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2010-11-01, 11:10 AM
Fog shrouds the stone pier, almost obscuring the tall woman at the end from sight. She turns slightly as what sounds like a footstep rings out behind her, pulling her thick, slightly old-fashioned coat closer against the chill as she does. "Hello?" she calls out, still unsure of what she's heard.

2010-11-01, 11:11 AM
Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

Aquarian Melody: 40 card
1. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
2. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
3. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
4. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
5. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
6. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
7. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
8. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
9. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
10. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
11. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
12. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
13. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
14. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
15. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
16. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
17. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
18. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
19. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
20. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
21. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)

22. Dark Hole
23. Giant Trunade
24. Monster Reborn
25. Moray of Greed
26. Moray of Greed
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Salvage
30. Salvage
31. Symbols of Duty

32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Fish Depth Charge
35. Fish Depth Charge
36. Mirror Force
37. Solemn Judgment
38. Solemn Warning
39. Solemn Warning
40. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK Dragon 8; 3000/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-01, 11:33 AM
A man with spiky, black hair approaches.
"Hello...care for a duel?"



1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
6. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
7. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
8. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
9. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Darkspear
12. Dragunity Darkspear
13. Dragunity Dux
14. Dragunity Dux
15. Dragunity Dux
16. Dragunity Legionnaire
17. Dragunity Legionnaire
18. Dragunity Militum
19. Dragunity Phalanx
20. Dragunity Phalanx
21. Dark Armed Dragon
22. Dark Simorgh
23. Dark Simorgh
24. Dragon Canyon
25. Dragon Canyon
26. Dragon Canyon
27. Terraforming
28. Black Whirlwind
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Foolish Burial
32. Giant Trunade
33. Burial from a Different Dimension
34. Dark Hole
35. Monster Reborn
36. Torrential Tribute
37. Mirror Force
38. Return from the Different Dimension
39. Icarus Attack
40. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha
7. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 11:45 AM
"Guess I'll go first..."


"I will lay a monster face down and end my turn."




Dragunity Dux
Dragunity Dux
Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
Return from the Different Dimension
Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame


Dragunity Phalanx(3)




1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
6. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
7. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
8. Dragunity Darkspear
9. Dragunity Darkspear
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Dux
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Militum
15. Dragunity Phalanx
16. Dark Armed Dragon
17. Dark Simorgh
18. Dark Simorgh
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Black Whirlwind
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Foolish Burial
27. Giant Trunade
28. Burial from a Different Dimension
29. Dark Hole
30. Monster Reborn
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Mirror Force
33. Icarus Attack
34. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha
7. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 11:52 AM
"A duel? I...sure. Why not?"

Draw: [roll0]

She smiles slightly, as though remembering something fond. "I'll summon Cloudian Turbulence in attack position, then set one card and end my turn."

3. Cloudian - Turbulence (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Turbulence) (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0) (1)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)

Deck: 34
>. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
1. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
2. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
3. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
4. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
5. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
6. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
>. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
7. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
8. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
9. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
10. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
11. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
12. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
13. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
14. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
>. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
15. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
16. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
17. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
18. Dark Hole
19. Giant Trunade
20. Monster Reborn
21. Moray of Greed
22. Moray of Greed
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Salvage
25. Salvage
26. Symbols of Duty
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Fish Depth Charge
29. Fish Depth Charge
30. Mirror Force
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK Dragon 8; 3000/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-01, 12:04 PM


"I will summon Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame, and attack your Cloudian, then I will end my turn."


SBF - Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame (ATK)(1800/1200)



Dragunity Dux
Dragunity Dux
Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
Return from the Different Dimension
Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
Giant Trunade


Dragunity Phalanx(3)




1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
6. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
7. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
8. Dragunity Darkspear
9. Dragunity Darkspear
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Dux
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Militum
15. Dragunity Phalanx
16. Dark Armed Dragon
17. Dark Simorgh
18. Dark Simorgh
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Black Whirlwind
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Foolish Burial

28. Burial from a Different Dimension
29. Dark Hole
30. Monster Reborn
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Mirror Force
33. Icarus Attack
34. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha
7. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 12:11 PM
She nods slightly as she draws her next card.

Draw: [roll0]

"May I begin? I activate Cloudian Turbulence's effect to summon one Cloudian Smoke Ball (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Smoke_Ball) from the deck to the field, then tribute both to summon Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth. By discarding one Fishborg Blaster, I then summon two Royal Swamp Eels (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Swamp_Eel), one Golden Flying Fish (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Golden_Flying_Fish), and one Oyster Meister (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Oyster_Meister) from my deck. I'll also play Salvage (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Salvage), adding Cloudian Turbulence and Fishborg Blaster back to my hand.

"Now, then, shall we dance? Royal Swamp Eel and Oyster Meister tune to form Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, whose effect allows me to discard Oyster Meister and Fishborg Blaster from my hand to destroy your two monsters. The tuned Oyster Meister's effect also activates, adding one Oyster Token (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Oyster_Token) to my field. My other Royal Swamp Eel then tunes with Golden Flying Fish for Stardust Dragon, freeing up one of my monster zones. Thanks to that and to my one-star Oyster Token, I can then activate Fishborg Blaster in my Graveyard, discarding Cloudian Turbulence to summon it to the field. It tunes with Oyster Token for Formula Synchron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Formula_Synchron), granting me one draw, and Formula Synchron then tunes with Stardust Dragon for Shooting Star Dragon. We then attack for 8600 damage. Assuming you survive, I'll set one card and pass."

2. Shooting Star Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shooting_Star_Dragon) (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
3. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Superancient_Deepsea_King_Coelacanth) (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gungnir,_Dragon_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7000

3. Bottomless Trap Hole
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 11
Cloudian - Smoke Ball (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Smoke_Ball) (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
Fishborg Blaster (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fishborg_Blaster) (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
Oyster Meister (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Oyster_Meister) (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
Cloudian - Turbulence (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Turbulence) (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
Royal Swamp Eel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Swamp_Eel) (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
Oyster Meister (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Oyster_Meister) (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
Royal Swamp Eel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Swamp_Eel) (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
Golden Flying Fish (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Golden_Flying_Fish) (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
Formula Synchron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Formula_Synchron) (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)

Deck: 27
>. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
1. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
2. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
3. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
4. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
5. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
6. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
>. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
>. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
7. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
>. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
>. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
8. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
>. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
9. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
>. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
10. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
11. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
>. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
12. Dark Hole
13. Giant Trunade
14. Monster Reborn
15. Moray of Greed
16. Moray of Greed
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Salvage
19. Salvage
20. Symbols of Duty
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
21. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Fish Depth Charge
23. Fish Depth Charge
24. Mirror Force
>. Solemn Judgment
25. Solemn Warning
26. Solemn Warning
27. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
>Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
>Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK Dragon 8; 3000/2000)
>Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
>Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-01, 12:29 PM
Formula Synchron: [roll0]

2010-11-01, 12:31 PM
"Well...I...Uh...Hrmm...Good Duel?!?"
((Okay, Wow...didn't expect that!))

2010-11-01, 12:39 PM
OOC: Coelacanth does seem to be a bit more powerful than even I thought, though it might have just been a perfect storm on my part combined with a poor opening hand on your's. Would you like to try another round with this deck or another for either of our parts?

2010-11-01, 12:43 PM
(Yes, I'd like to give this one another go, though I have a feeling there are a few cards that will underperform, I'd like to give it another shot as is :smallsmile:

And yes, he's a beast...especially at OTKs!)

2010-11-01, 12:46 PM
"It's good to see courageous youth. Please, feel free to try again. Since I won once, you may decide who leads in this round."

Draw: [roll0]
Reroll: [roll1]

2010-11-01, 12:49 PM
"You may lead this time"


2010-11-01, 12:51 PM
"Is that so? Then, let us begin."

Draw: [roll0]

"I set three cards and pass."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Smoke_Ball) (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
3. Bottomless Trap Hole
4. Fish Depth Charge

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
Royal Swamp Eel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Swamp_Eel) (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
Mystical Space Typhoon

Deck: 34
1. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
2. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
3. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
>. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
4. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
5. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
6. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
7. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
8. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
9. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
10. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
11. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
12. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
13. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
14. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
15. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
16. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
17. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
18. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
>. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
19. Dark Hole
20. Giant Trunade
21. Monster Reborn
22. Moray of Greed
23. Moray of Greed
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Salvage
26. Salvage
27. Symbols of Duty
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Fish Depth Charge
29. Fish Depth Charge
30. Mirror Force
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK Dragon 8; 3000/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-01, 01:48 PM
The man looks at the field...thinking.


"I will begin by playing foolish burial, and sending a Dragunity Phalanx from my deck to my graveyard. Now I will play Dragunity Dux, and equip my Phalanx to my Dux. Next I will special summon my Phalanx to the field and sync it with my Dux to summon Dragunity Knight – Gadearg..."
((Pause here to see if there is a response))


DKG - Dragunity Knight – Gadearg (ATK)(2400/800)



21. Dark Armed Dragon
12. Dragunity Darkspear
38. Return from the Different Dimension
15. Dragunity Legionnaire



Dragunity Phalanx
Foolish Burial
Dragunity Dux



1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
6. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
7. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
8. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
9. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Darkspear
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Dux
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Militum
16. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Dark Simorgh
18. Dark Simorgh
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Black Whirlwind
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Giant Trunade
27. Burial from a Different Dimension
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Mirror Force
32. Icarus Attack
33. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha

8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 02:00 PM
"I'm afraid I've a Bottomless Trap Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bottomless_Trap_Hole) to remove your Gadearg from play."

2010-11-01, 02:34 PM
"Then I will just end my turn."




21. Dark Armed Dragon
12. Dragunity Darkspear
38. Return from the Different Dimension
15. Dragunity Legionnaire



Dragunity Phalanx
Foolish Burial
Dragunity Dux

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
6. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
7. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
8. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
9. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Darkspear
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Dux
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Militum
16. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Dark Simorgh
18. Dark Simorgh
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Black Whirlwind
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Giant Trunade
27. Burial from a Different Dimension
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Mirror Force
32. Icarus Attack
33. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha

8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 02:34 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Royal Swamp Eel, who attacks directly. I then set another card and pass."

3. Facedown card
4. Royal Swamp Eel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Swamp_Eel) (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Smoke_Ball) (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
3. Mirror Force
4. Fish Depth Charge

Graveyard: 1
Bottomless Trap Hole

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
Mystical Space Typhoon

Deck: 33
1. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
2. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
3. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
>. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
4. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
5. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
6. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
7. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
8. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
9. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
10. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
11. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
12. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
13. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
14. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
15. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
16. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
17. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
18. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
>. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
19. Dark Hole
20. Giant Trunade
21. Monster Reborn
22. Moray of Greed
23. Moray of Greed
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Salvage
26. Salvage
27. Symbols of Duty
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Fish Depth Charge
29. Fish Depth Charge
>. Mirror Force
30. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK Dragon 8; 3000/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-01, 02:41 PM

"For starters, I will play a Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying your spell/trap in position 3. Next, I will summon Dragunity Legionnaire, and equip Phalanx to it. Then I will use Legionnaire's ability to send the Phalanx back to the graveyard to destroy your eel.

Finally, I will attack your facedown monster with my Legionnaire and end my turn."


DL - Dragunity Legionnaire (ATK)(1200/800)



21. Dark Armed Dragon
12. Dragunity Darkspear
38. Return from the Different Dimension



Dragunity Phalanx
Foolish Burial
Dragunity Dux
Mystical Space Typhoon

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
6. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
7. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
8. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
9. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Darkspear
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Dux
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Militum
16. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Dark Simorgh
18. Dark Simorgh
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Black Whirlwind
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Giant Trunade
27. Burial from a Different Dimension
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Mirror Force
32. Icarus Attack
33. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha
8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 03:01 PM
"If you're destroying my Eel, there's no sense in letting this card go to waste. I chain Fish Depth Charge (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fish_Depth_Charge) to your Leviathan's effect, tributing Royal Swamp Eel to destroy Leviathan and draw one card."

Charge: [roll0]

2010-11-01, 03:12 PM
"Then I end my turn again with an empty field..."




21. Dark Armed Dragon
12. Dragunity Darkspear
38. Return from the Different Dimension



Dragunity Phalanx
Foolish Burial
Dragunity Dux
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dragunity Legionnaire

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
6. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
7. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
8. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
9. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Darkspear
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Dux
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Militum
16. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Dark Simorgh
18. Dark Simorgh
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Black Whirlwind
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Giant Trunade
27. Burial from a Different Dimension
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Mirror Force
32. Icarus Attack
33. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha
8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 03:16 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Oyster Meister this time. He'll attack directly, and I'll set one card before passing my turn."

