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2010-10-03, 10:02 AM
Current events:
-Not much right now.

Rules and locations in the spoiler. Please Spoiler any fan service written in this thread. Thank you.
All standard forum rules apply here, as do the godmodding rules generally agreed upon on this sub-forum.

PM Darkcomet to have a new location placed in this registry.

A note on the 'Zones'.

The Blue Zone is the area of the greatest Imperial presence, housing the Imperial Army and ISF HQs and boasting the greatest concentration of Imperial influence. Physically, it's located in the center of the city.

The Yellow Zone has some Imperial influence, but it's not as significant, so crime rates there are higher than in the Blue Zone. The Yellow Zone is physically located at the outskirts of the city, with the justification of having to keep an eye on what's coming in and out of the city, and thus the main concentrations of Imperial influence in the Yellow Zone are at the docks and city gates.

The Null Zone is around midway between Yellow and Blue, and lacks much Imperial influence. Despite this, it's largely a quiet environment.

Perhaps it is because the Red Zone, a blemish on the otherwise neatly-organized Zones, is essentially a fancy term for the crime infested slums? Who knows! The Red Zone is essentially just the slums, independent of the neat physical arrangement of the others, though DC imagines it's around Null/Yellow, physically, since it wouldn't make all that much sense for the Red Zone to be right on top of ISF HQ of all things. This is where you go if you're trying to escape the prying eyes of the Empire in Inside.

Imperial Bases

Acro-Imperial Army HQ (Blue Zone)
The Imperial Army HQ itself is a massive dome-like structure in the center of the city. The building itself is fairly standard at ground level, but going up from there is when you reach the dome. The dome is the focus of the visible structure, and is capable of housing one of the Empire's oh-so-loved airships.

The main building itself also has underground portions, as it's not like the rest could contain everything a building of this purpose needs.

This building, however, has concrete walls surrounding it at a sizable distance in a square shape, with gates in the center of each segment. The walls have rapid-fire laser turrets mounted at corners and on each side of each gate. Interlopers beware!

ISF HQ (Blue Zone)
Go here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164358)

Acro-Imperial Civil Government Complex (Blue Zone)
The main center of the Empire's central government is an odd complex composed of five main structures.

The more notable four are a group of futuristic, utopian-looking towers arranged in the shape of a Y, with the tower taking the position of the center joint being significantly taller than the outer three towers, by about 40% of the other towers' height. This is harder to make out than it seems, however, due to the odd nature of the fifth 'structure'.

This one is actually surrounding the lower two-thirds of the outer three towers, with all four appearing to be coming out of it from the outside. It resembles an odd set of walls, following along the Y-arrangement of the towers. These 'walls' are in the shape of a highly irregular hexagon. The top side, with the two points of the top of the Y within, is fairly long, with two shorter segments heading downward at an obtuse angle from them. These are very short, and two more long wall segments soon move downward and inwards, speaking from a bird's-eye view, ending a bit after the edge of the bottom tower in the Y-arrangement. A final long segment links these two ends.

However, the 'walls' are not merely walls, but actually enclose the area around the towers, with their own roof. The four towers seemingly erupt out of the top of this structure, while they do actually have the rest of them beneath it. The wall-like structure is built around the towers, linking to them at certain points. The structure is not merely that shape described previously with a flat roof, however-the walls reach to a certain point, then slant upwards and inwards, again from a bird's-eye view. The upward slant stops at the edges of the outer three towers, and from there now forms a flat area, this flatness marred only by the towers.

There are three main entrances to the odd complex, each at the center and bottom of one of the longer wall segments. These are oversized sliding doors, essentially. Each is a long, dull metal slab in appearance. When the entrance is open, these are drawn upward into the wall-structure, and when closed, they drop back down like blast doors.

The complex is guarded by normal military and ISF elements alike, landspeeders patrolling the ground outside with the silent gunships patrolling the skies above. The main soldiers guarding the area are ISF troopers, as they are more specialized for urban warfare. Several rapid-fire pulse laser turrets (laser chaingun turrets, essentially) are mounted on the slanted portions of the outer structure, with a single heavy turbolaser turret mounted at the upper central area of each slanted area of the longer sides.

There are two enclosed bridge-like structures linking each of the three outer towers to the main building. The lower one is within the wall-esque structure, and the upper one is visible from the outside, linking the upper areas of the outer towers with the main, central one. To avoid confusion, there are two of these per outer tower, putting the total count at six.

Imperial Docks (Yellow Zone)
These rather typical drydocks hold the Imperial naval fleet. Due to its relative lack of size, the Imperial Navy falls under the Imperial Army's authority.

Evolution Electronics and Power Headquarters + Factory (Player: Darkcomet, Blue Zone)
The headquarters of the company known as Evolution Electronics and Power is a fairly standard-looking modern-day tower in appearance, not quite reaching the level of skyscraper.

The company owns a large factory nearby, used in production of its MACE units, and potentially other products, should it be desired.

Retail outlets for Evolution's products are scattered around the city.

Trader's Trove (Player: EleventhHour, Null Zone)
A large, crashed starship lies in what was once a park, now ruined by its crash.

The ship is very strange to most, resembling Gothic architecture, particularly cathedrals, in appearance, while at the same time being a spacefaring craft. Or, rather, a former spacefaring craft.

The ship remains in use, however. The owner is a Rogue Trader, and is currently using the ship as a shop.

Erin's Emporium (Player: The Bushranger, Yellow Zone)

Construction Gnomes have been hard at work renovating a small store along one of the various merchantile roads. Well, it was small. Now it's bigger on the inside.

And filled with every sort of weaponry imaginable, from across the multiverse. From blaster carbines to P-90s, surface-to-air missiles to ballistas, zats to nunchucks, they're all here.

Is that a siege crossbow sitting in the corner?

The Misspelled Cemetary (Null Zone)
It's the rain that makes for the perfect atmosphere.

Since the party left the well lit cobbles lanes of the Market Streets the sky has opened up upon our intrepid band of adventurers with a vengeance. The wind howls through barren trees as the rain descends in sheets. The heavens are split by a ribbon of lightning and a roar of thunder.

A massive cast iron gate surrounds this place of once hallowed ground. Yes, hallowed once but no longer. The earth appears dead. Rotten. A phosphorescent green fog creeping along the ground. Misshapen fungus and molds clinging to crumbling monuments. Corpses exposed on the surface, half-eaten with decay.

The gate creeks open of its own accord as the party nears.

And above the gate, in rusted iron letters, reads:

The Misspelled Cemetary

Currently in use as the base of operations of The Most Secret Ebon Mirror (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8630837&postcount=55). (Played by Lord Iames Osari).

MagMart (Player: Lord Magtok, Blue Zone)
An absurd mash-up of K-Mart, Wall-Mart, Target, and every other vile retail chain, MagMart is staffed by an unswervingly loyal Magbots, lobotomized talking cats that are too brain-dead to know any better, several voodoo spirits, and a pickle jar that everyone insists is a sentient being that only communes with those who truly believe in it.

Here you can find everything from curtains to carpets, macaroni to monkeys on motorcycles, groceries to zombies. The staff is always happy to help (or else), and if you aren't entirely satisfied with your shopping experience, you can pay a small fee to watch the MagMart employee of your choosing get fired out the MagMart complimentary employee morale cannon.

Pontius' Custom Constructs (Player: Earl of Purple, Null Zone)
The caravan of 6 wagons (I never said 3! Well, I did, but still.) arrives at a warehouse, previously for sale. The gnomes lead the golems and other constructs inside, and get to work. The warehouse has an open yard at the main entrance, and several golems, like crude figures of worked stone or wood, stand in the yard. A gnome wearing an apron over smart-yet-practical artesan's clothes and puts a sign up.

Pontius's Custom Constructs
Golems of Any Material* at Unbelievably Low Prices!!!**
You Won't Find a Golem, Gargoyle, Guardian or Homonculus Cheaper!!***
Come Now and Buy 1 Get 1 Full Price!!!****

*Flesh has an additional charge. **Define 'low'. ***Except at our competitors. ****Terms and conditions apply.

Sanctuary Fortress of Zoemaytare (Player: Rebonack, Blue Zone)

Like so many other prominent buildings in Town, or not so prominent buildings for that matter, this place seemed to pop up out of nowhere over night.

Buildings are like mushrooms in Town. Probably spread via spores, too.

Regardless, here it is. A rather sizable campus marble hewn from the mountains some distance away. Carved and hauled here near the edge of the slums where they were no doubt assembled. Though... no one can quite place a finger on when this happened.

Though the buildings aren't of only cold hard stone, no. There are timbers as well. Not what one might expect, however. They seem almost organic. As though they had grown into place rather than being hewn.

Oddness aside, the temple is arranged in a rather interesting fashion. Several concentric wall and courtyards ending in a central temple.

The outer wall is lower than the rest, each tier of the temple built onto higher ground like a wedding cake. Each wall is topped with a roof supported on the inside by pillars, creating a sheltered walkway. The exact use of these porches depends on the section of the temple one happens to be in.

Anyone is allowed entry through the first wall and into the first court, the Court of Meeting. Beyond the second wall only worshipers of Zoemaytare are allowed admittance to the second court, the Court of the Blessed. Beyond the third wall only the priests are allowed, where they carry out holy rituals within the temple itself.

The Court of Meeting is dedicated to service of those the worshipers of Zoemaytare dwell among. Food is prepared for the hungry here and given out without expectation of recompense. Those without a place to lay their head are allowed to sleep within the porch. The grounds beyond the porch are devoted to a wondrous garden boasting vibrancy and spectacular color. This are is always comfortably warm and brimming with life. Wounds heal faster as the body is refreshed. Undead creatures will find that remaining here is decidedly uncomfortable.

The sky above the temple seems to be perpetually clear, filled with pleasant sunlight in the day and cloaked with gossamer stars at night. Benches are set up here and there, under trees with hanging branches and above fragrant shrubbery. A lively stream flows endlessly in a circuit about the Court, spilling into several larger pools and meandering up a small outcrop of stone before cascading back down the other side.

This section of the temple is tended by members of the faith. Not priests, though devote. They can be found tending the garden and serving warm food. When in service to the temple these devotees wear a white linen ephod bearing the symbol of a willow tree, ornately rendered in blue thread. They'll be more than happen to answer any questions. Priests tend to have stricter ceremonial garb, including a blue tunic and white robe in addition to the ephod.

Welcome, traveler. May you be more blessed when you leave than when you came.

New information that isn't readily noticeable at first glance at the temple will be added here.

The temple grounds are protected by a dampening field that blocks unauthorized teleporation and dimensional shifting. The place is something of a fortress after all. Being able to pop in and out at will would defeat the purpose.

Zoemaytare isn't a god of (fill in the black) but rather the patron and protector of her people. As such, her domain, if she even has one, is over all that her people do. The people in question are collectively known as the Zoeos, and this particular temple is their first major venture into Town. At present their stated goal is to set up trade relations and aid the city. This is ministered through the temple on account of the Zoeos government being a theocracy.

It just so happens that there's a dungeon under the temple, though the entrance to it is well hidden.

NPCs thus far:

Potentate of the temple: the head priest and administrator. He has yet to be seen 'on screen' though he has been referred to.

Regent Zachius: And elderly human with a coppery complexion and deep-set wrinkles, the sort of face one expects of a person who has spent a great deal of time in the sun smiling. He's a kind old fellow who is in charge of the Court of Meeting.

Regent Stephen: A younger human who smells rather distinctly of wolf. He's in charge of the dungeons of the temple and seems to be a rather caring and compassionate fellow. It's his job to bring the cases of prisoners before the Potentate.

Regent Thadeus: One of the priests who aids in minor upkeep in the temple proper. He usually isn't seen outside the temple and since his position doesn't put him in much contact with the common folk he tends to be somewhat aloof and judgmental. Also happens to be an elf. Those snooty elves!

Bognus Thundershield: a lay dwarf that operates the temple's teleporter, primarily from Trog's. Though people can be 'ported in from elsewhere as well. While it isn't commonly known, this device can send people over rather long distances, though it's somewhat inaccurate when doing so. Bognus is a bit gruff, though generally good natured. He speaks with a thick Scottish Dwarven accent.

Currently burned down Divinations (Player: happyturtle, Yellow Zone)
Not far from the city walls is a small shop which opened up soon after the war with Felina. Over the door hangs a painted sign.


Inside the air smells of dead things - musty and unpleasant. Ghavrion, a rather plain young man is behind the counter. (PM Happyturtle to interact with Ghavrion)


Trollfinger, Ironpick & Greencheek, Mining & Engineering (Player: Morty, Blue Zone)
A run-down building near Trog's Tavern was bought by three goblin enterpreneurs with a large crew and now houses their mining and engineering company. Everyone who needs something dug, built, repaired or blown up is welcome.

The Temple of Dalachrech (Player: Earl of Purple, location pending)
The first room entered is a foyer. On the walls are red drapes with silver, two-tailed scorpions embroidered on to them, and next to the door is an ornate font. The granite font stands about waist height, and is a plinth with a bowl of unholy water. Winding around the font are carved centipedes. A door away from this chamber leads to the main prayer hall. This room also has drapes with the two-tailed scorpion device on the walls, and a red velvet carpet flanked by wooden pews leads to an altar at the far end. The altar is covered with red velvet, with a gold statue and red candles placed upon it. The statue depicts a demon with a centipede's body, a scorpion's tail with spinnerets next to the sting, a stag beetle's head and the claws of a praying mantis.

Warwick Works (player: happyturtle, Yellow Zone)
In the industrial area, a building is rented and has a new sign put out front.

Warwick Works

The building itself consists of a small office area in front and warehouses in back. There is no indication of what sort of business this is, but a certain cyborg with a satellite might recognize the logo and name.

Eternal Library - Across from Trog's (player-Eternal Drifter)
The First floor has bookshelf after bookshelf of various books, and a few tables in three corners, and a checkout counter. There is a fireplace leading upwards at the side opposite the door. All the books are stamped "Property of the Eternal Library," and have security devices on them. There is a security bar at the entrance of the building. In one corner is a stairwell leading upwards.

The Second Floor is a hallway with three rooms. One of them is a bathroom for public use. The other two are rooms with chairs and a large table in each, mainly for meetings. The larger of the two meeting rooms, "Space," has a fireplace.

The Third Floor is Drifter's personal residence, with all the necisities. This floor is private, officially only open to Drifter and those who have recived and invitation from him.

Drifter (played by Eternal Drifter) is the librarian. You are free to check out books as you wish, but be sure to actually have the books checked out before you leave... those who forget quite often find themselves at the receiving end of Drifter's glare and Magic Missile spell.

Emergency Bunkers

Eight bunker-like structures in a ring-like arrangement at about the midpoint between the walls (or the docks) and the center of the city have been completed.

The interior of each is rather dull, rather befitting a bunker, but there are underground areas beneath the visible bunkers. These are similarly dull and military-styled, but they also act as hospitals.

These are mostly designed with emergencies such as shelling in mind, and are usually closed.

Hastings and Sons Mortuary (player: Kid Kris, Yellow Zone)
Near one of the older parts of the city sits a large and somewhat dour building of brick and mortar, built in the traditional sense, with a metal plaque by the door that reads (predictably enough):

Hastings and Sons
For the preparation of the dearly departed.
And indeed, should one go in one should find all the trappings of a conventional mortuary, including several large visitation rooms, run by this guy:

http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1008/d05/2213/715a669.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/38746382)
Though of course, usually without the zombie there.
In recent times however, the true business of the resident Mortician has branched into a more heretical bent, offering certain services to the living impaired (more commonly known as the foul Undead). These start at simple healings and flesh grafts (the flesh occasionally obtained 'legitimately', when a body comes in for cremation and the Mortician gives them an urn full of wood-ash, but usually corpses are obtained through donations from customers or good old fashioned grave-robbing). But services can also range into body part replacement and augmentation for the undead who wishes his creator had seen fight to give him a giant lobster claw or retractable venomous spines, or even full body/flesh reconstruction for the self-conscious lich (or lich in disguise, though making your new flesh look like someone else usually costs extra) or the zombie in his golden years. These customers usually come in through the back door, where there is a plaque listing the full list of services. Though of course some are brazen enough to come through the front door anyway.

((PM if you wish to interact with the Mortician, as Kid Kris may not always check the thread.))

On the City's government
As the capital city of the Acronymian Empire, Inside is subject to its laws. They largely resemble modern-day laws*, with the exception of weapons control and small-scale vigilantism, as those would be extremely difficult to enforce. Vigilantism, however, once again becomes problematic when it causes more problems than it fixes.

Slavery is illegal in the Empire. This would be treated as a given (see above), but it has come up many times.

The Empire has also imposed a light tax on arms sales and a light-moderate one on imports. The latter grants much more funding than it normally would, thanks to the Empire's location in a nexus of realities-many goods, mundane and exotic, often pour into Inside and the greater Empire.

*DC may experiment with punishments, though, as he's aware that being unable to play a criminal character because they're stuck in jail for a realistic amount of time is no fun.

The title is a misnomer, of course. No doubt the moniker of this place was settled on after a brief conversation that started with, 'Wouldn't it be funny if...?'. But now the name has stuck.

But what is this place, you ask?

The city of Inside is the capital city of the nation known as the Acronymian Empire. The city was once the center of the Nexus, the dimensional anomaly that acts as a crossroads between any number of radically different worlds. Now, it is no longer the center, but still shows the influence of the Nexus.

Thanks to the Nexus, the cityscape is high in variety of architectural styles, varying tech levels factoring in to the myriad designs. Though the city is now relatively stable, it's still possible to find buildings of any number of architectural styles within it. Shopping malls lie beside medieval architecture, and futuristic towers rise alongside old cathedrals.

The city is surrounded by defensive walls, with an artificially and accidentally created moat outside the walls. A gap in the walls and a bridge allow for entrance into the city proper, the main gate opening up to welcome newcomers Inside.

2010-10-03, 10:32 AM
[Fortuna's Wrath]

"Um..." Slythynia stares at the cards, then at Captain Blood, "I don't think so. Not unless you explain why. I know what sorts of things can be done with someone's blood. I'm not just going to give you a sample so I can be forced into obeying your every command or something."

Her mother is a sorceress. A vampire sorceress. Slythynia is especially cautious about giving people her blood. She's seen what her mother can do with just a drop of the stuff.

Blood nods, glad she asked. Too many people would just do what he asked without question. "When ye do, it becomes yer card. With it, I can see whether ye be alive or dead. It also lets me find ye if I must."

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-03, 11:48 AM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

That was... well... pretty darn expected. Reinholdt shivers. Then follows the procession to see where they're carting the bodies to. He stays out of sight when he can, but makes sure to act like a non-nonchalant cat when he can't.

The bodies are being carted to a mausoleum in the center of the cemetary; an entrance has been cut into the side of the building.

Inside are five people, men and women, all of whom have an air of being overworked. They dissect the bodies being delivered, sorting the components into categories, and then begin reassembling the pieces into... something.

2010-10-03, 11:58 AM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ah, the good old assembly line. General Motors. Making better zombies, faster, today. Capitalism at its finest.

Reinholdt tries to follow the line down to the finished product.

2010-10-03, 03:15 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

"Yeah, they totally do." Crissy nods, smiling back at Dorotha. "And I'm glad I can be your friend."
She then steps over to give a friendly hug. Aww.

Dorotha hugs back. So am I. I'm really glad I decided to work here a year ago.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-03, 07:41 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ah, the good old assembly line. General Motors. Making better zombies, faster, today. Capitalism at its finest.

Reinholdt tries to follow the line down to the finished product.

They aren't making zombies here. They're making something... else. Something bigger. A patchwork of dead skin is stretched over bones and sinews grafted and connected to one another in unnatural arrangements, making something that Reinholdt can't quite see from his angle.

"Hey, what's that cat doing here?" One of the workers (zombie workers, by this point) wonders.

2010-10-03, 07:46 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

I didn't mean it literally!
Though it may be considered the same thing by everyone else anyways when everything's all said and done. Super Zombies if you will.
Probably not the humanoid kind.

Reinholdt sits and licks his paw nonchalantly and rubs his ear, giving himself a bath, though watches for movement towards him out of the corner of his eye.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-03, 08:07 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

"I dunno. I suppose we should get rid of it, right? Or... do you think they might want the parts?" a second zombie says.

2010-10-03, 08:21 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

Reinholdt continues to totally ignore the chatter like a good kitty and after bathing himself for a while, starts walking along a path that will give him a better angle on the final product while not moving closer to the zombies. If there is such a path.

If not, he'll just have to hop up on something higher.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-03, 09:00 PM
He'll have to get higher. Problem is, there's not much around that's higher.

One of the zombies - a very fresh one, as a matter of fact; he could almost pass for living - approaches Reinholdt and tries to pick him up.

2010-10-03, 09:03 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

Hmm... time for plan... what're we on? D?
As the zombie approaches, Reinholdt turns pink and quickly floats higher out of the zombies' reach. Good way to get that higher ground point of view too.

"Now, now. That's no way to treat a guest. I'm here to see your master and talk business and you're going to use me for parts? Tsk. Tsk."

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-03, 09:48 PM
"I was just gonna take you out of the Cemetary," the barely-dead zombie answers. "I like kitties."

2010-10-03, 10:00 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

"Kitties are cute, aren't they?" :smallsmile:
Reinholdt says, glancing over at the big manufactured thing before glancing back at the barely-zombie.

"But as mentioned, I'm here on a business proposition for your boss. Since I don't really have a map, I would love it if someone pointed the way or led me to him."

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-03, 10:48 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

"He should be in the front of the Mausoleum, meditating."

2010-10-03, 10:51 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

"Thanks very much. You're a pal." Reinholdt turns to float out and pauses, giving a few questioning glances as to the Mausoleum direction. The fog is frustrating after all. If he gets it, great! If not... Reinholdt will float out and land and try to find it himself. Either way, he won't be sneaking up on Ebon Mirror and hopes not to interrupt his meditation too much.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-03, 11:09 PM
It's fairly easy to find Ebon Mirror; as Reinholdt approaches, the deathknight speaks without opening his eyes. "Who comes near?"

2010-10-03, 11:16 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

"Reinholdt, Destroyer of Worlds, the Dangerously Insane." Reinholdt sits a respectful distance away.

His titles aren't as long as Exalted though it might be easy to confuse the two.

Earl of Purple
2010-10-04, 03:50 PM
Pontius's Custom Constructs
The beast catches up with Pontius, and from its maw a host of tendrils emerge and cover Pontius. Pontius will feel the alien probe his mind, extracting useful information from his mind, such as his language, general information on the world, key locations within this city, golem construction, etc. (Feel free to list any other important things he would know)
After several minutes the tendrils return to the alien, and it speaks to him:
"This one is Xel'Kath, the Archon. You shall serve of this one. You shall aid our mission. No harm shall befall you if serve well. You shall be released when mission complete."

"W-Will I get a reward?" Because Pontius the gnome cares more about money than personal safety.

And the tentacle-monster (archon?) now knows a bit about business, how to speak Gnome, Dwarven, Draconic and some Elven, how to find NO, HALO and GLoG, the city's layout, how to build golems, gargoyles, homonculi, walking statues etc, (but the golem types are different from standard DnD ones), and his family tree going back nineteen generations and including hundreds of cousins, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents and a few minor details of each one (Pontius has 7 siblings and that is considered a small family). Probably a few other secrets, too, like where to find the cheapest wood, metal, stone, etc and the rate he paid his last employee (minimum wage, minus expences).

2010-10-04, 04:19 PM
[Care's Apartment]

In the deathly bowels of Inside's apartment structures, a monstrous creature awakens, ready to wreck HAVOC upon everything humanity holds dear...

The tiny black kitteh yawns loudly (relatively) from its nap-place on Care's lap. THAT CAT decides its very bored, and leaps away from the comatose clone's lap. With oohs and aahs mewls and purrs of interest, the kitteh explores the apartment. It decides to play its favorite game: How much furniture and/or appliances can I knock over before someone notices?


2010-10-04, 06:04 PM
Reality will feel less and less real, to both the blob of goo and to the tentacle monster and Pontius.

Jay's batons are spinning faster and faster, and the aura of sharpness that's been slowly growing from them is extending even further.

He makes a few slashes at the ooze, making sure to maintain the momentum.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-04, 07:08 PM
[The Misspelled Cemetary]

"Reinholdt, Destroyer of Worlds, the Dangerously Insane." Reinholdt sits a respectful distance away.

His titles aren't as long as Exalted though it might be easy to confuse the two.

"And I am The Most Secret Ebon Mirror, Shadowed Engine of Destruction," Ebon Mirror responds, opening his red eyes. "What is it that you want?"

2010-10-04, 07:58 PM
"And I am The Most Secret Ebon Mirror, Shadowed Engine of Destruction," Ebon Mirror responds, opening his red eyes. "What is it that you want?"

"Engine of Destruction. I like that. Has that progressive, forward ring to it."

"I wish to team up. Unless my sources are incorrect you want to bring ultimate peace to the world. Replace matter with the void. End everything. So do I."

The Bushranger
2010-10-04, 08:12 PM
((dun Dun DUN!

...also, sorry Morty. I missed that there was a new thread.))

[Erin's Emporium]

Dorotha hugs back. So am I. I'm really glad I decided to work here a year ago.
"Me too! Has it been that long already? Like, totally wow!" Crissy explains, smiling happily and tossing her hair back.

2010-10-04, 08:29 PM
[Alizarin's Lab]

Sirens blaring to deter traffic, an ISF landspeeder abruptly arrives, the sirens stopping as it does. An ISF officer, followed by his escort of ISF troopers, head to the entrance of the lab and knock. "Mr. Viscose?"

2010-10-04, 08:33 PM
[Alizarin's Labs]

Alizarin answers, wearing his charred labcoat, a cane, bandages covering part of him, showing a bloody handprint on his shoulder. "Yes? I assume you have come to ask for something else?"

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-04, 08:37 PM
"I commend you for having seen the truth. But unfortunately, my plans are almost to the point of fruition, and I have no wish to alter them at this late date. Assuming there is anything left when I am finished, you are more than welcome to help me deal with the leftovers."

2010-10-04, 08:43 PM
Blood nods, glad she asked. Too many people would just do what he asked without question. "When ye do, it becomes yer card. With it, I can see whether ye be alive or dead. It also lets me find ye if I must."

Slythynia nods, letting one bone slide out just far enough for her to prick her finger on it. She selects the queen of spades and lets a few drops of blood flal on it. "There."

2010-10-04, 08:44 PM
[Alizarin's Labs]

The officer nods. "That is correct. It's extremely important-likely to you as well. I'm sure you're aware of the tendency for a certain type of people to try to eradicate existence?"

2010-10-04, 08:48 PM
[Alizarin's Labs]

The mage/mad scientist takes a look back at his labs. "Uh...yes, I do know. What of it?"

[Fortuna's Wrath]

The image of the Queen changes to Sly's and he'll take the card and shuffle it back into the deck. "There. Now, any other questions?"

2010-10-04, 08:51 PM
[Alizarin's Labs]

"We're well aware that this is something of a drastic request, but...we're looking for a way to shield Inside from the effects of apocalypses." The officer stops to let that sink in.

2010-10-04, 08:53 PM
"I commend you for having seen the truth. But unfortunately, my plans are almost to the point of fruition, and I have no wish to alter them at this late date. Assuming there is anything left when I am finished, you are more than welcome to help me deal with the leftovers."

"Already? Well... I guess that's fair. But I have like... information and gadgets and disarming kitty powers and everything. Oh so much information." Reinholdt summons a blank piece of paper and grumbles before crumpling it up and tossing it aside like a litterbug.

"But if you're ready I suppose you've gathered all you needed, huh?"

2010-10-04, 08:57 PM
[Alizarin's labs]

Alizarin, if he's stunned at all by the request, doesn't show it. He doesn't even stop a beat. "There's a way, but it's not cheap. At all. And I'll need the help of a Divine Caster. It doesn't matter who their deity is." He takes a few steps out of his house/lab. "Take me to your labs, get what I request, and I will build it for you. Also, the price, it will not be in money. Money is too cheap for this."

2010-10-04, 09:02 PM
[Alizarin's Labs]

The officer seems somewhat pleased at the bit about the divine caster. "We have access to multiple divine casters, so that will not be a problem. But what is this price?"

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-04, 09:05 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"That is correct." Ebon Mirror gives the crumpled paper a glare, and it decomposes into nothing within a few moments.

2010-10-04, 09:08 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Right. Well then I guess the recent changes Magtok's implemented to counter you will go without resistance then. Have a good day sir."
Reinholdt turns to leave.

2010-10-04, 09:12 PM
[Alizarin's Labs]

The officer seems somewhat pleased at the bit about the divine caster. "We have access to multiple divine casters, so that will not be a problem. But what is this price?"

[Alizarin's Labs]

The mage shoves past the officer and heads to the vehicle. "It will be anything I damn well please." he says coldly, knowing what he'd have to do to build the device. His tone leaves no room for argument.

Viscose thinks about what's ahead of him, and already begins hating himself for what he was about to do.

2010-10-04, 09:25 PM
[Fortuna's Wrath]

"No, no I think that's everything." Slythynia thinks for another moment or two, then shrugs and heads off to fill the bucket and get to work.

2010-10-04, 09:33 PM
[Alizarin's Labs]

The officer is a bit startled at that, but quickly calms down. "Very well." He and his guards head back to the speeder at well, letting Alizarin in and presumably leaving after that.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-04, 09:37 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Right. Well then I guess the recent changes Magtok's implemented to counter you will go without resistance then. Have a good day sir."
Reinholdt turns to leave.

"Wait... what changes would those be?"

2010-10-04, 09:41 PM
"Wait... what changes would those be?"

Reinholdt pauses. "I'm sorry... I'm under the impression you didn't need my information. Was I mistaken?"

Reinholdt shakes his head. "No. There's no need to answer that. I understand how these things work. But see... I'm loathe to part with my valuables when all I'm allowed to do is help you with the scraps afterwards. I'm really more of a fresh tuna cat. You understand that, right?"

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-04, 10:49 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ebon Mirror glowers. "I meant no offense. It is simply that I feel I have delayed long enough. My preparations are nearly complete, and to delay further while I work you into my plans would be disadvantageous - as a certain cyborg is proving. So there is a limit to the accomodations I can make."

2010-10-04, 11:05 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Understandable. Delays are quite frustrating, though perhaps inevitable with any large scale undertaking. It appears that Magtok is working to undermine your support at AMEN. Particularly with the henchmen. I wouldn't be horribly shocked if he's working on the cloning tanks right now, making adjustments to counter the ones you made." If Reinholdt had glasses to clean, he'd be doing that right now! But he doesn't, so it's less interesting.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-04, 11:21 PM
"Thank you. Didn't I meet you aboard the flying town?"

2010-10-04, 11:29 PM
"You did. You... gave me spinal tap if I recall." Reinholdt gives a short pause there.

Shoot shoot SHOOT. He had completely forgotten about that ability. Ok. Ok. You can work through this. Just don't give the big nasty a reason to use it on you and he won't see that everything's been a ruse to try and get in on the ground floor and infiltrate. You stumbled a bit with the pause, but that's easy enough to recover from. He probably didn't even notice. Or thought you were reminiscing or something. You are Not panicking. NOT panicking.

Quick, subject change! "Your zombies are remarkably good conversationalists compared to the usual zombies I work with."

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-04, 11:37 PM
Ebon Mirror nods. "That I did. And as I recall, you're a deceptive little thing. Still, everything you've said so far seems at least partly true. And yes, they are. Deliberately so."

2010-10-04, 11:40 PM
"Now that's just wounding. Wounding to my heart. Ow. As I recall, I was straight forward up front honest with you and you refused to believe me." Tis true! He only lied after Ebon didn't believe him!

2010-10-05, 04:46 AM
"Reward? Is not the stability of this world enough? Your reward would be your continued existance and the continued existance of others. But perhaps there can be another. Ask what you want. You shall recieve. Perhaps." Xel'Kath speaks these words with strange contemplations and grim foreboding.

Also Jay is succesful in slaying the ooze, good for him.

2010-10-05, 04:51 AM
Hey, put him down. Jay says, his batons weaving in increasingly complex, and some would say impossible patterns. They seem to be the most real thing there, their presence imposed onto the universe, while the rest seems faded and dull.

Earl of Purple
2010-10-05, 01:51 PM
Pontius’s Custom Constructs

"I won't notice that the world's been stabilised. I'll only have your word that I'd die if I didn't help. Therefore, I'd like something a bit more concrete. Or, in this case, golden." His logic is strange, but it might work. Plus, he's always trying to make money.

2010-10-05, 02:14 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

"Me too! Has it been that long already? Like, totally wow!" Crissy explains, smiling happily and tossing her hair back.

Time sure does fly, doesn't it? I remember how... shut-in I was when I first showed up here. Dorotha chuckles.

Earl of Purple
2010-10-05, 02:55 PM
Random Clothes Shop

"Well, I do like it. I think it will go well with that top. I don't know if they do t-shirts in leather, though. Or we could buy a normal t-shirt, it doesn't have to be leather. You look nice in leather, by the way."

Repost for iElf.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 03:06 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Now that's just wounding. Wounding to my heart. Ow. As I recall, I was straight forward up front honest with you and you refused to believe me." Tis true! He only lied after Ebon didn't believe him!

"Hm. Be that as it may, I do not know enough about you or your abilities to work you into my plans, especially when they are mere hours away from being put into motion."

2010-10-05, 03:41 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Hm. Be that as it may, I do not know enough about you or your abilities to work you into my plans, especially when they are mere hours away from being put into motion."
"I see. You're as ungrateful as your twin. I'll just take the rest of my information and leave." Reinholdt turns to do just that.

2010-10-05, 05:28 PM
The Archon is slightly confused. "You wish gold or a gold colored object? That would be simple to provide. Very well. Should you aid me, you will recieve gold or a golden object for your services."
Xel'Kath mostly ignores Jay, but still erects a force-field around itself should he strike.

Earl of Purple
2010-10-05, 05:42 PM
Pontius’s Custom Constructs

"Glad we're understanding each other." Pontius doesn't seem to have noticed what Jay is doing. On another note, Xel'Kath likely knows how to activate every golem present so long as they're still working. Golems aren't very intelligent, and require auditory or visual cues to begin a task; Pontius's golems are 'password protected' to stop people saying to a golem "follow me; you're mine".

Anthill in the Park

There is a woman approaching the giant anthill. She is tall, about six and a half feet head to heel, with long red hair reaching slightly below her back. Her eyes are green, of a shade found rarely in humans. She carries a cardboard box and a staff made of baobab wood. She is wearing a long, dark-coloured dress; it flashes green, blue, purple and red when it catches the light and out of the corner of the eye it seems to be crawling with beetles. She will approach the giant anthill.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 06:04 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"I see. You're as ungrateful as your twin. I'll just take the rest of my information and leave." Reinholdt turns to do just that.

"You've been speaking with Anshu, have you?" Ebon Mirror says darkly, as all light within 500 yards is suddenly snuffed out, and Reinholdt finds himself in a labyrinthine blackness. "Then I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave, lest you go running back to him."

2010-10-05, 06:15 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"You've been speaking with Anshu, have you?" Ebon Mirror says darkly, as all light within 500 yards is suddenly snuffed out, and Reinholdt finds himself in a labyrinthine blackness. "Then I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave, lest you go running back to him."

Reinholdt whirls back around and spits on the ground with a bit of rage. "I can most certainly assure you sir that I have no intention of going anywhere near him. He's a despicable, arrogant bastard whom I loathe and think is better off dead. Wouldn't mind killing him myself if I had the chance. So don't you dare even imply that I am his toady." :mad:
All very true. Anshu is near the bottom of his top ten list of living people he dislikes.

Reinholdt also waits for his kitty eyes to adjust. He's got a better chance than most to handle darkness of such level.

2010-10-05, 06:49 PM
Pontius’s Custom Constructs

"Glad we're understanding each other." Pontius doesn't seem to have noticed what Jay is doing. On another note, Xel'Kath likely knows how to activate every golem present so long as they're still working. Golems aren't very intelligent, and require auditory or visual cues to begin a task; Pontius's golems are 'password protected' to stop people saying to a golem "follow me; you're mine".

Sorry, so I'm not saving your shop? Jay asks, annoyed. His batons are still spinning. I was under the impression that you wanted me to stop him, but clearly I was confused. He adds.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 07:01 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Not his toady, no. But an ally, perhaps? You certainly seem spiteful enough to turn to him after I rebuffed you. A very feline trait, that."

The mist thickens around Reinholdt in the zone of darkness, swirling around him disorientingly.

2010-10-05, 07:10 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"I hardly intended to turn to him after you quote rebuffed me." Dangit. Mist. Reinholdt reaches for a small stone on the ground, though pulls a slight of hand at the last second to actually pull a stone out from his hammerspace.

"I came to someone who could get things done. You honestly expect me to be a useful source of information if I don't know all the ins and outs of all the major players? I've seen Anshu's dirty little secrets, just like I intend to use them against him." To send him to jail once all this is said and done, presuming he lives.

Reinholdt starts trying to float straight up, rather than attempt to navigate out laterally.

[Inside somewhere]

Mister Buttons bounds forward with Tobias on his back to wherever. FireFox has godmode privileges over him to make it easier.

2010-10-05, 07:12 PM
And Zamira is alongside them!

Now back to human form, although she's gone back to female.

2010-10-05, 07:17 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Toby shows up outside the main gate and neatly dismounts. You know how I said I got an official warrant? He pulls out the piece of paper. I've never been one for actual laws and stuff. He then uses the scroll (a perfectly normal one, and not the one he requested) to try and magically smash in the gate. If there even is a gate.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 07:21 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"I hardly intended to turn to him after you quote rebuffed me." Dangit. Mist. Reinholdt reaches for a small stone on the ground, though pulls a slight of hand at the last second to actually pull a stone out from his hammerspace.

"I came to someone who could get things done. You honestly expect me to be a useful source of information if I don't know all the ins and outs of all the major players? I've seen Anshu's dirty little secrets, just like I intend to use them against him." To send him to jail once all this is said and done, presuming he lives.

Reinholdt starts trying to float straight up, rather than attempt to navigate out laterally.

Out of the darkness, Ebon Mirror's voice comes again. "Perhaps I can use you, then. But I must make sure of your loyalties..." A hand comes out of the darkness, trying to seize Reinholdt by the scruff.

[Misspelled Cemetary]

Toby shows up outside the main gate and neatly dismounts. You know how I said I got an official warrant? He pulls out the piece of paper. I've never been one for actual laws and stuff. He then uses the scroll (a perfectly normal one, and not the one he requested) to try and magically smash in the gate. If there even is a gate.

The gate is smashed in, and the visitors are greeted by a flurry of poisoned shuriken slashing through the mist that cloaks the cemetary.

2010-10-05, 07:22 PM
Zamira chuckles, as she turns into her war form.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 07:25 PM
((edited in my response))

2010-10-05, 07:27 PM
Zamira ducks to the floor, managing to avoid the shuriken.

She'd help Tobias, but she can't do much on such short notice.


2010-10-05, 07:30 PM
Toby ducks down, getting only nicked by a few of the shruiken. The poison doesn't seem to affect him much.

Zooooommmbiiiiiiiieeeeesss! Come out and plaaaaaay!
That's an older reference.

2010-10-05, 07:31 PM
In a different universe, Swan and the rest of The Warriors smash open glass bottles and grab pipes, getting ready for a fight. :smalltongue:

2010-10-05, 07:36 PM
Out of the darkness, Ebon Mirror's voice comes again. "Perhaps I can use you, then. But I must make sure of your loyalties..." A hand comes out of the darkness, trying to seize Reinholdt by the scruff.

Ebon Mirror's voice is quite the giveaway and Reinholdt barrel rolls to the right, out of the way of the grab before trying to silently float even higher, preferably out of Ebon's reach, unaware if the Exalted can fly or not.

"Hey, no one else gets to be sure. You aren't special. Take a card and hope for the best. I'm not letting you spinal tap again." He figures the talking does give away his position, but it's likely that Ebon can already see through his own dark/mist thing anyways.

Reinholdt thinks really loudly, just in case. "QUINN! HEY QUINN!!"
He has no idea if she keeps some sort of psychic hotline open on him or not. It'd be kinda creepy if she does, but useful at least. Though distance may be a factor too, since they're quite far apart. Reinholdt really has no idea if it'll work, but likes to have several options open.

Mister Buttons gets nicked and hisses before bounding off to the side for now.

2010-10-05, 07:41 PM
[Mispeld Semetary]

If the stone he pulled out of hammerspace is the one that Coralie gave him, Reinholdt may find a gold thread he can follow to lead him out of the darkness labyrinth.

If it's a different stone, that probably won't happen.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 08:01 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary - The Gate]

Toby ducks down, getting only nicked by a few of the shruiken. The poison doesn't seem to affect him much.

Zooooommmbiiiiiiiieeeeesss! Come out and plaaaaaay!
That's an older reference.

Strangely, the zombies show no inclination to oblige him, and another hail of shuriken come scything out at them.

[Misspelled Cemetary - The Gate]

Ebon Mirror's voice is quite the giveaway and Reinholdt barrel rolls to the right, out of the way of the grab before trying to silently float even higher, preferably out of Ebon's reach, unaware if the Exalted can fly or not.

"Hey, no one else gets to be sure. You aren't special. Take a card and hope for the best. I'm not letting you spinal tap again." He figures the talking does give away his position, but it's likely that Ebon can already see through his own dark/mist thing anyways.

Reinholdt thinks really loudly, just in case. "QUINN! HEY QUINN!!"
He has no idea if she keeps some sort of psychic hotline open on him or not. It'd be kinda creepy if she does, but useful at least. Though distance may be a factor too, since they're quite far apart. Reinholdt really has no idea if it'll work, but likes to have several options open.

"On the contrary, I think you'll find I'm quite special," Ebon Mirror says again, and this time his voice comes from all directions as he makes a mighty leap up into the air to try and grab Reinholdt again.

The Bushranger
2010-10-05, 08:08 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

Time sure does fly, doesn't it? I remember how... shut-in I was when I first showed up here. Dorotha chuckles.

"Yeah, really! I hope I've gotten better too. Maybe a little?" Crissy asks, smiling happily at Dorotha. "Maybe we should go out again sometime, too!"


[Misspelled Cemetary]

Quinn, alas!, doesn't answer Reinholdt. Probably because she doesn't keep a roaming scan on everybody who might think of her.
Reinholdt could try 'calling' Melody, of course. :smalltongue:

2010-10-05, 08:11 PM
Zamira shapeshifts around these shuriken, as she looks inside to see what's throwing them, exactly.

2010-10-05, 08:13 PM
[Mispeld Semetary]

If the stone he pulled out of hammerspace is the one that Coralie gave him, Reinholdt may find a gold thread he can follow to lead him out of the darkness labyrinth.

If it's a different stone, that probably won't happen.
It is! He was just about to ask it for some sort of help. Something flashy and bright to blind the other guy. But a gold thread works too. He starts to follow it.

[Misspelled Cemetary - The Gate]

"On the contrary, I think you'll find I'm quite special," Ebon Mirror says again, and this time his voice comes from all directions as he makes a mighty leap up into the air to try and grab Reinholdt again.

Of course, there's little help that gold thread can do if Ebon Mirror catches him first. Hopefully the thread can lead Tobias to Reinholdt instead!

Reinholdt's caught. There's little way for him to dodge what he can't see or hear and though he certainly does bob and weave randomly, I don't think it's going to be quite enough against a skilled opponent. Seeing as how he was grabbed.

Typical Quinn wouldn't come through.

"So that's what the teachers told you when they put you in that class with the safety scissors, huh?"

2010-10-05, 08:30 PM
[Outside Mispelled Cemetary]

Riace walks up the path towards the entrance, red cloak pulled tight around him, brown hair point as ever, to reflect on the passing of his fellow crewmembers.

2010-10-05, 08:35 PM

Near Tobias, a small girl suddenly tumbles out of nothingness. He should recognize her as the girl who has been sitting by Phoenix's bed in the GLoG infirmary for the last few weeks. "Reinholdt is in trouble. Follow the thread," she urges, trying to offer Tobias the end of a golden thread.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 08:48 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Zamira shapeshifts around these shuriken, as she looks inside to see what's throwing them, exactly.

The mist gets in the way, but she peers through and catches a glimpse of a ninja zombie.

Of course, there's little help that gold thread can do if Ebon Mirror catches him first. Hopefully the thread can lead Tobias to Reinholdt instead!

Reinholdt's caught. There's little way for him to dodge what he can't see or hear and though he certainly does bob and weave randomly, I don't think it's going to be quite enough against a skilled opponent. Seeing as how he was grabbed.

Typical Quinn wouldn't come through.

"So that's what the teachers told you when they put you in that class with the safety scissors, huh?"

Ebon Mirror ignores the incomprehensible remark and tries to do another spine tap on Reinholdt, intending to flood his feline system with the nanites and force him unconscious.

2010-10-05, 09:34 PM
Toby dodges the new wave of flying blades and looks down at the girl. He takes the thread and stares at it, calculating and analyzing and coming to a decision. Zamira. Covering fire. And then, without waiting to see if Zamira is even capable of providing covering fire, he casts a spell to shield himself in a vortex of strong winds and sprints through the cemetery towards Reinholdt.

2010-10-05, 09:35 PM
Zamira glances at Tobias. "Can you shield me for about five seconds? I can do something about the zombies and hopefully take care of them all at once."

Zamira dashes after Tobias, looking to see if any zombies start aiming at him. If they do, she will head towards them and try to slash at them with her claws.

2010-10-05, 09:39 PM

Coralie remains at the entrance, laying down covering fire for Toby and Zamira in the form of a spray of small fireballs blessed with holy energy.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 11:04 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

A number of ninja zombies are struck down by the holy fireballs, but that only increases the strength of the ones that survive, and they hurl themselves toward Toby and Zamira, sword slashing, trying to slow them down.

2010-10-05, 11:06 PM
Zamira tries to deflect blows instead of outright blocking them, switching her focus to defense of her and Tobias. She's doing pretty well, managing to get away with only a few nicks so far.

2010-10-05, 11:06 PM
The Druid is flat out racing now, moving faster than any fairly skilled human. He nimbly dodges around some of the strikes, using his wind shields to deflect the others as he keeps moving towards Reinholdt.

2010-10-05, 11:23 PM

The holy fireworks were meant to be covering fire to make the zombie ninjas keep their heads down, not actually aiming at them specifically. But I guess if they didn't actually bother to keep their heads down, they got burnt and laid to rest.

In any event, Coralie is not moving in past the entrance. Luckily, she doesn't have to since she can channel spells through the stone.

Hang on, help is coming, she whispers into Reinholdt's mind, trying to give him a surge of magic / holy energy to make him strong enough to break free.

(Coralie is magically gifted in her own right, but being chosen as the avatar of a goddess tints all of her spells with holiness.)

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-05, 11:31 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Toby reaches the edge of Ebon Mirror's zone of labyrinthine darkness. He may wish to slow down, lest he trip on uneven ground.

The remaining ninja zombies continue to slash at Zamira, surrounding her and trying to get in a sneak attack.

2010-10-05, 11:33 PM
This will be... hard, due to the fact her ears are very sensitive.

Along with her nose, but she's trying to ignore that at the moment. :smallyuk:

She tries to get up and leap on their heads until she can get a fair distance away from her.

Also, wondering whether it's worth it to initiate into Necromancy just for the countermagic. :smalltongue:

2010-10-06, 12:38 AM
Anthill in the Park

There is a woman approaching the giant anthill. She is tall, about six and a half feet head to heel, with long red hair reaching slightly below her back. Her eyes are green, of a shade found rarely in humans. She carries a cardboard box and a staff made of baobab wood. She is wearing a long, dark-coloured dress; it flashes green, blue, purple and red when it catches the light and out of the corner of the eye it seems to be crawling with beetles. She will approach the giant anthill.

Jette's scout ants take all of this in, and that means she does as well. With a slight frown, she gathers a few hundred of her dear flame warriors, telling them to crawl into her chitin armor, and flies out of the spire. The woman will likely see her headed towards her.

2010-10-06, 06:25 AM

Toby reluctantly slows down a tiny bit, using his own fine sense of hearing to sense for approaching things as he continues running.

2010-10-06, 09:53 AM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ebon Mirror ignores the incomprehensible remark and tries to do another spine tap on Reinholdt, intending to flood his feline system with the nanites and force him unconscious.
Not so fast Ebony! Just when you think the cat's out of tricks is when he pulls yet another out of his bag! For Reinholdt has rapidly summoned a vial of liquid, popped the top and thrown it directly over his shoulder, most likely emptying the contents onto Ebony's hand. Of course, it's not unpossible (intentional) to avoid it, but that likely means letting Reinholdt go since he's pouring it directly behind him.

What is it you might ask? Well it's Proffessor Affidiviat's patented Liquid Agony! Mere drops of this stuff is enough to cause searing, convulsing pain!

It's not an entire vial. Reinholdt only had about a third left. But a quarter is supposedly enough to kill a normal man. He was actually saving it for Lucretia in case it came to that. But what can you do?

However, Reinholdt will not escape his own weapon as bits of the Liquid Agony splash on him and make him tense up with a twisted grin on his face. Fortunately he doesn't need muscle control to fly, only mental control and he's hoping this is enough of a painful surprise and shock to get Ebony to let go or at least loosen his grip enough that combined with the extra strength Reinholdt just got (see below), he can burst free and zip along the golden line towards Tobias.

In any event, Coralie is not moving in past the entrance. Luckily, she doesn't have to since she can channel spells through the stone.

Hang on, help is coming, she whispers into Reinholdt's mind, trying to give him a surge of magic / holy energy to make him strong enough to break free.

(Coralie is magically gifted in her own right, but being chosen as the avatar of a goddess tints all of her spells with holiness.)

2010-10-06, 09:56 AM
[Erin's Emporium]

"Yeah, really! I hope I've gotten better too. Maybe a little?" Crissy asks, smiling happily at Dorotha. "Maybe we should go out again sometime, too!"

Dorotha nods. Definetly. Maybe when things in the store are quiet... but then, they are now.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-06, 01:20 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

This will be... hard, due to the fact her ears are very sensitive.

Along with her nose, but she's trying to ignore that at the moment. :smallyuk:

She tries to get up and leap on their heads until she can get a fair distance away from her.

Also, wondering whether it's worth it to initiate into Necromancy just for the countermagic. :smalltongue:


Toby reluctantly slows down a tiny bit, using his own fine sense of hearing to sense for approaching things as he continues running.

Not so fast Ebony! Just when you think the cat's out of tricks is when he pulls yet another out of his bag! For Reinholdt has rapidly summoned a vial of liquid, popped the top and thrown it directly over his shoulder, most likely emptying the contents onto Ebony's hand. Of course, it's not unpossible (intentional) to avoid it, but that likely means letting Reinholdt go since he's pouring it directly behind him.

What is it you might ask? Well it's Proffessor Affidiviat's patented Liquid Agony! Mere drops of this stuff is enough to cause searing, convulsing pain!

It's not an entire vial. Reinholdt only had about a third left. But a quarter is supposedly enough to kill a normal man. He was actually saving it for Lucretia in case it came to that. But what can you do?

However, Reinholdt will not escape his own weapon as bits of the Liquid Agony splash on him and make him tense up with a twisted grin on his face. Fortunately he doesn't need muscle control to fly, only mental control and he's hoping this is enough of a painful surprise and shock to get Ebony to let go or at least loosen his grip enough that combined with the extra strength Reinholdt just got (see below), he can burst free and zip along the golden line towards Tobias.

As she leaps up onto the zombies' heads, Zamira will doubtless notice that the cemetary is a shadowland.

The zombies don't like being leapt upon, and continue trying to savage her with their swords. Meanwhile, Zamira may detect the sound of something large and stompy approaching through the mist.

Toby makes his way through the cemetary. Nothing seems to be bothering him as he follows the golden thread, although he'll soon notice that everything seems to be much, much darker around him; like a black, cloudy night.

The Liquid Agony runs harmlessly over Ebon Mirror's artificial arm; a bit of it splashes on his exposed skin, but he grits his teeth, his Exalted resilience and adamant conviction powering through the pain as he keeps trying to spike the infuriating cat.

2010-10-06, 02:19 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Oh. Right. Part artificial. Reinholdt knew he should have just thrown it at the guy's face. I'm sure Reinholdt has some other tricks, but I don't believe he has time to do them now since it appears that he wasn't able to fly away, even with Coralie's super strength, and falls unconscious as he's spiked. Even so, Reinholdt's clutching that stone of Coralie's like a man possessed and whispers something nearly inaudibly over and over.

Of course, Reinholdt's been down this road before. He knows what to expect. And the first looping thought Ebony gets blasted with is:

I'm a little kitteh, Small and pretty.
Here is my pity, here is my ditty.
When I get all pissed off, hear my witty
song drive you batty and kick you OUT!

As Reinholdt stalls for time.

Earl of Purple
2010-10-06, 03:21 PM
Anthill in the Park

The lady in the dark dress does see Jette approach. She will stop a respectful distance away and put down her cardboard box. "I have been bid to greet you by my superiors, the High Priest of Dalachrech. I was also told to bring this box, containing information about Dalachrech, the Lord of All Invertebrates, for your perusal. Should you be interested in His worship as the only diety who truly accepts and appreciates everything that invertebrates, such as ants, does for the rest of this world's life." Throughout, she remains respectful and reverent, especially when talking about Dalachrech. She seems honest in her respect and reverence, too. Jette may recognise the silver amulet in the shape of a two-tailed scorpion around her neck as being the mark of a religion; this particular priest usually spends her time in the Taverna Generica.

Pontius’s Custom Constructs

"It just offered me a job! Said something about the balance of the world, too, so I think it's quite important. I'm sorry about this, sir, but at the time I didn't know what was happening beyond something was draining my golems. I might be able to reanimate them, so all is not lost. Terribly sorry." Pontius wiggles his feet; since I don't think he's been put down, this is rather ineffectual.

2010-10-06, 03:31 PM

Since the surge of strength didn't work, Coralie tries a different spell: Cure Disease. Ought to work just as well against nanites as against organic germs.

The Bushranger
2010-10-06, 04:07 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

Dorotha nods. Definetly. Maybe when things in the store are quiet... but then, they are now.

Crissy nods. "Yeah, really..." She pauses. "So...maybe now? Or tomorrow?"

2010-10-06, 04:09 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

I'm fine with either... I'll go with whichever you prefer.

The Bushranger
2010-10-06, 04:18 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

"Well, tomorrow would probably be better, I think I need to do, like, the bookkeeping tonight," Crissy says, making a :smallyuk: face.

(Since her player should also be able to post in the morning tomorrow, too. :smallyuk:)

Eternal Drifter
2010-10-06, 04:21 PM
Eternal Library- Floor 1

Drifter has finally gotten out of deadtime, waking up slumped on the front desk.

"I've really got to focus my mind..." he mutters, rubbing his eyes. "My mind seems all over the place."

A kobold runs in.

"Sir, I've got a message that someone needs to speak with you about something."

"Ugh... I'll see them when they finally enter," Drifter replies.

2010-10-06, 04:27 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

"Well, tomorrow would probably be better, I think I need to do, like, the bookkeeping tonight," Crissy says, making a :smallyuk: face.

(Since her player should also be able to post in the morning tomorrow, too. :smallyuk:)

Alright then. Tomorrow morning it is.

The Bushranger
2010-10-06, 04:34 PM
Crissy smiles happily. "Alright then! This'll be great!" She nods happily. "Oh, and, um, if there's like, anything special equipment-wise or anything you need, I should know so I can order it for ya when I do the paperwork."

2010-10-06, 08:44 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Toby makes his way through the cemetary. Nothing seems to be bothering him as he follows the golden thread, although he'll soon notice that everything seems to be much, much darker around him; like a black, cloudy night.

Let's see... 500 yards from the beginning of the darkness to Ebon, was it? The half-werefox continues to run across this distance and will come upon the deathknight and the cat very soon unless intercepted.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-06, 09:03 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Oh. Right. Part artificial. Reinholdt knew he should have just thrown it at the guy's face. I'm sure Reinholdt has some other tricks, but I don't believe he has time to do them now since it appears that he wasn't able to fly away, even with Coralie's super strength, and falls unconscious as he's spiked. Even so, Reinholdt's clutching that stone of Coralie's like a man possessed and whispers something nearly inaudibly over and over.

Of course, Reinholdt's been down this road before. He knows what to expect. And the first looping thought Ebony gets blasted with is:

I'm a little kitteh, Small and pretty.
Here is my pity, here is my ditty.
When I get all pissed off, hear my witty
song drive you batty and kick you OUT!

As Reinholdt stalls for time.


Since the surge of strength didn't work, Coralie tries a different spell: Cure Disease. Ought to work just as well against nanites as against organic germs.

Ebon Mirror growls in frustration as the first batch of nanites are wiped away by Coralie's magic, and injects another dose into the cat, wiping away the details of what they talked about from Reinholdt's memory. With that done, he withdraws the spike and lets Reinholdt return to consciousness, before growling, "Flee!" directly into one of his ears, backing the words with a good deal of mind-influencing magic. Then he tosses Reinholdt away from him.

Let's see... 500 yards from the beginning of the darkness to Ebon, was it? The half-werefox continues to run across this distance and will come upon the deathknight and the cat very soon unless intercepted.

Nothing tries to intercept him.

2010-10-06, 09:06 PM
{{Osari, he tries to. Remember, Rein has control over what happens.}}

Zamira, meanwhile, as soon as she gets some distance, starts chanting in Old Realm, her anima lighting up like a bonfire... before crying out. "Dearth of Obsidian Butterflies!"

Her silvery essence collects and forms into a massive swarm of obsidian butterflies, which shoot out towards the zombies. :smallamused:

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-06, 09:11 PM
((We worked it out in chat; he's cool with it.))

2010-10-06, 09:13 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours left, contact everyone. Hours le-" Reinholdt whispers over and over into his rock, until suddenly his memories of the conversation are just gone. Huh. He was... whispering something important, but he can't remember what or why. Well the why was probably because there was a big scary OMG guy holding him and throwing him away. Gah! Getawaygetawaygetaway!! :smalleek:

Reinholdt is flung right into Tobias' path, likely slamming into his face and unintentionally clawing it a bit as he tries to scurry past the druid and fly away on the golden line like a zipline.

2010-10-06, 09:15 PM
Toby is hit in the face and clawed a little, dropping his bit of the golden line to let Rein get away. He skids to a stop and looks in the general direction of Ebon. Marco.

2010-10-06, 09:22 PM
[Outside the Sim-Itary]

Coralie tries to catch and calm Reinholdt as he flees in panic.

This may result in her being clawed badly. :smalleek:

2010-10-06, 09:36 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Reinholdt doesn't get terrified of much. But right now he's fleeing someone who he was already fleeing from, but with magical compulsion behind it. Plus... touch is right now pretty high on the list. Reinholdt's upper brain functions almost completely shut down when Coralie tries to grab him and he goes into ultra scratch-fury, terrified mode, accidentally dropping his stone as he panics.

So much for cool under pressure.
He's not even speaking, just hissing and howling.

2010-10-06, 09:47 PM
[Outside See M'teri]

Coralie tries her best to hang on, despite getting scratched up. "Reinholdt, it's me. It's me. It's me. You're safe." There's a touch of magic to try to induce the calming, but not as strong as a compulsion. Because Eve hates that sort of thing.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-06, 09:58 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Zamira, meanwhile, as soon as she gets some distance, starts chanting in Old Realm, her anima lighting up like a bonfire... before crying out. "Dearth of Obsidian Butterflies!"

Her silvery essence collects and forms into a massive swarm of obsidian butterflies, which shoot out towards the zombies. :smallamused:

And down go the zombies in a pile of parts. But hark! Something this way comes. Stomp, stomp, stomp.

Toby is hit in the face and clawed a little, dropping his bit of the golden line to let Rein get away. He skids to a stop and looks in the general direction of Ebon. Marco.

The zone of darkness disappears as Reinholdt flees, and Ebon Mirror stands a short distance from Toby. "I'd follow your feline friend, if I were you," the deathknight advises, his shoulders hunching and his red eyes glowing balefully as he bares his teeth in a hungry, predatory smile.

2010-10-06, 10:01 PM
Ah. Hi, Polo. Toby grins right back at Ebon. A few words and a quick hand gesture later, fire starts raining from the sky at the Exalted.

2010-10-06, 10:02 PM
Zamira starts chanting again, finishing this time with "Invulnerable Skin of Bronze!"

Her skin becomes a shining bronze, protecting her against what may come.

The Essence coursing around her, for a moment, forms into a great silver fox, crouching behind her. "Come on."

2010-10-06, 10:03 PM
[Outside See M'teri]

Oh geeze. He was hurting Coralie. Reinholdt starts sobbing a little as he calms from his fear, in part because of soothing voices, but largely from realizing what he was just doing.

"Please let me go." He's tense, but I don't think he'll run right away.


[Mispelled Cemetary]

Mister Buttons starts sneaking up on the scene, going slowly and breathing laboriously.

2010-10-06, 10:07 PM
[Outside CeeMeeTeeRee]

"You said 'Hours left. Tell everyone.'" Coralie says, gently setting him down.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-06, 10:16 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Zamira starts chanting again, finishing this time with "Invulnerable Skin of Bronze!"

Her skin becomes a shining bronze, protecting her against what may come.

The Essence coursing around her, for a moment, forms into a great silver fox, crouching behind her. "Come on."

Out of the mist comes a bonestrider - a necrotechnological monstrosity the size of a warstrider. It lifts one of its great clawed hands and takes a swipe at Zamira.

Ah. Hi, Polo. Toby grins right back at Ebon. A few words and a quick hand gesture later, fire starts raining from the sky at the Exalted.

Fire rains down upon Ebon Mirror, and his clothes and hair begin to burn. Wreathed in flame, Ebon Mirror lets out an unearthly howl, flinging a crackling bolt of Oblivion at Toby.

2010-10-06, 10:19 PM
Of course, there's one problem with things the size of a warstrider-

they're not too good at hitting stuff too much smaller than them.

Especially not a Fox-totem Lunar, in her War Form which is almost monomanically focused towards speed. Zamira suits this by dashing forwards, trying to get in between the legs.

Also, making a mental note to ask someone who knows how to initiate her into Necromancy, just for the countermagic.

If she succeeds on getting behind the bonestrider, she'll take a moment to see if she can spot any weak spots.

{{Also, 10 minutes}}

2010-10-06, 10:22 PM
[Outside CeeMeeTeeRee]

Reinholdt brushes himself off and wipes his eyes, looking at Coralie apologetically. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." But that's your lot in life isn't it?

Oh hey. Reinholdt makes sure to grab the stone as he looks around and takes stock of what's going on. His fur is still quite poofy and he shifts perspective frequently to see if there were incoming threats.
"I did? When did I say that?" :smallconfused:

Huh. Zamira and Tobias were still in there. Hopefully they'd come out soon so Reinholdt doesn't feel the need to rush back in and help them.

2010-10-06, 10:29 PM
[Outside CMTR]

"The dead man had hold of you and was attacking you with some kind of disease and you were whispering that over and over. And then he attacked you again and suddenly you were scared and running."

Coralie doesn't appear too bothered by all the scratches. Probably because she's a kid and they get scratched and scraped up all the time.

2010-10-06, 10:30 PM
{{Deadtime for half an hour}}

2010-10-06, 10:51 PM
[Outside CMTR]

"I don't..."
Remember that in the least.
Actually what did happen in the last few minutes? Reinholdt snuck up on some zombies... saw them building something... then went to go talk to Ebon Mirror to try and get information that way then... blacked out?
No. Can't be. The mindscape thing. Or something else perhaps, but the mindscape seemed most likely.

Great. What did Ebon make him forget? Better yet, what did he make him remember? Was he now some sort of sleeper agent acting under false memories? Could he even trust himself?
Dang it! He hates mind trips!

"I said... hours left, tell everyone? Did I say what the hours left was until?" If not... knowing himself... hmm... well only the worst could be presumed really, lacking any better information. But if he contacted everyone with the worst and it was hours left until something else, then lots of people would be mad at him. But if it was the worst and he didn't contact people, things would go bad real quick.
Easy choice to make. He already considered most people mad at him anyways. What's a few more?


2010-10-06, 11:03 PM
[Outside Semitary]

"Okay. I can help," Coralie says. She holds her fingers up in a thinkagram array (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0074.html). "Tell me who you want to talk to."

2010-10-07, 12:47 AM
Anthill in the Park

The lady in the dark dress does see Jette approach. She will stop a respectful distance away and put down her cardboard box. "I have been bid to greet you by my superiors, the High Priest of Dalachrech. I was also told to bring this box, containing information about Dalachrech, the Lord of All Invertebrates, for your perusal. Should you be interested in His worship as the only diety who truly accepts and appreciates everything that invertebrates, such as ants, does for the rest of this world's life." Throughout, she remains respectful and reverent, especially when talking about Dalachrech. She seems honest in her respect and reverence, too. Jette may recognise the silver amulet in the shape of a two-tailed scorpion around her neck as being the mark of a religion; this particular priest usually spends her time in the Taverna Generica.

Jette shakes her head when she hears the offer. She had no use for a God, even one that may take in her kind. The only thing Jette wished to serve, was herself, and her Hive, both of which were one and the same. "No thanks. I do not have the need of a god." She says, trying to be a bit polite.

2010-10-07, 01:08 AM
[Eternal Library]

Only a little time later a man in a scientist cloak enters the library coming from Trogs bar and head to the reception desk.

"Hello is anybody here? I need some informations for a research."

2010-10-07, 07:04 AM
[Misspelled Cemetary]
Fire rains down upon Ebon Mirror, and his clothes and hair begin to burn. Wreathed in flame, Ebon Mirror lets out an unearthly howl, flinging a crackling bolt of Oblivion at Toby.

Toby is focused on his spell, and is squarely hit by the blow. He cries out in pain and drops to a knee. Although it stops raining fire, the Druid looks up and grins. Hello. I'm Tobias the Druid.

2010-10-07, 09:16 AM
Crissy smiles happily. "Alright then! This'll be great!" She nods happily. "Oh, and, um, if there's like, anything special equipment-wise or anything you need, I should know so I can order it for ya when I do the paperwork."

Dorotha thinks for a while. Well... I'm planning on branching into making amulets, charms and other minor magical items... so I could use some lenses, fine knives and chisels.

2010-10-07, 10:02 AM
[Outside Semitary]

"Okay. I can help," Coralie says. She holds her fingers up in a thinkagram array (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0074.html). "Tell me who you want to talk to."

Way to not answer his questions at all!
"I think getting out of here and not in proximity of decaying death should be priority one. Where are Tobias and that... other person? What're are they doing?!" Reinholdt didn't get a good look at Zamira and only met him/her twice or so anyways.

He leans around the corner a little in order to shout into the cemetary.

Of course, over all the sound effects and distance, he might not be heard.

He glances back at Coralie. "If you can dial on the run I would set up a conference call with Magtok, Anshu, and someone from Watchtower who isn't DarkComet. Preferably KR, but Wenomir's an option." Whoever's conveniently available really. Tobias was also going to be on the list, but he's already here! And Quinn is busy.

The Bushranger
2010-10-07, 10:40 AM
[Erin's Emporium]

Dorotha thinks for a while. Well... I'm planning on branching into making amulets, charms and other minor magical items... so I could use some lenses, fine knives and chisels.

Crissy nods, and grabs a notepad, scribbling frantically, before hurrying over to do the paperwork!

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 11:29 AM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Of course, there's one problem with things the size of a warstrider-

they're not too good at hitting stuff too much smaller than them.

Especially not a Fox-totem Lunar, in her War Form which is almost monomanically focused towards speed. Zamira suits this by dashing forwards, trying to get in between the legs.

Also, making a mental note to ask someone who knows how to initiate her into Necromancy, just for the countermagic.

If she succeeds on getting behind the bonestrider, she'll take a moment to see if she can spot any weak spots.

Grotesque wings spread from the bonestrider's back, human skins stitched together and stretched over a cunning and unnatural assemblage of bones, joints, and tendons. They pump once, twice, faster and faster, raising the monstrosity off the ground.

Toby is focused on his spell, and is squarely hit by the blow. He cries out in pain and drops to a knee. Although it stops raining fire, the Druid looks up and grins. Hello. I'm Tobias the Druid.

"You should have listened," Ebon Mirror growls, lunging across the short gap separating them, swinging a clawed hand to slash across Toby's face.

2010-10-07, 11:46 AM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Mister Buttons was waiting for such a move. With a loud ROAR, he comes out of his sneaking position and
at Ebon Mirror, intending to use his girth to knock Ebon away from Tobias and claw and bite at the Exalted. His strength and speed are admittedly being sapped by the poison though.

Mister Buttons wants his druid friend safe.

2010-10-07, 12:13 PM

Toby can't leave now! This is the perfect opportunity to observe Ebon's fighting style and tactics. Also, and this is his own arrogance talking, it would be quite a coup if he could finish Ebon off right now.

Not the way introductions usually go, but I'm always open to trying new things. He brings up his forearm to push the clawed hand away and tries to use his other hand to punch the Exalted in the windpipe he probably doesn't need anymore.

2010-10-07, 12:48 PM
[Outside Cemeterry]

"I can't do it while we're running, no," Coralie says, looking ashamed, as if she'd been caught having skipped out on her chores. She waits for Reinholdt to decide if he's going to make the call first or run first.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 01:05 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ebon Mirror is pounced by Mr. Buttons, which takes him out of Toby's reach.

Unfortunately for Mr. Buttons, Ebon Mirror is still on fire. Which means that Mr. Buttons is likely to also be on fire very shortly, as Ebon Mirror grapples with the (presumably) big cat, keeping himself from being more than grazed by claw and fang while the tongues of flame reach up to lick at Mr. Buttons' fur.

2010-10-07, 01:17 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

The kitty must've missed that, cause Mister Buttons never woulda pounced on someone who's ON FIRE!! Owowowie. The kitty leaps back off of Ebon almost as quickly as he leapt on, yeowling in pain and screeching a little, moving to hide behind Tobias.

[Outside Cemeterry]

Dang it! Reinholdt doesn't have time for this. He can't go back in to help Tobias and Zamira... he just can't. Stupid unnatural fear. But he can't leave them. Well he can, but he doesn't much like the idea.
"Stay out of sight and make the call." Reinholdt says as he ducks behind something to do just that.

2010-10-07, 01:22 PM
[Out of sight outside the Misspelled Semitery]

Coralie hides as well, and holds up the finger array and casts the spell.

Thinkagram is now being transmitted to Magtok, Anshu, Wenomir, and KR.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 01:40 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ebon Mirror gets back to his feet and lunges again, the black energy of death gathering and pulsing around one of his hands before he unleashes it at Toby and Mr. Buttons at point-blank range, accompanying it with another unearthly howl.

2010-10-07, 01:44 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]
Not giving Toby a chance to take advantage of Ebon being knocked over temporarily? That's just mean. :smalltongue:

[Out of sight outside the Misspelled Semitery]

"Oh... this isn't two way is it? Maybe I should've just called."
Reinholdt stares at Coralie.
"It's already on isn't it?" :smallannoyed:

"Ahem. Reinholdt here. Yep, that's bad news, I know. Look, I investigated the Ebon Mirror issue and I can say for certain that he's building stuff with zombie bones. Big stuff. But more importantly I have decent reason to suspect that whatever he's planning is happening in a matter of hours, I think. And no I can't tell you what it is, just that it's happening NOW. TODAY. I'm reasonably sure. Grab your tricks and your traps and anything, ANYTHING, that's anti-big-zombie-monstrosity-esque things and call in your favors and get down here. This'll be the last opportunity for any sort of pre-emptive strike and if it wasn't in a city, I'd say bomb the place. Seriously. You have hours left. Err... I think that's... oh no! Wait. Shrike went out to do something somewhere else so be on high alert for her! That's all. Yes it's vague. Deal with it." Reinholdt can only trust himself so much to get a message to himself and have it have any value!

2010-10-07, 02:29 PM
Zamira dashes over to where Reinholdt is, and crouches behind cover next to him.

2010-10-07, 03:38 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ebon Mirror gets back to his feet and lunges again, the black energy of death gathering and pulsing around one of his hands before he unleashes it at Toby and Mr. Buttons at point-blank range, accompanying it with another unearthly howl.

Toby leaps forward and plants his feet, so close to Ebon that the Exalted's energy-empowered hand might be touching his chest. He takes the blast full on, looking to trade it for the opportunity to ram a thick, magically strengthened dagger into Ebon's forehead.

2010-10-07, 05:03 PM
[Outside the Semetary]

"What do you want me to do now?" Coralie asks, after the thinkagram is delivered. Which after archive binging could have been two way, but I'll just handwave that she isn't that good at it yet.

Earl of Purple
2010-10-07, 05:08 PM
Anthill in the Park

"If that is how you honstly feel, then I and the church will respect your wishes. If you change your mind, please find us [directions to Temple of Dalachrech, Inside]." Madame de la Moy then curtsies respectfully, before turning around and leaving the park. Unless stopped, that is.

2010-10-07, 05:15 PM
[Mizpelled Cemetaree]

Ebon may also find himself being hit by a pair of blessed fragmentation sniper rounds, aimed at his back and noiseless from the silencers and flash suppressors on the rifles that shot them. Ebon may sense the life signs of the two Wraiths come back, closer than they once were, but still . They're still shielding their minds however, and cloaked, so they will be hard to find, even if Ebon wasn't distracted.

One of the two flicks a small tab on their wrist, and elsewhere, a light dings in the corner of Commander Vasquez's helmet.

[Jette's Spire]

Jette shakes her head as the woman leaves and flies back to her home, planning things.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 08:10 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Toby leaps forward and plants his feet, so close to Ebon that the Exalted's energy-empowered hand might be touching his chest. He takes the blast full on, looking to trade it for the opportunity to ram a thick, magically strengthened dagger into Ebon's forehead.

[Mizpelled Cemetaree]

Ebon may also find himself being hit by a pair of blessed fragmentation sniper rounds, aimed at his back and noiseless from the silencers and flash suppressors on the rifles that shot them. Ebon may sense the life signs of the two Wraiths come back, closer than they once were, but still . They're still shielding their minds however, and cloaked, so they will be hard to find, even if Ebon wasn't distracted.

One of the two flicks a small tab on their wrist, and elsewhere, a light dings in the corner of Commander Vasquez's helmet.

"Nnnngh!" Ebon's chest explodes from the gunshots as Tobias's dagger sinks into his skull, and for a moment, his body goes his limp.

But wounds mean nothing to such a champion of death; the light in Ebon Mirror's red eyes blazes once more to life, and his fists close on Tobias's shirt as he pulls the druid down toward his mouth, tongue and lips luridly red against the white of his skin and fanged teeth.

((Note: being bitten by Ebon Mirror will not turn you into a vampire.))

Eternal Drifter
2010-10-07, 08:10 PM
[Eternal Library]

Only a little time later a man in a scientist cloak enters the library coming from Trogs bar and head to the reception desk.

"Hello is anybody here? I need some informations for a research."

Eternal Library-Floor 1

Drifter looks at the man. "Hello... I got a message from my messenger that someone was coming. I'm Drifter, the Librarian here. What kind of information are you after?"

2010-10-07, 08:13 PM
{{Ummm... what does the bonestrider do?}}

Zamira looks at the bonestrider, and begins chanting another spell. Her essence burns in a silver bonfire, lighting up the darkness.

2010-10-07, 08:19 PM
[Outside the Semetary]

"What do you want me to do now?" Coralie asks, after the thinkagram is delivered. Which after archive binging could have been two way, but I'll just handwave that she isn't that good at it yet.

Zamira dashes over to where Reinholdt is, and crouches behind cover next to him.

{{Ummm... what does the bonestrider do?}}

Zamira looks at the bonestrider, and begins chanting another spell. Her essence burns in a silver bonfire, lighting up the darkness.

Reinholdt's fairly far from the bonestrider and out of sight, so you probably aren't really anywhere near it anymore.

"I don't know what else to do. I'm completely out of ideas. I think it's time to leave and regroup and hit hard and fast, but Tobias is doing something stupid or got caught." Reinholdt can't really see the fight so isn't sure.

"Oh hey Zamira. Shrike is somewhere not here, so you know."

[Inside Cemetary]

Mister Buttons was protected by Tobias taking the full brunt, but now Ebon is going at his druid friend again. He goes over and tries to bite a non-burning leg if possible and pull Ebon away from the Exalted.

He looks terrible now. The poison's getting to him. But he'll never quit so long as Tobias is in danger.

2010-10-07, 08:22 PM
[Hiding Place]

"So we go in and get him? If you can do it fast and take me, I can teleport us all out."

Zamira should note that Coralie is a skinny little 7 year old.

2010-10-07, 08:24 PM
Hmm. Good point. In that case, Zamira just turns to Reinholdt. "I know. She's been turned into an Abyssal."

2010-10-07, 08:25 PM

The two Wraiths adjust their aim and this time, fire at Ebon's knees, trying to immobilize him since their rounds seem unable to kill.

2010-10-07, 08:29 PM
[Hiding Place]

"So we go in and get him? If you can do it fast and take me, I can teleport us all out."

Zamira should note that Coralie is a skinny little 7 year old.

Zamira looks at Coralie. "...I can take you in fast enough."

She crouches down. "Just hop on, and hold on tight."

2010-10-07, 08:35 PM
[Hiding Place]

Coralie looks to Reinholdt. If he nods, she'll climb on.

2010-10-07, 09:02 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

"Nnnngh!" Ebon's chest explodes from the gunshots as Tobias's dagger sinks into his skull, and for a moment, his body goes his limp.

But wounds mean nothing to such a champion of death; the light in Ebon Mirror's red eyes blazes once more to life, and his fists close on Tobias's shirt as he pulls the druid down toward his mouth, tongue and lips luridly red against the white of his skin and fanged teeth.

((Note: being bitten by Ebon Mirror will not turn you into a vampire.))

Shoulda known better than to stab an Exalted in the brain. His eyes are a little unfocused and his words slurred as he struggles with the lingering effects of Ebon's last attack. Then he's grabbed and pulled, but tries to viciously headbutt Ebon in the face. Sorry, you're just not m'type... Prefer guys with a pulse...

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 09:28 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Mister Buttons was protected by Tobias taking the full brunt, but now Ebon is going at his druid friend again. He goes over and tries to bite a non-burning leg if possible and pull Ebon away from the Exalted.

He looks terrible now. The poison's getting to him. But he'll never quit so long as Tobias is in danger.


The two Wraiths adjust their aim and this time, fire at Ebon's knees, trying to immobilize him since their rounds seem unable to kill.

Shoulda known better than to stab an Exalted in the [I]brain. His eyes are a little unfocused and his words slurred as he struggles with the lingering effects of Ebon's last attack. Then he's grabbed and pulled, but tries to viciously headbutt Ebon in the face. Sorry, you're just not m'type... Prefer guys with a pulse...

Ebon Mirror disappears like a shadow fleeing sudden light, reappearing several yards to one side, leaving Tobias and Mr. Buttons in the path of the Wraiths' shots. He reaches up and pulls the druid's dagger free of his head, leaving a bloody wound that's soon concealed by the black, bleeding disc of Ebon Mirror's caste mark. "I suggest you leave now, before I decide to ignore my timetable and plunge this city into shadow before the most inauspicious time. Who knows, if you hurry, you may even be able to find and disable some of the devices before they go off." His chest wounds begin to heal visibly, the ragged, bloody holes shrinking as they watch.

2010-10-07, 09:33 PM
Because the shots are at a slightly downward angle, the two should be fairly safe unless it hits their toes. :smalltongue:

2010-10-07, 09:35 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Typical. The wraiths would shoot at the kneecaps AFTER Mister Buttons goes for the leg. :smallannoyed:
It's pretty clear he gets shot and goes down.

^ Mister Buttons is a sabretooth tiger. His toes are pretty darn low. :smallconfused:

[Outside Cemetary]

But Reinholdt is terrified of going back in! He was told to run away!
Bloody hell.
He can just hitch a... no. No. No touch. Wait... idea!
"Yes, let's go."
Reinholdt flies up to try to grab the back of Zamiria's shirt and hold on tight, while continually floating and keeping his eyes closed.

It's like being on roller skates and holding on to a moving car while blinded!
Reinholdt hates his life.

2010-10-07, 09:38 PM
Zamira will wait for Coralie...

2010-10-07, 09:39 PM

Coralie grabs hold as well, preparing the teleportation spell in her mind so that once they grab Toby (and hopefully Mister Buttons, but Coralie doesn't know about him :smallfrown:), she can complete the spell and poof them back to GLoG.

(Teleportation completion is godmoddable)

2010-10-07, 09:39 PM
Toby quickly bends down (not by much, considering the tiger's size) and crudely tries to quickly heal Mister Buttons and neutralize the poison. Oh, you arrogant little s***eater... You keep telling me that I should flee and I keep hurting you. Are you going to shut up and fight me, or do I need to beat you twice as quickly just to get you to stop talking? He is keeping one eye on Ebon, and the other looking out for the snipers.

2010-10-07, 10:01 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Mister Buttons is likely healed, but really doesn't feel like getting up right now.
He liked it better when he was just pouncing on people and sleeping on them.

[Rescue Line]

Reinholdt waits for Zamira!

2010-10-07, 10:03 PM
Zamira moves, dashing as fast as she can towards Tobias- which is about 35 kilometers per hour, incidentally.

She'll try to get a hand on his shoulder (and a hand on Mr Buttons), and pray the teleport works.

2010-10-07, 10:05 PM

Coralie attempts to poof them all back to GLoG.

2010-10-07, 10:10 PM

One of the two Wraiths curse inside their soundproof helmets, and they readjust their aim once again. This time however, one fires a different round. This one flattens as it goes through the air, forming an apple sized polymer disc that should hit Ebon with it's flat side on the small of his back. It shouldn't penetrate his flesh, but it'll hit harder than any hammer, trying to break his backbone or pinch his nerves(if he has any :smalltongue:).

The other of course, fires the same round as usual, aiming for his left shoulder, trying to make that arm useless.

The two Wraiths hope to buy the others time to get out of there.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 10:12 PM
((I'm going to wait to see if the teleport works before I post a reaction from Ebon.))

2010-10-07, 10:14 PM
Toby looks over his shoulder and sees Zamira approaching. He turns back and grins in triumphant anticipation of the ass kicking that's about to ensue. An Exalted, a Druid, and two unknown snipers: if that's not a tactical advantage, Toby doesn't know wha- :smallamused:
Wait, why is she touching hi- :smallconfused:
And he's gone! :smalleek::smallmad:

2010-10-07, 10:19 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]
"OhEveOhAstirOhNeirianOhEveOhAstirOhNeirianOhEveOhA st-."
GEEZE. Flying through the air that fast is terrifying. He didn't expect it to go so quickly.
And just like that it's over and Reinholdt's back at GLoG.

Mister Buttons is also teleported! But since Coralie wasn't ready for him, he's not teleported all the way and appears randomly in between here and GLoG. But is definitely neither here nor there.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 10:22 PM
[Misspelled Cemetary]

Ebon Mirror snarls as his prey disappears, and he whirls, backhanding the two bullets out of the air with the forcefield built into his artificial arm/power mace. Then he starts moving quickly in the direction of the bullets, flickering from cover to cover, making use of the terrain advantage being in a shadowland gives him.

2010-10-07, 11:01 PM

Ebon won't see the Wraiths, but he may feel their lifesign right before it blends in to natural background levels, letting them fade away like their namesakes.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 11:32 PM

Ebon Mirror fires a few blasts of concussive force at their last known locations.

2010-10-07, 11:37 PM

He'll hit a few grave markers, a statue, and a rather unlucky owl. :smalltongue:

Though, he may notice a small note pinned to a gravestone. It says:

Up here in space,
Looking down on you...
My lasers trace,
Everything you do...:smallwink:

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-07, 11:47 PM

Ebon crumples the note in a fist and turns on his heel to resume his meditations in the Mausoleum.

2010-10-07, 11:53 PM

A flying pink cat arrives back in town and is zipping around asking about Divinations, looking for that old Happy character. He's not being stingy with the money either. But since she's deadtimed, Reinholdt probably will too until it comes around again.

2010-10-08, 01:13 AM
Eternal Library-Floor 1

Drifter looks at the man. "Hello... I got a message from my messenger that someone was coming. I'm Drifter, the Librarian here. What kind of information are you after?"

Eternal Library-Floor 1

"Hello, my name is Andreas Emeral anticipated mechanic, nice to meet you. I am searching for any informations about air ship engines, like plans, repair instructions and so on. And is there an option to take them with me?"

Andy looks a bit around cause he has not seen anyone expect Drifter since he entered the building.

2010-10-08, 06:26 AM

A flying pink cat arrives back in town and is zipping around asking about Divinations, looking for that old Happy character. He's not being stingy with the money either. But since she's deadtimed, Reinholdt probably will too until it comes around again.

Reinholdt will find out that Divinations was burnt down, but relocated a few streets over.

When he goes in, he'll see Ghavrion sitting at the counter, smelling a bit like a cemetery - of freshly turned earth with a side order of rot. :smallyuk: But none of the corruption of the undead, which one presumes smells slightly different than regular deadness.

And after a pause while his player looks up his text color, he speaks. "Huh. You're a lot pinker than I expected."

http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0912/d04/0830/db0f761.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/33072501)

2010-10-08, 09:03 AM

"I was in a hurry." Reinholdt lands and becomes unpink.

"I'd ask about that, but that'd be wasting our time on an answer I suspect I already know." Though he didn't know Reinholdt would be pink, so he's definitely not see-all. That's ok. Still pretty good.

"So I need to find some devices. I don't know what they look like or what they do. I know they're scattered around the city by Ebon Mirror, an Exalted Abyssal, and various cohorts of his. I also know we have hours at best to find them. Can you help me?"

2010-10-08, 10:42 AM

"Maybe." He can't predict what his divinations will be before he makes them, because that would hurt my brain. "I work by sympathetic magic. I'll need to handle something of his, or something that he's touched." Like, say, a cat. :smalltongue:

2010-10-08, 10:46 AM

"Dang. I don't have anything that he tou-oh." :smallannoyed:
Reinholdt hates his life.
"He catmandled me. Twice. Even injected me with parts of him I think. Would that work?"

2010-10-08, 10:57 AM

"Yes. The price is <insert large, but not exorbitant sum here>, payable whether or not the divination succeeds." It seems Ghavrion has enough scruples not to abuse divination to find out what his potential customers are willing to pay and pricing accordingly. Which kind of surprises me. I'd expected him to really milk Rein for this.

After handling payment, he leads Reinholdt to a side room with a circle inscribed on the floor. "Step into the circle."

2010-10-08, 11:01 AM

Especially considering how urgent Reinholdt considers the matter.
Reinholdt pays up.
"This won't disintegrate me as part of the casting will it?"
Reinholdt steps into the circle and takes a seat.

2010-10-08, 11:27 AM

"That would be poor customer service. No, I cast this spell on myself. You should suffer no lasting effects." He sits down in lotus position next to the circle and begins to do...

Well, nothing really. At least not physically. But magically there's quite a lot going on - probably enough to make any cat's hackles go up. Reinholdt doesn't seem to be getting physically handled, but magic energy rises up around him like water. Ghavrion makes a connection to the impressions Ebon left on Reinholdt by grabbing him and injecting stuff in him to try to create a vision that can answer Reinholdt's question.

((*chats with Iames over IM about how this stuff works and waits for his response*))

Eternal Drifter
2010-10-08, 12:16 PM
Eternal Library-Floor 1

"Hello, my name is Andreas Emeral anticipated mechanic, nice to meet you. I am searching for any informations about air ship engines, like plans, repair instructions and so on. And is there an option to take them with me?"

Andy looks a bit around cause he has not seen anyone expect Drifter since he entered the building.

Eternal Library-Floor 1

"Hold on a moment..." Drifter says, turning on a catelouge computer. "Airships... let me see... Ah, there should be something in the non-fiction section. Try looking in the 600's, the technology section. Also, if you see any Kobolds, leave them alone; the one I've got is my helper, and I don't want to lose him. Few come here anyway..."

"When you find something you like, I'll need you to fill out a couple forms... mainly to get you a library card so you can check out those books."

The Bushranger
2010-10-08, 12:42 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

Crissy, meanwhile, blissfully unaware of any impending doom of any sort, has finished her paperwork, and, having dressed up a bit, goes to check on Dorotha.

http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1010/d08/1236/a9cd398.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/40057994)

2010-10-08, 12:45 PM
Eternal Library-Floor 1

"This will be fine. Can you give me the form so I will fill it up as soon as possible.
Which direction leads to the 600's and, I hate to ask, but is the libary allways that less visited?"

2010-10-08, 12:45 PM
[Erin's Emporium]

Dorotha has just finished working in the lab and exits it. Hi Crissy. You're all ready to go I see. I'll be right back. She heads to her room to change.

The Bushranger
2010-10-08, 12:59 PM

Crissy nods, smiling happily. "Yeah, I'm, like, totally ready to go when you are," she says, taking a seat to wait for Dorotha.

2010-10-08, 01:15 PM

And after a while, Dorotha emerges from her room.
I'm ready. Where are we going to go? I was thinking maybe Trog's Tavern.

The Bushranger
2010-10-08, 01:17 PM

"That sounds good to me...but girl, we have, like, got to go shopping for some new shoes for you!" Crissy says with a giggle as she hops up. "So, to Trog's!"

And - to Trog's!

2010-10-08, 01:27 PM

And Dorotha follows, a bit ashamed. Horatio stays behind, napping in Dorotha's room.

Eternal Drifter
2010-10-08, 01:40 PM
Eternal Library-Floor 1

"This will be fine. Can you give me the form so I will fill it up as soon as possible.
Which direction leads to the 600's and, I hate to ask, but is the libary allways that less visited?"

Eternal Library-Floor 1

Drifter pulls out a library card application form, and hands it to the man.

"The 600's is in the non-fiction section, a little to the right of the center. If you find yourself at the stairs heading upwards, you've gone too far. As for the library's visitors... visitors are very few. Last time I had visitors here, I think, they were searching for information about an artifact book. Of course, then the divination shop burnt down nearby, causing me to panic and try to save several books. THEN the arsonist managed to get those books destroyed too. Also, my, ahem, security system that went off when I moved books out without checking them out probably hasn't made me popular."

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-08, 01:44 PM

"That would be poor customer service. No, I cast this spell on myself. You should suffer no lasting effects." He sits down in lotus position next to the circle and begins to do...

Well, nothing really. At least not physically. But magically there's quite a lot going on - probably enough to make any cat's hackles go up. Reinholdt doesn't seem to be getting physically handled, but magic energy rises up around him like water. Ghavrion makes a connection to the impressions Ebon left on Reinholdt by grabbing him and injecting stuff in him to try to create a vision that can answer Reinholdt's question.

((*chats with Iames over IM about how this stuff works and waits for his response*))

As Ghavrion works his magic, a vision builds before him - a map of the city with an occult diagram of some kind drawn over it, certain intersections of lines are labeled with alien script. A flicker of images: ninja zombies, guarding half-glimpsed machines, too fast for any clues to their location to be discovered, save the last, who turns and does something to his machine... and then the abandoned warehouse near the docks is the center of a sudden rush of black wind.

The image wavers and shifts, and Ghavrion is looking down at the city as if he were flying over it at night; more ripples spread through the city from places where certain lines of the diagram intersected, and the city is plunged into darkness deeper than the blackest night.

Then the image shifts and wavers again, and now gains an auditory component: the susurrating whispers of a dozen dead titans, dreaming tortured nightmares in their unhallowed graves. Shadowy figures of gold and silver flit to and fro, wreaking death and destruction, and the whispers grow to cries of combat and pain and agony, and then anger and a vengeful hatred for all life. And behind those cries lurks an all-consuming malevolent nothingness, absent form or thought, waiting for the world to fall into its gaping maw and be destroyed utterly.

With that, the vision ends.

2010-10-08, 01:52 PM

The vision appears in the room, not just in Ghavrion's mind, so Reinholdt sees it too.

((alteration okay'd by Iames))

2010-10-08, 02:00 PM
Eternal Library-Floor 1

Drifter pulls out a library card application form, and hands it to the man.

"The 600's is in the non-fiction section, a little to the right of the center. If you find yourself at the stairs heading upwards, you've gone too far. As for the library's visitors... visitors are very few. Last time I had visitors here, I think, they were searching for information about an artifact book. Of course, then the divination shop burnt down nearby, causing me to panic and try to save several books. THEN the arsonist managed to get those books destroyed too. Also, my, ahem, security system that went off when I moved books out without checking them out probably hasn't made me popular."
Eternal Library-Floor 1

"Oh, what a waste this libary is huge. Have you open all around the day or is there a shutdown time"

Andy fills out the form emediately, it seems like he is very interested in the things the libarian said.

2010-10-08, 02:03 PM

"... Well crap."

It was the void. Different, yet the same. Reinholdt had seen it before. Lived in it. Feeded it. Escaped it. And now it was back again.

"Did I mention how much I hate my life? Or Anshu? Or Ebon Mirror? Or Anshu? OR THIS DAMNABLE CYCLE?!" Reinholdt starts cracking under the stress, ranting to someone he barely knows. "I couldn't just have been a farmer somewhere, nooooo. Can't have that. Black emptiness of despair and doom and suffering has to be around the corner EVERY ******* ******* **** WHERE!"

Reinholdt takes several deep breaths. Unfortunately there wasn't a proper time table. "What will you do?" He asks Ghavrion.

2010-10-08, 02:17 PM

"I was thinking about hiding, and maybe crying for a bit if it starts to look bad. Y'know. The standard." Ghavrion says. "If it makes you feel any better, just last week I had a vision of sixty year old me at Trog's, falling and breaking a hip when I turned to run from some random monster that jumped out of a portal."

2010-10-08, 02:19 PM

"Heh." Reinholdt smiles a little. "It does."

He sighs. "I know it's not in your usual line of work, but I'd be willing to pay you for a personal favor."

2010-10-08, 02:22 PM

"What is it?" He asks.

2010-10-08, 02:33 PM

Reinholdt pulls out a piece of paper and scribbles something down.
"Go to this apartment. Inside should be a women who goes by the name of Care. She's a clone and unhappy about it and unstable, so if things are wacky when you get there, that's why. But I don't think she'd hurt anyone. Could you go and get her out of the city for me? Take her to GLoG where she'll be safe?"

2010-10-08, 02:35 PM
[Care's Apartment]

THAT CAT stops what its doing suddenly (which was nudging a toaster off a counter). The little black kitteh gives an outrageous Grinch smile for some reason.


2010-10-08, 02:36 PM

"Er, okay," Ghavrion says, suppressing his inner 15 year old who wants to ask if she's hot before agreeing.

2010-10-08, 02:46 PM

"Thanks." Reinholdt hands the complete stranger the address before going to fly out and heading in the direction of the docks while contacting people on phones and hopefully through QuinnQuest.

2010-10-08, 02:53 PM
[Care's Apartment]

After a time skip, there's a knock on Care's door. *knock knock knock*

2010-10-08, 03:01 PM
[Care's Apartment]

THAT CAT opens the door.

Wait, no. It doesn't. Because its a cat. The little kitteh pads over to the wooden thing and gazes at it in wonder. It made random noises now? How delightful! The kitteh mewls and looks over at Care, wondering if she's un-coma-ed by now.

Eternal Drifter
2010-10-08, 03:32 PM
Eternal Library-Floor 1

"Oh, what a waste this libary is huge. Have you open all around the day or is there a shutdown time"

Andy fills out the form emediately, it seems like he is very interested in the things the libarian said.

Eternal Library-Floor 1

Drifter takes the form back, after it's been filled out, and starts inputing information onto his desk computer.

"I should be able to get a library card for you in a couple minutes," he says. "Now, why don't you head over to the 600's to see if you can find what you're looking for. As for a shutdown time... we're open at all hours of the day, we just don't CHECK OUT at all hours. So, if you are going to check out a book, do it before I head upstairs, please, or your ears will regret it."

2010-10-08, 03:34 PM
[Just Arriving]

Coming from GLoG... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9509285#post9509285) A 4' 6" tall catgirl will arrive at the Inside, along with a handsome catboy in shorts and a beautiful woman in a purple dress.

And that is not a setup for a joke. :smallannoyed:

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 03:36 PM
"Ooh, where's this?" said Emily, her wet dress being slightly... see through. :smalleek:

2010-10-08, 03:41 PM

"This is Inside ma'ams. It's the city around here ma'ams." There isn't another one to Butler's awareness.

2010-10-08, 03:52 PM
"Ooh, where's this?" said Emily, her wet dress being slightly... see through. :smalleek:

"...Maybe we should get you another dress too, Em?" Kris stifles a giggle at her friend's predicament.

"So Sir Butler, can you lead us to the nearest clothing store?"

2010-10-08, 04:02 PM
"Of course ma'ams. This way ma'ams."
Butler leads the two to the only place to go in a clothing crisis!

"Here we are ma'ams." :smallsmile:

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 04:05 PM
"I can fix this any time I like." she giggled. "And I have enough cl-oooh, that looks nice!"

2010-10-08, 04:13 PM
Eternal Library-Floor 1

Drifter takes the form back, after it's been filled out, and starts inputing information onto his desk computer.

"I should be able to get a library card for you in a couple minutes," he says. "Now, why don't you head over to the 600's to see if you can find what you're looking for. As for a shutdown time... we're open at all hours of the day, we just don't CHECK OUT at all hours. So, if you are going to check out a book, do it before I head upstairs, please, or your ears will regret it."

"Okay, then see ya later."

Andy goes to the 600's and searches for a dozen of books if he finds enougth.

2010-10-08, 04:14 PM
"Of course ma'ams. This way ma'ams."
Butler leads the two to the only place to go in a clothing crisis!

"Here we are ma'ams." :smallsmile:

"I can fix this any time I like." she giggled. "And I have enough cl-oooh, that looks nice!"

"...This is going to be a lot longer than buying a bathing suit, isn't it?" Kris sighs...but grins anyway. "Heh...alright, Sir Butler, can you help me pick something out that will look good?"

2010-10-08, 04:18 PM
"...This is going to be a lot longer than buying a bathing suit, isn't it?" Kris sighs...but grins anyway. "Heh...alright, Sir Butler, can you help me pick something out that will look good?"

"Certainly ma'am. I think they have changing rooms for that ma'am."

Of course, this is MagMart. Where everything has an M on it somewhere and the door-greeter lives a life of eternal misery.
Butler heads to the clothing section!

2010-10-08, 04:26 PM
Kris certainly follows him...and is a little bit lost and confused.

"Uh...you know I didn't really bother to ask but...what exactly does a swim suit look like?"

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 04:28 PM
Emily had pounced on a very, very, very fancy, flooffy dress, the kind of thing you'd use for the most expensive of parties.
"It's pretteh..."

2010-10-08, 04:30 PM

Kris certainly follows him...and is a little bit lost and confused.

"Uh...you know I didn't really bother to ask but...what exactly does a swim suit look like?"
"Like those ma'am." Butler points at at the swimsuits and swimtrunks and bikinis and speedos and one-pieces, etc.

Emily had pounced on a very, very, very fancy, flooffy dress, the kind of thing you'd use for the most expensive of parties.
"It's pretteh..."

"It would look good on you ma'am." :smallsmile:

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 04:34 PM
"Thanks." she smiled, drawing a small sack from inside her dressm drawing gold out of it.
"I must have it." she said, making a :3 facial expression.

2010-10-08, 04:39 PM

"Like those ma'am." Butler points at at the swimsuits and swimtrunks and bikinis and speedos and one-pieces, etc.

"...That's it? Huh...I would've thought it'd be less...well, less like underwear, really."

Kris goes to grab one...and finds it is many, many sizes too large for her.

"...They um...they make these for shorter people, right?"

2010-10-08, 04:43 PM
"Thanks." she smiled, drawing a small sack from inside her dressm drawing gold out of it.
"I must have it." she said, making a :3 facial expression.
"We'll make sure to get it then ma'am."

"...That's it? Huh...I would've thought it'd be less...well, less like underwear, really."

Kris goes to grab one...and finds it is many, many sizes too large for her.

"...They um...they make these for shorter people, right?"

"Of course ma'am." Butler goes to show her how to read sizes and how to determine one's size.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 04:47 PM
"I'm gonna!" she said excitedly. "...where do I buy things?"

Lord Magtok
2010-10-08, 04:51 PM

"Ooh, where's this?" said Emily, her wet dress being slightly... see through. :smalleek:

A very stern and unpleasant-looking robot approaches Emily. In spite of the serious business look on its face, it looks quite silly, given that it has a flagpole mounted to the top of its head, with all of today's sales strung up along that aforementioned pole.

Ma'am, I'm afraid that your present attire is inadequate and I must ask you to leave via our complimentary unruly shopper catapult before any other shoppers see you parading about in your current state.

That, or wear this.

It's...a black censor bar. Weird. Well, it's better than being flung across the city, right?

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 04:59 PM
She stared at it coolly, and a slight burst of magic dried her completely.
"Better?" she asked. "...and wouldn't I have needed two bars?"

2010-10-08, 05:00 PM
"We'll make sure to get it then ma'am."

"Of course ma'am." Butler goes to show her how to read sizes and how to determine one's size.

With Butler's guidance, Kris picks out a swimsuit that should fit her perfectly.

"Alright, I guess I'll get this one...Ah!"

And sees...the store clerk?

"Er...Em, I think you should dry your clothes off, maybe."

"I'd like to buy this, mister um..."

Lord Magtok
2010-10-08, 05:14 PM

Not necessarily.

The Magbot with the sales on his head stretches out the black censor bar to about Emily's height, and then snaps it in half, before tucking it away into a nearby aisle made up almost entirely of various censor materials, with everything from blurring effects, L-shaped bedsheets, and an enormous number of black curtains on display.

It then nods to Kris. Or well, it tries to, and bumps its flagpole against a light fixture, causing it to wobble about shakily, and struggle to keep its head from falling to one side and knocking it to the ground.

Yes, there's a regist-Gah!

Registers are by the front, near the exit! Just past the radioactive pet spiders, you can't miss iiiiiiit!

The thing tumbles to the ground, and grumbles unhappily. Gods, whose dumb idea was it to put a flagpole on top of the robot's head?

2010-10-08, 05:52 PM
Magtok's I presume.

Butler will follow people to the register and carry bags if need be.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 06:00 PM
"Radioactive pet spiders?" said Emily, offering the robot a hand to lift it up. "I wonder if Vladimir would be jealous..."

Eternal Drifter
2010-10-08, 06:09 PM
"Okay, then see ya later."

Andy goes to the 600's and searches for a dozen of books if he finds enougth.

Eternal Library-Floor 1

Drifter adds Andy's data to the system...

...and Andy should find a few books of what he needs. What's in them, is up to him.

2010-10-08, 06:18 PM

Not one to leave someone helpless, Kris also offers the bot a hand up.

"Thank you. I do hope you're alright...what did you say your name was again?"

2010-10-08, 09:25 PM
[Docks near the Abandoned Warehouse]

Reinholdt starts sneaking up on the location shown in the vision, using his kitty powers and taking advantage of any rooftops.

2010-10-08, 09:26 PM

Throughout the city, sirens blare over the urban noise, and klaxons flash. A broadcast is sent out, overriding radio and television channels, as well as being sent from large speakers at Imperial bases and ISF precincts.

The voice of ISF General Vettel delivers the broadcast.

"Attention, citizens of Inside. We have been alerted to an imminent assault upon our city. Evacuate immediately. The Imperial Navy and Air Force stand ready. Report to the docks and ISF precincts for evacuation. Those near the city gates, remain where you are. Help will arrive shortly."

Soon, the unfortunately small Imperial Navy receives numerous panicking evacuees at the docks. The mostly-small defensive force can't support nearly as many evacuees as it needs to.

ISF landspeeders and transports quickly swarm the area nearest the city gates, evacuating as many civilians from that area as they can. Panicking civilians fleeing through the gates slow this, however.

Throughout the city, ISF precincts are used as evac zones by helicopters and ISF transports. Crowding impairs this too, however.

The roar of jet engines can be heard in the distance, growing louder as fighters from the carrier Sanctuary approach.

At ISF HQ and IA HQ, ISF troopers and Imperial Army soldiers stand ready, the bases' shield generators now active.

The Govt Complex's own shield generators activate, the 'civil' complex's defensive turrets ready.

2010-10-08, 09:30 PM
[Care's Apartment]

Eek! THAT CAT yowls in distress at the sirens, forgetting the man at the door for a moment. It jumps over to Care, who is deadtimed and in a coma. The kitteh tries to cutely headbutt her awake while mewling.

2010-10-08, 09:34 PM
[Care's Apartment]

Ghavrion curses, and tries to break in using brute force by casting a spell on any wood in the door and/or door frame to rapidly age it to rot. Unless there's no wood. Then he'd have to come up with a different spell.

Attempting to break into a mad scientist's apartment is probably a very very bad idea. :smalleek:

2010-10-08, 09:47 PM
[Mispelled Cemetary]

A jet flies overhead, and drop pods crash into the earth amongst the gravestones, 9 of them in a circle. The fronts of them open up, showing armed and armored Mortal Coil members. They aren't cloaked, as this isn't the time for subtlety.

This was a time to die.

The members of the team know this, and embrace it. Only wishing to buy time for civilians.

The two Wraiths decloak themselves in the middle of the circle and line up with the others, ready for a fight.


Five cloaked figures on glide wings land softly near Reinholdt. He may sense them, but they aren't hostile and are moving in the same direction that he is.

2010-10-08, 09:52 PM

"... I need to work on not getting spotted I see."
Reinholdt hears them with kitty ears, though probably couldn't say exactly where they were, and takes this as a signal to change forms, back to flaming hawt human. If only for the weaponry. Reinholdt summons a pair of pistols for himself before slinking forward again and trying to get a good view of the abandoned warehouse.

2010-10-08, 09:56 PM
[MagTok's Shop]

"Evacuate?!" At our moment of triumph? No wait..."Butler, Em, we'd better go."

And I'll attach Kris who whomever wants to help her escape Inside, because I'll be Deadtimed for most of this weekend. D:

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-08, 10:17 PM

Ebon Mirror sits in meditation as the Mortal Coil soldiers crash into the cemetary. He notes their arrival through the eyes of one of the undead workers, and spurs the bonestriders into motion, greeting the Mortal Coil troopers with a barrage of concussive essence cannon fire (bolts of pure force energy).

[Abandoned Warehouse]

In the dark interior of the abandoned building, a lone ninja zombie lurks, guarding the device with which he has been charged.

2010-10-08, 10:28 PM
Hyozo had been on his way toward Trog's when he heard the announcement. "This should be amusing. I wonder what'll happen" Hyozo casts a quick invisibility spell and flies off, looking for trouble.

2010-10-08, 10:38 PM

"But we aren't digging anything up ma'am." :smallconfused:
Why should they go?
Hopefully Emily will be a voice of reason since Kris deadtimed.


Reinholdt hmms quietly to himself at the lack of outside guards before sneaking up to the outside of the building and floating up to a higher window, avoiding openings before carefully peering inside. There are higher windows to peer through right? There are some windows at all?

Cause Reinholdt wants to show once and for all that Sniper beats Ninja. He intends to use a higher level and take out his sniper rifle to carefully pick off the ninja from as far and from as out of sight as possible, floating even. That's the goal anyways. Gotta see if there are upper story windows first!

2010-10-08, 10:39 PM

On hearing the announcements, Charity hurries out of Trog's to one of the places where evacuees are bottlenecked, where there are government officials nearby. She doesn't try to talk to them yet, just starts sketching. But in a few moments a giant portal appears leading to GLoG. Then she tries to get the attention of a guard, though they'll probably notice on their own. :smalltongue:

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-08, 10:41 PM

Alas, there are no upper-story windows.

2010-10-08, 10:45 PM

Reinholdt will just have to go to a side window on the first floor then and take careful aim from there, hopefully next to some equally abandoned boxes that'll make it harder to see it coming. He takes his rifle and...
See you later space cowboy?

2010-10-08, 10:46 PM

On hearing the announcements, Charity hurries out of Trog's to one of the places where evacuees are bottlenecked, where there are government officials nearby. She doesn't try to talk to them yet, just starts sketching. But in a few moments a giant portal appears leading to GLoG. Then she tries to get the attention of a guard, though they'll probably notice on their own. :smalltongue:

One of the nearby ISF troopers spots her rather quickly. "Dunno who you're supposed to be, but you hurry up! Hope that portal's safe..."

Lord Iames Osari
2010-10-08, 10:50 PM

Reinholdt will just have to go to a side window on the first floor then and take careful aim from there, hopefully next to some equally abandoned boxes that'll make it harder to see it coming. He takes his rifle and...
See you later space cowboy?

He's aiming at a lone ninja inside a dark warehouse?

The zombie ninja dodges at the last moment and returns fire, hurling a trio of poisoned shurikens at Reinholdt.

The poison is non-lethal, at least not directly. Rather, it slows down one's reaction time.

2010-10-08, 10:51 PM
"As safe as I can make it," Charity says. She tears the sheet out of her sketchpad and hands it to the trooper. "When you need it to close, destroy this page." Because obviously you don't want to leave a massive portal open once doooom starts dooming around. "I can probably make three or four more this size before I run out of juice. Where do you want them? Nearby, or elsewhere in the city?"

She's acting on the assumption that ISF has the capability to get her to another part of the city quickly, despite the mass panic.

2010-10-08, 10:57 PM

The team of Mortal Coil enters as well, and two of the pop off bright flares, trying to abolish any darkness. They don't really need the light, but every little bit helps. One of the other two opens up their riot shield and swings it to deflect the poisoned blades. The other fires at the ninja with a load of blessed buckshot.

Hopefully the spread will help negate the ninja's advantage.


The team scatters when they spot the Warstriders, their cloaks helping blur their movements as they use their smaller size to their advantage. Headstones and grave markers will find themselves the targets of the blasts instead.

But, this time, Mortal Coil came prepared to dish out damage. A shout rings out. "EASE!!"

The rest of the team open their mouths a bit inside their helmets as one of their member fires off a powerful shoulder mounted rocket at one of the Warstriders.

Among the soldiers though, one seems to glow with a pale inner light. Taul smirks as he feels the souls of the dead, drawing power from them. He reaches out with his Goddess' powers, trying to latch onto the dead flesh of another strider, and tear it asunder, using his control of the undead to do so. "Keep going! I can handle these abominations!"

2010-10-08, 11:02 PM
He's aiming at a lone ninja inside a dark warehouse?

The zombie ninja dodges at the last moment and returns fire, hurling a trio of poisoned shurikens at Reinholdt.

The poison is non-lethal, at least not directly. Rather, it slows down one's reaction time.

Sure. It's what he does.

Reinholdt ducks down beneath the window only to find some Mortal Coil person set up a shield for him anyways. Well he never actually finds that out, being below the sight line, but I'm sure it was appreciated anyways.

Reinholdt pops back up and fires a couple of pistol shots at the ninja if he gets too close to one of the troopers, providing cover fire to keep the ninja at distance where Reinholdt figures it'll be less effective.

2010-10-08, 11:09 PM
Noticing the conflict between the Mortal Coil and the bonestriders, Hyozo will fly toward the Mispelled Cemetary and observe the fight invisibly.

Ashen Lilies
2010-10-08, 11:13 PM
[Care's Apartment]

Ghavrion curses, and tries to break in using brute force by casting a spell on any wood in the door and/or door frame to rapidly age it to rot. Unless there's no wood. Then he'd have to come up with a different spell.

Attempting to break into a mad scientist's apartment is probably a very very bad idea. :smalleek:

The door smashes in, just as Care suddenly wakes up from her stupor, bolting upright.
"What's going on? Is the city under attack?" She asks Ghavrion, not particularly concerned that he's a complete stranger that's just happened to break into her apartment.

2010-10-08, 11:14 PM
[Care's Apartment]

"Yup. Friend of yours named Reinholdt asked me to get you out of the city." says the rather creepy looking guy who smells like a cemetary, as he starts sprinkling dirt in the floor.

Ashen Lilies
2010-10-08, 11:17 PM
[Care's Apartment]

"Who?" :smallconfused:
Care doesn't know anybody named Reinholdt!
"Nevermind. What are you doing? Shouldn't we leave?"
As opposed to sprinkling dirt all over Care's new apartment? Not that it matters.

2010-10-08, 11:19 PM

The ISF trooper takes the sheet, nodding. "There's really bad crowding around the gates and the Red Zone slums thanks to the chokepoint at the gates and the lack of an ISF presence in the RZ."

He waves for a speeder, which promptly stops nearby. He runs over to it and quickly climbs in. "Come on!"

The driver of said speeder, meanwhile, yells out to the crowd with a megaphone. "Through the portal! Move!"

The crowd is all too happy to oblige the driver's command.

Afterwards, assuming Charity gets in, the speeder will accelerate to the gate area. There's extremely bad crowding here as civilians desperately try to escape through the gates, blocking the ISF speeders' attempts to get others out. "Better hurry."


The Mortal Coil team might hear something over the comm.

"Air support is available if you need it."

2010-10-08, 11:19 PM
[Care's Apartment]

"Streets are jammed. We won't get out that way." He keeps sprinkling until he makes a circle and steps inside, holding out his hand to her to do the same. She might want to grab anything valuable first.


Afterwards, assuming Charity gets in, the speeder will accelerate to the gate area. There's extremely bad crowding here as civilians desperately try to escape through the gates, blocking the ISF speeders' attempts to get others out. "Better hurry."

Charity makes another large portal here, hands off the sheet with instructions, and then is led on to the next spot and the next, making 5 large portals in total before she's run out of mana.

Ashen Lilies
2010-10-08, 11:25 PM
[Care's Apartment]

Care takes his hand and steps in lightly.
"Is this magic? I always liked magic." :smallsmile: