View Full Version : Arcane Order Arena of Doooooooom! [Niezck]

2010-10-23, 03:57 PM
Come hither, all who wish to challenge the mighty Gyerenar! :smallbiggrin:

fil kearney
2010-10-23, 04:22 PM
I'm in for some friendly skirmishing
*Isaac takes a few minutes to slap on some tabi and stretches out.

Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=248771)

2010-10-23, 04:32 PM

2010-10-23, 04:33 PM
I'm bored and want to see if I stand a chance against anybody :smalltongue:

[roll0] Init

2010-10-23, 09:18 PM
I'm in! Rolling initiative for mahself!
Aaand for each of my hounds!

This is just for fun, to see how my mounted maneuvers work. Can I assume I'm already mounted, and don't need to take an action to mount up?

2010-10-23, 09:22 PM
Sure. Wanna 1v1? Well, 1v7.

Any prep rounds? Daily buffs?

Also, I start invisible (it's a permanent thing), so if you could tell me what invisibility-revealing stuff you've got, I'll tell you whether you see me or not :smallsmile:

2010-10-23, 09:24 PM
Yeah 1v7(kinda, :smalltongue:) is fine.

I can detect you, I bet... I have massive spot bonuses. One of the epic spot functions is to detect invisible creature. Even if you were unmoving and unliving, DC is only 40. My spot check:


EDIT: Yeah, I think I see you. Arodel is REALLY good at seeing stuff. Normally, I'd still have 50% miss chance, but one of my Wild Hunt abilities allows me to ignore concealment miss chances if I know what square you're in, which I always will.

Assume I have the following stances active: Spear Dance, Golden Phalanx Assault, Mounted Assault.

2010-10-23, 09:33 PM
Wow, that's a use of epic spot? That's insane. DC 20 check to completely obliterate any kind of sneaking character ... Damn Wizards hates rogues.

Say we start 200 ft away or some such?

I reckon I'm as good as dead once you get near. My whole shtick relies on my uber invisibility. (Insofar that it's invisibility, so I assumed regular spot checks wouldn't work, you can't get me with other sense like blindsight etc and you need a spell of CL 24 or more to supress it/reveal me. Guess I didn't factor in epic spot :/)

2010-10-23, 09:35 PM
Sorry! :smalleek:

Yeah, 200 ft. away is good. I warn you, I can move up to 1 and a half mile in a standard action once per encounter... :smalltongue:

No, wait, sorry, only about a mile. Still.

Hounds 2, 3, 4, and 6 go before you, so they move 90' forward towards you, and wait a turn. One moment while I discern if I can do anything to you from range...

2010-10-23, 09:38 PM
It's cool. This is why I wanted to do this, to find out Gyerenar's weaknesses. Epic spot seems to be one of them :smallsmile:

... If I can get him HiPS somehow, that'd work I guess. He's got a +54 hide modifier, so that might be a good counter.

Anyways, some of your hounds go before me.

2010-10-23, 09:41 PM
Okay, here's what goes on.

Hounds 2, 3, 4, and 6 close by 90', leaving them 110' from you. I mark you as Favored Prey, subjecting you to Faerie Fire so that it's easier for them to tell your location. Each of the hounds lets out an earsplitting howl.

This is Hunting Cry. Make a DC 36 Will Save four times or be frightened for 10 rounds. (unless you are immune to sonic or fear or mind affecting)

2010-10-23, 09:43 PM
Please tell me it isn't a free action. T_T (My init is before you).

Also, is it mind-affecting? I'm assuming it is, with it being frightening and all. Either way ...


2010-10-23, 09:44 PM
Yes, my Favored Prey is a free action. You have been maaaarked. :smalltongue:

And yes, it's a mind-affecting sonic fear attack.

EDIT: Oh! It even affects creatures immune to fear. But if you're immune to fear you get +5 on your save.

Soo... your turn now...

EDIT2: I need to sign off for the evening soon, I'll be back to continue the duel for tomorrow, but for now I'll post the actions for myself and the rest of the hounds, I guess those either happen after your turn, or right now, if you are frightened and unable to act.

2010-10-23, 10:36 PM
The rest of the hounds close to 110' distance.

I use Ride of the War God in combination with Strike of Perfect Clarity, and then throw my lance at the end of the charge. It splits into three lances (triple throw). Attack rolls for each of them:


Here's what happens for each of the three lances:
They deal [roll3] damage, plus [roll4] fire damage, [roll5] cold damage, [roll6] acid damage, [roll7] lightning damage, [roll8] sonic damage, plus [roll9] for ride of the war god, plus 40, plus 100, plus one negative level, times three. Each spear then begins fleshgrinding, and sticks in your flesh, dealing all of its effects again every turn until you are dead or remove it with a DC 20 strength check.

EDIT: So if all three spears hit, each one deals 612 damage and 3 negative levels, for a total of 1,836 damage and 9 negative levels, and they grind into your flesh to deal damage again next turn.

Wow, I guess I can hold my own in combat. Which is good, because it's my first time building an epic level non-spellcaster. Kinda. That's some pretty nice damage output! Well, that is, if all of these hit and you don't kill me in your turn before this happens... :smalltongue:

fil kearney
2010-10-24, 08:25 AM

This will be the only chance some of us get to play this character for this game.
I get winner! :)

2010-10-24, 02:42 PM
The rest of the hounds close to 110' distance.

I use Ride of the War God in combination with Strike of Perfect Clarity, and then throw my lance at the end of the charge. It splits into three lances (triple throw). Attack rolls for each of them:


Here's what happens for each of the three lances:
They deal [roll3] damage, plus [roll4] fire damage, [roll5] cold damage, [roll6] acid damage, [roll7] lightning damage, [roll8] sonic damage, plus [roll9] for ride of the war god, plus 40, plus 100, plus one negative level, times three. Each spear then begins fleshgrinding, and sticks in your flesh, dealing all of its effects again every turn until you are dead or remove it with a DC 20 strength check.

EDIT: So if all three spears hit, each one deals 612 damage and 3 negative levels, for a total of 1,836 damage and 9 negative levels, and they grind into your flesh to deal damage again next turn.

Wow, I guess I can hold my own in combat. Which is good, because it's my first time building an epic level non-spellcaster. Kinda. That's some pretty nice damage output! Well, that is, if all of these hit and you don't kill me in your turn before this happens... :smalltongue:

I can't do nearly enough to you in one round to stop that from happening. You win. :smallsmile:

2010-10-24, 04:07 PM
I can't do nearly enough to you in one round to stop that from happening. You win. :smallsmile:

Sorry. :smallfrown: I'm surprised that was so effective.

One reason I think I won is that this battlefield kinda really favors me. It's a wide open space, and that's what I'm built for. If we were skulking in an area with obstacles where you could hurt me without allowing me to charge, it would be better for you...

Fil, duel?

2010-10-24, 08:06 PM
The rest of the hounds close to 110' distance.

I use Ride of the War God in combination with Strike of Perfect Clarity, and then throw my lance at the end of the charge. It splits into three lances (triple throw). Attack rolls for each of them:


Here's what happens for each of the three lances:
They deal [roll3] damage, plus [roll4] fire damage, [roll5] cold damage, [roll6] acid damage, [roll7] lightning damage, [roll8] sonic damage, plus [roll9] for ride of the war god, plus 40, plus 100, plus one negative level, times three. Each spear then begins fleshgrinding, and sticks in your flesh, dealing all of its effects again every turn until you are dead or remove it with a DC 20 strength check.

EDIT: So if all three spears hit, each one deals 612 damage and 3 negative levels, for a total of 1,836 damage and 9 negative levels, and they grind into your flesh to deal damage again next turn.

Wow, I guess I can hold my own in combat. Which is good, because it's my first time building an epic level non-spellcaster. Kinda. That's some pretty nice damage output! Well, that is, if all of these hit and you don't kill me in your turn before this happens... :smalltongue:

Mind if I ask a few questions on this? I realize it is fully possible that I'm missing something, so I mean no offense- but it just looks like a few things are off here.

1) Strike of Perfect Clarity normally only works with melee attacks. I also feel that even if you could use it on thrown weapons, duplicating the damage via Triple Throw is questionable, though perhaps not outside RAW.
So... how are you using it with a thrown attack, and what is rationale behind tripling the strike's damage?

2) How on earth did you triple the damage twice? You first calculation of damage is 204... then you multiply that damage by three, inexplicably (getting 612), and then you multiply that by three, because you have three lances. I understand that last part, but not the first one. Why does each lance get its damage (not to mention the negative levels!) tripled?

3) Why are you under the impression that he takes damage again from all three lances? Triple Throw states quite specifically that the duplicates vanish when the attack is complete- so I don't think they would contribute to fleshgrinding.

2010-10-24, 08:16 PM
1) Hmm, this is a really good point. I missed that. I wonder if there's some way to make it work with ranged weapons? Since that will make my damage slightly less amazing. :smalltongue:
2) Since I made the attack at the end of a charge, and I have the spirited charge feat, and I'm using a lance, damage is tripled.
3) Well, I see it as the fleshgrinding is part of that attack-- they don't make attack rolls in next turns, it's a property which applies to that single attack and makes it keep dealing damage, and they'd vanish once they were either removed or killed him.

2010-10-24, 08:24 PM
2) Since I made the attack at the end of a charge, and I have the spirited charge feat, and I'm using a lance, damage is tripled.
Spirited Charge only works with melee weapons, though you could attempt to work with the questionable wording of it to say you could throw a melee weapon. Even if you did, however, you have to use a Charge action to use Spirited Charge, and a Charge only allows you to make a Melee attack.

3) Well, I see it as the fleshgrinding is part of that attack-- they don't make attack rolls in next turns, it's a property which applies to that single attack and makes it keep dealing damage, and they'd vanish once they were either removed or killed him.

It is not part of the attack. It is a secondary ability which you must activate after having dealt damage, as a free action.

2010-10-24, 08:32 PM
Spirited Charge only works with melee weapons, though you could attempt to work with the questionable wording of it to say you could throw a melee weapon. Even if you did, however, you have to use a Charge action to use Spirited Charge, and a Charge only allows you to make a Melee attack.

It is not part of the attack. It is a secondary ability which you must activate after having dealt damage, as a free action.

Mm, okay. In that case it's looking like my best bet is to just make a melee attack (I could use strike of perfect clarity and spirited charge) and get my ~600 damage. I could remove Triple-Throw from my weapon and recoup the money. Thanks for pointing out the problems!

Too bad there's not a variant of Triple-throw for melee attacks. :smalltongue:

fil kearney
2010-10-24, 08:56 PM
I agree with vael on all counts... There's a ToB PrC specifically designed to let you use melee attacks at range... and thus be able to use maneuvers at range.
Ultimately it is up to Cardea what will work in this for you though.
<edit> looks like you've opted for Vael's interpretation.

I'm game either way.

200' range on an empty field again?
selecting readied maneuvers

2010-10-24, 09:00 PM
Good by me. I'm considering, since I remove Triple-throw, I could instead get a second lance and give it everdancing, and essentially get two attacks! How does that sound? It says the everdancing weapon uses any maneuvers I do, so...

Arodel: [roll0]
Hound 1: [roll1]
Hound 2: [roll2]
Hound 3: [roll3]
Hound 4: [roll4]
Hound 5: [roll5]
Hound 6: [roll6]

2010-10-24, 09:06 PM
I go first!

Mark you as Favored Prey! You are subject to Faerie Fire and I get +7 on rolls against you. (free action)

Spot check to see you like a bleeping hawk. :smallamused:

[roll0] (free action)

And... chaaaarge! Ride of the War God + Strike of Perfect Clarity charge!

Roll to hit you:

Assuming that's a hit, I deal [roll2] damage, [roll3] fire, [roll4] cold, [roll5] sonic, [roll6] lightning, [roll7] acid, [roll8], +47, +100, +1 negative level, x3,

If I hit you, then I command Fleshgrinding to occur, and as a free action if you're still alive, Omen of the Hunter to use Bestow Curse. Make a DC 36 will save or take -6 dexterity.

Total damage: 642 and 3 negative levels.

This overcomes any damage reduction or regeneration you have.

If this kills you, only a True Resurrection combined with a Wish + Miracle will bring you back.

And yes, I know, I'm boring, this is the same move I used against Niezck. It's my opening combo. :smalltongue:

Your turn.

fil kearney
2010-10-24, 09:49 PM
I've got some questions peppered in here, so don't take offense if I don't know how you are doing stuff that is apparently stuff you can do... please humor me? Consider this just me helping check your sheet under duress. :).

selected prey is it spelllike? SR DC 34

should your +62 to hit have been a +55?
Was Iron Heart approved for your sbulime way reanger? that's not normal but you got twin spirit, so i figgered i'd ask. normally sublime ranger = falling star, shadow hand and tiger claw. I don't see anything about maneuvers on your sheet, so i'm asking.

This feat isn't available for use:

Strike of the Dual Adept [Epic]
You have the ability to strike your foes with double the power you are normally capable of using.
Prerequisites: Martial Lore 30 ranks, ability to use one 9th level maneuver, and at least two martial strikes.
We have to wait until level 27.
RIde of the War God actually does 20d6 damage, Battering Charges does 10d6... which did you intend?

Mindblank as per VoP. dogs bark has no effect.
isaac burns an AoO with Shifting Defense to move 5' away before the charge attack can connect. since it's AoO, i assume this means Ride of the War God/Battering Charge has been expended. assuming you have access to Iron Heart, that maneuver would not be expended... unless you chose it over the 20d6 damage from the RotWG.

You said it's my turn, but since you haven't connected, will your horse and dogs attack too? I will note, that if you bring in the dogs, you'll need to start mapping, which I can provide.

future reference: what's your reach? and how far away are you after the 5 foot step? I"d like to get the spacing right for my response.

2010-10-25, 12:57 AM
That's a bunch of damage. I haven't sat down and added up what Har's average numbers would be. Hmmm....

Assume 3 hits (his highest attack modifiers). All 3 are Precision Strikes and the first two are maximized.
Attack 1: 1d10+34, +72 Precision Strike
Attack 2: 1d10+34, +72 Precision Strike
Attack 3; 1d10+34, +12d6 Precision Strike

If he batted the guy around with bull rush into walls and such, each hit would deal an extra 8d6+18. For the sake of argument let's say he does for each attack. Damn. Need to double post for the rolls.

2010-10-25, 01:03 AM
Attack 1: [roll0], +72 Precision Strike, [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2], +72 Precision Strike, [roll3]
Attack 3; [roll4], [roll5] Precision Strike, [roll6]

So....444 with the bull rush damage, 313 without it (which will probably be typical).

So not as much damage as the charger and definitely doesn't have any of the after attack effects. But he can do that while moving between the attacks, so I guess there is something to say for mobility? :smalltongue:

fil kearney
2010-10-25, 01:13 AM

Don't feel outclassed. Everyone shines in a different way.
you wanna be next?

2010-10-25, 06:35 AM
I've got some questions peppered in here, so don't take offense if I don't know how you are doing stuff that is apparently stuff you can do... please humor me? Consider this just me helping check your sheet under duress. :).

selected prey is it spelllike? SR DC 34

should your +62 to hit have been a +55?
Was Iron Heart approved for your sbulime way reanger? that's not normal but you got twin spirit, so i figgered i'd ask. normally sublime ranger = falling star, shadow hand and tiger claw. I don't see anything about maneuvers on your sheet, so i'm asking.

This feat isn't available for use:

We have to wait until level 27.
RIde of the War God actually does 20d6 damage, Battering Charges does 10d6... which did you intend?

Mindblank as per VoP. dogs bark has no effect.
isaac burns an AoO with Shifting Defense to move 5' away before the charge attack can connect. since it's AoO, i assume this means Ride of the War God/Battering Charge has been expended. assuming you have access to Iron Heart, that maneuver would not be expended... unless you chose it over the 20d6 damage from the RotWG.

You said it's my turn, but since you haven't connected, will your horse and dogs attack too? I will note, that if you bring in the dogs, you'll need to start mapping, which I can provide.

future reference: what's your reach? and how far away are you after the 5 foot step? I"d like to get the spacing right for my response.

My reach is 15', but because of Spear Dance, I can still hit people closer than that.

62 instead of 55 is because of the +7 from Favored Prey.

It does not mention Favored Prey being spell-like.

The Sublime Way Ranger may replace one of his disciplines at first level with another, I replaced Falling Star with Iron Heart.

Dogs never barked. :smalltongue: But I suppose you mean you're immune to my gaze attack. But it's not mind-affected. It provokes a will save, sure, but it's a Bestow Curse effect, like breaking a mirror or crossing the path of a black cat, I'm bad luck.

Ok, because of your jump 5' out of the way, I'm gonna burn a Tactical Charge boost at the end of my charge to spin 90 degrees and hit you anyway. Face the damage.

After the five foot step I'm standing right next to you.

You're right, Battering Charge is really more what I'm looking at. Thank you.

Also, for future reference, I do have an infinite procession of steel, and if I use that, I can attack any person adjacent to me on my charge. Deals less damage, but, nonetheless...

EDIT: I don't think a 5 foot step is enough... what size are you? My horse is huge. A 5 foot step would still put you in its path.

fil kearney
2010-10-25, 09:07 AM
It does not mention Favored Prey being spell-like.

it doesn't say anything. you should verify if it's sp, su, or ex... which would YOU like to decide it is for the course of this encounter?

Dogs never barked. :smalltongue: But I suppose you mean you're immune to my gaze attack. But it's not mind-affected. It provokes a will save, sure, but it's a Bestow Curse effect, like breaking a mirror or crossing the path of a black cat, I'm bad luck.

my bad. :)

My reach is 15', but because of Spear Dance, I can still hit people closer than that.

Also, for future reference, I do have an infinite procession of steel, and if I use that, I can attack any person adjacent to me on my charge. Deals less damage, but, nonetheless...

neat! what's that from?

62 instead of 55 is because of the +7 from Favored Prey.

ah! it happens to be your ranged attack too... 62. I was just verifying, since you range attacked last match.

EDIT: I don't think a 5 foot step is enough... what size are you? My horse is huge. A 5 foot step would still put you in its path.

This addresses 2 points that will be important for you to clarify with Cardea:
1. When someone charges, they pick an end point where they stop. This is where the attack originates. if you can make your attack between 5 and 15 feet, you will want to specify in the future. Since you didn't we should probably assume you attacked 15 feet away.
2. Even IF you specifically stated you would wait until adjacent to attack after your charge, Shifting Defense works like Adrupt Jaunt, in that it is an interrupting effect that doesn't stop the attack... it simply means the target is no longer where you thought it was. and in this circumstance, isaac would 5 foot step out of reach and you'd miss... but in the future you'll know to charge until adjacent... but this leads to the actual question:
will cardea allow you to just make an attack on a TARGET regardless of where he is in your reach, or will he agree if the target makes an interrupt movement that your attack is a miss, expending whatever limited resources that went with it?

Ok, because of your jump 5' out of the way, I'm gonna burn a Tactical Charge boost at the end of my charge to spin 90 degrees and hit you anyway. Face the damage.

After the five foot step I'm standing right next to you.

since you are apparently willing to accept the above points as true that Isaac *did* step out of range, Isaac stepped AWAY from reach, not sideways remaining in reach... so turning is unimportant.... but in the future when this is used against you either by Shifting Defense or Adrupt Jaunt; a boost cannot counter a counter. counters are immediate where boosts are swift actions... you would have to had declared use of the boost BEFORE your movement as part of your proposed path of the charge.. it's designed to circumnavigate obstacles.

a charge has counters, and shifting defense defeats all melee attacks as long as he has AoO. there was a great OotS about Shifting defense right off a cliff, like a wil e coyote cartoon. Made me laugh.

I;ll post my actions when I have some time.

fil kearney
2010-10-25, 01:38 PM
Double Post.

(move)Isaac tumbles vs DC 15 to move 5 feet without provoking an aoo and be adjacent to his opponent, in the middle of the 3 square wide mount.
They is now 10 feet between them.
(standard)He then initiates Prismatic sphere (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/prismaticWall.htm) with a 10' radius, just shy of Wild Hunt. (this is not a spell; it's a supernatural maneuver that is initiated, not cast)
(swift)He then initiates the Boost Moment of Alacrity which ups his initative 20 points to 49, and will go before Wild Hunt next round.

To prevent TRIPLE posting, I'll process the next round here:

(move)Isaac tumbles vs DC 25 to move 60 feet without provoking an aoo and ends up 50 feet from the sphere, 35 feet from Wild Hunt.
(standard)He then initiates Magic Disjunction (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesDisjunction.htm)with a 40 foot radius between the two combatants, 10' from Isaac; this is just shy of the prismatic sphere, but envelopes all of the Wild Hunt and Isaac. (isaac has no magic on him, other than the curse bestowed by the hunt... so that, any spell like effects or spells active on the hunt, and each of the Hunt's magic items must make individual will saves vs DC29 as per the spell. (bear in mind, this is not actually a Spell... it's a supernatural maneuver that duplicates the spell effects.)
(swift)Shadowblinks to be adjacent to both wild hunt and the sphere

Lemme know what survives the Magic Dissing, and then your turn.

2010-10-25, 02:32 PM
Actually, were you even allowed to use an attack of opportunity? Charge does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You are not immune to charging. The reason the half-ogre in oots had AoO is because he was using a reach weapon. Here, *I* am the one using a reach weapon.

Yes, I go right up to you, and I have a reach weapon, so even if you jump 5 ft in any direction, I can still stab you.

2010-10-25, 03:29 PM
Actually, were you even allowed to use an attack of opportunity? Charge does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You are not immune to charging. The reason the half-ogre in oots had AoO is because he was using a reach weapon. Here, *I* am the one using a reach weapon.

Yes, I go right up to you, and I have a reach weapon, so even if you jump 5 ft in any direction, I can still stab you.

The charge rules state that you have to end your movement in the first square from which you could attack your opponent. So if you have 15ft reach, you end your movement three squares away from him - he's in the third square of your reach.

If he takes a 5ft step back then he is 20ft away and out of your reach.

fil kearney
2010-10-25, 03:47 PM
The charge rules state that you have to end your movement in the first square from which you could attack your opponent. So if you have 15ft reach, you end your movement three squares away from him - he's in the third square of your reach.

If he takes a 5ft step back then he is 20ft away and out of your reach.

well, shoot. that was more conservative than my suggestion. thanks for the reference, chambers.

Actually, were you even allowed to use an attack of opportunity? Charge does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You are not immune to charging. The reason the half-ogre in oots had AoO is because he was using a reach weapon. Here, *I* am the one using a reach weapon.

Yes, I go right up to you, and I have a reach weapon, so even if you jump 5 ft in any direction, I can still stab you.

Shifting defense is a level 5 setting sun stance worth knowing. ANY attack allows the adept to simply take a 5 foot step to reposition. the attack is attempted, and immediately rendered null, while still wasting things like smite and maneuvers.
It uses an AoO as a means of limiting how often it can be done per round, but does not require any aoo opportunities at all. you could try to shoot him with an arrow, and he'd still be able to reposition to ruin the attack.
The analogy to adrupt jaunt is not truly accurate, because the stance doesn't consume the immediate action.

I did find that if you are still within weapon's reach after the shift, you ARE still hit though. That was my misinterpretation which GitP straightened out for me.... that's a pretty important point, which could really impact this next round... so if your mount and weaponry survives the disjunction, good on you.

If anything else seems awry, now's the time. it's definitely doing cardea favors to iron these details out now, away from the actual game thread instead of having to argue with him about it when actual participants are potentially dead.

Oops... I forgot to incorporate "perfect form" from Mo9. those saves are DC30.

2010-10-25, 08:39 PM
Bzzsht. How unfair. You are immune to basically any number of attacks. Unless I do what I'm about to do.

Disjunction saves:
Mount: [roll0]
Lance: [roll1]
Cloak: [roll2]
Mount: [roll3]
Helm: [roll4]
Amulet: [roll5]
Ioun Stone: [roll6]
Ring: [roll7]
Armor: [roll8]

Okay, so only the cloak gets destroyed. No big unless I need to track you.
My hounds all move to surround you, three of them block your movement in all directions except the direction I'm in, but they do not attack. Actually, *I* attack. With Ride of the War God. I use Tactical Charge to make the necessary turn to stab you. No jumping out of the way this time, my hounds are in the way.

2010-10-25, 08:43 PM
[roll0] + [roll1] fire, [roll2] cold, [roll3] sonic, [roll4] acid, [roll5] lightning, + 47, + [roll6], + 1 negative level * 3

2010-10-25, 08:45 PM
Sorry for triple posting... roll to hit, which I forgot. [roll0]

If that hits, take 417 damage and 3 negative levels, and no jumping out of the way, because of my hounds blocking your way.

2010-10-25, 08:54 PM
Damn Magicyop.....seriously (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill). :smallsmile:

2010-10-25, 09:05 PM
Damn Magicyop.....seriously (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill). :smallsmile:

Arodel may not have many options in terms of combat, but he's good at what he does. :smalltongue:

fil kearney
2010-10-25, 09:38 PM
I hate to be a jerk regarding the disjunction...

Oops... I forgot to incorporate "perfect form" from Mo9. those saves are DC30.

the timestamp was only 30 minits previous to your post; I can understand why it would have been missed... sorry about that.

Disjunction saves:
Mount: (1d20+26)[29]
Cloak: (1d20+26)[27]
Mount: (1d20+26)[44]

is the +26 due to your curse on me? your sheet shows +19. if so, I'd ask that the curse be resolved first please. since I'm closer to the effect, it would have dropped first.

You also skipped the horseshoes :)

I'm assuming the first save you made for the mount is the one that is important?

If you would like to scrub out the above and try something different, just strikethrough and post again.... if there is some justifiable reason you are still mounted, or able to REmount and do all this again, I'll pint out (and again, I'm sorry if this wasn't obvious in the post above...

(swift)Shadowblinks to be adjacent to both wild hunt and the sphere

your hounds will have to pass INTO the sphere to block isaac's movement... which is a DC of 30 vs all that tastey sphereness to actually block him.

er... and what is the speed on those hounds? running is in a straight line only, and we are 200 feet away... so they have a move speed of 100? There's no details about them on your character sheet.
er, and what size are they? size large tall could block me from a 5 foot step away and UP... but I don't think these dogs are large tall.

Bzzsht. How unfair.

wasn't that niezck's line? :)
If you would like to reconsider your tactics, i'm fine with it... combat can be a bit sticky, so I don't mind taking the time to get it right.

I'm sorry if this is frustrating. There's lots of text being skipped that is important to read (the mo9 I"ll take ownership of tho), actions and details being skipped, and things missing from your sheet. You had asked for some feedback this is probably the most practical I can provide... because the details can be missed until it becomes important right? like, none of your known or readied maneuvers and stances are on your sheet either.

2010-10-25, 09:48 PM
They have two turns. Their first was after I attacked you and missed, I'm holding my action till after they flank you after the disjunction. Each dog is indeed Large tall.

There is no physical way that, if the disjunction is adjacent to me, you could disjunction me and not it, along with yourself, without being directly in a line between the sphere and you with me in it. And you weren't. You were off to the side. Sphere suffers disjunction too.

Fine. My horse is destroyed. Instead of Ride of the War God, I simply use Ancient Mountain Hammer and still charge. My attack now deals... hang on... [roll0]

381 damage and 3 negative levels.

And I only blasted Niezck with insane damage, not complete invincibility to area spells, melee attacks, and ranged attacks.

Edit: And yes, all of my known maneuvers ARE on my sheet. What are you looking at? They're under spells and powers.
Edit2: Disjunction will effect Omen, which is spell-like, but not Favored Prey, which is not.

2010-10-25, 09:56 PM
Just a quick comment which may help a little- if you're not seeing his Maneuvers Known, it is probably because thetangledweb does not automatically display Spells and Powers, which is where they are on his sheet. There's a little check box halfway down the sheet which you need to check (as in the viewer, not the owner of the sheet) so that you can see them.

fil kearney
2010-10-26, 12:50 PM
They have two turns. Their first was after I attacked you and missed, I'm holding my action till after they flank you after the disjunction. Each dog is indeed Large tall.

There is no physical way that, if the disjunction is adjacent to me, you could disjunction me and not it, along with yourself, without being directly in a line between the sphere and you with me in it. And you weren't. You were off to the side. Sphere suffers disjunction too.

Oh I get it... you think they were IN the sphere. the sphere effect centers on the creator (isaac) who created a 10' radius sphere when he was 10' away from Hunt. Hunt is adjacent OUTSIDE the sphere. I'm sorry if that wasn't clearly written...
Isaac then used tumble to leave the sphere, pass through your space, and drop the dis OUTSIDE the sphere to encompass both Hunt and Isaac without touching the sphere at all.
From this point on I insist on using a map.

I'm still waiting for confirmation: what is rewarding the extra +7 to your will save? the sheet says +19, but you are rolling +26.
You are planning on rolling for the omen and horseshoes before your next action?

Beyond this, we've got a problem, Yop. Originally you didn't care about your dogs, but when things didn't go the way you thought they would I SPECIFICALLY offered you the opportunity to use your dogs, and you ignored the opportunity, as quoted below;

I go first!

Mark you as Favored Prey! You are subject to Faerie Fire and I get +7 on rolls against you. (free action)

Spot check to see you like a bleeping hawk. :smallamused:

[roll0] (free action)

And... chaaaarge! Ride of the War God + Strike of Perfect Clarity charge!

Roll to hit you:

Assuming that's a hit, I deal [roll2] damage, [roll3] fire, [roll4] cold, [roll5] sonic, [roll6] lightning, [roll7] acid, [roll8], +47, +100, +1 negative level, x3,

If I hit you, then I command Fleshgrinding to occur, and as a free action if you're still alive, Omen of the Hunter to use Bestow Curse. Make a DC 36 will save or take -6 dexterity.

Total damage: 642 and 3 negative levels.

This overcomes any damage reduction or regeneration you have.

If this kills you, only a True Resurrection combined with a Wish + Miracle will bring you back.

And yes, I know, I'm boring, this is the same move I used against Niezck. It's my opening combo. :smalltongue:

Your turn.

You said it's my turn, but since you haven't connected, will your horse and dogs attack too? I will note, that if you bring in the dogs, you'll need to start mapping, which I can provide.

My reach is 15', but because of Spear Dance, I can still hit people closer than that.

62 instead of 55 is because of the +7 from Favored Prey.

It does not mention Favored Prey being spell-like.

The Sublime Way Ranger may replace one of his disciplines at first level with another, I replaced Falling Star with Iron Heart.

Dogs never barked. :smalltongue: But I suppose you mean you're immune to my gaze attack. But it's not mind-affected. It provokes a will save, sure, but it's a Bestow Curse effect, like breaking a mirror or crossing the path of a black cat, I'm bad luck.

Ok, because of your jump 5' out of the way, I'm gonna burn a Tactical Charge boost at the end of my charge to spin 90 degrees and hit you anyway. Face the damage.

After the five foot step I'm standing right next to you.

You're right, Battering Charge is really more what I'm looking at. Thank you.

Also, for future reference, I do have an infinite procession of steel, and if I use that, I can attack any person adjacent to me on my charge. Deals less damage, but, nonetheless...

EDIT: I don't think a 5 foot step is enough... what size are you? My horse is huge. A 5 foot step would still put you in its path.

Ah I see now from the first post you were very specific on which hounds moved and how far. I guess they have a move of 90', then?
I think you can agree that a DM would disfavor you claiming 2 rounds of activity from your dogs after you were given the opportunity to do so the first round... especially because it's now tactically relevant that they be involved.

When the map is present, I think you'll be able to see how the sphere is intact, and that both the Hunt and Isaac are adjacent to it. I won't be on my mapping computer for another 8-10 hours. I'd recommend you hold off on your action this round until we have a visual reference. I'll even be kind to let you choose how the hounds are arranged before we began, so you can decide what they can do from where they are... but I will insist they be a minimum of 200' away from start (I'll put a starting line for you to stay behind on the map)... I'll just assume Hunt and Isaac were in a straight horizontal line from each other at start..
So you can retcon decide where the dogs are located, you'll see where Hunt, Isaac, and the sphere are currently located, and then you can choose what you would like both Hunt and his dogs to do.

I see you have a hawk.... it hasn't been technically relevant to this encounter yet, but I'll let you add it to the field along with the dogs if you like.

2010-10-26, 07:42 PM
Oh I get it... you think they were IN the sphere. the sphere effect centers on the creator (isaac) who created a 10' radius sphere when he was 10' away from Hunt. Hunt is adjacent OUTSIDE the sphere. I'm sorry if that wasn't clearly written...
Isaac then used tumble to leave the sphere, pass through your space, and drop the dis OUTSIDE the sphere to encompass both Hunt and Isaac without touching the sphere at all.
From this point on I insist on using a map.

Oh, okay, I misunderstood. Okay, then give me a moment to think of different tactics, I may be defeated here. :smalltongue:

I'm still waiting for confirmation: what is rewarding the extra +7 to your will save? the sheet says +19, but you are rolling +26.
You are planning on rolling for the omen and horseshoes before your next action?

The +7 is because you're my selected prey. Sorry, rolling for omen and horseshoes:
Omen: [roll0]
Shoes: [roll1]

Beyond this, we've got a problem, Yop. Originally you didn't care about your dogs, but when things didn't go the way you thought they would I SPECIFICALLY offered you the opportunity to use your dogs, and you ignored the opportunity, as quoted below;

You're right, I really should have mentioned them earlier. (Meant to, forgot.) I don't see that it's an actual problem at this point, they would still have been far enough away on your actions that I doubt you would have done something different, but if you want to say that since I didn't mention, I can't declare what they did now, that's fine. That's fair, I should have said something.

Ah I see now from the first post you were very specific on which hounds moved and how far. I guess they have a move of 90', then?
I think you can agree that a DM would disfavor you claiming 2 rounds of activity from your dogs after you were given the opportunity to do so the first round... especially because it's now tactically relevant that they be involved.

Yes, they have 90', see what I said above about the other thing.

When the map is present, I think you'll be able to see how the sphere is intact, and that both the Hunt and Isaac are adjacent to it. I won't be on my mapping computer for another 8-10 hours. I'd recommend you hold off on your action this round until we have a visual reference. I'll even be kind to let you choose how the hounds are arranged before we began, so you can decide what they can do from where they are... but I will insist they be a minimum of 200' away from start (I'll put a starting line for you to stay behind on the map)... I'll just assume Hunt and Isaac were in a straight horizontal line from each other at start..
So you can retcon decide where the dogs are located, you'll see where Hunt, Isaac, and the sphere are currently located, and then you can choose what you would like both Hunt and his dogs to do.

Yup, that's fine with me, it's sometimes hard to visualize where everything is without one.

I see you have a hawk.... it hasn't been technically relevant to this encounter yet, but I'll let you add it to the field along with the dogs if you like.

Yes, I do, I assume that it is perched on my shoulder currently. I've never played with an animal companion before, isn't it just like a familiar? Or am I allowed to attack with it, sorta like a cohort?

Sorry for the misunderstandings!

fil kearney
2010-10-27, 12:34 AM
Here's a MAP (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/epic/isaacvshuntr02.JPG)

the map is too big to just use alphabet , # coordinates... so I'd recommend using the pixel #'s on the left and top border... for example, magic dis was centered on 950,750

I can't find where it says dogs get larger than size medium magical beast on ther hunt documentation... they gain hit dice, they gain attack, they gain speed... but I've not found where it says your dogs are now size large (tall)... help me find that, please.

and I assume you are opting to make the Selected Prey ability Supernatural instead of Spell like? If you haven't done so already, you'll want to have cardea confirm your choice.

You can go ahead and put your hawk on your shoulder if you want. I'll place it on your character when I resize him (I show him huge there because of the mojnt was huge, but I need to resize him to large).
once we confirm the size of the dogs, go ahead and tell me where you want them all placed, and I'll update the map again.... sorry for being a doubting thomas... DMing has forced me to check and recheck references and ask lots of redundant/inane questions.

2010-10-27, 06:43 AM
Here's a MAP (http://home.comcast.net/~killfear/epic/isaacvshuntr02.JPG)

the map is too big to just use alphabet , # coordinates... so I'd recommend using the pixel #'s on the left and top border... for example, magic dis was centered on 950,750

Awesome, gotcha.

I can't find where it says dogs get larger than size medium magical beast on ther hunt documentation... they gain hit dice, they gain attack, they gain speed... but I've not found where it says your dogs are now size large (tall)... help me find that, please.

It says that they gain the "Ascension" class ability when I do, and that ability makes you grow one size category to large.

and I assume you are opting to make the Selected Prey ability Supernatural instead of Spell like? If you haven't done so already, you'll want to have cardea confirm your choice.

Good idea.

You can go ahead and put your hawk on your shoulder if you want. I'll place it on your character when I resize him (I show him huge there because of the mojnt was huge, but I need to resize him to large).
once we confirm the size of the dogs, go ahead and tell me where you want them all placed, and I'll update the map again.... sorry for being a doubting thomas... DMing has forced me to check and recheck references and ask lots of redundant/inane questions.

I guess put them surrounding you, and yes, put one in the prismatic sphere. Save against prismatic goodness. One moment and I'll roll saves for him. He has to roll against each layer, DC 30, correct?

fil kearney
2010-10-27, 09:28 AM
Awesome, gotcha.
It says that they gain the "Ascension" class ability when I do, and that ability makes you grow one size category to large.

thank you.

I guess put them surrounding you, and yes, put one in the prismatic sphere. Save against prismatic goodness. One moment and I'll roll saves for him. He has to roll against each layer, DC 30, correct?

remember they are to start behind the starting line? it's on the left of the field. tell me where they are behind the starting line, I'll position them for you, and then we can get on with this mess. I"m not just giving you 2 rounds for nothing!:smallannoyed: