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2010-09-29, 11:23 PM
So, it was recently brought to my attention, and the attention of several others, that a good number of people on these fine forums inhabit the "Heartland" of America, here defined as Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and the surrounding states. Also, a good number of folks live in Ontario nearby, mostly in Toronto. I had the thought, "hey, there's a West Coast meetup, and an East Coast meetup, but not one for us fine people. Don't we deserve a meetup too?" Thus, this thread came to be.

Here I have a list of everyone that has so far made it clear that they're in the region. If you are too, and might be interested in such a thing, but you're not listed, go ahead and let me know in the thread, so we can actually get this rolling.

List of dudes:

-shadow_archmagi (Kalamazoo, MI)
-Force (Kalamazoo, MI)
-arguskos (Columbus, OH)
-Gwyn (Toronto, CA)
-afroakuma (Toronto, CA)
-ZombieRockStar (Toronto, CA)
-KerfuffleMach2 (Madison Heights, MI)
-RandomNPC (Cleveland-ish, OH)
-junglesteve (somewhere near-ish but not really to Kalamazoo, MI)
-Doctor Girlfriend (Kalamazoo, MI)
-Demons_Eye (Eau Claire, MI)
-Torgoth (Eau Claire, MI)
-Rae Artemi (Coshocton, OH)

So, Playgrounders of the pretty chill Heartland, what say you?

2010-09-29, 11:25 PM
I would meet up with you guys if I had time to without getting my butt kicked by school/cross country/Mum. :smallsigh:

Minnesota's far, but...eh. :smalltongue:

2010-09-29, 11:26 PM
I would meet up with you guys if I had time to without getting my butt kicked by school/cross country/Mum. :smallsigh:

Minnesota's far, but...eh. :smalltongue:
Damn, just sent you a PM about it actually. I knew you were in the area, wasn't sure if it was Minnesota or Wisconsin though.

Depending on time (and if it happens at all, which I really kinda want it to), you might be able to come anyhow.

2010-09-29, 11:29 PM


Sorry, calming down.

What about us?

Innis Cabal
2010-09-29, 11:30 PM
I'd go if I were still in Akron/Cleveland. But alas, I am not and AZ is to far away.

2010-09-29, 11:30 PM


Sorry, calming down.

What about us?
I've actually see a "Midwest" meet up on here at some point. Don't know if it went anywhere, but I think it covered ya'll folks. Of course, if you wish to trek out east a little, we'd be happy to have you. ^_^

EDIT: Yeah, I'm sad about that Innis, I'd love to meet you face to face one day. Sadly, it's not in this situation it seems.

Innis Cabal
2010-09-29, 11:35 PM
There's a Convention coming up in October....Idk if I'll get work off but if I do, and my sister is down with it we might be heading to Colombus to go to it. I'll keep you updated as I learn what's going on.

Mystic Muse
2010-09-30, 12:27 AM
Is there some sort of set place?

I live in Indiana BTW

2010-09-30, 12:29 AM
May I suggest you rename the thread to Great Lakes Region? 'Cause Kansas and its surrounding abomina - neighbors claim the name 'heartland'.

2010-09-30, 03:31 AM
Unfortunately, I cannot be of assistance in the manner of deciding a time or place, but I would totally be down for this. All I need is enough time in advance and I should be able to make it. I have lots of games that I could bring.

Red Dragon Inn 1&2 and Gambling? I'm In! (3 comes out soonish. I'll be getting that as well)
Various flavors of Munchkin
Battlestar Galactica: The Boardgame (with expansion)
Shootin' Ladders
Hex Hex: XL
Hey! That's My Fish
OotS Adventure Game
Say Anything

I probably missed something, but there it is.

2010-09-30, 04:10 AM
I would be up for something within a few hours' drive of NW Iowa towards the end of October, as I have some vacation time coming, but I'm fairly certain that the exploits of this coming weekend will drain my budget for the month.

Best of luck, y'all, and maybe I'll catch you next time. :smallsmile:

2010-09-30, 08:19 AM
May I suggest you rename the thread to Great Lakes Region? 'Cause Kansas and its surrounding abomina - neighbors claim the name 'heartland'.
Considering Ohio claims it as well, Heartland seemed appropriate, but changed anyways.

2010-09-30, 08:57 AM
I live on the east side of St Louis, IL, but I can't really travel that far right now. Shoulder surgery is limiting my current driving.

Rae Artemi
2010-09-30, 09:01 AM
I probably won't be able to make it, as I'm only 15 and won't have my liscence until January. So, unless we are planning WAY ahead for this, you can probably count me out.

Innis Cabal
2010-09-30, 02:54 PM
Considering Ohio claims it as well, Heartland seemed appropriate, but changed anyways.

There is the American Heartland and then there's Ohio: The Heartland of America. Both are actually in the Midwest Region, North and South East Ohio being part of the Rust Belt.

Misery Esquire
2010-09-30, 03:07 PM
Just across the boarder in Canada, might stop by depending on where it is.

Not that any of you know me. Heh.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-09-30, 03:14 PM
I can, maybe, come? 16, with no drivers license, but me mum likes driving places, and would probably be fine driving me to some random spot in the US of A to hang with random strangers. I mean, she does it all the time with HER internet friends, so...:smalltongue:

Cristo Meyers
2010-09-30, 05:04 PM
So, it was recently brought to my attention, and the attention of several others, that a good number of people on these fine forums inhabit the "Heartland" of America, here defined as Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and the surrounding states. Also, a good number of folks live in Ontario nearby, mostly in Toronto. I had the thought, "hey, there's a West Coast meetup, and an East Coast meetup, but not one for us fine people. Don't we deserve a meetup too?" Thus, this thread came to be.

There was a Midwest/"Heartland" meetup last year about this time, my wife and I hosted it :smallwink::smalltongue: I think Supagoof was going to try to get one together this year, but it seems to have fallen off the tracks.

My wife LadyMeyers and I are in Chicagoland and maybe we could lend our house to another meetup, but I think we're a bit too far south to be a good centrally located gathering spot.

2010-09-30, 06:51 PM
I'm in! My wife found the last cleveland meetup a bit questionable, but once we got there it took all of one rockband song to change her mind to "totally for it"

So as long as it's "reasonably" close we're good.

reasonably being 2 hour max drive time for her, but for me, I'll Steampunk me up a rocket and fly to the moon if need be.

2010-10-06, 02:33 AM
I live in Michigan - East Lansing, to be specific. I might be able to come, though that would depend pretty heavily on things like how far away it was. So I guess that would be 'generally interested but not very likely'.

2010-10-06, 11:56 PM
To try and get this rolling a little better, let's start listing possible locations and seeing how everyone feels about it.

Cristo has offered the possibility of Chicagoland. How does everyone feel about hosting it there?

Edit: Planning for last year's Chicago meetup started in... July? It took place in November. These things take some time to work out so no one should need to worry about short notice. Assuming the start of the planning and the actual meetup are about the same distance apart, we're looking at a January/February meetup at the earliest. But first, LOCATION!

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-10-07, 07:25 AM
Chicago is a day's drive away from me. Actually, do to school, it probably wouldn't be too good for me to do anything that would take longer than a weekend...

2010-10-07, 08:00 AM
Woo, Columbus Ohio!

Chicago's a bit far for me. I can only really do anything like this if it's somewhere within Ohio or at least really really close. But I'll keep watch on this thread.

2010-10-07, 06:10 PM
I would 100% be down for a great lakes meet up! What would we do though lol? Play a bad ass game of D&D?

2010-10-07, 09:04 PM
I would 100% be down for a great lakes meet up! What would we do though lol? Play a bad ass game of D&D?

Of all the meetups I have attended, D&D actually doesn't happen very often. With so many possibilities (see list of games I posted above), you don't want to do anything that would take too long (Which is also the main reason the OotS Adventure game is not played more often). The only thing that is an actual meetup tradition is that at least one game of Kubb must be played.

Not that any of you know me. Heh.
You say that like it matters. I didn't really know anybody at my first meetup. Sure, I recognized certain screen names, but I didn't actually know anybody. It is probably the most fun you could have without paying an admission fee.

2010-10-07, 09:29 PM
Hmmm...I like, I like.

My main roadblocks would be time and money. I have a full time job, school, and family things. Early enough notice, I might be able to do it.

Also depends on where, as my car is not the best of cars. I think it could make it to Chicago.

Not sure if my mom would like the idea of me meeting internet peoples like this, but she's done it before. Besides, best best friend's girlfriend lives in Chicago, and I have relatives in Chicago. I can come up with excuses.

Also, if I am able to do this, I would be willing to give rides to people along the way. Provided I can get gas money. That might sound mean or something, but a guy's gotta put gas in his car.

2010-10-07, 09:34 PM
I would meet up with you guys if I had time to without getting my butt kicked by school/cross country/Mum. :smallsigh:

Minnesota's far, but...eh. :smalltongue:

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

People in the playground live in Minnesota? And it is not just me? :smalleek:
Does not compute!

Ranger Mattos
2010-10-07, 09:35 PM
Well, I would be interested if it were sometime I was available for a longer time period than the weekend, like spring break, I might be able to make it.

But otherwise there's school, and money problems, and not being old enough to drive, etc.

So unless it's moved somewhere closer to me, like Milwaukee, I probably wouldn't be able to go. And you probably won't be doing that.

2010-10-07, 10:00 PM
Well, I would be interested if it were sometime I was available for a longer time period than the weekend, like spring break, I might be able to make it.

But otherwise there's school, and money problems, and not being old enough to drive, etc.

So unless it's moved somewhere closer to me, like Milwaukee, I probably wouldn't be able to go. And you probably won't be doing that.

What about getting a ride from somebody in your area? Provided there's somebody who can give you a ride, and you can go, and stuff.

2010-10-08, 01:14 AM
While I still can't really be of much help for location (Living in a small apartment tends to hamper hosting capabilities), I think a good timeframe for the meetup would be in the area of spring break. That way it won't be winter with the added bonus of our students in the playground having a better chance of making it.

I submit this to the will of the council (see also: whoever feels like commenting:smalltongue:)

Mystic Muse
2010-10-08, 02:21 AM
Sure. I might actually have my license by then.

No, No I will not :(

2010-10-08, 09:31 PM
I don't think my school has spring break, but I only have classes two days a week anyways. So, I'd be up for a weekend thing. Just gotta take time off work and save up.

2010-10-10, 09:06 PM
So... I guess everyone lost interest in trying to plan this thing? We need more possible locations and, just as important, people willing and able to host. I'll even start a list of places suggested and which people are cool with it. If I misplace you, let me know and I can change it.

Chicago, IL
Cristo (and Lady) Meyers (Possible hosts)

Columbus, OH Still needs possible host(s)
Rae Artemi

More locations are still needed. More responses. If you are actually interested in doing this then you need to participate in the decision process.

Rae Artemi
2010-10-10, 09:18 PM
I would much prefer Columbus to Chicago, as my parents would be much more likely to let me drive there after only a couple of months with my licence.

2010-10-12, 01:21 AM

Someone be sure to let me know if anyone actually still wants this to happen. I've done all I can to get this rolling with too little in the way of progress. I love meetups. They are some of the most fun I ever have. Unfortunately, there is just not enough interest for this one to actually happen.

2010-10-12, 03:02 PM
I am completely for this. And I am for Chicago or Columbus. If we can have a host for Columbus, that is.

