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View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh PbP Exhibition: Raykura vs. Shadow Elf

2010-09-30, 05:28 PM
A man strides into the arena, clothed all in brown, a pistol at each hip. His dueldisk appears to have been lovingly made from old ship parts.

Heya there. The name's Hal Maynolds, Captain aboard the Ladybug-class transport Tranquility. Here's to a good duel!

Cowboys in Space; Tranquility
01. Quickdraw Synchron
02. Quickdraw Synchron
03. Quickdraw Synchron
04. Level-Eater
05. Level-Eater
06. Infernity Avenger
07. Infernity Avenger
08. Infernity Avenger
09. Sangan
10. Dandylion
11. Dandylion
12. Golden Ladybug
13. Golden Ladybug
14. Golden Ladybug
15. Skull-Mark Ladybug
16. Skull-Mark Ladybug
17. Skull-Mark Ladybug
18. Fire Princess
19. Fire Princess
20. Fire Princess
21. One for One
22. Monster Reborn
23. Dark Hole
24. Card Trader
25. Card Trader
26. Card Trader
27. Mirror Force
28. My Body As a Shield
29. My Body As a Shield
30. Reinforcement For the Army
31. Mind Control
32. Gold Sarcophagus
33. Scapegoat
34. Solemn Wishes
35. Solemn Wishes
36. Solemn Wishes
37. Urgent Tuning
38. Urgent Tuning
39. Mystical Space Typhoon
40. Mystical Space Typhoon
Extra Deck: 15
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Magical Android
Magical Android
Stardust Dragon
Junk Archer
Junk Destroyer
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-09-30, 05:48 PM
He rolls some dice and draws some cards.

Inish: [roll0]
Hand: [roll1]
Rerolls?: [roll2]

2010-10-01, 06:04 AM
Power Hungry Imp
Hand: 0
*Hand Updates*
1.Exodia the Forbidden One
2.Right Arm of the Forbidden One
3.Left Arm of the Forbidden One
4.Right Leg of the Forbidden One
5.Left Leg of the Forbidden One
6.Stygian Security
7.Stygian Security
8.Stygian Security
10.Giant Germ
11.Giant Germ
12.Giant Germ
13.Mystic Tomato
14.Mystic Tomato
15.Mystic Tomato
16.Dark Mimic LV1
17.Dark Mimic LV1
18.Dark Mimic LV1
19.Dark Mimic LV3
20.Dark Mimic LV3
21.Dark Mimic LV3
22.Dark Armed Dragon
23.Spirit Reaper
25.Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
26.Plaguespreader Zombie
28.Morphing Jar
29.Doomsday Horror
30.Doomsday Horror
31.Spear Cretin
32.Spear Cretin
33.Spear Cretin
34.Dark Hole
35.Monster Reborn
36.Allure of Darkness
37.Pot of Avarice
38.Pot of Avarice
39.Pot of Avarice
40.Messenger of Peace
41.Level Limit - Area B
42.The Beginning of the End
43.The Beginning of the End
44.The Beginning of the End
45.Bottomless Trap Hole
46.Bottomless Trap Hole
47.Magic Drain
48.Magic Drain
49.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
50.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
51.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
52.Dark Bribe
53.Dark Bribe
54.Dark Bribe
55.Gravity Bind
56.Dimensional Prison
57.Dimensional Prison
58.Dimensional Prison
59.Solemn Judgement
60.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Ally of Justice Catastor x2
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Iron Chain Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
X-Saber Urbellum x2
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - - - -

"HAHAHA!! SOON, YOU WILL ALL BOW BEFORE, CYNDYR, NEW MASTER OF EXODIA!!" Declares a recently poofed in Imp, who poofed in with red smoke, & had a voice high like a songbird's, but as shrill, screeching & grating on the ears as nails on a chalkboard.

"Let's get this party started, mortal!" It yellls, throwing various dice & glowing with underworldly energies.

