View Full Version : Corruption Within - IC

Lycan 01
2010-10-07, 07:44 PM
(OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=171070)

Lycan 01 presents...


Introduction - Planetfall

The sun is slowly rising from behind the planet of Volux, a temperate Imperial World that has recently become a hotspot for political upheaval. As the golden glow of the sun reaches around to illuminate the dark side of the world, the reasons for these events are slowly revealed. There are two clusters of ships orbitting Volux - ships of the Imperium of Man, and vessels of the Tau Empire. The majority of them are merchant and trade vessels, although there are a few warships and troops transports. However, there are no signs of current hostility - it appears to be more of a "just in case" plan for both forces. The sunlight soon reveals another sight - the awe-inspiring bulk of an ancient orbital space station. The yellow metal hulk of Amber Vanguard seperates the two fleets, and allows for a neutral docking and trading port. And it is on this space station that several strangers have been gathered, shipping from all across the Imperium, to aid in the reduction of hostilities on Volux, and perhaps discover their source.

From what they've been briefed on, over the last few decades Volux has been allowed to trade with the Tau Empire, who have slowly been allowed more and more influence. In recent years, many of the populace have become Tau sympathisers. And now with elections for the planetary government coming up soon, the three major parties are the Loyalists who wish to expel the Tau, the Cyans who are major Tau sympathisers with seperatist leanings, and the current party in power, the Voluxian Citizens Party, who believe that neutrality and the status quo is what's best for Volux and its populace. However, these new elections have brought more than mudslinging and propoganda to the campaign. Several assassinations have been attempted, with a few representatives from both parties being wounded or killed. No one knows who to blame, and if things get out of hand, there are talks of possible use of force by either the Imperium or the Tau Empire to protect their own assets on Volux. Its an ugly situation, and the potential Acolytes have been given a very simple mission: Protect the current President until the election next week, and if possible uncover the source of the assassination plots.

After being instructed on where to meet, a handful of prospective Inquisitiorial Acolytes soon find themselves loaded on to a small transport shuttle, which will ferry them from Amber Vanguard to Volux's capitol city, Tabrozak. It is a small craft, consisting of a small cargo hold, passenger bay, and cockpit. The ferry is empty, save for the crew lurking in the cockpit. The passenger compartment is actually quite decent compared to most Imperial vessels - decent room, comfortable blue seats, arranged in rows of 3 on either side of a wide eisle, with built in harnesses and arm rests, and overheard luggage compartments.

It will be a few minutes before the craft enters the atmosphere. Until then, the passengers have a moment to introduce themselves, decide on how best to approach this mission, and figure out team roles and tactics.

2010-10-07, 10:23 PM
Zaiven waits in silence for a few moments. Unable to see anyone else about to speak, he decides maybe taking the initiative would be for the best. He usually prefers to assist others or go solo.... Anything but taking leadership roles. But, sometimes life doesn't give you options....

"Well then. I am Zaiven Rakshaw, also know as The Voron. I am from the Battlesfleet Calixis, and my family are officers on the ship Gladius. I am here to serve the Glorious Imperium in whatever way the Emperor requires.

As he speaks, he stands and walks from his original corner of the ship, through were the other passengers are sitting, and takes a seat diagonal to his original one. Zaiven's heavy accent hangs and grabs at every word, creating a tone of speech that no one could imitate. He runs his hand over his short spiky hair as he sits, and it impressively returns its original place after he does.

2010-10-08, 02:41 AM
A thin and tall man, with somewhat messy and poor-looking clothes, that do little impression, but nonetheless serve to cover him adequately and provide him with decent storage space for his various gear, (his autogun laying in the storage compartment above him), smiles encouragingly to the rest of the passengers and greets them appropriately.

"Ladies, gentlemen. I'm glad to meet you. My name is Torrian, but you can address me as "Thor" -an old nickname of mine - if you like it better, and i hail from the Severus family of the planet Sinophia. Great place to be when our sector was formed by the glorious Imperium via Angevin's crusade, but not so nowadays. It's almost as if it's currently on an irreversible process of slow death. But by his grace, here I am and here we all are to enact a serious task and help safeguard the current president of Volux. I must let you know, that i'm no great combatant, especially concerning close quarters engagements, but i can look after myself if the need arises, plus i'm a more talkative man, with an intuitive talent for finding out the right people for various jobs, blend into local population, locate certain "questionable" goods or procure somewhat "shady" services or should we say "proscribed" knowledge, as the situation calls for it. You see, things on my homeworld, kinda forced me to act likewise if i wanted to keep my "hide" intact and not only live to see another dawn, but try to prosper as well.

I've got no delusions of grandeur regarding my place in Imperial society and this perhaps is a chance to make amends for past mistakes and atone for past sins. I staunchly believe the Emperor has a plan for all of us andf even the lowliest servant can make a difference. As for our operational group's leadership, i'd like to hear if any of you has any kind of previous experience in a leadership position, be it in the military, Planetary defence forces, enforcer agency, administration etc. Regarding myself, i used to be a mediator more than once and a respected envoy of my "organization's" leadership more than once and i've been used in taking decisions while dealing with other organizations or third parties, affiliated or not. My only concern, should you choose to let me step up and act as our "voice", would be the quite apparent fact of my less-than-appropriate for formal situations clothing, which probably could be set after our arrival, if there are available funds. Other than that i'd be absolutely fine in case someone else would like to act as current "leader" for our group".

2010-10-08, 03:35 AM
Alexis is meant to have a German accent. If my rather ignorant method of portraying it gets annoying I can stop.

A somewhat short but well muscled woman with tanned skin and straight neck-length hair wearing fine quality but ultimately humble and plain looking vestments stands in front of the viewport looking outward. Every so often she checks herself for her missing sword and gun before remembering that they are safely stored in her luggage.

Curse it all, I feel naked without my equipment. This voyage had best not last longer.

Finally she can stomach no more of seeing nothing but stars and the odd bit of debris she takes a seat near her colleagues.

"MY name is Alexis. I am a Sister of the Order of the Valourous Heart. I am but a simple warrior, as my father was before me. I am most certainly not a good choice for a leader. Not unless you only expect me to lead my subordinates by example. I can kill and act as a shield for others. Perhaps use what little influence a simple itinerant Sister might possess. I hope we can work well together."

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-08, 05:07 AM
A woman with rather unremarkable features sits in one of the chairs, mostly ignoring everyone else. She has a sword slung over her shoulder, the scabbard currently resting in her lap - it's similar to a katana, if anyone's likely to even recognize ancient Terran sword styles. She's wearing a lot of black - black boots, black pants, black full-body shirt, black quilted vest under it, black fingerless gloves...

She stares at the talkative Torrian for a moment. "...Domino. I'm here to please my master. That's all you need to know."

2010-10-08, 07:32 AM
A tall and rather impressively built man sits silently, eyed darting round at his new comrades. His blonde hair is cut rather strangely, shaved apart from a strip down the the middle of his head, and his green eyes look slightly haunted as his piercing gaze meers your eyes. He's wearing normal street clothes, having decided his uniform might be too conspicuous for such a delicate operation. His las-pistol is holstered at his hip, and his hand occasionaly brushes against it, as if to reasure himself its there.

"Willem Jaquette. Quistos 173rd Armoured Infanty. I serve the Emporer with every shot I fire." His voice is clipped and cold, his face set impassively like stone. "I'm no leader."

2010-10-08, 09:13 AM
Zaiven listens to the others before letting out an experated sigh. The troubling thoughts flowing through his head are not reflected on his face; his mental resolve is too great to let a simple slip such as that occur. Leaning back in his new chair he speaks.

"You know, I cannot say I recall anyone ever requiring a leader of us. It certainly is not a necessity, and in fact, I see it as a hindrance. Aboard the Gladius I was an officer, and while we are certainly not on her noble bridge, I am still unaccustomed to taking orders from those I work closely with. Since the others of the group apparently have no desire to be leaders, that leaves myself, and you Thor. And while I have no doubts as to your ability to be the most talkative member of this group, there is a difference in leading and being...."Zaiven glances at the ceiling as he speaks"Honestly, I cant think of a polite way to say your speak too much, so I wont say anything. The point is, you have nothing to worry about. We will all gladly let you ramble to whomever you like."

