View Full Version : Vote Up A Campaign Setting: Discussion Thread V: The Final Countdown

Zeta Kai
2010-10-20, 01:40 PM
So, here we are, in the final* countdown to the launch of our setting, the Hourglass of Zihaja. In case you have missed out on the previous discussions, there have been a few:

Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #4
Thread #5

We are pleased to announce that we are still on schedule to publish our setting on November 24th, 2010, the two-year anniversary of the start date for this entire project. It has been a long time coming, & there have been several hardships & setbacks. But, we have survived, & are ready to emerge victorious, having become stronger & more glorious through our strife. Praise be unto Limalia, the Tide of Fates.

As expected, here is a small taste of what is to come:
Akasha’s Awesome Aura
Level: Presence 9
Components: V, S, DF, X
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

You create an aura of radiant energy that surrounds your body, enveloping you in a field of shimmering light. This has a number of effects.

First, the aura acts as a protective barrier that prevents offensive spells from affecting you. Only spells that would aid you in some way (such as healing you, protecting you, or enhancing your abilities) can affect you. All other spell effects are negated for you, as if you were within an antimagic field. This includes such powerful spells as Mordenkainen’s disjunction & Sunya’s supreme smite.

Second, the aura forces all creatures within 60’ of you to make a Will save. Those beings that fail the saving throw suffer the following ill effects, depending on their HD relative to your caster level.

These effects last until 3 rounds after the spell’s duration ends; they are cumulative & concurrent. You may designate one ally within range per caster level that is exempt from this effect, if you wish, prior to casting this spell. This effect only affects creatures within sight of you; any being with total concealment relative to you is unaffected. If such a creature later loses their concealment within the spell’s duration, they must still make a Will save at that time or become affected by your aura.

Third, the aura forces any creature that attempts to attack you to make a Will save. Those beings that fail the saving throw cannot make an attack against you during that round; they may try again the next round. Any creature that makes their saving throw may attack you freely during that round, but must make another Will save the next round to continue attack you. Affected creatures cannot take any action (including the casting of spells) against you that would require an attack roll, would directly deal damage to you, or would force you to make a saving throw. All other actions are allowed, even those that might cause injury indirectly.

Lastly, this spell negates all forms of invisibility cast upon yourself, & you automatically fail all Hide checks while this spell’s effects last.

XP Cost: 500XP.

Sunya’s Supreme Smite
Level: Power 9
Components: V, S, DF, X
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100’ + 10’/level)
Area: Cylinder (20’ radius, 100’ high)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

You create a vertical column of destructive force roaring downward from above, blasting everything within range. All creatures within range must make a Fortitude save or immediately die. A creature that makes their saving throw is still pushed to the edge of the effect, taking 1d6 points of damage for every 5’ so pushed. All objects within range take 1d6 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 30d6); this damage ignores hardness.

This effect negates any magical protection or barrier, such as an antimagic field, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, or wall of force. The only known means of protecting oneself from this spell is the use of Akasha’s awesome aura.

XP Cost: 500XP.

Please, join us & discuss.

* = We really mean it this time. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw)

2010-10-20, 02:27 PM
The list of effects for Akasha's Awesome Aura is missing, and are you sure it's creatures you can't see who should be unaffected?

2010-10-20, 02:34 PM
Congratulations then!

Morph Bark
2010-10-20, 02:40 PM
* = We really mean it this time. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw)

Are you suuuuure there won't be a Mambo Vote Up A Campaign Setting: Discussion Thread number 6? :smalltongue:

2010-10-20, 02:56 PM
Are you suuuuure there won't be a Mambo Vote Up A Campaign Setting: Discussion Thread number 6? :smalltongue:

This isn't Random Banter. We can't hit 50 pages in 35 days.

2010-10-20, 03:08 PM
Anyone else notice the domain name for Supreme Smite?

2010-10-20, 03:13 PM
Anyone else notice the domain name for Supreme Smite?

I don't get its significance.

2010-10-20, 03:22 PM
I approve of Zeta's link.

2010-10-20, 03:23 PM
Power domain.

It happened.

It actually got printed.

There's a Power domain.

2010-10-20, 04:21 PM
I approve of Zeta's link.

I got "This video is not available in your country", so I'll take your word for it.

Power domain.

It happened.

It actually got printed.

There's a Power domain.

Oh right.

Morph Bark
2010-10-20, 04:46 PM
Power domain.

It happened.

It actually got printed.

There's a Power domain.

I now demand they make a level 11 spell for it.

2010-10-21, 05:27 AM
It's getting closer, nice. I have a question about Sidaru's code from the last thread, though: why can you create intelligent undead at all? It's still retrieving a soul, isn't it? It gives it a new body, but so does Reincarnate. Did I miss something important?

2010-10-21, 10:18 AM
I got "This video is not available in your country", so I'll take your word for it.It was this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Final_Countdown_%28song%29).

Also: is it wrong that I'm mildly disappointed that there's no bold, underlined, italicized bluetext for the POWER domain? Even though it wouldn't actually make any sense for it to be formatted like that in the finished product?

Zeta Kai
2010-10-22, 02:54 PM
It's getting closer, nice. I have a question about Sidaru's code from the last thread, though: why can you create intelligent undead at all? It's still retrieving a soul, isn't it? It gives it a new body, but so does Reincarnate. Did I miss something important?

Well, I'm still working on the finer details, which delve deep into the perils of quantifying morality. I think that I have a final version, which already is a bit different from the one that I posted in the last thread. So nobody should sweat it until it's been published 4Reelz.

To go against everything that I just said, here's a chart of all the "gods" in our setting, with some relevant info on each. The stuff here is highly unlikely to change, so go ahead & ask questions about it. As always, enjoy & discuss:

{table=head]Aspect|Pronunciation|Alignment|Follower|Symbol Shape|Granted Domains|Favored Weapon|Druid|Monk|Paladin
Adimas|ah-DEE-muss|Chaotic Neutral|Adimasai|trapezoid|Chaos, Cunning, Luck, Magic|longbow|Yes|No|CG/CE
Akasha|ah-KAH-shah|Chaotic Good|Akashai|semicircle|Good, Heroism, Presence, Protection, Sun|heavy mace|No|No|CG
Bjardvif|bee-ARD-viff|Chaotic Good|Bjardite|woman|Earth, Good, Healing|light mace|No|No|CG
Daq|DAK|True Neutral|Daqite|triangle|Destiny, Evil, Good|spear|Yes|Yes|No
The Darshan|dahr-SHAHN|True Neutral|Darshanite|rings|Knowledge, Prophecy, Travel|spear/warhammer/scimitar|Yes|Yes|No
Hagalvethr|HAH-gull-VETH-ur|Lawful Good|Hagalite|fist|Air, Cold, Storm, Strength|battle axe|No|Yes|LG
Isvel|ISS-vell|Lawful Neutral|Isvelite|crystal|Cold, Knowledge, Law, Luck|heavy pick|Yes|Yes|LG/LE
Johoum|juh-HOOM|Lawful Evil|Johoumite|diamond|Destruction, Punishment, Strength, Sun|morning star|No|Yes|LE
Limalia|lee-MAH-lee-ah|Neutral Evil|Limalite|rectangles|Hardship, Travel, Water|greatclub|Yes|Yes|LE/CE
Maqur|mah-CORE|Chaotic Evil|Maqurite|crescent|Betrayal, Fire, Trickery|dagger|No|No|CE
Martuakh|MAR-too-AHK|Neutral Evil|Martuakhai|loop & eye|Death, Poison, Serpent, Trickery|katar|Yes|Yes|LE/CE
Nathar|nah-THAR|Chaotic Evil|Natharite|maze|Curse, Evil, Murder, Night|longsword|No|No|CE
Pashati|pah-SHAH-tee|Neutral Good|Pashatai|vertical lines|Cleansing, Healing, Plant|trident|Yes|Yes|LG/CG
Qirus|KEER-oos|Lawful Neutral|Qirusai|circle/disk|Law, Protection, Resolve, War|falchion|Yes|Yes|LG/LE
Sidaru|see-DAR-oo|Lawful Good|Sidarite|square|Death, Law, Peace|warhammer|No|Yes|LG
Sjor|see-ORR|Chaotic Neutral|Sjorite|cross|Heroism, Strength, War, Water|longsword/warhammer|Yes|No|CG/CE
Sunya|SOON-yah|Lawful Evil|Sunyan|sword|Evil, Heroism, Night, Power, War|scimitar|No|Yes|LE
Umaj|oo-MAHJ|Chaotic Neutral|Umajan|arrowhead/chevron|Animal, Earth, Wild|unarmed strike|Yes|No|CG/CE
Waharim|wah-HAR-eem|Lawful Neutral|Waharimai|arches|Air, Contemplation, Knowledge|quarterstaff|Yes|Yes|LG/LE
Zaia|Z’EYE-ah|Lawful Good|Zaian|hourglass|Luck, Protection, Travel, World|chakram|No|Yes|LG[/table]

2010-10-22, 04:59 PM
There are a number of names on there I don't recognize. Shall I assume that they're the other members of the Dvernin Pantheon?

2010-10-22, 05:11 PM
Why is there a TN god with the good domain? Why has Johoum changed from being LN to LE?

2010-10-22, 05:22 PM
Why is there a TN god with the good domain? Why has Johoum changed from being LN to LE?

If you're referring to Daq, then you may have noticed he also bears the Evil domain. Daq is True Neutral because he promotes balance in all things, but he has power over both some Good and some Evil.

As for Johoum, since when was he ever LN? I do not believe there has been a change - he was always LE.

2010-10-22, 09:08 PM
As for Johoum, since when was he ever LN? I do not believe there has been a change - he was always LE.


2010-10-23, 01:05 AM
As the sun-god being LE was the thing that got me fired up for this setting in the first place, I can certainly say that Johoum has always been LE.

2010-10-23, 01:15 AM
Y'know, I'd always imagined Zaia as more NG than anything. Why LG? And what's her Code?

Zeta Kai
2010-10-23, 09:13 PM
There are a number of names on there I don't recognize. Shall I assume that they're the other members of the Dvernin Pantheon?

Yes, Bjardvif is Hagalvethr's wife, with Sjor & Isvel as their children. None of the others on this list are part of the dvernin pantheon, though.

Y'know, I'd always imagined Zaia as more NG than anything. Why LG? And what's her Code?

"Zaia (Z’EYE-ah) is the goddess of the natural & the supernatural, the mundane & divine systems, life & the afterlife. She presides over the universe, preserving the order of the spheres & maintaining the boundaries between space & time. Her followers work on her behalf to enforce this cosmic balance, so that they may take part in the natural ascension of souls to a higher realm of thought & existence."

In brief, she represents the law of nature, just as Umaj represents the chaos of nature.

Also, don't fixate on alignment so much; it's a reductionist mindset that limits the infinite possibilities of creation to 9 simplistic categories.

2010-10-23, 09:32 PM
Yes, Bjardvif is Hagalvethr's wife, with Sjor & Isvel as their children. None of the others on this list are part of the dvernin pantheon, though.

Or solely part of it, last I checked. Then again, I am a bit out of touch...

2010-10-23, 11:12 PM
If you're comfortable leaking it (or summing it up), what kinda changes got made to the Sacred Knives? I'm dying to discover the direction in which you took 'em.

And, Fellow Posters, what'd ya'll think? Good? Bad? Ugly?

Zeta Kai
2010-10-25, 05:26 AM
If you're comfortable leaking it (or summing it up), what kinda changes got made to the Sacred Knives? I'm dying to discover the direction in which you took 'em.

And, Fellow Posters, what'd ya'll think? Good? Bad? Ugly?

Honestly, around the same time that you sent that in, I was putting Organizations on the back-burner to focus on more fundamental parts of the project, like divine aspects & races. I'm very sorry, but I've barely looked at it in the time since. :smallredface: I promise that I will give it a proper edit/review & give you my take on it.

In the mean time, I'm pretty sure that you submitted an idea or two for NPCs, & those are ready. Give me a name for an NPC that you offered, & I'll leak it for you. Deal?

2010-10-25, 11:43 AM
This isn't Random Banter. We can't hit 50 pages in 35 days.

...is that a challenge?

2010-10-25, 03:46 PM
...is that a challenge?

No, it is not a challenge. Please do not attempt this. Thank you. :smallamused:

2010-10-25, 04:53 PM
Honestly, around the same time that you sent that in, I was putting Organizations on the back-burner to focus on more fundamental parts of the project, like divine aspects & races. I'm very sorry, but I've barely looked at it in the time since. :smallredface: I promise that I will give it a proper edit/review & give you my take on it.

In the mean time, I'm pretty sure that you submitted an idea or two for NPCs, & those are ready. Give me a name for an NPC that you offered, & I'll leak it for you. Deal?


It was hard choosing, but in the end I've gotta go with Jasmine of the Red Sands.

Zeta Kai
2010-10-26, 09:01 AM
Jasmine of the Red Sands

“I’ll give you a piece of advice: never stand under a perched bird. Hahahahaha…”
“Answer me this: what kind of fool kicks in a dungeon door?”
“How is a camel like a love-starved boy?”
“If you can do that, I’ll let you in on a secret, my dear.”
The gnoll-woman known as Jasmine was born in the tiny hamlet of Qefra (often rendered as Khephra in Gnoolun), on the western banks of Nuraz Lake near the city of Rizaj. Her parents called her Jehan, & when she was a little girl, her family took her along on a merchants’ caravan bound for Raqam, in the southwest. Tragically, the caravan was ambushed by bandits in the dunes of the Ral Zadi, & her entire family was slain, as were most of the others in her convoy.

