View Full Version : Emotional Responses to Various Media

2010-10-16, 07:12 PM
I just finished my second viewing of the Amine movie ‘5 Centimeters per Second,’ by Makoto Shinkai. The last time I watched it was over one year ago, and I decided I should watch it again after a bit of thinking. When I first found out about it, many of the people I was talking to repeated things I’d heard elsewhere; that the second time they watched it was when it hit them the most. After sitting down and watching it here, I agree with them. The true emotion of the work came out for its second viewing. And I did something I couldn’t do for the first time I watched it; I cried. A single tear amidst two wet eyes, but I finally cried. It took me nearly a year and a half, but I finally enjoyed it as much as I had wanted to- more so, by satisfaction. I cried when the credits began to roll, and I’ve never before felt this type of mixture of both happiness and sadness. Some may think I’m over blowing it as more than it is, but I’m not basing what I just felt off of what others thought or think about it. This was amazing. It was an experience I’ve never felt when reading or watching anything else. It was my most enjoyed film. And yes. I felt that deserved a thread.


In actuality, I’m making a thread with it as the opening statement in the hopes that others come and tell of similar moments like this; when the emotions they felt after having read a book or watched a film or listened to a song hit them harder than they’d expected (or exactly as they’d expected), for better or for worse. And maybe expand upon them a bit so the thread lasts a page or two. So then… Have you?

2010-10-16, 07:22 PM
I don't cry easily, because I'm a Robot that developed a mind of its own and decided to start posting in internet forums without spamming, unlike my spambot brethren.

Because of this, I usually assume if something brings one single tear to my eye it "made me cry".

In anime this has happened a couple of times.... Angel Beats! was the latest. Zero no Tsukaima's Season 2 finale also caused this.... I mean, damn. That was emotion right there. :smallfrown:

Also: Mahoraba. Gawd... it wasn't supposed to be so emotional but it had that one single tear jerker episode that had me going BAAAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!! (I think it was episode 22.)