View Full Version : The Heroes of Panthea

2010-09-30, 10:33 AM
Each of you wakes as if it is just another day. It will be a few hours before you realize it is not.

Around 10 in the morning a town priest knocks on your door. The town priests, much like the clerics, serve at the temple and help care for the people of the city. Only the priests don't have magic. You recognize him as Igor Mahoney and he appears distraught. Igor tells you that the High Cleric of Waynwood, Father Melvin, needs to see you as soon as possible. You gather your things and head to the town's Temple as soon as you can.

When you arrive there, you see a hastily gathered group of warriors. Is there another Drow raid? you may wonder, as Queen Lilith's forces have grown more bold recently and you have thrown your lot in with the clerics and many of those gathered here to defend Waynwood in the past. But when you see Father Melvin, a kindly-looking middle-aged human (rare among the clerics), he is not dressed in battle armaments, but in the white robes of the High Cleric.

Igor has led you to one of the Temple's back rooms. One of its two healing rooms, where Melvin leans over a small frame on the bed. as you enter the room, you notice the small frame is a halfling, one of the city's clerics, Frederick. He is covered in sweat and seems to be shaking.

"Greetings, children," Father Melvin says."Thank you all for coming so quickly. I wish it were not such a solemn occassion that I should call for your presence here. Frederick, it seems, is dying." He pauses for a moment, squeezing Frederick's hand.

"As I'm sure you know, four clerics serve at this Temple, under my care. They've dedicated their lives to protecting Waynwood. Recently, we heard word that some of Queen Lilith's forces were investigating the nearby ruins at Breld*. I sent my clerics there a day ago to investigate. Only Frederick here seems to have returned. He stumbled in here, weak from a run, I suppose. He said..." Melvin pauses. "A Drow bit him. Then he passed out." Melvin holds up Frederick's arm. A large bite mark has begun to coagulate on Frederick's arm. It is swollen and red, with some amount of pus leaking from it.

"It is strange indeed. It seems as if he has an infection, he has a terrible fever I can't seem to get down. I have no idea how this happened to him. I want you all to head to Breld, see if you can find out what happened to Frederick. And, more importantly, find my other clerics. That's all the town has, that's everyone. Will you do this for me?"

*Breld is a large hill to the northwest.

2010-09-30, 02:34 PM
When they all arrived, Kiiba exchanged nods and common courtesies with his neighbors, before giving his attention to Father Melvin. He listened to the story intently, eyes widening at the wound as Melvin raised Frederick's arm. This is peculiar, he thought to himself, no...this is bad. Father Melvin asked for their aid, and he was right to do so. Kiiba locked eyes with the man of the cloth and nodded. It was all the signal both men needed to know that Kiiba would head to Breld.

2010-09-30, 03:58 PM
Goreg examines the batch of adventurers around him. Melvin made his choices wisely. We are some of the most powerful in the whole city. He boldy walks in front of everyone else, showing his intention to lead.

Wolf Heart
2010-09-30, 04:45 PM
Mesraser grinned lopsidedly at the others before Father Melvin explained everything, at which point his smile promptly dropped. His brows knit together in worry. "Of course, Father Melvin. What kind of scout would I be if I didn't help look for something... or in this case, someone?" He smiled reassuringly at the elder man. "It is, of course, the least I can do for these people who have allowed my tribe to stay so long."

2010-09-30, 04:56 PM
Melvin's greeting always drew a smile from Balein. She could remember climbing trees with him as a child.

Still, this was a serious manner, so she avoided the chance to tease the high priest.

"How will the town's food supply hold out with the other clerics unavailable? If there is a chance that the townsfolk will need to raid the park for supplies before relief can arrive, I would rather show a couple which plants to take before we go. Contingency planning. I've yet to be assigned an assistant, so there is noone else to perform this task if I do not return."

He'd probably notice the implied acceptance of the request. There was no way she would say 'no' to this. Anything that killed off the local clerics was a problem. For its effect on the food supply if nothing else.

