View Full Version : Introduction to Rebellion Group B

2010-10-21, 05:06 PM
It has been a year since the Rebel Alliance was formed, and previously unconnected resistance cells have started working together, and new ones have sprung up.

You live on the planet Creeshek, a mostly jungle planet in the mid rim. The planet has one major settlement with a spaceport. The rest of the planet is dominated by jungle.

The planet has significant metal deposits and mining corporations have had mines there for thousands of years. The current mines are easy to find as the area around them has had the jungle killed for kilometers around them. Abandoned mines have been swallowed up by the jungle.

The city itself is centered on the spaceport. A lot of the business involved is corporate headquarters for smaller mining companies, as well as shipping for getting the metal offworld, or getting food to the planet. As such a large amount of the city is warehouses for storing metal before it's shipped out. The poorer parts of the city are the homes of workers at the spaceport and aliens. Administrators for the spaceport and mining companies are human only. The richer areas are human dominated. The Empire has a significant military base right next to the spaceport.

Creeshek has laws against ships flying around the world and you can only fly from the spaceport to space. Speeders are not allowed either and roads for wheeled vehicles line the city and line the jungle to go to the mining towns.

The jungle itself is mostly uninhabited, a few tribes of primitive humans hide there, wanting to be left to themselves. Abandoned mines and support stations can often be found. The roads leading to current mines and support stations are well maintained, with the rest of the roads being less so.

The mines themselves are obvious, there is no jungle for kilometers around them. There are suitable living quarters for the miners around the mines, and there are a few high quality places in the towns.

The rebellion on Creeshek is not engaged in actively fighting the empire at the moment. The main rebel base on Creeshek is rumored to be hidden in the jungle. Cells on Creeshek fall into three main categories: Jungle Cells, City Cells, and Mining Cells. The jungle cells either hide out in abandoned areas or are nomadic, they spend most of their time just scrounging for supplies to keep themselves going, on the rare occasions they act, they attack imperial transport, or if really desperate they will attack mining transports. The city cells mostly gather intelligence, usually while continuing normal jobs, though some are working on getting more supplies through theft, and a small number will attack the Empire under the guise of criminal activity. The mining cells usually try to create discontent from the miners to try to feed the rebel movement.

The Empires known defenses on planet are their base in the city, as well as a garrison in each mining town and some bases in the jungle. They are also known to have some starfighter defenses scattered about the planet.

Your cell is a jungle cell, currently you're operating out of an abandoned mining town along a major shipping route. Your cell leader is Vas Knall. Vas Knall has a long range comlink for contacting rebel command, and for them to contact the cell for missions, but generally you are left to your own devices. You have managed to build a small store of equipment, consisting of 5 power packs, 50 ration packs, and self purifying canteens for each person, as well as a backpack for each of you. You are in the middle of a discussion planning your next move.

2010-10-21, 09:19 PM
Sitting in a dusty room that might have once been the center of command of the abandoned mining town, Vas Knall is the picture of lost might.

His jedi training is clear to the attentive observer: proud with an imposing presence his appearance almost contradicts his actions, delicate and gracious. His pitch-black eyes, now fixated on some invisible future, seem filled with wisdom, and yet there is pain in them...

In fact, his whole figure is that of decay. Weathered down clothes, beat equipment: this jedi has seen the forces of the Empire up close. And he came through, he survived.

Perhaps it was the Force, that favored him in his way, or a keen sense of survival. Perhaps it was just a way with a sword, but the fact remains: he survived. And his scars? They shall be avenged... In time.

For now he sits in the dusty room. He contemplates his invisible future and waits for the other members of the Cell to assemble. And he suddenly feels this may not be just another ordinary day...he feels perhaps this day will be the start of something...something new.

2010-10-21, 10:52 PM
Vitko glides into the room, his steps languid and unhurried, his face a mask of carefree indifference. It is the image he has always portrayed, not through choice but from his physical make-up – the gangly, fluid frame, the heavily-lidded orange eyes, and the mouth that is permanently turned up at the corners in a semi-amused smirk.

For the most part, his demeanour fits his appearance, but lately he has been getting a little edgy. He is so bored.

