View Full Version : Dark Moon Rising

Black Knight
2010-09-29, 03:35 PM
The creaky wobble of the wagon's back wheel slowed and finally came to a stop. Muted voices barely penetrated the bales of hay stacked above your hidden compartments as you and your companions waited for discovery.

The wagon shifted as the driver leaped down to walk with the city guardsman to the back of the wagon and let down the tailgate.

Each of you know that this moment was the most dangerous part of infiltrating the city of Dezridan.

The guard checked a few bales by stabbing his longsword into them. Using his weapon's hilt, he rapped on several random places on the wagon's floorbed and sidewalls. None sounded hollow.

You barely hear a muted command from the guard: "You're cleared. Go on through the gates. Linden's Stables is over on 3rd street."
Sgt. Hammer, disguised as a farmer driving the wagon said, "Thank ye, sir," as he nodded with respect and closed the tailgate.

The wagon lurched back into motion and your nervous exhalation was lost amid the boisterous noise of King's street.

Almost a half hour later, the wagon comes to a final stop within Linden's stable maintained within the city of Dezridan.
A quick 1-5-2 rap followed by, "Ok, lads, it's safe to come out." motivates you to writhe out of your hidey hole in the bottom of the wagon.

"I sold both wagons, all the hay, and all but 2 horses to Linden and I paid him to go to the market and buy fresh oats for those 2 horses. We have at most an hour. Let's be about it." A flurry of activity greated those words. Sgt. Malcolm Hammer smiled as his team went to work like professionals.

In just a few minutes, the wagon's cargo was unloaded, the armor and weapon crates that had been hidden in the undercarriage of second wagon unpacked and their contents donned, disguises touched up and rechecked, and the cargo reloaded.

Carefully, each of you make your way to the Tavern of the Black Bear - easily identified by the plaque hanging in front of a black bear drinking from a beer stein.

Sarge has made arrangements with the owner for a private back room where he can brief you on your individual assignments.

As the last of your team arrives, Malcolm flips his chair around backwards and sits down. "Alright men. Good work making it here from the stables without arousing attention. I've worked with each of you in the past, and you all know me, but it's time for you to get to know each other. Introduce yourself, give your teammates an idea of what capabilities you have, and role that you can fill on a mission. After that, I'll give you your mission assignments."

2010-10-06, 06:41 PM
A shadow begins to coalesce in one of the darker corners of the room behind Sgt. Hammer, out of which steps a rough looking sort of man. He's wearing a black cloak over a black set of simple clothes. At his side hangs a well-used rapier that has been stained black, with the pommel wrapped in black leather. He steps up to Hammer's side, nods to the Sgt, and says, "Mal." He then faces the rest of the team and starts to speak in a gravely voice.

"They call me Blackblood. I'm a scout and an urban guerilla warfare specialist with a focus on covert operations." He pulls back his hood to further reveal his leathery and pock-marked face. Along his jaw runs a scar that is difficult to see except in the right light, and one of his earlobes is missing with only the ragged leftovers of scarred flesh the only evidence that it ever existed. "I know I have a rugged good look to me, but don't try to send me out overtly unless there's no choice. I don't have the personality for it."

He steps to the side and leans back against the wall crossing his arms. Upon closer inspection in better light various pieces of equipment can be seen adorning his person. A dagger is strapped to each forearm, and an arrow quiver and a set of manacles hangs on his right hip, while a crowbar hangs from his backpack. He wears a short horseman's bow across his back alongside the backpack. "I also have a particular talent for extracting information from prisoners." He pats the crowbar and says, "Once Tabitha here starts asking questions, people find they can't resist giving her answers."

He crouches down and rubs his grizzled chin as he studies his fellow Warhawks.

2010-10-07, 12:48 PM
With a giggle a cute teenage girl musses Blackblood's hair as she walks by to better present herself. "A handsome rugged look and being first to speak not shy either" she says as she winks and heads on by. As she notices Blackblood's rather obvious scowl she say, "don't try that one at home kids. He's good at what he does but generally doesn't go for fun and games. Mores the shame I've always told him before."

Dressed in traveling closes that can only be described as plain or nondescript such as you see all along the crowded streets she moves with a lithe grace. She smiles almost sullenly with her pouty lips, her pale face framed by her black hair. Her only apparent weapon is a dagger at her side. With each step however she seems to be getting taller, broader, skin darkening, hair shortening, and facial features morphing until once again standing before you is Blackblood. Disguise check taking 10 is 23

"It is a nice enough face as are all in their own way depending on what one needs at the time," as he is speaking his voice begins turning feminine and features and size change as the young girls is standing once more before the group. "Amongst us, you may call me Cypher. I do a little of everything as fitting in is my game. In truth I preferred not not to be so upfront with you all but Malcom insisted it was best and I am trusting his judgment. Beyond my abilities to blend I am skilled in other areas of knowledge, infiltration, and people skills".

With an innocent smile, "I'm a people person", and with that she walks back over to her seat nodding in acknowledgment to Malcom and Blackblood as she goes. By the time she has taken her seat she is now a he again, with awesome hair and a stache that drives the women crazy.

2010-10-08, 05:24 PM
"Looks like we have our overt ops agent," Blackblood mutters.

Momma Bear
2010-10-15, 04:47 PM
The chair beside Cypher that most everyone thought was empty suddenly moves back as Holly stands up.
Hide check: [roll0]
""Hi everyone! My name is Holly. I'm.. well... kind of sneaky. I've got a dark past I don't like to talk about much... let's just say that Lloth and I don't get along right now. I'm pretty quick with a blade and if you need someone to watch your back, I'm your girl." She says as she lovingly pats the handle of her dagger at her hip and sits back down in her chair, confidently. She blends back into the shadows.

Hide check: [roll1]

2010-10-16, 06:06 PM
Blackblood wonders who else is about to step out of the shadows. He is noticing a theme.

2010-10-17, 02:46 AM
Spot [roll0]

"You hoomans arrre all alike. You say you 'aben' got all day to do someting. But the simple trrrut is you do. I, on te oterrr 'and, know I do 'abe all day. So when you 'abe someting tat needs to be done rrright, jusk ask me. I'll let you know whederrr i' can be done in a day or a week. But I will do i'. By te way I saw you all come in the rrroom."

You hear from apparently the wall until you see a pair of bright yellow eyes open. Then you see Ray's full self materialize from nothing. Then he disappears again just as quickly and quietly.

Hide [roll1]

2010-10-17, 09:07 AM
Chuckling, Cypher shifts slightly at the table. In a voice sounding like Bruce Campbell, "A theme indeed, several in fact. Let's see how this proceeds. In fact this show calls for some ale I believe. If you all will but pardon me for a moment I shall return with some to share, well... with those willing to come out of the shadows at any rate."

Grinning, Cypher walks out the door and calls for a tankard of ale.

OOC: If someone interrupts him on his way I will revise. If allowed to proceed. He will return in a minute with drink to share with his squad.

I have paid the 2 silver.

I'm going to give a little bit of time for others to post/interupt/etc... or if all are fine with it we can just say I got the drinks and got back with them. I await the preferences of the group.

2010-10-17, 11:39 PM
"Drinks all around then." Ray finds an aparantly unoccupied seat and joins the table. He also tosses a gold coin on the table, not wanting to be outdone.

2010-10-18, 10:34 AM
A short time later there is a rattle of ceramics at the door as Cypher returns bearing tray with the drinks. He returns to his seat next to Ray sitting the tray and noting the gold coin. "Here you go my fine feline friend" and slides a drink his way.

Glancing at the coin he asks, " and what is the purpose of the coin? Is it a contribution towards the drinks?"

2010-10-19, 03:48 PM
Blackblood takes one of the drinks, calculatingly eyeing Ray as he does so.

2010-10-19, 05:31 PM
To Cypher,"Of coarrrse it is a contrrribution." And to Blackblood, "Go ahead, I won't bite, very hard." >)

2010-10-19, 07:47 PM
Blackblood backs away, empty hands up.


2010-10-20, 08:40 AM
Glancing at Blackblood backing away Cypher takes the coin with a low fast spinning flip he then deftly slips it into his clothing. "You are most magnanimous my furry friend and your coin is much appreciated."

With that he lifts his own drink looking to the others around the room and takes a drink. "Ah, much better. Let us continue our entertainment."

2010-10-20, 01:42 PM
"Ah, go ahead Black, I only bite enemies. Sarrrg," Ray says in a low tone, "so who is our firrrst tarrrget? What? You said continue with the enterrrtainment."

2010-10-20, 02:35 PM
Well, by entertainment I meant further introductions. I am understanding from Hammer that there are a few more introductions to be made."

2010-10-20, 05:36 PM
Yes... What of our other reunited brethren in arms, then? What of the rest of our merry band?

2010-10-20, 10:03 PM
Yes, what of ourrr brotherrrs and sisterrrs in arrrms.

2010-10-21, 05:28 AM
As Blackblood asks about the rest of the merry band, A short bark of laughter escapes, from a cloaked figure in the corner who then stands, moves towards the ale tray, whilst throwing back the hood of his cloak revealing a nondescript man with an annoyed smirk.." Well, I'd be much more merry if someone had not loaded me up in a hay filled death-trap, with a bunch of slack-jawed apes who thought beans were the way to go. I swear, EVERYTIME, we hit a bump in the road it was THUMP..BRRRRT.. BY THE GODS , I have endured submersion in waterlogged ditches with day old corpses that did not reek half as bad. So with all due respect to whomever cooked the camp meal..Curse you , curse your parents..and curse your progeny unto the sixth generation.
The man takes the last few steps to the ale tray, those with sharp ears hear him mutter under his breath.."I'll be picking sodding hay out of me arse for a week.." Reaching down , he grabs an ale with a nod of thanks to Cypher takes a large pull , mutters "always the cheap stuff breathes deep and says My apologies, friends our method of infiltration has left me a bit out of sorts. For those who do not know me..I am called Pitch..yes, yes.. as in Pitch a fit, Pitch black, pitch dark etc..etc..etc I have heard them all. As are most of you I am skilled in...the stealthy commision of unsavory acts ..and perhaps more importantly...escaping from the scene of the aforementioned acts. Any way good to see some of you again and looking forward to working with the rest of ya.
" Oh and one last thing ...not to be a jerk but careless people DO NOT last long in our line of work Holly. It was very careless of you to mention HER name in the presence of that which has known Her touch.....

2010-10-21, 09:51 AM
Blackblood leans over towards Malcolm and mutters into his ear, "Spider business, Sergeant. I hate when they bring spider business into things."

Black Knight
2010-10-21, 10:16 AM
Malcolm nodded in agreement. "You're right, Blackblood. I don't much care for spiders, either. I think nothing good can come of having a Goddess' hand upon your very soul. At least we were spared sharing that fate, my friend.

Malcolm looked expectantly at the last two members of his team, awaiting their self-introductions.

2010-10-26, 10:21 AM
"Like or dislike, arachnids are excellent predators in dark corners"

A slim man with striking asian features in black and grey monk robes seems to unfold from a shadowy corner amid shadows that move disturbingly
move silently to door , [roll0] , look under jam to spot shadow, Shadow Jaunt to shadow in corner of room, Child of Shadow stance

Eyeing Ray "You cannot see what is not there, Graceful One"

He walks to the opposite wall and squats down with his back against it. "My name is Saetsu Vallger, and I look forward to working with the team again"

He nods once to Sgt Hammer and is silent.

2010-10-26, 10:36 AM
"No way my taciturn old friend. I've not seen you in over a year. You'll not get away with not having at least one drink with me." With that Cypher pours a mug and walks over offering it to Saetsu.

2010-10-26, 10:40 AM
Saetsu looks up, nods to his old friend, and reaches for the drink, gripping his offered forearm in greeting with his opposite hand.

2010-10-26, 11:31 AM
With a nod and a reserved smile finishes his greeting and returns to his seat.

