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Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 05:33 PM

Enhancement Bonus

AC Bonus, Mind Blade, Psychic Strike +1d6, Wild Talent

Blade Talent, Bonus Feat

Focused Avoidance

Psychic Strike +2d6, Mindstrike (One Substance)

Blade Talent

Bonus Feat

Psychic Strike +3d6

Mindstrike (Two Substances), Blade Talent

Improved Focused Avoidance, Clarity

Bonus Feat, Psychic Strike +4d6

Blade Talent

Mindstrike (Aligned)

Psychic Strike +5d6

Bonus Feat, Blade Talent

Improved Clarity

Psychic Strike +6d6, Mindstrike (Morphic)

Blade Talent

Bonus Feat

Psychic Strike +7d6

Mindstrike (Concordant), Blade Talent

HD: d8

Prowess: A soulknife gains 6 points of prowess per level.

Skills: A soulknife is trained in the Psion skill set and in one other set of their choice.

Proficiencies: A soulknife is proficient with simple weapons, with swords, and with one other weapon group. Soulknives are also proficient with their mind blade (regardless of form), with light armor, and with shields.

Mind Blade (Su): As a swift action, a soulknife can create a semisolid blade composed of psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The blade is identical in all ways (except visually) to any weapon within the Sword weapon group of the soulknife's choice, of a size appropriate for its wielder. The wielder of a mind blade gains the usual benefits to his attack roll and damage roll from a high Strength bonus.

The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points); however, a soulknife can simply create another as another swift action. The moment he relinquishes his grip on his blade, it dissipates (unless he intends to throw it; see below). A mind blade is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

A soulknife can use feats such as Power Attack or Combat Expertise in conjunction with the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon. He can also choose mind blade for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Specialization. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade.

A soulknife's mind blade improves as the character gains higher levels, according to the table listed on the chart. The bonus provided is the mind blade's maximum enhancement bonus: by default, it is strictly a numeric enhancement bonus, but by spending an hour in meditation, the soulknife can reallocate up to one less than his maximum enhancement bonus as weapon enhancements. For instance, a 6th level soulknife's weapon enhancement is +3: unless he spends an hour refocusing his mind blade, it is merely a +3 weapon. By doing so, he could instead make his mind blade a flaming mind blade +2 or a flaming psychokinetic mind blade +1.

Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), a soulknife can attempt to sustain his mind blade by making a Will save (DC equal to the DC the null psionic field's would possess, based on the field's manifester; otherwise, the DC is 20). On a successful save, the soulknife maintains his mind blade for a number of rounds equal to his class level before he needs to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes. As a move action on his turn, the soulknife can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize his mind blade while he remains within the psionics negating effect.

Switching between different kinds of weapons that are within the same weapon group merely requires a swift action to reform the blade. Switching between weapons that do not share a group (through the use of the Versatile Mind Blade blade talent) requires an hour's meditation.

Atma A soulknife's ability to augment his mind blade is powered by soul energy, called "atma." A soulknife receives atman in the amount listed on the table, plus their Wisdom modifier, on a daily basis. 8 hours of uninterrupted rest, meditation, or prayer recharges this amount.

AC Bonus (Ex): A soulknife is trained to perceive and avoid attacks before they land. A soulknife receives her Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus to her Armor Class while wearing light or no armor, is not carrying a medium or heavier load, and while psionically focused.

Psychic Strike (Ps): A soulknife may spend one atma as a swift action to augment his damage until his next turn. He inflicts 1d6 additional damage of the same type the mind blade deals. This damage increases to 2d6 at 4th level, 3d6 at 7th level, 4d6 at 10th level, 5d6 at 13th level, 6d6 at 16th level, and 7d6 at 19th level.

Wild Talent: A soulknife gains the Wild Talent feat at first level.

Bonus Feat: At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter (6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th), a soulknife gains a bonus psionic feat. They must meet the qualifications for this feat as normal.

Blade Talent (Ex): At 2nd level, and every three levels thereafter (5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th), a soulknife selects one blade talent and gains its ability. Most blade talents augment how a soulknife uses their mind blade, but some instead alter how the soulknife class works.

Focused Avoidance (Su): Starting at 3rd level, while psionically focused, a soulknife gains the benefits of evasion: see the rogue's Evasion class feature. As an immediate action, a soulknife may expend their psionic focus to substitute a Reflex save for a Fortitude save. The soulknife, since they have just expended psionic focus, does not gain the benefits of evasion against that effect.

Mindstrike (Su): Starting at 4th level, a soulknife selects one special substance when creating his mind blade: his mind blade is treated as being made of this substance for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance. At 8th level, this improves to two special substances of the soulknife's choosing. At 12th level, the soulknife treats his mind blade as if it is aligned (matching his own alignment) when overcoming damage reduction. A true neutral soulknife chooses one alignment (good, evil, lawful, or chaotic) his weapon overcomes damage reduction as. At 16th level, a soulknife's mind blade automatically overcomes all substance-based damage reduction. At 20th level, a soulknife's mind blade automatically overcomes all alignment-based damage reduction.

Improved Focused Avoidance (Su): Starting at 9th level, while psionically focused, a soulknife instead gains improved evasion. See the rogue improved evasion special ability.

Clarity (Su): Starting at 9th level, while psionically focused, a soulknife gains the benefits of the synesthete power. A soulknife may expend his psionic focus as a swift action to gain the benefits of ubiquitous vision for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier. In addition, a soulknife may regain focus as a move action. If the soulknife possesses the Psychic Meditation feat, he may instead regain focus as a swift action.

Improved Clarity (Su): Starting at 15th level, while psionically focused, a soulknife gains the benefits of the touchsight power. A soulknife may expend his psionic focus as a swift action to gain the benefits of true seeing for one round. In addition, a soulknife may regain focus as a swift action. If the soulknife possesses the Psychic Meditation feat, he may instead regain focus as an immediate action.

Blade Talents
Bladewind: A soulknife with this blade talent gains the ability to momentarily fragment his mind blade into numerous identical blades, each of which strikes at a nearby opponent. As a full attack, when wielding his mind blade, a soulknife can give up his regular attacks and instead fragment his mind blade to make one melee attack at his full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. Each fragment functions identically to the soulknife's regular mind blade. When using bladewind, a soulknife forfeits any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats or abilities (such as the Cleave feat or the haste spell). The mind blade immediately reverts to its previous form after the bladewind attack.

Cleaving Focus: A soulknife with this blade talent who drops an enemy to 0 or fewer hit points with his mind blade may immediately regain psionic focus.

Double Mind Blade: A soulknife with this blade talent may create two mind blades instead of one when activating his Mindblade ability, as long as both mind blades emulate the same kind of weapon. Both his mind blades are treated as being two points of enhancement bonus lower than they would be if he only created one mind blade.

Focusing Critical: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one atma as a free action after successfully making a critical hit to instantly regain psionic focus.

Forceknife: A soulknife with this blade talent may strike incorporeal foes without penalty with his mind blade, as if his mind blade carried the ghost touch property.

Knife to the Soul: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one or more atma and expend his psionic focus as an immediate action while using his psychic strike ability. He may exchange one die of psychic strike for one point of ability penalty to the defender's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (his choice) per point of atma spent. The ability penalty need not all be the same type, and a penalty inflicted in this fashion cannot reduce the target's ability scores below 3.

Mind Armor: A soulknife with this blade talent may create mind armor in addition to his mind blade. This mind armor functions like a chain shirt and follows the same basic rules for interacting with spells and effects as a mind blade. Both his mind blade and his mind armor are treated as being two points of enhancement bonus lower than they would be if he only created one mind blade. A soulknife may manifest a mind blade without manifesting mind armor, and vice versa.

Mind Shield: A soulknife with this blade talent may create a mind shield in addition to his mind blade. This mind shield functions like a heavy steel shield and follows the same basic rules for interacting with spells and effects as a mind blade. Both his mind blade and his mind shield are treated as being two points of enhancement bonus lower than they would be if he only created one mind blade. A soulknife may manifest a mind blade without manifesting a mind shield, and vice versa.

Mindthief: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one atma and expend his psionic focus while making a psychic strike. If he does so, he may forgo his psychic strike damage: for each die he forgoes, he may harvest one atma from his opponent.