2010-09-30, 05:29 PM
"Thank you all so very much for your help in this matter." Father Melvin says solemnly. Turning to Balein he says, "We have enough food for the next several days on hand, plus many grains and such in the store room. I don't think you should be gone for so long, but if you are, I will send for reinforcements from Helena." Helena being the capital city of Arkios.

2010-09-30, 07:43 PM
Abrum seems a bit disconcerted, having to face his own kind, even after all these years. It was bound to happen, of course. Such is the decision he made. "If the clerics need help, we should certainly oblige. No use procrastinating, either."

Wolf Heart
2010-09-30, 08:22 PM
Mesraser nodded to Abram in agreement. "That's true. Procrastination helps no one. Perhaps we should leave as soon as possible to increase our chances of meeting the clerics alive and well..." He paused, then grinned a bit. "I, for one, am glad I had the foresight to grab my pack and arms before I came here."

Naturally, Mesraser was sure that his mentors would have been astounded that he'd remembered his training. Crazy old slave drivers... He thought affectionately, but the bitter thought of their death soured it. "Very glad indeed..." He mumbled to himself as his personal drive to save the clerics increased.

2010-09-30, 11:25 PM
Remaining silent as ever, Kiiba nodded at Mesraser's sentiment -- now was no time for hesitation. Time is ticking away, he thought, second by second. Strange how time and space are intertwined, yet we can move freely through space, backward and forward as we please, we cannot do so with time. It is like an ocean, ebbing and flowing, but always going towards shore. Lost in his thoughts momentarily, the conversation between his soon to be companions and Melvin roused him back to reality.

He steps towards the door and unfolds an arm, the leathery hand gesturing towards the exit. If there's nothing else, Father. Now was not the time for silence. Shall we?

2010-10-01, 08:35 AM
"Well, I have equipment to collect. Meet you by the north gate in about half an hour?" Balein didn't normally walk around town armed.

It was not as though she needed protection. There were only six people in the town capable of casting Orisons - five clerics and her. And all the town's food came through one of them.

A quick smile around the room. "That's my only delay, I promise." A nod, and an exit. Just because she could walk around the town unarmed didn't mean she'd face the badlands the same way...

2010-10-01, 01:48 PM
"There's nothing else, my children. However, do be careful out there. As you well know, it is the rainy season. May Robin's Blessings be upon you." He says, giving you a solemn smile.

Half an hour later, you meet back up with Balein at the town's North gate. The skies look clear--for now--and you decide to head off. The winding path to Breld heads through the dense forest around Waynwood.

Roll a perception check. If you beat DC 15, read this spoiler:
You hear steps running along the path towards you. Roll initiative in a spoiler in this thread.

DC 20:
There are at least two humanoids headed your way.

2010-10-01, 01:57 PM
Perception check:

2010-10-01, 02:02 PM
Kiiba had taken the time before they met up again to close the door to his home and assure that it was locked. Although there was nothing of value inside, he'd rather that it not be occupied while he was out. In terms of travelling equipment, he'd added a drab backpack to his otherwise humble attire. He waits at the north gate for another member of his group to take point before falling into line wherever would be the least trouble for everyone.

Wolf Heart
2010-10-01, 02:51 PM

Mesreser approached the north gate and nodded to looked quietly out over the badlands, standing just inside the gate. He shrugged his pack up a bit higher onto his shoulder, and checked his bow and hand axe. He was tense, eager to get moving. "Scouts stand at the fore, finding the path that leads to the chosen destination... Be it place, man, or even an idea." He quoted to himself in his tribe's native tongue. He perked his ears and swished his tail, eager to set out and, perhaps, prove to himself that he deserved to be counted among some of his tribe's elite.

2010-10-01, 03:10 PM

Balein had collected her weapons - for all they were worth, she wasn't much of a fighter - picked some berries, and joined the others at the north gate. But before she could speak, she heard something that snapped her head up to stare down the pathway.