Initiative: [roll0]
Opening Draw(s): [roll1]
RE-ROLLS(If necessary.): [roll2]

2010-10-01, 06:09 AM
Power Hungry Imp
Hand: 0
The Beginning of the End
Magic Drain
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Avarice
Giant Germ
The Beginning of the End
Deck: 54 Cards in my Deck as of this turn's Draw Phase(Just conducted opening draws.).
1.Exodia the Forbidden One
2.Right Arm of the Forbidden One
3.Left Arm of the Forbidden One
4.Right Leg of the Forbidden One
5.Left Leg of the Forbidden One
6.Stygian Security
7.Stygian Security
8.Stygian Security
10.Giant Germ
11.Giant Germ
12.Mystic Tomato
13.Mystic Tomato
14.Mystic Tomato
15.Dark Mimic LV1
16.Dark Mimic LV1
17.Dark Mimic LV1
18.Dark Mimic LV3
19.Dark Mimic LV3
20.Dark Mimic LV3
21.Dark Armed Dragon
22.Spirit Reaper
24.Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
25.Plaguespreader Zombie
27.Morphing Jar
28.Doomsday Horror
29.Doomsday Horror
30.Spear Cretin
31.Spear Cretin
32.Spear Cretin
33.Dark Hole
34.Monster Reborn
35.Allure of Darkness
36.Pot of Avarice
37.Messenger of Peace
38.Level Limit - Area B
39.The Beginning of the End
40.Bottomless Trap Hole
41.Bottomless Trap Hole
42.Magic Drain
43.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
44.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
45.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
46.Dark Bribe
47.Dark Bribe
48.Dark Bribe
49.Gravity Bind
50.Dimensional Prison
51.Dimensional Prison
52.Dimensional Prison
53.Solemn Judgement
54.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Ally of Justice Catastor x2
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Iron Chain Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
X-Saber Urbellum x2
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Giant Germ(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - FD - -

"Alright! The evil energies are with me today!" Cyndyr yells, taking in some more magical energies.



2010-10-01, 01:50 PM
I should shoot ya for just being so damn annoying, but then I wouldn't get a duel, so I guess I won't.


I'll set a backrow and then summon a monster. The card calls her "Fire Princess", but she reminds me of a crew member I call The Ambassador. I'll then reveal the two Golden Ladybugs in my hand, to net me 1000 lifepoints and, by The Ambassador's effect, burn you for an equal amount. That should end my turn, I reckon.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FP | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
FP = Fire Princess, 1300/1500

Hand Contains Two Golden Ladybugs (revealed)

Lifepoints: 9000

Hand: 4
Golden Ladybug x2
Infernity Avenger

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 34
01. Quickdraw Synchron
02. Quickdraw Synchron
03. Quickdraw Synchron
04. Level-Eater
05. Level-Eater
06. Infernity Avenger
07. Infernity Avenger
>>. Infernity Avenger
08. Sangan
09. Dandylion
>>. Dandylion
10. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
11. Skull-Mark Ladybug
12. Skull-Mark Ladybug
13. Skull-Mark Ladybug
14. Fire Princess
15. Fire Princess
>>. Fire Princess
16. One for One
17. Monster Reborn
18. Dark Hole
19. Card Trader
20. Card Trader
21. Card Trader
22. Mirror Force
23. My Body As a Shield
24. My Body As a Shield
25. Reinforcement For the Army
26. Mind Control
27. Gold Sarcophagus
28. Scapegoat
29. Solemn Wishes
30. Solemn Wishes
31. Solemn Wishes
32. Urgent Tuning
33. Urgent Tuning
34. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon

Extra Deck: 15
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Magical Android
Magical Android
Stardust Dragon
Junk Archer
Junk Destroyer
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-10-01, 04:48 PM
Power Hungry Imp
Hand: 6
The Beginning of the End
Magic Drain
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Avarice
The Beginning of the End
Level Limit - Area B
Deck: 53 Cards in my Deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Exodia the Forbidden One
2.Right Arm of the Forbidden One
3.Left Arm of the Forbidden One
4.Right Leg of the Forbidden One
5.Left Leg of the Forbidden One
6.Stygian Security
7.Stygian Security
8.Stygian Security
10.Giant Germ
11.Giant Germ
12.Mystic Tomato
13.Mystic Tomato
14.Mystic Tomato
15.Dark Mimic LV1
16.Dark Mimic LV1
17.Dark Mimic LV1
18.Dark Mimic LV3
19.Dark Mimic LV3
20.Dark Mimic LV3
21.Dark Armed Dragon
22.Spirit Reaper
24.Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
25.Plaguespreader Zombie
27.Morphing Jar
28.Doomsday Horror
29.Doomsday Horror
30.Spear Cretin
31.Spear Cretin
32.Spear Cretin
33.Dark Hole
34.Monster Reborn
35.Allure of Darkness
36.Pot of Avarice
37.Messenger of Peace
38.The Beginning of the End
39.Bottomless Trap Hole
40.Bottomless Trap Hole
41.Magic Drain
42.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
43.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
44.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
45.Dark Bribe
46.Dark Bribe
47.Dark Bribe
48.Gravity Bind
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Dimensional Prison
51.Dimensional Prison
52.Solemn Judgement
53.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Ally of Justice Catastor x2
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Iron Chain Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
X-Saber Urbellum x2
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Giant Germ(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 3.)
Stats: 7000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - FD - -