Anyways, yeah, so supporting this. My big thing is just knowing in advanced if we are doing it.

Admiral Squish
2010-10-12, 03:39 PM
I live in Warren, MI, so I'm totally for a meetup of some sort. I would DEFINITELY need to know about it well in advance though. Even then, I dunno, there would be a lot I'd have to arrange. I don't have a car, so my traveling is... limited. I might be able to pull of a train, though, so that's a possibility.

2010-10-12, 04:33 PM
Yes, catlover and I would be interested. I prefer somewhere within 4 miles of the east side of St Louis and I would need at least a month and a half of warning to even attempt to get it onto my work schedule (my schedule has to be worked around certain duties at work).

2010-10-12, 08:23 PM
I am interested - and if anything further than easy driving distance would work for me, it would be Chicago due to being able to take the train - but it's pretty likely I won't be able to come. I'd probably only be able to manage it if I was going to Chicago (or wherever it ends up being) around that time for some other reason.

Mystic Muse
2010-10-12, 08:25 PM
I don't think I'm going to be able to make it after all.

2010-10-12, 10:16 PM
Ok, this makes me feel better. For everyone worried about advance notice, we can make it whenever we want (so long as its not too close to Trogland 5). wxdruid, I'm not sure if St. Louis is the area we're looking. Of course I'd be down for it, and it would be nice to have someone I've met before at the meetup, but many of the people who have shown interest can't go terribly far, and the other side of Illinois is a little far. Of course, I could be wrong and would, in fact, like to be proven wrong on this particular issue.

Chicago, IL
Cristo (and Lady) Meyers (Possible hosts)
Admiral Squish (Assumption based on Michigan residence)

Columbus, OH Still needs possible host(s)
Rae Artemi

So far we have 5 6 people for Chicago (with hosts) and 4 people for Columbus (without hosts). I left out people who gave ambiguous answers.

Edit: Sorry to hear that Kyuubi. Just keep in mind that we still don't have a date set and you might still be able to manage it (whether the problem is money, or time off, or (don't know your age) parents that need convincing). Just, if you really want to go, don't write off your ability to until you know there's no way you can manage it.

2010-10-12, 10:20 PM
I could probably do Chicago on a weekend, seeing as bus fare round trip, if planned ahead, it really, really cheap. Also, I know some people I have been wanting to see in Chicago.

Not so sure about Columbus, though.

Mystic Muse
2010-10-12, 10:22 PM
Edit: Sorry to hear that Kyuubi. Just keep in mind that we still don't have a date set and you might still be able to manage it (whether the problem is money, or time off, or (don't know your age) parents that need convincing). Just, if you really want to go, don't write off your ability to until you know there's no way you can manage it.

parents and the fact that I need to get my license. I also currently have $-270 Yes, that's a negative there.

2010-10-12, 10:31 PM
parents and the fact that I need to get my license. I also currently have $-270 Yes, that's a negative there.

Ouch:smalleek: Good luck on getting all that sorted out.

Well, there will always be more meetups in the future (such as Trogland at the end of June every year).

Admiral Squish
2010-10-12, 10:36 PM
I'm curious, how does this actually work? I've never been to one.

2010-10-12, 10:58 PM
Well, first off, we need a host/hosts. Someone who knows the area and can escort the group to any other locations they need (such as restaraunts). The host/hosts will also most likely need to open their own home for activities (usually various board games, Rock Band, ocassionally D&D) and preferably their yard for a rousing game of Kubb (very important meetup tradition. Can not be ignored).

Personally, I've never been to a meetup that lasted less than two nights. Which means that hotels/motels will be necesary for most people (unless the hosts are really generous).

This is why the Trogland meetup in Johnson City is so spectacular, there are several locals to host and several awesome places to go out to. Since this one will not be so large, only one or two will be necesary.

So basically just hangout and play fun games with awesome people.

2010-10-13, 07:33 AM
wxdruid, I'm not sure if St. Louis is the area we're looking. Of course I'd be down for it, and it would be nice to have someone I've met before at the meetup, but many of the people who have shown interest can't go terribly far, and the other side of Illinois is a little far. Of course, I could be wrong and would, in fact, like to be proven wrong on this particular issue.

I didn't mean to come here. :smalltongue: My house is not very well suited to a meetup. I live on a base (and my house is tiny) and the nearest nice hotel is off the next exit. Just that I prefer somewhere within 4 hours or so of driving from here. :smalltongue:

Cristo Meyers
2010-10-13, 05:39 PM
Well, first off, we need a host/hosts. Someone who knows the area and can escort the group to any other locations they need (such as restaraunts). The host/hosts will also most likely need to open their own home for activities (usually various board games, Rock Band, ocassionally D&D) and preferably their yard for a rousing game of Kubb (very important meetup tradition. Can not be ignored).

Personally, I've never been to a meetup that lasted less than two nights. Which means that hotels/motels will be necesary for most people (unless the hosts are really generous).

Speaking of hosting: provided we have enough notice, there is no reason either LadyMeyers or I can think of that would prevent us from hosting. I don't want to give a definite "yes" this early in the game, but if there's enough interest, we can provide the space.

The cons, for those that don't know, is that we don't live actually in Chicago, but the suburbs. So there's a real lack of wicked-cool places to gather aside from the Casa. Pros being that there's plenty of room around the Casa for upwards of a dozen people, more if it's warm enough to go outside, and plenty of hotels and restaurants nearby.

This is why the Trogland meetup in Johnson City is so spectacular, there are several locals to host and several awesome places to go out to. Since this one will not be so large, only one or two will be necesary.

And why we don't really want to compete with it. It's the US meetup.

So basically just hangout and play fun games with awesome people.

Emphasis on awesome :smallcool:

What we should probably get set first is an approximate date. Someone mentioned March/Spring Break as a possibility.

2010-10-13, 05:43 PM
What we should probably get set first is an approximate date. Someone mentioned March/Spring Break as a possibility.
This sounds awesome. :smallcool:

Cristo Meyers
2010-10-13, 05:45 PM
This sounds awesome. :smallcool:

It is a little close to when the Trogland Meetup is traditionally held, but given the option of moving it forward and having everyone freezing in a Midwest winter or being closer to the Trogland Meet I'd go with the latter.

2010-10-13, 05:46 PM
It is a little close to when the Trogland Meetup is traditionally held, but given the option of moving it forward and having everyone freezing in a Midwest winter or being closer to the Trogland Meet I'd go with the latter.

It is already starting to get cold here in Minnesota, but then again, it is practically always cold. :smallfrown:

2010-10-13, 05:50 PM

Someone be sure to let me know if anyone actually still wants this to happen. I've done all I can to get this rolling with too little in the way of progress. I love meetups. They are some of the most fun I ever have. Unfortunately, there is just not enough interest for this one to actually happen.
I'm still very on board for this, just been stupidly swamped recently. I personally prefer my hometown (:smalltongue:), but I can't host people, meaning I doubt it's happening here (there's no true host). I know the town pretty well though, and there's a DAMN NICE game store here that's totally worth the trip, along with lots of great food and I have a lot of gaming friends who'd welcome new blood. Still, I can do Chicago given forewarning (probably, money is eternally an issue).

Cristo Meyers
2010-10-13, 06:03 PM
I'm still very on board for this, just been stupidly swamped recently. I personally prefer my hometown (:smalltongue:), but I can't host people, meaning I doubt it's happening here (there's no true host). I know the town pretty well though, and there's a DAMN NICE game store here that's totally worth the trip, along with lots of great food and I have a lot of gaming friends who'd welcome new blood. Still, I can do Chicago given forewarning (probably, money is eternally an issue).

Well, let's get a date set first, that's the most important thing.

We don't actually need a host, but it does help things immensely because you'll have a centered place for everyone to gather that doesn't cost anyone anything.

Also, if we do Chicago I have no issue with picking folks up from the train station. They'd just have to take the Metra from Chicago to the local train station.

2010-10-13, 06:19 PM
Hm, maybe we should do a GitP thing at Ohayocon in January. Right area, right scene, and if we go for it, the right people (that's us).

Plus I'm pretty sure I'm going there anyway, so.

2010-10-13, 06:27 PM
Hm, maybe we should do a GitP thing at Ohayocon in January. Right area, right scene, and if we go for it, the right people (that's us).

Plus I'm pretty sure I'm going there anyway, so.
Good timing, and the GCCC is AWESOME. Not everyone is a huge anime fan though, but it's a good sorta "people will be there anyways" event, for sure. I approve of this timing, and since it'll be early in my quarter, I'll be definitely able to clear a few days for seeing folks.

2010-10-14, 01:02 AM
I didn't mean to come here. :smalltongue: My house is not very well suited to a meetup. I live on a base (and my house is tiny) and the nearest nice hotel is off the next exit. Just that I prefer somewhere within 4 hours or so of driving from here. :smalltongue:

Yes, catlover and I would be interested. I prefer somewhere within 4 miles of the east side of St Louis and I would need at least a month and a half of warning to even attempt to get it onto my work schedule (my schedule has to be worked around certain duties at work).

Emphasis mine :smalltongue:
So that mix-up is fixed. Good to know. I thought it was a little weird that you should all of a sudden be restricted to within 4 miles of St. Louis.

Well, so far both Chicago and Columbus sound good, they both have their high and low points. Some of us have been to Chicago before (plus I bet we could also get Shadow on board if he's not too busy) and we have possible hosts but not much in the way of other activities. Columbus has plenty of people interested and apparently some cool places to go, but no actual host (at least, not in the way we (the few that have done this before) are used to).

As for a time, mid-March to early April doesn't sound too bad to me. It coincides with many spring breaks and Trogland isn't until the end of June, which gives about three months of buffer.

2010-10-14, 07:23 AM
hehe, that is a good one. :smallbiggrin: 4 hours, 4 hours of St Louis, so it extends up to Chicago! *laugh*

catlover's Spring Break is Apr 21-25.

2010-10-14, 08:24 AM
I'm not worried about a place to sleep. I'll just sleep in my car. The seat leans back pretty far.

I've slept in worse places. Like a log in the woods.

Hey, Krade, I think anybody in Michigan that can make it to Chicago can do Columbus as well. Also, I'll state this again, if any Michigan people need a ride, I might be able to provide one.

2010-10-14, 12:32 PM
Man... I really wish I had the money for a Chicago trip (I'm already cemented into a trip to Kentucky, which has eated all my monies). I'm in Michigan, about half an hour north of Lansing... Maybe some other time... UNLESS you guys happen to do something craaazy like set the date for, say the end of January... >3> 'cause, I'm going to a Con at the end of January... though I think that's in Columbus. Can't remember, I'd have to check.

2010-10-14, 03:35 PM
Man... I really wish I had the money for a Chicago trip (I'm already cemented into a trip to Kentucky, which has eated all my monies). I'm in Michigan, about half an hour north of Lansing... Maybe some other time... UNLESS you guys happen to do something craaazy like set the date for, say the end of January... >3> 'cause, I'm going to a Con at the end of January... though I think that's in Columbus. Can't remember, I'd have to check.
Dude, if that con is here, YOU LET ME KNOW DAMMIT. I'll show ya around town and whatnot.

Also, am I the only C-Bus native involved in our little palaver? :smallconfused: Thought there was another one.