"Someone's coming!" A pause, and a moment's further listening. "Several someone. Ready yourselves!"

2010-10-01, 03:45 PM
A shiver runs across Abrum. This may well be his first taste of combat. Nothing uneases him more than the unknown, and that's exactly what's being thrown at him, in a very serious way. He can only hope for now.
Initiative: [roll0]

2010-10-01, 07:16 PM
From around the bend in the forest path, come two drow men running. As the red sunlight hits them through the trees, you notice that they are covered in blood. It is pouring out of their eyes and mouth and trickling down their necks from their ears. They are making soft screeching noises and have a strange look in their eyes. One of them has a pick affixed to their belt and both have crossbows swinging wildly from their belts as they run. Neither of them seems to be carrying any sort of weapon.

When they see you, their screeches become louder and they charge immediately.

The first drow charges Kiiba. He lunges at you with his arms, as if to tackle you to the ground. As he hits, he deals a point of damage, and attempts to start a grapple. Make a grapple check vs. his (17).

The second drow charges Mesraser heedlessly. He hits Mesraser for a point of damage while trying to grab hold of you. Make a grapple check vs. his (13).

Those of you who haven't rolled initiative, please do so now. Balein, you get a standard action in the surprise round.

2010-10-01, 08:19 PM

Distracted by his thoughts, the first drow smashes into Kiiba, who raises his arms up in defense as the beast wrestles with him.

Wolf Heart
2010-10-01, 10:00 PM
[roll1] Mesraser loosed a rather loud feral yowl, mostly in annoyance at his own lack of attention. In his annoyance, he attempted to shove the drow off him and draw his axe.

2010-10-02, 10:02 AM
Kiiba is wrestled to the ground by the Drow, his blood dripping on you as he tries to get his head down to bite you.

Mesraser manages to throw off the Drow, just barely, and the Drow loses his grip.

2010-10-02, 05:15 PM
Surprise Round
Taking a pot shot at one of the drow as they approach.


Round 1
Swift action to drop her sling, move to draw her sword, and a standard to try and stab the Drow that Mesraser just shrugged off (on the theory that stabbing the one wrestling with Kiiba stood too high a chance of hitting the wrong person)

2010-10-02, 06:27 PM
Abrum takes a moment to see if he can figure out what these poor drow are afflicted with.
Knowledge: [roll0] +4 if the relevant skill is Nature or Arcana, and can beat DC 15.

2010-10-02, 07:40 PM
Unarmed Strike (while grappling): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Declare the drow not grappling me as my dodge target for this round

Although being grabbed by the deranged drow was not the optimal situation, Kiiba knew how to deal with it. He could either retreat, leaving himself open to another attack, or take advantage of his unarmed training, and begin to pummel his attacker.

Unfortunately, lady luck was not with him this day, as Kiiba's mighty fist critically misses. :smallsigh:

Wolf Heart
2010-10-02, 11:15 PM
Standard: Attack (rolled in ooc due to typo)
Move: Draw the Axe.
After pushing the drow off, Mesraser bares his teeth at the (literally) bloody person as he draws his hand axe. He swings it at his attacker ferociously, venting his annoyance into the swing.

2010-10-03, 12:20 PM
The Drow in front of Mesraser tries to grab on to him again, but he can't get a hold because of your armor. As he bounces off, you draw your hand ax and angrily plant it square in the Drow's forehead. It stops making noises and slumps to the ground, limp.

The Drow on Kiiba is having a much better time of things. He bites Kiiba for 2 points of damage.

Please spoiler a Fort save.

You're not sure what these creatures are suffering from. There doesn't seem to be any magic currently in effect and you've never heard of anything like this in the natural world. It's decidedly strange.

Abrum, knowledge checks are free actions, so if you want to do anything else, feel free. If not it's Goreg's turn and Belein you can do something else since Mesraser's Drow is dead.

