View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh PbP Exhibition: Enter The Haunted Mansion

2010-10-31, 09:43 PM
In a town in the woods at the top of a hill
There's a house where no one lives
So you take a big bag of your big city money there and buy it
But at night when the house is dark
And you're all alone, there's a noise upstairs
At the top of the stairs there's a door and you take a deep breath and try it...

2010-10-31, 09:59 PM
As you enter the mansion, your PDAs ring. It doesn't matter if you've never owned a PDA - you do now, and you do not know why. You both have text messages. They are identical.

Hey guys its Bob, from the office down the hall...
Its good to see you buddies, how've ya been?
Things've been okay for me...
...except that I'm a zombie now.
I really wish you'd let us in.

Clawing can be heard at the doors. Duel energy activates... and a night of horror begins in earnest.


#3: RE: Your Brains ~40
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
03. Zombie World
04. Terraforming
05. Terraforming
06. Mist Valley Baby Roc
07. Mist Valley Baby Roc
08. Mist Valley Baby Roc
09. Pyramid Turtle
10. Pyramid Turtle
11. Pyramid Turtle
12. Goblin Zombie
13. Goblin Zombie
14. Goblin Zombie
15. Zombie Master
16. Zombie Master
17. Zombie Master
18. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
19. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
20. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
21. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
22. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
23. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
24. Plaguespreader Zombie
25. Mezuki
26. Foolish Burial
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Allure of Darkness
30. Card Destruction
31. Burial From Another Dimension
32. Dark Hole
33. Monster Reborn
34. Torrential Tribute
35. Bottomless Trap Hole
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Mirror Force
38. Book of Life
39. Book of Life
40. Book of Life
Extra Deck: 15
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Doomkaiser Dragon
Doomkaiser Dragon
Revived King Ha Des
Revived King Ha Des
Iron Chain Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Winged Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Red Nova Dragon

Blue Ghost
2010-10-31, 10:15 PM
You have no time to think. As your zombie friends clamber up the stairs after you, you open the door and enter the room.

And the flashlight shows you something moving just beyond the door...
There's a tattered dress and a feeling you have felt somewhere before...

And there's a creepy doll
That always follows you
It's got a ruined eye that's always open.
And there's a creepy doll
That always follows you
It's got a pretty mouth to swallow you whole.


Creepy Doll

1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Malice Doll of Demise
4. Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
5. Lich Lord, King of the Underworld
6. Lava Golem
7. Sangan
8. Card Guard
9. Card Guard
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Phantom Skyblaster
12. Red Gadget
13. Red Gadget
14. Yellow Gadget
15. Yellow Gadget
16. Green Gadget
17. Green Gadget
18. Ectoplasmer
19. Ectoplasmer
20. Ectoplasmer
21. Stumbling
22. Stumbling
23. Stumbling
24. Level Limit – Area B
25. Monster Reborn
26. Spell of Pain
27. Gold Sarcophagus
28. Gold Sarcophagus
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Pot of Duality
32. Pot of Duality
33. Allure of Darkness
34. Gravity Bind
35. Magic Cylinder
36. Magic Cylinder
37. Ceasefire
38. Ultimate Offering
39. Nightmare Wheel
40. Nightmare Wheel

2010-11-01, 11:20 AM
[As was said on the OOC, this Deck contians two card technically not released yet (Scrap Orthros and Atomic Scrap Dragon), though I presume you're ok with their inclusion, if you object, I can replace them]
One of the two to enter the mansion is a slightly overweight man, apaprently in his thirties. He has greasy black hair and a guitar slung across his back, that seems to also function as a duel disk. Though his eyes show visible fear, he tries to speak confidently.
"Well, according to the teachings of Dio, the only way to beat Zombies is ROCK!"
He then 'draws' his guitar, and prepares to fight.
Deck: The Metal
2. Scrap Goblin
3. Scrap Goblin
4. Scrap Beast
6. Scrap Beast
7. Scrap Searcher
8. Scrap Searcher
9. Scrap Hunter
10. Scrap Hunter
11. Scrap Chimera
12. Scrap Chimera
13. Scrap Chimera
15. Scrap Golem
16. Scrap Golem
17. Scrap Orthros
18. Scrap Orthros
19. Scrap Orthros
20. Gaia Power
21. Gaia Power
22. Gaia Power
23. Scrapstorm
24. Scrapstorm
26. Scrapyard
27. Scrap Oil Zone
28. Scrap Oil Zone
29. Monster Reborn
31. Scrap Sheen
32. Scrap Sheen
33. Mirror Force
34. Torrential Tribute
35. Gozen Match
36. Gozen Match
37. Dark Bribe
38. Dark Bribe
39. Bottomless Trap Hole
40. Bottomless Trap Hole
Extra Deck:
1. Goyo Guardian
2. Scrap Dragon
3. Scrap Dragon
4. Scrap Dragon
5. Scrap Twin Dragon
6. Scrap Twin Dragon
7. Scrap Twin Dragon
8. Stardust Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Scrap Archfiend
11. Scrap Archfiend
12. Atomic Scrap Dragon
13. Atomic Scrap Dragon
14. Naturia Beast
15. Naturia Barkion
Graveyard: *nothing*
Removed from Play: *nothing*
Hand- 5
-Scrap Beast
-Scrap Golem
-Dark Hole
-Scrap Goblin
Face Downs:

Allan Surgite
2010-11-01, 02:17 PM
The other figure is shorter than the first; a duel disc across one arm, a flashlight in the other. "..." Frozen in fear, her duel disc activates independently, preparing itself to face the horrible beings before her and the other entrant. "Who... who are you?"



Life Points

Hand ~ 5
-Ancient Gear Knight
-Ancient Gear Knight
-Overload Fusion



Removed From Play

Machina Sedes ~ 40
1. Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ancient Gear Golem
4. Machina Fortress
5. Machina Fortress
6. Machina Fortress
7. Machina Gearframe
8. Machina Gearframe
9. Machina Peacekeeper
10. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
11. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
12. Ancient Gear Knight
13. Cyber Dragon
14. Cyber Dragon
15. Cyber Dragon
16. Card Trooper
17. Solidarity
18. Geartown
19. Geartown
20. Geartown
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Double Cyclone
24. Dark Hole
25. Limiter Removal
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Future Fusion
29. Power Bond
30. Monster Reborn
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Mirror Force
33. Metalmorph
34. Metalmorph
35. Torrential Tribute

1. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
4. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
5. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
6. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
7. Chimeratech Overdragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon
10. Cyber Twin Dragon
11. Cyber Twin Dragon
12. Cyber Twin Dragon
13. Cyber End Dragon
14. Cyber End Dragon
15. Cyber End Dragon

1. Trap Stun
2. Trap Stun
3. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
4. Defender's Cross
5. Defender's Cross
6. Enemy Controller
7. Enemy Controller
8. Book of Moon
9. Shrink
10. Metalmorph
11. Metalmorph
12. Solidarity
13. Prohibition
14. Prohibition
15. Power Bond

2010-11-01, 02:50 PM
The rocker starts to play a riff on his guitar, which makes the cards appaear on the field.
I activate Scrapyard (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Scrapyard), adding a Scrap Beast to my hand, then I play two face-downs and end my turn.
[Am I correct in presuming that A) We're going to go with the ruling that only the fourth player to move can attack and B) The turn order is going to be Me, Shadow, Allan, Ghost?]
Deck: The Metal
1. Scrap Goblin
2. Scrap Goblin
3. Scrap Beast
5. Scrap Searcher
6. Scrap Searcher
7. Scrap Hunter
8. Scrap Hunter
9. Scrap Chimera
10. Scrap Chimera
11. Scrap Chimera
12. Scrap Golem
13. Scrap Golem
14. Scrap Orthros
15. Scrap Orthros
16. Scrap Orthros
17. Gaia Power
18. Gaia Power
19. Gaia Power
20. Scrapstorm
21. Scrapstorm
22. Scrapyard
23. Scrap Oil Zone
24. Scrap Oil Zone
25. Monster Reborn
26. Scrap Sheen
27. Scrap Sheen
28. Mirror Force
29. Torrential Tribute
31. Gozen Match
32. Dark Bribe
33. Dark Bribe
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Bottomless Trap Hole
Extra Deck:
1. Goyo Guardian
2. Scrap Dragon
3. Scrap Dragon
4. Scrap Dragon
5. Scrap Twin Dragon
6. Scrap Twin Dragon
7. Scrap Twin Dragon
8. Stardust Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Scrap Archfiend
11. Scrap Archfiend
12. Atomic Scrap Dragon
13. Atomic Scrap Dragon
14. Naturia Beast
15. Naturia Barkion
Graveyard: -Scrapyard
Removed from Play: *nothing*
Hand- 5
-Scrap Beast
-Scrap Golem
-Dark Hole
-Scrap Beast
Face Downs:
3: Scrap Goblin, Gozen Match

2010-11-01, 06:02 PM
A chorus resonates up the stairs. The zombies are... singing. ALL WE WANNA DO IS EAT YOUR BRAINS.


Another text message. We're not unreasonable. I mean, no one's gunna eat your eyes. Anyway, if you guys don't feel like giving up, one of my servants will hide in the shadows, plotting your demise. kthxbai. ((Set facedown. End.))

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 5
Book of Life
Monster Reborn
Burial From the Different Dimension
Paladin of the Cursed Dragon x2

Facedowns: 1
Pyramid Turtle

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 34
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
03. Zombie World
04. Terraforming
05. Terraforming
06. Mist Valley Baby Roc
07. Mist Valley Baby Roc
08. Mist Valley Baby Roc
>>. Pyramid Turtle
09. Pyramid Turtle
10. Pyramid Turtle
11. Goblin Zombie
12. Goblin Zombie
13. Goblin Zombie
14. Zombie Master
15. Zombie Master
16. Zombie Master
17. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
18. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
19. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
20. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
21. Plaguespreader Zombie
22. Mezuki
23. Foolish Burial
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Allure of Darkness
27. Card Destruction
>>. Burial From Another Dimension
28. Dark Hole
>>. Monster Reborn
29. Torrential Tribute
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Mirror Force
33. Book of Life
34. Book of Life
>>. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Doomkaiser Dragon
Doomkaiser Dragon
Revived King Ha Des
Revived King Ha Des
Iron Chain Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Winged Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Red Nova Dragon

Allan Surgite
2010-11-02, 11:08 AM
Looking at the text message and listening to the chorus, the other living duellist stares. "U-uh... th-that's nice...?"


"I-I'll set one card face-down and summon Ancient Gear Knight to the field. I'll end my turn, i-if that's okay."

Ancient Gear Knight - 1800/400

Life Points

Hand ~ 4
-Ancient Gear Knight
-Overload Fusion
-Card Trooper

(S/T3) - Shrink


Removed From Play

Machina Sedes ~ 34
1. Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ancient Gear Golem
4. Machina Fortress
5. Machina Fortress
6. Machina Fortress
7. Machina Gearframe
8. Machina Gearframe
9. Machina Peacekeeper
10. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
11. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
12. Ancient Gear Knight
13. Cyber Dragon
14. Cyber Dragon
15. Cyber Dragon
16. Solidarity
17. Geartown
18. Geartown
19. Geartown
20. Terraforming
21. Terraforming
22. Double Cyclone
23. Dark Hole
24. Limiter Removal
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Future Fusion
28. Power Bond
29. Monster Reborn
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Mirror Force
32. Metalmorph
33. Metalmorph
34. Torrential Tribute

1. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
4. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
5. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
6. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
7. Chimeratech Overdragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon
10. Cyber Twin Dragon
11. Cyber Twin Dragon
12. Cyber Twin Dragon
13. Cyber End Dragon
14. Cyber End Dragon
15. Cyber End Dragon

1. Trap Stun
2. Trap Stun
3. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
4. Defender's Cross
5. Defender's Cross
6. Enemy Controller
7. Enemy Controller
8. Book of Moon
9. Shrink
10. Metalmorph
11. Metalmorph
12. Solidarity
13. Prohibition
14. Prohibition
15. Power Bond

Blue Ghost
2010-11-02, 05:51 PM
The doll stares at the duelists with a wide grin, seeming to savor their fear.


A gilded box appears in the air before the doll. You can feel a horrid presence emanating from it...
Another two wooden boxes fall from a shelf and lie quivering on the ground.

((Activate Gold Sarcophagus (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gold_Sarcophagus), search Ectoplasmer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ectoplasmer), set two facedowns, end turn.))


Life Points: 8000

Hand: 3

Malice Doll of Demise
Monster Reborn

Face Down:

Spell of Pain
Nightmare Wheel


1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
4. Lich Lord, King of the Underworld
5. Lava Golem
6. Sangan
7. Card Guard
8. Card Guard
9. Phantom Skyblaster
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Red Gadget
12. Red Gadget
13. Yellow Gadget
14. Yellow Gadget
15. Green Gadget
16. Green Gadget
17. Ectoplasmer
18. Ectoplasmer
19. Stumbling
20. Stumbling
21. Level Limit – Area B
22. Gold Sarcophagus
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Allure of Darkness
28. Gravity Bind
29. Magic Cylinder
30. Magic Cylinder
31. Ceasefire
32. Ultimate Offering
33. Nightmare Wheel

Extra Deck:


Gold Sarcophagus

Removed from Play:

Ectoplasmer (2 turns)

2010-11-03, 01:01 PM
The riff the man plays becomes more charged, what it is charged with: fear or anger, is less clear.
I sacrifice my face down Scrap Goblin to summon Scrap Golem (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Scrap_Golem), who uses its effect to revive Scrap Goblin, so they can tune to create Scrap Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Scrap_Dragon).
Now, I set a card, then select it and the doll's face down in slot three with my Dragon's effect, destroying them both. My Dragon then destroys the face down monster and I end my turn.
Scrap Dragon, 2800/2000 (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Scrap_Dragon)
Deck: The Metal
1. Scrap Goblin
2. Scrap Goblin
3. Scrap Beast
4. Scrap Searcher
5. Scrap Searcher
6. Scrap Hunter
7. Scrap Hunter
8. Scrap Chimera
9. Scrap Chimera
10. Scrap Chimera
11. Scrap Golem
12. Scrap Golem
13. Scrap Orthros
14. Scrap Orthros
15. Scrap Orthros
16. Gaia Power
17. Gaia Power
18. Gaia Power
19. Scrapstorm
20. Scrapstorm
21. Scrapyard
22. Scrap Oil Zone
23. Scrap Oil Zone
24. Monster Reborn
25. Scrap Sheen
26. Scrap Sheen
27. Mirror Force
28. Torrential Tribute
30. Dark Bribe
31. Dark Bribe
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
Extra Deck:
1. Goyo Guardian
2. Scrap Dragon
3. Scrap Dragon
4. Scrap Dragon
5. Scrap Twin Dragon
6. Scrap Twin Dragon
7. Scrap Twin Dragon
8. Stardust Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Scrap Archfiend
11. Scrap Archfiend
12. Atomic Scrap Dragon
13. Atomic Scrap Dragon
14. Naturia Beast
15. Naturia Barkion
Graveyard: -Scrapyard
-Scrap Goblin
-Scrap Golem
-Gozen Match
Removed from Play: *nothing*
Hand- 3
-Scrap Beast
-Dark Hole
-Scrap Beast
Face Downs:
3: Gozen Match

2010-11-03, 03:30 PM
Your dragon destroys Pyramid Turtle. he summons Plaguespreader Zombie from the deck. LOL.


Summon Paladin of Cursed Dragon. Tune with Plaguespreader - this forms Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! Declare priority. Discard Paladin of Cursed Dragon to bounce Scrap Dragon. Then, Ill activate Book of Life to revive Plaguespreader Zombie and RFG your Scrap Golem. Then I tune for Black Winged Dragon. My dragon takes out ancient gear knight. Responses?

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | BD | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
BD = Black Winged Dragon, 2800/1600

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 3
Pyramid Turtle
Monster Reborn
Burial From the Different Dimension

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 6
Pyramid Turtle
Book of Life
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Plaguespreader Zombie
2x Paladin of the Cursed Dragon

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 32
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
03. Zombie World
04. Terraforming
05. Terraforming
06. Mist Valley Baby Roc
07. Mist Valley Baby Roc
08. Mist Valley Baby Roc
>>. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
09. Pyramid Turtle
10. Goblin Zombie
11. Goblin Zombie
12. Goblin Zombie
13. Zombie Master
14. Zombie Master
15. Zombie Master
16. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
17. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
18. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
19. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
20. Mezuki
21. Foolish Burial
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Allure of Darkness
25. Card Destruction
>>. Burial From Another Dimension
26. Dark Hole
>>. Monster Reborn
27. Torrential Tribute
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Mirror Force
31. Book of Life
32. Book of Life
>>. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 13
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Doomkaiser Dragon
Doomkaiser Dragon
Revived King Ha Des
Revived King Ha Des
Iron Chain Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Winged Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Red Nova Dragon

Allan Surgite
2010-11-03, 03:49 PM
"I-it's not funny! I activate Shrink when your Dragon attacks, cutting your Black-Winged Dragon down to a size more suitable for my Knight; and as he's now weaker than my Knight, you take the battle damage from their engagement. Anything else, fiends?"

(Total damage: 400LP)

2010-11-03, 04:01 PM
=(. No response here.

Allan Surgite
2010-11-03, 04:06 PM


"I-if you won't leave, I'll make you! I'll s-summon Machina Gearframe to the field, and use it's effect to place a Machina Fortress to my hand. Th-then I'll discard an Ancient Gear Knight and Machina Fortress to s-summon Machina Fortress from the graveyard. I'll then activate Solidarity, giving my M-Machines a power boost from their departed comades. I'll then h-have all three of my monsters attack that doll directly, finishing you off! Begone!"

(Total damage: 2600+2600+3300=8500LP)

Machina Fortress - 2500+800 (3300)/1600
Ancient Gear Knight - 1800+800 (2600)/400
Machina Gearframe - 1800+800 (2600)/0

Life Points

Hand ~ 2
-Overload Fusion
-Card Trooper


-Ancient Gear Knight

Removed From Play

Machina Sedes ~ 32
1. Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ancient Gear Golem
4. Machina Fortress
5. Machina Fortress
6. Machina Gearframe
7. Machina Peacekeeper
8. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
9. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
10. Ancient Gear Knight
11. Cyber Dragon
12. Cyber Dragon
13. Cyber Dragon
14. Solidarity
15. Geartown
16. Geartown
17. Geartown
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Double Cyclone
21. Dark Hole
22. Limiter Removal
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Future Fusion
26. Power Bond
27. Monster Reborn
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Mirror Force
30. Metalmorph
31. Metalmorph
32. Torrential Tribute

1. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
4. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
5. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
6. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
7. Chimeratech Overdragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon
10. Cyber Twin Dragon
11. Cyber Twin Dragon
12. Cyber Twin Dragon
13. Cyber End Dragon
14. Cyber End Dragon
15. Cyber End Dragon

1. Trap Stun
2. Trap Stun
3. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
4. Defender's Cross
5. Defender's Cross
6. Enemy Controller
7. Enemy Controller
8. Book of Moon
9. Shrink
10. Metalmorph
11. Metalmorph
12. Solidarity
13. Prohibition
14. Prohibition
15. Power Bond

2010-11-03, 06:52 PM
((Don't you still have Nightmare Wheel set, Ghost? That could hold off one of them to buy us an extra round.))

