View Full Version : [IC] The Planar Vanguard

Aron Times
2010-10-31, 09:11 PM

The Planar Vanguard is an interplanar organization dedicated to the peaceful exploration of the multiverse. Founded after the collapse of the Factions of Sigil, the group maintains a neutral stance in interplanar politics. This is done out of practicality, as the Vanguard is a very small organization in the grand scheme of things, and cannot afford conflict with other, more powerful interplanar organizations.

The vast majority of the Vanguard's membership are planeswalkers, so-called because they can safely travel the vastness of the cosmos. Planeswalkers have the innate ability to adapt to their current plane; for instance, a human planeswalker in the City of Brass would feel as comfortable within as an efreet, as he is attuned to the fiery nature of the place. The same human in a water-dominant plane would gain the ability to breathe water, but would drown in the Prime Material Plane. It is estimated that roughly half of the inhabitants of the multiverse are planeswalkers, mostly concentrated in planar communities.

However, planeswalker status offers no protection against the denizens of a plane. The same human planeswalker mentioned above would face slavery or even death if he were foolish enough to break the laws of the City of Brass. It takes a brave (or foolish) planeswalker to visit Baator without negotiating safe passage into and out of the plane.

Part 1: New Recruits

The gnome man standing in front of the portal has a defeated look on his face. "We have a problem." Those of you trained in Arcana see the chaotic, swirling aura of the portal and the gnome's futile attempts to stabilize it. "The portal is quite unstable due to the double lunar eclipse in the sky. It's a once in a century event, and you arrived right smack in the middle of it."

"How long are we going to be stuck here, Raj," asked a tall elf with a half-missing left ear. You know him as Mellow, a recruiter for the Planar Vanguard. "And why didn't anyone bother to tell me this?"

"You never attend the monthly meetings, Mellow. Everyone was told not to avoid coming here so they wouldn't get stuck. I sent you a Sending, but you didn't reply to it."

Mellow lets out a sigh. "How long, Raj?"

"Three days."


Raj and Mellow continue arguing, the former telling the latte to stop complaining about something that was clearly his fault. It was supposed to be a very quick trip. "It will take an hour, tops," Mellow had declared. The party would take the Shadow Road to the Rainbow Falls, a series of Vanguard-controlled portals that led to the group's headquarters:

Krynn -> Atropos -> Twilight Fortress -> Rainbow Falls

You are currently in a Planar Vanguard outpost on the world of Atropos in the Shadowfell, waiting for the double eclipse to end so you can take the portal to the Twilight Fortress demiplane and finally towards the Rainbow Falls astral dominion.

2010-10-31, 09:54 PM
The genasi gish sighs. Why am I unsurprised? Three days... at least this plane rather suits my temperament. What do we intend to do for three days?

2010-11-01, 01:22 AM
"Wow, Nihilus, if I didn't know any better, it sounded as if you were a bit excited about that," Lilivon said, casting a sidelong glance and a smirk at the gensai. Truth the told, the dim pall that permeated the Shadowfell complimented her dark countenance as well. Adjusting her scarf dantily around her neck, she tilted her head towards Mellow and Raj, "Tell me, what is the significance of this 'double eclipse'? I have never heard of such a thing among Sehanine's teachings."

Arq Kujos
2010-11-01, 09:54 AM
"This will only take an hour, tops." Ace spit on the ground and rolled his eyes. "What a waste of my time." He walked away from the group. "I need a drink. Anyone else coming?"

2010-11-01, 10:15 AM

"I believe the double eclipse is a particular planar phenomena unique to this planet Lilivon." His brow crincled. "A troublesome one at that, however. I might join you, Ace, a tavern sounds like as good a place as any to wait.

Arq Kujos
2010-11-01, 10:33 AM
"Aye, that it is." Ace said as he walked away towards the nearest tavern. He stopped for a moment and stared at the Deva. His eyes were not natural. They were an ill omen, as far as Ace was concerned.