2010-10-03, 02:27 PM
Abrum draws one of his daggers and rushes to Kiiba's aid. He's not pleased to see that bite, with fresh thoughts of Frederick hovering in his mind.

Move: draw dagger
Standard: attack the remaining drow with a dagger:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Abrum isn't very good at this.

2010-10-03, 07:47 PM
Fortitude Save: [roll0]
Edit: Don't worry Blatm, you're not alone :smallwink:

2010-10-04, 02:08 PM
Goreg charges the nearest Drow.

Attack with greataxe: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC is 15 until my next turn.

2010-10-04, 02:25 PM
Goreg charges the Drow on top of Kiiba and deftly brings his axe down, barely missing Kiiba himself, managing to lop the Drow's head clean off. It's body slumps down on Kiiba as the head rolls off to the side.

2010-10-04, 05:07 PM
With the two drow now down, Balein's first action is to approach Kiiba and examine the bite he had taken.

[roll0] - trying to work out whether or not he got infected.

"Not how I would have expected to see drow fight," Balein noted as she checked Kiiba over. "But then, I think it's pretty obvious they were no longer in their right minds. We should probably help ourselves to their equipment, but do not take anything perishable, and wash everything thoroughly before use. Your hands and weapons, too. Anything touched by their blood. Whatever they had, you do *not* want to get it yourselves."

2010-10-04, 05:50 PM
The wound seems clean. Kiiba is fortunate, it does not seem to be infected.

Wolf Heart
2010-10-04, 06:05 PM
Mesraser removes his weapon from the drow's head and sheaths it. "Well, that was far from ideal." He searcheed the drow he felled for any clues as to their strange behavior/illness, then he checked the other. Perception 1:
Perception 2 (J.i.C.):
[roll1]"Either through the blood or the bite itself, like a rabid animal, perhaps?" He sighed, sitting on his heels. After a moment, he grinned slightly at Balein. "I'll wash my hands in a minute, by the way. Don't worry so much."

2010-10-04, 06:20 PM
"Don't worry so much? I'm chasing the rabid into the unknown accompanied by a group that were, for the most part, regularly wetting themselves but a decade ago! Of course I worry. If you end your days writhing in agony in a cage, your parents *will* blame me for it."

Pause, finally, for breath.

"Unless I'm in the next cage over. I guess they'd give me a pass if that happened. Yay."

2010-10-04, 08:33 PM
That may not have been ideal, but we still made handy work of them I think. Answers to our questions are onwards.

As the group resumes their trek, Abrum approaches Kiiba. I'm glad you're alright, Kiiba.

2010-10-05, 03:56 AM
Relief washes over Kiiba's face as his prognosis is announced. "That was close," he thinks to himself, as he is helped up by his new friends, forged in combat. He looks over each of them, pausing briefly at Goreg and Balein. "Thank you all. I will make an effort to keep myself further from harm's way in the future." He slowly returns to his well-composured self, ready to continue the journey.

"Remember Kiiba, mind like moon mind like water."

2010-10-06, 12:21 PM
Your search reveals nothing of interest.

Perception Check DC 12:
As you continue moving towards Breld, you find a faint trail of blood along the direction your headed.

In short measure, about twenty minutes outside of town, you arrive at a clearing in the forest. Before you is a large hill with a dark opening on the side.

If you made the last perception check, make another DC 15
The blood trail leads from where you stand in the clearing back into the ruins, where it merges with two other trails that go in other directions through the forest.

Suddenly, a tall elf appears in the entranceway of the ruins. He is scarcely clad in black leather and notices all of you immediately.
"Ha! I'm afraid you all are a tad late." A skeleton appears in the entranceway behind him and bends over, putting its hands on its knees, as if it were trying to catch its breath.

The man smirks and holds up a small brown ring. His elven features are fierce, almost feral. "I've already got what I've came for."

2010-10-06, 03:13 PM

"I was going to say hello, but I guess you're not in the mood. You seem to be some kind of necromancer and you are expecting anyone else in the region to be attempting to thwart you. Unless you care to explain why you expect us to be here to stop you, I would recommend your next action be one of self-defense. Or retreat."