2010-10-14, 03:49 PM
One difficulty with a "spring break" meetup is that not everyone has spring break at the same time.

I also know that there are a bunch of people not on the list that live reasonably close to the Great Lakes region. I mean, you don't even have the nudist on there. :smalltongue:

Cristo Meyers
2010-10-14, 04:18 PM
One difficulty with a "spring break" meetup is that not everyone has spring break at the same time.

Yeah, I was just kinda assuming a general "mid-to-late March."

2010-10-14, 05:13 PM
Depending on when it is, I'd be interested. I live in Kalamazoo and might be able to provide a ride for someone within a fairly short radius.

2010-10-14, 05:15 PM
Dude, if that con is here, YOU LET ME KNOW DAMMIT. I'll show ya around town and whatnot.

Also, am I the only C-Bus native involved in our little palaver? :smallconfused: Thought there was another one.

Ask and ye shall receive (http://www.ohayocon.org/). :3

Innis Cabal
2010-10-14, 05:18 PM
The location is in the name...isn't it? :P And the last three of those Con's have gotten worse and worse every year

2010-10-14, 08:01 PM
Ask and ye shall receive (http://www.ohayocon.org/). :3
You better contact me when you're in town. If you don't... I'll hunt you down and light you on fire. :smallannoyed:

Zeb The Troll
2010-10-15, 01:11 AM
I also know that there are a bunch of people not on the list that live reasonably close to the Great Lakes region. I mean, you don't even have the nudist on there. :smalltongue:Sadly, I don't think we can expect the nudist to make too many meetups in the near future. When he was on his way home from InterventionCon, his car disintegrated in PA (by this I mean that his camshaft ceased to function in a normal fashion (I don't know if it broke or cracked or warped or what)) so he's currently sans vehicle, making such a trip decidedly more difficult.

2010-10-16, 12:45 AM
Sadly, I don't think we can expect the nudist to make too many meetups in the near future. When he was on his way home from InterventionCon, his car disintegrated in PA (by this I mean that his camshaft ceased to function in a normal fashion (I don't know if it broke or cracked or warped or what)) so he's currently sans vehicle, making such a trip decidedly more difficult.

Ouch. That sounds painful.

Maybe he could get a ride from somebody?

2010-10-16, 06:49 AM
Also, am I the only C-Bus native involved in our little palaver? :smallconfused: Thought there was another one.

Well, I'm not native, technically. I've only been living here for 3-ish years.

2010-10-16, 10:58 PM
Well, I'm not native, technically. I've only been living here for 3-ish years.

Close enough is good enough.

How about everyone start posting timeframes that they would be able to attend? I believe the majority is cool with "some time in March", so if at all possible, try and be more specific.

Me? I'm good for whenever.

2010-10-17, 01:06 AM
Close enough is good enough.

How about everyone start posting timeframes that they would be able to attend? I believe the majority is cool with "some time in March", so if at all possible, try and be more specific.

Me? I'm good for whenever.
I won't actually know about March until at least January (haven't planned my schedule yet, don't know if I'll be working or not). I will say that I am also probably good for whenever if it's here in C-Bus and probably not good for whenever if it's in Chicago.

2010-10-17, 11:25 AM
try and be more specific.

Me? I'm good for whenever.

Way to be specific. :smalltongue:

But I get your meaning. Since I'm working as opposed to in school, it doesn't really matter when it happens because I'll be taking vacation time anyway. Assuming I decide to go at all, of course.

2010-10-17, 11:37 AM
I have to wait and see when my Senior Duty Shifts will be (can't really take leave during those times, BLEH) and I have to wait til the time gets closer to see how the schedule will actually work out.

2010-10-17, 11:13 PM
Hmm... Just had a crazy idea that is probably crazy. Just throwing this out there to test its viability.

There seems to be a bit of a split. Both possible locations look like they could be good for differing reasons. Several people could only make one of the locations (including the creator of the thread). So I thought, "Why not do both?" I know we don't have that many people to begin with, but this way as many people as possible get a meetup. Myself? I would totally try to make it to both. I'm practically equidistant to both locations anyway and I do love me a meetup. I know most other people wouldn't be able to pull off both, but I also know that most other people should be able to do one or the other.

Like I said, crazy idea.

Sadly, I don't think we can expect the nudist to make too many meetups in the near future.

When you say "we", does that imply that you might be attending this one, or are you referencing his likelihood of making it to the Trogland meetup?

2010-10-17, 11:19 PM
Hmm... Just had a crazy idea that is probably crazy. Just throwing this out there to test its viability.

There seems to be a bit of a split. Both possible locations look like they could be good for differing reasons. Several people could only make one of the locations (including the creator of the thread). So I thought, "Why not do both?" I know we don't have that many people to begin with, but this way as many people as possible get a meetup. Myself? I would totally try to make it to both. I'm practically equidistant to both locations anyway and I do love me a meetup. I know most other people wouldn't be able to pull off both, but I also know that most other people should be able to do one or the other.

Like I said, crazy idea.
1. I has a name. :smalltongue:

2. I can probably make a Chicago, I just don't know for a fact this far in advance. :smallsigh:

3. It's a thought. I could dig it. DeadMan and myself are here in CBus. I know MountainKing is coming in January. There's a few other guys in the general area (including shadow_archmagi, I think, who's in Kalamazoo), I so think we could do a small one in the Bus of C. Chicago's got a good handful, including the Cristos, so that's a decent one. I dunno, I think there's something here. I'm down for it.

2010-10-17, 11:27 PM
1. I has a name. :smalltongue:

2. I can probably make a Chicago, I just don't know for a fact this far in advance. :smallsigh:

3. It's a thought. I could dig it. DeadMan and myself are here in CBus. I know MountainKing is coming in January. There's a few other guys in the general area (including shadow_archmagi, I think, who's in Kalamazoo), I so think we could do a small one in the Bus of C. Chicago's got a good handful, including the Cristos, so that's a decent one. I dunno, I think there's something here. I'm down for it.

1. I figured it was unnecesary since pretty much everyone ought to know anyway. I also wanted to point out that this wasn't my idea and do my best not to lead it away from where you could make it since you started the thread. Because, honestly, if I had to choose, I would choose Chicago.

2. Good to know. We need as many possibilities as we can get if we don't end up doing two.

3. What exactly is that con about in January? Edit: Ah. Anime. Probably wouldn't go to that myself. I mean, I like anime well enough, but not so much that I'd want to attend a con all about it.

2010-10-17, 11:42 PM
1. I figured it was unnecesary since pretty much everyone ought to know anyway. I also wanted to point out that this wasn't my idea and do my best not to lead it away from where you could make it since you started the thread. Because, honestly, if I had to choose, I would choose Chicago.
And I wouldn't blame you. Columbus has less people, is less known, and has no native host to house people. Chicago IS the better choice.

2. Good to know. We need as many possibilities as we can get if we don't end up doing two.
Yeah, I dunno. I'd really love to come to one of these, but being stupidly poor causes issues. :smallsigh:

3. What exactly is that con about in January? Edit: Ah. Anime. Probably wouldn't go to that myself. I mean, I like anime well enough, but not so much that I'd want to attend a con all about it.
I don't like anime nor go to cons for it, but I know that if a mini-meet is to occur in the Columbus area, January might not be a bad time. We'd have one extra guy after all, and every dude counts, right?

2010-10-17, 11:58 PM
I don't like anime nor go to cons for it, but I know that if a mini-meet is to occur in the Columbus area, January might not be a bad time. We'd have one extra guy after all, and every dude counts, right?

So you mean to have it while he's in town already but not for it to be actually at the con. I misunderstood that part. Okay.

We need more people to weigh in with what they think about all this before we jump to making plans, but I think it has merit. Of course, mini-meet or not, for me to want to travel to get there, it would have to last at least most of a full day (early-ish morning until night sometime).

2010-10-18, 12:01 AM
So you mean to have it while he's in town already but not for it to be actually at the con. I misunderstood that part. Okay.
Oh... right, I guess I should have said that. Thought it was clear I was just using it as a "get people to town" sorta deal. Oops. XD

We need more people to weigh in with what they think about all this before we jump to making plans, but I think it has merit. Of course, mini-meet or not, for me to want to travel to get there, it would have to last at least most of a full day (early-ish morning until night sometime).
Yeah, we do. *waits*

2010-10-18, 12:18 PM
I will say that, at least for me, going to the Con is more about seeing all the people who'll be there. I loved people watching at the last Con I went to. I *like* anime, but not enough to be a hardcore Con goer; however, I'll also be going with a girl I like, whom happens to be much bigger into anime than myself. So, realistically speaking, I would be more dropping by to say hello than actually staying for a ton of time; couple hours tops. Depending on how my friend feels.

Also: Cons make everything within like ten blocks (if not more; the only Con I've been to for reference had a little over like, 3000 people... pretty sure that's pretty small in the big picture of Cons) of them super busy. I'm not exactly familiar with Columbus, but, that might also be something of a detriment.

2010-10-18, 01:44 PM
I will say that, at least for me, going to the Con is more about seeing all the people who'll be there. I loved people watching at the last Con I went to. I *like* anime, but not enough to be a hardcore Con goer; however, I'll also be going with a girl I like, whom happens to be much bigger into anime than myself. So, realistically speaking, I would be more dropping by to say hello than actually staying for a ton of time; couple hours tops. Depending on how my friend feels.

Also: Cons make everything within like ten blocks (if not more; the only Con I've been to for reference had a little over like, 3000 people... pretty sure that's pretty small in the big picture of Cons) of them super busy. I'm not exactly familiar with Columbus, but, that might also be something of a detriment.
Eh, I dunno about Ohayocon, but it probably won't be super busy. The Arena District will be swamped as will High Street, but Columbus has a lot of stuff in it, most of which isn't near the Convention Center. :smallwink:

2010-10-18, 02:13 PM
All I know is that everything within like ten blocks of the hotel AnthroCon was in in Pittsburgh was just totally swamped day and night. I know, not exactly a ton of experience to go by, but I've heard plenty of stories about experiences with other Cons (in particular DragonCon, which is enormous) that pretty well supports the going feeling.

And like I said, it would depend on how my lady friend feels; if she's cool with hanging out for a longer while, then tah dah! MK stays.

2010-10-18, 05:48 PM
I live about five minutes from Rae and I share periods 2 and 4-8 with him at school, so if he's going you can count me in, too. :smallbiggrin:

2010-10-19, 08:53 AM
You devils made me sad :( Posting Great lakes meet up but then list Ohio or Illinois!? Michigan is offended!

Ohio con sounds like it would be fun to attend. I have never been to a con in my life so new experience. Doubt I could convince any of my friends to join me :( Most of them really despise anime.

2010-10-19, 11:53 AM
At least Chicago is actually on one of the Lakes, though I agree that the name conjures images of further north...

Cristo Meyers
2010-10-19, 06:57 PM
I'm going to stay out of the "when" discussion outside of the advice I've already put forth since I don't want to seem like I'm taking this away from arguskos. He's the organizer.

We need more people to weigh in with what they think about all this before we jump to making plans, but I think it has merit. Of course, mini-meet or not, for me to want to travel to get there, it would have to last at least most of a full day (early-ish morning until night sometime).

If there is enough interest, I've no problem with this.

