View Full Version : [Bliss Stage IC] It's Only Teenage Wasteland

Bliss Authority
2010-10-15, 07:49 PM
The schoolbells are ringing.

And they don't stop.

A sustained schoolbell means only one thing: Pilots and Anchors to the ANIMa Creche in the auditorium.

This isn't a class, this isn't a drill. This is the real thing.

This is an alien attack.

What do you do?

2010-10-16, 12:21 AM
Logan White

"What the heck did the Fine Arts department need all these batteries for anyway?" Logan asks to no one in particular, just before the bell rings.

Logan is already very near the auditorium - Diana had asked him to check around the building earlier today to look for additional batteries, as the school is running low. The survivors had scoured the area several times already, but Logan agreed to do it anyway. When he had brought it up to Kate, she's suggested looking through the back areas of the Auditorium, the Costume Loft, and the Tech Theater closet, all of which were hard to get at due to the placement of the ANIMa creche equipment. Lo and behold, Logan found a number of batteries squirrled away there.

Which explains why he was so close to the creches to begin with. He quickly dashes out of the T-Theater closet and into the Auditorium. "I'm here!"

I'm not sure whether we're supposed to post in the first or third person. I defaulted to third for now.

2010-10-16, 02:16 AM
James jerked awake from his nap as the school bells went off, and continued to ring. Even half-asleep he knew that sound, and it excited him. Grinning broadly, he got to his feet and dashed back inside the school, heading towards the auditorium. It was time to fight. Bring it on.

It generally sounds better to write in the third-person, so I'd stick with that. I'd say first person if we were actually face-to-face and talking.

Kuma Da
2010-10-16, 01:12 PM
Thomas Winters

He kicks his feet out over the edge, letting them hang in the void. Suspended. Unsecured. The wind whistles past. It's cold for autumn, but the chill just swirls futilely around the folds of Thomas' clothing, unable to find a way in. Far below, leaves dance circles across the parking lot.

"I thought you might be up here."

He turns with the sound, pivoting to look back across the roof. There's a girl standing there. Orange tank top. Dark jeans. "Oh. Hi."

"Hi yourself. Moping?" She flops down on the ledge beside him.


"Hm." She sits with her arms wide, bracing against the roof on either side of her. He wonders why she isn't cold.

"I'm not. Really."

"Why'd you duck practice to come up here, then?"

"Felt confined." He chews over the word. It's a big one. Mental toffee.

"Oh. Well, I think it's safe to come back now. They discontinued it. Said something was brewing in the--" Even on top of the school they can hear it; the clear, insistent buzz. "That's your cue."


He hesitates for a moment before he pulls back. The air is perfect up here. He can see for miles. He feels free on the rooftop.

But it's down into the clamor he goes.

OOC:Took a few liberties here, and Thomas is turning out slightly more emoface than originally intended (totally did not listen to a bunch of The Jealous Sound and Anberlin before writing this. Totally.) Let me know if I need to ret-con something. Otherwise, Tom's heading for the auditorium. Feel free to bump into him en route.

2010-10-16, 07:22 PM
Tobias Hawkins

The sky. You never take the time to just watch the sky. It's so blue and so vast that you can almost get lost in it. Get lost in a moment of time so far away from here when you know you'll have a white picket fence and two point five children running around. A decent job and a loving wife and all that jazz. Looking at the sky now you can get lost in a memory of two eleven year olds laying on a hillside, the boy proclaiming his love for the girl and promising her the world. A giggle. A Father telling him he didn't know what love was at that age. A time without war when we still had innocence and.. well, a time where the sound of School Bells wasn't a war siren and you could be lost in thought for longer than a few minutes without people dying.

Tobias slide out as smoothly as he could from under Amy's arm and she shuffled in her sleep. The last thing he wanted was to wake her up. Sometimes he was grateful she slept like a rock. He was also grateful he had never slept through a siren. He spares a single glance out the window towards that free sky and then takes one last long look at Amy's sleeping form.

"Is it fair?"

The silence of the room offered no response. He didn't count on it but he knew, in the corner of his mind, that he might not come back from this or any time he goes out. Shouldn't he at least wake her? Tobias watched her forlornly before throwing on some clothes and dashing down the hall as fast as he could. On the way, he bumped into Thomas. Sweet kid.

"Hey man." He said, smiling almost too broadly at him. Thomas was one of those kids that just stayed innocent. Rebecca was a total.. well, she wasn't very nice for sending someone like him out there. "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be.. okay."

Kuma Da
2010-10-16, 07:45 PM
Thomas Winters

Thomas starts slightly, shaking out of his battle-mantra.

I will come back I will come back I will come back I--

"Yeah." The word's automatic. It pops out before he even realizes who he's talking to. "We'll be fine." Thomas adjusts his stride a little, falling into step with Tobias. "We've got Logan with us."

OOC: Dude, Tichrondrius, nice first post. It's like a landmine packed with tropes. :smallbiggrin:

JT, feel free to move Thomas to the auditorium with your post. Might as well get everyone together.

Edit: trust 5 is a pretty serious deal. For Thomas, it means that Logan is something like a god to him: distant and awesome. He kinda takes it as a given that everyone else should feel the same way. Sorry if that kinda stalls out the conversation. It's deliberately a little awkward. :smallamused:

2010-10-16, 08:06 PM
Logan White

KD: Okay! :smallbiggrin:

Logan steps out into what seems to be an empty auditorium, but sees Thomas and Tobias walk in quickly enough. He makes an effort to calm himself. Gotta keep it together. The others are counting on me! "Any sign of Miss Polos?" He hesitates to ask about Kate. She'll be here soon enough.

Bliss Authority
2010-10-16, 08:45 PM
"Right here," she says.

Rebecca rolls her neck. She's very obviously slouching, fatigued... that that's all that shows of seven sleepless years is nothing short of a miracle.

"Is everyone... no, it doesn't look like it. Guess I'm not turning off the siren yet. Time to put your lessons into practice - there are 5 wings of Gryphon-riders heading for us from the east."

You should not be playing your own Anchors, by the way. We should establish who's controlling who's Anchor in the OOC thread.

2010-10-16, 09:19 PM
"I'm ready to go. 'soon as Jessie gets here, that is. Can't fight without an Anchor." James said, still as eager as ever to risk life and limb to save everyone else. Of course, in his case he didn't really care about saving the others. He just wanted to fight.

Kuma Da
2010-10-16, 09:21 PM
Thomas Winters

It's her.

Thomas keeps his face smooth, trying not to let the irritation show. He doesn't much like Ms. Polos. She was never his teacher, and the idea that she should be in charge simply because she's an adult doesn't sit right with him. The world belongs to its children now, and besides...she's a little bit unbalanced.

Still, years of conditioning are hard to overcome. When he speaks, Thomas can't help but half-raise his hand. "Gryphon riders, Ms. Polos?"

BA, don't think I didn't spot you trying to steal my dialog color :smalltongue:

Also, can you describe how accessing the other world works? Some of us (me!) are bookless, and while it seems like we link into a machine with our anchors, I have no idea what that looks like or how it functions.

2010-10-17, 06:53 AM
Julius Jacobs

The man let out a lengthy yawn as some amazing buzzing awoke. He streched out and tried to go back to sleep several times but it just kept waking him up. Finally, someone was trying to shake him awake. That was annoying.

"Chill out, hoe!" Julius said, before hitting her arm away from him. He then turned over and pulled the pillow over his head.

"Julius, you've gotta go- isn't that- doesn't that mean you're needed?"

"Yeah, J.J., come on." A second voice rang out from beside him.

"Fine, fine." He said, throwing the pillow across the room and opening his eyes to the light. That damned alarm was still going off though. Annoying. The room was done in almost 70's style, complete with disco ball. It had a lava lamp too and the bed was huge- it'd have to be, for the three people spread out on it. Julius, in the middle, along with a girl standing up and a second one at his side in various states of undress. "But just because I like you two so much." He continued, causing them to giggle. Getting up and pulling on a bathrobe, he pulled them both over to him and walked out with them, one arm around each.

"Get me a cigerrette." Julius said, getting her to lit him one up and hand it over to him. He took it gratefully, took a puff, and smacked her on tail. "Now, getalong, we'll talk later."

"You'll call me, right J.J.?" She asked, her eyes full of admiration.

"'Course, hoe. Who do you think I am?" Julius said with a genuine smile and I think I saw one of his eyes sparkle a bit. She ran off happily as Julius tightened his arm on the other nameless floozy. As he entered auditorium he said..

"So, baby, did you say you had a sister?"

Kuma Da
2010-10-17, 08:46 AM
Molly Evans

The bell has been ringing for a minute now, but she still looks like a mess. Keeping her hand steady, she brushes on just a touch more eyeshadow and considers her reflection again. It's not perfect, but it's getting there.

The earrings are better. Little chandeliers of black glass that shimmer invitingly when she turns her head back and forth. They compliment the form-fitting blouse and gauzy black skirt. She flutters her lashes at the mirror, and then pouts her lips. Hmmm.

Footsteps sound in the hall outside. Two pairs, jogging past. Probably pilots, or the girls that like to chase after them. Tramps. She doesn't need to try. Not when she looks this good. Not when she's already an anchor for the Julius Jacobs.

Who never stopped by the other night. Hmm.

She makes a face, decides that at least she won't keep him waiting (she'll see how he feels about that!) and with a few last second daubs and brushes tidies her kit away into the little black crocodile pattern purse on her dresser.

It's time to go show the world what a real anchor is made of.

Just going to level with you all now. My pet theory for this game is that Julius is imagining exactly half of the girls he hooks up with. Sure, the other half humor him and don't call him on it (because, hey, he's cute and the world's pretty much effed anyway,) but there's something slightly off-putting about a guy who'll sometimes look right past you and start chatting up your nonexistant hot twin. :smallamused:

2010-10-17, 08:45 PM
Tobias Hawkins

"You shouldn't put all your hope in him. Save some for yourself." Tobias told Thomas, still a little worried about the kid. Speaking of which, there was Logan over there. Tobias waved half-heartedly, but this really wasn't an occasion for greetings with friends. He stood there for a moment, looking around nervously for Christina. He spared a look of utter contempt as Julius entered and tried not to pay attention.

Kate Brewer

Kate had managed to throw on some old clothes and get to the Auditorium pretty fast. She was there before Logan even got there checking on his up-link, slightly obscured from view. When he heard some people talking she checked it over one more time and stood up, brushing her hair back.

"Logan!" She called over, smiling before blowing him a kiss.

Thanks man. ;p

Bliss Authority
2010-10-18, 12:18 AM
When he speaks, Thomas can't help but half-raise his hand. "Gryphon riders, Ms. Polos?"

BA, don't think I didn't spot you trying to steal my dialog color :smalltongue:

Also, can you describe how accessing the other world works? Some of us (me!) are bookless, and while it seems like we link into a machine with our anchors, I have no idea what that looks like or how it functions.

"Aerial units," she says. "Heavily armed aircraft, to the waking eye: About the same function as heavy fighters."

She indicates the converted bathtub rigs, linked to what used to be the computer lab's network. "Have you got your SQuID's on, all of you? Head in, and let the Anchor's get you in the proper state of mind. I can direct you through them."

Whoopsies. Sorry about that.

Basically, you're hypnotized into falling asleep while breathing a bath of... alien neural material suspended in artificial amniotic fluid, which is totally not LCL at all... and the Anchors use guided imagery to direct your massive weapons arrays.

Also, the women that the CH is dating are quite real. Which is a pity for them, really. GM fiating that, right now.

2010-10-18, 01:13 AM
Christina Freeman

Christina pushes through the door at full tilt, stumbling over misplaced equipment but recovering. She quickly runs over to help Tobias. "Sorry I'm late. I heard about the air units, though, and I'm ready when you are, Toby."

Logan White

Logan immediately looks somewhat better when he spots Kate, and mimes catching the kiss, which he awkwardly turns into a wave when he realizes that Tobias is waving at him. He listens intently to Ms. Polos as she describes the Gryphon riders.

When Polos gives the order to tank up, Logan gives Kate a quick hug and grins. "I found the stuff. I'll tell you about it when I get back." His voice is strong, as though survival is a certainty, although anyone looking closely enough can spot the tightness in his expression that says he's aware of everyone's mortality.

Then he gets in the creche.

2010-10-18, 01:41 AM
Tanya Dupree

Entering the auditorium, Tanya quickly took her place next to Thomas. She was ready to do her part to guide him through the dream-world, even if it meant risking her death. Of course, that shouldn't happen as long as she kept him safe.

For those of you not aware, the death of a Pilot within the dream (or anything else that causes their relationship with the Anchor to break) has a 1 in 3 chance of killing the Anchor, and a 2 in 3 chance if the Anchor is already wounded.

Kuma Da
2010-10-18, 02:33 PM
Thomas Winters

Thomas smiles a little half-heartedly at Thomas, then makes his way over to Tanya and the rig. Her expression looks...conflicted. It can't be easy for her, anchoring him. At least he gets to be armored up.

"I'll be back before you know it."

And then he's shrugging out of his sweatshirt and submerging himself in the tub.

Molly Evans

The clatter of heels on tile precedes her. Heads look up as Molly Evans sweeps into the auditorium like a queen into court, her earrings jouncing satisfactorily as she walks. She hardly spares a glace towards any of the anchors--although she does give Tobias a brief considering look--on her way over to Julius' pod.

He's not there.

Her mouth shapes a frustrated moue, and she has to resist stamping her foot in impatience. Where the hell is he when she looks this good?!

OOC: This game being what it is, I'm assuming that pilots are either mostly or totally naked when they enter the fluid bath. If so, there is implied transitional nudity in my post. If not, oh man is that sweatshirt gonna need some laundering after being immersed in alien brain-slick.

Also, fair warning, Tichrondrius. The Molly Evans has been locked and loaded. :smallamused:

Bliss Authority
2010-10-18, 04:12 PM
"How are those harmonics looking? Delta waves? All nominal? Good. Numina Inversion on my mark."

I generally have them wearing plug... er, wetsuits in my headcanon, but nudity is fine too. It's not implausible for them to use swimwear or have wetsuits...

Also, will go over combat rules in the OOC thread.

2010-10-18, 09:53 PM
Tobias Hawkins

"Thanks, Christi." He says, obviously looking a little brighter after his Anchor is there. Tobias shakes his head and waits over to their unit, totally ignoring the look that Molly or anyone was giving him now. His head was in the game. He was ready to go and mentally gearing himself up for it. Over at his place he quickly stripped out of his clothes- revealing a swimsuit under his jeans.

"Keep an eye on me out there. Amy would kill me if I died." Tobias says, faltering at his own joke and merely making himself feel worse. With that said, he submerges himself.

Kate Brewer

Kate smiles and hugs Logan back too, shes trying to stay optimistic for the both of them. But Logan can inspire anyone around- even her.

"Yeah, I'll be looking forward to when you get back." Kate told him as she watched her boyfriend submerge himself.

2010-10-19, 05:26 AM
Julius Jacobs

"Huh. Not the reception I was hoping for." Julius said, pointing his finger at the door- obviously telling the girl he was to leave. After shes gone, he does a quick scan of the room and tries to catch some attention. Unfortunately, he's a little late and everyone is already starting to get in the sticky. "Come on, not even a crowd of girls?" He asks, honestly expecting it. The sound of cries of admiration outside seems to sate him.

"Ah, I see, not allowed in. Secret pilot-anchor stuff, eh teach?" He said, winking at Rebecca Polos. People weren't sure why, but even the teacher seemed to like Julius more. Julius knew why though. It was because he was awesome.

Still wearing only his boxers from last night and bathrobe he threw on earlier (and a pair of over-sized sunglasses from who knows where) he still looked quite fabulous. He manages to make it over to a pod though- Thomas'.

"Hey there, sweetheart. Hows it going?" He asks Tanya, obviously flirting, leaning against the tub Thomas just got in. "How about later you and I- oh, I'm sorry, were we in a hurry?" The man asks lazily, taking another puff on his cigarette before putting it out on the side of Thomas' tub, and looking around to see everyone else had already submerged. Brushing his way past Tanya (and giving her butt a hefty squeeze) he manages to make it over to his own tub.

"Hey baby." Julius says when spotting Molly. "Damn you look good today- but that isn't a surprise. You're looking beautiful everyday." He kisses his fingertips and puts them against her lips. "When I'm in the dreamworld I'll be sure to line up those Gryphon Riders to spell Molly in the sky before I destroy them. Keep an eye on me, tootz."

And with that, he lets his robe drop and quickly follows with his boxers, leaving him totally naked. Except for his sunglasses. Of course. He slides those down his nose a little to look at Molly before stepping into the tub and sinking down in it.

Kuma Da
2010-10-19, 07:28 AM
Molly Evans

Oh, there he is. Thank goodness. She hadn't heard him come in, but there he is...standing in the doorway...

With. That. Tramp.

Her hands clench, and she thinks she can feel her fingernails lengthen. Into talons. To scratch that hussy into next saturday. But then he banishes the skank. She relaxes.

Now she can just have a quick little pep talk with her pilot before the--

And he goes to chat up Tanya Dupree.

That's it. Anchorship over. He is going to know her wrath!

She draws in a deep breath, expanding around her discontent, ready to pare him into pieces with her cutting wit.

Ready any second now.

The fury upon him will be terrible.


Julius saunters over, kisses his fingertips, and touches them to her lips.

Warm. It's really warm. She feels herself coloring a little, but promptly gets it under control, vengeance will be wrought!

"Damn you look good today- but that isn't a surprise. You're looking beautiful everyday."

Well...that is true.

In her head surfaces another phrase, something Julius had told her a week ago. "I'm sorry, babe. I'm just playin'. You look damn sexy when you're mad." The kiss that had followed had been quite nice.

She hesitates, on the edge of destroying him, while he steps into the machine.

He's going to need her while she's in there. That much is true. And maybe once he realizes it, he'll stop getting taken in by the trashy charms of...of Tanya Dupree and people like her.

She lets him go.

Kensington, I'm not sure quite what Julius' accent is, but I figured that the result you were going for was as brohemian as possible.

Tichrondrius, I think you've got the wrong last name in your latest post. Unless Tobias and Thomas have spontaneously become brothers. :smalltongue:

Which, admittedly, would be kinda awesome.

2010-10-20, 03:24 AM
Christina Freeman

"That's right, she would. So come back safely. I won't let you get lost."

Logan White

Logan looks straight at Kate and grins, just before inversion.

2010-10-22, 11:51 PM
"'Course you can't! You don't need to worry about a thing James! Go kick some ass."Jessie said, beaming at her pilot. James took a lot of looking after, but it was all worth it, they weren't merely surviving anymore, they where fighting back, pushing back. They mattered, she mattered, an din a world like this, well you needed that, otherwise it was hard not to just fade away like the ruins that seemed to always be around them. It gave you hope. Hope was important, kept you strong.

And she needed to be strong, for James at least.

2010-10-23, 12:07 AM
James Marshall

"Glad you finally got here." James said, beaming, before heading over to the tubs. Stripping down as if he didn't have a care in the world, he stepped into the tub and mentally prepared for combat.

Tanya Dupree

"Good luck, everyone." Tanya said, taking up her position as Thomas's anchor, purposefully ignoring Julius's actions. She could hit him for it later. Right now everyone needed to focus on the mission.

Bliss Authority
2010-10-24, 12:28 AM
"Get them into position to repel the enemy approaching from the west. Numina inversion in five, four, three, two, one -"

Kuma Da
2010-10-24, 10:29 AM
Setting the Stage

Causality flickers.

Reality flatlines.

And then the dream unfolds.

It opens with a noise like cicadas buzzing. Millions of them. Vibrating so violently that they cut through the whitespace between dreaming and real.

Buildings take hazy form. So do street-signs and roads. The signs are blank, and the roads are painted with perfectly precise lines.

The sky is blue and cloudless.

Not sure how far I was supposed to go describing things on my own, so I'll stop there for now.

2010-10-24, 07:19 PM
Curtain Call

The buildings continue to take form, becoming clearer. They emerge in a pattern, each of them perfect, and fitting perfectly with its surroundings. Lights appear in the windows, each group of lights a representation of the pattern of buildings, and each room within decorated in the pattern of the lights, featuring furniture and paint with no wear, floors with no scuffs, windows and frames with no faults, and appliances that are never broken. Computers, televisions, billboards each spring to life, showcasing a fantastic array of color and sound that continues in one place where the previous one left off, a window into a realm of dreams within dreams, or maybe madness...

Like Kuma Da, I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to describe, so I stopped with the buildings and the accessories.

Bliss Authority
2010-10-25, 01:47 PM
Enter, Stage Left

In that unbroken blue sky, there are birds.

No, gryphons. Lions, with the heads and wings of eagles.

Riding astride them are impossibly tall, slender humanoids, armored in shimmering metal and silk, each armed with a lance, a wand, and a sword.

There are ten of them, and they fly in a loose V formation.

If it's not hostile, you can describe it. Go. Nuts. First objective of the pilots are "engage one squadron in a dogfight."

2010-10-26, 12:07 PM
The scene of tranquility flickers between the idyllic scene of buildings and a nightmarish version where the buildings are empty, hollow, and there are bodies lying everywhere. Are they dead or just sleeping?

Soon the normal version seems to win out. The sun seems to move in a super-speed, seeming to burst into life all of a sudden and shining blue light over the landscape before rapidly becoming a dull red star and casting a sort of dull darkness over the land that they've created. Seems like someone can't get their inner demons under control.

Tobias Hawkins

"You hear me alright, Christiana?" Tobias asks, looking around the feeling uncomfortable like he always does in this dreamscape. He takes a step forward, forgetting momentarily that in this world he controls a gigantic mech with every action. Focusing for a moment his mecha takes on a more defined shape with a sleek looking design. The machine itself is rather slender with a chest piece that comes together in the middle leaving an obvious line and a triangle shaped head. It looks quite speedy.

The pilot himself looks tense. When spotting the Gyphon Riders, he gives a sharp intake of breath.

"I see them. They always look so.. inhuman." He finds himself mumbling, unsure as usual of what to say before beginning a skirmish in this war. With his right hand down and twisted as if holding a blade it is suddenly impossibly filled with an actual energy sword summoned from some unknown plane. Two pieces of metal extend from back that look sort of like bird wings without any feathers, but they glow faintly before "turning-on" and a thin strip of energy travels up them. Tobias grips the blade tightly as he engages his flight system and waits for them to get a little closer.

2010-10-26, 12:36 PM
James Marshall

"Fun time." James said as the world materialized around him. His suit, formed from his relationship with Jessica, stood tall and proud, its mechanized form glinting in the light. Its frame was painted white, and it looked very much like a large human, but bulkier, with a jet-pack like device attached to its back. Attached to its right arm was a rifle of some description, and on its left was a circular shield.

Raising his arm, James snapped off a pair of shots, aiming on taking out the lead Gryphon Rider.

Boy, am I bad at describing things. It's supposed to look like Tallgeese.

Forming the rifle out of James's relationship with Logan, and the shield from James's relationship with Rebecca Polos. Total Intimacy of 6.

Edit: That's 4 0's and 2 -'s. That's...not good.

Kuma Da
2010-10-26, 12:41 PM
Thomas Winters

There's a soft whumph, like someone tossing a firecracker made of pillows into the air, and Thomas snaps into being. Naked, of course.

The boy frowns, pulls his arms tight around himself, and concentrates. The space around him ripples and shudders as something strains through.

Thomas' carapace is a box, woven from hides, stitched together with sinews, and braced with long, even sticks. Enormous animal furs have been draped over the box, or sewn into the hides. Patches of it are bear or lion or wolf. Teeth hang, suspended from little leather cords, off of random points on the box, and they clatter like the rain when he moves.

"Chassis is extant. Integration seems nominal." He runs through a checklist, half-mental exercise and half-mantra, as he flexes his mind--as he reaches out and draws more parts into himself, like a katydid building it's shell.

"Propulsion invoked. Defenses initializing. Weapons free."

Cogwork arms extend from the chassis, carrying between them a massive, high caliber rifle built from interlocking pieces of scrap. There is a dangerous-looking pressurized tank at the end closest to the body, and a brace of bright brass shells embedded in the side.

At the same time, roots descend from the bottom of the chassis, twining and interknotting into thick, gnarled trunks. Some of them penetrate the pavement, forcing riotous cracks across its surface. Two vines crawl up the back of the chassis and weave thick, organic wings that hang folded, drying in the sun like some nightmare butterfly.

Thomas rolls the creature's shoulders, getting a feel for the movement of the ANIMa. He flexes his wings. And then a gigantic templar's shield thuds into place on his left shoulder. It's shaped so that if he crouches just right, his entire ANIMa can collapse itself behind it, leaving nothing but the shining steel and red cross exposed to the light.

"All systems engaged. Ready on your mark, Tanya."

Tanya Dupree is the chassis. 3/3

Riley White is the weapon. 3/2

Logan White is the defensive screen. 2/5

James Marshall is the propulsion systems. 2/3

Bliss Authority
2010-10-26, 01:47 PM
Tichondrious: But who was sword? I want to know who these people are and what your Relationships are to them.

Senrath: Yikes. It might be worth putting a botch into both Mission and Safety so you can get a Flashback Interlude- and possibly a Theme Music Power Up if your Flashback is an Intimacy Building one.

Kuma Da: You're good, just roll.

2010-10-26, 03:31 PM

"You bet. Stay sharp, Toby."

Not sure what else an anchor does, play-wise. Is she supposed to be describing things to him? Radar?

Logan White

Logan finds himself suddenly thrust into the dream world. He's been here before, but it still takes him a moment to get oriented. He does, and begins to concentrate on his relationships and the state of his mech - Logan grimaces. Stay focused.

Kate... The body of his ANIMa appears - first as a greenish wireframe, but then filling in, showing the body of a sleek robot - it has the rough appearance of an armored man, but the hands, forearms, feet, calves, and torso are all rounded out, and a bit bigger than they should be. The head is faceless, but featuring glowing blue eyes and a helmet with somewhat swept-back contours. From the back of the head extends a long tail that looks remarkably like hair. The thick parts of the machine are a dark red, but the rest is an off-grey color. (4/2)

Thomas... A shimmering, translucent ball crackles to life around the machine. Thomas's quiet certainty that Logan would not fail was a bit creepy on the ground, but a solid confidence booster that, interestingly, made it less likely that Logan would fail. (2/5)

James... The bloodthirsty kid, eager for battle, forms the exhaust jets that pop out of the lower legs, allowing for boosts of speed to help with attacks. (3/2)

Tobias... The reliable one, fighting for his love, transforms the robot's left arm into a dangerous-looking cannon. (2/3)

Riley... ...

No. I won't risk her on this fight. I can do this with what I've got!

"Logan here. I'm in. Let's get to work! Do you read me, Kate?"

2010-10-27, 04:55 AM
Julius Jacbos

"Engage." Julius says sarcastically, as the world around becomes filled with his ANIMa. The body seemed to become wider until it formed a very broad chest and a shiny head with glowing eyes that had a mane of "hair" made out of fire. The arms were also very large and bulging and the tradition followed with his legs making quite a.. heavy looking robot built for defense. It's armor was as thick and as big as Julius and Molly's combined ego.

"This one goes out to those two twins from the other night. Thanks for all the memories." He said, imitating the voice of a radio DJ.

The right arm started to twist and change the entire arm eventually becoming a very large machine gun. "Xavier Callahan, stay classy." He remarked, remembering all the trouble they've caused. All the hot steamy nights. Lot's of little things made his relationship with Xavier great. And he'd fire those little things out of a machine gun.

The left arm began to twist and reshape itself as well becoming what appeared to some kind of giant Rocket Launcher- but with a sniper scope. "I blow 'em apart, you put 'em back to together, Diana." He said mirthfully to himself. He remembered them meeting for the first time after he got his ass kicked in the Dream. That was kinda their big moment of passion and it reflected in his weapon- capable of firing a single well placed shot.

Suddenly, the Mecha turned silvery then disappeared from sight completely. It was a cloaking feature installed on his machine that kept him safe. "Rebecca, you make me want to hide from the world." He mocked, brushing a lock of his beautiful long hair out of his face.

Figuring he was ready he pointed his Rocket Sniper at one of the Gryphon Riders. With meticulous aiming he locked onto the head and fired his Rocket.

"Take this! My teenage problems, hormones, and ALL OF MY ANGST!"

Bliss Authority
2010-11-02, 04:24 PM
The creatures break off into wings of two, and attack, pelting you with slings and arrows. Only both the slings and arrows are moving at impossible speeds, and made of energy, besides. Those of you with shields are thankful for them: those without must seek cover or dodge.

Kuma Da
2010-11-02, 06:10 PM
Molly Evans

Her fingers flicker across the keyboard. They blur. She is In The Zone, and everything else just falls away.

The way those heels pinch her feet. Gone.

The way her legs feel, cold and exposed, even though she has them crossed. Gone.

The ring of Julius' voice in her mind, igniting microsecond fantasies. Kissing by the stairs. Dancing in the gym. Holding hands as they walk down the halls.

That's gone too.

But only mostly.

She's a wedge of pure focus being driven into the stuff of dreams, and she can afford no distractions.

"Clean shot, Julius. Fox two. Watch your flank. Two more moving to engage."

Thomas Winters

The wings unfurl, spreading wide in sable filigree. He hurls himself into the air.

"Tanya, I'm taking point. Keep me safe?"

Gears grind and roll in his arms as he pulls free a shell and ratchets it into the rifle. Dormant mechanisms beneath the surface begin to roar, and a thin trickle of steam starts leaking out of the tank at the end. Little pressure gauges flutter, their needles wavering back and forth. Right now they're close to the empty mark, but they're filling steadily.

Thomas raises his shield, braces his rifle against the side, and takes aim. A gryphon heaves into his sights.

OOC: Alright, everyone. I'm trying something out here. I figure that if we all move each other's adversaries, this will feel like an organic combat instead of each person describing their own awesome. To this end, I'm sending some gryphon riders after Julius.

BA, if this approach actually catches on in the future, can we work with non-number-specific groups of enemies? With ten riders, we have to carefully parcel them out between pilots so that everyone gets a chunk of the action.

2010-11-02, 07:29 PM
Following Kuma Da's suggestion...

Christina Freeman

"Incoming Toby, move!" Christina watches her monitor touching and moving the images, never letting the riders out of sight for a moment, never forgetting her friendship to Tobias and how important it is to both of them now. "They're behind the near billboard. Yes, that one. Get ready for them to come under it, low..."

Logan White

One of the shots spangs off his shield, ripples spreading out across the bubble from the point of impact, but the shield holds easily. Logan tumbles out of the way of the worst of the barrage, and then ignites the thrusters in his ANIMa's boots to give chase to one of the wing pairs, literally skating on jets of bluish fire. He waits for the perfect shot, aims, and fires his arm cannon - a sizzling blue bolt of power flies out and strikes one of the gryphons cleanly. As the gryphon explodes, he loses track of the other rider team for a moment, and reality flickers as the dream is stressed. The dream world remains intact, but he still can't see the second rider. "Kate, did I get the second one or not?"

He looks down at his arm cannon - it's still functional, but it's venting some kind of noxious-looking blue gas. Did it overheat? I guess I overdid it.

Not sure if each rider requires a seperate attack, or if one mission success takes out both of the guys I was supposed to handle.

Kuma Da
2010-11-03, 04:19 PM
Thomas Winters

Stay put. Stay put right there, you beautiful bastard. Lie flat in my sights and let the bullet take you.

Thomas focuses his frustration, his helplessness, his hate, down to one little pinprick of intent. This is the side he doesn't let anyone see. The killer.

Maybe it's a little scary, but if he wants to protect everyone, he has to be ruthless sometimes.

The gryphon flits indecisively back and forth, refusing to engage. It must be a commander of some sort. Maybe if he rips it from the sky, the rest of them will break.

Thomas breathes out, emptying his mind of everything but the target. And the gun.

He doesn't notice when a volley of arrows rattles off his shield, leaving scattered dents. His finger tightens on the trigger.

In every shot--in every thunderclap of sulfur and smoke--is the banshee crying your name.

His peripheral vision narrows. The gryphon goes for another loop. He knows its pattern now. Knows right down to the tendons in its wing where it's going to be next. All he has to do is---

Thomas blinks. There's a rider right behind Logan. Closing in.

"Logan, break left! Break left!"

He abruptly wheels and fires.

2010-11-04, 02:39 AM
Logan White

Logan obligingly boosts left, spinning a couple of times to slow himself while trying to track the new target as he wonders where this new rider came from. "No way! I thought they were all accounted for! Who didn't... James!"

He looks over, seeing the trouble that James is in even as Thomas smokes the new arrival. "Thomas, stay on the leader. I'm going to help James."

Logan dashes off at top speed. Oh man, don't let it be too late... Logan doesn't even particularly like James, but every single pilot is important to Logan, not to mention the survivors. He holds out his free arm - a thin cylinder appears in it, from which springs a bright blue energy sword to rival Tobias's in intensity. At the same time, Large mechanical wings sprout from his back, matching the red-grey theme of the rest of the ANIMa. Sorry Riley, but I need you now! "Hang on, James! Kate, help me with the timing, here..."