View Full Version : [DNITP] And the case begins....

2010-10-08, 12:48 PM
A small restaurant in the Kanto prefecture 12:00 noon

Aurel sits in a booth, drinking root-beer and perusing the "Rules" section of the notebook. "This... seems pretty elaborate. Well might as well try it since someone put so much effort into it, It's probably a psych experiment from the school or something." He looks up and, spotting a suitably open target, a live broadcast of a politician speaking. He notes the Politicians name, and memorizing his face begins to right in the notebook.

Light Amane-12:05 PM, Death by suicide.

"There, that sounds suitably unlikely. Now to wait."




The news comes back after a commercial "This is breaking news we don't have all the details,what we know is at 12:05 Mr. Amane abruptly stole a gun from his security detail and committed suicide. I just don't know how to explain it, one moment he was speaking and the next he killed himself. Authorities are asking us to move away now... Mr. Takashi back to you. "

Aurel sat there, stunned, he quickly closed the notebook and put it in his work bag. He payed his bill and left. It was time for his shift at the store after all.


Aurel went about his work at the store. Helping those who wanted to find specific books.
All the while thinking "I just killed someone. To test what I thought was a prank. What kind of idiot am I?"

2010-10-09, 06:36 AM
The Shinigami Realm

Damascus hung in the airlike a hangman long since forgotten at the noose. His empty eye sockets gazed downward watching the human who had picked up the Deathnote.
This... shall be fun...
He leaps, his skeletal wings somehow providing enough lift to glide into the mortal world, just above Kanto.

Mina Kobold
2010-10-09, 10:21 AM
A train Station in Kanto

"Is that a giant green fist?!..."

The completely inconspicuous passenger in the huge trench-coat, bell-bottoms and very, very large sunglasses puts away the comic he was reading and stands up to wait for the doors to open while the name of the station is announced from the speakers around in the train.

"Kanto, here I come!"

As the doors open he walk out with his coat flapping behind him and with overly melodramatic movements.

2010-10-09, 09:07 PM
[Near Pallet Town Kanto]

Terra glares at his Shinigami.

"Stop following me Aphona. I don't like being followed."

2010-10-09, 09:12 PM
[Near Kanto]

The blond young woman behind Terra grins at him. Today she wears a Transformers t-shirt and blue jeans.

Well, if you told me where you're going, I could walk in front. Then you'd be following me!

((And short deadtime as I go grab my brother.))

2010-10-09, 09:16 PM
[Near Kanto]

Terra's eye twitches, and his dark blonde spiky hair (http://4.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_komlz071Fd1qzwbo5o1_400.jpg) wafts gently in the wind, as he mutters darkly.

"I'd rather you not be in front, you look ridiculous."

...Says the teenager wearing a half white, half black vest with some spikes, three belts, and a checkerboard wristband.

And messed up jeans. With purple eyes.

He kinda looks odd.

2010-10-09, 09:37 PM
[Near Kanto]

Well, then quit complaining. It's not like I have anything better to do.

2010-10-09, 09:41 PM
[On A Train]

Terra, after buying two tickets, getting an odd look from the woman selling tickets.

He gets on the train, and starts to flip through the Death Note, right after saying to Aphona.

"What's up with the Transformer shirt? Gundams are clearly superior."

2010-10-09, 09:45 PM
[I'm on a Train]

Aphona looks down at her shirt. It's pink, and has the original cartoon version of Bumblebee on it.

What's wrong with Bumblebee?

2010-10-09, 09:51 PM
Terra glances at her, thankful she ignored the fact that he bought two tickets.

He's kind of embarrassed about that.

"Well it's kind of awkward to walk with a girl wearing a Bumblebee tee shirt in the middle of Japan.

And stop stealing my sister's clothes. She's beginning to look at me funny."

2010-10-09, 09:55 PM
She waves a hand. Ah, just say I'm a tourist.

And it's not my fault you won't go buy me clothes.

2010-10-09, 09:57 PM
Terra stares at her, then screams,


And the entire bus stares at the boy yelling at nothing.

He glares at them.

"Oh, go back to texting and playing games."

They do.

2010-10-09, 10:01 PM
Aphona grins, then starts laughing.

She does this for several minutes.

2010-10-09, 10:06 PM
Terra flushes at nothing.

He looks positively adorable, and several girls on the bus stare at him curiously.

2010-10-09, 10:07 PM
Aphona stop laughing and notices the girls. She grins.

Looks like you got some admirers.

2010-10-09, 10:13 PM
Terra glares darkly at the girl next to him.

"Riiiight like going on a date with you around would be a good idea."

2010-10-09, 10:18 PM
Aphona laughs again.

Well, it'd be fun for me, at least.

So, any ideas for using that? She nods at the Death Note in his hands.

2010-10-09, 10:22 PM
Terra shakes his head, and opens up a book he keeps in his bag, saying:

"When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting."

He snaps the book shut, and looks at her, his violet eyes, filled with peace, into her red eyes, filled with a fiery hatred.

"Why should I help you? Why should I become one of the beasts, and be destroyed by the goddess?"

2010-10-09, 10:31 PM
Aphona stares at him for a moment before responding.

I didn't say "become a beast". I just said you should use the notebook. How you use it is up to you.

2010-10-09, 10:32 PM
Terra shrugs.

"But if I use the notebook, I kill someone. If I kill someone, I become a monster in the eyes of others.

Would you suggest I become a monster? One such as yourself?"

2010-10-09, 10:38 PM
First off, it's rude to call a lady a monster.

Second, your world has killers that are not held accountable for their actions. When one of your policemen shoot a man who has hostages, they are not a monster. A prisoner is given the death sentence. When it's carried out, the people who flick the switch are not monsters.

The world isn't black and white, Terra. It's just varying shades of gray.

2010-10-09, 10:42 PM
Terra glares at her as he gets off the bus.

"It may be various shades of gray, but what does that mean? That I should just kill for no reason? That I should destroy people's lives, people's faith, and let policemen believe "It's okay, Terra can destroy this criminal. He'll do it easier than one such as I." I won't become that. I don't want this power, I never did."

He looks downward, tears in the corners of his eyes, his hair covering his face, and says quietly,

"Why would you choose me to carry out your loathsome task?"

2010-10-09, 10:49 PM
Aphona follows him, hands behind her back, a little bit of pep in her step.

Because you're a challenge. Because I got bored. Because I wanted to show you that what you believe isn't exactly true.