2010-10-19, 07:15 PM
More interested in a Chicago meetup then Columbus, if only because it's a bit closer to K-Zoo and that means less gas in the truck. I love my Beast but she doesn't get the best gas mileage. If there's anyone who lives fairly close (hour or so) and needs a ride, I can fit me + 4 other people in, though it'd be tight.

I can do January, especially earlier in the month (if only because the semester won't have gotten into full swing then and I won't be going crazy trying to keep up with pharmacology). Anytime between February 25th-March 7th would be awesome as well, as that's my spring break (and shadow_archmagi's as well).

Zeb The Troll
2010-10-20, 12:37 AM
When you say "we", does that imply that you might be attending this one, or are you referencing his likelihood of making it to the Trogland meetup?As much as we'd like to make it out to either location, we've had a terribly busy summer and we have to start restocking funds for next summer, so we're not going to be able to do this (this year).

I meant "we" as in "the Playground". However, for Trogland, I expect he'd rather hitch hike for a week each way than NOT make it to that. That and he's got several months to work out a solution to the car problem before then.

2010-10-20, 12:41 AM
As much as we'd like to make it out to either location, we've had a terribly busy summer and we have to start restocking funds for next summer, so we're not going to be able to do this (this year).

I meant "we" as in "the Playground". However, for Trogland, I expect he'd rather hitch hike for a week each way than NOT make it to that. That and he's got several months to work out a solution to the car problem before then.

Wishful thinking on my part, really. Guess I'll see ya in JC:smallbiggrin:

I'll try and get the list updated tomorrow sometime. I'm really bad at sitting down and doing stuff like that, though. So no promises.

2010-10-20, 01:37 AM
I'm going to stay out of the "when" discussion outside of the advice I've already put forth since I don't want to seem like I'm taking this away from arguskos. He's the organizer.
At this point, that's Krade and you. I'm pretty useless for such stuff, honestly.

Also, it definitely seems like Chicago is vastly preferred (probably rightly so, Columbus isn't super exciting). In that case, let's go ahead and say that the potential meet-up will take place there? Probably in March-ish, since that seems to work for peoples?

2010-10-20, 09:51 AM
March, eh? :smallfrown: Well argus, at least you and I can meet up for a pint in January. I dunno if I'll be able to do March.

EDIT: Augh I did it again; Agrus is the card, argus is the playgrounder! >.< Stupid sexy Flanders!

2010-10-21, 08:38 PM
Well, I think I could go for either Chicago or Columbus. I'd prefer Columbus, because it's closer to me, but, like I said, I should be able to do either one.

The two meetup idea doesn't sound bad, actually. Might wanna look into that. If we can get a host for Columbus.

I would prefer March, because that gives me more time to prep. But, I think I could do January. Although, if we go March, I'd like to shoot for around the 21st, cause that's my birthday. Gives us an extra reason to do stuff.

If people in Royal Oak/Troy area of Michigan need a ride, let me know. I can fit four in my car.

Now, again, I want to stress that as of right now, I can't guarantee that I can come. But, it is likely. As the time approaches, I'll be able to know better. Mostly depends on my monies.

2010-10-21, 08:48 PM
Shadow ratted me out, didn't he? (I'm Dr. Girlfriend on Steam, mightymonarch everywhere else. Unless there's another person that goes by Dr. Girlfriend and lives in Kalamazoo on here.) I pretty much hang out in the Steam threads, though. I really don't know any of you!

If there was one, I'd try to make it, assuming it's at a convenient time and location.

2010-10-21, 10:46 PM
March, eh? :smallfrown: Well argus, at least you and I can meet up for a pint in January. I dunno if I'll be able to do March.

EDIT: Augh I did it again; Agrus is the card, argus is the playgrounder! >.< Stupid sexy Flanders!
You better do two things.

1. Get the name right. It's right there (<---)! :smalltongue:

2. Contact me in January. I'll hook you up with some good grub (not much on the drinky, but I know my food dammit).

The two meetup idea doesn't sound bad, actually. Might wanna look into that. If we can get a host for Columbus.
Sadly, the host thing is basically the only thing I can't do. I don't have my own place right now, or I'd be all "hey, I'll host folks". Oh well. Perhaps next year for that.

2010-10-22, 08:47 AM
You better do two things.

1. Get the name right. It's right there (<---)! :smalltongue:

2. Contact me in January. I'll hook you up with some good grub (not much on the drinky, but I know my food dammit).

Hey now, I corrected myself! :smallfrown: It's just hard to remember sometimes, because my brain makes the association with Kos, and it comes out agrus instead of argus.

I will, however, contact you should the lady and I be going to the Con. We have to see what her finances look like when we get closer to the date.

2010-10-22, 01:13 PM
Hey now, I corrected myself! :smallfrown: It's just hard to remember sometimes, because my brain makes the association with Kos, and it comes out agrus instead of argus.

I will, however, contact you should the lady and I be going to the Con. We have to see what her finances look like when we get closer to the date.
You know I <3 you. :smallcool:

2010-10-22, 01:21 PM
Were I still living in Michigan, I would suggest Detroit as a possible meet up location, but I have moved away.:smallfrown: Good luck with getting this thing working.

2010-10-22, 10:32 PM
Sadly, the host thing is basically the only thing I can't do. I don't have my own place right now, or I'd be all "hey, I'll host folks". Oh well. Perhaps next year for that.

Yeah, that's why I'm not offering Detroit as a possibility. I wouldn't be able to house anybody. And that would be rude.

Show people around, sure. Take people to good hang-out places, sure. House them? Sorry. Not my house.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-10-23, 09:34 AM
I WOULD offer T.O. as a possibility, but my house is not my own, and all of ye laazy Americans who would need to get passports outnumber us Canadians who already have passports.

Interesting fact: a large percentage more (I forget exactly, but pretty large) Canadians have passports than Americans.

2010-10-23, 10:05 AM
I have like a million passports, though I think they all expired. Sadly I'm indisposed in terms of long distance trips all next semester, but if it ends up in Toronto or at least Canada then I'm game.

2010-10-23, 11:04 PM
I WOULD offer T.O. as a possibility, but my house is not my own, and all of ye laazy Americans who would need to get passports outnumber us Canadians who already have passports.

Interesting fact: a large percentage more (I forget exactly, but pretty large) Canadians have passports than Americans.

Actually...Michigan peoples don't need a passport for Canada anymore. They just have to get what's called an "Enhanced" driver's license. Costs more than a normal one, but it'll get you into Canada anytime you want.

Thes Hunter
2010-10-26, 12:58 PM
Speaking of Heartland meetup.....

I have this sweet set up with my apartment building connected to a hotel. I believe I can get the common room cheap/free.

I have been kicking around the idea of hosting a meetup, only 2 er... 3 problems.

1. The Courtyard Marriot - Renaissance Center (across from GM world headquarters with a nice view of Canada across the river) isn't cheap, even on the weekends.
2. Beyond the Playgrounders on FB, who else knows me around here? *sees a tumbleweed twindle past*
3. Between now and umm... like 10 years from now... when am I going to find the time to host a meetup?

KM2, if you were ever down with trying to pull something together in the D, I would help out with the organization and all.... just don't know if I could do the whole thing myself. :smallwink:

2010-10-26, 02:59 PM
Speaking of Heartland meetup.....

I have this sweet set up with my apartment building connected to a hotel. I believe I can get the common room cheap/free.

I have been kicking around the idea of hosting a meetup, only 2 er... 3 problems.

1. The Courtyard Marriot - Renaissance Center (across from GM world headquarters with a nice view of Canada across the river) isn't cheap, even on the weekends.
2. Beyond the Playgrounders on FB, who else knows me around here? *sees a tumbleweed twindle past*
3. Between now and umm... like 10 years from now... when am I going to find the time to host a meetup?

KM2, if you were ever down with trying to pull something together in the D, I would help out with the organization and all.... just don't know if I could do the whole thing myself. :smallwink:

First off, Renaissance Center does have a nice view. Or, I assume it would. Haven't actually been to it yet.

Anywho, I'd be up for helping getting things together here. Like I said, my main problem with doing one here is that I could not offer space in my house to stay. I don't even have an actual room. My bed is in a corner of the computer/video game room.

Also, Thes, I thought you were in Ann Arbor. Am I wrong on that? Cause, I mean, Ann Arbor is a good 30-45 minute drive from where I'm at.

Thes Hunter
2010-10-27, 08:04 AM
I have lived in Ann Arbor at various times in my life, but right now I am like Downtown Julie Brown.

This is my view out my window, Everyone say hello to Canada!


As for hosting it here, there are places like Pandamoium games which would be awesome for it. Lots of space that we could take over. As for places to stay... I wasn't advertising that, because some people could stay in my apartment, but that list is already full. :smalleek:

2010-10-27, 12:13 PM
I've seen that view both in the morning and in the evening, and oh my word, it is deliriously pretty. The RC definitely has my approval and backing.

...it's also, as mentioned, a bit expensive. :smallfrown: I would add however that the view of Detroit by night is fairly breathtaking, for just being little ol' Detroit. LOTS of pretty lights, especially if you're looking at Motor City (or whatever the one building is with the literal rainbow of neon on it).

However, I will state immediately, that if you have to bus in via Greyhound, and you stop at the Detroit Greyhound terminal, stay the flying F away from the men's room. I encountered it twice during my last trip this summer, and the first time I was in there, I swear either somebody shot a bucket of tomato chowder (not soup... CHOWDER) with a shotgun, or... somebody died... in one of the bathroom stalls... and nobody appeared to be terribly concerned. :smalleek::smalleek::smalleek:

Thes Hunter
2010-10-27, 07:46 PM
Hrm... 3 of us in the Detroit area.... with a few more not too far away.... I think we might have to try for an unofficial mini meetup over winter break. (I'd say Thanksgiving, but I have already made plans).

Would you guys be able to come over to my place for board games Sunday December 26th? If so, we can start making sure a few other people in the area are aware, and begin making official unofficial plans.

(And if the creep factor gets to high, we can always move it to one of the game friendly places, like Pandamonium or AJ's Cafe)

2010-10-27, 08:07 PM
I'd be willing to drive up for that, maybe, but I'll be stuck up in Pennsylvania over winter break.

In news related to this thread: Ohayocon preregistration ends very soon! Get your passes so you can seek out other GitPers the entire 3 days (it's not worth it if you don't plan to go all 3 days, though).

2010-10-28, 01:25 AM
You know, I just now, for the first time ever, learned the exact location of Detroit. I guess that's not so bad, I mean, I went to Johnson City without actually knowing where it was on the map until AFTER I had already gotten home.

That said, I would be interested in trying to make a Detroit meetup. However, the day after Christmas might be a little iffy for me. Since I'd be taking the bus, holiday rates would probably apply...


$106 Round trip. The "best" choice on arrival and departure time have me getting in at 11:10am and leaving at 8:30 the next morning. For some reason, there is no overnight option. That would've been my first choice. The only problem would be getting the 2 days after Christmas off and a place to stay. Those are pretty big problems.

BUT, if I can get around those, I'm totally down.

2010-10-28, 07:21 AM
Mini-meetup might work out for me. Have to look into that.

I'd still be up for the bigger one for spring break.

2010-10-29, 10:50 PM
Okay, since the last time I got all down about the lack of interest a bunch of people started posting again, I'm gonna try that again.:smalltongue:

Or not, rather.

I'm thinking it would be best to do a Chicago Meetup AND a separate Columbus Meetup. The logistivs of trying to figure out a way to get everyone to one or the other are, apparently, insurmountable.

Note: this is also separate from the Detroit thing Thes suggested.

2010-10-29, 11:02 PM
Huh, I wonder why Phoe didn't point me to this.

Me and PhoeKun live in Cassopolis, Michigan.

We don't have much gas money though... anyone willing to carpool? :smalltongue:

2010-10-29, 11:04 PM
Huh, I wonder why Phoe didn't point me to this.

Me and PhoeKun live in Cassopolis, Michigan.

We don't have much gas money though... anyone willing to carpool? :smalltongue:

If I knew where in Michigan that was, maybe.

2010-10-29, 11:10 PM
If I knew where in Michigan that was, maybe.

Cass County
20 minutes north of Niles and about 50 minutes south/southwest of Kalamazoo.

2010-10-29, 11:14 PM
Huh, I wonder why Phoe didn't point me to this.

Perhaps she didn't see it? I don't think she's posted here.

2010-10-30, 07:00 AM
I'm just waiting to see if dates are figured out, since we're not hosting and we're possibly driving depending on where it is (and if my schedule will agree with it or not).

2010-10-30, 09:23 AM
As much as we'd like to make it out to either location, we've had a terribly busy summer and we have to start restocking funds for next summer, so we're not going to be able to do this (this year).

Hey, speak for yourself....I have free airline tickets and am only working 3 days a week currently. I could totally make it to a meetup and not even spend any money, assuming I can crash at someone's place.

2010-10-30, 05:55 PM
I WOULD offer T.O. as a possibility, but my house is not my own, and all of ye laazy Americans who would need to get passports outnumber us Canadians who already have passports.

Interesting fact: a large percentage more (I forget exactly, but pretty large) Canadians have passports than Americans.

This is because 80% of our population is not within 200 miles of your border, also we see little cause for cross-border shopping...

I'm interested as a Southsider (Chicagoan) I'd obviously prefer Chicago, but I know some people near Detroit I could crash with, Columbus would be difficult for me.

Also if we did do one not-in-Chicago, would it be cool to bring a non-playgrounder friend with me? Cuz if I'm driving 4 hours to Detroit, I'd rather not do it alone.

2010-10-31, 07:45 PM

Hello, not-Canada!

Huh, I wonder why Phoe didn't point me to this.

Me and PhoeKun live in Cassopolis, Michigan.

We don't have much gas money though... anyone willing to carpool? :smalltongue:

If it ends up being in Chicago, if I end up going, and if I'm able to steal my dad's car for whenever, sure. Not too far out of the way.

Please note: these are some hueg maybes. Grad school has come down on me like a ton of bricks and I have, like, no time to do anything anymore. More than likely not, but a maybe is still maybe.

2010-10-31, 09:17 PM
Cass County
20 minutes north of Niles and about 50 minutes south/southwest of Kalamazoo.

Hmmm...if it's in Chicago, I guess that'd be on my way. I'm in Madison Heights, which is just north of Detroit. In fact, I'm only two miles north of Detroit.

And Shyftir, I think that'd be fine to bring somebody else. If they're up to it. I see no problem with that.

2010-11-02, 06:14 PM
Who lives in Michigan.
Tell me who lives in Michigan.
If you live in Michigan tell me.
Who lives in Michigan.

2010-11-04, 02:14 AM
*looks at his location listing*

...noooooooooooooooooot me? :smallconfused:

EDIT: I guess, if you're asking for a list, off the top of my head from the last page there's me, Krade (I think), SweetRein, Phoe, and there was somebody else, and Thes Hunter, and another somebody else. How's that for a start?

2010-11-04, 07:33 AM
*looks at his location listing*

...noooooooooooooooooot me? :smallconfused:

EDIT: I guess, if you're asking for a list, off the top of my head from the last page there's me, Krade (I think), SweetRein, Phoe, and there was somebody else, and Thes Hunter, and another somebody else. How's that for a start?

I'm one of those somebody elses!

So's my brother, stopwatch.

2010-11-04, 10:40 AM
I'm in Indiana... in:smalltongue:

2010-11-04, 11:14 AM
I'm in Indiana... in:smalltongue:

Whoops, my mistake. :smallfrown:

Admiral Squish
2010-11-04, 02:31 PM
I lives in Warren! Just a couple miles north of detroit proper.

2010-11-04, 03:08 PM
Hmm, I'm seeing support for Chicago and Columbus early and Detroit surging strong lately.

Seems like March is preferred by the majority...

Myself, I could make it to Detroit or Chicago with my Munchkin cards but would only consider going to Columbus if I could ride that cool 360 extreme roller coaster I heard about that you supposedly have in Ohio.

Seems like Chicago is the most central place IMO.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

People in the playground live in Minnesota? And it is not just me? :smalleek:
Does not compute!Did you say something? I can't hear you over all the wind!

Admiral Squish
2010-11-04, 03:16 PM
As close as I am to Detroit, I can honestly say I wouldn't like it very much as a meetup. I find it to be a very unpleasant city.

2010-11-04, 04:02 PM
I believe the Detroit thing was thrown out as a separate meetup possibility by Thes. It would be a short, one day thing. Edit: Also, I believe she suggested the day after Christmas for the date. Also separate from the March-ish timeframe we're looking at.

The actual meetup (if there even is one), will be in either Chicago or Columbus, though at this point I'm pretty sure Chicago is more likely.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-04, 04:05 PM
me getting to this meetup is looking slightly more likely. I only have -$198 now.:smalltongue:

still need to get my license though.

2010-11-04, 04:31 PM
Well alright. I'll make time in March for Chicago if it gets coalesced.

2010-11-04, 09:28 PM
As close as I am to Detroit, I can honestly say I wouldn't like it very much as a meetup. I find it to be a very unpleasant city.

I was thinking it'd be more for Royal Oak than actually in Detroit. Just cause Royal Oak has a bunch of stuff, and is nicer.

Anywho, yeah, I think Chicago in March would be best.

2010-11-07, 01:51 PM
(plus I bet we could also get Shadow on board if he's not too busy)
Probably, yeah.

Shadow ratted me out, didn't he?
I did no such thing. I don't even know you. But had I known you, and had I known you to have done something worthy of tattling on, I would have totally ratted you out.

Speaking of Heartland meetup.....
Stop falling in love with me you sultry minx. :smallwink:

Thes Hunter
2010-11-11, 04:39 PM
Hello, not-Canada!

Just because you don't want to claim Windsor, doesn't mean it's not yours. :smallyuk: :smallsmile:

For those not familiar with Detroit Geography, My window looks out over the south-east. South of Detroit, is in fact Windsor CANADA! For some reason, other Canadians don't wish to claim it.


This side of the river is Canada.
This side of the river is Detroit.

I took this photo to prove to myself that the moon really wasn't as big as it appeared. :smallsmile:

If it ends up being in Chicago, if I end up going, and if I'm able to steal my dad's car for whenever, sure. Not too far out of the way.

Please note: these are some hueg maybes. Grad school has come down on me like a ton of bricks and I have, like, no time to do anything anymore. More than likely not, but a maybe is still maybe.

Along with Zombie's maybes, are my own, but if Zombie isn't driving, and I am going, I would have no problem picking up You and Phoe, Reina.


But it looks like there is some interest in a mini meetup in Detroit area (Which includes Warren, thank you very much).

Since we might actually get a few more people than I was expecting, Let's do this either at Pandemonium, or AJ's Cafe. Both places are open late and very friendly to gamers.

1858 Middlebelt Road
Garden City, MI 48135-2817

Pros: Is a gaming store, has tons and tons of space.
Cons: Other non-OoTS people will be there playing games, and no food and drink onsite, but you can bring your own

AJ's Cafe
240 West Nine Mile Road
Ferndale, MI 48220
(248) 399-3946

Pros: As a cafe has lots of food and drink options, Only OoTS'ers will be playing games, so if you see people playing games, you know it's one of us!
Cons: Not a gaming store, and un-substantiated rumors have it that it may close.

Any of the other locals have a preference, or a suggestion of another place?

Stop falling in love with me you sultry minx. :smallwink:

Sorry can't help myself, cause it's either you, or the flaming straight guy.

2010-11-11, 05:23 PM
Hey Thes, I can check if AJ's is closed. I live really close to Ferndale. I'm right by where 75 and 696 cross. In Madison Heights.

As far as other suggestions...can't really think of any at the moment, but I could probably get something together.

Thes Hunter
2010-11-12, 03:19 PM
I think it is still open... least Meetups are still being organized to meet there... it was just indicated that it might not be open in December... but then again, who knows... rumors are what they are....

Mystic Muse
2010-11-12, 03:46 PM
I might actually be able to make it now. I'm currently a mere one dollar in debt.

2010-11-12, 11:40 PM
Hooray for Kyuubi!

Anywhos, as for this Detroit thing we got going, I thought of one more possibility.

Oakland Mall, in Troy.

The food court is decent sized, so we can get a couple tables together as needed.

2010-11-12, 11:41 PM
What state is that in?

2010-11-12, 11:43 PM
Michigan, I believe.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-13, 12:33 AM
Hooray for Kyuubi!

And now I has positive monies!only a buck fifty but still

I just need enough for gas and my license. I'll try to get somebody to take me this week for the test.

2010-11-13, 10:32 AM
So if we do a little in Michigan right after Christmas (which I would like to try and get to), I positive "definitely going to happen" as soon as possible would be awesome so I can request the time off with the best chance of getting it.

2010-11-13, 01:34 PM
It's vaguely possible I could get up to either Chicago or Columbus, as they're equally distant from Middle of Nowhere, Indiana in early to mid March. I need to be back here by the 14th, though.

I'll be down in Texas in December, so no luck on getting to Michigan, much as I'd like to.

@V: congratulations. I bet you're on real Indiana time, too. :smalltongue:

Mystic Muse
2010-11-13, 02:47 PM
It's vaguely possible I could get up to either Chicago or Columbus, as they're equally distant from Middle of Nowhere, Indiana in early to mid March. I need to be back here by the 14th, though.

I'll be down in Texas in December, so no luck on getting to Michigan, much as I'd like to.

I live in Indiana too.:smallbiggrin:

So, when exactly would this Michigan meetup be? I don't know that I'll be able to make it.

The Valiant Turtle
2010-11-14, 07:59 AM
I just thought I'd mention that I've been watching the thread and while I'd love to attend any and all meetups, we are expecting a baby in February which pretty much rules out anything in March for me. There seems to be a lot more of us from Indiana now. That's good to know. I'm in Columbus, IN.

2010-11-14, 11:10 PM
Michigan, I believe.


About six miles north of Detroit.

2010-11-15, 10:23 AM
@V: congratulations. I bet you're on real Indiana time, too. :smalltongue:What, exactly, is "real Indiana time?"

Also, Congrats Turtle! New Baby FTW!

2010-11-15, 05:59 PM
What, exactly, is "real Indiana time?"

Also, Congrats Turtle! New Baby FTW!

It's the blue area on this picture.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-15, 08:00 PM
Yeah, I'm on real Indiana time too. Not sure where I fall in that blue area though. I never watch the news and have no experience with maps* like that.

*or whatever you'd call that thing.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-11-15, 09:41 PM
Those squares.
So confusing.
What ARE they?

2010-11-15, 09:44 PM
Those squares.
So confusing.
What ARE they?
Counties, political units for voting. I can understand the Canadian not knowing, but Kyuubi has no excuses. :smalltongue:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-11-15, 09:51 PM
Counties, political units for voting. I can understand the Canadian not knowing, but Kyuubi has no excuses. :smalltongue:

So, they're like Ridings? Ok, that makes sense. Still, a bit silly to have them used as the basis for a map, but things work in wierd ways in Trogland.

2010-11-15, 10:50 PM
So, they're like Ridings? Ok, that makes sense. Still, a bit silly to have them used as the basis for a map, but things work in wierd ways in Trogland.
...they're the basis for county maps? I mean, someone has to know where the damn counties are after all. They're not the main maps we use. Want to see one?
This is a road map of Ohio, where I live.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-11-15, 11:00 PM
...they're the basis for county maps? I mean, someone has to know where the damn counties are after all. They're not the main maps we use. Want to see one?

This is a road map of Ohio, where I live.

States are really small. I mean, I knew that before, but it only just hit my how SMALL that is. It looks like a map of the GTA!

2010-11-15, 11:20 PM
Driving across that laterally is over 2 hours if you go a bit over the speed limit on the highway the entire way. I wouldn't exactly call that "small". It's more land than a person can walk in a week at a trained pace, I think.

2010-11-16, 02:13 AM
Driving across that laterally is over 2 hours if you go a bit over the speed limit on the highway the entire way. I wouldn't exactly call that "small". It's more land than a person can walk in a week at a trained pace, I think.

He's comparing it to a territory, as that's what he's used to. States are tiny in comparison.
It's the difference between Alaska and Rhode Island.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-16, 02:35 AM
Counties, political units for voting. I can understand the Canadian not knowing, but Kyuubi has no excuses. :smalltongue:

I know what county I live in, I just don't know where that is on the map. I also can't vote yet or drive and the only maps that I know where to find around here are maps of the U.S. sans anything other than state names and capitol names and maps of the world.

Also, the reason I don't watch the news is it's never good. They mentioned one night they were going to do some good news. They had to go roughly a hundred years back in time to find some. I'm serious.

2010-11-16, 09:00 AM
States are really small. I mean, I knew that before, but it only just hit my how SMALL that is. It looks like a map of the GTA!

Some states are little. Ohio and Indiana being two of them.

Michigan? Not so much. Especially with the UP included. About an eight hour drive from top to bottom.

2010-11-16, 09:20 AM
He's comparing it to a territory, as that's what he's used to. States are tiny in comparison.
It's the difference between Alaska and Rhode Island.


Alaska is larger than Quebec, which is the largest province in Canada, and over 75% the size of Nunavut, the largest territory in Canada. Math says that your size comparison is wrong.

But, yes, provinces/territories are in general much larger than states. This I already knew. I still wouldn't call Ohio small. It is the exact perfect size to encompass the area of the United States which has absolutely nothing particularly interesting in it.

If you want small, check the New England states and such. A long-distance runner could cross some of those before sundown if he started early.

2010-11-16, 09:27 AM

Alaska is larger than Quebec, which is the largest province in Canada, and over 75% the size of Nunavut, the largest territory in Canada. Math says that your size comparison is wrong.

But, yes, provinces/territories are in general much larger than states. This I already knew. I still wouldn't call Ohio small. It is the exact perfect size to encompass the area of the United States which has absolutely nothing particularly interesting in it.

If you want small, check the New England states and such. A long-distance runner could cross some of those before sundown if he started early.

Hooray for being in a big state!

I find it funny that I could drive straight north for seven hours and still be in the same state. But, driving the same time south, I'll go through three states and end in a fourth.

Thes Hunter
2010-11-16, 11:15 AM
So do any of the Detroit locals have a problem with December 26th?

I have scant 2 weeks of break from school (during which I will be studying), and this is the only weekend day that will work for me. I can do 27-29th if that works for the rest of the locals better.

2010-11-16, 01:48 PM
Hmm, I expressed interest in seeing Michigan before but I won't be able to make anything within two days of Christmas. I had a vision of getting lost when nobody picked me up from the Greyhound station.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-11-16, 04:36 PM
He's comparing it to a territory, as that's what he's used to. States are tiny in comparison.
It's the difference between Alaska and Rhode Island.

Province. But aye, basically. I suppose it's because the US is much more densely populated, that they have much smaller states. Bein' up north, it's the more temperate southern area that's most populated.

2010-11-16, 04:48 PM
So do any of the Detroit locals have a problem with December 26th?

I have scant 2 weeks of break from school (during which I will be studying), and this is the only weekend day that will work for me. I can do 27-29th if that works for the rest of the locals better.

I'll probably be working on any of those days, but the latest I get off work is 7. And on the 26th, I'll be off by 5. So, I'm good for any of those.

2011-02-21, 11:11 PM
Massive bump. Semi thread necromancy.

So um is anybody still thinking about making this happen around spring break time?

Thes Hunter
2011-02-28, 11:31 AM
Hhahahahaha! Sorry I flaked on organizing a small gathering just after Xmas. School and some related things crept up and stole my brain!

I was far more busy than I ever expected, and it meant I didn't even have a Christmas break. (Even though I was off school for 2 weeks).

And now (contrary to what some of the 2nd years told me last year), I am jammed to my eyeballs with school work. If I am not memorizing an insanely long list of tortures I need to subject patients to (like sticking a wad of cotten in the eye to check the corneal reflex, or grabbing a person's tongue with gauze to check for thickening, or tenderness), I am struggling to get through the pile of BS our the instructors think we should know. (Versus what seems to be actually important for the Boards and the clinics, so I'm trying to study that as well). For example we have 477 pages of Dermatology to learn in a week. :smallsigh: And it's likely the only Derm I'm ever officially instructed on. (Internal Medicine doesn't do Derm, cause it's... well... external).

Anyways, all this to say... If something happens near here, I'll try to attend, but with exams every 2 weeks or so, and with very demanding hospital commitments, it will depend on the weekend on if I can attend or not. Even if it did happen in the Detroit area.

I also will not be able to help organize anything for the forseeable future. So sorry peeps. I would like to see you all more, and have some fun. :smallfrown:

2011-02-28, 09:07 PM
Count me in. I'd love to meet some fellow Playgrounders. You guys tend to be the most reliably clever and kind bunch on the internet, and proximity to your skills could only increase my own.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-02-28, 09:28 PM
I might go if one get's organized. I'm not exactly, y'know, independent financially or, y'know, the whole being-16-years-old thing, so yeah.

2011-02-28, 10:20 PM
Well. I don't know if there's much I can do to get a meetup to happen. Most people live east of me so while I can bring various Munchkin and Arkham Horror games, I'll probably have to travel to get wherever it ends up. I'd still like to prove that flyover country represents just as much as Trogland...

2011-03-01, 12:46 AM
I might go if one get's organized. I'm not exactly, y'know, independent financially or, y'know, the whole being-16-years-old thing, so yeah.
Well, there was that Ottawa thing which didn't work out. And then I tried to get together a Fan Expo thing (to which nobody came). I guess Torontonians are just too chill to go anywhere. :smallfrown:

2011-03-02, 06:38 AM
We could just start by doing "general city" meet-ups like Chicago and nearby and Detroit and nearby, etc. And then see what kind of numbers would be interested in a bigger one after that.

Say we do a Chicago-area one. (Sorry D-town, my ability to co-ordinate is confined to my own basic area.) Say we just all meet somewhere and have dinner or something. as long as we're talking no more than like ten people and pick some place affordable we can think about a more game/media involving one at another time.

Hmm, I just realized I might have a place on the Southside of Chicago but I have some discussing to do with the proprietor there of.

Anyone interested in a Chicago city-wide meet-up send me a PM and I'll at least attempt to organize a go-out-to-eat night.

Your location says you are an hour outside of Chicago which general direction? And do you mean an hour from downtown or from the general suburban area?

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-03-02, 09:30 AM
Well, there was that Ottawa thing which didn't work out. And then I tried to get together a Fan Expo thing (to which nobody came). I guess Torontonians are just too chill to go anywhere. :smallfrown:

I'm more chill than an ice cream cone in January.
In Churchill Manitoba.
At night.

2011-03-02, 03:31 PM
Your location says you are an hour outside of Chicago which general direction? And do you mean an hour from downtown or from the general suburban area?

I'm from Streamwood, it's right by Schaumburg. Depending on the traffic/time of day and the exact location, it takes between one and two hours to get to Chicago. I'm about an hour from Joliet, too.

I am exquisitely interested in this meet-up, especially if it winds up being that close.

Mystic Muse
2011-03-02, 03:44 PM
I'm interested in the meetup, but I don't know that I will actually be able to make it. I have the money to, but I still don't have my license/permit. I tried to get it, but you need an obscene amount of identification now.

2011-03-03, 01:10 AM
Is the far South-side of Chicago a possible meet-up point then for a few people? Along the I-80 corridor? I know that's in my neighborhood but hey, if I'm organizing something why not?

Yeah, Lindworm, if you hit 355 you can be within three miles of the place I have in mind in like 45 minutes. If I had more room at home, I'd invite you to come down on a Friday night and hang out through the weekend. Alas extra sleeping space is rare in our little 4-room bungalow...

2011-03-03, 01:46 AM
Yeah, Lindworm, if you hit 355 you can be within three miles of the place I have in mind in like 45 minutes. If I had more room at home, I'd invite you to come down on a Friday night and hang out through the weekend. Alas extra sleeping space is rare in our little 4-room bungalow...

Awesome. Conversely, I'd invite you here but I still live with my family, so there are 4-5 other permissions needed. If I were on my own, that offer would surely have been extended.

2011-03-03, 02:44 PM
Indiana, here.

I'd definitely be up for this, depending on when it's to be done. I'm what you might call 'broke' at the moment, but I should be able to gain employment soon enough so as long as it isn't immediately in the future I should be good to show up.

Can't really say I have much to bring other than my snarky ******* personality and manly beard, though.

If we're to do this actually by the lakes, that'd be just swell. :D

2011-03-03, 03:05 PM
Can't really say I have much to bring other than my snarky ******* personality and manly beard, though.

Ditto. Well, mostly; change "manly" to "embarrassing." I might be able to bring something, but I should not be considered vital.

2011-03-03, 03:29 PM
There was a Midwest/"Heartland" meetup last year about this time, my wife and I hosted it :smallwink::smalltongue: I think Supagoof was going to try to get one together this year, but it seems to have fallen off the tracks.It did. Alas, my medical troubles have caused me to fall short of kicking off the Midwest Meetup. Though I fully support seeing them happen.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

People in the playground live in Minnesota? And it is not just me? :smalleek:
Does not compute!Yes. You are not alone here. There's quite a sizable gathering of us if I recall correctly. Andre Fairchilde, Emerald Rose, Vibrant, Orange Zergling, Purple Gelatenous Cube of Doom, Asthix, me....

Did you say something? I can't hear you over all the wind!Or heaping mounds of snow.....

Y'know, I may have to work on organizing a Mini-Minnesota Meetup in Minneapolis :smalltongue:. There is definitely enough of us around to make a small gathering worthwhile, and plenty of spaces to have it at as well.

And no, I don't feel bad about posting that option amongst the 2-3 listed here in the Great Lakes America Meet-up Thread. Minnesota does have shoreline on lake Superior - y'know, the largest of the Great Lakes. :smallamused:

That being said, I won't be doing any meetups soon because of still persisting medical reasons. Though later summer might be a good time-spot.

2011-03-04, 02:53 PM
Is the far South-side of Chicago a possible meet-up point then for a few people? Along the I-80 corridor? I know that's in my neighborhood but hey, if I'm organizing something why not?

If I had more room at home, I'd invite you to come down on a Friday night and hang out through the weekend. Alas extra sleeping space is rare in our little 4-room bungalow...

Y'know, I may have to work on organizing a Mini-Minnesota Meetup in Minneapolis :smalltongue:. There is definitely enough of us around to make a small gathering worthwhile, and plenty of spaces to have it at as well.

And no, I don't feel bad about posting that option amongst the 2-3 listed here in the Great Lakes America Meet-up Thread. Minnesota does have shoreline on lake Superior - y'know, the largest of the Great Lakes. :smallamused:

That being said, I won't be doing any meetups soon because of still persisting medical reasons. Though later summer might be a good time-spot.

Get well soon Supa! Thanks for the skinny on the extra Minnesotans itP. I wonder if any of them saw me in my MitD costume at a certain Halloween party last year?

I'm supportive of any gatherings that can get coalesced and would consider still Greyhounding to Chicago.

EDIT: -VVV- Z3ro, I can only speak for Minneapolis, not Chicago. I do know someone who owns a gaming store in Mpls.

2011-03-04, 03:31 PM
Get well soon Supa! Thanks for the skinny on the extra Minnesotans itP. I wonder if any of them saw me in my MitD costume at a certain Halloween party last year?

I'm supportive of any gatherings that can get coalesced and would consider still Greyhounding to Chicago.

What kind of meetup are we talking about? At a game shop to game? A club to party? Someone's house to hang out? Depending on what everyone's looking for I can help coordinate things and provide some needed services.

2011-03-04, 03:47 PM
What kind of meetup are we talking about? At a game shop to game? A club to party? Someone's house to hang out? Depending on what everyone's looking for I can help coordinate things and provide some needed services.

All that is up in the air but gaming and hanging out are the two most likely goals.

2011-03-04, 04:06 PM
I am in Bridgeport, on the Southside of Chicago, so the Chicago one sounds like something I would attend.

Mystic Muse
2011-03-04, 04:52 PM
I suggest avoiding clubs that serve alcohol. Some of us might not be 21.

2011-03-04, 04:55 PM
Well, if it's gaming and hanging out, I have my house available (in Aurora), as well as the ability to help with transportation, depending on where at. Help with lodging is limited, sadly, as I don't have any extra bedrooms setup right now (they're all offices).

2011-03-04, 04:57 PM
I suggest avoiding clubs that serve alcohol. Some of us might not be 21.

A very good point. Are any of the prospective participants under 21?

Mystic Muse
2011-03-04, 05:12 PM
A very good point. Are any of the prospective participants under 21?

I am, and it looked like Gwyn (can't remember the full name) wanted to come too and he is.

2011-03-04, 05:26 PM
I am, and it looked like Gwyn (can't remember the full name) wanted to come too and he is.

Good to know. Also, Gwyn is Canadian; although he's certainly welcome to come, I don't think he'll be able to make it.

2011-03-04, 05:38 PM
I know organizing online meetups can be hard, so let's start with this; assuming a Chicago area meetup, when are we looking at? I would say 1-2 months prep time should be good, but what does everyone else think? If we can nail down a time, a place can follow and we can roll from there.

2011-03-04, 05:44 PM
My schedule's never been clearer, so I can do pretty much anytime. A month or so from now seems like as good a time as any.

2011-03-04, 05:48 PM
Aurora is doable for me if you've got the space. If we are talking a meet-up focused on comparatively small areas like ,you know, Greater Chicagoland. We can do that on a one-day start at 11:00 AM go to 8:00PM kinda way without being totally unworthy for people to come out to it. SO what are we thinking tentatively in late April-early May?

2011-03-04, 05:51 PM
Aurora is doable for me if you've got the space. If we are talking a meet-up focused on comparatively small areas like ,you know, Greater Chicagoland. We can do that on a one-day start at 11:00 AM go to 8:00PM kinda way without being totally unworthy for people to come out to it. SO what are we thinking tentatively in late April-early May?

Just for manageability Chicagoland area would probably work best. I've got plenty of space depending on what we're planning on doing and how many people are going to be involved (probably ten's the max comfortably, more than that and we'd have to split activities. And I can only get six or seven around the TV). And all day's fine for me so long as I know a couple weeks in advance to get off from work.

Late April-early May works fine for me as tenative dates.

2011-03-04, 06:37 PM
I can't do anything until summer, but once summer comes around, I will be over 21. I won't want to do drinking things anyway, but it's worth noting.

2011-03-04, 06:39 PM
I can't do anything until summer, but once summer comes around, I will be over 21. I won't want to do drinking things anyway, but it's worth noting.
Oshi- really? I'm older than you are? Damn. Didn't see that one coming.

Also, yeah, I'd like to join up with this, but the odds of me being able to make it out to Chicago are low unless someone gives me a lift over there. :smallfrown: Perhaps another time, then.

2011-03-04, 06:42 PM
Oshi- really? I'm older than you are? Damn. Didn't see that one coming.

People over the internet have imagined me as old as mid-30s since I was in my mid-teens. I guess I just come across as crotchety.

Rest assured, in person, I'm much more immature. :smalltongue:

2011-03-04, 06:42 PM
Also, yeah, I'd like to join up with this, but the odds of me being able to make it out to Chicago are low unless someone gives me a lift over there. :smallfrown: Perhaps another time, then.

Colombus is a little far for me, sorry, man. I certainly would try if you were a little closer, but interstate travel is probably a good place to draw the line (unless that other state is Wisconsin, because I'm so close I almost went there accidentally one time).

People over the internet have imagined me as old as mid-30s since I was in my mid-teens. I guess I just come across as crotchety.

I get that a lot, though not as much as I used to. I'm not even 22 yet, but people have thought I was in my mid-twenties or better for the last six years or so. It even happens IRL.

2011-03-04, 06:44 PM
People over the internet have imagined me as old as mid-30s since I was in my mid-teens. I guess I just come across as crotchety.
I wouldn't say "crotchety" exactly.... :smalltongue:

Rest assured, in person, I'm much more immature. :smalltongue:
So you continue to say, and yet, even though we live in the same town, I have no proof of this.

Colombus is a little far for me, sorry, man. I certainly would try if you were a little closer, but interstate travel is probably a good place to draw the line (unless that other state is Wisconsin, because I'm so close I almost went there accidentally one time).
Haha, 'sall good dude. No worries. It's amusing that the thread creator is all "can't come to anything" though. :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-08, 10:47 PM
I might be able to make the drive out to Chicago, actually. I likely won't be able to do so 'til around Summer, though.

If we're doing that then, I'd be willing to pick up anyone on my way there, so who all lives between Muncie and Chicago?

Also, I'd be fine with maybe chipping in on renting out the conference room or somesuch at a hotel, if that's doable.

Totally no ulterior motives to wanting to go to Chicago, not at all.
Not at all...

2011-03-09, 03:45 AM
I could pick people up as far away as the Indiana-Illinois border but would need some gas money kicked it because that's an extra hour or so of driving for me.

2011-03-09, 06:54 AM
Also, I'd be fine with maybe chipping in on renting out the conference room or somesuch at a hotel, if that's doable.

I might be able to scrape together a little bit, as well. No guarantees, though; it's been kind of tight around here.

2011-03-09, 08:19 AM
Lyndworm - Exactly why I said I wouldn't be able to do so for at least a month. D:
'sbeen real tight around here, lately.

2011-03-09, 10:12 AM
Lyndworm - Exactly why I said I wouldn't be able to do so for at least a month. D:
'sbeen real tight around here, lately.

While not a bad idea, I seriously doubt we'd have enough people to rent out a conference room; we'd have to be talking like 20+ before that becomes necessary.

2011-03-09, 10:21 AM
Well, I was unsure of the number of folks and all that, maybe not a conference room, but maybe something like a restaurant's reserved room or something smaller like that.

Of course, depending on the numbers and what all we're planning on doing, that might not even be necessary.

2011-03-09, 12:12 PM
Well, I was unsure of the number of folks and all that, maybe not a conference room, but maybe something like a restaurant's reserved room or something smaller like that.

Of course, depending on the numbers and what all we're planning on doing, that might not even be necessary.

How about we find out; if we can get everyone interested in attending a meetup (with an idea of the meetup somewhere in the Chicagoland area or suburbs, sometime in late spring/early summer) to post and let us know level of availability, we can get a better guage of what type of space we need, from someone's house to a large hall.

Mystic Muse
2011-03-09, 12:38 PM
Just a warning, despite what my profile says I'm not technically a girl in real life. I'm a Male to female transsexual. If you aren't sure what that means, it means I'm physically male, but mentally female and wish I would have been born female hence the female sign. However, I'm not out to my parents yet, so if they're there (Probably will be), please don't bring it up.

2011-03-09, 04:36 PM
How about we find out; if we can get everyone interested in attending a meetup (with an idea of the meetup somewhere in the Chicagoland area or suburbs, sometime in late spring/early summer) to post and let us know level of availability, we can get a better guage of what type of space we need, from someone's house to a large hall.

Well, I'll be doing everything in my power to attend. I can't really vouch for anyone else, though, so that makes two.

Just a warning, despite what my profile says I'm not technically a girl in real life. I'm a Male to female transsexual. If you aren't sure what that means, it means I'm physically male, but mentally female and wish I would have been born female hence the female sign. However, I'm not out to my parents yet, so if they're there (Probably will be), please don't bring it up.

I did not know that; thanks for the warning, it could've been awkward. Now that I do know, however, you should know that that's a complete non-issue for me. Although we don't talk much anymore, I used to be pretty good friends with an M to F. She actually is one of the reasons I got into D&D.

2011-03-09, 11:21 PM
I am interested. I also have a car, and live right by US Cellular field. I have my own place, but it is not large enough for more than 8ish. My availability is weekends, but not the weekends of April 1st, April 8th, or May 6th.

2011-03-09, 11:35 PM
All that is up in the air but gaming and hanging out are the two most likely goals.

Pick a night. We don't even have to head to the city. I live off of Briggs Street.

2011-03-09, 11:56 PM
Just for organizational purposes, I believe that those interested are:

0tt3r|Weekends|Chicago, IL
DeadManSleeping|April-May|Columbus, OH
Lyndworm|Anytime|Streamwood, IL
Necro EX|Summer|Muncie, IN
Shadow|Unknown|Joliet, IL
Shyfter|Saturdays|Joliet, IL
Z3ro|Anytime|Aurora, IL[/table]

Hopefully, this helps a little bit.

2011-03-10, 12:39 AM
Just for clarification, I am in the neighborhood of Bridgeport within the city limits of Chicago, not in a different city than Chicago.

2011-03-10, 12:40 AM
I've changed it so as to avoid any confusion, thank you.

2011-03-10, 12:59 AM
I'm in Columbus. You're off by about 5-6 hours of driving.

2011-03-10, 01:09 AM
Fixed. I assumed you were relatively close to Chicago as you previously mentioned that it would be convenient for you to meet there. My mistake.

2011-03-10, 09:58 AM
Pick a night. We don't even have to head to the city. I live off of Briggs Street.

Wait seriously? I live off of Briggs too. Listen my gaming buddies tend to get together on Friday nights, on Briggs Street. I'm going to PM you we've definitely got to meet-up.

BTW, my availability is open, but best on Saturdays. It's a transportation issue.

2011-03-10, 11:27 AM
Wait seriously? I live off of Briggs too. Listen my gaming buddies tend to get together on Friday nights, on Briggs Street. I'm going to PM you we've definitely got to meet-up.

BTW, my availability is open, but best on Saturdays. It's a transportation issue.

We game on Thursdays.
Friday is usually drunken raid night.

2011-03-10, 11:51 AM
What are you playing tonight?

2011-03-10, 11:53 AM
What are you playing tonight?

We play 3-4 weeks of 3.5, then swap to 3-4 weeks of Dark Sun 4e.
I'm not sure which one we're doing tonight to be honest.

2011-03-10, 11:56 AM
You know I'm not doing anything tonight. I wouldn't mind hanging just to meet some new gamers. My social circles could use some expanding...

BTW my group is pretty much all 20-somethings.

2011-03-10, 12:14 PM
You know I'm not doing anything tonight. I wouldn't mind hanging just to meet some new gamers. My social circles could use some expanding...

BTW my group is pretty much all 20-somethings.

We're all late 20-somethings, early 30-somethings.
As soon as I hear from someone today I'll see if it's a problem. We have 5 players already, plus the DM, so I'm not sure if he's looking for another. I'll find out if he is.
That is, if game isn't canceled tonight. We haven't played the last two weeks due to personal issues that arose.

2011-03-10, 12:33 PM
I know how those things go.

I don't really care if I play, honestly. I got another group that plays 3.5 pretty regularly on Sunday Nights but it's already at its limit for players with 6 and probably one more coming. I'm just bound to be bored because the guys who live nearby have JuCo classes tonight.

2011-03-10, 04:21 PM
Just to let everyone know, my availability is pretty open whenever. I have a few random weekends that may be bad, but I can generally make anything work.

2011-03-10, 04:25 PM
Screen Name | Availability |

0tt3r|Weekends|IL, Chicago
Arguskos|Unknown|OH, Columbus
DeadManSleeping|April-May|OH, Columbus
For'Ninniach|Unknown|MN, Minneapolis
KerfuffleMach2|Summer|MI, Detroit
Krade|April or July|Indiana
Lyndworm|Anytime|IL, Streamwood
Necro EX|Summer|IN, Muncie
Shadow|Unknown|IL, Joliet
Shyfter|Saturdays|IL, Joliet
Z3ro|Anytime|IL, Aurora[/table]

Reposting for the new page.

Mystic Muse
2011-03-10, 04:26 PM
I should be open this Summer.

2011-03-12, 06:01 PM
Screen Name | Availability |

0tt3r|Weekends|Chicago, IL
DeadManSleeping|April-May|Columbus, OH
Lyndworm|Anytime|Streamwood, IL
Necro EX|Summer|Muncie, IN
Shadow|Unknown|Joliet, IL
Shyfter|Saturdays|Joliet, IL
Z3ro|Anytime|Aurora, IL[/table]

Reposting for the new page.

Collection for random meetups?

Well, I'm in Detroit, and as for availability...for just a random hang out with somebody near me, summer tends to work out better, but I can usually squeeze in at least a few hang out hours somewhere.

As for an actual meetup...summer's still better, but I'd need notice to take time off work.

2011-03-12, 06:37 PM
Thanks, I've updated it.

Zeb The Troll
2011-03-13, 05:44 AM
We game on Thursdays.
Friday is usually drunken raid night.*does double take*

You raid? I, eh, never really figured you for the sort, honestly. Maybe you mean something different than I do.

2011-03-13, 10:25 AM
*does double take*

You raid? I, eh, never really figured you for the sort, honestly. Maybe you mean something different than I do.

My guess was World of Warcraft. Maybe that is neither what you thought or what he meant, but that is what I took it as.

2011-03-13, 10:29 AM
I'd like to try and make it to this, but it will relly depend on where it is (if it's Chicago, then I don't think it will be a problem), how long it will be, and ease of transportation. The first two things need to be nailed down before I can make any kind of plan.

2011-03-14, 11:19 AM
Are we discussing the possible location of Chicago? I've seen that a couple places around here.

I live in Minnesota, so maybe I'd be able to go.

2011-03-14, 12:13 PM
I would at least make an effort for a Chicago meetup. I've driven longer drives for weekend-long things. And if it's in the summer, I won't have school to deal with (though I don't know what my work schedule will look like).

2011-03-14, 01:15 PM
Summer seems to be amenable to the majority of people here. Maybe we should pick a date, then work schedules around that, rather than vise-versa?

2011-03-14, 02:01 PM
Here's what I'm thinking. We plan a small Chicago meet-up/planning meeting for a bigger great lakes regional meet-up. Those of us in the Chi-town area will obviously be the ones doing any legwork for a Chicago meet-up.

So tentative schedule:

Locals: Middle of April say third weekend Saturday?
(or March 26th if we feel comfortable throwing it together fast. i.e. Just bring yourself some pop and co-ordinate games.)

Regional: A date in June or July to be determined later.

What do you think?

2011-03-14, 02:53 PM
I can come, I think, if you do it after July 10th and before August 4th. June may be doable also, assuming it's not the same weekend as JC, which it wouldn't be with so many overlapping attendees.

2011-03-14, 05:30 PM
Here's what I'm thinking. We plan a small Chicago meet-up/planning meeting for a bigger great lakes regional meet-up. Those of us in the Chi-town area will obviously be the ones doing any legwork for a Chicago meet-up.

So tentative schedule:

Locals: Middle of April say third weekend Saturday?
(or March 26th if we feel comfortable throwing it together fast. i.e. Just bring yourself some pop and co-ordinate games.)

Regional: A date in June or July to be determined later.

What do you think?

That sounds good to me. I've not got anything going on that I can't move around, so whenever is best for anyone else works.

Table updated, by the way.

2011-03-15, 02:13 AM
Hm, hopefully I'll have the ability to get myself to Chicago come whatever date gets picked, I'm flat broke as it is, but I don't really have a whole lot tying me down, either.

Plus, I've got some other friends in IL that I wouldn't mind paying a visit to. :3

2011-03-15, 06:46 PM
After reviewing my schedule for this summer, unless the meet-up is in the middle-ish area of July, I will be unlikely to attend. I got things going on in May, JC in June, GenCon in August, and the possibility of an as yet unplanned trip in September or October sometime. Unless we can manage to throw it together in April, but I'm not hopeful.

2011-03-16, 02:41 PM
Table updated, thank you for the information.

2011-03-16, 02:57 PM
*does double take*

You raid? I, eh, never really figured you for the sort, honestly. Maybe you mean something different than I do.

I suppose that depends on what you mean, since you didn't clarify.
Drunken raid night is an intoxicated MMO session. We meet up buzzed, then get exceedingly drunk as the night progresses. We usually do a circuit of 3-5 raids, then swap toons and do it again.

There are two rulesets, depending on how drunk you plan to get, which usually matters if you're a lightweight or have something important to do on Saturday.
Amateur rules:
One shot before the raid, one shot after.
Pro rules:
One shot as the raid starts, one shot for every portal we go through during, and one shot when we complete.
These portal rules also apply on the run to the raid, if there is one, which is where it can get ugly. Shroud is particularly brutal, as you complete 5 different phases with a portal between each in a half an hour or so, for 6-7 shots in about 40 minutes, depending upon whether or not you count the first portal, only to move on to the next run. The run to the Hound is just as bad. Doing Hound and Shroud back to back is particularly evil if you're on the pro ruleset.

It's a great time.... if your liver can handle it.
We generally have someone either get so drunk that we can't understand what they're saying over voice chat anymore, or someone will literally pass out at the keyboard. But we still complete the raids.

Zeb The Troll
2011-03-16, 03:02 PM
Which MMO is this? Those don't sound familiar.

2011-03-16, 03:05 PM
Which MMO is this? Those don't sound familiar.

Dungeons and Dragons Online.

I was never a big fan of MMOs because I always found them boring and slow paced. But DDO plays like a first person shooter more than a typical MMO, so the combat is fantastic.

2011-03-16, 04:09 PM
I used to be a (sober) raider in WoW for awhile (ICC-era), but I'm pretty sure some of the guildies were drunk.

on topic:

So Mid-April we get together locally and plan a bigger meeting for late July?

Side note: To those nearby I'm up for hanging out almost anytime Saturday's is good because I have access to a full shared vehicle on those days. Most evenings I'm free and can get vehicle access.

2011-03-16, 04:42 PM
So Mid-April we get together locally and plan a bigger meeting for late July?

Sounds good to me.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-03-16, 10:07 PM
I'd rather get drunk with more people. In person. Never been much of an online gamer.

By which I mean, at all.

2011-03-16, 10:46 PM
Can you drink, legally? I'm not here to pass judgment, I just thought that you were a minor.

Mystic Muse
2011-03-16, 10:48 PM
Can you drink, legally? I'm not here to pass judgment, I just thought that you were a minor.

I think he means that if he were to theoretically get drunk, he'd rather do it in person than online.

2011-03-16, 10:49 PM
That's what I thought Gwyn meant, I was just curious.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-03-16, 10:51 PM
I think he means that if he were to theoretically get drunk, he'd rather do it in person than online.

Yes. That is what I meant. I mean, drunk people are hilarious. But they're less hilarious when you're just talking online. For one, they're less likely to stay stupid things. :smallamused:

2011-03-16, 11:01 PM
Yes. That is what I meant. I mean, drunk people are hilarious. But they're less hilarious when you're just talking online. For one, they're less likely to stay stupid things. :smallamused:

You would think so. But when the people drinking and playing have been doing so together literally for years.... I mean, we call each other by name rather than handle.
It's to the point where anyone that joins as a filler, which happens occasionally, ends up piking most of the time, because he doesn't know who has what jobs....because he doesn't know which of us is Eric, or Cameron, or Nikki, or whoever.
We all know what each other does for a living, and what's going on in each others' lives. A few of the players are married. There are at least 3 couples that rotate in.
We're all friends, it's just that some of us haven't met before.
Raids in this game only have 12 people rather than 50-75, so it's not a huge group.
It's like sitting at a table playing games with your friends, but the table is the internet and the game is an MMO.

2011-03-16, 11:43 PM
Yeah my 10-man in WoW was like that, except it was a mix of real names and handles, of course the handles didn't always match the characters... and those of us who hang out in real life sometimes use the handles instead...

we actually had guild/family troubles and at least once drama with a guildie cheating on their wife (a guildie) with another guildie. This contributed to my leaving of the guild/game, way too much dramas for me.

2011-03-17, 12:01 AM
I never played myself (only because I can't afford to shell out monthly payments with my unreliable play schedule), but a family friend does. Less than a year into her marriage she tried to cheat on her husband with a guy in her guild. I say "tried" because he lives in the next state over, and she totaled her car on the interstate. She's divorced now.

2011-03-17, 12:13 AM
There are idiots everywhere.