View Full Version : Simply Epic IC [Team Serious]

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 01:59 PM
After raiding the Organization's base, you have learned the secret of the artifacts you and they have been competing to collect: they somehow control the ancient weapon Bassilgard, a gigantic construct dragon as big as a mountain. While you were raiding The Organization's base, Valderg((BBEG)) had already left for the world that held Bassilgard, with five artifacts in tow. However, through a last-ditch assault, you all managed to board his second ship, one that was getting ready to leave, and have set off after him, with the guild's four artifacts. Not many people made it on the ships: a smattering of basic soldiers, some veterans, and ten elite members: a dragonborn Sandshaper on a quest for his god; an Arrow Demon mercenary who hunts for meaning; a Celestial healer in search of hidden knowledge; a half-demoness who lusts for power, or is it control?; an aesthetic swordsman whose reasons are his own; a warforged determined to bring back a Golden Age; a madman who desires redemption; an amalgamated sorceress who fights against oppressors; a former familiar who seeks an end to magic; and an iron warrior trying to define his new life.

A wild-looking, golden-haired woman in chainmail mans the helm of your ship, the Golden Dowsing Rod's finest pilot, Merrikin. You're all crowd onto a small planejammer shaped like a boat, with a black mast and ribbed sails and a massive pair of horns curving up from the figurehead.

Some of you are belowdecks in seats, the rest are out in the open air to witness the travel firsthand. Merrikin, having flown you out from the exploding docks of The Organization's base, takes a small crystalline rod and inserts it into the helm, causing the whole ship to shudder and begin to glow. She grabs the wheel and cranks it violently, pulling the 'jammer up. A golden light flares up from the horns, firing a ray at the sky that causes a rift form and to coalesce into a dark-colored, solid-looking disc. Without any warning, she slams the helm controls, rushing the ship headlong into the portal. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJq6UrHxdQs)

The rushing winds and dim, greenish glow from below part to throw you into a wall of chilly, rolling white clouds. The vessel pierces the cloud cover and you pass through two branches of an immense tree that appear to form a ring. The limbs of the massive plant seem to be everywhere as the vessel takes a dizzying dive, always seeming ready to collide with your small boat and end your days. Finally, the ship's careening dies down as the pilot levels it off, and you burst from the tree into an open sky. Below, you see the tree eventually roots into a landmass that spreads out like giant roots into seven distinct regions. Bassilgard lies beyond the mountains in the middle root-like continent, and your pilot aims the ship in that direction. "Mate! Tell the members down below they need to make use of this time to try to figure out their artifacts!"
A small grizzled man with a red bandana salutes, and heads down below, while Merrikin calls out to those above deck,
"Forge has two of them over by the stern, if you want to help him examine them."

Team Serious is down below, with two artifacts. One is a large hexagonal crystal that changes color depending on where you look at it. A small ring of fire is the center. The other is a black ball that breathes out air at a steady pace from a onyx ring set on top.Team Serious is down below, with two artifacts. One is a large hexagonal crystal that changes color depending on where you look at it. A small ring of fire is the center. The other is a black ball that breathes out air at a steady pace from a onyx ring set on top.

Remember, you are not allowed in the other team's OOC or IC threads. Also, in case you didn't know, do not read spoilers unless they have no descriptor, OOC, or your name above them. People caught reading other's spoilers shall face consequences.

2010-10-19, 03:02 PM
Atanis Babylon

And of course, the important parts are put off to the last moment, so everyone can scramble to do them. Perfect, right? The demoness conceals her amusement at the situation.

Atanis lounges on the floor, resting against the side of the ship with her legs stretched out before her. Petra is at her side (as always), her golden hair spilling over the Atanis's shoulder, where Petra currently lays her head. Despite the gravity of their situation, Atanis seems quite relaxed- though that doesn't mean she isn't taking this seriously. The gleam in her eyes and the small but wickedly satisfied smile on her lips tell how she's really feeling, for any who care to look for the signs.

"Looks like we're getting close. Not much longer, now."
A strand of her long black hair flicks out to snatch up the hexagonal gem, bringing it to her hand.
"Lets see what this thing really is, shall we?"
The demoness bobs the gem in her palm, feeling the weight and examining how it glitters, seeking the shine of magic and power over it while analyzing every piece of it.
"Key to the Bassilgard, hm..."

Her fiery orange eyes focus on the gem as Atanis concentrates on her magic, hoping to divine a bit more than she knows already... and she knows quite a lot. In her mind, she peels through every scrap of information that might be useful to her examination, hoping she'll pick up on some clue or fragment that could aid set her on the right track.

I can take 10 on intelligence base checks (Epic Hero Intelligence Virtue), so...
Whatever Knowledge Arcana 47 and Knowledge Religion 50 checks would tell us, she'll know. Or if another knowledge skill would be useful, I can try that too.

Most importantly, however, Spellcraft. She'll cast Divine Insight, which allows her to add +15 to her check and then she'll take 10, which gives a total of: 64.