Take your pick.

2010-10-09, 10:56 PM
Terra whirls around, and stares at her.

"That's no reason and you know it Aphona."

He turns forward, and says to her from over his shoulder.

"At least make yourself visible to others. I know you can, you did it before to convince my mother I had a girl in my room. It's aggravating to talk to air."

2010-10-09, 11:00 PM
Those are three, completely legitimate reasons. You just don't like them.

She sighs at his request.

Fine. Even though I like seeing people give you strange looks. Just take away all my fun, why don't you?

She is suddenly visible to the world.

2010-10-09, 11:03 PM
Cue unsurprised glances.

It's Terra. Nothing surprises people anymore.

"Thank you. Now come on, lets get something to eat. Having you pestering me is hungry work."

He walks towards a cafe, hoping for delicious treats.


2010-10-09, 11:09 PM
Yay delicious treats!

Oo! Get me some cake!

She loves cake.

2010-10-09, 11:12 PM
Terra sits down, and a peppy waitress walks over.

"Hiiiiii~ My name is Angel and I'll be your server today! It'll be heavenly!"

Terra's eye twitches at the lame pun.

"I'll have some teriyaki chicken, and she wants some cake."

"Oh that sounds angelic! I hope you and your girlfriend have a saintly time!"

She walks off before Terra can yell "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND! AND YOUR PUNS ARE TERRIBLE!"

2010-10-09, 11:16 PM
Aphona grins.

Somebody's got their head in the clouds...

2010-10-09, 11:19 PM
Terra groans and slumps his head onto the table.

"Oh don't you start too..."

2010-10-09, 11:25 PM
Aphona giggles.

Oh, admit it. Mine was at least better than hers.

2010-10-09, 11:27 PM
Terra rolls his eyes.

"Yeah. Cause that takes a real stretch of the imagination."

Angel comes back.

"Alright sir, here's your food, made by a cook kissed by an angel, and for you miss, is an angel food cake! Enjoy!"

She leaves.

Terra begins to devour his food.

2010-10-09, 11:32 PM
Aphona takes a bite of her cake before talking again.

So...she sleeps with the cook?

Lord Raziere
2010-10-09, 11:33 PM
Meanwhile in a building somewhere.....

W sat on the floor. He was stroking his cat.
W was bored.
"So many crimes yet.....hmmmmmm....."
He thought for a long moment.
He suddenly jumped up to his feet, his cat jumping out his hands, he shouted to the ceiling.
"I'M SO FREAKING BORED!! All these mysteries are so easy to solve. Don't you agree, Watson?"
Watson was the name of his cat. Watson hissed back at him for interrupting a good nap.
"Hey, the fact that the killer had used a Kukri made out of iron wasn't that hard to spot, Watson! Honestly sometimes I think the police are idiots!"
He wheeled around and asked his assistant
"What say you, Jeeves?"
"Honestly, I think you are under-challenged, W."
W suddenly returned to his neutral clam state.
"Ya think man? That do make sense in a way, man. I mean dude, I like need a Dr. Moriarty to my Homes. A Joker to my Batman, a Master to my Doctor, ya know what saying, dude?"
Jeeves replied in his usual tone
"I know what you mean, W."
He started to become passionate again
"It just so INFURIATING, none of this stuff is mysterious! It just.....just.....little.....crimey.....things!"
He switched back to calmness.
"Or dude, I really need to find something else to do man....what do you think, Watson?"
Watson was sleeping, having found a good place to nap.

Mina Kobold
2010-10-10, 09:30 AM
The café

The door to the café is almost kicked up as a rather strange-looking fellow walks in. Wearing bell-bottoms, sunglasses that make him look like something out of the seventies and a three sizes too big trench-coat.

As if that attire wasn't enough he grabs hold off the back of a hair at the table next to Terra and Aphona and literally swings over it to land in another chair.

He picks up the menu and studies it as if nothing happened.

2010-10-10, 11:27 AM
Terra raises an eyebrow.

"Was that really necessary? Aphona, do you know him? He has your ridiculous over the top mannerisms."

"And don't say that. The cook wouldn't sink that low."

Angel walks over to the new customer.

"Hi, my name's Angel, and I'll be your heavenly server today! Would you like to start with the coffee that I've been told is a godsend, or a delicious angel food cake?"

Lord Raziere
2010-10-10, 11:59 AM
Meanwhile in a building somewhere...

"W I just got news: a politician named Light Amane has committed suicide in the middle of his speech. What do you make of it?"

W rotated his neck to look at Jeeves

"Hmm? Dude, suicides are not mysteries, at least not ones I can solve. They're all mental and the mystery is "why the dude killed himself?" not "who killed this guy?" Not my department."

"The way he committed it is strange: One moment he was talking, the next he grabbed a gun from a member of his security and shot himself, at precisely 12:05."

W looked skeptical

"Precisely twelve-oh-five?"

Jeeves shrugged and answered.

"Precisely. Exactly. Right on the mark, not a second more or less. Right on the dot."

W narrowed his eyes.

"Did he freak out when he did this? A mental breakdown or anything like that dude?"

"No he just suddenly killed himself with as little transition as possible."

"hmmm......this IS strange.....but it only happened once, a coincidence, a freak occurrence is all this is."

W considered it.

"Buuuuuuuut I have really nothing better to do so....Jeeves! pack our bags! Lets make this an excuse to go to...."

W realized he didn't know where Light Amane was murdered.

".....uuuuuh, where?"

"Japan, W. Kanto Prefecture."

"Oh right oh Right, Thanks Jeeves. Now where is Watson's travel-cage?"

2010-10-10, 03:00 PM
The Shinigami Realm

Damascus hung in the airlike a hangman long since forgotten at the noose. His empty eye sockets gazed downward watching the human who had picked up the Deathnote.
This... shall be fun...
He leaps, his skeletal wings somehow providing enough lift to glide into the mortal world, just above Kanto.

Aurel sweeps up out front, and then locks up and starts to walk home while he retrieves the book and, placing a bookmark over the name from before begins reading the rest of the rules, very carefully.

2010-10-10, 05:26 PM
Aurel sweeps up out front, and then locks up and starts to walk home while he retrieves the book and, placing a bookmark over the name from before begins reading the rest of the rules, very carefully.

Damascus swooped above the human, like a grim bird of prey circling in for the kill.
Whether or not he's spotted is not for me to say.

2010-10-10, 09:32 PM
Terra raises an eyebrow.

"Was that really necessary? Aphona, do you know him? He has your ridiculous over the top mannerisms."

"And don't say that. The cook wouldn't sink that low."

Angel walks over to the new customer.

"Hi, my name's Angel, and I'll be your heavenly server today! Would you like to start with the coffee that I've been told is a godsend, or a delicious angel food cake?"

Aphona chuckles, then looks at the newcomer for a moment. She shakes her head. Nope. Don't know him.

2010-10-11, 07:41 AM
Damascus swooped above the human, like a grim bird of prey circling in for the kill.
Whether or not he's spotted is not for me to say.

In fact he is not spotted until a few steps later, when Aurel reaches his home. He looks up to get the key above the door and notices something big in the air. He quickly unlocks the door and ducks inside.

"What the heck was that!?"

Mina Kobold
2010-10-11, 01:17 PM
"Hi, my name's Angel, and I'll be your heavenly server today! Would you like to start with the coffee that I've been told is a godsend, or a delicious angel food cake?"

(Isn't this Japan? Shouldn't her name be Tenshi?)

"That coffee sounds absolutely celestial, I think I'll try that first, Angel-san"

The weird vendee appears to venerate the witty wordplays of the waitress.

(...But you may call me V :smalltongue:)

((It means that he looks like he like the puns :smallsmile:))

Lord Raziere
2010-10-11, 05:42 PM
At the scene of Light Amane's murder suicide.

Jeeves come up to the investigating police and sets up a camera, speakers and laptop.
The laptop shone a white background with a big, black stylized letter W on it, through the speakers a scrambled, guttural voice sounded out.
"AtTENtiON evERy oNe, I, W, haVe DeCIded t0 iNvEStiGate this CAse. WaS tHeRe AnYoNe CloSE to Mr. AmAnE ThAt I caN SPEAK tO?"
A random police man called out
"Why are you speaking to us through laptop and voice scrambler?"
"BeCAusE I LiKe bEIng PARANOID! I aSK aGAIN, IS tHeRe AnYoNe CloSE to Mr. AmAnE ThAt I caN SPEAK tO?"

2010-10-11, 09:14 PM
At the scene of Light Amane's murder suicide.

Jeeves come up to the investigating police and sets up a camera, speakers and laptop.
The laptop shone a white background with a big, black stylized letter W on it, through the speakers a scrambled, guttural voice sounded out.
"AtTENtiON evERy oNe, I, W, haVe DeCIded t0 iNvEStiGate this CAse. WaS tHeRe AnYoNe CloSE to Mr. AmAnE ThAt I caN SPEAK tO?"
A random police man called out
"Why are you speaking to us through laptop and voice scrambler?"
"BeCAusE I LiKe bEIng PARANOID! I aSK aGAIN, IS tHeRe AnYoNe CloSE to Mr. AmAnE ThAt I caN SPEAK tO?"

An old woman walks up crying, she stops long enough to say "He.. *sniff* He was my son."

Lord Raziere
2010-10-11, 11:17 PM
"Ok, Mrs. AmaNe, cAn YoU tEll mE anYthiNG aBouT YouR sON? AnyTHing WEIRD or stRAngE aBOut HIm ThAt wOulD inDiCAte HE wAs DePreSSed PERHAPs?"
The scrambled voice inquired.

2010-10-12, 09:33 AM
The woman shakes her head "No.. Nothing like that, this is such a shock. It's almost like a bad dream." She seems to be about to start crying again.

Lord Raziere
2010-10-12, 09:42 AM
"SO Mr. AManE wAs NOrmAl tHen?"
A long silenced reigned while W thought to himself.
Jeeves broke it.
"W, whats wrong?"
".....JeEveS, mY inTuItiOn tElLs me SOmEtHing IS wRONg abOut thIS. vEry WRONG inDeeD...."
Shortly thereafter Jeeves put the laptop and camera away and departed.

Going back to the building, W started to speak to Jeeves
"I don't know why, but my gut just says something isn't right about this, how can a completely normal man just commit suicide like that, they usually have history of depression, earlier attempts, things like that. I'm going to have to think long and hard on this....my gut never has a bad feeling for no reason..."

2010-10-12, 04:41 PM
In fact he is not spotted until a few steps later, when Aurel reaches his home. He looks up to get the key above the door and notices something big in the air. He quickly unlocks the door and ducks inside.

"What the heck was that!?"

Damascus floats down to the house and presses his skull-like face to a window near the door.

2010-10-12, 05:30 PM
Aurel sighs, "Well I suppose if the grim reaper himself has come I must have found the real deal." He gestures for Damascus to go to the door, which he walks over and opens. "Come on in, do you drink tea? Anything else you'd like?" This is all disguised as him putting the key back.

2010-10-12, 05:50 PM
Aurel sighs, "Well I suppose if the grim reaper himself has come I must have found the real deal." He gestures for Damascus to go to the door, which he walks over and opens. "Come on in, do you drink tea? Anything else you'd like?" This is all disguised as him putting the key back.

Pears, if you have them. Damascus comes in and flops down on the couch.
So you found my Deathnote, eh kid?

2010-10-12, 06:04 PM
Aurel rummages through the fridge for a moment before pulling out a bag, He pulls out a few pears puts them in a bowl. He walks over and sits on a chair so as to face the couch handing Damascus the bowl as he walks past.

"Yes I do, and sorry. I thought it was a prank, I didn't mean to do your job or make a mess of things."

He pulls out the notebook, "Though I noticed something, these rules are vague. That would imply either omnipotence within the few written rules, or that there are more rules."

2010-10-12, 06:11 PM
Aurel rummages through the fridge for a moment before pulling out a bag, He pulls out a few pears puts them in a bowl. He walks over and sits on a chair so as to face the couch handing Damascus the bowl as he walks past.

"Yes I do, and sorry. I thought it was a prank, I didn't mean to do your job or make a mess of things."

He pulls out the notebook, "Though I noticed something, these rules are vague. That would imply either omnipotence within the few written rules, or that there are more rules."

Damascus pops a pear in his mouth.
Done my job? Messed things up? Ha! I dropped that Deathnote into the world for fun, Aurel.
As to what the deal with the rules are, I didn't write them. Interpret them as you will, or ask any question and we will see if I will answer it.

2010-10-12, 06:20 PM
Aurel frowns, "For fun... You gave me what appears to be the most deadly object in the history of mankind, Because you find it amusing?

Aurel opens a soda and takes a drink before continuing.

Well.. I wasn't expecting that. So ask you a question, Are you the only... Well you. out there or are there more? And it says circumstances can be written in, I've used it once already, Can any circumstances be written? Or is there a limit?"

Then his eyes open wide. "Wait.. How did you know my name?"

2010-10-12, 06:24 PM
Aurel frowns, "For fun... You gave me what appears to be the most deadly object in the history of mankind, Because you find it amusing?

Aurel opens a soda and takes a drink before continuing.

Well.. I wasn't expecting that. So ask you a question, Are you the only... Well you. out there or are there more? And it says circumstances can be written in, I've used it once already, Can any circumstances be written? Or is there a limit?"

Then his eyes open wide. "Wait.. How did you know my name?"

Damascus cackles
1: It is very amusing.
2: Not by a long shot. We're called Shinigami, gods of death.
3: There are many limits.
4: It's an ability all Shinigami have. I saw your name when I first saw you walking towards my Death Note.

2010-10-12, 06:30 PM
Aurel pales, it's easy to tell he is thinking about something, you can practically watch him putting together a theory. "So, what else would you do for amusement wherever your from?"

2010-10-12, 06:41 PM
Aurel pales, it's easy to tell he is thinking about something, you can practically watch him putting together a theory. "So, what else would you do for amusement wherever your from?"

Those Deathnotes can be used by Shinigami too, genius.

2010-10-12, 06:46 PM
Those Deathnotes can be used by Shinigami too, genius.

"That goes without saying. Maybe I should go right to the point. Would you consider this occasion, you giving me a death-note exceptional? Or is it extraordinarily likely that there are others you out there? Shinigami willing to give a death-note to a human for whatever reason. Or simply out of boredom."

2010-10-12, 06:52 PM
"That goes without saying. Maybe I should go right to the point. Would you consider this occasion, you giving me a death-note exceptional? Or is it extraordinarily likely that there are others you out there? Shinigami willing to give a death-note to a human for whatever reason. Or simply out of boredom."

It's possible.

2010-10-12, 06:55 PM

Angel grinned, and left to go get the coffee.

Terra rose, and left the cafe, paying his bill.

"Now where should we go..."

2010-10-12, 07:20 PM
[Outside Cafe]

Aphona shrugged. She was happy, for the cake was delicious.

2010-10-12, 07:27 PM
It's possible. At one time there was only one Deathnote in the world, that belonging to a murderer named Kira. But then other Shinigami took the hint and started stepping in.

Aurel sits there quiet, for a while.

"Well, I'm gonna go do some research. If I'm gonna fight these people I have to know what we can do. I'm gonna be busy for a little while, there are more pears in the bag, and I have cable if you want to watch it."

It's obvious he is more than a little sad or upset. But whatever it is he doesn't say anything, Instead he walks over and sits at the computer, first looking up an attendance list of that political rally, then looking up the people on that list.

He passes over those with no picture and prints out the information on those who do have a picture.

Soon he has gathered a sizable list, and returning to the chair he sits down with a pen and starts to write. He fills up a whole page with names and circumstances. A few of which include a man being hit by the titanic, or a meteor, along with the more sensible variations on suicide and accidents. All set to happen Noon the next day.

2010-10-12, 08:22 PM
Aurel sits there quiet, for a while.

"Well, I'm gonna go do some research. If I'm gonna fight these people I have to know what we can do. I'm gonna be busy for a little while, there are more pears in the bag, and I have cable if you want to watch it."

It's obvious he is more than a little sad or upset. But whatever it is he doesn't say anything, Instead he walks over and sits at the computer, first looking up an attendance list of that political rally, then looking up the people on that list.

He passes over those with no picture and prints out the information on those who do have a picture.

Soon he has gathered a sizable list, and returning to the chair he sits down with a pen and starts to write. He fills up a whole page with names and circumstances. A few of which include a man being hit by the titanic, or a meteor, along with the more sensible variations on suicide and accidents. All set to happen Noon the next day.

Er, Aurel? You realize that if the circumstances are impossible then the person will die of a heart attack, right? Damascus mentions a few moments after he writes down the names.

2010-10-12, 08:42 PM
Aurel shrugs "No, but that helps, I am testing out every possible additional rule I could think of. As well as removing witness's to my mistake from before. This is going to attract some attention unfortunately. But it will be worth it for the information."

Lord Raziere
2010-10-12, 10:50 PM
Aurel sits there quiet, for a while.

"Well, I'm gonna go do some research. If I'm gonna fight these people I have to know what we can do. I'm gonna be busy for a little while, there are more pears in the bag, and I have cable if you want to watch it."

It's obvious he is more than a little sad or upset. But whatever it is he doesn't say anything, Instead he walks over and sits at the computer, first looking up an attendance list of that political rally, then looking up the people on that list.

He passes over those with no picture and prints out the information on those who do have a picture.

Soon he has gathered a sizable list, and returning to the chair he sits down with a pen and starts to write. He fills up a whole page with names and circumstances. A few of which include a man being hit by the titanic, or a meteor, along with the more sensible variations on suicide and accidents. All set to happen Noon the next day.

12:03 the next day, W's secret building.

Jeeves shook W
"W! W!"
"Wheh.....mrsrmrf...mumble mumble..."
"W! Wake up already!"
"What? What is worth disturbing my after-breakfast nap with Watson?"
"Various people who were at Mr. Amane's political rally have died. Simultaneously."
W bolted upright, eyes wide as dinner plates
W squawked.
Jeeves patiently repeated the information.
"......You mean to tell me, that people who gone to Amane's political rally......have all died? All at the same time?"
"Yes, Just three minutes ago in fact. All of them, died at noon today."
"And it ain't April Fools, so.....WE HAVE A MYSTERY ON OUR HANDS!
W jumped out of bed...fully clothed.
"Quick! Tell me, what are the causes of death?"
"Many of them simply died to a heart attack. However there are also some who died to various accidents and suicides."
".....So your telling me, that a bunch of people all committed suicide all at the same time, another bunch of people all got heart attacks all at the same time, and a bunch of people got killed in accidents all at the same time, all at the same time!"
W then grabbed the data-sheet about the deaths and read all the time of deaths said "12:00"
"Jeeves, this is beyond bizarre! Either luck/fate is feeling REALLY angry today.....or none of these are actual accidental deaths"
Jeeves raised an eyebrow
"What....do you mean by that W?"
"What do you think I mean? These people have all been murdered.
The other eyebrow shot up.
"You are not serious."
"I AM SERIOUS JEEVES! These people have been murdered! All the deaths are too close, and too focused."
W started to peace back and forth.
"Think about it, first Light Amane dies to a completely unexpected suicide. Then the next day all his supporters also expectantly die just as suddenly, all at the same time- all in different ways, aside from the larger than normal number of deaths by heart attacks for some reason.
Someone must've had some serious hate for the guy to kill the guy then kill his supporters as well after killing him. That kind of hate is very rare. One of his political opponents? A spurned lover perhaps? or a jealous rival suitor for said lover's affections? I have no idea but we do have at least two concrete clues:"
W wheeled around, his eyes narrowed.
"The killer is 1: Is using some supernatural force to kill these people."
"What? You are saying something supernatural did this?"
"Look at the evidence Jeeves, no sane person believes this is pure chance, too close, too focused."
W then continued.
" and 2: This person is in Kanto. Or at least, Japan. Amane was a Japanese politician as you know and he was on Japanese news. Whoever caused these deaths is Japanese."
"ok....that seems....logical.
"Yes. We have a supernatural Japanese serial killer on the loose with some kind of power over death.
"What action do you think we should take?"
W began to pet Watson.
"At the moment? Gather information, wait for Interpol or at least the local police to connect the dots and call us, wait for the killers next move.
I don't want to rush into this, if the murderer is using supernatural methods, then we have no idea what we are up against, we will make our move when we make our move but now is not the time."
W then began to settle down.
"So go Jeeves, gather information, read up on local folklore, myths are always connected to the supernatural in some way, look into all the people who got killed, see if there was anything in common the killer could exploit about them, maybe he killed all the people with heart attacks because they weren't spiritually vulnerable to suicides or something like that and vice-versa? and what if he killed all the people with accidents becuase the stars said so or something? We are in no hurry. Be careful though. We don't know what this is yet."
"Yes, W."
Jeeves departed to gather information, and W gone back to stroking his cat to help him think.

Edit: After some time, Jeeves returned with information.

"What have you learned?"
"Good news I looked at the list of people who were at the rally and I've found something they all had in common. In fact its the only they had in common among them.
They all had pictures, anyone on the list I found alive didn't have any pictures."
"So for the killer to work their magic, they need to see the person's face eh? and it works through pictures so.... I think we are safe, there aren't any sources we have that could reveal our faces- we got rid of those long ago. Though it'll mean we can't go out in public, at until we learn more about how this person kills......got any leads up onto the local myths?"

Jeeves shrugged.

"The only I found that related to death in Japan was the shinigami....but for all we know we are dealing with aliens with nano-robots or a secret society of necromancers gone global."
"Yes.....that is the problem: we can theorize all we want but in the end this is something completely out of the blue, something entirely new, sudden and unexpected. I don't think we can make any assumptions with this killer, nor why the reasons why it would kill."

Jeeves raised an eyebrow, choosing not to call out upon W wildly speculating mere hours before. Maybe W had forgotten about that, or he had come to that conclusion after much thought and stroking of Watson. Who knew?

"But since this has only happened once, there is nothing stopping Interpol from brushing it off as freaky anomaly of chance. We wait, until the killer makes their next move..... then I think we'll have enough evidence to convince them that this is real."

2010-10-17, 09:05 AM
Aurel shrugs "No, but that helps, I am testing out every possible additional rule I could think of. As well as removing witness's to my mistake from before. This is going to attract some attention unfortunately. But it will be worth it for the information."

Whatever Mr. Overplanned.
The Shinigami munches another pear.

2010-10-17, 10:39 PM
Whatever Mr. Overplanned.
The Shinigami munches another pear.

Aurel swivels his chair around to face Damascus. "So what else do you do besides killing people?"

2010-10-19, 05:33 PM
Aurel swivels his chair around to face Damascus. "So what else do you do besides killing people?"

Drop a deathnote and watch people squabble.

2010-10-19, 07:51 PM
Drop a deathnote and watch people squabble.

Aurel grins, "I think that falls under the heading if killing people, albeit indirectly." then he shrugs, "So, where are you from?"

2010-10-19, 07:58 PM
Aurel grins, "I think that falls under the heading if killing people, albeit indirectly." then he shrugs, "So, where are you from?"

The Realm of the Shinigami, of course.

2010-10-19, 08:07 PM
The Realm of the Shinigami, of course.

"Is it nice?"

2010-10-19, 08:11 PM
"Is it nice?"

Imagine your Human Sahara combined with your Grand Canyon. Now turn all the sand black. Then you have something that looks like paradise compared to the Realm of the Shinigami. It's real life Hell.

2010-10-23, 12:49 PM
Terra sighed as he walked towards his school.

For some reason, he'd brought the damned notebook with him. He just knew he was going to get in trouble over it someday.

He walked inside, getting only a slight raised eyebrow as Aphona followed him.

You see, he'd registered her.

As a student.

This didn't stop her from having all the same classes as him.

Mina Kobold
2010-10-23, 04:09 PM
Terra might or might not notice the guy from he café at the school as well, this time wearing a bowler hat and what can only be described as an Edwardian suit. To what might be Terra's horror he is also carrying a backpack, seems he'll have yet another lunatic to worry about.

Lord Raziere
2010-10-23, 10:36 PM

"....I have decided to revise my strategy."
"Yes Watson, methinks I'll need to instead lure the killer out, if I wait, the killer remains hidden and can just disappear into the shadows. I need to somehow get the killer to act, set up a situation that would make the killer's influence obvious but how...."
"uum.....W how about you set a trap for the guy that makes him kill someone for everyone to see?"
W perked up and exclaimed
"What a brilliant idea! I know what we must do!" he looked down at Watson and said
"Thank you Watson, you are a vital component to the team. Jeeves! Stop dawdling with your dropped jaw and round up the Japanese Police and the Amane Supporters, I have a plan."
Annoyed, Jeeves turned to go, knowing that W's eccentricities was what allowed him to figure things out and that he should control himself.
When Jeeves left, W said to his cat
"Jeeves can be so slow sometimes Watson, if only he was half as smart as you...."

2010-10-23, 10:45 PM

Aphona seemed to love the fact that she shared all of Terra's classes. In fact, she made sure to sit as close to him as she could in each of them.

She also used this as an excuse to get a bright pink plastic backpack. She thought it was cute.

She does notice the guy from the cafe. Whether Terra does or doesn't, Aphona nonetheless elbows him and points the guy out.

2010-10-24, 09:05 PM
Terra whispers to her,

"I know, I saw him. Just ignore him, he'll go away."

And he wonders why people think they're dating.

2010-10-24, 09:08 PM

Aphona smirks. Well, you're no fun.

And with that, she'll try to wave him over.

Mina Kobold
2010-10-25, 07:09 AM

The stranger notices Alphona's wave and walks to them, when he gets past all the various school-goers and teacher-bots he tips his hat at them, bow and proclaim:

"Why hello, compatriots. Didn't we meet at that café yesterday?"

Lord Raziere
2010-10-25, 08:17 PM
The Meeting of W, the Amane Supporters and the Tokyo Police

W spoke through his laptop.
"What is this, W?" said one of the Amane supporters "You said that you could help us with these mysterious deaths of our fellow supporters, what is this about?"
One the polciemen said "Yea, what have you got for us?"
Jeeve showed them all the data of how all the supporters had died simultaneously.
"What the.....this can't be real." said one of the police
"No. it is" confirmed one of the supporters "We have similar data, and your data also tells the same story. We have from three separate sources that all these people died at the exact same time. Something is definitely up."
"So what do we do about?" spoke up a police man "how can we fight something that could kill us all remotely like this?"
"what are you going to use all that for? why should we trust you?"
By the time the meeting was over, W got all he needed.

2010-10-25, 10:51 PM

The stranger notices Alphona's wave and walks to them, when he gets past all the various school-goers and teacher-bots he tips his hat at them, bow and proclaim:

"Why hello, compatriots. Didn't we meet at that café yesterday?"

Aphona grins and nods.

Yep. You with your fancy entrance. I liked it.

Mina Kobold
2010-10-26, 11:01 AM
Aphona grins and nods.

Yep. You with your fancy entrance. I liked it.

The boy bows dramatically.

"Thank you, thank you. I do my best"

He spins his hat around and puts it back on.

"Where would such a fun pair as you be going?"

2010-10-27, 08:23 AM
Terra looks straight ahead, praying the rumors aren't starting already.

"School. Same as you it seems."

Mina Kobold
2010-10-27, 03:02 PM
The strange one looks at Terra with a 'silly you' face

"I know as much, I only inqi-inquo-asked as to where in this marvellous school you will be going"

he pulls a piece of paper out of his sleeve and shows it to them.

"You see, I am not entirely sure where to go myself"

His sheepish look* might not be noticed by Terra as the piece of paper turns out to be a schedule almost identical to Terra and Aphona's own!

*This one: ^_^'

2010-10-27, 07:15 PM
The Meeting of W, the Amane Supporters and the Tokyo Police

W spoke through his laptop.
"What is this, W?" said one of the Amane supporters "You said that you could help us with these mysterious deaths of our fellow supporters, what is this about?"
One the polciemen said "Yea, what have you got for us?"
Jeeve showed them all the data of how all the supporters had died simultaneously.
"What the.....this can't be real." said one of the police
"No. it is" confirmed one of the supporters "We have similar data, and your data also tells the same story. We have from three separate sources that all these people died at the exact same time. Something is definitely up."
"So what do we do about?" spoke up a police man "how can we fight something that could kill us all remotely like this?"
"what are you going to use all that for? why should we trust you?"
By the time the meeting was over, W got all he needed.

A rather portly man walks over "So whats the plan Sir?"

Lord Raziere
2010-10-27, 08:24 PM
A rather portly man walks over "So whats the plan Sir?"


The Amane Supporter Activities....

Various posters telling of a political rally are passed out throughout Tokyo City and an amphitheater is purchased.

Some days later one of the disguised death-sentenced convicts soon starts to make a speech in front of a crowd and cameras- but the cameras were all cut off, an attempt for W to catch the killer within the theater, for only one within the theater could have saw the fake politician's face.
He began to utter a speech, one repeated below.

Meanwhile the Police Activities....

However, a more relevant plan happening simultaneously had the police commandeer a news station, and put the other disguised criminal broadcast in front of the camera where he spoke to the entire world:
"People of Earth! I have come to draw your attention to a great crime!
You have all witnessed the suicide of Light Amane yesterday, and we mourn for his loss- however this was not mere chance.
For the day after, and precisely at noon, twelve o'clock, a dozen of Light Amane's supporters died- simultaneously, all in completely separate incidents.
Why has this happened you ask? It is not because of chance or coincidence- there is a killer on Earth.
A killer who can kill remotely, and make it look like an accident or a heart attack. The killer is capable of killing anyone, at any time.
I, Ayasu Karagei, denounce this supernatural killer as a demon! A blight upon our world! We will work to catch this killer, for he has murdered 13 innocent people!...."
the disguised criminal continued to speak of the killer.

2010-10-27, 09:39 PM

The Amane Supporter Activities....

Various posters telling of a political rally are passed out throughout Tokyo City and an amphitheater is purchased.

Some days later one of the disguised death-sentenced convicts soon starts to make a speech in front of a crowd and cameras- but the cameras were all cut off, an attempt for W to catch the killer within the theater, for only one within the theater could have saw the fake politician's face.
He began to utter a speech, one repeated below.

Meanwhile the Police Activities....

However, a more relevant plan happening simultaneously had the police commandeer a news station, and put the other disguised criminal broadcast in front of the camera where he spoke to the entire world:
"People of Earth! I have come to draw your attention to a great crime!
You have all witnessed the suicide of Light Amane yesterday, and we mourn for his loss- however this was not mere chance.
For the day after, and precisely at noon, twelve o'clock, a dozen of Light Amane's supporters died- simultaneously, all in completely separate incidents.
Why has this happened you ask? It is not because of chance or coincidence- there is a killer on Earth.
A killer who can kill remotely, and make it look like an accident or a heart attack. The killer is capable of killing anyone, at any time.
I, Ayasu Karagei, denounce this supernatural killer as a demon! A blight upon our world! We will work to catch this killer, for he has murdered 13 innocent people!...."
the disguised criminal continued to speak of the killer.

Aurel walked sleepily home from work, He walked in the house dropped a large bag of pears on the table, For the shinigami. He then went on to get himself a bowl of instant ramen. He sat down and turned on the news.. and burned his throat when he choked on a mouthful of hot noodles. But how? Agh I should have just stuck with Amane, left the supporters alone. No worries Aurel, this is just a bit more attention than I expected. And they don't know who I am. Still.. this guy is gonna get his head handed to him by the others.

He finishes his noodles while watching the rest of the news broadcast. Then he gets up and puts the bowl in the sink on his way to the computer, Setting his email to reroute through a throwaway address in Romania he set up as a prank in school, He sent a message.

"Dear Investigator,
It is highly unlikely that you will catch me, this latest incident was intended to test my new capabilities. I by no means intend to kill any more of the late Amane's former supporters, Nor you. My goal is actually beneficial, You see I have a strong hunch that there are others like me out there. They are my target, Perhaps we could work together in this? From a distance obviously, I have no desire to go to jail, but from a distance... There are possibilities. As a token of faith I will give this tidbit from my studies, A name and a face are needed to kill.I will await your answer, Televise it, Or youu could send a message to the Address below.
Then he canceled the Romanian account after a minute had passed.
The included address is a game, in fact a computer MMO, Along with the location of the game an in-game location is given.

"So.. Shinigami, What's your name anyway? Anything you feel like seeing in the city?"

2010-10-28, 07:29 AM
The strange one looks at Terra with a 'silly you' face

"I know as much, I only inqi-inquo-asked as to where in this marvellous school you will be going"

he pulls a piece of paper out of his sleeve and shows it to them.

"You see, I am not entirely sure where to go myself"

His sheepish look* might not be noticed by Terra as the piece of paper turns out to be a schedule almost identical to Terra and Aphona's own!

*This one: ^_^'

Aphona smiles. First time here? Me too! I'm just following him around. We're in the same classes.

2010-10-28, 07:34 AM
Aurel walked sleepily home from work, He walked in the house dropped a large bag of pears on the table, For the shinigami. He then went on to get himself a bowl of instant ramen. He sat down and turned on the news.. and burned his throat when he choked on a mouthful of hot noodles. But how? Agh I should have just stuck with Amane, left the supporters alone. No worries Aurel, this is just a bit more attention than I expected. And they don't know who I am. Still.. this guy is gonna get his head handed to him by the others.

He finishes his noodles while watching the rest of the news broadcast. Then he gets up and puts the bowl in the sink on his way to the computer, Setting his email to reroute through a throwaway address in Romania he set up as a prank in school, He sent a message.

"Dear Investigator,
It is highly unlikely that you will catch me, this latest incident was intended to test my new capabilities. I by no means intend to kill any more of the late Amane's former supporters, Nor you. My goal is actually beneficial, You see I have a strong hunch that there are others like me out there. They are my target, Perhaps we could work together in this? From a distance obviously, I have no desire to go to jail, but from a distance... There are possibilities. As a token of faith I will give this tidbit from my studies, A name and a face are needed to kill.I will await your answer, Televise it, Or youu could send a message to the Address below.
Then he canceled the Romanian account after a minute had passed.
The included address is a game, in fact a computer MMO, Along with the location of the game an in-game location is given.

"So.. Shinigami, What's your name anyway? Anything you feel like seeing in the city?"

I've been called by one name constantly through the ages, so I have taken it up as my own. Damascus, that is my name.
And I've already seen everywhere in my livetime, looking out of the Shinigami Realm. I know more about this city than you do. Damascus throws a pear into the air and catches it in his mouth.

Lord Raziere
2010-10-28, 08:48 AM
"Dear Investigator,
It is highly unlikely that you will catch me, this latest incident was intended to test my new capabilities. I by no means intend to kill any more of the late Amane's former supporters, Nor you. My goal is actually beneficial, You see I have a strong hunch that there are others like me out there. They are my target, Perhaps we could work together in this? From a distance obviously, I have no desire to go to jail, but from a distance... There are possibilities. As a token of faith I will give this tidbit from my studies, A name and a face are needed to kill.I will await your answer, Televise it, Or you could send a message to the Address below.
Then he canceled the Romanian account after a minute had passed.
The included address is a game, in fact a computer MMO, Along with the location of the game an in-game location is given.

"So.. Shinigami, What's your name anyway? Anything you feel like seeing in the city?"

W receives the mail.
"YES! Success! Not how'd I picture it, but it did provoke a response!"
"What do we do about the broadcast?"
"Let it run, broadcast this news to the world tomorrow, I have to answer the message."

W started typing

"Dear D.
Let me let you in on a little secret of faith myself: That "Politician" on screen was nothing but bait. I am the true investigator and I have never revealed my true name to anyone. The world knows me only by an alias.
If you say there are more of these killers and that they only need a name and face out there, then this becomes quite complicated. I am not in danger but the rest of the world is. When I reveal this information, we will have no idea how the populace will react. Assuming that you are not lying, yes I will work with you...but only if you promise not to kill anyone who does not deserve it.

He sent the email to the in-game location.

2010-10-28, 09:20 AM
W receives the mail.
"YES! Success! Not how'd I picture it, but it did provoke a response!"
"What do we do about the broadcast?"
"Let it run, broadcast this news to the world tomorrow, I have to answer the message."

W started typing

"Dear D.
Let me let you in on a little secret of faith myself: That "Politician" on screen was nothing but bait. I am the true investigator and I have never revealed my true name to anyone. The world knows me only by an alias.
If you say there are more of these killers and that they only need a name and face out there, then this becomes quite complicated. I am not in danger but the rest of the world is. When I reveal this information, we will have no idea how the populace will react. Assuming that you are not lying, yes I will work with you...but only if you promise not to kill anyone who does not deserve it.

He sent the email to the in-game location.

It soon gets picked up, and after a few minutes of effort a fresh account was made. Good thing I kept that ISP payed for a year ahead of time.

Dear W,
That's an easy enough request, Amane was an accident and the supporters were chosen for testing out of panic. So any miraculous plans or do you need more Information?

I've been called by one name constantly through the ages, so I have taken it up as my own. Damascus, that is my name.
And I've already seen everywhere in my livetime, looking out of the Shinigami Realm. I know more about this city than you do. Damascus throws a pear into the air and catches it in his mouth.

"So you're gonna just wander around and eat pears? Don't you have small children to scare witless or something? You can take the pears."

2010-10-28, 09:24 AM
It soon gets picked up, and after a few minutes of effort a fresh account was made. Good thing I kept that ISP payed for a year ahead of time.

Dear W,
That's an easy enough request, Amane was an accident and the supporters were chosen for testing out of panic. So any miraculous plans or do you need more Information?

"So you're gonna just wander around and eat pears? Don't you have small children to scare witless or something? You can take the pears."

Oh, but that's part of the Death Note. I have to follow you around until it's your time to die. And when that time comes, I'll be the one writing your name in the Deathnote. he cakles.

2010-10-28, 06:30 PM
Oh, but that's part of the Death Note. I have to follow you around until it's your time to die. And when that time comes, I'll be the one writing your name in the Deathnote. he cakles.

Aurel says, somewhat sarcastically "Lucky me, I get my own personal Grim reaper."

Lord Raziere
2010-10-28, 07:20 PM
It soon gets picked up, and after a few minutes of effort a fresh account was made. Good thing I kept that ISP payed for a year ahead of time.

Dear W,
That's an easy enough request, Amane was an accident and the supporters were chosen for testing out of panic. So any miraculous plans or do you need more Information?

W thought for a bit then typed back.
Dear D,

Miraculous Plans? Ha. Ha. Here is the problem: now that the entire world sorta knows something can kill them remotely, I doubt the other.....what should they be called? Mortal Reapers? Are gonna show themselves. I have traded one problem for another: now its confirmed that these mortal reapers exist, but now they will lie low and kill very carefully so they won't attract attention- if they are sane.
So yes, I think I am going to need your help, specifically I need you to be the man on the inside, you know: sniff them out, bring them together, lead them- right into a trap, where they can be caught. Or at least, be a spy to inform us of what should be done. That is my plan for now: for you to find the other Mortal Reapers and play double agent.


2010-10-29, 09:18 AM
Aurel says, somewhat sarcastically "Lucky me, I get my own personal Grim reaper."

Isn't it great to be a mortal.:smalltongue: Damascus laughs.

2010-10-29, 05:48 PM
W thought for a bit then typed back.
Dear D,

Miraculous Plans? Ha. Ha. Here is the problem: now that the entire world sorta knows something can kill them remotely, I doubt the other.....what should they be called? Mortal Reapers? Are gonna show themselves. I have traded one problem for another: now its confirmed that these mortal reapers exist, but now they will lie low and kill very carefully so they won't attract attention- if they are sane.
So yes, I think I am going to need your help, specifically I need you to be the man on the inside, you know: sniff them out, bring them together, lead them- right into a trap, where they can be caught. Or at least, be a spy to inform us of what should be done. That is my plan for now: for you to find the other Mortal Reapers and play double agent.


Dear W,
That might be a bit of a problem, I have no special way to detect the others. The only reason I believe myself one of many is that the circumstances regarding my... ability, are too easy for me to be the only one.

Isn't it great to be a mortal.:smalltongue: Damascus laughs.

"Is there any way to change that?"

2010-10-30, 09:13 AM
Dear W,
That might be a bit of a problem, I have no special way to detect the others. The only reason I believe myself one of many is that the circumstances regarding my... ability, are too easy for me to be the only one.

"Is there any way to change that?"

You can trade half your remaining lifetime to get the ability to see the names of people above their heads? Does that count?

2010-11-01, 06:52 PM
You can trade half your remaining lifetime to get the ability to see the names of people above their heads? Does that count?

"Err, No that's not what I meant, I meant a way to extend said lifespan. As my official grim reaper would you advise I take that trade? And how does that happen?"

2010-11-01, 07:09 PM
"Err, No that's not what I meant, I meant a way to extend said lifespan. As my official grim reaper would you advise I take that trade? And how does that happen?"

No way to extend lifespan, I'm afraid.
And I would suggest it, cause I get the life you give to me for the eyes added to my own! Hyuk!
And as to how it happens, just say you want to trade half your life for the Shinigami Eyes and it happens! Snap, just like that!

Lord Raziere
2010-11-01, 07:11 PM
Dear W,
That might be a bit of a problem, I have no special way to detect the others. The only reason I believe myself one of many is that the circumstances regarding my... ability, are too easy for me to be the only one.

Dear D.

Oh come now. I got in contact with YOU didn't I? Do the natural reaction, act as if I antagonized you, act as if I've made you my enemy, lure the others in, by acting as your threatened or something and rally the others by sending out a secret call to them, make them come to you, make them believe that they are all in danger of being arrested for murderers and that they should team up to take me down, play on their fear of being discovered to make them all gather. Its not about finding them. It is about casting out your fishing rod with the appropriate bait.


2010-11-01, 08:46 PM
No way to extend lifespan, I'm afraid.
And I would suggest it, cause I get the life you give to me for the eyes added to my own! Hyuk!
And as to how it happens, just say you want to trade half your life for the Shinigami Eyes and it happens! Snap, just like that!

Aurel grins "Well I suppose the life is going to a good cause.." then he leans back in his chair, "In all seriousness though I don't seem likely to live to old age getting involved in this anyway. So... 'I want to trade half of my life for the Shinigami Eyes.'"

2010-11-01, 09:02 PM
Aurel grins "Well I suppose the life is going to a good cause.." then he leans back in his chair, "In all seriousness though I don't seem likely to live to old age getting involved in this anyway. So... 'I want to trade half of my life for the Shinigami Eyes.'"

Damascus cackles and makes a sucking noise.
Ah... here ya go, kid.
Damascus makes a throwing motion and poof, Aurel has the Shinigami Eyes!

Aurel has leveled up!
Shinigami Eyes Ability Learned!
Lifespan Halfed!

2010-11-01, 09:15 PM
Damascus cackles and makes a sucking noise.
Ah... here ya go, kid.
Damascus makes a throwing motion and poof, Aurel has the Shinigami Eyes!

Aurel has leveled up!
Shinigami Eyes Ability Learned!
Lifespan Halfed!

"Soo.. do these work over television?" Aurel starts reaching for the remote.After seeing a few names and lifespans Aurel returns to his computer.

Dear W, Ah remember when I told a name and a face were needed? Apparently I was wrong, You can apparently make a deal... Suffice to say hide your face. well.

He then goes to work, mashing together a video calling on the "Shinigami's chosen" to come aid in the hunt for this man who knew about them. Later on, it gets placed on the internet. Suffice to say, it makes the news in japan if not anywhere else.