2010-10-26, 11:47 AM
You are corrrrrrect, of courrrse Saetsu, most shadowy frrriend. In such cases I rrrely on my own stealth.

2010-10-26, 04:27 PM
"Hey there, Saetsu. It's been awhile." Blackblood reaches out to shake his hand.

2010-10-26, 05:14 PM
There is light rap on the door to let you know someone was coming in soon after the rap at the door the handle started to turn and Sydric walks in.

"Sorry, Hunter that I am late, you know that I like to know my exits."

When you first look at Sydric the first impression is that he is a simple fighter with that big sword on his back and those big mussles but after you look closer he as a taint of a spell caster. Sydric walked over to the chair next to Cypher and started to pull out the chair where Holly is setting and before Holly could re-act.

Spot check to see Holly. 1d20

Sydric Abrupt jaunt, teleports, to the other side of the room.

I see we have some people hiding in the meeting room. I want to let everybody know, I use my spells to control the battle field and if I do not know where you are at or the general area, you might get cought spell. If you decide not to let me know where you are at then its your fault if you get cought in one of my controlling spells, not mine. I will do my best to keep you out of my spells effects. I will put out the usual sign up, if I put out a invisable controlling spell. I assume everybody here can sign.

-- Sydric makes a "Its good to see you, How are you today" sign in warhawk sign to see if you know sign or not and watchs for the reply during the conversation. --

Its good to see that everybodys here. I hate entering towns by hay wagans but sometime its called for.

Whats next Malcom.

Sydric moves up to another empty chair and tests to see if someone is setting in it before setting down.

2010-10-26, 09:07 PM
Saetsu signs in return

Please refrain from throwing spells haphazardly into the darkness, most of us have that area covered. Hello in return, and to you as well Blackblood. It has been some time for all of us.

shakes blood's hand, smiles gravely, and sips his ale.

2010-10-27, 01:27 AM
Hey Cypherrr, are they casting spells togetherrr? Ray asks with a puzzled look.

2010-10-27, 05:40 AM
I had you going there for a minute didn't I. Ray signs.

2010-10-27, 08:46 AM
"Only a minute?", with a loud belly laugh Cypher friendlily slaps Ray Zor on the back of his shoulder. "No, Ray Zor...I doubt you'll stop as long as we are working this city. Always did hate that about you, stealing my show." Finishing his ale he pours another mug, " I'm supposed to be the plucky comic relief hehe."

Raising his mug in a toasting motion, "And Sydric, You still creep me out. If possible you may be more all business than even Blackblood there." he says with a grin.

"At any rate, that should be it right Sarge? What's the Emperor got for our plate this time?"

Black Knight
2010-10-27, 01:57 PM
Malcolm strides over to the large table in the middle of the room and sweeps the mugs to one side to make room for the large map that he then unfurls across it's scarred and pitted top. Placing a mug on each corner to hold it down, he beckons you over to look at the map (http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa476/rickrose04/Dezridan01.jpg).

"Take a look at the map of Dezridan. We're here." Malcolm stabs a point on the map (area 1). Your first assignment is here. Malcolm points at area 3.

This is House Heydan's compound within the city. Councilman Heydan is the newest - and thus least important - councilman on the King's Council. Our informant within the household has given us the guard schedule and rotation. 2 guards patrol the north side and another 2 patrol the south. Guard pairs are rotated every 2 hours.

Once you had neutralized the guards, your target within the compound is the safe inside. Our informant knows that the safe is in the Councilman's office, but doesn't know where exactly. You'll have to find it, crack it, copy the decryption code key within, and leave without getting spotted or caught.

We'll divide up into 2 teams, Alpha and Delta. Team Alpha will neutralize the guards and then impersonate them until the mission is completed or blown. Team Delta will infiltrate the manor and extract the information from the safe.

2010-10-27, 02:12 PM
"If we can do this without even letting them know there was a break in that would be better right sarge? If Delta can get in and out unnoticed all the better. Perhaps Alpha can just mark and watch the guards for signs of alarm, only taking them out if it becomes necessary?

I'd suggest small, 2-3 man Delta. Preferably with magical means to copy and repair possible seals and such.

That and if Heydan has any significant rivals perhaps we should also consider making it look like their work if it does become necessary to leave a mess. " With that Cypher stands back up from considering the map, crosses his arms, looking at his squad waiting for their own input and feedback.

2010-10-27, 04:58 PM
What do you mean about neutralize the guards? knock out or kill, which do you prefer Malcom?

Does this operation need to be tonight? I do have better spells that can help us if I have time to rest and re-memorise spells before we do the job.

I have a knock spell up if we need it.

Sydric, is looking intencely at the map calculating destances from our location and the target site.

Where is the guard barricks located at so we will know where the rotating guards will be coming from? Are they in one of the building by?

2010-10-27, 05:33 PM
Blackblood leans over the map and studies it slowly before speaking.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with leaving the guards alone on this one if possible, unless we intend to start sewing the seeds of terror now. In that case they need to be killed quickly and without seeing us, so if resurrected or some such they can give no information. If we do have to kill them, we need to mutilate them badly to add to the fear. Trophies have an added effect, especially when they appear in the in a neat pile in the middle of town square. Unfortunately for them, I do not see knocking them out as a real option. I would say this thinking also applies to everyone we find in the compound. Everyone. I'll do the unthinkable if anybody gets squeemish. Good call on the barracks, Syd. If we go in heavy and take them out, we can maybe catch some sleeping. I've found that people are easier to kill if they're asleep. If they're less than professional guards, though, they may live out in town and just show up for a shift. Regardless, I volunteer for Delta team."

He glances up at Sydric and Cypher, and says, "And Sydric is far more professional that I am. Fortunately for me I have good looks in my favor."

He isn't smiling.

2010-10-27, 10:12 PM
I believe my skills would be better used in tracking the gaurds, or silently disposing of them, whichever is needed.
What are the defenses besides guards? Walls, gates, etc?

2010-10-28, 08:42 AM
All questions mentioned arrready arrre god ones. I have only one additional, how often do they check in? I will leave the decision as to which grrroup I would best fit in to the sarrrg.

Black Knight
2010-10-28, 09:35 AM
"Every other House in the City is a rival of House Heydan. We need to find out which House is particularly troublesome for them. Cypher, you and Blackblood do some recon and find out for us. I'd suggest starting by asking somewhere besides in the Black Bear.

Sydric, I meant neutralize... which means effectively prevent the guards from sounding an alarm, impeding the mission objectives or identifying us to the authorities. Having said that... knocking them out, but aware of who attacked them is better than killing them. Or rather, aware of who they think attacked them. As soon as Cypher finds out which House we should impersonate on this mission, Holly, you and Sydric, please 'acquire' the uniforms we will need.

Our informant inside has determined that the Councilman will not be in residence tonight - hence the reduced number of guards. So, we do need to execute this mission tonight. Sorry, Sydric. No time to prep better spells.

The guards have a common room within the House near the front entrance. It's expected that most of the 'off-duty' guards will be there. There should be 4 on-duty guards and 8 off-duty guards. They check in every 15 minutes.

Saetsu and Pitch, check out the external defenses by doing a 'walk-about'. Be discrete.

Ray see if you can locate the architecture blueprints or better yet, the actual architect for the manor. There may be a secret passage way in."

2010-10-28, 11:04 AM
At Hammer's Black Bear comment Cypher rolls his eyes and smirks. He listens to the rest of the brief trying to recall what he knows of the city and Heydan particularly. Lore Check: [roll0]

"Um, boss... I think Blackblood is too pretty to work with me on this one. Perhaps Pitch should help me on this one while Blackblood and Saetsu case the estate. If Sarge doesn't object then let's get to it. We'll be back in a few hours."

(Unless someone says/does anything to stop him or change plans th4e following can be postponed in that case)
With that Cypher resumes his Margaret form and heads for the door (so as to not raise suspicion with a new face coming out). He then heads out into the city to work his magic (with Pitch's help). Out in the city he makes liberal use of his disguise abilities and social skills to work many different sorts of locals and peoples for information that will help on the job, Heydan, political landscape, players, enemies, competition, etc...

Gather Information Rolls done assuming successful Aid Other.
Gather info Times and Skill rolls, Taking 10 on 1st three attempts.
Cypher and help will spend up to 3 hours on these checks before returning. Ignore Checks that would take place after 3 hours. If all these checks are made in under three hours they return to report in at that time.

1st Check: [roll1] 30 min Skill Roll: 10+5+2(aid)+4(cunning knowledge)=21
2nd Check: [roll2] 50 min Skill Roll: Take 10 = 17
3rd Check: [roll3] 40 min Skill Roll: Take 10 = 17
4th Check: [roll4] 30 min Skill Roll: [roll5]
5th Check: [roll6] 20 min Skill Roll: [roll7]
6th Check: [roll8] 40 min Skill Roll: [roll9]

Only had time to do the 1st 5 checks it turns out.

2010-10-28, 04:50 PM
Blackblood raises an eyebrow. "Already second guessing the good Sergeant, Cypher? You usually wait until things are about to kick off before starting that."

He stands up, drains a cup, and starts towards the door. "But I do tend to agree with your assessment. Unless Sergeant Hammer has any objections, I will go recon the compound."

2010-10-28, 10:33 PM
Pitch glances quickly towards Sarge and follows Cypher out.." Well looks like it's time to meet the neighbors..Margaret"1) [roll0] 2) [roll1] 3) [roll2] 4) [roll3] 5) [roll4] theses are the aid other rolls as we gathered information

2010-10-28, 10:40 PM
"Hai. I will also begin immediately Sgt."
Saetsu heads for the door and begins to wander in the direction of the compound. He contemplates silenty as he walks on his past knowledge of the town.
Skill Check: Knowledge Local 1d20+3 He will act as any normal monk, and take occasional breaks in his wandering to sit and meditate seemingly at randon (while observing the compound and noteing defenses)

2010-10-28, 10:43 PM
knowledge local [roll0]

2010-10-29, 08:55 AM
Ok, I will firrrst trrry to disguise myself as one of you hoomans. Then I shall attempt to find the arrrchitect using my vast knowledge of the locale. I will then trrry gatherrring the needed info from otherrr sourrrces.

[roll0] for knowledge (local)
[roll1] for gather information

2010-10-29, 09:07 AM
I will first roll for the disguise.
I would also like to find information on enemies residences of House Heydan.

[roll0] for disguise
[roll1] for gather information
[roll2] for gather information
[roll3] for gather information
[roll4] for gather information

2010-10-29, 09:19 AM
This is my gather information time roll.
[roll0] 4 hours to find the architect

2010-10-29, 09:23 AM
And to find the information on the enemies residences,

[roll0]3 hours
[roll1]3 hours
[roll2]4 hours
[roll3]3 hours

Black Knight
2010-10-29, 11:12 AM
Malcolm nods in agreement. "You can switch assignments if you wish, Blackblood and Pitch. Although, I think you two could use some training in the other areas, now may not be the best time for that."

Malcolm grabs a mug of ale, leans back in his chair, sipping occasionally - watching his team depart on their fact finding walkabouts.

Cypher and Pitch

Your Lore Check reveals common DC 10 knowledge:

The Free City of Dezridan is ruled by a King and his council of 8 advisors. Situated on the Western Coast of the Prasulian continent, it is a trade and port city of some importance. The Knights of Dezridan, though small in number, are famed for their Radiant armor and fierce loyalty to the King's Justice. These Knights are considered to speak with the King's Voice - as such they can be judge, jury and executioner.

City defense is divided into three parts. The City Watch - responsible for keeping the peace within the city environs, The Towermen - a special section of the Dezridan Army responsible for manning the city defensive towers and land perimeter, and the Dezridan Navy - which includes dock security, riverwalk security and port security.

Dezridan is currently the last free human city on the continent.