There is a whole jungle out there, littered with abandoned mines that are crying out to be explored, but it seems that all he has been doing has been sitting here, waiting for some sort of command from the Alliance that has shown no signs of coming. It doesn’t help that Vas is so damn serious all the time. He thought joining the Rebellion would be fun, give him a little distraction, but all he’s done so far is hang around here, polishing his blaster and counting their meagre supplies.

He raises a hand in as a greeting to Vas and sits down, then stands up and walks across the room, then sits again. Still not happy with his choice of seat, he gets up and paces, waiting for the rest to arrive.

2010-10-21, 11:02 PM
Nessit treads into the room, gives Vas an informal salute, and looks around the room. He nods a greeting at Vitko, but makes the Quarren equivalent of a frown, at his pacing. "Oh. Perhaps I was wrong about when we were doing this. But, we are here." He takes a seat and spreads his arms, as if he is about to expound on something, but he stops and peers up at his commander. "Are you feeling alright, sir? I don't know if it's depression or elation, with you."

2010-10-21, 11:34 PM
Old and tried, Tal is the last of the group to arrive, sorry I'm late sir! said Tal. Tal quickly takes a seat and settles in for the briefing. Tal is and old soldier, although hes only 30 years old he physically in his 60's, Tal is a clone a Republic Clone trooper and a survivor of Geonosis and many other battle of the clone wars and many other engagements, he was one the best soldier, but now he was a shadow of his former self, but he figured he could still offer hes expertise to this group, and beside it would afford he a chance to at least die with a blaster in his hand when his time came.

2010-10-22, 07:43 AM
Vas interrupts his thinking at the arrival of his unit, nodding in recognition to each of them.

"I apreciate your concern, Nessit.", his voice echoes through his breath mask slow and distant, but quickly gaining vigor, "These days I don't even know anymore, though."

Rising to his full stature, the Kel Dor takes a deep breath. He considers each of the people in the room: people he has served with for some time now. He could see eventually they would become as beat-down as himself...and he didn't want that.

Seemingly resolving some great moral dilemma, he now faces the Duros pacing around in his makeshift command-center. "Vitko...tell me, What have we been doing recently?"

2010-10-23, 03:32 AM
Vitko nods at the other two members of the cell as they arrive, oblivious to the Quarren's irritation at his restlessnes.

He stifles an urge to laugh when Vas asks his question.

"What have we being doing? I've been asking myself the same question. Seems like all we've been doing is waiting. I'm bored, Vas. Bored. I didn't joing the Rebellion for this. When are we going to get some orders?"

2010-10-23, 07:47 AM
Listening atentively to Vitko's statements, the jedi seems to consider them for a moment, unsurprised.

"Yes...the orders."

He begins walking around the room in calm, measured steps. "Well...I had a dream last night.", his tone changes, "First one in a while too...it was all extremely confusing: unshaped forms with colors that would spread and mix and revolve around the blobs that were the world..."

He stops to feel the breeze coming from the window, setting his gaze on the mining settlement turned rebel camp. "..and yet sometimes, somethings I could see as clearly as I can see you..."

"...Now...I don't pretend to know the Alliance. Or the Empire for that matter... But apparently this planet is insignificant enough to both that they would leave us to our own devices...and so they have. But I..."


"I say GOOD."

As a droid springing to life, the Kel Dor seems awaken from a slumber he entered long ago. He turns to his unit with a fiery determination in his eyes.

"I say this way we have an actual chance...a chance to make a difference!", picking up his lightsaber from a table he seems at first hesitant to activate it, probably from the time he spent without doing so.

"...I say we show the Empire a FIGHT!" and as the words pour out, a green light extends from his hand, or rather the object in his hand.

"Tell me, Tal....where is a rebellion born?"

2010-10-23, 02:20 PM
A rebellion is born when a government body repress the mass and continue to wrong them until there is no chose but to to fight back and try to right those wrong, or roll over and die. but it is also born in the heart and minds of those that chose to fight back. General Sir!

2010-10-23, 02:30 PM
"Precisely! For a rebellion to work there must be rebels. People whose hearts know they've been wronged, and that are willing to fight against the wrong-doers!"