2010-10-08, 12:17 PM
Torrian lets out a slight sigh of relief and smiling pleasantly to the ladies, nodding approvingly to the rest, he continues.

"Well in that case i'm much more relieved. Please forgive my earliest choice of words. I never intended to sound bossy or wanting to impose any kind of control over anyone else, especially since we seem to have in our midst, an honourable daughter of the Emperor, an esteemed officer from Battlefleet Calixis, a courageous guardsman from the Emperor's finest and a mysterious lady as well. I most certainly would not aspire to "command" on a strict way any of you. Just wanted to know if our patrons had appointed someone among us to take a more active role in managing certain issues.

Other than that i'm more than happy to cooperate with each and every one of you, as well as with the whole team deciding for the various situations that may arise, and i sincerely hope that i can be of assistance in the coming assignment. Please forgive me once again if i sounded disrespectful, it seems i was distracted and also acted out of some old habits that as we know die hard".

With that, Torrian seems to calm a bit, his face still having a somewhat shamed look and justs looks around, trying not to disturb anyone, unless they address him, till the landing.

2010-10-08, 12:26 PM
Willem sits up a little straighter, glancing at Thor out of the corner of his eye, his face still impassive."You really are a rambler. If we need guidance the Emperor is sure to provide us with the means to succeed." Willem quickly makes the sign of the Aquilla with his hands before settling back down to silence, turning his head to look out the view-port.

2010-10-08, 01:18 PM
Zaiven flashes a cocky grin and looks at his companions. He had always thought he was a quiet one. This group seemed to speak even less than he. Well, Except for Thor, whom apparently had problems being quiet. He mused for a moment, and decided it would be best to not call Thor out on it anymore. If his only form of conversation was going to be that slipperly scum, then he was going to have to make the best of it.

"I'm just ready to get this jump over with" he says, more to himself than anyone. "Hey, Captain! How much longer?"

Lycan 01
2010-10-08, 01:40 PM
As if to answer his question, the craft gives a sudden sickening lurch. "Please fasten into your harnesses, honorable passengers," a mechanic voice crackles through the Vox speakers lining the ceiling of the passenger compartment. "We are now entering the atmosphere, and turbulence is expected."

Sure enough, the ship begins to shudder, and an ominous red glow begins to filter through the windows.



Judging from everyone's posts, nobody is actually strapped in. But I'll be merciful, and just let you faster yourselves into your harnesses without an Agility test. :smalltongue:

However, everyone who does not have prior Planet Drop experience needs to make a normal Toughness Test in order to stomach the reentry and not lose your last meal, which in a Low Gravity environment would not be pleasant.

So, everybody but Willem needs to make a Toughness save after they get strapped in...

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-08, 01:42 PM
Domino continues to stare at Torrian for a few more moments. "You need to stop talking." At the announcement, she straps herself into her feet, then takes a breath - she's not looking forward to this.


Lycan 01
2010-10-08, 01:45 PM
Yuki Only

You strap yourself in with fluid grace, as though you've done this thousands of times.

In fact, you can't help but shake a nagging sense of Deja Vu, as though... maybe you have done this many times before?

2010-10-08, 02:13 PM
Zaiven grinned wildly and strapped in.

"Lets see what the stories were about shall we fokes?"


2010-10-08, 02:27 PM
Torrian shrugs a bit and as he prepares to answer with some sort of witty remark, listens to the announcement and makes haste to fasten his harness.
He had travelled in the past but the landing procedure was something he thought he'd never get used to.

"Well, this is it", he says nervously and holds tight on his seat, a worried look on his face.

Toughness test [roll0] vs 21

2010-10-08, 03:15 PM
Alexis smiles in relief as she fastens her harness. Finally, we are about to arrive.

"This is a good thing. We can finally be underway."


2010-10-08, 03:19 PM
Willem silently and quickly straps himself in, closing his eyes, making the sign of the Aquilla and mumbling a quick prayer to the Emperor.

Lycan 01
2010-10-08, 06:21 PM
Everyone straps themselves in, and just in time. It is not long before the shuttle begins to thrash around violently, shaken by the viscious atmospheric forces outside its hull. Even with its insulation, the temperature inside the cabin spikes noticeably, and the orange haze outside the windows grows into a vibrant red glow.

Domino is barely affected by the experience, as though its something she's accustomed to. Torian is thrashed around quite a bit, but he manages to keep his composure, and his stomach contents. Alexis' rides out the storm, her grit and determination helping her overcome the violent shocks. Willem sits silently, perfectly in his element, like a fish to water or a bird to the sky.

Zaiven, however, does not cope well. Having grown up in the Battlefleet Calixis, he had never left the low-gravity environment of space, and had thus never been subjected to serious G-Forces. Within the first five seconds of it, he realizes that his first orbital entry is not going to be a pleasant experience. Planetfall, it turns out, is as bad as the stories he'd heard. The Naval Officer tries to control himself, but he quickly loses all composure. Within a few moments he begins to scream as he is violently thrashed and shaken to the breaking point, as though every force in the universe wanted to rip him from his harness. He is quickly rendered unable to scream, however, by his body's natural instinct to vomit. Repeatedly.

The rest of the reentry process is uneventful for the rest of the Acolytes, who get to sit back and enjoy Zaiven's own personal hell. Finally, the ship stops shaking and begins to fly smoothly, blue light filtering through the transport vessel's windows. They've broken through the atmosphere, and should be arriving at the capitol city's spaceport within minutes. They could finally breath a sigh of relief, and carry on any further discussions or plans in the moments before they arrive.

Everyone made it through alright, except for Zaiven. He is left sore, shaken, and fatigued, and thus takes -10 Penalty to all tests for the rest of the Introduction, or until he is able to sufficiently sit down, relax, and sufficiently recover his stamina.

2010-10-08, 06:31 PM
Willem lets out a snort at Zaiven's inability to handle orbital entry. "I always knew you damn navy lot were a bunch of pansies. I was doing runs like that when I was 14." He turns back to the view port, trying to see what kind of planet this Volux was.

2010-10-08, 09:11 PM
Zaiven recomposes himself, and slowly stands up. He is so disoriented that he doesn't even respond to Willem ignorant comments. Instead the officer reflects on what might have been the work even of his life. His whole body shakes as he glances around. His mind is warped and confused. But most of all, adrenaline courses through his body, creating a feeling unlike any the young adept had ever experienced. And all he could think about was doing it again. As the rush wears off, Zaiven slowly walks toward the front of the craft, to take in the sight of the first planet hes ever seen.

Lycan 01
2010-10-09, 01:46 PM
The whispy tendrils of puffy white clouds whisk past the viewports of the craft, like shredded cotton scattered across a crystal blue sky. The world below is a darker shade of blue - a vast expanse of ocean, with the occassional green and yellow blot representing a small island. Two thirds of Volux is covered by water, and the planet's Tithe, aside from the occasional Guard unit, is mostly purified water rations for other local planets and their Imperial Guard regiments. The other third of the planet's surface is covered by land, which is broken into three main continents. The landscape is generally flat, with some hillsides and even a few mountains. The planet is rife with forests and plantlife, due to its temperate environment and ample water supply. In essence, the planet looks like a blue globe with several green splotches on it.

After a few minutes of seeing open water, small islands quickly begin to appear with more frequency, before finally solid land becomes visible beneath the shuttle. The ship is getting closer, but the landing zone is still several minutes out...

2010-10-09, 02:01 PM
"Well, that's nice...at least compared to the clouded, moody and decaying Sinophia. You can barely even see spots of nature with all that buildings and messy urban landscapes there. And don't even get me started on some of those blasted hive worlds i had to visit on occasion. Filled with filth, both in material and population, unless you had more thrones that your weight, to get a place higher up. At least that place seems a bit more hospitable. From orbit that is...
Well, another reason for us to do well here. I'd hate to see such a planet go rogue an under xenos influence and who knows...perhaps in the future they may even welcome us here again after we successfully carry out our assignments. You know, for some sort of vacation, recreational activity and the such".

