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View Full Version : Simply Epic IC [Team Slightly Serious]

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 02:00 PM
After raiding the Organization's base, you have learned the secret of the artifacts you and they have been competing to collect: they somehow control the ancient weapon Bassilgard, a gigantic construct dragon as big as a mountain. While you were raiding The Organization's base, Valderg((BBEG)) had already left for the world that held Bassilgard, with five artifacts in tow. However, through a last-ditch assault, you all managed to board his second ship, one that was getting ready to leave, and have set off after him, with the guild's four artifacts. Not many people made it on the ships: a smattering of basic soldiers, some veterans, and ten elite members: a dragonborn Sandshaper on a quest for his god; an Arrow Demon mercenary who hunts for meaning; a Celestial healer in search of hidden knowledge; a half-demoness who lusts for power, or is it control?; an aesthetic swordsman whose reasons are his own; a warforged determined to bring back a Golden Age; a madman who desires redemption; an amalgamated sorceress who fights against oppressors; a former familiar who seeks an end to magic; and an iron warrior trying to define his new life.

A wild-looking, golden-haired woman in chainmail mans the helm of your ship, the Golden Dowsing Rod's finest pilot, Merrikin. You're all crowd onto a small planejammer shaped like a boat, with a black mast and ribbed sails and a massive pair of horns curving up from the figurehead.

Some of you are belowdecks in seats, the rest are out in the open air to witness the travel firsthand. Merrikin, having flown you out from the exploding docks of The Organization's base, takes a small crystalline rod and inserts it into the helm, causing the whole ship to shudder and begin to glow. She grabs the wheel and cranks it violently, pulling the 'jammer up. A golden light flares up from the horns, firing a ray at the sky that causes a rift form and to coalesce into a dark-colored, solid-looking disc. Without any warning, she slams the helm controls, rushing the ship headlong into the portal. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJq6UrHxdQs)

The rushing winds and dim, greenish glow from below part to throw you into a wall of chilly, rolling white clouds. The vessel pierces the cloud cover and you pass through two branches of an immense tree that appear to form a ring. The limbs of the massive plant seem to be everywhere as the vessel takes a dizzying dive, always seeming ready to collide with your small boat and end your days. Finally, the ship's careening dies down as the pilot levels it off, and you burst from the tree into an open sky. Below, you see the tree eventually roots into a landmass that spreads out like giant roots into seven distinct regions. Bassilgard lies beyond the mountains in the middle root-like continent, and your pilot aims the ship in that direction. "Mate! Tell the members down below they need to make use of this time to try to figure out their artifacts!"
A small grizzled man with a red bandana salutes, and heads down below, while Merrikin calls out to those above deck,
"Forge has two of them over by the stern, if you want to help him examine them."


Team Slightly Serious is above decks, with two artifacts. One is a finely crafted crystalline decanter, a diamond cap, unable to be removed, traps inside an amber liquid. You can faintly make out a small glass ring inside. The other is a glowing perfect sphere that radiates a soft light.

Remember, you are not allowed in the other team's OOC or IC threads. Also, in case you didn't know, do not read spoilers unless they have no descriptor, OOC, or your name above them. People caught reading other's spoilers shall face consequences.

2010-10-19, 02:28 PM

Johnny leaps across the deck with a huge grin on his face. Being on the swerving boat is fun! He looks up at the much taller metallic man and says, "Oy, can I see that?" Without waiting for an answer, he rips the glowing sphere away and brings it close to his eyes, then blinks rapidly and holds it at arm's length. "It has light. It has light in it." He comments, thinking hard. "Light... light..." he taps it with his fingernail and looks up at the metal man. "What's inside?"

OOC: Johnny is talking to Forge, not Rumel.

2010-10-19, 02:32 PM
Forge looks up from his work to look over to their destination.

This is it. Bassilgard will be retreived. The Golden Age will return. My homeland will be restored.

He then returns his attention to the artefacts he has in his mobile fortress, taking centre stage among his other assorted magical items.

"Fortress! Get the pick, tools, monocle and...that's all."

Arms come out from the fortress, scavenging through itself before taking the requested items to Forge. He then intends to get to work, before having the sphere taken out of his hands.

"Not sure yet. I need to examine it, so I need it here, with me, without interruption! So pass it over. Now."

2010-10-19, 02:35 PM

Johnny lets out a disappointed squeak and blows on the sphere before handing it back to Forge. Suddenly, his face lights up. "You know," he says conspiratorially, leaning close. "It's glowy and round. It might be the sun! Do you think it's the sun?"

2010-10-19, 02:38 PM
Forge takes the artefact, breathing a heavy sigh when Johnny gives his latest theory.

"No. It is not the sun. Please, just leave this to someone who knows about magic and magic items."

2010-10-19, 03:39 PM

"Oh." Johnny replies disappointedly. "It kinda looks like a heart. Like a big, rainbow heart. Someone's heart. A dragon's heart?" He smiles shyly. "Does it look like that to you? Did I help?"

2010-10-19, 03:42 PM
"Hmm...perhaps. Maybe it's related to Bassilgard... a power source?"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-19, 03:46 PM
Rache the pseudodragon feels the folds in his flesh quiver in the mention of magic. Artifacts and magic items are a necessary evil, they only do one thing. These artifacts though...the glowing ball and the container. He didn't know what they did independently, but he didn't care. The mutant just doesn't want to be near them. He is close enough to hear them though. Stupid Merrikin, keep the ship steady! He prefers not to have to use his ubernatural strength to keep coiled around the railing of the ship.

The ex-familiar mutant pseudodragon decides to chime in on the conversation with his broadcast telepathy. Remind me again what zhis "Bassilgard" does.

2010-10-19, 04:55 PM
Warev shrugs, and looks through the hands of those currently examining the artifacts, and also through the outer layer of the artifacts themselves, to see if their function seems apparent. To most, she seems to be a slightly tallish human woman with red hair, green eyes, and a generous figure, dressed for travel. She also carries a curious little gilded letter Y on a short chain attached to her belt. To those who have known her for a very long time? Well... for those people, her appearance is... quite different. After taking a minute to examine the artifacts, she heads downstairs, making sure to use the doors and handrails, and see who else made it onto the ship.

Ring of X-Ray Vision: You have to love it.

