View Full Version : The Blight of the Forest 1

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2010-10-22, 10:10 PM
Firgenholt: The town in the trees. The town itself is many giant trees, hollowed out, whether by hand or magic, and connected by fine wooden bridges. The town square is the central point where the bridges meet, hundreds of feet above the ground. In the very center, is a glowing crystal, with vines wrapped around it, almost completely covering it. It is a common place for newcomers to the town to go, whether by purpose or chance.

Can characters do introductions please.

2010-10-23, 06:14 AM
Brenmanika was in his usual spot in the outskirts of the town, just waiting out the day. How did I end up like this? he would ponder day after day, always seeking to find ways of revenge on his evil kidnapper.

2010-10-23, 11:17 PM
Flair was full of Adrenalin. So this is the place... Abodoth said to wait for the sign. I think ill hang out at the square over there and see if there is any disturbance. Hell I might even find a wanted poster.
making no eye contact she swiftly travels into the most populated part of the town. Hanging in the back ground she thoughtfully searches for any think out of the ordinary. spot check [roll0] Well this place is freakin unimpressive I bet I couldn't even find a decent sinner to punish in this place! Whats that rock thingy doing hear anway.

critical fail

2010-10-24, 01:50 PM
Posting my character so I can find it faster.
Silaqui (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=42034)

Wonder who is heading out soon. I've never been out grouping before, hope I find a good one. Silaqui wandered around the town listening to see if there were any adventurers about that might take her under their wing. She also hoped they'd be almost ready to head out on their newest quest and needed someone to patch up wounds and help fight.

2010-10-24, 04:18 PM
"HEY! Get back here with that! You have to PAY for that!" You hear someone shout. Thought you cannot hear the responce you can easily tell from the long string of curses that follows in the voice you heard before that it wasn't anything the owner of that voice wanted to hear. A moment later you see a door to a nearby shop open and a large man, with a puffy red face, is holding what at first you mistake as a child by the back of his shirt. The man is holding what appears to be a very fine silver cup in his other hand and has directed the small creature's face to a sign just outside the shop. "Can't you read? It says 'NO KENDER!'" "Well, actually that's what I'd come in to talk to you about!" the little man, apparently a Kender, responds in a piping voice. "Because obviously that must be a mistake. After all, why would anyone want to keep Kender out. "Oh really," the man, apparently the shop owner, responds. "Then why, if that was what you came in for, did you try to leave without talking to me and with one of my cups in your pouch?" he screams into the Kender's face. Squirming by now and obviously quite uncomfortable the Kender replies "Well, you looked awefully busy withy our little nap and I didn't want to disturb you, so I decided I'd just leave and come back another time and then I tried to go but then there was this loud noise and the next thing I know you're going through all my pouches, which was very rude by the way. by this time the little fellow's face is starting to turn blue, though you're not sure whether it's from the pressure of his shirt on his neck or the fact that he'd just said all that without taking a breath. In contrast the shop owners face was getting more and more red by the moment, and when the Kender pointed out that going through his pouches was rude the man's face began to twitch in a way you're sure can't be healthy. Choking on his own rage the owner manages to sputter "AND WHY DID YOU HAVE MY CUP!?" Oh, that, the Kender sais, making a movement you think might have been intended to be a shrug. I don't know. It must have just fallen in when I was walking out. Good thing too! he continues, his squirming increasing in energy. If it had fallen on the hard floor it might have been damaged, or even worse someone might have tried to steel it! At this last the man's face turns a rather sickening shade of purple and he throws the Kender as far into the Square as he can and slams his door.
Well, with service like that the Kender shouts at the closed door as he picks himself up and brushes off his clothes, rearanging all his pouches into a more comfortable setup you can be sure that you'll never have Vroken Magicbait as a custimer again! And furthermore, he continues shouting to no one in particular as he walks away from the shop. I'll be sure to tell every Kender I meet the kind of treatment they can expect from you!

2010-10-24, 05:23 PM
Though in a lack of perception critical failureFlair runs over to what she thinks to be a child being abused by a Man. Are You hurt child what was that sinful man doing to you you must be poor and in need of supplies. You shouldn't go around dressed like an adventurer doing things like that you should be more careful. After patting the "child" or kender on the back she decides what to do about the "sinful" man.
Dedicated enforcer trait DC:20 or will confront man [roll0]

2010-10-24, 05:45 PM
Who me? The little man says, looking genuinely confused. Now that you've gotten closer you can see that though the he certainly has a youthful appearance he isn't a child. I'm fine. Believe it or not that happens to me all the time. Oh, and I'm not a child. he continues. Though you shouldn't feel bad or anything, I get that a lot too. Oh, my name's Vroken Magicbait. he says, very politlely, extending his hand. What's yo- It was then, in the middle of his sentence, that Vroken noticed the glowing crystal in the middle of the square. Ooooh! Look at that! he exclaims, pointing, and runs off to get a better look at it, apparently forgetting that he'd been in the middle of introducing himself.

2010-10-24, 05:54 PM
Although in my character background I had assumed that everyone had already met me, I guess I'll just have to improvise. Pretend he does not know he's an ooze. This might get interesting...

What is this hunger that threatens me? Brenmanika wondered for the hundreth time. It's probably the starvation in the Sorcerer's lair, but it wasn't as intense as this one! Wait, what's over there? He had seen a nearby town and decided to go to it. Oh boy, hopefully they will have lots to eat there! If only I had my supplies instead of this stupid Bag of Holding. I guess it will have to do.

2010-10-24, 06:45 PM
Nice to meat you Vroken you had me fooled by the way my name is Flairiel I have been reincarnated from the nine hells by the gods themselves. It is my sacred duty to bring justice on sinners... After 5 or so min she stops and looks down. Hey you are you even listening to me?

2010-10-24, 06:53 PM
so.... hungry....Everything seemed as a dream to him.
Why do you run?
What am I eating?
Why are you people so small?

Hopefuly you guys won't kill me if I get to you....

2010-10-24, 07:29 PM
Bells toll and people begin to scream. War cries in a strange language fill the air as bottle with a flaming cloth in it lands at Fliriel's feet, flames bursting out across the ground, and onto his boots. Many more can be seen in midair, about to come crashing down upon the townsfolk.

2010-10-24, 07:36 PM
What's going on here? Brenmanika though to himself Why is everyone running? WHERE AM I!?!? WHO AM I!?!?
His sanity now on the brink of existance, Brenmanika searches around for attackers.
Since I haven't techinically attacked yet (other than unintentionaly eating a civillian or two) I can use hide with an extra bounus equal to my HD (+11 in total) while moving. Hopefully they won't see me or even better, walk into me.

2010-10-24, 07:56 PM
God dang it that hurt! hey Vroken follow me. Flair taken by suprise by the sudden burning cloth she jumps draws Abodoth screaming out for the unseen attackers to fight her face to face while franticly searching for them.
She prepares to use a fighting challenge and rolls a spot check to find them [roll0]

2010-10-24, 08:19 PM
Oh wow, look at that! Vroken exclaims as he points at the bottles raining down, jumping up and down in excitement. Running after Flairiel he suddenly notices that Flairiel's shoes are on fire. Holy cow, your shoes are on fire! Why would want your shoes to be on fire? You know I had a cousing once who liked fire a little too much and he... Vroken keeps up a near constant stream of dialogue as he's running with Flairiel, interupting his stories with various exclimations.

A few Slight of Hand checks to unconsciously pickpocket random stuff from people I bump into:

2010-10-24, 10:23 PM
Well those two running around look like they could use some help. Silaqui rushes off to help the two travelers running about, shoes on fire.

What posting frequency are we going for here? I feel like some are posting 2-3 times a day. While myself and the DM are posting once a day.

2010-10-25, 10:13 AM
Amidst the chaos, a group of goblins charge out from their cover, swinging their maces ferociously, and Hurling javelins at the townsfolk.
@Norpfang: Yes, you see them.
@Ish: You find 2cp, and rock with eyes painted on it.
@Deadly: I had little computer time yesterday.