"AAGGH! THE LIGHT IT ******* BURNS, YOU *******!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" The imp screams in pained rage from the light of the golden ladybugs.


"Hexcrement, that musta really put a dent in my evil energies." The imp says, panting a bit from the pain.

"I MUST SPEND MY TIME RECHARGING. YOU LIVE! ....FOR NOW." The imp known as Cyndyr yells in its grating voice.

2010-10-01, 05:13 PM
With The Ambassador's charms and there Ladybugs, I dunno if you'll last long enough to see through on that threat.


I set a backrow and a defense monster and then switch the Ambassador to defense mode. I'll reveal the two ladybugs again, causing 1000 damage and giving me 1000 lifepoints.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FP | FD | --
-- | -- | FD | FD | --[/table]
FP = Fire Princess, 1300/1500

Hand Contains Two Golden Ladybugs (revealed)

Lifepoints: 10000

Hand: 3
Golden Ladybug x2
Infernity Avenger

Facedowns: 3
3: MST
4: Dandylion, Solemn Wishes

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 33
01. Quickdraw Synchron
02. Quickdraw Synchron
03. Quickdraw Synchron
04. Level-Eater
05. Level-Eater
06. Infernity Avenger
07. Infernity Avenger
>>. Infernity Avenger
08. Sangan
09. Dandylion
>>. Dandylion
10. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
11. Skull-Mark Ladybug
12. Skull-Mark Ladybug
13. Skull-Mark Ladybug
14. Fire Princess
15. Fire Princess
>>. Fire Princess
16. One for One
17. Monster Reborn
18. Dark Hole
19. Card Trader
20. Card Trader
21. Card Trader
22. Mirror Force
23. My Body As a Shield
24. My Body As a Shield
25. Reinforcement For the Army
26. Mind Control
27. Gold Sarcophagus
28. Scapegoat
>>. Solemn Wishes
29. Solemn Wishes
30. Solemn Wishes
31. Urgent Tuning
32. Urgent Tuning
33. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon

Extra Deck: 15
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Magical Android
Magical Android
Stardust Dragon
Junk Archer
Junk Destroyer
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-10-01, 06:38 PM
Power Hungry Imp
Hand: 6
The Beginning of the End
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Avarice
The Beginning of the End
Level Limit - Area B
Deck: 52 Cards in my Deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Exodia the Forbidden One
2.Right Arm of the Forbidden One
3.Left Arm of the Forbidden One
4.Right Leg of the Forbidden One
5.Left Leg of the Forbidden One
6.Stygian Security
7.Stygian Security
8.Stygian Security
10.Giant Germ
11.Giant Germ
12.Mystic Tomato
13.Mystic Tomato
14.Mystic Tomato
15.Dark Mimic LV1
16.Dark Mimic LV1
17.Dark Mimic LV1
18.Dark Mimic LV3
19.Dark Mimic LV3
20.Dark Mimic LV3
21.Dark Armed Dragon
22.Spirit Reaper
24.Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
25.Plaguespreader Zombie
27.Morphing Jar
28.Doomsday Horror
29.Doomsday Horror
30.Spear Cretin
31.Spear Cretin
32.Spear Cretin
33.Dark Hole
34.Monster Reborn
35.Allure of Darkness
36.Pot of Avarice
37.Messenger of Peace
38.The Beginning of the End
39.Bottomless Trap Hole
40.Bottomless Trap Hole
41.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
42.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
43.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
44.Dark Bribe
45.Dark Bribe
46.Dark Bribe
47.Gravity Bind
48.Dimensional Prison
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Dimensional Prison
51.Solemn Judgement
52.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Ally of Justice Catastor x2
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Iron Chain Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
X-Saber Urbellum x2
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Giant Germ(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 4.)
Stats: 6000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - FD FD -

"We'll see about that you mortal moron!"