I don't expect this to automatically identify anything, but hopefully it should give vital clues.

Also, she's using her Paragon Visionary power, and her Detect Magic capabilities from Warlock. Just to help out.

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 03:30 PM

Your considerable knowledge of magic devices leads you to conclude this must be some sort of key or triggering mechanism. You sense definite presence of Divine and Arcane magic. Your knowledge of the arcane hints at something about dragon's breath, but as you cast Detect magic, however, a blinding blue light erupts from the crystal. and the thought is lost.

As Atanis begins fiddling with the crystal, she casts a simple cantrip on it. The blue aura that flares up from the crystal blinds you with its fierce intensity, unlike any power you've ever experienced before or since.
As it fades away, you're all left blinking spots out of your eyes.

2010-10-19, 05:10 PM
Miri had been humming quietly to herself as she looked out one of the porthole in the ships side when Atanis caused one of the crystal to flash. Blinking away the reflected flash, she turns around and walks towards the other crystal, stopping just over it. "So they tend to flash when poked and prodded...?" She mummers as she pulls out some ivory strips and a small lens. Her sweet, smooth voice raises in a song, something about history and days gone by, as she studies and places the ivory around the the black ball without touching it.
Casting Analyze Dweomer in the off chance that it'll work though I know it'll probably fail. If Analyze Dweomer actually works then use the remaining time on the other crystal as well. If those don't do anything then cast Legend Lore on the black ball.
time for Legend Lore
[roll0] x result by 10
bardic knowledge
arcana, history, nature, planes, religion

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 05:29 PM
Just a quick clarification, the black ball has texture like leather, not a crystal

It seems like some sort of bellows, constantly pumping out air on and off, pulsating slightly each time. You immediately are reminded of a lung. As you cast Analyse Dweamor, there's a loud whooshing sound, and a blast of air explodes from the ball, forcing you back a step. Reflex save please. Rolled for ya

As Miri tries a stronger identifying spell, and explosion of compressed air WHOOSHES out from the ball, powerful enough to send chairs screeching along the floor away from it, and Miri is forced back, almost looking like she'll drop the ball, but managing to keep hold of it despite the blast.

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 05:46 PM
Rolling for Miri since I want to edit that post
Ref [roll0]

2010-10-19, 06:01 PM

The half-giant is relaxing on a couch, a hood pulled over his head. Then people start casting spells, and lights start going off. Stretching, Megil put a large hand on the dragon-born to steady him.

Knock it off, will ya? It obviously reacts to spells. Try casting a different spell from each school. If the wind just gets stronger with more potent spells, then it's some kind of condenser.

He sat back down, yawning. All this sitting around and investigating stuff was getting boring.

2010-10-19, 06:08 PM

Atanis watches Miri's efforts with the same, half-raised eyebrow she gave to the crystal's reaction to her own attempts.
"Magic must be a trigger for their attempts. I think the crystal will power the Bassilgard in a more offensive or destructive manner, or it is at least related to such things. I wonder..."

Noting that the more potent magic caused a more potent reaction, Atanis gets a little inspiration and idea, apparently at the same time Megil did.
"We both used divining magic, unless I miss my guess. I agree with Megil, but with one exception- Don't go casting anything dangerous at them, definitely not Evocative magic. Given the reactions we've received so far, it seems all too possible that they might destroy something..."

This in mind, Atanis focuses her magic towards the crystal again, giving people ample warning in case they wanted to close their eyes or look away.
I assume Atanis will be able to easily identify Miri's spells with Paragon Visionary and her exceptional Spellcraft. At minimum, she really should know that it is divination magic (which I assume it is from 'identifying spell').

Given this deduction, she's going to try using her Charm invocation on the crystal. It's still fairly low power, acts like Charm Person, so it wouldn't normally have any effect on the crystal... but given that it seems to react to magic, she figures it might trigger something. Question is, will it trigger something different than Detect Magic would?

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 06:11 PM
Yes, you definitely know what spell Mirir used.

Atanis stares intently at the crystal, and those of you sensitive to it feel an arcane surge from her.
Nothing happens that you can see, however.

2010-10-19, 06:19 PM
I would help with the efforts, but my mind's energy is focused towards damaging the environment through my weapon or enhancing my own body's ability.

However.... what of the crystal? Perhaps one affects the other.

2010-10-20, 10:39 AM
Miri blinks in surprise as she finds herself several feet back now. "My thanks Megil." Giving him a smile. Going back to business she considers the spells thus far. "So we've tried divination and whatever you've done just now... Let us try a beneficial spell." With a few words and a touch from her other hand, a small white glow springs from Miri to the black ball.
Casting cure light wounds. Also yay Epic Arcana for infinite 0, 1st, and 2nd level spell castings. Also just barely ran out of time this morning on finishing my sheet, I think I've got all the spell components and focus's that the Improved Eschew Materials doesn't cover and I think all I need to do is choose my spell like abilities from 4th level draconic sub and Epic Arcana. Also I'm going to take a look at special material components like the ones in Complete Champion (power components) assuming theres some an arcane caster can use.

