View Full Version : Group Three IC: All Endings are New Beginnings

Roc Ness
2010-10-02, 09:42 AM
You awake, noting ground as cold as ice, smooth too. The air is thick and warm, and a sense of general wrong floats around you.

Counting yourself, you see a beautious reptilian dark elf woman, an overly scarred tall pale human man, a black haired changeling, an armored half-elf male and a young woman with long brown hair, with a single streak of black in it.

Good luck. Also, everybody make a spot check to notice something.
Personal Co-DM message: Hiya! Sorry is this may not be the 100% Lix experience you signed up for, but I shall do my very best to preserve and provide. :smallbiggrin:

Also, here is the OoC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=170524).
For players, we have here:
{table]HalfTangible|Neriana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=238391)|Drow Dragon|"Fear this firebreathing, unstoppable monster in a pretty package."
M. Mayonnaise|Avent (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=239522)|Changeling Bind-totum|"Zose who have poweh use zat poweh."
Dreamshifter|Zengral (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=237224) (Bear Form) (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=240546)|Human Bearmonk|"My life may be forfeit, but love trumps even death."
Lix Lorn|Emily (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=237889)|Souledge Girl|"Everything falls to chaos in the end... so best enjoy it while we can, cutie. (wink)"
DM|Faulkner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=244492)|Sword-Paladin|"I'll do as I'm told."[/table]

2010-10-02, 10:15 AM
Neriana groaned and gripped her head. The last thing she remembered was someone saying 'fire'. She shook her head a bit and pulled herself to her feet, using her spear as a crutch for the moment. She opened her eyes and immediately wished she hadn't.

The landscape was charred and burning for as far as she could see. While she would admit that wasn't as much as it would be normally given it was light out, it was still a major cause for concern. She sniffed the air. Sulfur. She looked around one last time and saw a river that frankly should not have existed in these temperatures.

Ah, of course... She muttered, rubbing her temples. Baator, first layer.

2010-10-02, 01:25 PM
Zengral moaned, then jumped up, taking a combat stance. "What... where..." His memory seems to catch up with him, and his eyes widen. "Where is this? Did I die? I can't be dead! I have to get back to Her!" He seems to be talking to himself as much as the others so far, but clearly has no idea what's going on.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-02, 03:13 PM
"Euh... what..?"
The black-haired man lets out a groan as he slowly stretches, his senses slowly returning. He blinks several times, trying to bring the world back into focus. He lets out an odd sound that could have been either a whisper or a whistle as he slowly pulls himself up onto all fours. His grey eyes, suddenly alert, dart about anxiously, and as he straightens into a kneeling position, his hand moves to the ornate rapier at his side.
If the look of confusion on his face is any indication, he has at least a dozen questions on his mind. He quickly settles on
"Who dze deveel are you?

Spot check [roll0].

2010-10-02, 03:25 PM
*facepalm* Forgot my Spot check.


2010-10-02, 03:51 PM
Spot Check for neriana[roll0]

Roc Ness
2010-10-02, 07:27 PM
For da Spot Checks!
You notice nothing. It's funny how the low mod rolled high, and the high mods rolled low. :smallbiggrin:

Brown Haired Girl
"Ugh..." said the brown haired girl, stirring. "Does anyone know what's going on? This... wait. Crap. This looks like Baator..."

The half-elf just groans and rolls over.

2010-10-02, 07:47 PM

Studying his companions in this strange place, Zengral says "You are all not known to me. You are not those who sent me here, who killed me. And this does not look like the afterlife I was due. Baator, you called it? Punishment here, it must be. But I have done nothing to deserve that." His stance is still wary, and he watches them for hostilities.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-02, 07:55 PM
The black-haired man pulls himself to his feet before walking over and gallantly offering his hand to the brown-haired woman. As he does, he addresses the scarred man,
"You 'ave obveeously done sometheeng, no? But cureeous zat we should arrive, euh, en masse.."

2010-10-02, 08:58 PM
Touching his collar, the scarred human looks thoughtful for a moment. "I have served, as all my kind have, and saw my charge through to adulthood. That is all I am worthy of doing, and I did it well. If we are dead, I should be free and in my beast form for eternity. Such does not seem to be the case. So, that should mean that this fate in not natural..."

Roc Ness
2010-10-02, 10:08 PM
Brown Haired Girl
Smiles and takes the black-haired man's hand, before standing up. "Thank you."