But the raiders were chased off by a circle of druids, who cared for Jehan & adopted her as one of their own. They renamed her Jasmine, after a tropical shrub with beautiful flowers, & taught her the druidic ways. After many years of wandering the Ral Zadi with the nomadic druids she struck out on her own to cross the continent in search of enlightenment. Her only companion is the gnarled old tree branch that she is always seen with & apparently serves as her club, though why she would lug around such an unwieldy thing is anyone’s guess.

Jasmine doesn’t feel comfortable staying in the same place for more than a few days, so she travels an awful lot, even for a druid. As a result, she is wise in the ways of the world & experienced in her druidic practices, full of lore from many places & peoples. She is very tolerant of other cultures, & likes to immerse herself in their practices & customs. She enjoys confounding others, playing pranks & telling confusing tales, to the delight of some & the annoyance of others. While not precisely evil or even cruel, she is certainly seen as capricious, as likely to help you as hinder you.

Jasmine’s fur is wild & unbrushed, tangled with leaves, sticks, & even bits of dried mud. She carried herself as if she were much older than she is. Despite her aged demeanor, she still has all the vibrancy of youth, which is especially apparent in her lively eyes. She almost always wears a mischievous grin, or at least an amused smirk.

Jasmine spends most of her time moving from place to place, performing odd jobs in exchange for room & board. Her lifestyle appears to be formless & chaotic, but she insists that there is a purpose & a structure to all such things. She seeks enlightenment for herself, as well as the enlightenment of others, dispensing & gathering wisdom in equal measure. She spends a majority of her time bewildering people with pranks & jokes, but it seems that she peddles wisdom in the midst of her tricks & riddles. She does this in the hope that she may open people’s minds to alternate possibilities & other ways of thinking, thereby providing a means to illumination.

Combat Tactics
Jasmine appears to be a simple, harmless soul, one that is unfamiliar with the art of war, but those that believe that folly are short-lived. She never travels without her massive club, which is called Hikma (“Wisdom”); she wields it with deadly accuracy, dealing crushing blows with it. She prefers to begin battle with her club in hand, but she will often drop it to adopt a beastly form via Wild Shape, often as a lion or a hyena. Her favorite spells are often flashy & unexpected ones, like call lightning, flame blade, or summon nature’s ally, but she will often rely on more subtle magics, such as cat’s grace, jump, or poison.

RACE: Gnoll (Rizzadobo) female
CLASS: Druid 5
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
DEITY: Daq (The Tulai Zalim)
SIZE: Medium
AGE: 26 (born 329 AF)
HEIGHT: 7’7”
WEIGHT: 317 lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown/Gray
LANGUAGES: Aquan, Common, & Gnoolun
HIT DICE: 8+4d8+10 (36HP)
SPEED: 30’
ARMOR CLASS: 17 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +5 armor); touch 11; flat-footed 16
ATTACK: +6 Greatclub (1d10+3, ×2, bludgeoning)
FULL ATTACK: +6/+1 Greatclub (1d10+3, ×2, bludgeoning)
SAVING THROWS: Fortitude +6, Reflex +3, Will +6

Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 8 (-1)

SKILLS: 32 points

Bluff +7
Disguise +7
Knowledge (Nature) +2
Listen +11
Spot +11
Sleight of Hand +5
Survival +6

FEATS: Natural Spell, Perceptive**
WEAPON: +1 Greatclub (2,305gp, 1d10+3, ×2, 8 lbs., bludgeoning)
ARMOR: +1 Leather (1,160, +3, maximum dexterity bonus +6, 10% AFC, speed 30’, 15lbs.)

Bracers of Armor +2 (4,000gp)
Wand of cure light wounds (750gp)
SPELLS: 5/4/3/1 (Caster Level 5th, save DC12 + spell level)

Darkvision 60’
Social Acumen (Ex): +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy & Sense Motive checks made when dealing with members of another culture. Gnolls are canny & adaptable in social situations.


Nature Sense.
Wild Empathy.
Woodland Stride.
Trackless Step.
Resist Nature’s Lure.
Wild Shape (S/M, 1/day).
ANIMAL COMPANION: Sumar the Third, a camel (5HD, 32HP, AC15 (-1 size, +3 Dexterity, +3 Natural Armor), BAB+3, Bite +0 melee (1d4+2), Fortitude +6, Reflex +7, Will +1, Intelligence 2 (-4), Evasion, Link, Share Spells, Trick: Perform, Trick: Track, Low-Light Vision, Scent, Alertness, Endurance, Listen +8, Spot +8).

I'd have to confirm this with SE, but I believe that she would be a Druid 8 in 4th edition.

2010-10-26, 11:48 AM
The first quote for our first Gnoll PNC writeup ends with a laugh! You're doing something right. :smalltongue:

2010-10-26, 12:54 PM
Jasmine of the Red Sands

“I’ll give you a piece of advice: never stand under a perched bird. Hahahahaha…”
“Answer me this: what kind of fool kicks in a dungeon door?”
“How is a camel like a love-starved boy?”
“If you can do that, I’ll let you in on a secret, my dear.”
The gnoll-woman known as Jasmine was born in the tiny hamlet of Qefra (often rendered as Khephra in Gnoolun), on the western banks of Nuraz Lake near the city of Rizaj. Her parents called her Jehan, & when she was a little girl, her family took her along on a merchants’ caravan bound for Raqam, in the southwest. Tragically, the caravan was ambushed by bandits in the dunes of the Ral Zadi, & her entire family was slain, as were most of the others in her convoy.

But the raiders were chased off by a circle of druids, who cared for Jehan & adopted her as one of their own. They renamed her Jasmine, after a tropical shrub with beautiful flowers, & taught her the druidic ways. After many years of wandering the Ral Zadi with the nomadic druids she struck out on her own to cross the continent in search of enlightenment. Her only companion is the gnarled old tree branch that she is always seen with & apparently serves as her club, though why she would lug around such an unwieldy thing is anyone’s guess.

Jasmine doesn’t feel comfortable staying in the same place for more than a few days, so she travels an awful lot, even for a druid. As a result, she is wise in the ways of the world & experienced in her druidic practices, full of lore from many places & peoples. She is very tolerant of other cultures, & likes to immerse herself in their practices & customs. She enjoys confounding others, playing pranks & telling confusing tales, to the delight of some & the annoyance of others. While not precisely evil or even cruel, she is certainly seen as capricious, as likely to help you as hinder you.

Jasmine’s fur is wild & unbrushed, tangled with leaves, sticks, & even bits of dried mud. She carried herself as if she were much older than she is. Despite her aged demeanor, she still has all the vibrancy of youth, which is especially apparent in her lively eyes. She almost always wears a mischievous grin, or at least an amused smirk.

Jasmine spends most of her time moving from place to place, performing odd jobs in exchange for room & board. Her lifestyle appears to be formless & chaotic, but she insists that there is a purpose & a structure to all such things. She seeks enlightenment for herself, as well as the enlightenment of others, dispensing & gathering wisdom in equal measure. She spends a majority of her time bewildering people with pranks & jokes, but it seems that she peddles wisdom in the midst of her tricks & riddles. She does this in the hope that she may open people’s minds to alternate possibilities & other ways of thinking, thereby providing a means to illumination.

Combat Tactics
Jasmine appears to be a simple, harmless soul, one that is unfamiliar with the art of war, but those that believe that folly are short-lived. She never travels without her massive club, which is called Hikma (“Wisdom”); she wields it with deadly accuracy, dealing crushing blows with it. She prefers to begin battle with her club in hand, but she will often drop it to adopt a beastly form via Wild Shape, often as a lion or a hyena. Her favorite spells are often flashy & unexpected ones, like call lightning, flame blade, or summon nature’s ally, but she will often rely on more subtle magics, such as cat’s grace, jump, or poison.

RACE: Gnoll (Rizzadobo) female
CLASS: Druid 5
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
DEITY: Daq (The Tulai Zalim)
SIZE: Medium
AGE: 26 (born 329 AF)
HEIGHT: 7’7”
WEIGHT: 317 lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown/Gray
LANGUAGES: Aquan, Common, & Gnoolun
HIT DICE: 8+4d8+10 (36HP)
SPEED: 30’
ARMOR CLASS: 17 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +5 armor); touch 11; flat-footed 16
ATTACK: +6 Greatclub (1d10+3, ×2, bludgeoning)
FULL ATTACK: +6/+1 Greatclub (1d10+3, ×2, bludgeoning)
SAVING THROWS: Fortitude +6, Reflex +3, Will +6

Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 8 (-1)

SKILLS: 32 points

Bluff +7
Disguise +7
Knowledge (Nature) +2
Listen +11
Spot +11
Sleight of Hand +5
Survival +6

FEATS: Natural Spell, Perceptive**
WEAPON: +1 Greatclub (2,305gp, 1d10+3, ×2, 8 lbs., bludgeoning)
ARMOR: +1 Leather (1,160, +3, maximum dexterity bonus +6, 10% AFC, speed 30’, 15lbs.)

Bracers of Armor +2 (4,000gp)
Wand of cure light wounds (750gp)
SPELLS: 5/4/3/1 (Caster Level 5th, save DC12 + spell level)

Darkvision 60’
Social Acumen (Ex): +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy & Sense Motive checks made when dealing with members of another culture. Gnolls are canny & adaptable in social situations.


Nature Sense.
Wild Empathy.
Woodland Stride.
Trackless Step.
Resist Nature’s Lure.
Wild Shape (S/M, 1/day).
ANIMAL COMPANION: Sumar the Third, a camel (5HD, 32HP, AC15 (-1 size, +3 Dexterity, +3 Natural Armor), BAB+3, Bite +0 melee (1d4+2), Fortitude +6, Reflex +7, Will +1, Intelligence 2 (-4), Evasion, Link, Share Spells, Trick: Perform, Trick: Track, Low-Light Vision, Scent, Alertness, Endurance, Listen +8, Spot +8).

I'd have to confirm this with SE, but I believe that she would be a Druid 8 in 4th edition.

In 4e, monsters do not get class levels. However, if someone wanted a quick way to make Jasmine without working from scratch, taking a level 8 creature with the Controller role, applying the Druid template and giving it the Gnoll racial abilities would be a good approximation on the fly.

2010-10-26, 01:32 PM
She'd be considered a monster, despite being an NPC from a PC race?


2010-10-26, 02:40 PM
She'd be considered a monster, despite being an NPC from a PC race?


Mechanically, yeah. PCs in 4e are built completely differently from NPCs, and monsters, etc. There's no such thing as LA, racial HD or whathaveyou, and all enemies of the PCs get monster statblocks. Its not like this affects the fluff - it just offers mechanical cohesion.

2010-10-26, 03:54 PM
Mechanical nitpick - how in the nine flaming hells does a level five druid have iterative attacks?

2010-10-27, 11:32 AM
Mechanical nitpick - how in the nine flaming hells does a level five druid have iterative attacks?

My guess is the Gnoll's racial hit dice, which still provide some BAB (just don't remember the progression...)

2010-10-27, 11:55 AM
My guess is the Gnoll's racial hit dice, which still provide some BAB (just don't remember the progression...)

Well, her base attack bonus is listed as +3, so I'm guessing it's a typo.

2010-10-27, 12:14 PM
Well, her base attack bonus is listed as +3, so I'm guessing it's a typo.

I think you're right. Just checked the stat block again, and I didn't see any RHD for the gnoll listed. I think it was force of habit for Zeta, considering her total attack bonus is +6...

2010-10-27, 12:18 PM
Gnolls no longer have racial HD. Nor do lizardfolk.

2010-10-27, 02:52 PM
Gnolls no longer have racial HD. Nor do lizardfolk.

are their stats otherwise changed?

2010-10-27, 03:15 PM
I seem to remember it being stated that most PC races' stats have been changed somewhat significantly from the MM versions.

2010-10-27, 03:59 PM
I seem to remember it being stated that most PC races' stats have been changed somewhat significantly from the MM versions.

This. assorted white-text.