2010-10-20, 10:53 AM
Solomon looks up from where he sits, rather crowded here below decks, at the sensation of positive energy flowing so nearby. Setting his notebooks down to the side, he takes a brief pause to study the effects of the spell on the artifact.

"We know that Civilization used many different power sources for their craft. Perhaps these artifacts will react differently to different energy sources, such as arcane power, already observed, and divine power, and so on. By your leave, comrades, I would like to try my hand next by expending a powerful bit of Turning power once friend Mire finishes. Any objections?"

(Some Knowledge rolls)

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge Religion: [roll1]

2010-10-20, 11:11 AM

"My experience with such artifacts is limited, but I would suggest that they serve as the power sources for the golem, at least, when combined."

2010-10-20, 11:23 AM
"It was an enchantment power."
Atanis says to Miri.
"Though it doesn't seem to have done anything. Hm..."

With a few more quick thoughts, she channels her power at the gem again.

First, she's going to use detect magic at it again, just to see if she can provoke the same reaction she did before. Then, she's going to try Retributive Invisibility on it, which should work normally on an object, just to see if that'll make a difference.

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 12:21 PM
Miri's next attempt at a spell produces no result.

As Atanis uses detect magic, The blue aura flares up again, blinding in its intensity.

Atanis blinks away spots, and tries another spell, again to no effect.

2010-10-20, 01:07 PM
"It seems like they only react to attempts meant to show their function, a useful barrier I suppose for those that would use it for wrong." Miri holds her artifact out towards Solomon. "After you do so I would like to try two more spells. Two evocations, one of frost and one of wind on this particular one."

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 05:02 PM
A guild member stumbles down the steps from the deck, mouth open in shock.

"It's...it's Bassilgard! We can see it!"

2010-10-20, 08:43 PM
Solomon's heart skips a beat at the news they are approaching their destination. This was what their long years of adventuring had been leading to. "It appears this will have to wait. It wouldn't do to fall into a trap if the Organization beat us here."

The massive angel lifts open the doors typically used for loading and unloading cargo and looks back to his companions once more before climbing out onto the deck. "Shall we go scout a safe place for the rest of the guild to land?"

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:03 PM
Solomon heads up to deck.

As you reach the deck, you see many of your companion guild members, including a jade warforged examining an object, a psuedodragon arguing with a female half-dragon while a small man looks on, and an iron golem. You don't notice them for long, however, as you turn your gaze in the direction they're all looking.
A gigantic draconic outline stands out noticeably from the 'trunk' of the tree. The size of a mountain, it dwarfs any structure you've ever seen. Even from your great distance you can make out the color of great emerald moss covers scales encasing the creature in a suit of greenery. Two sets of limbs, a elongated neck, a pair of wings, and a head adorned with horns supports whole trees of an ancient age. It lays seemingly dormant for now, with the house sized eyelids shut. Its mouth, that slacks open only slightly, is still like a massive cave, and gusts of wind start to buffet the airship, coming from its direction. You can faintly make out another airship, hovering in place near the head.

2010-10-20, 09:05 PM
Megil stretched, his feet lifting up off the ground as he floated to the top of the deck. Let's keep half the group here though. If there is a trap set up, then we don't want to have all our pieces on one part of the board.

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:06 PM
The small man's eyes go wide at seeing you, and he strides over to stand next to you, and begins to stroke your wings. "Your feathers are soft." he comments. Still touching the feathers, he asks, "What do you make of the dragon?"

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:07 PM
Read the two spoilers I made for Solomon.

2010-10-20, 09:28 PM
Up Top

It's almost as big as my uncle's castle. Then again, Shtorm Giants have a tendenchy to build things larger than needed, Megil let himself touch down on the deck of the ship, his arms folded into the sleeves of his robe, it would sheem our adversharies have already beaten ush here. I shuggest acting under the asshumption that they notished our entrance.

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:31 PM
Above deck folks
The iron golem asks, "Who are you?"

2010-10-20, 09:36 PM
Up Top

The name ish Draug. Megil'Draug.

Cue Bond theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii1tc493bZM)

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:40 PM
Up top
"Yes, yes!" the small man responds to Megil. "That sounds smart. I agree with that." He then turns to ask the warforged, "Can I carry the sun with me?"

2010-10-20, 10:06 PM
Up Top Folks
Smiling down at the small fellow, "Thank you. I'm not sure what to make of the dragon down there. We'll need to investigate." Surprised out of his musings by the Golem's question, the giant celestial replies, "I am Solomon. It is unlikely anyone but the Organization would have beaten us here, Megil. Still, I'm not sure how comfortable I am attacking without confirmation. Hmmm.... Should we scout or try some manner of scrying?"

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 10:18 PM
Above deckers
The dragonborn woman responds to Megil. "Does it make any noticeable change to our plans? We might hope to slip in under the radar, but really, into the breach we go, regardless."

