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beyond reality
2010-10-03, 11:24 PM
hours before dawn the night's stillness is split by the cries of beasts. The high-pitched howls and warbles of wolves and claw-footed plain-runners as well as the deeper resonant bellows of the huge thunder lizards, powerful enough to carry for miles and miles. The beasts howl to the night sky as a burning star blazes its way across the moonless darkness. It's not the first time man has seen a star fall, they are rare and powerful omens but this one is closer and brighter than any that any tribe has seen or heard of. It is not merely burning across the night sky before winking out, it is falling, deep into the heart of the Great Rift Valley.

Each of you are near enough to see the star, and you hear the thunder as it lands, feel the earth tremble beneath your feet. As the noise fades you feel an urge to find it. Perhaps the compulsion is pure curiosity, the same urge that made your ancestors gather around burning, lightning struck trees to capture fire or listen to the winds and stones so they might know their secret names and call on their power. Or perhaps it is something more, the compulsion is practically irresistible. Those of you who wander alone force yourselves to brave the deadly prehistoric night by yourselves, those of you who travel with a tribe leave your comrades behind, ignoring their pleas to stay or the fear in their eyes.

Wandering all night you find the impact site by dawn, and each other. Although each of you are strangers, you sense that you were each drawn by the same compulsion and it stays your hands and calms any fears you would otherwise have in the presence of an unknown tribesman. human, hairy-man, or otherwise all of you are drawn to the crater that has blasted open the surface of the valley. It's huge, spanning nearly 300 feet of blasted earth and nearly 40 feet deeper in the center of the crater. The blast site is strewn with debris, rocks and dust as well as the charred bones of some very unlucky animal.

The object in the center of the crater is what calls to you, it is a large stone, perfectly smooth and egg shaped, and a dull greenish gray in color. The outer surface is covered with odd lines, dark markings of strange angles that cover the visible portion of the stone. The stone itself is larger than one of the huge three-horned fin-heads that roam the plains and it rests in the dead center of the crater although it seems hard to tell if it indeed fell from the sky, or if it might be something long buried, revealed by the blast.

one of you, Urak, a now-tribeless wanderer approaches the stone, something inside him responding to it in a strange way, his blood pounding, forcing him to reach out his hand and touch it. When he does there is a flash of violet light and Urak is flung back as it surges through him, leaving him unharmed...but changed.

Basically awakening the Aberration bloodline in you. You can discover your new powers by accident as the game goes on, or realization of what you can do may simply come to you in a flash of insight. I leave that up to you.

The stone still glows with a dull purple radiance and everyone present feels it somehow touching their minds. At first there is only the sense of a strange presence brushing against your thoughts. The strange lines on the surface shift and warp, they first reshape themselves into other angles and forms, then into smoother curved lines but their meaning (if they have any at all) eludes you. The lines change again, becoming thicker and cruder taking forms you have seen before, like the charcoal drawings on the walls of caves or trees that some tribes make. Finally there is a sense of...satisfaction from the strange presence in your mind and the connection seems to become clearer. Suddenly you feel the connection more deeply and strongly than before and it begins to speak with each of you. Badru and Makaras hear it as the voice of the wind and the grass that speaks with them, telling the secrets of the wild. Bree hears the voice of the Mother who calms his fury while Mal’Shires hears the distant roar of the thunder lizards. Svissic hears the distant, ever-changing voice of her patron who speaks with her through her familiar on the rarest of occasions. To Urak it is still bizarre and alien, but there is some new, terrible kinship that he does not understand.

The voice speaks in your head without words, images and desires that you don't have names for flick through your head. The stone wants, the stone needs, the stone demands but it struggles to find ideas that mean anything to you. The only constant is the image of a strange crystal that appears in your mind, a glowing violet rock the same hue as the glow around the stone.

While the voice in your head struggles to reach you, it suddenly changes. The feelings behind the voice are to complex to sum up with anything you comprehend...fear, worry or anger. But it does seem more anxious. It has sensed others coming. Other beings that will arrive in a matter of moments. These creatures are drawn like you but their minds are too brutish and violent, they would seek to destroy that which they cannot comprehend. The stone is threatened. The stone must be defended

To be clear, although these sensations arrive as strong impulses in your mind, you are not being compelled, there's no need to make saving throws and you have full free will to obey or disobey the desires of the stone.

making some perception rolls...Bree, Badru, Svissic, and Makaras all hear the sounds of something large moving through the plains, possibly a couple of hundred feet away still.

2010-10-04, 12:23 AM
Makaras glances warily at the others gathered around the stone. But always his gaze returns to the stone, superstitious fear and curiosity warring across his face. With the warning from it, the ranger scans the surroundings as he pulls his bow off his shoulder. Hearing the sounds of crashing and stomping coming from across the plains, he puts an arrow to the string and waits.

2010-10-04, 02:07 AM
Svissic makes sure that his mask is fixed, just in case his heritage is discovered by these strangers. He clutches his cauldron full of supplies close as he glances to the others, trying to gauge their intentions, but his eyes keep getting drawn back to the one who touched the stone. Hearing the sounds of approaching creatures he casts his eye about for any rocks usable in his sling as he ducks down into the crater for cover. Picking up the nearest rock he slips it into the sleeve of his rough wool robes and performs one of the first rituals taught to him by Many-Legs, drawing light from the stone.

Casting light on a stone and keeping it in my robes for now, continuing to look for suitable sling rocks.
Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

Hopefully I'm not trying to do too much.

2010-10-04, 03:49 PM
Durkesh stares quite confused. He didnt really understand what had happened but was very curoius. So he contiuned to walk to the crater not caring if there was anyone.

2010-10-04, 10:27 PM
Bree Yark

The muscles upon the sinewy form of the orc female tense as she seems to sniff at the wind. She looks in the direction of the ruckus and points. She then incants and makes the sign of protection then hefts her greatclub, ready for action.

She half barks out, "We need to move, NOW! To the crystal."

ooc: cast shield

2010-10-04, 10:51 PM
After being flung back by a surge of power Urak stood up. He looked back at the giant stone that he had touched, the purple glow that the stone emitted confounded him. The only thing he knew was that the stone was calling him and he needed to defend it. Seeing others around him he wondered if he should should be protecting the stone from them, as he draws his longspear ready to defend.

What are you doing here? he asks as he walks up to them.

2010-10-04, 11:04 PM
Glancing at the hairy one and the one who touched the stone, Makaras shook his head before focusing his attention towards where it seems the 'others' would arrive from, arrow on the string but waiting to draw until he can see them.

beyond reality
2010-10-05, 02:28 AM
The sun is slowly cresting the ridge of the great cliffs in the distance behind you, and it's early light illuminates the source of the noise, in fact it's hard to miss. A handful of tall lanky creatures, dressed in untanned furs lope across the plains, these are the deadly Beast-men, tall yellow-skinned men with the heads of hyenas and hearts full of cruelty. The Beast-men are known to all who hunt and travel the plains as vicious cowards, rushing in after a hunt to steal the kill or sneaking into camps to snatch children away. However, the crowd of beastmen are scampering alongside a much greater threat: a hill ogre. The ogre looks much like a hairy-man built on a massive scale and with cruder, pudgier features. The ogre growls at his minions, swinging a giant club of wood and bone at them threateningly. It seems oblivious to the group of you on the edge of the crater but one of the beast-men minions catches sight of you, howling out a warning.

2010-10-05, 03:55 AM
Makaras grits his teeth in anger as he spots the monsters approaching. Taking aim, he lets loose two arrows in quick succession at the nearest of the monsters.

Attack [roll0]

2010-10-05, 03:11 PM
Mal'Shires gazed at the stone for a long time. He could feel the power emenating from the thing which had fallen from the heavens. Upon it swirled carvings of the old stories, of the Terrible Lizard, and how it was pushed aside by the Hunter. The calls of the great thunderers of the plains still ringing in his ears, he turned to face the oncoming enemy. They wished to destroy the stone, that much was certain. But they had made a crucial miscalculation: The stone had called to Mal'Shires, servant of the Terrible Lizard. And he would break them over his knees. Turning to the girl who spoke, giving orders, Mal'Shires sneered. I do not take orders. Least of all from one such as you. You may retreat. But I shall meet they who would destroy the stone the Great Serpent has sent head on! With one hand, Mal'Shires makes his own sign of blessing and calls for the Terrible One's Divine Favor to fall upon him. Holding up his glove and buckler, Mal'Shires begins moving towards the fools who would challenge the will of the Terrible Lizard. They would fall.

Cast Divine Favor, and moving full speed toward the approaching enemy.

2010-10-05, 03:47 PM
Durkesh seeing the enemies takes out his greatblub and charges towards them

2010-10-06, 12:14 AM
Bree Yark

Not surprised by the foolish nature of males, Bree lets the 'men-folk's' actions and comments wash over her with the lack of wisdom behind them.

She pulls a javelin from her hide quiver and will send it at the closest threat approaching.


Stat Block

[roll2] <- disregard

Female Neutral Good Hairy(wo)man barbarian1/cleric2 of the Mother
Init +3, HP 26/26, Speed 40 (30 w/armor)
AC 23, Touch 13, Flat-footed 20,
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus+2
Greatclub +2 +9 (1d10+9, X2)
Spiked gauntlet +7 (1d4+5, x2)
Heavy stone mace +7 (1d8+5, x2)
Stone dagger +7 (1d4+5, 19-20 x2)
Javelins (5) +5 (1d6+5, X2)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 8
Condition shield (2 minutes)

beyond reality
2010-10-06, 10:52 AM

Charging across the scorched grasslands around the crater, Durkesh's battle cry is met by the ogre's ferocious howl.

Seeing the hairy man charging out to meet him the ogre bounds forward. The beast-men, caught off guard by their leader's ferocity, are left behind. When he gets close enough the ogre swings a huge club, studded with horns and dino fangs.

Ogre's charging (his 60 foot charge, and durkesh's 40 foot double move just cover the distance).

If it hits damage is [roll1]

Keeping the light-stone covered in one hand the other shapes the air into the patterns for armor and the goblin-witch speaks the words to harden it around her, forming a defense just as strong as buffalo hide, but as light and invisible as the wind.

The charging hill ogre represents a target too tempting to pass up. The first arrow buries itself ineffectively in part of the ogre's hide tunic. The second though strikes true and buries itself in the ogre's shoulder, although the beast seems to far gone into battle-rage to notice the wound.

Calling on the power of the Lizard you feel his favor twine around your limbs like the scales of one of the great thunder lizards.

Current situation

The ogre is currently about 50 feet away from the group, it's gnoll minions are about 60 feet further out. Durkesh is engaged with the ogre (although note he's still 10 feet away since the ogre has reach. Mal’Shires has moved closer as well, about 20 feet, putting him right in the middle between Durkesh and the rest of you.

2010-10-06, 08:07 PM

Bree will move forward, club in one hand, and draw forth a javelin toss it into a gnoll. Then be ready with club

ooc: Move 30' and toss javelin. Attack roll and damage roll were above (20 attack, 10 damage.)

Stat Block

Female Neutral Good Hairy(wo)man barbarian1/cleric2 of the Mother
Init +3, HP 26/26, Speed 40 (30 w/armor)
AC 23, Touch 13, Flat-footed 20,
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus+2
Greatclub +2 +9 (1d10+9, X2)
Spiked gauntlet +7 (1d4+5, x2)
Heavy stone mace +7 (1d8+5, x2)
Stone dagger +7 (1d4+5, 19-20 x2)
Javelins (5) +5 (1d6+5, X2)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 8
Condition shield (2 minutes)

2010-10-06, 09:18 PM
Urak walks up behind Bree and casts Mage Armor on himself for defense hoping to be able to hold his ground in case the ogre some how got to him.

2010-10-06, 11:17 PM
Makaras takes aim at the ogre once more and fire two more arrows at the beast.

Attack [roll0]

2010-10-06, 11:52 PM
Svissic, his warding activated, springs up from his hiding place, scurries a little to the side and looses his glowing rock at the ogre.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

beyond reality
2010-10-08, 02:39 AM

Flung with all her might, the javelin soars over the heads of Durkesh and the ogre, burying itself solidly in the thigh of one of the beast-men. The creature yips in agony, whimpering loudly as it yanks the shaft free.


The beastman Bree injured limps away as quickly as possible, nearly dead from the hairy-woman's mighty throw. His companions howl mockingly after him as they move forward and respond with a volley of their own spears. The beast-men prefer hunting human prey and they tip their spears with the bones of their victims, carved into cruel barbs.

Gnolls move 30 feet forward themselves. putting them 30 feet from Durkesh, 40 feet from Bree, and 70 feet from the rest. They're going to throw their spears, 2 at Bree, 2 at Makaras. The ones targeting Bree take a -2 penalty for range, and -6 against makaras.

1d20+1=4, 1d20+1=10, 1d20+1=15, 1d20+1=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2716752/)

And looks like all misses, even that last lucky roll wasn't enough.

Fortunately their spears all fall well short of their targets.

The Situation

Durkesh, then the ogre will be next.

We've got the ogre and Durkesh still in the same position, with Bree moved up about 10 feet behind Durkesh and the Gnolls coming forward 30 feet, excepting one who's running scared (assuming no one's feeling merciless I'll leave him out of the rest of the combat).

2010-10-08, 07:36 AM
Durkesh moves 5f in front of him and call a primal rage then he attack with all his might
Swift Foot is my rage power,+5
10 rounds of rage
9 after this round

beyond reality
2010-10-10, 07:17 AM

Although Durkesh's swing is powerful, it is clumsy and the ogre easily deflects the blow with his own club, then raising his own weapon high to smash the hairy man into the ground.


The hill ogre's club smashes into Durkesh, powerful enough that he can feel the pain even through his battle-rage. The hairy-man manages to avoid enough of the blow that he's merely battered rather than lying broken on the ground.

attack roll:
1d20+7=22 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2719139/) that's a hit and damage is 2d8+7=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2719141/)


Your stone flies with exceptional accuracy and force, enough to raise a small, bleeding bruise as it strikes off the ogre's forearm. The monster flinches, but more out of confusion at he brightly glowing stone that lands at his feet than out of any real pain.


One arrow goes wide, but the other pierces the ogre's hide, drawing blood. The monster calls out to it's beast-men hangers-on, no doubt demanding some kind of aid as the group proves to be more dangerous than expected.

The situation

Mal’Shires is next, he's currently 10 feet from the ogre, with his divine favor going. Followed by Urik, who I just realized I accidentally omitted from the initiative list as well. he got a 10. Mage armor was cast last turn, so you can go ahead and declare this round's actions.

2010-10-10, 02:47 PM
Mal'Shires rushes the ogre, and proceedes to stab it with his claws. "The stone is not yours, beast man. Flee now, while you still have the chance."


2010-10-10, 09:23 PM

With a holler that increases in intesity, Bree doubles in size to that of the ogre and rushes forward. She grips her massive club which is now the size of a small tree until her knuckles turn white as she charges forward. The whistle from the powerful swing can be heard from many feet away as she gets to within her ten feet reach of the ogre.


Swift enlarge person, charge, power attack ogre 10' away to not draw AoO


edit: Wow, minimum damage :smallfrown:


Female Neutral Good Hairy(wo)man barbarian1/cleric2 of the Mother
Init +3, HP 26/26, Speed 40 (30 w/armor)
AC 19, Touch 9, Flat-footed 17
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus+2
Greatclub +2 +9 (2d8+11, X2)
Spiked gauntlet +7 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy stone mace +7 (2d6+7, x2)
Stone dagger +7 (1d6+6, 19-20 x2)
Javelins (5) +3 (1d6+6, X2)
Abilities Str 23, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 8
Condition shield (1 minute, 54 seconds); enlarge person (2 minutes)

beyond reality
2010-10-11, 04:20 PM

Rushing the ogre with all the courage of a tyrant lizard, Mal'shires draws a vicious swing as he moves in close. The blow staggers him and causes his strikes to be clumsy, merely raking against the ogre's hide armor. The ogre's blow is powerful and Mal'shires feels his ribs cracking.

attack: 1d20+7=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2720855/)
damage: 2d8+7=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2720861/)

The situation

Urik's turn.

Bree, Urik, Makaras, and Svissic are all still at the lip of the crater. The ogre is about 40 feet away (meaning it's 40 feet to get to an adjacent square), with Urik somewhat behind the others. Both Malshires and Durkesh are adjacent to the ogre.

About 30 feet past the ogre 4 gnolls are hoofing it towards you.

2010-10-12, 07:43 PM
Svissic hunkers back down in the lip of the crater before beginning the motions of yet another spell, calling forth the cold breath of winter to cloud the air between the gnolls and the main battle.

Move action to hide back down in the crater, Standard to cast Obscuring Mist.
Stealth: [roll0]

beyond reality
2010-10-14, 02:08 AM

The hill ogre's dull eyes widen as he sees the now towering hairy-woman bearing down on him, Bree slaps aside his club with her own and smashes him across the face, spraying the ground with droplets of blood and rotten teeth. The ogre makes a sound halfway between an animal growl and a child's whimper before collapsing to the ground unconscious.


The beast-men, seeing their champion fall and a new, more terrible warrior standing above him scramble to stop their charge, reversing direction and fleeing. As they go they hurl more spears, perhaps hoping to slow or discourage any pursuers. One of the spears bites into Bree, the other one grazes malshires, drawing further blood. With mournful hoots and cackles the beast-men try to flee across the grassland, unfortunately for an arrow's flight around the grass was flattened by the impact from last night and they cannot slip away under it's cover.

first two attacks are against Bree, the biggest and most threatening target, the next ones are for Durkesh and Malshire's respectively.

1d20-1=1, 1d20-1=19, 1d20-1=11, 1d20-1=17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2724131/)
and rolling the critical threat for bree: 1d20-1=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2724134/), nope.

okay, so one hit on Bree, and one hit on Malshires
1d8+2=4, 1d8+2=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2724132/)

The situation

The gnolls, after throwing their spears, retreat 30 feet. They are 60 feet now from Bree, Durkesh and Malshires and about 100 from the rest of the group. They show every sign of continuing to retreat, but if someone like Makaras wants to pick them off with arrow shots that's easy enough in this wide open space that you can do it without needing to roll as they flee. Either way we can move out of 'combat time'

2010-10-14, 03:40 AM
Makaras sends a couple of well-aimed arrows after the beasts, as much to ensure they keep running as to kill the monsters. Once they have disappeared from sight, the hunter moves towards the ogre, intent on gathering as many of his spent arrows as he can find.

2010-10-14, 06:00 AM

Raising her club and sending out shouts of triumph at the fleeing beasts, Bree focus her attention on looting the ogre. She looks down on Mal'Shires as she does so and says, "Bree Yark is not least of all. Bree Yark is best of all."

2010-10-14, 02:36 PM
After the ogre's club connected with Mal'Shires, he dropped to the ground in pain. Curse his luck for forgetting that a beast man of such size would be able to hit him at a longer range. Further wounds from flying spears caused his vision to swim with pain. Focusing his will, Mal'Shires managed to channel the Lizard's will to heal some of the damage. Gazing up at the giant woman above him, Mal'Shires decided he was not in a position to argue with her. "Perhaps I have misjudged you, fellow warrior. Thank you for defeating the beast man. I owe you my thanks." Later, he would pay back that debt. And then he could afford to gloat.

Cure Moderate Wounds roll: [roll0]

2010-10-15, 10:14 PM
Bree Yark

Bree smiles at Mal'Shires, and it is difficult to tell if it is a smile of happiness or of mockery. She looks over Mal'Shires to see if he is in need of more healing.

2010-10-15, 10:36 PM
Svissic, seeing the beast felled and the gnolls retreat, stops calling the mist. He remains hidden however, waiting to see what the others would do.

2010-10-15, 10:49 PM
Durkesh ignores his fatigues and starts walking to the stone in side the crater
Dose anyone know what that stone is? In hairy man(orcish)

beyond reality
2010-10-16, 11:03 AM
The ogre is carrying little beyond his massive club, far too large for any of you to wield normally. However, he does have a hide pouch, tied around one bicep with a braided strand of hair. The crafstmanship of the pouch looks too careful to be ogre work, no doubt something taken from one of it's victims. Looking inside you find several fist sized stones carved very crudely, it's impossible to tell what exactly the stones are meant to be, beasts, people, gods, or something else. The pouch also contains a thick clay pot which seems to contain a runny paste that smells strongly of blood and herbs. The pouch also contains several pounds of poorly-preserved meat. In addition the ogre has what appears to be a human sized shield made of tanned leather and wood tied to his back as part of his hodge-podge of crude armor. The shield itself seems quite well made.

As you finish inspecting the ogre ((OOC: and makaras retrieves his arrows, lets say you get back half the arrows you shoot)) the stone in the pit once again begins to glow, dimmer now as the dawn becomes brighter. It's wishes become known to you again, it wants closeness/attention/listening/awareness. It wishes you to gather so it might be heard.

2010-10-16, 11:14 AM
Svissic shuffles closer to the stone, regarding it curiously as Many-Legs crawls down his sleeve and onto his wrist to examine the stone also.

2010-10-17, 12:09 AM
Bree Yark

Bree collects the items of value to her and the group and joins the others near the stone.

2010-10-17, 01:54 AM
Makaras gathers up his arrows, and the arrowheads of the broken arrows, before walking back to the stone. He glances at the others, wondering if they'll all return, or if some might run off.

beyond reality
2010-10-18, 03:24 PM
The stone emits a low hum and words and concepts you have no name for begin to appear in your minds. They flash by in such rapid succession that you're left somewhat nauseated and very confused. However, the basics still make it through. The stone, or as you begin to understand it, the being within the stone, wants/desires/demands/requires/requests something. It is helpless/weak/captive/bound/unable and you must serve as it's hands. For a moment the image of the odd crystal appears in your minds again. You've all seen the beautiful formations of quartz and other stones that the Cave People and some Hairy Men use in trade, but this one seems far larger and it's formation is stranger, more like a curling snail shell than a jagged arrangement of crystal spikes. The being in the stone knows where it is and that you shall bring it to the stone. It is near.

again images flash through your mind, visions of all of you walking together along the plains, through woods and finally journeying into some kind of cavern. As you see these visions landmarks become clear to you, these are directions. The crystal is somewhere underground, but not far from here. More images blur your minds, most you don't understand: odd piles of shining stones, huge structures of oddly carved stones, images of other humans and hairy men paying you respect, piles of food. You are uncertain but you think the stone is saying that when the crystal is brought to it, you will be rewarded.

2010-10-18, 03:52 PM
In orcish
I think that the rock thingy is trying to tell us to find the shiny stone.
knowlege nature to see if he know of that cave[roll0]

2010-10-18, 07:44 PM

Nodding in agreement, Bree stoops down to first put her hand near the stone to make sure it is not too hot, then she will try and lift it. "We must find the cave." She considers where the cave may be.


2010-10-18, 09:05 PM
Mal'Shires sifted through the images placed in his mind. Much of it was unclear, but a few things he could glean. One, something within the stone was alive, much as the children of the Great Thunderers are alive within their eggs. Two, that which resided within the stone wanted them to get it something. A crystal of some kind, perhaps an object of power. Three, if they would do this, they would be given power. Made... chiefs? Rulers? The idea the stone-being was trying to explain was foreign. Yes. The stone needs us to get the crystal. But I do not know of this cave. Do any of you? As he spoke, Mal'Shires thought on the old stories he had learned, of the multitude of gods and heroes, trying to remember if anything in the tales spoke of the crystal or this stone-being.

KnowReligion: [roll0]

2010-10-18, 10:46 PM
Svissic thnks for a moment, silently conferring with Many-Legs. Searching his memory for anything mentioned of such a stone during his training.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]

Regardless, Svissic gives a short bow to the stone, before turning to the others, "It seems stone-being wants us to work together to find shiny stone. Back soon." his use of the human tongue slightly acented, with that he goes and picks at what's left on the ogre and gnolls, sniffing the herbal paste with interest.

provided it was not already looted of course. Craft Herbalism to work out what it does: [roll2]

2010-10-18, 10:52 PM
Makaras frowns as the images flash through his mind. He looks lost in thought as the others speak, stating what to him seems obvious. Finally, he adds his own thoughts, "I can find this cave. We should leave soon before the bodies attract scavengers."

2010-10-19, 09:24 PM

"Lead on, then," Bree says to Makaras.

beyond reality
2010-10-21, 11:04 AM
Sorry for the delay there.

Those of you who made Nature rolls can tell that this crystal is not a natural formation, although what force shaped it you don't know.

As far as the herbal paste, it's a potion, so spellcraft would be the way to identify it, but with a roll like that you're successful anyway. It's a potion of Aid.

The group of you sets out across the plains. As the hours pass, following the visions you see more and more things that are familiar, as though the visions you were sent were just a tiny part of the directions, and the rest was locked away in your mind, waiting till you were at the right place. These odd subliminal thoughts direct you to pass over streams at just the right moment, or to avoid a hidden mud pit. However, after about 6 hours of traveling you come to something that did not seem to be in the stone's instructions. It's a wooden pole planted into the ground, decorated with animal teeth, beads and a single human skull. It's a tribal territory marker, possibly human or a tribe of hairy men. Following the directions that still simmer in your mind would certainly involve invading the tribe's territory and risk their wrath if they find out, but attempting to circumnavigate the tribe's border could add hours or even days to your trip and might end up getting you lost.

2010-10-21, 03:30 PM
Hmmm. A skull and animal teeth. Unimaginative, if threatening. Still, we can not risk losing our way. We should press onward. Makaras, lead on. We must hurry. Mal'Shires gestured onward. He did not wish to take any longer than necessary. The things the stone-being offered called in the back of his mind. The power it possessed was great, perhaps as great as the Terrible One. That much Mal'Shires could tell. It would not do to keep it waiting.

I assume that over the course of six hours some discussion has occured, and we have all learned each other's names, and a little about ourselves.

2010-10-21, 06:42 PM
Before we go, could i get a heal? I am still damaged from the last battle

2010-10-22, 12:28 AM

The warrior cleric looks at Durkesh and then grasps the wooden carving of a buxom woman around her neck. A greenish hue emanates in a pulse from her, once - then twice. Waves of healing wash over everyone.

Channel Energy - healing [roll0]

She looks at the warrior to see if more healing is needed.