2010-10-25, 12:49 PM
What's going o.. His sanity meaning nothing at this point, a sort of primal instinct kicks in, taking over his mind. Ppphhhit he bubbles and heads to attack the goblin threats.

Will roll attack in OOC, don't have access to my sheet right now because of filtering. Hopefully they haven't seen me under my hide ability (look in my last post)

2010-10-25, 06:49 PM
Come out and face me you pathetic creature or are you so much of a coward you throw ambush your foe from a distance. You arnt worthy of leading your tribe.Screaming a Challenge to the goblin leader Flair runs towards the fray and strikes at the foe.

Attack check [roll0]
If hit [roll1]

2010-10-25, 06:50 PM
messed up on typing intimidate check redoing it hear [roll0]

2010-10-25, 11:28 PM
Sil sits back and examines the battlefield before her. She tries to identify where the enemies are and who is most of a threat to her.

[roll0] spot check for enemies and battlefield layout. Have low light vision.

2010-10-26, 02:06 PM
Noticing the Goblins running around Vroken starts to run up to them and begins shouting a warning Hey, you guys shouldn't be he-- Then he notices them attacking the townspeople and realizes where the fire cam from. Though a little sad that the fire had such a mundane source Vroken keeps his focus and changes directions. He decides to get behind the Goblin that his new friend Flairiel is attacking. Then he pulls out his sickle and takes a vicious swipe at the Goblin's back. That's not very nice! he screams as he slashes the Goblin.

Flank the Goblin Flairiel is attacking, avoiding AoO if possible, and [roll0] for [roll1] Slashing Damage and [roll2] Sneak Attack Damage.

2010-10-26, 03:50 PM
Noticing that there are others fighting a common threat Brenmanika's instincts tell him to ally with them.
Ally with them? He thinks to himself. Hmm. Maby they could be a valuable asset.
Over here! Brenmanika yells. Mind giving me a hand?

Waiting for enemies to get their turn before I go back into combat.

2010-10-26, 05:33 PM
The goblins, about five of them, circle around Vorken and Flair, who are attacking their leader. They hesitate to attack, worried about hitting their leader, who skillfully dodges both Flair's and Vorken's attacks, spinning around, his mace landing on the side of Flair's leg. After the goblins notice the ooze envelope their comrade, a few charge towards Brenmanika. One of the goblin's maces cleaves a large chunk out of Brenmanika, while the other goblin lost his grip of the mace, and it flew from his hand into a tree.
Flair takes 2 damage, Brenmanika takes 6.

2010-10-26, 05:56 PM
Alright thats it demon the wrath of the gods will see you dead Flair continues in a more defensive style towards the leader
Shield block giving +1 AC v.s the lead goblin
Attacks [roll0]
If hits [roll1]

Abodoth now would be a good time to help
telepathacly requests her swords help in scaring them through telepathy

2010-10-26, 06:19 PM
AHHRG! bubbles Brenmanika as he is hit by the goblins. He advanced to both and attempts to unite them with their comrade, who is as of now burning in acid.
Acid damage for goblin already engulfed: [roll0] He is still paralyzed for 3 more rounds.
Paralysis save is still fort 16 if others are engulfed, time is [roll1]
Engulf reflex save is 15, grapple check bounus for me is +10 (if goblins attempt to escape)
If I fail to engulf I will advance twords the leader and aim my dodge feat at him. Will slam him next turn.

2010-10-26, 06:35 PM
Oooh look the big scary Goblin can dance! Vroken screams out gleefully as the Goblin dodges his strike. I saw an Evlen princess dance like that once! She didn't look nearly as feminine when she did it though! [etc, etc]

Attempting to taunt* the lead Goblin. [roll0]

2010-10-26, 07:33 PM
Worried about the surrounded men's safety Silaqui moves to their aid.

If within range of free move then Sil also attacks the closest Goblin to her. If not in range Sil moves as far as she can, staying just out of move range from the enemy. If standing away from the enemy Sil goes into a defensive fighting stance.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-10-26, 08:06 PM
All but the leader of the goblins have left their leader to fight with Flair, as her sword cuts deep into his stomach as he turns to the kender, "You even princess. You dance!" As he slams his mace into Vorken's stomach.

Silaqui's slash misses, just short of the nearest of the three goblins approaching her. They seem more on-guard though, more serious, as if this was not how their raid was supposed to go.

Brenmanika dissolves the first goblin inside him, as he engulfs the one that had lost its weapon, a look of terror crossing its face, as it tries to call out for help from its companion.

Vorken takes 2 damage.

2010-10-26, 08:17 PM
What was that? You say it's my turn. Okay! The Kender pipes out, grinning and spinning in place like a maniacal child. As he spins he slashes out again with his sickle scoring a viscous blow on the Goblin.

Assuming he's still flanked: [roll0] for [roll1] Slashing Damage and [roll2] Sneak Attack Damage (I think I forgot my STR on the sickle damage last time:smallredface: Sorry 'bout that.)

2010-10-26, 08:26 PM
Brenmanika, seemingly handling the threat upon him and replenished by his meal, rushes past the last goblin and advances to the leader.
You're next. he unemotionally says as he slams the leader.

Acid damage for engulfed goblin: [roll0] he's still paralized for 2 rounds.
Slam attack: [roll1]

If hits: [roll2]
Paralysis save is still 16, if sucessfull [roll3] rounds.
I don't know if i'm flanking or not though.

If misses: will probably use hide ability to sneak on the goblin I forgot to kill.

2010-10-26, 09:32 PM
Seeing has the leader is being over run by her new friend and a big cube of acid she turns around and screams. Listen Demons and listen well! Your leader has lead you into a death trap for he sees you to be unfit for his tribe. Join the holy light of Heironeous or we shall smite you down for your heracy and worship of what ever false god. I offer you one chance of redemtion or be thrown down into the bowls of what ever hell your master got he orders from. His plans have failed!

Intimidation check [roll0]

2010-10-26, 09:47 PM
Sil observes the goblins approaching her and picks out the biggest looking one.

[roll0]+2/+6 Search/Spot check for which of the 3 looks weakest.

Sil attacks the largest foe that is advancing towards her.
[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Confirm Crit if needed (range 19-20)
[roll3] Damage (x2 if crit)

2010-10-28, 10:35 AM
Vorken's sickle rips through the goblin's side, as he falls over, prone. As the cube enguls him, he jestures to the other goblins, and they run.

2010-10-28, 02:17 PM
What happened? he mumbles to himself. I feel pretty weird right now. Hmm... you people look really familiar, have I seen you before? Also, do you know what's going on?

2010-10-28, 04:04 PM
Thats right fools you better run Flair turns around looking for anything in plain sight that may have fallen from the goblins then looking at Vroken she says nice work friend we would make a good team against the forces of evil, and whats this a giant pile of jello just melted up that creature. The gods must favor us today. Owwch can can you heal me i think im bleeding.

2010-10-28, 04:43 PM
Giant pile of goo? Where! He quickly turns around to see if he can spot something. Must have ran away. He turns to the others. Maybe your god took it away?

2010-10-28, 04:58 PM
It talks Flair opens her mouth in shock. what is your name ohh holy sign what do the gods want me to do. Flair bows down

2010-10-28, 08:05 PM
A man walks over to the corpses, "Something is amiss... You! over there, all of you come hear, look at this?

2010-10-28, 08:14 PM
flair runs over to the man. What have you discovered. This day seams to get more intresting every secound

2010-10-28, 08:54 PM
First of all I am not an idiot, thank you very
much, second of all I'm not "holy" and lastly he suddenly stops as the person mentions something amiss. What's that you say? This day is just chock full of questions isn't it?

