View Full Version : The Artic Tunnel

2010-10-13, 08:27 AM
You've been trapped in this tunnel for generations and this period really isn't all that different. Really, its just a regular year.

Now that yoiu know the rest of the species in the game, what does you can get a feel for how your character survives.
Get 5 points to spend.

Notes on the tunnel:

It’s dark with only a few small holes providing the light. The lake is not an actual lake but just a 10ft that gives access to the sea. The tunnel is at no point wider than 8 feet or taller than 6 feet aside for near the lake. Saying that the tunnel is incredibly long.

Admiral Squish
2010-10-13, 04:00 PM
As another year begins, the scrabblers are beginning to select towards the needs of their new existance. The tiny spots along their backs and antenna begin to glow, and their claws grow larger and more capable, allowing them to expand their ice-carved nests and defend them against predators. they quickly learn these lights are useful for more than just illumination, and begin to develop a rudimentary language with them.

Size: Rat 5
Intelligence: 8
Camouflage: 5
Numbers: 5
Climbing: 3
Shell: 3
Antenna: 4
Claws: 1
Bioluminescence: 1

One point to enhance claws for utility and limited self-defense.
One point to bioluminescence.
Three points to intelligence to give them a rudimentary language .

2010-10-13, 04:07 PM
As the year goes by, the pack of glow rats begins to use they're glowing fur to communicate, with different colors and combinations of colors meaning different things. They have also started burrowing, carving they're own little mini-caves into the walls of the cave.

Size: Rat (5)
Intelligence: Wolf (7)
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (3)
Digging Claws (3)

2 points into intelligence, not sure if that changes it from wolf to something else, smart enough to have basic language. 3 points used to get claws to dig with.

2010-10-13, 04:17 PM
A year goes by and the Ice Pigeon's body starts to look translucent, like ice.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 8
Claws: 2
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 4
Speed: 4
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7

2010-10-13, 04:40 PM
Flare Wolf
Size: Great Dane (slightly smaller) (5) +1
Intelligence: Wolf (7) +2
Insulation: (3)
Occular Shading: (3)
Bioluminesence: (11) +1
Speed: (3) +1
Teeth: (2)
Dark Vision: (1)

The wolves seem to grow a little bit larger and run a little faster, making it easier to catch prey. Also, their pack tactics have improved a bit, as a result of better bioluminescent communication.

2010-10-13, 04:55 PM
The years goes by for the Bearon, it starts to master his speed and learns to be more cunning. While the winter rats learns learns some other ways to defend him self and find some other ways not to be seen in by the bearon.

Winter Rat
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:House Cat
Strength:2 4
Claws:3 5
speed: 10
able to hide:4 5
Improved 1 points able to hide,2 streght, and 2 claws
These creature are hunted down by the notorius norfs, the only way they can escape them is by either hiding or by going into the water

THis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Size
Intelligence: Cat wolf like
Ability: Speed 4 6
Strength 5
Claws 3
Teeth 3
Insulation 3
improved intelligence to wolf like and put 2 points in speed

2010-10-13, 06:08 PM
Over time the Glacial Nighthawk has learned that if you can't be in a large open expanse, sometimes getting into as small of a place is possible is your best defense. Adapting is the only way to survive and survive the Nighthawk shall. Its beak has become strong, more powerful, able to chip away at the ice and create small nests for itself and its young. It has also learned how to bank and turn faster, giving it even more speed while in flight.

+4 points to Powerful Beak.
+1 point to speed.

2010-10-13, 08:29 PM
In the dark of the cave, the sphinxes find themselves with sharper senses to keep better track of their surroundings. As well, they develop more effective claws to better compete with rival fish-hunting animals over the smaller pool of food. The sphinxes' language slowly develops, and the additional information now capable of being communicated encourages a greater growth of the brain.

Size- 5
Intelligence- 9
Sight- 5
Hearing- 5
Strength- 6
Claws- 2
Insulation- 3

+1 to sight, claws, and intelligence; +2 to hearing.

2010-10-14, 05:34 AM
In this tunnel, the existance of a Nurf didn't change much from its usual.
Days were spent sniffing around to find the track of some food, be it preys, carrions or any other protein source.

The darkness called less for the eyes and more for the earing and scent.
Food was nevertheless scarce and competition was fierce.
Only the strongest would survive... or at least mate. For the females wouldn't tolerate to mix their genepool with some trash.

The new litters of Nurfs therefor beared new traits.
More sensitive to smell, those pups were also more stocky.
Well, at least, they would. For now, they were but fleshy pinky maggots.
Only the litters whose genitors were able to dig their own lairs would avoid being picked by some of the local predators.

All babies were fed well.
At first, it was mainly the fat, meaty bodies of the speedy Winter Rats.
But the new batches of pesky vermin, more agressive and better equipe to fight rather than to flee, proved soon to be a match for the Nurf.
Not yet impossible to hunt but a match nevertheless.
Still, the presence of other weak species brought diversity to the menu.

The Glow Rats displayed increadibe cunning and tended to get away in tunnels of their own.
This let more than once the hunting Nurf confused as to how to reach the "shiny meatball".
Yet, they were desperatly slow and weak, making them easy preys when they had to get out to forage food.
In a one-vs-one fight, the small but muscular body of the Nurf, combined with their strong jaw, was more than enough to pin the glowing rat and break its neck.

As the pups grew, they displayed better ability than their elders to dig lairs in order to protect their own kids.

Turn 1

Habitats: Well... Currently, a tunnel.
Size:House Cat
Intelligence: Rat


Strength : 5+1
Stamina : 2
Insulation : 5
Claws : 2
Burrow : 0+2
Teeth : 3
Speed : 10
Smell : 3+2

2010-10-15, 05:59 AM
Scrabblers +2% Food has become a major issue.
Glow Rats -2% The Nurf's have become using you as the main food stuff.
Ice Pigeon -2%. You have became more attacked by other species due to the other common prey becoming more powerful.
Flare Wolf +0%. The ground prey have become harder to kill. It might be beneficial to focus on nesting animals.
Winter Rat +2%. You have stopped being preyed on so much. Food is still a weakness.
Bearon -2% The Nurfs have bercame more difficult for you to kill, you may need to focus on a different prey.
Glacial Nighthawk -2%. While competitors and prey have grown to take Glacial hawk food the Glacial Nighthawk has been left behind.
Blue Sphinxes +2%. You have been able to get a greater amount of the fish and you're still predatorless.
Nurfs + 5% Population

5 more points.

2010-10-15, 07:40 AM
A year goes by, and the Ice Pigeon's claws grow longer and sharper, and they fly faster.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 8
Claws: 2 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 4
Speed: 4 6
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7

Admiral Squish
2010-10-15, 08:20 AM
As time wears on, the new generation of scrabblers are smaller, more efficient than their parents. Their smaller frames do not stunt their intellligence, however, and their brains only increase in complexity as their smaller size makes them more vulnerable without the protection of the community. Proportionally, the scrabbler's antenna are longer now, giving them a greater ability to detect carcasses and buried lichen beds.

Size: Rat 5 +2
Intelligence: 8+2
Camouflage: 5
Numbers: 5
Climbing: 3
Shell: 3
Antenna: 4 +1
Claws: 1
Bioluminescence: 1

+2 size to reduce individual metabolic needs
+2 intelligence as community takes on a greater role
+1 antenna to increase the range of their scent/vibration detection and aid in the finding of food.

2010-10-15, 08:49 AM
As the glow rats are eaten by nurfs, eventually only those who can escape are left, and soon the rats are faster, and smarter still, leaving guards at the tunnel entrances to give warnings when the nurfs come

Size: Rat (5)
Intelligence: Above Wolf (9) +2
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6) +3
Digging Claws (3)

2010-10-15, 10:44 AM
Faced with better organised preys, the lonely, horny, hungry and angry masses of nervous muscles that were the Nurfs were puzzled.
Had they been smarter, they would have tried stealth or found a way to work in team or... Well, an answer to those damn sentries !!

But the Nurfs were, as of now, the dumest creatures in the tunnel. So they kept using the same simple, brutal and formerly efficient tactic :
Run, jump, catch, bite, eat, with sometime a little crawling involved.
The Glowing Rats were laughing out loud in their own tunnels.
If some of them still felt prey to the dreaded Nurf, this becomes an accident rather than a extinction-level threath.

The Nurfs experienced difficult times, with both their main preys being now nearly out of their league, albeit for different reasons.

