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2010-10-16, 11:13 AM
As the light fades, it is replaced by a foul odor. You find yourselves in what could be considered the large trash dump in the world. The entire area around you seems littered with refuse as the buzzing of flies fills the air. It's hard to believe that anything could survive here. Black-blue skies hang above you, seeming unmoving. cloudless and foreboding.. The piles of garbage seem to stretch for miles, above the horizon, some stacking higher than others.

(If you want, you can make a Knowledge Planes check to see exactly where you are along with including your intro post/character's thoughts here.)

2010-10-16, 12:52 PM
What in...?
Nicos looks around, vaguely bewildered. First he had been breaking into a house in Fillur's mage district, and then...here. Stupid wizards. Stupid ward, really. I should have seen that. I mean, in a house covered in painted magical sigils, how was I supposed to know one of them was real?
Nicos looked up, and sighed. Not many wizards built skies into their traps. Even the crazy ones wanted people to know where they were. He pulls out his knives, not that he's expecting that they would do much. It's a trap, not an angry squad of paladins. Can't hurt though, could it?

2010-10-16, 01:26 PM
"Great taken from killing and torture to this trash dump" "Well now we have more to kill and torture" "OH YES YES! THIS IS GOOD!"

2010-10-16, 06:28 PM
Pilo raises his fist in triumph Finally I am free of that doddering old man. Now I just have to rid myself of whatever entity pulled me here to this place and my plan will begin to come to fruition.

[roll0] Knowledge The planes

2010-10-16, 06:35 PM
Judgining from your knowledge you seem to find yourself in where you can figure it (or as close to as you can) the 7th layer of the Abyss, Maladomini

2010-10-16, 06:41 PM
Noticing the others Morditai turns "More to torture?" "More like More to help torture" "Ooh, more to torture soon?" "Yes yes, we'll find something to torture soon"

2010-10-16, 09:09 PM
Hmmn. There are others here. How he hadn't noticed them before, he had no idea. Nicos inspected his fellow prisoners: a gnome and what appeared to be a satyr, apparently having a conversation with himself, no less. Either this wizard had a lot of guests, or some sort of guard mechanism in the form of, well, guards.
Let's see... I looked at the sigils, and... crap, that wasn't one of the sigils, it couldn't have been one of the sigils, I'd have seen...
[roll0] See if I can figure out where I am... Nevermind. Not trained in knowledge (the planes)

2010-10-18, 03:45 AM
As you all sit there (or stand I suppose as I doubt any of you actually are sitting in the piles of muk and garbage) A loud buzzing can be heard, increasing in volume as it approaches. A large swarm of reddish insects, each one as big as a small horse seem to be approaching your positions

2010-10-18, 06:44 AM
"Kill them!" "Do you ever shut up?"

2010-10-18, 08:22 AM
Great. Because nothing is ever anything but threatening
With a slight air of resignation, Nicos puts away his beloved daggers, and draws his wands, one in both hands.
Ready action to fire both lighting bolts at medium range if they do anything agressive. If neccessary, here's intiative. [roll0]
If they aren't hostile, or, more likely, are an avatar of our host of some sort, this is just a precaution.

2010-10-18, 04:53 PM
The swarm passes overhead as three of the pack break off and head for you. one appears to have a rider on it who signals you with a hand to hold your fire before they land. The creature appears to be some sort of demonic insect, compound eyes and mandibles greet the groups first sight before it begins to speak in a broken form of common. "master seek, you on ride!" It seems impatient and that it will not take no for an answer as it points to the other large demonic flies that await to be mounted.

((OOC: If anyone has ever played RIFTS before and knows of the Xiticix (http://www.warehouse23.com/img/full/PAL838.jpg), a alien insect race much like the Zerg, that's what these guys kinda look like

2010-10-18, 09:00 PM
Hmm. Master? What kind of idiot wizard would put this many servants in a trap?
Nicos lets the wands fall, but keeps them at hand, in case he needs to kill the creatures later. Trust isn't a survival trait when you have hit squads from both the criminal underworld, the hosts of heaven, and the local government after you. He begins speaking to the creature in a gutteral, harsh language.
Speaking Infernal (I assume it speaks Infernal, as Nicos has no other master than the one that gave him his powers. If it/our employer is a demon, than this is abyssal instead, as he speaks the language of the creature that gave him his mark of damnation).
Who is your master? More importantly, why should I not kill you where you stand? And, while I thank you for your generosity, <untranslatable honorific>, I have my own steed, thanks.
Nicos pulls a statuette of a fly from a pouch on his slim cloth belt. He holds the fly up in the palm of his hand, whispering to it.
Kharaigshas. I require your services.
The small statuette beginst to grow, twitching and buzzing, into a massive horsefly the size of a good warhorse. Nicos leaps on it, with a bit more caution than skill.
Ebony Fly activated. And here I was worried that it wouldn't come in useful.

2010-10-18, 10:18 PM
"I HELP IF GET KILL TORTURE!" "Hush now! We'll go, but we require two things, money, and the ability to torture things."

2010-10-19, 02:27 AM
The creature begins to reply as it sees the ebon fly grow before it's many eyes, "Master flies! Lord of those!" it said as it rose it's hand to point at both your newly grown fly and the hellswarm above. It looked to the Satyr as it nodded to one of the large insects who moved towards the seemingly confused creature.

Funny thing is a rolled randomly for groups and devils that summoned them and you with a wonderous fly mount just happen to end up being summoned by Beelzebub. The dice they know all.

2010-10-19, 08:24 AM
Ah. I should have known. So that's where I am. I suppose I should have seen this coming.
Nicos takes on an air of resignedness.
Oh. I know where we are. I suppose our master wants something of us? I doubt he summoned me just because of my good looks and my work in Impiltur.
The dice have divine ranking. :smallsmile:

2010-10-20, 06:45 PM
The demon was pleased to see that Nicos was a quick learner but was rather disappointed in the others, especially in what seemed to be a person who actually was two people since he had hoped to get this over with quick and was making his job much harder. He signaled to Nicos to follow as he began to take off, calling upon the other insects of the Hell Swarm that he had brought with him to retrieve the other two. They nodded as they began to take off, dashing forward towards the others and clasping them in their four legs before following.. As they flew, they saw their destination in the distance. A large palace that appeared to be made of some sort of paper, almost like a wasp's nest.

2010-10-20, 07:12 PM
"OH FUN! WE FLY NOW! WE FLY LIKE PERSON WE LAUNCH OUT CATAPULT!" "Except we won't splat and die"

2010-10-20, 07:32 PM
Nicos turned to the demon/devil (he still wasn't sure which) Any idea what our Dark Master would like us to do? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I'm not dead.
As the palace came into view, Nicos gasped, then smirked for a minute. It would almost be a pity to tear this down, and kill its master. Oh, well.
Nicos still kept a hand on his knives. Just in case. (He would have to be insane to trust anyone else powerful and evil enough to catch his master's attention.)
OOC:Just as a reminder, I doubt that any of the demons can read my somewhat traitorous mind due to my ring. Just to avoid any problems, as I remember, as would Nicos, that most evil outsiders have telepathy of some kind.

2010-10-25, 05:59 AM
Sorry about the posting delay I was trying to see if any of the others were still here and give them a reply chance.

The creature stayed silent, either it did not know or was ordered to remain silent. The landing though bumpy for those that were forcibly brought here was not damaging. You now all stand in a area much akin to the inside of a paper wasps nest, the hollow interior creating a hanger and living area for the large insects that you had just seen/been brought on. The insect-like demon began to move signaling you to follow as it leads you through the palace.

2010-10-25, 08:13 AM
Nicos muttered something, and the fly shrunk back into a small statuette in his hand.
Ending use of ebon fly
With a glance behind him to look at everyone else, he began to follow the demon, keeping a wary lookout for anything that might attack him.

2010-10-27, 02:00 AM
Morditai looks about, "Right fine place you have here." "Yes good, hide torture!" *Sigh* "Do you ever shut up?" "But, but, but..."

2010-10-27, 07:41 AM
You find youselves in a large room, which could be considered the throne room. Debris and waste pile into the corners of the room as it had been with the wreckage outside. Atop the largest heap sits a gargantuan sized palish beige maggot, One end of the beast rears up showing what appears to be a demonic body attached to the otherwise revolting creature. A slight buzzing sound can be heard coming through you heads as the reature speaks, like that of a winged insect in the room nearby your ear. "I welcome you to my realm gentlemen, trusting that this journey did not inconvenience you in any way? I am Beelzebub, Lord of this lair of the abyss. And I have called you all here to make you an offer. Before I can tell you the details of my plan though I must know where you stand on this matter, know that to serve me in this task shall make you enemies of both god and devil alike."

2010-10-27, 08:12 AM
Nicos bows.
Master. My pact to you binds me to your will.
Insect. How dare he try to control me. Besides, what have I to lose. The gods already hate me, and the devils aren't too enthused about my existance either.

2010-10-27, 10:57 AM
"Can I stabby gods and devils alike?" "For once I agree, can we torture these gods and devils? If so you have yourself the deadliest of deadly." Morditai bows his head. "Oooh stabby and take their shiny"

2010-10-27, 12:16 PM
The large Maggot Demon opens it's maw as a torrent of red flies, much like the ones you rode in on only smaller, wash out over the group. It speaks to you as the swarm passes over you. "Go now then to the Dark depths of the world and seek out the Lord of the Web. He holds in his possession a object of immense power known as the World Weaver. Bring this to me, you may keep all else you find." As the speech ends the flies disappear and you know find yourselves in a large cavern, a glow of unnatural light filtering from below through small holes in the ground. Their are two ways open to you which are forward and back. the pathway forward seems to head down deeper into this area while the other you can assume leads upwards.

2010-10-27, 01:14 PM

2010-10-27, 02:05 PM
Morditai's insane banter echoes off the walls, repeating itself throughout the area.


(Maybe those rolls matter maybe not)

2010-10-27, 02:33 PM
[expletive]. This probably isn't good, given my luck. There's never anything good in caves, or areas with places to hide.
Nicos draws his knives again, preparing to slash anything that comes near him. (He's been ambushed by paladins way to often to not be cautious.)
Ready to attack anything I can reach.
Gnome, I'm sorry, I don't know your name, do you have some divinations or some sort of spell to see if there's anyone around here? I'd rather not be ambushed.
Nicos scans the area around him suspiciously, looking for any enemy presences.
Here's a listen check [roll0]. And a spot check [roll1]. I probably should have higher modifiers than that, but... *sigh*. Oh, and using Detect Magic as a spell-like ability, in case it might be helpful.
Stupid insect. Dumping us in the middle of nowhere.

2010-10-27, 02:36 PM
Morditai mutters silently

"Oooh Echo!"

2010-10-27, 03:45 PM
The echo seems to have brought nothing out of hiding as you are still left with the same 2 options of up or down.

your detect magic seems to be detecting magic form the lights emanating from below which most likely means they are probably being made by a arcane or some other magical source

2010-10-27, 04:20 PM
"Ooh shiny and echo!"

*sigh* "Do you ever stick with a topic for more then one second?"

2010-10-28, 01:27 PM
Apparently not. Nicos answered the Satyr's question for him. As I can only assume that we are now in a territory that is, at least passively, trying to kill us. We should probably search the room for any ambushers, then head down, where something tells me this world-weaver is
Nicos makes a more substantial search of the room, looking around in all the crevices for anything that might be important.
Taking 20 on search, so 21

2010-10-28, 02:03 PM
"I don't think he does either" Morditai sighs, "Look for shiny!"

Search check. I too shall take 20 for 24

2010-10-29, 08:10 AM
Since you both did a search I don't see much reason to put spoiler in for them so heres what you find

4 torches
3 gems (2 sapphires and a ruby)
cobwebs and other small spider webs that dot the cubby holes of the caverns.
in one of such a cubby hole though it appears there is a room on the other side, the hole is large enough that you could both squeeze through one at a time, though it would be uncomfortable to do so as you would be compressing your body while you did. (unless you're small size)

2010-10-29, 02:20 PM
"OOOH Shiny red, MINE!"

2010-11-01, 06:31 PM
Theda has been mostly content with the way things have gone so far. If serving this Beelzebub fellow will give her the power she needs, that's good enough for her. Especially without any contracts - something she knew these devils were famous for.

She and her pet dinosaur were happy to follow the others into this tunnel, and with a wave of her hand, both transformed into pit fiends, the better to fit in with their hellish surroundings.

While the satyr snatched up the red gems, the recently-diabolical Theda takes a moment to weave another spell.

"Well done, gentlemen. Let's see if we can determine the best way to proceed."

Sorry - didn't see the OOC thread posting. Catching up.

Theda and Tonn are sharing a shapechange spell, currently in the form of pit fiends. Other active buffs listed below.

Theda is casting Find the Path to find "The current resting place of the World Weaver."

Active spells:
Energy Immunity (Electricity) (Spell Compendium)
Find the Path
Heart of Air (Complete Mage)
Heart of Earth (CM)
Heart of Fire (CM)
Heart of Water (CM)
Greater Magic Fang
Speak with Animals
Superior Resistance (SC)

2010-11-02, 05:20 PM
Your senses tell you that the downward path is the way you must go. Your senses also tell you there are some obstacles that need to be dodged.

2010-11-02, 06:32 PM

Trusting her spells to warn her of danger along the way, the pit fiend that is Theda jerks her head towards the downward passage. Her mental voice, sounding just as frosty as the verbal version, sounds in Morditai and Nicos' heads.

"It would seem that the downward passage is indeed heading towards our goal. It would also, however, be useful to know if we are leaving something dangerous behind us."

Now that her staff is the size of a walking stick for her, Theda and Tonn fly over to the passage leading to the cubbyhole.

If the passage to the other side isn't direct enough to give her an angle to see in, Theda and Tonn will land on the floor near the hole, Shapechange into an elder Xorn and a Delver respectively. Theda will glide into the wall and then twist around, using tremorsense to see if there's anything living in the cubbyhole, while Tonn will work to create a larger passage into the room by dissolving a new 10x10 tunnel towards it, ignoring the small tunnel completely. Theda is relying on Foresight to give her a warning of any danger inside.

2010-11-07, 12:20 AM
:smallamused: Was it something I said?

2010-11-07, 02:35 PM
((I don't know what happened to the others... I know I see King on sometimes, I was waiting for them to post actions after you delved through the rock but I think they might have been waiting for me. Though I do admit that in alot of my campaigns I lost alot of people over Halloween for some odd reason.))

The now enlarged cubbyhole contains what appear to be treasures of travelers who went before you, perhaps pushed into this small space by some odd creature or another who collected it from fallen bodies. The cubby contains as follows

1500 Gold
235 Platinum
3 Long swords
1 Crossbow, heavy
1 Full Plate Suit
3 Small Silver stones
12 Flasks of Oil
3 Wands
9 Potions

2010-11-07, 03:09 PM
(I was waiting on your post of the hole sorry)

"That silver looks like it could catch quite the price. May I have it?"

2010-11-07, 09:11 PM
Two of the Xorn's arms wave towards the cache in a "be my guest" manner. Anything that Morditai doesn't take up, Theda will slide into the bag that the now-delver-ish Tonn keeps around his neck.

When the reclamation is done, Theda turns into a flaming demon, and Tonn into a glittering greenish dragon, about the size of a horse. Theda's thoughts go to her two new companions.

"Shall we continue? I notice that both of you move with considerable grace whereas Tonn and I...not so much. Would one of you care to lead the way, or shall Tonn and I?"

Theda is now a Balor, and Tonn a young adult Emerald Dragon (MM2). Theda will have true seeing active, and Tonn will have blindsight 150' and darkvision 500'.

2010-11-07, 09:14 PM
Morditai puts the silver in his vest pocket and then turns, "I'll lead good sir. Seems Roe went to sleep." Morditai turns and leads the way down the path.

2010-11-07, 09:28 PM
Theda looks down at her chest. Yes, she supposed that in this form, she did look male.

With a shrug, she turns to follow Morditai down the passage, gesturing for Tonn to follow. She monitors her spells for indications of how best to avoid traps and other permanent obstacles.

2010-11-07, 10:13 PM
As you all move into the next area, you see what has been providing the light from below you.... webs lie on the walls and ceilings of this room, giving off light. Small spiders skitter away from you as you come down the passage as the bones of those who weren't so lucky hang in some of the webs.

2010-11-07, 10:15 PM
"Well.. lets see whats trying to kill us shall we?"

Spot check
Hide Check
Move Silently Check

2010-11-07, 10:45 PM

Theda nods and moves into the chamber after Morditai. Tonn is right behind her.

Theda Spot and Listen: [roll0] [roll1]

Knowledge nature to figure out what kind of spider makes webs that glow in the dark: [roll2]

I'm assuming that neither blindsight nor true seeing are picking up anything.

2010-11-08, 09:29 AM
You both see that as a rough estimate there are upwards of 500 spiders in this cavern alone. The exits are at 40 ft and to the left and 60 ft and to the right.

You can find no natural reason why the webs are glowing. It's almost as if they are from some other plane of existence.

2010-11-08, 10:29 AM
Thanks, Tsumeken - that does help.

When you say "small" spiders, do you mean spiders less than a fingernail in size, or spiders that are classified as Small size in game terms?

How big is the overall cavern?

which direction is Find the Path telling Theda to go?

2010-11-08, 06:10 PM
Small spiders maybe about not the size of of a fingernail but maybe about thumb from the knuckle. The overall cavern is 50 x 75

Find the path is at the 60 ft passage to the right

2010-11-08, 06:36 PM

Theda gestures to the right.

"Our goal is that way."

She looked around at the spiders, calculating how best to eliminate them should they become...aggressive. She turns to her male companions. Her voice is cold and analytical.

"I believe that, should the spiders become an issue, if you can take care of the ones that are close, Tonn and I can dispose of the ones more distant. As needed, of course. Right now, they're simply overwhelming the local food sources, and in due time will die down of their own accord. Unless, as outsiders, they have a way to go home again."

2010-11-08, 07:15 PM
"Fire! Fire! Fire!| "He has a point. We could burn out the webs."

2010-11-09, 12:30 AM
The Theda-demon smiles.

"We could indeed."

She and Tonn separate slightly, and on a mental signal, both turn into many headed lizard-creatures with vibrant scales. They square off and face in opposite directions. Each opens their mouths in unison, and bathe the nearby walls, floor and ceiling in flames.

Free action for both to turn into 12 headed pyrohydras. Standard action to bathe everything within about 40' in flames.

Damage (Reflex DC 21 for half, in case it's relevant), creating overlapping areas from their cones.


Then a move action to move in back to back.

2010-11-09, 09:01 AM
The webbing erupts as the sea of flames claim them, the high pitched shrieking of the spiders death ring out as the run about as small little fireballs before burning out and dying fully. The cavern is now lit by the flickering of the flaming aftermath.

2010-11-09, 11:07 AM
Shrieking of the spiders - nice touch!

Theda and Tonn resume demon and blind lizard forms. There is a nod of satisfaction as Theda looks around, checking to see that the job was completely done.

"Right, then. After you, Morditai!"

2010-11-09, 11:22 AM
Kiranvonstrom here (See OOC post)
Thank you, madame lizard. Nicos smiled.
OOC: Nicos is taking the rearguard

2010-11-09, 03:19 PM
Morditai walks over the flaming webs and such. Leading the group down the tunnel.

2010-11-09, 06:06 PM
As you move down the tunnel the light begins to leave you. not a problem for those with darkvision

The tunnel widens into a cave with three exits one to the north and two to the east (1 right and 2 left respectively) a large pillar crated by the natural water drip of the cavern forms the support in teh center of this cave while many smaller stalagmites and tites, sprout/hang from the room. Chains hung around the room holding up a few broken and decrepit skeletons, their bones piked clean on closer inspection even the marrow had been devoured.

2010-11-09, 08:20 PM
With a gesture from Theda, Tonn resumes his dragon form. She consults her understanding of the correct path.

And Find the path says to go...

2010-11-09, 10:09 PM
You instincts tell you that the second passage to the left is the way you which to go but may be dangerous.

2010-11-09, 10:41 PM

Theda's mental voice reverberates with her colleagues.

"Second passage on the left. but there's likely to be some shenanigans of some sort there, so let's stay together."

After Morditai advances, she and Tonn fly up and do a slow circuit, glancing down the other passages before following the satyr.

True seeing and 500' darkvision still active.
Theda: Spot [roll0] Listen: [roll1]
Tonn: Spot [roll2] Listen: [roll3]

2010-11-09, 10:53 PM
"Stabby. Stab stab stab!"

2010-11-10, 09:19 AM
Duly noted.
Nicos looks behind him, and strikes a sunrod.
I'm hardly helpful if I can't see...

2010-11-10, 06:20 PM
As the sunrod illuminates the area, small glints of fibrous material can be seen in the light. Far above you all is an incredibly thin wire stretching across the whole length of the cavern, almost in a network. This razor-thin wire seems to have been hidden in the darkness but in the light it fairly glows.

2010-11-10, 07:41 PM

Theda looks up, taking in this new information, before ducking back into the tunnel and turning to her colleagues with a questioning shrug.

"This looks unpleasant. Do either of you have the ability to teleport?"

Just checking in to make sure I'm on the same page as you in interpretation of a few rule points.

My assumption is that darkvision functions like regular vision, but without colours, yes? I guess I'd assumed that a 50+ spot check would be enough to find something. Maybe not!

Further, from the description of Find the Path:
The spell enables the subject to sense the correct direction that will eventually lead it to its destination, indicating at appropriate times the exact path to follow or physical actions to take. For example, the spell enables the subject to sense trip wires or the proper word to bypass a glyph of warding. The spell ends when the destination is reached or the duration expires, whichever comes first. Find the path can be used to remove the subject and its companions from the effect of a maze spell in a single round.

My assumption would be that if there was a specific path I needed to take to get through this chamber, Find the Path would be telling me. Is that a fair assessment, based on the above?

2010-11-10, 07:49 PM
"I've a right fine eye, I could try shooting the wires?"

2010-11-10, 08:04 PM
Theda gestures to Tonn, and they both back off further down the tunnel.

"Um. Be my guest."

2010-11-10, 08:41 PM
Morditai spins and in his hand appears a crossbow, he aims and fires with a grace that is noticeable yet not.



2010-11-10, 09:14 PM
Your bolts hit the wire(s) and are split in twain. The wires slice through the bolt as if it were wet paper, the halves falling to the ground with a clean cut splitting them.

2010-11-10, 09:24 PM
"De de dum" "Chuck a che chum"

2010-11-10, 09:57 PM
((mind being a little clearer their KoL, I understand that he's mentally unstable but 'm not getting much info from your reaction from the post, could you be a bit more literate?))

2010-11-10, 10:03 PM
He's just being crazy. It's like going "Ooooh" when you see something cool happen.

2010-11-11, 12:48 AM

Theda grunts as she sees the crossbow bolts drop to the ground in pieces.

"Right. Screw that, then. We're going underneath. Anyone who wants, is welcome to follow. Shouldn't take but a couple minutes, and this way we got a safe way out."

She glances over at Nicos and Morditai. At a mental command from Theda, Tonn turns into a massive bug-ish humanoid with massively clawed forelimbs, and she does the same. Theda glances over to get a better sense of where the desired tunnel is, relative to their position.

Theda and Tonn dig into the floor. Rock chips and fist-size chunks fly in all directions. When they get about 30' down, they level out and begin working their way under the cavern towards the far passage, leaving a wide, if rough, tunnel behind. After she's sure that they're past the cavern, Theda angles up at a 45' degree angle, continuing until she either reaches the existing tunnel or is sure that she's missed it.

They are taking the shape of Horrid Umber Hulks until they break through. Tremorsense 60' radius. They will stop if they sense any motion that isn't the four of them.

2010-11-11, 01:28 AM
Morditai slides down and follows after the pair. "That's convenient"

2010-11-11, 09:13 AM
I could teleport, but, why bother?
Nicos shrugs and follows the other members of the group, still watching the rear.
I'm keeping detect magic on, just in case.

2010-11-11, 02:56 PM
The rock gives way as you break through and into the existing passage in question. The tunnels itself angles down at a angle (55 degrees) and contains some loose rock that Theda's tremorsense can pick up on.

Your tremorsense also allows you to detect the footsteps of something farther down the tunnel, about 50'ft to be precise. Though you see nothing the thing seems to be attempting to flee farther up the tunnel and away from he group.

2010-11-11, 03:35 PM
In a flash, the two umber hulks are gone, and the demon and dragon are back. Theda flies up to the ceiling of the tunnel, and casts a quick spell. Tonn dashes out towards the fleeing creature. Theda relays what she felt, and what she sees, to her two colleagues.

Theda and Tonn - free action to change form again, back to Balor and Emerald dragon. Theda will take a move action to fly up and see if her demonic True Seeing tells her anything more about the fleeing figure. If it does, she shares that information with her colleagues. Holding off on the rest of her actions pending information that may come from True Seeing.

2010-11-11, 10:10 PM
The invisible creature that appears to be running looks to be a elf of somesort. They appear to be magically invisible and are running full speed towards another tunnel of shoot of the caverns.

2010-11-11, 11:54 PM

"It's an elf. We should keep it from warning the others of our approach. I mean, um. Stabby stabby, Morditai."

Theda finishes flying after the elf and casts a spell on it to illuminate its form for the others. Tonn zips past both Theda and the elf, dropping to the tunnel floor past it.

With a fly speed of 90, Theda gets as far past the elf as she can, and then casts Faerie Fire on him. Tonn, on Theda's instruction, flies up to 120' or to the point where the tunnel shoots off (whichever comes first) and lands. It readies an action to bite the elf if it comes within 15'. Tonn's goal is to position himself to be able to unload on the elf if he/she tries to run past him.
Readied Bite: Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack of Opportunity 1 (taken as possible): [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack of Opportunity 2 (taken as possible): [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2010-11-12, 12:23 AM
Morditai catches up and puts a dagger to the elf. (Not stabbing it)
"Whats your purpose elf?"

2010-11-12, 12:45 AM
((next time roll to see if you grab the elf and whatnot please I'll ignore it for now as I'm just trying to move this along for now))

The elf is outlined in a eerie blue glow and is distracted enough for Morditai to grab her and place the knife at her back, she opens her mouth and moves to bite down hard and fast but not on anyhing that can be seen (and it is not something invisible since it would have been outlined) it seems she is only going to gnash her teeth together though violently.

2010-11-12, 01:32 AM
I didn't intend to grab her, just put a dagger to her
"Don't make me stab you. I like elves."

2010-11-12, 09:16 AM
Nicos draws a long, skull headed rod, and walks over, a slight smile playing across his face.
Warlock's scepter out, preparing to fire a high power eldritch blast f the elf gets too agressive.

2010-11-12, 10:49 AM
On Theda's mental command, Tonn turns into a massive spider, blocking as much of the tunnel as he can. He shoots a big glob of web out at the elf, hoping to immobilize her.

Theda waits for the web to fly, then (regardless of the success or lack thereof), casually lands on the other side of the woman from Morditai, and the big demon leans in to smell the elf woman's breath. If she smells the poison that she suspects is there, she quickly touches the woman with more of her magic. Her thoughts go out to her colleagues.

"I believe she's biting down on a suicide pill of some kind."

Her telepathic message turn to the elf woman.

"I believe that your people like to play with demons and spiders, isn't that right. Well, we have both for you. If you play your cards right, you can survive this and position yourself to become a new Matron. What is your name, beautiful lady?"

Tonn touch attack with web: [roll0]. If the tunnel is wide enough for Tonn to become a Gargantuan spider, the escape check is DC 20.

Heal check to detect any poison on her breath: [roll1] If she gets any sense of the presence of poison, she casts Panacea (http://www.bertball.com/wiki/index.php/Panacea_(Spell))
on her.

2010-11-12, 09:59 PM
The web hits stopping the woman, since she was still and had her mouth opened I rolled for that too and it did stop her from biting down. As you lean down to smell you do indeed detect the unmistakable smell of a poison pill contained in one of her teeth, your spell removes it's negative effects rendering it benign.

She struggles against the bonds roughly glaring daggers at you she speaks back to you in Infernal not hiding her rage at your actions, "You and your colleauges shall neve leave here alive, your bones shall join those many who've come before you and decorate the pits the Lord of the Web. You may have caught me but this small victory wll be the last one you sate your ego's upon."

2010-11-13, 12:53 AM
The demon Theda glanced across the woman's shoulder at her two colleagues. She sends a telepathic message to them.

I'm, uh, not very good with people. Either of you care to take a shot at getting any information out of her?"

At a mental signal from Theda, Tonn looks down the branching passages of the tunnel, and reports back on what he sees.

Theda will ready an action to try to grab the woman, should she try to escape the webs.

2010-11-13, 01:15 AM
"Look elfy. I like elves, but my other side wants to stab something. So either give me some info or I'll let him stab you, but I won't make it kill you."

2010-11-13, 10:51 AM
I don't know what your intimidate rank is as it tells me when I tried to look at your sheet that it was a bad sheet id. So I wasn't able to roll to see if they were intimidated by your threat or not.

She merely scoffs at you, "You want information huh? Here's some for free, you're all going to die down here." She makes no attempts to sttrugle from the webs as it is clear that she will not escape.

As Ton glances down the tunnels he is able to see down both relatively well. Down the first tunnel (the one to the left) He sees a descending spiral of webs that seem to coat the tunnels in a odd pattern, almost as if manmade into some form of wispy curtains. The second tunnel is lit as you proceed to look further down it, perhaps hinting at the location of other Dark Elves.

2010-11-13, 11:06 AM
Theda resists the urge to facepalm.

"We all die. I'm rather looking forward to it. It all comes down to when. And how."

The demon smiles down at the woman.

"Since you're so certain that we're going to die, it won't do any harm to tell us what's down that passage."

She gestures to the tunnel entrance that Find the Path is directing her along.

"And your cooperation will make your death a significantly less unpleasant one."

She smiles and trusts that, translated onto the face of one of the most feared denizens of the Abyss, the smile is not a friendly one.

Intimidate (either my own roll, or (ideally) using Aid Another on someone else's check): [roll0]

2010-11-13, 02:32 PM
Wasn't trying to intimidate. I was going to stab her anyways XD

Heres an intimidate roll anywho

A needle in Morditais' armor pricks the elf.

Damage (Dex)

2010-11-15, 12:06 PM
She struggles against the bonds roughly glaring daggers at you she speaks back to you in Infernal not hiding her rage at your actions, "You and your colleauges shall neve leave here alive, your bones shall join those many who've come before you and decorate the pits the Lord of the Web. You may have caught me but this small victory wll be the last one you sate your ego's upon."

I doubt it, they say my ego knows no bounds. I think they're just envious of my rougeish good looks. I would kill you, but my compatriots seem to be doing it for me.
Nicos pauses.
I highly doubt it. I'm too pretty and far too smart to die.
I'm an egotist :smallwink:

2010-11-15, 02:02 PM
She winced from the slight discomfort that the prick had given her before looking at Theda, "That way leads to the lords chambers, it's where he sleeps and watches the worlds. Going down that path will guarantee my retribution no matter what you do to me."

2010-11-15, 02:16 PM

Pleased at least that they'd moved past the bravado of 'you're going to die no matter what', the Theda demon smiles.

"I am intrigued by this lord of yours. What is his name? In what creative and no doubt excruciating ways is he likely to kill us?"

2010-11-17, 04:06 PM
Theda taps the elven woman on the top of the head with her least sharp claw, just to get her attention.

2010-11-18, 04:26 PM
Yeah sorry I was waiting for if anyone had any other questions.... then I got kinda side tracked....

She looks up at the demon. "I suppose it wouldn't cause too much trouble but I know not the name only his title. His method of your destruction shall be slow and excruciating. He shall freeze your bodies stiff so that you may not even move before breaking you all within an inch of your life then preserving your bodies, still living, as a nesting ground for his children."

2010-11-18, 05:09 PM
Thanks, Tsukemen. No one else has asked a question, so I'll move this along. Of course, if someone else was about to ask, happy to consider it as happening before this post.

Sensing that they weren't going to get much more useful information out of the woman, Theda sighs a big demon-sigh.

"Right. If you'd only cooperated at first, you could be playing the hero and positioning yourself to take power right now. Think of that when you're writhing in flame for a few millenia."

Taking the woman's head in both hands, Theda squeezes until the juicy bits come out.

We can go through mechanics of this if desired, but balor's strength, and the wreath of flames make this a not-pretty sight.

2010-11-18, 10:28 PM
((sorta movie reference: But, the woman is all burned up *everyone ducks but one* And she exploded))

2010-11-19, 02:00 AM
Nodding, Theda tears off the head and tosses it aside. She lets the body drop. Abruptly, she shifts, becoming a six-armed snake-woman. You'd be amazed how quickly a body can be searched with six hands. She peels off anything of interest and tosses them up to Morditai for safekeeping.

"Well, gentlemen, it sounds like we have a date with a big, big, scary spider-guy. Which reminds me."

She turns and gestures to Tonn. He resumes his dragon form, and she bulks out, the six arms merging back to the balor's two.

"Shall we go?"

2010-11-19, 11:43 AM
Morditai gracefully catches the objects and puts them away, for a crazy satyr with a split personality he seems to have a grace and movement style that seems that of a dancer. A slight graceful movement which seems almost too graceful for a psychotic satyr. "Yes I say we move on and.." ,*whispering quietly but loud enough to be heard*,"Plunge our blades deep into his body, rip asunder his very being and show him that we are not to be mocked, threatened or messed with." As he speaks (in red) his words seem to write themselves in the back of your mind, a gracefully written text, but blood red, a sound almost like a scream piercing you ears but coming from no where, a deep evil glow coming form the text and the scream.

Note to everyone the red voice is the crazy almost illiterate one.

2010-11-19, 02:05 PM
I never want to hear that again. Remind me to find somewhere to block telepathy.
Nicos raises an eyebrow at the dismemberment of the elf, but says nothing. He wasn't in any position to comment.
Let's just move on.
He rifle's though the elf's body.
It never hurts to get have more on your side.

2010-11-20, 01:12 PM
Items found on the Elf's body.
2 wands
1 ring
500 gold
3 glowing yellow gemstones
1 small cocoon that is made of the same webbing that you found back in the previous chamber

The elf now gone leaves you with the two paths that you had come to, though one is lit and the other dark you have been informed by the elf during the interrogation that the darkened path would lead you to the lair of the lord of the web.

2010-11-20, 01:50 PM
Theda turns back to Nicos quizzically, not sure which comment had caused the reaction. The balor/woman shrugged and folded her wings in to make room for the two men to pass.

Sorry, Tsukemen, not getting the reference.

2010-11-20, 04:32 PM
It was galaxyquest, when the boar gets teleported up to the ship and explodes after being beamed in inside out. anyway I think i aleady said this but your find the path points down the darkened passage.

2010-11-20, 07:44 PM

Ah, that explains it. Haven't seen it yet.

Theda's thoughts enter her companions' heads.

"After you."

2010-11-22, 09:15 AM
Nicos stows what he finds in his backpack, intending to study them later.

2010-11-22, 10:26 AM
um. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9795146&postcount=98)

I don't really care who's carrying the stuff. I'm assuming that Morditai is leading off again, followed by Nicos, Theda and Tonn.

2010-11-22, 11:38 AM
um. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9795146&postcount=98)

I don't really care who's carrying the stuff. I'm assuming that Morditai is leading off again, followed by Nicos, Theda and Tonn.

Oops, sorry

2010-11-22, 11:42 AM
I am assuming Pilo is using invisibility the whole time :)

The invisible Pilo continues to follow this group, content to watch for now.

2010-11-22, 11:47 AM
Welcome, Invelios!

Given the amount of true seeing and other buffs bouncing around, is it all right if we assume that you've been introduced and with us the whole time?

Mostly because then we get the fun of actually interacting with you, and working with you on this, but also because then we don't need to worry about misunderstanding the invisible shape lurking at the edge of our senses, and metagaming why we don't just lunge forward and investigate. And by "investigate", I mean "send Morditai to stab repeatedly.

2010-11-22, 12:00 PM
Yeah I was there at the beginning. Just have been forced Afk for a while.

2010-11-22, 12:10 PM
Nicos is still on rearguard, and took the wands unless anybody else wants them.
I shall activate them randomly if we're in danger.

2010-11-22, 06:27 PM
((I shall prod the goatman *pulls out cattle prod* it's for cows put I think it will work on goats too. Also RL has caught me up in a bit. I will still make posts and be on about 1 or 2 times a day.))

2010-11-22, 06:36 PM
Screw you all, goat man might go stab some peeps, Tsume you could have told me VIA AIM, jeez

Morditai finishes packing up his backpack and then leads the group down the tunnel.

2010-11-23, 10:15 AM
I thought you were periodically checking on the group. I mean I can't be on all the time, most of the time Im around town applying for jobs as per my arrangement with my place of living. Either way though I'm not a wrangler I am indeed just a storyteller for right now and occasionally I try to kill you all. Just once a day of cheaking/posting is all I ask.

As you continue down into the darkened passages the webs on the wall seem to be placed in almost curtain like fashions, not as natural webs at all. holes in the ceiling above seems to be placed randomly in this hallway that is erriely devoid of anything else.

Your find the path seems to sense danger from those openings and urges that you try to move around them and not under.

2010-11-23, 10:51 AM

As the group proceeds, Theda checks in mentally with the others.

Much fun. There's something nasty in those holes in the ceiling. Don't walk directly underneath.

2010-11-23, 10:53 AM
"Anyone have the ability to use fireballs?"

It's all cool, but every time I checked it was still the same final post from before

2010-11-23, 11:01 AM
You mean the post that was inviting you to take the lead again? :smallwink:

The Theda-demon smiles.

What did you have in mind?

2010-11-23, 11:01 AM
I cannot, but the gifts of out master can work just as well. Nicos switches his knives for the skull-headed scepter again.
Warlock's Scepter out, will fire the eldritch cone attack when neccesary.

2010-11-23, 11:13 AM
I am not skilled in the brute force method of magic. So whatever Nicos is planning will have to suffice. says Pilo haughtily.

I edited my cerebral flatulence

2010-11-23, 12:57 PM
I am not skilled in the brute force method of magic. So whatever Nicos is planning will have to suffice. says Falias haughtily.
Hmm. Never thought of myself as a wizard.

Isn't your character named Plio?

2010-11-23, 02:35 PM
The post of me filling my backpack.
"I was thinking perhaps, fire some, well fire into t he holes. Burn out whatever may be in them."

2010-11-23, 07:36 PM
Hmm. Never thought of myself as a wizard.

Isn't your character named Plio?

fixed, brain fart man :) no sleep makes dumb mistakes happen

2010-11-25, 03:51 PM
fixed, brain fart man :) no sleep makes dumb mistakes happen

'S okay.
I can't do fire, though. Hellish energy work for you?
Nicos smirks slightly.

2010-11-25, 05:36 PM
Theda grows tired of the talking.

"Fire? We can do fire."

In a blink, her demon-shape is replaced by a red dragon, roughly the size of a covered wagon. Pointing forward towards one of the holes they' haven't quite gotten to yet, she lets fly with a gout of flame, then turns back into her demon-shape.

Fire damage: [roll0], reflex DC 24 for half.

2010-11-25, 11:58 PM
As you flare up into the hole your flames shoot out of all the holes along the ceiling as they all seem interconnected. A shrill sound rings through your ears as the burnt carcasses of what appear to be a nest or two of larger then average Stirge fall to the ground still twitching in their death. A howl of wind shoots up the tunnel from in front of you as a group of six red eyes shine from ahead. The creature move forward into the light showing itself as a large black woolly spider. It leaps towards the dragon formed Theda

Jump Check [roll0]
Bite [roll1]

damage if hits [roll2]
fort save DC 32 vs poison

2010-11-26, 01:02 AM

The spider's bite just manages to penetrate the dragon's scales, but her protective magics hurl half of the damage back at the spider.

Theda responds immediately by transforming into her demon form and slashing out at the spider-creature. Tonn angles around her, transforming into a many headed hydra and biting over and over at the fuzzy spider.

The spider hits. Theda's retributive amulet sends 10 points of the damage back at the spider. She is immune to poison.

Theda turns into a pit fiend and full attacks the spider.
Claw 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Claw 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Wing 1: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
Wing 2: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]
Bite: [roll8] Damage: [roll9] Poison DC 30 or take [roll10] Constitution damage.
Tail: [roll11] Damage: [roll12]

Tonn turns into a 12 headed pyrohydra and full attacks.
Attack [roll13] Damage: [roll14]
Attack [roll15] Damage: [roll16]
Attack [roll17] Damage: [roll18]
Attack [roll19] Damage: [roll20]
Attack [roll21] Damage: [roll22]
Attack [roll23] Damage: [roll24]
Attack [roll25] Damage: [roll26]
Attack [roll27] Damage: [roll28]
Attack [roll29] Damage: [roll30]
Attack [roll31] Damage: [roll32]
Attack [roll33] Damage: [roll34]
Attack [roll35] Damage: [roll36]

2010-11-26, 03:29 AM
The spider is unceremoniously torn limb from thorax by the Hyrda's assault. It's blood and innards coating the falls to the area as it goes down into a heap The sounds of skittering can be heard from up ahead like that oh many legs tapping across the stone floor.. It is obvious that this spider was not the only or the last of the ones down this passage.

2010-11-26, 01:46 PM
That's a good warning, we should probably get some weapons out, although our friend here is more or less a one-man army. Or woman, sorry.
Nicos switches the scepter for the knives, and mentally vows to avoid switching weapons so often in the future.

2010-11-26, 01:58 PM
At a nod from Theda, Tonn reshapes into his iridescent dragon form. She turns to Nicos with a faint bow of her head.

"As, I'm sure, each of us are, or else we wouldn't have been selected for this. We should continue on now, though, to make the most of this magic."

With the 120' true seeing, any way to see where the spider came from? Did it just run up the hallway?

2010-11-26, 04:01 PM
Pilo readies his staff against what ever else may be coming down the hall.

and steadies his gaze, seeming to glare.

Readied action Glare of the pit on the first creature to appear in range.
Attack roll 1
Attack roll 2

Damage Roll 1 (fire damage)

Damage Roll 2 (fire damage)

2010-11-26, 05:45 PM
Nicos prepares to make use of his fiendish at the first unfortunate to enter his field of view.
To hit:
1d20+21 vs Touch AC -facepalm-. Roll to hit on the OOC thread, then.
... and damage[roll0]
If it survives, Nicos will activate his boots of haste, cast Hideous Blow, then charge and attack.

2010-11-27, 03:12 AM
Your caution seems to be rewarded as another large arachnid leaps forth from the shadows. It is easily dealt with by your prepared action and joins it's brethren on the floor. As it dies so does the noise from ahead.

Your find the path indicates that the fork coming up past this area has a east and west that both end up at the same spot though the west corridor is safer then the east.

2010-11-27, 08:50 AM

Theda nods approvingly as Pilo and Nicos quickly trash the next spider. The last trace of the spider's bite vanishes from her demon-skin. Her mental voice reaches her colleagues.

"The tunnel forks up ahead. We want the west one."

2010-11-27, 10:54 PM
Internet and was out last night sorry for lack of post.

Morditai watches his comrades slaughter the spiders, his evil side smiling at the death, his smart evil side smiling at the skill and focus.
"Shall I lead on?"

2010-11-29, 10:50 AM
Go ahead.
Nicos grimaced.
I need to find a way to block telepathy. I'd rather nobody had access to my mind...

2010-11-29, 06:09 PM
As you move ahead the ground slopes down at a slight angle making it a slow trek forward so as not to rush to a fall. As the path splits you hear a slight grinding noise from behind you all.

2010-11-29, 06:14 PM
Crap. Theda, what's going on?
A further note to self: find some way to see in the dark. Nicos mentally prepares himself to call on his powers to escape.
If it's a trap, Nicos will activate Path of Shadow to Plane-shift to the shadow plane. Or not.

2010-11-29, 06:19 PM
(Alright and yes it is a trap, the reason find the path did not detect this one BTW to answer any questions of the like is that it was not activated by you guys but by someone else.)

A large stone seems to be coming this way from the room behind you, it does not seem to be anything more then a normal boulder but it is intent to clear as it means to smush you.

2010-11-29, 06:20 PM
Theda and Tonn glance behind them.

500' darkvision, 120' true sight, 120' blindsense...what do we see?

Also, I'm assuming that this hasn't changed the route that Find the Path is telling us to take?

Edit: Sorry, didn't see your post in time.

Theda glances back, and does a double take.

"It would seem that a very large rock is rolling towards us. Nicos, you mentioned hellfire, I believe. Would you care to take a shot at breaking the rock?"

How much space would I estimate there is between the sides of the corridor and the rock that's rolling towards us?

2010-11-29, 06:23 PM
((Nope find the path still says rush forward to the west))

2010-11-29, 06:29 PM
Sorry, ninja'ed again: How much wider/taller is the corridor than the rock that's rolling towards us?

2010-11-29, 06:43 PM
Sorry, ninja'ed again: How much wider/taller is the corridor than the rock that's rolling towards us?

((That's okay once had a guy and me posting at the same time three times in a row, that was akward))

The corridor ahead is aprox. 5 ft shorter the the boulder is tall.

2010-11-29, 09:22 PM
Cool. And the corridor that we're currently in? How much bigger is it than the boulder?

2010-11-30, 02:31 AM
3 feet taller. The boulder itself is about 9 feet in diameter.

2010-11-30, 09:23 AM
I'll try.
Nicos points at where he guesses the boulder to be, trusting the magic to do the rest. Am I actually trying to help these people? What is wrong with me?
A bolt of blue-black fire flickers into existence around Nicos's hand, then launches itself down the corridor.
If the boulder doesn't break apart, Nicos activates Path of Shadows and transfers himself to the Shadow Plane, where the trap probably can't hurt him.

2010-11-30, 10:27 AM
If the blast breaks the boulder, Theda and Tonn will fly back (full move takes us into the 200'/round range) to try to find the mechanism or individual that started it rolling.

Otherwise, she will send a mental message to the others: "The corridor narrows ahead. By moving quickly in that direction, you might be safe. Safer than being hit by a boulder, anyway." She and Tonn then use a free action to change into elder Xorn and step into the walls to allow the boulder to pass.

2010-11-30, 02:36 PM
"Oh well that's... bad." Morditai turns and runs into the narrower passage.

2010-11-30, 03:22 PM
The contrast between black and white seems to blur as all the color seems to be sucked out of Nicos. In a few seconds, both the white and the black fade into grey, and he seems to cease to exist.
Across a planar border, Nicos looks around, and, satisfied that nothing is trying to kill him, saunters down the shadow-tunnel toward where he remembered the tunnel thinning out, keeping an eye out for any multidimensional traps. (or a trap of any kind.)
More or Less OOC

Nicos has shifted to the plane of shadow, and is technically shadow-walking as the spell. He can end this effect at will. (As far as I remember...) As the Plane of Shadow is basically a dark reflection of the Prime Material Plane, he can follow the same tunnel that we were following before he shifted.
I am assuming that there is nothing directly trying to kill him here...
Wow, I should have invested in that a bit more...
Actually, it looks like the forum dice roller doesn't like me rolling d20s. Its' been a 6, then a 2. Really.:smallsmile:

2010-11-30, 03:51 PM
The boulder is impacted by the blast and flies apart into many small bits of rubble. the once powerful and imposing presence it held now nothing but mere pebbles neath your feet.

As you fly back you come into the other room you had just left to see a humanoid like creature wear a mask and a all black bodysuit. It spots you o your flight back and begins to try and sink into the stone to escape from you.

2010-11-30, 04:53 PM

Theda sends a thought back to the others.

"Found a figure dressed in black - probably the rock pusher. If I'm not back in two minutes, go on without me."

As soon as Tonn and Theda reach the point where the figure disappeared, they both become Xorn and also drop into the ground about 20'. They're using 60' tremorsense to try to locate the person who laid the trap.

2010-11-30, 07:16 PM
I guess we should continue on the path Theda has designated. If she should be overwhelmed I am sure our minds shall hear it before our ears hear the screams. Pilo ruminates, and continues on the path Theda pointed out.

2010-11-30, 10:43 PM
You feel movement to the right of you and your creature both as something is trying to desperately move away from you. It is at present 30 ft away from you and heading further down, most likely into another chamber or the one it came from.

Invelios and anyone continuing on
Your eyes need time to adjust as the next cavern brightens up as you enter, the walls around you shimmer with crystals of all different colors, creating a beautiful yet ultimately chaotic light as it flashes between the many colored gems.

2010-11-30, 11:17 PM

Yay! Submarine warfare.

Tonn remains in elder Xorn form, and Theda transforms into a huge earth elemental. Tonn moves 50' around the whatever-it-is-we're-chasing to put himself directly in its path of movement, and attempts to grapple. Theda, trying to anticiate the direction of the creature's movement, moves 30' to try to interpose herself in its way, and also tries to grapple. Miss chances all around because, I'm guessing, nobody can actually see each other. Unless it somehow has a way to see, and not just sense, underground, it won't get AoO's for us attempting to grapple.

Touch Attack [roll]1d20+22
Miss chance (low is good) [roll0]
opposed grapple: [roll1]
Damage on successful grapple: [roll2]

Theda: Touch Attack [roll]1d20+25
Miss chance (low is good) [roll3]
opposed grapple: [roll4]
Damage on successful grapple: [roll5]

2010-11-30, 11:19 PM
Let's try those attack rolls again:

Tonn: [roll0]
Theda: [roll1]

2010-12-01, 03:15 AM
(I think Tonn should have no miss chance since he has blindsense/tremorsense)

As Tonn attacks it grabs the creature holding it still while you easily reach their area and also succeed in a grab. You now both have hold of the assailant as it wiggles to no avail against your earthen bearhug.

2010-12-01, 09:21 AM
Although the chamber was fairly spectacular in black and white, Nicos decided it might be easier to drop into existence, if only to see where the others were. Nicos seems to gradually phase into existance at the mouth of the chamber, turning from shades of grey, to black and white to full color. Dismissing Path of Shadow.

2010-12-01, 09:58 AM
Once the whatever-it-is is in hand (ie not just grappled, but pinned), Tonn changes into an earth elemental as well, and together they drag it up to the tunnel again. As soon as they're emerged back into the air, Tonn turns into a Pit Fiend and re-secures his hold on the person, while Theda briefly abandons humanoid form altogether in order to become an Aboleth. She reaches out with both her mind and her tentacles to try to snare the rock-roller's will.

[Tonn is maintaining the pin to the best of his ability, and is not yet permitting the whatever it is to speak. Theda will leave her tentacles wrapped around whatever it is they've caught, and use the enslave power (DC 19 or be dominated) up to three times, or until it works, whichever comes first.

"What is your name, pretty thing?"

2010-12-01, 07:36 PM
(failed the first time so you keep your other two uses)

The creature speaks in a light tone as you commanded it, "My name is Alir."

2010-12-01, 07:40 PM
Theda gestures for Tonn to carry Alir gently with him, and Theda hobbles along after in Aboleth form. The three head forward to meet up with the rest of the group.

"Alir, tell me everything you know about your master."

2010-12-02, 11:26 AM
Alir speaks and as you are nearing the group you all hear the words, "He shifts as you do, freely through these caverns like a shadow. His powers are vast like a web, connecting himself to the power of his artifact directly. He can destroy minds with a word as easily as one could with a mace."

2010-12-02, 11:38 AM
Tsumeken, let me know if it's your ruling that the dominate effect only lasts while I'm in aboleth form, and I'll stay in it longer, but other forms make it easier for me to converse and, well, move.

Also, can I get a bit of a description of what Alir is?

Tonn shrinks down slight, becoming a winged pit fiend, while Theda switches back into Balor form, the better to be recognized by her companions. The two speed up considerably as they move forward over the rubble of the boulder and towards, literally, the light at the end of the tunnel and back onto the course provided by Find the Path.

"Interesting! And I was most impressed, Alir, with your stealth in concealing both yourself and a massive boulder. How did you manage that trick?"

2010-12-02, 12:49 PM
((I rule that it's your mind connected to Alir's so if you change back there is no penelty on the domination))

Alir hold's up their right hand as they point to the ring on their finger. "This ring allows one to pass through rock as if it were water, though only for a short time. As for the boulder, my masters magic's had created a special object for that." pulling out a wand Alir hands it to you to inspect. "It used to summon a ball of rolling fire, but no it summons one of solid stone to crush intruders."

2010-12-02, 01:13 PM
Theda nods, intrigued.

"Interesting. Give those to me, along with any other magical devices or toys that you possess."

As she tucks away what Alir gives her, she gestures at the gleaming chamber ahead.

"What is in there?"

2010-12-02, 07:40 PM
List of things given to you
Wand of Flame Orb (metamagic to replace (fire/stone) 49/50 charges
Ring of stone passage (5/10 charges) *
Mask of the Demon**
Rope of climbing

*= pass through solid rock for a duration of 5 minutes per charge. If a charge duraion goes out while you are in stone you are molecularly fused into the rock.

**= Also know as a Hanyayna Mask, it was worn by assassin's to hide their identities and invoke fear in their enemies. Anyone wearing this mask is given darkvision as per the ability 60' unless they already posses this ability which then increases the range of the darkvision by 60'. All listen and spot checks are increased by +4

After Alir hand yous all magical equipment on herself (which you now can see is a female darkelf as the other was) She looks into the room before answering. "The crystals in this room reflect magical spells and abilities."

2010-12-03, 10:15 AM
As Theda, Tonn and Alir approach the cavern, Theda sends her thoughts out ahead to warn them.

The good news is that we've caught the rock-roller, another drow assassin, and managed to take control of her mind. If you've got questions about our target, now's the time to ask. The bad news - be careful in that cavern. It reflects magic back at you. We should move through quickly."

2010-12-03, 10:19 AM
Understood. Pilo begins moving forward through the Crystal room carefully. Holding tight to his staff as without the ability to use magic it is his best bet to stave off attack (pun intended.)

2010-12-03, 10:46 AM
One wonders if it works on the shadow plane. I can't bring everyone there, but it could help to look around. If it does kill me, I assure you it will be temporary.
Nicos pauses.
Mordati, I leave the interrogation to you.

2010-12-03, 10:58 AM
Theda and entourage fly into the cavern, not touching down anywhere. She doesn't stop for more than a nod at the others. She points in the direction that the Find the Path is leading her, and continues flying through at regular speed.

2010-12-04, 05:34 AM
Are you going to try the shadow plane or are you following the others through the room cautiously as the others are

Find the path seems strange for a second as it indicates forward and then straight down

2010-12-04, 12:13 PM
Nicos is sitting back, waiting for everyone else to go through.

2010-12-04, 02:04 PM
So...a reasonable chance that either things aren't as they seem, or else the magic of Find the Path is being screwed up by the cavern. Can I get a bit more description of the crystal cavern. How big is it? Where are the other exit(s)?

2010-12-04, 02:46 PM
The crystal cavern is 120 ft in diameter and about 60 ft high. Pillars of rock and crystal dot around the outsides of the cavern to support the large room. The exits are north, east, and one exit is a hole straight up into the ceiling that is large enough for almost anything to go up in (40 ft wide). Your find the path does say the path east is the correct one.

2010-12-04, 02:52 PM
With a brief whirl of her finger around her ear, gesturing and glancing at the others in the cavern, Theda and Tonn establish a brief holding pattern. She speaks to Alir.

"Tell me which of these is the most direct path to your master, and what is waiting down that passage."

She points to the eastern tunnel.

Reality check for the other players: Am I stepping on toes? Doing too much. I feel like I'm taking the lead overmuch, and would be delighted to back off some, if someone wanted to do more.

2010-12-04, 03:51 PM
Yes in a cavern the likes of this one, getting the information from a lackey may be better than relying on the old stand by. Pilo muses.

Nah its cool, Pilo is a quiet one, and his talents are not the best for this portion of the adventure anyway :)
I do hope the charm person/Dominate isn't affected by the cavern though, or we could be in a tight spot.

2010-12-04, 03:59 PM
Cheers, Invelios. I was also concerned about the dominate, which is why Alir is still being held Tonn. We'll see how good she is at lying, anyway...

2010-12-05, 12:34 PM
Alir looked down the passage that you had pointed to before responding,, "That way is indeed the most direct, though not what I'd say the safest. Down that way exists a shaft that drops straight into the Master's lair. I cannot say how deep it is, only that I would rather take the long way myself."

2010-12-05, 12:59 PM
Theda was a patient woman, but the longer that they were here, the more time this Spider-King had to marshall his defenses. With a gesture for Tonn to follow, she flew into the east tunnel, to see what lay beyond, and to see if the signal from Hide the Path changed once she was out of the cavern.

Listen [roll0], Spot [roll1]

2010-12-05, 08:22 PM
As you fly in, you see that the captive spoke true. A hole in front of you descends far into the Abyss. It goes farther than your darkvision can see but you're guessing not too much further. Webs cling to the sides of the hole like ladders, perhaps an emergency ladder or exit for quick escapes. You find the path still points down into the hole.

2010-12-06, 05:19 AM
Tonn sets Alir down well short of the hole, then transforms into his gleaming dragon form and drifts over the hole, looking down, then circles back to land next to Alir. Theda settles to the ground as well, to wait for the others who are still in the cavern.

In his dragon form, Tonn's darkvision goes about 500'. Does he get a sense of how deep the shaft is?

2010-12-07, 01:11 AM
You estimate the drop to be at least 360 feet down. The ground is covered with bones.

2010-12-07, 09:24 AM
OOC: No problem here. Nicos would probably be best tearing nations apart with a well placed bluff check.:smallsmile:
Nicos sighs, and begins to mutter.
The ebon fly materialized once again. Nicos carefully climbed on and tried to avoid thinking about falling while crossing the room.
Ebon fly activated for a second time this week.
As a shapechanged creature could pass by, I'm assuming a small statuette works just as well.

2010-12-08, 12:53 PM
The following is predicated on everyone getting across the cavern safely, in one way or another. Tsumeken will of course correct me if this is a bad assumption.

Once the group has gathered on the far side of the cavern, Theda gestures at Alir and speaks telepathically to her colleagues.

This is Alir, one of the spider-lord's servants. She's responsible for pushing the rock. For the time being, she serves me, but I will dispose of her soon. She says that there's two ways to get down to his sanctum. This shaft, about 350 feet deep, is the most direct, and there's a more roundabout route that she describes as 'the way that she'd take.' Presumably, that's the chimney shaft back in that cavern.

"Tonn could assume a form to carry any of you without your own means of flight to the bottom of the shaft. I would recommend taking the more direct route, while we are still relatively fresh. Do you agree? And do you have any questions for Alir before I kill her?"

2010-12-08, 12:57 PM
The following is predicated on everyone getting across the cavern safely, in one way or another. Tsumeken will of course correct me if this is a bad assumption.

Once the group has gathered on the far side of the cavern, Theda gestures at Alir and speaks telepathically to her colleagues.

This is Alir, one of the spider-lord's servants. She's responsible for pushing the rock. For the time being, she serves me, but I will dispose of her soon. She says that there's two ways to get down to his sanctum. This shaft, about 350 feet deep, is the most direct, and there's a more roundabout route that she describes as 'the way that she'd take.' Presumably, that's the chimney shaft back in that cavern.

"Tonn could assume a form to carry any of you without your own means of flight to the bottom of the shaft. I would recommend taking the more direct route, while we are still relatively fresh. Do you agree? And do you have any questions for Alir before I kill her?"

Fine by me either way. Pilo muses.

I wonder how she did all of that with no gear to speak of. Pilo thinks to himself.

2010-12-08, 01:01 PM
It works for me, as long as I don't have to lead in there.
Nicos decides on the spot that the quickest route would probably be the most dangerous, and having somebody else in front of him is always good. He'd rather not be sent back yet.
Wait, hang on.
Nicos's features blur and darken, becoming more angular and elfin. With a slight smile, Nicos's transformation into something that looks a lot like Alir is complete. The odd gleam in Nicos/Alir's eye is still there, however.
In case it's important... Can one of you guys replicate the bonds on Alir?
If we're captured, I can just call myself their captive.
First daily use of fiendish gift, as Infernal Guise. Disguise check on OOC thread.

2010-12-08, 01:27 PM
Cool idea, Kiranvonstrom. Bonds? I don't understand.

2010-12-08, 01:30 PM
I thought you tied her up. Sorry.

2010-12-08, 05:09 PM
Yes as long as you don't cast any spells directed at the crystals, or if a area spell were to include them in it. nothing bad would happen. I assume this means you aall have made it through the crystal chamber and are now at the gaping hole in the ground,

2010-12-08, 05:32 PM
Rockin. Roughly what diameter is the hole? Is it rough stone, or smooth...

2010-12-11, 07:40 PM
All righty. Not letting this stall. No one has asked Alir any questions. Anybody who can fly on their own power, just signal and we can assume that you're doing so.

Two coups de grace, from a dragon and a balor - I'm assuming that Alir is dead, but we can roll it out if desired,

Theda had been planning to give Alir over to Morditai as a special gift, an object for his stabbity urges. Unfortunately, the satyr seemed to have fallen quiet. So she mentally instructs the elf to lay down and fall asleep, and then Theda and Tonn quietly and dispassionately shred and devour her.

Pulling out a strip of white hair, Theda glances at the others.

"All set, then?"

Setting anyone who wishes onto Tonn's back, Theda and Tonn plunge down the shaft, minding any signals of danger from the Find the Path spell.

2010-12-11, 08:07 PM
Dispassionately waching the gory display, Nicos began to tie himself up. I would be highly suspicious of an untied captive. Besides, It's traditonal.
Use Rope: [roll0]
Why, oh Traveler, can't I roll correctly!?
Hopping onto the fly, Nicos did his best to steer it with his feet.

2010-12-12, 10:38 AM
((As a case in point I have been informed by the stabby Satyr that his life has gotten the best of him, and is nholding him hostage... or is it suicide... I don't know it's one of those things split personality things. So for now The Satyr is having a moment of lapse as his two halves fight for control))

As you plunge into the shaft you arrive at the bottom rather quickly. As if on cue the room lights up and ou now find yourselves in a large circular room

The room is circular like a ball and you guys would be inside it for visual aide

The domed ceiling above you hangs cocoons, some larger then man size by great proportions. A large cavern to the east alights with 6 red eyes as a Gigantic Spider moves out from it though it does not attack. "My my.... intruders, it's been so long I'd forgotten what they looked like. Though I must say you are odd ones to be sure." The creature shakes as it chuckles, "Though if you are here you must have some worth, I shall make a deal with you then, I'll only kill half your number, the rest of you can go free."

Find the path points into the hole this spider came out from.

2010-12-12, 11:42 AM
As they emerge into the upper reaches of this great sphere, Theda sends a mental message to Tonn's two passengers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching our destination. Please prepare to disembark. IF you've got more of that fire, we might want to torch those cocoons before they become something other than cocoons."

Theda quickly bolsters her and Tonn's great strength. Tonn reaches back and plucks Morditai from her back, hurling him towards the massive spider. The two drift downwards away from the ceiling.

Tonn and Theda separate to about 20' apart, and both drift the lesser of 80' or halfway down into the sphere. Theda casts Bite of the Werebear, shared with Tonn. Tonn tosses Morditai, aiming at a square adjacent to the gargantuan spider - or as far as a strength of 39 can throw a satyr from a great height, whichever comes first.

initiative: [roll0]

2010-12-12, 11:44 AM
I have an alternate position, sir. One of my companions of your choice kills me. I'd reccomend the satyr. He likes to play with his food.
Nicos's face melted back on, grinning. He expected there would be a more entertaining way of going about this than watching his companions be massacred.
Bluff check:[roll0]
I'm counting on modatai just knocking me into negative hit points, where Nicos's ring can do the rest.

2010-12-13, 06:23 PM
Whatever you need to do to keep me from being spider chow is fine by me.

2010-12-14, 06:10 PM
The large spider looks over towards the satyr. "Very well then." It raises one of it's forelegs, bringing it down swiftly and piercing him through the gut. Blood nearly explodes from his body as he's hit with such great force. It began to drag the body over towards itself, most likely to consume it.

2010-12-14, 06:29 PM
I'd say that that's a 'no' to Nicos, then, and so much for me using Morditai as a distraction. :smallredface: If the spider's killed Morditai, that means that Tsumeken has processed my first round of actions, so we're over to Nicos and Pilo. There's a very good chance that the dragon that Pilo will stop being a dragon next round, and become something less pleasant to ride. Invelios, you should take the "prepare to disembark" warning literally.

2010-12-14, 06:56 PM
I'd say that that's a 'no' to Nicos, then, and so much for me using Morditai as a distraction. :smallredface: If the spider's killed Morditai, that means that Tsumeken has processed my first round of actions, so we're over to Nicos and Pilo. There's a very good chance that the dragon that Pilo will stop being a dragon next round, and become something less pleasant to ride. Invelios, you should take the "prepare to disembark" warning literally.

I never embarked, I can fly on my own power.

2010-12-14, 07:14 PM
Nicos remained calm.
I think you may have misundertood my position. The satyr kills me, rather than you killing the satyr. I was attempting to solve this diplomatically, but if you force me to...
Nicos draws his knives, and black flames flicker to life along their length.
Nicos flicks his head dismissively.
Hit me with your best, and we'll see how you fair with that. Well, that worked badly. Thank goodness we're twentieth level, and therefore likely to find some way to save Mordatai. Sorry, KingofLaughter, I'm afraid that was probably my fault.
Short swords drawn, dodge bonus taken out on the spider.

2010-12-14, 08:01 PM
In a flash, Tonn's scales change from bright green to an iridescent gold. Theda and Tonn circle towards the largest concentrations of the cocoons, staying well back from the spider enjoying its meal. Theda layers on another protection for them, while Tonn strafes the cocoons with flame.

Tonn changes into a young adult gold dragon. Theda casts Freedom of Movement, shared with Tonn. The two move to allow Tonn to hit as many of the dangling cocoons as possible with a 50' cone of fire. Fire damage: [roll0], Reflex DC 29 for half, if relevant.

2010-12-16, 01:19 PM
For everyone
It's okay, the thing is that King ofLaughter had to drop due to RL and school so in a way it was a nice way to say goodbye to the character. If he comes back maybe I'll have some strange evil resurection thing for him

The Spider looks up at the falming remains of it's past victims and brood of children as they fall from the coccons in a firey rain, desperate to escape the flames. (No ref for the flaming spiders falling, it's just for flavor text)

The Lord of Web (big spider), moves forward as it tries to attack towards Nicos with it's mandibles.

2010-12-16, 04:36 PM
Theda and Tonn drift downwards a bit, avoiding the flaming debris, but do not yet touch down. Not yet. Instead, Theda whirls, drawing on the combined might of Mabar and Latannia to bring the fire and the darkness to this battle. A gleaming rock appears in the air above the big spider, flashing down and smashing into him. Soon, it is joined by a pillar of fire. Meanwhile, Tonn shifts back into his gleaming emerald form, unleashing a piercing shriek at the massive spider.

Tonn shapeshifts into an emerald dragon. Both move as needed to maintain flight.

Theda casts a quickened Flame Strike ([roll0] damage, Reflex DC 21 for half, half of damage is fire, half is divine) and an empowered Cometfall (Spell Compendium pg 50. [roll1] x 1.5 = 79 untyped damage, Reflex DC 23 for half. If save is failed, it is also knocked prone).

Tonn breathes a cone of sound at the spider. [roll2] sonic damage, Reflex DC 27 for half, and Fort save DC 27 or deafened for [roll3] rounds.

2010-12-16, 05:02 PM
Pilo begins Casting.

Polymorph any object, to turn the spider into a bunny (a fluffy bunny). Save DC 30

Roll to be SR


2010-12-16, 06:54 PM
Nicos is likely caught in all of that, too.
Save to avoid Emerald Strike[roll0]
Save to avoid Commetfall[roll1]
Fort save for sonic cone [roll2]
Sonic cone save [roll3]
43 damage and deafened. Boom.
The spider hit him too, both times. Ouch. Glad I brought a Ring of Nine Lives. Save to avoid likely instant death on the other thread. Never mind.
Nicos grit his teeth as the wave of magical power hit him, variously deafening him, pummeling him and generally ripping through him. It was only through a nearly preternatural ability to get dodge the incoming projectiles that he survived with barely a scratch.
Nicos shook it off, and stabbed at the spider, black flame trailing from his daggers.
Rolls to hit in OOC thread.

2010-12-16, 07:17 PM
Nicos is likely caught in all of that, too.

The room is a big sphere and Tonn is flying, so positioning the cone of sound so that it hits the GARGANTUAN spider and not the medium-sized Nicos should not be a problem. Even less trouble for the flame strike and cometfall (with only a 10' radius and 5' radius each, they can each happen within the spider's area). Give us a little credit for not wanting to kill you!

2010-12-16, 08:39 PM
The room is a big sphere and Tonn is flying, so positioning the cone of sound so that it hits the GARGANTUAN spider and not the medium-sized Nicos should not be a problem. Even less trouble for the flame strike and cometfall (with only a 10' radius and 5' radius each, they can each happen within the spider's area). Give us a little credit for not wanting to kill you!Nicos has about 909 effective hit points, he was in no danger.:smallsmile:

2010-12-17, 07:44 PM

Against bunniness (Fort)
[roll0] (horray for match though bunny pancake sounds funny)
Against Tolindar's attacks (ref, ref, fort)
[roll1] (fail)
[roll2] (fail, Knocked Prone auto fails other saves)

The Spider Lord resists the sudden urge to wiggle it's nose and eat carrots but feels the pain of both the Pillar of flame and large space Rock that crash down upon it. The cone of sonic ripples through it's body as the vibrations shake it's bones and innards with the cacophony.

As Nicos rushes forward at the large now prone spider he begins to go Ginsu on it, slashing quikly and accurately across it's face as it screams from the damage it has taken.

Bright light encases the spider for a split second before it disappears and reappears standing on the other side of the chamber, It's mandibles opens as it releases a viscous spray towards group (ref save 25 to dodge all damage rolled in OOC)

Spider can Quicken-Blink, he's not called the lord of the web for nothing

2010-12-17, 09:55 PM

Theda and Tonn adjust their flight pattern together to accommodate the spider's new position. Glancing over at Nicos and Pilo, she hefts a flaming eyebrow and smiles.

"If at first you don't succeed, gentlemen..."

Tonn shifts into a sinuous red dragon form and breathes a blast of flame at it. Drawing a rod from the bag at her belt, Theda pointed it at the spider. A huge boulder appears above it and tumbles down, shattering to rubble around the massive beast.

Have a great Christmas, early and otherwise.

Tonn turns into a young adult red dragon. Theda draws her rod of Maximize as she and Tonn move into range above the Spider King.

Tonn breathes fire on the spider ([roll0] fire damage, Reflex Save DC 28 for half.)
Theda casts Bombardment, maximized using the rod (152 damage, Reflex DC 30 for half. On a failed save, the spider is buried under rubble, and needs to make a DC 20 strength check as a full round action in order to move.

2010-12-20, 09:44 PM
Nicos dropped to the floor as the spider sprays the group in acidic goo.
Indeed. Nicos whispered.
The spider hit Nicos earlier. How much damage was that?
And, more importantly, does Nicos's DR work?

2010-12-21, 04:12 PM
sry, I thought I gave differed what the damage was. is 34 and DR is applied. now for saves

saves (failed)
Ref saves

The spider is hit again by the assault of the two airborne assailants. The rubble quashing it neath the rock and flames, it still twitches with life though it is clear that it is nearing it's end

((all others can still take their turns))

2010-12-21, 04:17 PM
Pilo casts again. time to end this.

Phatasmal Killer Save DC 31

2010-12-21, 05:48 PM

This action will of course be cut short if Pilo's spell kills the spider.

Theda and Tonn pull absurdly large hammers out of the bag around Tonn's neck, and drop down out of the air, changing into massive blue-haired giants as they do so. Each slams a hammer down on the spider - Theda, repeatedly.

Theda and Tonn turn into Titans. Theda uses Lion's Pounce to burn a feat to full-attack on this action.
Theda attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Theda attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Theda attack: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

Tonn attack (5 points of power attack): [roll6] Damage: [roll7]

Jump checks to reduce falling damage, as needed:
Theda: [roll8] Tonn: [roll9]

2010-12-21, 06:06 PM
Nicos sheathes the knives and draws the skull-headed rod again, and points it at the spider.
Purple-black fire congeals around the head of the rod, starting from the eyes of the iron skull and spreading to cover it in it's entirety. It then leaps off the rod, flying to the spider.
5 charges from warlock's sceptere used.
Touch attack[roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-12-21, 09:56 PM
Will save
[roll0] (Really? by 1)

The spider's mind already in a wrack of pain rends the last shred of life from it's master as the illusion claims it, the huge creature that one ruled this ave lies dead and unmoving before you all as the cocoons above continue to flicker in their last moments of flaming splendor.

2010-12-22, 05:13 AM
Theda sends out a quick mental message to her companions.

"Nice work, gentlemen. Our object is down that passage that the spider came from. Would either of you be able to determine whether there are any magical resonances in this room we should be checking, or if we'd be free to move along?"

2010-12-22, 08:31 AM
Aye, I can handle that bit of work.

Casts Detect magic.

2010-12-22, 10:21 AM
Detect Magic
Even though it is dead, something inside the spider seems to be radiating a strong magical presence.

2010-12-22, 10:35 AM
The spider.....it is....radiating.....magic.

2010-12-22, 11:07 AM
Nicos closes his eyes and extends his senses.
I see it too. How odd.
detect magic (at will) activated.

2010-12-22, 03:12 PM
There is a bright flash of light from the back of the cave where the World Weaver was sensed from.

2010-12-22, 03:52 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Before Iivraena could even ask what the Kyton had asked, she hissed angrily as yet another flash of light engulfed her and, once again, transported her. Her grip on Alakdriirn's leash tightened as she looked around .... allowed her gaze to go to Alakdriirn for a couple seconds .... looked around again, and then not even bothering to control her volume, screamed in Undercommon, "DAMNIT! TELEPORTED AGAIN?! WHOEVER FINDS THIS AMUSING IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF! I WAS SO CLOSE TOO! SON OF A....!!!!" She decided there was no sense in going on as what had happened had already done so... and she forced herself to calm down long enough to get her breathing back to normal.

After her fourth or so deep breath, she was more calm than before. "Alright...." Her anger, however, hadn't completely gone and it showed as she began dragging Alakdriirn roughly beside her. "I'm at least pretty damn sure we're not here by ourselves...." She definitely hoped not at least; it'd be the worst way to be teleported; in an unknown place and alone. Well, mostly alone she supposed. A sadistic smirk crossed her face as she decided that, should the two have been teleported to a secluded spot, it might not be the worst in the end. After all.... that way she'd be able to focus on giving herself a legacy to begin working on, per say.

Still though, that was only a possibility and depending hugely on what may or may not happen here. Her right eye continued to gaze around her new surroundings. Her left remained covered by her eyepatch. As far as her arms, her left continued holding tightly onto Alakdriirn's while her right remained, for now, near her rapier.

This place, thankfully, seemed to be warmer than Levistus's layer, which had made it annoying to remain there and thus her clothes... if one could even call them that.... were more comfortable to be wearing. Her long silver hair flowed behind her back and was left untied by any type of binder. Her clerical robes were black with hints of crimson, the black representing Lolth and the crimson symbolizing blood. Usually, she wore those for when she was sacrificing people in Lolth's name but since she hadn't been able to change prior to the first teleportation, she'd been stuck wearing those. A spider pendant that was meant to go along with her robes hung around her neck and, of course, sandals covered her feet.

Beside her, Alakdriirn wore even less than herself, with only a simple pair of robes and shoes so he wouldn't step on anything such as glass and cut himself. He had his own flowing white hair that was a bit longer than hers, though she cared not. Whereas Iivraena's eyes were crimson, his were dark and piercing, often matching the same gaze she had to give him whenever he disobeyed her. Thankfully, however, this hadn't been the case recently. At first glance, he seemed to be defenseless... but that could be further from the truth. Of course, it was also better that he appear to be this way as it often took people off guard easily.

Iivraena's eye continued gazing around as she continued dragging Alakdriirn beside her. By now, she was definitely calmer though she was still annoyed at having been teleported to some random place. "Well...time to see whom or what is here...." She murmured quietly to herself as she kept her eye and ears both open.

2010-12-22, 04:23 PM
Whoa, who the hell are you and where did you come from? says Pilo, adopting a defensive stance.

Great now I get to be outclassed as a writer by you in two threads virgo :) good to see you here.

2010-12-22, 04:45 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena felt herself subconsciously step in front of Alakdriirn. Sure, this probably looked weird if anyone knew of Drows... but she had a strategy behind it. He was her long range fighter... among other things.... and that in itself was enough to have made her throughout the years agree to protect his life in exchange for him remaining loyal to her. Her right hand remained a bit above her rapier but, for now, didn't dare touch it.

"I could ask you the same. While I'd prefer you to answer me first .... you will have more answers for what I'm about to ask so, for now, I'll oblige with answering you. I am Iivraena Lil'kenafin and this is Alakdriirn. We were trying to do a favor for Levistus .... somehow, we both got teleported before we could his job though. Hopefully he'll have seen I didn't leave on my own accord and thus take his wrath out on me now that I know I won't be likely to finish his request. Now then.... who are you all and where the hell are we exactly?"

2010-12-22, 04:57 PM
On the far side of the spherical cavern, a massive spider is literally belly-up, showing numerous cuts and scorch marks on its flesh. Drifting down to the ground nearby is a balor demon wreathed in flames, carrying a stick that would be, for it, little more than a conductor's baton, a slender backpack slung above its bat-wings. Nearby a gleaming red dragon with a bag hanging from its collar. As they settle, the dragon shifts, becoming stockier and shorter, its scales turning from crimson to a gleaming, sparkling green.

If a true seeing effect is active:
Instead, you see a composed, middle-aged human woman, bedecked in jewelry, brandishing a slender staff, and a tyrannosaurus, with the aforementioned bag hanging from its collar.

She turns her attention to the two new drow, who - she hoped - would prove both less intractible and longer-lived than the last two. The balor turns to examine the two. She didn't understand the drow's words, so decided to cut to the chase, and send her thoughts to them directly.

"Hello. We're not here to kill more than we have to, but when we have to, we kill. You are on a world on the material plane, in the home of a dead spider. We are also here at the behest of a teleportation-happy employer, but not Levistus."

2010-12-22, 05:57 PM
A short, smiling man stands in the center of the chamber, smiling faintly. He almost radiates charisma and self confidence. If you were to run into him again, you probably wouldn't recognize him; black hair, long, a little shaggy and a couple days worth of stubble seemed to be stock human male characteristics. Except for the eyes. They're a bland, green-white, with the pupils dialated so far they seem to be little more than pinholes of black. There's a little bit of a psychotic sparkle behind them.
Two drow, one shouting in a language I can't understand, and another remaining stoically silent. Gnome, care to translate?

2010-12-22, 06:23 PM
A short, smiling man stands in the center of the chamber, smiling faintly. He almost radiates charisma and self confidence. If you were to run into him again, you probably wouldn't recognize him; black hair, long, a little shaggy and a couple days worth of stubble seemed to be stock human male characteristics. Except for the eyes. They're a bland, green-white, with the pupils dialated so far they seem to be little more than pinholes of black. There's a little bit of a psychotic sparkle behind them.
Two drow, one shouting in a language I can't understand, and another remaining stoically silent. Gnome, care to translate?

Aye, I would, if i had a clue as to what the dark lass was saying.

2010-12-22, 06:25 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena felt nothing short of relief as the balor spoke to her and admitted they weren't intending on killing her along with giving her the answer as to where they were now. She also realized her Undercommon tongue was foreign to them and she spoke in Common finally upon this realization, "Oh? Really now? So what teleporting-loving demon chose you all then?" Her right hand finally relaxed as it remained by her side and away from her rapier. No sense in getting ready for an attack that wouldn't happen.

Hopefully, the answer would be a more powerful demon as whomever it may or may not be would determine the rewards she could have gotten and seeing if the ones she would be more likely to get this way were better or worse. Granted, a part of her was still somewhat concerned about if Levistus would be angered for her "disappearance" despite it not being her fault. Still... his words were repeating in her mind and she realized now he said she and the others would have been able to make enemies easily; he never said, however, himself wasn't included. Hopefully if we're teleported again, it'll only to be back to the demon and rewarded .... While her mind was racing, another question came to her, "Also, what were you sent to get anyways?"

2010-12-22, 06:38 PM

The balor smiles slightly, and responds aloud to the inquisitive drow woman.

"Please don't misunderstand, but you've caught us at rather a pivotal moment, and...well, frankly, we have no reason to believe that you're not allied with others whom we've been fighting today. What plane were you teleported away from? Perhaps I could return you there."

2010-12-22, 07:11 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena sighed a bit. Though the answers didn't overly amaze her, it was still annoying to hear at times. She smirked a bit as she noted now Alakdriirn was in front of her instead of the other way around, merely signing to him, If this last bit of talking doesn't go well... then prepare for the worst. For now, just remain on guard.

Her smirk remained as she began speaking again to the Balor, "Just somewhere from the material plane. I know not exact locations. However... I realize you don't completely trust me. No sane person would do so with any Drow... which is fair enough I suppose. However, I know I've already proven myself. Let me just word it this way; if I really wanted to have taken any of your souls, I could do so in a heart beat. The fact that you all are still standing is, I hope, proof enough. Or, if this isn't, I'll give myself a blood oath to you all. But know this.... I am not getting teleported away again... not unless it's by a demon who will give me rewards for whatever reasons, whether merely me now being associated with you all or otherwise. But I'm sick of being moved around like a damn toy so I'm not letting you just send me away!" She crossed her arms across her chest, hinting she was dead serious about all of her words, especially the teleporting.

2010-12-22, 07:59 PM
To All Those Detecting Magic:
While this conversation is interesting.... the large magical presence you felt from the spider has begun moving and is slowly but surely making it's way towards the cave where the World Weaver is held.

2010-12-22, 08:10 PM
My soul is already spoken for, however, that magical presence I mentioned earlier, is hightailing it that away. Pilo points in the direction the magic is moving. I say we keep her. I mean our old nutcase died so we do need a new one.

2010-12-22, 08:31 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena stared at the gnome, unsure of whether she should be thanking him or lashing out her temper at him. Granted, he hadn't called her a toy but he may as well have just called her a "pet".... and that was the last thing she was. "Hmph.... at least he gets the idea. I suggest, especially if you do have some other person here aside from yourselves and me, follow suit with him. Now then...." Her eye went right to the gnome. "This magic source you speak of... where exactly is it coming from? Show me... assuming you wouldn't mind...."

2010-12-22, 08:33 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena stared at the gnome, unsure of whether she should be thanking him or lashing out her temper at him. Granted, he hadn't called her a toy but he may as well have just called her a "pet".... and that was the last thing she was. "Hmph.... at least he gets the idea. I suggest, especially if you do have some other person here aside from yourselves and me, follow suit with him. Now then...." Her eye went right to the gnome. "This magic source you speak of... where exactly is it coming from? Show me... assuming you wouldn't mind...."

Pilo points at the area detect magic is displaying.

2010-12-22, 09:01 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena felt her fist clench subconsciously upon him pointing the answer out. Still, it was better than none but it also reminded her of why she got so annoyed with men often. "Thank you....." She managed to get out, trying to keep her tone as calm as possible. She tugged on Alakdriirn's leash and began heading over. Get ready for another possible fight.... or, if it's not a fight, more talking.... She signed to him, finding herself back in front of him now.

2010-12-22, 09:24 PM

Theda extends her mental voice to include the two newcomers.

"This is fascinating and all, but I'd like to make sure that whatever the hells that is doesn't get in the way. You're welcome to follow us."

The balor and dragon launch themselves into the air, orienting to zip along the scorched upper reaches of the cavern. Following the lead of her spell, the Balor and dragon swish over the heads of the two drow and into the tunnel beyond.

2010-12-22, 09:38 PM
For Everyone Following the Detect Magic Source:
You see a spindle surrounded in bright purple thread. It is suspended among many webs. A large glowing larva about the size of a young red dragon is moving towards it. It appears to be the thing that was emanating magic.

2010-12-22, 10:21 PM
Pilo casts. If this fails make for the spindle, it appears that is its target.

Mage hand to toss the spindle to Theda, if it appears to heavy, I will move over and grab it, if possible.

2010-12-23, 10:27 AM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena now hated more than ever the fact she had been teleported in the middle of some.... situation of sorts. However, given everyone's reactions she was seeing thus far, something told her the larva wasn't a good sign for them. If she knew more about this thing.... it'd make more sense to her as to why everyone was doing what they were. Her head looked up slightly in thought as she began going over spells in her mind and trying to figure out what would be the most useful in this sort of situation. She spoke allowing herself to be addressing anyone who knew the answer to the following, "Is this supposed to be part of the favor for whichever demon you're serving? I never was informed about that part....."

2010-12-23, 11:36 AM
I am serving, you mean. The others are merely drafted into his service. As for my soul, I'm afraid you wouldn't want it. There are strings attached. What it does, we don't know, and likely haven't bothered to care. Nicos pauses. Do you have names, or should I just call you male drow and female drow?
Nicos mentally ran over everything he had heard about drow. Looking critically at it, it wasn't much. Dark skin, cruel, arrogant, and conniving. And, what was it, were they the ones that danced around in groves, frolicking with fey? No...that was the other kind.
Nicos gave the maggot-thing a critical look.
If it can oppose us at all, it probably has some form of supernatural power. I doubt anything like that could offer physical resistance at all.
Theda, in that form you're the fastest of all of us, most likely. Would you be so kind as to grab the spindle?

2010-12-23, 12:50 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena felt her fists clench again as the male spoke. Still, some answer was better than none and that much she'd give him credit for. "And your master is?" She asked, her eyes never leaving the spindle to ensure whatever was moving towards it didn't get to it before the Balor.

2010-12-23, 01:47 PM
As the spindle flies to Theda the larva appears to follow it as if trying to catch up to it.

When Theda grabs the Spindle
A portal opens behind you all large enough that even tranformed Theda and tTon can fit through. Inside you see the Antechamber of Beelzebub wherre you had been given your initial mission.

2010-12-23, 02:05 PM
Nicos gestures to Beezlebub on his throne, and smirks.

2010-12-23, 03:10 PM
This is on the assumption that the larva is visible with true seeing. If not, let me know and I'll restate the action.

Theda tucks the spindle away for further examination later. She waves to Beelzebul briefly, wondering how he might feel about one of his contractors taking on the guise of one of his blood-war foes. Ah well. More pressing issues to deal with. She shakes her head and sends her thoughts to the others, including the two drow.

"Hello, folks? this creature came out of the spider we just killed. Odds are good that it's not friendly. And what do we do with not friendly? That's right. We kill it."

This said, Theda transforms into a blue dragon. She and Tonn unleash a stroke of electricity and a burst of painful sound at the larva, and then swoop down to the ground near Iivraena and Alakdriirn.

Theda breath: [roll0], Reflex DC 26 for half.
Tonn breath: [roll1], Reflex DC 25 for half.

2010-12-23, 05:36 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Tsume's out but I'm going to assume the Planes check at least succeeded....

Iivraena smirked as she noticed the face through the portal. Last her memory served her, he was even higher up in ranks than Levistus. Perhaps this teleporting hadn't been so bad after all... it was certainly seeming like that. "Hmph... well then... it seems your Lord will have two more assistants, assuming he doesn't mind." She merely said to the human.

Her hands began quickly signing to Alakdriirn, Get ready to blast at the larva. I, myself, will see about giving it a massive amount of damage in one hit. Should this fail, however, watch my back for me....

As she finished signing to him, she let go of his leash, knowing she'd need both of her hands free in order to go through with her spell. She began moving her hands and speaking the actual spell in Undercommon, aiming to hit the larva with a Harm Spell.

Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: 150 unless makes it's Will save for half

2010-12-23, 05:53 PM
The larva shakes as the sonic and electric vibrations shoot through it. But it's not until the Drow places a hand on it that it lets out a shriek of pain. It's body twitches and convulses as small cuts appear on it's body before they erupt into full-fledged wounds, spraying a putrid mucus as it deflates like an over-ripe squash. Some of the larval guts find themselves on the Drow.

2010-12-23, 06:27 PM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena chuckled a bit, her smirk remaining. She then looked up and down herself a bit then shrugged the mess that was now upon her off. After all, she was used to getting a bit dirty in order to deal with most foes and now was no exception. Hopefully, what she had just done would be enough proof to reassure them all she was on their side. She then turned to Nicos, realizing she had yet to properly introduce herself to any of them, her tongue shifting to Common as she spoke to them all, "I am Iivraena Lil'kenafin and this is Alakdriirn. I don't believe I've gotten any of your names if I'm not much mistaken..."

2010-12-23, 06:52 PM
Nicos Spherideon. Nicos says simply. He looked around. I don't think he seems to be too picky with servants in any case, as long as they can pull their own in a fight.

2010-12-23, 11:20 PM

Theda transforms back into a balor, and checks to ensure that the bits of larva are burning off of her skin. She nods to Iivraena.

"I am Theda Bara. This is Tonn. I'm afraid any titles I might have held have been left behind on another world.

"Nice work with that...whatever it was. Good to see that both of you can handle yourselves."

She glances around, to ensure that the spirit of whatever that was wasn't reforming again, and then looks down at the spindle she had caught.

Spellcraft to determine whether it's some sort of Gate mechanism, a communications tool, or something else entirely. [roll0]

2010-12-24, 10:39 AM
It appears to be magical thread, most likely the World Weaver you were sent for. Most likely the demon prince sensed that you had it in your possession and therefore opened a gate for you to return to it at.

2010-12-24, 11:46 AM
~Iivraena Lil'kenafin~

Iivraena nodded, acknowledging all the but gnome's name thus far. Her smirk, if anything, seemed to grow upon hearing Theda's compliment. "But of course. Divine magic is my specialty." For now, she'd leave it at that. After all, until she herself was certain none of them would try to backstab herself or Alakdriirn, she was going to try to avoid giving out too much information on either of them. Nonetheless, she did feel the basics were, at least, necessary.

As Theda began examining the spinel, she allowed her room and space to investigate it. This didn't stop her from, however, asking questions that were equally necessary. "Is that what Beezlebub wanted you all to get?" It was sorta sad how much easier this mission seemed in comparison to the one Levistus had given her and the others. Things were definitely beginning to look a lot better ever since this "transfer" of sorts had occurred. Now all she needed soon was a bath, her rewards especially now that she'd proved she was definitely associated with this new group and ..... "alone time" with Alakdriirn. Just thinking of everything she wanted and, would probably get soon, made her smirk more as she went back over to regrab Alakdriirn's leash, holding it firmly once again in her left hand.

2010-12-24, 12:17 PM
The balor's brow furrows in confusion.

"I'm...not sure."

Is the Find the Path spell now guiding me towards the spindle in my hand, or still down the tunnel where the spider emerged?