever he was, he was a Watchman-Starborn."

"Remember," says another voice, though this one far more melodious - and at least in intonation more well-spoken, "I'm Mr. Smith. You're Mr. Thompson. So, Traitorous Brother, you had to have been offered a deal to have led these shadows, else you would've been as mindless as the others. Pity that you'll fail, and know no chance of resurrection or redemption. Foolish man, as long as your shadow spirit - had it been enforced and not chosen - could be dispelled or destroyed, you could have known life. But you willingly chose this."

At this point, realizing that you are probably facing something more powerful than yourself, you very sensibly brush against the wall that opened so easily for your touch about a week (or so) ago.

Nothing happens.

"Poor, dumb f***er. He don't get it, does he?"

"I'm sorry, brother," says the sweeter voice, tinged with sadness and regret, "but you forfeited the right of Starborn when you forfeited body and sold your soul to Hell. Thanks to you, what you stole that cannot be recovered - your immortal soul - Lumiya is diminished."

You see a handprint glow on the wall's edge, and the Node wall seals.

You can't even get partially into the wall of the door. You learn that you can dip into the other walls and floor and ceiling, but it is too thick to pass through, and even then it seems that there is some barrier like the door to keep you from going to far.

You are trapped.

2011-01-11, 03:11 AM
Kasimir sighs phantasmagorically and casts his ghost sound. He speaks in a calm, conversational tone, though in reality he's in some sort of hysterics.
"Well, I'm sure you're much more powerful than I, and it seems I am trapped here- thus, we are at an impasse. Or at least I am. I'm certain either of you two blokes might be capable of killing me any second now, but you haven't, which gives me hope. That, and your aliases betray you as less... scrupulous sorts. Men after my own tastes.
Well, I'll admit that, in my current form, I have little to offer you. But my master... well, she desires my life, and she has everything to offer you. Tell me this: what is gold? What are possessions? What is everything in the world when you have eternal life? My mistress can offer you that. Perhaps you'd like to become a creature of shadow, such as I- well, after a quick communal with my priest, I could offer you that now, with full sentience and independence! Or perhaps you prefer the world of the corporeal- no problem! I'm sure there are all sorts of intelligent- and perfectly attractive- forms of animated unlife that are possible. What of the noble vampire- what a romantic figure! Fanged, cloaked, and such power! I'm sure this could be arranged. This eternal life is greater than any monetary reward, for all the riches in the world can be yours when all of eternity is at your fingertips. I am assuming that you are being paid- correct? If this were a holy mission, of course you would have already smote me to the ground, probably shouting "For Hombel!" or something trite like that.
So, what do you say?"

2011-01-11, 03:22 AM
There is no answer ...

2011-01-11, 03:32 AM
Emmm... WTF? Not even a scoff? Are you giving me a chance to get away or something?

2011-01-11, 03:36 AM
The ghost sound was clever, but Denet offers to you the possiblity ... what if they are not in here with us to hear?

2011-01-11, 03:39 AM
"That answered nothing and raised even more questions."
Roll me spellcraft/ Kno: Arcane, would you? What kind of spells do that? And with what caveats?
"Anyways... I'm just going to go away now... Feel free to kill me anytime..."
And Kasimir sinks into the floor.
Wasted monologue?:smallsigh:

2011-01-11, 03:41 AM
What knowledge, specifically, am I looking for you to know?

2011-01-11, 03:47 AM
What kind of spells would allow two people to have a conversation at me, underground, from a distance, without projecting any sight and not being able to hear what I have to say in return?

2011-01-11, 03:51 AM
You're in the Node with the shadows. The wall was shut on you ... you did say you wanted to be in the Node with the others.

That means, either the bad guys (how ironic) are with you in the Node and say nothing. Denet, to deter this ... has the shadows whip around furiously to make sure nothing corporeal is in this room. That is the best they can do.

Or, they sealed you inside and stayed outside. A simple invisibility spell would suffice.

2011-01-11, 03:56 AM
Wait. Uh. What?
Why would they need an invisibility spell?
Anyways... huh. I'm sorry, I misread that. No, I was never under the impression I could pass through the node-door. You told me flat-out "no". That's why I thought, for whatever reason, I was trapped outside with them.
And why wouldn't they be able to hear me if I could hear them?

2011-01-11, 03:59 AM
You never were able to close the Node door. You have no hand. One of them closed it while standing on the outside, and you standing on the inside getting ready to seal yourself in anyway.

2011-01-11, 04:08 AM
...Huh? So then this:

You are the only one that can open/ close the Node wall.

Has changed? And they said all that before closing it?

2011-01-11, 05:17 AM
Yes, that is correct.

2011-01-11, 04:04 PM
Okay. So then, Kasimir will ask Denet to go upstairs and ask just why the sam hill he can't open the node wall anymore? And then further orders.
If there's nothing useful there, he'll just have to sit back and twiddle his thumbs. Perhaps he can find out a way to devour other shadows while he waits for his one solution: the Starborn. If they come in, the door will open... and he'll have a large group of very hungry shadows to kill them all, then bolster his ranks as well! Wheehee!:smallbiggrin:

2011-01-11, 09:21 PM
Okay. So then, Kasimir will ask Denet to go upstairs and ask just why the sam hill he can't open the node wall anymore? And then further orders.
If there's nothing useful there, he'll just have to sit back and twiddle his thumbs. Perhaps he can find out a way to devour other shadows while he waits for his one solution: the Starborn. If they come in, the door will open... and he'll have a large group of very hungry shadows to kill them all, then bolster his ranks as well! Wheehee!:smallbiggrin:
I just don't think everything was made clear to you ... the entire remaining ranks of shadows (though it is highly likely there are onesy-twosies out there, somewhere) is with you - trapped in the Node. There is no upstairs to which one can go. There is no other exit. There's not even another 'Starborn-only' exit. Denet, you, and a handful of shadows have to wait. Sorry. I just 'got it.' By upstairs, you really meant Downstairs ... to 'She'? He's not getting much of a signal on this station, for some reason. However, seeing as your brain has locked up on all the possible variations - and thus you are overwhelmed and think of none - Denet's simple wisdom imparts to you, "The Enemy may have been telling the truth ... that you no longer have that ability without a hand to actually, physically touch the wall anymore. I mean, the Genesis Shadow was stuck in here. And my sense of him - since I was closer to him than yourself - tells me he was here at least a millenia."

Now, your computer brain tells you that Annie is a solid scholar and Zeke actually was the one that gave you the initial information you needed to find the Node in the first place, but they had to go to the Lost Villages and didn't have time to explore. You might wish to consume their strength for the glory of 'She', but that doesn't mean you don't respect their prowess enough that you think they won't be coming or won't be able to find this place.

But, yeah. You aren't good (at all, I mean ... not at all) at gauging strengths and weaknesses of opponents. However, you have had enough time around your Unen-darkened Brethren to realize that unless they come in with a lot of great supplies, there is no way that they can defeat you and your remaining force. The fact that the Two Enemies in the Dark trapped you in here is puzzling, for couldn't they have killed you?

Actually, the most puzzling question of them all ... how is it one of the Two Destroyers in Shadow managed to close the Node door in the first place? Denet notes that they new what to look for ... that even he has trouble seeing your blacker-on-black remnant of tattoo on your shadow form ... and he has to really peer closely at it with you not moving. He recognized it as a Watcher symbol. He seemed to have a keen understanding - or at leats theory - on your end fate. And no magics are known (to Denet) that will restore life to the fallen. Until you started jabbering about it, even Denet tought it was ludicrous.

Most jarring of all ... he called you 'Traitorous Brother.' :confused:

Denet might not be the brightest bulb, but he definitely complements your amazing lack of observation.

2011-01-11, 09:28 PM
Um, I was under the impression that Kasimir had previously opened and closed the Node door while a shadow.
Besides, I'd already thought that about the newcomers... but why would Kasimir be talking about that?

2011-01-11, 09:47 PM
Nope. You may have thought that ... but you never let me know it.

2011-01-11, 11:32 PM
Nope. You may have thought that ... but you never let me know it.

Well then, my mistake.
There's a lot of stuff I thought I wrote that I apparently never did.:smallsigh:
Anyways. What now? Wait until the Starborn make their triumphal entry? I did look at the actual thread a while back, and I saw something about shadows and the node, but I stopped reading at that point. They will be coming down soon, yes?

2011-01-11, 11:46 PM
The strike team is arming up with loaned magical items, and choosing spells even as you think about your predicament.

Of course, there will be 'just enough' shadows (with you) to make it a considerably difficult encounter.

2011-01-11, 11:53 PM
The strike team is arming up with loaned magical items, and choosing spells even as you think about your predicament.

Of course, there will be 'just enough' shadows (with you) to make it a considerably difficult encounter.

Cool beans.
How many shadows do I have? Whatever the case, Kasimir will order the shadows to wait in the walls. Then, while they're waiting in the walls, he discusses with Denet battle strategies. First of all, he asks him what reasonable spells he has available to memorize, as Kasimir knows nothing of all this pray-y chant-y stuff.

2011-01-12, 12:27 AM
[I'll leave the number of shadows unspecified right now, but probably no more than 4 or so at most. I still want to do some math. I might even knock that down to 3 .... otherwise it is nothing more than a massacre of the PCs rather than a solid fight. Again, will calculate ...]

Denet lets you know that his benefits are thus ...

He can channel raw negative energy about 8 times a day or so. This is pure necromantic power that can heal your side while harming the living.
An orison to make a stabilized person bleed. Since he expects that some might be laid low by his necromantic energy, someone will save that person. This counters that, and can be done at range.
He can generate 4 gallons of water every several seconds. This means that he might be able to create slippery terrain for the enemy - which has no effect on the shadows.
Detect magic, in case he needs a better view of things.
An orison that places a one-shot-then-discharged ability for the recipient to throw off attacks other than raw weapons and such. Lasts only a minute or until discharge.
A spell that will bolster the ranks and allow them to fight with greater ferocity ... but they must specifically accept this spell, otherwise the standard shadow immunities will automatically circumvent the spell.
A spell that calls upon 'She's nature of strength and wisdom to allow Denet to alter fortune in his favor in physical battle ... but only works for him.
A war spell designed to allow him to be relatively unnoticed or unharmed, except by the strong of mind, while he casts non-offensive spells. This is a great way for him to open up to buff as much as he can.
A spell that will overpower weak minds, causing them to realize their fears and run in panic.
A spell that will help protect the recipient from the misguided attacks of the supposedly virtuous. A shadow's natural strength of will helps protect naturally, but this would be more useful against spells cast by 'noble' warriors.
Some of these more powerful spells can instead be turned into a more focused, deadly necromantic touch ... except the one he uses to protect himself at the outset of battle.
Speaking of which, Denet prides himself on having become quite good at combat in his form .... something of a 'shadow-boxer.'
Nonetheless, he is also good at defensive maneuvers against an opponent as well.
He can focus his shadow touch so that instead of sapping strength, he sickens them. This drains some unknown essence within him, so it is limited.
Also, he can touch an ally and put a very low-end form of 'battle-rage' on that ally. Blessed be 'She' and her power to overcome the infidels!!

2011-01-12, 01:11 AM
First things first: while we're waiting, flood the joint. Kasimir wants him to start making as much water as possible. If it's totally filled by the time they get here, all the better.
He'll allow him breaks, though, if he so chooses.
He tells him to focus on bolstering the ranks and the fear spell- at least one of the one that bolsters all the ranks, and at least 2 of the latter. All other spells should be spent on protecting others.

For the nonce, though: what can affect a shadow while it's in a wall?

2011-01-12, 02:01 AM
Outstanding tactic - to flood the Node! :redcloak:

He gives a shadowy smirk, as if to say, "I don't need breaks."