Powered Blade: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one atma while manifesting a power with a range of touch: if he does so, he does not provoke an attack of opportunity for its manifestation. The power's range becomes "melee attack with mind blade", and the soulknife may immediately attempt to strike an opponent with his mind blade. If he misses, the power dissipates without effect.

Teleporting Strike: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one atma and expend his psionic focus as a move action: if he does so, he immediately teleports 5' per two soulknife levels and may immediately make a single attack with his mind blade.

Vampiric Strike: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one atma while using his psychic strike ability. If he does so, his psychic strike damage is measured in d3s instead of d6s, but he gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. These temporary hit points last for one minute before dissipating.

Versatile Mind Blade: A soulknife selects a weapon group he is proficient in when he selects this blade talent. He may now make his mind blade mimic weapons of that weapon group. If the weapon group requires ammunition (like the bows group), he manifests the weapon and also manifests the ammunition as he requires it. Weapons that require ammunition split the mind blade's total enhancement bonus between the weapon and the ammunition. Changing the type of weapon requires an hour of meditation, during which the soulknife may also reallocate the enhancement bonus of his mind blade. A thrown mind blade dissipates on contact and instantly reforms in the soulknife's hands, so he is able to utilize the full-attack action with thrown mind blades. This blade talent may be selected multiple times: each time you do, choose a new weapon group.

Vicious Psychic Strike: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one atma when making a psychic strike: if he does so, his psychic strike damage is measured in d8s instead of d6s. If this ability is used in conjunction with the Vampiric Strike blade talent, the damage is instead measured in d4s instead of d3s.

Vitalizing Energy: A soulknife with this blade talent may spend one or more atma (up to his soulknife level) as a standard action. If he does so, he gains 4 temporary hit points per point of atma spent. These temporary hit points linger for one minute before dissipating.

Mental Pinnacle
Prerequisites: Double Mind Blade blade talent, Mind Armor blade talent, or Mind Shield blade talent

Benefit: When utilizing the double mind blade, mind armor, or mind shield talents, you do not decrease your enhancement bonus.

Paragon Soulknife
Prerequisites: Psychic Strike +2d6, Monk Weapon Damage 1d8

Benefit: Your monk and soulknife levels stack when determining your monk weapon damage and your soulknife enhancement bonus. Your mind blade becomes a special monk weapon.

2010-10-04, 07:53 PM
I absolutely do not like how TWF/sword'n'board/armor totally nerf your enhancement bonuses. Mind Armor SUCKS compared to buying armor, similarly twin mindblades sucks compared to buying a normal second weapon....

I play a soulknife to be able to be very effective without magicing up my stuff. I end up spending my class features on weapons and armor that are WORSE than if I just went out and bought part of my stuff (A twf or sword and board with armor gets NO enhancement bonus until level 10...). This a very bad thing, as it rather defeats the point of the class.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 07:57 PM
Numerous changes as per IRC discussion. No longer a PP-giving class: uses the monk's atma pool instead. Feats applicable to the monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98238) are also applicable to the soulknife.

2010-10-04, 08:14 PM
My only suggestion is lowering the enhancement bonus. A bonus of +6 or higher can only be bestowed upon a weapon or armor by an epic level caster. That seems a little powerful for a 6th level character.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 08:15 PM
My only suggestion is lowering the enhancement bonus. A bonus of +6 or higher can only be bestowed upon a weapon or armor by an epic level caster. That seems a little powerful for a 6th level character.

Only if you don't purchase any enhancement abilities, in which case the weapon goes up to +10 (total) pre-epic.

2010-10-04, 08:18 PM
And with that feat, I quite like the class.

Though, I am irked by the inability to get mind armor or TWF or such before level 2... but then, Level 1 TENDS to be extraordinarily uninteresting REGARDLESS of class, so... :smalltongue:

While you CAN use versatile blade to get bows, I've always liked the old throw mind blade ability. May I inquire as to why you dropped it?

Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 08:21 PM
While you CAN use versatile blade to get bows, I've always liked the old throw mind blade ability. May I inquire as to why you dropped it?

It seemed extraneous, considering that the new "emulate weapon" mechanism I used would include weapons with thrown range increments. If you read Versatile Mind Blade, it also includes text that basically subsumes the old soulknife's Multiple Throw.

2010-10-04, 08:22 PM
And with that feat, I quite like the class.

Though, I am irked by the inability to get mind armor or TWF or such before level 2... but then, Level 1 TENDS to be extraordinarily uninteresting REGARDLESS of class, so... :smalltongue:

While you CAN use versatile blade to get bows, I've always liked the old throw mind blade ability. May I inquire as to why you dropped it?
Because that would be OP (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThrowingYourSwordAlwaysWorks).

2010-10-04, 08:22 PM
It seemed extraneous, considering that the new "emulate weapon" mechanism I used would include weapons with thrown range increments. If you read Versatile Mind Blade, it also includes text that basically subsumes the old soulknife's Multiple Throw.

But it doesn't give me a mechanic to throw my normal weapon, just if I spend the time to switch to a thrown weapon. I like throwing a giant psychic sword. :smalltongue:

2010-10-04, 08:24 PM
Still, depending on the power choice, such as keen and vorpal, can give a scimitar a 30% chance to instant-kill anything with a head. That seems overpowered for the level you can get it at.

2010-10-04, 08:25 PM
Loved it!

Reminds me of that old PrC that was on your website, the Blademistress of Karan, or something like that.

2010-10-04, 08:27 PM
Still, depending on the power choice, such as keen and vorpal, can give a scimitar a 30% chance to instant-kill anything with a head. That seems overpowered for the level you can get it at.
Did Fax change Vorpal for d20r? Last I recall, it only works on a nat 20... so that's a 5% chance.

2010-10-04, 08:28 PM
Still, depending on the power choice, such as keen and vorpal, can give a scimitar a 30% chance to instant-kill anything with a head. That seems overpowered for the level you can get it at.
Vorpal is an awful ability that's an utter waste of a +5 enhancement bonus.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 08:32 PM
Still, depending on the power choice, such as keen and vorpal, can give a scimitar a 30% chance to instant-kill anything with a head. That seems overpowered for the level you can get it at.

...14th? That's...not that overpowered.

Loved it!

Reminds me of that old PrC that was on your website, the Blademistress of Karan, or something like that.

I should update that.

2010-10-04, 08:46 PM
Atma basically seems useless besides adding damage to your strikes. Or adding a bit more damage to the damage you deal with your strikes. Everything else is a nifty ability, sure, but not really worth the action in most circumstances. EDIT: The damage added is certainly very nice, but it's not really useful for much besides that. 8d6 on every hit is nothing to scoff at.

You're also almost never going to run out of atma; at 2 atma a round (for Xd8 damage on every hit, which is very sizable) you'd need 20 full rounds of fighting (plus half your wisdom modifier) before you ran out of your daily allotment; even at lower levels, it requires a ton of fighting.

It just doesn't seem like there's ever really a way to spend all your atma, though the wording on some is a bit clear; it makes it seem as if you can spend multiple atma on your temporary HP ability, but all of them are worded such that you only ever spend one point on it. If you could spend multiple points, that would make some (such as the ability damage) worth using, at least somewhat.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 08:50 PM
Atma basically seems useless besides adding damage to your strikes. Or adding a bit more damage to the damage you deal with your strikes. Everything else is a nifty ability, sure, but not really worth the action in most circumstances. EDIT: The damage added is certainly very nice, but it's not really useful for much besides that. 8d6 on every hit is nothing to scoff at.

You're also almost never going to run out of atma; at 2 atma a round (for Xd8 damage on every hit, which is very sizable) you'd need 20 full rounds of fighting (plus half your wisdom modifier) before you ran out of your daily allotment; even at lower levels, it requires a ton of fighting.

It just doesn't seem like there's ever really a way to spend all your atma, though the wording on some is a bit clear; it makes it seem as if you can spend multiple atma on your temporary HP ability, but all of them are worded such that you only ever spend one point on it. If you could spend multiple points, that would make some (such as the ability damage) worth using, at least somewhat.
Some of them are supposed to have a multiple spend function, Vitalizing Energy being one of them. Lemme go fix it. Are there any in particular you're looking at that aren't that you think could be?

2010-10-04, 09:14 PM
It is overpowered along with everything else it gets.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 09:16 PM
It is overpowered along with everything else it gets.

No, it is not. If I took away the mindblade ability someone else could do exactly the same thing with pure, unadulterated money.

2010-10-04, 09:18 PM
It is overpowered along with everything else it gets.

Err... I would have to disagree, at minimum because you aren't actually clear on what "it" is; if you mean the soulknife as a whole, the second part of your sentence is rather irrelevant.

2010-10-04, 09:21 PM
Unless monks can manifest powers, Powered Blade is now useless.

2010-10-04, 09:22 PM
It is overpowered along with 5d6 extra damage (twice with double mind blade, and both 30% to instant kill, and with a base of three attacks, sending the chance of an instant kill close to 100), 4 bonus feats, wild talent, and a slew of other abilities.

Violet Octopus
2010-10-04, 09:24 PM
edit: Esser-Z is correct - Vorpal is only on a natural 20 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#vorpal) (and still requires a critical confirm). Even if d20r changed to any critical, the updated weapons don't have 18-20 threat ranges anymore.

You can still throw Vorpal Wakizashis, if you invest Prowess in the Weapon Proficiency (Knives) feat. No big swords though :-/

Class nitpicking:
Mindthief is substantially less useful with the change to atma. If it could steal PP and convert it to atma, it would be fine.

The Mind Blade feature doesn't say whether a soulknife can reform their mindblade from, say, a longsword to a greatsword as a swift action. I assumed they could, but the Versatile Mind Blade talent indicates otherwise (unless it only takes an hour to switch between weapon groups). It could use a line in the class feature itself to clarify.

Also from Versatile Mind Blade:
"Weapons that require ammunition split the mind blade's total enhancement bonus between the weapon and the ammunition. "
So I have to dump at least +1 enhancement bonus into my ammunition? Or half of the total bonus? This is unclear.

Any reason why the multiclassing note is gone? Apart from the lack of combat-inclined manifesting classes?

Overall I like it a lot, especially the Monk multiclassing options.
*goes off to stat up a mindwhip-wielding teleporting debuffer*

2010-10-04, 09:39 PM
It is overpowered along with 5d6 extra damage (twice with double mind blade, and both 30% to instant kill, and with a base of three attacks, sending the chance of an instant kill close to 100), 4 bonus feats, wild talent, and a slew of other abilities.

Vorpal isn't a 30% chance to insta-kill. Its a 1.66% chance to instant kill. If it's vulnerable to crits. If you're comparing this to the fighter or the original soulknife, then of course its overpowered. However this is being compared to Fax's other d20r classes which are meant to be used together and without other 3.5 material. Kinda like pathfinder.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-04, 10:23 PM
Unless monks can manifest powers, Powered Blade is now useless.It's for multiclassers. Soulknife 2/Psion 5/Slayer 10 or similar.

Mindthief is substantially less useful with the change to atma. If it could steal PP and convert it to atma, it would be fine.It doesn't have the "doesn't work if your foe doesn't have it" clause anymore, though.

The Mind Blade feature doesn't say whether a soulknife can reform their mindblade from, say, a longsword to a greatsword as a swift action. I assumed they could, but the Versatile Mind Blade talent indicates otherwise (unless it only takes an hour to switch between weapon groups). It could use a line in the class feature itself to clarify.I'll clarify that.

Also from Versatile Mind Blade:
"Weapons that require ammunition split the mind blade's total enhancement bonus between the weapon and the ammunition. "
So I have to dump at least +1 enhancement bonus into my ammunition? Or half of the total bonus? This is unclear.At least one.

Any reason why the multiclassing note is gone? Apart from the lack of combat-inclined manifesting classes?Actually, on second thought I think I'm going to go back and add multiclassing notes to ALL classes.

Also altered the atman progression so that the monk gets a bigger pool than the soulknife, whose smaller pool is more suited to his cheaper abilities.

2010-10-05, 08:54 AM
Psychic Strike (Ps): ... 6d6 at 16th level, 7d6 at 19th level, and 8d6 at 20th level.
This is not in the table, typo?
Also, nice work. I could see myself playing this, especially with the monk synergy (I still like the d20r monk). Shouldn't Paragon Soulknife make Mind Blade a special monk weapon?

Fax Celestis
2010-10-05, 09:35 AM
This is not in the table, typo?
Also, nice work. I could see myself playing this, especially with the monk synergy (I still like the d20r monk). Shouldn't Paragon Soulknife make Mind Blade a special monk weapon?