2010-11-01, 04:07 PM

The genasi smirks at Ace's impatience. Well, if he'd been any other person, he would have displayed his response as a smirk. Nihilis instead inclines his head very slightly, almost imperceptibly, before falling into stride behind Ronin. He turns to Lilivon. Will you be accompanying us, Miss Adrianas?

Aron Times
2010-11-01, 09:46 PM
"So, Mellow, can these new recruits of yours take care of themselves," asks Raj, looking at the party. You did tell them about the risks of taking this road, didn't you?"

"Yeah, they can take care of themselves."

"You didn't answer my second question."

"They can take care of themselves."

"I'll tell them now. Listen, all of you. What our irredeemably irresponsible friend here failed to tell you is that this world is the grave of the abomination, Atropos. Atropos crashed into this then-inhabited world, killing everyone and reanimating those whose bodies were intact into undead."

"Every sunrise, the pale blue sun causes the dead to rise from theiru graves to attack the living. The light of the moon incinerates the undead, which is why you haven't encountered any of them tonight. The cycle repeats each day, presumably until every single corpse on this dead world is utterly destroyed."

"This world is home to numerous portals that lead to places all over the multiverse. The Planar Vanguard maintains this outpost to make use of the shortcut to the headquarters. We have a rotating shift of five, not including myself, to guard the shortcut portals. The main reason why the Vanguard goes through the trouble of maintaining this outpost is because we planeswalkers are immune to the necrotic energy radiating from Atropos. Simply put, normal mortals quickly wither and die and reanimate when they enter this world. This means that this shortcut is available only to planeswalkers, which makes up the majority of our membership."

"We have found the hard way that six people is the limit to what the undead ignore. Each person above six increases the chances of undead getting attracted to this place, so we will be attacked tomorrow morning. If you can fight, we could surely use your help. It's going to be three days of intense assault, so I hope you're up for it."

2010-11-01, 10:11 PM

He inclines his head towards the Gnome, throwing out his hand to stop his allies. This is indeed grave news. We must begin fortifications at once. Pray to what gods you hold that our presence attracts no intelligent undead, he says in his usual monotone. Have you a map of the facilities, Sir Raj? I would plan our defenses.

Arq Kujos
2010-11-02, 12:54 AM
"Mellow, the next time you drop us on a god forsaken undead spawning ground, have the damn decency to warn us first." Ace's anger was visible, but he decided to take it out on Mellow later. "What kinds of undead are we talking about here? Zombies? Ghouls? My axe can't cut a ghost."

2010-11-02, 03:32 AM

"That is. Unfortunate." Ronin said, "Of course we'll help. It is our safety that is at risk as much as yours."

2010-11-02, 07:56 AM
Lilivon stops before she can even return a reply to the gensai or the deva to listen to Raj and Mellow. Her expression darkens a bit, her brow knitting with a bit of worry. "Well, that certainly puts a bit of a damper on things..."

"Rest assured, whatever your axe does not fell, good Ace, my gifts surely will," she said confidently. "But that is no excuse to be lax. The quicker we're situated, the better off we are."

Arq Kujos
2010-11-02, 08:52 AM
"Of course, if 6 is the magic number....." Ace said, staring at Mellow. He cracked his knuckles and frowned. "Is there anyway we can hide our presence or at least the presence of one of us?"

Aron Times
2010-11-05, 01:15 PM
The defense of Atropos Outpost begins tomorrow. Your characters can make some preparations before I continue with the story.

Arq Kujos
2010-11-09, 11:31 AM
OOC: Are we still doing this?:smallconfused:

Aron Times
2010-11-15, 03:39 PM
Atropos Outpost is... was a three-storey inn, about 2,000 square feet, built on a hill, temporally preserved from the desolation of the world. A tall, iron fence surrounds the building, making it stand out even more against the blighted landscape of Atropos. Ronin the Grey vaguely remembers the mage who owned this place, once a popular stop for planar travelers.

The portal to and from Krynn lies at the base of the hill, with the portal to and from the Twilight Fortress at the other side of the hill.