You are sure there are spells that can affect shadows in a wall, but you are not sure what they are. You really aren't knowledgeable in fighting your own kind.

Denet won't cast any spells until he knows combat is imminent, even joined. Otherwise, he might waste divine power.

To clarify something, specifically concerning being able to detect things that pass by a wall .... to detect that thing, you must be able to detect it normally. This isn't some form of blindsense or tremorsense. If it is something you can't see or hear ... you can't detect it.

2011-01-12, 02:37 AM
Oh, I'm sure a hide from undead spell or the like will do the trick. And doubtless they'll be using just that. But I'm going to put my faith in Kas' incredibly high will save.
Also: I can communicate with the other shadows in a method indiscernible by humans, right?

2011-01-12, 02:59 AM
Again, base commands and such, not really complex, and does include physical gestures that might be understood by an observer ... however, use of your outstanding tactic of using ghost sound, while easily heard, offers you unprecedented coordination of your forces - and it has no limit.

2011-01-12, 03:01 AM
Ahhh. I was under the impression that it was, while not exactly telepathy, more of an "empathy" thing. Pity.
Anyways... I'll coordinate a battle plan. Tomorrow. For now, sleep.

2011-01-12, 03:06 AM
One final note ... Denet starts to try to flood the Node. He gets a slick layer on the floor, but there are tiny cracks and floors in the ancient stone block floor that drain the water out. While a large volume of water could feasibly lock this place in water (a decanter of endless water, for example), he just can't do enough fast enough. :smallsigh:

Note concerning incorporeality ... you cannot pass through 'cracks,' 'keyholes,' or the like, unless you could otherwise pass through the barrier ... so the stone floor is too thick for you to go through, thus you can't push through. Besides, you are not wraith-like, you actually maintain relatively same dimensions in your shadow existence.

2011-01-12, 03:16 PM
Okay. Well then can he just wet it periodically to keep it slippery terrain?
And yes, I figured that. Otherwise I could just pass through the massive amount of space between molecules. But we can still just go 5 feet into the walls/floor/ceiling, yes?

2011-01-12, 03:48 PM
Normally, yes, though in the case of the Node walls and floor, that only seems to be 3-4 feet ... probably some 'outer boundary' magic, a weaker form of what makes the Node door absolutely impenetrable.

2011-01-12, 03:54 PM
Normally, yes, though in the case of the Node walls and floor, that only seems to be 3-4 feet ... probably some 'outer boundary' magic, a weaker form of what makes the Node door absolutely impenetrable.

Nevertheless, it's enough to hide my whole body, yes?

2011-01-12, 04:01 PM

2011-01-13, 04:40 AM
Soooo, how we doin' on that new character?

2011-01-13, 04:39 PM
What do you mean? He's all cleaned up mechanically, all that's needed is a description... and I suppose I could whip that up really quick.

2011-01-13, 04:48 PM
Oh, I'm sorry ... I opened up the page and saw the word "Dreamspeaker" staring at me, so I closed the page, figuring that you just weren't done. :smallconfused:

2011-01-13, 04:54 PM
Oh, I'm sorry ... I opened up the page and saw the word "Dreamspeaker" staring at me, so I closed the page, figuring that you just weren't done. :smallconfused:

Bluh. I changed that, then forgot to save. Sorry.:smallsigh:
Anyways, I typed in a little appearance/personality blurb. See what you think. I think he'll be a fun contrast to Kasimir.:smallbiggrin:

2011-01-13, 07:15 PM
I think he'll be a fun contrast to Kasimir.:smallbiggrin:Why? Do you think the two will be standing side-by-side, drinking lime rickies, so that people can contrast them?


2011-01-13, 07:24 PM
Why? Do you think the two will be standing side-by-side, drinking lime rickies, so that people can contrast them?


Well, while that would be certainly fun, sadly they're kindof like humans and dinosaurs. No overlap, no matter how much we may portray it.:smallwink:

2011-01-13, 07:53 PM
"Welcome to Sorcer-assic Park! Now, out the viewing windows, you might see some of these once-mighty critters roaming around. Don' worry, those are antimagic shields to keep those critters in!

"Now you may ask us, 'How'd ya' do it?' Simple, we visited old crypts where these guys liked to rob and steal ancient treasures and knowledge. We look for the first corpse we find ... cause the corpses that appear later were tougher and less likely to die so easily. If it wasn't covered in armor? Whoo-eee! We found ourselves a sor-cer-er! We just take some clippings of hair or a piece of bone.

"Using the finest in advanced wizardry arts ... the more civilized descendant of these otherwise 'mad mages', often infected with all sorts of blood from unspeakable creatures ... the very brightest minds get together to cast a special spell (clone), using that secret ingredient - SORCE-O DNA! ....

"And presto! You got yerself a sorcerer! Now, as you step out of the Tenser's floating seats, please take a look at our gift shop on the right. There we have a great selection of ...."

2011-01-13, 08:00 PM
Hey, what if, somehow, I managed to get my hands on a scroll of True Resurrection? Then we could have humans living with dinosaurs! I mean... ummm...

Also: is it a bad thing that I've never seen that movie.

2011-01-13, 08:07 PM
Yes, yes it is a bad thing.

I remember walking out of the theatre for the first JURASSIC PARK and going, "WOW! That was awesome!"

What rained on my parade is that everyone else coming out of the theater kept complaining about the book-vs-movie .... and I have been a crusader for the license of movies as a separate, and therefore mutable, art form that can - and by its limitations and benefits, has to - be judged on its own merits, and not by the preconceptions of those having touched on an entirely separate medium dealing with the same subject.

That, for me, was the movie that started all that.

Great series of movies. Sure, hokey in some places (we coulda' done without the second one), but great movies, nonetheless.

2011-01-13, 09:07 PM
Okay, so strategy that Kasimir will go over with the shadows:
We wait inside the walls. Wait for Kasimir's go-to to attack. First, though, Denet will buff everyone as we described. Kasimir will distract them while he does so.
When Kasimir gives the go-to, everyone come out and attack the person he directs. If you'll not allow good free action combat commands, priority will be the cleric, second any other spellcaster. Everyone attack the same person at once to get 'em down quick.
Once any shadow has been reduced below 50% stamina, they'll retreat to the wall (withdraw), where Denet will be waiting and ready to heal them. Once Denet is out of healing, he'll join the fray. I know Denet is more of a combatant than a healer, but we need to make use of as much of his resources as possible.
That should be good.

2011-01-13, 09:29 PM

Oh, by the way, newbie's starsign is that of The Delver.

"Month 3: The earth has now softened after the winter frosts. The symbol of a man (or, as some say, a dwarf) digging the ground represents the sowing time, when the farmers plant seeds in the soil. A star gleams at the tip of his shovel.

Those born under this sign are often curious, inquisitive people, with a desire to look below the surface and find out the secrets of others.

Benefit: +2 luck bonus to a single Fort save or automatic success on a single Strength-based skill check (not to exceed a DC of 20)."

So, where is that birthmark going to be? .... Update your description, please.

2011-01-13, 09:34 PM

Oh, by the way, newbie's starsign is that of The Delver.

"Month 3: The earth has now softened after the winter frosts. The symbol of a man (or, as some say, a dwarf) digging the ground represents the sowing time, when the farmers plant seeds in the soil. A star gleams at the tip of his shovel.

Those born under this sign are often curious, inquisitive people, with a desire to look below the surface and find out the secrets of others.

Benefit: +2 luck bonus to a single Fort save or automatic success on a single Strength-based skill check (not to exceed a DC of 20)."

So, where is that birthmark going to be? .... Update your description, please.

...Huh. Well, while he is a rather earthy guy:smallwink:, I don't see how that fits his personality or his stats. I'm not complaining, I know you won't change it, I'm just wondering why you used that, if you would be so kind. I'll put it on the sheet, anyways.

