View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Dark Concept

Atrec Randier
2010-10-15, 10:18 AM

Beneath the cold dark sky sprawls a great forest. Close to the northern reaches, not far south of a persistent and brutal war, a flash of light is closely followed by a great cloud of flame. Rising high into the sky, the charred clearing below heaves with energy. Eventually calming, the surrounding trees glow with the remaining flames, aiding the moon in illuminating the scene within. A figure, shivering. Drenched in blood, her shaking hands caress the prone figure beside her. Slowly, his eyes open, searching for her. His mouth trembles with pain as he utters the words.

"It... is done..."


(Let's kickstart things off, shall we? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t2mZfHdXuM))


A land of diverse geography, perpetual conflict and unlikely balance, Estricy has five widely varying countries.

Capital: Toutana
Government: Democracy
North (Mostly plains and desert, sparsely populated besides a few oasis towns and nomadic tribes)
South (Mostly plains and farmland, sort of hilly near the capital)
Central (Beautiful lakes, with hilly areas and forests approaching the Mitraen border)
Eastern (More in the way of plains, more defensive structures closer to the Enidan border)
An honourable country, with verdant lands and hope for peace. However, ongoing rivalry with its neighbor has forced it take a defensive stance.

Capital: Fontrach
Government: Monarchy
North (Very hilly with rich mineral deposits, with steeper inclines approaching the foothills of the Guardian Ring)
South (Generally low lying land, with a few swamps, and some forests near the Mitraen border)
Central (Some farmland I guess, relatively nondescript)
Western (More in the way of plains, more defensive structures closer to the Edinan border)
A prideful, militaristic nation with deep-rooted dreams of conquest. Unlike its western neighbor, Enidan lands are better suited to mining than farming.

For a number of centuries, these two nations have been at war with one another, the specifics behind the initial cause long forgotten. Eventually, a mutual respect formed between the two sides, and the war grew cold, until it got to a near perpetual standoff. Every now and the the balance would unsettle and some blood would be shed, but this was generally kept to a minimum. Enemies would greet each other daily, and the front lines developed a casual air.

Capital: Di'Mitrae
Government: Democratic Monarchy
North-West (Forested, with a number of valleys and rivers passing through)
North-East (Forested, a flatter area with more in the way of clear areas)
Central/Coastal (Again, forested, with more fortifications due to the more common raids from the south)
Keeping itself impartial to the war on its northern border, the forested realm maintains friendly relations with its counterparts. It still maintains a good military force, with more focus on arial and naval units, due to posessing the closest location to their southern antagonists.

Southern Islands
Government: Tribal
East, West, Mid North and Mid South Islands are all mostly the same (somewhat warmer climate, plenty of beach, docks and towns)
These heavily fortified islands harbour a number of semi-nomadic communities thriving on theft and piracy from both each other and the mainlanders to the north. Despite having no central leadership, the multitude of chieftans oftend band together to provide swift and effective joint strikes whenever oppotunity or need arises.

Capital: ???
Government: ???
A range of mountains and islands, dubbed the Guardian Ring, encircles this secluded land, enabling it to bar entry to the undesirable. This catagory usually includes just about everyone. Often people decide to travel to this supposed utopia, but very rarely does anything more than uninformative correspondence return. Sanctuary has remained silent in respect to all disputes, even when the war was at its peak and threatened to cross into the north.

The prevailing religion is that of the Goddess and her alternate manifestation, Crystal Dragon Jesus. Dragons are revered as holy creatures, created in His image to watch over and care for the world (think angels). And no, Wyverns don't count. They are to dragons what apes are to humans. Pegasi are closer to dragons in that respect, and even then. Pegasi are the dolphins. I dunno.

Magic, in all its forms, is seen (by the church) as a gift from the dragons. Light magic is considered (by the church) to be the purest form of magic, and orders of light are more frequent in the more religious Rimace. One theory of explaining both the Rimace/Enida war and the fact that Enida has more orders of dark magic is that a bunch of Rimacian teenagers decided to be pricks, moved to Enida and started their own order, and somehow it stuck. Meanwhile, the more natural Mitraens went their own way and discovered anima. This is not to say the magics are exclusive to their countries, just more common.

Mercenaries have plenty to do, from rooting out southerners, as well as any other bandits, which are totally around. Occasionally they clink glasses with the nomads, who are also around. Because they can be. And before you say anything about how they couldn't have developed their culture in such an environment, Estricy is a continent, not a world. There are other continents, there is immigration, importation, even occasional intercontinental warfare.

And Dracrystianity is not the only belief people have. It's just, according to the church, the only right one. And remember: the land is not based on its religion, but the religion is based on its land...

Gwain Solheim, second cousin of the Enidan King Harford and 14th in line for the throne, had never been particularly close to the political center of Enida, both figuratively and literally. Growing up on an estate in the South-West, he eventually left the country and sought life as a mercenary in Rimace. Along the way he met Aldric, the former border commander in charge of the Blue Gate.

The Blue Gate stands an imposing edifice at the frontlines of the Rimacian/Enidan border, opposite its Enidan counterpart the Red Gate. The fortress cities house thousands of soldiers and their families, living on the ever-constant edge of a still war. Having left his family and comrades behind at the Gate, secure in the knowledge that even in the worst times of war the walls stayed perfectly intact, Aldric joined forces with the Enidan mercenary. Together they traveled Rimace, doing whatever reasonable jobs they found, eventually gathering a small group.

Three years on, and the (Insert name here) Mercenaries are camped half a days march south-west of the Blue Gate. Aldric, whilst out scouting the area that morning, stumbled upon a young boy. Taking him back to camp, they find that has no knowledge of who he is or was, or how he came to find them, and with such a strange letter:

Glass Valley Temple

Capture it by any means necessary

1/4 payment now, I shall meet you there with the rest upon completion tonight

Accompanying it were directions to the temple, and 125,000 gold, an exorbitant sum by its own standards.

(All 10 of you are currently in camp. Go ahead and RP while I finalize a few matters and get the map ready. Set up any map/battle sprites if you haven't already.)

2010-10-15, 11:58 AM

"...I mistrust this. We don't have enough information -- who would we be capturing this from? Is the money true or false, bright or filthy? What did these people do to incur this wrath? Is the letter-writer a gentle and pure girl? These things must be made clear!"

Amanda had been saying something like that since the information had reached her (through some means), and was now complaining into the black mane of Bartholamew as she tended him.

Grim ranger
2010-10-15, 01:24 PM
"Now why would things like that matter one bit?" Sedrick asked sarcastically as he tested the string of his bow. "All that does matter is that we get paid... And that I will have a chance to shoot someone to the face soon... Ah, I have missed that activity as of late. Little torture would also be nice... Boss never lets me have fun anymore these days".

2010-10-15, 01:55 PM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
"Sir, it's best to listen to those who have more... influence than yourself. Our Lord does what he believes is best." Kreag turned to the woman, asking, "Miss, what would have you believe that the writer of the letter is a girl? By all means, it's possible, but it seems rather unlikely." Turning back to the archer, he mentioned, "But you're right, that it's been too quiet. Where's all the action?"

2010-10-15, 02:12 PM
"It doesn't matter who wrote this. Has anyone heard of this Glass Valley Temple? Maybe some answers lie there, maybe the kid that doesn't remember anything came from there," Aldric said, not sure if he knew anything about this place either.

2010-10-15, 02:14 PM
"I have no reason, only hope. But such knowledge would give me reason to trust this mission, where now I have nought but coins."

She replied pleasantly enough to the older axe-man. She glared at Sedric and replied, the blood rising to her head,

"So nothing matters but getting paid? Not even if this is a trap, and the men at this temple know of you, and have prepared especially to kill you, and you die there, and it is all in this person's plan... It doesn't matter, because you got money you will never get to spend? We have no reason to think it is a trap, I grant... But nor do we have reason to blindly trust it, without knowing more... Of course, I trust our commander, but..."

She looked away, still uneasy. But it was clear now she was already readying Bartholomew for his battle harness.

Grim ranger
2010-10-15, 02:22 PM
Sedrick actually laughed at that, throwing his long hair back and then smirking at the woman. "Many a man has thought that they could take me on and survive the experience: I have proven them wrong time and time again, often hammering the moral of the story home painfully before killing them off. And I was referring more to your moral sensibilities"

Still grinning mockingly, he made over-the-top girly face, mouthing "chivalry" and "justice" mockingly before continuing. "And yes, commander will propably not lead us to a trap right off... Unless he is getting paid really well. Because that is all that matters in the end, isn't it? Gold and saving your own skin when things get tough. Chivalry and noble ideals die on the battlefield like any other naive beings confronted with violence inherent in this world".

Testing his bow slightly, he started to inspect his arrows one by one. "At least he is tough and capable to lead, even if having leadership merely over this motley band" he muttered in more quiet tone.

2010-10-15, 02:36 PM
"That's only so if the heart that wields that chivalry is weak -- Chivalry is, first and foremost, an art of war!"

She flung out her arm, making her horse turn his head to examine this curious action. Of course, defending herself against him let her own heart harden more than it would normally; it was an effect of that passion.

"Part of being a successful champion of chivalry is being a successful warrior -- you cannot truly know chivalry without it, and you certainly can't know it if you would die without meaning. Of course, you, someone who lives without meaning, who lives simply as a function of their body, and can value nothing more than that, and the means to support it...Definately cannot know it, and cannot tell the strong from the weak in it. You cannot speak to me of it anymore than I can speak of sharp-shooting or greed."

She ran a hand through her long green hair, as if to settle ruffled feathers, and made a concentrated effort to ignore whatever came out of the archer's mouth next, since it was unseemly. ( Really. She would really succeed at it, this time. She meant it...) and Amanda turned back to an earlier question, mentioned when she wasn't looking. Her voice slowly returned to a much less heated tone.

"I know nothing of it, I'm afraid... Hmm... Our poor young stranger... Still, I hope someone here knows something."

2010-10-15, 02:42 PM
"Easy, now, we don't have time for these arguments, so drop it. Gwain and I will decide what needs to be done, when ever he shows up..." Aldric said, wondering what could keep the commander from such an interesting find, but deciding instead to check on the stranger.

2010-10-15, 04:09 PM

* Moans * The kid begins to come to. Where am I? Ugh, my head... where the hell is my axe?

2010-10-15, 07:59 PM
"That thing was yours? It's here, but I didn't think you could wield it..." Aldric says to the kid, sitting down in a chair, looking at him, rather puzzled.

2010-10-15, 08:29 PM
Gwain Solheim watched with a sad smile as his cohorts bickered amongst themselves. An assortment of oddballs if ever there was one. Checking the sun he whistled down to the campsite. "Sedrick, your turn on the watch." Turning back to the surroundings he gives the layout another look. Nothing suspicious yet, but he wasn't taking any chances after that boys mysterious appearance. And that axe... he didn't relish being caught by surprise by someone who wields a monster like that.

2010-10-15, 09:05 PM

Big iron affair? Yeah, that's mine... The kid seems to remember the axe pretty vividly, but he also seems kinda spaced out. Who're you? And what hit me in the head? I feel like I've been kicked by a horse... He tries shaking his head to clear his thoughts, but that just brings on a wave of nausea. He practically lapses out of consciousness, but holds on, barely.

2010-10-15, 10:51 PM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
"Perhaps you should take a seat, young lad." He took a flask from a small pouch he carried, and wiped the mouth. He offered it to the boy, saying, "Here, drink."

2010-10-15, 10:56 PM

The kid nods his thanks and takes a few gulps of water. That feels a little better... he says with some relief. So, anyone feel like telling me who you lot are and why I'm here? he asks again, hoping that if he repeats the question often enough, someone is bound to tell him something.

2010-10-15, 11:05 PM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
"Ah, apologies. We are under the... eh... supervision, of our Lord, Sir Gwain." He points towards the aforementioned leader, then looks back to the boy. "You were found this morning, with this letter." Kreag realizes that the boy doesn't remember a thing. "Perhaps seeing this letter will help trigger your memory... Tell me, do you remember anything? A name, even?"

2010-10-15, 11:11 PM
(hem, still on the hilltop)

2010-10-15, 11:26 PM

Name, huh? You'd think I'd remember something important like that... but no, I've got nothing. All I remember is that I have a damn big axe. That, and how to speak, think... must've been some blow to the head to knock my name out, eh? He tries to laugh, but it ends up sounding pathetic and forced.

Grim ranger
2010-10-16, 02:18 AM
http://i.imagehost.org/0936/Archer.png (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0936/Archer)
"It is my turn to keep watch again? How come I am always picked out for this duty?"

Glancing at Gwain and muttering slightly to himself, he shrugged. "Well, at least it will keep me from hearing any more nonsense about chivalry or honour or any such pointless, moronic ideals. And Amanda, you start to remind me as of why I want to shoot someone to the face now. Hopefully you are not in range when my urge to do so becomes too strong to control".

Slinging his bow to his back, he started walking towards the edge of the camp, making a rude gesture at the woman as he did.

2010-10-16, 07:45 AM

The retreating gesture did much to calm her -- it had no place in a battle over the nature of chivalry, which meant the battle was over for now.
She looked down, obviously embaressed... She had done... poorly there. She needed to be more courteous, even to a fool. She would have to pray to the goddess to give her the strength, and remember the trials of Sir Gareth*.

Then, hearing mumbles from the tent where Gwain and the poor young man was, she pokes a curious head in. Then she bowed, of course.

"Excuse me, Lord Gwain... I was just curious about the nature and condition of our guest." She turned her head and then adressed the guest more directly. "Hail and well-met, sir. Are you feeling any better now?"

((I assume she's actually listing off a fantasy name of a knight simmilar to Sir Gareth, but I think it reads better if her reference is understood quickly. That, or somehow very simmilar stories, changed only in the settings, were written and sung. I'm good with that... Anyway. This is a long footnote.))

2010-10-16, 08:14 AM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
Kreag looked uneasily from the retreating archer to the boy. "See, Sir, it's best to ignore anything that comes from that one's mouth. Your time with us will be much easier if you remember that simple advice."

Grim ranger
2010-10-16, 12:01 PM
http://i.imagehost.org/0936/Archer.png (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0936/Archer)
"Just because I am bit further away does not mean I cannot hear you", Sedrick's sarcastic voice cut in from some distance away. "And mind you, I can have this bow drawn and ready to fire in less than three seconds. So I would advice you to shut it".

Taking his guard post, he folded his cloak around himself, and started what would likely be long and uninteresting perioid of looking over the camp.

2010-10-16, 12:17 PM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
Producing a small hatchet, Kreag looked over to the archer. "I have no quarrel with you, Sir, but be advised that you aren't the only one who can fight long range."

(Grim loves his jackasses. :smallbiggrin:)

Grim ranger
2010-10-16, 12:22 PM
http://i.imagehost.org/0936/Archer.png (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0936/Archer)
"Maybe not, but I am only one who emerges alive from such a fight" he said sarcastically in return, rising his voice so it could be heard even over the distance between them. "And rest assured, I would have cut all of your throats long ago and slinked away in the middle of the night if boss had not convinced me to stay and work my ass off to keep you people alive... a desicion I am starting to regret!"

2010-10-16, 12:58 PM
"Settle down everyone, there's no use getting all on edge." Gwain chuckles as he pulls into camp. "Sorry it took me so long I was taking another sweep by where we found the kid. And unfortunately Amanda that's something that our guest himself doesn't know."

2010-10-16, 02:38 PM

If my head wasn't spinning so much, I'd plant my axe in that guy's feet just to make him shut up. How do you folks deal with someone that depressing? he asks sarcastically, still rubbing his forehead. And to answer your question, miss, I honestly don't know. My head hurts less, but I can't even remember my own name...

2010-10-16, 03:08 PM

"Not even your name? Well, then, we have to decide what we should call you... My Lord? Any ideas?"

She turned to Gwain first, in deference, but quickly then turned back to the stranger, quick to help.

"I reccomend Percivale -- but perhaps something a little shorter would suit better... It needs to be a name of action, for a guy with an axe like yours. Of course, we could just fling names around until there's one that jogs your memory somewhat, Sir Axe."

Well, she had already started calling him something, anyway...

2010-10-16, 03:38 PM
"You do seem to have quite the connection to the thing if it's all you can remember Axe. It's fascinating really, your condition seems almost magical in it's selectiveness."

2010-10-16, 07:29 PM
http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/7132/spritekreagsmiling.png (http://img243.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagsmiling.png/)
Kreag crossed his arms and smiled big. "Fie, see how far you'd get without a meat shield! Heh... slit my throat if you want, but see what good it would do you." He turned to the fellow axe-user, and smiled. "Sir Axe... I like it."

(Question, is my speech color too close to automatic?)

2010-10-16, 07:35 PM
Glaring at Kreag "I thought I told you two to cut it out?"

(Not at all, besides I am using automatic until sides have been chosen.)

2010-10-16, 07:50 PM

Vance Maynard

Vance had stayed out of it up to this point, sitting in his usual spot by the fire trying to read. After reading the same line twelve times over the course of the dispute, an observer would have noticed Vance's foot tapping impatiently.

After reading that line another six times, the same casual observer would notice a small vein pulsing on Vance's forehead in time with his now faster foot tapping.

After reading that line yet ten more times, Vance finally slams his tome shut and stands in a huff. "WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP? I am trying to review some of the principles of basic Thunder magic. Should we encounter a Wyvern Knight again this week, you would all do well to let me study in peace!"

Exhaling slightly to catch his breath, Vance brushes his hair from his eyes and points at Amanda and Sedrick. "Stop bickering."

His finger then points to the note. "I don't know what is at the Glass Valley Temple, but if whatever it is is worth 500,000 gold to destroy, I want nothing to do with it. People don't pay that kind of money to mop up a handful of barbarians."

2010-10-16, 07:50 PM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
Arms still crossed, Kreag looked over at his Lord. "Feh. I'm done, unless he wants to come back for more." Looking back at the boy in front of him, he mouthed the words, "You'll get used to it. It's quite fun, actually." He turned to the mage, taking an apologetic tone. "My apologies, Sir Maynard. Do continue in your pursuit of knowledge. I've nothing else to say."

2010-10-16, 08:33 PM
Turning to the disgruntled mage Gwain frowns slightly. "I'm not sure we can afford to, if the temple harbors a real threat than someone has to deal with it, and if it is a sanctuary then we need to find out who is targeting it."

2010-10-16, 08:53 PM

Sir Axe? I guess that'll do... I dunno if I need to be a "Sir", so Axe would be just fine too. Makes sense, given that all I remember about myself is an axe... he says, actually seriously. Axe it is, then! So, what's this about a Glass Temple? Seems like a right bad idea to me, making a temple out of glass, but what do I know? Given my concussion, not a whole lot... he kinda trails off at that.

2010-10-16, 09:43 PM
Attempting to ignore his companions petty nit picking, Aldric runs his hand down his face, shaking his head slightly. "Gawain, I suggest we attempt to gather some information on this Glass Temple, and we need to be careful. The suspicious circumstances alone make me wary, but we know nothing about 'Axe', he could be the one sent to destroy it. As much as I hate to say it, how can we trust him?" Aldric says to Gawain, taking him out of hearing distance of the others and speaking quietly.

((but you all get to read it!))

2010-10-16, 10:57 PM
"We can't, not really. Still, better to keep an eye on him then let him wander about, and I'm not sure he isn't telling the truth. In which case he'll need someone around to help him. We'll just have to do the best we can."

2010-10-16, 11:01 PM

Axe manages to stagger to his feet, waving away any help, and stumbles out of the tent towards the two chatting commanders. Hey, you two are the commanders of this group, right? he asks, squinting from his headache. And you're mercenaries, right? I was wondering if you'd let me earn my keep... you've tended my wounds and given me food and drink. Let me lend you my axe in your next engagement. I promise you won't be disappointed. He tries to smile confidently, but ends up wincing in pain a bit instead, making the gesture awkward.

2010-10-16, 11:13 PM
"For now you should rest, but I'd be glad of your help, we always seem a bit strained for hands around here."

2010-10-16, 11:26 PM

Sure thing, commander, he replies with a grin. Axe then walks back to the tent, a little less shaky than when he first tried to stand.

2010-10-17, 07:31 AM

After a long absence, one of the newest members of the mercenary band reenters their campsite, stretching languidly and yawning widely as he walks. He keeps his eyes open, however, and looks around at the others. After a few seconds, Tern changes paths and heads over to Gwain, keeping up his usual relaxed demeanor.

"Who was that?"

He sticks a thumb at the tent that "Axe" had entered.

2010-10-17, 08:02 AM
"My humblest apologies, Vance. I will endeavor to be of stronger courtesy and control my temper in the future."

She bowed and apologized for disrupting the mage's reading. She closed her eyes and did her best to engrave it into her heart... But, that being done, there was not much left to do but accept Axe's membership into the group, and determine the course of action regarding the note. And to answer Tern's question.

"That was our new companion. We're calling him Axe for the time being."

2010-10-17, 08:37 AM
Tern turns to face Amanda as she answers his question, quirking an eyebrow in bemused curiosity.

"Axe? Why?"

2010-10-17, 09:02 AM

A young bright eyed girl steps out of her tent. She seems to check her hat with a happy smile but then looks surprised and a little overwhelmed by the group.

Of course it is a normal reaction- she has only traveled with them for a week or two still. But it was good to travel and not to see bandits immediately. Even if one or two looked like it. They were nice people. Most.

But she almost bumped into "Axe" as he went to his tent. With a small apology, she went to the others. She looked at Sir Maynard, with curiosity of what he was studying. But she looked at the others with a different question.

Tallith:" 'Axe'? Like a weapon? It seems like a strangely foreign name. Ah! Is it because he is from the Lost Island of Garland? Maybe because of parents related to a war? Maybe it is like a tribe name. Maybe a nickname? Ahh... I should have studied geography more!"

She seems to recover quickly enough with curiosity.
"What has happened? Is he a friend of the commander? Oh my, he was not injured by bandits was he? It is so dangerous here!"

It started so quickly! I am sorry for being busy (><)

2010-10-17, 01:06 PM
Well, the only thing he seems to remember is the Axe, so that's what we're calling him for now."

(Has everyone arrived yet?)

2010-10-17, 09:24 PM
(It's catchthesun)

2010-10-17, 09:39 PM
Well, the only thing he seems to remember is the Axe, so that's what we're calling him for now."

Tern ***** his head to the side at Gwain's comment.

"Axe? What axe?"

2010-10-17, 10:40 PM
"The big one he just fell asleep holding."

2010-10-18, 06:34 AM
Tern breaks into a smile.

"Sounds like he'll fit right in."

He takes a seat on the ground nearby, but out of the way, and leans back.

"So how'd he get here?"

2010-10-18, 08:26 AM
"I found him while I was scouting earlier. He was unconscious with his axe, this letter and a boat load of gold," Aldric said, offering the letter, should he wish to read it.

2010-10-18, 08:34 AM
Tern accepts the note, spends a few seconds reading it, then whistles, impressed.

"That's a whole lot of money. Someone wants this place captured."

He pauses for a second, looking the letter over one last time before handing it back to Aldric.

"Are we taking the job?"

2010-10-18, 08:45 AM
Tallith looked at the note after Tern.

Tallith:"Ah, Glass Valley Temple? I wonder what this person wants there!

Hmm... I should have listened more to Avram and my tutor's lectures... But it sounds familiar. There was supposed to be a small order devoted to studying universality of magic, you know. Looking at holy magic and elemental magic at the same time? I wonder if even it involves silent spirit language too." She looked a little embarrassed.

"I don't remember exactly. I wonder if it is in my notes? Ah, maybe I left those before coming. Hmm... Still, it is interesting, and that amount of money probably shouldn't be spent so freely."

A daughter of a rich family might casually observe such a thing with naivety.

2010-10-18, 10:01 AM
"Hmm? What job?"

Alicia says, approaching the campsite whilst wiping the sweat off her brow. Evidently, she was busy training off in the distance somewhere.

Upon hearing the contents of the note, she laughs, grinning broadly. "Oh, a fight! Sounds interesting."

2010-10-18, 04:21 PM

Amanda stood at stock attention when Tallith showed up, and listened intently to what she had to say.

"Oh, Milady Tallith -- thank you kindly for shedding perhaps even a small shard of your radiance onto this enigma. I'm sure your estimation can be held in the highest esteem."

From the composed smile on her face, it seemed she was completely sincere. Still, the question that had started off this morning -- several of them, really -- had yet to be answered.

"Still, the question does remain: Are we taking this impressively suspicious sum, or aren't we?"

2010-10-18, 04:56 PM
Tern sits up and looks at Amanda.

"I say, let's not look a 125,000 gold gift horse in the mouth. Besides, I'm sure we can handle the job."

2010-10-18, 07:53 PM
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/7199/spritekreaggrinning.png (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/spritekreaggrinning.png/)
Kreag stood and looked over the group. "I think we can handle anything that comes our way." He grinned, and added, "We work with Sedrick. If he doesn't kill us, nothing will." He emphasized the last part, so the archer would hear him clearly. He grinned devilishly and awaited the inevitable response.

2010-10-18, 08:45 PM
Tern sits up and looks at Amanda.

"I say, let's not look a 125,000 gold gift horse in the mouth. Besides, I'm sure we can handle the job."

"Well then, since you are so obviously eager to go, I nominate you for camp clean up. Everyone else grab your stuff and pack your tents we've got a temple to burn... or save... or it might be a trap... there's also the possibility that it doesn't even exist but hey, better than nothing right?"

2010-10-18, 09:11 PM

Vance Maynard

When Tallith comes out of her tent, Vance turns bright red and briefly contemplates shoving his nose back into his book before changing his mind and looking away quickly.

"O-oh, Tallith. Were you sleeping? I'm s-sorry if my shouting woke you. How are you? Are you not well rested now because of me...? I'm sorry.

W-whatever you all decide with this Glass Valley Temple is fine with me."

He sits down quickly and opens his tome, frantically reading.

2010-10-18, 10:18 PM
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/7199/spritekreaggrinning.png (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/spritekreaggrinning.png/)
Kreag stood and looked over the group. "I think we can handle anything that comes our way." He grinned, and added, "We work with Sedrick. If he doesn't kill us, nothing will." He emphasized the last part, so the archer would hear him clearly. He grinned devilishly and awaited the inevitable response.

Tern laughs in amusement at Kreag's none-too-subtle jab at Sedrick. Even after the laughter itself ceases, he is still smiling widely...

"Well then, since you are so obviously eager to go, I nominate you for camp clean up. Everyone else grab your stuff and pack your tents we've got a temple to burn... or save... or it might be a trap... there's also the possibility that it doesn't even exist but hey, better than nothing right?"

...which somehow isn't diminished by the extra work given to him by Gwain.

"I didn't say I wanted to go, just that it was a whole lot of money."

Despite his good-natured protest Tern doesn't really care and holds up his hands in acceptance. He then rolls back onto his palms and springs to his feet in an impressive and entirely unnecessary display of agility. Readjusting his sword belt, he cracks his back and then sets out to do his assigned task, working efficiently despite his relaxed manner.

Grim ranger
2010-10-19, 12:04 AM
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/7199/spritekreaggrinning.png (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/spritekreaggrinning.png/)
Kreag stood and looked over the group. "I think we can handle anything that comes our way." He grinned, and added, "We work with Sedrick. If he doesn't kill us, nothing will." He emphasized the last part, so the archer would hear him clearly. He grinned devilishly and awaited the inevitable response.

http://i.imagehost.org/0936/Archer.png (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0936/Archer)
"Don't tempt me", the archer responded with dull tone as he rejoined the group. "I am so very proud that you learnt the basics of insulting at last. People like you put "wit" back into "twit", my good man".

2010-10-19, 12:20 AM
"I guess I'll lend you a hand." Gwain says pulling in to help his laid back colleague. "It was my turn anyways." Gwain whispers. "I just didn't want to have to do it alone what with the mess this place is in right now. Now I remember why we don't stay in one spot too long, does no one in our group clean after themselves?"

2010-10-19, 06:09 AM
Tern smiles cheerily and gives a thumbs up to show that he was fine with Gwain's decision. He keeps working in silence for a few seconds, thinking about Gwain's semi-rhetorical question, before verbally responding to him.

"I do..."

This was actually true.

Atrec Randier
2010-10-19, 08:43 AM
(All righty, I guess we can call that pure and true.)

Making up your minds, you pack up camp and follow the directions provided. The fact that the directions lead specifically from where you had been camping for less than twenty-four hours does little to reassure you.

Eventually you come across the 'Glass Valley', a small dead-end that one could almost describe as Glass Crevice. Ensconced in shade, at the far end you barely make out a low-lying building, appearing more of a strange mix of castle and large bunker than a temple, pressed up against the cliff-face.

2010-10-19, 01:57 PM
http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/7132/spritekreagsmiling.png (http://img243.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagsmiling.png/)
Kreag grinned, further baiting the archer. "Gee, that just might be the nicest thing you've ever said. A few more comments like that, and people might start to think you're only despicable!" He chuckled softly and lightly clapped the archer on the back. (Which, given his size and strength, was none too lightly)

(At the "Glass Valley")
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
"Tch. See, that doesn't look too difficult, now does it?"

2010-10-19, 04:12 PM

Axe leans on his... uh... axe... as they approach the Glass Valley Crevice Temple. Huh. Somehow, I was expecting something... worse. But worse in a "harder to capture" way, not worse in a beauty-sense. he says, to no one in particular. Where did you guys say we got this mission again? It seems an awful lot of gold for such a simple job.

2010-10-19, 04:26 PM

"On a letter with no clear sender, found upon your person."

She replied, watching the temple thoughtfully. Looking at it, it didn't seem to be a trap. But she still couldn't judge if it would truly help anyone besides this employer -- if the men they'd take it from were good or wicked, was something she had yet to see. She would have to remind herself to ask for surrenders before killing them.

"The whole thing is strange; but since we are at it, Axe, we may as well find our answers in the temple itself."

Amanda spurred Bartholomew on, down the path towards the temple.

2010-10-19, 05:03 PM
"Temple, huh? Doesn't look like any I've seen," Aldric says, shifting his spear to a more ready position. "No sense standing around. Who ever is here, I guarantee, is well aware of our presence, or soon will be," He added with a grin as he started walking down into the valley.

2010-10-19, 05:11 PM

Axe yanks his namesake out of the ground and rests it on his shoulder. Okay then! Best let me take a spot on the front lines - I need to see how much I remember about combat, he adds, going through a whirlwind quick attack set before resting the massive weapon back on his shoulder.

2010-10-19, 05:24 PM
Tern shades his eyes with his hands as he looks out over the valley, soaking in the details of the base while the others provide their tactical opinions of the coming battle. As Axe and Aldric start moving forward, he stays still for a few seconds, then unsheathes his sword and starts after them, shifting into a cat-like fighting stance.

2010-10-19, 06:07 PM

Vance looks out at the temple, then recalls the letter, then looks at the temple again. "Oh, we are most certainly going to di--"

Looking at Tallith, he catches himself and flashes an awkward smile before pulling his Thunder tome out of his pack. "Well, Lady Tallith... If we are to walk into a trap, best we do it armed, yes?"

2010-10-19, 06:39 PM
"Don't attack on first sight unless there are no other options, we don't even know what's going on here."

2010-10-19, 08:39 PM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
"You're with me, arrows." Kreag calls to the archer. "Watch my back, if you don't shoot it first," he adds with a mild chuckle.

2010-10-20, 07:35 AM
Tallith: "A trap? Armed? Oh my, there isn't going to be fighting is there?"

Atrec Randier
2010-10-20, 07:58 AM
(Ok then, lets just do this.)

You cautiously approach the temple. No sign of anyone outside guarding can be seen in the shadowed dusk. The doors are open, and torchlight can be seen flickering inside. You walk in to the ornate entranceway, lined with delicate golden braziers, great tapestries depicting feats of old, and many a painting of some long forgotten monarch or hero. And, naturally, you are instantly spotted by a Rimacian guard, who immediately proceeds to call in his colleagues. Really, what else were you expecting?

Prologue - "Dark flashes through time highlight the shadows of the present"

Map Zero:


Objective: Seize M6

(Now, normally one would expect player and enemy stats in this spot, but in retrospect I may have picked the absolute worst point in my entire life to start this up. All the enemies in your immediate vicinity are lvl 2, with minimum bases, set growths (rounded to nearest whole, so the lvl up with a 55% would result in stat increase, whereas 45% would not) and iron weapons. I you really care that much, do the calculations, but in the end things may be up by the weekend.)

Grim ranger
2010-10-20, 08:51 AM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
"You're with me, arrows." Kreag calls to the archer. "Watch my back, if you don't shoot it first," he adds with a mild chuckle.

http://i.imagehost.org/0936/Archer.png (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0936/Archer)
"Don't think too highly of yourself. Your back is not worth wasting an arrow for... If I kill you, I will do it in your sleep. But for now, we have a battle to take care of, so just focus on your part and swing that glorified butcher's tool of yours, musclehead, and please do get injured" Sedrick says, his tone biting as always, before pulling an arrow from his quiver and setting it carefully on the string of his bow.

"If you find any live ones after the fight, leave them for me. I am in sore need of entertainment after spending so much time with idiots".

Sedrick starts from M23

2010-10-20, 01:06 PM

"What sort of temple has such a heavy guard?"

She asked, looking over the array of people set to guard the temple -- relatively few mages or priests, and a lot of soldiers. This, then, was probably not being used as an actual temple... But what? Guarding an artifact? A surprise military base? She still wasn't fully comfortable with this... But she would ride point anyway, to defend her fellows-at-arms.

Amanda starts at K24

((Edited due to plan))

2010-10-20, 05:24 PM

As the guards draw their weapons, Vance holds his head in his hands and shakes them slowly. "I'm afraid so, Lady Tallith. I'm afraid so. Just so you all know, I knew this was a trap!"

At Gwain's orders, he nods and flips open his Thunder tome to his bookmark. "I shall handle the brute with the axe, Lady Tallith. Be careful of the swordsman."

Start at M24, Move to M20, Attack Fighter in M18

2010-10-20, 05:28 PM

Axe readies his ridiculously huge weapon. Stay behind me - I already have a concussion, its not like it can get any worse, right? he laughs.

Start @ L22

2010-10-20, 05:30 PM
"Stay calm everyone, don't let yourself get cut off from the rest of us, and keep your eyes open!" Aldric says, flipping his lance to his other hand as he readies himself.

Start at L22

2010-10-20, 07:55 PM
"Let's see...heavily armed guards...immediate hostility...military precision...lots of unnecessary riches..."

Tern verbally makes his list as he takes up a position on one flank of the group. He flips his sword around in his hand to work off nervous energy as he readies himself for the coming battle.

"Yep. Looks like a temple to me."

His tone makes it impossible to tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

Tern starts in K23

2010-10-20, 08:21 PM
Gwain's eyes made one quick sweep of the battlefield his eyes darkening at the work before him. He took no pleasure in killing but that doesn't mean he wasn't good at it.
(Enemy is blue so:)"Tallith, Vance, advance forward and hit the first targets enough for Aldric and I to finish them off. Axe, Kreag, guard our flanks from the enemy soldiers. Amanda, Tern, you take the man on our left and finish him off. Sedrick and Alicia you have the man on our right. Everyone stick together and try not to kill anyone unless you have to. We still don't know what's going on here."

2010-10-20, 08:32 PM
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1635/spritekreagportrait.png (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/spritekreagportrait.png/)
Kreag took up a position, eyeing the archer. "Feh... you won't get the chance to kill them in your sleep, so I suggest getting ready for something... entertaining."

Kreag starts at M22. (Move to N19 to axe the soldier.)

2010-10-21, 02:44 AM
"Roger that, Captain! One nice and friendly brawl coming up!" Alicia called out cheerfully, cracking her knuckles in anticipation of the upcoming fight. "Auu...I'm so excited. I can't wait."

Start at O23.

2010-10-21, 08:37 AM

Tallith: "Fighting? We cannot rely on words for this?"

Tallith looks nervous and pale.

Start at L24

From her small bag she pulls out a small book, and takes a talisman from it. Touching it to her mouth, she whispers to it.

"Miilu, hear into my soul. Bind and protect me with your power."

(With the plan, she will move to L20 and 'Attack' Mercenary L18)

2010-10-21, 03:10 PM

Understood. Here I go! shouts Axe, rushing forward and then deeking left at the last second to plant his axe squarely in the soldier's face.

Move to K19
Attack Soldier @J19 /w Iron Axe

2010-10-21, 03:37 PM

"I bid you luck, Milady Tallith -- Only speak my name if you need me, and there will be nothing that will stop me from your side. But for the moment, My Lord Gwain's orders await!"

Move to J21, attack Myrmidon next to that.

"Stand down, or face my lance -- we'll grant you mercy if you seek it."

The orders stood not to not kill unless she had to (And, really, she'd prefer not to even if she had to), but freedom from pain was a form of mercy as much as freedom from death. She moved again, to give a companion space to follow.

Then move to I20, and end turn.

2010-10-21, 05:21 PM

Tern darts in Amanda's wake, splitting away from her as she attacks the enemy Myrmidon and continues forward. He listens to her offer of clemency dispassionately, his face set in the resigned but focused expression he usually adopted when in battle. Before the enemy swordsman can recover from Amanda's rapid assault, Tern has already closed with him, blade blurring in a blindingly fast attack.

Move to I22, and attack adjacent Myrmidon. End Turn.

2010-10-21, 05:26 PM

"I bid you luck, Milady Tallith -- Only speak my name if you need me, and there will be nothing that will stop me from your side. But for the moment, My Lord Gwain's orders await!"

Move to J21, attack Myrmidon next to that.

"Stand down, or face my lance -- we'll grant you mercy if you seek it."

The orders stood not to not kill, but certainly pain could be avoided. She lost nothing in refusal, though. She moved again, to give a companion space to follow.

Then move to I20, and end turn.

(try NOT to kill anyone unless you have to.)

2010-10-21, 06:04 PM
(try NOT to kill anyone unless you have to.)

((read the rest of the post carefully -- that's what she's going to do, but that certainly, if he surrendered now he'd be saved some pain anyway. I'll edit it to try and get across what I meant.))

2010-10-21, 06:09 PM
((read the rest of the post carefully -- that's what she's going to do, but that certainly, if he surrendered now he'd be saved some pain anyway. I'll edit it to try and get across what I meant.))

(It was, "the orders stood not to not kill," which irked me. That's all.)

2010-10-21, 11:19 PM
Aldric follows in the wake of Talith and Vance, intending to end the Mercenary before him. Dashing in with his spear tip leading, Aldric lunges at the sword-user.

Move to L19 and attack the Mercenary after Talith/Vance.

Grim ranger
2010-10-23, 02:21 AM
http://i.imagehost.org/0936/Archer.png (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0936/Archer)
"You are all going to die" Sedrick muttered unpleasantly, his eyes practically glinting as he made his way towards nearest foe, drawing the string of his bow back, ready to loose arrow onto the neck of unlucky foe.

Move to O22 and attack Myrmidon at P21

2010-10-25, 08:03 AM
Let's see. "Try not to kill anyone" so... Flipping her lance around so that the non-pointy end now faced the opponent, she grinned.
"Perfect. Alright. CHAAAARRRRRGGEEEE!" Screaming out loud, she charges at the lone swordsman standing nearby, swinging her lance at him, essentially using it as a makeshift bludgeon of sorts.

Move to O21 and attack the Myrmidon at P21.