OOC: I'm having problems getting MapTool to run (it keeps crashing), and I think I might have to reformat my computer. Sorry for the delays; let's try doing this without a battle map for now.

The first undead are seen at the horizon about an hour after the sickly, pale, blue sunrise. As they come closer, you notice that the undead, zombies to be specific, are remarkably well-preserved compared to the rotting shamblers used by any respectable necromancer. Furthermore, most of the zombies are dragonborn. Actually, all of the zombies in attack range are dragonborn.

01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Zo| | | | | |
02 |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | | | | |Zo| | | | | | |
03 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | |Zo| | | | | | | |
04 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | | |Zo| | | | | | |
05 |**| | |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | |**| | | | | | | | | | |Zo| |
06 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |**| | | | | | | | | | |Zo| |
07 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |++| | | | | | |Zo| | | | |Zo|
08 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |++| | | | |Zo| | | | |Zo|Zo| |
09 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |**| | | | | | | | | | |Zo| |
10 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
11 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |**| | | | | | | | |Zo| | | |
12 |**| | |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
13 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | | | |Zo| | | | | |
14 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
15 |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | | | | | | | |Zo| | | |
16 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
The outer ** square is the iron fence which you can shoot through, the ++ are is the gate, while the inner ** square is the inn. To speed up play, the six planeswalkers who live here and the zombies they are fighting are "off-screen."

The first wave comes. Roll for initiative, place yourself on the map, then attack (or not).

2010-11-15, 04:38 PM
Ronin stands beside one of the gates, and looks impassively onwards at the horde of undead pouring in. A dark word flickers in the back of his mind, and he finds his lips speaking the words, and a tightly packed group of zombies becomes accosted by their own shadows that rose up to grasp them.

Ronin is in M6
Ronin uses his tome of readiness power to "remember" Grasping Shadows.
Ronin uses a Grasping Shadows on T3, it is a burst 1, and catches 3 zombies
T2-[roll0] v Will
T4-[roll1] v Will
S3-[roll2] v Will

On Hit: [roll3] psychic damage, and they are slowed.

It creates a zone of writhing shadows in the burst until the end of Ronin's next turn, and any enemy that enters the zone takes 4 psychic damage and is slowed.

2010-11-15, 07:35 PM

The genasi warrior stands at the gate. Taste my flame, beasts, he mutters, sending a fiery detonation leaping from his shield at the nearest zombies.

Standard Action: Scorching Burst @ T7

Scorching Burst:
Damage: [roll0] fire damage
Attack vs. S8: [roll1] vs. Reflex
Attack vs. U7: [roll2] vs. Reflex

2010-11-15, 07:37 PM
((OOC: Forgot Inish... [roll0]

Additionally, my attack bonus should be 1 higher, I forgot 1/2 level bonus))

Arq Kujos
2010-11-20, 09:34 AM
Ace will set up right in front of the gate, holding it closed and keeping the zombies out for as long as he can. Once they get inside, then he will start fighting.

Initiative: [roll0]

Aron Times
2010-11-23, 06:39 PM
01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
02 |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | | | |GS|GS|GS| | | | | |
03 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | |GS|GS|GS| | | | | |
04 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | |GS|GS|GS| | | | | |
05 |**| | |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | |**|Zo| | | | | | | | | | | |
06 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| |Ro|**|Zo|Zo| | | | | | | | | | |
07 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| |Ni|++|Zo|Zo| | | | | | | | | | |
08 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| |Ac|++|Zo|Zo| | | | | | | | | | |
09 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |**|Zo| | | | | | | | | | | |
10 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |**|Zo| | | | | | | | | | | |
11 |**| | |**| | | | | | |**| | |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
12 |**| | |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
13 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
14 |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
15 |**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**| | | | | | | | | | | | |
16 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Initiative Order
Ronin the Grey

Round 1

Ronin the Grey's illusion makes short work of the three zombies at its epicenter and takes out another zombie that mindlessly shambles onto it. Nihilis conjures a pillar of flame that immolates two more zombies, while Ace stands guard for any zombies that try to break through.

The zombies shamble forward and try to grab the valiant defenders of Atropos Outpost.

Attacks: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5] vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.

If you have a reach weapon, you can attack through the fence/gate at no penalty. Nonreach weapons take a -2 penalty to attack (cover).

Aron Times
2010-11-23, 06:41 PM
First two attacks are against Ronin, the second two attacks are against Nihilis, and the final two attacks are against Ace.

Ace can attack (I assume he has a readied action) and then Round 2 begins.

2010-11-25, 03:42 AM
Seeing Ace getting attacked, Asteron moves in to assist. As he falls in beside the barbarian, he raises his shield against the press of rotting limbs reaching through the gates and draws his long bastard sword. He strikes at a zombie through the gates, bringing forth the power of the Rune of Protection. It manifests itself many times over in the air around the minotaur, translucent symbols providing protection against harm. The runes will protect those that are near me!

Initiative - [roll0]
Starting Position - L10

Minor Action - Draw Bastard Sword
Move Action - Move to M9
Standard Action - Word of Exchange vs. Zombie in O8
Effect - Enter state of Rune of Protection
Attack Roll - [roll1] vs. AC
Damage - [roll2]
Hit Effect - The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of Asteron's next turn, and the next ally to hit the target before Asteron's next turn gains a +4 power bonus to AC UEoNT.

Rune of Protection State - Adjacent allies gain Resist 2 to all damage so long as Asteron is in the state of the Rune of Protection. At the moment that applies to Ace.

I am unsure about our positions relative to the zombies. I assume we are technically adjacent to them, since we can attack without reach. I'm assuming it looks otherwise because you had to include the gate on the map. I'm asking because I was hoping to use Word of Binding but wasn't sure if the conditions would be met.

2010-11-25, 05:27 AM
Lonepine dashes in from behind the others and let's loose a blood curdling howl that reverberates through the air and assaults what little remains of a pair of zombie minds.

Initiative: [roll0]

Start: K - 4

Minor: Draw Falchion

Move: Go to L 5

Standard: Blood Moon Howl (Shared Madness) on O - 5
encounter power
Wis Vs. Will
Attack: [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] and Zombie at O - 6 also takes the same damage.

Arq Kujos
2010-11-25, 10:27 AM
Ace howls at his foe before striking at it with his axe,

Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] =

Aron Times
2010-11-25, 08:28 PM

Asteron and Lonepine reinforce the front gate after Nathan and Lilivon are knocked to the ground. They manage to destroy three of the shambling zombies, but more are coming.

I'm going to retcon your actions as being part of round 1, so round 2 begins and all five of you get another set of actions. Don't worry, there are more coming.

2010-11-25, 08:37 PM
The genasi gish holds his shield high. Burn in hell, he says to the zombies rather nonchalantly, before stepping back and sending another fiery burst out from his shield's orb

Move Action: Shift to G12
Standard Action: 1A - Scorching Burst, Burst 1 around G15

Damage: [roll0] fire damage
Attack vs. F15; [roll1] vs. Reflex
Attack vs. G14; [roll2] vs. Reflex
Attack vs. G15; [roll3] vs. Reflex
Attack vs. H15; [roll4] vs. Reflex

Aron Times
2010-11-25, 10:04 PM
Nihilis' pillar of flame is dead-on and incinerates three of the zombies.


No, that's not a submachine gun. That's a compact wand.

2010-11-26, 03:43 AM
Asteron swings at the zombie before him, maintaining the runes of protection in the air.

Standard Action - Word of Binding vs. Zombie in J-14
Attack - +7 vs. AC - [roll0]
Damage - 4
Hit Effect - Target is Immoblized UEoNT or until Asteron is no longer adjacent to it. Ace gains a +4 power bonus to AC UEoNT.

Move Action - Shift to H-12

2010-11-26, 08:55 AM
Ronin moved as Nihilis incinerated the zombies in front of them to support the newcomers, unleashing a wave of sound to push the zombies back.

Move to K13
Thunderwave targetting H-J, 14-16
Zombie 1-[roll0]
Zombie 2-[roll1]
Damage-[roll2] and pushed 3 squares.

2010-11-26, 05:49 PM
Lonepine moved into the space vacated by Nihilius and helped reinforce the gate. "That was way too easy. There are sure to be more." the shifter growled as his eyes scanned the dead world's landscape. "Filthy undead, wretches." he spat.

Aron Times
2010-12-03, 03:35 PM

The new recruits, along with the veteran members of Atropos Outpost, manage to push back the first wave of undead. Not a minute later, there is another wave of shambling horrors, along with a zombie dragon!

OOC: I've given Ace's player enough time to post, and it's time to move on. I might stick to a four-man party to keep this thing going smoothly.

Arq Kujos
2010-12-03, 05:08 PM
Is there anything Ace can do? He doesn't have any ranged powers or weapons.

2010-12-04, 08:06 PM
Cursing silently that he hadn't had time of late to learn new metamagic, the genasi gish simply lifts his shield and lets loose another firey detonation. Spawn of necromancy, taste the sting of flames once again, he spits as the conflagration hits his targets.

Standarc Action: Scorching Burst, centered on H21

Damage: [roll0]
Attack v. Dragon: [roll1] vs. Reflex
Attack v. H22: [roll2] vs. Reflex
Attack v. I21: [roll3] vs. Reflex
Attack v. J20: [roll4] vs. Reflex

2010-12-05, 01:29 AM
With no enemies within reach to strike, Asteron moves away from the gates and positions himself where this runes can protect most of his allies. He readies himself against incoming attacks, not sure what the zombie dragon is capable of.

Move Action - Move to G-12, behind Nihilus.

Standard Action - Total Defense Action
(AC 23, Fort 18, Ref 17, Will 20 UEoNT)

Ronin, Ace, and Nihilus each have Damage Reduction 2 against all damage as long as they remain adjacent to me.

Arq Kujos
2010-12-05, 02:23 AM
Ace will growl and ready his weapon, preparing to attack the first enemy that comes within his reach.

2010-12-05, 02:54 AM
Lonepine dashes through the gate and points his falchion at the dragon and bellows a battle cry. "By the will of Sehanine, feel my radiant wrath!" Upon finishing this phrase a bolt of harsh white life shoots from his blade toward the zombie dragon.

Move action: to H 15

Standard action: Channel Divinity - Abjure Undead
Wis vs. Will - targeting the dragon
to hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] also the dragon is pulled 5 squares toward me and immobilized until the end of my next turn.
Miss: half damage and pulled 1 square.

Minor action: swear my oath of enmity against the dragon.

2010-12-05, 06:17 AM

Ronin fires off some magical bolts against the advancing horde.

Magic Missile on zombie in 24e, it takes 7 damage.

Aron Times
2010-12-10, 01:29 PM
Zombie Hurler
Attack: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2] vs. Ronin, Nihilis, and Lonepine's Reflex
Hit: [roll3] necrotic damage.

Zombie Dragon
Attack #1: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6] vs. Ronin, Nihilis, and Ace's Reflex
Hit #1: [roll7] necrotic damage.

Attack #2: [roll8], [roll9], [roll10] vs. Asteron, Nihilis, and Ace's Reflex
Hit #2: [roll11] necrotic damage.

Attack #3: [roll12], [roll13], [roll14] vs. Asteron, Ace, and Nihilis' Reflex
Hit #3: [roll15] necrotic damage.

Winged Zombie
Attack: [roll16] vs. AC
Hit: [roll17] + [roll18] damage.

Arq Kujos
2010-12-10, 01:31 PM

DAMN! Those rolls were ridiculous.

Aron Times
2010-12-10, 01:49 PM

Nihilis' pillar of flame incinerates three shambling corpses and burns part of the zombie dragon's wings. Ronin's unerringly accurate missile lays another of the dead back to rest. Lonepine's holy power almost draws the dragon in, but it shakes its head and remains in place. And finally, the two warriors stand ready to defend their comrades.

The rather burly zombie in the rear picks up one of its brethren and tosses it at Ronin, showering him, Nihilis, and Lonepine with exploding necrotic filth. Not to be outdone, the zombie dragon hurls not one, not two, but three zombies at the gate, bringing it crashing down onto Nihilis, Ace, and Asteron. And finally, the winged zombie charges at Asteron, but the mighty minotaur is able to deflect its blow.

Lonepine takes 8 necrotic damage.
Ronin takes 3 necrotic damage due to necrotic resistance.
Astron takes 6 necrotic damage.
Ace takes 10 necrotic damage.
Nihilis takes no damage.

It is our heroes' turn once more.


Sorry for the very late reply; I had a cyst removed from my head. I only logged in to GitP to check on the Team Fortress 2 thread, and I didn't notice that you guys had posted out of turn.

Arq Kujos
2010-12-10, 01:52 PM

Hope you are feeling well.

Ace curses his frustration at not being able to go out and face his foes. "If we stand stay here, they are going to kill us from the safety of out there. We need to do something else!"

2010-12-10, 05:11 PM
Leave these simple-minded monstrosities to me. My blade is swift enough to destroy them quickly. The voidsoul genasi deftly moves towards the shambling zombies so as not to provoke any opportunistic actions and then uses his magical sword to attempt to cleave one in twain - if successful, his swing carries through to the second one, decapitating it. Regardless, he's got their attention.

Move Action: Move to F17 with no AoOs
Standard Action: 1A - Cleave @ G16

Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] damage and F18 also takes 4 damage.
Effect: G16 is marked.

Aron Times
2010-12-10, 06:29 PM
OOC: Didn't notice that Lonepine had moved. With this change, Lonepine will take no damage from gate crashing due to the hurled bodies.


2010-12-11, 03:01 AM
Asteron moves to assist Nihilus, attacking the zombie before him with the aid of the runes of protection.

Joseph Silver, I hope you're feeling ok. You seemed to have missed it but Asteron moved away from the gate on his last turn into G-12, behind Nihilus (in case that changes things regarding the falling gate). Also, he was granting Nihilus, Ronin, and Ace damage reduction 2, so that Ace should only take 8 necrotic damage.

Move Action - Move to E-17 without provoking OAs.
Standard Action - Word of Binding vs. F-18
Attack - +9 vs. AC [roll0]
Damage - 4
Hit Effect - Zombie is Immobilized UEoNT or Asteron is no longer adjacent to it.
Rune of Protection - Nihilus gains a +4 power bonus to AC UEoNT.

Runestate (Protection) - Nihilus and any other adjacent ally gains Damage Reduction 2.

2010-12-13, 03:46 AM

Ronin summons a flaming sphere next to the zombie dragon, it's burning surface scorching its zombified hide.

Minor Action-Retrieve Flaming Sphere from Tome
Standard Action-Conjured Flaming Sphere in 20J
Attack-[roll0] v Reflex on Dragon
Damage-[roll1] fire damage.

Any creature that starts its turn next to the flaming sphere takes-[roll2]

OOC: Hope all's well Joseph Silver, and you're feeling better.

2010-12-13, 02:15 PM
Lonepine moves toward the Zombie dragon howling in rage. There is a dangerous gleam in his eye that those familiar with him would recognize as him about to do something brave but stupid. He pauses for just a second as he reaches the creature sizing it up. Grinning, he swings his falchion for the beast's neck.

Move action to L20

Minor to designate Hunter's Quarry.

Standard to use Bond of Retribution. With the bonus damage from Quarry if it's a hit.
To hit: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1] if it's a hit, I add Hunter's Quarry [roll2] and The first time an enemy other than the target hits or misses me before the end of my next turn, the target takes radiant damage equal to my Intelligence modifier (2).