Torrian is looking outside the viewport, and as usually babbles incessantly, almost as if speaking to himself but loud enough to be heard clearly by the rest of the team.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-09, 02:10 PM
Domino puts her hand to her head during the atmospheric entry, wincing, before shaking it off. No, that was stupid. This was just easy. Zaiven just had a weak constitution. She glances over towards the naval man, before shaking her head.

After a quick glance out of the window, she removes her restraints. "Weapons. Equipment. List them." she says, simply. Not the politest person in the world.

But she does at least go first. "Mono sword, compact laspistol, two charge packs. Mercy blade. Psy-focus." The sword is obvious, although the pistol may come as a surprise, as it's fairly well concealed. Those last bits may come as a surprise - she's a Psyker?

2010-10-09, 05:17 PM
"Since we seem to be arriving any moment now, did any of you receive particular instructions regarding our assignment? That is are we to meet the President of Volux, inform him of our intentions and act as his shadowy bodyguard and investigation squad, or are we to act undercover and incognito doing our best to avert any potential threats to his life and uncover the instigator of the murderous attacks?

The first, apart from being viewed suspiciously by the President himself since i don't have any specific credentials proving our assignment, it might alert any conspirator, who may have access to his inner circle of counsellors, as well, of our presence. The second way of action on the other hand, might be more suitable since it can give us more leeway to act, possibly infiltrate the local society and see what we can learn, starting from rumours and moving - if lucky - to more credible sources of information. On the downside we might have problems if confronted by the President's security teams / PDF officials or whoever else is in charge of protecting him, on the unfortunate event that our actions draw unwanted attention at some point.

In any case, i think that i can try to contact the local precinct of the Adeptus Arbites and see if i can manage to obtain any relevant information, using my contact status from years-long service as an undercover operative for them and also try to blend in the local population, especially with those who might be of more "questionable" morals or otherwise disgruntled with troublemaker attitudes, or even more insidious plans, possibly involving any local underworld activity and start picking the thread of the case from there.

Apart from this, we'll need to find a decent place to stay, although i'll be equally fine in a relatively small, old and not so good appartment in case we need to maintain a low profile. Other than that, we should probably agree on certain code phrases or gestures to relay certain critical information or warnings during dangerous or delicate situations and in general determine our areas of expertise. This way we can all know who to turn to when a situation occurs, for expert advice and guidance and we can eventually function much more efficiently. Any suggestions?"

Torrian then proceeds to check his weapons and gear, getting his autogun from the compartment, performing a fast but expert check on it and straping it on his back . He secures his autopistol in a shoulder holster beneath his vest, puts his extra clips in his pockets, to be easily accessible, his club at the side of his belt and his knife in another small holster at his hip. He tidies his clothes a bit, passes a hand casually through his hair, touches the dog tags hanging from his neck, puts them beneath his t-shirt, kisses a signet ring he wears in his right hand and looks to the rest with an eager look upon his face.

2010-10-09, 05:50 PM
Upon feeling the gravity normalize Alexis unstraps her harness and begins going through her luggage. She dons her armor and returns her sword to its place in her belt. She then retrieves her pistol and loads it with a fresh clip and readies it so it is ready to fire before placing it reverently in its holster, reciting the Litany of Loading as she does so, "Machine Spirit, accept my gift, Swallow the Light, and spit out death."

And so too am I ready. Ready to protect the good right-thinking men of this world, and smite the foes who would see this world usurped by the foul xenos.

"I believe we should also look the local Imperial Cult for aid. They no doubt will have considerable influence, and will want the xenos removed and the traitors punished for their sins against the Imperium.

However we plan to accomplish our goals, we should use discretion. Our intentions should not be discovered until it is too late to stop us from succeeding."

2010-10-09, 06:38 PM
Seeing the others being less than subtle about their armed and armoured nature, Willem unstraps himself and opens his luggage compartment, donning his flak armour. He systematically checks his guns one by one, first his las-pistol, which he returns to its holster, then his las-gun, using the strap to wear it across his body, and finally his shotgun, which is also on a strap, making a cross shape with the las-gun. Turning back to the rest of the group he looks each in the eye.

"The way I see it, this is a black-ops mission. Need to know only. We keep it secret, and keep our charge safe."

2010-10-09, 07:58 PM
Zaiven gazes at the beauty of the planet in awe and wonder. This was the land he has been kept from? Some stories had talked about the danger and harshness of planets, but.... This place was so soothing to his sight the navy officer couldnt help but wonder about the vality of those stories. Torrians ramblings finally pull him from his trace, and he turns back to the group to listen to their remarks.

"I agree with with Willem. Keep our cover, maybe do some recon and undercover work. Tell only those who its necessary. Maybe even assassinate a radical or two. Im quite handy with a rifle."

Lycan 01
2010-10-11, 05:23 PM
"Please fasten your harnesses, we will be landing in 87 seconds," the mechanical timber of a Tech-Priest drones through the cabin's vox speakers. The Acolytes quickly take their seats, and the transport vessel makes its landing run. The earth below begins to go from green to grey as buildings pass by underneath, the outskirts of a city soon visible through the ship's viewports. The ship begins to slow down, and a loud rumble drones through the vessel as its downward thrusters activate. It slows to a halt, and then begins to drift vertically to the ground below. A dull thump rocks the ship, and the thrusters cease.

The landing is complete. The mission has begun.

Exiting the craft, the new Acolytes discover that they've landed in a small indoor hangar, with circular walls and a retractable roof. Several servitors and Tech-Priests are milling around, making their way towards the ship to begin examinig it, refueling it, and making any repairs or modifications needed. They are all completely oblivious to the new arrivals on their world, or anything else in the hanger besides the transport.

However, the Acolytes notice something out of place, or more specifically, someone. There is a man standing near the entrance of the hangar, leaning patiently against the blast door. He is clad in black - his uniform, his boots, and the greatcoat he wears over them. Beneath the greatcoat is also visible a carapace vest, worn with use and decorated with several medals. A sword and pistol are at his side, though their make and model are a mystery. A red sash adorns his waist, and a peaked black-and-red cap rests atop his head. There is little doubt that this man is a member of the Commissariat, and a highly respected one at that.

Upon noticing the Acolytes, he steps away from the wall and begins to approach them. He slows down for a moment to cough throatily into a white hankerchief, then continues to his brisk walk to meet the new arrivals. As he nears, his features become more visible - tall, somewhat pale and gaunt, with a well-kept brown goatee, green eyes, and a somewhat worn and tired expression on his face. When he finally reaches the Acolytes, he smiles politely and tips his hat to them. "Commissar Hiram Loche, Voluxian Minister of Defense. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I trust you have been briefed on your mission?"

2010-10-12, 02:50 AM
Alexis makes the sign of the Aquila before stepping forward, her left hand resting on the pommel of her sword and says, "We have Commissar Loche, but I don't suppose you have anything to add? Any new developments, any information you thought we might find important?

2010-10-12, 04:22 AM
Willem snaps to attention, eyes hard, not willing to show any sign of disrespect. Or heresy. He did NOT want to get shot by a Commissar. "We just need to be updated as you any current changes in the situation. Sir."

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-12, 04:23 AM
Domino walks out of the craft, fixing her sword to her hip, in a manner that makes it quite obvious she expects to have to draw it in a hurry. She makes absolutely no effort to conceal it.

The Commissar gets a stony gaze for a few moments, and then promptly gets ignored. The others will ask questions, why should she bother?

2010-10-12, 05:40 AM
Torrian addresses the Comissar with respect for his mere figure and uniform carry a reputation on of their own even outside the structure of the Imperial Guard and living on the fringes of Imperial society requires certain patterns of behaviour when dealing with any kind of Authority.

