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View Full Version : Eberron Optimization: Sniper, Druid Tactician, Shifter

2010-10-22, 01:08 AM
Running/Playing in an Eberron campaign, trying to introduce my players to some more optimized builds and ideas, without going overboard.

Most resources are allowed within reason, but no ToB, since nobody wants to learn it. (Although, since Warblade is online, I might integrate it into the Sniper build in place of some other, more mundane class.)

So, the three builds I'm looking for help with.

The Sniper

An academy-trained marksmen with a Great Crossbow, aiming to use Knowledge: Devotion to boost AB and damage output. First level is a Thug Targeteer, for skill points and EWP in the Great Crossbow and one other ranged weapon (currently undecided). One possibility is hand crossbow, flavoring it as his 'sidearm' to go with his 'sniper rifle' (using the Gnome Scope for the GreatXbow). Another is the Lasso, for trip support.

For later levels, I'm thinking that since his best stats are Dex and Int, that Invisible Blade might be good (focusing on using a kukri, so I can further the Sniper theme [TF2 for the win]). IB also works because PBShot and Far Shot help the main build anyways. Another option might be Warblade, depending on if I feel like getting into that using only the online material.

I'd like his main function to be long-distance marksmanship, but I haven't decided on his secondary function, so options there are open. No martial melee weapons as far as proficiency, unless I take another class that gives it (which I probably will).

Druid Tactician

Ok, honestly, it doesn't have to be a druid. But I wanted him to have an Owl sitting on his shoulder, so it's either Druid, Animal Companion Ranger, or Wild Cohort feat, and Druid seems the best from an optimization and thematic view, using the spells to bring about his desired end.

The inspiration for this character is Zhuge Liang (Kongming) from the movie Red Cliff. More of a combat role, since this -is- D&D, and I'd feel a little silly standing at the back of the group waving a fan while we win at everything. Yes, I know Wizard is good for playing God, but I don't really like Wizards that much. And I'd like to be able to fight more, and also have the owl. I could possibly be convinced to play a wizard, but only if it can have a reliable unbuffed combat presence. And an owl.

For combat, I'm looking for an evasive style, probably using a single slashing weapon. For inspiration, see Tristan from King Arthur (He's actually a really good style reference for the character, except for the fact that he's more the scout than the tactician.)


Never played one, so not sure what they can do well or what I'd want one to do. I'm really just looking for an idea of what they might be capable of. All the shifter traits look really fun, so it's mainly a matter of deciding if I like flying, running, biting, clawing, or tanking. For this, I'm just looking for general information to help me make my decision.

2010-10-22, 07:49 AM
(using the Gnome Scope for the GreatXbow).

If you don't mind, what is Gnome Scope?

2010-10-22, 11:20 AM
If you don't mind, what is Gnome Scope?Gnome Crossbow Scope (or something to that effect) is a non-magical addition to crossbows that allows the user to ignore the first range increment penalty, if my memory serves. It's from Arms & Equipment Guide.

2010-10-22, 11:47 AM
Gnome Crossbow Scope (or something to that effect) is a non-magical addition to crossbows that allows the user to ignore the first range increment penalty, if my memory serves. It's from Arms & Equipment Guide.

Exactly. Makes for some really impressive range with the Greatxbow, whenever that might actually come into play (read: not in a dungeon.)

2010-10-23, 06:24 PM
Now that we've cleared up what a crossbow scope is, does anyone have any input on builds for these concepts?