2011-01-13, 10:29 PM
Let me ask you this ... how are your Fort saves? Str checks?

Yeah, so, what was your question ... ? :smallamused:

2011-01-13, 11:01 PM
Let me ask you this ... how are your Fort saves? Str checks?

Yeah, so, what was your question ... ? :smallamused:

My fort saves are pretty decent- 16 con is nothing to sneeze at- but it's going be kindof odd seeing the toneless, tubby little elf do something your average orc warrior might have some trouble doing. Just sayin'. I'd rather have something thematic than something that makes sense from a min-max point of view.
But if you were doing that to be nice and help me out (maybe so this character would last longer than the others- though I think the main contributing factor to that would be his "go with the flow" attitude, i.e., stick with the party), then I thank you.:smallbiggrin:

2011-01-14, 05:17 AM
No one else has the Delver. Of the remaining ones, I rolled randomly ... that simply. Delver made perfect sense when it came up ...

a) You are Starborn. So, of course you have these 'heroic' powers. Sometimes it falls in line with something you already have. At other times, these powers are obvious in that you could do something that others thought you incapable of doing.

b) It is a nice buoying of your weaker abilities.

c) I doubt that a beguiler-focused transmuter, with all of the studying that would normally entail (and thus is instilled in your recently 'hatched' avatar), fits right in line with the general roleplaying aspect of the character. No, not shackled to it ... you're not a diviner for goodness' sake ... but pretty good ne'ertheless.

2011-01-14, 01:23 PM
c) I doubt that a beguiler-focused transmuter, with all of the studying that would normally entail (and thus is instilled in your recently 'hatched' avatar), fits right in line with the general roleplaying aspect of the character. No, not shackled to it ... you're not a diviner for goodness' sake ... but pretty good ne'ertheless.
Ahhh, but he's not a beguiler/focused transmuter. He's a lazy self-taught wizard with a very peculiar way of going about things who pads his lack of magical expertise with some natural magical ability. It's all very well thought out. See, being smarter than most mortal men, learning magic came naturally to him, even pursuing it at a lackadaisical pace. Kindof like Good Will Hunting, who knew Vector Calculus because it's fun to read. He didn't even try! If he tried, he'd be a 3rd level wizard. But he's not. Get what I'm saying?
Or that's how I'd explain it if this was a regular PbP game. He didn't have to study at all to become a wizard, y'know.:smalltongue:

Class=/=career. However, in the case of the starsign, it does equal career. Or... mechanics determine the fluff, I mean. And vice versa.

2011-01-17, 09:08 PM

Kasimir, though stone door to the Node is heard opening ....

2011-01-17, 09:30 PM
Kasimir casts a ghost sound. It was time.
Throughout the whole chamber of the node, a sigh resounds. Not a pleasurable sigh- not at all. More of an exasperated sigh, one that would evoke the rolling of one's eyes.
His voice comes from everywhere and nowhere within the chamber, and despite a certain ethereal quality to it, it is nevertheless undeniably the voice of Kasimir. Sounding rather defeated, really.
"Well then, I suppose you're here to kill me now... or destroy me, as I suppose I'm sortof already dead. Whatever. Oh, no, I've no doubt you, as the chosen heroes, will achieve a resounding victory..."
This last part genuinely without the least hint of irony.
"But, for old time's sake, before you kill me and my comrades- who, though depraved and evil undead beings, and certainly idiotic in their discourses, have served me well and willingly and with no doubt would and will go to their destruction at your hands...
Before you destroy us all, I would ask of you one last boon. I understand the fighting is certainly inevitable... but first, perhaps a parley? A trade of information before we do our hopefully genteel-like fete, I suppose? My weary soul will rest easier within oblivion knowing a few simple facts, and you can only gain from an exchange of knowledge. What say you?"

2011-01-18, 12:04 PM
Should I just join the IC thread?

2011-01-18, 02:13 PM
I was just going to post that ... yup!