2010-10-28, 08:57 PM
"These goblins... They are wearing emblems of different clans. They have been at war with each other for centuries. Them working together..." He says. Then mumbling something. (I'll PM you if you make on OOC listen check).

2010-10-28, 09:06 PM
listen check: [roll0]

2010-10-28, 09:46 PM
listen check [roll0]

2010-10-29, 09:04 AM
Lia sits and waits, watching the events unfold in front of her.

2010-10-30, 06:37 PM
Thats right fools you better run Flair turns around looking for anything in plain sight that may have fallen from the goblins then looking at Vroken she says nice work friend we would make a good team against the forces of evil, and whats this a giant pile of jello just melted up that creature. The gods must favor us today. Owwch can can you heal me i think im bleeding.
Holy cow what's that!? I've never seen anything like tha- Heal you? Vroken says, one moment jumping wildly in up and down frantically pointing at the ooze and the next standing perfectly still, a thoughtful expression on his face. I don't think I can do that. I've never tried though, so guess it could be possible. I had this friend once who used to heal people really good, he just grabbed their foreheads and started chanting and-

A man walks over to the corpses, "Something is amiss... You! over there, all of you come hear, look at this?

A miss? Did he say I missed something? Vroken looks genuinely hurt and confused and then his face brightens up as he runs over to the man.I never miss anything, but I'd be happy to help! he says as he reaches the man. Then, extending his hand politely, My name's Vroken and I'm on a team that's against evil!


2010-10-30, 06:53 PM
Why does everyone keep pointing at me? Brenmanika confusidly awnsers. It's like I'm some sort of a freak! Well you are not all so great either... he mubles off to himself and then stares back at the symbol.

2010-10-30, 07:10 PM
Flair looks at the Giant ooze. are you kidding me have you seen your self recently Then turns back to the man and says It would be out pleasure to bring justice to these allied goblins by weaving seeds of distrust and death into their mitts. My name is Flariel and these are my friends Vroken, and jello McCuberson. We could also probally get some help from that elven girl over there. She seams to be an honerable warrior.

2010-10-30, 07:16 PM
Why are you, a "holy warrior" calling a person who just saved your lives jello? I thought your kind was more honerable than that! Just because my fighting skills may be a bit less than resonable dosen't mean I'm a "jello"


Anger issues FTW

2010-10-30, 07:17 PM
Getting as close to the cube as he can without hurting himself Vroken whispers in a rather audible voice at what he guesses could be an ear. Pssst. I don't know if you've noticed but you appear to be a large rather square-looking pile of goo. I don't mean to be insulting, but it's the best description I can come up with. Looking back at the man who beckoned them over, Maybe they weren't working together? Maybe they were having an EPIC battle for the control of their entire species and your town just kinda got in the way? What? It could happen! he finishes, an expression of earnest honesty on his wildly nodding face.

2010-10-30, 07:29 PM
As blank an expression as an ooze can muster he ponders over this.
It makes sense. He thought. All those blackouts, the feeling of desintigrating into this, it all fits.
Why chose an ooze?
Why not some dragon of some sort?
Was this what he was trying to create?
Or am I some sort of freak accident?

2010-10-30, 11:07 PM
The man walks over to Flair, who seems to be the leader, to him, and says, "The goblins live in the north, in a forsaken mountain range. The town would be forever grateful if you could defeat them for us, you all seem so able-bodied."
He says the last part giving Brenmanika an odd look as he says the last part.

2010-10-30, 11:12 PM
We will do our best to stop this violence from escalating. Also may I ask your name. It would be an honor to know who we are serving.

2010-10-31, 04:32 AM
Sil grabs the arm of the ADD person from the fight and holds him still while she presses the hilt of her sword gently on him and casts cure minor woundsx2. She then walks over to the overly exuberant woman and does the same.

Vorken and Flair are each healed for 2 damage. I can roll checks if needed, but doubt they'd not want the heals.

"I guess I will help you out. These goblins could cause problems for my home as well, besides you seem to be lacking any healer. It'll give me an opportunity to further server Corellon as well.

I'm a half-elf not elf, there are pretty noticeable differences I'd imagine your character would know. Just an FYI.

2010-10-31, 07:55 AM
I too will help. Brenmanika agrees. It seems that like this I should be able to do some good, perhaps this form is a blessing in disguise. He turns to the kender. I assume you are going to pester me now? Well please don't because I will kill you if you make ANY jokes about what I'm going to do AT ALL.
Ugh, dsgusting. he mumbles as he attempts to cough up the loot from the goblins.
Again, NO WORDS of this PLEASE.

2010-10-31, 03:59 PM
Oooh, that feels much better, thank you!
Since she came into close contact [roll0] to "accidentally" grab any small not-all-that-valuable object off her. Non magical jewelry, a handkerchief, something like that. Turning to the ooze Vrocken puts on a very dignified face and says I would never pick on someone if they didn't want me to. That's bullying and bullying is bad! By the time he finishes the sentence he seems to have lost interest in what he's saying and has begun searching through his many pouches and pockets, not as if he's looking for anything specific but more as though he's quite sure what's in there.

2010-10-31, 04:23 PM
It is settled then my new friends. Soon we shall feast upon a pile of those sinful goblins dead bodies. We shall ride out and rid this place of their stench and discover what evil they are doing. Turning to the man she asks. Sir do you know where the goblins might reside. If not we must act quickly and pursue the those creatures before all traces of their progress is lost.

2010-10-31, 05:17 PM
I think I already did that.... Brenmanika mumbles to himself They tasted pretty good too!

2010-10-31, 05:34 PM
We're gonna eat them? Vroken bursts out, his expression somewhere between horror and intrigue. I've never eaten a Goblin before.... do they really taste good? I bet they're tough and chewy, though when you have to use you actually chew them. Will we make Goblin jerky? I love jerky!

2010-11-01, 08:44 AM
"My name is Robert Duncan. As I have said, the goblins reside in the mountains due north." He looks at Vorken, who had just pulled some goblin kerky out of his pocket, "Goblins are known to have many diseases. I would cook them well before you tried to eat them."

The man looks at Sil, "Would you please heal some of the injured townsfolk? We would be forever thankful, as most of our healers are out of town for some reason or another." He gestures to a few elven and human bodies scattered around the town, some staggering around, some lying on the ground moaning, and some lying in a pool of blood, not making a sound.

2010-11-01, 11:02 AM
Asking 1 low level cleric to heal an entire town is a bit extreme. It'd pretty much burn all my spells for the day to even attempt such a feat, thus crippling myself and the party.

"Are we leaving now or waiting until the morning?"

2010-11-01, 01:38 PM
I suggest we leave now. The goblins that are running might get to their masters before we arrive. If we wait too long we might lose the element of surprise. There is one downfall to this, though. he implies. We might not have time to rest as often and we might not have a chance to get a relation with this village. Whatever we do we should chose now.

2010-11-01, 04:53 PM
"Could you tend to their wounds. They are dying."
(He just wants you to make heal checks.)

2010-11-01, 05:13 PM
Flair looks at Sil and Robert then speaks.I beileve I can resolve this issue. I myself am pretty tired from this mission. We could wait until the party is fully rested after we help with the town but I ask 1 thing. Robert do you know of any rangers that live near by, If not is there a place where I may purchus a hound for tracking these things down. If none of these are available, at least we know they live in the mountains. I vote we leave at first light tomorrow. Do not fear exausting yourself cleric.

2010-11-01, 05:39 PM
A reasonable choice, and the fact that there are wounded here support it more. My vote is with the knight's.

2010-11-01, 07:03 PM
Heal checks:

then +2 to healing as well. Sil realizing the cube is hurt as well gently touches it and casts one cure light wounds on it, then both cure minor wounds if it still seems hurt. She'll go and heal the most injured citizens after stabilizing.

