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View Full Version : Need help for rock genre based civilisation names!

2010-10-01, 11:57 AM
As the somewhat odd title declares I am in need of help for creating the names of several nations in a campaign setting I am building.

The setting will use the base PDQ# rules where you replace the Vehicles with Bands and swashbuckling with instruments and is essentially a world full of Fantasy Counterpart Cultures crossed with the POWER OF ROCK! It's quite light-hearted in its approach and is planned to be full of references and shout-outs to music culture.

The six nations developed so far are;

Metal: A large theocratic empire joint in the worship of The Good Lord Dios. The current head of state is First Prophet Oziah. It is the largest culture in the world and certainly the most out-rightly powerful. The actual culture is comparable to Victorian/Georgian England.

Glam: A monarchy, whilst smaller than the Metal Empire it maintains close diplomatic ties to it. The king is notorious charismatic (read: IS BASICALLY DAVID BOWIE) and holds a court filled with his many courtesans. The culture is a theme park version of Renaissance Italy/France.

Punk: Several immense scrap-boat flotillas make up the Punk Nation. Their entire culture considers piracy a perfectly normal career choice and despite their claims of true anarchy almost every punk will follow the words of Captain of Captains Pirate King Cedric the Vicious. There is no real counterpart to their culture in the real world although the kind of pirates seen in PoTC are pretty much accurate.

Indie: A previously small, almost unknown nation, that has recently conquered several others around it. Most citizens claim to have preferred the state of their homeland before it 'got big'. A democracy, it is led a very capable Prime Minister. However many citizens claim to not even know his name as they have no interest in 'someone so mainstream'. If you can imagine an entire country run like a Hipster-filled city then you've captured this land exactly.

Soft Rock: A large hippie-like country, peaceful until provoked, the soft rockers live in large communal family groups each led by elders. Every region has its own Head Elder who reports to the Head Elder of their area of the country. Their is one Great Elder for each of the compass points. They are currently North: Parulan the Bass, South: Rulingo the Drum, Jonas the Voice and Gregoric the Guitar. Legend says that these four men were once a Band of almost legendary power.

J-Rock: A collection of several small islands, each filled with many, many different city-states. A new city-state can rise in a day and many more can crumble. The entire civilisation uses a feudal system to maintain some resemblance of control however that is fleeting with the new travellers from the Metal Empire approaching. Guess what it's based on. I dare you.

So yeah, that is the EXTREME basics of the campaign setting. However I cannot think of any names at all for the countries. So.......

Any suggestions? Or advice on the world?

2010-10-01, 11:58 AM
Brutal Legend?

2010-10-01, 11:59 AM
Guitar Hero: barbarians that try to build a civilization but can't because they only think they know how it works.

2010-10-01, 12:19 PM
Well, first of all, are you going for a serious or less-serious naming scheme? That's rather important to know.

2010-10-01, 12:56 PM
Metal: A large theocratic empire joint in the worship of The Good Lord Dios. The current head of state is First Prophet Oziah. It is the largest culture in the world and certainly the most out-rightly powerful. The actual culture is comparable to Victorian/Georgian England.

Glam: A monarchy, whilst smaller than the Metal Empire it maintains close diplomatic ties to it. The king is notorious charismatic (read: IS BASICALLY DAVID BOWIE) and holds a court filled with his many courtesans. The culture is a theme park version of Renaissance Italy/France.

Punk: Several immense scrap-boat flotillas make up the Punk Nation. Their entire culture considers piracy a perfectly normal career choice and despite their claims of true anarchy almost every punk will follow the words of Captain of Captains Pirate King Cedric the Vicious. There is no real counterpart to their culture in the real world although the kind of pirates seen in PoTC are pretty much accurate.

Indie: A previously small, almost unknown nation, that has recently conquered several others around it. Most citizens claim to have preferred the state of their homeland before it 'got big'. A democracy, it is led a very capable Prime Minister. However many citizens claim to not even know his name as they have no interest in 'someone so mainstream'. If you can imagine an entire country run like a Hipster-filled city then you've captured this land exactly.

Soft Rock: A large hippie-like country, peaceful until provoked, the soft rockers live in large communal family groups each led by elders. Every region has its own Head Elder who reports to the Head Elder of their area of the country. Their is one Great Elder for each of the compass points. They are currently North: Parulan the Bass, South: Rulingo the Drum, Jonas the Voice and Gregoric the Guitar. Legend says that these four men were once a Band of almost legendary power.

J-Rock: A collection of several small islands, each filled with many, many different city-states. A new city-state can rise in a day and many more can crumble. The entire civilisation uses a feudal system to maintain some resemblance of control however that is fleeting with the new travellers from the Metal Empire approaching. Guess what it's based on. I dare you.

Metal - I kind of like the Dios Empire, trying to spread its influence all over Metal Earth. Also, the clergy should consist entirely of Judas Priests.
Glam - Glamerica! (must always be spelled with the exclamation point, even in the middle of a sentence)
Punk - Some swear word...also, the flag should feature a giant middle finger.
Indie - I'm tempted to go with "Indie-ana" or something, but what about (Yo La) Tengovania?, also the military uniform should be black skinny jeans and horn-rim glasses. The other countries should make fun of them for even having a uniform.
Soft Rock - The Rocky Mountain Highlands
J-Rock - The name should be unpronounceable in Common (or whatever) but translate loosely to "Land of Most Excellent Happy Music"

2010-10-01, 01:06 PM
Ever heard of the manga/anime called Bastard!! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastard!!) ? Not quite what you were looking for, but the names of the four kingdoms of the world when the series starts are Metallicana, Judas, Whitesnake, and Iron Maiden, and all of the spells are named after other bands. The official English translators actually did a pretty good job obscuring them for copyright reasons, so you might want to see if you can find a volume and take a cue from what they did. Personally, I own all 19 legally-translated volumes, but if you're interested, make sure to get the second printing so that half the pages aren't backwards.

