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View Full Version : Optimizing Mummy Rot

2010-10-25, 04:14 PM
Mummy Rot is an awesome disease... for the monsters to have.

The problem is, it's not so great to have as a player vs monsters.

Soooo, I'm looking at ways to optimize Mummy Rot, such as making the effect happen more often than every 1 min, make it ranged, etc.

El Dorado
2010-10-25, 04:22 PM
Last game our cleric was destroyed by mummy rot. Not fun.

2010-10-25, 04:30 PM
Or, potentially, increase your ability to kite things by having some method by which to reliably relocate quickly after infecting them with it.

Sure, they can heal up if they have the ability, but that leaves their spellcasters down spells.

On the other hand, XP gain would likely go down from not actually fighting them but touching 'em and running away.

Kinda weird how there are two forms of Mummy rot though. One with a DC of 20 and contact and only Con damage with an incubation period of 1 day and the other with an incubation period of 1 minute with a DC of 14(half RHD?) + CHA modifier and that does CHA and CON damage...

...And I think i found an error in the mummy lord on the SRD. Don't all HD become d12s for undead?

Still, I'm thinking your best bet for this is to get some method by which to slam one or two enemies and then retreat. Unfortunately since you only have one slam as a mummy instead of a pair, rapidstrike won't work. I think you'd have to take whirlwind attack or spring attack's bounding assault line in order to hit multiple foes with it in one turn.

As far as getting away though... investing in some modes of extra movement (travel devotion'll get an extra move action, chronocharm of the horizon walker) or having a horizon-walker 6/fast flying thing/burrower to switch places with thanks to a benign transposition by your teammates would be good. At worst you just end up in a fight since your mummy rotting hasn't succeeded but you can't withdraw so you've gotta fight like a normal party would. The worst thing that can happen normally if you even just mummy rot one and get away is that it causes your wizard to trade a 1st level spell (benign transposition) in exchange for a 3rd-5th level spell to break the curse part of the mummy rot on their part, plus another 3rd level spell to remove the disease if their fortitude save isn't good enough to just ignore the mummy rot by easily making the saves to avoid the damage...

2010-10-25, 04:58 PM
Dark Mummy Barbarian (Spirit Lion Totem, Whirling Frenzy) 1/Cleric (Travel Devotion) 1. Every turn, up to two people get cursed, and then you hide. Enemies can't reliably mount an offensive against you unless they all just ready actions to attack when you come in range (in which case they're not healing), and can't keep up with healing even if they do have a spellcaster.

It's a shame that the Savage Species "Mummified Creature" Mummy Rot is a 1 day incubation. It delivers it with every natural attack it makes.