2010-11-01, 07:45 PM
OOohh ooh I can help! I'll help! I've done this tons of times! Vroken shouts out as he runs toward the injured townspeople. It soon becomes apparent, however, that despite his good intentions he has virtually no idea what he's doing as he enthusiastically pokes and prods the wounds of the various fallen, trying to stop their bleeding.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]And since I'm coming in close contact with people [roll3][roll4][roll5]

2010-11-02, 06:44 AM
Thank you for the healing but I think my interference would harm more than help. acid, you know.

2010-11-02, 02:44 PM
"The rangers live throughout the forest, protecting it as the druids do. You might stumble upon one, but it is many times more likely that they will find you, than you find them." Robert points over to a large tree, "Inside you could find trained hawks to help you track. I am sorry if that is not good enough, but that is all we have."

Those of the now conscious townspeople thank Sil, many asking what they can do in return.

Vroken does not manage to save anyone, one person actually coughing up blood all over Vroken's chest. As he was patting the bodies, Vroken found a weird, pulsating, slimy red thing.

2010-11-02, 03:06 PM
(assuming it is evening) I'm going to go and find a place to hunt near the outskirts of the city, I do not think I would be welcome here. I do not sleep anyways, so I might as well go hunting. Any that are willing to join may come.

2010-11-02, 03:33 PM
The rangers will find us if we need them I have faith Flair sits down and asks. Where can I rest for tonight I may need to regain some energy for our hike tomorrow.

2010-11-02, 03:54 PM
Rearranging some of the things in his pouches so that he has one that's completely empty Vroken deposits the slimy, red, pulsating thing into the pouch for later study. Rising he walks over to Flair and with a rather ostentatious yawn he pipes into the conversation. IaaaaaaahhhIIIII'm a little sleepy too, he says. So, where're we bedding down?

2010-11-02, 04:07 PM
I don't want to go into the forest alone now for fear of monsters so if no one will join me I guess I will explore the nighttime city.

2010-11-02, 09:14 PM
Sil tells the people she helped them because Corellon sent her here, so she figured he'd also want her to help them. She then retires for the evening after preparing her spells for the next day.

2010-11-03, 01:40 PM
Brenmanika, since he does not sleep, tours the city eating the occasional small wild animal.

Tell me about the city if you can DM.

2010-11-03, 08:01 PM
As the sun sets, the group of people gather around the only inn in the town left undamaged by the attack. The horse's head inn. It seems to be vary old, almost ancient. The air inside is warm and friendly. Many of the townsfolk recognize the heroes, especially Sil, who saved quite a few of them directly, and offer to pay for their nights stay.

The city itself is made up of giant trees, businesses and houses built on the ground, but a truly colossal tree in the center, magically hollowed out, is both the church of Corellon, and the meeting place of the town elders. Outside of the giant tree, is a stone slab, with intricate runes and inscribed upon it, as well as Corellon's symbol. Bridges weave up and between the treetops, giving villagers a serene view of the town and forest.

2010-11-04, 06:53 AM
Seems like a friendly place. Brenmanika ponders over. the goblins didn't seem to have done much damage to the tree either.

2010-11-06, 08:10 AM
The tree is still in good shape, but the entrance to the village is demolished.

(If that is all for that day):
The sun shines through the windows of the inn, landing on the heroes' faces. There is a fine dew on the grass outside, and many birds are chirping in addition to the noises the rest of the woodland animals are making.

2010-11-06, 09:45 AM
Walking up has early has possible Flair walks out of her room and knocks on the doors of her companions. Good morning zombies!!! Time to kill some goblins. After packing up she then heads down stairs and orders up a meal or 2 hopefully chicken yum.

2010-11-06, 10:32 AM
Brenmanika, seeing the morning sun, attempts to go through the village and near the inn with as little confusion as possible.
You guys ready? he whispers in through a window. I need to get something to ride that won't run away when I get within a mile.

2010-11-07, 05:11 PM
Hearing Flair's wake up call Vroken is immediately out of bed and running into the hall. Zombies!! Where!? I wanna see the zombie! he shouts as he races up and down the halls of the inn. Eventually he makes his way to the common room and sees Flair there. Hey! he pipes breathlessly. I looked everywhere but I can't find the zombies, he finishes in a rather dejected voice, after having caught his breath. Then, hearing something at the window, he runs over to it and, seeing Brenmanika and then processing what he'd said Vroken looks at the cube a with a face of honest curiosity and puzzlement. How can you ride anything? Wouldn't you just... er.. you know.. SLLRRP? he ends his question with a rather disgusting noise, obviously indicative of someone being absorbed into the cube.

2010-11-07, 07:33 PM
That's my point. Brenmanika agrees reluctantly. Either we find some freakishly weird creature for me to ride or we will have to walk there.

2010-11-07, 08:59 PM
Flair smiles and shakes her head at the Inosense and ignorance of her new companion. Alright friends all we need now is for the half elf to get ready and we can head out. We adventurers shouldnt sleep in

2010-11-08, 11:46 AM
Sil finishes her meditation and heads down for food. She eats a trail ration since money is tight and there is no sense wasting it on lavish meals. I am ready to go when you are finished here. Sil does a quick double check to make sure she has her belongings before heading out.

2010-11-08, 03:28 PM
I've already ate so if we don't need mounts I'm ready to go.

2010-11-08, 04:34 PM
A rather robust halfling walks up to the group, "Did you say mounts? Well have I got a deal for you! Just come over to the buckets-o-horses all-purpose retailer nearest you, located just three minutes from the great tree, we'll match any other advertised price by 20%! Guaranteed!"

2010-11-08, 04:43 PM
This is a woods what kind of mount would serve us well. I may be interested but we best be on our way. Flair stands up and streches. Im afraid im not very fond of mounts but i will buy one for 50 gold or so.

2010-11-08, 04:54 PM
"I have something just in your price range! A dwarven warhorse, only 50gp! Come, this way." He grabs flairs hand and starts leading him towards the great tree.

2010-11-08, 04:55 PM
I'm always ready to go. Anywhere! You have to be when you're a Kender. Vroken nods sagely, with a solemn look on his face. Then, after the Halfling has spoken Vroken goes to him, extending his hand politely. Hello. My name is Vroken Magicbait. It's nice to meet you, but I don't really have any money.If the Halfling shakes hands and is wearing anything on his fingers or wrist: [roll0] to accidentally take them. Then, jumping up and down in response to Flail's statement, OOh, ooh, oooh, can I ride with you? I don't have any money and I don't wanna get left behind and I'm not very heavy so I'm sure that the horse or whatever can easily handle the weight of both of us. With a deep intake of breath Vroken stands, poised on the balls of his feet, looking up into Flair's face with an expression of pure innocence and hope so perfect it could only be achieved through years of studious practice.

2010-11-08, 05:04 PM
Sure you can ride with me I would be honored you may share a ride with me any day Vroken. She pats him on the head then leans over to whisper to Sil While riding may you hold onto my money and ring. These are very important to me. turning back to the halfling That sounds great infact I am interested in buying a hunting dog if you happen to have 1. she follows him

2010-11-08, 05:10 PM
"Ah yes, Kender, good fellows. Right this way." He leads them to a stable built into the side of a tree. He opens the door, "Just wait one moment."
After hearing a series of crashes and bangs he leads out a smaller than average horse that looks to all but Sil very muscular.

When Vorken retracts his hand, he finds a piece of paper saying: Try again later. A few of Vorken's pockets feel lighter than they did before.

2010-11-08, 05:17 PM
We will take the horse thank you. Has it been named. Flair hands him 50 Gold. Does my purchas come pre sadled

2010-11-08, 05:36 PM
Do you have anything that would fit my "special needs?" Brenmanika inquires. Don't be afraid either, I'm with them.

2010-11-08, 06:29 PM
Sil looks at the woman on the horse. "You are awfully trusting of strangers." She whispers back.