"I SWEAR, I will kill you AND your stupid ladybugs!"

2010-10-01, 07:31 PM
As your turn ends, I activate the Solemn Wishes. Then, when I draw a card in my draw phase, I gain 500 lifepoints, dealing 500 more to you with The Ambassador.


I reveal my two ladybugs again, adding another 1000 lifepoints to my pool and hurtin' you fer 1000 more via the Ambassador's effect. Then I'll set a monster an' end.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | FD | FP | FD | --
-- | -- | FD | SW | --[/table]
FP = Fire Princess, 1300/1500
SW = Solemn Wishes, +500 LP/Draw

Hand Contains Two Golden Ladybugs (revealed)

Lifepoints: 11500

Hand: 3
Golden Ladybug x2
Dark Hole

Facedowns: 3
2: Infernity Avenger
3: MST
4: Dandylion

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 33
01. Quickdraw Synchron
02. Quickdraw Synchron
03. Quickdraw Synchron
04. Level-Eater
05. Level-Eater
06. Infernity Avenger
07. Infernity Avenger
>>. Infernity Avenger
08. Sangan
09. Dandylion
>>. Dandylion
10. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
11. Skull-Mark Ladybug
12. Skull-Mark Ladybug
13. Skull-Mark Ladybug
14. Fire Princess
15. Fire Princess
>>. Fire Princess
16. One for One
17. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
18. Card Trader
19. Card Trader
20. Card Trader
21. Mirror Force
22. My Body As a Shield
23. My Body As a Shield
24. Reinforcement For the Army
25. Mind Control
26. Gold Sarcophagus
27. Scapegoat
>>. Solemn Wishes
28. Solemn Wishes
29. Solemn Wishes
30. Urgent Tuning
31. Urgent Tuning
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon

Extra Deck: 15
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Magical Android
Magical Android
Stardust Dragon
Junk Archer
Junk Destroyer
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-10-02, 02:37 AM
Power Hungry Imp
Hand: 5
The Beginning of the End
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Avarice
The Beginning of the End
Level Limit - Area B
Deck: 51 Cards in my Deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Exodia the Forbidden One
2.Right Arm of the Forbidden One
3.Left Arm of the Forbidden One
4.Right Leg of the Forbidden One
5.Left Leg of the Forbidden One
6.Stygian Security
7.Stygian Security
8.Stygian Security
10.Giant Germ
11.Giant Germ
12.Mystic Tomato
13.Mystic Tomato
14.Mystic Tomato
15.Dark Mimic LV1
16.Dark Mimic LV1
17.Dark Mimic LV1
18.Dark Mimic LV3
19.Dark Mimic LV3
20.Dark Mimic LV3
21.Dark Armed Dragon
23.Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
24.Plaguespreader Zombie
26.Morphing Jar
27.Doomsday Horror
28.Doomsday Horror
29.Spear Cretin
30.Spear Cretin
31.Spear Cretin
32.Dark Hole
33.Monster Reborn
34.Allure of Darkness
35.Pot of Avarice
36.Messenger of Peace
37.The Beginning of the End
38.Bottomless Trap Hole
39.Bottomless Trap Hole
40.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
41.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
42.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
43.Dark Bribe
44.Dark Bribe
45.Dark Bribe
46.Gravity Bind
47.Dimensional Prison
48.Dimensional Prison
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Solemn Judgement
51.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Ally of Justice Catastor x2
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Iron Chain Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
X-Saber Urbellum x2
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Giant Germ(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 4.)
Spirit Reaper(Column 4.)
Stats: 4500 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD FD -
- - FD FD -

"I hate you so much!"



2010-10-02, 12:02 PM
((I have just been alerted that Golden Ladybug works in the Standby Phase, not the Main Phase, so you should have +1000 LP, since on their first activation Fire Princess had yet to take to the field))I draw, and then activate my ladybugs, giving me another 1500 lifepoints and burnin' you fer the same.


