View Full Version : YouTube

2010-10-25, 02:09 AM
Howdy All,

I've been debating starting a Vlog on YouTube, and I wanted to get some input from what would most likely be my target audience. So, if you've got a minute, I'd love to hear what you guys think. Feel free to turn this into a discussion as well.

What do you guys like to see discussed on YT? Gaming? Politics? Celebrity Gossip? Comics? Movies?

What do you watch currently? And what would you like to see more of? What is there too much of?

2010-10-25, 06:07 AM
I find there are way to many people on Youtube talking pointlessly and trying to be there 'kooky and crazy' selves! It gets very irritating.

My suggestion would be to choose a topic you are interested in and want to talk about, mabye start a project and give us updates using Youtube. A good gaming Vlog could be cool so would movies or anything really as long as you have things to discuss :smallsmile:

Hope that helped!

2010-10-25, 11:28 AM
cat videos.

you tube is clearly for cats, as with the rest of the internet.

There can never be enough cat videos.

2010-10-25, 11:29 AM
cat videos.

you tube is clearly for cats, as with the rest of the internet.

There can never be enough cat videos.

Whoever you are, I like you. :smallcool:

2010-10-25, 01:17 PM
Here's the genre I want:

No goddamned intro.

No three-second-blue-screen-with-white-text-while-crappy-nu-metal-plays-in-the-background. It contributes nothing to the show. I know what I'm watching--I just clicked on it. There's a title right goddamned there.

It's true that an intro will help you brand yourself, but you know what's good for that? Being interesting and insightful! I'm not gonna be like, "Hey, that eight minute rant-ecdote on how tax-and-spend is affecting Justin Bieber's new FaceBook was really interesting, but I wasn't explicitly informed before the video that this was the work of ~TrhillKillah~, so I've no interest in viewing his other works. And where's my two point eight seconds of crappy indie music? I'm jonesin', man! Where else am I gonna get music on YooToob?"

Also: don't start every video with, "Hey, what's up, YouTube, it's SammySnappah here, and I, I just wanted, I had a few things to say about, something, that I..." This is not an ideal intro. Say something that makes people want to hear the next sentence, like, "I was just assaulted by a street performer," or, "This is why I only have four toes."

Oh, and puppies! I love puppies. That's probably not related to your show, but it's true.

An Enemy Spy
2010-10-26, 04:42 PM
I hate reading discussions on youtube because it always turns into a whole bunch of "gangstas" and klan members screaming unintelligibly at each other. It makes me sick just looking at it.

2010-10-26, 04:43 PM
cat videos.

you tube is clearly for cats, as with the rest of the internet.

There can never be enough cat videos.

No! Bunnies!

As for your series, maybe invent a character. It could be entertaining, though that's only if you want to go a more comedic/less serious route.