"And it is through those brave people that we will overthrow the Empire! ... through people the Imperial Troopers never even saw as a threat..."

He suddenly goes to the window again, pointing his lightsaber at the jungle...

"Prepare our provisions: we shall sit idly by no longer. Let us seek out the true inhabitants of this planet. And once we do, let us show them the way to their freedom!"

The Kel Dor isn't as sure of his actions as his words would lead one to believe. But at this point he is confident anything is better than inaction...if anything his speech will provide some much needed morale.

2010-10-23, 04:59 PM
"Sir, I believe you have just had what is called an epiphany," smiles Vitko, delighted at the sudden turn of events.

"My gear is all ready, I'll start getting together anything else we need. Are we going to be away for long? I hope so."

2010-10-23, 05:18 PM
Nessit had entered, expecting to be given a clear goal. When talking about a dream seemed to be the first order of business, although he knew that Vas is a Jedi, he winces, leans forward, and hunkers down, preparing for a trial of concentration. Fortunately, it wasn't so bad, and he soon relaxed. At Vas's directive, he straightens, ready to run off to prepare the provisions for a jungle trek. He waits, though, unsure of whether more orders will be coming or not. Hesitantly ---> "The Empire is well known for oppressing their planets' natives, sir. I haven't met any from this planet, but aren't they just more humans? Did your, ah, dream have any information about why they would want to rebel against their own kind?" He waves a calming hand at Tal, then adds, "Either way, I'll start gathering our supplies, then?"

2010-10-23, 06:06 PM
A bit calmer, the jedi remembers the specifics of his plan, few as might be.

Seeing Nessit's concern he approaches, giving him a confident look, "The contents of my dream were, as I said, elusive...I'm sure more of it will come to me soon, but we need not rely on that for guidance."

"Look at the very place we stand in: once belonging to the natives of this planet, the forest here has been burnt to the ground. Now, I do not believe it was with their consent."

"If we assure them the planet can be theirs once more, on the condition that existing settlers who will play by their rules be left alone, it will only be a matter of gaining their trust before we have their help. Assuming their resources are substantial enough that it won't be a wasted trip, and that they will consider our offer, we just might be able to pull it off..."

"...now let's get moving. Meet me outside in thirty minutes sharp... and may the Force be with you all.", as he dismisses his unit, the green light dies down and the lightsaber disappears somewhere under his clothes.

Going in almost blind is not consistent with the dedicated cautiousness Vas has maintained for as long as he's been leader. Must have been one intense dream...

2010-10-23, 09:03 PM
Nessit i may be a human but an not a native of this world i was born and raise on Kamino a water world, but if any of them are like me they'll fight because they want to right the wrongs done to them and there brothers and the wrongs I and my brothers did to the galaxy.

At the conclusion of the meeting Tal goes to gather his equipment.

2010-10-23, 09:30 PM
Nessit bobs his head resignedly, when Vas lets them in on how unplanned the plan is. "Understood." Being dismissed, he gets up and holds out a hand to halt Tal. "I understand that your race is very pervasive and diverse. I certainly don't mean to compare you to the natives. Or the Empire. I was asking for information on the objective. Nothing more." Attempting to inject a note of levity, "As a matter of fact, I think I'll see if I can scrounge up any information on these Creeshek cousins of yours. You can do the talking, when we meet them."

Use Computer (if we've got one), for looking up information on the natives ---> [roll0]

2010-10-23, 11:40 PM
Oh, then in that case i do not know.

2010-10-23, 11:52 PM
Nessit chuckles softly, nods at Tal, then, remembering that they don't have a computer to look stuff up on, plods off to pack his supplies. Vas is the one with the long-range comm, and he is much better with words, anyway. He shows up outside, ready to go, with time to spare.

2010-10-24, 08:54 AM
Seeing himself alone, Vas uses his long-range communicator to try and find information about the natives...

OOC: Should I roll something?

2010-10-24, 01:03 PM
Gather Information: [roll0]

Edit: Aaaand 5 seconds after I roll it occurs to me that this would be a perfect situation to take 20...oh well.

2010-10-24, 04:41 PM
Comlink response.

After a slight burst of static a tired sounding mans voice comes from the comlink. "The native tribes? We don't have much on them, reports show they usually run away when contact is attempted. Primitive technology, although a few have learned to use higher tech weapons stolen from mining towns. It looks like some can speak a dialect of Basic, while some have another language. Anything else ya need?"

2010-10-24, 05:43 PM
Vas thinks for a moment before replying.

"Yes, there is. Are there any locations where they are more frequently spotted? Or any indications of settlements by them?"

2010-10-24, 05:53 PM
"We haven't had the resources to seriously track them, but one of the mining cells reported an attack on one of the newest mines." There's a few moments of silence. "That mine is a three day walk from your current position, I can give you directions if you'd like."

2010-10-24, 06:57 PM
"Ah, yes, that would be ideal. Thank you."

2010-10-24, 09:37 PM
"It's about one day of walking north, assuming no stops, and you'll get to a lake with a small town. From there head east for half a day till you reach a small stop for shipping trucks, then the next day and a half north again and you will reach the mining town where they were spotted."

2010-10-25, 07:45 AM
Vas memorizes the directions, turning off the comlink.

He begins gathering his equipment, and in exactly thirty minutes he sets out to meet the others.

2010-10-30, 01:07 PM
"We appear to have a starting point.", the Kel Dor appears in the ex-mining settlement, all his equipment packed and ready to go.

"The natives have been spotted four days from here...now, we have a dangerous journey ahead of us.", he looks at his companions.

"Through which we will come face to face with death itself.", he starts moving towards the entrance to the courtyard.

"...and we may falter...we may fall down."

"...but as long as I draw breath... we SHALL NOT FAIL."

"...and I can only hope you are able to make a similar vow."

The jedi now faces the jungle that could either be his salvation or his doom, a determinated look in his eyes.

"Now then....shall we?"

2010-10-30, 04:55 PM
Nessit hefts his pack and merely nods, practically refraining from making any vows, since he knows that he can just as easily break them. After walking for a bit, he has the time to really think about what Vas said, then edges over to walk next to him. "Ah, is there anything we need to know, sir? I mean, we all know that we're in a war, and any of us could become a casualty, but, 'Face to face with death itself,'? Should I have picked up a bigger blaster?"

2010-10-31, 05:42 AM
Vitko laughs to himself at Vas' little speech. The leader is so intense, not something the Duros can relate to at all, but he's learned to live with it during their recent time together and he finds it amusing.

After another last minute check, he sets off, excited about what is to come.

2010-10-31, 07:32 AM
Vas directs his group to the north, slowly picking up pace.

To the Quarren's query he dedicates a hint of a smirk, and the most fitting advice to go with it. "It is as the say, Nessit. Prepare for the worst...hope for the best."

And with that he forwards the march, straight into the jungle...

OOC: I'm guessing now we are forwarded to either the lake village in the north, or the next significant occurance?

2010-10-31, 07:10 PM
Tal hefts up his pack and then lowers his blast helmet witch looks like an old phase one Clone trooper armor helmet. Tal then follows the others.

2010-11-03, 08:38 PM
OOC: Sorry for the delay, I've been busy.

You're on your first day of your journey you make good progress, following the barely existent road, always able to refill your canteens from streams or springs. You aren't able to find any food though, so you have to eat ration packs, reducing your total number to 46. You are just settling into camp by the lake in the abandoned small town when you hear a loud clang from the next street over.

2010-11-03, 09:56 PM
Nessit, having just gotten comfortable, sighs, then grabs his blaster and electrobinoculars. He glances around, to see what everyone else is doing. "Did you hear that?" Before heading over to the street in question, he checks it out with his electrobinoculars.

Perception ---> [roll0]

2010-11-03, 10:42 PM
This Kel Dor was not made for walking.

It was in the first few hours of the journey that it began to show, as he quickly fell back through the marching order, every step some complex interior struggle for control. "By the Force, Vitko! Does the ground in this place never end?", he had said to the Duros, huffing and puffing his way through the road.

And that was only the first day, he thought as they settled camp.

Tending to his sore everythings and trying to salvage some of his jedi posture, the Kel Dor was tired. And yet he was not so tired that he could not hear.

Clear and keen, the noise from inside the town reached him. For a moment Vas stood up sharp, considering the possible source of the sound.

Suddenly he forgot about his aches and assumed the calm readiness of a true Jedi Knight, as he did whenever duty called.

"Yes...I heard.", the jedi waits to see what the quarren's binoculars pick up.

2010-11-04, 05:33 PM
What Nessit sees

You can't get a good look from your current position, but you see a group of quadrupeds moving around the block, occasionally stopping to sniff the ground.

2010-11-04, 06:47 PM
the first day was little rough on the old clone he just did not have the stamina he use to have but he kept-up with the others and was so ready to sleep when he heard the sound. Gathering up his rifle he gos to investigate with the others.

2010-11-04, 10:15 PM
Nessit lowers his electrobinoculars and nods in the direction of the animals he saw. "A group of animals. Quadrapeds. Can't tell from here if they're domesticated. Didn't see any humans with them. It's better to be safe, than sorry, though. We should check it out. Shall I stay here to guard the camp?"

2010-11-05, 06:51 PM
"Hmmm. I know little of the fauna here, but yes, it would be best not to take any chances. Afterall being taken for snacks on the first day of our daring mission doesn't seem to make for a very heroic tale..."

""Vitko, Tal, with me. Nessit, if things take a bad turn, we'll scream for you. Do not shoot until you're sure they're hostile, though... Even if they -do- have very large teeth."

The Kel Dor draws his mace and heads towards the source of the noise...

2010-11-05, 08:33 PM
I'll take point. Sir!, Say Tal. The old trooper eased up in front of the group and Raise his rifle up to his shoulder ready for most anything, and then starts down the street keeping a sharp look out for any other threats.

Perception [roll0]

2010-11-05, 08:54 PM
As you get closer to the quadrupeds you notice some things about them, they have a reddish brown fur on their bodies as well as glowing green eyes. When you get to about 25 meters away one of the creatures that was sniffing the ground lifts up its head and growls at you.

2010-11-06, 04:15 AM
The Kel Dor stops and takes a long, hard look at the animals.


2010-11-06, 11:45 AM
From the creatures open mouth you notice it has some sharp looking teeth. However your long look apparently made them feel threatened and the one closest to you appears ready to attack.

Initiative- [roll0]



C- Beast Corpse
X-Empty Square
To the left and right sides of the grid are buildings, efficiently blocking off the street, there are some alleys and side streets, but I didn't bother to include them on the grid, if you want to know where they are I'll tell you.

2010-11-06, 12:12 PM
"...huh. Well, I don't think it liked me very much."

Vas grips his mace with both hands, getting ready to defend himself. He keeps looking right at the animal, though, as if he somehow meant to explode it that way...

...which he can't do....right?


2010-11-06, 08:44 PM
here's how you do a table.

{table]Character| Initiative|Current HP
Tal Walker| 14|30
Vas Knall| 11|27
Vitko Loopal| ++|++
Nessit| 23|32[/table]

{table ]Character| Initiative|Current HP
Tal Walker| 14|30
Vas Knall| 11|27
Vitko Loopal| ++|++
Nessit| 23|32[/table]

Tal targets and fires at the the creature that growls and starts to threaten the group.

Initiative [roll0]

Blaster rifle Attack [roll1]

2010-11-14, 05:14 PM
Sorry about the delay, I believe it is Nessit's turn now.

2010-11-16, 09:34 PM
The beasts move in closer, snarling as they go. (Map edited)

Assuming Graybacca still wants to do the actions in his post, he misses the beast.

2010-11-17, 07:12 AM
As Tal shoots the beast, Vas braces himself for combat. "It begins...", he mutters as the creatures make their furious charge...

"We may want to call Nessit sometime soon...but if we do we'll never know whether he stays at his post or comes hurriedly to rescue us..."

Vas watches as the beasts get closer and closer...

"...It's probably best that we don't... But anyway, it was good to know you, Tal."

And he sees as the first one gets near him...

"Wish me luck!"