Contingency: If the elf does anything other than talk or run away:

Wolf Heart
2010-10-06, 03:41 PM
Mesraser takes note of the trail before turning to look at the elf and, subsequently, the ring. "I also assume that, since you are still somewhat reasonable and didn't attack us on sight like the other two, that you aren't quite as sick as those two drow were. If that's so, I'd rather talk than fight, but I won't hesitate to eliminate you as a threat if you attack." He spoke frankly, and drew his axe slowly to emphasize his point, watching the pair before them cautiously.


2010-10-06, 04:06 PM

Remaining silent, Kiiba slowly wraps his hands in part of his robe, making sure they're tight. "Use of the dead as weapons is disgusting, to say the least. Let the dead rest, they've earned it." He looks at the Elf, sizing up his potential opponent. "If this stranger wants to make trouble, he'll regret it."

2010-10-06, 07:47 PM
Abrum, not one to enjoy conflict, speaks up: "I don't think it's in either of our interests to be confrontational about anything, and it would seem your skeleton agrees. Maybe if you explain the situation to us, everything will go more smoothly than it would otherwise. What do you say?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Edit: Oh dear.

2010-10-06, 07:51 PM
"Hmm.. I suppose you lot are with the halflings, then? In any case, I haven't the time for this." He says as his eyes glow red briefly.

Turning to Mesraser, he says, "Ah yes, the Drow. A pity what happened to them. Regardless, I really must be off." Suddenly, the man transforms into a bat and flies up and over the hill. The skeleton, despite its complete lack of facial muscles, manages to look shocked.

Roll Initiatives!

2010-10-08, 04:46 PM
Seeing all of you, the skeleton starts bolting off into the forest to the East. He's about 50 feet away from the group, on the edge of the clearing.

Wolf Heart
2010-10-08, 06:25 PM
Mesraser dashed off in pursuit, barely thinking before he closed the fifty foot distance in little time. He channeled his momentum into the swing of his axe.

Move: 50' to threaten the skeleton.
Axe damage:
Skirmish damage:

2010-10-08, 08:08 PM
Mesraser's swing of his ax bounces of the skeleton's hard bones, seeming to do no damage.

2010-10-08, 09:26 PM
Abrum dashes off after the skeleton, trying to think of an effective method to deal with the situation.

Move next to the skeleton. I'll use Abrupt Jaunt if he attacks me.

2010-10-09, 10:16 AM
Balein runs around the developing melee to get into position to cut off the skeleton's retreat.

I don't think I can get into combatin a turn and don't fancy trying to shoot into Melee. So I'll spend the entire turn running and come in with the sword on the following round.

2010-10-09, 07:37 PM
Following his companions, Kiiba rushes after the undead, seeking to block his entry into the forest.

Full move action (160 ft. if needed) to position myself to prevent the skeleton from retreating into the woods without provoking an AOO.

2010-10-10, 12:57 PM
Goreg pulls out a large hammer and joins his allies in blocking the skeleton.

Readying an action to attack if he gets withing range.

2010-10-10, 02:49 PM
The skeleton, trying to escape, claws at Balein who stands in his way. Unfortunately for him, his first claw flails randomly and his second is too slow, allowing Balein to dodge nimbly out of the way.

2010-10-10, 04:23 PM
Abrum does his best to get the skeleton to attack him, putting himself in a position that'll give his more capable allies an opening.

5 foot step to give flanking. Abrupt jaunt if he gets attacked

Wolf Heart
2010-10-12, 06:42 AM
Mesraser tries maneuvers out of the skeleton's reach and circles around before re-engaging, growling deep in his throat.

Move out of the skeleton's reach, (attempting an acrobatics check to avoid the attack of opportunity) then around. (40 feet of movement)

Skirmish damage

2010-10-12, 08:09 PM
From the surrounding woods, three wolves emerge, surrounding the party. The nearest is 20' away.

