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View Full Version : Rules regarding paladin mount

2010-10-19, 04:40 AM
Hi all

Just a quick question regarding whether or not the improved evasion feature the paladin's special mount recieves applies to it's rider or just to it.

thanks in advance

2010-10-19, 06:19 AM
Just the mount. Usually the mount has far less HP (and far worse saves) than its rider, so Improved Evasion helps it.

2010-10-19, 07:24 AM
Ah I see.

I kind of thought it might apply to the rider, since it is allitle hard to imagine a giant eagle barrel rolling out of the way of a fireball and leaving its paladin to get scorched in the full blast. But that did seem alittle too good. Would essentially give paladins the improved evasion class feature in most situations.

thanks for the help.

2010-10-19, 07:32 AM
The problem with mounts is that past level 10 or so, unless they are optimized trough the roof (Adult Gold Dragon mount anyone?) they usually fall prey to collateral damage in some random encounter. It's particularly bad when it's half your class's feature and it gets one-shotted by a chained Disintegrate or some such. A Wizard will shrug and summon another Phantom Steed, but the Paladin has to suffer quite a bit.

The Paladin is one of the better non-full caster tanks out there, due to saves and high HP, so he will likely outlive his mount. Be prepared for that and invest in a Ring of Feather Falling if you take to the skies.

2010-10-19, 07:33 AM
You could think of it as turning to shield itself while accidentally leaving the rider open for the blast.

2010-10-19, 07:35 AM
You could think of it as turning to shield itself while accidentally leaving the rider open for the blast.

Wow. Paladin mounts are bastards.

2010-10-19, 07:39 AM
Wow. Paladin mounts are bastards.

No they're not. They have so much empathy that they know the Paladin will have a horrible time dealing with their death and that the Paladin would rather sacrifice themself than see their companion suffer, so they dodge out the way and let the Paladin take the full brunt in order to save them such pain :smalltongue:

2010-10-19, 07:39 AM
Wow. Paladin mounts are bastards.

No more so than low-level familiars.

2010-10-19, 07:40 AM
hehe... maybe the mount gets improved evasion precisely because it puts it's rider in the way of the blast, lessening the damage to itself. After all, the Paladin has magical healing, no?

2010-10-19, 07:42 AM
hehe... maybe the mount gets improved evasion precisely because it puts it's rider in the way of the blast, lessening the damage to itself. After all, the Paladin has magical healing, no?

It can use that on the mount too!

No, those sneaky animals know what they are doing...

2010-10-19, 07:43 AM
It can use that on the mount too!

No, those sneaky animals know what they are doing...

They resent being used as mounts, maybe.

2010-10-19, 07:46 AM
Maybe being a Paladin Mount instills the mentality of a cat into the animal in question i.e. the Paladin is it's lackey and protector, and it is the important one.

2010-10-19, 08:02 AM
Maybe being a Paladin Mount instills the mentality of a cat into the animal in question i.e. the Paladin is it's lackey and protector, and it is the important one.

That settles it. My next paladin mount will be a feline of some kind.

2010-10-19, 08:13 AM
That settles it. My next paladin mount will be a feline of some kind.

What's YOUR game?!? (http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/world-of-warcraft-mr-t-night-elf-mohawk/012c0a5b1f0dd3f0c796012c0a5b1f0dd3f0c796-227699327081?q=night%20elf%20mohawk&FROM=LKVR5&GT1=LKVR5&FORM=LKVR3)

2010-10-19, 10:40 AM
That settles it. My next paladin mount will be a feline of some kind.
Perhaps a dire lion that looks like a normal housecat, just for flavor purposes?

2010-10-19, 01:09 PM
Wow. Paladin mounts are bastards.

Tell me about it.

I once saw a paladin mount get hit by a confusion spell.

It got "attack closest ally."

The paladin suddenly found himself in a grappling match with the horse he was riding (and the horse was winning).