Zeta Kai
2010-10-27, 09:17 PM
I thought that it might be helpful if I enumerated the threads that we are planning to make. Here's the breakdown:

Chapter 0: VUACS: How it All Began This would be the introductory thread, welcoming people to the project, giving some historical context, the table of contents, the list of accredited contributors, etc. This is also where the eventual PDF will probably be posted, once the project is finally finished.
Chapter 1: Zihaja & His Universe This thread would go over the settings unique cosmology (including a very large map). It would also explore each of the settings 20 major divine powers is great detail. Lastly, this is where the setting's timeline would be listed, which is fairly extensive.
Chapter 2: The World of Siraaj This thread will explore the world of Siraaj (from the cosmology) in excruciating greater detail. There will be a ginormous map for the world (4,925x4,925 pixels, to be hosted on DeviantArt), an article for every major city, & an article for many notable non-urban locales. All told, there will be several dozen articles here.
Chapter 3: The World of Najmah This thread will be just like the previous one, but for the OTHER world. Another humongous map, plus another several dozen posts about cities, regions, continents, hotspots, etc.
Chapter 4: PC Races (3E/4E) This is the thread where people can see the 7 major PC races available for the setting: gnolls, half-djinni, half-ghuls, humans, kobolds, lizardfolk, & sabi. Each will have stats in 3rd & 4th edition, plus each will have multiple cultures within those races.
Chapter 5: Prestige Classes, Paragon Paths, & Epic Destinies This is that thread that deals with the 6 official advanced classes (prestige classes in 3E, paragon paths/epic destinies in 4E). The alchemist, the dervish, the djinn lord, the geomancer, the master of the wastes, & the pharaoh will each have their own articles, exploring each of their aspects.
Chapter 6: Feats This thread will deal with the 100+ feats in 3E, & a comparable amount in 4E. A very crunchy thread, although this one may be fairly short compared to the other topics.
Chapter 7: Magic This thread will have an overview of how magic works in our setting, showcase our 22 new clerical domains, list our 100+ new spells, & explore our new ritual system.
Chapter 8: Magical Items (3E/4E) This thread will go over our 100+ magic items (& 8 or so artifacts), which will have rules both in 3e & 4e. Another semi-short thread, as it one which has a narrow focus, like the one for feats.
Chapter 9: Creatures (3E/4E) This is the thread that will deal with our ~59 monsters, with rules for both 3rd edition & 4th edition. Also, we'll probably discuss the standard SRD monsters here, showing how each one will (or won't) fit into our setting.
Chapter 10: Bonus Material This will be something of a catch-all thread, for things that don't really fit well into the above-chapters. So far, we have a lot of things lined up already: 35 NPCs (stats & fluff), a sample dungeon, articles for minor races, an exploration of the Archaic language used throughout the setting, bonus advanced classes, revised poison rules, the secrets of Zihaja, 1,001 adventure ideas, & other stuff. Somethings might need to be moved to other threads, or even be spun off into their own.
Chapter X: The Question & Answer Thread Here, we'll be on-tap to answer questions about the setting in general, address specific concerns, etc. We'll probably start a FAQ here, for ease of use.
Chapter Y: The Request Thread This is where people can ask that something be added to the setting. We'll consider the request, & give our replies. Some requests will be rejected, if they won't fit the setting's vibe or would be too big to implement, but we'll be open to making additions, which will make the setting more accessible & customizable.

Please keep in mind that nearly all of this material has already been made. We are in the polishing/editing phase now, & while we still have things left to make, there is a metric ton of homebrew waiting to be unleashed upon the forum. You have been warned.

2010-10-28, 01:28 AM
After two solid years of work? I can only assume so.

2010-10-28, 04:10 AM
....Can I assume there will also be a PDF for those of us who wish to retain our sanity?

2010-10-28, 09:23 AM
To go against everything that I just said, here's a chart of all the "gods" in our setting, with some relevant info on each. The stuff here is highly unlikely to change, so go ahead & ask questions about it. As always, enjoy & discuss:

{table=head]Aspect|Pronunciation|Alignment|Follower|Symbol Shape|Granted Domains|Favored Weapon|Druid|Monk|Paladin
Adimas|ah-DEE-muss|Chaotic Neutral|Adimasai|trapezoid|Chaos, Cunning, Luck, Magic|longbow|Yes|No|CG/CE
Akasha|ah-KAH-shah|Chaotic Good|Akashai|semicircle|Good, Heroism, Presence, Protection, Sun|heavy mace|No|No|CG
Bjardvif|bee-ARD-viff|Chaotic Good|Bjardite|woman|Earth, Good, Healing|light mace|No|No|CG
Daq|DAK|True Neutral|Daqite|triangle|Destiny, Evil, Good|spear|Yes|Yes|No
The Darshan|dahr-SHAHN|True Neutral|Darshanite|rings|Knowledge, Prophecy, Travel|spear/warhammer/scimitar|Yes|Yes|No
Hagalvethr|HAH-gull-VETH-ur|Lawful Good|Hagalite|fist|Air, Cold, Storm, Strength|battle axe|No|Yes|LG
Isvel|ISS-vell|Lawful Neutral|Isvelite|crystal|Cold, Knowledge, Law, Luck|heavy pick|Yes|Yes|LG/LE
Johoum|juh-HOOM|Lawful Evil|Johoumite|diamond|Destruction, Punishment, Strength, Sun|morning star|No|Yes|LE
Limalia|lee-MAH-lee-ah|Neutral Evil|Limalite|rectangles|Hardship, Travel, Water|greatclub|Yes|Yes|LE/CE
Maqur|mah-CORE|Chaotic Evil|Maqurite|crescent|Betrayal, Fire, Trickery|dagger|No|No|CE
Martuakh|MAR-too-AHK|Neutral Evil|Martuakhai|loop & eye|Death, Poison, Serpent, Trickery|katar|Yes|Yes|LE/CE
Nathar|nah-THAR|Chaotic Evil|Natharite|maze|Curse, Evil, Murder, Night|longsword|No|No|CE
Pashati|pah-SHAH-tee|Neutral Good|Pashatai|vertical lines|Cleansing, Healing, Plant|trident|Yes|Yes|LG/CG
Qirus|KEER-oos|Lawful Neutral|Qirusai|circle/disk|Law, Protection, Resolve, War|falchion|Yes|Yes|LG/LE
Sidaru|see-DAR-oo|Lawful Good|Sidarite|square|Death, Law, Peace|warhammer|No|Yes|LG
Sjor|see-ORR|Chaotic Neutral|Sjorite|cross|Heroism, Strength, War, Water|longsword/warhammer|Yes|No|CG/CE
Sunya|SOON-yah|Lawful Evil|Sunyan|sword|Evil, Heroism, Night, Power, War|scimitar|No|Yes|LE
Umaj|oo-MAHJ|Chaotic Neutral|Umajan|arrowhead/chevron|Animal, Earth, Wild|unarmed strike|Yes|No|CG/CE
Waharim|wah-HAR-eem|Lawful Neutral|Waharimai|arches|Air, Contemplation, Knowledge|quarterstaff|Yes|Yes|LG/LE
Zaia|Z’EYE-ah|Lawful Good|Zaian|hourglass|Luck, Protection, Travel, World|chakram|No|Yes|LG[/table]

I thought that you wanted to yoink my pronounciation guide. I did give you permission. (Unless you only wanted to do that for stuff you weren't collaborating with someone else on, of course.) Anyway, i'm glad that we will soon see the ernd results of all this.

2010-10-28, 11:54 AM
....Can I assume there will also be a PDF for those of us who wish to retain our sanity?

Chapter 0: VUACS: How it All Began This is also where the eventual PDF will probably be posted, once the project is finally finished.

Yes. Yes there will.

Zeta Kai
2010-10-28, 02:44 PM
Lately, a pattern has started to emerge, in which I have leaked something about once a day here. Seeing as we have less than a month to go before the launch day, I see no reason for this trend to stop. Therefore, today's sneak-peak will be one of Siraaj's many major cities. Enjoy & discuss.


Population: 7,301 (small city)
Demographics: 35% human, 21% sabi, 16% kobold, 12% half-genie, 9% gnoll, 4% lizardfolk, 2% half-ghul
Government: Plutocratic oligarchy
Notable Religions: Akasha, Johoum
Main Alignment: True Neutral
Notable Vassals: Jumil, Samaq

On the coast of the Zurim Bay, nestled in the southwestern reaches of the Sahra Basit, lies the ancient city of Zurqim (zoor-KEEM). Thought to be the oldest continually inhabited city on Admaja, the city was founded over 4,500 years ago, before the Age of Kingdoms. Was once the southernmost major city of the kingdom of Shadaz, & then later it was part of the Empire of Admaja. Since the Pactspell, Zurqim has been an independent city-state, & has risen to become a power in its own right, controlling interests along much of the southern coasts.

Zurqim owns & operates extensive stone quarries to the north, in the rocky cliffs & stone-strewn hills of the Sahra Basit. It is here that the citizens have excavated the richest known white marble veins in the world. The city trades quarried marble with Babalarud to obtain much-needed lumber & grain, & with Dajajah to obtain good-quality steel & freshwater. Recently, gold was discovered in the nearby Caverns of Suja, further enhancing the city’s profile & helping to offset the area’s lack of natural resources.

Despite being a coastal town, Zurqim has just a small fishing industry that only really supports the town’s food supply. The majority of the locals are involved with the mining business (which is handled by a few large consortiums), or with the mercantile operations (which are mostly small independent ventures). A recent increase in the number of ghul attacks in the area has made travelling more difficult for both the miners & the merchants, the city’s militia is stretched too thin to provide adequate protection from the ghuls.

Zurqim is ruled by a committee of representatives from the 12 largest economic interests in the city. Most of these are syndicates from the mining industry, although a few of the most powerful merchant princes are always represented. This plutocratic means of governance seems to be a relatively recent development; official records show that only 150 years ago, the city was ruled by a potentate. At some point in time, the potentates became indebted to a collection of rich business owners, & were forced to cede control of the city to them.

Due to the city’s great age, Zurqim today sits on a hill made up of ruins from previous eras of inhabitation. Because of the local mining expertise, many of the old buried buildings are still accessible via tunnels & well shafts. The catacombs beneath the city extends for many layers, with sewers, caverns, ruins, basements, dungeons, & other underground chambers in countless number. No one can honestly claim to know all the myriad passages, despite the fact that more than a few people call the Down Below home.

The ruins of the long-lost capital of Shadaz lay half-buried to the northeast of Zurqim. The former city, called Ushazur by the Shadazai, was once a large thriving city, before the Empire of Admaja conquered the kingdom & razed the capital. Now a crumbling necropolis, Ushazur’s charred remains are mostly covered by dust, ash, & sand. It is said, though, that some of its secrets & treasures were protected from the flames, & are still intact, even a thousand years later.

2010-10-29, 11:12 PM
Maybe if you included a banner...

Also, I've been digging around my big homebrew folder for all the loose odds and ends Zeta needs to solder all the big huge chunks of the project together, and I have a ton of intriguing material I forgot about. Maybe on the Christmas break I'll share some of it out.

2010-10-30, 10:48 AM
How is this going to be available? As a giant PDF?

2010-10-30, 11:26 AM
How is this going to be available? As a giant PDF?

I thought that it might be helpful if I enumerated the threads that we are planning to make. Here's the breakdown:
Chapter 0: VUACS: How it All Began This would be the introductory thread, welcoming people to the project, giving some historical context, the table of contents, the list of accredited contributors, etc. This is also where the eventual PDF will probably be posted, once the project is finally finished.

Zeta, I think we might need that FAQ sooner than the release date :smalltongue:

2010-10-30, 12:11 PM
Oh Jeez, I feel dumb.

2010-10-30, 12:45 PM
Lately, a pattern has started to emerge, in which I have leaked something about once a day here. Seeing as we have less than a month to go before the launch day, I see no reason for this trend to stop. Therefore, today's sneak-peak will be one of Siraaj's many major cities. Enjoy & discuss.


Population: 7,301 (small city)
Demographics: 35% human, 21% sabi, 16% kobold, 12% half-genie, 9% gnoll, 4% lizardfolk, 2% half-ghul
Government: Plutocratic oligarchy
Notable Religions: Akasha, Johoum
Main Alignment: True Neutral
Notable Vassals: Jumil, Samaq

On the coast of the Zurim Bay, nestled in the southwestern reaches of the Sahra Basit, lies the ancient city of Zurqim (zoor-KEEM). Thought to be the oldest continually inhabited city on Admaja, the city was founded over 4,500 years ago, before the Age of Kingdoms. Was once the southernmost major city of the kingdom of Shadaz, & then later it was part of the Empire of Admaja. Since the Pactspell, Zurqim has been an independent city-state, & has risen to become a power in its own right, controlling interests along much of the southern coasts.

Zurqim owns & operates extensive stone quarries to the north, in the rocky cliffs & stone-strewn hills of the Sahra Basit. It is here that the citizens have excavated the richest known white marble veins in the world. The city trades quarried marble with Babalarud to obtain much-needed lumber & grain, & with Dajajah to obtain good-quality steel & freshwater. Recently, gold was discovered in the nearby Caverns of Suja, further enhancing the city’s profile & helping to offset the area’s lack of natural resources.

Despite being a coastal town, Zurqim has just a small fishing industry that only really supports the town’s food supply. The majority of the locals are involved with the mining business (which is handled by a few large consortiums), or with the mercantile operations (which are mostly small independent ventures). A recent increase in the number of ghul attacks in the area has made travelling more difficult for both the miners & the merchants, the city’s militia is stretched too thin to provide adequate protection from the ghuls.

Zurqim is ruled by a committee of representatives from the 12 largest economic interests in the city. Most of these are syndicates from the mining industry, although a few of the most powerful merchant princes are always represented. This plutocratic means of governance seems to be a relatively recent development; official records show that only 150 years ago, the city was ruled by a potentate. At some point in time, the potentates became indebted to a collection of rich business owners, & were forced to cede control of the city to them.

Due to the city’s great age, Zurqim today sits on a hill made up of ruins from previous eras of inhabitation. Because of the local mining expertise, many of the old buried buildings are still accessible via tunnels & well shafts. The catacombs beneath the city extends for many layers, with sewers, caverns, ruins, basements, dungeons, & other underground chambers in countless number. No one can honestly claim to know all the myriad passages, despite the fact that more than a few people call the Down Below home.

The ruins of the long-lost capital of Shadaz lay half-buried to the northeast of Zurqim. The former city, called Ushazur by the Shadazai, was once a large thriving city, before the Empire of Admaja conquered the kingdom & razed the capital. Now a crumbling necropolis, Ushazur’s charred remains are mostly covered by dust, ash, & sand. It is said, though, that some of its secrets & treasures were protected from the flames, & are still intact, even a thousand years later.

Holy moly that's a lot of plot hooks. People probably stumble across at least three just going out to buy the groceries. :smallbiggrin:

One thing does catch my eye though: Last I remember, Sabi were quite rare and half-djinn almost as unheard of as half-ghul. Does Zurqim have an atypically large population of najmah-blooded, or where the overall numbers changed since it was last mentioned?

Zeta Kai
2010-10-31, 12:38 AM
Holy moly that's a lot of plot hooks. People probably stumble across at least three just going out to buy the groceries. :smallbiggrin:

Well, my own personal goal with these fluff write-ups is to satisfy as many types of gamers as possible. A simulationist will expect realism, meaning verisimilitude, details, & analogues to real life. A narrativist will want a rich, interesting story, one with subverted tropes & as few cliches as possible. And a gamist will want plot hooks, antagonists, & the promise of substantial rewards for their effort. It's tricky to fire on all cylinders, but that's what I'm shotting for with a write-up. Make of it what you will.

One thing does catch my eye though: Last I remember, Sabi were quite rare and half-djinn almost as unheard of as half-ghul. Does Zurqim have an atypically large population of najmah-blooded, or where the overall numbers changed since it was last mentioned?

The numari (crossbreed) races are rare, but that's a relative term. The half-ghuls make up only 1% of the total sentient bio-mass on Siraaj, but that still works out to be over 2.5 million people*. And there are about twice as many half-genies. And around four times as many sabi. Sure, they are spread out all over the world, & their enclaves are uneven & often far from other settlements. But they are known. And feared. The common folk of the Admajai continent fear & hate magic. Those who wield it are persecuted. And those who are born of it are viewed with suspicion & contempt.

* - NOTE: For the record, these figures haven't change from the earliest days of the project.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-01, 03:12 PM
The Final Interactive Fantasizing Experience (#3)
Step 1
Activate the music link and let it swish around in your brainspace.
Step 2
Click on the image links in order, but take any amount of time to contemplate them.
Step 3
Now contemplate yourself playing in the world you imagine, with the prompting of the imagery & music.

Mood Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp-6ppCV7VE)

An alchemist inspecting his explosive handiwork... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Alchemist.jpg)
...The animate carpet spell at work... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/AnimateCarpet.jpg)
...A dancer, lifting her veil to dance among the stars... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Dancer.jpg)
...A deadly dervish, as wild & unpredictable as a sandstorm... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Dervish.jpg)
...A mighty djinn, summoned to do his master's bidding... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Djinn.jpg)
...A djinn lord commanding her army, prepared to cow her enemies with forbidden magic... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/DjinnLord.jpg)
...A geomancer, who seeks divine knowledge by reading the stone beneath her... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Geomancer.jpg)
...Ghada izud-Haqara, the bey of Maisan, pondering the future of her city... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Ghadaizud-Haqara.jpg)
...A guardian efreet, bound to defend his charge, unleashes his fury... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/GuardianEfreet.jpg)
...A half-efreet, embracing his fiery nature... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Half-Efreet.jpg)
...A party of half-genies, roaming far from the disapproving looks of the common people... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Half-Genies.jpg)
...A powerful cleric, now publicly serving as the herald of Maqur... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/HeraldofMaqur.jpg)
...A pair of hoplite mercenaries, surveying the aftermath of yet another battle... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/HopliteMercenaries.jpg)
...A trio of lesser devas, preparing for battle of their own... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/LesserDevas.jpg)
...Madame Anan Alzena Gulibar, the famous explorer & former professor... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/MadameAnanAlzenaGulibar.jpg)
...A glory to behold, Meraya, the renowned City of Towers... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Meraya.jpg)
...A mitrana deva, suffused with the power of creation... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/MitranaDeva.jpg)
...A freshly-risen mummy, contemplating his unnatural nature... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Mummy.jpg)
...The Palace of the Overseer, in the vassal city of Mamluk... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/PalaceoftheOverseer.jpg)
...Queen Tuhaia of Salah, surveying her embattled city... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/QueenTuhaia.jpg)
...A party of men, dressed in the warrior garb of the long-dead Shadazai... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/ShadazaiWarriors.jpg)
...A band of shaghal barbarians, rising from their hidden sanctum to storm the gates of the civilized world... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Shaghal.jpg)
...The demon Shikk, who first crafted the dreaded Nasnas... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Shikk.jpg)
...Rarely seen nowadays, the simurghs still rule the skies when they so choose... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Simurgh.jpg)
...A stairway to heaven, or oblivion... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/StairwaytoHeaven.jpg)
...A gifted storyteller, regaling her lord with yet another tale... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Storyteller.jpg)
...The stern sultan Syed Awazi Aq-Hazaqan VI, who must find an heir before it's too late... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/SultanSyedAwaziAq-HazaqanVI.jpg)
...The lady Sumehra, who knows what she wants, as well as how to get it... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Sumehra.jpg)
...A pair of taj, taken from an elite Ostazai soldier... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Taj.jpg)
...A traveling cleric, dispensing wisdom & aid on behalf of his god... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/TravellingCleric.jpg)
...The winged lion, a common symbol in the City of God... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/WingedLion.jpg)
...And the inspiration for that symbol, Sidaru, calmly studying in his sanctuary atop the mountains of Prana. (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%203/Sidaru.jpg)

The worlds of the Kamala await you.

2010-11-02, 04:26 PM
...A mitrana deva, suffused with the power of creation...
...An alchemist inspecting his explosive handiwork...
...A glory to behold, Meraya, the renowned City of Towers...These three are broken for me.

Nonetheless, this was quite refreshing.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-03, 10:43 AM
These three are broken for me.

Nonetheless, this was quite refreshing.

All of the links have been fixed, & the images have been reordered for a better viewing experience. All is well in the world.

Would anyone be interested if I were to repost the previous two IFEs? Many of the old links are dead, but I have ways of fixing that. Any takers?

2010-11-03, 12:54 PM

Zeta Kai
2010-11-04, 07:55 AM
Well, while I'm working on that, here's another leak. Enjoy & Discuss:


3E Material
Colossal Magical Beast (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 36d10+540 (738HP)
Initiative: +5
Speed: Swim 60’ (12 squares)
Armor Class: 40 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +27 natural, +10 deflection); touch 13; flat-footed 39
Base Attack/Grapple: +36/+68
Attack: Fin +44 melee (4d6+16) or Bite +44 melee (6d6+16) or Pulse Ray +29 ranged touch (4d12 sonic)
Full Attack: 2 Fins +44 melee (4d6+16) & Bite +42 melee (6d6+8) & Tail Slap +42 melee (2d8+8) or 2 Pulse Rays +29 ranged touch (4d12 sonic)
Space/Reach: 30’/20’
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Powerful Charge, Swallow Whole
Special Qualities: Aquatic traits, Current Shield, Damage Reduction 15/epic, Fast Healing 10, Immunities, Magical Beast traits, Resistance to acid 10 & electricity 10, Resurrection, Scent, Spell Resistance 36
Saves: Fort +35, Ref +23, Will +21
Abilities: Str 42 (+16), Dex 13 (+1), Con 40 (+15), Int 1 (-5), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 19 (+4)
Skills: Hide -12, Jump +23, Listen +12, Spot +13, Survival +12, Swim +25
Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Epic Will, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Hide)
Environment: any aquatic (Siraaj)
Organization: solitary (unique)
Challenge Rating: 22
Treasure: N/A
Alignment: always Neutral
Advancement: 37-72HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: N/A

The Dandan is a nearly-mindless beast, & will attempt to consume anything in its path. Any creature that assaults it or resists its endless hunger will be attacked in kind, & it knows nothing of surrender or mercy. The Dandan’s natural weapons are treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. It prefers to swallow prey above all other forms of attack, but will use any attack at its disposal if necessary.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Dandan must successfully perform a touch attack with one of its non-combatant tentacles. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, then it establishes a hold & can Swallow Whole.

Powerful Charge (Ex): In addition to the normal benefits & hazards of a charge, this allows the Dandan to make a single Fin attack with a +44 attack bonus that deals 8d6+32 points of bludgeoning damage.

Swallow Whole (Ex): The Dandan can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 1d8+16 points of crushing damage plus 1d8 points of acid damage per round from the Dandan’s digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 50 points of damage to the containment chamber (AC22). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The creature’s containment chamber can hold 1 Huge, 4 Large, 16 Medium, 32 Small, or 128 Tiny or smaller creatures.

Pulse Ray (Ex): The Dandan can project sonic rays with a range of 360’ (72 squares); this attack overcomes damage reduction of any type, & deals 4d12 points of sonic damage.

Aquatic traits: All creatures with the Aquatic subtype possess the following traits:

Swim speeds & thus can move in water without making Swim checks.
Can breathe underwater, & are immune to drowning (but not suffocation).

Current Shield (Su): A thin magical layer of fast-moving water surrounds the Dandan, granting it a +10 deflection bonus to its Armor Class. This effect also has a 50% chance of blocking force & sonic-based attacks (apply this negation chance before applying Spell Resistance, if applicable).

Immunities (Ex): The Dandan is immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, & morale effects). In addition, it is immune to all forms of ability damage, ability drain, disease, energy drain, non-lethal damage, paralysis effects, poison, polymorphing, death effects, & sleep effects. Lastly, it is immune to cold- & fire-damage, both from magical & non-magical sources.

Magical Beast traits: All creatures with the Magical Beast type possess the following traits:

Darkvision out to 60’.
Proficient with its natural weapons only.
Proficient with no armor.
Magical Beasts eat, sleep, & breathe.

Resurrection (Su): The Dandan cannot be slain by any normal means. If it is somehow killed, then its body will disintegrate within 1 round, leaving nothing behind. It will then be spontaneously remade at a random spot in the oceans of Siraaj within 1d20+20 days, completely intact & at full health; it will also be very hungry again.

Scent (Ex): The Dandan can detect opponents by sense of smell within 60’ (×2 for upwind opponents, ×½ for downwind opponents).

Dandan Lore
Characters that have ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) can learn more about the Dandan. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DC’s.

DC26: “A cyclopean beast roams the seas, consuming everything with its ravenous hunger.” A character making this check recalls all magical beast traits.
DC31: “This horrific creature is most commonly called the Dandan, but it is known by many other names throughout the world of Siraaj.” A character making this check knows the workings of the Dandan’s special attacks.
DC36: “The Dandan is particularly hated & feared by the Pahari, who would pay a pharaoh’s ransom for a way to end the cycle of resurrection & destruction.” A character making this check remembers the mechanics of the Dandan’s special qualities.

4E Material


From out of the murky depths looms an immense shape. Its form is that of a titanic fish, but that’s impossible, for no mere fish could be so large. With a body the size of a castle’s tower, it moves through the water with surprising grace. It opens its cavernous jaws, revealing row after row of serrated teeth, each bigger than the blade of a battle axe.

The Scourge of the Seas. Pahari’s Bane. The Demon of the Deep. Limalia’s Wrath. These names (& many more) are used to describe the supreme terror of the oceans. Swimming without needing rest, eating without being satiated, attacking without cause or mercy, this creature engenders fear & dread wherever it roams. Such is the story of the monster known as the Dandan.

No one knows for sure where the Dandan came from, or why it was unleashed upon the world. Many conflicting legends surround its origins & purpose, but the truth is a mystery that has been lost to the mists of time. For all the strife that it causes to fishermen & sailors from above the waves, it wreaks tenfold the havoc to those creatures that spend their days under the sea. The Pahari hate the Dandan with a passion (many of their names for it are vulgar or profane), & they are eager to find a way to end its everlasting predations.

The Dandan is about 60’ long, & weighs around 120 tons. It cannot speak.

Plot Hooks

A group of Pahari has washed up on shore, claiming to be survivors of a band that was swallowed up by a reviled sea monster.
A marid city is sending messengers begging for aid after a sighting of an immense leviathan.
A marid is hiring explorers to help find a lost relic that can slay the mighty Dandan.

Morph Bark
2010-11-04, 08:09 AM
That Final Interactive Fantasizing Experience certainly was a nice touch. I took exactly as long as the music took to finish to browse through all the pictures and give them a good look. The City of Towers picture made me think of the Sagrada Familia of Barcelona. Very fitting.

2010-11-04, 02:51 PM
Still think the first two should go back up.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-04, 02:58 PM
Still think the first two should go back up.

I said I'm working on it. Back to the 'brewing mines with you. :smalltongue:

2010-11-04, 03:05 PM
Info on Dandan? You must really be relishing your recently-appointed role as ringleader, Zeta.

I spot a typo, though: immense has an i in it. :smalltongue:

2010-11-04, 03:09 PM
Info on Dandan? You must really be relishing your recently-appointed role as ringleader, Zeta.

Evidently. And yet, there's still a sense of a dark shadow hovering behind him, glowing blue, keeping a close watch on things...

Zeta Kai
2010-11-04, 08:41 PM
An Interactive Fantasizing Experience (#1)
Step 1
Activate the music link and let it swish around in your brainspace.
Step 2
Click on the image links in order, but take any amount of time to contemplate them.
Step 3
Now contemplate yourself playing in the world you imagine, with the prompting of the imagery and music.

Mood Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjKctPewO7Y)
Storyteller (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/1-Storyteller.jpg)
Painting of Najmah (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/2-Najmah.jpg)
A sendoff for a journey (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/3-SendoffforaJourney.jpg)
A mysterious woman, a mysterious beast (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/4-AMysteriousWoman.jpg)
An enchanted shrine (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/5-AnEnchantedShrine.jpg)
Half-ghul... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/6-Half-Ghul.jpg)
Siege... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/7-AnEfreetiSiege.jpg)
A bound servant genie (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/8-ABoundGenie.jpg)
And another (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/9-AnotherBoundGenie.jpg)
To market... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/10-ToMarket.jpg)
...among the wonders of the bazaar (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/11-AmongtheWonders.jpg)
A pit stop (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/12-PitStop.jpg)
...before moving on (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/13-BeforeMovingOn.jpg)
A sorcerer's survey... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/14-ASorcerersSurvey.jpg)
...or an assassin's strike (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/15-AnAssassinsStrike.jpg)
From the wild free desert... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/16-TheWildFreeDesert.jpg)
...to the mythical oceans of night... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/17-TheOceansofNight.jpg)
...the paths and cracks between the worlds... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/18-CrackintheUniverse.jpg)
...and the wonders built by those who live there... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/19-TheWondersofNajmah.jpg)
The worlds of the Kamala await you.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-04, 08:53 PM
Another Interactive Fantasizing Experience (#2)
Step 1
Activate the music link and let it swish around in your brainspace.
Step 2
Click on the image links in order, but take any amount of time to contemplate them.
Step 3
Now contemplate yourself playing in the world you imagine, with the prompting of the imagery and music.

Mood Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZKnZLP1-jE&feature=related)
The cities alive with magic... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/1-CitiesofMagic.jpg)
The nations surviving by surmounting their world... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/2-NationsSurviving.jpg)
Wonders built in ancient days (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/3-AncientWonders.jpg)
Across the plains below an ever-dark sky... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/4-Ever-DarkPlains.jpg)
...the world of Najmah sits below dancing stars... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/5-BelowDancingStars.jpg)
...its works golden wonders piercing the eternal night. (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/6-GoldenWonders.jpg)
Heirs of the dancing blood, the narsabi... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/7-Narsabi.jpg)
...are the descendants of the true blood, the efreeti... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/8-Efreeti.jpg)
...whose domain is the flame and whose power burns like the desert winds. (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/9-BurningWinds.jpg)
An efreeti festival... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/10-EfreetiFestival.jpg)
...draws audiences towards a magical doorway between Siraaj and Najmah. (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/11-MagicalDoorway.jpg)
The exotic works of the efreeti... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/12-ExoticWorks.jpg)
...cannot compare to the simple elegance of the dao’s craft... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/13-ADaosCraft.jpg)
...whose magic is passed along to their descendants, the tarisabi. (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/14-Tarisabi.jpg)
The lush verdance of Najmah’s jungles (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/15-NajmahsJungles.jpg)
A houri woman (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/16-HouriWoman.jpg)
A deva priestess (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/17-DevaPriestess.jpg)
The luxurious wonders of Najmah's great cities... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/18-WondrousCities.jpg)
...and mighty ancient palaces... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/19-MightyPalace.jpg)
...are under threat, both by those who would steal paradise for their own greed... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/20-StealingParadise.jpg)
...and those who would use their power to tyrannize. (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/21-PowertoTyrannize.jpg)
A firestorm crackles across Najmah. (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/22-Firestorm.jpg)
The secrets of magic... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/23-SecretsofMagic.jpg)
...and the power they conceal... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/24-PowerTheyConceal.jpg)
...from exotic beings both wondrous... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/25-ExoticBeings.jpg)
and terrible... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/26-Ghul.jpg)
...to everyday people, leading extraordinary lives... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/27-ExtraordinaryLives.jpg)
...and adventurers, bringing sword and sorcery... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/28-SwordSorcery.jpg)
...across the harsh realm of day... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/29-HarshRealmofDay.jpg)
...and the fantastic realm of night... (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/zetakai/Experience%201/Experience%202/30-WildRealmofNight.jpg)
The worlds of the Kamala await you.

2010-11-05, 12:08 AM
I think, out of all three, I rather prefer the second one.

Any other opinions?

2010-11-05, 01:12 AM
I don't actually do the fantasizing experiences so much, but DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN DANDAN. Holy CRAP. That thing frightens me, and I'm the DM.

Though, is it just me, or does the 4e stats seem...I dunno, less RAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Maybe it's just the statblock setup, makes it seem like an XP chunk. Resurrection is missing too.

2010-11-05, 04:54 AM
At last, Dandan, my aquatic overlord! There's no bigger fish than this.

And now to experience the experiences again...

2010-11-05, 08:40 AM
Though, is it just me, or does the 4e stats seem...I dunno, less RAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Maybe it's just the statblock setup, makes it seem like an XP chunk. Resurrection is missing too.

I noticed that too. On the other hand, the 3.5 version doesn't have the whole deal of if Dandan dies while you're swallowed you potentially are "ripped from time and space". Also, the pulse ray on the 4e version is a ranged attack, yes? So shouldn't it have a range?

2010-11-05, 09:51 AM
I don't actually do the fantasizing experiences so much, but DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN DANDAN. Holy CRAP. That thing frightens me, and I'm the DM.And this is why this is a desert setting. Nobody wants to go anywhere near water for fear of this thing. :smalltongue:

Resurrection is missing too.I am noticing a distinct lack of "You can use wish or miracle to keep it dead" in the 3.5 stats. :smalleek:

2010-11-05, 11:50 AM
I noticed that too. On the other hand, the 3.5 version doesn't have the whole deal of if Dandan dies while you're swallowed you potentially are "ripped from time and space". Also, the pulse ray on the 4e version is a ranged attack, yes? So shouldn't it have a range?

You're already fighting a loot-less monstrosity, we don't need no death throes.

2010-11-05, 11:56 AM
You're already fighting a loot-less monstrosity, we don't need no death throes.

Instead you need it to come back from the dead for you to possibly fight again? :smalltongue:

2010-11-05, 12:18 PM
Neither wish nor miracle can keep Fishy down. It eats genies; I don't know why anyone would deliberately go looking for it.

But then, I've always been of the opinion that underwater adventures are the most disorienting and terrifying.

2010-11-05, 12:23 PM
Instead you need it to come back from the dead for you to possibly fight again? :smalltongue:

Damn straight.

2010-11-05, 12:41 PM
Neither wish nor miracle can keep Fishy down. It eats genies; I don't know why anyone would deliberately go looking for it.I'm thinking it's less likely to be used when parties go deliberately looking for it so much as being attacked by it on otherwise-unrelated seafaring trips.

Considering this thing is a horrible, genie-eating, unkillable monstrosity, I'm left wondering what the hell Big Z was thinking when he made this thing/let it into his Kamala.

2010-11-05, 12:44 PM
I'm thinking it's less likely to be used when parties go deliberately looking for it so much as being attacked by it on otherwise-unrelated seafaring trips.

Considering this thing is a horrible, genie-eating, unkillable monstrosity, I'm left wondering what the hell Big Z was thinking when he made this thing/let it into his Kamala.

He wasn't a Tarrasque fan? :smalltongue:

2010-11-05, 03:14 PM
Considering this thing is a horrible, genie-eating, unkillable monstrosity, I'm left wondering what the hell Big Z was thinking when he made this thing/let it into his Kamala.

"Man, this would make a great alternative to getting my smite on!"

2010-11-05, 05:11 PM
Except from what I can tell, Dandan doesn't have a particular affinity for eating people who piss off Big Z: he just eats whoever he gets near.

And of course, he can't even have people think that Dandan goes after people who piss off Big Z, because nobody knows he exists. :smalltongue:

Zeta Kai
2010-11-05, 09:49 PM
Well, the Dandan seemed to have provoked a response. Good. Now to answer a few questions (as well as foment a few more):

Info on Dandan? You must really be relishing your recently-appointed role as ringleader, Zeta.

I am, actually. I'm too busy with finishing the setting to really appreciate it, but it's nice.

I spot a typo, though: immense has an i in it. :smalltongue:

Fixed. Odd, my spellcheck never caught that. Then again, Word's checker usually gives up on me after about 50 pages of nonsense words like ghul & kobold & sabi.

Evidently. And yet, there's still a sense of a dark shadow hovering behind him, glowing blue, keeping a close watch on things...

Aye, & an oppressive on at that. To think, I had finally considered myself safe from your predations. I see now that in killing you, I have only made you stronger...

I think, out of all three, I rather prefer the second one.

Any other opinions?

Well, the second one has the best music, & the third one has the most fitting text (chosen to capture the purest essence of specific features in the setting), but it's a toss-up between the latter two over which one has the "best" images. And I can't forget that the first one was very original, & set the tone for the others to follow. I'll be using this technique in other projects, I'm sure.

I don't actually do the fantasizing experiences so much, but DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN DANDAN. Holy CRAP. That thing frightens me, and I'm the DM.

Thank you. It's intended to fill the role of the Tarrasque, but without all of the Big T's glaring weaknesses. Putting it in the ocean was a natural consequence of the RL mythology, but that helped immensely to add a dangerous level of maneuverability that the Tarrasque sadly lacked. The Dandan's immunities & ranged attack covers most of the other needed improvements.

And this is why this is a desert setting. Nobody wants to go anywhere near water for fear of this thing. :smalltongue:

That's a potentially valid perspective...

I am noticing a distinct lack of "You can use wish or miracle to keep it dead" in the 3.5 stats. :smalleek:

Yes, that is intentional. There exists an artifact, called Cycle’s End, that does nothing else but negate the Dandan's Resurrection ability. For 24 hours. And is destroyed in the process. That's it. It's up to the players to do the rest. And it's up to the DM whether they can even obtain Cycle’s End in the first place; I'd make its acquisition an adventure unto itself.

...I've always been of the opinion that underwater adventures are the most disorienting and terrifying.

Agreed. Taking people out of their native element & putting them into the cold, dark, crushing, unbreathable depths is a potent way of inducing fear, if done with a bit of care & skill. It's an alien environment that a surface-dweller can never get used to. You won't adapt to it, & it won't accommodate you, no matter what. And who knows what lives down there, waiting & hungry...

I'm thinking it's less likely to be used when parties go deliberately looking for it so much as being attacked by it on otherwise-unrelated seafaring trips.

Yup, that's how I'd use it. You could introduce the Pahari first, & discuss their plight with the Dandan, & lead them to a means of ending the cycle of destruction. But I'd rather put the PCs on a boat, & then spring the Big D on them without warning; assuming that they survive, then I'd relate Pahari’s Bane to them, as it would have much more of an impact. But that's just me.

Considering this thing is a horrible, genie-eating, unkillable monstrosity, I'm left wondering what the hell Big Z was thinking when he made this thing/let it into his Kamala.

As you may one day discover, Zihaja has a long track record of unintended consequences & disastrous interference. It's part of the reason that he only works through proxies in the modern era, staying far from his creation.

2010-11-06, 12:11 AM
Aye, & an oppressive on at that. To think, I had finally considered myself safe from your predations. I see now that in killing you, I have only made you stronger...

Clearly. I have merely dispensed with the inadequate mortal form to reveal my majestically-maned, awesome self. Cower, mapmaker.

Here's a terrifying puzzle for you: if ever we do this again, what new form shall I take? Will you know me before it's too late? :smallwink:

2010-11-06, 12:23 AM
As you may one day discover, Zihaja has a long track record of unintended consequences & disastrous interference. It's part of the reason that he only works through proxies in the modern era, staying far from his creation.

You know, I'm starting to hope for the publish just so I can find out what's tying the Big Z's hands so badly, as he's starting to sound less and less competent by the day.

The Tygre
2010-11-06, 12:54 AM
Oh God Zeta, why did you link to something from Mind's Eye? I haven't watched that since I was in preschool man! Now I'm gonna' be up all night trackin' it down... You wonderful person.

2010-11-06, 10:15 AM
You know, I'm starting to hope for the publish just so I can find out what's tying the Big Z's hands so badly, as he's starting to sound less and less competent by the day.

You can hardly blame him. He has a delicate balance to maintain, and no matter how surgical your precision when doing damage control, you're still cutting something away which might have been needed in another capacity. Were it not for an externalized concern, Zihaja would have, shall we say, significantly less problems with disposal of irritants.

But, as I said, he's got a balance to safeguard, and that makes things very difficult to handle.

Oh God Zeta, why did you link to something from Mind's Eye? I haven't watched that since I was in preschool man! Now I'm gonna' be up all night trackin' it down... You wonderful person.

Don't you dare give him the credit. :smallmad: Don't even think of it. I spent years tracking down the three cassettes. Mine. Mine mine mine.

/is led off in a straight jacket ranting about "mine"

2010-11-06, 12:51 PM
For 24 hours.

This kind of reads like all the artifact does is delay its resurrection by a day, which seems to imply that it's a rather wimpy artifact.

I'm hoping that's the incorrect reading, and it actually means that the creature actually stays dead if killed while its resurrection is suppressed.

2010-11-06, 03:03 PM
Delay? Nope. It unbubbles the fish for a single 24-hour period. If the fish dies in that time it's done for good. If not... well, if not then you're probably fish poo.

2010-11-06, 04:36 PM
Am I correct in reading "artifact" as "unique object"?

So, if anyone, ever, throughout the course of Kamala's history, decided to end Dandan's existence and didn't manage to do it within that one 24-hour period, now Dandan is literally un-end-able forever?

Mine. Mine mine mine.Indeed. When it first came up, we spent a good few pages on nostalgic reminiscing and alienating the non-Canadians in the audience. :smalltongue:

2010-11-07, 04:22 PM
Indeed. When it first came up, we spent a good few pages on nostalgic reminiscing and alienating the non-Canadians in the audience. :smalltongue:

Nothing wrong with alienating. :smallamused:

2010-11-07, 04:58 PM
Well, it was fun. :smalltongue:

Realms of Chaos
2010-11-07, 05:04 PM
Wow... it's almost done. :smalleek:

Part of me is ecstatic and another part wishes that I had found a way to help out more than I did. :smallredface:
Also, sorry again about that fiasco of of post I made last year...
Afroakuma/Zeta Kai: You guys are totally awesome!

2010-11-07, 05:14 PM
Hey, Shadow's on the Build Team too! :smalltongue:

Zeta Kai
2010-11-08, 10:27 PM
Hey, Shadow's on the Build Team too! :smalltongue:

Yes, & he's awesome, too. Awesomely under-appreciated, considering that I threw him to the wolves of 4E. Poor bastard.

Moving on, what do you want to see next? We've just done a monster, & a city before that, & some religious dogma before that. Hmmm... how about some clerical domain? Tell you what, you guys tell me which domain you want to see, & I'll post it, along with any original spells for that domain. Deal?

Here's the list of new domains. Vote for any single one:


In case of a tie, I'll be the one breaking it. Enjoy & discuss.

2010-11-09, 01:17 AM

2010-11-09, 06:20 AM
Betrayal sounds intriguing.

Morph Bark
2010-11-09, 06:52 AM
Betrayal sounds intriguing.

I second that!

2010-11-09, 08:06 AM
I'd like to see the World Domain. Though, Heroism sounds cool too.

2010-11-09, 03:41 PM

That is all.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-09, 04:08 PM

It's funny, I've been watching a lot of British dramas on PBS lately (by the way, Sherlock is the best show of the year, hands down). Whenever I hear someone say that so-&-so has been murdered, I say to my wife (in my best/worst Manchester accent), "He's been worse than murdered. He's been MURDILLY-DURDERED!" Maybe you had to be there, but it's a stitch, I assure you.

Also, incidently, all vote are tallied.

2010-11-09, 04:53 PM
World sounds awesome.

2010-11-09, 05:55 PM
"He's been worse than murdered. He's been MURDILLY-DURDERED!" Maybe you had to be there, but it's a stitch, I assure you.Well, can't argue with that. Murdilly-durder it is, then. :smallbiggrin:

2010-11-09, 08:59 PM
Power, I wanna see how that turns out.

2010-11-09, 09:46 PM
How are people not voting to POWER?

2010-11-09, 11:07 PM
I frankly expected all votes to go that way. It has been a mild surprise to learn otherwise.

2010-11-09, 11:10 PM
I frankly expected all votes to go that way. It has been a mild surprise to learn otherwise.

Oh afro, when will you learn that the universe revolves around you only eight months of the year? :smalltongue:.

If I get a vote, which I do not think I do, since whatever it is its not really a surprise for me, I'll go with Murdilly-Durder. If I don't, well, then I guess we'll just have to put our trust solely in our public's reliable* hands.
*Reliable; may be used to mean the exact opposite of what one thinks

2010-11-09, 11:55 PM
Since when has any public been reliable?

2010-11-10, 05:06 AM
How are people not voting to POWER?

Because they should be voting for POWER!

As for the public's reliability, it's only reliable in as much as it's twice as liable to screw up :smalltongue:

Zeta Kai
2010-11-10, 03:47 PM
All votes are currently tallied. At the moment, we have a 3-way tie between Murdilly-durder, POWER!, & World. Hmmm...

Rainbow Servant
2010-11-10, 04:08 PM
Oooh, oooh, power! Now I just need to find a Wisdom and a Courage domain...

Thumbs up on the campaign setting, looks like you've done an unbelievable amount of work on it.

Mercenary Pen
2010-11-10, 05:24 PM
If votes are still being accepted, then I'll go with betrayal.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-10, 11:08 PM
And POWER! wins by a nose; here it is:

Power Domain (Sunya)
Granted Power: You cast all enchantment (compulsion) spells at +1 caster level.

bear’s endurance
authority** - Control the actions of a single living creature with the power of your voice.
divine power
righteous might
rule of law** - Control the actions of multiple living creatures with the power of your voice.
mass hold person*
dominate monster*
Sunya’s supreme smite** - Create a column of destructive force roaring downward.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Power 3, Sor/Wis 4
Components: V, DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ per 2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

You can control the actions of a single living creature with the power of your voice. The creature is considered dominated, although there is no telepathic link between you & the subject. The subject must be able to hear your voice & understand you to be so dominated.

Once you have given a dominated creature a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities. Because of this limited range of activity, a Sense Motive check against DC15 (rather than DC25) can determine that the subject’s behavior is being influenced by an enchantment effect (see the Sense Motive skill description).

Changing your instructions or giving a dominated creature a new command is the equivalent of redirecting a spell, so it is a move action.

Subjects resist this control, & any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out. You need not see the subject to control it, but if a subject leaves the range of the spell, then the dominating effect ends, but it can be reinstated (granting the subject a new saving throw) if either you or the subject close within range of each other again within the remaining duration of the spell.

Rule of Law
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Power 6, Sor/Wis 8
Range: Medium (100’ + 10’ per level)
Target: One living creature/level

This spell functions like authority, except that it can affect more creatures. The same command applies to all these creatures.

Sunya’s Supreme Smite
Level: Power 9
Components: V, S, DF, X
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100’ + 10’/level)
Area: Cylinder (20’ radius, 100’ high)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

You create a vertical column of destructive force roaring downward from above, blasting everything within range. All creatures within range must make a Fortitude save or immediately die. A creature that makes their saving throw is still pushed to the edge of the effect, taking 1d6 points of damage for every 5’ so pushed. All objects within range take 1d6 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 30d6); this damage ignores hardness.

This effect negates any magical protection or barrier, such as an antimagic field, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, or wall of force. The only known means of protecting oneself from this spell is the use of Akasha’s awesome aura.

XP Cost: 500XP.

2010-11-11, 12:03 AM
Gotta admit, its pretty badass:smallamused:
Plus it has no alignment restrictions, just like real power!
As afro has repeatedly demonstrated.

Mercenary Pen
2010-11-11, 11:08 AM
Plus it has no alignment restrictions, just like real power!

I thought POWER! was its own alignment?

2010-11-11, 12:38 PM
It might be a new axis, like Lawful POWER! or Neutral POWER!
Or in afro's case, Chaotic evil POWER!

Zeta Kai
2010-11-11, 09:40 PM
POWER cannot be bound by any mere alignment. POWER makes alignment meaningless, inasmuch as those with POWER are beyond the petty concerns of those without POWER. POWER is something to attain, to hold, to give, & to trade. To spend POWER wisely is to use it without truly relinquishing any; to spend POWER poorly is to squander it without having anything to show for it.

Such is the wisdom of Sunya. Praise be unto the Dark Master.

-Excerpt from the Scroll of Ebon,
as written by the High
Priestess Leila al-Ibham

2010-11-12, 01:32 AM
How goes work on the Knives and other orgs?

2010-11-12, 02:04 AM
Sorry, couldn't resist.

2010-11-12, 08:13 AM
POWER cannot be bound by any mere alignment. POWER makes alignment meaningless, inasmuch as those with POWER are beyond the petty concerns of those without POWER. POWER is something to attain, to hold, to give, & to trade. To spend POWER wisely is to use it without truly relinquishing any; to spend POWER poorly is to squander it without having anything to show for it.

Such is the wisdom of Sunya. Praise be unto the Dark Master.

-Excerpt from the Scroll of Ebon,
as written by the High
Priestess Leila al-Ibham
Is that emphasis and coloring in the original text? Because that would be cool.

2010-11-12, 09:54 AM
Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'd recommend correcting that, lest you bring upon yourself the wrath of the Great Decapitator.

For reference, the POWER is also underlined. And the colour tag should always be nested within the underline tag, as well.

EDIT: An improvement, but you've put your colour tag on the outside of the underline tag. Code it like this:


not this:


Zeta Kai
2010-11-12, 02:53 PM
And now, for something different, here's a randomly-chosen location from the big map. Enjoy, & discuss:

Shattered Isle
Off the coast of the Red Sands, in the Ramul Sea, is a barren island of blasted ruins, overgrown settlements, & storm-swept hills. Formerly known as the Shepherd’s Isle (so named for its once-verdant terrain), it is now called the Shattered Isle. The entire island is gloomy & unwelcoming, with every kind of undead imaginable wandering about.

The Shattered Isle was once the site of Asanam, the capital of the Empire of Admaja. It was apparently destroyed by the events of the Pactspell, over 350 years ago. The former site of the lost city is now a crater of sheer blasted cliffs, overlooking a deep fog-shrouded basin. The deep valley is home to eerie sounds, restless spirits, & bizarre magical effects, so few explorers are brave enough to charts its depths.

The seasonal typhoons of the Ramul Sea seem to be drawn to the Shattered Isle, hitting it hard almost every year. This has hastened the decay of the abandoned towns, which are little more than crumbling ruins. These villages are rumored to still hold many treasures, such as chests of gold, caches of jewels, & vaults of powerful magical items, but every coin & trinket is also said to carry part of a deadly curse.

2010-11-12, 04:40 PM
Separate question, is this being released on the 24th as formerly stated?

2010-11-12, 05:29 PM
That is actually rapidly approaching, isn't it?

And I think I will be so swamped with schoolwork by that time that I won't be able to properly celebrate the release. :smallfrown:

2010-11-13, 02:00 PM
Separate question, is this being released on the 24th as formerly stated?

Yes indeed.

Which reminds me... back to the homebrew mines.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-13, 06:23 PM
Separate question, is this being released on the 24th as formerly stated?

Of course! I wouldn't announce a release date, stick to it until less than two weeks to go, & then abruptly postpone without warning. What am I, Valve Software? :smalltongue:

Seriously though, while I am swamped with work to do, we'll have things to release on launch day, I assure you.

And I think I will be so swamped with schoolwork by that time that I won't be able to properly celebrate the release. :smallfrown:

Don't worry, I plan to have a slow-burning release, in which 1d3 big things are released every day for months. That way, there will be time for people to take in & comment about things, & we'll have time to make sure that everything's perfect. So you should be able to see some of this stuff as it's being published.

Which reminds me... back to the homebrew mines.

Yeah, dig me up that one thing. And that other thing. And some more stuff about those other things. You know the stuff I'm talking about. :smallbiggrin:

As for the rest of you, what should I leak next? A group of feats? Another location? Some cultural fluff? A monster? Or how about something like this:

The Tomb of King al-Felqa
A dungeon adventure for four 2nd-4th level player characters

The last emperor of the Hadi dynasty, Qadir Hadi al-Felqa was born in the year 93 of the Imperial Reckoning. The eldest son of Emperor Maliq I of Admaja & his concubine Sumehra, he grew up in the Shining Palace in the capital city of Asanam. He grew up to assume the Throne of Adamant from his father & became a strong leader in his own right, being crowned Emperor Qadir II in the year 116. Despite having been raised almost entirely within the imperial palace, he was very interested in the wider world, & traveled extensively upon reaching adulthood, both outside & within the borders of the empire. Desiring to spread the benevolence & culture of the Admajai, he greatly expanded the empire, annexing the conquered lands of Shadaz, Abed Island, & other places.

Widely renowned as a wise & just ruler, Emperor Qadir had a keen interest in the arts, & was particularly fond of the works of the great storyteller Zarim izr Qaledaj. Later known simply as King al-Felqa to distinguish him from the many royal & imperial leaders named Qadir, his most prized possession was a gift from Qaledaj. The legendary poet gave the emperor the Dahab Husam al-Maliqi (the Golden Sword of Kings), a memento of Qaledaj’s days as a travelling adventurer.

King al-Felqa ruled the Empire of Admaja for over 30 years, & was much loved by his people. But in the year 147, he was cruelly poisoned by his son, Aziz, who had coveted the Throne of Adamant for some time. The slain emperor was placed within his chosen tomb, a site in the northern Ral Zadi, a place that he dearly loved. It is said that the Dahab Husam al-Maliqi is buried with him in his vault, & that he is watched over by eternal guardians to ensure his timeless rest.

Plot Hooks

The PCs have heard rumors of the fine treasures that decorated the emperor’s tomb, including his precious sword.
The PCs have been hired to enter the tomb, explore its dark passages, & retrieve a specific item for their benefactor.
The PCs discover a map that details not only how to reach the sealed tomb, but alludes to the means of entering it.
The PCs have been commissioned to rescue a team of explorers who entered the tomb weeks ago & never returned.

2010-11-13, 07:43 PM
Don't worry, I plan to have a slow-burning release, in which 1d3 big things are released every day for months. That way, there will be time for people to take in & comment about things, & we'll have time to make sure that everything's perfect. So you should be able to see some of this stuff as it's being published.

A what? :smallconfused: How's that go now?

Yeah, dig me up that one thing. And that other thing. And some more stuff about those other things. You know the stuff I'm talking about. :smallbiggrin:

Is that Archaic for "everything?"

Mercenary Pen
2010-11-13, 07:48 PM
Is that Archaic for "everything?"

If I'm right it's an equivalent expression to 'everything but the few bits I'll tell you later that I didn't actually need':smalltongue:

2010-11-13, 07:59 PM
If I'm right it's an equivalent expression to 'everything but the few bits I'll tell you later that I didn't actually need':smalltongue:

As if he knows about everything. :smalltongue: He doesn't know about Aswad Aswad, or Jitender, or the Samadhi, or Khul, or snaketongues, or trailing off into the distance on a wave of supplement ideas...

Zeta Kai
2010-11-14, 04:51 PM
As if he knows about everything. :smalltongue: He doesn't know about Aswad Aswad, or Jitender, or the Samadhi, or Khul, or snaketongues, or trailing off into the distance on a wave of supplement ideas...

Well, if you'd be willing to share, then perhaps I could work some your lunatic ideas into the project. But alas, perhaps it cannot be...

And no comments on the fact that we made a dungeon adventure to go with the setting? And no suggestions for what should be leaked next? Okay, fine. Well, how about this:

Latching Rod

Looks like a foot-long rod made of polished steel, with a sphere of bronze on one end. Three small bronze buttons on the side of the rod are the only things that mar its featureless surface.
The first button activates/deactivates a thin line of light out of the bronze sphere to any point within sight; this is a free action. The second button fires the sphere up to 100’ away as a standard action, in the direction indicated by the light-line. This sphere is attached to the rod by an adamantine cord (hardness 20, 5HP, Break DC30). The sphere can either attach itself to the object it’s aimed at or wrap around it, depending on whether or not the third button is pressed. The final button will retract the sphere back to the rod.
If the object that it’s attached to weighs less than twice the wielder’s maximum load, then that object is dragged toward the wielder at 50’ per round. If the object weighs more than twice the wielder’s maximum load, though, then the wielder is dragged toward the object at 50’ per round.
Faint transmutation; CL9th; Craft Rod, animate rope; price 18,000gp.

Juxtaposition Staff (AKA the Juxtaf)

Looks like a simple wooden quarterstaff with a ring of silver (6” diameter) on each end.
By turning a tiny dial on the staff, the wielder can set a timer anywhere from 1 to 10 rounds (turning the dial is a swift action). When the timer runs out, the wielder switches places with the staff, via teleportation. If the staff is in the wielder’s hands when the timer expires, the switch will not occur.
+1 Throwing quarterstaff.
Moderate conjuration; CL 15th, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, teleport; price 48,600gp; cost 24,600gp + 1,920XP.

Dishdasha of Many Hundred Birds

This loose cotton robe is patterned with birds in all colors.
It grants the wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. Once per day, the wearer may raise his arms, calling forth the birds of the robe, which fly forth, turning into an oasis with tall trees, ample water, grass & fruit occupying 360 cubic feet. The oasis lasts for 24 hours or until dispelled or dismissed. It overlaps natural terrain but does not affect structures, equipment, or creatures, with the exception of the illusory birds. Food & grass removed from the oasis turn into illusory birds & fly back to the dishdasha, but up to 24 gallons of water can be taken.
Wondrous Item (robe).
Moderate conjuration & illusion; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, hallucinatory terrain, heroes’ feast; price 32,800gp; weight 3 lbs.

2010-11-14, 06:22 PM
Well, if you'd be willing to share, then perhaps I could work some your lunatic ideas into the project. But alas, perhaps it cannot be...

No point in mining up trivialities like those. Just making an amusing point. :smallbiggrin:

And no comments on the fact that we made a dungeon adventure to go with the setting? And no suggestions for what should be leaked next?

Once again, this "optimism" thing that you're infected with... it's quite disturbing, really. Thought you'd been treated for that.

2010-11-15, 01:34 AM
I feel the need to point out that my lack of response and commentary is not out of a lack of interest; rather, it is a symptom of how truly, horrendously busy school is keeping me.

Lab reports to do, lab exam next week, final paper worth 40% of my grade in a class due next week, a multitude of assignments to do, just recently finished up a final project which took a solid week and resulted in me wasting my entire Saturday at school... the list goes on.

2010-11-15, 10:19 AM
Latching Rod

Looks like a foot-long rod made of polished steel, with a sphere of bronze on one end. Three small bronze buttons on the side of the rod are the only things that mar its featureless surface.
The first button activates/deactivates a thin line of light out of the bronze sphere to any point within sight; this is a free action. The second button fires the sphere up to 100’ away as a standard action, in the direction indicated by the light-line. This sphere is attached to the rod by an adamantine cord (hardness 20, 5HP, Break DC30). The sphere can either attach itself to the object it’s aimed at or wrap around it, depending on whether or not the third button is pressed. The final button will retract the sphere back to the rod.
If the object that it’s attached to weighs less than twice the wielder’s maximum load, then that object is dragged toward the wielder at 50’ per round. If the object weighs more than twice the wielder’s maximum load, though, then the wielder is dragged toward the object at 50’ per round.
Faint transmutation; CL9th; Craft Rod, animate rope; price 18,000gp.


Juxtaposition Staff (AKA the Juxtaf)

Looks like a simple wooden quarterstaff with a ring of silver (6” diameter) on each end.
By turning a tiny dial on the staff, the wielder can set a timer anywhere from 1 to 10 rounds (turning the dial is a swift action). When the timer runs out, the wielder switches places with the staff, via teleportation. If the staff is in the wielder’s hands when the timer expires, the switch will not occur.
+1 Throwing quarterstaff.
Moderate conjuration; CL 15th, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, teleport; price 48,600gp; cost 24,600gp + 1,920XP.

The name amuses me, and I'd love to have an item like this, so many things one could do with it.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-15, 09:41 PM
Has anyone seen the cosmology of the Kamala (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/185/d/4/The_Kamala___A_Cosmology_by_Zeta_Kai.jpg) yet? I'm not sure if you guys have seen the layout of the Twin Planes or not... Hmmm, well, if you haven't, then here it is, in all its glory (4,611x4,611 pixels). If you have, then take a good look again, because by Christmas, you'll know a lot more about the worlds you see here.

For the record, everything on the left half of the image is in the Realm of Night (Najmah), while everything on the right half of the image is in the Realm of Day (Siraaj).

2010-11-16, 01:26 AM
Oh that wacky font again.

2010-11-16, 01:28 AM
I keep trying to open that image, and it keeps crashing my crappy temporary-replacement laptop.

I will have to try again when I have access to a better system.

2010-11-16, 02:34 PM
O Mighty Build Team, the humble Gareth comes to thee, head bowed low in shame at his own unworthiness, to make a request.

Soon I shall be running a game in real life for a group which has never played 3.5 before, and yea, verily, they wish to create characters before the initial publish date, that I might begin planning shortly. I, Lord_Gareth, do beg that you release the information detailing the mighty and varied races of Kamala available to Player Characters, that they might begin this process.

2010-11-16, 02:50 PM
What, leak it all publicly? No bleeding chance.

I've sent you a table containing compressed data as I last had it available. How applicable it will be... well, only time will tell.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-16, 03:48 PM
What, leak it all publicly? No bleeding chance.

I've sent you a table containing compressed data as I last had it available. How applicable it will be... well, only time will tell.

Send me a copy, please, I'll tell Gareth how accurate that is. I may have some comments/revisions.

2010-11-17, 08:20 PM
Pssss. Gareth, just PM me that table. No one will know. Come on. Just do it.

I feel the need to point out that my lack of response and commentary is not out of a lack of interest; rather, it is a symptom of how truly, horrendously busy school is keeping me.

I feel the need to point out that my lack of response and commentary is not out of a lack of interest; rather, it is a symptom of how truly, truly, large and addicting Fallout: New Vegas is.

2010-11-17, 09:48 PM
The time is getting close! Best of luck to you guys in this remarkable endeavor!

Zeta Kai
2010-11-18, 06:30 AM
One week to go... <ominous Latin chanting begins>

2010-11-18, 09:26 AM
Wow, a lot of things are happening in the near future: this project, Cataclysm (and the Shattering before it), the unveiling of BioWare's mystery game... and I can hardly wait for any of it! Move faster, time, faster!

2010-11-18, 11:36 AM
Move faster, time, faster!

Please no. I have a massive paper due on Tuesday and I need all the time I can get.

2010-11-18, 07:11 PM
Wait, I've heard talk of this "Dandan" creature, what is it and when was it mentioned?

2010-11-18, 07:15 PM
Fishy. Biiiiiiiiiig fishy.

Who afro violently and repeatedly insists is utterly uninteresting. This point is contested.

2010-11-18, 07:18 PM
Well if afro says its uninteresting, it must be untrue and hes lying. Unless..., unless he knows that, and is trying to trick us into believing it IS interesting when it ISN'T! OR... he knows that we know that he lies so much and is trying to distract us. OR... DAMN YOU AFRO! SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!?!?!:smallfurious:

Mercenary Pen
2010-11-18, 07:18 PM
Fishy. Biiiiiiiiiig fishy who kills everything except some epic level stuff.

Who afro violently and repeatedly insists is utterly uninteresting. This point is contested.

There, clarified things for you. Basically it serves as this setting's equivalent to the Tarrasque, only somewhat meaner. It got spoiled a few pages back in this thread, go back and look on with horror at what will be the eventual death of everything...

Edit: In fact, here is the post where Zeta Kai leaked it. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9695979&postcount=57)

2010-11-18, 08:07 PM
Well if afro says its uninteresting, it must be untrue and hes lying.

That is the typical reaction in these threads, yes. :smallsigh:

2010-11-18, 08:12 PM
So are you guys still leaking?

Zeta Kai
2010-11-18, 08:49 PM
So are you guys still leaking?

Well, I should be, but:

A) I'm too busy to participate here (lots to do before launch), &

B) The constant leaks may detract from the launch on Wednesday, &

C) Afro said so; even though he doesn't officially work on the project anymore, he's still around to terrorize you/us. He's that evil.

2010-11-18, 09:47 PM
Well, I should be, but:

A) I'm too busy to participate here (lots to do before launch), &

And yet you still haven't responded to my very project-related PMs.

B) The constant leaks may detract from the launch on Wednesday, &


C) Afro said so; even though he doesn't officially work on the project anymore, he's still around to terrorize you/us. He's that evil.

I am many flavors of evil.

2010-11-18, 11:47 PM
Do you come in caramel?

2010-11-19, 02:19 PM
I want mint with homicidal swirls...

Personally, I don't mind that Afro's plugging up the leaks, ESPECIALLY if they're getting in the way of the final release (as Zeta said). Sure, they're always awesome to read (jaw dropped when I saw you guys are including what seems to be a prebuilt adventure), but I can wait... at least for a few days... *twitch*

2010-11-19, 08:08 PM
Zeta Kai, I need to know if your inbox still has room for PMs.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-20, 10:16 AM
1) Been mostly gone for days due to RL crisis. All is well now.

2) Of course my Inbox has room. Don't be silly.

3) I'm so busy that it almost-literally-but-not-quite hurts.

4) Whoever wanted those racial stats early should know how time-consuming the table below was. It took almost two hours to compile & edit, time I'd rather have used on something else. Oh, well. Here it is:

Type|Humanoid|Humanoid|Humanoid|Outsider|Outsider| Outsider|Outsider|Outsider|Outsider|Humanoid|Outsi der|Outsider|Outsider|Outsider
Subtype|Gnoll|Reptilian|Reptilian|Native|Native|Na tive|Native|Native|Native|Human|Native|Native, Water|Native|Native
Skills|+2 to Listen/Spot/Survival|+2 to Appraise/Tumble, +4 SP @ 1st level (Craft/Knowledge only)|+4 to Balance/Jump/Swim checks, +2 to Survival|+4 to Spellcraft/UMD/Balance/Tumble|+4 to Spellcraft/UMD/Hide/Move Silently|+4 to Spellcraft/UMD/Bluff/Intimidate|+4 to Spellcraft/UMD/Diplomacy/Sense Motive|+4 to Spellcraft/UMD, +8 on Swim|+4 to Bluff/Disguise/Intimidate|+4 SP @ 1st level, +1 SP @ every level|+2 to Hide/Move Silently|+4 to Swim|+2 to Bluff/Intimidate |+2 to Balance/Tumble
Natural Armor|+1|+1|+2|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--
Languages|Gnoll|Common|Alhaggi & Common|Common|Common|Common|Common|Common|Common & Ghul|Common|Auran|Aquan|Ignan|Terran
Speed|30’|30’|30’|30’|30’|30’|30’|30’|30’|30’|30’| 30’|30’|30’
Vision|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|--|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|Normal|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’|Darkvision 60’
Favored Class|Ranger|Rogue|Druid|Sorcerer|Sorcerer|Sorcere r|Sorcerer|Sorcerer|Fighter|Any|Ranger|Bard|Rogue| Fighter
Special|Social Acumen|+1 to Reflex, -1 to Will|+2 to Fortitude vs. Poison, Natural Weapon, Cold-Blooded, Hold Breath, Musk, Water Dependence|Acid Resistance 10, Elemental Birthright, Magical Sensitivity, Racial Feat|Sonic Resistance 10, Elemental Birthright, Magical Sensitivity, Racial Feat|Fire Resistance 10, Elemental Birthright, Magical Sensitivity, Racial Feat|Lightning Resistance 10, Elemental Birthright, Magical Sensitivity, Racial Feat|Cold Resistance 10, Elemental Birthright, Magical Sensitivity, Racial Feat|Elemental Resistance, Natural Weapon, Spell-Like Abilities, Toughness|Extra Feat|Breathless, Elemental Resistance, Genie Heritage, Ritual Lore, Spell-Like Abilities|Waterbreathing, Elemental Resistance, Genie Heritage, Ritual Lore, Spell-Like Abilities|Elemental Resistance, Genie Heritage, Hot to the Touch, Ritual Lore, Spell-Like Abilities|Damage Reduction 1/--, Elemental Resistance, Genie Heritage, Ritual Lore, Spell-Like Abilities
Level Adjustment|+0|+0|+0|+2|+2|+2|+2|+2|+2|+0|+1|+1|+1| +1[/table]

5) Some people couldn't see the Kamala map properly, due to its sheer size/awesomeness. So, for enhanced accessibility, I've made the planar diagram half as large/glorious. Click on the image for the full version. You're welcome:

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/324/4/0/thumbnail__kamala_by_zeta_kai-d337vjl.jpg (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/324/5/b/hoz__the_kamala_by_zeta_kai-d337uu6.jpg)

2010-11-20, 10:41 AM
...too awesome... can't look...directly... at it...

2010-11-20, 02:41 PM
1) Been mostly gone for days due to RL crisis. All is well now.

2) Of course my Inbox has room. Don't be silly.

Just checking, since you'd been maintaining radio silence.

4) Whoever wanted those racial stats early should know how time-consuming the table below was. It took almost two hours to compile & edit, time I'd rather have used on something else.

You're telling me. :smallannoyed: After I spent 40 minutes compiling the original tables, he told me he wasn't going to let his players use LA races. The implications of that are not lost on anyone, I hope. :smallsigh:

2010-11-20, 02:52 PM
Any particular reason why only one of the sabi races has an elemental subtype? Also, I suddenly feel like the Lizardfolk got left-out of the Darkvision party. The only other race without Darkvision is Humans, and they're completely unchanged from their PHB stats.

The Earth sabi also appear to be the only group without some special ability relating to their element.

2010-11-20, 03:07 PM
Any particular reason why only one of the sabi races has an elemental subtype?

Yes. Subtypes confer traits. Fire subtype means fire immunity, cold vulnerability. As a "for-instance."

Also, I suddenly feel like the Lizardfolk got left-out of the Darkvision party. The only other race without Darkvision is Humans, and they're completely unchanged from their PHB stats.

Meh. What can you do. Some folks just don't have good eyes. Can't just be humans.

The Earth sabi also appear to be the only group without some special ability relating to their element.

Now that's odd... I could've sworn they had some trivial thing... I'll check with Zeta on that.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-21, 01:36 PM
Any particular reason why only one of the sabi races has an elemental subtype?

Look at the rules, & it should become clear. The Air subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#airSubtype) would give the Hawasabi a fly speed & (likely) perfect maneuverability. The Fire subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#fireSubtype) would give the Narsabi immunity to fire & vulnerability to cold. And the Earth subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#earthSubtype) would imply that the Tarisabi should have a burrow speed. We obviously wouldn't want LA+1 races to have such powerful abilities, but the Water subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#waterSubtype) is acceptable for the Masabi, so we threw it in.

Also, I suddenly feel like the Lizardfolk got left-out of the Darkvision party. The only other race without Darkvision is Humans, and they're completely unchanged from their PHB stats.

Like Afro said, oh well. They have enough going on in their abilities, & there's no real need for them to have DV, storywise. I feel that far too many races have it, & with very little justification.

Also, I can only assume that you mean that humans are unchanged. The lizardfolk have been essentially remade from the ground up, & are now a much more appealing option as a player race.

The Earth sabi also appear to be the only group without some special ability relating to their element.

Oops, forgot to include their latest revision. Fixed. They get DR1/--, +1DR for every 2HD that they gain, including HD from class levels. It's a little boost, but a nice one to have, I think.

Now, someone tell me how great my map is. Now.

2010-11-21, 01:58 PM
So close... can't wait... NEED POWER

2010-11-21, 02:13 PM
Now, someone tell me how great my map is. Now.

Your map is awesome, truly epic. It makes me want to read the descriptions on the planes first, just to figure out how that cosmology functions...

The reasoning behind subtypes makes sense from a balance point of view, but not a logic one (at least not my logic)...why not give them abilities that allow them to activate magic items as if they had the subtype for their appropriate element? It hints at being descended from raw elemental power, without the fly/burrow/immunity problems the subtypes come with...

2010-11-21, 02:37 PM
The reasoning behind subtypes makes sense from a balance point of view, but not a logic one (at least not my logic)

No, it also makes sense from a logic view. Subtypes don't "implicitly" do things, they explicitly do things.

...why not give them abilities that allow them to activate magic items as if they had the subtype for their appropriate element? It hints at being descended from raw elemental power, without the fly/burrow/immunity problems the subtypes come with...

That gives us very little credit. It's like you think you have all the information and those little blots labeled "special" at the bottom are meaningless.

See, Zeta, this is why I'm careful with leaks. We get debated. :smallsigh:

2010-11-21, 02:53 PM
That gives us very little credit. It's like you think you have all the information and those little blots labeled "special" at the bottom are meaningless.

See, Zeta, this is why I'm careful with leaks. We get debated. :smallsigh:

I wasn't trying to give you little credit. I saw the names of the abilities, but I didn't know what they meant (other than the obvious ones such as breathless, waterbreathing, etc)... If you've got it covered, then I can return to lurking happily, knowing I'll enjoy the finished product.

2010-11-21, 04:13 PM
Like Afro said, oh well. They have enough going on in their abilities, & there's no real need for them to have DV, storywise. I feel that far too many races have it, & with very little justification.Ah, yeah. My gripe wasn't so much "Lizardfolk don't get DV" as it was "everybody but Lizardfolk (and humans, but they're completely unchanged from PHB humans) gets DV".

Also, I can only assume that you mean that humans are unchanged. The lizardfolk have been essentially remade from the ground up, & are now a much more appealing option as a player race.

Yes, I meant humans are unchanged. I also quite like what you've done with the Lizardfolk; I just hope having water-dependence in a desert setting won't be as crippling as I fear.

Oops, forgot to include their latest revision. Fixed. They get DR1/--, +1DR for every 2HD that they gain, including HD from class levels. It's a little boost, but a nice one to have, I think.I certainly wouldn't complain about DR. DR is nice. DR/-- is extra nice.

2010-11-21, 08:12 PM
I thought the followers of the thread who play 4e might like to know that I plan to start up a 4e PbP Hourglass of Zihaja game sometime in December, assuming my free time doesn't resolve itself into a dew and flow down the drain from one moment to the next. So, look forward to that, I guess, if you're interested.

2010-11-21, 09:54 PM
Oh, one other thing: Languages.

Half-Genies speak common, but their Sabi descendants don't? :smallconfused:

Also: is Common the standard trade language, like it is in most settings? If so, it seems odd that Gnolls don't speak it. I'd figured they were more likely to have to converse with other races than Lizardfolk, and Lizardfolk speak Common as well as their native language.

2010-11-21, 10:20 PM
What exact time is this being released? 12 am? I want to be online right when it gets released. :smalltongue:

2010-11-21, 10:44 PM
I have a player making a Gnoll now; what does Social Acumen do?

Zeta Kai
2010-11-21, 11:57 PM
Oh, one other thing: Languages.

Half-Genies speak common, but their Sabi descendants don't? :smallconfused:

Those are their primary default languages. The secondary language of HGs is an elemental tongue, while the secondary language of sabis is Common. That should probably be switched. :smallsigh:

Also: is Common the standard trade language, like it is in most settings? If so, it seems odd that Gnolls don't speak it. I'd figured they were more likely to have to converse with other races than Lizardfolk, and Lizardfolk speak Common as well as their native language.

Common is becoming the lingua franca of the continent, slowly supplanting Archaic (AKA Admajai). Now the common trade language, Common started as the traditional tongue of the kobolds. It is also known as Kobold, Qubulai, & Huradai, after the ancient, long-dead kobold nation of Haz-Hurad.

The gnolls held out against the Admajai for centuries, having never been conquered by them. Their defense against the Old Empire helped prepare them for the Ten Dark Years, which they weathered through relatively well. This also meant that kobold refugees & their children (IE the Hijra culture) didn't penetrate the gnoll lands of Uqalizar as deeply & pervasively as they did in other places, so the Common tongue is now as popular or widely used by gnolls, except their merchants, who do a lot of travelling away from their ancestral homeland.

Also, I said so. :smalltongue:

What exact time is this being released? 12 am? I want to be online right when it gets released. :smalltongue:

I don't know the exact time, but I wouldn't worry about it. It will be a staggered release anyway, so not everything will be available on Day 1. You'll get plenty, I assure you.

I have a player making a Gnoll now; what does Social Acumen do?

Social Acumen (Ex): Gnolls are canny & adaptable in social situations; they receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy & Sense Motive checks made when dealing with members of another culture.

Also, what kind of gnoll are they gonna be? Are they gonna be from the Nahr culture, or the Rizzadobo Tribal culture? :smallwink:

2010-11-21, 11:58 PM
As I don't know what either of those are, I have no clue yet. We're crafting as best we can with the information we've got.

2010-11-22, 01:30 AM
Oh, stop teasing them Zeta.

Stop trying to finagle extra info, Gareth.

2010-11-22, 01:41 AM
Can you really call it "trying to finagle extra info" when you're just trying to be able to answer a question that you were asked?
10:1 odds on "You can if you're afro"

Also: snazzy new sig banner, Zeta! Now you've got me wondering why the outline of that hourglass appears to be a snake...

2010-11-22, 01:53 AM
Oh, stop teasing them Zeta.

Stop trying to finagle extra info, Gareth.

I was answering his question as honestly as I could; namely, that I cannot answer it until the release.

2010-11-22, 02:37 AM
Can you really call it "trying to finagle extra info" when you're just trying to be able to answer a question that you were asked?
10:1 odds on "You can if you're afro"


Also: snazzy new sig banner, Zeta! Now you've got me wondering why the outline of that hourglass appears to be a snake...

That, if I remember correctly, is the actual setting logo. Good times.

Ugh, up waaaaay too late. Need sleeeeeeeep.

2010-11-22, 09:19 AM
Also, what kind of gnoll are they gonna be? Are they gonna be from the Nahr culture, or the Rizzadobo Tribal culture? :smallwink:
Hm, will there be background feats?

2010-11-22, 10:28 AM
Hm, will there be background feats?

Nope! :smallsmile:

Nor subraces!

Zeta Kai
2010-11-22, 06:44 PM
Hm, will there be background feats?

No, sorry. It's not a bad idea, & it's kinda fitting with our setting, but copying exclusive mechanics & features from better-known campaign settings doesn't appeal to me. I'd rather that the project stand on its own merits, rather than be an imitation of something else. There will be enough room for other comparisons to established works.

BTW, for a larger view of my new banner, which is indeed the official logo for the setting, click on the Full List of Homebrew link in my signature.

2010-11-22, 07:05 PM
Now we play the waiting game...

Mercenary Pen
2010-11-22, 07:37 PM
Now we play the waiting game...

Roll me a will save against boredom- then we'll talk about what penalties apply to the roll.

2010-11-22, 08:26 PM
You rolled a 1. What now?

2010-11-22, 08:27 PM
BTW, for a larger view of my new banner, which is indeed the official logo for the setting, click on the Full List of Homebrew link in my signature.

You uhh... might want to also update the link in your sig to point to the current Discussion Thread, as the one it's currently pointing to is locked.

Zeta Kai
2010-11-22, 10:44 PM
You uhh... might want to also update the link in your sig to point to the current Discussion Thread, as the one it's currently pointing to is locked.

Done. Thanks for the catch. Juhn, didn't you submit an NPC or two for me to make?

2010-11-22, 11:50 PM
I dunno. I doubt it, though. Every time there was a call for stuff from the community I'd spend all my time "ehm"-ing and "ahh"-ing and no time actually submitting anything. Which is my bad.

2010-11-23, 12:53 AM
Well, as we are now within 24-hour countdown (depending on various factors, etceteras, time zones blah blah blah) it is time for we three to cloister ourselves for the final push. Zeta, Shadow, time for us to abandon thread.

The countdown is now.

2010-11-23, 01:14 AM
So where is the countdown? Should we have a countdown thread?
Oh, and btw, if no one's told you this or thanked you for doing this, thanks, you guys are awesome:smallbiggrin:

2010-11-23, 08:33 AM
You certainly are, are this will definitely be interesting. Hurry up, time!

Zeta Kai
2010-11-23, 01:12 PM
Missiles are live. The bird is in the nest. Red Team: GO!