View Full Version : Making a Mint Steampunk Costume

2010-10-11, 10:07 PM
So I am going to splurge on a couple of items to make a really really nice steampunk costume.

Here is what I have gathered so far.

1x cream Tails shirt
1x tails suit top and pants
1x black hair dye
1x white gloves
1x black bow tie

I am thinking of buying these things:

Boots http://www.militaryclothing.com//ImgUpload/P_637833_1201486.JPG


Goggles http://classicpartsltd.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/a/n/antique-halcyon-goggles_9.jpg


I am thinking of getting a heavy trench coat.

What else do I need to finish off the Steampunk look?

What other costumes and projects have the playgrounders been working on? Got any pics of Larping, or conventions? Does anyone here actually wear themed clothing out in public normally? i would probably wear those boots and goggles with my normal clothing if I had the chance to match them decently...

What u all thinking?

2010-10-11, 10:43 PM
I've been intending to shift my general wardrobe more in that direction, among some other things too for good measure (see: Gomez (http://www.addamsfamily.com/addams/afgomez4.jpg) Addams (http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4td5oXelY1qb98t0.jpg)). Vests are always good.

Some people can wear hats well, some people just don't look good in hats. But top hats are good, as can be a few other varieties.

Bronze bits and pieces are good, cufflinks, for example. A small gear on the band of a hat.

Oh! Pocketwatch. You need to get a good pocketwatch. You can find them all over, although they tend to be pretty expensive. You can usually find a pretty nice looking one for about $40 (although it won't be period if looked into, I believe clockwork pocketwatches tend to be a bit more expensive). I've got three myself :smallbiggrin: Although only one of em works...

2010-10-11, 10:59 PM
For the shirt, I wouldn't go with cream. Especially if you wear gloves, although the gloves shouldn't be worn indoors or around polite company and all. Unless the coat/waistcoat color is not black, cream just tends to stand out. White is a much more pleasing color.

Good luck in your endeavors. Also, I second the pocket watch. A good pocket watch can make any outfit look fantastic.

If you are going to splurge, now that I think of it, you really should define your terms more definitely. Are you going for a formal look, or a standard "steampunk" look, or a victorian look? It really all depends. From your description, it seems less Steampunk than formal Victorian, which is honestly a much better way to go, in my opinion. If so, black waistcoat/tie is out. White is a must. Boots are a no, especially the formality of the look. A good pair of shoes looks better than boots any day in my book, even if one were to be going for a more informal look. Goggles are trite and commonplace. In steampunk, it sort of works. Otherwise, meh. Depends on your face and/or the outfit. Trenchcoat+tailcoat is strange, but not impossible.

Of course, this definitely depends on what sort of look you are going for. I don't have much experience at all in Steampunk clothing, so you might want to disregard some of my advice. But even then, Boots+Formal is never a good option, unless you are going for a military look, which tends to be more expensive and not what you have defined.

2010-10-11, 11:49 PM
I wouldnt mind the military look, really! I like gothic clothes, so I guess I am looking for a way to be gothic without actual modern goth... because I am not a goth.
To be truthful I would not wear the tailcoat that often, but I do have a white shirt, so I can exchange the cream for the white. I am not much of a hat person. I better pull off the 'scruffy haired raggamuffin' look. So I guess I could go for the engineer look? Engineers do tend to wear boots and goggles (for welding). If I could get a hold of a Hardcoat or something, that would be good, but I dont know where I would get something that looks both hard, dirty and formal.

I am fond of this picture:
It captures the dirty Victorian look nicely, and the dreads make it look quite punky.

I will DEFS have to get a golden pocket watch...

Also I DO have formal cream pants. They could go well with the Black boots and darkly coloured upper body clothing...

2010-10-11, 11:54 PM
I wouldnt mind the military look, really! I like gothic clothes, so I guess I am looking for a way to be gothic without actual modern goth... because I am not a goth.
To be truthful I would not wear the tailcoat that often, but I do have a white shirt, so I can exchange the cream for the white. I am not much of a hat person. I better pull off the 'scruffy haired raggamuffin' look. So I guess I could go for the engineer look? Engineers do tend to wear boots and goggles (for welding). If I could get a hold of a Hardcoat or something, that would be good, but I dont know where I would get something that looks both hard, dirty and formal.

I am fond of this picture:
It captures the dirty Victorian look nicely, and the dreads make it look quite punky.

I will DEFS have to get a golden pocket watch...

Also I DO have formal cream pants. They could go well with the Black boots and darkly coloured upper body clothing...

I suppose. My post was more from the perspective of more modern formalwear, as opposed to victorian era, which while similar do have many differences.

Honestly, character wise, I like the engineer more. An engineer is interesting, given the setting and time period. Someone who goes to balls more often than not; less so.

Deth Muncher
2010-10-11, 11:59 PM
Try and do a search for a thread I had about this a while back - something like "What Ho, Gentlemen! Steampunk Away!" Or something like that.

Mmmyeah. Anyway. You could go to gentlemansemporium.com, that's always good times. I also got a jacket from - of all places - Urban Outfitters - I forget what it's called, but check the "D-Collection."

2010-10-12, 12:07 AM
Mmmyeah. Anyway. You could go to gentlemansemporium.com, that's always good times. I also got a jacket from - of all places - Urban Outfitters - I forget what it's called, but check the "D-Collection."
It is a good thing he is splurging, because I do happen to know offhand that the Gentleman's Emporium, while making excellent clothing, is really expensive.

2010-10-12, 12:10 AM
Try and do a search for a thread I had about this a while back - something like "What Ho, Gentlemen! Steampunk Away!" Or something like that.

Mmmyeah. Anyway. You could go to gentlemansemporium.com, that's always good times. I also got a jacket from - of all places - Urban Outfitters - I forget what it's called, but check the "D-Collection."

I like the Gilligan


Looks like it fits thin people though. I am not fat, but I am muscular bulky, so a lot of those kinds of clothing dont fit my shoulders properly. I would probably have to wear it open, and get a large size.

EDIT: If there was a long-coat that was in that fashion of buttons, I would love something like that...

2010-10-12, 12:11 AM
Trench coats are bad for steampunk since they’re too modern, what you need is a duster.

Something like the one Caractacus Potts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylNwSv6c7m0) is wearing. There is an actual difference, so do some internet fu and I’m sure you can track some down.

(ok so MR. Van Dyke's first name triggers the filter, annoying )

2010-10-12, 12:15 AM
Trench coats are bad for steampunk since they’re too modern, what you need is a duster.

Something like the one **** Van Dyke (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylNwSv6c7m0) is wearing. There is an actual difference, so do some internet fu and I’m sure you can track some down.

Yeah I think what I am looking for is a victorian frock coat....



Magnor Criol
2010-10-12, 12:24 AM
How are you going to make an entire steampunk costume out of mint? This seems silly.


In seriousness, though, as for the goggles - I made a Dr. Horrible costume last year, and while he's not steampunk, he does sport the same basic goggles (mad scientist and all). I got a pair of nice, basic welding goggles (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001FOPXGG/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0017Z04SK&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1SFNX4WMZV8WV8H2YNCS) through Amazon.com and simply spraypainted them. It actually turned out looking really good; that particular type of plastic holds the spraypaint well, and it looks solid and hasn't flaked once.

They don't have the same amount of snazz that the ones you have pictured do - those do look snazzy indeed - but they have two main advantages: One, they've got outer lenses which flip up, which is always fun; and two, they're waaaaay cheaper.

It depends on your budget and the level of detail/"realism" you're going for (since, budget aside, plastic < brass & leather for steampunk stuff) but it's something to consider.

2010-10-12, 12:42 AM
Yeah I think what I am looking for is a victorian frock coat....



well that'll work nicely.

2010-10-12, 01:08 AM

Deth Muncher
2010-10-12, 11:01 AM

That's pretty damn cheap.

EDIT: Ah, but if you read at the bottom, it's not for the completed garment but rather the sewing pattern to make one.

2010-10-12, 07:55 PM
Oh woops. Oh well, it still is a good example of what I am looking for.

2010-10-12, 10:57 PM
I like this website a lot although they do seem to have a lot more clothing for women than men. The only down side at least with ladies clothes is that they seem to run a bit small. I can't be sure if they have that problem with the men's clothing as well.


2010-10-13, 03:55 AM
WOWWWWWW some of those gadgets are effin tasty...