2010-10-13, 02:05 AM
Balein takes a step (5' adjustment) back out of the skeleton's reach, and turns to examine the wolves approaching them.

Because she knew a thing or two about wolves.


2010-10-13, 11:13 AM
These wolves seemed bent on attacking the party and Balein's attempt at placating them has no effect.

2010-10-13, 12:26 PM
"Empathy isn't always the right tactic," Kiiba thinks, leaving the rest of his team to deal with the skeleton as he turns his attention with Balein's toward the wolves.

Move toward Balein (next to), readied attack action at the wolves if they move into range.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-10-13, 08:09 PM
Goreg charges the nearest wolf:

AC is 15 until next turn.

2010-10-13, 08:31 PM
The skeleton, seeing the opening, tries to attack Abrum, but as he does, Abrum teleports out of the way, wasting the skeleton's actions.

2010-10-17, 01:28 PM
The wolves attack the party, one fighting Goreg, and the other two move into range with Kiiba and Balein.

Kiiba's readied action is triggered and he punches the attacking wolf with great force, doing great damage to one. It returns an attack, but Kiiba dodges out of the way with ease.

The wolf attacking Goreg makes no better progress than he did and the two are at a standstill, the wolf baring its fangs at Goreg.

The wolf attacking Balein does no better than its comrades and Balein easily dodges out of the way of its ferocious bite.

2010-10-17, 03:48 PM
Abrum draws his orb and begins waving it about, sprinkling sand about with his free hand.

Cast Sleep on as many of the wolves as possible (10 ft. radius burst, making sure not to catch any of Abrum's allies with the spell). Affects 4 HD max.

I'll jaunt away if I get attacked before my next turn.

2010-10-17, 07:21 PM
The wolf attacking Kiiba falls asleep, but the wolf fighting Balein is clearly unaffected.

2010-10-19, 03:35 AM
With the wolves unresponsive to her attempt at 'diplomacy', Balein falls back on the old standby of the longsword.

It was that or using 'create water' in an attempt to shock the wolves into backing off, and someone she didn't think a soaking would make them stop fighting.

It will be a minor miracle if a character this useless in combat reaches Wildshape levels... but I sure hope she lasts long enough for that;)

2010-10-19, 01:37 PM
Not wanting to hurt the wolves, Goreg swings his hammer carefully.

[roll1] (nonlethal)

2010-10-19, 07:10 PM
In his care to avoid hurting the wolf, Goreg is unable to hit the agile creature.

The skeleton, seeing his opportunity, takes off for the woods, using a full withdrawal action, thereby avoiding attacks of opportunity.

It's Abrum's turn, unless Wolf Heart decides to show up.

2010-10-20, 02:39 PM
Not seeing any reason to pursue the skeleton, Abrum moves to flank the wolf engaging Balein.

2010-10-20, 08:32 PM
The wolf attacking Balein stumbles over himself and Balein need not even dodge out of the way of his bite, he is so far off the mark.

The wolf fighting Goreg, however, is not so clumsy and manages to lay into Goreg's arm, taking a hefty chunk off. Goreg takes 7 points of damage.

The wolf that Kiiba was fighting sleeps soundly.

2010-10-22, 02:31 AM
Seeing the skeleton break for the woods, Kiiba charges after it. "We cannot let him escape!"

If Kiiba can without provoking an AOO: charge the skeleton and attack
Charge Attack Roll [roll0]
Charge Attack Damage [roll1]
If Kiiba cannot do that, he will withdraw and move to block the skeleton again.

2010-10-27, 03:36 AM
But Balein's more immediate concern is the (rather clumsy) wolf assailing her. She cannot outrun a wolf, after all.

She'll have to put it down instead.

Good luck, her treacherous subconscious told her.


2010-10-27, 03:37 AM

2010-10-27, 02:47 PM
Goreg withdraws from combat, moving near his uninjured allies.