View Full Version : Where to go?

2010-10-11, 08:06 PM
I have some money saved up from when I graduated my undergraduate school. I have not once touched it and will not do so for anything other than travel. Specifically, to Europe.

I have a few options. There is a study abroad program at my graduate school that I can tag along for to England, which has the benefit of my being in a group and probably being able to go along for their day trips. However, any trips I want to take elsewhere need to be planned myself, and I'd probably still be paying for the room where they will be based. I'm not sure and need to check. I think it's reasonably priced, however (about 3,400 USD for over a month). Added bonus in that I have saving bonds that can be put to this and avoid tapping too much in to my graduation money.

However, I can also go somewhere else on my own. Ideally, I want to go with Oz but...he lacks funds and this trip needs to happen this summer or...well, it might not ever happen. The saving bonds couldn't be used for this, but I have about 6,000 USD (plus some from my job). I could go anywhere. I've had my heart set on Rome and/or Greece because of my training as a Classicist, but (me being me) I want to go everywhere. I want to see Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey...everywhere that's even remotely in Europe.

Limited funds at this time prevent it (obviously).

So...I'm looking for a place that isn't too touristy (as much as I'd die to go to Rome or Athens, I wouldn't focus my trip there). Generally safe for a lone or pair of female travelers. Roman and/or Greek ruins are a huge plus. Romance language or Greek also a plus but not necessary.

I'm kind of leaning toward Italy due to some relatives I have there, but it's by no means set in stone. I basically just want some suggestions for if I don't do the trip to England with my school.

A third option is paying my way to Italy while Oz and a crew he works with films a show they've been working on. They'll be there for several weeks at some point, but the issue is A. Oz would be working and B. it very well might be when I have classes. Even if it's not when I have school, I'd still have the lone-female-traveler thing going on most of the time, lol.


2010-10-11, 08:16 PM
You could always take Oz to Oz.

The Rose Dragon
2010-10-11, 08:19 PM
If you come to Turkey, give me a call, so I can hook you up with some sweet and cheap lodgings (i.e. my house).

2010-10-11, 08:19 PM
I'm limiting my current search to Europe, lol. If I expand it to the entire world...well, you see how indecisive I am with just one continent. :smallwink:

2010-10-11, 08:21 PM
I'm limiting my current search to Europe, lol. If I expand it to the entire world...well, you see how indecisive I am with just one continent. :smallwink:

I'm pretty sure Turkey is technically in Europe. :smalltongue:

2010-10-11, 08:23 PM
I'm pretty sure Turkey is technically in Europe. :smalltongue:

3% of it is. The other 97% is Asia technically, but it's close enough to count. :smallbiggrin: I'm doing a project on Turkey right now, and Istanbul is completely fascinating.

2010-10-11, 09:03 PM
3% of it is. The other 97% is Asia technically, but it's close enough to count. :smallbiggrin: I'm doing a project on Turkey right now, and Istanbul is completely fascinating.
I prefer the original name. Nova Roma is a beautiful name, IMO. Then, Constantinople was a boss name too. Istanbul just doesn't have the same ring, IMO.

Keld Denar
2010-10-11, 09:46 PM
Because its Istanbul, not Constantinople...

2010-10-11, 09:47 PM
You could try Estonia.

2010-10-11, 10:40 PM
I've been to Italy and Greece.
Italy is breathtaking, gorgeous, ridden with smokers, the food is great, and the monuments are second to few.
Greece was my favorite, but that's just cause I'm a mythos buff, and I love a good gyro. Go street peddler rather than fancy restaurant on those.
I recommend the Coliseum (so many cats!), Pompeii (so many dogs!), and the Parthenon (so many people!).

Don Julio Anejo
2010-10-12, 12:14 AM
I prefer the original name. Nova Roma is a beautiful name, IMO. Then, Constantinople was a boss name too. Istanbul just doesn't have the same ring, IMO.
I'm pretty sure it was never called Nova Roma. It was a Greek colony by the name of Byzantium, then Constantine renamed it to, well, Constantinople.