Just to see if she knows anything of import about the artifact; don't really expect anything, but meh:
Spellcraft: [roll0]
Knowledge(Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge(Religion): [roll2]
Knowledge(The Planes): [roll3]
Profession(Spellcaster): [roll4]
Spot: [roll5]
Also: Detect Evil! Paladin at-will spell-like ability.

Warev Dariss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=243802)
F LG See Other Notes See Other Notes, Level 21, Init +9, HP 133/133, DR 21/-, Speed Fly 70 (Perfect)
AC 51, Touch 43, Flat-footed 42, Fort +33, Ref +41, Will +41, Base Attack Bonus 14
180 foot Sonic line Breath Weapon (1d4 round delay) Reflex DC 20 half (21d6, )
+4 more for Grapple, Disarm Telekinesis(Manuevers) (1d4 round delay) +35 ( , )
Force Bracers of Armor+8, Incorporeal (+8 Armor, +9 Dex, +17 Deflect, +7 Misc)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 28, Con -, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 45
Condition Magic Aura on each item, individually, to give off no magical aura (21 day duration - 1 casting a day covers all items with room to spare)
Mind Blank on Self
Misdirection on self and a rock
Ring of X-Ray Vision (normally left running)

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 05:37 PM
Staring at the artifacts with your x-ray vision makes you feel dazed, and you can't see through them like you normally can. You sense no evil from the items, and the only thing you can think of is that the decanter must have some sort of alcohol in it.

As you open the door to head below, a blue flash of light flares into your vsion, blinding you with its fierce intensity, unlike any power you've ever experienced before or since. As the light fades away, you're left with spots in your eyes, as you see through the stairs and other doors the source is a demonic female holding a multicolored crystal that dazes your eyes in the same way as the artifacts up above. You watch as a woman picks up a black ball, casts a spell, and then is forced backwards by something. A minute later, you feel a large rush of air, and hear a giant WHUMP!

2010-10-19, 07:19 PM
Warev shakes her head, and heads back upstairs, mumbling "Crazy artifacts and their active defenses, making me see things."

Warev Dariss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=243802)
F LG See Other Notes See Other Notes, Level 21, Init +9, HP 133/133, DR 21/-, Speed Fly 70 (Perfect)
AC 51, Touch 43, Flat-footed 42, Fort +33, Ref +41, Will +41, Base Attack Bonus 14
180 foot Sonic line Breath Weapon (1d4 round delay) Reflex DC 20 half (21d6, )
+4 more for Grapple, Disarm Telekinesis(Manuevers) (1d4 round delay) +35 ( , )
Force Bracers of Armor+8, Incorporeal (+8 Armor, +9 Dex, +17 Deflect, +7 Misc)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 28, Con -, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 45
Condition Magic Aura on each item, individually, to give off no magical aura (21 day duration - 1 casting a day covers all items with room to spare)
Mind Blank on Self
Misdirection on self and a rock
Ring of X-Ray Vision (normally left running)

Emperor Ing
2010-10-19, 07:39 PM
I don't think we need to post our char sheets in every post...

Rache gives off an audible sigh. Notzhing to do now except enjoy zhe scenery. The tiny creature can be seen scanning the area from his little spot on the railing.

2010-10-19, 08:43 PM

"Hi there!" Johnny's fists come down with a thump next to the pseudodragon. "It's nice, isn't it? The ship ride. Is it a ship or a boat? Do you know?" He doesn't wait for a response. "Aren't those artif... artifax... artifects? Aren't they pretty?"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-19, 08:52 PM
Rache is startled. It's either Johnny's voice or the thump on the railings. Nevertheless, the little pseudodragon looks up in alarm before turning its head to lock all four of its purple eyes onto Johnny. Zhey're not, ef I knew vhat zhey did, I would possibly appreciate zheir appearanzes.

2010-10-19, 08:53 PM
Rumel watches the others amused... He watches the dragon imparticular and began to smirk... After a few moments his smirk turned into a slight laugh.

OOC: wait... Do we know eachother or are we sticking with the portal sucking us up deal, I never saw which one it was?

Emperor Ing
2010-10-19, 10:26 PM
((I think it's been mentioned several times by the GM that we're all supposed to know each other, for example Rache knows of Johnny's thing with dwarves, and Rumel (character) knows that Rache is an ex-familiar.))

2010-10-19, 10:34 PM
I know, but did we meet through the multiverse, or just find eachother?

The Antigamer
2010-10-19, 10:46 PM
Rumel, you all know each other and have worked together in a campaign of which this adventure is the final thrust. Remember, Igneel came back, we're using his story? There was no multiverse plucking.

Also, randomizer, would it be possible to spoiler your ooc comments from now on? Nothing big, I just think it's more aesthetically pleasing :smallsmile:

2010-10-19, 10:56 PM
After a few moments Rumel says Hey Rache, why you so jumpy?

2010-10-20, 01:20 AM
Forge looks over at Warev for a second, before again focusing on the artefacts. He pulls out a monocle, putting it on before nodding hid head, activating the magic detection capabilities.

Knowledge checks
Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (architecture & engineering): [roll1]
Knowledge (dungeoneering): [roll2]
Knowledge (geography): [roll3]
Knowledge (history): [roll4]
Knowledge (local): [roll5]
Knowledge (nature): [roll6]
Knowledge (nobility and royalty): [roll7]
Knowledge (psionics): [roll8]
Knowledge (religion): [roll9]
Knowledge (the planes): [roll10]

Using 1 point of Innovation to use Detect Magic.

Spellcraft: [roll11]

If I identify the aura type, the monocle tries to Identify it (not that it will probably work, but why not try)

And I'll UMD it: [roll12]

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 01:33 AM
You don't know anything about it, it's too general an object. However, as you attempt to use Detect Magic on it, before your spell is interrupted, you sense something...draconic.

Examining the sphere, Forge casts a simple cantrip on it. An explosion of scintillating rainbow colors bursts from the sphere, blinding you all with its fierce intensity, unlike any power you've ever experienced before or since. The light fades gradually, and you blink spots from your eyes.

Everyone on deck is looking at Forge.

2010-10-20, 01:46 AM
"Huh. Draconic. I think I may know what this thing is."

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 01:48 AM
People shake their heads, and go back about their business.

2010-10-20, 07:02 AM

Johnny grins at the pseudodragon. "Well, it looks like we're about to find out! Come on!" He bounces back over to Forge. "So? Was I right? Not about the sun, I mean, about the other thing. Do you know what it is?"