Yes and yes.

2010-10-05, 12:02 PM
At the risk of offending you, this is surprisingly not too shabby. I'm surprised just because Soulknife fixes seem to be universally bad (my couple of attempts included).

2010-10-05, 05:16 PM
If one takes the mind armor talent, is there any way to make the armor count as mithril or adamantine? Many armor enhancements are straight up +X gp not a +1, +2, +3 etc

2010-10-05, 05:24 PM
If one takes the mind armor talent, is there any way to make the armor count as mithril or adamantine? Many armor enhancements are straight up +X gp not a +1, +2, +3 etc

Hmm. What about a second talent for getting special material armor? Also one for heavier armor (this may not work with the AC bonus feature, but it's again more of a concept thing than a sheer power thing...).

I really like the spend-recovery Focus mechanic. Gets me thinking of a class which has some features that only work when in a binary state of some kind, some that only work when outside of it, and various abilities that enter/leave it (Or not just a *binary* state, but that's starting to get pretty complex. :smalltongue:)

2010-10-05, 06:03 PM
I'm worried about Paragon Soulknife, I don't see many reasons not to take it.

Assuming Atma stacks, but the wisdom bonus to it doesn't:

Soulknife heavy, relative to soulknife 20:
Lose: 1 BAB, 2 Blade Talents, one bonus feat, 1 Psychic Strike.
Gain: 2 Atma, a 2d10 weapon, or weapons with two-weapons, a high speed, a weapon to use if my soulblade goes out, evasion all the time, Weapon finesse for free, and +2 enhancement bonus to some saves, and +60 ft movement speed. Also 3 Monk strikes.

Monk heavy, relative to monk 20
Lose: Improved Athletic Avoidance, 1 Skill Mastery, 3 Monk strikes, Mind blank. Lose 2 Atma
Gain: 1 BAB, +10 Mindblade, Psychic Strike +2d6, Blade Talent, bonus psionic feat, +10 enhancement bonus, free DR avoidance.

Looks to me like the cost to go Monk heavy is quite high, for very little overall benefit (Since ki strike handles a lot of DR already), while the cost to go Soulknife heavy... isn't.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-05, 06:18 PM
Check it now.

2010-10-05, 06:21 PM
That seems to knock it down to a reasonable level. Not necessarily the way I'd prefer it to be fixed (IE: Give soulknife's nicer high level abilities, like the monk has), but it does indeed fix the problem.

Fax Celestis
2010-10-05, 06:21 PM
That seems to knock it down to a reasonable level. Not necessarily the way I'd prefer it to be fixed (IE: Give soulknife's nicer high level abilities, like the monk has), but it does indeed fix the problem.

Clarity (and Improved Clarity) and Mindstrike (Morphic, Concordant) aren't nice high-level abilities?

2010-10-05, 06:28 PM
Clarity (and Improved Clarity) and Mindstrike (Morphic, Concordant) aren't nice high-level abilities?

Well, Clarity you'd have (Only take 4 monk levels). So you would lose Mindstrike Concordant which... doesn't come up all that often in my experience. It's a weird ability since it literary could never come up, or it could come up a bit, or all the time.

2010-10-07, 09:51 AM
You should probably add that your mind blade cannot be used as a monk weapon if not used in melee, or somthing like that.

What about shields? I think it'd be fun to play a monk/sk with a mind shield, would it be bad idea to allow monks to use mind shields and keep wis to AC?

2010-10-07, 12:38 PM
What can this class do outside of combat (besides skills)?

2010-10-09, 07:36 AM
What does atma do? Is it really necessary?

Fax Celestis
2010-10-09, 11:14 AM
What can this class do outside of combat (besides skills)?Most class features are combat oriented, particularly those of full-BAB classes.

What does atma do? Is it really necessary?It powers your blade talents and your psychic strike feature. Yes, it is necessary.

2011-04-11, 10:50 AM
Could Mindstrike give you the other attributes of a weapon made of the special substance other than overcoming damage reduction? Such as adamantine's ability to ignore hardness up to 19. Of course, this would also open up the question of whether cold iron mind blades would have a lower enhancement bonus. Except, cold iron is hard to enchant with magic not psionics.

Hmm... what do you lot think?