DC 10 - Gather major news items
The current buzz is about the fall of the city's closest neighbor and trading partner, the City of Galzehen, at the hands of the 7th Army of the Valorian Empire.

DC 10 - General information about the Free City of Dezridan
Reveals same information as above.

DC 15 - Specific enemies to House Heydan (in no particular order)
House Rigal
House Garlor
House Nichi
House Undery
House Yathori
House Brey
House Liche


Knowledge local can give you information about: legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions and humanoids.

With just asking... what do I know? You get general information... as in what you can get with a DC 10 check. You get the same information that Cypher got, that is equal to or below your DC 14 success.

Ray Zor

It takes you 4 hours to found out who the architect was... Sarien Halfger - a female dwarven architect. One of the few demi-humans within the city.

You locate the residences of the following houses after 3 hours of searching:
House Rigal
House Garlor
House Nichi
House Undery
House Yathori
House Brey
House Liche

You are now up to 5 p.m. on actions... so you need to wait for everyone else to catch up. I'm only using your first check and ignoring the others, unless you want to keep at it past 5 p.m.

Momma Bear
2010-10-29, 12:34 PM
Holly nods in agreement about her assignment. She walks over to stand by Sydric.

It sounds like a good plan serg. As soon as Sydric and I hear which house we'll disguise ourselves as we'll aquire the uniforms for all of us.Holly says with a grin.

Holly walks with Sydric out the door with the rest of the group.

Holly talks to Sydric. Since we need the uniforms by tonight we should see who the taylor is in town who does the uniforms for the different houses. Maybe we can impersonate a member of the house who places the orders and see if we can get uniforms by tonight. If they don't have any uniforms made up we should see if we can sneak into the house and steel them. What do you think?

2010-10-29, 04:05 PM
Blackblood makes his way up the street the House is on, walking slowly past it until he is just west of it. He finds a neighboring building with both an alley and a window facing over the alley. A multiple story building is preferred. Once he has one, he goes into the alley and does his disappearing act.

Hide roll: [roll0]
Move Silent roll: [roll1]

He moves a little deeper into the alley, and scales the wall of the building closest to the House we are going to hit utilizing his Climber's Kit.

If the building is a two story building, his goal is to go in through a window (if there is one) on the top floor. First he looks and listens for anybody inside the room. If there is someone in there, he waits until they leave, or an hour, whichever comes first. If they are still there in an hour, he goes in fast and heavy (combat). He looks for traps and breaks into the window if necessary before going in.

Climb (with kit): [roll2]
Search (traps): [roll3]
Listen: [roll4]
Disable Device (with lockpicks, for traps if any detected): [roll5]
Open Lock (with lockpicks, if the window is locked): [roll6]


If the building is a single story building, he does all of the above except for the climbing part.

2010-10-30, 02:19 AM
I return from my inquiry activity and inform the group of my findings.

Was I successful in locating the presence or absence of any SP? Also, was I able the get any info on the defences at the other residences?

2010-10-30, 02:29 AM
If I need to, I use my HIPS ability.
[roll0] Hide in Plain Sight

Black Knight
2010-10-30, 09:17 AM

Having located the perfect building for your purposes, you climb the gray stone walls quickly and easily. A quick peek inside the 2nd story window reveals a room richly decorated with tapestries and silk. A large mural of the countryside fills the northern wall. The room is unoccupied.

Checking the window for trip wires, you see that it is not trapped. Gripping the window sill tightly with one hand, you deftly retrieve your thieving tools in order to pick the lock (DC 15) on the window.


Not easily detered, you wrap your fist in your cloak and smash the window as quietly as you can, flip the latch and slide the window up. Eeling your way into the room.

You pause a moment... listening intently.

DC 15 Listen check. [roll0]

Hearing no answering outcry... you consider your next move. The room has a single door on the east wall.

Ray Zor
OOC - Just determining who the architect that built the building House Heydan occupies was the first check. Actually locating the person would require a second check... and more time.

You determined the locations of the Houses... but didn't actually walk by each one.

Please clarify this question:
Was I successful in locating the presence or absence of any SP?

Also, non-IC comments please put in a spoiler block... like I've done here.

2010-10-30, 09:36 AM
SP = Secret Passage

Black Knight
2010-10-30, 05:11 PM
SP = Secret Passage

Ah. Then, no you haven't found any information about a SP. Find and ask the architect is probably your best bet.

2010-10-30, 05:50 PM
Hide check take 10+17 for 27
Spot check, sewers [roll0]
spot check, foot traffic [roll1]

Black Knight
2010-10-30, 06:52 PM
You find and locate the closest sewer entrance to House Heydan. A brief look leads you to believe that the sewers do indeed run under the compound.

There is a lot of foot traffic now.

2010-10-31, 12:20 PM
Blackblood moves across the room drawing his rapier. He readies himself at the door in the east wall, looking for any traps and devices. He tests the door afterwards to see if it is locked. If it is, he picks it. He bursts through into the next room with his rapier at the ready.

Listen: [roll0]
Search, Traps, Take 20: 29
Disable Device, Thieves Tools, Take 20: 31
Open Lock, Thieves Tools, Take 20: 33

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 02:57 PM
As you are spending 2 minutes examining the door for any traps it suddenly swings open wide after about 30 seconds into your search. 2 athletic and tall men wearing chain shirts with tabards in green trimmed in brown and wielding short swords engage you in melee combat.

Even though you didn't hear them approach, you are wary and neither side is surprised.

Initiative Rolls
Guard 1: [roll0]
Guard 2: [roll1]
Blackblood: [roll2]

The lead guard yells at you "Drop your weapon or die, thief!" as he prepares to swing his sword at you.

Behind the 2 men you can see a hallway carpeted with an expensive rug and half-pillars with marble busts of people you don't know. Directly across from this room is another door. The hallway extends out of your vision to the left and right.


As you once again walk past the House Heydan compound - making note of its defenses, you can hear faintly coming from an alleyway next to it... "Drop your weapon or die, thief!"

2010-10-31, 03:16 PM
Without hesitation, Blackblood tries to put his rapier into the guard that shouted.

Attack, Rapier: [roll0]

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 03:32 PM
Your rapier glances off the guard's armor. The guards would flank you, but they can't move past you, since you are blocking the doorway.

Guard 2 attacks: [roll0]
Guard 2 damage: [roll1]

Guard 1 attack: [roll2]
Guard 1 damage: [roll3]

OOC - If the attacks hit your AC of 17, take the damage rolled, otherwise ignore.

2010-10-31, 06:11 PM
Blackblood takes another poke at the same guard with his rapier.


Black Knight
2010-10-31, 07:49 PM
Your blade plunges into his fleshy parts.

Please roll your damage with your attack (in case you hit) to speed up play. Include sneak attack on a separate roll, for when it applies.

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 08:01 PM
Guard 2: Attacks with sword [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Assuming the guard survives your previous attack:
Guard 1: Attacks with sword [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

OOC - Just roll the damage from your earlier attack in your next post. We need to wait for Saetsu to take his action before continuing the fight.

2010-10-31, 08:10 PM
Damage: [roll0]

OOC - D'oh! I will remember that next time, too!

Blackblood feels the burning cut as the short sword filets a patch of skin from his arm. Nevertheless, he presses the attack with an icy determination in his eyes, the tip of his blade flicking and twisting through the air.

To Hit, Rapier: [roll1]
Dmg, Rapier: [roll2]

2010-10-31, 08:14 PM
Saetsu moves in the alley way where the voice came from, see's the broken glass, readies his Island of Blades stance, and climbs in up and into the window
climb check [roll0]
if he makes up the wall and into the window
init [roll1]

and prepares to fight

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 08:17 PM
As you drop silently onto the floor of the 2nd story room, you arrive just as one of the guards plunges his blade deep into Blackblood's arm, slicing off a piece of it. You realize now that Blackblood is not true to his name, as a current of deep red blood gushes from his wound.

Initiative order:

Guard 2
Guard 1

You are 20' away from the nearest guard. It is your action. What do you do?

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 08:21 PM
Your next attack was a critical threat. Roll for confirmation.

2010-10-31, 08:23 PM
Saetsu looks for the nearest shadow to him in the room, then the nearest shadow behind the guards in the hall.
He then shadow jaunts in to the hallway to flank the guards if he can.

Spot check [roll0]
then hide if he can to sneak attack
hide check [roll1]
move silently [roll2]
just getting them out of the way

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 08:29 PM
Shadows swirl around Saetsu engulfing him in inky blackness, then spins into a tiny mote. Behind the guards, possibly unknown to them, the inky blackness swirls into being and Saetsu remains after the blackness is gone.

Checks for seeing you while hiding:
Guard 1 Spot: [roll0]
Guard 2 Spot: [roll1]
Blackblood Spot: [roll2]

Guard 1 and 2 are now flanked.

2010-10-31, 08:32 PM
Rapier Critical Roll: [roll0]

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 08:35 PM
It's a critical hit. Roll damage again. And technically, Saestu Shadow Jaunted before your attack, so you get sneak damage as well, since the guard is now flanked.

2010-10-31, 08:58 PM
Sydric finishes his drink off and takes his cup with him as he heads out the door with Holly. On the way down to the common room to wait for the information, Sydric, rips his cloak just enough that it will take a small mending spell or a good tailor to fix it.

Sydric heads over to the bar keeper and asks for a refill then inquires on where a good tailor to fix this rip in his cloak.

My good bar tender where can I get a cloak sawed up? It should an easy job for someone who makes those cool uniforms that the guards all around the city wear. Do you know where the guards get those uniforms made up and repaired when they get torn? Tomorrow, I plan to get my cloak fixed when they open.


* I believe, I should get extra circumstance bounces for being creativity with ripping my cloak to get the information *

I might have to bribe with copper/ silver "grr, if I have to use silver" to get this information on where the tailor shop that makes or mends the uniforms of the guards have.

Black Knight
2010-10-31, 09:02 PM

The bartender looks up from wiping a glass with a cleaning rag. I don't know who makes the guard uniforms, but there's a good tailor over on Greensilk street. Goes by the name of Vargil. Tell 'em that Bryce sent you... you'll get a 10% discount that way.

2010-10-31, 10:34 PM
Thank you Bryce

Sydric pays for his drink then gos over to Holly and asks her to step out of the tavern.

Sydric looks around to see if anybody is around and wispers to Holly where no one can hear us.

Holly, I know where a tailer shop is lets go there and get some insignias and some house colors materials so when they get back they they can use a Disguise skill roll and make our armor look just like a house we want to pin it on then if we get seen the other house has a good chance to get blamed in addition we can drop one of the insignias off. The other ones we do not need to use we can just dump off. It should only take us maybe 2 hours two get this done. If will take them that long to find out what house they want to use. We might have the stuff we need. I have to large emty sacks we can load up. Do you want to go? This is a smach and grap task nothing more.

Holly and I will use our lock pick skill and if we get stopped by a lock we can not open then we will back off and go back for someone that has more skill in open locks or know which house we are going to pen it on. We are not going to break anything just snach and grab task.

2010-11-01, 06:03 AM
[roll]Damage, Rapier: [roll0]

2010-11-01, 12:41 PM
Having spent nearly the last 3 hours on the streets, in and out of businesses, taverns getting a feel for the pulse of the city and particularly the political pulse as it involves House Heydan Cypher feels himself somewhat frustrated at how little actionable information he had actually gathered. I hate feeling so blind but I'll take care of that in short order I guess. I wonder if Sarge is feeling the we were sent in blind too. I'll have to ask him when I get back.

News of Galzehen's fall to the 7th Army, though not unexpected, was new and must have just gotten to the city by ship that very morning.

Continuing down the street Cypher continues mulling over what he knows and has learned as he moves to where he is to rendezvous with Pitch.

Place holder for some possible future information concerns

What is the populations opinions of the Ruling Houses, King, and other Houses of interest?