2010-10-20, 10:27 PM
Up Top
It would be wise to activate any shpells now, before jumping in. But firsht, everyone elsh needs to get up here.

2010-10-21, 08:32 PM

Deciding that it would likely be easier to investigate the artifacts in context, Atanis abandons her below deck poking and prodding, slowly getting to her feet and heading up top, with Petra quickly following. She drops the gem into the grasp of her hair, which coils and twists around it in a curious manner, allowing Atanis to keep both hands free.

The Antigamer
2010-10-22, 03:54 AM
As you reach the deck, you see many of your companion guild members, including a jade warforged examining an object, a psuedodragon arguing with a female half-dragon while a small man looks on, and an iron golem. You don't notice them for long, however, as you turn your gaze in the direction they're all looking.
A gigantic draconic outline stands out noticeably from the 'trunk' of the tree. The size of a mountain, it dwarfs any structure you've ever seen. Even from your great distance you can make out the color of great emerald moss covers scales encasing the creature in a suit of greenery. Two sets of limbs, a elongated neck, a pair of wings, and a head adorned with horns supports whole trees of an ancient age. It lays seemingly dormant for now, with the house sized eyelids shut. Its mouth, that slacks open only slightly, is still like a massive cave, and gusts of wind start to buffet the airship, coming from its direction. You can faintly make out another airship, hovering in place near the head.

Up toppers
The dragonborn lady nods at Solomon, turns and concentrates for a while in the direction of Bassilgard, then turns back and says,
Well, I've got three things of note to report. The first is that the draconic construct down there is warded against scrying. The second is that I spotted two useful openings - there's some cracks at the 'mouth' that could be used to gain entry, but there's also a hole in the 'belly' that could likely be used for entry. The third being that the draconic construct down there isn't a construct per se. It's a living being. Make of that what you will."

2010-10-22, 02:40 PM

Michael follows the others up top, to see if there's anything of interest occuring.

2010-10-22, 04:08 PM
All Hands on Deck
Solomon considers the news about the construct, unsure what to make of it. It..... couldn't really be alive, at least, not in any way that made sense to him. The large angel shakes his head to clear it, and calls out with a clear, melodious voice to those of the guild that have survived to make this trip with him, "I expect we're going to see some trouble soon. Hopefully, those of us who leave the vessel will be the only ones in danger, but I don't want to risk any of you when there's something I can do to help. Please, come see me so I can help bolster your defenses." With that, Solomon sits down on the deck, so as to be closer to eye level with his guildmates, and warmly greets the first of his allies to approach.

I'm going to provide anyone who wants it (Team Serious, Team Slightly Serious and any NPC's who ask) with the following spells from my SLA's:
Energy Immunity to any one energy
Resist Energy to any one energy (resist 30)
Protection from Energy to any one energy (300 point buffer)
Mind Blank (lasts 3 days)
Stoneskin (DR 10/Adamantine, 250 point buffer)
Protection from Spells -- +8 to saves
all at CL 25
Also, assuming I recognize the members of Team Slightly Serious as our elite crew's counterpart, I offer to enhance their weapons along with ours. I can enhance up to 26 weapons to a +6 enhancement bonus using a 4th level spell slot for Spell Enhancer, a 3rd level spell slot for Greater Magic Weapon and one charge from my Lesser Metamagic Rod of Chaining. I count 9 of those needed for our group, plus whatever Miri needs. The rest can go towards Igneel's group and the stronger of the NPC's.

The Antigamer
2010-10-22, 06:22 PM
Read Atanis' spoiler.

As the ship draws closer to the head of Bassilgard, the lids covering the eyes suddenly begin to lift open. The ponderous lids roll back to reveal a pair of eyes blacker then the nothingness of space, yet as somehow as bright as the sun at the same time. The eyes start to turn towards the airship's direction, almost like a giant noticing a pixie. A great rumbling starts to vibrate the very air around you, and twin beams of golden light lance out at the ship faster then a blink of an eye. Merrikin's piloting reflexes cause her to instinctively swerve the ship starboard. But the beams are too fast, and too wide. The ship is engulfed in light, at the same time a crackling sound similar to a lightning bolt deafens everyone, and a tingling sensation runs over your bodies as everything explodes. Everyone is flung about, and you all feel a draining sensation. The ship, more a wreck than a real ship now, is ripped in half, one part plummeting towards the maw of the beast, the other spinning out of control towards the rear.

Team Serious all got flung to the stern side of the half-ship, and are falling towards the maw. All sources of magic do not function. Only natural flight works. Everyone make a fortitude save. Who was holding the artifacts?

2010-10-22, 06:35 PM
OOC/Possible Action/Fort Save:
Fort Save
Immediate action (if allowable) provide +5 to saves for 1 round to Michael
Having natural flight, Solomon tries to save as many of his falling guildmates as he can. He has a fly speed of 80, so it probably will only be a few but he's going to scoop up as many as he can.

Fort Save Redux
I made the mistake of hitting the preview post button and it nixed the roll and replaced it with that "roll0" nonsense. Here we go:
[roll]1d20+32 And improved mettle, if it applies.

The Antigamer
2010-10-22, 08:36 PM
What is the +5 to saves from?

2010-10-22, 08:39 PM
AntiInstant Ward (Su): At 3rd level, the White Mage may grant any ally within 30 ft. a +5 bonus to AC and saves for one round as an immediate action. This ability is usable HD times/day

2010-10-22, 09:08 PM
Atanis Babylon

Atanis and Petra, endowed with natural flight as they are, take flight. Petra's white feathered wings catch the air, while Atanis appears to defy gravity through sheer force of will, magic or no magic. The demoness holds tightly to her artifact, keeping her eye out for the others in case they fall or appear to be in danger.

Atanis loses a lot of bonuses to her fort save with no magic, but I'll spend an inspiration point to add 13, for a total of 33.
Fort: [roll0]
Also, spot check to keep track of the artifacts we have (other than the one she holds, obviously):
She'll also glance around for anyone in trouble with the same roll. She's pretty fast (100ft fly) and fairly strong even without magic, so she could probably catch at least one person, if need be.

Petra's Fortitude Save: [roll2]

Edit: I'm assuming this is an Antimagic effect, so Su abilities don't work either? If they do work, Petra's save is going to be a lot better.

The Antigamer
2010-10-22, 09:22 PM
Yes, it is similar to an Anti-magic field, SU's don't work.

2010-10-22, 09:33 PM
Seeing the beam hit the ship, Megil responded as quickly as he could. Running to the edge of the ship, Megil jumped as the ship broke apart, jumping towards an edge of the dragon's 'mouth'. As he fell, he spun in the air, trying to position himself to land with the least amount of damage.

I'll survive the fall, get the others to safety first! He called out to his allies, hoping one of them would hear.

[roll0] Jump check
Was waiting to see if the effect was an anti-magic field or not before posting.

Thanks to the tumble check, Megil treats the fall as if it were 20ft shorter.

edit: A 20........

2010-10-23, 02:38 AM

Is there anything awesome I can do to help myself here? Like shooting a rope into the dragon to arrest my fall?

2010-10-26, 10:21 AM
Miri suddenly found herself in the air from her position belowdecks. She'd been looking out the portholes occationally but mostly had been looking at the artifact she held. Something wasn't right as she tried to activate her cloak, finding that nothing seemed to be happening. Within her the connection to the wastes seemed like a dark black pit now as well. With nothing else to do Miri angles herself as best she can to avoid injury, artifact clutched in front of her. "As Bahamut wills it." She murmers as the hard landing looms closer and closer.
tumble check

2010-10-26, 11:33 AM

Calmly, Michael measures out a length of rope with one pair of hands, the other nocking an arrow to his bow. He fires the arrow, which splits and pins the rope in two places, allowing him to arrest his fall.

The Antigamer
2010-11-02, 01:58 AM
Rolling some things, will be editing this post shortly.
Forgot the slash :smallsigh:

As the ship breaks into pieces, you feel as if you may follow suit. Pain wracks your bodies as you experience a s t r e t c h i n g sensation that feels like the universe is treating you like a baker treats bread dough. Atanis and Solomon manage to shake off the effects partially, Atanis grabbing Petra to steady her as they both wing their way down towards the gaping maw, its eyelids in the process of closing once again. Solomon springs into action, grabbing for a fallen crewmember only to watch as, with a face contorted in fear and agony, he dissolves into motes of dust. With an expression of sorrow, he turns to grab Megil, but the swordsman is already running for the side, pain sounding in his voice as he calls out for Solomon to not waste time on him. He leaps from the ship rail towards Bassilgard, twisting in mid-air to land easily on the turf beside the dragon's toothy maw. Out of the corner of his eye, Solomon spots Miri, falling towards the ground with a calm expression on her face, arms locked around the black ball artifact. He quickly swoops out to catch her, and heads towards where Atanis and Petra are landing. Michael, a bow in his hand despite the waves of force roiling through him, calmly attaches a rope to an arrow, fits it to his bow, draws, and waits. The ship splits again just as he fires, his arrow splitting and finding tiny crevices between the top layer of one of Bassilgard's huge scales, and he swings forward from the ship, hitting the side of Bassilgard hard, and rappelling down to where Solomon is landing with Miri next to Atanis. You watch as your half of the ship, disintegrated in parts and barely held together, crashes into the ground some 50 yards away. You hear a second great crash from an area beyond Bassilgard that you cannot see.

Atanis and Solomon take 53 damage. Everyone else takes 106. This damage bypasses all DR except for chaotic.

The Antigamer
2010-11-02, 02:25 AM
Re-rolling: [roll0]

2010-11-02, 12:11 PM
Oh no, it'll take 11 rounds for me to hit full health again xD


"Everyone alive? That stung. I don't think this beast wants us here. Let's do our best to keep irritating him with our presence."

2010-11-02, 03:44 PM
Megil lands, his body black and blue from the damage of the blast and his feet causing small craters to form from his great wieght. He spat blood on the ground and both of his shoulders seemed to have been knocked loose. Ish everyone alright? Let's get a head count going here.

As he spoke, a blue-green aura surrounded his body. Popping sounds could be heard as his shoulders realigned themselves and his body slowly but surely returned to it's normal hue. Within seconds, there was little left to confirm that he had ever been injured.

Spending 21PP to use Body Adjustment (3 base + 18 augmented) for [roll0] hp

2010-11-02, 04:05 PM
Solomon lets out a howl of rage as one of his guildmates disintegrates in his hands. Not willing to let one death cause others, he swoops over and picks up Miri, landing with her near the others. Silently, he goes about healing the others and, when finished, looks up at the massive creature that destroyed his ship.

"Well, we're all here, at least. I'll go check for survivors in the wreckage. It won't take long."

With that, the great winged creature takes flight to look for anyone he might be able to save.

OOC+Perception Rolls
I have unlimited healing touches so I'll patch us together before I check the wreckage. It'll just take a minute or two, but at least it won't use up resources we might need inside.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2010-11-02, 04:18 PM

Atanis's eyes flash as the sensation runs through her, resisting the effect as it tears on her. Though it harms her just the same, she knew her effort had been worth it- and in a matter of moments, the pain recedes entirely. Petra is much worse off, but eventually she too returns to normal, with Atanis supporting her as the weakness and pain subsides.

"I think everyone of import is here. We may have lost a few, but we've certainly enough to keep going, and good cause to do so without delay. Any pain suffered here is insignificant compared to what will occur if the Bassilgard is taken by our enemies. Solomon can catch up once he's done, I'm sure."

With that, she'll start off around the artifact, moving swiftly as she attempts to find an entrance or other location of note.

Atanis and Petra both have significant fast healing- Atanis recovers entirely in 6 rounds, while Petra takes 14.

I imagine looking for a significant entrance or thing of note on a giant artifact won't be too hard, so I'll just go with my basic Search check, as it is fairly high as is.

Search: [roll0]

2010-11-02, 10:20 PM
Miri convulses slightly in midair as the pain wracks her, a few scales flaking off. Solomon's arms around her are a pleasant surprise though and she gives him a relieved grin as they land. "My thanks." She murmurs softly as he heads off. Louder. "Yes I am alright, or well enough at least." Softly she begins to sing and moves about, half dancing, as she takes in the destruction and the surrounding area. A white glow infusing her hands.

Unlimited cure moderate wounds here that I'll begin using on myself and others if needed. Your call as to whether should actually make the rolls since were out of combat and its unlimited.

2010-11-02, 10:45 PM
Well, shomeone's in a pleashant mood. Megil remarked towards Miri. We should resht and heal up before moving out. Being half dead wont do us any good, espeshially before heading into the mouth of a dragon.

The Antigamer
2010-11-04, 02:49 AM
You have sufficient healing abilities that you're all fully healed. I'm going to assume Solomon listened to Atanis, correct me if I'm wrong :smallsmile:
Solomon gazes hauntingly at the wretched craft for a sign of life as Atanis' words sink into him.
Besides the wide-open mouth, Atanis sees no other means of entrance.

2010-11-04, 11:57 AM

"Well, it looks like we're going to have to climb inside that thing. It's a construct so hopefully it won't have a digestive system. Hopefully...

2010-11-05, 08:59 PM

"Alternately, we are simply not meant to enter it at all."
Points out the fiend.
"It is possible that we're supposed to get it working from the outside, I suppose, though that seems a bit less likely."

Despite her words, Atanis trusts in her swift speed, flying up to try and peer into the giant beast's mouth without getting attacked... or at least attacked in a fatal manner.

2010-11-06, 10:33 AM
Refreshed Miri smiles at Megil. "Well you could say its how my magic works, and being alive is enough to be happy is it not?" She begins to float off the ground, cloak flashing as she does so, and over into the dragons mouth. "This does seem like our only path forward."

The Antigamer
2010-11-06, 02:11 PM
The gaping maw is ringed with teeth larger than your ship was. Inside, you can see a ponderous tongue, and the dark cavernous opening of the throat.

2010-11-07, 01:40 PM
"A...tongue? That doesn't bode well on the bodily functions front."

2010-11-07, 02:34 PM
Ironic ishn't it? We have a schuccubus who ish going to go deep into the throat of a dragon. Megil remarked as he focused his energy and let himself float further in.

2010-11-07, 04:52 PM
Miri considers the route for a moment. "Bide a moment Megil, let me send a scout ahead of us rather than blundering forward ourselves." Sand begins streaming out from a jar at Miri's waist, coiling around and around within her hands untill it looks as if she holds an egg like blob of sand. Floating unconcernedly, Miri concentrates on the blob. Minutes pass but gradually a winged form begins to take shape from the blob and in the end it has the shape of an eagle. With a flick of the wrist Miri sends it down the gullet of the dragon, herself with eyes closed as she views the world through her construct.
I love this feature but I hate how stupidly long it takes to use, I guess thats the price of unlimited usage. I auto succeed on the DC 20 caster check to make the Desert Eagle anyway, but at the same time by the book it takes 20 minutes to create it. It'll last for 1 minute + 10 rounds and I can look through its eyes (full round action) and use its spot checks.

The Antigamer
2010-11-08, 04:30 AM
Your eagle flies down the throat, which acts as a large tunnel downwards. How long do you want it to fly? Should it return to you before it expires?

2010-11-08, 10:49 AM
Well since I can see through its eyes and its not really useful in combat anyway I'll just have it go as far as I can.

The Antigamer
2010-11-08, 02:27 PM
Your eagle flies as fast as it can down the throat, down the featureless tunnel that has a faint light emitted somehow from the walls. Just as it begins to dissolve into its component parts, it comes to an anomaly; the passege takes a sharp dip downwards, but the tunnel also continues in the same manner above the dip.
Poorly drawn illustration:

2010-11-08, 03:51 PM
Send it down the upper tunnel.

2010-11-08, 03:58 PM
Hash your pet found anything? Megil asked, waiting at the front of the dragon's maw.

The Antigamer
2010-11-08, 04:04 PM
it starts down the upper tunnel, but quickly dissolves back to normal sand.

2010-11-09, 01:13 AM
Miri shrugs. "There wasn't much to see, it branches within into two passageways but I didn't spot anything else. Shall we head in?"

2010-11-09, 01:52 AM
Megil nodded, Shall we have the stealthier of ush go firsht, or shall we keep the warriorsh at either end?

2010-11-12, 01:10 AM
A rustling at the opening to the maw signals the arrival of Solomon, his jaw set firm in anger. As they look back, Solomon slowly shakes his head, wordlessly letting them know of his failure to find any other survivors. Striding forward he takes his place with the others. "I would be willing to take point, if we decide to forgo stealth."

2010-11-12, 12:54 PM

"I am stealthy enough, and can more than manage at advancing undetected, but our presence is already known, and I wonder if we gain by stealth. Equally, our survival might have been missed."

2010-11-14, 11:20 PM
"At the very least they'll know we got here. It would be foolish to assume they haven't already taken any precautions they could think of. I'll go first to take the brunt of any attacks."

With that, Solomon turns and begins making his way deeper into the colossal beast, watchful for any traps or ambushes.

Perception rolls
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2010-11-14, 11:29 PM
"I'll go along with him. There might be something he misses, and can certainly hold my own if need be."
With that, Atanis follows swiftly after Solomon, searching for anything that he might not be able to see. Petra follows a little ways behind Atanis.

Atanis has Trapfinding, so if anything looks suspicious she'll search it really quick with that.
Otherwise, she'll use her various benefits from Paragon Visionary to look for anything magical or otherwise hidden. She'll be able to see through all illusions, darkness, and anything trueseeing would go through, and also pick things up as if she had Greater Arcane Sight up. If there is anything odd magically beyond being in a giant artifact and buffs on her friends, please say something.

Also, spot/listen:

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

The Antigamer
2010-11-15, 12:47 AM
You all walk up the tongue , and into the constructs cavernous throat. A faint light suffuses the tunnel-like diaphragm as you make your way down it cautiously. The walls seem like carved red musculature, but a touch reveals it to be hard and unyielding, not flesh-like. It is warm, however.

After a few minutes of walking, the passege takes a sharp dip downwards, but the tunnel also continues in the same manner above the dip. The light gets stronger downwards, and stays the same going forwards.

2010-11-15, 01:21 AM
Solomon pauses a moment to consider, looking back to his comrades. "What do you think? This beast is unlikely to need light inside its body for its own benefit, so in my opinion that makes down the more likely choice to find our adversaries."

The angel peers down both tunnels in turn, unsure which way will lead them to their goal. Turning back, he looks to Atanis's thrall. "Petra, do you think you could look for any traces of recent passage through here? That might give us a clue."

2010-11-15, 12:33 PM

"Following the light does indeed seem to be the best course. I'd rather we found our enemies, or our allies, quickly."

2010-11-15, 02:02 PM
"The upper path had nothing for as far as my scout could travel, that said its magic ended before it could reach the end." Miri shrugs. "I suppose traveling towards the light might solve more of our questions."

2010-11-17, 09:42 AM
The angel peers down both tunnels in turn, unsure which way will lead them to their goal. Turning back, he looks to Atanis's thrall. "Petra, do you think you could look for any traces of recent passage through here? That might give us a clue."

Rather than responding, Petra looks towards Atanis, who gives a nod of approval to her. Permission given, Petra begins searching for any tracks or signs of passage.
Survival to find tracks and track them...


The Antigamer
2010-11-17, 10:08 PM
Petra finds no tracks, not even your own. The surface seems resistant to change of any type.

You all move down the passage, and as you do so the light intensifies, and the passage widens. After about a minute of walking, you reach an area that looks noticeably different from the areas you've traveled through. Strange symbols that seem to change color as you look at them line the rounded walls on one side of the passage, and the curved floor in front of you has a multicolored line drawn straight across, from wall to wall.

You detect strong magic radiating from the line, and the area above it, and lesser magic from the symbols. Your acute magic sense tells you the symbols are a trigger of some sort.
Spellcraft check for me.

2010-11-17, 11:03 PM
You detect strong magic radiating from the line, and the area above it, and lesser magic from the symbols. Your acute magic sense tells you the symbols are a trigger of some sort.
Spellcraft check for me.

Atanis will take a ten on her spellcraft (via Epic Intelligence virtue) for a total of 49.

The Antigamer
2010-11-18, 12:29 AM
The line radiates extremely strong abjuration magic, and the air above it, to your magic-trained eyes, shimmers in rainbow patterns.

2010-11-18, 11:04 AM
Hmm... Sho where do you shuppose we are? Megil asked, looking around at the runes.

2010-11-18, 07:47 PM
"I have to suspect there might be some kind of magical defenses here, and the line would seem to be a suitable warning not to pass it. Still, I suppose we must move forward, but lets be cautious about it." Solomon moves forward to examine the multicolored line.

Some Rolls
Knowledge Arcana [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]

"My first guess is a prismatic ward of some kind. I recommend we all move back a bit and I'll summon a creature to cross over it so we can observe the effects."

With that, Solomon moves backwards towards the entrance to the chamber, remaining just inside and gestures for the others to fall back so they can test this line to see if it is a trap. He takes this time to summon some Djinni to perform the test, though he holds them back until his allies are safe in the hallway.

Use Summon Monster IX SLA from Half-Celestial to summon 1d4+1 Djinni (I believe the plural is the same as the singular, anyway)

The Antigamer
2010-11-18, 08:18 PM
Rolling, for...things
Also, Djinn is the plural form :smallsmile:
So what are the others doing, letting Solomon go through with this plan?

The line radiates extremely strong abjuration magic.

2010-11-18, 08:45 PM
Miri had been studying the line but backed up to let Solomon work. "It most likely is a trap, or a sort of alarm." She reasoned.

The Antigamer
2010-11-23, 08:12 PM
DM rolls, ignore


Solomon tells the first djinni to walk over the line. The instant he does so, the line, and the air above it, flash a deep, opaque purple. The Djinni falls backward, split in half. The color fades quickly, and as the dead Djinni half on your side of the line fades away, you see it lacks a matching half on the other side of the line.
Solomon quickly orders the other djinni across the line, hoping the effect has a cooldown. The second djinni, a look of fear on his face, moves forward, unable to disobey a command. As the djinn steps over the line, it and the air above it flash bright orange, and stay that way as the djinni steps through, disappearing through the colored wall. The wall stays orange for a moment after the djinn is through, then the djinn steps back, and the color fades back to transparency. The djinni rushes straight at Solomon, mindless hatred in his eyes.

Rolled initiatives, everyone is before the Djinni except Petra, so just post whenever. The djinni looks identical to when it crossed the line.

2010-11-25, 11:30 PM

Atanis apparently does not take the genie as a serious threat, or very much care about its presence. While musing over what magic could have affected it, she idly drops the artifact from her hair into her hand, and then lashes out with her hair towards the creature in an attempt to snap its neck.

Atanis will burn three action points to get a standard action, use that action to move up to the genie, and then full attack with all her natural weapons (in the order listed on her sheet).
A 1: [roll0]
A 2: [roll1]
A 3: [roll2]
A 4: [roll3]
A 5: [roll4]
A 6: [roll5]

Damage, in the order above:
A 1: [roll6]
A 2: [roll7]
A 3: [roll8]
A 4: [roll9] (also DC 33 fort save vs poison, 1d6 strength)
A 5: [roll10]
A 6: [roll11]

Also, every attack that hits deals an extra 21 electric damage.

Edit: Lastly, and most importantly, she's going to try to get a better grasp of what spell effect is being used here. Since it actually activated, she got to study it earlier, and she has paragon visionary up, I figure she has a really decent chance of figuring it out now. Assume she takes 10 on any relevant int based check, for simplicity's sake.

2010-11-30, 12:31 AM
Solomon watches with interest as the ward first slays one djinni and turns the other against him. Still, the experiment was successful, confirming his previous suspicions about the nature of the ward. As the remaining djinni turns back, presumably driven mad, Solomon raises his left hand and, with a gesture, attempts to dismiss the creature he summoned.

Summon Monster is a dismissable spell, so it should just disappear. No telling if the ward foiled that tactic until I try, however. :smalltongue: