View Full Version : Warforged Wartime

2010-10-29, 02:18 AM
The first thing you feel is a jolt coursing through your body. It is excrutiating. Your try to scream, but nothing comes out, you can't even move. But as soon as it came, the pain leaves.

Then for a while, nothing...

A tingling sensation begins to make its way through out your systems. Your systems gradually begin to boot up. The last to awaken is sight, unfortunately.

You are entrapped in what seems to be a small pod of some sort, standing, back against the wall of the chamber, but facing outwards into a room through a glass pane. Scanning the rest of the room from your position reveals that there are others in the room around you, all of which seem to be waking up, just as you are. Aside from the pods, most of the rest of the room seems trashed. It is clear that no one has been here in a long, long time. There don't initially appear to be any doors in the room, although it is probably concealed under a large pile of debris (mostly chunks of the ceiling) on one side of the room. Not much else is in the room other than the pods and debris. Looking down at your body, however, reveals that it is in need of some repair.

The glass pane opens on each of the pods, except for one, entrapping a warforged within. It doesn't appear to be moving like the others, because it is not moving at all.

2010-10-29, 09:03 AM

Hundreds of subroutines slowly initialize, none of them close to a state where they could be safely used in other Warforged. All senses are overloaded with impulses as a flood of errors erupts and programs hinder each other, causing the adamantine body to spasm uncontrollably and painfully, limbs crashing hard against the insides of the pod until it opens.

Keeper stumbles forward under the strain and subsequently falls, unable to balance his weight on his incomplete legs. He writhes on the floor while his voice produces an incoherent mess of machine noises, word fragments and roars, making the process of his many experimental systems slowly achieving a fragile balance hearable for everyone around. Once the process is finished, Keeper's grey eyes flare up and he lies still for a moment before he tries to find the staff made of black, rigid chains with his hand.

Everyone can see the difficulty with which he lifts himself off the ground, leaning heavily on the staff to get on his feet again and finally stands, although dangerously unsteady at first. The black Warforged is a large skeletal figure, being almost seven feet tall if he would stand upright. Keeper's senses clear somewhat (but there still is a lot of audiovisual noise) and he takes in his surroundings slowly, the dim light of his eyes shining through small gaps and cracks in his skull. Despite the rage as he remembers the last moments before he was shut down (forcibly), his primary purpose overrides that reaction. "Are you alright?" His voice sounds incredibly deep and hoarse, accompanied by some slight background noise and glitches.

2010-10-29, 09:35 AM
A screeching hiss escapes Torrent's underused pneumatic joints as he steps from his pod. His mind attempts to cycle through its most basic knowledge. Falchion... he thinks, surveying the room for the weapon he, inexplicably, knows he should have. He pays no mind to the immobile Warforged or his own injuries, though he gives sidelong, nodding glances to the other warforged waking up alongside him. Nothing else intruded upon his scan of the room.

ACTIONS: Search check
If I find my falchion, I'll immediately fit it into the slat on my back where it's typically stored.

2010-10-29, 09:52 AM

The scout waited, mostly still, until she was sure her sensors and body were stable before closing her eyes to focus and blot out as much of the static and shivers as she can. She would be useless if her senses were below par.

Auto Hypnosis check to ignore pain and smooth boot processes: [roll0]

Concentration check to gain psionic Focus; assumed failure of the above, otherwise take 10 for success: [roll1]

She smiled softly as she gently guided her awakening and stepped off, dismayed by the damage she showed. "Unit Lynda-089 active and awaiting orders." Her voice rang out, mechanical but feminine. Cool and precise.

2010-10-29, 11:01 AM
Carter while one of the last to reboot, came to unexplainably well. His sensors all powered on just as they always had. His Psi CPU started up slowly, dragging due to lack of use. As it slowly booted he felt the power returning to him full heartedly. After a few seconds of struggling to escape the pod, he got out and started trying to move. His legs and arms screeching as they were forced to move.

2010-10-29, 02:24 PM
I've always preferred to do my rolling in a single spoiler on the top. Unless you have any objections, I'd prefer to do it this way.

Edit: Oh yea, if we have any grammar nazis here, sorry about the possible tense agreement errors. I've had five hours of sleep and don't have time to do much proofreading.

Search for gear: [roll0]

Unlike the others, Andrew's boot sequence is fairly routine once the various error checking handlers got ahead of the voltage spike. He takes his time booting up, checking and double checking each component he is supposed to have, according to the warforged schematics that are somehow already etched into his brain. He's supposed to build, he knows, so why not. A few aren't at 100%, and there is an arcane actuator in his left foot that is totally non-responsive, but for the most part he is still in good shape after... how long has it been? He can't remember, all he has are vague memories from after his memory was wiped and he was shut down. Or maybe he never had memory, and that was an imprint left over from the construction cycle - the magic, he knows, in creating a warforged sometimes caused brief spikes of sentience before they were completed.

As his eyes and speech centers finish their boot cycle (struggling a little with the master/slave components), he begins his standard system report. "Andrew Martin is... online. Systems nominal, registering 94% and rising. Require repairs on third servo left foo... wait, where is the mechanic?" He falters in his delivery, noticing the wreckage. Carefully unsnapping dozens of wires and cables from his metallic frame, Andrew steps out of his pod and takes stock of his surroundings. The last, vague memory he had of this place had it full of bustle, with several artificers or assistants working on multiple projects, or so it had seemed at the time... his eyes weren't actually supposed to have been working yet, so they had only registered vague shapes.

He begins to dig in the wreckage for a repair kit, and perhaps for the weapons his manifold suggested he was supposed to have. All he had on him at the moment was the wand of invisibility, still tucked into it's wand sheath where it had been... however long ago he had been constructed. Noticing the other warforged, he calls out "If anyone needs repairs, I can perform basic maintenance once acquire tools."

2010-10-29, 06:01 PM
For any of you searching for your gear, it isn't too difficult to find. Your memory systems help you recall that your gear was stored in your pod with you. Searching your previous prisons reveals numerous compartments, containing your gear. No gold is found, however (which means everyone currently has 0).

Any penalties assigned are treated as if they were your maximum. Successful repairs will increase this number slightly, up to your maximum. Any sort of penalties can also be fixed in a similar fashion.

You easily manage to ignore the pain, and gain your psionic focus just fine. Also, you appear to be in a bit better condition than everyone else, only showing slight signs of decay. Whether or not this was due to your psionic nature is unknown. Current HP is at 34.

Your PsiCPU still suffers from lack of use. You are at 16 PP. Scans indicate that the CPU is not damaged, just that it needs to be worked a little bit. Damage to your structure is not as extensive as on other members of the group. Your psionic nature may have had something to do with this, although it is unclear. One possible theory is that your CPU drained its power to help maintain your body. That, or it was simply a matter of pod quality. Either way, your HP is at 39.

Andrew Martin:
Your systems must have been more damaged than your scanners had initially indicated. It is quite possible that they are malfunctioning severely. While the scan indicated that your body was doing quite well, visual analysis indicates major rusting through out your frame. Not only that, but your memory banks have also suffered extensive damage. Visual functions have also suffered slight damage, giving everything a somewhat blurry quality. HP is at 24. -2 on checks requiring sight. -2 on int-based checks. It is advisable to at least fix your mental and visual status before they decay even more.

You easily find your weapon and proceed to sheath it. It stops going in mid way, however. Inspecting the weapon reveals that your weapon is a bit damaged, as if a large hammer had dented the blade. You also notice that there is a sizable, rust covered gash in your right arm, and some other damage spread all over your form. You suspect there was some sort of error with your pod, or perhaps it was damaged when the ceiling caved in. Current HP is 57. -2 on attacks, -1 damage with the falchion, and it cannot sheath.

It is difficult to move, but you somehow manage. Damage appears to be spread out all over your body, but nothing seems to be in critical condition. Appart from your incomplete legs, your other systems seem to be in relatively good condition. Current HP is at 56, speed is reduced by 10 ft.

2010-10-29, 09:27 PM
Torrent, having located his prized blade, sets to assessing the situation at hand. He quickly checks a gauge on his left arm before running his wrist along the flat of his falchion, causing a glowing fluid to coat it and brighten the room. "I'm fairly badly damaged, and it looks like most of you are t-..." He pauses, eyes lingering over Keeper for a moment. His mind cycles briefly. "Given access to a forge, I can do basic metalworking on our armor, but I suspect that is not the extent of our damage. Thankfully I do not have to do the more complex tasks." He gives Andrew a meaningful look. He pauses, then starts. "My designation is WR-163, by the way. It would probably be simpler to call me, let's say, Torrent."

I used my Torchlight Nozzle to coat my falchion, which now produces light as a Light spell (and is dispellable/counterable as such). And no, Torrent has no idea that Andrew is an artificer, but from his construction it's fairly obvious that he can help with mechanical repair.

2010-10-30, 03:23 AM

Becoming aware of his damaged body, Keeper's restorative systems spring into action. A grey and red glow is emitted from his body, at first shining through the larger gaps, between what looks like the Warforged-equivalent of spine and ribs, in his torso and abdomen. Soon, the glow crawls through the cracks and over his frame, enveloping the damaged parts and briefly turning into white radiance, leaving behind mended adamantium. The many cracks, gaps and outright missing pieces of structure, especially around his abdomen and legs, are still there like before, however. After a quick check, all of his parts seem to be in place.

"K-kee...peeer," the dark Warforged says, his voice glitching heavily for a moment, but he continues. "Abandoned prototype." He slowly walks over to the unmoving Warforged and looks for a way to open the pod.

SHODAN-esque voice glitches seem strangely fitting for Keeper from time to time.

All of Keeper's items (except his chain, obviously) are currently attached/embedded.

Keeper uses his Belt of Repair until he can move at full speed again. I'm not sure how much damage has to be repaired to make him move 20 ft. per round again, so I'll roll the regained HP for all three uses.


2010-10-30, 03:56 AM

Your leggings now seem to be reinforced enough to fully support your weight, although it would probably be a good idea to have a mechanic look at them, to make sure they were constructed properly. Additionally, your HP increases by 2.

2010-10-30, 04:06 PM
Repair Light Damage: [roll0]
Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering): [roll1]
Noticing his gear back in his pod, Andrew quickly turns and retrieves it. He falters when he notices the rust and dents on his hands. "Hand functionality is at 98%. This is not 98%," he mutters, examining his other hand and finding similar damage. Secondary and tertiary error checkers are called into play as Andrew quickly gathers his gear. The results are less than satisfactory, the sensor's readings vary wildly from total system malfunction to complete health. Apparently his head must have been damage, which explained the inaccurate sensor readings and memory loss.

He places his hand on his head, using a minor repair infusion to fix some of the damage. It would hopefully get his eyes and mind clear, or at least stop the corrosion until he had time to perform proper repairs. He would save the other uses, he decided, just in case the others needed fast healing. Drawing his bow but holding it loosely in his hand, he begins to survey the ceiling for structural damage - specifically (since it's already falling apart) whether it's in danger of caving in suddenly.

2010-10-30, 04:11 PM

The scout sits motionless, at attention. As she hasn't yet been addressed directly and her various checks for damage have failed to turn anything up, she feels no need to participate without an objective assigned.

2010-10-31, 01:39 AM
Upon inspection, the warforged in the pod seems lifeless. It is quite possible it was never alive, or something from the cave in destroyed it, although there doesn't appear to be any damage to the cell itself.
Other than the trapped warforge, and the now active ones, there is little else of interest in the room. There are a few other empty cells and rubble, which would probably be good to move. You recall, whether by programming or actual memory, that there should be a door there leading to the central area of the hidden underground warforged factory, which leads to various other rooms and an exit.

2010-10-31, 03:50 AM
Another one left to rust. Keeper walks over to the rubble, examines the pile and with a quick gesture causes his staff to assume it's combat state. He slings the chain around his body, hooking it on two protruding elements of his frame, and begins to clear the way.

2010-10-31, 03:27 PM
Naturally, I botched the rolls and was too exhausted to notice. Night shift is not nice.

Now that we have clarification on the rules for repairs, think I'll go with Repair Serious Damage instead of Repair Light Damage. Repair the mental damage first, then the eyes if there's enough left. May burn another one or two, if we're going to do repairs we'll be needing the -4 penalty to crafting checks back.

Healing: [roll0]
Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering): [roll1]

Andrew walks over to the empty pod, brushing the rust off his form as best he can. "If we can get that case open, we may want to take that one with us. We may be able to cannibalize it for parts, which judging by the look of us we may need, he says, running his hands over the case looking for a seam or button, or even a weak place in the glass to fracture it.

Something in his failing memory clicked as the infusion reconnected damaged connections. He turned quickly and nodded to Torrent. "I cannot remember my designation, but I was called Andrew," he says. "I apologize for ignoring you before, my memory cells were damaged."

2010-10-31, 03:53 PM
In response to the request to crack the case, Lynda takes careful aim at the point behind the dead warforged and takes the shot with her soulbow, the blast of psionic blasting through the tube... And curving around the target, leaving him unharmed. She's quick to be using her bare hands to shift the glass out of the way, clearing space for one of the much larger models to do the heavy lifting.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

It wasn't quite an order, but Lynda sees no reason to disagree... And my rolls suck. Figures.

2010-10-31, 03:54 PM
Andrew Martin:
After the repairs, you are now only suffering a -1 to int-based checks and gain +1 max HP (25)

You find a point on the side of the frame which gives you a good grip to open it. It doesn't give too much resistance, but you suspect it will damage the pod if you open it in this way.
With your memory banks somewhat repaired, you seem to recall that there is an emergency release switch on the wall, on the side of the pod. Searching there, you eventually find the switch behind a loose stone.

You manage to hit the pod, but it doesn't really seem to do much. Your attack must have hit an ineffective point for breaking the pod, or it could be magically reinforced to resist attack.

2010-10-31, 04:25 PM
Suppose I'll burn one more infusion on getting my memory and sight back online. 2nd level rather than third though.

Also, Dyth's character sheet says Nanashi. It's fine if you want to be called Lynda instead, just want to make sure we're all using the same name.

Healing: [roll0]

Andrew flips the switch, opening the pod and removing the inert warforged inside. He does a quick inspection of the damaged one, then checks the pod to see if the dead one had gear in storage.

2010-10-31, 05:08 PM
Andrew Martin:
Your mental faculties are restored now. There isn't any gear inside. It doesn't look like it was developed very much.

2010-10-31, 07:37 PM
Torrent looks up at the pile of rubble and goes to assist Keeper. He looks sidelong at the half-damaged warforged's frame before clenching his fist. A loud hiss fills the air as he draws back his arm and it begins to tremble. Suddenly it surges forward rapidly into the pile of rubble, exploding with force as part of the massive heap crumbles away.

Initiating Mountain Hammer
[roll0] -3 power attack roll
[roll1]+[roll2] damage roll (ignores DR/hardness)

If nothing to the tune of collapse happens, I'll spend a standard action priming pumps and focusing my mind to refresh the maneuver.

2010-11-01, 11:08 PM
Torrent smacks the rubble with a mighty blow. It pulverizes a large chunk of the rubble into dust which flies off to the side. The attack does not seem to have any effect on the stability of the room. A door is now visible behind the spot where the chunk of celing had been just moments ago.

2010-11-01, 11:25 PM
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. So, did I miss something somewhere, about what damages everyone has? I know I'm down some health.. But not too terribly much. Can't heal myself anyways, so I don't think it matters much. Anyone wanna catch me up on what's going on?

Carter stares off while the rest of his new group put themselves into more productive roles. Finally he seems to come out of his daze and begins to look around at the others trying to find someone in need of help. Not recognizing anyone in certain need of assistance, he decides to simply ask aloud.
"Anyone need help?" The voice comes out collected but with an odd tone. A tone not familiar with anyone else in the group.

Not sure if a Heal check can do anything but I'll try it.. Also not sure if Autohypnosis can anything, but I'll try it as well. And I'll make an attempt at gaining focus.
Heal [roll0]
Auto [roll1]
Concentrate [roll2]

2010-11-02, 05:40 PM
Keeper briefly looks at the group. "Repair or go?" While he waits for an answer, he clears the rest of the rubble before he makes the chain assume its staff form again. His work done, his back arcs heavily as he leans on the staff. Time is not relevant to Warforged when there is no pressure, after all.

2010-11-02, 09:07 PM
Torrent scans the room. "I see no reason to stay," he remarks, though he awaits the consensus of his companions before acting. Instead, he begins to examine the damage to his falchion's structure, still oblivious to the rusting and gashes across his body.

2010-11-02, 09:34 PM
I presume there isn't a known current danger for staying here?

Andrew surveys the devastation in the room through his still damaged eyes. "I see no reason to go either," he says, dropping the inert form of the unactivated warforged to the ground. "We would not have been created with weaponry if there were no dangers in the world, and this building has kept us safe for a long time. We wouldn't do well in combat in our current state. We should at least stay here a few days for repairs."

2010-11-03, 03:23 AM
Keeper nods at Andrew's statement and turns to regard Lynda, the ghostly grey eyes fixed on her, waiting for a response.

2010-11-03, 10:00 AM
"This unit awaits orders."

Lynda stared right back, unblinking and unmoving as she waited: Following if they didn't order her not to, but she didn't want to make assumptions. "Which unit is the ranking officer?"

2010-11-03, 10:46 AM
Keeper slowly shakes his head. "Autonomous. Creators are gone. Their hierarchy is gone," he rumbles without a trace of concern. Protecting is all that matters. Pondering Lynda's answer a bit more, he turns his head to Andrew. "Is she self-aware?"

2010-11-03, 11:25 AM
Andrew surveys Lynda, his newly repaired brain still adapting to conscious thought. Possibility: She is damaged, cannot function without a chain of command." He pauses almost thoughtfully, then adds, "Possibility: We are damaged. No longer suitable for primary function." This seems to startle him a bit.

He blinks (which is impressive considering he has no eyelids), then addresses Lynda. "Creators are gone, unknown how long. Chain of command has yet to be established. Equip yourself and await further instruction."

2010-11-03, 12:52 PM
"I was the first adamantine m-m-model and they installedanumberof prototype technologies and systems in me. They cast me aside to make new modelsss with their gained results, not bothering to c-c-compleeete me." Keeper's voice glitches heavily again as he says this with a new layer of distortion and second parallel voice accompanying his words. His eyes flare up for a moment and the light shines stronger through the cracks in his skull and out of his mouth. "I-I-I only live to protect now." The black Warforged's features and voice slowly return to normal.

2010-11-03, 01:24 PM
Lynda shakes her head at the group. "Which of us will be the Commander? Someone needs to be able to make tactical decisions based on our combat abilities and individual skill sets." the scout crosses her arms, looking at the others.

"How do we know what anyone else is capable of? None of you has shown a comprehensive skill set."

2010-11-03, 03:37 PM
Torrent looks up from his falchion irritably. "Selecting a commander is unnecessary. Are you so ignorant that you can't look at a battlefield and see where you should move? It's the most base of all instincts for a Warforged. Flank a foe to make him unable to keep his guard. Lead an enemy away from a vulnerable ally with a distracting blow. Simple strategies should not require you to devote any extra processing power, you should simply know."
As far as his face is readable, he is glaring at Lynda, and seems extremely agitated. A fluid leaks from the gash on his arm, dripping on the floor and beginning to glow brightly, though he does not seem to pay any attention to it. Eventually, he relaxes to a less hostile pose, frame jerking momentarily as his pistons calibrate. "If you are all as unaware of combat strategy as you appear to be, I can function as tactician, though it is ridiculous that you should need my guidance."

2010-11-03, 07:06 PM
Watch it, rock head. Just because you're bigger than me doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm more than capable of formulating strategies and showing all of you up. The thought is left unsaid as Lynda bows her head in acknowledgment.

"Orders, then?"

2010-11-04, 03:55 AM
Keeper ignores the exchange, feeling that nothing productive will come out of it (and Lynda refusing to think for herself confuses him) and turns towards Carter, waiting for his input on whether they should stay or go.

2010-11-04, 04:34 AM
"Staying and going both have merit. I feel that we should stay for a short time though. That would allow us to repair ourselves and figure out what we want to do." The words come out, but seem almost hollow to all who listen. Most living that heard his speech, would likely be unnerved.

2010-11-04, 11:09 AM
"Repair," Keeper acknowledges the majority's decision, but remains motionless, as sitting is no more comfortable than standing. "I protect and want to be complete. Other objectives are currently not important to me."

2010-11-04, 02:06 PM
Torrent's eyes flare for a moment. "It appears we have three in favor of staying versus one in favor of going, not counting our less decisive members. I propose we stay for two days for repairs before searching the rest of the building, preferably with an advance scout." He examines his companions. "You appear almost purpose-built for that, Lynda. Simply searching ahead should do, there will be no need to engage foes."

2010-11-04, 02:21 PM

Eying the door, Lynda tilts her head before nodding in acceptance, walking up and opening the door carefully, poking her head out to check the area outside before stepping out and closing the door behind her, only a quiet "Stay here, then." directed toward the party.

She quickly takes in her surroundings, checking her equipment as she does.

2010-11-12, 10:58 PM
Exploring the area outside of the room reveals no immediate threats. The factory seems to be in poor condition. A lack of power means that the magical lighting has also faded, and only a soft glow is emitted from each of the numerous enchanted light crystals hanging from the ceiling. Other than the room you came from, and the central chamber (which you are in), there are seven other rooms, which each serve various tasks.

It has been two days since you have all been awakened. After breaking out of the entrapped room, and exploring for a little while, most of the facility has become available to you, at least to a limited extent. The back up generators have been turned on, restoring limited power to the rest of the facility. The once dim ceiling lights now have the factory fairly well lit. Some of the more advanced functions of the factory, such as creating warforged, still remain offline. The main power source of the factory seems to be missing. A giant, lopsided disc, which fits into a 20ft diameter, half-sphere hole in the middle of the central chamber, to be more specific.
The central chamber itself is in the shape of a giant octogon, each face spanning 20ft in length, and 50ft from one side of the room to the other. Each of the shape's faces also has a 10ft wide door leading to a 20x20ft room.
As for the function of each room, they are as follows:
North: This room contrains almost nothing except for a large spiral stairway which leads upwards towards the surfaces. Attempts at opening the large hatch at the top (which probably leads to the surface) have proven fruitless. It is probable that power will need to be dedicated to the door in order to get it open. The stairway itself goes up about 40ft and is 5ft wide. The hatch is a large circular shape, 10ft in diameter.
Northeast: The Soul Extractor is located in this room. This device is necessary in the creation of warforged. It essentially does exactly what it sounds like, taking the soul from a living being, then storing it inside a vat. The soul is then prepared for placement into the body of a warforged. It is quite similar to the process of wine fermentation.
East: This is the forge, where the items of all the warforged created here are made. It also serves to construct various parts for new warforged and repair. Currently it may only be used to construct mundane items and parts.
Southeast: Here lies the Constructor, where the parts made from the forge are assembled together to construct the body of a new warforged. It also has the capicity to repair warforged, if the correct parts are provided.
South: Another spiral staircase is in this room, however, it goes down instead. All along the walkway are capsules within the wall, probably storage chambers of some sort. At the bottom of the stairway is a small maintenance path leading to the bottom of the pit in the middle of the central chamber. (If anyone wants to step into the chamber, let me know)
Southwest: Here, is the Infusion Lab. Souls prepared from the Soul Extractor that are ready for it are bound to their new warforged body, made in the Constructor.
West: The Energy Control room is where the factory's energy is controlled and managed. Magical interfaces map out where the stations energy is going and how much energy is left in the station.
Northwest: This is the room you woke up in. Here is where the warforged from the Infusion Lab are kept until the soul adjusts to its new body. It is currently unoperational.

2010-11-13, 04:59 AM
Keeper patiently waits while repairs are going on or does some light exploration once Lynda is back with the reports, mixed feelings stirring in his mind as he sees what is left of the complex. On the third day, he turns to Lynda. "Please come to the southern room with me, Lynda. I need your superior senses to compensate my own." Since Keeper chose to protect this group, he also treats them well and isn't afraid to reveal his weaknesses to them (like his barely working senses). He patiently waits for her response and heads into the southern room and there into the central chamber with or without her, depending on her answer.

@everyone: In case any of the characters repair Keeper during the first two days, please tell me the amount of HP healed.

Total HP healed with the Belt of Repair on the second day: [roll0]

Current maximum HP: 60

2010-11-13, 04:05 PM
Following Lynda's summary of the layout of the factory, Torrent immediately moves toward the forge, falchion in hand. Over the next several hours he attempts to repair the damage done to his falchion.

Taking ten for my Craft (Weaponsmithing) check to repair the falchion gives me a 16 versus the DC for a martial melee weapon (15). This will cost 15 gp, but I assume I can offset the cost with materials available in the room.

He ignores any interruptions that might occur during his repairs, but finally returns to the northwest room after he completes his work, sheathing his falchion and taking a seat against a wall.
"If anyone else has a weapon that requires repairs or wishes to discuss escape from the building, simply ask. Otherwise, I will be sitting here until we are prepared to leave."

2010-11-14, 05:38 PM
Torrent: You successfully manage to repair your weapon over the next two days.

2010-11-18, 02:44 PM
Healbot time! Andrew's healing infusions over the two days (glad this one is moving again):

Day 1:
Repair Light Damage: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3]
Repair Moderate Damage:[roll4][roll5][roll6]
Repair Serious Damage:[roll7][roll8]
Repair checks: [roll9][roll10][roll11]

Day 2:
Repair Light Damage: [roll12][roll13][roll14][roll15]
Repair Moderate Damage:[roll16][roll17][roll18][roll19]
Repair Serious Damage:[roll20][roll21][roll22]
Repair checks: [roll23][roll24][roll25]

Something like 355 healing total. First infusions went to fix my eyes, after that repair all damaged systems, then fix damaged health. Priority to melee.

If that doesn't get the party to full, I don't know what will.

Andrew is in a good mood. Two days solid of work he understood had given him a more solid understanding of his new purpose, and following orders that had not come from an appointed superior gave him a vague idea of freedom, and he liked it. That, more than anything, surprised him.

As the second day comes to an end, he surveys his mostly repaired comrades and asks the question he's sure is uppermost in their minds. "Does anyone know how to exit this place?"

2010-11-18, 07:16 PM
Lynda doesn't comment, accompanying Keeper down to the southern room.

Repairs over the next 2 days
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
[roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

I'd like to apologize for the delay. School is piling up, but I should be clear in about a week.

2010-11-18, 10:21 PM
Torrent snaps out of his trance at Andrew's comment.

"Lynda described a staircase with a hatch. The hatch was apparently magnetically sealed. I suspect we need to change the priorities of the generator in the power room to open it, though how to do it escapes me. I do not work well with machinery except fellow warforged."

Until someone presents another idea, his eyes dim. He makes no acknowledgement of his own repairs or the actions of his allies.

2010-11-19, 07:14 PM
"I will go inspect the generator room then. Perhaps we can improvise a new generator, or find some way to reroute auxiliary power to the door." Andrew heads into the generator room and begins inspecting the half-spherical hole for any possible repairs that can be made.

2010-11-19, 10:06 PM
For the record, Keeper requests exactly 100 HP of repairs. He's back at his full 80 HP now.

As far as I can tell, Torrent needs 165 HP worth of repairs to fully recover. Andrew needs 100 HP, Lynda needs 25 HP, Keylin needs 80 HP.

your total healing is 445 just from magical. Ill assume that at least some nonmagical repairs were made, and just say everyones back at full for simplicity.

Andrew: You make your way to the energy control (west) room. In it you find a raised blank, flat panel in the middle of the room facing a white, blank, flat wall. Touching the panel animates numerous lights around it, each of which interacts with your touch. They appear to form all sorts of devices, buttons, levers, knobs, etc. with each labeled according to its function. There is one button labeled, "Display." Once pressed, numerous maps of the facility are displayed upon the wall (think something like a projector), and power output to the each of the rooms is also shown. Currently, almost all of the power is being directed towards lighting. The generator is running at about 5% of full capacity, and may continue this course for another 18 days. Increasing power output above 50% will stress the generator, and may cause it the overload (keep in mind this is NOT the main generator, just an aged back up). Opening the magnetic door will require about 52% of the generators total power, which would bring it down to 38%.
On the facility map, you also notice that there are red indicators pointing towards the center of the facility, more specifically that the "kinetic key" is missing, and should be replaced immediately. It appears to be something akin to a large, coin-shaped object. Given the dimensions, it seems like it would be able to fit into the half-spherical pit, and be able to spin.
Is there anything else you wanted to do in here?

Lynda & Keeper: You enter the south room. All along the way down are empty compartments. You remember that warforged used to be in each of these units, but obviously, they are gone now. Going down the maintenance hall into the chamber is uneventful, save for the numerous arrows all pointing up near the door to the chamber. The chamber itself is extremely smooth and even. There seems to be a ramp on the other side of the chamber which has an opening on its bottom. The opening is not large enough for much of anything to fit in.

2010-11-20, 03:47 AM
"Nothing here," Keeper rumbles in his hoarse voice. "Thank you for the help, Lynda." The adamantine warforged heads back up to the others. "I found nothing. I think it's time to leave."

2010-11-20, 03:19 PM
Andrew first begins to search the computer systems, in the hopes of finding more references to the 'kinetic key', and hopefully instructions for installation or perhaps a help file entry on exactly how dangerous pushing the backup generator 2% over it's maximum stable output is.

If he finds any good leads, he will go and inspect them, otherwise he will report his findings to the rest of the group and attempt to enlist them in the search for he kinetic key.

2010-11-20, 07:52 PM
Andrew: Searching for the term, "kinectic key" proves fruitful, bringing up a long description of the item and its function. It is simply a large, 9ft diameter slab of adamantium which is slightly unbalanced, weight favoring one side of the disc. The function of the disc is accomplished simply by bringing it into the semisphere. Once inside, power should be directed towards the pit, which will activate the upper part, (making a sealed off sphere, and then turning on the gravity suspension field. Inside the sphere is a zero-gravity system, allowing the disc to spin indefinitely. Collectors inside the sphere gather up heat from the air and wind.

Basically, the entire system is essentially a perpetual motion device, generating energy to power the facility, and beyond.

Checking for any kinectic keys within the facility, however, proves unsuccessful. There were not any back ups, as they were needed to start up other facilites.

Is there anything else you wish to check the system for?

2010-11-21, 06:56 AM
Keeper simply acknowledges that this complex has been given up with a nod. In his mind, there is no need for discussion on this matter, as what is left to do should be clear, and he moves towards the exit.

2010-11-21, 04:28 PM
Presuming there's enough adamantine here, or presuming that we could improvise one out of a more mundane material, what would be the craft dc on a kinetic key? While we're at it, what material was the dead warforged made of? If he had adamantine body, might be able to cannibalize enough material to make another key.

Andrew searches for, but doesn't activate, any systems that would allow him to route all power to the door. While he's at it, he searches for any systems that would allow him to charge some kind of battery to safely bring the system up to high charge for long enough to open the door.

2010-11-21, 08:26 PM
Andrew: Attempting to recreate a key is certainly possible, although extremely difficult. There is no adamantine anywhere to be found in the facility. The salvaged warforged has already been used up, but didn't have any adamantine on it anyways. There are quite a few scraps lying around and you might be able to make a non-adamantine version, although you are not sure whether or not it would work. Even if using a non-adamantine substitute did function, it would be extremely difficult to craft. You would have to precisely balance the weight in the correct ratios across the entire object. It would be much easier to find one if you wish to reactivate this facility.
And pushing the generator 2% over shouldn't be very dangerous.
It is fairly easy to find the systems that reroute power.
If you have some kind of battery, that would work just fine.

2010-11-21, 09:42 PM
Finishing his research, Andrew returns to the others.

"I have both positive and negative news," he reports. "The station is still functional, however it is badly damaged. The kinetic key, a carefully crafted adamantine fuel cell of sorts, has been removed. How long ago is unknown." Andrew sits down, picking up a piece of crumbling rubble and idly tapping it against the larger slab he's sitting on, shaping it in the vague form of a gallbladder. "Without the key, the station cannot safely generate the power to open the door."

He drops the gallbladder-rock, which shatters against the floor, and begins ticking the options off on his fingers. "There are a few things we can try. First, the kinetic key is non-magical. It is possible that a substitute key could be constructed from more mundane material - likely steel or bronze. The key must be perfectly balanced though, and even with our combined skill it would be difficult. A poorly crafted key would not work, or could even destroy the control room."

He pauses to allow his comrades to consider the option before continuing. "I could also overload the auxiliary generator to get the required power. If we powered down the rest of the station, the risk would be minimal. However, if the auxiliary generator fails we will be completely without power."

He pauses again, then continues. "It is possible the key is still here somewhere. Repairing a damaged key would be easier than building a new one, and adamantine is an ideal material. We could attempt a detailed search. However, if the key is not here we waste valuable time, the auxiliary generator is old and will likely fail in a few weeks."

He pauses for the final time, then says, "Of course, it's also possible that the door could be broken, or that there is some other route out of the facility."

2010-11-22, 02:51 AM
From a distance, grumbling voice can be heard. "Overload. This place is meaningless to us."

2010-11-22, 03:33 PM
Torrent appears briefly deep in thought. "I agree. The best way out is to overload the generator. If we had found anything worth saving, I would favor other options, but it appears escape is our only priority here."

2010-11-25, 08:05 PM
(Fastforwarding to opening the door)

It is quite simple to redirect the stations energy output to the door. The lights go out, all though the generator probably still has some energy left in it. You all make your way up to the door. Entering the room is quite an experience, especially considering that the way up was so dark. The room is flooded with light. The morning sun is visible in the distant horizon, behind a large mountain range. It is exceptionally bright, and it is difficult to see anything beyond where the door once stood (it has shifted to the side a bit). Stepping outside makes the lighting a bit more tolerable.

Stepping outside of the door you enter a quite shallow cave. You suspect that the door was disguise, or that the previous residents of the cave did not care that it was there. Signs of a small fire are evident. No one else is in the cave, however, and it appears to have been there for quite some time.

After exiting the cave you overlook a steep drop as you stand on top of a cliff. It is about 200 feet to the bottom. After that, there is nothing but an open, barren, sandy landscape. It goes on for quite some time. The entire area is enclosed by cliffs in a circular shape. All of this is to the northwest- west of the cave. North and west there is extremely thick jungle (it encircles the barren staying on the cliffs; there is no visible life within the desert area). South and east, there are open fields, covered with tall grass, and a light amount of trees. It is not difficult to spot various herds of wildlife gathering along a river for water.

You can spot what seems to be a worn path, leading past the cave into the jungle. It comes from the east, although it is difficult to spot the trail for very long from this position, as the tall grass blocks your view.

2010-11-26, 03:02 AM

The skeletal Warforged is eager to leave the complex and thus most things associated with his creators behind. He slowly looks at the choices they have. "Prefer not going into the jungle. Hard to maneuver, low visibility, high chance of ambushes, no apparent priority to justify the risk." He knows they have literally no goal, but focuses on their situation at hand. Everything else might sort itself out with time. An attitude that might be an advantage of his unique mental makeup.

2010-11-26, 05:41 PM
Andrew looks at the plains, then at the jungle. "Logic dictates that for there to be a path, there must have been society. Repairs will not last forever, rust and rot will eventually necessitate replacement parts, which were not found in the ruins." He draws his bow, facing the jungle. "As well, climbing down the cliff could be hazardous, and I am not sure if infusions can augment the climbing ability of the less combat oriented among us, myself included. I calculate the risk as being about equal, with greater reward for following signs of civilization. As with before, however, I will follow the decision of the majority of the group."

2010-11-27, 10:40 AM
Torrent nods. "As it stands, we have no destination. Simply marching off in whatever direction seems least likely to harm us is thinking in the short term, and is foolhardy. I agree with Andrew, we should be moving toward the closest sign of civilization, which is clearly the trail."

2010-11-27, 12:20 PM

The others' reactions (like his own) don't make much of a difference to Keeper. "Wherever you want to find purpose, I will follow," he answers, leaning on his weapon in staff form. Once they have a goal, he marches towards it, most likely towards the front of the group due to the range of his weapon.

2010-11-27, 01:22 PM
For the first time, in several days, Keylin speaks. His voice now maintains a flat, even tone throughout speech.
"I also believe the jungle path being the best option. That should make it majority, so let us continue?"

2010-11-27, 07:03 PM

"Wait one minute, then begin to advance at a standard rate. I will scout ahead." the scout darted off before an objection could be raised, advancing down the path a good hundred feet before she begins to be stealthy, her senses focused on the area around the path, looking everywhere (including up!).

If I can't take ten on these checks, here are the rolls.
Move Silently



2010-11-28, 07:02 PM
Spot and Listen checks for anything Lynda misses, I suppose.
[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen
The odds of me actually seeing something are so remote it's really just a formality. Then again... a natural 20 and 19, not bad.

Andrew reaches into his quiver, pulling out his bow and a single regular arrow. Holding one in either hand, ready to quickly draw and fire if attacked, he patiently waits the requisite 60 seconds before following Lynda down the path.

2010-11-29, 01:39 AM
If you are unsure on whether or not you may take 10 on a check, ask. Most of the time it will be perfectly fine. Combat usually changes the rules on that for me though.

You travel for quite some time ahead of the group, looking out for any potential danger. Following the trail north, you hear sounds of wildlife come from all around, things you can identify as birds are most easy to recognize, but the occasional roar does not register in your memory banks. Regardless, such raors come from quite a ways away.
After about an hour, you reach a small clearing. There is a little bridge that goes over a small stream. The sun is still bright in the sky. The temperature is beginning to rise at quite a fast rate, and it is now uncomfortably hot.
Take 3 nonlethal damage
You can guess that it will only get hotter as the day goes on. The water seems quite inviting.

Everyone else:
You travel for quite some time, looking out for any potential danger, trusting that Lynda will alert you of any danger. Following the trail north, you hear sounds of wildlife come from all around, things you can identify as birds are most easy to recognize. There are occasionally loud roars coming from other parts of the jungle, but nothing sounds close by.
After about an hour, you reach a small clearing. There is a little bridge that goes over a small stream. The sun is still bright in the sky. The temperature is beginning to rise at quite a fast rate, and it is now uncomfortably hot, however, the heat doesn't seem to be bothering anyone at the moment.
Regardless, it is easy to guess that the day will only get hotter, and water could help to cool you off.

2010-11-29, 03:45 AM

Keeper is one of those who suffer the most from the burning sun, his black frame heating up uncomfortably, but the many gaps in his body allow some of the heat to escape. He doesn't say anything, though, focussing on protecting the group, ready to change his weapon into it's chain form at a moment's notice.

As they reach the stream, he examines his surroundings. "Don't trust the water if you want it." The guardian looks up to the sun. "We could dig ourselves into the earth and stay there until the evening."

2010-11-30, 10:18 PM
Torrent kneels before the water and examines it more closely. "There's little in it that could harm us if we are properly waterproofed. It seems natural at first glance; not acidic or otherwise harmful to machines."

Spot check to notice harmful aspects of water:
Survival check to see if it is otherwise safe:

2010-11-30, 11:27 PM
The water does indeed seem perfectly safe. In fact, a little further upstream you can see a few fish, as well as a few large, reptillian animals drinking from the water. They don't seem to mind anyone's presence, but keep a wary eye out, watching. One such beast has a large plates jutting out from its back, as well a long tail, ending with some spikes, probably of the same material as the plates.

2010-12-03, 01:15 AM

Keeper looks at his companions, wondering what the hold up is. "Go get it if you want. I'll keep watch."

2010-12-03, 01:18 AM
Lynda's response to that is to scoff and try to settle down in the shade.

"Is this heat affecting anyone else undesirably?"

2010-12-03, 11:25 AM
"No, although I would care for some water. How about the rest of you?"

2010-12-04, 01:51 PM
Torrent squints at Carter, confused. "To bathe in, perhaps."
Closing the various slots and panels on his body, Torrent eases himself into the water in an attempt to dissipate the heat.

2010-12-04, 07:25 PM
Andrew deactivates the electrified property of his bow and eases into the water, lifting is quiver and haversack over his head to prevent them filling up with water. Nothing could ruin your day like finding out you filled all of your extra-dimensional space with water. "Water absorbs heat. Reducing thermal damage is a good idea in the long run, and in the short run as well."

2010-12-05, 10:16 PM
With that, Carter steps into the water as well, relishing in the coolness of it.

2010-12-13, 10:38 PM
No one is prepared as they come charging out of the woods. Large, bird-like, featherless beasts. Three of them in all. On their backs, however, is an even more peculiar surprise. Numerous little men, obviously halflings, two on each the raptors' backs. They run past, not engaging directly, but instead choose to throw nets.

Everyone is now entangled, taking -2 on attack rolls, -4 penalty on dexterity, may only move at half speed, and cannot run or charge.

The halflings and raptors appear to be circling around, now with bows drawn, fixed on the party.

2010-12-14, 03:17 AM

Still standing outside of the water, Keeper changes his weapon into its chain form with speed that doesn't seem to fit his slow, unsteady movements up to this point. Standing upright, showing the entirety of his massive black frame, he hacks at the net around him and that holding Torrent afterwards. Despite this, there is no clear sign of aggression towards the halflings, yet he still warily watches for anyone who might want to attack, the range of his weapon like a bastion that will punish any act of intrusion.

Keeper draws his spiked chain as a free action, due to the Least Crystal of Returning fixed to it. He is also unaffected by the heat, should it be relevant, because of his Least Crystal of Adaption.

Keeper is in the Thicket of Blades stance, so every enemy making even a five foot step within his range provokes an attack of opportunity from him.

Full Attack with the chain, first attack against the net holding Keeper, second at that holding Torrent.

Attack 1 [roll0], [roll1] damage
Attack 2 [roll2], [roll3] damage

2010-12-16, 07:08 PM
How many halflings and raptors are there? Is it a viable fight?

Also, just in case, let's prepare.
Concentration check to cast an infusion from inside the net [roll0]
If successful, I infuse my body with the Improved Slick armor enchantment, improving my escape artist checks by 10

Andrew quickly drops his quiver and pack onto his back, wading as fast as he can towards the river bank where Keeper is. He places both of his hands against his torso, but in his blind panic he fails to pull off the infusion and simply fizzles the magic.

2010-12-16, 10:55 PM
Torrent holds back the net as Keeper attempts to break it, then teleports adjacent to Keeper (but out of the water, if possible) with a mumbled word of "Mieluei", drawing his falchion and extending his pneumatic muscles. He turns to glare at the nearest outrider. "Put down your bow, halfling," he snarls, "or I will break it, then you. And I imagine, with your brittle physiology, it will be just as simple. Snap." His voice switches suddenly to a higher pitch for that last, simple word.

1 charge of Dimension Stride Boots to teleport 10ft, ready action to use Battle Leader's Charge on anyone who fires their bows. Enter Island of Blades stance.

Aaand intimidate check for that last bit.