What is the populations opinion of the Radiant Knights?

Are they often involved in the games of politics within the city?

Which House or Houses(ruling or lesser) would be most likely to take some form of direct action against House Heydan?

Who are the known (and if high enough roll, the unknown) Movers and Shakers of the City?

How much of an army and navy can the city field?

2010-11-01, 01:10 PM
Leaning casually against a wall, Pitch waited at the agreed upon rendevous point. Attempting to amuse himself by spotting the changeling's approach before signaled. Not that Pitch actually expected to succeed but it helped keep his mind occupied and away from nagging doubts about the mission.
spot check [roll0]
As he scans the crowd Pitch is suprised to see the changling in the distance..amd thinks to himself" Hmmm...whats got it's codpiece in a twist... should not have been that easy....
Pitch discretely signals Cypher over and waits .....

2010-11-01, 01:32 PM
Coming to the meeting area but somewhat distracted by his musings Cypher catches Pitch's signal and moves on towards his companion.

"Well met and good to see you again. Shall we go?" (and in Sign: and compare notes and report)

Various Knowledge(local) Checks
What do I know of House Heydan (Personalities, influences)? [roll0] using Knowledge Local Cunning Knowledge

What do I know of House House Rigal (Personalities, influences)?

What do I know of House Garlor (Personalities, influences)?

What do I know of House Nichi (Personalities, influences)?

What do I know of House Undery (Personalities, influences)?

What do I know of House Yathori (Personalities, influences)?

What do I know of House Breyl (Personalities, influences)?

What do I know of House Liche (Personalities, influences)?

What are the points of conflict between the houses? [roll8]

What are the methods of conflict between the houses? Fighting on the seas, assassinations, political maneuverings, etc... [roll9]

Are Assassinations a very discrete part of city politics or does it get messy occasionally? [roll10]

What is the population of the city? [roll11]

How far into the surrounding country side does it s influence extend? [roll12]

How active is the Assassins and Thieves guilds? [roll13]

2010-11-01, 02:16 PM
Pitch steps away from the wall offers his arm to Margaret/Cypher and they begin to work their way back to the Tavern of the Black Bear. As they walk the streets comparing notes Pitch's agitation begins to show.
Cypher does it strike you as odd that our informant gave us the guard rotation and our window of opportunity..but did not provide any other pertainent information.....It bothers me..now perhaps I am just an overly suspicious person of low character..but it is unusual to say the least. Add to that the fact that we have literally just arrived and have to hit this target tonight, cold..smacks of amateur hour..To be perfectly honest I have grown accustomed to solo work,as have others I am sure. Now do not get me wrong I am confident of our compatriots abilities..however our ability to work as a team..is suspect..

2010-11-01, 02:27 PM
Taking Pitch's arms so that they can walk and talk quietly without suspicion the "couple" moves along the streets.

I believe that Sarge may be largely in the dark as are we. Perhaps we shall just ask him when we report. I guess I need to remember as well that as much as I respect him he is a man of the lines and more conventional warfare, not of the shadows and intrigue as we others have become. Your concerns are reasonable but have faith, Malcolm has ever done good by us.

2010-11-01, 02:48 PM
Pitch looked to his companion and marvelled at the apparent naivete, but instead of scoffing he merely replies bitterness apparent..
Aye that he has..not a one of us that do not owe him in one way or another. I just wonder how many times and in how many ways, one is supposed to repay a debt. Bah..just getting too old and suspicious ..but I'll tell you this right now Cypher.. I am done repaying old debts." AS Pitch looks forward his features settle into a pensive scowl...

2010-11-01, 03:21 PM
Considering the implications of the conversation Cypher finds himself somewhat uncomfortable with its direction. "At any rate we have a job to do for now. What have you found out?"

With that Pitch and Cypher share what they have learned and return to the Black Bear tavern to give their report.

Just waiting on my skill check results then will move in to actually report to malcom

Black Knight
2010-11-01, 06:15 PM
Blackblood and Saetsu

Blackblood's Sneak Attack damage: [roll0]

With a perfect lunge, you pierce the guard's heart. He crumples to the ground - a dark pool of blood oozing from underneath his body.

Guard 2 swings his sword with desparate force.
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

His blade whooshes over your head as you defly duck the wild swing.

OOC - New round - It's your action Saetsu.


House Heydan:

Buzz Heydan - Patriarch of the House. 63 years old.
Tara Heydan - wife of Buzz. 61 years old.
Lyle Heydan - younger brother of Buzz 53 years old.
Nathan Heydan - oldest son of Buzz and Tara. 40 years old.
Jasper Heydan - youngest son. 23 years old.

Income sources: Primarily from the spice trade.
Council seat: Maintenance

House Rigal:

King Harkon Rigal III - King of Dezridan. 38 years old.
Queen Jasmine Rigal. 18 years old.
Kildan Rigal - Uncle to Harkon. 57 years old.
Marvo Rigal - Uncle to Harkon, and twin to Kildan. 57 years old.

Income sources: Mined precious metals and gems, levies on trade, and slip dockage fees.
Council seat: (Held by Kildan) Trade

House Garlor:

Susan Garlor - Matriarch of the House. Age 52.
Brandon - consort. Age 22.
Heidi Garlor - Heir apparent. Age 32.
Keith Garlor - brother. Age 30.

Income sources: Fishing
Council seat: Navy

House Nichi:

Vilma Nichi - Matriarch of the House. Age 72.
Thaddeous Nichi - son. Age 55.
Howard Nichi - son. Age 53.
Ronald Nichi - son. Age 50.
Williard Nichi - son. Age 44.

Income sources: Unknown.
Council seat: Justice

House Undery:

Bruce Undery - Patriarch of the House. Age 43.
Kelly Undery - wife. Age 40.
Bruce Undery II - son. Age 5.

Income sources: Taxation
Council seat: Treasury

House Yathori:

You gain no information.

House Breyl:

You gain no information.

House Liche:

Oscar Liche. Patriarch of the House. Age 88.
Ike Liche. Son. Age 68.
Helen Liche. Wife to Ike. Age 68.
Hilda Liche. Daughter to Ike and Helen. Age 42.
Gar, Sven, Roth - sons of Hilda. Age 18.

Income sources: Unknown.
Council seat: Foreign Affairs

Various questions

You don't know what are the points or methods of conflict among the Houses.
City politics gets messy occasionally.
The population of the city is about 50K.
Dezridan controls a land area of about 50 miles radius.
The Assassins and Thieves Guilds are very active.

2010-11-01, 06:25 PM
Blackblood faces the second guard and growls, "Surrender your sword or join your friend here. Your choice.

Blackblood is trying to intimidate him into surrender.
Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-11-01, 06:26 PM
Blackblood faces the second guard and growls, "Surrender your sword or join your friend here. Your choice.

Blackblood is trying to intimidate him into surrender. This time with an actual dice roll.
Intimidate: [roll0]

Black Knight
2010-11-01, 07:17 PM
Blackblood and Saetsu

The guard wavers... torn between duty and survival...
Intimidate Opposed Check: [roll0]

... and throws down his weapon. Clearly the desire to live outweighed his sense of duty.

2010-11-01, 07:29 PM
Stepping in closer and pointing the bloodied tip of the rapier at the guard's face, Blackblood says in a low voice, "Are they paying you enough to die, son? Lay your sword on the floor."

He looks behind the wavering guard and nods, saying, "Saetsu."

Black Knight
2010-11-01, 07:31 PM
Raising his hands, the guard whimpers, Please don't kill me. Take whatever you want. I never liked these people, anyway.

2010-11-01, 07:38 PM
"Good choice. Tell me, is there anybody in that room across the hall?" He nods his head towards the closed door.

Black Knight
2010-11-01, 07:49 PM
The guard glances behind him at the door. "No. There's nobody in that room."

2010-11-01, 07:57 PM
Blackblood kicks the guard's short sword behind him into the room. "Good. Grab your partner there and drag him into this room. Close the door behind you." Blackblood keeps the point of the rapier aimed in. "And if I even get a little twitchy, you're a dead man. Don't make me twitchy.

Sense Motive for signs of resistence: [roll0]

Black Knight
2010-11-01, 10:52 PM
The guard reluctantly drags his fellow guard into the room, leaving a trail of blood. He drops the body with a thud, turns and carefully closes the door while watching the deadly point of your blade the entire time.

OOC: Saetsu - you can be on either side of the door as it closes.

2010-11-01, 11:12 PM
Saetsu stands hidden guard just outside the door in the hallway while attempting to listen in on the muffled conversation in the room.

HIPS hide check Take 10+17 [27]
listen check [roll0]

2010-11-02, 06:12 AM
Blackblood turns the captured guard around and puts a set of manacles on his wrists. He tears a long strip of cloth from a curtain (or any other available fabric) and gags him with it, then pushes the man to lie face down on the floor.

I told you to surrender or die. You had a third option. You could have run. You should have run. But, in any case, here we are. Now here is what is going to happen. I am going to ask you some questions, and you are going to answer. If I think you're lying, I'll kill you. If I get the sense that you're holding back, I'll kill you. In fact, you are going to have to work very hard to stay alive.

He draws out his dagger and places it against the man's throat. One more rule. When I pull this gag out, if you yell, I not only kill you, but I do it all slow and vicious-like. If I have to kill, I prefer to leave a mutilated corpse. Usually I do that after I kill them, but on rare occasions I do it before. Now, tell me who lives in this house? How many guards are currently on shift here, and how many people are in this building. Include the servants. After that, tell me about the Heydan house. Number of guards, do they have pet wizards in their employ, and anything else you may know about their home defenses.

Intimidate: [roll0]
Sense Motive for lies: [roll1]

Momma Bear
2010-11-02, 10:58 AM
Holly motions to Sydric that they need to find a quiet place to talk so nobody can over hear them. Holly motions to Sydric to walk over to a table in a dark corner of the tavern.

Hey Sydric, lets order some drinks and watch and listen to whats going on around us. We might catch some important information for tonight. We should wait for Sypher and Pitch to get back so we'll know what house uniforms we need to steal. It will be a lot easier to steal just one group of uniforms than all of them. It will be a lot less chance of us getting caught.

Holly walks over to the bar tender and orders two tankards of ale. She walks back to Sydric with the drinks and waits with him at the table. Listening and watching what's going on around her.

Listen roll: [roll0]
Spot roll: [roll1]

2010-11-02, 11:40 AM
Around 1pm Cypher (and Pitch unless he says otherwise) come strolling into the tavern. Cypher (in Margaret form) looks up at Pitch, "Do be a darling and grab us a drink then we can retire to the back".

Noting Holly and Sidric in the corner Cypher also discreetly signals them back as figuring they too are waiting for information. (If Holly and Sidric are not there waiting then disregard the following as Cypher and Pitch would head on back to Malcom.)

2010-11-02, 04:19 PM
Blackblood slowly pulls the gag from the guard's mouth.

"Try to speak clearly, and remember if you cooperate, you will live."

2010-11-02, 11:11 PM
As Saetsu blends with the shadows by the door in the hallway, he patiently waits and watches for any signs of interlopers.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2010-11-03, 04:23 PM
Ok, Holly, lets wait for Sypher and/or Pitch.

After a while talking with Holly about none importion stuff.

I did not know the time of day last time I post. I thought it was night time when we arrived on the wagen. I was planning to break into the tailor shop because we needed to get the stuff for a same night operation.

It only 1pm so I can do a distraction with the tailor shop while Holly gets the materials we need.

Black Knight
2010-11-03, 06:52 PM

The guard cowers before you. "This is the widower Randon's House. Just me and Carl... " He nods toward the corpse, "... were on duty today. Ms. Randon is downstairs in the parlor. Asleep, I think. There's a cook in the kitchen making afternoon tea and scones. That's it. No other servants."

The guard rocks gently back and forth. "I... I... don't know anything about the House Heydan guards or wizards. M'lady did mention the other day that Heydan had bested Gemdol for that vacant council position. That's all I know. Honest."Bluff check [roll0]


You know the guard is holding something back... but are unsure as to what.

2010-11-03, 07:11 PM
Blackblood puts some pressure on the guard's throat with the dagger, leans forward and whispers into his ear, "I am giving you one more opportunity to tell me everything, or things are going to get very painful for you. I will cut your face off and sacrifice it to dark and unwholesome gods, and I'll do it while you are still alive. I am not trying to scare you anymore than you already are, but I thought you might want to be made fully aware of the situation you find yourself in. So one more time, and make sure you include everything."

Intimidate: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

Black Knight
2010-11-03, 08:07 PM

A thin bead of blood seeps around the dagger's edge. Ok.. ok... already. Ease off the blade. Our shift was already over. Hem and his brother, Ferl, will be here any minute.

2010-11-03, 08:36 PM
Blackblood shoves the gag back into the guard's mouth and slashes his throat. As the man bleeds out onto the carpet, Blackblood goes to the door and cracks it, whispering to Saetsu.

"There's an elderly woman downstairs, possibly sleeping, and a servant in the kitchen. These guys' relief is due to be here anytime; two more guards. I bet the old woman knows quite a bit about her neighbor, the Heydans, so we can interrogate her. The rest, we kill. Then we wait and watch the Heydan House from here, and go in an hour after sundown, from here if we can. We torch this place on our way out. That is my current plan. Thoughts?"

Black Knight
2010-11-03, 09:30 PM
Blackblood's coup de grace on the guard: Automatically hits and is a critical.

Damage: [roll0]
SA: [roll1]

Black Knight
2010-11-03, 09:32 PM
Guard's Fort save DC: 35

Fort save: [roll0]


The guard's violent end sprays blood all around.

2010-11-04, 12:17 AM
I do believe collateral damage is to be kept at a minimum if possible. Gaurds...

Saetsu shrugs unconcernedly

But the cook and Lady of the house are a different matter. As for torching, it would make a nice distraction, perhaps too much so? Is there an option 2 for the innocents once we get the required information?

2010-11-04, 06:28 AM
Blackblood hesitates for a moment. "Innocents..? You trying to atone for something? We all have a lot to answer for, but I'm not sure right now is the time to be worrying over it. As for torching the house, I was thinking more in terms of covering our tracks than distraction. But alright, let's play this out soft, then. We kill the guards, tie up the other two and interrogate them, wait for a little while after sundown, and go in.

With that Blackblood makes sure his face is covered and steps out into the hallway, seeking to blend into the shadows.

Hide: [roll0]

2010-11-04, 08:20 AM
Hai! If circumstances change, we will do what me must.

Move Silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]

2010-11-04, 09:11 AM
Blackblood slips back into the room to retrieve his manacles, then moves down the hallway and downstairs, listening for any sign of the inhabitants with his rapier at the ready.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Black Knight
2010-11-04, 11:24 AM
Hem: Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Ferl: Listen: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

The 2 guards, clearly brothers and wearing the same colors -chain shirts with tabards in green trimmed in brown - stand at the bottom of the stairs, longswords and shields at the ready, talking quietly to each other as they gaze up the stairs.

The larger guard whispers quietly to his companion, "Something's wrong. Carl and Jack should have been back by now. Get our client out of here." Hem turns and runs to the left, leaving Ferl staring up the stairs with a glare.

2010-11-04, 11:24 AM
Saetsu puts his monks robes in his backpack, leaving him covered head to toe in a in a form fitting black suit. He adjusts his hood to keep his eyes and ears clear, and follows Blackblood, with his spiked chain at the ready and a black mist swirling around him.

Listen [roll0]
spot [roll1]

Black Knight
2010-11-04, 11:45 AM
Initiative Rolls
Hem [roll0]
Ferl [roll1]
Saetsu [roll2]
Blackblood [roll3]
Ms. Randon [roll4]
Cook [roll5]

Initiative Order
Ms. Randon

Black Knight
2010-11-04, 11:50 AM
Hem runs to the left.

Cook and Ms. Randon have acted.

Ferl adopts a fighting stance. [Swift Action]
Spots: [roll0]

He slowly begins moving up the stairs with his sword ready to strike.

OOC - Make a Marial Lore check DC 11 to know that Ferl is in a Martial Spirit stance.

2010-11-04, 09:43 PM
Martial Lore [roll0]

Black Knight
2010-11-05, 10:27 AM

OOC - You know that you are most likely facing a Crusader. A tough warrior that will be a challenge for you and Blackblood.

You move 10' down the stairs (which takes 20' of movement) in order to gain the benefit of your Child of Shadows stance and attack Ferl, the Crusader, with your spiked chain using Clever Positioning. You are 5' away from the guard.

Clever Positioning Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
DC 15 Reflex, or be forced to switch positions


The ackward confines of the stairwell is... well... ackward. The chain gouges a runnel out of the ceiling instead of your opponent.

The guard lunges at you with focused energy. Martial Lore DC 11 checks please.

EDIT: Actually, your attack is at +1 because you are above the guard. Still a miss, though.

Black Knight
2010-11-05, 10:43 AM
Ferl attacks with readied action:

If you make your DC 11 Martial Lore check, you know that he uses the Stone Bones maneuver.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Black Knight
2010-11-05, 10:55 AM
Possible fumble.


Just a normal miss. I should have rolled the 20% miss chance with my attack roll as well. It didn't matter, this time.

Blackblood's turn.

2010-11-05, 11:37 AM
Blackblood leans in closer to Saetsu to whisper into his ear "Run" and backs down the hall to the door to the room where he left the two guard corpses, taking care to remain hidden. He readies a set of caltrops in one hand, with the rapier in the other, as he watches down the hall for Saetsu's (hopeful) retreat from just outside the doorway.

2010-11-05, 12:00 PM
HIPS: [roll0]

Black Knight
2010-11-05, 03:18 PM
Hem holds his action to act with Ms. Randon.

Ferl strikes at Saetsu.
DC 11 Marial Lore to know that he is using the Foehammer manuever.

Attack: [roll0]
Miss chance (20% or less is a miss): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Black Knight
2010-11-05, 03:26 PM
Extra damage from Foehammer: [roll0]

The guard drives his longsword into your side with his full weight behind it. You struggle through the pain as your vision narrows and your mortality weighs heavily in your thoughts.

Saetsu's turn is next.

2010-11-06, 04:48 PM
Saetsu steels himself against the sudden pain, looks for the furthest shadow away from him he can in the direction of the far room He and Blackblood just came from, and Shadow Jaunts away instantly.

Spot check [roll0]
HIPS [roll1]
Hoping to shadow jaunt into the alleyway if possible. if so, He will trigger his Ring of four winds to gain feather fall since he is on the second floor.

2010-11-07, 09:56 AM
Blackblood gors into the room where the corpses are, grabs a short sword, and decapitates both guards, stuffing their heads into his backpack. He then climbs out the window and down the wall, to make his way back to the tavern while remaining hidden.

Climb: [roll0]
HIPS: [roll1]

Black Knight
2010-11-08, 09:40 AM

You float gently down into the alleyway, using the powerful magics contained within your ring.

OOC - You move to one of the dropped short swords and pick it up. That's all you can do on this turn. You have a short sword in one hand, and a rapier in the other.

A door on the first floor slams closed, as Hem, the cook, and Ms. Randon flee the home.

Ferl cautiously clears the last stair and moves towards the rooms. His sword poised, ready to strike.

Saetsu's next action?

2010-11-08, 10:00 AM
Blackblood abandons the decapitation plan and goes out the window and back to the bar.

2010-11-08, 11:43 PM
Saetsu finds a cozy shadow to conceal himself in the alley and activates his Healing Belt while watching the window he just came out of for any signs of pursuit.

HIPS [roll0]
expend one charge on Healing Belt on self [roll1]

If the coast is clear, he will don his Monks robe and return to the Inn with the info he gained earlier on the compound

Black Knight
2010-11-09, 11:36 AM
Saetsu and Blackblood escape and return to the Tavern of the Black Bear.

An hour later, the Warhawks are re-assembled in a back room at the Black Bear. It's 1 p.m. on Day 1.

Malcolm scowls at Saetsu and Blackblood. "Didn't I tell you two to be discrete? What buzzsaw did you two run into?


The short sword that you picked up from the guard, upon closer examination, has faint runes etched along it's length. It is clear that a master weaponsmith created this weapon, as the quality of the blade is superb.

2010-11-09, 01:18 PM
Blackblood laughs derisively. "Buzzsaw? Yeah, household guards did this. I killed two of what were apparently rookies, but didn't have time to collect heads. One of the rookies got me pretty good. The other two guards were well beyond what it was worth for us to try and fight. This was in a house neighboring the Heydan house. Sorry, Mal, but I suspect that either this is a suicide mission, or someone higher up seriously miscalculated in sending us. I do not intend to go into Heydan House, though. The houses here have some very heavy frontline grunts as guards. I can see trying to go in silent, but if just one cover gets blown there'a s probability that we will be taken apart."

Blackblood takes a seat in a stool, looking at the slash in his arm. "So I reckon you probably have more to tell us than we've been told so far. That, or you're being kept in the dark, too. Either way, I can't shake the feeling that there is a lot more going on than we've been led to believe. That's fine for shock troops and the like, but we're guerilla fighters. Information is our lifeblood."

2010-11-09, 02:37 PM
Mal, While we waiting on guys to get back with the information that we need to go get the uniforms. I found out that there is a tailor good over on Green silk street. I can go in and scout it out then see if they have material like the guards use. If I find some I will signal to someone out side to come in and grab the materials while I destract the tailors.

OOC: Black Knight, thanks for updating us on what time and day it is. Some of my earlier post was thinking it was night time. I thought we came in just before night in the wagons then when it was night we make our way to the inn.

2010-11-09, 04:28 PM
(Assuming we are all once again gathered)

Cypher, somewhat surprised at Blackblood's mission assessment and concerns tries to hide his own concern as he recalls his conversation with Pitch just minutes before. Thinking to himself, Is the whole team this paranoid? Perhaps best to get this out in the open and dealt with. Otherwise we are done for.

Looking from Saetsu to Blackblood, "and here I thought I had an interesting morning. I've confirmed a good deal of information and learned more though I have some leads pending related to the best houses to possibly use as patsies."

"If such a minor house had such guards then information is indeed that much more important. It certainly does raise serious concerns about Heydan and the defenses they are likely to have in place."

Without missing a beat Cypher switches verbal direction and looks at Malcom, "Is there Sgt. Hammer? Are you in the dark? Is there more going on?", he says with a subtle hopeful pleading to his face and voice looking at the man he has come to respect over the years. A man that has been somewhat of a second father to him.

2010-11-09, 05:28 PM
Laughing harshly again, Blackblood airs another pet theory he is developing concerning the mission. "Since we are being all open about things, I have considered a third notion. It is certainly possible that this is indeed a suicide mission. I know in many of my previous activities there is a probability that I have upset more than one lord. I think all of us have such blots on our reputations, considering our... darkness. This may be a convenient way to get rid of a particular stain on the Empire's soul."

He ponders his own words for a moment and says, "Some of the things I've done in the name of the Empire, I might even be inclined to agree with such an assessment."

He pretends to study the captured short sword more closely as he considers past conspiracies and murder.

2010-11-09, 11:37 PM
Saetsu regards the slash in his body suit under his robes and looks up at the group
I am inclined to agree with the assesment so far Sgt. This will be no simple in-and-out operation. The guard that struck at me is a student of the Devoted Spirit, and not an inexperienced one at that. I did happen to find some sewers that run under house Heyden that may help our mission, but I do not know where they come out at. It troubles me that guards for a more minor house are as skilled as they are.

2010-11-10, 09:11 AM
Cypher holds up a finger to Saetsu signaling a desire to pause on mission discussion as he turns to Blackblood once again. "I think we must deal with these concerns or just pack up now".

"What? You think someone is trying to finish a job they started at New Haven? I know things have not been well answered about that day but if that is what you are hinting it is ridiculous." For those skilled at reading people Cypher seems almost too adamant like he trying to stomp on those concerns within himself.

"Come on Sarge, set em straight."

2010-11-10, 09:42 AM
Stabbing the short sword into the table-top, Blackblood stands and starts pacing. This is usually a sign that he is devoting serious thought to the subject at hand.

"New Haven? No, actually, I do not think that is a direct connection, although the events that happened there may have led us to this. I would say almost definitely led us to this! No, but I would say that my actions after New Haven have been less than savory. I served with the Strawdogs unit. As some of you may know, the Strawdogs' miission was to seek out and eliminate any signs of rebellion, utterly and ruthlessly. We were never popular at court, and were the Emperor's unwanted, and often embarressing, secret."

He pauses for a moment as he reflects on past actions, shuddering at the memories. "I have assisted in the executions of entire communities in the service of the Emperor, and I am not sure he has ever been made aware of these activities. He would certainly deny knowing, at any rate. Outside of mass executions, I have engaged in terror missions. Lots of them. I know I have personally upset more than one lord by eliminating some, or even all, of his peasents. Quelling potential rebelllions is often hard on the economy."

He stops pacing, leans across the table with his palms planted firmly on the wood, and asks,"So what have you been up to since New Haven, Cypher? Who have you angered?"

2010-11-10, 12:26 PM
(Posted at behest of Yleewon)

Pitch, amused by Blackblood's paranoia stands up and walks across the room.

"Come on Blackblood, you're going to upset it", as he indicates Cypher with a head motion.

Looking at the short sword sunk into the table he takes a moment to consider and then says, "huh... this thing just might be bearing some enchantments".

2010-11-10, 02:51 PM
Blackblood smiles grimly at the reference to the Changeling as "it." In a strange way he always sort of thought of the shape-shiftr as a sort of mascot. A particularly vicious and cold-blooded mascot, but a mascot nonetheless. Blackblood glances at the rune inscribed blade. "It may be enchanted, but it sure felt the same going into my arm as any other blade. Speaking of which, I don't suppose any of you little death worshippers have anything for healing deep gashes. I seem to have picked one up."

Black Knight
2010-11-10, 11:35 PM
Malcolm shrugs at his men. "You know how it is... we never get enough intel. And most of what we get, is just plain bad. Do the best you can with the resources we have. It's been clear to me, after what we went through in Galzehen, that attritition is the Empire's plan for us. They are going to chew us up, until there's nothing left of the Warhawks."

Malcolm looks directly at Blackblood. "This may well be a suicide mission they've planned for us. It's our job to figure out how to not make it so, and to still meet our objectives. Any other team would fail... but we are Warhawks! We do the difficult every day... and the impossible takes an extra day or two."

Cypher and Pitch
Putting various facts together from your gather information mission around the city, you've determined that House Randon is the house that Heyden beat out for the recently filled council position. Their livery is green tabards, trimmed in brown.

Sydric and Holly

OOC - Assuming Cypher shares his intel... the following occurs when you are ready to leave the Black Bear and check out the tailor.

As you are walking down Greensilk street, you easily find Vargil the Tailor's shop. It seems to be a fairly busy place. He currently has 3 customers within the shop, and 2 passerbys are browsing through market-sidewalk wares. 2 lazy strong-men, clearly shop security, are lounging against the wall, near the entrance. Both men are eyeing the passerbys with disinterest, with large cudgels propped up beside them.

Black Knight
2010-11-10, 11:43 PM

Malcolm let's Blackblood use a charge off of his Belt of Healing.

2010-11-11, 01:05 AM
Saetsu shares a thought with the rest of the team after the discussion turns back to the mission.

We may be able to turn our encounter at House Rendon to our advantage. Make any further action look like a more minor house is taking steps of thier own against both houses during this period of strife after one beat out the other for a council spot? Surely House Randon is in a state after what happened there today. When our target is hit tonight, both houses will be in dissaray as to what is going on. We can possibly leave a false hint for them. Shed light down one path while we hide down the other.

2010-11-11, 02:28 AM
Pitch laughs derisvely at Malcom's statements..Oh and let me guess..The weapons of our enemies shall smite the empty air as we strike with the strength of ten because our hearts are pure and our cause just , etc..etc.. etc... Pitch retrieves his spell book from his pack and marches towards Malcolm chanting "This is my spellbook! This is my wand..This is for killing! This is for fun Stopping before Malcolm Pitch crisply salutes..Magus of the 4th circle Pitch reporting for suicide mission SIR..I shall now recite for you the creed SIR....This is my spell book. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My spell book is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life..Pitch continues to the end So be it until victory is the Empire's and there is no enemy ,but peace! Pitch turns sharply on his heel begins to walk across the room resuming his normal posture along the way and laughing says.. Ahhh brings back memories .. Imperial press gangs forcing one into military service...torching the village behind them as they left..good times..good times...

2010-11-11, 07:07 AM
Blackblood raises his eyebrows at Pitch's outburst in amused surprise. He leans over and nudges Malcolm in the ribs, saying in a low voice, "And here you thought you only had me to worry about!"

Then, in a louder voice, he says, "Very well, then, but I still do not intend to go into the Heydan House, or any other that sports such tight security, and especially on such short notice. I will do external monitoring, and maybe cause some distractions in the process."

2010-11-11, 11:44 AM
Cypher is somewhat taken aback at having such concerns so bluntly confirmed.

Bluff Check to Hide his distress. [roll0]

What the hell Mal!!? Well, this certainly has an affect on the landscape don't you think? Who is behind this and why the hell are we cooperating in getting ourselves killed?

I don't mind the risk of dying on a mission Mal but to be used in a way that intended to get me killed? I can't help but take exception to that.

There's got to be more going on here as I can't believe you have been cooperating with our own demise.

With that Cypher waits expectantly watching Malcom and the rest of his teammates expressions and reactions.

Black Knight
2010-11-11, 02:10 PM
Malcolm takes a deep breath before launching into an explanation.

"Who does the Empress send on the most dangerous of missions? The Warhawks, of course. And have you noticed that we've had no new enlistments in many months? The losses the Warhawks took in Galzehen aren't going to be replaced. We lost almost a full platoon of warhawks in Galzehen and another in Stormhaven. We're down to just barely over 3 platoons left - which includes this one.

I've just drawn the obvious conclusion... the Empress means to whittle down the ranks of the Warhawks until we are forced to disband and be absorbed back into the regular army. Why, you ask? She hates us because of me, I'm afraid. I know too many of her secrets, but she can't afford to silence me herself."

Malcolm shrugs again. "I'd just strike out on my own, if I could and spare us all the pain to come, but that's not an option. For me, or for you. Each of us swore an oath to protect, defend and serve the Valorian Empire as part of our parole. And damn those blasted Cadre Mages that weaved their magics to enforce those oaths." Malcolm shudders a bit, as he remembers the spells biting into his flesh - his very soul bound by the oath he gave.

2010-11-11, 06:31 PM
Reminded of the curse, Blackblood decides to prepare for the mission tonight. He goes into the bar and asks for a bottle of liquor.

2010-11-12, 08:51 AM
The previous tempest of emotions having run their course Cypher finds himself more than a little irritated and a bit angry at the situation that has unfolded.

"This can not stand Malcom by our own interests and those of the damnable Oaths. Since I have worked with you I have time and again done great works for the Empire as I know have many of the others here and the Warhawks not present.

And now you tell me that we are being softly targeted for elimination due to fears and secrets of the Empress. Such action may be in HER interests but it sounds very unlikely that it is in the interest of the Empire to which we are Oathbound.

Hell, you continuing the missions knowing what was going on show you are not traitor to the Empire despite what and apparently who you face.

What are these secrets that have death seeking you and those about you? Seems to me they are dangerous to the Empress and the Empress is endangering us for personal gain and not the good of the Empire.

If such is the case then are we are bound by Oath to defend, protect, and serve the Empire. What is it we face Malcom so that we may better follow our Oaths and serve?

Don't dodge this Malcom. I am pissed that you have allowed us into this kind of danger ignorant of what we faced through you. If you have ever valued my friendship and our loyalty you will give us truth. It seems many of our brothers in arms have payed the blood price for your secrets.

It is time to share with us so that at least we can be more prepared and perhaps... just perhaps find and answer to this quandary and save your hide along with our own."

Black Knight
2010-11-12, 10:05 AM
Malcolm looks at Cypher with a mixture of pride and remorse.

"Nay, good Cypher. I'll not endanger you further. These secrets are a burden that is mine alone to carry. The Empress won't act directly againt me... for reasons that I cannot share with you, for that is but one of the secrets I hold over her. If any of you learn her secrets she wishes hidden, she would have no hinderance in acting directly against you. Your chance of survival would drop to almost nothing, then. At least this way, you have a chance."

Malcolm looks at each one of you, pinning you with a gaze of determination and defiance. "We can poke a stick in that cold-hearted bitch's eye by succeeding where she is sure we are to fail."

2010-11-12, 10:32 AM
Blackblood returns with a bottle of whatever the bartender gives him (assuming the bartender hands him anything for 4 gold) and sits it down in front of Malcom.

"Maybe this will lubricate your tongue, Sergeant. The time for full disclosure has arrived, as trust flows in both directions. If we cannot trust you, then what hope have you of trusting us, and right now I see trust slipping away like water through fingers. I certainly fail to see how accomplishing the bitch's goals for her as sticking anything in her eye by our mere survival. She'd just send us on yet another suicide mission, until we're all dead. This mission, raiding Heydan House on such a short schedule rather than dealing with the larger issues that plague us, is absurd on the face of it. You will need to convince me on this one."

Black Knight
2010-11-12, 04:20 PM
Malcolm takes a long drink straight from the bottle and then slams it down on the table. "I've tried to protect you. It's better if you don't know. If you continue to press me, I will tell you... and then you'll have to deal with the consequences. And without the protections that I have." Malcolm glares at each of you. "I don't recommend it."

2010-11-12, 05:21 PM
Grabbing a stool, Blackblood takes a seat at the table, takes a pull from the bottle, and says, "I'll risk it."

Black Knight
2010-11-12, 09:48 PM
Malcolm glares at Blackblood, then swiftly glances around the room. "Anyone else not as foolish as Blackblood here, clear out... now!"

OOC - Post whether you stay and hear what Malcolm has to say, or leave the room.

There will be severe consequences for learning this information at this stage.

Each player that does decide to stay will recieve a PM which contains the revealed information. Do not reveal this information to other players who have chosen not to stay.

2010-11-12, 10:18 PM
As Malcom's glare crosses the room Pitch glares back then suddenly winks, purses his lips twice in a kissing motion and in a joking tone says.."Mal, it really is too bad your not a wench ..I think your turning me on with that smoldering amber-eyed glare.... Pitch smiles , walks over to the table takes a drink ,eyes widening in suprise at the quality of the liquorWell..at least someone knows not to buy the cheap swill..Take notes Cypher , BlackBlood has a thing or two to teach ya about drinking... Pitch takes a chair at the table looks around the room and quietly says Our necks are already on the block ,Mal... You can either help us to see why...or watch silently, as we are sacrified on an altar of secrets....

2010-11-12, 10:32 PM
"Well, Pitch, I figure if I'm about to die, I'd like to do it with the good stuff in my belly."

2010-11-13, 12:22 AM
None of us are strangers to secrets being held from us Sgt. But, in this case I am with my brothers and sisters in arms. At least we can prepare for the worst.

Momma Bear
2010-11-13, 01:14 AM
Holly pauses and thinks about what has been said. She finally makes her decision:

Sarg, you have always had my back in the past. I'll not fail you now. You have your reasons to keep the Empress' secrets. I'll respect that and trust in your judgement. Holly says with a wink.

I'll wait for you in the tavern. If anyone else trusts in the sarg's judgement I'll buy you a drink. I'll be waiting. Holly gives a little wave as she heads out the door into the tavern area. She heads for the bartender and buys a bottle of ale for 4 gold. She finds a nice quiet table that overlooks the door to the room and the bar and waits to see who will join her.

2010-11-13, 12:46 PM
Cypher pours himself a drink of the 'good stuff', "Indeed, much better" he says as he takes a drink.

"Mal, I don't see room for you to have righteous anger at us. I'm sure you think you are trying to protect us and perhaps largely you have in many instances. But by your own word we are being whittled by attrition. DELIBERATELY.

Blackblood is right, succeeding and furthering the Emrpess' goals by completing tasks and dying is not much of a stick in her eye.

I too will wait and at least learn why I am to die. At this time I fail to see how blind ignorance can serve to protect us."

2010-11-13, 03:34 PM
Sydric walks over to Blackblood and motions is friend to pour some of the good stuff into his cup.

Thanks Blackblood, you always buys the good stuff. Malcolm, I've been with you from for a long time and I know there are secrets,"* remembering some of the experances he had with the Drow" that one should not tap to deep into the darkness or your pull back a stub. You've never lead me astray before, "as he looks Malcolm straight into eyes for a glent of dought", I trust you, Malcom. You've pulled me though many tough situations.

Sydric follows Holly down stairs to get some of her good wine she is about ready to buy. :)

** Sydric normaly has to spend most of his money on spell componts thats why he does not usually buy the expence wine and that kind of wine is rare the most Sydric will pay is a silver and he will grumble at that.

Black Knight
2010-11-13, 03:40 PM
Malcolm gazes at each one of you (except for Holly and Sydric) for a moment - as if to lock in his memories of how innocent you were before this moment. He leans forward and begins to speak in a low whisper as he reveals the Empress' secrets.

A few minutes later, Malcolm leans back in his chair and takes in the shaken, pale faces surrounding him. "I tried to warn you. Now you've stuck your foot in the bear trap. The Heydan mission is cancelled - for now. We'll have a planning session first thing in the morning... " with those who are still alive... left unspoken as Malcolm pushes back from the table and wearily retires to his room upstairs.

2010-11-13, 06:38 PM
Saetsu lingers in the room for a while, pondering all he has heard. He silently leaves for his own room for the night to prepare for sleep and the next day.

2010-11-13, 08:39 PM
Blackblood grimly takes another drink, stand up, and heads to a room to sleep.

"Well, let's see what happens, then."

2010-11-13, 10:21 PM
Pitch looks out the window.. then looks at his companions who seem to be heading off to sleep quite possibly the sleep of the dead...Woah woah.now hold up there gentlemen..It is only mid-afternoon and your headed off to sleep?.. No no..no....let's not waste this fine day/evening..There are wenches who need bedding, ale that needs drinking, and marks that need fleecing. What say you? Do you let Mal's gloom and doom send you scurrying off to bed like chastised children..or do we spit in the eye of Fate...?
Party if anyone comes along then sleepAfter a raucous night of debauchery( alone or with his fellow Warhawks) Pitch finally settles down for a nap.Ring of sustenance only need two hours of sleep gotta love it

2010-11-15, 07:58 AM
No Pitch, lets not go get debauched. If we are going to be attacked in our sleep best to have a clear head when it comes.

It seems from what Mal has said that these Dreamweavers will basically be having a 'watch' and this knowledge will draw them like a beacon. I'll not go into that drunken.

Cypher sits quietly for a few moments pondering the possibilities of dream and then somewhat resignedly pushes him self up from the table.

Well, I always did enjoy the occasional early afternoon nap. Time to see if this one will be good.

With that he heads to his room and settles in for the battle he expects will soon claim his life.

As he drifts to sleep one of his last thoughts is Probably agents of a relative that is going to be killing me. What an amusing twist of fate that would be. With a last mental chuckle Cypher puts himself into a dream state using his meditative skills.

Edited for spelling/grammar and then to help drive the story

2010-11-15, 02:43 PM
Pitch looks at Cypher his face crestfallen and says in a wistful tone....But I'm really quite good at debauchery...."
For those of you who do not know Think BMX bandit..Cypher the link if you would

Black Knight
2010-11-15, 07:44 PM
Cypher, without a shaken, pale face watchs as Blackblood and Malcom get up and start heading out.

No Pitch, lets not go get debauched. If we are going to be killed due to our foes god-like unresistable power we may as well die doing the mission. Besides, just some hours ago the mission COULD NOT be put off when we wanted a delay to gather information. If what we are to find in Heydan house is important to countering what we just learned (ooc: See, I didn't say what it was) and I am to be at death's door regardless then I say let us muster the team and die poking the bitches eye instead of abed.

You see Malcom, your team, while not generally seeking death are not afraid to face it. Particularity if they know WHY. If I have learned one thing in the spy game over the years it is that knowledge motivates people. This case is no exception. I'm now motivated to push on with the mission far moreso than I was even back in Galzehen.

It also crosses my mind Malcom that you probably could have shared generalities enough to appease us instead of just saying 'no you fools, its for your own good.'

It occurs to me that Those Who Must Not Be Named, if they can slay us so easily why do they not just slay the heads of this city and other roadblocks as well? Also after sharing this secret are you really safe? Afterall, seems they with their power will know where we learned the secret. I somehow doubt the ties you mentioned will protect you if they know.

It's all water under the bridge however. I'm ready to die for having a clue at the wrong time. Preferably on the mission.

Edited for spelling/grammar

DC 30 Will to avoid having a pale, shaken countenance.
Cypher's save: [roll0]

Yes, your face is shaken and pale. Deal with it.

DM RANT WARNING. For Cypher and Blackblood. Anyone else read at your own peril.

Oh, this is rich. First you want information.. then more information... then information that is dangerous for you to have, because Malcolm tells you it's too dangerous for you...but you don't believe him. Then you INSIST on having this dangerous information.... you learn that severe consequences will ensue...YOU STILL WANT THE INFORMATION....Malcolm reveals the information.... oh... damn... that's TOO dangerous. I didn't really mean it. He should have only give me a little bit of the information.

Puh-lease. I know you. Generalities from Malcolm would never have appeased you, so don't EVEN go there.

Mandoor and Momma Bear are the only two that roleplayed their characters with 'fierce loyalty to Malcolm' that was made a pre-condition of making your characters. Fierce loyalty = trust. Don't try to tell me it doesn't. I did add the Oath later... in a misguided attempt to try to get this game somewhat back on track.

And last, but not least... NOW you want to go do the mission. The answer to that is hell NO. This side event will be resolved first. Why? Because I @#$% say it will. Rule 0. Deal with it.

You always want me to 'roll with' whatever it is you want, but it's almost never the other way around.

Blackblood: You've heard many times it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. Sportsmanship. Throwing down your weapon? Seriously?

You and Blackblood have REALLY pissed me off. You don't like the way I run a game, then get the !@#$ out of it.


2010-11-30, 03:04 PM
Cypher wakes from his dream, his heart racing from the experience that he knows was almost his end. Phantom pains still radiate from the the places he was injured during his dream. Taking a moment he uses meditative techniques to slow his heart and calm his mind. Then with a deep breath he sits up realizing that he was not asleep long at all perhaps not even minutes.

His head cleared and much to ponder he heads back downstairs to see if any of his squad are about.

2010-12-02, 11:36 PM
Pitch watched as his companions headed off to thier respective rooms, somewhat suprised that not one of them wanted to go explore the town.

"Oh well,"Pitch thinks, "nothing to be done for it now."

Heading down to the Tavern floor Pitch finds Sydric and Holly and spends a few minutes socializing. During this time he informs them that the evening's plans had been cancelled for the time being.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Pitch excuses himself and heads outside for a walk. Thinking to himself ,for no apparent reason, about the cannabilistic tendencies of spiders.

After walking the streets for a few minutes growing increasingly agitated, Pitch heads back to the Tavern with the intent of dragging his comrades out for an evening of EPIC debauchery.

Pitch heads up the stairs and knocks on Blackblood's door....receiving no reply Pitch takes a few minutes to check for traps..
Pitch takes 20 lol why because BB is a paranoid mo fo thats why so 28 on check

Black Knight
2010-12-06, 12:52 AM
The iron-bound wooden door to Blackblood's room is locked. After knocking on it, you hear no sounds coming from within the locked room.

2010-12-07, 04:55 PM
About to head downstairs Cypher reconsiders. His dream battle was quick relative to the waking world so others are likely to be as well. In fact others were likely to be either dead or getting up soon. Really the only thing likely to have them taking longer is not having the meditative skills he had learned at the cloister.

So hoping to share with his squad-mates Cypher leaves his room. Hearing some knocking down the passage sees Pitch fiddling around Blackblood's door.

"Hey, Pitch!, What are you doing? I suspect he is already asleep if he didn't answer. And if he yet lives he will be in the grips of his dream and likely unaware of your knock."

2010-12-08, 12:30 AM
Pitch quickly looks at Cypher as if he was an idiot.."You damn well know what I am doing..It seems a bit redundant to ask that which you already know."

2010-12-08, 03:25 PM
"Well stop. Let's go have a drink while I share some things I've just learned," Cypher says as he waves for Pitch to follow him. "The drink is on me. It's to late for Saetsu and Blackblood. They are on their own and will either make it or not. We'll know shortly I imagine."

Pitch kicks the door in frustration and follows Cypher down and taking a seat in the briefing room as Cypher grabs their drinks.

When Cypher returns they sip their drinks and discuss Cypher's dream experiences. After a short time Pitch holds up his hand to stop Cypher. "Hold, I don't need all the details. You survived so surely I can", he says with only a slight hint of humor.

With that he stands, "Fine, time to face this death as there is nothing else to be done about it" and heads to his room settling in for his own afternoon nap.

As Pitch leaves Cypher heads to the common room to settle in with Holly and Sidric in waiting for the others. "Hey guys," he says a little less cheerfully than normal as he takes a seat with them. Looking at the bottle in front of Holly he asks, "mind if I pour some?"

Black Knight
2010-12-09, 09:52 PM
Several hours pass at the table.

Saetsu, Pitch and Malcolm have joined you at the table. After another hour, it has become evident that something has happened to Blackblood.

It is currently 7 p.m.

Malcolm looks around the table with a sense of pride. Most of you survived. Outstanding. I thought I would lose you all. Raising his glass, A toast. To Blackblood. You poor bastard. Malcolm thought as he clinked glasses, downed the shot of whiskey, and slammed the glass down on the table.

Damn. Didn't think it possible. We've still got enough time to do our mission tonight. We've gotta take care of the body upstairs, first though.

2010-12-10, 10:20 AM
During that time Cypher shares with Holly and Sidric what he and Pitch had discovered about House Heyden and House Randon, namely that they are close rivals and that Heydan only recently beat Randon out for the recently filled counsel position.

Also, During the time before 7pm (when we all rejoin after our naps) Cypher talks with Holly and Sidric a bit and then hits the streets. Particularly to learn more about Randon, Heyden, their rivalry, and how/when council seats change.

Gather Info checks:
Details about the rivalry between Heyden and Randon. Time: [roll0] 40 minutes, Check: [roll1]

When and how Council seats change? Time: [roll2] 50 Minutes, Check: [roll3]

More info about when Heyden House will be vacant (the bosses leaving)? Time: [roll4] 40 minutes, Check: [roll5]

Information about Heyden House's defenses. Time: [roll6] 20 minutes, Check: [roll7]
Types (guards, casters, traps, dogs)Time: [roll8] 20 minutes, Check: [roll9]
Skill/toughness of the same. Time: [roll10] 30 minutes, Check: [roll11]

Info about the events at Randon house earlier in the day? What is the word on the street about what happened? Time: [roll12] 50 minutes, Check: [roll13]

Total Time: 4 Hours, 10 Mintues which will put me back at the Tavern between 5:30 and 6 probably.

After schmoozing and spying for a few hours I come back and may even be back at the table before Mal joins us.

Black Knight
2010-12-11, 10:37 AM

Your quick walkabout reveals the following information:

You uncover no new details about the rivalry between House Heydan and House Randon, except for the fact that their rivalry began very recently.

Council seats change when the House controlling the seat voluntarily steps down or there is no member of age willing to accept the council seat.

You discover that House Heydan and House Randon recruit guards from the same sources... so you expect that guards in the Heydan compound will be similiarly skilled.

The rumor on the street is that a general contract has been put out for a hit on Ms. Randon. Amateurs tried to assault the House just a few hours ago, but where easily dealt with by House security.

2010-12-13, 11:18 AM
Upon everyone gathering Cypher shares the new information.

"Do we have time to deal with the body before we need to move on the Heydan House? It's not likely he is going anywhere and I can appear as him going to his room before we go out so as to further allay any suspicions."

Of course, if there is a quick easy method to see him properly dealth with... but I've got nothing at the moment.

Black Knight
2010-12-14, 05:44 PM
"The room should be relatively safe until morning, when the cleaning crew comes through." Malcolm said as he leaned back in his chair. "So, yes, you have time to deal with it now, or probably even when we get back."

2010-12-16, 02:14 AM
"It would be unwise to proceed without ascertaining BlackBloods' status"...Pitch says quietly.

"If your assumption is correct and he has fallen ,then it would be prudent to dispose of the remains before moving on to other concerns."

2010-12-16, 07:38 AM
"You are right, perhaps we should go check on him. Perhaps he is just primping in his room. Either way we should go to him. If dead any of you have a quick means of disposal? It's not like he is going to get a proper burial here but I'd prefer not to just dump him in the ally if such can be helped."

2010-12-19, 09:11 PM
If Blackbloods truely dead it will be easy to take care of the body. Let me, Pitch and Cypher take care of it.

Sydric looks around to see if anybody is listening in on us then leans over and starts wispering to the group his plan to the group.

"The three of us will go up stair and sneak into his room easly with out being seen and check out his room to see if he is really dead. Cypher's comes back down as Blackblood and buys 2 to 3 days more nights logging then request not to be distured because Blackblood needs some quiet time by himself. Cypher as Blackblood returns to the room. Pitch and I will be up in Blackblood room preparing the seen. We will a jar the window to look like it was forced open and someone came in. We then loot Blackblood and slit his throat like someone killed him and took his stuff. We should be long done with this mission before Blackbloods body is found."

Sorry, Blackblood, but if I die, I would want my stuff to fund the people who is planing to take down the person who killed me. The following is Blackbloods stuff.

Rapier +1 - 2320GP
Leather Armor +1 - 1160GP
Caltrops, 2 Bags - 2GP
Grappling Hook - 1GP
Rope, Silk, 50' - 10GP
Backpack - 2GB
Flint and Steel - 1GP
Thieves Tools, Masterwork - 100GP
Manacles - 15GP
Climbers Kit - 80GP
Traveler's Outfit - 1GP
Silvered Dagger - 22GP
Crowbar - 2GP
Shortbow, Composite - 75GP
20 Arrows - 1GP
Dagger - 2GP
Anklet of Translocation - 1400GP
Sword that looks magical from the guards he killed.

I believe the Anklet of Translocation should go to someone who do not have a travel power, Cypher or Holly, if she is playing. I mean she is going to be supper busy with the new kid very soon. I can use the Thieves Tools, Climbers Kit and Silver dagger then keep the so called magical sword for future identifications which I will do later after the missions over. Can anybody use his equipment? I would like to sell the rest and buy potions to power my potion belt. I beat there is shops still open willing to buy equipment.

2010-12-21, 09:51 AM
That seems a workable plan Sidric. First things first though, let us go confirm that such a plan is necessary.

With that Cyper got up and headed towards Blackbloods room pausing to wait for his companions to come along.

2010-12-21, 10:01 AM

Sydric follow Cyper up to Blackbloods room. When we get up to the room Sydric will be a look out while Cyphers picks the lock.

Black Knight
2010-12-22, 12:05 AM
Blackblood's room has a wooden door that has been reinforced with iron bands near the top and bottom. A small, intricate key is normally used to open the door and fits into the metal latch plate set into the door. The door opens into the room.

DC 25 Open Lock to open the door.

2010-12-22, 11:19 AM
Cypher keeps watch one of the others try to open the lock.

One of the others likely being Holly or Pitch who have a slight edge in the skill or perhaps they even work together for the +2 bonus to speed up entry.

I'm not sure but I'm also figuring that Saetsu and Malcom may be with us as well. If we don't want to assume Saetsu is with us then we can say he stayed downstairs to watch.

When I talk to yleewon here in a bit I may get the lock checks posted unless Holly wants to go ahead and do it.

2010-12-22, 03:34 PM
Sydric assists either Holly or Pitch to open the door.

Assist Open Lock on Door: [roll0]

I made it. You got a +2 to your roll to open the door.

If we can not open the door by picking the lock open. I can Abrupt jaunt to the inside of the door and open it from the inside. I have not used it today but I believe Kevin has in the guard altercation.

2010-12-23, 01:27 AM
Pitch saunters up, looks carefully at the door, trying to detect any traps.

take 20 search 28 (+ 2 if someoene aids me for a 30)
Don't you give me that look Cypher, Blood is at least as paranoid as I am. Well it seems to be clear..I think..

Assuming no traps found Pitch takes 20 on the open lock 28
Pitch takes his time opening the lock and smiles to himself upon hearing the distinct click of tumblers falling into place. Stands up and with a grand flourish steps to the side of the doorway..(out of the line of any possible secondary trap)..

and says smiling "Ladies First ...Holly

2010-12-23, 07:35 AM
Ugh, Cypher says as he rolls his eyes and goes back to looking out. You know, sometimes our work is time sensitive, he chuckles.

During the FOUR minutes it takes Pitch to get the door open Cypher watches and warns of incoming as needed. If people come along he will strike up conversations with his companions so as to look like they were just talking in the hallway.

If the proceedings are significantly interrupted then, well... we will take that as it comes.

Black Knight
2010-12-23, 11:50 AM
You spend a few minutes to check to door for traps and then to open the door to Blackblood's room. The door swings open silently... almost as if the hinges have been recently oiled.

Inside the room, you can see Blackblood lying in bed, gazing lifelessly at the ceiling. His face looks weathered and wrinkled like a shriveled raisin. Age spots darken his hands and arms. His hair is a shocking mane of pure white. It would seem like Blackblood has died of a bad case of extreme old age.

2010-12-23, 09:55 PM
Sydric closes the door behind the group. Poor soul. What ever got Blackblood is truly Evil and needs to be killed.

Sydric starts to gather Blackbloods equipment.

I plan told you what I was going to do with his stuff. If none objects cypher gets the anklet and I will pawn the rest to power my belt and get spell materials.

2010-12-27, 10:37 AM
Cypher smirks as he sees an old Blackblood. "Now there is a sight I never thought to see. But I guess if Blackblood was ever going to be old it was bound to be due to magic in some manner."

At Sidric's comment about evil that slew Blackblood Cypher found himself thinking once again of the difficulties they were facing but answers, "Perhaps in good time my friend, perhaps."

2010-12-28, 01:15 AM
Pitch gazes momentarily at BlackBlood's withered corpse, draws his rapier and with a quick look around the room for objections, exchanges it for BlackBlood's.

Pitch also after a brief hesitation picks up "Tabitha", and pats it in a manner, eeirly reminiscent of BlackBloods introduction. After which he quietly says....

Dismember the body, and move it, stealthily out in pieces ? Easier than lugging the whole corpse around. I and others have a spell that would clean up the mess. At the very least we should decapitate it and remove the jaw...just in case. Shouldn't take too long nor cut into our resources for the "job" later. Any other ideas..I would prefer we take care of this first..but since I'm not in charge.....

2010-12-28, 08:12 AM
Dismember.... Cypher says making a disgusted look. Seems rather harsh for the husk of our old friend.

Here is another idea, one less onerous on us and perhaps leaves us not having to worry about 'evidence', and certainly not about divinations.

I'll come in with his new form and hire a room. We put his old ass in that room, dressed appropriately for an old man that dies in his sleep and leave him for the inn to handle. I think a lot less chances of problems and discovery that way.

Come on, Old man comes in, old man dies. This is an Inn, it happens. Particularly if I play up a little feebleness.

With that Cypher stands arms crossed with a proud grin waiting for his companions to pipe in.

2010-12-29, 12:13 AM
[COLOR="Blue"]"Yes..that is a good plan..I like that plan...Did not really wanna dismember Blackbloods' corpse.... today.[/ COLOR] Pitch remarks

2010-12-30, 10:32 AM
I'll need to use his armor and at least a few of his identifying pieces of gear as I leave as Blackblood.

I'll return a short time later at the old man and secure a room where we will dump the body. It will look like the old man just died in his sleep.

What say you? Malcom? Sidric? Saetsu? Holly? , as he raises his eyebrows questioningly.

Tomorrow I can even put on a show of Blackblood leaving and being done with his room. So that no suspicions due to his suddenly being gone with his room paid.

2010-12-30, 11:54 AM
Sounds like a good plan. Lets do it.

When you get done with the armor I will go out and sell it with the rest of the unclaimed equipment.

ooc: The relm is not like our 9 to 5 business hours. I believe the smith shop runs most of the day and I beat there is a shop that will do some willing and dealing this late.

Black Knight
2011-01-08, 11:41 AM
If no one has anything more to add, you execute your plan, Cypher. Sydric, you can get the standard 1/2 value for selling any of Blackblood's gear. Malcolm is waiting for his team to tie up loose ends and be ready to attempt the mission to House Heydan.

2011-01-10, 09:39 AM
Unless others have stuff to do first. This is assuming Sidric's shopping/selling was successful.

The plan for Blackblood's body executed Cypher pulls up a chair next to Malcom, "the matter is handled, now we just need to wait for Sidric and we can push off. I figure he won't be long."

With that he settles in to wait with Malcom.

2011-01-16, 02:45 PM
I am glad we were able to avoid a mess
Saetsu smirks as he joins his team at the table.

2011-01-17, 09:22 AM
Cypher looks toward Saetsu nodding a welcome, "I'm just thankful that more of us were not a part that needed to be cleaned up".

2011-01-17, 11:53 PM
" So am I. Would have been unpleasent dismembering you three." Pitch says with a mock shudder

2011-01-19, 02:14 PM
"Yes, I'd hate to be a source of discomfort for you Pitch", he says with a smile.

2011-01-21, 07:57 PM
In the room Sydric gives Pitch the +1 Rapier and Cypher the Anklet of Translocation. I keep the Masterwork Thieves Tools, Climbers Kit, Silver Dagger and unknown magical sword to be identifyed later. I then cleanup all the stuff and put it in as sack to go sell. I buy two potions of spider climb to use for tonights activitys.

After getting the potions I return to the inn to wait until we are ready to head out.

The plan is for me to spell still a zero level spell (Amanuensis, to copy the information we need from the safe) from Cyper then Pitch and I to use the spider climb and hide in plain sight to go in through a upstairs window while the rest is watching the guards for any signs that they hear us. If they do our friends can do a distraction or attack if needed. I can us my Knock spell to open the safe and the Cyper's spell to copy the stuff. We can then close the safe and not tough anything. If we are seen we can then take out the guards then still some stuff and look like it was a quick smash and grab.