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View Full Version : Psion Energy "Emanation" and similar

2010-10-05, 05:33 PM
Can someone explain Emanation for me?

For example Energy Emanation has a target of 5-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you. Simple logic would assume the area is all squares within 5ft of you with a hole in the center (where your standing). But that isn't exactly what it says. Is there really a hole in the effect where the caster is standing? Does the effect move with the caster? If your grapping would it affect both creatures (caster + foe), they are in the same square so both in the effect hole? What if the caster is large, is there a 10ft hole?

The SRD states emanations are similar to bursts, just last longer. Comparing to the Bless spell the target is caster + burst so that would make me believe there is indeed a hole in the Emanation area of effect.

I'm not necessarily looking for specific answers to the Energy Emanation psychic power, but for Emanation type spells in general.

2010-10-05, 05:52 PM
Can someone explain Emanation for me?

For example Energy Emanation has a target of 5-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you. Simple logic would assume the area is all squares within 5ft of you with a hole in the center (where your standing). But that isn't exactly what it says. Is there really a hole in the effect where the caster is standing? Does the effect move with the caster? If your grapping would it affect both creatures (caster + foe), they are in the same square so both in the effect hole? What if the caster is large, is there a 10ft hole?

The SRD states emanations are similar to bursts, just last longer. Comparing to the Bless spell the target is caster + burst so that would make me believe there is indeed a hole in the Emanation area of effect.

I'm not necessarily looking for specific answers to the Energy Emanation psychic power, but for Emanation type spells in general.

Let us take this one step at a time.

I'll start with Energy Emanation:
It affects5 feet around you. It is centered on you so if you move so does it.

Here is SRD:
An emanation power functions like a burst power, except that the effect continues to radiate from the point of origin for the duration of the power.

The center is on you so you emanate the Energy Emanation each round. So if you move it does.
Technically, it seems to effect you.

I think Bless said caster to remind you that you are your own ally.

Shhalahr Windrider
2010-10-05, 07:33 PM
“The point of origin of a spell is always a grid intersection.” (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#area)

I think the RAW reading is that effects centered on the caster are really centered on a corner within the caster’s space. So for a medium creature, it would affect the caster’s square as well as three contiguous adjacent squares.

Though I think the RAI for this is the caster’s square plus every adjacent square.