2010-10-20, 07:29 AM
Examining the sphere, Forge casts a simple cantrip on it. An explosion of scintillating rainbow colors bursts from the sphere, blinding you all with its fierce intensity, unlike any power you've ever experienced before or since.So is this greater than, less than, or equal to the other 'ever experienced before or since' seen when Warev hopped downstairs for a moment?

I don't mean to be snarky here, but 'or since' is something used in the retelling of tales long after, and you've used it twice that was sent to me in a rather short timeframe.

2010-10-20, 07:47 AM
"Not sure. Artefacts are mysterious things. Often only their creator, and those they tell, will know their secrets. A lot of research would be necessary to uncover it's secrets. Perhaps..."

Forge looks over to the other people there.

"Anybody here skilled with divinations?"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 08:10 AM
I can do that, i'm just used to the double-parentheses. :smalltongue:

After a few moments Rumel says Hey Rache, why you so jumpy?

Rache looks at the golem for a moment before turning to the warforged in a glare that looks like he's pointing. Zhe artifacts, I don't trust zhem. I completely expect somezhing bad to...AUGH!! The sound is both telepathic and audible, the creature cries in pain as Forge activates the artifact and it gives off its shining light. After it subsides, Rache lowers the wing he hid his head behind, and rubs his face with his hand several times to try to remove the spots. Auuuugh, do you see?! Who allows zhis "warforged" or zhese artifacts to survive?!

2010-10-20, 08:41 AM
Hey, don't forget, my family specializes in makeing robots. says Rumel slightly annoyed.

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 08:52 AM
The pseudodragon rubs its face again. I don't care about your family's robots, I care about zhis particular one and its magic. You should know zhe world vould be better without magic! Rache usually gets this way around magic users.

2010-10-20, 08:53 AM
Forge looks over.

"No. It would not."

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 10:44 AM
Rache scoffs at the warforged. I didn't ask for your thoughts, spellcaster.

2010-10-20, 10:45 AM
"Ah, the ignorance of the uninformed..."

2010-10-20, 11:52 AM

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm sure we can resolve zhis-- I mean-- excuse me." Johnny turns away for a moment and mutters to himself about z's as he tries to slip away from Rache's accent. "--this without fighting each other. Don't worry, Rache, magic is just like hitting stuff with your fists, except you're using brain fists instead. Right?"

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 12:25 PM

So is this greater than, less than, or equal to the other 'ever experienced before or since' seen when Warev hopped downstairs for a moment?

I don't mean to be snarky here, but 'or since' is something used in the retelling of tales long after, and you've used it twice that was sent to me in a rather short timeframe.
It's the same effect, since it's the same words :smalltongue:
The others hadn't seen it yet though.

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 12:37 PM
Magic ez notzhing more than a destructive force zhat will unmake zhe world. It has already taken zhis "civilization" and zhe organization uses it to bring back zhe failures of battle. Rache pauses. Odd considering that a telepath doesn't need to breathe while "speaking." Hundreds, thousands dedicate zheir lives to understanding magic, and I suffered terribly for it you know. Vhat is a mage without his magic?

2010-10-20, 12:52 PM
"Same could be said for the physical form. You can construct things with it, or destroy with it. Magic is a tool. what it is used for depends on the user. I, for example, am a creator, a builder. I use the combination of magic and physical technology. For example, you remember my mobile fortress? Primarily non-magical."

2010-10-20, 12:58 PM
Me too! I was also made by magic as a sort of tool to put my soul in this body!... It saved my life, and I'm sure it has affected you positively sometime in your life? Rumel says in a convincing tone.

2010-10-20, 01:04 PM

"Hold up! We've had this discussion too many times. Things to do." He rubs his hands together. "Not sure what, but I know we have things to do."

2010-10-20, 01:09 PM
Let's go find something to fight! I think that'll be a good use of time... Anyone else think so?

2010-10-20, 02:29 PM

"No. Actually... no. I want to figure out the shiny ball. Not much else to do while we chase what's-his-name, right?"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 04:01 PM
Rache sounds clearly annoyed. Bah, take yer artifact elsevare. I prefer to live, thank you very much.

2010-10-20, 04:49 PM
Warev chimes in, helpfully or unhelpfully, depending on perspective "Magic is what you make of it. It has been abused - I'm proof enough of that. But then, so have swords. It's got the potential for both good and ill, like most things."

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 05:01 PM
As the airship ascends through the sky nearing the desired destination, a gigantic draconic outline stands out noticeably from the 'trunk' of the tree. The size of a mountain, it dwarfs any structure you've ever seen. Even from your great distance you can make out the color of great emerald moss covers scales encasing the creature in a suit of greenery. Two sets of limbs, a elongated neck, a pair of wings, and a head adorned with horns supports whole trees of an ancient age. It lays seemingly dormant for now, with the house sized eyelids shut. Its mouth, that slacks open only slightly, is still like a massive cave, and gusts of wind start to buffet the airship, coming from its direction. You can faintly make out another airship, hovering in place near the head.
"That's it," breathes Merrikin, in the silence that has washed over the deck. "That's Bassilgard."

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 05:01 PM
Look around fool. Rache sneers. A sword ez a simple metal blade. It cleaves flesh and steel. Magic does not share zhe same simple description. I tolerate magic trinkets when I know vhat zhey do.

Over the voice of the pilot, Rache looks over the edge of the ship down at the supremely colossal dragon shape. Wow...vould you look at zhat.

2010-10-20, 05:13 PM

Johnny leaps back, letting loose an unidentifiable noise. "Bwhragh? That's the thing we're headed for? W-what if it wakes up? It could EAT us!"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 05:28 PM
The pseudodragon audibly snickers. He figures that if that happens and the dragon does wake up, well...either he's too small to see or Rache will cut his way out.

2010-10-20, 05:29 PM
Warev asks a question, of Rache, somewhat distractedly, due to the view "So... your only real objection is when you don't know how it works? Are you familiar with the water clock?"

Warev just shrugs at Johnny "Then it's likely got enough room between it's teeth for us to hide in and avoid getting chewed... and I expect we'll need a way in eventually anyway."

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 05:34 PM
Zhe waterclock, a mahvelous device zhat keeps track of zhe time through intricate workings of pieces and components. Zhe difference ez zhat one ez less likely to turn my arm into a tentacle as easily as it tells time.