I'll activate the Golden Sarcophagus, calling a second Ambassador to my hand, to arrive in two turns. Then I'll end.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | FD | FP | FD | --
-- | -- | FD | SW | --[/table]
FP = Fire Princess, 1300/1500
SW = Solemn Wishes, +500 LP/Draw

Hand Contains Two Golden Ladybugs (revealed)

Lifepoints: 13000

Hand: 3
Golden Ladybug x2
Dark Hole

Facedowns: 3
2: Infernity Avenger
3: MST
4: Dandylion

Graveyard: 1
Golden Sarcophagus

Out of Play: 1
Fire Princess (2 Turns)

Deck: 30
01. Quickdraw Synchron
02. Quickdraw Synchron
03. Quickdraw Synchron
04. Level-Eater
05. Level-Eater
06. Infernity Avenger
07. Infernity Avenger
>>. Infernity Avenger
08. Sangan
09. Dandylion
>>. Dandylion
10. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
11. Skull-Mark Ladybug
12. Skull-Mark Ladybug
13. Skull-Mark Ladybug
14. Fire Princess
>>. Fire Princess
>>. Fire Princess
15. One for One
16. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
17. Card Trader
18. Card Trader
19. Card Trader
20. Mirror Force
21. My Body As a Shield
22. My Body As a Shield
23. Reinforcement For the Army
24. Mind Control
>>. Gold Sarcophagus
25. Scapegoat
>>. Solemn Wishes
26. Solemn Wishes
27. Solemn Wishes
28. Urgent Tuning
29. Urgent Tuning
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon

Extra Deck: 15
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Magical Android
Magical Android
Stardust Dragon
Junk Archer
Junk Destroyer
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-10-02, 09:31 PM
Power Hungry Imp
Hand: 5
The Beginning of the End
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Avarice
The Beginning of the End
Level Limit - Area B
Deck: 50 Cards in my Deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Exodia the Forbidden One
2.Right Arm of the Forbidden One
3.Left Arm of the Forbidden One
4.Right Leg of the Forbidden One
5.Left Leg of the Forbidden One
6.Stygian Security
7.Stygian Security
8.Stygian Security
10.Giant Germ
11.Giant Germ
12.Mystic Tomato
13.Mystic Tomato
14.Mystic Tomato
15.Dark Mimic LV1
16.Dark Mimic LV1
17.Dark Mimic LV1
18.Dark Mimic LV3
19.Dark Mimic LV3
20.Dark Mimic LV3
21.Dark Armed Dragon
23.Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
24.Plaguespreader Zombie
26.Morphing Jar
27.Doomsday Horror
28.Doomsday Horror
29.Spear Cretin
30.Spear Cretin
31.Spear Cretin
32.Dark Hole
33.Monster Reborn
34.Allure of Darkness
35.Pot of Avarice
36.Messenger of Peace
37.The Beginning of the End
38.Bottomless Trap Hole
39.Bottomless Trap Hole
40.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
41.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
42.Dark Bribe
43.Dark Bribe
44.Dark Bribe
45.Gravity Bind
46.Dimensional Prison
47.Dimensional Prison
48.Dimensional Prison
49.Solemn Judgement
50.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Ally of Justice Catastor x2
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Iron Chain Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
X-Saber Urbellum x2
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Giant Germ(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 4.)
Spirit Reaper(Column 4.)
Stats: 4000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD FD -
- FD FD FD -



Some evil energies gather, but nothing else.

2010-10-02, 09:47 PM
This is gettin' too easy. I draw, an' then activate my ladybugs again, giving me another 1500 lifepoints and burnin' you fer the same. Again.


This is gunna hurt a bit. Hurt you, that is. I summon the Skull-Mark Ladybug, and then flip-summon Infernity Avenger. I tune them into Magical Android, giving me 1000 lifepoints by its effect, and burning you for 500 damage because of the Ambassador. I end my turn there, at which point Magical Android's effect nets me another 600 life points, burning you for 500 more. When I next start my turn, this is over, demon.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | FD | FP | MA | --
-- | -- | FD | SW | --[/table]
MA = Magical Android, 2400/1700
FP = Fire Princess, 1300/1500
SW = Solemn Wishes, +500 LP/Draw

Hand Contains Two Golden Ladybugs (revealed)

Lifepoints: 16100

Hand: 3
Golden Ladybug x2
Dark Hole

Facedowns: 2
3: MST
4: Dandylion

Graveyard: 3
Infernity Avenger
Skull-Mark Ladybug
Golden Sarcophagus

Out of Play: 1
Fire Princess (1 Turns)

Deck: 29
01. Quickdraw Synchron
02. Quickdraw Synchron
03. Quickdraw Synchron
04. Level-Eater
05. Level-Eater
06. Infernity Avenger
07. Infernity Avenger
>>. Infernity Avenger
08. Sangan
09. Dandylion
>>. Dandylion
10. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
>>. Golden Ladybug
11. Skull-Mark Ladybug
12. Skull-Mark Ladybug
>>. Skull-Mark Ladybug
13. Fire Princess
>>. Fire Princess
>>. Fire Princess
14. One for One
15. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
16. Card Trader
17. Card Trader
18. Card Trader
19. Mirror Force
20. My Body As a Shield
21. My Body As a Shield
22. Reinforcement For the Army
23. Mind Control
>>. Gold Sarcophagus
24. Scapegoat
>>. Solemn Wishes
25. Solemn Wishes
26. Solemn Wishes
27. Urgent Tuning
28. Urgent Tuning
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon

Extra Deck: 15
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Drill Warrior
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Magical Android
Magical Android
Stardust Dragon
Junk Archer
Junk Destroyer
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-10-02, 09:52 PM
Power Hungry Imp
Hand: 5
The Beginning of the End
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Avarice
The Beginning of the End
Level Limit - Area B
Doomsday Horror
Deck: 49 Cards in my Deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Exodia the Forbidden One
2.Right Arm of the Forbidden One
3.Left Arm of the Forbidden One
4.Right Leg of the Forbidden One
5.Left Leg of the Forbidden One
6.Stygian Security
7.Stygian Security
8.Stygian Security
10.Giant Germ
11.Giant Germ
12.Mystic Tomato
13.Mystic Tomato
14.Mystic Tomato
15.Dark Mimic LV1
16.Dark Mimic LV1
17.Dark Mimic LV1
18.Dark Mimic LV3
19.Dark Mimic LV3
20.Dark Mimic LV3
21.Dark Armed Dragon
23.Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
24.Plaguespreader Zombie
26.Morphing Jar
27.Doomsday Horror
28.Spear Cretin
29.Spear Cretin
30.Spear Cretin
31.Dark Hole
32.Monster Reborn
33.Allure of Darkness
34.Pot of Avarice
35.Messenger of Peace
36.The Beginning of the End
37.Bottomless Trap Hole
38.Bottomless Trap Hole
39.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
40.Dark Spirit Art - Greed
41.Dark Bribe
42.Dark Bribe
43.Dark Bribe
44.Gravity Bind
45.Dimensional Prison
46.Dimensional Prison
47.Dimensional Prison
48.Solemn Judgement
49.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Ally of Justice Catastor x2
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Iron Chain Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
X-Saber Urbellum x2
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Giant Germ(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 3.)
Magic Drain(Column 4.)
Spirit Reaper(Column 4.)
Stats: 2500 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD FD -
- FD FD FD -

"Again...." The imp says exasperatedly.



2010-10-02, 09:56 PM
((I never finished my previous turn... In general, text above the die roll happens in my draw and standby phases. So, does my turn elicit any response? Because if not, then its game over when I enter my next standby phase.))

2010-10-02, 10:05 PM
"Y'know what?" The imp asks rhetorically as he opens a portal.

"Forget this, I'm outta here!" The imp flies irritatedly through the portal & closes it quickly as if trying to "slam" it.

(Forfeit. This deck is sort of a stall. And burn tends to defeat stall easily if you ask me. You also hindered this deck severely by NOT attacking. If you can't tell, this deck is built to fill up it's graveyard by letting the opponent smash through it & then use the graveyard for draw power. It only has 4 non-Synchro monsters that can get rid of anything 1500 ATK or more, 2 of which have Special Summoning requirements, & the other has ??? ATK. Anyway, good game.)