Groans again, mutters something, sits up and draws his sword. "Cursed, stupid... Detect Evil." He then begins to wave his sword around the room, from his sitting position.

2010-10-02, 11:29 PM
Neriana kneeled down near, but not within stabbing range of, the half-elf. "Paladin, restrain yourself. There is no immediate threat..." She blinked as a thought crossed the scantily clad half-dragon drow's mind. "Hold it, what's a paladin doing in Baator?!"

Roc Ness
2010-10-03, 12:55 AM
"Now, whoever said I was a pally? And I'd be a pretty poor one if I struck good person." The Half-Elf seems satisfied with the results of his Detect Evil.

"So, where to now?"

Roc Ness
2010-10-04, 06:13 AM
Eh, I knew I forgot something. :facepalm: :smallsigh:

You guys woke up in a room (read: dark cavern) with two tunnels leading off someways. One is smaller and darker, the other is larger, brighter and warmer.

2010-10-04, 08:24 PM
Eyeing up the two tunnels, the scarred man hangs his head. "It seems unlikely that this area is overly safe for us. But I know nothing at all of this place, so I have no opinion on which direction might lead us to a better spot. If such a place exists. Any of you have any ideas?"

2010-10-04, 08:32 PM
Neriana blinked. You just tried to- never mind. She stood and brushed off her bare skin, skirt and rags that were arranged as a top. Well if we're in Baator, then darker would definitely be better to get away from the fires.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-05, 02:52 PM
"Perhaps eentroductions ahe een order? Aldzough I am sure none of you truly belong here, I would nonedzeless know dze identeeties of dzose whom I am to be traveling weeth."

He makes an elegant bow to the drow woman, taking her hand and brushing it with his lips.

"I am Auguste Laurent, swordsman extraordeenaire."

Bluff check... [roll0]

2010-10-05, 03:13 PM
I am Neriana, lesbian dragon-in-training and martial artist. She replied cheerfully, smiling at the human despite the fact she had basically just told him she was unavailable.

2010-10-05, 03:19 PM
"Ah, yes. I am Zengral." He offers up no other information, though.

Roc Ness
2010-10-05, 07:08 PM
"I'm Faulkner."

OoC: Whelp, you cooperate with each other better than the other groups. :smallwink:

Lix Lorn
2010-10-06, 03:41 AM
"Emily," said the brown haired girl, looking around with seeming confusion.

Roc Ness
2010-10-06, 04:31 AM
Would you like to investigate the smaller tunnel, or debate a bit?

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-06, 03:31 PM
Auguste Laurente

Auguste makes similarly elegant bows to the rest of the party, and kisses Emily's hand as well. He straightens and looks about the cavern, peering down both tunnels.
"A pleasuhe, madame.. now, shall we away? Zere ees leetle more for us here, no?"
He meanders over towards the larger of the tunnels.
Zis way, pehhaps? Eef we must wandeh, better to wandeh een ze light zan ze dark, no?"

2010-10-06, 03:41 PM
Neriana raised an eyebrow. You want to go TOWARDS the light in Baator? As in, the lights that only the fire here can give off?

Lix Lorn
2010-10-06, 04:27 PM
Emily blushed, and gave a slight curtsey.
"If I may," she said. "I don't think there will be a safe way. I mean... Baator? Whatever way you look at it... we're gonna get into a fight."

2010-10-06, 04:37 PM
Zengral looks at both tunnels again. "Then, if all paths are equal, we should take the one that advantages us most, or disadvantages our foes. Since I fear that anything that lives here will not be at a disadvantage, that leaves us looking for an advantage. So, would we fight better in darkness, or in the searing heat?"

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-07, 02:48 PM
Auguste Laurente

Auguste pauses to consider this for a moment.
"Euh, pehhaps.. weeth a drow to guide us, ze dark may not be so fohbidding.. eef, of couhse, you believe you would be capable of such a zing, Nehiana?"

2010-10-07, 03:08 PM
Neriana grinned as she leaned against her spear. But of course. She tossed her hair behind one scantily clad shoulder. If any of you can make lights however that would be more useful should we need to fight.

Roc Ness
2010-10-07, 05:48 PM
"I am proficient in a small brand of light magic. But it will make everybody prime targets for the denizens of hell."

Lix Lorn
2010-10-07, 05:55 PM
"I could do it too." said Emily.

