View Full Version : In space. No one. Can hear. You scream.

2010-10-08, 04:23 AM
You're all groggy, having just been awoken out of cryo sleep and then hastily re read your orders. Col Nielson has ordered your L.E.A.D. team to head to the USP Forward Day, and to find out why they haven't sent a message in 2 months, and why the last message was "Critical containment failure". The ship your in isn't very large, it consists of four rooms, the cyro room (in which you now stand) the washroom at one end, the mess hall at the other end and beyond the mess hall the cockpit. Suddenly a female voice comes on over the comms. "ETA 5 minutes, get your gear ready boys, we're almost there."

2010-10-08, 04:46 AM
Pete stretches and begins doing his usual one minute post-cyrosleep calisthenics. He does a quick run into the mess hall to grab a bunch of rations and water packs.

Running back to his locker, he takes out his gear and begins strapping it on, slipping ration bars and water packs into pouches, softly singing the unofficial LEAD anthem

"You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back

The bugle sounds as the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
As you plunge into a certain death


He rummages through his gear and also picks up his multi-tool and freshly sharpened survival knife. "Yeah I gonna slice me some xenomorph sashimi" he says with chuckle, eyes alight in anticipation.

2010-10-08, 05:18 AM
Andrew walks up to Pete and says Lock and Load loading his machine gun chain belt with relish

2010-10-08, 05:19 AM
"ETA 4 minutes"

2010-10-08, 05:22 AM
Andrew turns to Pete and asks Where are the other three guys?

2010-10-08, 05:31 AM
"Probably still dreaming. HEY LADIES, RISE AND SHINE!"

Pete walks over and prods the others into action.

2010-10-08, 10:36 AM
I swear to God, Pete, you keep singing and I WILL shove both those guns right up your ass. Mitzi groans and nurses a headache, then resumes checking her gear.

Frakkin' cryo... she mutters. Right, good to go. What unholy hour of the morning we get here at this time?

2010-10-08, 12:42 PM
"Why is cryo always a bitch."Dexter slowly stood up shuffled over to his locker and while grabbing his gear did a little prayer right next to the pile of dogtags that was a memento of previous work, and the fact that nothing becomes easier the more you do it.

2010-10-08, 01:47 PM
Pete heads to the cockpit and speaks to the pilot.

"Hey sweet cheeks, what do the scans read?"

2010-10-08, 01:58 PM
"Call me sweet cheeks again, I will punch you in the face, twice, with my trusty baseball bat. They're reading nada, the ships shielded."

2010-10-08, 03:06 PM
Mitzi flicks a few ice crystals out of her white hair before slipping on her helmet and visor, walking into the cockpit as she does. How big a ship are we talking here? Small personal craft, big cargo hauler, huge dreadnought?

2010-10-08, 03:16 PM
"Huge, refitted Super Carrier, this thing is, damn, made for interstellar travel for upwards of 100 years, it can carry 2 million, the damn things a moving planet."

2010-10-08, 03:20 PM
Mitzi lets out a low whistle. Do we have any intel on the crew and the cargo 'fore they stopped communicating?

2010-10-08, 03:33 PM
"400 crew, very freaking little for a ship this size, a cargo known as Subject X, whatever the hell that means"

2010-10-08, 03:47 PM
"X", huh? Yeah, that's never a good sign.

2010-10-08, 03:55 PM
"Nope never, and I can't even say whats alive in there, damn shielding"

2010-10-08, 11:24 PM

Will have sheet done in ten. Posting so we can keep the story runningDone.

Zain "Hunter" Willis opened his eyes to the sound of one of his team mates singing, most likely Pete, he thought as he shifted the weight of his sniper rifle across his chest, having slept with it as usual.

He lifted his already fully clothed form off the bed, his keen ears picking up the conversation about the ship.

Subject X? Friggin' great. Code named cargo, shielded ship... Jesus, we're in for a ride today...

Zain runs his hand softly over all the scar marks on his left arm, markers, reminders, offerings to various gods of war as well as a kill count.

He shifts his weight from the bed and pulls his sleeves down, clipping his ration/water packs over his chest and donning his combat suit.

Just friggin' great. Time to get chipper.

He slams a round pack into his rifle and clicks it into place, kissing the engraving that reads "I shall bring ye' home, for ye' are in my vision and my aim is true"

Let's go.

2010-10-09, 12:24 AM
Andrew taps his foot and shouts ETA?

2010-10-09, 12:53 AM
"30 seconds boys!"

2010-10-09, 01:05 AM
Upon hearing the ETA of 30 seconds Dexter finishes his prayer quickly does a double check over his gear and joins the rest of the team near the cockpit. "Well we might as well expect the worse, time to put the training to good use don't you guys agree?

2010-10-09, 02:27 AM
The ship docks, there's a loud click and then a the hiss of pistons opening the door, directly across from the cryo tubes a door opens, revealing a room beyond.

2010-10-09, 11:12 AM
"Time to 'protect the citizens'. Subject X huh, Subject Xenomorph more like."

Pete flicks on his torchlight fixed to his headband. Pulling out one his pistols, the other holding a life form scanner, he proceeds into the room. Special Ops are expected to lead after all.

He creeps ahead cautiously, thought the buzz of adrenalin is coursing through him.

2010-10-09, 12:26 PM
Mitzi follows right behind Pete, weapon ready and checking in every direction (including up, she's seen this movie). She quickly flicks her visor in and out of IR mode as she scans. This might only be the very beginning, but they can't let anything past them; if their ship is compromised, there's no way out. Mitzi is visibly tense, looking for any indication of danger or movement.

2010-10-09, 12:39 PM
The rooms empty, a black square, to one side is a desk, with a computer screen slicking on and off, theres an empty chair, with slight hints of red on it.

2010-10-09, 12:43 PM
"Medic, better check if there's any bio agents in the air and yeah if the red stains on the chair is blood, human or otherwise."

Pete walks over to the computer and taps in commands, using his skills to see if he can see through the ship's cameras.

2010-10-09, 01:45 PM
Dexter cautiously scans the air and collects the a sample of the red substance to later examine it in detail.

"My first guess is that its human blood, but its too small of a sample to actually determine from a quick glance. Could mean someone or something was attacked here. How about those cameras, should be able to get something from them, right?

2010-10-09, 02:32 PM
The computer flicks on and off, never responding long enough to get anywhere, but you do notice through one flash a dead girl, blonde 5'11 laying on the ground, her face ripped off, and a hole in her right thigh.

2010-10-09, 08:26 PM
Zain waits for everyone else to exit the ship, then raises his sniper rifle up to rest against his shoulder to ensure he's not firing from the hip. His muscles, rather large from carrying the heavy rifle 24/7 stretch against the sleeves of his shirt. Guide my bullets, my aim be true, death awaits my rifles stare. he chants softly to himself, using the night sensor on his scope to give him a better view of the terrain ahead.

When everyone has departed Zain takes the flank, ensuring at all times that he is ready to take down the first instance of hostility.

2010-10-09, 10:45 PM
Andrew jogs up to the front of the group

2010-10-10, 01:21 AM
"Hmmm, thats either a dead blonde or a really well used blow up doll. Soup's on fellas, shoot anything with more than two arms."

Pete takes his position on point again and looks for an exit to the room. He radios back the pilot. "Honeybuns, do you have a layout of the USP Forward Day? Would be most helpful getting around."

2010-10-10, 01:48 AM
Sorry i forgot to read the post
Andrew kneels down and puts a shot into the "dead" girl just to make sure she is dead
Attack roll

2010-10-10, 01:55 AM
"Whut the heck Andrew, why you shooting up the computer" ((:smallbiggrin:))

2010-10-10, 02:23 AM
Andrew says "Just in case"
Hey it is a zombie game

2010-10-10, 02:46 AM
"You would probably be better off saving your ammo for when you actually have a target to shoot." Dexter sighed while readying his shotgun and awaiting for the team to start moving through the ship.

2010-10-10, 11:50 AM
The girls body twitches, and slides backwards. The lights now start to flicker on and off and you notice a small sliding door in the far wall.

2010-10-10, 11:59 AM
Andrew points his gun towards the sliding door prepared to fire his weapon at a moments notice

2010-10-10, 06:31 PM
"Hunter" shakes his head at the trigger happy soldier.

His weapon still up on his shoulder, ready to attack any incoming hostiles, he hangs back behind the rest of the team to ensure he can cover all angles. Making sure that if anyone crosses his line of fire he shifts position and issues them a reprimand.

Do we get a map? That'd roooooolllyy help! lol.

2010-10-10, 06:41 PM
Andrew then walks slowly towards the door and opens the door.
After opening the door Andrew jumps backwards and prepares to fire at anything coming through that door

2010-10-10, 10:57 PM
No map for chu, that'd ruin the whole mystery of the ship

The door leads to a decon room, the lights are still on and you can see the whole thing is just stark white. The far side of the room is another door, this one jammed open.
"Listen boys, I gotta detach, can't risk anything that might be alive gettin on board."

2010-10-10, 10:59 PM
Ahahah I meant a map of the room.

2010-10-11, 12:34 AM
Oh you can draw as I describe it, I don't really have anything for maps.

2010-10-11, 12:35 AM
No worries. Waiting on the others to act. Sniper is cover support not front guard. :smallsmile: Go on guys lol

2010-10-11, 12:43 AM
"Fair enough, just be sure to re-attach and grab us once we call."

Dexter cautiously steps into the decon room examining every corner before giving the all clear sign to his companions.

2010-10-11, 01:21 AM
"Roger, Head on through the ship, you need to try to find the scientists, and the command center, it should be in the old cargo space, umm, 8 decks down, 600 meters ahead, stairwell should be through the decon room.

2010-10-11, 03:27 AM
Andrew catches up with Dexter and walks up to the open door ready to shoot at anything coming

2010-10-11, 03:38 AM
As you all enter the decon room the door you enter through shuts, there is a hissing of air being moved, and then a laser runs over the group. "Scan clean, you may proceed into sector A" The door opens revealing a hallway covered in blood, it stretches 10 feet in either direction, and on either end is an elevator door.

2010-10-11, 07:20 AM
What do you mean by and one either end is an elevator door?

2010-10-11, 07:23 AM
that should read "On either end"

2010-10-11, 09:02 AM
So you mean it is a t junction

2010-10-11, 09:18 AM
Yea the decon room led to a hallway covered in blood that goes off 10ft left and right and both ways end in elevator doors

2010-10-14, 11:21 AM
Um, huh. I was going to apologize for being missing for a few days due to midterms, but everyone else seems to have as well. Are we still on?

Well, f***. Mitzi reaches out to touch the blood with one gloved hand, checking if its still wet. Hey Dex, any idea how long this has been here?

2010-10-14, 11:56 AM
"No idea Mitzi, I'll guess that due to the coloration of it thats its been a few weeks. It looks like someone exploded a few people here in order to get that that spatter pattern. After examining the walls Dexter moved up to the edge of the t-junction leaning against the right wall as cover.

2010-10-14, 01:05 PM
The bloods colored as though it's been there for months, and yet it's still wet.

2010-10-14, 02:34 PM
Mitzi flinches back when she touches the dark brown mess and finds that it's somehow still wet. What in the...What could be in this crap that it would rust but not dry? Mitzi wipes the blood off her fingertips, glancing worriedly at the more lightly armored members of the team, whose suits aren't sealed. Hope this s***'s not a biohazard.

2010-10-14, 10:21 PM
"Samples please Doc." Pete says as he take out a coin and flips it. Looking at the results, he says, "Let's go to the left, my lucky coin has spoken". So saying, Pete walks over to the left elevator and presses the button.

2010-10-14, 11:30 PM
The button does nothing, it doesn't light up, it doesn't ding it justs moves in and springs back out. That's when you notice the stairwell beside the elevator.

2010-10-14, 11:44 PM
...Probably best to avoid elevators at least until we know what we're dealing with anyway. Too many scenarios where they turn out to be death traps. Signaling to Andrew, she advances towards the stairs, maintaining a careful scan.

2010-10-14, 11:49 PM
Andrew carefully follows Mitzi keeping his gun trained at the stairwell in front of her

2010-10-14, 11:56 PM
Dexter gathers a small sample of the wet blood from the walls and then joins the rest of the group in line ready to descend the stairs.

2010-10-15, 02:57 AM
"Just as well the damn thing doesn't work." Pete spits a wad of tobacco he had been chewing at the door. He lets the soldiers walk ahead of him.

Pete holsters one of his pistols, holding his torch in the other hand as he brings up the rear, covering the sniper and medic. They proceed carefully down the stairwell.

2010-10-15, 02:07 PM
The stairs go down and then turn and continue to go down. They end at an emergency door, that is smashed open.

2010-10-17, 10:03 PM
"Yo meat shield, clear out the room beyond the door, I'll cover the back. Better ready yourself." Pete ***** his pistol, ready to shoot anything not human-shaped.

2010-10-18, 08:20 AM
Andrew says "Pass me a flare" and creeps up to the door

2010-10-18, 02:46 PM
"Yo meat shield, clear out the room beyond the door, I'll cover the back. Better ready yourself." Pete ***** his pistol, ready to shoot anything not human-shaped. C O C K BLOCKED

2010-10-18, 03:31 PM
Dexter hands Andrew a flare and states ""Clear the room first then we can investigate it."

2010-10-18, 10:09 PM

LOL never knew there was a language filter. then again, this is mostly dnd, not much c o c king going on :smallbiggrin:

Pete puzzles momentarily why his gun was silent when he pulled back the hammer. It usually gives off a loud click. He shrugs. Must be the air about here, he thinks to himself.

2010-10-19, 02:52 AM
Andrew lights the flare and quickly throws it into the middle of the room ready to fire at any inhuman shapes that are revealed by the light

2010-10-19, 06:49 AM
From what you can through the door it's a large empty room. But you can hear something moving on the other side.

2010-10-21, 05:39 AM
Andrew switches on the torchlight attached to his gun and pints it into the direction of the sound

2010-10-21, 06:46 AM
"Ehhhh ... lessee what we 'ave 'ere"
Pete creeps cautiously forward and listens closely to the sounds, trying to make out what they are.

2010-10-21, 10:54 AM
You can't see anything particular, but it sounds like someone shuffling around.

2010-10-23, 04:45 PM
Twenty on weird alien zombies, Mitzi mutters as she squints into the darkness. We flush 'em out?

2010-10-24, 02:02 AM
Andrew grins and says "yes maam" and fires a single shot at the source of the sound

2010-10-24, 11:35 AM
I was gonna call out on the slim chance it was survivors, but that's prolly overoptimistic, so I guess warning shots works too. Mitzi laughs quietly, but keeps her concentration forward.

2010-10-24, 09:43 PM
"Better safe than sorry!" Pete said approvingly, his eyes and guns still scanning the rear.

2010-10-24, 09:49 PM
The bullet slams into a wall, echoing loudly. Now you can hear more shuffling, louder moving towards you.

2010-10-25, 05:11 AM
Andrew says "Brace yourself!" and kneels down readying his gun to fire