Yet, life always finds a way.

In that case, the scrabblers.
A nest of hundreds of cooperative rat-sized shrimps were enough to scare even an adult Nurf (and that's something !!).
But when said shrimps shrink in size, their nest looks more like a free sushi buffet than a deadly swarm.
And those long, delicate antennas moving above the creeping mass only called to the playful nature of the Nurfs.
Doesn't matter how smart you are when the predator is five time your size, hundred times your strength and speed...
and can smell you before your antennas find it.

Having hunt by scent for generations now, the Nurfs got actually good at it, being able to smell their preys or foes long before they could see or ear them.
But being the stupid territorial beasts they were, that usually meant they would charge head on at anything that smelled "funny".
Yet, creatures which relied on visual camouflage weren't safe.

Scrabblers tended to either dive or climb to get away.
While diving in the freezing water was out of question for the Nurfs, some of them did actually succeed at climbing.
Those lucky bastards soon discovered that other creatures nested above ground.
And since female Nurfs couldn't resist the smell of scrabblers mixed with pigeon eggs, soon, all lairs were filled with babies climbing on the walls.

Speaking of lairs, they got deeper and could be digged more easily.
And since the Nurf could dig its own lair, it means it could also "outdig" the cowardly Glowing Rats when they were retreating fast enough.
Technically, it could also outdig Winter Rats but those tended to oppose a little too much resistance when caught.

Turn 2

Habitats: Well... Currently, a tunnel.
Size:House Cat
Intelligence: Rat


Strength : 6
Stamina : 2
Insulation : 5
Claws : 2
Burrow : 2+2
Climb : 0+2
Teeth : 3
Speed : 10
Smell : 5+1

Food source :
Glowing Rats (the dumbest ones)
Winter Rats (the smallest ones)
Eggs of Ice Pigeons
Ice Pigeons (well...cats can do it, so can the Nurfs)
Eggs of Glacial Nighthawk

2010-10-15, 03:22 PM
Glacial Nighthawk.

Having seen its numbers dwindle over the past generation, the Glacial Nighthawk, did what it must to survive. It evolved. Not so much in a physical sense, as it did in how it responded to threats. Other animals, such as Nurfs and Winter rats which were once only prey, had become the predator. Realizing that not changing would spell its demise, the Nighthawks learned to protect their nest, and thus their eggs.

They realized that to protect the eggs they must change the way they nested. The Nighthawks still dug nest in the ice with their beaks, but now, instead of digging straight into the ice, they dug into the ceiling and upward, where none but flier and perhaps the best of climbers could reach to begin with. The tunnels would then level off and even can't back down to provide a safe place for the eggs to lay. Then they would take water from the "lake" into their mouths and spill it at the mouth of their nests in an effort to make the entrance even more slippery when it froze over smooth.

This firm grasp on how to defend their eggs, also taught them ways to steal eggs from the Ice Pigeons who had slightly less sophisticated ways of protecting their eggs. While finding the nest might be difficult to other predators because of their camouflage, the Nighthawks keen perception makes visible. Besides, even the slowest nighthawk is faster than the fastest pigeon.

Where the scrabblers were once a tough meal at best, their smaller size, while making them less appetizing to other creatures in the tunnel, made all but the largest scrabbler the perfect snack-size meal to the Nighthawk.

The population of young Nighthawks is now ever increasing as they mature Nighthawks have learned how to properly protect their eggs. This is bad news for several other races as it will cut down on their food supply.

Glacial Nighthawk

Considered the premier airborne predator, the Glacial Nighthawk can easily catch prey both on land and in water. With talons used for catching prey on the fly the Glacial Nighthawk rarely has to worry about going hungry. It can see much further than most other animals. At night, its vision is comparable to that of a Snow Owl. The Glacial Night Hawk is a sleek, well-built predator able to reach speeds of up 70 miles per hour while dive-bombing its prey.

Glacial Nighthawks have white feathers over its entire body, except underneath is wings and torso where it has black wings. It has a black beak and face as well as black talons. It has golden raptor eyes that absorb even the tiniest amounts of light.

Glacial Nighthawks feed on fish, mice, rabbits, and any other small game it can get its talons on. They tend to nest in trees where available, while some have been known to nest in tiny burrows in snowbanks.

Habitats: Frigid locals to include, tundra, glaciers, and mountains.
Size: House Cat
Intelligence: 2 + 5 = 7Hawk Like
Speed: 11
Wings: 5
Enhanced/Night vision: 4
Talons: 4
Powerful Beak: 4

2010-10-15, 04:10 PM
The winter rats beacomes stronger and learns and to make a toxic to defend it self It also makes him less tasty beacuse of the poison. The bearon learns how to defeats bigger foes.
Winter Rat
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:House Cat
Strength:4 5
speed: 10
able to hide:5
Poison 4
1 point in Strength and 4 in poison
These creature are hunted down by the notorius norfs, the only way they can escape them is by either hiding or by going into the water

THis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Size
Intelligence: wolf like
Ability: Speed 6
Strength 5 6
Claws 35
Teeth 35
Insulation 3
1 point Strength , 2 points claws and teeth

2010-10-15, 05:19 PM
With nutrition secured, and safety unchallenged, the local population of sphinxes find living rather simple; their down time allows them to sharpen their wits even further. Their idle minds find an interest in observing the ebb and flow of interactions in the pass, somewhere between scientific monitoring and spectator sport, honing their senses as they track the various forms of life darting around.

Of particular interest to them are the Glow Rats and Scrabblers; in their flashing hides, the sphinxes recognize the genesis of language. A stray mutation in one sphinx manifests as a point on its tail capable of producing similar light patterns; this mutation spreads and becomes a trait of the species. With their own language developing a more structured format, the sphinxes attempt to learn the dialects of their fellow cave inhabitants and begin communication across species.

Size- 5
Intelligence- 11
Sight- 6
Hearing- 6
Strength- 6
Claws- 2
Insulation- 3
Bio-luminescence- 1

+2 to Intelligence, +1 to Bio-luminescence, Sight, and Hearing

2010-10-15, 06:44 PM
Flare Wolf
Size: Great Dane (slightly larger) (6) +1
Intelligence: Wolf (7)
Insulation: (3)
Occular Shading: (3)
Bioluminesence: (11)
Speed: (4) +1
Teeth: (2)
Dark Vision: (1)
Strength (1) +1
Paws (2) +2

The Flare Wolf populace that cannot adjust and catch prey eventually starve and die off. The ones that can continue catching prey are slightly larger, stronger and faster. They also have slightly more elongated paws allowing them to did, or cross treacherous terrain more easily or dig, if need be

2010-10-16, 09:52 AM
Scrabblers -20% - You're the number one prey.
Glow Rats -2% - Food is an issue.
Ice Pigeon -2% - Though food isn't an issue, protecting your eggs is.
Flare Wolf +0%. Though a skilled predator, the animals have taken to hiding or are even more powerful.
Winter Rat +2%. For the most part, creatures have stopped eating you altogether. Unfortunately that just means more deaths due to lack of food.
Bearon +0%
Glacial Nighthawk +5%. While at the top of the world now your food stuff is rapidly falling.
Blue Sphinxes +10%. You have been able to get a greater amount of the fish and you're still predatorless.
Nurfs + 5% Population

5 more points.

(Would people mind telling me what prey the have (other than the Ice Pigeons.))

Admiral Squish
2010-10-16, 10:42 AM
As the entire tunnel decides the scrabblers make a good meal, the shrimp discover a unique method of warding off predators. Due to their existence primarily as scavengers, the scrabbler shrimp are commonly exposed to any number of diseases. Their immune systems were strong enough to manage these bacteria, but now, the scrabbler's systems have adapted to work around certain bacteria, allowing colonies of the bacteria to live symbiotically inside their systems. The first effect of this is immediate, the blood of a scrabbler takes on a bitter, foul flavor. The second is more subtle. Those who would continue to eat the scrabblers now begin to contract deadly diseases that spread to the rest of their kind.

Along with this method, the scrabblers, with their smaller bodies, can grow to maturity much faster, increasing their reproduction rate. The colonies of scrabblers grow denser, forcing their communication to develop faster. The scrabblers are moving past simple concepts of danger and food, developing a more complex vocabulary.

Size: Mouse 7
Intelligence: 10+2
Camouflage: 5
Numbers: 5+1
Climbing: 3
Shell: 3
Antenna: 5
Claws: 1
Bioluminescence: 1
Disease: 0 +2

+2 Intelligence for greater communication.
+1 to numbers to increase the population
+2 to Disease

2010-10-16, 11:21 AM
In the third Era, a event of cosmic proportion happened.
It would change the lifes of all the Tunnel's dwellers for the generations to come.
As the darkness echoed with cries of pain, sadness and fear, the terrible new spread among all :

The Nurfs became capable of learning lessons !!
That's it, when they made a mistake often enough and survived it, they would not to it again.

This big step forward had not been without a cost, however :
For years, lairs had been filled with Nurfs rolling on the ground as their body burned with pain and fever.
None knew where the Plague had come from but it affected nearly the whole species.
Many would die in untold suffering, letting many orphans behind.

Most survived the experience, though.
Their body weakened, their bowel emptied, their lair quickly infested with Scrabblers which fed happily on the bodies of their fallen relatives and on the massive amount of dejection.

No lesson had been learned yet, though.
It is said that it takes at least three times the same mistake to link cause and effect.
And so, among the survivors, many hunted again the Winter Rats.
Or fed from the Scrabblers.
Only to go through the agony again...and again...and again.

Slowly, though, the Plague vanished.
The ranks of the Nurfs had swelled but the survivors were a whole new bunch of hardcore killers.
For they were the only of their kind to have not only survive the deadly feast of Winter Rats and Scrabblers... but also to have learn not to partake in it ever again.

Smart and though, that's what the futur of "Nurfkind" was to be.

That's it, the Glowing Rats were now more than ever their main prey.
The new brain capacity of Nurfs helped them to learn things like cunning and stealth.
That would still need some serious work, though...

Turn 3

Habitats: Well... Currently, a tunnel.
Size:House Cat
Intelligence: Smart Rat = 0+2


Strength : 6
Stamina : 2+2
Anti-toxin : 0+1
Insulation : 5
Claws : 2
Burrow : 4
Climb : 2
Teeth : 3
Speed : 10
Smell : 6

Food source :
Glowing Rats (the dumbest ones)
Winter Rats (if desperate)
Scrabblers (if desperate)
Weaker Nurfs
Eggs of Ice Pigeons
Ice Pigeons

2010-10-16, 12:26 PM
The bearons grows in size and Strength to be able to kill the bigger creatures.
THis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Size (10) Bigget than lion(13)
Intelligence: wolf like
Ability: Speed 6
Strength 68
Claws 5
Teeth 5
Insulation 3
+3 point size+2 points strenght
Food source
evirything but the Glacial Nighthawk, Scrabblers and winter rats

THe winter rats know they cannot surive and start beacoming predators instead of scavangers. They grows bigger,have more dadly poison, and stronger claws that hold there poisons
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:House Cat,Slighly Bigger than the house cat (1)
Strength: 5
Claws:5 7
speed: 10
able to hide:5
Poison 46
+2 poison,+2 claws,+1 size
Food source
Glow Rats
other winter rats
They are now able to defend themselfs from nurfs

2010-10-16, 03:25 PM
The Glacial Nighthawk, having problems finding food, begin to starve. However, evolution is a funny thing, you give something less food, often times it grows larger so it can catch bigger prey. Such was the way with the Nighthawk. In a short time it nearly tripled in size, allowing it to kill and eat all but the largest of predators.

Its powerful beak and talons are now efficient weapons where as once they were just used for utility tasks. It prefers to catch prey and carry it to a solitary area to kill it. It then eats its fill and brings the rest, or what it can, back to its nest and shares it with other Nighthawks and its young. With their Raptor like sense, the Nighthawks will hunt in groups known as broods, typically consisting of four to five Nighthawks.

Glacial Nighthawk

Considered the premier airborne predator, the Glacial Nighthawk can easily catch prey both on land and in water. With talons used for catching prey on the fly the Glacial Nighthawk rarely has to worry about going hungry. It can see much further than most other animals. At night, its vision is comparable to that of a Snow Owl. The Glacial Night Hawk is a sleek, well-built predator able to reach speeds of up 70 miles per hour while dive-bombing its prey.

Glacial Nighthawks have white feathers over its entire body, except underneath is wings and torso where it has black wings. It has a black beak and face as well as black talons. It has golden raptor eyes that absorb even the tiniest amounts of light.

Glacial Nighthawks feed on fish, mice, rabbits, and any other small game it can get its talons on. They tend to nest in trees where available, while some have been known to nest in tiny burrows in snowbanks.

Habitats: Frigid locals to include, tundra, glaciers, and mountains.
Size: 2 + 5 = 7 Bald Eagle Size
Intelligence: 7 Raptor Like
Speed: 11
Wings: 5
Enhanced/Night vision: 4
Talons: 4
Powerful Beak: 4
Food Sources Rankings:
1st: Fish- Easy to catch and readily available.

2nd: Ice Pigeons- Nighthawks are Faster, Bigger,and with their enhanced perception, can easily catch the ice pigeons in flight. Somewhat more difficult to catch on the ground.

3rd: Glow Rats- Slower and less ferocious than Nurfs, but not all that difficult to catch and kill. They make a rather filling meal.

4th: Nurfs- Increased size allows them swoop down and grab them in their talons, then rip them open with their powerful beak once they land in a safe area.

5th: Ice Pigeon Eggs- Only if they can't catch the Pigeon itself, as they aren't much in the way of nutrition for a large raptor.

6: Flare Wolf- Only when desperate, and only when their are multiple Nighthawks to tackle the prey.

7th: Blue Sphinx- In the same category as the Flare Wolf, only Blue Sphinx tend to be a little stronger than the Flare Wolf.

No: Bearon- Much to large and strong to attack.

No: Scrabblers- Disease is bad for the Nighthawk.

No: Winter Rat- Poison is bad for the Nighthawk.

2010-10-17, 09:37 AM
Time goes on, and the Ice Pigeons become smarter, and their speech evolves in complexity. In addition, they learn to hide their nests and post sentries.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 8 13
Claws: 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 4
Speed: 6
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7

2010-10-17, 05:44 PM
Flare Wolf
Size: Great Dane (slightly larger) (6)
Intelligence: Wolf (7)
Insulation: (3)
Occular Shading: (3)
Bioluminesence: (11)
Speed: (4)
Teeth: (2)
Dark Vision: (1)
Strength (2) +1
Paws (3) +1
Fortitude (2) +2

The Flare Wolves suffer from disease and poison from their prey, but the survivors are a bit more resilient towards said afflictions. Their paw structure continues to evolve, as well the physical strength of the species. Prey of the Flare Wolves are pretty much anything they can kill, but the generally do not mess with the Bearons or the Blue Sphinxes.

2010-10-17, 07:07 PM
The low rats were pretty much confined to their tunnels, only coming out when the nurfs were asleep. They ate what they could, usually left overs of the kills of of other species. The left overs were barely enough, however, and so some of the glow rats began trying to eat the dead of other species, or, in extreme cases, the waste. Soon, the glow rats evolved an iron stomach, and a new niche and source of food.

Size: Rat (5)
Intelligence: Above Wolf (9)
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6)
Digging Claws: (3)
Constitution: (5) +5

2010-10-17, 09:46 PM
Between the limited capabilities of the sphinxes' digestion and immune system, and the small, indoor territory they inhabited, a wave of disease spread amongst the Sphinxes. The population dropped, but those that lived were more adaptable in what they could imbibe.

Wary of a second, stronger epidemic dropping their numbers further, the recovering sphinxes found a potential solution to their fears in the glow rats. Their scavenging nature resulted in their tunnels being comparatively sanitary. Studying their language of light and color with greater interest, the sphinxes offered the rats a safe haven; their presence would keep the sphinx's territory clean, and the sphinxes would rouse themselves to defend them from predators.

Size- 6
Intelligence- 12
Constitution- 1
Sight- 6
Hearing- 6
Strength- 7
Claws- 3
Insulation- 3
Bio-luminescence- 1

+1 to size, intelligence, constitution, strength, and claws.

2010-10-18, 10:27 AM
Scrabblers +50%
Glow Rats +2%
Ice Pigeon +2%
Flare Wolf +0% food is either getting more difficult to catch or more dangerous.
Winter Rat -5% Your food is either too smart or too dangerous.
Glacial Nighthawk +5% You're trapped in the cave and the fish may be running out. Ice pigeons are only slightly less tough than you.
Blue Sphinxes +5% Your food is falling.
Nurfs + 2% Population. Nobody wants to be eaten by you.