2010-10-20, 06:20 PM
Warev considers that the dragon is emerald in color... but then dismisses it as important, as that seems to be just the greenery, as she continues conversing with Rache "So you are familiar; good. Seems your biggest problem is one of category refinement. You're lumping all magic together, but separating out nonmagical devices into a multitude of different categories. Hardly a fair setup. A Fireball spell acts as predictably as a tindertwig; a Fabricate spell, as predictably as a forge. Different spells do different things, but any given spell or magical item is reasonably predictable if you understand it. A Sword cuts, a truncheoun bludgeons, a water clock measures time; a fireball burns, a Bigby's Forceful Hand pushes, Polymorph changes a willing person's form. Something magical that you don't know what it does? Yeah, you can get in trouble with it - I once saw someone detonate what was apparently a Necklace of Fireballs at his feet, once; not pretty. Of course, if you don't know what that powder in the keg is, it could blow up in your face if you let it get too warm, too. From that perspective, there's very little in the way of practical difference, really, between magical things and nonmagical things. That which you don't understand can hurt you, regardless. It's hardly unique to magic. Do you have any deeper reason for avoiding it?"

2010-10-20, 06:58 PM
Rumel says Ok... I think that I'll just wait down there untill we find something to beat up. while pointing below deck. Might as well search around for anything usefull.

I'm not being impatient, that's just Rumel's character :smallbiggrin:, also I just basically went below to look around... Do I need a search check for that?

2010-10-20, 08:13 PM

"Stop it, Warev, you aren't going to end up convincing him." Johnny steps into the middle of the argument. "I... I... what was I talking about?" He looks down at the dragon. "This is amazing. What do we do? Can I ride it?"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 08:44 PM
The pseudodragon looks at Warev partially curiously, the other one is a bit of annoyance, but it does not appear major. You are either deaf or one of us forgot. Do you know zhat I vas not hatched like zhis, nor vas this transformation my choice?

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 08:59 PM
Rumel, you can't really search something if you're not there...

A 14 foot tall winged man with angular features emerges from below decks where Rumel is pointing, looking to see Bassilgard in the distance.

2010-10-20, 09:03 PM

Johnny's eyes grow wide. He strides over next to the winged man and begins to stroke the wings. "Your feathers are soft." he comments. Still touching the feathers, he asks, "What do you make of the dragon?"

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:09 PM
A bald swordsman in aesthetic garb floats up from below decks to stand near the winged man, gazing at Bassilgard.

2010-10-20, 09:18 PM
Who are you? Rumel asks curiously, staring at the two strange people

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:22 PM
They're the other team...

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:33 PM
The bald man folds his arms into the sleeves of his robes.
It's almost as big as my uncle's castle. Then again, Shtorm Giants have a tendenchy to build things larger than needed. It would sheem our adversharies have already beaten ush here. I shuggest acting under the asshumption that they notished our entrance.

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 09:34 PM
The mutant looks over at the swordsman and the giant winged man. But I digress, zhe organization and zheir mages will not vait for us. Admire it once it is truly ours.

2010-10-20, 09:36 PM

"Yes, yes!" Johnny responds to the bald man. "That sounds smart. I agree with that." He turns to Forge. "Can I carry the sun with me?"

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 09:41 PM
The name ish Draug. Megil'Draug, the swordsman replies to Rumel.

2010-10-20, 10:04 PM
Answering things in order... lots of posts since I stepped away for a bit.


"Stop it, Warev, you aren't going to end up convincing him." Johnny steps into the middle of the argument. Warev laughs "I'm not arguing to convince - that is pointless. I'm arguing to make him be honest about his reasons."
The pseudodragon looks at Warev partially curiously, the other one is a bit of annoyance, but it does not appear major. You are either deaf or one of us forgot. Do you know zhat I vas not hatched like zhis, nor vas this transformation my choice?
Warev shrugs a and drops her illusory disguise for a moment - revealing herself as she truly is - one feathered wing, one emerald scaled wing; the scaled wing covered in strange runes. Horns curl up from her forehead, down behind her head, and back around under her neck. Her skin itself can't be seen, as she is covered in emerald scales ... and you can see through her. She gives it but a second to sink in, and then re-establishes her illusory appearence, replying "Have you forgotten? I make it easy to forget with illusion, to make public appearances easier, but I wasn't intended to be as I am either. I haven't forgotten. But if your reason for hating magic is that it was used against you, then please phrase it that way. The torture victim may hate blades for those that left the scars... but it's nothing inherent to the blades; it's the use to which they were put. You don't see me maligning your swordplay as a practice; why do you persist in maligning my tools?"

The bald man folds his arms into the sleeves of his robes.
It's almost as big as my uncle's castle. Then again, Shtorm Giants have a tendenchy to build things larger than needed. It would sheem our adversharies have already beaten ush here. I shuggest acting under the asshumption that they notished our entrance."Does it make any noticeable change to our plans? We might hope to slip in under the radar, but really, into the breach we go, regardless. Speaking of... does anybody need to be warded against divinations?" I've got a rather lot of castings of Mind Blank available, for anyone who wants one.

Oh yes, and the fun bit? She doesn't register as magic. Actually, she doesn't register as much of anything....

The Antigamer
2010-10-20, 10:17 PM
The winged man smiles down at Johnny.
"Thank you. I'm not sure what to make of the dragon down there. We'll need to investigate." Replying to Rumel's question, the giant celestial replies, "I am Solomon. It is unlikely anyone but the Organization would have beaten us here, Megil. Still, I'm not sure how comfortable I am attacking without confirmation. Hmmm.... Should we scout or try some manner of scrying?""

2010-10-20, 10:41 PM
Rumel is amazed to see somebody so much taller than himself... He cannot help but stare with a slight aww.

Emperor Ing
2010-10-20, 10:47 PM
A blade ez a simple sliver of bladed metal with no other porpose zhan to cut. A man with a zord cannot inzinerate you with zhe zord as easily as zhey can use it to weld zhe joints of your bones togezher. I vill be honest as I always have. I give my master credit for my incredible strength and my ability to absorb magic, I never believe it was worth zhe pain. You know I do what I do so no-one else should have to. I have zhe visdom to know magic can do good zhings, but it is not worth zhe horrors I know. Rache pauses. I have done horrible zhings too. But in zhe end, I know zhe would be a better place.

2010-10-21, 12:15 AM
"Of course, since you always know what would be best for the world, right? Oh, and Johnny, hands off the artefact."

2010-10-21, 06:42 AM

"Awww!" Johnny cringes and starts fidgeting, his hands twitching. "What if what's-his-name did get here first? He could have set a trap for us. Like..." Johnny demonstrates with his hands, moving one palm along to demonstrate the ship. "Vrrrrrrroooshhh!" He brings his other hand up, palm open. The 'ship' lands on it, and the other hand snap shut around his left. "See? Then we could get smashed in a moment, if he knows where we're going to land."

2010-10-21, 07:32 AM
The winged man smiles down at Johnny.
"Thank you. I'm not sure what to make of the dragon down there. We'll need to investigate." Replying to Rumel's question, the giant celestial replies, "I am Solomon. It is unlikely anyone but the Organization would have beaten us here, Megil. Still, I'm not sure how comfortable I am attacking without confirmation. Hmmm.... Should we scout or try some manner of scrying?""Warev nods, and says "A decent thought. Give me a minute." She then proceeds to swap the gem on her forehead out for a different one from a beat-up leather backpack she carries, and concentrates for a few minutes, before swapping it back.Third Eye Sense - in the Expanded Psionic Handbook, the Magic Item Compendium, and the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#sense); lets Warev put a scrying sensor in any 'known or obvious' location. Supernaturally or magically enhanced senses don't work properly, however, Lifesense (Libris Mortis), is a feat, and thus Ex by default - so even if someone happens to be Invisible, Hiding, and/or Mind Blanked, she can still tell they're there (if they're living, and most things are...), from the light they put out to her remote eyes. Mage's Private Sanctum defeats it, as does a layer of lead (as it's a Scrying effect), but both of those reveal that there's a blockage. Veil of Undeath would probably defeat it completely.

As for the specific actions, she's doing rapid-repeat invocations of the device - it's at-will - and is placing the scrying sensor at obvious locations - first running it around the perimeter of the apparently-draconic construction, then attempting to place the sensor just inside, and griding things out as she can see them from there.... assuming it's not scry-blocked on the inside, which it probably is.

Oh, and if it matters, Spot check: [roll0]
Warev then relays what she saw during the scrying session.

A blade ez a simple sliver of bladed metal with no other porpose zhan to cut. A man with a zord cannot inzinerate you with zhe zord as easily as zhey can use it to weld zhe joints of your bones togezher. I vill be honest as I always have. I give my master credit for my incredible strength and my ability to absorb magic, I never believe it was worth zhe pain. You know I do what I do so no-one else should have to. I have zhe visdom to know magic can do good zhings, but it is not worth zhe horrors I know. Rache pauses. I have done horrible zhings too. But in zhe end, I know zhe would be a better place.

Warev also continues addressing Rache "Yes... it's only purpose is to cut; swords are inherently destructive, and can do little else. Anything can be misused. I once saw a man who was a victim of a long torture session with a blade; he was a beggar on the street, at the time. Blind, having had his eyes cut out. Defenseless, having had his fingers cut off from his hands. Unable to walk, as the tendons in his legs and feet had been cut. Very little of his skin was original; most of it had obviously been cut off in pieces, and permitted to heal. I had a fairly long chat with him; seems he'd been rendered unconscious by a mundane poison in his drink, mundanely manacled so he couldn't fight back, and slowly cut with a blade in a combination of revenge and interrogation. Leaving him alive was part of the cruelty. No magic was involved, and fairly little skill. Magic is not the only thing that can ruin people - and frankly, mundane methods of that sort of thing are more common... meaning they paradoxically attract more attention, as people are more interested in the unusual than the mundane. I actually spend most of my down-time using magic to build small, durable houses for the poor; I was handling the major structure (there was a priest following up with fine-tuning them). I managed about forty structures a day, last time out. Over the month I was working at that particular stretch, myself and just one other person made functional housing for well over a thousand people who couldn't afford a roof over their heads, otherwise. But that didn't make the bardic rounds, so pretty much only those we built the huts for actually heard about it."Wall of Stone: Such a wonderful spell. Instant, non-magical buildings... hardness-8, so ignores more weather than wood; 75 hp per 5-foot section at caster level 21, so it still soaks a fair amount before it fails during the rare events that actually can damage it. With 21 five-foot squares to play with, you can make a quite reasonable 10x10x10 stone hut, with a five-foot square to spare, in an area where there's stone to build on... and if there's not, it just has to be supported by existing stone; break off the five-foot excess from the previous building, turn it into small chunks, and lay it out in a pattern and... oh look, a stone base to build on. Ah, yes - and with the half-thickness option, the huts can be made larger."Likewise, magic is not as easy as you put forth. A mage can burn a man with an easy first-circle spell, but significant alterations to another's form is at least a fourth-circle spell, much more difficult. Changing someone who is unwilling is even harder. A Wizard can be exhausted much more readily than can a swordsman; the beginning apprentice wizard can cast maybe one or two useful spells before he's exhausted. Meanwhile, the beginning squire to a knight can keep swinging his sword for a good chunk of the day."

"But I suppose we could go round and round at this for quite some time. I've got plenty of ammunition for maligning blades, if you wish to keep maligning magic. Shall we call a cease-fire and stop knocking each other's trades?"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-21, 11:13 AM
Rache nods. Fine. I sense ve are at an impasse yet again anyway. The only reason he allows this one to live is because he could prove useful.

2010-10-21, 03:29 PM
@Scrying: As you direct all of your concentration on scrying Bassilgard, your mind feels as if it has hit a solid wall of thick metal. Trying to probe through this defense against your magic is nearly like trying to mine through stone with a feather. Despite the best of your abilities, there seems to be only 2 real noticeable 'cracks' in this wall against your magic. One being the slightly gaping mouth, another some sort of hole located roughly where a belly button for a mammal would be. The mouth seems to be the bigger, and more then likely easiest way inside. While the 'belly button' seems to be some kind of hole caused by a minor wound from some battle long ago, nearly spanning 20ft in radius.

@Lifesense: Your nearly blinded by the sheer amount of life radiating from Bassilgard alone. It nearly outshines the sun itself, concealing any smaller and dimmer lights that may or may not be around its location.

((OOC: Its bigger then Colossal by 'traditional' purposes, and so the light radius is around 960ft as the Libris Mortis describes the feat.))

2010-10-21, 04:45 PM
Warev nods, and relays her findings, "Well, I've got three things of note to report. The first is that the draconic construct down there is warded against scrying. The second is that I spotted two useful openings - there's some cracks at the 'mouth' that could be used to gain entry, but there's also a hole in the 'belly' that could likely be used for entry. The third being that the draconic construct down there isn't a construct per se. It's a living being. Make of that what you will... but that does raise an interesting question...." Warev turns her gaze once more on the artifacts, this time looking in terms of life....

