View Full Version : Elan`s DAD Theories

2010-10-04, 11:41 PM
What do you think will happen with Elan`s Dad? Is He Good or Evil(Not Talking Alignment)? My moneys on this:
I think that Elan will have no choice but to kill his dad in this awesome scene during the arena because he orders Roy to be Executed. Its a strech, but you never know. The Giant ALWAYS surprises us.
Interesting Theory, No?:smallamused:

Mystic Muse
2010-10-05, 12:39 AM
What do you think will happen with Elan`s Dad? Is He Good or Evil(Not Talking Alignment)? My moneys on this:
I think that Elan will have no choice but to kill his dad in this awesome scene during the arena because he orders Roy to be Executed. Its a strech, but you never know. The Giant ALWAYS surprises us.
Interesting Theory, No?:smallamused:

No. Seems overdone and doesn't make a lot of sense.

Also, what do you mean by "Good or evil" if you aren't talking about alignment?

2010-10-05, 01:05 AM
No. Seems way too expected.

2010-10-05, 02:57 AM
So far his dad has done everything to make a good impression on Elan, it didn't always work like with the dinner, but he doesn't want Elan as enemy.
If Elan said "No you can't kill him, he's my friend!", I don't think Tarquin would kill him, because he's not that stupid. Not because he thinks Elan could hurt him, he easily overpowered him earlier and he thinks bards are a weak class, but because he knows that will remove all doubts in elan on whos side he's on.

Lord Vukodlak
2010-10-05, 03:38 AM
What do you think will happen with Elan`s Dad? Is He Good or Evil(Not Talking Alignment)? My moneys on this:
I think that Elan will have no choice but to kill his dad in this awesome scene during the arena because he orders Roy to be Executed. Its a strech, but you never know. The Giant ALWAYS surprises us.
Interesting Theory, No?:smallamused:

Considering their love for cliche its more likely his dad will do a heroic heel-faced turn to save his son and die in the process and they'll both think its totally awesome.

2010-10-05, 05:08 AM
I must point that Tarquin´s alignment is Lawful Evil, as is shown in

2010-10-05, 05:37 AM
He does allow slaves. I think that is pretty evil.

2010-10-05, 05:44 AM
No. Seems overdone and doesn't make a lot of sense.

Also, what do you mean by "Good or evil" if you aren't talking about alignment?

I think he meant more along the lines of: "Is he going to be a protagonist or an antagonist?"

Mystic Muse
2010-10-05, 11:24 AM
I must point that Tarquin´s alignment is Lawful Evil, as is shown in

And I must point out that we don't know that lord Tyrinar is Tarquin.

I think he meant more along the lines of: "Is he going to be a protagonist or an antagonist?"

Probably, but it would have been easier to just say that.

2010-10-05, 11:29 AM
And I must point out that we don't know that lord Tyrinar is Tarquin.
:smallconfused: Your post in this thread is the first one to mention Tyrinar.

Xykeb Zraliv
2010-10-05, 11:30 AM
I think that yes, Tarquin is just using Elan, and yes, he is technically an antagonist, but also that he does not want Elan for an enemy and therefore is going to help out in any way he can - whether or not this turns out to be genuine and long-lasting, I'm not sure of.

Either way, though, I have a feeling the tension between Tarquin and Haley is going to be very important in terms of Tarquin's overall place in the story. My personal hypothesis is that Tarquin will catch Haley rescuing slaves and/or discover that she's been dishonest with him (although that might end up being Malack's job considering her lies so far mostly involve Durkon) and then turn on the order because of this - ironically because Haley didn't trust him.

Mystic Muse
2010-10-05, 11:35 AM
:smallconfused: Your post in this thread is the first one to mention Tyrinar.

whoops. Sorry, I'm still half asleep.

Even though Elan's dad is lawful evil, that doesn't mean he has to oppose the PCs.

2010-10-05, 02:10 PM
Personally, I believe that Tarquin has been wooing various queens on the Western continent, killing their ruler husbands, marrying said queens, and then killing his wives. He inherits their land, which is how the Empire of Blood got so huge. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0698.html) It also explains how he has gone through so many wives, and why they're all dead.

Xykeb Zraliv
2010-10-05, 03:30 PM
Personally, I believe that Tarquin has been wooing various queens on the Western continent, killing their ruler husbands, marrying said queens, and then killing his wives. He inherits their land, which is how the Empire of Blood got so huge. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0698.html) It also explains how he has gone through so many wives, and why they're all dead.

This is fairly plausible, but may I point out that "Mrs. Tarquin #10" is a captain, not a queen (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0742.html). Now, obviously she could be an exception, but considering she's the only of Tarquin's lovers that we've seen (other than Elan's mother, of course), one would think she would fit the trend should that be the case.

2010-10-05, 08:57 PM
Also, Tarquin is not a king. And he knows better than to try to become one again.

But marrying female warriors, then betraying them and conquering their lands, is a valid strategy.

Gift Jeraff
2010-10-05, 09:25 PM
I find interesting that Tarquin has gone through 8 wives throughout his 15 years (maybe closer to 14 if we take into account his months spent on the throne) spent on the Western Continent. Now, the Empire of Blood has been around for about 2 years, and take into account that he has had roughly 1 wife per 2 years. Maybe the death of his current wife heralds the end of the country he and Malack are working for?

I can't really think of any reason why that would be, except maybe something to do with being legally married only once under a single nation while being against divorce.Perhaps since divorce implies a failure of some sort, and he shares Nale's ego.

2010-10-05, 09:44 PM
I think Tarquin is genuinely interested in Elan. Whether or not he's going to pull a "Join me and continue your training in the Dark Side" I dunno.

Gift Jeraff
2010-10-05, 11:42 PM
I'm also thinking Tarquin will accept his fate. He knows his son is a protagonist who fights villains (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0724.html), and I think he is savvy enough to know that he is not in a tragedy, and thus the bad guys will be thwarted.

2010-10-06, 02:03 AM
I think Tarquin is genuinely interested in Elan. Whether or not he's going to pull a "Join me and continue your training in the Dark Side" I dunno

After what happened between he and Nale, i seriously doubt Tarquin wants another "evil disciple" in the family.

2010-10-06, 02:25 AM
I'm also thinking Tarquin will accept his fate. He knows his son is a protagonist who fights villains (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0724.html), and I think he is savvy enough to know that he is not in a tragedy, and thus the bad guys will be thwarted.

Otoh, if he's a cool enough villain, he'll survive in a reoccurring role. Think the master.

2010-10-06, 02:31 AM
I think Tarquin is certainly Lawful Evil. I also think he will be, if not absolutely helpful and heroic, than at least not a villain. It all fits with the "alignment doesn't equal characterization" theme that is part of OoTS.

- In Redcloak, we've seen that a villain can be sympathetic, can have suffered tragedy, and can be understandable even as they are, well, villainous.

- In Nale, Thog, and Sabine, we've seen that evil can care about things besides just being Evil. Namely, they can truly and sincerely care about each other.

- In Miko, we've seen that a good-aligned individual can be a MAJOR antagonist for a (mostly) good party of heroes. (before it kicks off a debate; Miko was by definition good-aligned for "No Cure for the Paladin Blues" where she was introduced. We'll just leave post-fall Miko's alignment alone as it's not relevant to the conversation.)

What we have yet to see is whether "Evil" can manage to not be a problem for the heroes. Belkar is close, but Belkar is less "helpful" and more "wild dog on a short leash", at least until recently. So I think the obvious "Join me/I must kill you/You will rot in jail forever" is too obvious a turn for Tarquin and doesn't make sense in the larger frame-work of OoTS.

If Tarquin does end up being "villainous", it won't be obvious, clear-cut villainy. It will most likely be a clash between Law and Chaos, really: Tarquin insists that Roy and Belkar must serve their sentence, or Haley must be arrested for her activities she's starting, despite Elan's pleas, because "as soon as I start making exceptions for my son, this whole dicatorship will fall apart".

