View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh PbP: Blue Ghost vs. Allan A. Aokage

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 06:43 PM
In a town in the woods on the top of a hill
There's a house where no one lives...

As you enter the house, you feel a malevolent chill. Your fears are confirmed when you see the doll standing in the doorway. It stares at you with its ruined eye, and its mouth is twisted into a creepy, puerile grin. It beckons you forward, wordlessly inviting you to duel.

Creepy Doll
1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Malice Doll of Demise
4. Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
5. Puppet Master
6. Lava Golem
7. Sangan
8. Card Guard
9. Card Guard
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Phantom Skyblaster
12. Phantom Skyblaster
13. Darkness Neosphere
14. Red Gadget
15. Red Gadget
16. Yellow Gadget
17. Yellow Gadget
18. Green Gadget
19. Green Gadget
20. Ectoplasmer
21. Ectoplasmer
22. Ectoplasmer
23. Stumbling
24. Stumbling
25. Level Limit – Area B
26. Dark Hole
27. Monster Reborn
28. Spell of Pain
29. Gold Sarcophagus
30. Gold Sarcophagus
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
33. Pot of Duality
34. Pot of Duality
35. Allure of Darkness
36. Gravity Bind
37. Magic Cylinder
38. Magic Cylinder
39. Ceasefire
40. Ultimate Offering
41. Nightmare Wheel
42. Nightmare Wheel

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 06:48 PM

Allan Surgite
2010-10-28, 06:49 PM
"...and who are you, child? Be you human or something else entirely?" Era looked down at the diminutive doll; while the house had only been investigated because it had been abandoned, if it was inhabited after all, it was most unsuitable. As she pondered this, the duel disc she bore on one arm began to buzz slightly as it activated.

"Non-human, I take it. If you will not allow me to leave, I shall crush you all the same."



Life Points

Hand ~ 5
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Vortex Trooper
-Fusion Gate



Removed From Play

Venturer's Velleity ~ 40
1. Destiny Hero - Dogma
2. Destiny Hero - Dogma
3. Destiny Hero - Dogma
4. Destiny Hero - Plasma
5. Destiny Hero - Plasma
6. Elemental Hero Stratos
7. Vortex Trooper
8. Phantom of Chaos
9. Phantom of Chaos
10. Destiny Hero - Malicious
11. Destiny Hero - Malicious
12. Armageddon Knight
13. Elemental Hero Ocean
14. Elemental Hero Ocean
15. Grinder Golem
16. Phantom Skyblaster
17. Dark Hole
18. Destiny Draw
19. Fusion Gate
20. Fusion Gate
21. Trade-In
22. Trade-In
23. Kaiser Colosseum
24. Kaiser Colosseum
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Parallel World Fusion
28. Parallel World Fusion
29. Giant Trunade
30. Burial From a Different Dimension
31. Mirror Force
32. Torrential Tribute
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Chain Material
35. Chain Material

1. Destiny End Dragoon
2. Destiny End Dragoon
3. Destiny End Dragoon
4. Elemental Hero The Shining
5. Elemental Hero The Shining
6. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
7. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
8. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
9. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
10. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
11. Elemental Hero Terra Firma

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 06:52 PM
The doll does not reply, but continues grinning.


Two wooden boxes appear in front of the doll. A red wind-up puppet steps out from behind the doorway and stares at you with hypnotically spinning eyes. You have the feeling that there are more of the things behind the door.
There is a sinister chill in the air... Suddenly, the red puppet bursts into flame. Though you are standing some distance away, you feel a crushing pain in your chest.

((Summon Red Gadget (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Red_Gadget), set two cards face-down. Activate Ectoplasmer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ectoplasmer). End turn. Tribute Red Gadget to inflict 650 damage.))


E: Ectoplasmer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ectoplasmer)

Life Points: 8000

Hand: 3

Phantom Skyblaster
Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
Yellow Gadget

Face Down:

Gravity Bind
Magic Cylinder


1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Malice Doll of Demise
4. Puppet Master
5. Lava Golem
6. Sangan
7. Card Guard
8. Card Guard
9. Phantom Skyblaster
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Darkness Neosphere
12. Red Gadget
13. Yellow Gadget
14. Green Gadget
15. Green Gadget
16. Ectoplasmer
17. Ectoplasmer
18. Stumbling
19. Stumbling
20. Level Limit – Area B
21. Monster Reborn
22. Spell of Pain
23. Spell of Pain
24. Gold Sarcophagus
25. Gold Sarcophagus
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Pot of Duality
29. Pot of Duality
30. Allure of Darkness
31. Magic Cylinder
32. Ceasefire
33. Ultimate Offering
34. Nightmare Wheel
35. Nightmare Wheel

Extra Deck:


Red Gadget

Removed from Play:


Allan Surgite
2010-10-28, 06:59 PM
Era placed a gloved hand on her chest as Ectoplasmer took effect. "Ungh. Sorcery? This shall be a welcome change."


"I'll set one card face-down." As Era spoke, the card visualised before her; a card, not a box as the doll had. "Interesting; I'll activate my Fusion Gate spell." Behind Era, a dark portal conjured up; green lines began to sweep vertically underneath the feet of the doll and it's opponent. A row of green lines went horizontally, crossing the green lines at regular intervals, weaving the Fusion Gate field spell. "With that, I shall summon the Elemental Hero Prisma to the field; with it's ability, I may reveal the Destiny End Dragoon in my Extra Deck to send a Destiny Hero - Dogma in my deck to the graveyard. This also allows me to give Prisma the title of Destiny Hero - Dogma; I now activate the Fusion Gate's ability to remove the Elemental Hero Prisma on the field and the Destiny Hero - Plasma in my hand from play to Fusion Summon the Destiny End Dragoon. I'll have it attack you directly; in the End Phase of my turn, your Ectoplasmer spell forces me to destroy my Dragoon, but it deals 1500LP of damage to you. With that, I'll end my turn."

(Total damage: 3000+1500=4500LP)

Field - Fusion Gate

Life Points

Hand ~ 2
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Vortex Trooper

(S/T3) - Chain Material

-Destiny Hero - Dogma
-Destiny End Dragoon

Removed From Play
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Destiny Hero - Plasma

Venturer's Velleity ~ 33
1. Destiny Hero - Dogma
2. Destiny Hero - Dogma
3. Destiny Hero - Plasma
4. Destiny Hero - Plasma
5. Elemental Hero Stratos
6. Vortex Trooper
7. Phantom of Chaos
8. Phantom of Chaos
9. Destiny Hero - Malicious
10. Destiny Hero - Malicious
11. Armageddon Knight
12. Elemental Hero Ocean
13. Elemental Hero Ocean
14. Grinder Golem
15. Phantom Skyblaster
16. Dark Hole
17. Destiny Draw
18. Fusion Gate
19. Fusion Gate
20. Trade-In
21. Trade-In
22. Kaiser Colosseum
23. Kaiser Colosseum
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Parallel World Fusion
27. Parallel World Fusion
28. Giant Trunade
29. Burial From a Different Dimension
30. Mirror Force
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Chain Material

1. Destiny End Dragoon
2. Destiny End Dragoon
4. Elemental Hero The Shining
5. Elemental Hero The Shining
6. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
7. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
8. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
9. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
10. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
11. Elemental Hero Terra Firma

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 07:19 PM
As Destiny End Dragoon attacks, one of the wooden boxes opens...

You feel a sharp pain in your gut as the saber runs you through...
Far too late you see the one inside the box is you.

((Magic Cylinder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magic_Cylinder).))

Allan Surgite
2010-10-28, 07:25 PM
"Well played, shade. I'm afraid I'll simply end my turn, destroying my Dragoon to damage you, even a little."

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 07:26 PM
Draw: [roll0]

Another wind-up puppet, this one painted yellow, walks forward, fixing its gaze on you with its single staring eye, It throws a hard punch at you. Then it disappears in a flash of fire, and the sickening pain in your chest stabs you again.

((Summon Yellow Gadget (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Yellow_Gadget), search Green Gadget. Direct attack. Activate Stumbling (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Stumbling). Tribute Yellow Gadget for Ectoplasmer, inflicting 600 damage.))


E: Ectoplasmer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ectoplasmer)
S: Stumbling (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Stumbling)

Life Points: 6500

Hand: 3

Phantom Skyblaster
Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
Green Gadget

Face Down:

Gravity Bind


1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Malice Doll of Demise
4. Puppet Master
5. Lava Golem
6. Sangan
7. Card Guard
8. Card Guard
9. Phantom Skyblaster
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Darkness Neosphere
12. Red Gadget
13. Yellow Gadget
14. Green Gadget
15. Ectoplasmer
16. Ectoplasmer
17. Stumbling
18. Level Limit – Area B
19. Monster Reborn
20. Spell of Pain
21. Spell of Pain
22. Gold Sarcophagus
23. Gold Sarcophagus
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Pot of Duality
27. Pot of Duality
28. Allure of Darkness
29. Magic Cylinder
30. Ceasefire
31. Ultimate Offering
32. Nightmare Wheel
33. Nightmare Wheel

Extra Deck:


Red Gadget
Magic Cylinder
Yellow Gadget

Removed from Play:


Allan Surgite
2010-10-28, 07:35 PM
"Tch! How well played."


"In my Standby Phase, I shall activate the ability of Destiny End Dragoon, resurrecting itself by removing the Destiny Hero - Dogma in my graveyard from play. With that, I'll activate my Chain Material trap; I may now Fusion Summon by using monsters from my deck, graveyard, hand or field. I'll summon Elemental Hero Prisma onto the field, using his ability to send a Destiny Hero - Plasma to my graveyard. I now activate Chain Material in conjunction with Fusion Gate; I remove the Elemental Hero Prisma on my field and an Elemental Hero Ocean in my deck from play to Fusion Summon Elemental Hero The Shining. Thanks to your Stumbling spell, this forces me to end my turn - but, thankfully, there is a saving grace - your Ectoplasmer activates, sending Elemental Hero The Shining to the graveyard. You take 1300LP of damage, and The Shining's ability allows me to add Elemental Hero Ocean and Elemental Hero Prisma back into my hand. With that, I'll end my turn."

((Pretty sure I've got the sequence of Chain Material and Ectoplasmer in order - if not, do inform me.))

Field - Fusion Gate
Destiny End Dragoon - 3000/3000

Life Points

Hand ~ 4
-Vortex Trooper
-D-Hero Dogma
-Elemental Hero Ocean
-Elemental Hero Prisma


-Chain Material
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Elemental Hero The Shining

Removed From Play
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Destiny Hero - Dogma

Venturer's Velleity ~ 30
1. Destiny Hero - Dogma
2. Destiny Hero - Plasma
3. Elemental Hero Stratos
4. Vortex Trooper
5. Phantom of Chaos
6. Phantom of Chaos
7. Destiny Hero - Malicious
8. Destiny Hero - Malicious
9. Armageddon Knight
10. Elemental Hero Ocean
11. Grinder Golem
12. Phantom Skyblaster
13. Dark Hole
14. Destiny Draw
15. Fusion Gate
16. Fusion Gate
17. Trade-In
18. Trade-In
19. Kaiser Colosseum
20. Kaiser Colosseum
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Parallel World Fusion
24. Parallel World Fusion
25. Giant Trunade
26. Burial From a Different Dimension
27. Mirror Force
28. Torrential Tribute
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Chain Material

1. Destiny End Dragoon
2. Destiny End Dragoon
3. Elemental Hero The Shining
4. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
5. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
6. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
7. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
8. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
9. Elemental Hero Terra Firma

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 07:58 PM
((I don't think there's a set order. The turn player decides, I believe.))


Another wooden box appears before the doll. Another windup puppet appears, this one green. It bursts into flame, and another nail is driven into your heart.

((Set a card, summon Green Gadget, Tribute for 700 damage.))


E: Ectoplasmer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ectoplasmer)
S: Stumbling (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Stumbling)

Life Points: 5200

Hand: 3

Phantom Skyblaster
Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
Red Gadget

Face Down:

Gravity Bind
Nightmare Wheel


1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Malice Doll of Demise
4. Puppet Master
5. Lava Golem
6. Sangan
7. Card Guard
8. Card Guard
9. Phantom Skyblaster
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Darkness Neosphere
12. Yellow Gadget
13. Green Gadget
14. Ectoplasmer
15. Ectoplasmer
16. Stumbling
17. Level Limit – Area B
18. Monster Reborn
19. Spell of Pain
20. Spell of Pain
21. Gold Sarcophagus
22. Gold Sarcophagus
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Allure of Darkness
28. Magic Cylinder
29. Ceasefire
30. Ultimate Offering
31. Nightmare Wheel

Extra Deck:


Red Gadget
Magic Cylinder
Yellow Gadget
Green Gadget

Removed from Play:


Allan Surgite
2010-10-28, 08:08 PM
"I'll not fall in such an easy way. Certainly not to you, demon."


"Let's begin again. I'll summon Elemental Hero Prisma, and use it's ability to place a Destiny Hero - Plasma in my graveyard. I now activate Fusion Gate, removing from play Prisma and the Destiny Hero - Dogma to Fusion Summon a second Destiny End Dragoon. While you may have a trap, being idle now will only lead me to my end - I'll move the Destiny End Dragoon I summoned last turn to attack position; it shall attack you directly. Presuming no counters - which is unlikely, I'll tribute the defence-position Destiny End Dragoon to bring you nearer the point of defeat than I. If you can counter, do inform me - it may change my actions, or cause me to lose all the same."

Field - Fusion Gate
Destiny End Dragoon - 3000/3000

Life Points

Hand ~ 2
-Vortex Trooper
-Elemental Hero Ocean


-Chain Material
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Elemental Hero The Shining
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Destiny End Dragoon

Removed From Play
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Destiny Hero - Dogma
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Destiny Hero - Dogma

Venturer's Velleity ~ 30
1. Destiny Hero - Dogma
3. Elemental Hero Stratos
4. Vortex Trooper
5. Phantom of Chaos
6. Phantom of Chaos
7. Destiny Hero - Malicious
8. Armageddon Knight
9. Elemental Hero Ocean
10. Grinder Golem
11. Phantom Skyblaster
12. Dark Hole
13. Destiny Draw
14. Fusion Gate
15. Fusion Gate
16. Trade-In
17. Trade-In
18. Kaiser Colosseum
19. Kaiser Colosseum
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Parallel World Fusion
23. Parallel World Fusion
24. Giant Trunade
25. Burial From a Different Dimension
26. Mirror Force
27. Torrential Tribute
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Chain Material

1. Destiny End Dragoon
2. Elemental Hero The Shining
3. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
4. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
5. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
6. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
7. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
8. Elemental Hero Terra Firma

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 08:29 PM
Another box opens, and your two monsters are frozen in place, unable to attack.

((Gravity Bind.))

Allan Surgite
2010-10-28, 08:34 PM
"...tch. I'll simply have to end my turn, daling damage to you solely with Ectoplasmer."

(Total damage: 1500LP)

Field - Fusion Gate
Destiny End Dragoon - 3000/3000

Life Points

Hand ~ 2
-Vortex Trooper
-Elemental Hero Ocean


-Chain Material
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Elemental Hero The Shining
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Destiny End Dragoon

Removed From Play
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Destiny Hero - Plasma
-Destiny Hero - Dogma
-Elemental Hero Prisma
-Destiny Hero - Dogma

Venturer's Velleity ~ 30
1. Destiny Hero - Dogma
3. Elemental Hero Stratos
4. Vortex Trooper
5. Phantom of Chaos
6. Phantom of Chaos
7. Destiny Hero - Malicious
8. Armageddon Knight
9. Elemental Hero Ocean
10. Grinder Golem
11. Phantom Skyblaster
12. Dark Hole
13. Destiny Draw
14. Fusion Gate
15. Fusion Gate
16. Trade-In
17. Trade-In
18. Kaiser Colosseum
19. Kaiser Colosseum
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Parallel World Fusion
23. Parallel World Fusion
24. Giant Trunade
25. Burial From a Different Dimension
26. Mirror Force
27. Torrential Tribute
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Chain Material

1. Destiny End Dragoon
2. Elemental Hero The Shining
3. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
4. Elemental Hero Great Tornado
5. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
6. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
7. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
8. Elemental Hero Terra Firma

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 08:44 PM
Draw: [roll0]

The chill in the air grows more intense. Death is near.
Another red puppet appears from the doorway. The dust in the hall swirls madly, seeming to coalesce into the form of a dragon. Then it explodes, showering you with dust and metal shards from the puppet. You feel weak and barely able to stand.

((Summon Red Gadget. Activate another Ectoplasmer. Special Summon Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Queen_of_Tragic_Endings). Tribute both Red Gadget and Dragon Queen to the two Ectoplasmers for a combined 1600 damage, leaving you with 250 LP.))

As you draw your card, the final wooden box opens, revealing a miniature spinning wheel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare_Wheel). You feel a dizzying pain as you see a small figure strapped to the wheel. You realize that the figure is your monster... and you.
As your consciousness fades, the doll grins maliciously. Good game!

((Nightmare Wheel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare_Wheel) on Dragoon, depleting your Life Points.))


E: Ectoplasmer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ectoplasmer)
S: Stumbling (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Stumbling)
NW: Nightmare Wheel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare_Wheel)

Life Points: 3700

Hand: 2

Phantom Skyblaster
Yellow Gadget

Face Down:


1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Malice Doll of Demise
4. Puppet Master
5. Lava Golem
6. Sangan
7. Card Guard
8. Card Guard
9. Phantom Skyblaster
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Darkness Neosphere
12. Green Gadget
13. Ectoplasmer
14. Stumbling
15. Level Limit – Area B
16. Monster Reborn
17. Spell of Pain
18. Spell of Pain
19. Gold Sarcophagus
20. Gold Sarcophagus
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Allure of Darkness
26. Magic Cylinder
27. Ceasefire
28. Ultimate Offering
29. Nightmare Wheel

Extra Deck:


Red Gadget x2
Magic Cylinder
Yellow Gadget
Green Gadget
Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings

Removed from Play:


Allan Surgite
2010-10-28, 08:59 PM
((Nitpick: technically, you'd have to activate Nightmare Wheel in your Draw Phase to use it in the way described, but I can excuse that for RP purposes. :smalltongue: Good game; I was a bit sceptical of your deck at first, but it worked a lot better than I thought it would. In hindsight, trying to rush to beat you down with Destiny End Dragoon may have been a bad idea, but I wouldn't have triggered Magic Cylinder otherwise, so... anyway, a good game. Would you care for a rematch (possibly against one of my other decks?), or are you content with this duel?))

Blue Ghost
2010-10-28, 09:42 PM
((We can have a rematch if you would like. You can start it off.))