View Full Version : Looking for an old shareware game

2010-10-02, 10:20 AM
I'm trying to locate a shareware game I used to play, but cannot remember the name.

It was basically a dungeon crawl. Grid based, random floors, 5? floors. Ruled by an evil Sorcerer and his pet dragon.
At the start of the game you had 8? 'points' to buy your starting party with.
You could plunk all 8 down on one "Hero", or buy a "Man" 5 with a "Dwarf" 2 and "Dog" 1 as side-kicks. Obviously the "Hero" is better in combat than the man, but most characters had some special ability, Like the Dog who was overall worthless, but let you bypass most traps if you had one.
Other than the trapped tiles there were also the encuonter tiles, where a random selection of creatures would appear guarding a random selection of treasure. Your options were "run", "diplomacy", "combat" and probably something else. Run and Combat are obvious, Diplomacy could be used to try and convince some of the creatures to join your party. Once all the creatures were gone (dead or joined) then you could loot the tile.
Some notable loots were the Dragon Slayer Sword (big combat boost against THE Dragon, but could only be used by the Hero), and a potion that could 'upgrade' one of your party. Squire would become Man, Man would become Hero. Woman would become Amazon?.
Other possible treasure was standard 'gold'.
Party members also had (random) loyalty. If you ventured for too long without gaining treasure then members of your party may randomly desert, taking a share of the loot with them.

So. Does anyone have an idea what game this is/was?
Thank you in advance.