Hopefully that makes sense. It's awfully late here :smalltongue:

Morph Bark
2010-10-06, 06:11 AM
Considering their love for cliche its more likely his dad will do a heroic heel-faced turn to save his son and die in the process and they'll both think its totally awesome.

This. Yes. Yes.

Who bets even Nale would think it awesomely dramatic? I would.

2010-10-06, 08:44 AM
Considering their love for cliche its more likely his dad will do a heroic heel-faced turn to save his son and die in the process and they'll both think its totally awesome.

Not just their love for cliches, but the whole Star Wars riff they're doing. I would not be at all surprised if Tarquin saves Elan from being eaten by the queen, only to die, but now before giving them a dramatic death scene, complete with "you already have, my son. You already have." I wouldn't be surprised if that structure gets twisted or changed up somehow, but Elan is as much in Star Wars as Roy and Belkar are in a gladiator movie.

Morph Bark
2010-10-07, 02:09 PM
Not just their love for cliches, but the whole Star Wars riff they're doing. I would not be at all surprised if Tarquin saves Elan from being eaten by the queen, only to die, but now before giving them a dramatic death scene, complete with "you already have, my son. You already have." I wouldn't be surprised if that structure gets twisted or changed up somehow, but Elan is as much in Star Wars as Roy and Belkar are in a gladiator movie.

If he gets eaten by the Empress, I will mourn him and yet curse his stupidity for not having been a Commoner (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9361109).

2010-10-07, 04:06 PM
Elan is as much in Star Wars as Roy and Belkar are in a gladiator movie.

This made me lol.

Lord Bingo
2010-10-07, 06:16 PM
I think Tarquin is genuinely interested in Elan. Whether or not he's going to pull a "Join me and continue your training in the Dark Side" I dunno.

With all the Star Wars references we have seen until now I do not find it unlikely that Tarquin will indeed ask Elan to join him. Of course when this happens Elan will have come to realize that his father is a villain an so he will refuse. I can totally see the whole Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker thing play out:smallbiggrin:

2010-10-07, 11:19 PM
I think is obvious what is going to happen...

Julio Scoundrel is going to arrive, only to be killed by Elan's Dad.

Thats about as far as I got.

2010-10-08, 09:34 PM
I guess what i meant by "Is He Good or Evil(Not Talking Alignment)?" Is does Elan`s Dad have the Oots best intrest at heart? Will he turn against Elan and his friends, or in the long run, help them, or die and give the plot no real purpose except for Rich getting in some awesome Star Wars refrences?(Which by the way, seems totally logical to me) :) And what is Tarquins diobolical plan, If any?
I MUST KNOW.... :roach:

2010-10-08, 09:45 PM
Considering their love for cliche its more likely his dad will do a heroic heel-faced turn to save his son and die in the process and they'll both think its totally awesome.

So true, so true on so many levels, given their reactions to the "I am your father" revelation. Shame we aren't likely to see Nale run out holding a can of tomato soup and screaming about a thermal detonator, as that joke has already been done, but oh well!

Lord Bingo
2010-10-09, 05:16 AM
I guess what i meant by "Is He Good or Evil(Not Talking Alignment)?" Is does Elan`s Dad have the Oots best intrest at heart?

Then the answer to your question would be: "No, Elan's dad does not have OOTS best interests at heart -he has his own best interests at heart"

2010-10-09, 12:11 PM
I think is obvious what is going to happen...

Julio Scoundrel is going to arrive, only to be killed by Elan's Dad.

Thats about as far as I got.

Oh, you mean because...

Tarquin will be jelous of Julio so he will kill him and tell Elan he died in an "accident" by say, him falling off a balcony :smallamused:

2010-10-09, 04:00 PM
I don't think elan's father is evil, but I don't think he's good either. maybe the dragon will eat him, or belkar will stab him. he would'nt be the first one.

2010-10-09, 08:58 PM
Another theory is that nale is secretly there in the area and working with his dad to destroy Elan. Its a long shot, but we havent seen the Linear Guild since the invasion of Gobotopia(Azure City).

Edit1234: On a side note, We all know that Roy will not die in the areana, considering that would be a little too much dieing for roy. (And no more big-ass diamonds in sight!) :)