2010-10-01, 01:13 PM
well i have a city in my campaign world based off something like this. The higher level bards (over level 20) have special uber bard magic that transforms them into music gods. The strongest bard is level 28 JIMMY PAGE!

OTher bards include Steve Harris, Bruce Dickinson, Robert Plant, kirk hammet, OZZY OSBOURNE! (25th level in my world) among others.
its actually a fun world to have if your into music. make good bands eg sabbath and stuff have notable roles. Have musicians from the same band irl 'band' together to support their cause in game and they name their party after whatever band theyre supposed to be.

allow players to roleplay musicans, i had a player be keith moon once it was funny. Some bands could be seen as traitors to a cause, maybe metallica could be a traitor to the empire of metal if you are one of those who hates metallica and think them softer than before.

you could also have people who kind of are in gray areas or have bi-national parentage like guys from ac/dc

the ramones should be in charge of punk, just sayin

also the middle finger flag idea was a good one.
you may also want to Have an island in the shape of devil horns (like the hand thing) i have one in my world. towns being named after albums is another possible idea

2010-10-01, 01:16 PM
Metal- Kashmir, The Land of the Ice & Snow for obvious reasons. :-p (at least I hope they're obvious lol)

Glam- No idea on this one at the moment

Punk- The Fleet of the Punks could be called the Casbah lol

Indie- Coheed & Cambria an allaince of two city states. heh not sure if they're considered Indie or not meh.

Soft Rock- Pretty sure this one should be The Strawberry Fields.

j-Rock - no idea

This is a pretty cool idea :-)

2010-10-01, 01:28 PM
Well I would start by doing a general search of bands in the genre, but the ideas off the top of my head are as follows.


This one would be my favored country by a longshot and I'm sure I could point out things from a national anthem to the names of important politicians here but I'll stick with the requested information.

Mnemia, Sparzanzania, Dethstanica, Ormagöden, Bodom, and Mastodonia are all good.

(My personal favorite though is: Mordhaus)


Not too familiar with this area, but if you can toss in some references from the darkness (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRYNYb30nxU) I will love you forever!

... how about: Babylon, Badlands, Bang Tangonia, Leppardia, or Vandenberg?


I think some M.S.I references are due here.

Actually now that I think about it, maybe this place should be called the badlands?


Where to start...

Oppenheimer, Hippsteria, Halifax, and I'm out... unless you want them to name their country ironically, thats a whole 'nother ballgame.

Soft Rock

Faithnomoreia, Klymaxx, Larsonia, Milsappia... Once more I'm out.


Eh this isn't my area... this one you're gonna have to get from somebody else for this one.

2010-10-01, 03:18 PM
Metal: A large theocratic empire joint in the worship of The Good Lord Dios. The current head of state is First Prophet Oziah. It is the largest culture in the world and certainly the most out-rightly powerful. The actual culture is comparable to Victorian/Georgian England.

"Metallica" already kinda sounds like a country. It's populated by Metallicans.
The national dish of "Metallica" might be "Green Jellö"

I second the "Clergy are called Judas Priests"

2010-10-01, 03:43 PM
Metal: Darkest Thunderland
Glam: Glitzeropolis
Punk: The Bollocks
Indie: The People's Republic of Choice
Soft Rock: Strawberry Fields
J-Rock: Menageria

EDIT: That's a lot of ninjas!

Glam - Glamerica! (must always be spelled with the exclamation point, even in the middle of a sentence)
J-Rock - The name should be unpronounceable in Common (or whatever) but translate loosely to "Land of Most Excellent Happy Music"

Excellent suggestions, both.

Soft Rock- Pretty sure this one should be The Strawberry Fields.

Great minds think alike, eh?

Mnemia, Sparzanzania, Dethstanica, Ormagöden, Bodom, and Mastodonia are all good.

(My personal favorite though is: Mordhaus)

Actually now that I think about it, maybe this place should be called the badlands?

I like the Badlands for punk. In fact, maybe the citizens have different names for it, and they feud violently over which one is official? Reminds me of fighting with friends in my punk-rock days over whether Green Day :smallyuk: was "punk" or not.

"Metallica" already kinda sounds like a country. It's populated by Metallicans.


2010-10-01, 03:49 PM
You need the Kingdom.

2010-10-01, 04:00 PM
Wow. Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

So far the ones that have caught my eyes are.

Metal: Kashmir or Bodom.

Glam: Bang Tangonia! (exclamation point necessary)

Punk: The Bollocks.

Indie: Hippsteria.

Soft Rock: The Strawberry Fields.

Also, for those who are interested. Since the system I'm building this setting for is all about fluff and RPing I will be running a PbP game set in this world, whilst it might seem incredibly bare at the moment the main way of getting Style Dice (basically action/fate points) is by inventing fluff for the world. So, in about a week maybe I will be recruiting up to five players/worldbuilders. If anyone is interested keep an eye on the Finding Players forum.

Also for those who want the rules here's (http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/freebies/PDQ.pdf) the free PDF.

2010-10-01, 04:16 PM
How will your civilizations consider the seperate end time prophecies, the Arockalypse and the Metalocalypse?

2010-10-01, 04:43 PM
Metal needs several principalities or territories (or states or whatever you want to call them to represent the various styles of metal.

Punk could have a few as well. Just not as clearly defined.

2010-10-01, 04:48 PM
-Iron maiden(zombies are called ed),
-Dimmu Borgir, great band and a cool loaction in real life. Means dark castles if i remember this right.
-Blind guardian
-Iced Earth
-Demons&Wizards, a project between bg and ie i think...
-Motorhead(seems a bit off)
-Paradise Lost

and loads more... I like my metal. For more metal http://www.digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/best_metal-art.html Not sure if its top 100 but at least 100 names..

And punk.. Oh man,,
-Screeching Weasel, I love em, and what a name.
-Rancid, just that
-Bad religion
-The clash
-Dead Kennedys
-No means no
-Machingun Surfers

Im gonna stop listing music.. But damn there are som funky things to implement... Oh, flogging molly,dropkick murphys,misfits,System of a down, Nirvana(you need grunge),
and you need Jokke & Valentinerne, At least for us norwegians :)
The ramones!!!

Gonna stop.. Need to dig out some vinyl and irritate my neigbors around midnight again---

2010-10-01, 04:50 PM
The Indie Nation refuses to tell people the name of their country. "Oh, you've never heard of it?" Followed by eyerolling and walking away.

Dubious Pie
2010-10-01, 05:06 PM
I suggest a classic rock country, some sort of Queendom.

2010-10-01, 05:07 PM
What about this, The Sentenced(metal) people from the metal kingdom caught dabbling in Bad religion, are outcasts sailing the oceans aboard the screeching weasel looking for nirvana. Rancid of fear, they flee the Iron Maiden slayers looking to bring them to justice with the help from demons&wizards and the blind guardian. Will they ever be able to return home to the iced earth or are Paradise lost?
Will there be a clash? and will ed and the dead kennedys say no means no?

Probaly more in the spirit of the thread.

2010-10-01, 05:19 PM
Since this is going to be a quite light hearted game everything is going to be massively generalised. I will probably be squashing any queen references into the Glam nation (Yes, I know Queen aren't glam, it just meshes quite well. The King's name was going to be King Frederick from the House of Mercury.)

Also, the equivalent of our ancient Roman and Greek empires is The Glorious Ascension of Rocking Roll. It was a great empire led by the emperor Elivous.

2010-10-01, 08:25 PM
I want to play this so badly it makes my ears bleed.

2010-10-01, 08:34 PM
How about band or album names that can double as country names.

Indie: Animal Collective, Brian Jonestown, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club... Uh, this is harder than I expected.

Anyway, I imagine the Indie nation and the Metal one will be rife with factionalism, heck the punk one too. There are too many Indie subgenres to list and the inhabitants could probably never even agree on what they constitute. "I don't live in Shoegaze I live in Postrock". Some might not even consider themselves citizens of the nation while most would probably agree on the other nations being very uncool. You must also remember that no true hipster self-identifies as a hipster and those that make the most fun of hipsters are probably hipsters themselves.

It would be an interesting national conciousness.

2010-10-01, 08:58 PM
The King's name was going to be King Frederick from the House of Mercury.)

I approve.

2010-10-01, 09:05 PM
Many awesome suggestions for almost all of the genres, so I'm giving a couple for the underrepresented j-rock:
-The Brilliant Green
-Mizer (or the entire Malice Mizer if you want)

2010-10-01, 09:23 PM
Needs a tiny, forgotten kingdom known as the Palmers of Emerson Lake, ruled by the Court of the Crimson King, with this as its flag:

2010-10-01, 09:49 PM
Niche kingdoms from the kingdom of metal should probably include an undead heavy area controlled by necromancers and a small cult of norse-themed swiftblades (Death Metal and Speed Metal respectively). Perhaps there should be a sizable civil war/feud going on between the Metallicans and the House of Megadeath?

All of the other kingdoms look down on the glam rockers for their reliance on poison. Also, natives of the area probably gain a +1 hair bonus to armor class.

A heavy contingent of the Indie area should be Drow wearing those dark alchemical goggles.

The J-rock area should probably feature shadowdancers! They're ninja-esque and may have more of a use for the perform skill in this sort of setting.

2010-10-01, 09:55 PM
How will your civilizations consider the seperate end time prophecies, the Arockalypse and the Metalocalypse?

During the week of Helloween, they gather under a peace treatise.

2010-10-09, 12:19 PM
Well the PbP is up here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=171296) for those are interested.


2010-10-10, 01:31 PM
Style Dice for worldbuilding? Then keep 'em rolling, for here goes (I'll move this to the PbP-Interest-Thread if you deign it more appropiate there):

(No offense meant whatsoever, any references to 'The Dirt' and 'Trainspotting' you can spot just as intended as those to bands)

There is merely one Judas Priest who heads the religious institution of Diosia (Basically what the Pope is to 'catholic' countries such as Ireland or France. Or what he is to the Vatican. How much of a theocracy were they again?). The title is currently held by Great Prophet Oziah. Their units in the field are supported by Armored Saints, who basically act as supporting vocalists (back-up singers?), while local congregation halls are run by Warlocks, which dates back to the olden days of St. Doro (who was a legendary vocalist along the lines of Prophet Oziah, but less influential in the long run) and references the Diosian tradition of demon worship. The latter are in charge of performing the Rites of Geburah at every third saturday of the month, in a celebration called 'Black Sabbath'. They do so by entering an Iron Maiden and drawing skulls and pentagrams all over the place. In their own blood. Whoo.
Diosia's navy is made up of large ironclad Manowars. Their sailors wear specially designed Gloves of Metal, by which they also swear any oaths that may become necessary. Their preferred tactic is to ram enemy vessels mid-ship ('headbanging' in Diosian military usage), such as Bollock pirate ships, and board them in a state of berserker frenzy called an Alestorm by Diosians.
Their units in the field wear (and are coloquially referred to as) Sabatons, which are steel-capped combat boots. They are infamous for going on and on about their high level of theoretical expertise in all things related to war and allegedly go on and on about the honor and glory of fallen soldiers when adressed. Diosian warfare is squad-based, but heavily relies on the use of civilian armies: Whenever an Armored Saint or a squad-leader sounds the attack (See what I did there?), nearby Diosian civilians (who often camp out at prospective battlefields for weeks in advance, as they are by all means a warrior's culture) will almost invariably charge the enemy barely armed (or not armed at all) and in a state of ferocity which often leads witnesses to accuse the whole nation of being demons themselves. What follows are so-called 'mosh pits', small areas in which the fighting grows more and more intense until the music-induced frenzy dies off with the last brutal guitar rift. Their material of choice is 'Power Metal'.

There is a growing cultural movement within the Diosian populace, the so-called 'Goffs' (For the record: I know it's spelled 'Goth', it's meant as a joke). These are recognizable by their traditional black longcoats and lots of silver jewelry. They gather in small covens, called a 'Dark Sanctuary' in their own usage and a 'Batcave' by everyone else, and organize themselves into 'Joy Divisions' on the battlefield. In contrast to the average Diosian, a 'Goff' will usually favor the keyboard over the guitar or drum, but both cultures share a fondness of the bass. Goff vocalists usually focus on the demoralization of their foes, inducing crushing despair - The term 'Joy Division' is ironic. Interestingly, Goffs rarely, if ever, consider themselves Diosian, although they usually adhere to the overall tenets of the Diosian faith and are commonly associated with Diosia by everyone else, anyway. They are often blamed to act very much like Hippsterians (by Diosians) and mocked as wimps, but they have been known to put their battlefield specialties to devastating use in the past.
Historically, they have originated from the Bollocks, but have been collectively excommunicated during the War of the Straight Edge, which was fought after the Bauhausian sect, the predecessors of the Goff movement, had tried to introduce a new Bollocks banner depicting a Skinny Puppy.

The Bang Tangonian! military is squad-based as well, although their troups are recruited and organized based on sexual rather than military prowess. Their combat units are called 'Mötley Crües' by themselves and 'motley crews' by everyone else. On the battlefield, they will don Max-Mad-style armor, fire themselves up using a variety of drugs, almost immediately feign heavy infighting upon enemy contact and break up - in order to gaud the enemy into breaking formation and going after them. And only them, for Bang Tangorian! culture is hedonistic in nature and favors the attention-seeking. They wear massive amounts of perfume and hairspray which are often so randomly combined as to mess with any scent-based tracking aid available. When successfully having disorganized the enemy, they will regroup after some time in order to deliver devastating melee attacks.
Bang Tangonians! commonly hold the belief that their souls and hairstyles will be judged in the afterlife by Mott the Hoople and his Twisted Sister, who is actually an ascended saint named Alice C., whom Bang Tangorians! and Diosians worship equally. When the judgment of the divine couple shows them to be worthy, they are invited among the ranks of the Niuyark Dolls (if female) and the Saints of Lasangalas (if male). Niuyark and Lasangalas are the Great Halls of the divine couple, equal in many ways to the Orthodox Diosian Valhalla. If they are considered unworthy, they have to 'go to Hallywad', where they serve the dreaded 'Franky' in eternity.

Another culture originating from the Bollocks are the Ymoes, who are commonly associated with the Goffs (to the horror of both groups). They combine elements of Bang Tangorian! culture with those of Strawberry Fields, but usually act like more level-headed ('wimps' or 'sissies') Bollock people. Having been treated as second-class citizens in the Bollocks due to their cultural aversion to piracy in the past, the vast majority of them emigrated to the Menagerie and Hippsteria (to quote that guy who ran the latter place back then, but is by now too mainstream to be spoken of: ''What-ever...'').

The Bollocks have traditionally been prone to infighting, the aforementioned War of the Straight Edge being just one in a long line of civil wars, usually triggered by 'the South rising again'. Because of this and the pirate thing, they have always been in Dire Straits economically, but deny this fervently. The various pirate crews are in constant disagreement over what is 'true', some citing the adventures of their great culture heroes, Iggy the Pop and his Stooges, who took an awful lot of drugs, claimed to be iguanas and established the proud Bollock tradition of completely random behavior, some arguing the case of the White Stripe movement, whose poorly-retained memory has lead to Bollock people being considered incestuous rednecks most of the time.
Their warhordes often carry Nine Inch Nails, long metal claws who are used as status symbols, not as weapons, and fire themselves up for battle chanting 'Oi' over and over.

Is this in any way usable for the setting? :smallbiggrin:

Dubious Pie
2010-10-10, 02:12 PM
There should be a classic rock nation, I recommend the name "La Villa Strangiato".

2010-10-10, 02:19 PM
I applaud you for having David Bowie in your game. I have had many a D&D campaign with David Bowie filling a vital role.

2010-10-10, 02:21 PM
Does this mean I can play my Uber-IC Bard named Batio? Even though technically Batio would be a god in this game...along with Rhoads, Malmsteen, and Becker.

2010-10-10, 02:30 PM
Style Dice for worldbuilding? Then keep 'em rolling, for here goes (I'll move this to the PbP-Interest-Thread if you deign it more appropiate there):

-snipped incredible awesome-

Is this in any way usable for the setting? :smallbiggrin:

*counts out dice*

Will seven be enough for you to add to your beginning collection?

If you continue like this I feel you won't ever be experiencing a drought....

If you desire too, please go ahead and start building a character.

Does this mean I can play my Uber-IC Bard named Batio? Even though technically Batio would be a god in this game...along with Rhoads, Malmsteen, and Becker.
If you can stat him. Then he can be played. :smallbiggrin:

2010-10-10, 02:40 PM
I believe seven will do. :smallbiggrin:

I'll have to read into the rules a little more, but I reckon I should be up and running at some point during this week. So you'll definitely see a character by me. :smallsmile:

2010-10-10, 02:48 PM
Bard 8/Virtuoso 2/Sublime Chord 2/Mindbender 1/Virtuoso 3-9

Take Song of the Heart, Focused Performance, Words of Creation, and Lingering Song (for the IC breaking at least).

Vest of Legends, Battle Rattle, Masterpiece Song (+10 Inspire Courage, from Dragon 301), Inspirational Boost song.

Starting at +18 IC, doubled to +36, doubled again for one person (Focused Performance) to +72. Now take Dragonfire Inspiration as well, for +72 to hit and damage and an additional +72d6 damage of your dragon's energy type. Fear my solo!

2010-10-10, 02:50 PM
Bard 8/Virtuoso 2/Sublime Chord 2/Mindbender 1/Virtuoso 3-9

Take Song of the Heart, Focused Performance, Words of Creation, and Lingering Song (for the IC breaking at least).

Vest of Legends, Battle Rattle, Masterpiece Song (+10 Inspire Courage, from Dragon 301), Inspirational Boost song.

Starting at +18 IC, doubled to +36, doubled again for one person (Focused Performance) to +72. Now take Dragonfire Inspiration as well, for +72 to hit and damage and an additional +72d6 damage of your dragon's energy type. Fear my solo!

You do realise that this doesn't use D&D, right?

It's PDQ# rules. I've included a link to in the PbP page. :smallbiggrin:

2010-10-10, 03:11 PM
Faithnomoreia (...)

There's only a couple songs (~hits) that are light there. They pack some heavy-ass psycho goodness in the rest of the songs that fill the albums.

I'll try to contribute / play if I have time, so color me interested!

Have a magocracy of three Electric Wizards rule the barren wastes, where scavenging birds circle and smoke of (un)known provenience lingers! The towers they live in resemble half-mile-tall amps from which they are capable of unleashing doomsday riffage against any army that dares approach. In the deserts surrounding their lands, live nomadic tribes known as the Sons of Kyuss. Over some of these lands, a council of so-called Queens claims reign, but her authority is challenged by tribes of Orange Goblins worshipping the great Goatsnake (which is the setting's Tarrasque equivalent). Sixty Watt Shamans are an extensive druidic caste that tends to the cult and secrets of the desert and the Goatsnake, as well. Another party of desert vagabonds are the Pale Horsemen, who, although basically nomadic plunderers, keep more relations with the outside world than most others. One common belief of these lands' denizens is that end will come with a Red Sun; in other, more swampy regions outside the main wastelands it is also called the Black Hole Sun.

These swampy regions have, however, after a period of anarchy and dissolution, experienced a rise in political activity, with many of the legendary factions from the legendary times (and whose deeds became the stuff of legend) reuniting again. Their reunions have brought along times brighter than one could ever think to be seen in the swamps.

2010-10-10, 03:19 PM
Definately need a nation of Cydonia, but I'm not sure where it would fit. Also someone is going to have to stat up the "Knight of Cydonia" class

Storm Bringer
2010-10-10, 03:38 PM
the nation of Cydonia has been conquored, and the Kinghts of Cydonia lead...The Resistance. they seek to re-instate their God-Avatar, who interprates the sometimes whimsical messages form their god. his person, upon crowning as the leader of Cydonia, loses his old personality and Identity.

He is only known as The Muse.

classy one
2010-10-10, 04:18 PM
Muse had a song called knights of Cydonia. I think Muse counts as alt rock or is it Glam? Either way it is a rather eic song.

2010-10-10, 06:15 PM
Don't forget the Priest of Syrinx, most likely the main clergy of Progressia. And their main concert hall, the Dream Theater, and their main specialty, Fates Warning(s). Helloween is the national holiday, and one day they will find the Lost Horizon on Outworld. Eventually the Queensryche will reunite Progressia with Metal Progressia (cessation from the past), and once again there will be a Queen of the Ryche, but until then, the fabled hero By-Torr and his Snow Dog will be forced to rule alone, fending off the Templars of Steel with his Emerald Sword.

NOTE : I am a speed metal neoclassical thrash guitarist, so this thread was just MADE for me :P

2010-10-10, 08:12 PM
There had better be an "Order of the Blind Guardians" in this campaign setting. They'd be some sort of union for martial minstrels.

2010-10-10, 08:30 PM
There had better be an "Order of the Blind Guardians" in this campaign setting. They'd be some sort of union for martial minstrels.

From "Somewhere Far Beyond" undoubtedly. Beneath the Ice even, waiting for their chance to Run for the Night. Their brethren, the Dragon Force (making their home in the Valley of the Damned), and they both remain Lost in the Twilight Hall. Even the Hall of the King has been cast Into the Storm, guarded eternally by the Soldiers of the Wasteland and the Disciples of Babylon. Nom the Wise even cannot find them Through the Fire and Flames of Nightfall.

NOTE : I agree. Blind Guardian went from early era thrash to the most talented power metal band ever, one of the few to do Beyond the Realms of Death justice, and I've been watching DragonForce since they were known as Dragonheart back on mp3.com when the only song they had was the demo of Valley. Good stuff.

2010-10-11, 07:42 AM
Say, the game system is all about freestyle world creation, if I read that correctly. Now that Goffs and Ymoes have been introduced by... a certain outside source, could players actually create characters who are Goff or Ymo? Or do we keep that particular detail all core-setting? I don't mean to hog attention, I'm just curious. :smallsmile:

2010-10-11, 11:25 AM
NOTE : I am a speed metal neoclassical thrash guitarist, so this thread was just MADE for me :P to have assassins dispatched at.

FTFY. :smalltongue: no offense

2010-10-11, 11:53 AM
Hope this hasn't already been used but....

Here's an idea for a PrC... Knight of KISSmyanthia for the nation of KISSmyanthia of course

2010-10-11, 11:56 AM
Their headquarters is in Detroit City, and their elite group is known as the Black Diamond.

2010-10-11, 01:13 PM
Hope this hasn't already been used but....

Here's an idea for a PrC... Knight of KISSmyanthia for the nation of KISSmyanthia of course

Dude, like, it's not meant for DnD ;p And where'd you get the "myanthia" part from? Not that I know much about the band.

2010-10-11, 01:38 PM
I'd suggest a borderland of swamps to the south. Mainly populated by fur trappers and hunters, ruled by Duke Leonard the Skinner. It's considered an outcast and alien culture by many of the rest of the nations, but has more in common with them than they'd like to admit.

2010-10-11, 01:42 PM
Dude, like, it's not meant for DnD ;p And where'd you get the "myanthia" part from? Not that I know much about the band.

Fair enough, I wasn't very thorough in reading the OP or any others for that matter, but I did read some references to bards and was instantly whisked away to D&D land... my bad. Anyhow, back to KISSmyanthia, apparently someone has not seen a movie called Role Models featuring Sean William Scott, Paul Rudd and that Fogle kid from Super Bad. Great movie, check it out.

Back to the OP. A KISS themed kingdom would be great. Imagine knights walking around with giant spikes on their shoulders and KISS themed war paint on their faces (Gene Simmons). Then you could have a Paul Stanley type in more of a Bardic role. Sounds like a winner for sure.

And also for a Tenacious D reference you could have all of the other Genres attempting to destroy the Metal.

2010-10-11, 02:19 PM
Say, the game system is all about freestyle world creation, if I read that correctly. Now that Goffs and Ymoes have been introduced by... a certain outside source, could players actually create characters who are Goff or Ymo? Or do we keep that particular detail all core-setting? I don't mean to hog attention, I'm just curious. :smallsmile:

If it can be fleshed out like the other nations and I deem it acceptable then it can be added and used.

Do you reckon anyone here could make a semi-decent map of the world?
Please feel free to take as many liberties as needed.

2010-10-11, 03:35 PM
FTFY. :smalltongue: no offense

"Not my fault you can't respect REAL skill. Go on, return to Glamerica! with your pathetic 3 chord hooks, sing-song chorus' sellouts, and 3 note shades of accompaniment that you labor under the delusion that that is a solo. I swear, you Glamericans are worse than Capt. Kirk Ham of Met and his troupe of miscreants whose name shall never be uttered again. I fear you ask to share the fate of Sodom...after all, darkness must descend eventually, and for you, it is now!
~The Dark Angel, after the Burning of Sodom, to a random (now burnt beyond recognition) Glamerican obsessed with pop hooks and sneering at a blazingly fast classically phrased sweep-tapped arpeggio~


Bring the assassins, I have Mindsight, b*tches! :P

PS : I can spar with metal songs all day and all night :D

2010-10-11, 04:32 PM
Release the Finntrolls!!

2010-10-11, 04:49 PM

Good to go to bed with a healthy laughter, thanks ;]

For me, that is. All you will be going to sleep tonight with is gonna be a lethal dose of american hatred, vulgarly displayed over your under. You'll be singing OUR anthems like it's arson done on your behind with a crowbar.


2010-10-11, 05:00 PM
Good to go to bed with a healthy laughter, thanks ;]

For me, that is. All you will be going to sleep tonight with is gonna be a Lethal Dose of American Hatred.


"Just give me Five Minutes Alone with this dude...all I ask. He'll sing a different tune after he gets F*cked with a Knife a few times, then Lashed to the Slavestick for good measure!"
~a very peeved Abbott named Darrell.

2010-10-11, 05:23 PM
Since some people may have missed it I am now reposting the link to the game thread.

HERE IT IS, CLICK NOW AND THE GOOD LORD DIOS SHALL BE APPEASED. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9529792#post9529792)

2010-10-12, 08:03 AM
Do you reckon anyone here could make a semi-decent map of the world?
I just so happen to know a dude who'd give it a shot... :smallwink:



Diosia (Kan'zaz), grey: Diosia is the largest empire on the known continent. Their capital city is Kan'zaz. It is located in the Hard Rock Mountains in the North and directly atop a small waterfall, since its founders in ancient times had allegedly been told by some emissaries of Dios to ''build this city on Rock 'n' Roll'' - They happened across the waterfall in the mountains which would sometimes dislodge trees further up the (now dried-up) river, which kept revolving, 'rolling', until entering free fall. The cliff which holds the waterfall is called the Stairway to Heaven coloquially, for atop it is built the Judas Priest's residence. Since the residence is not technically part of the city, but actually a political entity of its own within it (think the Vatican), the Judas Priest also holds the title 'Kan'zaz' Wayward Son', which is used when he gives political, rather than religious, speeches and is intended to remind him to 'carry on'.
On the border to the Menagerian territories lies the threehood of salt lakes commonly called the 'Labe-Als' which nurture the smaller rivers leading to Lake Brekk-Thrü, which in turn nurtures the mighty, if anticlimactically named Main Stream.
Diosia's south is made up primarily of plains, hills and deserts, its overall climate is temperate. In the south, bush-covered lands and more tropical types of plant-life begin to dominate the scene, for here lies...

The Jungle (Bodom), white: Technically Diosian territory, this area is largely undisclosed, although Bang Tangonian! and Diosian citizens are encouraged to settle down here. In ancient times, according to oral tradition, the half-Diosian, half-Bang Tangonian! two-culture hero Axl, Rose Of Guns, travelled here to slay the terrible Whitesnake. He managed to kill it and was immortalized in song as the Slayer, but succumbed to the beast's Poison. Ever since, a colossal statue in his likeness bids visitors to Bodom (which is not really a capital, being a Diosian colony, but the main administrative center of the area) a kind 'Welcome to the Jungle'.
The Jungle is notorious for the many outkasts outcasts and lunatics (strangely, posses of Insane Clowns for the greatest part) who roam the place, usually seeking to return to the savage roots of mankind, but occasionally founding cargo cults around travellers or certain types of music. These groups are the primary target of Diosian military activity today. The most notorious of this sects are the sinister Children of Bodom, who more-or-less openly challenge Diosian tradition and the authority of the Priest. They 'Follow the Reaper', an enigmatic figure apparently considered a deity by the sect. Luckily, the equally resident Cultists of the Blue Öyster 'Don't fear the Reaper' and have so far remained loyal to Oziah. Political tensions are on the rise.

Hippsteria (Lok al'Kaffy-Schopp), light blue: Under Lady Felina Taratum, by way of the people not yet having complained Elected Barista of Lok al'Kaffy-Schopp, the Hippsterians somehow manage to cultivate the wild brands of coffee native to the Jungle. And to consume lots of them. Lok al'Kaffy-Schopp (or The Schopp, for short) is located none too far from the river Fash'on and the Seane (see below), therefore they are an important trading hub where lots of news pass through. However, they constantly deny that this was, in fact, why the town was founded there, and thus remain in keeping with their national quirk. They also call the Fash'on the 'Mainstream' and culturally are so very shy of strangers that they try to 'not go (to the) mainstream' at all costs. At the heart of Hippsteria lies Lake Ruin, named so after the ancient ruins apparently having been flooded by the Fash'On. The ruins themselves are traditionally called the 'Rocks' and are such a major peril for any ships trying to pass that almost nobody ever tries to sail down the Fash'On so far. The Road to Ruin is thusly far more important for commerce and travel. Also, what few ships have tried to 'ride the Fash'On waves' to the end are now commonly 'on the Rocks', meaning sunk and devastated. For some reason, most Hippsterians are convinced that they alone decide who ends up there, and the place is connected to death in their mythology.
There is a species of Great Apes native to Hippsteria, the so-called Nickelbacks after the adult males' distinctive coloring, which are often considered the national mascot of Hippsteria. They can learn to make something resembling music, which Hippsterians often consider 'the only thing close to Diosian music an intelligent being can take'.

The Bollocks (Now come on, what did you expect?), red: As they are primarily at home on their pirate ships, the Bollock people maintain only very small holdings on the mainland, instead focusing on the various small islands and peninsulae which make up their realm. They don't have a capital as such, but the Pirate of Pirates does occasionally issue ad-hoc laws from his flagship. Those usually go more or less unheeded, except by his own crew.
As every single crew runs their own show, they are fiercely independent and almost chronically rebellious in their way of life, which has clearly contributed to their long history of wars.

The Strawberry Fields (Nirv'anna), purple: Closely in touch with nature and yet remarkably advanced, the Strawberrians share a border with Hippsteria, Diosia and Bang Tangonia!, but are rarely earnestly assaulted. They have been known to counter Bollock ships, Diosian Manowars and other enemy vessels with Yellow Submarines, but are at the whole very peaceful. They tend to cultivate special flowers 'that grow so incredibly high' and which they wear in their hair whenever setting out to find the mystical town of Sennfran Tsisko.
The tent town of Nirv'anna (Not to be mistaken for the sadly-departed Diosian emissary to the Fields, Kurd Kurbane, and his disciples, the Nirvan Na), does occasionally change position, but is most commonly found as depicted on the map. It is here that the mighty Four reside. Other tent towns travel about, often comprised of various families, all 'flaking about' in search of Sennfran, which was lost to them millennia ago.

The river Flow springs from the Underground, a system of partially subterranean lakes and caverns in which mankind allegedly originated and which the Fields and Bang Tangonia! share, and meanders through the vast strawberry-rich fields the land is named for. The legendary Four which rule the Fields have allegedly established their hold on this area after winning over the local rocking-horse people by eating marshmallow pie with them many decades ago. According to legend, they had been instructed to do so by the Strawberrian Mother Goddess, Lucy, who lives in the sky and whose symbol is a diamond. Immensely creeped out by this myth for some reason, the Diosians have been remarkably reluctant to engage the Fields in full-scale land wars up to now.
As the Underground is almost inaccessible from the ocean, the Flow is largely home to small boats, which are 'gently rowed, rowed, rowed down the stream'. There are tales, however, of the Diosian-born Styx 'going down' the Flow via a 'boat on the river', which they allegedly sailed.

Where Diosia, the Fields and Bang Tangonia! collide, there is a small mountain range known as the Soft Rock Mountains. As these are higher on the Diosian side, the Strawberrians often have trouble with Rolling Stones. The locals are in constant disagreement over whether being ruled at least partially by the Strawberrians, 'Beetles' in their slang, or being endangered by 'the Stones' is the lesser evil. 'What's better, the Beetles or the Stones?' is a question likely to elicit massive conflict, even after years and years of both phenomena being in place.

In the outer east of the Fields, the Flow and the Main Stream collide to form the massive Seane, two major lakes connected due to Oziah's initiative to 'give a dam for a change' from decades ago. Here, almost all commerce in the world concentrates. Oddly, the Strawberrians simply accept that Diosia has so massively intermingled with the natural beauty of the land, while the Bollocks steer well clear of the Seane, claiming that 'their own' is enough. Those Bollocks who make it down the Main Stream or actually find the way to the Flow are often exiled for this exact reason.

Bang Tangonia! (Queen's Rock), green: The fabulous city of Queen's Rock has traditionally been the stronghold of The House of Mercury. The land is primarily made up of open planes and some deserted areas, but the cities are miracles of sound and light. The great inventions of the age, such as pyrotechnics and fog machines, commonly hail from Bang Tangonian! cities, the former example from Rammstein directly at the border to Diosia, the latter from Malmsteen, a little north of the former and originally Diosian itself.

The Menagerie (Various, mainly Town Kyo), orange: Although some of this nation's (nations'?) culture has drawn heavy influences from Bang Tangonian! flamboyance and Diosian morbidity, they are still very much Menagerian in every aspect. Traditionally, the word order is like that used in Diosian, only reverse. Therefor, the Diosian usage 'Kyo's town' has by now been adapted to 'Town Kyo' and become the actual name of the town. It is not technically the capital of the Menagerie, but does effectively fulfill this role by virtue of housing General Kyo's residence and headquarters.

Well, I guess I should have put some numbers into that, but I hope the key helps. I can still give it a workover, provided you approve (and noone else comes up with a better one). :smallbiggrin:

I'd suggest a borderland of swamps to the south. Mainly populated by fur trappers and hunters, ruled by Duke Leonard the Skinner. It's considered an outcast and alien culture by many of the rest of the nations, but has more in common with them than they'd like to admit.
That looks like a good idea to me. Perhaps my 'Jungle' approach could blend in with that? Or one of the peninsulae on the card draft spoilered above? (Again, not hogging attention, just trying to cooperate)

Perhaps they are more or less a satellite or former sort-of-colony of the Bollocks, having claimed independence on the grounds that not all of the inhabitants were stark raving mad 'chaotic neutral' in outlook. They're left to fend on their own against whatever Jungle-based rabble they encounter on their hunts, though, because all others still consider them Bollock and see no point in helping them. That might actually have a lot of potential.

2010-10-12, 10:07 AM
I dearly resent the implication given in the above post that hipsters are able to tolerate Nickelback.

2010-10-12, 10:24 AM
So does its author. It's stealth hypocrisy.

2010-10-12, 03:13 PM
And what about the villains?

Goblin gangsters that demand respect?

Mindless undead creatures that just listen to whatever is on the radio?

The half-humans of Nu Metal-village?

The Chaotic abomination Agag?

The dread assassin Rick Astley, master of ambush tactics?

And the horrible Lawful Evil music snob Big Bad that tries to destroy the whole world because no music holds to his high standards?

.... And less a villain, more like a force of the nature, the almost unkillable, Colossal, CR 20 Lemmy Kilmister!

2010-10-12, 07:25 PM
Extra-dimensional attacks from the plane of moral panic? Or maybe that's all in the past now.

2010-10-13, 06:27 PM
Wait, Tipper Gore is the BBEG?