"It is a great honour to make your acquaintenance honourable sir. It is true that we have received a briefing regarding an overview of the situation here on the - otherwise lovely and pretty impressive for its natural beauty - planet of Volux. Nevertheless first hand information and top notch intelligence regarding a situation, particularly coming from someone of your prestige, status and authority should be more than welcome to our overall effort. Please forgive my absense of a proper military salute but i do not have a military background and therefore i wouldn't like to apppear disrespectful by doing it wrongly. So, what are the latest developments on Volux and how would you judge their effect on the planet's population base, the society in general? I only ask so to see if there is "fertile" ground either for support to our cause or for opposition and therefore a need to infiltrate certain "separatist" cells to procure more specific information on the crisis".

2010-10-12, 12:53 PM
Zaiven strolls a bit behind the group, carrying his case in his left hand, listening as the Commissar is addressed. He too salutes to the great man, but not with the same intensity as Williem. The naval officer's salute only last for a moment, before his hand returned to his side. Just because the Commissar could shoot him, that didn't mean he was going to be a suck up. Lots of enemies of the emperor would do a lot worse than shoot him, and Zaiven surely wasn't going to suck up to all of them. Death was just a part of life, nothing more, nothing less.

tag: GM/Lycan

Lycan 01
2010-10-12, 01:26 PM
Commissar Loche smiles as the fresh Acolytes introduce themselves. He nods at Willem and Zaiven, mildly bemused by the contrast between their reactions and the rest of the team's. He hears Alexis' questions, but waits for the whole team to speak before he answers. He promptly regrets this, as Torrian begins another of his infamous monologues. After he's finished, Loche contemplates for a moment, and then responds.

"I assume your last briefing was several days ago, yes? Not much has changed since then, for better or worse. You know that we've had several assassination attempts on all sides of the political field, and this has unfortunately remained the same situation. Two nights ago a pro-seccession Cyan senator was killed by a sniper, while a car bomb exploded outside of a Loyalist propoganda center yesterday, killing three workers and wounding several others. We have no suspects in either case, and no one is claiming responsibility. And then today a Voluxian Citizen's Party rally was interupted, but it was more of an example of people being stupid than an actual threat. Just some xeno-loving teenagers who painted themselves up blue and decided to try convincing the rest of the crowd that acceptance of the Tau Empire was the best choice for the Voluxian populace. We had them... detained," he smirks.

"The atmosphere is somewhat uneasy. The Grand Election, which will decide on Volux's ruling part for the next five years, is tommorrow. One could say the Voluxian populace is almost evenly divided between the three major parties - the Cyans who love the Tau, the Loyalists who love the Emperor, and the VCP who love Volux. There are a few splinter parties though... radicals, extremists, and lunatics mostly. The most promising of the independent parties would be the Anarchists, who are rather self explanitory. They think Volux is better off on its own - period. We thought they might be behind some of the attacks, but recently they've been hit by their own string of assassinations and sabotage. They've actually become less radical as the election draws closer, too, throwing off further suspicion. So... we've got no real leads. No clear suspects. Nothing to go on..."

"Now," Commissar Loche snaps, spinning halfway around on his heel, "If you have no further questions, would you please follow after me? There is other business we must attend to... beyond prying ears," he casts a suspicious glance at some of the nearby Techpriests, who seem oblivious to the existance of everything in the hangar besides the dropship.

2010-10-13, 01:56 AM
Zaiven looks at his companions, and seeing that all are in too much amazement or thought or whatever is going through their minds to follow, he takes the initiative and moves past them, following Commissar Loche.

2010-10-13, 05:54 AM
Willem follows after him, his face trying not to display the distaste he felt being in the presence of a Commissar. Murderer

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-13, 05:56 AM
Domino decides to follow along behind the Commissar. After all, he seems to know what they're doing here, so obviously he works for the Inquisition. Right?

2010-10-13, 06:10 AM
Torrian follows the rest of the team and the commissar, anxious but eager to see what would come next.

2010-10-13, 06:16 AM
Alexis follows the commissar out of the room, her mind filled with questions.

I don't know about these Anarchists being beyond suspicion at this point. All this chaos would probably play into their motives, if all of this sabotage is being directed by a single group, and we know nothing of the 'sabotage & assassinations' that have been directed at them. Nothing seems certain at this point. We must be prepared for all eventualities. We shall drag the truth of this matter into the light for all to see.

Lycan 01
2010-10-13, 06:42 PM
Commissar Loche leads the Acolytes out of the hangar, and into a large corridor. It should lead to the main part of the spaceport, but Loche instead approaches a maintanence door. He types in a keycode on the security lock, and then opens it up. "Follow me," he says simply as he disappears through the doorway.

The Commissar leads the Acolytes down a flight of stairs and into a series of maintanence hallways. At a few points, he slows down as he is struck by random coughing fits, forced to pause as he wetly hacks into a hankerchief. Once the attacks subside, he continues to lead them wordlessly. After several minutes of subterranean mazes, he leads them up a staircase, and out another maintanence door.

The sunlight on the other side of the door nearly blinds the Acolytes as they exit. Once their eyes adjust, they discover that they're in a large alleyway, within sight and sound of the spaceport. Immediately they notice the black limousine parked in front of them, a man in a black suit and sunglasses standing by the back door nearest to them. The door of the window rolls down as the Acolytes and Commissar approach, and a face appears on the other side of the door.

"So you're the best the Inquisition could offer, eh?" the man grins warmly. Wearing a black suit and red tie, he has strong features, a square jaw, grey eyes, and black hair flecked with silver trimmed into a crewcut. "Shabby lookin' lot, ain't ya?"

"Allow me," Commissar Loche nods from the Acolytes to the man, "To introduce you to Vladius Corvinus, Planetary President of Volux, and the man you've been assigned to protect."

2010-10-14, 03:55 PM
Torrian looks to the planetary president with the years-long practiced eye of a man who mediated between criminal organizations, who grew up in a decayed both physically and morally society and who learnt that appearances mean almost nothing, since even in the higher echelons corruption can be found. The man was right in his assessment of them though, recognising they weren't top inquisitorial operatives, but his manner was good-hearted instead of mocking or spiteful. That was good. It's always better to have a friendly disposition towards someone you're supposed to protect.

He makes a step forth, careful not to approach more than it would be deemed appropriate and greets the president.

"President Corvinus, it is an honour to make your acquaintenance sir. Apologies for my inappropriate appearance, which certainly isn't worthy of your presence, but let me say it's more like my operational clothing. In years past i have found out that you can blend a lot better in the local population, especially in the disgruntled part of the society, with such an outfit and a matching attitude, rather than with ostentatious attire and obvious displays of power. Allow me first to introduce myself. My name is Torrian Severus and alongside my fellow operatives i am here to guarantee the Imperium's best interests on Volux, and specifically your protection from any and all threats no matter from where they may originate.

It is good to see that you surround yourself with good men, like the honourable commissar Loche here, who was kind enough to meet us in person and bring us to you. - nods slightly towards him - I do not know your world more than a quick briefing has allowed me to, but it would be a shame to be involved a needless and tribulating turmoil. While i understand that the planet's political factions vying for power would perhaps stop at nothing to gain, therefore proceeding to these assassinations, i'm still unclear of any definitive motives. Furthermore, until otherwise, i suspect even those closest to your Highness and if possible, when and if we're briefed further on the situation, i'd like to receive from one of your security officers, the files on the most prominent of your advisors, as well as any available intel on those assassinated and on those who are close to the powerful figures of the other factions, in order to see if there's a way to draw a connection between them.

Regarding the more "physical" aspect of your personal security, i'll leave that to my expertly trained and specialized companions who are much more adept to handle it. I have no doubt that you possess already a formidable security force and i believe we can ensure a most effective cooperation.

As for any additional information that is to be procured by ourselves, all i can say, is that i'll do my best to assess the situation on the city, perhaps mingle with the local population and see if i can get to the bottom of this. This is what i can think of at the moment, please forgive me if i was intrusive, but as i understand it, you're an important man, with little time to lose and in dire need to have this situation handle effectively. Also, it is an effort on my behalf to prove that we're here indeed to work seriously. It is something that each and every one of us, loyal servants to the Imperium, aspire to do in the best of our capabilities".

2010-10-15, 12:39 PM
Alexis has the grace to look sheepish as Torrian rambles on, and once she can get a word in she says,

"Our apologies for our verbose companion. He tends to ramble on when he begins speaking, though there have been enough times that it has been useful for us.

We may be some of the lowliest of the Inquisition, however the Inquisition is nothing if not rigorous. You can be assured that we are certainly a cut above the average citizen. Even a simple novice Sororitas can be quite useful to have around."

2010-10-15, 12:57 PM
Willem's eyes unfocus slightly as Thor rambles on about...something. The sound of Alexis' voice snaps him out of his slight daze, and he he focuses back onto the situation.

"You can trust us to get the job done sir. By the Emperors grace we'll protect you."

He scans the alley, looking for anything out of place. "Where exactly IS the rest of your security detail?"

Lycan 01
2010-10-15, 01:16 PM
The President looks on and listens, and at least tries to look interested as Torrian launches into a long monologue. Once he finishes, the President actually sits there for a second in silence, waiting to make sure he was done talking. He then listens to Alexis and Willem's statements, and responds to all of them.

"You," he points at Torrian, "Like to talk. You'll get along well with the politicians here... And I'll try to get you the files on my counsel and the assassination victims ASAP."

He then looks back to Alexis and Willem. "Good to know the Inquisition sent capable folks. I'm sure you're all talented and skilled enough for the mission, and I doubt I'll have any trouble placing my trust in you. And yes, I'm sure they can be quite useful..." he smirks mischeviously at Alexis, before bursting into laugher. "Sorry, couldn't resist. It helps to have a sense of humor around here. Knowing people want you dead can really be stressful. But between you and my security, I'm not too worried. Ah yes, my security. Well, there's the obvious..." he gestures at the suited man next to his window. "But rest assured, he's not my only protection. This area has been cordoned off, and I'm not even officially here."

"Now then..." he opens the door and throws it open, while the bodyguard opens another door. "If you'd like to join me, I'm about to head back to the Voluxian State Offices, where all the political work gets done. You can ask around, maybe gather some info, or even try to snooping around if you're gutsy enough. Or, you can disperse and try grassroots investigating. Also, we've arranged accomidations for you at a local hotel under assumed names. Its not first class, but it isn't modest either. If you'd prefer something more low key, though, let us know, and we'll make the proper arrangements..."

2010-10-15, 04:05 PM
Zaiven ignores his companions speaking, mostly because after Torrian began to talk he lost all interest. He gazed around the area, being careful and vigilant. He looks at the areas he would be if he were stalking a target, making sure no one is around.


He tunes back in when the president begins to answer the group, catching back up on whats been being discussed.

"That sounds like a good idea Mr. President. If you do not object, I would like myself or the guardsman to ride up front, so we can be on the lookout. I also have some theories on how to handle this situation, but I have yet to discuss them with my fellow companions, so until I can address them privately, I would like to keep them to myself." As Zaiven says the second part, he glances at his fellow Acolytes, trying to help them realize the second was meant for them to understand he wanted to speak to them a soon as they got the chance.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-15, 04:12 PM
Domino brings her hand to her face as Torrian once again begins running his mouth off, giving an annoyed grunt. Once he finally finishes, she's still not paying attention for a moment or two, until she notices the president is speaking.

Once he's finished, she just nods her head, glancing to the next speaker in line, and nodding again. She's listening. Except not to Torrian.

Lycan 01
2010-10-15, 04:25 PM

Despite it being your first time on a planet, you're still able to focus and pay attention to the world around you. The alley is dark and dank, the limo quite out of place. You notice a black vehicle parked just around the corner at the end of the alley, a man in a suit and sunglasses visible in the driver's seat. It seems the President's men are, in fact, on location and making sure nothing is amiss...

2010-10-15, 05:16 PM
Zaiven smiles, quite pleased with himself and glad to know he had not lost his touch from being on a planet. He secretly hoped he was following his training and blending in; he would rather not have anyone know he had never been on a planet. That was information, and enough information was far more dangerous that any weapon.

2010-10-15, 05:35 PM
Willem slides his lagun round till he's holding the stock with one hand, ready to bring it to aim, moving into a more combat oriented stance, his eyes darting round for trouble.

"We had been get moving, no sense in staying out in the open."

He gestures for the rest of the group to enter the vehicle.

2010-10-15, 09:28 PM
Alexis moves to the side of the car's opening opposite Willem and facing the other direction with her pistol drawn and held in a two-handed grip.

"Mr. President please enter the car first, your safety takes top priority. Thor, you go next, followed by Domino and Zavien, Willem and I will go last. We should get going."

She keeps a sharp lookout as she says this, very much hoping this can progress without incident.

Lycan 01
2010-10-15, 09:55 PM
The President arches an eyebrow. "I am in the car..." he says from his seat. "Why do you have your guns out? We're in secure territory."

"Its true..." Commissar Loche shrugs. "You've got at least five sets of eyes on your right now, and probably a rifle scope..."

The inside of the car has four rows of seats, one along each wall. A set of seats against the trunk, a set of seat on either wall along the inside of the car between the two passenger doors, and a row of seats against the driver's compartment, which is seperated by a pane of tinted glass. The President is seated in the back seat, with Commissar Loche moving towards the forward-located seats. The wall-set seats are empty and free, however.

Basically, the inside of the limo has seats along its length on all walls. Like so:


Like so. So yeah, pick your seats - left side, right side, or cram in against the Pres or Commissar.

The bodyguard sits up front with the driver...

2010-10-15, 10:10 PM
Willem chooses a seat next to the right window in the same row as the president, so as to hopefully use his body to shield any potential bullets and have the window to be able to shoot back at any assassins. He keeps the lasgun concealed below the window.

2010-10-16, 02:36 AM
OOC: I seriously need to stop overlooking stuff. :smallredface:

It's strange to be in a situation where there are no hidden dangers.

Alexis holsters her pistol and climbs into the car taking a seat flanking the president with Willem.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-16, 04:43 AM
"If you have such a well-organised security protocol, what do you need us for?" Domino asks, even as she climbs into the limo. She looks a little uncomfortable.

2010-10-16, 10:40 AM
Torrian enters the limousine, sitting comfortably (at the right side) and nodding thankfully towards the President.

2010-10-18, 12:00 PM
Zaiven nods at the car he spotted, and climbs in the limo, sitting in the upper left side, directly behind the driver.

OOC: Im assuming these are American cars lol. If not, im behind the body guard I suppose.

Lycan 01
2010-10-18, 12:39 PM
Once everyone enters the limo, the bodyguard closes the doors and sits up front with the driver. The vehicle starts up, and gently coasts out of the alleyway, on to an empty street surrounded by run-down buildings. They pass by a black SUV, several black-clad men watching the vehicle as it passes. "To answer your question," President Corvinus nods to Domino, gesturing at the SUV as it pulls out to follow them, "My organized security protocol tends to attract a lot of unwanted attention. And they're still Voluxians, capable of changing their political or personal beliefs, especially if they are presented with the proper motivation. And they're required to follow stringent rules and constantly keep an eye on me. You folks... aren't. You don't stand out in a crowd. You don't have a stake in Volux's fate. You don't have to follow the same rules as them, and you can actually leave my side and go do some digging for information if you so please."

As he speaks, the limousine takes a few turns down old roads, and then as it makes one final turn on to a new street, the world around it changes. The buildings are suddenly newer, there are other cars on the road, and people are actually walking the street. The black SUV actually turns off, and dissappears into the traffic of other cars, motorcycles, trucks, and buses. The people walking the streets range from youths in jeans to elders in suits. Occassionally, some person wearing overtly blue attire can be seen handing out flyers. On some corners, men in suits can be seen handing out Voluxian flags and pendants. And for one brief moment, a glimpse of a blue-skinned humanoid with reversed leg joints can be seen walking casually through the crowd - a an actual Tau, walking unnoticed amongst the humans of Volux.