4 more points to scavengers
5 more points to others.

2010-10-18, 10:58 AM
Finding that their primary food sources were running out, the Nighthawks began supplementing their food sources with poisoned and diseased food. At first this caused death and sickness, but after a while, both became less debilitating, until the Glacial Nighthawk could eat most anything without fear of sickness.

Glacial Nighthawk
Considered the premier airborne predator, the Glacial Nighthawk can easily catch prey both on land and in water. With talons used for catching prey on the fly the Glacial Nighthawk rarely has to worry about going hungry. It can see much further than most other animals. At night, its vision is comparable to that of a Snow Owl. The Glacial Night Hawk is a sleek, well-built predator able to reach speeds of up 80 miles per hour while dive-bombing its prey.

Glacial Nighthawks have white feathers over its entire body, except underneath is wings and torso where it has black wings. It has a black beak and face as well as black talons. It has golden raptor eyes that absorb even the tiniest amounts of light.

Habitats: Frigid locals to include, tundra, glaciers, and mountains.
Size: 7 Bald Eagle Size
Intelligence: 7 Raptor Like
Speed: 11
Wings: 5
Enhanced/Night vision: 4
Talons: 4
Powerful Beak: 4
Intestinal Fortitude: 0 + 5 = 5
Food Sources Rankings:
1st: Fish- Easy to catch and readily available.

2nd: Scrabblers- No Longer susceptible to the disease, Scrabblers are a readily available food source

3rdd: Winter Rat- No Longer susceptible to the poison, Winter Rats are a readily available food source.

4th: Ice Pigeons- Nighthawks are Faster, Bigger,and with their enhanced perception, can easily catch the ice pigeons in flight. Somewhat more difficult to catch on the ground.

5th: Glow Rats- Slower and less ferocious than Nurfs, but not all that difficult to catch and kill. They make a rather filling meal.

6th: Nurfs- Increased size allows them swoop down and grab them in their talons, then rip them open with their powerful beak once they land in a safe area.

7th: Ice Pigeon Eggs- Only if they can't catch the Pigeon itself, as they aren't much in the way of nutrition for a large raptor.

No: Flare Wolf- No longer viable

No: Blue Sphinx- No Longer viable

No: Bearon- Much to large and strong to attack.

2010-10-18, 03:38 PM
Time goes by, and the Ice pigeons get faster and smarter. With their new intelligence, they begin to make simple tools to dig holes in the wall for their nests, and to build camouflage.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 13 15
Claws: 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 4
Speed: 6 9
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7

2010-10-18, 03:59 PM
The glow rats quickly spread where ever there was a colony of Sphinx, keeping the sphinx's areas clean, in exchange for protection. Since they have to spend less time running from larger creatures, they're defense mechanisms haven't improved in many years. However, their constitution and intelligence continue to climb.

Size: Rat (5)
Intelligence: Above Wolf (11) +2
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6)
Digging Claws: (3)
Constitution: (7) +2

Habitat: wherever there are sphinx

Food Sources:
1) Scavengers. they keep the habitats of the sphinx clean by eating whatever winds up left around.

2) scrabblers. With the stomach of a scavenger, the diseases and poisons in the scrabblers pose no problem to the glow rats. However, they only eat them if they venture too near the glow rat's habitat. Glow rats don't hunt anymore.

2010-10-18, 04:02 PM
Bearon: +5% your massive size means you require more food but you're managing it pretty soundly.

2010-10-18, 04:12 PM
Flare Wolf
Size: Great Dane (slightly larger) (6)
Intelligence: Wolf (8) +1
Insulation: (3)
Ocular Shading: (3)
Bioluminescence: (11)
Speed: (4)
Teeth: (2)
Dark Vision: (1)
Strength (3) +1
Paws (4) +1
Fortitude (3) +1
Scent: (2) +2

As time goes on, the Flare Wolf population remains stable. The species continues to grow more resilient, more intelligent, and develop more physically. Food is starting to become an issue, however, as much of the local food supply has become more dangerous, or more difficult to find. Development of a stronger sense of smell is starting to help the wolves find prey more easily, thus increasing survival

Admiral Squish
2010-10-18, 04:26 PM
As the scrabbler's numbers explode, their dens become even more densely-packed. The Scrabblers have begun to notice that some of the lichen they feed on grows faster near their dens. With this knowledge in hand, it is a quick step from there to the scrabblers actively encouraging the growth of this lichen, fertilizing it and protecting it.

As a number of the animals begin to develop a resistance to the scrabbler disease, the scrabblers with the more potent versions of the disease become more prevalent.

Size: Mouse 7
Intelligence: 12+2
Camouflage: 5
Numbers: 6
Climbing: 3
Shell: 3
Antenna: 5
Claws: 1
Bioluminescence: 1
Disease: 2+2

+2 disease to keep the predators off
+2 intelligence for basic farming.

2010-10-18, 05:16 PM
Winter rats grow in size and in strenght to be able to hunt the nurfs
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:Slighly Bigger than the house cat (1) slighly smaller than the great dane(4)
Strength: 5 7
Claws: 7
speed: 10
able to hide:5
Poison 6
Food source
Glow Rats
other winter rats
the bearon gains some resitance to disease and beacomes faster
THis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Bigget than lion(13)
Intelligence: wolf like
Ability: Speed 6 7
Strength 8
Claws 5
Teeth 5
Insulation 3
Fortitude 4
Food source
everything but the Glacial Nighthawk,

2010-10-18, 06:52 PM
Rats... Very very very big rats.

Well, those were the "taste-not-good" rats but still, that was an awful lot of meat.
The Nurfs might have grown smarter but still, this was too tempting for many.
Vicious battles erupted between the Nurfs and their former preys.
Most of the time, the Winter Rats were the winner :
Bigger, slightly stronger, smarter, with oversized poisonous claws, the rodents had nothing to fear of the Nurfs, except their reckless aggression.

Soon, only the more cautious and smart of Nurfs survived.
Their sense of smell, one the keenest among the tunnel dwellers, helped them greatly to simply avoid the monstrous rats.

But this was not enough.

The lair, previously barely more than a deep hole into the frozen dirt, was growing complex.
They typically had four to five entrances, each large enough for a fat Nurf to crawl but far too narrow for a creature the size of a Winter Rat.

Entrances were often covered with soft dirt or feces that could easily be removed by an adept digger if need.
The feces would attracted scrabblers.
While the latter still occasionally ended up as snacks for the young Nurfs, this was usually the one and last time said Nurfs would taste shrimps.
Scrabblers carried diseases that Nurfs contracted frequently and got used to.
Unless they consumed vast amount of Scrabblers, they could easily survive the infection, though it wouldn't be pleasant.
Winter Rats weren't that lucky, being now one of the most frail of the tunnel dwellers.

In addition, Scrabblers would not take kindly that someone digged through their colony.
Nurfs would do so in case of emergency, to escape a besieged lair. Better a few tiny bites that a large poisonous stab.
Winter Rats would rather find an easier prey than to face a colony of Scrabbers.

Of course, the Nurfs did not intentionally attract scrabblers. They simply made an habit to make their waste outside the lair.
And as the Nurfs which did so got better chance to survive because of the involuntary presence of scrabblers, it simply becomes an natural habit.

Food became an issue, as fewer and fewer prey were available in the tunnel itself.
Glowing Rats had migrated in the main cave.
Pigeons were now too smart to be part of a regular diet.
The Nurfs would face extinction soon...

Turn 4

Habitats: Lairs in the ground of the Tunnel.
Size:House Cat = 0
Intelligence: Dumb Wolf = 2+2


Strength : 6
Stamina : 4+1
Anti-toxin : 1+1
Insulation : 5
Claws : 2
Burrow : 4
Climb : 2
Teeth : 3
Speed : 10
Smell : 6
Stealth : 0+1

Food source :
Glowing Rats (the dumbest ones)
Scrabblers (if desperate)
Weaker Nurfs
Eggs of Ice Pigeons
Ice Pigeons

2010-10-20, 08:34 AM
Scrabblers +20% - Nighthawk's have begun to eat you again.
Glow Rats +2%
Ice Pigeon +2%
Flare Wolf -2% You're best sourses of food are poisonous and disease ridden.
Winter Rat -5%
Glacial Nighthawk +10% Though still trapped you're pretty much the undisputed leaders of the lake.
Blue Sphinxes +2% Your food is falling.
Nurfs -2% Population. Nobody wants to be eaten by you.
Bearon +10%

5 points each.

2010-10-20, 09:04 AM
Time goes on, and the Ice pigeons' internal compass gets better, allowing them to find their war around the tunnel, and lose predators. Their brain grows, and, when they aren't able to escape the predators, the ice pigeons begin using their tools to defend themselves.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 15 18
Claws: 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 4 6
Speed: 9
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7

Admiral Squish
2010-10-20, 12:00 PM
The scrabblers are living a life relatively free of predation, which allows their minds to grow, and focus on the latest developments. They begin to carve simple implements out of the bones they pick clean, using them as pimative spears against the few predators that still attack them, or using them as simple farming implements to help cultivate the lichen beds now sprouting around the entrance to each scrabbler den.

Size: Mouse 7
Intelligence: 14+4
Camouflage: 5
Numbers: 6
Climbing: 3
Shell: 3
Antenna: 5
Claws: 1
Bioluminescence: 1
Disease: 4 +1

+4 intelligence for simple tool making/tool use and the beginnings of proper farming.
+1 Disease just 'cause.

2010-10-20, 03:55 PM
With relatively few predators, the glow rats have much more time to dedicate to primitive tinkering, and their brains grow to show this. They are soon making simple tools for digging out their homes in the walls of the cave.

Size: Rat (5)
Intelligence: Ape (16) +5
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6)
Digging Claws: (3)
Constitution: (7)

2010-10-20, 05:19 PM
Flare Wolf
Size: Great Dane (slightly larger) (6)
Intelligence: Wolf (8)
Insulation: (3)
Ocular Shading: (3)
Bioluminescence: (11)
Speed: (4)
Teeth: (2)
Dark Vision: (1)
Strength (3)
Paws Hands & Feet (5) +1
Fortitude (5) +2
Scent: (2)
Bone Structure (2) +2

A small chucnk of the flare wolf population begins to die off due to the defensive measures of their food sources. The remaining survivors are quite resistant towards attacks against their health. There is also a peculiar mutation in this breed. Their fore and hind paws have begun shaping into rudimentary feet and hands. The bone structure of the breed has also began to shift; the creature is now able to stand on its hind legs for short periods of time, but it still prefers to travel on all fours. Later, perhaps, it will develop complete bipedal locomotion.

2010-10-20, 05:53 PM
the winter rats learns from it faults and it beacomes more resitance to diease and a bit smarter
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:[/S] slighly smaller than the great dane(4)
Intelligence:Wolf (7)
Strength: 7
Claws: 7
speed: 10
able to hide:5
Poison 6
fortitude (3)
Food source
Glow Rats
other winter rats

The bearon stars to find better ways to hunt and it's speed increasesTHis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Bigget than lion(13)
Intelligence: wolf like (8)
Ability: Speed 7(9)
Strength 8
Claws 5
Teeth 5
Insulation 3
Fortitude 4
Food source
everything but the Glacial Nighthawk,

2010-10-20, 09:07 PM
Finding that it enjoys having a full belly, the Nighthawks Intestinal Fortitude improves yet again. The poison and disease that the Scrabblers and Winter Rats developed as a defense against Nighthawks, has made the Nighthawks stronger. As such, Scrabblers and Winter Rats, but Scrabblers mostly have become the Nighthawks primary food source. Not because they are the easiest or prey, or most abundant, although that helps, but because they just plain taste good.

Glacial Nighthawk
Considered the premier airborne predator, the Glacial Nighthawk can easily catch prey both on land and in water. With talons used for catching prey on the fly the Glacial Nighthawk rarely has to worry about going hungry. It can see much further than most other animals. At night, its vision is comparable to that of a Snow Owl. The Glacial Night Hawk is a sleek, well-built predator able to reach speeds of up 80 miles per hour while dive-bombing its prey.

Glacial Nighthawks have white feathers over its entire body, except underneath is wings and torso where it has black wings. It has a black beak and face as well as black talons. It has golden raptor eyes that absorb even the tiniest amounts of light.

Habitats: Frigid locals to include, tundra, glaciers, and mountains.
Size: 7 Bald Eagle Size
Intelligence: 7 Raptor Like
Speed: 11
Wings: 5
Enhanced/Night vision: 4
Talons: 4
Powerful Beak: 4
Intestinal Fortitude: 5 + 5 = 10
Food Sources Rankings:

1st: Scrabblers- Nighthawks enjoy the taste of the Scrabblers, Scrabblers are the most abundant species and are readily available as a food source

2nd: Winter Rat- While not quite as tasty as Scrabblers, Winter Rats are a readily available food source.

3rd: Fish- Easy to catch and readily available.

4th: Glow Rats- Similar to Nurfs but not quite as tough.

5th: Nurfs- Nurfs are tough and smart, but still edible.

6th: Ice Pigeons- Ice pigeons are getting to be too smart for their own good. Or at least the Nighthawks.

7th: Ice Pigeon Eggs- Only if they can't catch the Pigeon itself, as they aren't much in the way of nutrition for a large raptor.

No: Flare Wolf- No longer viable

No: Blue Sphinx- No Longer viable

No: Bearon- Much to large and strong to attack.

2010-10-22, 01:48 PM
Scrabblers -10% - Food really isn't an issue. Death from above still is though.
Glow Rats +2% You note that the sphinx's are acting very erratically.
Ice Pigeon +2%
Flare Wolf -2% Things are still either too big, too quick or too disease ridden. It might be an idea to go after Sphinx's and glow rats.
Winter Rat +5%
Glacial Nighthawk +10% Though still trapped you're pretty much the undisputed leaders of the lake.
Nurfs -2% Population. Nobody wants to be eaten by you.
Bearon +5%

5 points each.

(Note if the player of the Blue Sphinx doesn't post this round then I'll take over them.)

2010-10-22, 02:01 PM
Seeing their main protection acting...strangely, the glow rats start making newer and more inventive defenses and of their tunnels and living spaces, growing smarter and smarter as they experiment

Size: (5)
Intelligence: (21) +5
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6)
Digging Claws: (3)
Constitution: (7)

2010-10-22, 02:34 PM
Life always finds a way... or at least it tries very hard.
And so did "Nurfkind".

Through a ruthless evolutionary process, the overly aggressive beasts changed into more vicious and cunning rabid killing machines.
They soon learned that if small preys weren't edible anymore, they had to turn against bigger ones.

But how could a creater barely bigger than a house cat kill monsters like the Bearons, Blue Sphinxes or Flare Wolf ?
It couldn't. Not alone at least.

At first, it was nothing but coincidences if several Nurfs gathered around the same carrion.
And it was nothing but self-interest if they loosely banded together against other scavengers and predators.

But soon, small bands formed, smart Nurfs following other, bigger Nurfs, as they knew that those were the well-fed Nurfs.
The ones that actually would get meat...and from whom another Nurf could steal a bite or two.

When they started to attack together young Bearons, that was as a frenzied mob rather than as a pack.
One reckless Nurf would have his try at the kill, the others would opportunistically follow.

When the first true packs started to badly band as hunting bands, they were still merely attacking together rather than truly coordinating their moves.
It brought success, nevertheless :

Bearons were just to big to live in group and find enough food.
As a result, a lone mother would be forced to defend her young alone.
For several days, again and again as Nurfs tried her defenses one after another, fleeing swiftly if she was able to react...
Only to come back minutes after.

Exhausted, the mother would commit a burden and see her baby carried away.
Or she would fight to the end and die from lack of sleep, starvation and blood loss.
An adult Bearon was worth several hundred kilos of meat and would likely let each Nurf with enough food for a month.
A youngster was worth 10 times less...but it would still feed several families for days.

These mad attacks were at first desperate but soon, they proved efficient enough.
And they taught several lessons to the Nurfs who successfully participated to these hunts.
Those would be the first true pack leaders.

These packs would then turn against Flare Wolves, using stealth to attack lone individuals, puppies, elders, sicks...
Flare Wolves were slow.
Flare Wolves were fragile for their size.

And they had grown used to rely mainly on their "bright light of death" to stun preys and predators alike. Using such weapon was taxing.
It wasn't a problem when they travelled in packs, where they could just take turns.

But a lone individual was no match for a pack of Nurfs.
It could only blind the first wave...and then that was it.
Not fast enough to flee the horde. Not strong enough to fight it.

Most of the time, though, Nurfs would simply intimidate the Wolves and Bearons enough to steal their catch.
What could feed a Flare Wolf could feed six Nurfs.
And what could feed a Bearon...

Of course, those new hunts weren't without risks.

More than one ill-coordinated pack was forced to flee, half-blind and confused... only to be cut into pieces by the pursuing wolves.
One had to catch unaware lone individuals to succeed.
And even then, success was always very unlikely.

The Bearons were powerhouse and not easy to kill.
A single hit could easily be lethal and those damn beasts were becoming faster and faster.
It required patience to slowly weaken one and even so, the beast wouldn't give up easily.

Turn 5 & 6

Habitats: Lairs in the ground of the Tunnel.
Size:House Cat = 0
Intelligence: Very Smart Wolf = 4+4


Strength : 6
Stamina : 5
Anti-toxin : 2
Insulation : 5
Claws : 2
Burrow : 4
Climb : 2
Teeth : 3
Speed : 10+2
Smell : 6
Stealth : 1+4

Food source :
Glowing Rats (the dumbest ones)
Scrabblers (if desperate)
Weaker Nurfs
Bearon babies
Flare Wolf puppies
Preys from Bearons and Flare Wolves
Eggs of Ice Pigeons
Ice Pigeons

Admiral Squish
2010-10-22, 02:35 PM
As the nighthawks begin to take a fancy to the flavor of scrabblers, a number of measures soon become necessary. Working together, the scrabblers are able to bring the ribcages of some of the larger carrion back to their homes. the bones are strong and thick, but with large enough gaps for the scrabblers to easily pass through them. By mounting their small bony spears on these cages of bone and placing them over the entrances to their dens and their fields of lichen, the scabblers can now rest easy. A side effect of this creative solution is that the scrabblers realize that if they can carry back the ribcages, they can carry back more than just that. Now, the scrabblers begin to store whatever meat they can carry off their scavengings, the arctic climate naturally preventing the meat from spoiling. This allows the scrabblers to develop a rudimentary society, with specific groups performing specific tasks. There are lichen-farmers, meat-gatherers, and a skilled class of bone-carvers.

Size: Mouse 7
Intelligence: 18+5
Camouflage: 5
Numbers: 6
Climbing: 3
Shell: 3
Antenna: 5
Claws: 1
Bioluminescence: 1
Disease: 5

+5 intelligence brings them up to a vaguely tribal society.

2010-10-22, 04:42 PM
They grow stronger and fater to better hunt the nurf and they start to work toghter
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:[/S] slighly smaller than the great dane(4)
Intelligence:(7) 10
Strength: (7) 8
Claws: 7
speed: (10) 11
able to hide:5
Poison 6(12)
fortitude 3
Food source
Glow Rats
other winter rats

The barons know that it is losing it young so the males and the females start to band toghter they also learn to jump higher and find new places to sleep and keep there young.
THis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Bigget than lion13
Intelligence: 10(12)
Ability: Speed 9
Strength 8
Claws 5
Teeth 5
Fortitude 4
Leg musles: 3(4)
Food source
everything but the Glacial Nighthawk,

2010-10-23, 02:22 PM
The Nighthawks, being the undisputed predator of the tunnel, continues to evolve into an even more deadly hunter. It talons are larger, and sharper to tear flesh, it's beak, curved and more powerful to break bone. It's vision even improves to allow it to see even the most careful of prey.

Glacial Nighthawk
Considered the premier airborne predator, the Glacial Nighthawk can easily catch prey both on land and in water. With talons used for catching prey on the fly the Glacial Nighthawk rarely has to worry about going hungry. It can see much further than most other animals. At night, its vision is comparable to that of a Snow Owl. The Glacial Night Hawk is a sleek, well-built predator able to reach speeds of up 80 miles per hour while dive-bombing its prey.

Glacial Nighthawks have white feathers over its entire body, except underneath is wings and torso where it has black wings. It has a black beak and face as well as black talons. It has golden raptor eyes that absorb even the tiniest amounts of light.

Habitats: Frigid locals to include, tundra, glaciers, and mountains.
Size: 7 Bald Eagle Size
Intelligence: 7 Raptor Like
Speed: 11
Wings: 5
Enhanced/Night vision: 4 + 1 = 5
Talons: 4 + 2 = 6
Powerful Beak: 4 + 2 = 6
Intestinal Fortitude: 10
Food Sources Rankings:

1st: Winter Rat- While not quite as tasty as Scrabblers, Winter Rats are a readily available food source.

2nd: Glow Rats- Similar to Nurfs but not quite as tough.

3rd: Fish- Easy to catch and readily available.

4th: Nurfs- Nurfs are tough and smart, but still edible.

5th: Scrabblers- Scrabblers are edible, but a little tougher to find, seeing as they have nearly human like sentience.

6th: Ice Pigeons- Ice pigeons are getting to be too smart for their own good. Or at least the Nighthawks.

7th: Ice Pigeon Eggs- Only if they can't catch the Pigeon itself, as they aren't much in the way of nutrition for a large raptor.

No: Flare Wolf- No longer viable

No: Blue Sphinx- No Longer viable

No: Bearon- Much to large and strong to attack.

2010-10-23, 06:05 PM
Even after electing to protect the glow rats, the sphinxes found themselves without much aggression; merely the occasional reckless nurf or hawk, who got desperate or cocky. The sphinxes turned their attentions back to their intellectual development. Their connection to the glow rats proved to yield a variety of interesting data that the sphinxes alone wouldn't be able to gather, and their use of tools was fascinating.

As time stretched on, the sphinxes slowly found themselves contemplating a topic that had gone unmentioned for a long time; if escape from the cave was possible. They had prioritized their own survival over the task of escaping, without the necessary tools to free up the tunnel entrance, but the glow rats' efficient burrowing nature once again brought them to ponder the issue.

Size- 6
Intelligence- 27
Constitution- 1
Sight- 6
Hearing- 6
Strength- 7
Claws- 3
Insulation- 3
Bio-luminescence- 1

+15 to intelligence. Apparently I missed a few points.

2010-10-23, 06:27 PM
Flare Wolf
Size: Great Dane (slightly larger) (6)
Intelligence: Wolf (8)
Insulation: (3)
Ocular Shading: (3)
Bioluminescence: (11)
Speed: (4)
Teeth: (2)
Dark Vision: (1)
Strength (4) +1
Paws Hands & Feet (6) +1
Fortitude (6) +1
Scent: (2)
Bone Structure (4) +2

As the Flare Wolves continue to change, so does their appetite, and so must their prey if they wish to continue to survive. They now will eat anything that can reasonably be taken down. They usually run around in packs, striking at easy prey, and leaving soon, prefering not to enter conflict. Their hands an bone structure continue to change and in general, they become a bit more physically strong.

2010-10-24, 04:31 AM
The ice pigeons grow smarter, and begin to create simple nomadic communities, for greater protection.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 18 23
Claws: 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 6
Speed: 9
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7

2010-10-25, 01:35 PM
Scrabblers +10% - Food really isn't an issue. Death from above still is though.
Glow Rats +2% You note that the sphinx's are acting very erratically.
Ice Pigeon +2%
Flare Wolf +2% Things are still either too big, too quick or too disease ridden. It might be an idea to go after Sphinx's and glow rats.
Winter Rat +5%
Glacial Nighthawk +10% Overpopulation may soon become a problem
Nurfs +2% Population.
Bearon +2%
Sphinx +5%

5 points each

2010-10-25, 02:19 PM
One small lonely Bearon ? Good.
Several small Bearons crying for help ? Very Good.
One angry but tired Mama Bearon ? Still Good.
Mama and Papa Bearon teaming up ? Not Good.
No, not good at all.

As the most selfish Bearon bloodlines were devored by the ever-bolder starving packs of Nurfs, only the most furiously protective ones survived.
The couples were now strongly linked by the common love of their offspring.
And if female Bearons were strong enough to make Nurfs hesitate, the deep, powerful roar of an adult male Bearon was more than needed to make them run.

Yet, Nurfs being Nurfs, if something seems dangerously stupid, one WILL attempt it for the sake of trying.
And since, in this case, a meaty juicy steak was at stake, several Nurfs tried to attack couples of Bearons
And some even succeeded without losing any body parts !!

These successes were, however, the result of incredible luck rather than true skill.
And most of the time, it involved waiting for one parent to be off hunting (mostly the female).
And the other sleeping (mostly the male...don't ask why).
Then to crawl, climb or dig stealthily into the Bearon's lair to kill off the youngsters before dragging the corpse out.
Needless to say, for each successful Nurf, dozens were caught "red-handed" by a very angry Papa Bearon.
Bloody slaughter ensued...

More down-to-earth Nurfs went after the next best thing : the Wolf puppies.
True, those damned two-legged predators were moving in packs.
And their cursed flares tended to ruin all but the most careful attempts.
But hey... One gotta try if one gotta succeed.

In the case of Bearon and Wolf alike, the Nurfs with the most powerful jaws fared a lot better, as they could silenced their victims much quicker.
Breaking the neck in mere seconds after the strike was crucial, as any sound of prolonged struggle would arise suspicion from the adults.
This would mean retribution for the Nurfs and free snack for the "preys".

The strength of the Nurf's jaw doubled.
New generations sharpened the skills of their parents.
They learned to watch for the direction of underground air streams.
This way, they wouldn't disclose their presence through scent.

Turn 7

Habitats: Lairs in the ground of the Tunnel.
Size:House Cat = 0
Intelligence: Very Smart Wolf = 8+1


Strength : 6+1
Stamina : 5
Anti-toxin : 2+1
Insulation : 5-5
Claws : 2+1
Burrow : 4+1
Climb : 2+1
Teeth : 3+3
Speed : 12
Smell : 6
Stealth : 5+1

Blue :
It was agreed OOC that insulation was worthless.
The Winter Rats are reallocating their points.
The Flare Wolves aren't.
I'm waiting the final decision on this
In case we reallocate, please consider the following changes.
In case we don't, please just ignore the blue.

Food source :
Glowing Rats (the dumbest ones)
Scrabblers (if desperate)
Weaker Nurfs
Bearon babies
Flare Wolf puppies
Preys from Bearons and Flare Wolves
Eggs of Ice Pigeons
Ice Pigeons

2010-10-25, 04:33 PM
The glow rats quickly realized that while they are beginning to understand simple tools, their forepaws are not very well equipped to handling them. Soon, the rats start evolving opposable thumbs, to better hold their new tools

Size: (5)
Intelligence: (23) +2
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6)
Digging Claws: (3)
Constitution: (7)
Opposible Thumbs (3)+3

2010-10-25, 05:59 PM
The Nighthawks sight continues to improve as they begin using they flight and sight to find a possible exit from the cave. Even if they can't find an exit the improved vision at least negates the camouflage of nearly every creature in the tunnel.

Glacial Nighthawk
Considered the premier airborne predator, the Glacial Nighthawk can easily catch prey both on land and in water. With talons used for catching prey on the fly the Glacial Nighthawk rarely has to worry about going hungry. It can see much further than most other animals. At night, its vision is comparable to that of a Snow Owl. The Glacial Night Hawk is a sleek, well-built predator able to reach speeds of up 80 miles per hour while dive-bombing its prey.

Glacial Nighthawks have white feathers over its entire body, except underneath is wings and torso where it has black wings. It has a black beak and face as well as black talons. It has golden raptor eyes that absorb even the tiniest amounts of light.

Habitats: Frigid locals to include, tundra, glaciers, and mountains.
Size: 7 Bald Eagle Size
Intelligence: 7 Raptor Like
Speed: 11
Wings: 5
Enhanced/Night vision: 5 + 5 = 10
Talons: 6
Powerful Beak: 6
Intestinal Fortitude: 10
Food Sources Rankings:

1st: Winter Rat- While not quite as tasty as Scrabblers, Winter Rats are a readily available food source.

2nd: Glow Rats- Similar to Nurfs but not quite as tough.

3rd: Fish- Easy to catch and readily available.

4th: Nurfs- Nurfs are tough and smart, but still edible.

5th: Scrabblers- Scrabblers are edible, but a little tougher to find, seeing as they have nearly human like sentience.

6th: Ice Pigeons- Ice pigeons are getting to be too smart for their own good. Or at least the Nighthawks.

7th: Ice Pigeon Eggs- Only if they can't catch the Pigeon itself, as they aren't much in the way of nutrition for a large raptor.

No: Flare Wolf- No longer viable

No: Blue Sphinx- No Longer viable

No: Bearon- Much to large and strong to attack.

2010-10-25, 06:06 PM
There intelligence grows as well as there speed.they also develop a more deadly poison to scare of predators
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:[/S] slighly smaller than the great dane(4)
Intelligence 10(15)
Strength: 8
Claws: 7
speed: 11(14)
able to hide:5it dosent do anything so im relocating
Poison 12(14)
fortitude 3
Food source
Glow Rats
other winter rats

The bearons, with it youngs still getting killed by nurfs decide to make better places to hide there young. They start digging into walls and putting there young there so they can better proctect them.
THis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Bigget than lion13
Intelligence: 12
Ability: Speed 9
Strength 8
Claws 5
Teeth 5
Fortitude 4
Leg musles: 4
diging claws:5
Food source
everything but the Glacial Nighthawk,

2010-10-25, 07:13 PM
The Ice Pigeon's grow smarter still, and finally reach full blown sentients. With their new smarts, they watch the scrabblers, and learn to farm from them, growing cranberry plants in neat rows, and storing excess cranberries for times of less food.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 23 28
Claws: 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 6
Speed: 9
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7

2010-10-27, 04:26 PM
Scrabblers +10% - Food really isn't an issue. Death from above still is though.
Glow Rats +0% You note that the sphinx's are acting very erratically.
Ice Pigeon +2%
Flare Wolf +0%
Winter Rat +5%
Glacial Nighthawk -10% There's no way out yet.
Nurfs +2% Population.
Bearon -5% Your technique to protect your young didn't work too well.
Sphinx 0

5 points each

2010-10-27, 05:00 PM
((are the sphinx taken out now, or was that a +0 instead of 0?))

2010-10-28, 03:32 PM
+0, my mistake.

2010-10-29, 03:09 PM
Hunting Bearon Babies was fun and rewarding.
That's it, when the Nurfs weren't mauled to death by very angry adult Bearons.
But this was a less and less likely occurence as the vicious predator's skills increased with each kills.

Now, the Nurfs were smart enough to trully hunt in organized packs, with specialized roles starting to appear, depending of each individual's talent.
Much like some kind of mongooses, they would also live in large packs, up to 30 individuals.

Some would act as scouts, tracking by scent, sound or vision the potential food sources.
Some would just be sentries, keeping an eye around the many lairs of the pack and alerting of any incoming predator.
These were the most sensitive and "smart" of the Nurfs.

The more muscular Nurfs would act as somekind of warriors, effectively protecting the community against other Nurf packs and predators.
This role was mainly the position of alpha males.
It involved a short life, with long days of laziness disturbed by the occasionnal challenges and dangers.

Finally, the others would act as hunters, following the scouts and attacking preys by surprise.
The tactics varied depending of the prey, ranging from stealthy approach to the old school swarming charge.
Most Nurfs served in that position, feeding themselves and their offspring while letting something for scouts, sentries and warriors.

As they grew confident, Nurf packs started to migrate again closer to the main cave.
There, they found the Sphinxes being the majestous contemplative beasts they always had been.

They also found the thriving communities of Scrabblers and Glow Rats, which had grew in numbers on the lake's banks.
There were the first true tribes, a state the Nurfs were still eons ago from even grasping the concept.

And as before, their nemesis, the "Death From Above" as it would be named one day in the legend.
The Glacial Nighthawks.
Those were more numerous than ever, and also more aggressive than ever.
Competition for food among them was sure a daily struggle.

There wasn't much that could be done about the Hawks.
But Glow Rats were Glow Rats. They had be hunted.
It was in Nurf's genes to see glow rats as tasty snacks.
One cannot go against centuries of instinct.

The Glow Rats were a evolutionary jewel, a fragile yet marvelous achievement.
They were nearing sentience and had already master tools, natural selection favoring the individuals who were skilled at this.
Yet, they had grown soft.
They were, in all regards, the Nerds of the Tunnel.

A good thing in more advanced stages of civilization.
A bad thing when your best weapon was a polished rock and your opponent had jaws powerful enough to break the neck of a baby Bearon.

The Nurfs, while not exactly big, were vicious predators, full of nervous muscles and with enough stamina to win attrition battles.
They were fast, strong and stealthy, with a reckless, bold, stubborn and yet cunning mentality.
And like the barbarians against Rome, they were now coming in increasing numbers, embolden by generations of success against the Bearons and Wolves

Now, would the Blue Sphinxes defend their protégés ?
Or would the Glow Rats have to defend themselves again the better-equipped-than-ever Nurfs ?
Maybe salvation would come from the heights, as hunting Glow Rats meant for the Nurfs to expose themselves to the hungry Glacial Nighthawks.

Turn 8

Habitats: Lairs in the ground of the Tunnel.
Size:House Cat = 0
Intelligence: Very Smart Wolf = 9+1


Strength : 6+1
Stamina : 5
Anti-toxin : 2+1
Insulation : 5-5
Claws : 2+1
Burrow : 4+1
Climb : 2+1
Teeth : 6
Speed : 12
Earing : 0+2
Sight : 0+2
Smell : 6
Stealth : 6

Blue :
It was agreed OOC that insulation was worthless.
The Winter Rats are reallocating their points.
The Flare Wolves aren't.
I'm waiting the final decision on this
In case we reallocate, please consider the following changes.
In case we don't, please just ignore the blue.

Food source :
Scrabblers (if desperate)
Weaker Nurfs
Glowing Rats
Bearon babies
Flare Wolf puppies
Preys from Bearons and Flare Wolves
Eggs of Ice Pigeons
Ice Pigeons

2010-10-29, 03:23 PM
The glow rats achieved full sentients, and with it, curiosity. The began wondering if there was a way out of the tunnel. When they aren't protecting their tunnels, their expanding their network further back from the sphinx nest. They hope to eventually break out off this tunnel, and so have been expanding out and up when new tunnels are needed.

Size: (5)
Intelligence: (25) +2
Bioluminesence: (10)
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6)
Digging Claws: (3)
Constitution: (7)
Opposible Thumbs (6)+3

2010-10-29, 03:52 PM
They start hunting packs and they develop a type stinger that there able to shhot and it containt's there poision
This smalll creature is not diease infested like his cousins, he is much bigger than them and half of his body weight is fat. He has also very good at swiming and if needed he can cacth fish but it is very hard for him to do so. He has a white coat of fur over his body and face so it is very hard to see him.
Winter rats travel alone or with it's mate, they follow bigger animals like polar bears and they eat what ever they can get.
Habitats: Where ever large animals are.
Size:[/S] slighly smaller than the great dane(4)
Intelligence 15(16)
Strength: 8
Claws: 7
speed: 14
able to hide:5it dosent do anything so im relocating
Poison 14
fortitude 3
Stinger (4)
Food source
Glow Rats
other winter rats

They know they cannot kill all of the nurfs so they start living in families of 3-4 adults and they can make better dens.
THis creature resembles a bear crosed with a Lion. It stands on 4 legs and It is one of the top predators.They eats animal creature they can find and there favorite treats are Nurfs.They are able to swim long periodes and they can hold there breath for quite some time.
Habitats: Anywhere, as long as there are smaller creatures than it self
Size:Lion Bigget than lion13
Intelligence: 12(14)
Ability: Speed 9
Strength 8
Claws 5
Teeth 5
Fortitude 4
Leg musles: 4
diging claws:5 (8)
Food source
everything but the Glacial Nighthawk,[/QUOTE]

2010-10-29, 07:06 PM
Ice pigeons begin to develop a secondary eye lid which closes in response to bright lights as they begin to follow flare wolves for protection, while cleaning the flare wolves fur.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 23 25
Claws: 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 6
Speed: 9
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7
Protective eye-lid: 0 3

2010-10-29, 07:09 PM
Ice pigeons begin to develop a secondary eye lid which closes in response to bright lights as they begin to follow flare wolves for protection, while cleaning the flare wolves fur.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 23 25
Claws: 5
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 6
Speed: 9
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7
Protective eye-lid: 0 3

2010-10-30, 03:52 AM
Flare Wolf
Size: Great Dane (slightly larger) (6)
Intelligence: Wolf (10) +2
Insulation: (3)
Ocular Shading: (3)
Bioluminescence: (12) +1
Speed: (5) +1
Teeth: (3) +1
Dark Vision: (3) +2
Strength (5) +1
Hands & Feet (7) +1
Fortitude (7) +1
Scent: (3) +1
Bone Structure (6) +2

The Flare Wolves seem to develop nearly every aspect of themselves to a greater extent. Pack tactics and bioluminescent communcation increase in efficiency, their crude hands, feet, and bone structure develop a bit further, as well as their sense of smell and dark vision.

Admiral Squish
2010-10-31, 01:19 AM
The bone-crafted structures grow in size and complexity, and the scrabblers are rapidly refining their bone-carving to an artform. Soon, the bone-carving becomes not just a way to create tools and weapons, and the scrabblers are making a system of written language, carving their history into the bony cages that protect them and wall off their dens. Bone tools become common, allowing the scrabblers to expand their dens, creating complex, multi-chambered dens. The lichen farms similarly expand.

Size: Mouse 7
Intelligence: 23+10
Camouflage: 5
Numbers: 6
Climbing: 3
Shell: 3
Antenna: 5
Claws: 1
Bioluminescence: 1
Disease: 5

2010-11-02, 11:16 AM
5 points each.

+10%: Nerf's, Bearons, Scramblers
+5%: Glow rats, Ice pigeons, Flare wolf
+2%: Winter rat

2010-11-02, 05:43 PM
the glow rat's opposible thumbs progress further, allowing more delicate handing of the many things they have created. With full sentience, their language begins to evolve, and as a result, so does their control of their bioluminesence.

Size: (5)
Intelligence: (25)
Bioluminesence: (11)+1
Teeth: (2)
Sharp Senses:(5)
Speed: (6)
Digging Claws: (3)
Constitution: (7)
Opposible Thumbs (10)+4

2010-11-04, 01:56 PM
Bearons were big.
Bearons were strong.
They were also smart and swift, though still slower than Nurfs.

The Bearons were mighty... but not stealthy at all.
Worst, in comparison to most species, they were blind, deaf and scentless.
They could barely locate a prey while said prey could perfectly hear them, smell them or see them.
Nobody could kill an adult Bearon...but one has to wonder how an adult Bearon could successfully kill preys at all.

The Bearons were massive... and each of them needed very large daily rations to remain healthy.
Were they living in the Savanna or the Mountain that it wouldn't have been a problem, what with having plenty of large preys grazing around.
But they lived in the Tunnel.
There was no such thing as large preys.

Mother Nature was already crying but they made it worse :
They gathered in packs.
While one had to wonder how a single Bearon could find and hunt enough preys for itself, it became clear that a pack would just be a ineffective noisy band of starving giants.

Their youngsters were now safe from harm by the Nurfs.
But what was it good for if the parents couldn't find enough food at all ?

Nurfs weren't aware of all those details.
They only cared for one thing : small Bearons weren't available for lunch.
But whatever the Bearons would catch for their own lunch was up for the taking.
Packs of Nurfs would just follow the mighty hunters, undetected, and steal what they could when they could.

Of course, this wasn't the only food source of the Nurfs.
They could still dig for Glow Rats, climb to the nests of Ice Pigeons, swarm lone Flare Wolves by surprise.
Or even kill each other if necessary.
Only the strongest will survive...or the largest, as it was.

Nurfs kept getting smarter, stealthier and more attuned to their surroundings.
To hunt, they used mainly a combination of surprise, overwhelming number and fast deadly bites.
They also grew slightly larger

Turn 9

Habitats: Lairs in the ground of the Tunnel.
Size:House Cat = 0+1
Intelligence: Very Smart Wolf = 10+1


Strength : 7
Stamina : 5
Anti-toxin : 3
Claws : 3
Burrow : 5
Climb : 3
Teeth : 6
Speed : 12
Earing : 2+1
Sight : 2+1
Smell : 6
Stealth : 6+1

Food source :
Scrabblers (if desperate)
Weaker Nurfs
Glowing Rats
Bearon babies (only the careless idiots)
Flare Wolf puppies
Preys from Bearons and Flare Wolves
Eggs of Ice Pigeons
Ice Pigeons
Lone Flare Wolves

2010-11-04, 03:20 PM
Some of the pigeons begin to unsuccessfully train flare wolves to listen to their commands. Their claws grow sharper.

Ice pigeon

Habitats: Very near the lake.
Size: Cat
Intelligence: 25 28
Claws: 5 7
Night vision: 6
Direction sense: 6
Speed: 9
Wings: 4
Camouflage: 7
Protective eye-lid: 3