As the beast comes at them, Vas stands his ground. He puts on the most fearsome attitude he can, but he doesn't attack. He doesn't flee, he doesn't attack, and he doesn't use the Force...his life might be saved with either of these, but what he does is quite different....

He roars.

At the top of his lungs, and staring right into the creature's eyes, he roars...

Intimidate (against the F-14 beast, Vas's bonus and a -10 from us being outnumbered, compare against target Will): [roll0]

2010-11-17, 01:14 PM
Seeing the beasts moving closer and Vas apparently having gone crazy, Nessit decides to count the roar as a call for help. He moves forward, then shoots at the lead beast, then moves a little closer.

Up one square, Attack ---> [roll0] Damage ---> [roll1], then up another square.

2010-11-17, 09:09 PM
Vas's roar fails to scare the beast, but moments later Nessit's blaster shot sprawls it out, its body smoking slightly.

The two remaining beasts move in closer, snarling with foam at their mouthes.

The one at H15 bites at Tal.

[roll0] [roll1]

The beast's bite manages a small wound, dealing one point of damage to Tal.

2010-11-23, 12:43 AM
Tal curses as the beast bites him, Tal quickly steps back 2 squares and flips his blaster over to auto fire and again shots at the beast.

((swift action to switch to auto fire standard action to attack and a move action to move back, add +1 for Point Blank Shot, auto fire dose half damage on a miss.

Blaster rifle Attack 1d20-4+1

2010-11-23, 12:45 AM
OK lets try that roll again.

Blaster rifle Attack [roll0]

Frack Me!! The dice god have forsaken me again

2010-11-23, 10:06 AM
"Bah!", Vas shouts, as he tries to avoid being eaten.

"I was -hoping- I could drive them off without a fight!", he sidesteps a bite with a grunt.

"...it looks like I can't, though..."

The jedi grips his mace and for a moment his hands shine blue. The glow is faint, but it's there, and it grows brighter...

Determination in his eyes, Vas puts all his strength into a blow.

Swift Action: Battle Strike

Normal Action: Attack H-15 beast (two-handed grip)

Use the Force: [roll0]

Attack Roll: [roll1]

Damage Roll: [roll2]

2010-11-23, 10:08 AM
Extra Damage (from Battle Strike) Roll: [roll0]

2010-11-23, 05:54 PM
Thanks to autofires half damage on a miss the beasts were taken out by stray shots from the poorly aimed barrage. I'll assume Vas didn't carve up their bodies.

Each of you gets 200 exp points.

2010-11-23, 08:30 PM
"...well, I guess that went as well as it could have." Vas dusts himself off looking at the smoking bodies of the creatures.

"Of course, if the natives of the planet heard of this it wouldn't win us any points with them..."

"But anyway, get some rest all of you... We march at dawn."

Vas walks back towards their camp. "And I'll take the first watch."

Perception check for Vas' watch time: [roll0]

2010-11-30, 07:16 PM
Tal walks back to the camp and beds down for the night.

2010-11-30, 10:56 PM
After getting over his amazement at the beasts going down so quickly, Nessit nods at Vas's instruction and attempts to acquire a bit of rest.

2010-12-04, 07:13 PM
You start walking after you break camp in the morning you go east as instructed. After half a day of trekking through more jungle you arrive at the shipping stop full of trucks. The spot where the natives were spotted it still further north.

Now that you've arrived at the truck stop I need to know what you choose to do there. For example leaving, stopping to rest, going up to the stop to talk to people, or whatever else you can think of trying.

2010-12-04, 08:22 PM
Tal decided to see if he can get any more information on the native and if possible if there's been any strange activity and if thers anyone willing to give them a lift the rest of the way or as close as they go, so Tal socialise with the truck drivers.

Gather Information [roll0] (natives)
Gather Information [roll1] (any strange activity)
Gather Information [roll2] (Ride)

2010-12-04, 08:22 PM
"Agh.", Vas stops to gather his breath upon viewing the shipping stop, the day's journey every bit as trying as the first one had been.

"Well...we are here. That's good. The Rebels arrive at the next stop in their perilous journey! Yes?", he says, panting.

The Kel Dor then takes a moment to recompose himself, breathing heavily. "...alright. It would be best if we didn't stop at all, I think...but perhaps we should see what the people here have to say. Might be they know something about the natives, or even the Stormtroopers..."

"We will need to split up, though. As a group, we draw too much attention. Separately...we still draw attention, but it might be less than if we were together... Meet back here when done, yes? And may the Force be with us all."

2010-12-04, 08:25 PM
Vas tries to find out about any recent events, or rumors around the shipping stop.

Gather Information: [roll0]

Hours taken: [roll1]

2010-12-04, 08:36 PM
The drivers of the shipping trucks seem to be in a big hurry, most of them don't even stop when you try to talk to them. A few of them seem to intentionally snub you, perhaps due to your appearance after spending time walking around on foot in the jungle. One guy stops and talks to you for a minute, but doesn't know anything. He remarks that you must be crazy to be walking around the jungle.

You fail to find out anything, and an Imperial driver tells you "Get out out of here you alien scum."

2010-12-04, 08:53 PM
Nessit chuckled hesitantly at Vas's comment, as they arrived at the shipping stop. He nodded and indicated the direction he'd be heading, before sauntering off and trying to look like he hadn't just crawled out of the jungle. If there's a local computer, he'd try learning more about the area from it, since he's more comfortable dealing with them than with humans. Either way, he'd dither for a bit, hoping that their stop here won't be for too long, then try talking to a few people, before meeting back up with the others.

Use Computer ---> [roll0]
Gather Information ---> [roll1]

2010-12-04, 09:39 PM
The computer you find doesn't seem well put together, as it is very loud and has a panel that normally covers it missing revealing wires. It takes a long time for it to get going, and it keeps crashing whenever you're trying to find information.

As for the chatting with people, most seem in a hurry and don't have time to talk. The small remainder don't want to talk to the "squidhead"

2010-12-04, 10:21 PM
"So much for information. I think we've been away from civilization for a bit more time than is healthy..."

Vas goes back to the meeting spot, and decides to set camp for the night.

2010-12-16, 09:13 PM
After you rest for the night, with little interruption. (Besides the arrival and departure of several loud trucks) You head off to travel again. Vitko leads you along the trail, you seem to have hit an extremely good part of the jungle as you find a grove of trees along the road bearing large fruit, orange in color and covered with a thick outer skin.

2010-12-16, 10:03 PM
"Hm.", Vas frowns when confronted by the trees, holding up his hand to stop the march and staring intently towards the fruit.

He stares for a moment, and then a moment longer. Suddenly he turns to the others more alarmed than by all rights he should be.

"Fruit ...or is it?", the question seems more directed at himself than anyone else, and the jedi doesn't need anyone else to answer it either.

Vas turns again, and looks at the grove. But he looks at the grove with his eyes, and not his mind. He gazes at the trees and the fruit, and he attempts to see them for what they truly are, not what they appear to be.


2010-12-17, 04:04 PM
The fruit appears to be just fruit, at least from the outside and what you can see or sense.

2010-12-17, 05:23 PM
"...hm.... just fruit then, yes.", the Kel Dor seems both relieved and disappointed.

"Moving on.", Vas reassumes the march.

2010-12-17, 05:50 PM
OOC: Does everyone else keep walking? Or does anyone else want to do anything?

2010-12-17, 07:44 PM
Nessit tosses some rocks until he gets a decent amount of fruit for everyone to eat. He would have started to do this before Vas even seemed suspicious about it. He looked at the Jedi skeptically, as he stared at the fruit for a bit, then, when informed that it's just fruit, he'd cut one open and nibble on it.

2010-12-18, 03:21 PM
The fruit has a slightly sour tinge to it, but is mostly watery in taste. After nibbling a bit and waiting you seem to suffer no adverse effects.

2010-12-18, 06:06 PM
"...right... just fruit.", Vas eyes Nessit from a safe distance while he is eating the fruit, half-expecting an explosion, or at the very leat some food poisoning. When none of the prior happen, he resumes walking as usual.

"So, Nessit.", he calls after a moment in a thoughtful tone, "...what did you do before you were swimming in mud and checking every shadow for hostile eyes, just to get through the day?"