Blue Ghost
2010-11-03, 06:56 PM
((Ah, I forgot that I had two cards set. That is correct.))

The attacks from Gearframe and Knight strike true, but the doll remains grinning. Machina Fortress is frozen in place, running its attack sequence without movement.

((Nightmare Wheel on Fortress.))

Allan Surgite
2010-11-04, 10:40 AM
As the wheel began to form around the Fortress, the girl shivered. "Y-your turn..."

Machina Fortress - 2500+800 (3300)/1600
Ancient Gear Knight - 1800+800 (2600)/400
Machina Gearframe - 1800+800 (2600)/0

Life Points

Hand ~ 2
-Overload Fusion
-Card Trooper


-Ancient Gear Knight

Removed From Play

Machina Sedes ~ 32
1. Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ancient Gear Golem
4. Machina Fortress
5. Machina Fortress
6. Machina Gearframe
7. Machina Peacekeeper
8. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
9. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
10. Ancient Gear Knight
11. Cyber Dragon
12. Cyber Dragon
13. Cyber Dragon
14. Solidarity
15. Geartown
16. Geartown
17. Geartown
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Double Cyclone
21. Dark Hole
22. Limiter Removal
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Future Fusion
26. Power Bond
27. Monster Reborn
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Mirror Force
30. Metalmorph
31. Metalmorph
32. Torrential Tribute

1. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
4. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
5. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
6. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
7. Chimeratech Overdragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon
10. Cyber Twin Dragon
11. Cyber Twin Dragon
12. Cyber Twin Dragon
13. Cyber End Dragon
14. Cyber End Dragon
15. Cyber End Dragon

1. Trap Stun
2. Trap Stun
3. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
4. Defender's Cross
5. Defender's Cross
6. Enemy Controller
7. Enemy Controller
8. Book of Moon
9. Shrink
10. Metalmorph
11. Metalmorph
12. Solidarity
13. Prohibition
14. Prohibition
15. Power Bond

Blue Ghost
2010-11-04, 05:43 PM
The lid of the haunted golden box opens just slightly as the doll grins.


Something stirs in the shadows... The Black-Winged Dragon suddenly bursts out of the ground. Wait... didn't you just destroy that thing? Apparently not, as it snatches up Machina Gearframe and devours it.
The air around appears heavier, as another figure appears: a green mechanical doll, crouching in the shadows.

((Activate Monster Reborn (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Reborn), Special Summon Black-Winged Dragon, attack Machina Gearframe. Activate Stumbling (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Stumbling). Summon Green Gadget in Defense Position, search Red Gadget. End turn.))


BWD: Black-Winged Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Black-Winged_Dragon) (2800/1600)
GG: Green Gadget (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Green_Gadget) (1400/600)
S: Stumbling (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Stumbling)
NW: Nightmare Wheel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare_Wheel) (on Machina Fortress)

Life Points: 2400

Hand: 2

Malice Doll of Demise
Red Gadget

Face Down:


1. Malice Doll of Demise
2. Malice Doll of Demise
3. Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings
4. Lich Lord, King of the Underworld
5. Lava Golem
6. Sangan
7. Card Guard
8. Card Guard
9. Phantom Skyblaster
10. Phantom Skyblaster
11. Red Gadget
12. Yellow Gadget
13. Yellow Gadget
14. Green Gadget
15. Ectoplasmer
16. Ectoplasmer
17. Stumbling
18. Stumbling
19. Level Limit – Area B
20. Gold Sarcophagus
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Allure of Darkness
26. Gravity Bind
27. Magic Cylinder
28. Magic Cylinder
29. Ceasefire
30. Ultimate Offering
31. Nightmare Wheel

Extra Deck:


Gold Sarcophagus
Spell of Pain
Monster Reborn

Removed from Play:

Ectoplasmer (2 turns)

2010-11-05, 10:19 AM
The man looks at his partner in surprise as she almost wins the duel singlehandedly.
[Note, this whole turn revolves around the assumption we can use our partners cards for Syncrho summons, which, while I'm not 100% sure, I think was decided as a ruling one time on a 2v2]
I summon Scrap Beast, who tunes with my partner's Ancient Gear Knight to summon Scrap Dragon again. Scrap Dragon's effect then targets my face down, and your Stumbling, destroying them both. IN my Main Phase 2, I activate Dark Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Hole), destroying every monster on the field. Ending my turn.
Deck: The Metal
1. Scrap Goblin
2. Scrap Goblin
4. Scrap Searcher
5. Scrap Searcher
6. Scrap Hunter
7. Scrap Hunter
8. Scrap Chimera
9. Scrap Chimera
10. Scrap Chimera
11. Scrap Golem
12. Scrap Golem
13. Scrap Orthros
14. Scrap Orthros
15. Scrap Orthros
16. Gaia Power
17. Gaia Power
18. Gaia Power
19. Scrapstorm
20. Scrapstorm
21. Scrapyard
22. Scrap Oil Zone
23. Scrap Oil Zone
24. Monster Reborn
25. Scrap Sheen
26. Scrap Sheen
27. Mirror Force
28. Torrential Tribute
29. Dark Bribe
30. Dark Bribe
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
Extra Deck:
1. Goyo Guardian
3. Scrap Dragon
4. Scrap Dragon
5. Scrap Twin Dragon
6. Scrap Twin Dragon
7. Scrap Twin Dragon
8. Stardust Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Scrap Archfiend
11. Scrap Archfiend
12. Atomic Scrap Dragon
13. Atomic Scrap Dragon
14. Naturia Beast
15. Naturia Barkion
Graveyard: -Scrapyard
-Scrap Goblin
-Gozen Match
-Scrap Beast
-Gozen Match
-Scrap Dragon
-Dark Hole
Removed from Play: -Scrap Golem
Hand- 2
-Scrap Beast
-Scrap Beast
Face Downs:

2010-11-05, 05:49 PM
IMHO, you don't have the upper hand you think you have.


Thanks muchly for clearing your field, folks. Oh, and thanks for trashing the doll's stumbling. Really loved that bit. Now, I shall summon Pyramid Turtle and special summon Scrap Dragon by the power of Monster Reborn. Then I'll place a card atop my deck to special summon Plaguespread Zombie and tune him with Pyramid Turtle to make... Goyo Guardian! My monsters attack you guys directly for a total of 5600 damage. How's that? LOL. The chorus picks up again. ALL WE WANNA DO IS EAT YOUR BRAINS.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | SD | GG | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
SD = Scrap Dragon, 2800/2000
GG = Goyo Guardian, 2800/2000

Lifepoints: 2400

Hand: 1
Burial From the Different Dimension

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 8
Pyramid Turtle
Book of Life
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2x Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
Black Winged Dragon
Pyramid Turtle
Monster Reborn

Out of Play: 1
Plaguespreader Zombie

Deck: 32
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
03. Zombie World
04. Terraforming
05. Terraforming
06. Mist Valley Baby Roc
07. Mist Valley Baby Roc
08. Mist Valley Baby Roc
>>. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
09. Pyramid Turtle
10. Goblin Zombie
11. Goblin Zombie
12. Goblin Zombie
13. Zombie Master
14. Zombie Master
15. Zombie Master
16. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
17. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
18. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
19. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
20. Mezuki
21. Foolish Burial
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Allure of Darkness
25. Card Destruction
>>. Burial From Another Dimension
TOP OF DECK. Dark Hole
>>. Monster Reborn
26. Torrential Tribute
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Mirror Force
30. Book of Life
31. Book of Life
>>. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 12
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Goyo Guardian
Doomkaiser Dragon
Doomkaiser Dragon
Revived King Ha Des
Revived King Ha Des
Iron Chain Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Winged Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Red Nova Dragon

Allan Surgite
2010-11-07, 05:44 AM

"I won't be defeated! I activate the ability of my Cyber Dragon, summoning itself to the field. Then, I'll summon my Card Trooper, who sends the top three cards of my deck to the graveyard to give him one-thousand-five-hundred more attack points."

Cyber Dragon 2100+800 (2900)/1600
Card Ttrooper - 400+800+1500 (2700)/400

Life Points

Hand ~ 1
-Overload Fusion


-Ancient Gear Knight
-Machina Fortress
-Machina Gearframe

Removed From Play

Machina Sedes ~ 32
1. Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ancient Gear Golem
4. Machina Fortress
5. Machina Fortress
6. Machina Gearframe
7. Machina Peacekeeper
8. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
9. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
10. Ancient Gear Knight
11. Cyber Dragon
12. Cyber Dragon
13. Solidarity
14. Geartown
15. Geartown
16. Geartown
17. Terraforming
18. Terraforming
19. Double Cyclone
20. Dark Hole
21. Limiter Removal
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Future Fusion
25. Power Bond
26. Monster Reborn
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Mirror Force
29. Metalmorph
30. Metalmorph
31. Torrential Tribute

1. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
4. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
5. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
6. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
7. Chimeratech Overdragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon
10. Cyber Twin Dragon
11. Cyber Twin Dragon
12. Cyber Twin Dragon
13. Cyber End Dragon
14. Cyber End Dragon
15. Cyber End Dragon

1. Trap Stun
2. Trap Stun
3. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
4. Defender's Cross
5. Defender's Cross
6. Enemy Controller
7. Enemy Controller
8. Book of Moon
9. Shrink
10. Metalmorph
11. Metalmorph
12. Solidarity
13. Prohibition
14. Prohibition
15. Power Bond

Allan Surgite
2010-11-07, 05:48 AM
Card Trooper Mills

"I send two Machina Fortresses and a Cyber Dragon to the graveyard. With that, I activate Overload Fusion! By fusing the Cyber Dragon on my field to Card Trooper, two Ancient Gear Knights, a second Cyber Dragon, a Machina Gearframe and, for the finishing touch, a Machina Fortress, I may Fusion Summon Chimeratech Overdragon."

"It has as many attacks as it has components, but I'll only need one! Chimeratech Overdragon will destroy your Goyo Guardian and finish you off!"

(Total damage: 3200LP)

Chimeratech Overdragon - 800x7 (5600)/800x7 (5600)

Life Points

Hand ~ 0


-Machina Fortress
-Machina Fortress

Removed From Play
-Card Trooper
-Cyber Dragon
-Ancient Gear Knight
-Ancient Gear Knight
-Machina Gearframe
-Cyber Dragon
-Machina Fortress

Machina Sedes ~ 32
1. Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ancient Gear Golem
4. Machina Gearframe
5. Machina Peacekeeper
6. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
7. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
8. Ancient Gear Knight
9. Cyber Dragon
10. Solidarity
11. Geartown
12. Geartown
13. Geartown
14. Terraforming
15. Terraforming
16. Double Cyclone
17. Dark Hole
18. Limiter Removal
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Future Fusion
22. Power Bond
23. Monster Reborn
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Mirror Force
26. Metalmorph
27. Metalmorph
28. Torrential Tribute

1. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
2. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
3. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
4. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
5. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
6. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
7. Chimeratech Overdragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon
10. Cyber Twin Dragon
11. Cyber Twin Dragon
12. Cyber Twin Dragon
13. Cyber End Dragon
14. Cyber End Dragon
15. Cyber End Dragon

1. Trap Stun
2. Trap Stun
3. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
4. Defender's Cross
5. Defender's Cross
6. Enemy Controller
7. Enemy Controller
8. Book of Moon
9. Shrink
10. Metalmorph
11. Metalmorph
12. Solidarity
13. Prohibition
14. Prohibition
15. Power Bond