View Full Version : Clone Wars Solo Game IC

2010-10-20, 06:14 PM
Starting Setting description

You are on a republic military base on Kratar, a planet in the Mid Rim torn between Republic and Separatist interests. The world has many large continents surrounded by shallow seas. The continent your base is mountainous, the Separatist army on the continent is known to be hiding in these mountains, using them for cover and making guerrilla raids on bases. You and your master have been assigned to lead the GAR in defeating the Separatists on this continent, and later the planet and finding the leaders of the movement.

It is early morning when your master, a man who is approaching seventy, wakes you from your sleep. "Wake up, we need to report to the command room. We have new intelligence that will help us end the war here." He then leaves the room, expecting you to follow.

2010-10-20, 08:32 PM
Dreden rolls out of bed and onto the floor. He nods at his master and quickly changes from his night garments, into his standard jedi padawan robes. He quickly goes into the sonic shower to remove and dirt and then quickly runs out. Right before the door closes he uses the force to grab his lightsaber flying to his hand. He then quickly attaches it and walks quickly to the command room.

Following his master outside the door he walks with his master asking him " How does the war go master?"

2010-10-21, 10:45 AM
"The war is still a struggle, but this new intelligence might change the tide."

He uses his code cylinder to get access to the command room. The room is rather plain, being a room of function. At a large table, the commander of the base, obviously a clone, sits, as well as a group of four clones dressed in simple blue garments worn by off duty clones. The clone commander motions for you to sit down. Then begins to speak, "This scouting team," he motions at the clones, "believes they have found a hideout of the Separatists."

"Right", the squad leader responds. "We spotted a group of droids taking in a transport of supplies through the mountains. We identified some being filled with food, so we believe that the Separatist leaders may be hiding out there. We tracked them a short distance, and they appeared to be heading into a cave, unfortunately we would not have been able to check the caves without detection."

The commander takes the lead again. "We want you to try to find another way into the base and get yourselves inside and create a distraction, then we will come in with a main force of our own and take the hideout. The scouting team will show you the way to the caves, and continue with you on your mission. Any questions before your departure?"

2010-10-22, 02:31 PM
Dreden nods respectfully at the clone soldiers within the room. He smiles before saying " No questions sir, only may I ask what type of distraction that you wish to be created?"

2010-10-22, 03:52 PM
"That's up to you, as we have no knowledge of the base's interior. We're leaving it up to your best judgement." He pauses. "Anything else?"

2010-10-22, 04:30 PM
" Nor sir, I am ready to go whenever the team is ready."

2010-10-23, 10:09 AM
The scouting squads leader speaks up. "We'll be leaving in half an hour after we get our equipment ready, be at the north gate then."

The commander simply says, "Dismissed."

Once you leave your master says with a smile, "Got everything? Wouldn't want to screw up in front of our troops would you?"

2010-10-24, 05:49 PM
Dreden smiles at his master and says " No master, I have everything that I need with me right here. I am worried however master. There has been so much death in this war... I feel worried about the future of the jedi order.

2010-10-24, 05:56 PM
Your master's tone is serious. "Yes the war has taken many lives, but remember that our duty is to the Republic and its people, not to our order for the sake of itself." He smiles, "But enough of that, lets get to the gate, we can talk as we go."