2010-10-22, 01:19 AM
"Maybe they up-scaled the project..."

The Antigamer
2010-10-22, 04:01 AM
You sense no life from the artifacts.

2010-10-22, 08:24 AM
I'd say the best bet is the stomach. Rumel mutters looking at the giant teeth in the distance What do you meen it's not a construct?

2010-10-22, 08:26 AM
"It sounds like it's similar to myself. A combination of the living and artificial. They were busy while I was gone."

Emperor Ing
2010-10-22, 02:42 PM
Hmm, looks like fun.

2010-10-22, 04:45 PM
Warev replies to Rumel "It bears the flame of life. Quite brightly, too. It may or may not be intelligent, but it is very much a living creature, regardless of what else it might be. Which does raise some interesting questions, but not much we can do to answer them here, so they're moot, for the moment. Oh yes, and the artifacts don't seem to be alive, of themselves."

"As for the approach... we've got, what, ten active Guild members on this ship? With two possible openings, we might want to hedge our bets, so to speak - send five to one, five to the other - and see what happens. Cut down our chances of being taken out completely by an ambush."And, incidentally, split up the 'two parties' into their expected groups... all nice and in-character.

The Antigamer
2010-10-22, 06:26 PM
As the ship draws closer to the head of Bassilgard, the lids covering the eyes suddenly begin to lift open. The ponderous lids roll back to reveal a pair of eyes blacker then the nothingness of space, yet as somehow as bright as the sun at the same time. The eyes start to turn towards the airship's direction, almost like a giant noticing a pixie. A great rumbling starts to vibrate the very air around you, and twin beams of golden light lance out at the ship faster then a blink of an eye. Merrikin's piloting reflexes cause her to instinctively swerve the ship starboard. But the beams are too fast, and too wide. The ship is engulfed in light, at the same time a crackling sound similar to a lightning bolt deafens everyone, and a tingling sensation runs over your bodies as everything explodes. Everyone is flung about, and you all feel a draining sensation. The ship, more a wreck than a real ship now, is ripped in half, one part plummeting towards the maw of the beast, the other spinning out of control towards the rear. Merrikin is draped over the helm, blood pouring from her mouth.

Team Slightly Serious all got flung to the bow side of the half-ship, and are falling towards the rear at an arc. All sources of magic do not function. Only natural flight works. Everyone make a fortitude save. Forge has the artifacts.

And you thought we didn't have a plan to split you guys up :smalltongue:

Emperor Ing
2010-10-22, 06:36 PM
For some reason, this looks more like an excuse to have something shoot lasers out of their eyes than to split the party. Not that there's anything at all wrong with that...:smalltongue:

Rache, after being consumed with the beam of energy feels nothing more than to want to just kill this thing. And Warev wonders why he hates magic.

Fortitude save

2010-10-22, 06:38 PM
Rumel holds on to a railing with an iron grip, not budgeing.

Ha!!! No fort save for me :smallbiggrin:... Jk

2010-10-22, 06:40 PM
Warev's flight is racial and nonmagical; if the 'no magic' effect includes Su abilities, that means she's no longer manifested, and thus, on the Ethereal - *usually* safe and sound, but not always. But she'll cheerfully follow half the ship regardless. She is a bit of a healer, after all, and there's likely to be wreckage & injury. Oh yes, and immune to most Fort save effects, due to the undead type.

2010-10-22, 06:41 PM
Johnny wails as the ship splits, spinning down the length of the ship. "Feathery man!" As the ship crashes, he stumbles to his feet. "We don't stand a chance! That thing vaporized the ship in a heartbeat!"

Emperor Ing
2010-10-22, 08:17 PM
Rache's four wings aren't just for show. Yes, their acquisition was not on his own terms but his speed and agility mid-air is legendary. Bards don't write songs about how well the most skilled swordsmen in the world can fly good though. However the pseudodragon himself can be heard making an audible high-pitched yell as it flies off of the disintegrating ship.

2010-10-23, 05:03 AM

Fort: [roll0]

2010-10-31, 09:35 PM
Warev considers how in times like these a moment can seem to take an eternity, and how the world seems frozen when action is at it's peak.

Emperor Ing
2010-11-01, 07:18 PM
Rache can't help but notice the moment. He can't move a muscle. Neither an eyeball can scan, a heart can beat, or a lung can breathe...yet he's still alive. Alive and aware. He has been like this for the last...hours? What is the purpose of this...suspended animation if he will not die from it?

The Antigamer
2010-11-02, 02:09 AM
Rolling some things, will be editing this post shortly.

As the ship breaks into pieces, you feel as if you may follow suit. Pain wracks your bodies as you experience a s t r e t c h i n g sensation that feels like the universe is treating you like a baker treats bread dough. The beam seems to slowly slice layers of atoms off the ship, the motes hanging in midair. Warev's manifestation is forcibly dispelled, and she's painfully flung into the ethereal. Rache is held in place by the agony wracking his tiny frame, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Johnny clings to a banister screaming, and then runs and jumps into the drinking barrel filled with water that has somehow escaped disintegration. The ship is coming apart even more now, pieces falling off or disappearing randomly. You narrowly pass over Bassilgard, and the Two constructs, one living, one but a soul, cling to the railing, their expressions never changing. As the ship is about to fall to pieces, Rache's eyes snap open, dart back and forth to access the situation, and then the small dragon takes wing, watching as the ship half carrying his companions smashes into the ground 50 yards away from Bassilgard's hind leg. Suddenly a barrel drops by right next to him, hurtling at breakneck speed to the ground. A second before landing, Johnny pokes his head out of it, smiles, and jumps out of the barrel to the ground, somehow not maintaining the velocity of the barrel at all as he lands lightly on his feet. Warev floats down beside him, as the two constructs push their way out of the wreckage. An echoing crash sounds from the front of the huge dragon.

Johnny and Rumel take 67 damage. Warev is ethereal and takes 34 damage. Everyone else takes 134 damage. This damage bypasses all DRs except chaotic.

2010-11-02, 06:47 AM
Warev checks to make sure nobody died in the blast, and begins the process of healing the living in the party - stopping and renewing her assorted enchantments that might have been dispelled by the blast. Meanwhile, her fast healing removes her own injuries. "So... is everyone ready to press on? I don't think any of us want that kind of destructive force to fall into the wrong hands, eh?"

Spell-Like Cure Serious Wounds: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7] - there, eight castings should be enough to handle most of it for the living in the party - hopefully the constructs thought to bring their own healing.
Cast Mind Blank on herself
Cast Magic Aura on each of her items that was not on a different plane at the time of the blast (16 of them - dipping into 2nd level slots a bit) to make them seem to be nonmagical
Cast Misdirection on herself and a nearby, mundane rock, so she doesn't seem magical easily.

Self-heal by Fast Healing 10: Always handy (except when it's not).

Warev Dariss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=243802)
F LG See Other Notes See Other Notes, Level 21, Init +9, HP 133/133, DR 21/-, Speed Fly 70 (Perfect)
AC 51, Touch 43, Flat-footed 42, Fort +33, Ref +41, Will +41, Base Attack Bonus 14
180 foot Sonic line Breath Weapon (1d4 round delay) Reflex DC 20 half (21d6, )
+4 more for Grapple, Disarm Telekinesis(Manuevers) (1d4 round delay) +35 ( , )
Force Bracers of Armor+8, Incorporeal (+8 Armor, +9 Dex, +17 Deflect, +7 Misc)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 28, Con -, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 45
Condition Magic Aura on each item, individually, to give off no magical aura (21 day duration - 1 casting a day covers all items with room to spare)
Mind Blank on Self
Misdirection on self and a rock
Ring of X-Ray Vision (normally left running)

2010-11-02, 07:46 AM

Johnny starts to laugh. The horror of the ship breaking apart is momentarily forgotten with the fun of the barrel ride. "That was GREAT!" He twirls around and stares up at the hole in the Dragon's stomach pensively. "I know everyone else has probably thought of this, but what if it has lasers inside of it as well? Laser intestines would be a great defense mechanism."

Emperor Ing
2010-11-02, 08:22 AM
Time resumes its flow. The pseudodragon finds this to be both welcoming and horrifying as the universe itself seems to turn on him, twisting and contorting his body in such a horrific manner that Rache can't help but think back to his treatment by his former master. He'll fly down to the group in a speedy but irregular and pained flying pattern, screaming in an audible cry that resembles an extremely pissed off housecat. He also has his knives drawn in both hands.

2010-11-02, 08:40 AM
Rumel stands up snapping some parts back into place.

Was it mass cure serious wounds... I'm cured 1/2 of the others if so.

2010-11-02, 08:57 AM
Forge gets up, and looks over at Johnny. "Perhaps. I'm not too sure, though. I wasn't involved in this." He then turns to Rumel. "Need some fixing up?"

2010-11-02, 09:04 AM
I'm good, for some reason I feel better when I'm cured, even though I don't have any thing to heal.

2010-11-02, 04:44 PM
No, just regular Cure Serious Wounds - but it's 21/day, so she can spread them around, easy.

Emperor Ing
2010-11-02, 04:46 PM
Spell resistance is lowered for the purposes of healing.
Though you'll probably have to indicate how the spells are distributed.

2010-11-02, 04:54 PM
Whoever needs them, until I'm out. Tell me about how many your characters need, eh?

Emperor Ing
2010-11-02, 05:20 PM
Let's just say Rache takes 4 of 'em.
The little dragon is too angry at the prior great magical effect that just took place to notice Warev casting spells on him. Albeit healing spells, but Rache would be angry that it's not on his own terms. Though that cat scream he's making might start to get annoying.

2010-11-02, 05:43 PM
Spell-like, technically. No V or S components. She just concentrates a little, touches someone, and they feel better. Absurd very high Concentration check, so she doesn't even provoke. Still magical, though.

The Antigamer
2010-11-04, 02:53 AM
Assembling your team from the wreckage, you see no evidence of any other survivors. Turning your back on the ship, in some cases sadly, some indifferent, you stare at the massive bulk of Bassilgard ahead.

Apparently Igneel is not able to post right now, I'll be running you 'til his return.

Emperor Ing
2010-11-04, 11:59 AM
Rache seems calmer, though probably because he's enjoying the thought that many spellcasters died in the crash.
You said there is a hole in its belly?

2010-11-04, 04:51 PM
Warev nods to Rache "Yes. Shouldn't be too far from here. Did I miss anyone's wounds?"

Can I get a count of who needs how much healing so I can roll it all and mark it off on my sheet, including special things like 'half healing from Cure spells' that happen with Warforged and such?

2010-11-04, 06:32 PM
OOC: Johnny needs 67 points of healing, though if you run out I could turn a rock into a healing potion. No special things apply.

2010-11-04, 06:47 PM
I need 67, but make it 134 since you can only heal me 1/2. Or just start a magic fire and let me sit in it.

2010-11-04, 07:38 PM

Let's just say Rache takes 4 of 'em.
The first four rolled for Rache (24+32+27+28=111 hp healing for Rache ... wasn't that 134 damage? Let's make it 5, so the next one in (26) makes it up to 137 - three over, and full HP)

OOC: Johnny needs 67 points of healing, though if you run out I could turn a rock into a healing potion. No special things apply.So you take the other three rolls from the first healing post (30+31+34) which tops Johnny off.

Is that changing things into potions at-will, for infinite self-healing, by the way?

I need 67, but make it 134 since you can only heal me 1/2. Or just start a magic fire and let me sit in it.Oh, well - that's easy, then.
With the living in the party dealt with, Warev uses Rumel's favorite illusion, surrounding him closely with a wall of fire, focused inwards. She then considers the other construct in the party while focusing on Rumel's fire bath....

Shadow Evocation(Wall of Fire) for a five-foot radius circle around Rumel, focused inwards at him. If Rumel deliberately fails his Will save (and lowers his SR, if applicable), he takes full fire 'damage' from the effect. Duration concentration + 21 rounds, so we can both sit there until he's fully healed up, regardless of the severity of the damage, as long as he's not to the point of destruction. 'Damage' rate is 2d4/round, although if Rumel does a dance through it, he can significantly increase that - 2d6+20 per step through the wall... so every five feet of movement, essentially. You can probably be all healed up in a round, really. I don't know what your magic fire damage -> healing multiplier is, but there you go: Magic Fire. And she can do that one a LOT.

2010-11-04, 07:51 PM
Rumel smiles as the fire surrounds him. He begins to jump around enjoying the flames.

I heal 1/3 the damage taken.

2010-11-04, 08:29 PM
OOC: No, it isn't at will... it basically lets me pick up an object and let me use it as a different object of similar size, or even a relatively cheap magic item. I forget how many times per day, it's not very much.

2010-11-05, 06:38 AM
OOC: Forge:So... that's everyone else in the party handled; as a Warforged Artificer you can probably heal yourself... have you rolled your repair spells?

2010-11-05, 02:10 PM
Forge focuses, pulling out a slave, putting it on where he is damaged, feeling it repair him.

Using Total Repair, so I'm back to max HP.

2010-11-05, 02:33 PM
As each of you are being healed/repaired, you notice that despite the sudden awakening of Bassilgard that it hasn't made a move since the laser attack. His body for now seems to still be anchored to the mountain-sized tree not too far away from your current position. Looming over all of you like heavens above you, a cave-like hole is noticeably visible located on his underbelly some ways away.

Emperor Ing
2010-11-06, 04:01 PM
I vote the spellcaster walks into the living mountain.

2010-11-06, 04:02 PM
"And who is that? I'm willing to go in."

Emperor Ing
2010-11-06, 04:06 PM
Zhe spellcaster! Go scout out zhe inside of zhe living mountain. We'll vatch your back. He doesn't seem to want to give out a name.

2010-11-06, 04:13 PM

"Gwooh! Look at that tree!" Johnny bounces over to the tree. "Heeyyyy, if we destroy this tree, then it'll break free and what's-his-name won't be able to control it. SOLVED!" His Rod of Wonder appears in his hands and he prepares to bang it on the ground.

2010-11-06, 05:23 PM
Warev shrugs at the suggestion, and vanishes...

See invisibility / True Seeing:...to the Ethereal plane, where she checks to make sure her ring of X-Ray vision is active, before she dives underground...
DM:... and uses the ring of X-Ray Vision to navigate, traveling to the cave entrance, to see what she can see. Note that she has a 25-foot range of vision when pulling this trick - on the Ethereal plane, she can hide inside objects. With the Ring of X-Ray Vision, she can see through them ... but she's limited to 25 feet of sight this way. Basically nobody has line-of-sight to her.

The Antigamer
2010-11-09, 01:28 AM
It's not a cave entrance, simply a hole in Bassilgard's underbelly. Also, don't forget about the exhausting effect of using the x-ray specs too much. Your specs don't penetrate Bassilgard.

2010-11-09, 08:07 AM
It's not a cave entrance, simply a hole in Bassilgard's underbelly. Also, don't forget about the exhausting effect of using the x-ray specs too much. Your specs don't penetrate Bassilgard.
Exhausting effect of the Ring of X-Ray Vision is Con damage. As an undead, Warev's immune to Con damage. For her, the drawback isn't one.

So a few follow-up things do check:
Does Bassilgard extend to the Ethereal plane?
Can she do the 'dip into the floor' bit to get Cover to attempt to hide while she scouts out the immediate vicinity?
If she pokes her head in anyway, what's in there?

2010-11-09, 08:43 AM
OOC: To resolve the Rod of Wonder...

EDIT: Oookay, that's a 6d6 damage fireball at the tree, since no one bothered to stop Johnny. :smalltongue:

2010-11-09, 11:37 AM

Does Bassilgard extend to the Ethereal plane?
Can she do the 'dip into the floor' bit to get Cover to attempt to hide while she scouts out the immediate vicinity?
If she pokes her head in anyway, what's in there?

Despite its physical qualities, this strange construct does extend to the Ethereal plane.
On the material plane, yes.
Upon reaching the 'hole' there is no apparent light inside. A strong smell of acid wafts out. Outside of this, you need a Spot/Listen Check.

As the flames reach what small part of the tree it could get to, amazingly enough it only singes the top most layer of bark, ridding itself of its armor of moss but not even blackening the wooden layer under.

2010-11-09, 12:08 PM

The rod of wonder vanishes. "It didn't work. Clearly the tree is invincible to fire. Who has ideas to burn it down?"

Emperor Ing
2010-11-09, 01:15 PM
An endehvor for anatzher time prehaps. Or...you burn it down by retreeving zhe uberflammenwurfer from inside zhe dragon.

2010-11-09, 01:54 PM

Johnny stares at the pseudodragon, entranced. "The ooberflahmenwharferr?"

The Antigamer
2010-11-09, 01:58 PM
Bring out the ooberflahmenwharferr! Don't forget the safe word!

2010-11-09, 05:49 PM

Despite its physical qualities, this strange construct does extend to the Ethereal plane.
On the material plane, yes.
Upon reaching the 'hole' there is no apparent light inside. A strong smell of acid wafts out. Outside of this, you need a Spot/Listen Check.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Emperor Ing
2010-11-09, 06:14 PM
Rache looks at the maniac. Zhe überflammenwerfer.

2010-11-09, 09:06 PM

Johnny nods and thumps his chest. "I understand. I must find and retrieve the Ooberflahmennwhirfoor. I won't let you down." He flies through the air, whizzing right past Warev into the hole in the Dragon's stomach. "The Oodberflagmenwharfor will be mine!"

2010-11-09, 09:10 PM
Rumel look at his friends and sais don't sorry... I'll get him and leaps after him covering huge gaps at a time.

When I don't make a jump check, I'm taking 10.

Emperor Ing
2010-11-13, 08:46 PM
The pseudodragon snickers and perches his 4 talons on Warev's shoulder. Shall ve continue?

2010-11-13, 09:37 PM
The pseudodragon snickers and perches his 4 talons on Warev's shoulder. Shall ve continue?Quite the trick, that, when she's currently on the Ethereal plane entirely.

Emperor Ing
2010-11-13, 09:40 PM
Rache attempts to perch but realizes that his blindsense ability has betrayed him, causing a slip and fall to the ground, stopped only at the last possible second by his redundant wings.

2010-11-14, 05:33 AM
"Are you people done with your stupid descriptions of Bassilgrad? Thanks."

Forge pulls out his modified crossbow, with extra gears and springs attached, and points it at the ground, then pulls a second trigger, making a swirling portal appear. He then points it up at the hole, and pulls the trigger again, making another portal there.


He walks through the portal in the ground.

Emperor Ing
2010-11-17, 11:46 AM
Rache is distrustful of these shenanigans. He will go to the hole the old-fashioned way.

Rache will use the Hustle action while flying to the hole (so he's going at 250 ft speed.)