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View Full Version : Tomb of Horrors/Greyhawk/AD&D history (my players keep out!)

2010-10-10, 05:36 PM
Okay, so I'm running 4E Tomb of Horrors with two groups, one in real life and one in the playground, and I've had some ideas for sometime about incorporating further lore into the campaign as the module does make references to quite a number of ToH material. Like the fortress of conclusion, the underdungeon by that bloke who's name starts with "M", Skull City.

Also the Tomb of Horrors has a lot of lore behind it in the campaign world itself, a story oft told by adventurers to other adventurers but the real truth of the matter is a matter of dispute.

One thing is clear though: the Tomb of Horrors did exist in all it's scariness of the original module, furthermore a group of adventurers did go through and "beat it".

So my question is, who could they be?

What I would like to have, as part of the lore of the tomb, is those adventurers to be from a group run way back by Gary, perhaps even the group that beat it with the crown and sceptre trick. I'd hardly need any details besides race, class and gender...and even that could be a bit murky with the passage of time and swapping of stories.

And they'll be edition in-jokes with how magic worked different then and certain gods have been forgotten and disappeared.

Can anyone help me? I don't have access to a lot of resources including Return to the Tomb of Horrors or back issues of Dragon (I don't think my library ever got it).

I was thinking maybe Robilar and Tenser, as it was this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_Of_Horrors) that gave me the idea.