"I'll be walking, but enjoy your horse. If they have no mount for you, you are welcome to travel beside me cubous one. Which reminds me....I've not yet introduced myself. I am Silaqui, I hail from the Elven village nearest here. I'll accompany you on this adventure, this threat may even affect my people." Sil shoves the items the rider gave her into her pockets. She then straps her blade to her side.

2010-11-08, 06:40 PM
Now that you mention it, we ARE awfully trusting of this guy these horses are a little too cheap if you ask me... I wonder what methods this man may have used to acquire those mounts...

2010-11-08, 06:50 PM
Wrapping up the conversation Flair whispersI like too give people a chance before I smite them. Ohh and sir if there is nothing wrong with these horses I would be happy to pay extra when we get back but if my friends are right i may not be so forgiving.
Sense motive check to notice if the halfling haggled any one [roll0]

2010-11-08, 06:55 PM
Ah boy. Brenmanika mumbles to no one in particular. Don't want to get into a fight right now, just say you won't buy stolen horses and leave him alone.

2010-11-08, 07:40 PM
Stolen? Vroken says, a look of absolute horror on his face. You stole that horse? That's bad! You can't steal stuff, Mamma always said that's bad. You're a bad Halfling if you stole that horse!

2010-11-08, 08:12 PM
"Oh no! I would never do such a thing! I assure you! I am being entirely truthful when I say that is not a stolen horse."

The horse has a hard time supporting Flair's weight, and throws him off.

2010-11-08, 08:51 PM
Ouch... I thought there was something wrong with that horse now hand over. You are fortunet i have not paid you yet. I will not fight you for that is wrong with you unarmed and all but i am afraid I will have to set these poor ENSLAVED creatures go. Flair attacks any restraints on the horse and sets it free [roll0] if hits [roll1] Handle animal check [roll2]

2010-11-08, 09:01 PM
Flair hands him 50 Gold.
"What was that about not paying me?" He says, as he jingles his coin pouch.
The "Dwarven warhorse" that you now realize is a mule starts to try to gnaw on Flair's face.

2010-11-08, 10:31 PM
Alright friends this is a good lesson for today make me drink coffee in the morning or ill forget crap ohh and I guess you count has armed now so.. Flair stabs him with her sword [roll0] if hits [roll1] You will suffer for your sins!

2010-11-09, 07:32 AM
WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING! Brenmanika bubilingly screams.Even if they were stolen, we aren't just gonna KILL the guy! Neither do we have any PROOF of his "sins"!

2010-11-09, 08:30 AM
Do not worry I shall not ougt right kill him, but no creature will double cross me this way. we will knock him out and drag him with us on his own mule.After this blow I will switch over to subdual damage now.

2010-11-09, 01:50 PM
*sigh* knights...

At least we get these for free though.

2010-11-09, 04:12 PM
The halfling disperses in a flash as Flairs sword would have hit him. He jumps onto Flair's head, which is suddenly missing its helmet, cutting off her hair with a dagger, almost scalping her. He reappears on a tree branch feet above, waiving the hair in victory.

2010-11-09, 04:39 PM
Come back and fight me thief. You messed with the wrong person. . Flair reaches up with her Large long sword and stabs at the halfling in a furry bonus v.s criminals [roll0] if damages [roll0] she also puts up her shield block +1 rolling messed up ill re roll on the OOC

2010-11-09, 06:08 PM
You. Are. Kidding. Me.
WHY did I have to join a party with a knight!
Don't worry halfling, I will not participate in this madness.

2010-11-09, 06:14 PM
Vroken, standing in obvious awe of the magical Halfling, is momentarily struck speechless. After a few moments he runs to Flair, and stage whispers I don't think we should mess with him. That probably could have just as easily been your head as your hair.

2010-11-09, 08:08 PM
Silaqui sits and watches the events unfold in front of her. "You know if you weren't so brash I could have told you that you weren't buying a horse. Keep in mind, I am NOT healing you if you get hurt." Hopefully other followers of Heironious are more level headed then this woman.

Sorry if I have your deity wrong, I can't see which one you listed while I'm typing this and won't be able to edit the correct one in.

2010-11-09, 08:18 PM
The halfling throws a bag at Flair, and vanishes into the highs of the tree, changing shape into that of a gnome wearing what look like pink legwarmers.
It's a tanglefoot bag. Make your DC15 reflex save OOC

2010-11-09, 09:56 PM
Dang honor less wrech. After untangleing herself she skims the room for any thing that may be of value [roll0]

2010-11-11, 03:43 PM
She finds a map of the town, as well as one of the forest around it. It is old, written on shriveling parchment paper, and somewhat bleached by long exposure to the sun.

Sorry about not posting sooner. I had less than 10 minutes on the computer yesterday.

So the "righteous" knight is looting a building...

2010-11-11, 04:30 PM
Getting up Flair says Lets get to it then starts head ing on the road on what looks like the way to the mountains. Not looting rightious just diserts lol.

2010-11-11, 05:07 PM
Umm.... Could anyone explain to me what just happened?
I don't think I'm crazy, that's one possibility down.

2010-11-11, 05:16 PM
We just got ripped off by a gnome thingy. Possibly some powerful wizard or rouge.

2010-11-12, 03:48 AM
"We all got taught a lesson. One to inspect goods before we pay for them. Two not every conflict need be solved with violence. I personally also learned that you are far too zealous for battle." Sil sighs to herself and prepares herself for the journey ahead. Going to be a long journey it seems too. She thinks to herself.

2010-11-12, 01:06 PM
I like learning lessons. Vroken offers to no one in particular as they start their march. I think the lesson I learned was "don't poke random strangers who are trying to sell you things you think you want but then find out that you don't really want with sharp bits of metal because then they'll turn out to be a lot more powerful than you thought they were and they'll make fun of you while trying to teach you a lesson about not pocking strangers that are trying to sell you things you think you want but then find out you don't with sharp bits of metal." As he reaches the final few syllables you're alarmed to note that his face is actually turning blue, and Vroken nearly falls over from the force of the gasp that follows this hurried statement.

2010-11-12, 03:39 PM
Flair sighs and starts fidgeting with her sword has if anticipating it to make communication very shortly. I seam to fall for all this crap. In all my years after.... Well I seam to be cursed with criminals every where. I seam to loose my touch every time but I must continue. Or ill be a sham to what ever forces.. Baa what do you guys care.

2010-11-12, 05:17 PM
The quickest road out of town is a North-going rout that winds through the forest. As you get to a river, the path becomes a wooden walkway, elevated as if it were a bridge, though it shows no signs of supports.

2010-11-12, 06:17 PM
Flair slowly walks closer to the bridge to analize the distance across and the depth

2010-11-12, 07:42 PM
I don't know, that bridge looks a little too unstable for me to cross and my acid might erode it. I'm going to try to swim across since I don't think I have a choice.

2010-11-12, 09:56 PM
The bridge looks very stable, held up by powerful enchantments.

2010-11-12, 10:28 PM
Vroken you mind testing the bridge out your the most agile of us all.

2010-11-13, 01:32 AM
"Anyone know how to use a rope and are any of us carrying one? I might have an idea to keep our little friend safe, just in case." Sil rummages through her stuff to see if she is carrying a rope.

2010-11-13, 05:45 PM
Sil does not find any rope in the pack, but there is some hanging from a high tree branch.

2010-11-13, 05:59 PM
Hmm. Maybe the builders expected people to cross with a rope?

2010-11-13, 06:00 PM
Unwilling to halve to climb down eventually Flair very carefully touches 1 foot to the bridge.

2010-11-13, 10:40 PM
The bridge is very sturdy, its elven craftsmanship even more apparent, intricate carvings inscribed upon its entirety, but none of the magical sort.

2010-11-13, 11:07 PM
I do not want to climb down any rope but this bridge seams suspicious hmmm. This leaves me with a few options running across, not crossing, or.. the rope... What do you vote we do Flair slowly puts her other foot on the bridge still careful to keep hold of land

2010-11-14, 05:00 PM
Ooh, I'll test it out, don't worry! Vroken runs out onto the bridge.

2010-11-15, 03:56 PM
The bridge remains steady, Vorken sparkling as he runs across it.

2010-11-15, 04:37 PM
Ohh I bet this is one of those true of heart tests flair steps a cross with confidence. yet still carefully making sure only to touch places that Vroken has

2010-11-15, 04:43 PM
After you. He nods to the elf (or half-elf, too lazy to look back :smalltongue:) I don't want to break the bridge and prevent you from going if I'm too big.

2010-11-15, 05:33 PM
Running up to the hesitant Flair and, jumping up and down on the bridge as hard as he can to make as much of his small weight as possible, says Look, it's safe see? It's okay, in as close to a reassuring tone as one can while doing vigorous calisthenics. Still shouting that it's safe and Flair need not be so hesitant Vroken begins to cartwheel up and down the bridge.


2010-11-15, 07:50 PM
Ohh my god be careful Flair hurrys the rest of the way.

2010-11-18, 05:19 PM
The bridge feels very sturdy, able to support vast amounts of weight, almost enough for an army to cross.

2010-11-18, 05:43 PM
Flair walks up to Vroken and saysHie five for paranoid Knight.

2010-11-18, 06:22 PM
This bridge was made for many people, more than just a single group.
Could this have been the goblin's means of transportation? If so I think we are on the right track!

Mad intuitive skills! Or something like that...

2010-11-20, 02:57 PM
The bridge appears to be elven-made. (I assume you all cross the bridge) As you cross, you hear a thunderous noise. You see that it is caused by a goblin army, marching across the river about a mile away. One appears to turn towards the bridge. You see a orange glow, small at first, until you see it is a gigantic fireball.

The bridge is blasted to smithereens, the impact flinging you to the other side of the river.

2010-11-20, 05:27 PM
OOC: Which side?

Knew something was wrong with the bridge, everyone hide!

Hide: 1d20+8

2010-11-21, 08:59 AM
OOC: The one you did not start on.

2010-11-21, 09:36 AM
seeing the fire and knowing her inability to hide Flair goes of into a corner and atempts to disquise her self has an angelic goblinoid avatar [roll0]

2010-11-25, 01:11 PM
They are too far away to see you. They keep going, towards the city you came from. One of them brandishes his arms, and the river's flow picks up, making crossing back impossible.

2010-11-25, 01:30 PM
Flair attempting to stay out of sight range goes in the directiin the goblins came from

2010-11-27, 05:42 PM
After time, the goblins can not even be heard.
(Unless any of you post otherwise, I will assume you keep moving through the forest, and will post tomorrow about what happens the next day.)

2010-11-28, 06:02 PM
The next day:

Light shines through the treetops, dew on the blades of grass beneath you having appeared overnight. You hear a rustling in the bushes off deeper in the forest.

2010-11-28, 10:33 PM
Flair tenses up and looks at the desturbance sword ready spot [roll0]

2010-11-30, 05:31 PM
Ah boy.. Brenmanika mumbles to himself. Shoulda seen that comming with all those goblins around...
Init: [roll0]

2010-11-30, 05:33 PM
Whoops, accidently put in 2d20 XD


2010-11-30, 05:34 PM
Ahrg, again it FAIILEED


EDIT: sorry, keep preveiwing :P

2010-11-30, 05:36 PM
Last try...


EDIT: OK, something's wrong with this computor, for some reason whenever I click submit it does a preveiw. I'll roll on a different comp later.

2010-12-02, 06:18 PM
As you approach the noise you find not a monster, but instead a group of travelers, tired from their journey.

OOC:I just assume that they are tired. And by the way, this game has just been merged!

2010-12-02, 06:20 PM
OOC: Hurra! We are probably going to see them after this encounter I presume?

2010-12-03, 02:08 AM
I'm assuming Misaat had to at least hint at how he found the way here to convince us to follow him.

(Mocking one of the other travelers) "But the voice in my head said 'Turn right at the stream!' I swear to Vecna this is the last time I -- WOAH!"

Marendithas jumps backing upon seeing the new group of people (some with weapons drawn) and reaches for his rapier.

"Who -- who are you?"

2010-12-03, 03:39 AM

A dwarf busily unrolling his bedroll, doesn't even look up as he replies, "Very funny, this is the last time I agree to hunt down goblins following the directions from someone getting them from a voice in their head."

"Hopefully, we'll find the blasted goblins soon," he continues.

2010-12-03, 11:46 AM
Vroken immediately walks up to the one who apparently hears voices and politely extends his hand. Hello. My name is Vroken Magicbait, it's very nice to meet you, with an innocent smile on his child-like face.

And, assuming hands are shaken, the requisite [roll0] to accidentally swipe any rings/bracelets/handkerchief-stuffed-up-a-sleeve/etc.

2010-12-03, 05:59 PM
OOC : Sorry, Monk dont have anything worth stealing XD

" I told you guys it was more like a chat than just me hearing things ! "

2010-12-04, 12:38 AM
Hello new comers I am Flairiel angel of heironous

2010-12-04, 01:05 AM
Before Flair can finish her sentence, a loud banging and crashing can be heard in the distance, similar to that of pots and pans. The smell of food drifts through your camp. It does not smell good in any way, but it smells like food.

2010-12-04, 06:06 PM
Food? FOOD!!!! IS THAT FOOD! Brenmanika says, but rather loud. I NEED FOOD! He starts to rush off to the scent.

2010-12-04, 06:51 PM
I'm not quite sure what that is, but something tells me I shouldn't let it out of my sight...

"I'm gonna... Check this out too." As he starts to head off in the same direction, but along a different path, "Don't follow me if you're just going to make a lot of noise."

@DM (SoH)
Right wrist: [roll0]
Left boot: [roll1]
Nape of neck (cape): [roll2]
Lower back (belt): [roll3]

Cure Light Wounds (left wrist): [roll4]
MM (right boot): [roll5]

Marendithas draws his rapier and sword and heads into the woods towards the noise, keeping an eye on the impulsive blob that just ran off while staying in the woods, hiding as best he can.

@DM (Skill Checks)
Move Silently: [roll6]*
Hide: [roll7]*

* - I don't know if there are any special modifiers or penalties for traveling through the woods.

Roll a search/listen check if I get there before I post again please. :smallredface:

2010-12-05, 02:47 AM
Rek sighs, and resets his pack, gathering his shield and waraxe.

"looks like no rest for awhile," Rek sighs, looks at what new people are around.
"I'm Rek, and we were out for a bit of goblin hunting, and I'd guess we're closer than we thought from the smell.

2010-12-05, 12:07 PM
Bad food hmm sounds like a monster of evil who else would eat that stuff. Flair rushes of towards the comotion sword in hand.

2010-12-05, 05:02 PM
Rushing after the one who requires quiet Vroken shouts OOOh! OOH! I can be quiet! I can be real quiet! And then diligently rushes after the newcomer, trying his absolute best to make no sound at all.


2010-12-05, 06:50 PM
"Wait where are you going! We don't know anything about this place!... Sheeesh i guess i'll follow them"

Misaat follows Marendithias trying not to be heard.

Move silently:[roll0]

2010-12-05, 07:31 PM
As you get closer to the smell, you see a large number of tents. They are spread out in arcs around the entrance to an underground cavern. A mountain looms in the background. Goblins can be seen milling around the camp, cooking their breakfast. As Vorken thunders through the forest, the six of so guards start to come your direction.

2010-12-05, 07:43 PM
Brenmanika trails off to the goblin's food and attempts to steal some and sneak away.

Hide since I'm only moving: [roll0]
Wow, never realized that my +8 doubled...

2010-12-05, 08:36 PM
Rek goes after the idiots. As he is in full plate, plus there is a noisy blob, and shouting kender, he does not attempt to be silent.

OOC: moving 40 feet a round, not even attempting stealth in full plate.
Anyone within 30 feet of me (both groups, has +1 listen, spot and initiative.

2010-12-06, 11:30 PM
Goblins I challenge your leader to a one on one fight. If I win you can take us has slaves. If I loose I get command of you guys. I swear in the name of mine and your gods, and what ever you hold honerable

2010-12-07, 02:38 AM
I don't really mind if this guy's sense of 'honor' gets himself in trouble, but I'm not feelin' this plan so much...

Marendithas turns to the kender that followed him, "Uhh... He's talking about you, right? I'm not really sure I'm on board with this... Well, as long as he's got them distracted..." and points toward the goblin came with one hand, while motioning to be quiet with his other before moving toward the camp.

Move Silently to move into the camp:
while trying to remain hidden (Hide): [roll1]
and searching for weapons, poisons and making mental notes of where they keep and cook their food (Search): [roll[1d20+8

2010-12-07, 02:41 AM
... Search: [roll0]

2010-12-07, 05:32 PM
Misaat tries to count how many goblins are in the whole camp.


2010-12-08, 01:59 AM
Rek catches up to Misaat. "Well, we found the goblins, looks like quite a few. Any thoughts on the approach?"

2010-12-08, 08:33 AM
The only way to kill this many is to take down their pillars of authority

2010-12-08, 05:00 PM
There seem to be about twenty goblins in the camp. Most of them are moving towards the group, forming a large circle around you(all but Brenmanika). A goblin in full plate steps out of the crowd, "I am hammerfang. Do you wish to challenge me?" he asks Flair.

Most of the goblins do not see Brenmanika, who easily gets to the food. As he is eating, a goblin cook charges out of the tent, and starts hitting him with a frying pan (for 3 damage).

2010-12-09, 07:44 AM
Hello Hammerfng yes those are my wishes

2010-12-09, 07:50 AM
OW! Watch it, I'm trying to eat! Now that I think of it, goblin tastes better than this junk... he mutters off as he tries to engulf the chef.

2010-12-09, 04:09 PM
Betropperyou easily engulf the chef, but he tastes horrible.

OOC: If none of you have any objections, the battle between Flair and Hammerfang will commence shortly.

2010-12-09, 04:12 PM
Bleh! Must have been the food he was cooking. Where are all those goblins doing outside anyway?(Blindsense so I don't have to be seen right now.) Well, this ought to be good...

2010-12-09, 04:39 PM
OOC: No objection, switching auras as a swift action to energy shield, enemies hitting allies within 30 feet, with natural or non-reach melee weapon takes 2 points of fire damage.

2010-12-09, 05:00 PM
Vroken leans over and whispers up at Flair: I've never been a slave before, and that might be neat and all, but I really don't think I'd like to be a slave, so you better not loose, cuz I don't think I'm gonna be a Goblin slave just cuz you said I would. I've been told (a LOT!) that keeping your word is important, but nobody ever said anything about keeping someone else's word.

OOC: No objection on my part.

2010-12-09, 05:46 PM
*Sigh* Idiots, going to get themselves killed. Might as well go check that cavern... he says as he sneaks over to the entrance and peeks in.

Hide to sneak unseen over there [roll0]

2010-12-10, 08:41 AM
leaning over to Vroken Flair Whispers We wont loose Vroken but we do need a life line. Vroken if we loose im depending on you to get us out of this mess, ohh and im the only one who has to be honeable. flair makes eye motions to sneak off

2010-12-10, 05:40 PM
Betropper(any spoilers will be for him until otherwise posted)The cavern is guarded by 10 heavily armed goblins, who look giant, almost half-ogre like.

(I assume the rest of you are fine with Flair 1v1)

The Hammerfang cheers on the goblins, and then sets his stance, shield and mace readied.

2010-12-10, 06:01 PM
Oh boy, that's going to be a problem... for the others, or possibly me. He mutters off as he attempts to sneak into the cavern and see it's contents

OOC: Also, I'm actually not against the fight either, it's just that I'm acting in character and don't want to burst into a field of goblins XD

2010-12-10, 06:06 PM
Whoops, forgot to roll: [roll0] I just realized I was rolling my hide wrong, only needed to multiply me +3 bonus. Sorry if it messed up anything :P

2010-12-10, 06:50 PM
Lets do this! Flair prepares herself for combat adds +1 shield block bonus an rolls intit [roll0]

2010-12-10, 09:51 PM
Hammerfang charges at Flair, swing his mace in an arc into her shoulder, the blow glancing off her armor.There is no way through without being seen.

2010-12-10, 10:26 PM
Misaat watches the fight carefully

He thinks " A 1 vs 1 what a great idea. This way shall keep the balance in our forces. "

2010-12-11, 12:59 AM
Starting the fight Flair uses the oppertunity to strike Attack of oppertunity [roll0] if hit [roll1]
normal attack [roll2] if hit [roll3]

2010-12-11, 07:35 AM
OOC: Where did you get the AoO from?

IC:Blast, it's too heavily guarded. Might as well watch the fight in case she loses... He walks back over to the tent with the food and watches the action.

2010-12-11, 11:27 AM
Both of Flair's attacks miss, and the goblin reacts by attempting to smash flair's sword. (No AoO, Make an opposed attack roll, DC 18, or your sword takes 8 damage, after its hardness, 18 before)

2010-12-11, 05:37 PM
opposed attack role [roll0]

2010-12-11, 05:45 PM
OOC: how much does it have in hardness

2010-12-11, 09:51 PM
(Your greatsword has hardness 10. Its hit points are now 2. Your turn.)

2010-12-11, 10:35 PM
Flair strikes at the Goblin [roll0] if hits [roll1] then fearing for her sword she switches it with her back up sword

2010-12-12, 10:00 AM
(AoO from sheathing weapon) He brings his hammer down with all of his might, completely missing Flair.

(regular) He again brings his hammer down on Flair's sword.
(make an opposed attack roll DC 16 or your sword is destroyed)

2010-12-12, 03:14 PM
Flair strikes back after the sword attack this time channeling her hatred at the goblin at all the crimes his race has done [roll0] her attack [roll1] if hits [roll2]

2010-12-12, 03:36 PM
Flair's blow glances off his armor, and he again attempts to sunder her sword.
(DC 15 or you sword is down to 2 HP)

2010-12-12, 06:23 PM
Flair again repeats her techiques [roll0] to hit [roll1] if hits [roll2]

2010-12-12, 09:23 PM
Flair's blow once again glances off his armor. He again sunders her weapon. (DC 24 or the sword is destroyed)

2010-12-12, 09:35 PM
Rek looks around at the goblins trying to spot sub-chieftains, clerics, or shaman types. If he can't see any he looks for the biggest bunch he could charge into if necessary.

OOC: Sunder? really, sunder!! :-P

2010-12-12, 09:44 PM
Vroken winks at Flair and starts to casually stroll around and among the circle of spectators until he, quite by chance, really, winds up at the edge of the ring of onlookers, right behind the Goblin Flair is fighting.

I'm not in initiative order but do I need to ready an action if I want to do something at a certain time? Or should I just wait for the "trigger" and then do what it is I'd do? (I've only ever done this from the point of view of the dude in the one on one fight before, lol)

2010-12-13, 11:16 AM
sry didnt roll right And agian [roll0] if sword survives [roll1] if hits [roll2] if sword doesnt sshe redraws her true sword and crits [roll3] lol will try again on OOC

2010-12-13, 02:59 PM
Ish: Yes for readying actions.

Flair's sword shatters in her hands.
Happerfang throws his off into the crowd, a goblin's squeal herd in the background. He ginds his knucles togeter, "Come on. Lets finnish this with honor. Hand to hand, like our ancestors." (if you are wearing something under your armor, he also suggests that both of you put it aside as well)

2010-12-13, 03:27 PM
Oh, we are so dead. mumbles Brenmanika to no-one in particular. He readies himself in case of failure.

2010-12-13, 04:10 PM
did the previous critical with my last sword get through/ whats fist damagehas you wish Flair punches at him [roll0]subdual if hit [roll1]i think

2010-12-13, 08:39 PM
Just let it happen this way.
The goblin lashes out at her.

The two battle for what seems like ages. Late in the battle, when both are panting. Flair's fist lands firmly in his stomach. He coughs up blood, and slumps over into Flair. He whispers to her, on his dying breath, "Please, our king.. he is mad... you must stop him... inside the cave..." He then collapses in a heap on the ground, his heart still.

2010-12-14, 11:01 AM
Flair exaussted leans over and says may Heironus grant you peace I will forfill your wishesturning around she says. I am your boss now and by the will of the gods our ancestors and Hammerfangs spirit we shall become the new lead tribe. We will conquer the mad king and save our people. Soon we shall be free of this tyranny!

2010-12-14, 04:45 PM
The goblins are slow in realizing that they have had a change in leadership, but eventually come to their senses. One of the braver ones says, "Oh... he scary. He torture us. He in cave."

2010-12-14, 04:50 PM
Brenmanika attempts to only whisper to the party, as to not raise alarm that a giant ooze is in their midst: PSST. The cave is over here.

2010-12-14, 06:14 PM
Woo, go Flair! To the cave! Vroken yells, his sickle raised high as he begins to run in a random direction.

2010-12-14, 09:22 PM
"Why is there a giant ooze around here?... Nevermind..." Misaat Thinks

"WAIT WAIT WAIT! We need to think this through a little"

Says Misaat while slowly walking towards the brave goblin.

" Listen i know it must be hard on you right now but do tell me if you can. Is there any moment of the day where the king is more vulnerable like a change of guards or his eating time or when does he sleep? "

2010-12-15, 04:48 PM
(sorry if you wanted to post here)

The goblin cowers back, afraid of Misaat, shaking as he says, "He never sleeps. Mystical beings guard his room. Please don't hurt us."

2010-12-15, 08:22 PM
Is there away to repair my sword and reforge my side arm. We will head out during the time when most of the goblins sleep

2010-12-16, 05:57 PM
"Alas, we can only replace them." the goblin says to Flair, pointing him towards a pile of swords.

2010-12-17, 12:08 AM
focuses in on the damaged sword Abodoth. Ohh holy relic awaken and talk to us.

2010-12-18, 05:02 PM
A voice radiates from the sword, "You must kill the goblin. I am fine. By this time tomorrow, I will be whole again."

2010-12-19, 05:52 PM
"Are there any particularly powerful or special weapons over there?" pointing at the goblin's "armory."

2010-12-20, 11:23 AM
Alright I will do as you ask. Flair quickly turns around and covers up her sword. Then picks up the biggest weapon she can find hopefully one that is similar in shape.

2010-12-21, 08:12 PM
The armory consists mostly of maces and warhammers, as well as a few battleaxes and morningstars. Flair finds a large mace, probably designed for someone twice as large as herself.

2010-12-22, 02:12 PM
This will do for now its a bit biger but not by muchWhat are the statsSo... we need to come up with a plan. Me and my friends along with one of you goblins go in a commando mission while the tribe attacks in a distraction. do you all agree.

2010-12-26, 12:49 PM
It is a large mace. No magical properties... That you can detect...

2010-12-31, 05:42 PM
I don't know about you guys but I'm not too good in 'stealthy' missions. I might fit in the 'big scary distraction' part of the plan. Otherwise, what the heck.

2011-01-01, 02:03 PM
"Oh no." A goblin says. "Weird things in that cave. Everything fine until a month ago. but now, scary things all over. They not be scared."

2011-01-01, 06:21 PM
flair picks up the mace Well im ready to go when you guys are . Are there any secret cave openingd

2011-01-02, 06:31 PM
"No." A goblin replies, "All secret openings were covered long time ago. Only king knows where they are now."

2011-01-02, 08:44 PM
Alright we must take them head on do you have any recomendations

2011-01-05, 12:33 AM
"Kill them!" "Smash them!" "Maim them!" are shouted by the crowd. One shouts "reason with them!" and is pummeled by the other goblins.

2011-01-05, 10:16 PM
Alright... then my fellow goblins. (30 second pause) A day will come when our races fight each other to extinction, a day will come when the world rips its self apart through our heracy. No I have seen the times ahead in visions, and we must triumph! Today we will ride out to show our enemies to fear us! Today we will march out in a tide of blood and steal! A time is near where not only goblins and pink skins work together, but a day where we put aside our differences in the name of a common enemy. A time where we stop the whip of submission ounce and for all. We will dine on their bodies tonight! March my friends, March for Justice, March for freedom! and may the best side win!!!!!!!!!!!! Flair takes her damaged sword and thrusts it into the air directly at the sun.

2011-01-06, 07:43 AM
Mmmmm. I liked the psrt when you said dine ing their bodies... But ya! Go Flair!

2011-01-06, 05:21 PM
The goblins are cheering, ready to follow Flair to the ends of the earth.

2011-01-13, 08:38 AM
Flair starts to head out

2011-01-13, 03:57 PM
The goblins ( and the other PC's who will be NPC's until they post respectively) follow Flair into the cave.

The cave is dark and damp, moisture on the stalagmites glistening in the little light let in through the caves opening. As you enter, you see a few small red orbs appear in the darkness. They zoom towards the group, now visibly bats, but stop short in what you recognize after examining it closely, to be a razor shap, copper spider web.

2011-01-13, 04:10 PM
Oh, so there are traps down here? Brenmanika says to the rest of the party. Better watch where you step. He makes use of his blindsight to keep an eye out for other traps or obsticals.

2011-01-14, 05:26 PM
Switches auras to senses +1 to listen, spot and initiative, moves towards the front of the group, using his darkvision and dwarven intuition to try to spot traps in the cave complex.

2011-01-16, 07:10 PM
(no more traps yet)
The path winds around the spider web, deeper into the cave. As you round a corner, you hear a growl.

2011-01-17, 05:32 PM
double-checking that his shield and weapon are ready in hand, Rek rounds the corner.

2011-01-17, 06:32 PM
Flair does the same in a defensive stance

2011-01-18, 12:49 PM
You see a pair of Dire Rats, which were devouring what looks like an orc, until interrupted. They slowly start to move towards the group.

2011-01-21, 03:23 AM
Rek advances and lashes out at one of the dire rats.



Swift action, change aura from senses to energy shield.

2 damage dealt to rats if they successfully attack me or party members within 30 feet.

2011-01-21, 03:24 AM


2011-01-29, 05:44 PM
I attack [roll0] if hits [roll1] OOC: is it worth continuing with just us 3

2011-01-30, 05:40 PM
The group charges the rats, killing them. As they enter the room, a large slab of rock slides down shutting the corridor behind you.

OOC: It's totally worth it

2011-01-30, 07:22 PM
Crap we are trapped.... Flair trys to push back open then gives up and observes her surroundings.

2011-01-31, 04:00 PM
The chamber you are now in is large ans circular. Stalactites and stalagmites fill most of the room, but leave more than enough room to get around. A small vent in the ceiling and in the floor allow air to pass through. There is a large crack in the ceiling along one of the walls. The door behind you will not budge.

2011-02-01, 10:31 PM
Rek,takes full advantage of his darkvision to look around the cave for signs of life, entrances or exits.

2011-02-12, 11:22 PM
Flair moves onword

2011-02-13, 02:42 PM
Brenmanika looks around the room and sees the crack in the wall.Ohh. Some food might be in there. he foolishly extends a pseudopod into the crack and feels around.

2011-02-13, 06:50 PM
Crack in the wall seems to be the only way out. Benmanika is able to wedge (her? His? It's?)self up through it, an feels nooks that the bipeds could use to climb.