2010-10-07, 06:18 PM
Just bring it up when i shout the codeword: rag. Or maybe i'll just shout 'light'.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-07, 06:25 PM
Auguste Laurente

Auguste ambles back to the smaller of the tunnels as the others speak.
"Eet ees decided, zen? We shall take ze smaller tunnel?"

Roc Ness
2010-10-07, 06:35 PM
"Up to you."

So, small tunnel it is, then?

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-07, 06:53 PM
As a Frenchman infinitely more distinguished than even Avent would say... make it so! :smallbiggrin: Couldn't resist.

Auguste Laurente

Auguste makes a small bow to Neriana, elegantly waving her towards the tunnel.
"Zen shall we away?"

2010-10-07, 07:07 PM

"Lead, and I shall follow."

Roc Ness
2010-10-07, 07:50 PM
As you enter the mouth of the smaller tunnel, you here a very faint scuttling noise...

Spot Checks!

2010-10-07, 08:20 PM
[roll0] Spot check.

2010-10-07, 09:20 PM

(120 feet darkvision)

Roc Ness
2010-10-07, 11:05 PM
You see a rather battered human skull, so battered that part of the top appears to be caved in. It is slowly making its way from one side of the tunnel to the other, a little way (maybe 20ft) before you in the darkness. It's eye sockets are glowing a bright red colour. Halfway across the tunnel it senses you, practically jumps in alarm, and then dims its eyes and is suddenly still, and just a broken skull in a cave in Hell.

You see a rather battered human skull, so battered that part of the top appears to be caved in. It is slowly making its way from one side of the tunnel to the other on stubby blue insectile feet, a little way (maybe 20ft) before you in the darkness. It's eye sockets are glowing a bright red colour. Halfway across the tunnel it senses you, practically jumps in alarm, and then dims its eyes and retracts its feet and is suddenly still, and just a broken skull in a cave in Hell.
You see two more of these strange creatures in the darkness a good 70 or so feet away. They haven't noticed you, but as soon as the first one stops moving the other two swiftly dig themselves into the ground.

Everybody Else who weren't looking in the right direction (i.e. everybody who didn't make spot checks):
You see rocks, dirt and a very broken skull.

2010-10-07, 11:54 PM
Neriana growled and readied her spear. Get some light. We've got at least 3 hostiles. Crushed human skulls with glowing eyes and tiny scuttly feet.

Initiative if needed: [roll0]

If not:She opened her mouth and a massive cloud of fire roared from her maw, aimed at the small skull to spread from it's position. The cloud would burn, slow and weaken all the enemies caught within it.


Roc Ness
2010-10-08, 12:03 AM
Initiative if needed: [roll0]

If not:She opened her mouth and a massive cloud of fire roared from her maw, aimed at the small skull to spread from it's position. The cloud would burn, slow and weaken all the enemies caught within it.


You've got the surprise round, so you get to do both. Dreamshifter also gets to act.
... Is that fire damage? And what does the "delay" do? Does the "delay" extend to creatures with immunity to fire? Is there a save involved?

2010-10-08, 12:11 AM
You've got the surprise round, so you get to do both. Dreamshifter also gets to act.
... Is that fire damage? And what does the "delay" do? Does the "delay" extend to creatures with immunity to fire? Is there a save involved?

On second thought, no delay or weaken =/ i can't find what they do beyond slowing the things down and i don't remember well enough to guess. Yes, it's fire damage. Hence the burning. Reflex save for half damage: 22

Roc Ness
2010-10-08, 12:14 AM
On second thought, no delay or weaken =/ i can't find what they do beyond slowing the things down and i don't remember well enough to guess. Yes, it's fire damage. Hence the burning. Reflex save for half damage: 22

Right-O. Monster Reflex Save: [roll0]

The broken skull does its best to leap out of the way of the flames on spindly legs. It doesn't quite make it and the flames enroach it anyway. Although it doesn't look like the flames damaged the skull in any way, the skull is still on fire.

The skull is now chattering at an incredible speed, and a little red beady glow in its eye sockets alights and begins to revolve madly.

2010-10-08, 12:19 AM
Uncertain just what he is facing, Zengral moves a step closer, ready to strike, should something skull-like come within his range.

Which is to say, he takes a 5' step toward the skulls, and readies an attack against the first enemy to come within his range. As well, he has Hold the Line, so should something charge, it will provoke an AoO.

Roc Ness
2010-10-08, 12:23 AM
Right-O, everybody apart from HalfTangible roll Initiative!
Monster(s) Initiative: [roll0]

[; ]; /; \: Walls
Z: Zengral
N: Neriana
E: Emily
A: Avent
F: Faulkner (DMPC)
*: Skull-Thing (Monster; Currently on Fire)

Initiative: [roll1]

2010-10-08, 12:26 AM
[roll0] Initiative.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 09:32 AM
Ooh, weird skull things.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-08, 02:23 PM
Fun stuff, those skull-things. Initiative [roll0]

Roc Ness
2010-10-08, 06:45 PM
So... I'm guessing you guys don't really view the OoC thread, then? Never mind, I'll just post the same thing here.

'Kay. Dreamshifter, HalfTangible & Mr. Mayonnaise, you guys are up. Don't worry about posting in the wrong order, the only important thing is that you guys go before the monster(s) do.

2010-10-08, 07:05 PM

Unwilling to unleash his inner beast quite yet (and not knowing if it will be necessary for this one creature), Zengral charges the skull, attempting to smash it open.

Ok. All attacks count as Magic, Adamantine, Lawful and Good for overcoming DR.
Not actually charging, but using Springing Strike (As Spring Attack, but allows a full flurry of blows), and ending up where he starts.

[roll0] attack, [roll1] plus [roll2], attack one.
[roll3] attack, [roll4] plus [roll5], attack two.
[roll6] attack, [roll7] plus [roll8], attack three.

As for the delay in posting, it takes a lot of checking to actually get a set of rolls for this character!:smalltongue:

2010-10-08, 07:09 PM
Oh, look, a critical!
[roll0] confirmation roll, [roll1], extra damage.

And the critical triggers Roundabout Kick, giving me another attack (at the same bonus)!
[roll2] attack, [roll3] plus [roll4], Roundabout Kick attack.
<edit> Well, ok, it's the critical confirmation that triggers the attack, but better to roll it now, that triple post.:smallwink:

Roc Ness
2010-10-08, 07:18 PM
While Zengral is not quite successful at cracking the skull open, he does manage knock quite a few chips off it. For his valiant efforts at punching a flaming skull, he takes 24 fire damage. (Actually, Zengral takes 4 hits of 6 fire damage, in case you have resistance).

The skull's only response is to glare and emit a low-pitched rumbling noise, like an upset stomach.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-08, 09:11 PM
Auguste Laurente

Auguste mutters something indecipherable and suddenly shoots across the cavern. He immediately makes a series of rapid attacks against the skull, driving his rapier into the burning bone with rather astonishing precision.

Avent activates his Quicksilver boots as a swift action to move to C1. He spends two inspiration points to activate his Cunning Versatility, gaining the swashbuckler class's insightful strike for 1 minute.
He follows that up with a full attack against the skull:
Attack 1: attack [roll0], damage [roll1] plus [roll2] to evil outsiders.
Attack 2: attack [roll3], damage [roll4] plus [roll5] to evil outsiders.
Attack 3: attack [roll6], damage [roll7] plus [roll8] to evil outsiders.
All attacks penetrate DR as an adamantine good-aligned weapon.

Roc Ness
2010-10-08, 09:17 PM
The skull shatters with a screech on Auguste's final strike. But this isn't over yet. There is a scritching and rumbling in walls all around you...

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-08, 09:23 PM
Auguste Laurente

"Where are zey, Neriana? I need light!"

2010-10-08, 11:46 PM
There's another couple of them farther back in the caves. Beyond that i'm not sure.

Roc Ness
2010-10-09, 06:33 AM
There's another couple of them farther back in the caves. Beyond that i'm not sure.

Going to ready any actions or anything, Half-Tangible? Or is your turn over?

2010-10-09, 07:06 AM
Going to ready any actions or anything, Half-Tangible? Or is your turn over?

Done. length.

Roc Ness
2010-10-09, 08:31 PM
Four more little skull things suddenly pour out of the walls, floor and ceiling. Two of them drop out from the ceiling; one landing on and attempting to bite onto Zengral's head, the other landing on and trying to bite into Faulkner's upper arm.

One emerges from the floor just below Emily's feet, before scuttling up her leg and up her back, before trying to bite onto her shoulder.

One digs its way out of the wall, where it scuttles to the ground, to Neriana, up her foot, and then attempts to bite into Neriana's lower leg, hard.

(Feel free to look in this spoiler; it contains the attack and damage rolls)
[roll0] Attack (Bite, on Zengral)(Actually 36)(Hit)
[roll1] Damage

[roll2] Attack (Bite, on Faulkner)(Actually 32)(Hit)
[roll3] Damage

[roll4] Attack (Bite, on Emily)(Actually 39)(Hit)
[roll5] Damage

[roll6] Attack (Bite, on Neriana)(Actually 37)(Miss)
[roll7] Damage

Stoopid Copy-Paste Errors...
All the skulls bury their teeth deep into their victim's skin (except for the skull biting Neriana's leg, that skull is merely breaking its own teeth). Zengral, Faulkner and Emily must all make Fortitude saves, DC 22. Do not bother rolling these saves if you are immune to poison or strength damage. In addition, all skulls (except for the one on Neriana) are firmly stuck onto their victims, moving wherever their victim moves and so forth. Removing them will require a either successful pin, enough blunt trauma in a single blow, or destroying the skull. Getting the Skull off of Nerianna's leg requires merely a successful grapple check.


[; ]; /; \: Walls
Z: Zengral (Square shared with Fiendish Little Bugger)
N: Neriana (Square shared with Fiendish Little Bugger)
E: Emily (Square shared with Fiendish Little Bugger)
A: Avent
F: Faulkner (DMPC, Square shared with Fiendish Little Bugger)
*: New Skull-Things (Monsters, sharing squares with thise noted above)

EDIT: I dunno what the below is doing here, I must really be screwing up the copy-paste... Sorry 'bout that.
Initiative: [roll1][/QUOTE]

2010-10-09, 08:58 PM
Neriana snarls at the thing on her leg as it's teeth fail to penetrate the scales that coat her body. She lifts up her leg and swings her spear around and down, stabbing twice at the skull.

Get the others some light, dammit!

First stab

Second stab

Roc Ness
2010-10-09, 09:20 PM
The skull on Nerianna's leg is slightly scratched, but unfazed, by Neriana's spear. It pauses its masochist attack on Neriana's foot just long enough to stick a long blue tongue out at Neriana, before returning to gnawing futiley at her leg.

[roll0] Fort Save
[roll1] Stength Damage, If Any
The half-elf waves his non-Skulled hand in a quick arc, before the Skull could attempt to ruin the spell in any way. The entire area within 60ft of the half-elf is lit up in bright light.

The half-elf's regular sword disappears and is replaced by a smaller, one-handed weapon. It is then used to attempt to stab the skull-thing off of his arm.
[roll2] Attack 1 (Needle of Light)
[roll3] Damage
[roll4] Attack 2 (Needle of Light)
[roll5] Damage
[roll6] Attack 3 (Needle of Light)
[roll7] Damage
The half-elf's first two attacks connect, and knock two large chips off of the Skull. The skull is otherwise unfazed.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-09, 10:14 PM
Emily yelped, trying to tear the creature away from her.

Grapple check, is at -5 if I fail my fort...

Roc Ness
2010-10-09, 10:16 PM
Emily manages to resist the poison! (For now...)
[roll0] Monster Grapple

Emily manages to get a hold on the skull!

OoC: I'll overlook it this time, but attempting to start a grapple requires a touch attack (which won't provoke AoOs in this case). :smalltongue: You now need to win one more grapple check to remove the skull. Do not forget you have iterative grapple attempts.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-10, 07:33 PM
Auguste Laurente

"Hold still, Zengral!"
Auguste's heavy accent is less noticeable in the heat of battle. He lunges at Zengral, rapidly making several stabs against the skull biting into the man's head while trying to avoid skewering his comrade.

Avent makes a five-foot step to D2 and makes a full attack against the skull on Zengral's head.
Attack 1: Uses 1 inspiration to add Intelligence modifier to damage, for total attack of [roll0] and damage of [roll1] plus [roll2] to evil outsiders.
Attack 2: Uses 1 inspiration to add Intelligence modifier to damage, for total attack of [roll3] and damage of [roll4] plus [roll5] to evil outsiders.
Attack 3: attack [roll6] and damage of [roll7] plus [roll8] to evil outsiders.
All attacks are adamantine and good-aligned.

2010-10-10, 08:44 PM
With an inhuman roar, Zengral's form changes to a large Brown Bear, which then swings it's claws at the skull-thing.

Zengral Rages (and enters Bear form), 16 rounds remaining. No attempt to remove it.

[roll0] attack, [roll1] plus [roll2] plus [roll3], attack one.
[roll4] attack, [roll5] plus [roll6] plus [roll7], attack two.
[roll8] attack, [roll9] plus [roll10] plus [roll11], attack three.

Roc Ness
2010-10-11, 12:19 AM
The top of the skull-thing on Zengral's head cracks open, the monster is dead. The rest of the monster's jaw is still stuck comically on the great bear's head, but at least it isn't still trying to grind into Zengral's skull.


The skull-things on Emily and Faulkner are still chewing on their victim's respective body parts. Another DC 22 Fort Save for both.
[roll0] Damage & [roll1] Str on a failed save (Emily's)
[roll2] Damage & [roll3] Str on a failed save (Faulkner's)
In addition, the skull on Emily attempts to escape Emily's hold by vibrating violently. [roll4]

The skull on Neriana gives up on biting the woman, and leaves her leg alone. Instead, it scuttles a short way over to Auguste, onto his foot, and proceeds to bite his leg.
[roll5] Attack (Auguste)(Miss)
[roll6] Damage
[roll7] Possible Str Damage
Neriana gets one AoO, Auguste must make Fort Save (DC 22) and Auguste isn't immune to poison. The skull fails to get its teeth past Auguste's armor.


[; ]; /; \: Walls
Z: Zengral
N: Neriana
E: Emily (Square shared with Fiendish Little Bugger)
A: Avent (Square shared with Fiendish Little Bugger)
F: Faulkner (DMPC, Square shared with Fiendish Little Bugger)
*: New Skull-Things (Monsters, sharing squares with thise noted above)

Lix Lorn
2010-10-11, 02:57 AM
Emily gave a cry of pain, trying again to remove the skull.
[roll1] To counter the skulls.
[roll2] To get the thing off.
I don't think I do get iteratives... but hey.

Roc, could we have sheets and OOC linked in the first post?

Roc Ness
2010-10-11, 03:23 AM
OoC: Sure thing, I'll have them up there momentarily.

[roll0] Monster Grapple
Emily just manages to pry open the jaws of the ridiculous skull, and gets the thing off of her shoulder. Emily is now holding onto the skull with both hands as it chatters and vibrates furiously at her.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-11, 03:37 AM
As soon as she can, Emily throws the creature as hard as she can at the nearest wall.
Should I roll something?

Roc Ness
2010-10-11, 03:52 AM
As soon as she can, Emily throws the creature as hard as she can at the nearest wall.
Should I roll something?

I really can't think of any rules for throwing homicidal baatorian skulls. Do you mind just rule-of-cooling it? :smalltongue:

Lix Lorn
2010-10-11, 04:15 AM
Can I get bludgeoning damage for hitting the wall? :smalltongue:

Roc Ness
2010-10-11, 04:27 AM
OoC: You get bludgeoning damage for hitting it with a spiritual tennis raquet, seeing as it isn't affected by the wall.

[roll0] Damage (Bludgeoning)

Emily tosses the skull thing part-ways up into the air. Before the mad chattering thing comes back down, Emily spontaneously creates a wierd round netted baton, which instantly directs itself at the skull and knocks it flying. Instead of crunching into the wall, however, the wall appears to "give way" to the skull, and the skull thing sails through a skull-shaped hole in the wall that quickly closes up behind it.

OoC: It'll be back though. The price to pay for a weak encounter defeated even faster than usual is a weak encounter reappearing at an inconvenient time. :smalltongue: Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaa... I'm enjoying this DMing job.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-11, 04:36 AM
Very cool. XD

Roc Ness
2010-10-12, 04:19 AM
OoC: I suppose you lot are waiting for the DMPC to act? How very noble. :smalltongue:

[roll0] Fort Save
Continues taking stabs at the skull on his arm.

[roll1] Attack 1 (Needle of Light)
[roll2] Damage
[roll3] Attack 2 (Needle of Light)
[roll4] Damage
[roll5] Attack 3 (Needle of Light)
[roll6] Damage
After taking a vicious blow from the first strike, the skull finally shatters on the third.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-12, 03:06 PM
Auguste Laurente

Auguste makes no move to evade the skull's bite, superbly confident in his armor - confidence that is, as the skull quickly learns, well-justified. He drives his sword repeatedly into the skull, seeking to shatter it.

Full-attack on the skull biting me. Spend one inspiration point on every attack to increase damage by 7.
Attack 1: [roll0], damage [roll1] plus [roll2] to evil outsiders.
Attack 2: [roll3], damage [roll4] plus [roll5] to evil outsiders.
Attack 3: [roll6], damage [roll7] plus [roll8] to evil outsiders.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-12, 03:08 PM
Holy cow, two critical threats.
Attack 2 critical confirmation roll: [roll0]
Attack 3 critical confirmation roll: [roll1]
My rapier deals triple damage on a critical hit.

Roc Ness
2010-10-12, 11:59 PM
With that, the last skull is shattered, and you are (for now) safe from the denizens of hell. Time to make your move, before that little fiendish bugger that escaped decides to come back with a pit fiend or something.

Consider yourselves fully healed now. By the time you reach any new encounter or trap, fast healing that I forgot the DMPC grants would've healed you all up.

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-14, 06:24 PM
Auguste Laurente

Auguste shakes his head as if to clear it, giving off a short whistle-like sound as he does so.
"What wehe zose zings?"
He peers down the tunnel from which they came.
"Een any case, zey gazeh zeir friends as we wait here, no?"
Beginning to stride confidently down the tunnel, he beckons over his shoulder for the others to follow.

OOC: I don't suppose anyone else speaks Auran?

Lix Lorn
2010-10-15, 02:56 AM
Emily nods, following him.

Don't think so.

2010-10-15, 07:17 AM
Neriana growls and moves forward with the party.

2010-10-16, 04:26 AM
The bear tags along behind, knowing that this transformation won't last long, not much more than a minute.

Roc Ness
2010-10-18, 02:04 AM
For Lix, as a Co-DM:
I'm gonna have to differentiate from you slightly here, because I was following Group 1 as a guideline and it... hasn't gotten up to this bit yet. And in Group 2 the tunnels appear to be slightly different, so I can't quite follow that either... >.<

You head down the smaller tunnel, which would have been very dark had some half-elf not started glowing brightly. Light gleams off of the sleek walls, and allows you to see up to 120ft ahead of you. It opens up a bit after you've walked a fair distance, almost to a cavernous level, which casts worrying implications on the size of the creator. A little further still, the ground becomes very dusty, and a lot bumpier.

Occasionally, there are some tremors running through the tunnel, as well as rumbling and crushing noises. Sometimes there are scritching noises in the walls, though they dissappear when you take notice. Eventually, you reach an opening to a much larger cavern. Given the further increased buildup of dust and "lumps", this bodes ill... Something moves up ahead...

Lix Lorn
2010-10-18, 04:52 AM
Ironically, group 1 is SLOW. Although I think Group 2 is hereish...

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-20, 02:29 PM
Auguste Laurente

"Deed you see zat? We ahe not alone.."

Roc Ness
2010-10-21, 05:12 AM
Something moves again. Towards you. It stops every now and then, but the thing is slowly creeping towards you. Something else falls from the ceiling too.

[roll0] Monster Initiative

M. Mayonnaise
2010-10-24, 08:58 PM
Auguste Laurente

"Zere! Anozeh monsteh!"

Initiative [roll0] plus 7 from Brains over Brawn, for total of 22.
What's our situation look like?

2010-10-24, 09:01 PM
[roll0] Initiative.

Roc Ness
2010-10-25, 01:40 AM
What's our situation look like?

OoC: Ah-ha! I sense you challenging me! We shall resolve this dispute, good sir, with a spot check at first dawn! Nah, a spot check'll just slow our game down even further. Tell ya what, I'll tell you now:

Your situation:
1. You are in a tunnel, at the mouth of a (would've been a swear here for emphasis, but I'm not that type of person) huge cavern.
2. Said cavern is really huge. Not kidding. Could've been a dragon's lair for a middle-aged dragon.
3. Said cavern has pitch black obsidian-like walls. Not quite as smooth as obsidian, though. The ceiling is pitch-black too, though you can't see that much of it from where you are (quite far below it).
4. Floor is covered in weird red-yellow dust. Also, it is fairly uneven.
5. The thing that fell from the ceiling was your average rock.
6. The thing that moved again was another skull-thing, chattering like mad as usual. However, rather than scuttling like last time, it is very slowly rolling towards you in a strange, gravity defying sort of fashion. When upside down, its feet scrabble at the air, and when it is right side up, it does its best to try and get a grip on the ground, slowing its rolling a fraction until it turns back upside down..