2010-10-18, 01:03 PM
Willems eyes narrow as he catches a glimpse of the xenos scum openly walking the streets. He turns to the president, stony faced, his mouth set in a harsh line. "How can you allow such blatant heresy, Sir? It's disgusting."

2010-10-18, 01:50 PM
Alexis visibly seethes as she witnesses the filthy xeno walk upon this soil, blessed by the presence of mankind, as though it belongs there. After clenching and unclenching her fists several times she speaks, "I agree, these people do not seem to understand the retribution that will be rained down upon them should these foul creatures usurp this world. Every world we are forced to destroy is a world we can no longer reclaim. Their souls must be saved, whether by prayer or by cleansing flame, it matters not which."

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-18, 01:52 PM
Domino, for her part, glances at the Tau for a moment, and then just looks away again. Nope, she doesn't care. The Psyker starts tapping the hilt of her sword, looking slightly agitated at being cooped up in the car, though.

2010-10-18, 02:07 PM
Torrian looks intently outside the car's window, trying to absorb as many details and information as possible regarding the local population and the city's layout. The site of an alien amidst imperial citizenry unnerves him ever so slightly, yet on his line of "occupation" he had seen many things. The perversion and decay of human nature was at times worse than any xeno influence, or perhaps merely its predecessor. What was the case here on Volux, remained to be seen.

Lycan 01
2010-10-18, 06:29 PM
"You think I support this?" the President's expression darkens, his eyes narrowing. "I personally think the Tau have overstayed their welcome."

"Here, here," Commissar Loche, arms folded tightly beneath his stormcoat, growls from the front.

"But, we can't just kick them out now. It would, without a doubt, spark two wars - a war between the Imperium and the Tau Empire, and a civil war between Voluxian's own people. So, for the time being, we're just trying to keep things as they are - the Tau make no further progress on this world, and the Imperium shows no hostility. In case you aren't aware, the Tau Empire and the Imperium have a truce in this sector. They've come to a bit of an understanding - mutual respect, mutual peace. And there's even a bit of trading going on in some places. That's how they wound up here in the first place. A few decades ago, they were allowed a few trade and transport permits, and over the years they began to slowly influence the populous. Now we've got three parties - the Xeno lovers, the Xeno haters, and the guys who don't want their planet destroyed. I'm the head honcho of the latter party," he gestures at himself. "And unfortunately, the elections tommorrow may change the status quo of things. But, we'll just have to wait and see."

"Also," he adds as an afterthought, "I should go ahead and warn you. There's a party being held tonight. Bit of a "inter-party peace" celebration, held in the Presidential Estate. All the top dogs of each party will be there, as a sign of good faith. I'd like for at least a few of you to be there, as my personal bodyguards and to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity or information. And there will be Tau emissaries there. Likely one of their Ethereals. So, do me a favor and don't shoot him. I'd rather the planet not be destroyed..." he smirks.

As the President talks, vehicles of many types pass by the limo. A yellow sports car with a pair of youths speed past on the left, their sunglasses-covered eyes turned to try and look through the tinted glass of the window. A blue bus slowly pulls along on the right, several people craning their necks to look down into the limo as they drive by, but to no avail. A yellow motorcycle speeds along on the left side, a young couple clad in blue and gold leathers clinging on to it for dear life. And about that same time, a battered pickup truck with a grizzled old man pulls along on the right.

2010-10-18, 10:00 PM
Zaiven pondered on what he honestly thought of the Xenos, as two of his companions began to express their extreme discust. He listened as the President spoke, happily surprised that he was more interested in protecting his home than his political position. Assuming, of course, that he was telling the truth. He watched out his window as the vehicles drove past.


Yuki Akuma
2010-10-19, 04:27 AM
Domino looks around at all the vehicles passing by. She's starting to get a little nervous... The woman fingers at something held in her pocket - quick eyes may see that it's an icon of the Emperor - which seems to calm her down a little bit.

And then she reaches into the Warp.

Manifesting Precognition, because... it's a sustainable power so why not?

[roll0] Power Threshold is 6.

2010-10-19, 07:34 AM
"As much pleasure as it would bring me to end the creatures life, I shall hold fire unless ordered to by yourself or the Commissar. How are we to dress, as formal party goers? In a uniform? Do you wish us to blend in or stand out?" Willems mind races as he considers the possible ways they could go about protecting their charge. His grip on his gun tightens as he imagines the Xenos attending the party, mingling and spreading it's insidious taint. He takes a deep breath to calm himself and goes back to watching the world outside the window, looking for signs of trouble.


Lycan 01
2010-10-19, 06:35 PM
Zaiven tries to pay attention to the vehicles driving past, but he's still having trouble getting over all the sights of the world around him, and thus he has trouble focusing on specific details. Willem is also unable to pay attention to the world outside, too distracted by the horrible concept of Xenos daring to enjoy the delicious fruity punches served at parties, which only humans were worthy of savoring!


You can't help but hate activating your precog abilities. Its like you're stuck in a constant state of Deja Vu, the back of your mind itching as though you're having an out of body experience or something, your brain confused by its own knowledge of things that are about to happen. As you feel the familiar sensation, you know you have succeeded in activating your power. You also get a nagging sensation you should look out the window on your side of the car...

"Well, if you desire to attend," the President speaks loud enough for everyone to hear as he addresses Willem's question, "You should try to dress formally. The top members of each political party will be there, and I don't think showing up as hobos will help the investigation. If you have a military background, a uniform will suffice. In fact, the more spiffy it is and the more medals you have on it, the better an impression you'll likely make. Volux takes pride in its armed forces, even if they don't see much use. I'm retired Imperial Guard, myself. And Commissar Loche, as you already know, is the Minister of Defense, in charge of Volux's armed forces, PDF, and Imperial Guard garrisons. Not many Voluxians can say they've seen actual combat, which is one reason the voters loved us so much," he grins.

2010-10-20, 12:17 AM
Zaiven listens to the President and nods. "We shall discuss this Mr. President. Although, I have a strong feeling you won't be seeing me."

Zaiven grins and looks at his fellow companions. He knows they really need privacy to discuss their plans. Just because this cat seems together on the surface, it means nothing. He is a bureaucrat, and they should never be trusted.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-20, 02:05 AM
Domino rubs her temples a little bit, frowning slightly, before looking out the window on her side of the car...

2010-10-20, 03:26 AM
Awareness Test to notice anything out of place.
[roll0] vs 31

Alexis holds her tongue about Xenos and parties in favor of viewing the traffic moving around the vehicle. She feels genuinely confused by the people trying to spectate on them and asks, "Do people often try to view the inside of your vehicles?"

2010-10-20, 07:30 AM
Shaking his head to try and clear his thoughts of the Xenos scum, Willem turns his eyes back to the president. "As one of your bodyguards it is my duty to attend, the schola prepared us for the chance we might encounter such formal functions as this. My uniform is hardly dressy, but hopefully it will suffice. What of weapons and armour?"

2010-10-20, 09:17 AM
Turning his attention from the road and the general traffic Torrian addresses the President.

"Well i'd be honoured to attend this party sir, but if at all possible i'd like to request more appropriate clothing than those i'm currently wearing in order to be presentable and not draw unnecessary suspicion. Other than that i'll try to keep more listening than talking, except when needed to subtly extract any valuable information".

Lycan 01
2010-10-20, 11:53 AM
"When they don't know who's in it, curiousity gets the better of them," the President smirks. "I'm here incognito - no one knows that I'm officially out on the town. So, naturally, they're going to want to know who's in the limo, even though they're a common sight around here. It is the capitol city, after all, and its full of politicians. And of course, its nigh impossible to see in here, but people try anyway. Really helps me blend in..."

He then looks to Willem and shrugs. "Even a standard uniform is an eye-catcher here. Weapons and armor are frowned upon, though. But what they don't see won't hurt them, right?"

"And don't worry," he responds to Torrian, "We can provide you with a suit."


You look outside, and see the vibrant yellow motorcycle driving alongside the limo, the two passengers clinging on to it for dear life. There are also several people walking along on the sidewalk, and once again you occassionally see people from different political parties trying to campaign and spread propoganda. A few men in blue shirts handing out pamplets, some well-dressed women handing out flyers, and a trio of black clad youths arguing with a pair of blue-clad youths. But the limo is moving too fast for you to really react to much of what you see...

-Make an Awareness Test-

2010-10-21, 07:38 AM
Willem frowns as he considers being unarmed at such an event. "I don't like the idea of not having a weapon, as your guard I find it foolish to even consider it. I shall try to be discreet."

Lycan 01
2010-10-21, 08:15 PM
"I never said you couldn't have a weapon. A ceremonial sword at your waist or a concealed revolver in your boot aren't out of the question, but a lasgun strapped to your back would raise some eyebrows..." the President responds.


As you watch the view outside your window, the passenger on the motorcycle turns to look at you. Its a woman, as you can easily tell thanks to her lack of a helmet, with a blonde pony tail and rather plain features. She looks at the window for a moment, and you get the feeling she's actually looking at you.

And then she smiles. Her grin reveals rows of razor sharp teeth, not unlike those of a shark, and a mouth wider than it should be. Your mind reels in shock, horrified by what you see. Terror grips you, and your vision begins to blur. As you black out, the last thing you see is her pulling a sub-machine gun from her vest...

Domino looks out the window on the left side of the limo. Her eyes suddenly go wide, and then roll back into her head as she goes limp. Before anyone can react to her fainting... the left side of the vehicle is raked with gunfire.

Sparks and broken glass fly as bullets punch through the side of the vehicle and explode its windows. Armor-piercing rounds, barely slowed by the armored panneling and bullet-proof glass, seek targets as they rip through the riding compartment. Most of the shots, however, seem aimed at the back of the vehicle... where the President is sitting.

Amazingly, none of the Acolytes got hit. But, the President wasn't so lucky. He takes two hits, unless Alexis stays where she's sitting, on the left side of him, and opts to take the bullets herself. OR, somebody can make a Dodge check to dive in front of the President, and take the bullets themselves.

2010-10-21, 10:25 PM
Alexis will stay in her seat and take the bullets in the president's place.

The moment Alexis hears the gunshots her body reacts, seemingly on its own, the result of years of training under the Order's drill abbots. She repositions herself in her seat so that her back is facing the left side of the vehicle. Feeling the bullets rip into her legs after slicing through the car door, she grits her teeth as she internally recites the Litany of Protection.

Oh Emperor of Mankind,
Send your gaze to me with benevolence,
Watch over your servant and soldier,
And protect me from peril.

2010-10-21, 11:16 PM
Zaiven pull las pistol from its hiding spot up his sleeve. He calmly turns and fires as the bullets fly by, thanking the powers that be for his protection. Zaiven aims at the driver and fires away.

[roll0] vs 32

2010-10-22, 01:42 AM
"Bloody hell. Emperor save us", Torrian exclaims as the bullets hit the vehicle hard, and wound Alexis. All too familiar gang-war techniques and the reflexes of years in the Underworld, kick in and Torrian reaches for his autopistol in the shoulder holster with one hand, while leaning forward to keep the president down with the other.

After ensuring that the President is down on the limo floor he aims with his autopistol outside the window to shoot at the attackers.

If initiative is needed [roll0]
After having pushed the President to the limo floor, then as full action "full-auto attack" with the autopistol (BS: 35 +20 , additional hit for every degree of success, spending 6 bullets).
[roll1] vs 55

Also, Torrian has the paranoia talent. I don't remember if it gives anything to initiative (don't have the book with me now, since i'm posting from the university) but maybe it could give him a chance to spot part of the threat or react possibly a bit faster to it. In any case that may not apply (since i can't remember the exact talent description now) due to circumstances (we were surprised etc) and so i'll act at the point that Lycan deems proper according to initiative, other actions by the rest etc.

2010-10-22, 04:46 AM
Willem's reaction to the gunfire is swift and deadly, his face shuts down on any emotion as he leans round and calmly raises his lasgun, sighting along it and firing in one fluid motion.


Yuki Akuma
2010-10-22, 04:49 AM
Domino would probably be ashamed with herself were she not unconscious.

Lycan 01
2010-10-23, 08:51 PM
As bullets rip into the vehicle, Alexis positions herself in front of the President. Two stray rounds strike her legs, but they are merely grazing flesh wounds, having been slowed by the metal and her clothing. That's not to say she's not hurt - blood begins to flower on the clothe around the wounds, and it hurts like frak, but there wounds aren't serious.

Zaiven targets the driver of the motercycle with blinding speed, but its rapidly speeding forward, engine revving as the passenger lowers a smoking sub-machine gun. He cracks of a shot from his las pistol, but it goes wide and misses.

Torrian manages to draw his pistol as he leans towards the President, and manages to snap off a bullet at the shooter. But by a stroke of luck it glances off the passenger's helmet in a small flash of sparks.

Willem shows his military training well. With expert marksmanship, he somehow manages to sight the enemy and fire a shot withot hitting any of the people surrounding him in a cramped car. The las round finds its mark too, grazing the shoulder of the passenger. They visibly hunch over, but manage to hang on and not fall off the speeding vehicle.

"Stop shooting, you fools!" Commissar Loche roars. "You're going to hit one of us!"

"Frak!" President Corvinus snarls. "Everyone alright?!"

Domino's foot gives a few twitches.

2010-10-24, 04:20 AM
The sudden feeling of adrenaline pumping through him exhilarates Willem, and he takes a deep breath to try and calm the beating of his heart. "Fine sir. Were you hit?" He sits forward for a quick inspection for any wounds. "I think Alexis needs medical attention though, sir."

2010-10-24, 12:04 PM
@Lycan 01
Not serious? Alexis is at 0 Wounds. :smalltongue:

Alexis falls to the car's floor as sharp, piercing pain overtakes her. While trying to apply pressure to the bullet wounds in her legs she says, "Yes, a healer would be welcome. But I would settle for binding whoever did this and burning them alive."

2010-10-24, 07:41 PM
Zaiven slides the compact pistol up his sleeve, and looks at Commissar Loche.

"Sir, I must admit, I have never been on a planet before. Thus, I am unsure what would be appropriate for me to do. Should I give chase? Or is there a better course of action?"

As he speaks, Zaiven hopes the more experienced man will not think him foolish for being forced to seek advice.

Lycan 01
2010-10-24, 09:10 PM
@ Daisuke:

You aren't hurt until you're below 0 wounds. -1 Wounds is usually just bruising and being stunned. You don't even get broken bones or missing fingers or anything until -3 or -4, and you don't instantly die 'til -8. So yes, 0 wounds is just flesh wounds when compared to what it could have been. :smalltongue:

The President waves his new bodyguards away. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Not a scratch. We'll get the girl taken care of, though. Driver! To the Hospital!" he snarls, and the engine of the bullet riddled car revs loudly as the chauffer effectively floors it. "Are you alright, honored Soritas?" he asks with genuine concern, the eyes of the old soldier filled with worry.

Commissar Lock smirks at Zaiven. "In this case, we must simply worry for the President. His attackers will be dealt with by specialists. The bodyguard in the front should have already report-"

As he speaks, a black SUV roars past the limousine, chasing after the motorcycle which is by now swerving between traffic further up ahead. And due to the broken windows allowing sound in easily, the wumping blades of a distant helicopter can be heard.

"Ah yes, there we go. They'll handle it..." the Minister of Defense shrugs.

2010-10-24, 09:28 PM
I know that Alexis hasn't taken any critical damage, but she was Lightly Wounded by both shots as they were less than or equal to twice her Toughness Bonus, heck she barely avoided being Heavily Wounded by the second shot. Scratch that, she was Heavily Wounded, my mistake. I suppose we each have a different idea of what being lightly wounded means, though.

Alexis looks to the president as she climbs to her seat, a look that seems between a thin smile and a grimace on her face, and says, "I will be fine once your healers see to my wounds. My apologies for bleeding in your car, ser."

Lycan 01
2010-10-24, 09:42 PM
@ Daisuke:

Whoops, I forgot about the Light and Heavy wound stuff. I always thought you were just grazed, winded, or lost stamina from "barely avoiding the attack" until you were down to 0 wounds. My bad - act out your injuries as you want, then. :smalltongue:

The President shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. I'm not some spoiled rich yuppie who values items over lives. I'm realistic - people are more important than a stained car seat..."

"That philosophy is one reason he's so popular with the people..." Loche comments off-handedly. "They can relate with him."

2010-10-25, 07:30 AM
Willem begins to feel a sense of proper respect for this President, his concern for those below him showing him to be a good man. "That is an admirable philosophy sir. I will do my very best to make sure you survive this election sir, I swear it."

2010-10-25, 10:53 AM
Zaiven nods at the commissar, and retakes his place in his seat. Looking at his bleeding companion, watching as she forces herself to function. He considered giving her some stim, but decided to save it for a more crucial event

2010-10-25, 03:19 PM
"If you are ok President then it seems that our first operational situation as members of your security has a good outcome, despite our comrade been wounded. Don't worry Alexis, we'll get you medical care soon".

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-25, 03:26 PM
Domino's foot twitches again - and then she opens her eyes. She sits up suddenly, startled, and looks around madly.

Lycan 01
2010-10-25, 03:39 PM
President Corvinus nods to Willem and Torrian. "Glad to see the Inquisition sent the right folks for the job."

At Domino's sudden awakening, the President jumps slightly in surprise. Commissar Loche deftly moves his hand to his waist, his fingers hovering just above the holster of his gun.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-25, 03:40 PM
"Teeth," Domino says, staring wildly at the window. "Huge, sharklike teeth... why would anyone have teeth like that?!"

2010-10-25, 03:58 PM
Willem glances at the babbling woman oddly. "Teeth? What do you mean? Calm down and speak clearly."

Lycan 01
2010-10-25, 04:01 PM
"Is she alright?" the President frowns. "I think she may be in shock..."

"Perhaps you should restrain her?" Loche looks at the Acolytes, while his hand still hovers near his weapon.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-25, 04:04 PM
The black-garbed woman still stares at the window. "The... the rider! On the motorcycle! She... looked at me, and she had... teeth... too many, too sharp, I-I couldn't-"

She breaks off, one hand reaching into her pocket to rub against the icon of the Emperor she holds there. She closes her eyes, and tries to calm her breathing...

2010-10-25, 04:06 PM
Willem is shocked at Domino's words, his eyes widening slightly. "Are you sure of what you saw? What could it be? Mutants?"

2010-10-25, 06:47 PM
Torrian turns his attention towards Domino, looking carefully at her to see if something is visibly wrong about her, and tries to comfort her. Her deneanour so far indicated a person deadly serious and in order for her to be shaken like that, something quite wrong must have happened indeed.

"Hey, it's ok. By His will we are all alive, the President is protected, Alexis will be ok and the would-be assassins are being dealt with as we speak. You'll be fine, calm down, we're here and nobody will hurt you. You tell us more once you feel better".

2010-10-25, 09:09 PM
Zaiven reaches behind his waist, and grips the hilt of his knife, and watches Domino carefully.

Inititive [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-27, 07:26 PM
Domino stays absolutely silent, just staring into the middle-distance and fiddling with that icon of the Emperor. She looks like she's trying to get hold of herself and seems to be ignoring everyone else.

Well, Psykers are well known for being pretty weird...

Lycan 01
2010-10-27, 07:36 PM
The limo makes a quick trip to the hospital. Several black-suited men are waiting, and they escort the President away while nurses and orderlies carry Alexis to the Emergency Room. The rest of the Acolytes are left alone in the waiting rooms with Commissar Loche and a few rather confused citizens there for their own personal reasons. Loche is quickly called away, however, by the black-suited guards, likely for an interview or something. They're left on their own for the time being...


The doctors look over your wounds, and provide the proper treatment. Sutures to close the wound, ointment to fight infection, and bandages to keep the wounds covered.

She is then offered two options for treatment. One is a medicine that will help the wounds to quickly heal the injuries to a certain extent, but allow the body to heal the rest of the wounds itself. The other option is a powerful treatment that will quickly heal the wounds, but might cause some side effects. Alexis gets to decide which one she wants.

(Option 1 will heal 2d5 wounds with no side effects. Option 2 instantly recovers all the lost wounds, but forces a -10 penalty on most tests for the rest of the day at the GM's discression, or until it is slept off with an extended rest. Also, Option 2 will make the character slightly drunk for the rest of the day, or until she sleeps it off.)

2010-10-27, 09:53 PM
I'll just use the first option. I'll have enough trouble with passing any tests, I don't need a penalty to any of them. I subscribe to the Blood Bowl credo: Assume all rolls will fail. :smalltongue:

Alexis listens to the doctors, struggling to comprehend many of the things they are trying to tell her. After a few moments she is able to simplify things in her mind and says, "I cannot afford to have your potions clouding my mind. Just use your basic arts to heal my wounds." As they begin their work she offers a prayer to bolster her faith in their efforts.

2010-10-28, 07:34 AM
Willem stands in the waiting room, arms folded across his chest, waiting for any news on Alexis. Finally tiring of the silence, he turns to his companions. "So, looks like we need to come up with some kind of plan. Any ideas?"

Lycan 01
2010-10-28, 11:53 AM
The doctors inject Alexis with a dose of medication, which numbs the pain of the injuries and jumpstarts her body's natural regeneration.

(Alexis recovers [roll0] Wounds.)

Once her treatment is done, she's discharged from the ER, and allowed to rejoin her team in the waiting room.

2010-10-30, 07:46 PM
Even as the doctor's hands, guided by the Emperor's wisdom, work to repair her damaged body Alexis feels His power closing up the wounds leaving scarred, but healed flesh behind. She once again dons her robes, bandages still visible through the bullet holes in the pant legs, and walks into the waiting room to meet her companions.

"Tell me friends, what is our next course of action?"

Lycan 01
2010-11-05, 03:39 PM
For some odd reason, the Acolytes sit in silence for what seems like forever, not saying a word or even answering each other's questions when they are asked. At long last, Commissar Loche enters the waiting room. "I trust you are better, Noble Sororitas? The President is fine, and has been escorted away under more secure guard. The attackers were captured further up the road, though severely wounded in the exchange. They will be interogated later, once their condition is stablized enough for questioning. And then there is the pre-election party tonight, of course, to be held at the Presidential Estate."

"You have a few options, if I may suggest them. You may go to the State Offices, where you can speak with various party representatives, look through archives, or maybe even do some snooping. You can take a look around the town and see what info you can dig up, or perhaps get ready for the party tonight if you don't have the proper things or don't want us to supply you with a suit, uniform, or dress. And of course, you should probably find a place to stay, though we can provide you with hotel rooms of your choice if you'd like."

2010-11-05, 04:11 PM
Willem steps forward, saluting the Commissar. "I believe first we should secure somewhere to sleep and stow our gear. A hotel room sounds just fine." He turns to the rest of the group "Are we agreed?"

2010-11-05, 04:16 PM
"I will be fine, Commissar. All that is left is the pain, and that will no doubt abate by morning tomorrow."

"Yes," Alexis agrees, "securing a base of operations would be the first thing we should do. We should also look over the reports of the incidents that have happened so far. I doubt any of the factions have clean hands in this affair."

Yuki Akuma
2010-11-05, 04:44 PM
Domino has been staring into the middle distance for a while now. She looks up at the Commissar. "...Not wearing a dress," she says, firmly.

Lycan 01
2010-11-05, 05:41 PM
"Then what do you intend to wear, should you attend the occasion?" the political officer arches a curious eyebrow.

Yuki Akuma
2010-11-05, 05:46 PM
Domino looks down at herself for a moment. While she may be wearing black, it's not really suitable for a formal occasion. "...A suit. I should attend," she says, just as firmly.

Lycan 01
2010-11-05, 05:54 PM
The Commissar gives her a very quizical look. He then shrugs. "Suit yourself, I suppose. As long as it looks professional and presentable..."