3. Facedown card
4. Oyster Meister (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Oyster_Meister) (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Smoke_Ball) (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
3. Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard: 4
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force
Fish Depth Charge
Royal Swamp Eel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Swamp_Eel) (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
Mystical Space Typhoon

Deck: 31
1. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
2. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
3. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
>. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
4. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
5. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
6. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
7. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
8. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
9. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
10. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
11. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
12. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
13. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
14. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
15. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
16. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
17. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
>. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
18. Dark Hole
19. Giant Trunade
20. Monster Reborn
21. Moray of Greed
22. Moray of Greed
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Salvage
24. Salvage
25. Symbols of Duty
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Fish Depth Charge
27. Fish Depth Charge
>. Mirror Force
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK Dragon 8; 3000/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-01, 03:23 PM
*sigh* "I guess I'll draw.."


"I will lay a monster face down, then set two other cards and end my turn."




Dark Armed Dragon


Dragunity Darkspear(3)
Return from the Different Dimension(2)
Icarus Attack(4)

Dragunity Phalanx
Foolish Burial
Dragunity Dux
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dragunity Legionnaire

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
2. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3. Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
4. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
5. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
6. Blackwing – Vayu the Emblem of Honor
7. Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
8. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
9. Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
10. Dragunity Darkspear
11. Dragunity Darkspear
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Dux
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Militum
16. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Dark Simorgh
18. Dark Simorgh
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Black Whirlwind
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Giant Trunade
27. Burial from a Different Dimension
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Mirror Force
32. Icarus Attack

Extra Deck:
1. Blackwing Armed Wing
2. Blackwing Armed Wing
3. Blackwing Armed Master
4. Blackwing Armed Master
5. Blackwing – Silverwind the Ascendant
6. Dragunity Knight – Barcha
8. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
9. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
10. Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg
11. Ally of Justice Catastor
12. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
13. Goyo Guardian
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Black Rose Dragon

2010-11-01, 03:30 PM
"In your end phase, I activate Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying your facedown card." (slot 2)

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll also lead by activating a second Mystical Space Typhoon from my hand, destroying your other facedown card. Then, I'll flip up Cloudian Smoke Ball and summon Deep Sea Diva (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Deep_Sea_Diva), whose effect calls a second Diva from my deck. My first Diva tunes with Oyster Meister for Ally of Justice Catastor, and Oyster Meister's effect gives me an Oyster Token. Now, I can tune Catastor, Cloudian Smoke Ball, the Oyster Token, and my other Diva to summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier to the field. Its effect allows me to remove from play your facedown monster, your Dragunity Phalanx, and a random card from your hand. We attack directly, and I then pass my turn to you."

3. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Trishula,_Dragon_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

Life Points: 8000


Graveyard: 11
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force
Fish Depth Charge
Royal Swamp Eel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Swamp_Eel) (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Cloudian - Smoke Ball (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudian_-_Smoke_Ball) (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
Oyster Meister (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Oyster_Meister) (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
Deep Sea Diva (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Deep_Sea_Diva) (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Deep Sea Diva (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Deep_Sea_Diva) (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)

Deck: 29
1. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
>. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
2. Cloudian - Turbulence (WATER Fairy 4; 800/0)
>. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
>. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
3. Deep Sea Diva (WATER Sea Serpent 2T; 200/400)
4. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
5. Fishborg Blaster (WATER Fish 1T; 100/200)
6. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
7. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
8. Golden Flying Fish (LIGHT Fish 4; 1700/1000)
9. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
10. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Oyster Meister (WATER Fish 3; 1600/200)
>. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
11. Royal Swamp Eel (WATER Fish 4T; 1700/1200)
12. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
13. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
14. Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (WATER Fish 7; 2800/2200)
15. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
>. Cloudian - Smoke Ball (WATER Fairy 1; 200/600)
16. Dark Hole
17. Giant Trunade
18. Monster Reborn
19. Moray of Greed
20. Moray of Greed
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Salvage
22. Salvage
23. Symbols of Duty
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Fish Depth Charge
25. Fish Depth Charge
>. Mirror Force
26. Solemn Judgment
27. Solemn Warning
28. Solemn Warning
29. Torrential Tribute

>Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK Dragon 8; 3000/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
>Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-01, 08:53 PM
"Well, this might be the end of the road for me."


"I congratulate you on another well fought victory, and apologize that I could not give you more competition"

2010-11-02, 02:12 PM
"If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone. You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles." The singing echoes through the stone arena as a tall woman in well-worn clothes enters. She stops as she sees the other person. "Hello," she says politely, by way of greeting.

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

Five Hundred Miles: 40 cards
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
9. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warror 6; 800/800)
10. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warror 6; 800/800)
11. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
12. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
13. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
14. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
15. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
16. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
17. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
18. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
19. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
20. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
21. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)

22. Dark Hole
23. Foolish Burial
24. Monster Reborn
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Pot of Duality
28. Pot of Duality
29. Pot of Duality
30. Reinforcement of the Army
31. Swing of Memories
32. Swing of Memories

33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Dust Tornado
36. Dust Tornado
37. Solemn Judgment
38. Solemn Warning
39. Solemn Warning
40. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 02:18 PM
"You seem to be a very energetic individual." the winged little kobold says as he smirks. "And hello."


(I switched to the other deck...just FYI)











1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Arms Misteil
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Aklys
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Phalanx
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Dux
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Legionnaire
16. Dragunity Brandistock
17. Dragunity Brandistock
18. Light and Darkness Dragon
19. Dragunity Primus Pilus
20. Dragunity Primus Pilus
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Dragon Canyon
23. Dragon Canyon
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Cards of Consonance
27. Cards of Consonance
28. Dark Hole
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Future Fusion
32. Pot of Avarice
33. Monster Reborn
34. Mirror Force
35. Torrential Tribute
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Bottomless Trap Hole
38. Call of the Haunted
39. Dimensional Prison
40. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck
1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 02:23 PM
"Energetic? Perhaps." She smiles slightly. "I don't like staying in the same place too long, after all."

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll set three cards facedown and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warror 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warror 6; 800/800)
What's worse than drawing one Malicious? Drawing two in the opening hand

Deck: 34
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warror 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warror 6; 800/800)
8. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
15. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
16. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
17. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
18. Dark Hole
19. Foolish Burial
20. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Reinforcement of the Army
26. Swing of Memories
27. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Dust Tornado
30. Dust Tornado
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 02:37 PM
"Well, perhaps I'll be able to slow you down a little..."he says as his toothy grin widens.


"Let's see, for starters I will play Future Fusion, sending 5 dragons to the graveyard to summon Five-Headed Dragon in two turns!"
(Dragunity Arms Laevatein, Dragunity Aklys, Dragunity Brandistock, Dragunity Phalanx, Light and Darkness Dragon)
"Then I will set three cards and end my turn."


FF - Future Fusion



Dark Hole
Monster Reborn


Dragunity Phalanx(4)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)

2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
5. Dragunity Aklys
15. Dragunity Brandistock
8. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Light and Darkness Dragon



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Primus Pilus
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Torrential Tribute
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Call of the Haunted
29. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck
1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 02:45 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Ah. I end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Dark Hole

Deck: 33
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
8. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
15. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
16. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
17. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Dark Hole
18. Foolish Burial
19. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Reinforcement of the Army
25. Swing of Memories
26. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Dust Tornado
29. Dust Tornado
30. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 02:53 PM
"Wow...really?!? Tick-tock...one turn until you meet my friend!"


"I will set a card and end my turn."


FF - Future Fusion



Dark Hole
Monster Reborn


Dragunity Phalanx(4)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)
Bottomless Trap Hole(5)

2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
5. Dragunity Aklys
15. Dragunity Brandistock
8. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Light and Darkness Dragon



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Primus Pilus
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Torrential Tribute

27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Call of the Haunted
29. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck
1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 03:00 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I start with the summon of Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark). Any counter?"

2010-11-02, 03:06 PM
"Yes, it triggers my Bottomless Trap Hole!"

2010-11-02, 03:08 PM
She gives a faint smile again. "I'll end my turn again, then."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 1
Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Hand: 4
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Dark Hole

Deck: 32
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
8. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
15. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
16. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Dark Hole
17. Foolish Burial
18. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Reinforcement of the Army
24. Swing of Memories
25. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Dust Tornado
28. Dust Tornado
29. Solemn Judgment
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 03:10 PM
During my Standby Phase...Five-Headed Dragon takes the field! Any response to this before I continue?"



FHD - Five-Headed Dragon (ATK)(5000/5000)

FF - Future Fusion



Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
Dimensional Prison


Dragunity Phalanx(4)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)

2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
5. Dragunity Aklys
15. Dragunity Brandistock
8. Dragunity Phalanx
17. Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Primus Pilus
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Torrential Tribute
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Call of the Haunted

Extra Deck
1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 03:12 PM
She shakes her head. "No response."

2010-11-02, 03:17 PM
"Very well. Then I will attack your facedown with my Dragon!

Then I will set another card and end my turn."


FHD - Five-Headed Dragon (ATK)(5000/5000)

FF - Future Fusion



Dark Hole
Monster Reborn


Dragunity Phalanx(4)
Dimensional Prison(1)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)


Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Primus Pilus
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Torrential Tribute
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Call of the Haunted

Extra Deck
1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 03:19 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I set another card facedown and pass."

2. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

2. Torrential Tribute
3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 1
Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)

Remove from Play: 1
Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Hand: 4
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Dark Hole

Deck: 31
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
8. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
15. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
16. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Dark Hole
17. Foolish Burial
18. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Reinforcement of the Army
24. Swing of Memories
25. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Dust Tornado
28. Dust Tornado
29. Solemn Judgment
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 03:24 PM

"I will attack you directly with my dragon! Set another card, and end my turn."


FHD - Five-Headed Dragon (ATK)(5000/5000)

FF - Future Fusion



Dark Hole
Monster Reborn


Dragunity Phalanx(4)
Dimensional Prison(1)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)
Call of the Haunted(5)


Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Primus Pilus
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Torrential Tribute
26. Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck
1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 03:29 PM
"When you declare your attack, I chain Mystical Space Typhoon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Space_Typhoon), destroying Future Fusion and, with it, Five-Headed Dragon."

2010-11-02, 03:32 PM
"Then I will just end my turn."




Dark Hole
Monster Reborn


Dragunity Phalanx(4)
Dimensional Prison(1)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)
Call of the Haunted(5)


Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole
Future Fusion
Five-Headed Dragon



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Primus Pilus
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Torrential Tribute
26. Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 03:34 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"It seems it'll be a quiet train ride tonight, at this rate. Another card facedown, and I pass."

2. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

2. Torrential Tribute
3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 2
Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
Mystical Space Typhoon

Remove from Play: 1
Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Hand: 4
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Dark Hole

Deck: 30
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
8. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
15. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
16. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Dark Hole
17. Foolish Burial
18. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
22. Reinforcement of the Army
23. Swing of Memories
24. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 06:44 PM
"Yes, very quiet it would seem"


"I will summon a Dragunity Legionnaire, and equip it with Dragunity Brandistock, and attack you twice for 2400 life points. And end my turn."


DL - Dragunity Legionnaire (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Legionnaire) (ATK)(1200/800)

DB - Dragunity Brandistock (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Brandistock)



Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
Dragunity Legionnaire


Dragunity Phalanx(4)
Dimensional Prison(1)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)
Call of the Haunted(5)


Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole
Future Fusion
Five-Headed Dragon



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Primus Pilus
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Torrential Tribute
26. Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 07:38 PM
"Indeed. When you summon Legionnaire, I chain Torrential Tribute (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Torrential_Tribute), destroying both of your monsters."

2010-11-02, 08:18 PM
"Then I will end my turn."

2010-11-02, 08:23 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"My, my. And again, I end my turn."

3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 3
Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute

Remove from Play: 1
Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Hand: 5
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
Dark Hole

Deck: 29
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
8. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
15. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Dark Hole
16. Foolish Burial
17. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Pot of Duality
19. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
21. Reinforcement of the Army
22. Swing of Memories
23. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Dust Tornado
26. Dust Tornado
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 08:26 PM
"As you end your turn, I will flip Call of the Haunted, summoning my Five-Headed Dragon to the field. Do you have any responses?"

2010-11-02, 08:30 PM
"Not at the moment."

2010-11-02, 08:34 PM
"Very good then.."


"I will attack you with my dragon and end my turn."


FHD - Five-Headed Dragon (ATK)(5000/5000)

CH - Call of the Haunted



Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
Dragunity Arms Misteil



Dimensional Prison(1)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)


Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole
Future Fusion
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dragunity Phalanx



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Aklys
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Dux
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Legionnaire
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Brandistock
11. Dragunity Primus Pilus
12. Dragunity Primus Pilus
13. Dragon Canyon
14. Dragon Canyon
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Terraforming
17. Terraforming
18. Cards of Consonance
19. Cards of Consonance
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Avarice
23. Torrential Tribute
24. Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 08:37 PM
"Now, when you attack, I activate my counter. My second Mystical Space Typhoon destroys your Call of the Haunted, and with it, Five-Headed Dragon."

2010-11-02, 08:50 PM
"How bothersome...again...I end my turn."

2010-11-02, 08:53 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I end my turn."

4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 4
Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Mystical Space Typhoon

Remove from Play: 1
Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Hand: 6
Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
Dark Hole

Deck: 28
>. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
4. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
7. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
14. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Dark Hole
15. Foolish Burial
16. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
17. Pot of Duality
18. Pot of Duality
19. Pot of Duality
20. Reinforcement of the Army
21. Swing of Memories
22. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Dust Tornado
25. Dust Tornado
26. Solemn Judgment
27. Solemn Warning
28. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 09:01 PM
"Perhaps you should rethink your strategy, if you're not finding anything to play..."


"Alright, perhaps the third time is a charm. I will play Monster Reborn, and bring my Five-Headed Dragon back into play. Then I will attack you with him and end my turn."


FHD - Five-Headed Dragon (ATK)(5000/5000)

CH -


Dark Hole
Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Arms Misteil



Dimensional Prison(1)
Mirror Force(3)
Dimensional Prison(4)


Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole
Future Fusion
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dragunity Phalanx
Call of the Haunted
Five-Headed Dragon
Monster Reborn



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Aklys
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Dux
6. Dragunity Dux
7. Dragunity Dux
8. Dragunity Legionnaire
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Brandistock
11. Dragunity Primus Pilus
12. Dragunity Primus Pilus
13. Dragon Canyon
14. Dragon Canyon
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Terraforming
17. Terraforming
18. Cards of Consonance
19. Cards of Consonance
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Avarice
23. Torrential Tribute
24. Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 09:05 PM
"Third time is certainly the charm. This time, Bottomless Trap Hole removes your Five-Headed Dragon from play entirely."

Draw: [roll0]

"I end my turn, and in my end phase, with seven cards in my hand, I must discard Destiny Hero - Malicious."


Life Points: 8000


Graveyard: 6
Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Mystical Space Typhoon
Bottomless Trap Hole
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)

Remove from Play: 1
Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Hand: 6
Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
Dark Hole

Deck: 27
>. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
4. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Malicious (DARK Warrior 6; 800/800)
>. Destiny Hero - Plasma (DARK Warrior 8; 1900/600)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
7. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
13. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Dark Hole
14. Foolish Burial
15. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
16. Pot of Duality
17. Pot of Duality
18. Pot of Duality
19. Reinforcement of the Army
20. Swing of Memories
21. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Dust Tornado
24. Dust Tornado
25. Solemn Judgment
26. Solemn Warning
27. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-02, 09:17 PM
"At least I have exhausted your back row!"


"And with an empty field, this duel is over. I summon Dragunity Legionnaire and equip it with Aklys. Then I remove the Legionnaire from the game, allowing me to special summon Dragunity Arms Laevatein from my graveyard to play, equipping it with Dragunity Phalanx. Next I will special summon Phalanx, and sync it with the Laevatein to summon Trident Dragion, and when Trident Dragion is summon, it will destroy two of my back row cards to grant it two additional attacks this turn.

Now, my Dragion, attack her three times for 9000 LP and end this duel!


TD - Trident Dragion (ATK)(3000/2800)



Dark Hole
Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Arms Misteil




Mirror Force(3)


Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Bottomless Trap Hole
Future Fusion
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dragunity Phalanx
Call of the Haunted
Five-Headed Dragon
Monster Reborn
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dimensional Prison
Dimensional Prison

Five-Headed Dragon


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Aklys
3. Dragunity Aklys
4. Dragunity Dux
5. Dragunity Dux
6. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Legionnaire
10. Dragunity Brandistock
11. Dragunity Primus Pilus
12. Dragunity Primus Pilus
13. Dragon Canyon
14. Dragon Canyon
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Terraforming
17. Terraforming
18. Cards of Consonance
19. Cards of Consonance
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Avarice
23. Torrential Tribute
24. Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

2010-11-02, 09:26 PM
"Not bad. Perhaps next time, then."

2010-11-02, 09:30 PM
((Nice Duel...if you would like to test it out again, I can play my DragonWing deck...the one you were playing before, I made a few modifications to it :smallsmile:))

2010-11-02, 09:52 PM
OOC: Probably not tonight. I got some pretty awful draws in that duel due to bad design on my part - two Malicious and Dark Armed Dragon in the opening hand, then Plasma on top of that. On top of that, I received absolutely none of my draw/search cards (Dekoichi, Duality, Neutron, and RotA together comprising a quarter of my deck) and very few summonable/useful monsters, which made my only hope using the hand limit to drop three DARK monsters in the Graveyard and summon DAD. I've tweaked the deck to reduce the odds of something like this happening, but I wouldn't be able to start another duel until tomorrow. Is that alright?

2010-11-02, 09:54 PM
((That's fine, I'm about to go to bed anyway, so tomorrow would probably be better in all honesty. We can just pick up there tomorrow.))

2010-11-03, 10:55 AM
The train continued along at a brisk pace, the clank of the rails providing steady counterpoint to the gentle sway of the car. Sitting alone in the otherwise empty car, a woman sat, watching out the window as the night scenery passed by. She shivered slightly as a sudden chill went through her.

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

Five Hundred Miles: 40 cards
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
6. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
9. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
10. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
11. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
12. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
13. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
14. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
15. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
16. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
17. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
18. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
19. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
20. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
21. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)

22. Book of Moon
23. Book of Moon
24. Dark Hole
25. Foolish Burial
26. Monster Reborn
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Pot of Duality
30. Pot of Duality
31. Pot of Duality
32. Swing of Memories

33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Dust Tornado
36. Dust Tornado
37. Solemn Judgment
38. Solemn Warning
39. Solemn Warning
40. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-03, 10:56 AM
((I'll get my intro in the next post))


The Big Freeze

1. Royal Decree
2. Royal Decree
3. Royal Decree
4. Cold Wave
5. Book of Moon
6. Book of Moon
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Crest of the Ice Barrier
10. Crest of the Ice Barrier
11. Crest of the Ice Barrier
12. Big Wave Small Wave
13. Magical Space Typhoon
14. Magical Space Typhoon
15. Moray of Greed
16. Moray of Greed
17. Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
18. Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
21. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
22. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
23. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
24. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
25. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
26. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
27. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
28. Deep Sea Diva
29. Deep Sea Diva
30. Deep Sea Diva
31. Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier
32. Warlock of the Ice Barrier
33. Warlock of the Ice Barrier
34. Warlock of the Ice Barrier
35. Defender of the Ice Barrier
36. Defender of the Ice Barrier
37. Defender of the Ice Barrier
38. General Grunard of the Ice Barrier
39. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
40. Medium of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Ally of Justice Catastor
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-03, 11:01 AM
A woman with dark blue skin approaches.

"Ah, I see from your shivering that you could feel my prescense. Most people seem to shiver when I come close, though I honestly can't understand why..."

She seems to get a bit lost in thought...staring out the window.

"The arctic air is such a wonder, isn't it?"

She pauses again...

"Regardless, it appears that you are set up for dueling, I would love a duel, if you would humor a rookie to this game."


"For starters, I will summon Deep Sea Diva. Then, I will play Big Wave Small Wave, destroying the Diva so I can special Summon Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dai-sojo_of_the_Ice_Barrier) in defense mode.

I will set a card and end my turn.


DS - Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1600/2200)



Warlock of the Ice Barrier
Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier



Magical Space Typhoon(2)

Deep Sea Diva
Big Wave Small Wave


The Big Freeze

1. Royal Decree
2. Royal Decree
3. Royal Decree
4. Cold Wave
5. Book of Moon
6. Book of Moon
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Crest of the Ice Barrier
10. Crest of the Ice Barrier
11. Crest of the Ice Barrier
12. Magical Space Typhoon
13. Moray of Greed
14. Moray of Greed
15. Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
16. Dark Hole
17. Monster Reborn
18. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
19. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
20. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
21. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
22. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
23. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
24. Deep Sea Diva
25. Deep Sea Diva
26. Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier
27. Warlock of the Ice Barrier
28. Warlock of the Ice Barrier
29. Defender of the Ice Barrier
30. Defender of the Ice Barrier
31. Defender of the Ice Barrier
32. General Grunard of the Ice Barrier
33. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
34. Medium of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Ally of Justice Catastor
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-03, 11:20 AM
She smiles at the newcomer. "If you wish a duel, I can certainly oblige." From her bag, she lifts a small duel disc, which she affixes to her left arm.

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll begin my turn by summoning Genex Ally Duradark. I then discard Genex Controller to special summon The Tricky, and activate a rather nostalgic card. Swing of Memories (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Swing_of_Memories) restores Genex Controller to the field for this turn, which I then tune with The Tricky to summon Vindikite R-Genex. We can now attack - Vindikite destroys Dai-Sojo, adding one Genex Neutron to my hand, and Genex Ally Duradark attacks directly. I then set one card and end my turn."

3. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
4. Vindikite R-Genex (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Vindikite_R-Genex) (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon

Graveyard: 3
Swing of Memories
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)

Deck: 33
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
15. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
16. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
17. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
18. Dark Hole
19. Foolish Burial
20. Monster Reborn
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
>. Swing of Memories
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Dust Tornado
29. Dust Tornado
30. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
>Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-03, 12:52 PM
OOC: Sorry for the delay. I've finished editing in my turn above, so I'm posting to bump and confirm that.

2010-11-03, 01:34 PM


"I will set a monster, then play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face down spell/trap. And that will end my turn."




Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier


Warlock of the Ice Barrier(4)
Magical Space Typhoon(2)

Deep Sea Diva
Big Wave Small Wave
Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
Mystical Space Typhoon


The Big Freeze

1. Royal Decree
2. Royal Decree
3. Royal Decree
4. Cold Wave
5. Book of Moon
6. Book of Moon
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Crest of the Ice Barrier
10. Crest of the Ice Barrier
11. Crest of the Ice Barrier

13. Moray of Greed
14. Moray of Greed
15. Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
16. Dark Hole
17. Monster Reborn
18. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
19. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
20. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
21. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
22. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
23. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
24. Deep Sea Diva
25. Deep Sea Diva
26. Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier
27. Warlock of the Ice Barrier
28. Warlock of the Ice Barrier
29. Defender of the Ice Barrier
30. Defender of the Ice Barrier
31. Defender of the Ice Barrier
32. General Grunard of the Ice Barrier
33. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
34. Medium of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Ally of Justice Catastor
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-03, 01:39 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Genex Neutron in attack position, then attack. Vindikite destroys your facedown, allowing me to add a second Neutron to my hand, and both Duradark and Neutron go direct for a further 3600 damage. I set one card, and when my turn ends, Neutron's effect activates, allowing me to add one Genex Controller to my hand."

2. Genex Neutron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Neutron) (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
3. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
4. Vindikite R-Genex (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Vindikite_R-Genex) (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Dust Tornado

Graveyard: 4
Swing of Memories
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
Book of Moon

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)

Deck: 30
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
13. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
14. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
15. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
16. Dark Hole
17. Foolish Burial
18. Monster Reborn
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
>. Swing of Memories
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
26. Dust Tornado
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
30. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
>Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-03, 01:54 PM
"This does not look promising"


"I concede, there is no way for me to win..."

((Wow...this deck really...well...needs a lot of work ><))

2010-11-03, 02:10 PM
"Would you be interested in humoring me once again?"

2010-11-03, 02:12 PM
"Certainly; I am never averse to a duel. You may lead, if you wish."

2010-11-03, 02:17 PM
"I do believe I will, thank you!"

[roll0] (18,13) replace two of the sixteens


"I will begin by play Crest of the Ice Barrier to fetch a Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pilgrim_of_the_Ice_Barrier).

I will then play my Pilgrim, and set two other cards and end my turn."


PIB - Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1500/1000)



Dark Hole
Defender of the Ice Barrier



Mirror Force(2)
Magical Space Typhoon(4)

Crest of the Ice Barrier


The Big Freeze

1. Bottomless Trap Hole
2. Bottomless Trap Hole
3. Dimensional Prison
4. Dimensional Prison
5. Dark Bribe
6. Dark Bribe
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Crest of the Ice Barrier
10. Magical Space Typhoon
11. Moray of Greed
12. Moray of Greed
13. Salvage
14. Monster Reborn
15. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
16. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
17. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
18. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
19. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
20. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
21. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
22. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
23. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
24. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
25. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
26. Defender of the Ice Barrier
27. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
28. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
29. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
30. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
31. Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier
32. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
33. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-03, 02:26 PM
Open plus Draw: [roll0]
Reroll: [roll1]

"Perhaps I should try a calmer start, this time. I set two cards and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
3. Dust Tornado

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon

Deck: 34
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
13. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
15. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
16. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
17. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
18. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
19. Book of Moon
20. Book of Moon
21. Dark Hole
22. Foolish Burial
>. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Swing of Memories
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
30. Dust Tornado
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-03, 02:33 PM
"During your turn, I will flip my Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face down spell/trap card, sorry..." :smallredface:

"Any other plays you would like to make before I draw?"

2010-11-03, 02:34 PM
"No further moves. My Dust Tornado had little use save for against your own facedown cards."

2010-11-03, 02:36 PM
"Then I will take my turn."


"I will play Defender of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Defender_of_the_Ice_Barrier). Then attack your face down monster with my Pilgrim, and if it is destroyed, I will attack you with my defender.

This will end my turn."


PIB - Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1500/1000)
DIB - Defender of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(200/1600)



Dark Hole
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier



Mirror Force(2)

Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mystical Space Typhoon


The Big Freeze

1. Bottomless Trap Hole
2. Bottomless Trap Hole
3. Dimensional Prison
4. Dimensional Prison
5. Dark Bribe
6. Dark Bribe
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Crest of the Ice Barrier
10. Magical Space Typhoon
11. Moray of Greed
12. Moray of Greed
13. Salvage
14. Monster Reborn
15. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
16. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
17. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
18. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
19. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
20. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
21. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
22. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
23. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
24. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
25. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
26. Defender of the Ice Barrier
27. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
28. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
29. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
30. Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier
31. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
32. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-03, 02:40 PM
"My Level Eater is destroyed."

Draw: [roll0]

"I set another two cards facedown and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 7800

3. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
3. Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard: 2
Dust Tornado
Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
Monster Reborn

Deck: 33
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
15. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
16. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
17. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
18. Book of Moon
19. Book of Moon
20. Dark Hole
21. Foolish Burial
>. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Swing of Memories
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
29. Dust Tornado
30. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-03, 02:44 PM


"I will play Crest of the Ice Barrier, bringing General Gantala of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/General_Gantala_of_the_Ice_Barrier) from my deck to my hand. Then, I will tribute both of my monsters to summon General Gantala to the field.

Then, I will attack your face down with General Gantala.

During my end phase, I will use General Gantala's ability to special summon Defender of the Ice Barrier in a Defensive Position. This will end my turn."


GG - General Gantala of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(2700/2000)
DIB - Defender of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(200/1600)



Dark Hole
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier



Mirror Force(2)

Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mystical Space Typhoon
Crest of the Ice Barrier
Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier


The Big Freeze

1. Bottomless Trap Hole
2. Bottomless Trap Hole
3. Dimensional Prison
4. Dimensional Prison
5. Dark Bribe
6. Dark Bribe
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Magical Space Typhoon
10. Moray of Greed
11. Moray of Greed
12. Salvage
13. Monster Reborn
14. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
15. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
16. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
17. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
18. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
19. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
20. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
21. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
22. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
23. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
24. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
25. Defender of the Ice Barrier
26. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
27. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
28. Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier
29. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
30. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-03, 02:55 PM
"My facedown was Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dekoichi_the_Battlechanted_Locomotive), allowing me to draw one card."

Deko: [roll0]

2010-11-03, 02:58 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"To begin, I destroy your facedown card using my facedown Mystical Space Typhoon. I then discard Genex Controller to summon The Tricky from my hand, and with three dark monsters in my Graveyard, I can also special summon Dark Armed Dragon. Dark Armed Dragon's effect activates, removing Dekoichi from play to destroy General Gantala, which also ends your Defender's bind on the field. The Tricky destroys Defender, and Dark Armed Dragon attacks directly for 2800 damage. Finally, I set one card and end my turn."

3. The Tricky (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tricky) (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
4. Dark Armed Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Armed_Dragon) (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 7800

3. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 4
Dust Tornado
Mystical Space Typhoon
Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)

Remove from Play: 1
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)

Hand: 1
Monster Reborn

Deck: 31
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
15. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
16. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Dark Hole
20. Foolish Burial
>. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-03, 03:13 PM
"Well...that was quite a turn!"


"I will begin by playing Dark Hole!
Next, I will summon Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Geomancer_of_the_Ice_Barrier) in attack mode. I will discard a Dai-sojo to declare the DARK attribute for my Geomancer. And I will attack you directly. That will end my turn."


GIB - Geomancer of the Ice Barrier[DARK] (ATK)(800/1200)







Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mystical Space Typhoon
Crest of the Ice Barrier
Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier
Mirror Force
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Dark Hole
Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier


The Big Freeze

1. Bottomless Trap Hole
2. Bottomless Trap Hole
3. Dimensional Prison
4. Dimensional Prison
5. Dark Bribe
6. Dark Bribe
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Magical Space Typhoon
10. Moray of Greed
11. Moray of Greed
12. Salvage
13. Monster Reborn
14. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
15. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
16. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
17. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
18. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
19. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
20. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
21. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
22. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
23. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
24. Defender of the Ice Barrier
25. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
26. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
27. Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier
28. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
29. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-03, 03:21 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"The DARK attribute? Direct, and it would have been accurate for most cards, but I am afraid this locomotive has more than one engine. Monster Reborn (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Reborn) allows me to summon one monster from the Graveyard, and I choose none other than General Gantala of the Ice Barrier. He attacks your Geomancer, inflicting 1900 damage, and I then end my turn."

3. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/General_Gantala_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Warrior 7; 2700/2000)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 7800

3. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 7
Dust Tornado
Mystical Space Typhoon
Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
The Tricky (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tricky) (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
Dark Armed Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Armed_Dragon) (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Monster Reborn

Remove from Play: 1
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)

Hand: 1
Pot of Duality

Deck: 30
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
15. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
16. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Dark Hole
20. Foolish Burial
>. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
24. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
26. Dust Tornado
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
30. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-03, 03:32 PM
"That was...unexpected!"


"I will play Salvage, getting my Pilgrim and my Defender and putting them back to my hand.

Then I will set a monster and end my turn."




Defender of the Ice Barrier
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier


Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier(3)

Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mystical Space Typhoon
Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mirror Force
Dark Hole
Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier(In Use by Opponent)


The Big Freeze

1. Bottomless Trap Hole
2. Bottomless Trap Hole
3. Dimensional Prison
4. Dimensional Prison
5. Dark Bribe
6. Dark Bribe
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Magical Space Typhoon
10. Moray of Greed
11. Moray of Greed
12. Salvage
13. Monster Reborn
14. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
15. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
16. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
17. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
18. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
19. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
20. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
21. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
22. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
23. Defender of the Ice Barrier
24. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
25. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
26. Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier
27. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
28. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-04, 09:11 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"I activate Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality) to add one card to my hand."

2010-11-04, 09:13 AM
Duality: [roll]1d29[/roll [roll0] [roll1]

2010-11-04, 09:14 AM
OOC: Replacing bad roll above...
(Solemn Judgment, Book of Moon, Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive)

"I take Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive. I then attack your facedown with General Gantala. If it is Pilgrim, as I presume, I then set one card and end my turn."

2. Facedown card
3. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/General_Gantala_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Warrior 7; 2700/2000)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 7800

2. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
3. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 8
Dust Tornado
Mystical Space Typhoon
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
Level Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Level_Eater) (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
The Tricky (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tricky) (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
Dark Armed Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Armed_Dragon) (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Monster Reborn
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 1
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)

Hand: 1
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)

Deck: 28
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
7. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
8. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
9. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
13. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
14. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Dark Hole
18. Foolish Burial
>. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
24. Dust Tornado
25. Solemn Judgment
26. Solemn Warning
27. Solemn Warning
28. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 10:02 AM
"It is the pilgrim, how astute of you!"


"I will summon Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cryomancer_of_the_Ice_Barrier). I will attack your face down monster, which I assume to be your locomotive, and destroy it.

This will end my turn."


PIB - Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1500/1000)
CIB - Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1300/0)



Defender of the Ice Barrier
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
Defender of the Ice Barrier


Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier(3)

Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mystical Space Typhoon
Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mirror Force
Dark Hole
Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier(In Use by Opponent)


The Big Freeze

1. Bottomless Trap Hole
2. Bottomless Trap Hole
3. Dimensional Prison
4. Dimensional Prison
5. Dark Bribe
6. Dark Bribe
7. Water Hazard
8. Water Hazard
9. Magical Space Typhoon
10. Moray of Greed
11. Moray of Greed
12. Salvage
13. Monster Reborn
14. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
15. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
16. Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
17. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
18. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
19. Strategist of the Ice Barrier
20. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
21. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
22. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
24. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
25. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
26. Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier
27. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
28. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
6. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
7. Goyo Guardian
8. Black Rose Dragon
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Mist Wurm
11. Ancient Fairy Dragon
12. Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Stardust Dragon
15. Red Dragon Archfiend

2010-11-04, 10:14 AM
"It is indeed Dekoichi, who when flipped, delivers another card to my hand."

Deko: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]

"I should wish for you to meet an interesting man, a conductor through and through. By reducing General Gantala's level by one, I summon Level Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Level_Eater) from my Graveyard, and then tribute Level Eater to summon Caius, the Shadow Monarch. His effect activates, removing from play your Pilgrim and ending your Cryomancer's effect. We then attack - Caius destroys Cryomancer, and Gantala attacks directly for game."

3. General Gantala of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/General_Gantala_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Warrior 6; 2700/2000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Caius_the_Shadow_Monarch) (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 7800

3. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 9
Dust Tornado
Mystical Space Typhoon
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
Level Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Level_Eater) (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
The Tricky (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tricky) (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
Dark Armed Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Armed_Dragon) (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Monster Reborn
Pot of Duality
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)

Remove from Play: 1
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)

Hand: 2
Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
Solemn Judgment

Deck: 26
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
7. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
10. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
12. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
13. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
>. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Dark Hole
17. Foolish Burial
>. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
21. Swing of Memories
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
23. Dust Tornado
>. Solemn Judgment
24. Solemn Warning
25. Solemn Warning
26. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 10:23 AM
"Very well fought!"

((Need to make some more changes...would you be interested in playing against the Destiny Barrier deck?))

2010-11-04, 10:30 AM
OOC: No problem. I'm a little surprised you didn't try to tune for Brionac and bounce Gantala back to your own hand, though in practice, you would have hit a Bottomless Trap Hole had you tried. You might also consider Torrential Tribute, and on the flip side, I'm not really sure how well Dark Bribe works in this deck. You don't really have one or two must-protect cards that would justify the benefits your opponent gains, as far as I can tell. Low-level Barrier decks benefit from cards like Gravity Bind or Level Limit - Area B, or even Wetlands if you combine them with Frogs (Cryomancer+Dewdark both are WATER Aqua types, both level 2, and combined together and with Wetlands, result in an attack lock for the opponent and 2400 direct-attack damage every turn). Lockdown or Control Barriers also tend to follow a slightly different path, but still need to protect their cards.

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

EDIT: Oh. Would you like to face this deck again, Aquarian Melody, or try against another deck? I also have these decks. The first is an Ice Barrier Spellcaster lock; the second a really old deck from around the time I first started playing here, just updated for the new banlist.

Icicle Fall: 40 cards
1. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
2. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
3. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
4. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
5. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
6. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
7. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
8. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
9. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
10. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
11. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
12. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
13. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
14. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
15. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
16. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
17. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
18. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
19. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
20. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)

21. Book of Moon
22. Book of Moon
23. Book of Moon
24. Crest of the Ice Barrier
25. Crest of the Ice Barrier
26. Dark Hole
27. Giant Trunade
28. Magical Dimension
29. Magical Dimension
30. Monster Reborn
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
33. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
34. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
35. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
36. Terraforming
37. Terraforming

38. Royal Decree
39. Royal Decree
40. Royal Decree

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

With Wings of Ash: 40 cards
1. Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (DARK Winged Beast 3T; 1300/400)
2. Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow (DARK Winged Beast 3; 1400/1000)
3. Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow (DARK Winged Beast 3; 1400/1000)
4. Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North (DARK Winged Beast 2T; 1300/0)
5. Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North (DARK Winged Beast 2T; 1300/0)
6. Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame (DARK Winged Beast 4; 1800/1200)
7. Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame (DARK Winged Beast 4; 1800/1200)
8. Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame (DARK Winged Beast 4; 1800/1200)
9. Dark Simorgh (DARK Winged Beast 7; 2700/1000)
10. Dark Simorgh (DARK Winged Beast 7; 2700/1000)
11. Flying Kamakiri #1 (WIND Insect 4; 1400/1000)
12. Flying Kamakiri #1 (WIND Insect 4; 1400/1000)
13. Harpie Lady 1 (WIND Winged Beast 4; 1300/1400)
14. Harpie Lady 1 (WIND Winged Beast 4; 1300/1400)
15. Harpie Lady 1 (WIND Winged Beast 4; 1300/1400)
16. Harpie Queen (WIND Winged Beast 4; 1900/1200)
17. Harpie Queen (WIND Winged Beast 4; 1900/1200)
18. Harpie Queen (WIND Winged Beast 4; 1900/1200)
19. Sangan (DARK Fiend 3; 1000/600)

20. Book of Moon
21. Book of Moon
22. Book of Moon
23. Dark Hole
24. Giant Trunade
25. Harpies' Hunting Ground
26. Harpies' Hunting Ground
27. Harpies' Hunting Ground
28. Monster Reborn
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Pot of Duality
31. Pot of Duality

32. Anti-Spell Fragrance
33. Anti-Spell Fragrance
34. Anti-Spell Fragrance
35. Bottomless Trap Hole
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Icarus Attack
38. Icarus Attack
39. Icarus Attack
40. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Blackwing Armed Wing (DARK Winged Beast 6; 2300/1000)
Blackwing Armed Wing (DARK Winged Beast 6; 2300/1000)
Blackwing Armed Wing (DARK Winged Beast 6; 2300/1000)
Blackwing Armor Master (DARK Winged Beast 7; 2500/1500)
Blackwing Armor Master (DARK Winged Beast 7; 2500/1500)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)

2010-11-04, 10:36 AM
((I switched it up the 2nd game and was playing 7 traps...1 Mirror force, 2 BTH, 2 Dimensional Prision, 2 Dark Bribe...I just didn't hit any of them...also, what are your thoughts about replacing Water Hazard with Ultimate Offering?))


((I will pass priority to you, as I have to run out for a bit))

Absolute Destiny Barriers

1. Polymerization
2. Polymerization
3. Polymerization
4. Crest of the Ice Barrier
5. Crest of the Ice Barrier
6. Moray of Greed
7. Moray of Greed
8. Moray of Greed
9. Mind Control
10. Destiny Draw
11. Salvage
12. Salvage
13. Mystical Space Typhoon
14. Mystical Space Typhoon
15. Foolish Burial
16. Royal Decree
17. Royal Decree
18. Royal Decree
19. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
20. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
21. Deep Sea Diva
22. Deep Sea Diva
23. Deep Sea Diva
24. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
25. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
26. Defender of the Ice Barrier
27. Defender of the Ice Barrier
28. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
29. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
30. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
31. King of the Swamp
32. King of the Swamp
33. King of the Swamp
34. Destiny Hero – Malicious
35. Destiny Hero - Malicious
36. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
37. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
38. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
39. Destiny Hero – Dasher
40. Destiny Hero – Dasher

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Goyo Guardian
3. Black Rose Dragon
4. Black Rose Dragon
5. Stardust Dragon
6. Stardust Dragon
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Dragon Archfiend
9. Red Nova Dragon
10. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
11. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
12. Scrap Dragon
13. Thought-Ruler Archfiend
14. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
15. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

2010-11-04, 10:42 AM
OOC: I'm not really sure about either, since I don't run them in most decks. On the one hand, Water Hazard requires no cost, but it also doesn't work once you have monsters on the field. Ultimate Offering is slower, Semi-Limited, and requires 500 LP per extra summon, but once it's active, can be used constantly. The latter also runs through your hand quicker, which might be interesting if your opponent has Dark Hole or Torrential Tribute waiting.

Also, if you don't mind, I think I'd like to try to give Icicle Fall another spin. It's been one of my more fun decks, but also a little troublesome to get going. It definitely needs more work for consistency.

Draw: [roll0]

The young monk who enters bows politely. From her right wrist hangs an octagonal mirror, three sides of which fold out to reveal slots for duel cards. "H-hello. I'm ready to begin, now."

She draws one card, and looks at it carefully. "I start with Terraforming, to add one Secret Village of the Spellcasters to my hand. I then summon Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and activate my Secret Village, before ending my turn."

Field: Secret Village of the Spellcasters (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Village_of_the_Spellcasters)
3. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Kycoo_the_Ghost_Destroyer) (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)

Life Points: 8000


Graveyard: 1

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Secret Village of the Spellcasters

Deck: 33
1. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
2. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
3. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
4. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
5. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
6. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
7. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
8. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
9. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
10. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
>. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
11. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
12. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
13. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
14. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
15. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
>. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
16. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
>. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
17. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
18. Book of Moon
19. Book of Moon
20. Book of Moon
21. Crest of the Ice Barrier
22. Crest of the Ice Barrier
23. Dark Hole
24. Giant Trunade
25. Magical Dimension
26. Magical Dimension
27. Monster Reborn
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
30. Terraforming
>. Terraforming
31. Royal Decree
32. Royal Decree
33. Royal Decree

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-04, 10:53 AM
((No problem, I'd honestly thought about trying to make an Ice Barrier Spellcaster control deck...:smallconfused:))


"I will set two cards and end my turn."




19. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
11. Salvage
39. Destiny Hero – Dasher
1. Polymerization


Defender of the Ice Barrier(3)
Mystical Space Typhoon(3)



Absolute Destiny Barriers

1. Polymerization
2. Polymerization
3. Crest of the Ice Barrier
4. Crest of the Ice Barrier
5. Moray of Greed
6. Moray of Greed
7. Moray of Greed
8. Mind Control
9. Destiny Draw
10. Salvage
11. Mystical Space Typhoon
12. Foolish Burial
13. Royal Decree
14. Royal Decree
15. Royal Decree
16. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
17. Deep Sea Diva
18. Deep Sea Diva
19. Deep Sea Diva
20. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
21. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
22. Defender of the Ice Barrier
23. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
24. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
25. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
26. King of the Swamp
27. King of the Swamp
28. King of the Swamp
29. Destiny Hero – Malicious
30. Destiny Hero - Malicious
31. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
32. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
33. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
34. Destiny Hero – Dasher

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Goyo Guardian
3. Black Rose Dragon
4. Black Rose Dragon
5. Stardust Dragon
6. Stardust Dragon
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Dragon Archfiend
9. Red Nova Dragon
10. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
11. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
12. Scrap Dragon
13. Thought-Ruler Archfiend
14. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
15. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

2010-11-04, 11:05 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"I summon my Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Spirit_of_the_Ice_Barrier). Kycoo attacks your facedown card and Sacred Spirit attacks directly for 1600 damage, then I end my turn, which returns Sacred Spirit to my hand."

Field: Secret Village of the Spellcasters (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Village_of_the_Spellcasters)
3. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Kycoo_the_Ghost_Destroyer) (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)

Life Points: 8000


Graveyard: 1

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Spirit_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Secret Village of the Spellcasters

Deck: 32
1. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
2. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
3. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
4. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
5. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
6. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
7. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
8. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
9. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
>. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
10. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
11. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
12. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
13. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
14. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
>. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
15. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
>. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
16. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Book of Moon
20. Crest of the Ice Barrier
21. Crest of the Ice Barrier
22. Dark Hole
23. Giant Trunade
24. Magical Dimension
25. Magical Dimension
26. Monster Reborn
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
29. Terraforming
>. Terraforming
30. Royal Decree
31. Royal Decree
32. Royal Decree

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-04, 11:13 AM
"Hrmm...not sure that I like that..."


"I will play Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude and activate his ability, which sends Crest of the Ice Barrier to my graveyard, allowing me to use it's effect during my next turn. This will end my turn."


DDD - Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude (ATK)(1400/1600)



Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
Destiny Hero – Dasher
Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude


Mystical Space Typhoon(3)

Defender of the Ice Barrier
Crest of the Ice Barrier


Absolute Destiny Barriers

1. Polymerization
2. Polymerization
3. Crest of the Ice Barrier
4. Moray of Greed
5. Moray of Greed
6. Moray of Greed
7. Mind Control
8. Destiny Draw
9. Salvage
10. Mystical Space Typhoon
11. Foolish Burial
12. Royal Decree
13. Royal Decree
14. Royal Decree
15. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
16. Deep Sea Diva
17. Deep Sea Diva
18. Deep Sea Diva
19. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
20. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
21. Defender of the Ice Barrier
22. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
23. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
24. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
25. King of the Swamp
26. King of the Swamp
27. King of the Swamp
28. Destiny Hero – Malicious
29. Destiny Hero - Malicious
30. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
31. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
32. Destiny Hero – Dasher

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Goyo Guardian
3. Black Rose Dragon
4. Black Rose Dragon
5. Stardust Dragon
6. Stardust Dragon
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Dragon Archfiend
9. Red Nova Dragon
10. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
11. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
12. Scrap Dragon
13. Thought-Ruler Archfiend
14. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
15. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

2010-11-04, 11:16 AM
Top card:
[roll0] (Crest of the Ice Barrier)

2010-11-04, 11:20 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"Umm...I summon Magical Exemplar, which attacks and destroys Diamond Dude. Kycoo attacks directly, and after attacking, his effect banishes the spirits of Diamond Dude and Defender of the Ice Barrier from your Graveyard. I end my turn."

Field: Secret Village of the Spellcasters (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Village_of_the_Spellcasters)
2. Magical Exemplar (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Exemplar) (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
3. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Kycoo_the_Ghost_Destroyer) (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)

Life Points: 8000


Graveyard: 1

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 5
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Spirit_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Secret Village of the Spellcasters

Deck: 31
1. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
2. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
3. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
4. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
5. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
6. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
7. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
8. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
9. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
>. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
10. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
11. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
>. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
12. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
13. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
>. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
14. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
>. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
15. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Crest of the Ice Barrier
20. Crest of the Ice Barrier
21. Dark Hole
22. Giant Trunade
23. Magical Dimension
24. Magical Dimension
25. Monster Reborn
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
28. Terraforming
>. Terraforming
29. Royal Decree
30. Royal Decree
31. Royal Decree

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-04, 11:27 AM
"This is frustrating"


"Crest will activate, and I will bring a Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier to my hand. Now I will play the Spellbreaker giving me a Spellcaster. With my newly found ability to play spells, I will flip my facedown card, revealing Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying your Secret Village!

Next, I will play Polymerization from my hand, and send a Defender of the Ice Barrier and a Destiny Hero - Dasher from my hand to the graveyard to Fusion Summon Elemental Hero Absolute Zero!

I will attack your Exemplar with my Zero! That will end my turn."


SIB - Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1200/2000)
AZ - Elemental Hero Absolute Zero (ATK)(3000/2000)



Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier


Mystical Space Typhoon(3)


Crest of the Ice Barrier
Destiny Hero – Dasher
Defender of the Ice Barrier

Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude
Defender of the Ice Barrier

Absolute Destiny Barriers

1. Polymerization
2. Polymerization
3. Crest of the Ice Barrier
4. Moray of Greed
5. Moray of Greed
6. Moray of Greed
7. Mind Control
8. Destiny Draw
9. Salvage
10. Mystical Space Typhoon
11. Foolish Burial
12. Royal Decree
13. Royal Decree
14. Royal Decree
15. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
16. Deep Sea Diva
17. Deep Sea Diva
18. Deep Sea Diva
19. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
20. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
21. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
22. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
23. King of the Swamp
24. King of the Swamp
25. King of the Swamp
26. Destiny Hero – Malicious
27. Destiny Hero - Malicious
28. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
29. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
30. Destiny Hero – Dasher

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Goyo Guardian
3. Black Rose Dragon
4. Black Rose Dragon
5. Stardust Dragon
6. Stardust Dragon
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Dragon Archfiend
9. Red Nova Dragon
10. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
11. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
12. Scrap Dragon
13. Thought-Ruler Archfiend
14. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

2010-11-04, 12:03 PM
"I...that's not enough yet."

Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Night's End Sorcerer and tune with Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, summoning Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Discarding Secret Village from my hand allows me to return your Absolute Zero to your Extra deck. After your Absolute Zero's effect destroys my Brionac, I can then activate Monster Reborn (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Reborn) to revive Magical Exemplar and play another Secret Village of the Spellcasters from my hand. With the two spell counters I gain, I activate Magical Exemplar, special summoning Night's End Sorcerer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Night%27s_End_Sorcerer) from my Graveyard, whose effect allows me to remove Dasher and Defender from your Graveyard. I then attack and destroy your Spellbreaker with Magical Exemplar, and attack directly with Night's End Sorcerer. In my second Main Phase, I tune my two monsters to synchro summon Tempest Magician, and end my turn."

(LP damage: 500+1300=1800)

Field: Secret Village of the Spellcasters (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Village_of_the_Spellcasters)
3. Tempest Magician (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tempest_Magician) (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)

Life Points: 6700


Graveyard: 8
Secret Village of the Spellcasters (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Village_of_the_Spellcasters)
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Kycoo_the_Ghost_Destroyer) (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
Night's End Sorcerer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Night%27s_End_Sorcerer) (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Monster Reborn
Magical Exemplar (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Exemplar) (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Spirit_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)

Deck: 30
1. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
2. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
3. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
4. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
5. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
6. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
7. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
8. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
9. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
>. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
10. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
11. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
>. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
12. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
13. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
>. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
14. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
>. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
15. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Crest of the Ice Barrier
20. Crest of the Ice Barrier
21. Dark Hole
22. Giant Trunade
23. Magical Dimension
24. Magical Dimension
>. Monster Reborn
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
27. Terraforming
>. Terraforming
28. Royal Decree
29. Royal Decree
30. Royal Decree

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
>Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
>Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-04, 12:32 PM
"Well...so much for that advantage..."


"I will set a card and end my turn."




Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier


Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier(3)


Crest of the Ice Barrier
Mystical Space Typhoon
Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier

Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Destiny Hero – Dasher

Absolute Destiny Barriers

1. Polymerization
2. Polymerization
3. Crest of the Ice Barrier
4. Moray of Greed
5. Moray of Greed
6. Moray of Greed
7. Mind Control
8. Destiny Draw
9. Salvage
10. Mystical Space Typhoon
11. Foolish Burial
12. Royal Decree
13. Royal Decree
14. Royal Decree

16. Deep Sea Diva
17. Deep Sea Diva
18. Deep Sea Diva
19. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
20. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
21. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
22. Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
23. King of the Swamp
24. King of the Swamp
25. King of the Swamp
26. Destiny Hero – Malicious
27. Destiny Hero - Malicious
28. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
29. Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude
30. Destiny Hero – Dasher

Extra Deck:
1. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2. Goyo Guardian
3. Black Rose Dragon
4. Black Rose Dragon
5. Stardust Dragon
6. Stardust Dragon
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Dragon Archfiend
9. Red Nova Dragon
10. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
11. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
12. Scrap Dragon
13. Thought-Ruler Archfiend
14. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
15. Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

2010-11-04, 12:33 PM
Draw: [roll0]

She sighs in relief. "I was afraid you'd have another way to get Absolute Zero. I summon Sacred Spirit again to the field. Tempest Magician destroys your facedown card, and Sacred Spirit attacks directly for 1600 damage. In my second Main Phase, I discard Medium of the Ice Barrier to place one more spell counter on Tempest Magician, then remove that counter plus the one from her original synchro summon to deplete the last of your life points."

Field: Secret Village of the Spellcasters (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Village_of_the_Spellcasters)
2. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Spirit_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
3. Tempest Magician (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tempest_Magician) (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)

Life Points: 6700


Graveyard: 9
Secret Village of the Spellcasters (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Village_of_the_Spellcasters)
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Kycoo_the_Ghost_Destroyer) (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
Night's End Sorcerer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Night%27s_End_Sorcerer) (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Monster Reborn
Magical Exemplar (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Exemplar) (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)

Deck: 29
1. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
2. Blizzard Princess (WATER Spellcaster 8; 2800/2100)
3. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
4. Breaker the Magical Warrior (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1600/1000)
5. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
6. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
7. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
8. Geomancer of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 3T; 800/1200)
9. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
>. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (DARK Spellcaster 4; 1800/700)
>. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
10. Medium of the Ice Barrier (WATER Spellcaster 7; 2200/1600)
>. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
11. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
12. Magical Exemplar (EARTH Spellcaster 4; 1700/1400)
>. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
13. Night's End Sorcerer (DARK Spellcaster 2T; 1300/400)
>. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
14. Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier (WATER Zombie 4; 1600/1200)
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Crest of the Ice Barrier
19. Crest of the Ice Barrier
20. Dark Hole
21. Giant Trunade
22. Magical Dimension
23. Magical Dimension
>. Monster Reborn
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
>. Secret Village of the Spellcasters
26. Terraforming
>. Terraforming
27. Royal Decree
28. Royal Decree
29. Royal Decree

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Arcanite Magician (LIGHT Spellcaster 7; 400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
>Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (WATER Beast 6; 2000/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 7; 2500/1700)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
>Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Tempest Magician (DARK Spellcaster 6; 2200/1400)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-11-04, 12:49 PM
"Well fought, as funny as it may sound, I was not prepared for Brionac..."

((Well crud...thought I might have actually had you there...I'm making a spellcaster Ice Barrier deck...we'll see if it works any better...I'm bound and determined to make a Ice Barrier Deck that actually works!))

2010-11-04, 12:57 PM
((I've got yet another Ice Barrier deck if you're not tired :smallwink:))

2010-11-04, 01:31 PM
OOC: Sure, no problem. I want to tweak this deck a little further, too, since it's a bit slow, and I'd like to replace Sacred Spirit with a different Ice Barrier card or reintroduce enough cards that it can use its effect more often. For now, I'll switch back to... [roll0] ...Five Hundred Miles, it seems. Is that alright?

Init: [roll1]
Draw: [roll2]
Reroll: [roll3]

Five Hundred Miles: 40 cards
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
4. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
5. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
6. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
7. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
8. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
9. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
10. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
11. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
12. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
13. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
14. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
15. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
16. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
17. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
18. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
19. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
20. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
21. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)

22. Book of Moon
23. Book of Moon
24. Dark Hole
25. Foolish Burial
26. Monster Reborn
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Pot of Duality
30. Pot of Duality
31. Pot of Duality
32. Swing of Memories

33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Dust Tornado
36. Dust Tornado
37. Solemn Judgment
38. Solemn Warning
39. Solemn Warning
40. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 01:35 PM
Fine with me...I'm gonna try this.

[roll1](16 for 28)

Wet Ice

1. Wetlands
2. Wetlands
3. Wetlands
4. Terraforming
5. Terraforming
6. Double Summon
7. Double Summon
8. Moray of Greed
9. Moray of Greed
10. Mystical Space Typhoon
11. Mystical Space Typhoon
12. Salvage
13. Salvage
14. Crest of the Ice Barrier
15. Crest of the Ice Barrier
16. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
17. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
18. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
19. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
20. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
21. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
22. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
23. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
24. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
25. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
26. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
27. Defender of the Ice Barrier
28. Defender of the Ice Barrier
29. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
30. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
31. Treeborn Frog
32. Treeborn Frog
33. Nightmare Penguin
34. Nightmare Penguin
35. Dark Bribe
36. Dark Bribe
37. Gravity Bind
38. Torrential Tribute
39. Mirror Force
40. Starlight Road

Extra Deck
1. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
2. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
6. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
8. Goyo Guardian
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Black Rose Dragon
11. Iron Chain Dragon
12. Stardust Dragon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-11-04, 01:37 PM

"I will begin by playing Crest of the Ice Barrier, bringing a Dai-sojo from my deck to my hand.

Then I will play a Defender of the Ice Barrier. Next, i will play Double Summon, which allows me to tribute my Defender to summon the Dai-sojo, and his ability switches him into a defensive position.
This will end my turn."


DS - Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1600/2200)



Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier




Double Summon
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Crest of the Ice Barrier


Wet Ice

1. Wetlands
2. Wetlands
3. Wetlands
4. Terraforming
5. Terraforming
6. Double Summon
7. Moray of Greed
8. Moray of Greed
9. Mystical Space Typhoon
10. Mystical Space Typhoon
11. Salvage
12. Crest of the Ice Barrier
13. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
14. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
15. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
16. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
17. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
18. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
19. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
20. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
21. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
22. Defender of the Ice Barrier
23. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
24. Treeborn Frog
25. Treeborn Frog
26. Nightmare Penguin
27. Nightmare Penguin
28. Dark Bribe
29. Dark Bribe
30. Gravity Bind
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Mirror Force
33. Starlight Road

Extra Deck
1. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
2. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
6. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
8. Goyo Guardian
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Black Rose Dragon
11. Iron Chain Dragon
12. Stardust Dragon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-11-04, 01:46 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Hello," the duelist says politely with a smile. "Yours is an interesting first turn, so I will simply set two cards facedown and pass my turn to you."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
3. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Deck: 34
>. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
4. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
7. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
15. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
16. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Dark Hole
20. Foolish Burial
21. Monster Reborn
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Swing of Memories
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Dust Tornado
31. Dust Tornado
>. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 02:22 PM
"Simple enough..."


"I will summon a Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier, who will attack your facedown monster. This will end my turn."


CIB - Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1300/0)
DS - Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1600/2200)



Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
Double Summon




Double Summon
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Crest of the Ice Barrier


Wet Ice

1. Wetlands
2. Wetlands
3. Wetlands
4. Terraforming
5. Terraforming
7. Moray of Greed
8. Moray of Greed
9. Mystical Space Typhoon
10. Mystical Space Typhoon
11. Salvage
12. Crest of the Ice Barrier
13. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
14. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
15. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
16. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
17. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
18. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
19. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
20. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
21. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
22. Defender of the Ice Barrier
23. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
24. Treeborn Frog
25. Treeborn Frog
26. Nightmare Penguin
27. Nightmare Penguin
28. Dark Bribe
29. Dark Bribe
30. Gravity Bind
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Mirror Force
33. Starlight Road

Extra Deck
1. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
2. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
6. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
8. Goyo Guardian
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Black Rose Dragon
11. Iron Chain Dragon
12. Stardust Dragon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-11-04, 02:28 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Genex Ally Duradark in attack position. Due to your Cryomancer, I cannot attack, so I set one card and end my turn."

3. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Solemn Judgment
4. Dust Tornado

Graveyard: 1
Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)

Deck: 33
>. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
4. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
7. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
14. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
15. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
16. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Dark Hole
20. Foolish Burial
21. Monster Reborn
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Swing of Memories
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
30. Dust Tornado
>. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 02:39 PM

"I will summon Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Guards_of_the_Ice_Barrier) and end my turn."


CIB - Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1300/0)
DS - Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1600/2200)
SG - Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(100/1600)



Double Summon
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier




Double Summon
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Crest of the Ice Barrier


Wet Ice

1. Wetlands
2. Wetlands
3. Wetlands
4. Terraforming
5. Terraforming
6. Moray of Greed
7. Moray of Greed
8. Mystical Space Typhoon
9. Mystical Space Typhoon
10. Salvage
11. Crest of the Ice Barrier
12. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
13. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
14. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
15. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
16. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
17. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
18. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
19. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
20. Defender of the Ice Barrier
21. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
22. Treeborn Frog
23. Treeborn Frog
24. Nightmare Penguin
25. Nightmare Penguin
26. Dark Bribe
27. Dark Bribe
28. Gravity Bind
29. Torrential Tribute
30. Mirror Force
31. Starlight Road

Extra Deck
1. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
2. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
6. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
8. Goyo Guardian
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Black Rose Dragon
11. Iron Chain Dragon
12. Stardust Dragon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-11-04, 02:44 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"That was a fortunate move. Another card facedown, and I pass."

2. Facedown card
3. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

2. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
3. Solemn Judgment
4. Dust Tornado

Graveyard: 1
Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)

Deck: 32
>. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
4. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
7. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
10. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
13. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
14. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
15. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Dark Hole
19. Foolish Burial
20. Monster Reborn
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Swing of Memories
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
29. Dust Tornado
>. Solemn Judgment
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 02:52 PM
"Fortunate in what way?"


"I will begin with Terraforming. This will allow me to pull a Wetlands from my deck and turn our field into something a little more hospitable."
(How Wetlands would be hospitable to Ice, I haven't a clue...but I'll go with it)
"Now, I will attack your face up monster with my Cryomancer, who gets a power boost thanks to the Wetlands!

During my second phase, I will switch my Secret Guards to defense mode and end my turn."

Field: Wetlands

CIB - Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1300/0) +1200 ATK
DS - Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1600/2200)
SG - Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(100/1600) +1200 ATK



Double Summon
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier




Double Summon
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Crest of the Ice Barrier


Wet Ice

1. Wetlands
2. Wetlands

4. Terraforming

6. Moray of Greed
7. Moray of Greed
8. Mystical Space Typhoon
9. Mystical Space Typhoon
10. Salvage
11. Crest of the Ice Barrier
12. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
13. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
14. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
15. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
16. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
17. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
18. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
19. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
20. Defender of the Ice Barrier
21. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
22. Treeborn Frog
23. Treeborn Frog
24. Nightmare Penguin
25. Nightmare Penguin
26. Dark Bribe
27. Dark Bribe
28. Gravity Bind
29. Torrential Tribute
30. Mirror Force
31. Starlight Road

Extra Deck
1. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
2. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
6. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
8. Goyo Guardian
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Black Rose Dragon
11. Iron Chain Dragon
12. Stardust Dragon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-11-04, 03:03 PM
She smiles, ducking her head slightly at the query. "Well, who knows? However, that move was slightly unfortunate. When you declare your attack, I activate my facedown Dust Tornado (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dust_Tornado), destroying your Wetlands and reducing your Cryomancer's power to where it can be destroyed by my Genex Ally Duradark. Does this alter your turn?"

2010-11-04, 03:08 PM
"Slightly...after my attack, I will summon a second Cryomancer and end my turn."


CIB - Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1300/0)
DS - Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1600/2200)
SG - Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(100/1600)



Double Summon




Double Summon
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Crest of the Ice Barrier
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier


Wet Ice

1. Wetlands
2. Wetlands
3. Terraforming
4. Moray of Greed
5. Moray of Greed
6. Mystical Space Typhoon
7. Mystical Space Typhoon
8. Salvage
9. Crest of the Ice Barrier
10. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
11. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
12. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
13. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
14. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
15. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
16. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
17. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
18. Defender of the Ice Barrier
19. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
20. Treeborn Frog
21. Treeborn Frog
22. Nightmare Penguin
23. Nightmare Penguin
24. Dark Bribe
25. Dark Bribe
26. Gravity Bind
27. Torrential Tribute
28. Mirror Force
29. Starlight Road

Extra Deck
1. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
2. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
6. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
8. Goyo Guardian
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Black Rose Dragon
11. Iron Chain Dragon
12. Stardust Dragon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-11-04, 03:09 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I am sorry, but there is one small flaw with your present defence that I shall now illustrate. I summon Genex Controller in attack position. With 1400 ATK, it is sufficient to overpower your Cryomancer, and at Level 3, small enough to bypass your restrictions on attacking. Controller destroys your Cryomancer, and Genex Ally Duradark is now free to destroy your Secret Guards. I then end my turn."

2. Facedown card
3. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
4. Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

2. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
3. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 2
Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
Dust Tornado

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)

Deck: 31
>. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
4. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
7. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
10. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
13. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
14. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Dark Hole
18. Foolish Burial
19. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Swing of Memories
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
28. Dust Tornado
>. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 03:21 PM


"For starters, I will play Salvage, getting back my Cryomancer and my Secret Guard. Then I will play Moray of Greed, sending these back to my deck to draw 3 cards!
(Turn continues after draw)
"I will play another Wetlands, followed by a Dewdark of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dewdark_of_the_Ice_Barrier). With my Dewdark pumped from the Wetlands, it will attack and destroy your Controller!

I will then lay one card face down and end my turn."

Field: Wetlands

DS - Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier (DEF)(1600/2200)
DIC - Dewdark of the Ice Barrier (ATK)(1200/800) +1200 ATK



Double Summon



Mirror Force (3)

Double Summon
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Crest of the Ice Barrier
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
Moray of Greed


Wet Ice

1. Wetlands

3. Terraforming
4. Moray of Greed
5. Mystical Space Typhoon
6. Mystical Space Typhoon
7. Salvage
8. Crest of the Ice Barrier
9. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
10. Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
11. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
12. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
13. Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier

15. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
16. Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
17. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
18. Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier
19. Defender of the Ice Barrier
20. Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier
21. Treeborn Frog
22. Treeborn Frog
23. Nightmare Penguin
24. Nightmare Penguin
25. Dark Bribe
26. Dark Bribe
27. Gravity Bind
28. Torrential Tribute

30. Starlight Road

Extra Deck
1. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
2. Ally of Justice Ally Catastor
3. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
4. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
5. Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
6. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7. Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
8. Goyo Guardian
9. Black Rose Dragon
10. Black Rose Dragon
11. Iron Chain Dragon
12. Stardust Dragon
13. Stardust Dragon
14. Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-11-04, 03:24 PM
Moray of Greed

2010-11-04, 03:36 PM
"Mildly troublesome, but no more."

Draw: [roll0]

"I tribute my facedown Genex Ally Duradark in order to summon Caius the Shadow Monarch. Caius removes your Dai-Sojo from play without destroying him, and with three DARK monsters in my Graveyard, I may now special summon Dark Armed Dragon from my hand. I remove from play Genex Controller to destroy Dewdark with Dark Armed Dragon, then reduce its level by one to summon Level Eater from my Graveyard. With your field clear, I can now attack directly with my monsters for 7600 damage."

2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Caius_the_Shadow_Monarch) (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
4. Dark Armed Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Armed_Dragon) (DARK Dragon 6; 2800/1000)
5. Level Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Level_Eater) (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 7000

3. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 2
Dust Tornado
Genex Ally Duradark (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Ally_Duradark) (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)

Remove from Play: 1
Genex Controller (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller) (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)

Hand: 2
Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
Foolish Burial

Deck: 30
>. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
1. Black Salvo (DARK Machine 3T; 100/1100)
2. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
3. Caius the Shadow Monarch (DARK Fiend 6; 2400/1000)
>. Dark Armed Dragon (DARK Dragon 7; 2800/1000)
4. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
5. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
6. Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive (DARK Machine 4; 1400/1000)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
>. Genex Ally Duradark (DARK Machine 4; 1800/200)
>. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
7. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
8. Genex Controller (DARK Machine 3T; 1400/1200)
9. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
10. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
11. Genex Neutron (LIGHT Machine 4; 1800/1200)
12. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
>. Level Eater (DARK Insect 1; 600/0)
13. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
14. The Tricky (WIND Spellcaster 5; 2000/1200)
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Dark Hole
>. Foolish Burial
18. Monster Reborn
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Swing of Memories
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
>. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
30. Torrential Tribute

Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Genex Ally Axel (DARK Machine 8; 2600/2000)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Genex Ally Triforce (DARK Machine 7; 2500/2100)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Locomotion R-Genex (DARK Machine 9; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Vindikite R-Genex (WIND Machine 8; 2400/1000)

2010-11-04, 06:24 PM
"When you attack, I flip my trap, Mirror Force!"

2010-11-04, 10:50 PM
"I did briefly wonder if I should have destroyed your facedown with Dark Armed Dragon, to be safe. Still," she continues, her smile never wavering as she selects her own facedown, "I did not think it necessary. I chain Solemn Judgment (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solemn_Judgment), negating and destroying Mirror Force at the cost of half of my life points. Thus, I still believe this is game."

2010-11-05, 06:36 AM
The man sighs..."Indeed it is game..."

((Alright, apparently Ice Barrier by itself just isn't up to snuff...will continue to work on it...))

2010-11-16, 11:10 AM
An older woman sits behind a table, a stack of card under her right hand.
"Hello, are you here for a fortune telling?"

2010-11-16, 11:12 AM
The woman sitting opposite the fortune teller smiles at the question. She brushes one hand through her bright pink hair. "Sure, why not? I always liked that sort of stuff."

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

2010-11-16, 01:49 PM
"Ah, so you would prefer to let the cards tell your fortune, very well, let us see what the cards hold in store for you!"


Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Light
3. Fortune Lady Light
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Dark
6. Fortune Lady Dark
7. Fortune Lady Earth
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Fire
10. Fortune Lady Fire
11. Fortune Lady Water
12. Fortune Lady Water
13. Fortune Lady Water
14. Fortune Lady Wind
15. Fortune Lady Wind
16. Rai-Mei
17. Rai-Mei
18. Necroface
19. Necroface
20. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
21. Future Visions
22. Future Visions
23. Future Visions
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Fortune’s Future
29. Fortune’s Future
30. Fortune’s Future
31. Reasoning
32. Soul Absorption
33. Soul Absorption
34. Gold Sarcophagus
35. Gold Sarcophagus
36. Compulsory Evacuation Device
37. Compulsory Evacuation Device
38. Mirror Force
39. Skull Lair
40. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 01:51 PM
"Being as I'm reading your fortune, it's only fitting that I should begin."


"I will begin by playing Terraforming, searching my deck for a card that is sure to help tell your fortune...Future Visions! Your fortune seems a bit hot, as I add my Fortune Lady Fire to the field. Then I will play Future Visions to the Field. Next, I will add Soul Absorption and two face down cards and end my turn."

Field: Future Visions

Fortune Lady Fire (400/400)

Soul Absorption



21. Future Visions


Mystical Space Typhoon(2)
Compulsory Evacuation Device(3)



Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Light
3. Fortune Lady Light
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Dark
6. Fortune Lady Dark
7. Fortune Lady Earth
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Fire
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Water
12. Fortune Lady Water
13. Fortune Lady Wind
14. Fortune Lady Wind
15. Rai-Mei
16. Rai-Mei
17. Necroface
18. Necroface
19. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
20. Future Visions
21. Terraforming
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Fortune’s Future
24. Fortune’s Future
25. Fortune’s Future
26. Reasoning
27. Soul Absorption
28. Gold Sarcophagus
29. Gold Sarcophagus
30. Compulsory Evacuation Device
31. Mirror Force
32. Skull Lair
33. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 02:04 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Looks like a fun first move, but now it's my turn to rock. I'll start with Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality)."

2010-11-16, 02:07 PM
Duality: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(Call of the Haunted, Legendary Jujitsu Master, Koa'ki Meiru Boulder)

"I'll pick Koa'ki Meiru Boulder for starters. Then, I'll set two cards and end my turn."


Life Points: 8000

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Book of Moon

Main Deck: 33
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
14. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Cold Wave
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Call of the Haunted
27. Dust Tornado
28. Dust Tornado
29. Solemn Judgment
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 02:16 PM

"I will simply pass my turn."

Field: Future Visions

(Lv3)Fortune Lady Fire (600/600)

Soul Absorption



Future Visions
Fortune’s Future


Mystical Space Typhoon(2)
Compulsory Evacuation Device(3)



Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Light
3. Fortune Lady Light
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Dark
6. Fortune Lady Dark
7. Fortune Lady Earth
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Fire
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Water
12. Fortune Lady Water
13. Fortune Lady Wind
14. Fortune Lady Wind
15. Rai-Mei
16. Rai-Mei
17. Necroface
18. Necroface
19. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
20. Future Visions
21. Terraforming
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Fortune’s Future
25. Fortune’s Future
26. Reasoning
27. Soul Absorption
28. Gold Sarcophagus
29. Gold Sarcophagus
30. Compulsory Evacuation Device
31. Mirror Force
32. Skull Lair
33. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 02:21 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Not even shifting your Fortune Lady to defence position? That's an odd move. I'll flip up Koa'ki Meiru Boulder and attack Fortune Lady Fire."
OOC: Turn pending counters.

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 5
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Book of Moon

Main Deck: 32
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
14. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Cold Wave
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 02:28 PM
"Well, you've decided against having a 'hot' fortune, which is unfortunate for you. My Lady is sent to the graveyard."

Field: Future Visions

Soul Absorption



Future Visions
Fortune’s Future


Mystical Space Typhoon(2)
Compulsory Evacuation Device(3)

Fortune Lady Fire


Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Light
3. Fortune Lady Light
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Dark
6. Fortune Lady Dark
7. Fortune Lady Earth
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Fire
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Water
12. Fortune Lady Water
13. Fortune Lady Wind
14. Fortune Lady Wind
15. Rai-Mei
16. Rai-Mei
17. Necroface
18. Necroface
19. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
20. Future Visions
21. Terraforming
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Fortune’s Future
25. Fortune’s Future
26. Reasoning
27. Soul Absorption
28. Gold Sarcophagus
29. Gold Sarcophagus
30. Compulsory Evacuation Device
31. Mirror Force
32. Skull Lair
33. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 02:31 PM
"Well, all I need is my music to get fired up. I'll summon Thunder King Rai-Oh, who is removed from play by Future Visions, then set a card and end my turn."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 1
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800) (0/1)

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Book of Moon

Main Deck: 32
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
14. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Cold Wave
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 02:34 PM
"I gain 500 LP when your King is removed from play!
And now I take my turn."

[roll0] ((Crap, this should have been d32, but it doesn't make a difference I guess...))

"I will again pass my turn."

((I just realized I don't have One for One in my deck...:smallsigh: ))

Field: Future Visions

Soul Absorption



Future Visions
Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Dark


Mystical Space Typhoon(2)
Compulsory Evacuation Device(3)

Fortune Lady Fire


Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Light
3. Fortune Lady Light
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Dark
6. Fortune Lady Earth
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Water
12. Fortune Lady Wind
13. Fortune Lady Wind
14. Rai-Mei
15. Rai-Mei
16. Necroface
17. Necroface
18. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
19. Future Visions
20. Terraforming
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Fortune’s Future
23. Fortune’s Future
24. Reasoning
25. Soul Absorption
26. Gold Sarcophagus
27. Gold Sarcophagus
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Mirror Force
30. Skull Lair
31. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 02:36 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"No sense waiting for the tempo to pick up; I'll pick up the pace myself and hear the music flow. Thunder King Rai-Oh returns to the field, and both of my cards attack directly. That'll end my turn."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
4. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Book of Moon
Solemn Warning

Main Deck: 31
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
14. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Cold Wave
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
31. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 02:41 PM

"I'm afraid I must once again pass my turn."


Field: Future Visions

Soul Absorption



Future Visions
Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Dark
Fortune’s Future


Mystical Space Typhoon(2)
Compulsory Evacuation Device(3)

Fortune Lady Fire


Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Light
3. Fortune Lady Light
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Dark
6. Fortune Lady Earth
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Water
12. Fortune Lady Wind
13. Fortune Lady Wind
14. Rai-Mei
15. Rai-Mei
16. Necroface
17. Necroface
18. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
19. Future Visions
20. Terraforming
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Fortune’s Future
24. Reasoning
25. Soul Absorption
26. Gold Sarcophagus
27. Gold Sarcophagus
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Mirror Force
30. Skull Lair
31. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 02:42 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Ah, well, that's how it goes. I'll activate my facedown Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Future Visions, then summon Koa'ki Meiru Guardian. My three monsters will then attack for game."

2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
4. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 2
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Book of Moon
Solemn Warning

Main Deck: 30
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
13. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Call of the Haunted
25. Dust Tornado
26. Dust Tornado
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
30. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 02:49 PM
"I will activate Compulsory Evacuation Device, sending your Thunder King back to your hand, which I believe will buy me one more turn. Do you have anything further?"

2010-11-16, 02:51 PM
"That's pretty much it. Two cards facedown, and in my end phase, I'll reveal Koa'ki Meiru Boulder to keep Guardian on the field."

2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
2. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

2. Book of Moon
3. Solemn Warning
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 2
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)

Main Deck: 30
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
13. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Call of the Haunted
25. Dust Tornado
26. Dust Tornado
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
30. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 02:53 PM

"I will begin this turn by playing another Future Visions. Next, I will flip my face down card,revealing Mystical Space Typhoon, to destroy your face down spell/trap in position 3. Then, I will play Fortune Lady Light, who will immediately get removed from play, netting me 500 Life Points, and a fortune lady to bring to the field. And with this effect, I will summon Fortune Lady Dark. Do you have any counters before I continue?"

Field: Future Visions

Fortune Lady Dark (2000/2000)

Soul Absorption



Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Dark
Fortune’s Future



Fortune Lady Fire
Future Visions
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mystical Space Typhoon

Fortune Lady Light

Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Light
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Dark
6. Fortune Lady Earth
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Water
12. Fortune Lady Wind
13. Fortune Lady Wind
14. Rai-Mei
15. Rai-Mei
16. Necroface
17. Necroface
18. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
19. Future Visions
20. Terraforming
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Fortune’s Future
24. Reasoning
25. Soul Absorption
26. Gold Sarcophagus
27. Gold Sarcophagus
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Mirror Force
30. Skull Lair
31. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 03:05 PM
"I'd say you destroyed the wrong facedown, but really, you needed to hit two of them to turn this around. The facedown you destroyed was Solemn Warning, but I'll use my other facedown, Bottomless Trap Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bottomless_Trap_Hole), to destroy and remove Dark from play."

2010-11-16, 03:09 PM
((...since Fortune Ladys have ATK/DEF of ?, can they be targeted by Bottomless Trap Holes?))

2010-11-16, 03:13 PM
OOC: The effect of a Fortune Lady that determines its ATK/DEF is a continuous effect, so it enters effect the moment the Fortune Lady hits the field, and BTH works based on the ATK/DEF after the summon hits the field (specifically, just after the summon resolves). The Card Rulings (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Bottomless_Trap_Hole) gives the example of Enraged Muka Muka (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Enraged_Muka_Muka) with one card in the hand (1200 original ATK, 1600 actual ATK), but it also applies to monsters boosted by Solidarity/Field Spells or ?/? cards with continuous ATK/DEF effects such as Fortune Ladies. On the flip side, its effect fizzles on cards that have or get reduced below 1500 ATK, which means it can't activate against a Vice Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Vice_Dragon) special summoned by its own effect (which halves ATK/DEF), and chaining Shrink and targeting the endangered monster is actually a viable defence.

2010-11-16, 03:19 PM
((Fair enough))
"Very well. Then I will activate Fortune's Future, bringing my Fortune Lady Dark to the graveyard, which allows me to draw two cards."


Field: Future Visions

Soul Absorption



Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Dark
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Earth



Fortune Lady Fire
Future Visions
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mystical Space Typhoon
Fortune’s Future

Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Dark

Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Dark
3. Fortune Lady Fire
4. Fortune Lady Fire
5. Fortune Lady Water
6. Fortune Lady Water
7. Fortune Lady Water
8. Fortune Lady Wind
9. Fortune Lady Wind
10. Rai-Mei
11. Rai-Mei
12. Necroface
13. Necroface
14. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
15. Future Visions
16. Terraforming
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Fortune’s Future
19. Reasoning
20. Soul Absorption
21. Gold Sarcophagus
22. Gold Sarcophagus
23. Compulsory Evacuation Device
24. Mirror Force
25. Skull Lair
26. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 03:22 PM
"I will then play another Fortune's Future to bring my Lady of Light from beyond back to the graveyard to draw two more cards."


"I will set a card and play another Soul Absorption and end my turn."

Field: Future Visions

Soul Absorption



Fortune Lady Dark
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Earth


Skull Lair(2)

Fortune Lady Fire
Future Visions
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mystical Space Typhoon
Fortune’s Future
Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Dark


Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Dark
3. Fortune Lady Fire
4. Fortune Lady Fire
5. Fortune Lady Water
6. Fortune Lady Water
7. Fortune Lady Water
8. Fortune Lady Wind
9. Fortune Lady Wind
10. Rai-Mei
11. Rai-Mei
12. Necroface
13. Necroface
14. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
15. Future Visions
16. Terraforming
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Fortune’s Future
19. Reasoning

21. Gold Sarcophagus
22. Gold Sarcophagus
23. Compulsory Evacuation Device
24. Mirror Force

26. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 03:26 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"For starters, I'll attack directly with both monsters and end this, unless you have a counter."

2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
2. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

2. Book of Moon

Graveyard: 4
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Solemn Warning
Bottomless Trap Hole

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Torrential Tribute

Main Deck: 29
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
13. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Call of the Haunted
25. Dust Tornado
26. Dust Tornado
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 03:35 PM
"I see you have a wonderful fortune, mine on the other hand, is lack luster. My ladies are defeated.

Would you care for another reading?"

2010-11-16, 03:47 PM
"Sure, I'm always up for an encore. You can decide who leads, too."

Draw: [roll0]
Reroll: [roll1]

OOC: That way, you can also try your deck with One For One and any other tweaks you're considering, too.

2010-11-16, 04:07 PM
"I think it only fitting that I play first again, old ladies first after all" :smallbiggrin:


OOC: I only added in the One for One...I honestly can think of anything to take out at present...Probably the Skull Lairs for extra draw, but I'll leave them in for the time being...

2010-11-16, 04:08 PM

"I will play a Soul Absorption and set a card and end my turn."


Soul Absorption



Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Water


Fortune Lady Light(3)


Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Dark
3. Fortune Lady Dark
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Earth
6. Fortune Lady Fire
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Wind
12. Fortune Lady Wind
13. Rai-Mei
14. Necroface
15. Necroface
16. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
17. Future Visions
18. Future Visions
19. Future Visions
20. Terraforming
21. Terraforming
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Fortune’s Future
25. Fortune’s Future
26. One for One
27. Reasoning
28. Soul Absorption
29. Gold Sarcophagus
30. Compulsory Evacuation Device
31. Compulsory Evacuation Device
32. Mirror Force
33. Skull Lair
34. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 04:12 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I'll summon up Koa'ki Meiru Sandman and attack your facedown. Then, I'll set a card, end my turn, and reveal Koa'ki Meiru Boulder to keep Sandman alive."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)

Main Deck: 34
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Cold Wave
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Call of the Haunted
28. Dust Tornado
29. Dust Tornado
30. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-16, 04:25 PM
"You destroyed my Fortune Lady Light...


"I will summon another Fortune Lady Light. Then, I will play an interesting card...Reasoning (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Reasoning). Let us see how fortunate you truly are."


Fortune Lady Light (200/200)

Soul Absorption



Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Water



Fortune Lady Light

Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Dark
3. Fortune Lady Dark
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Earth
6. Fortune Lady Fire
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Fire
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Water
11. Fortune Lady Wind
12. Fortune Lady Wind
13. Rai-Mei
14. Necroface
15. Necroface
16. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
17. Future Visions
18. Future Visions
19. Future Visions
20. Terraforming
21. Terraforming
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Fortune’s Future
25. Fortune’s Future
26. One for One
28. Soul Absorption
29. Gold Sarcophagus
30. Compulsory Evacuation Device
31. Compulsory Evacuation Device
32. Mirror Force
33. Skull Lair
34. Skull Lair

2010-11-16, 04:38 PM
"Alright, then, let's see. I'll declare Level 5."

2010-11-17, 08:01 AM
((Not really sure how this is going to work...but here we go...I'll do it in 5s))

[roll0] Fortune's Future
[roll1] Fortune Lady Fire

"So Fortune's Future to the Grave, and Fortune Lady Fire to play. And this will end my turn."

((Alright...I was wondering about Reasoning...too iffy I'm thinking))


Fortune Lady Light (200/200)
Fortune Lady Fire (400/400)

Soul Absorption



Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Water



Fortune Lady Light
Fortune’s Future

Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Dark
3. Fortune Lady Dark
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Earth
6. Fortune Lady Fire
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Water
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Wind
11. Fortune Lady Wind
12. Rai-Mei
13. Necroface
14. Necroface
15. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
16. Future Visions
17. Future Visions
18. Future Visions
19. Terraforming
20. Terraforming
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Fortune’s Future
24. One for One
25. Soul Absorption
26. Gold Sarcophagus
27. Compulsory Evacuation Device
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Mirror Force
30. Skull Lair
31. Skull Lair

2010-11-17, 11:13 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"Let's go, Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality). Let's see what it holds for us, this time."

2010-11-17, 11:15 AM
Duality: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(Book of Moon, Legendary Jujitsu Master, Koa'ki Meiru Guardian)

"I'll pick up Koa'ki Meiru Guardian, then summon it to the field. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian destroys Light for 1700 damage, and Sandman trashes Fire. Then, before my turn ends, I reveal Boulder twice in my hand, once for Guardian and once for Sandman."

OOC: Reasoning does seem a bit iffy since it's a little luck-based. Actually, it's always good for searching Light or Dark, decent for Earth if you bother to run that and Water if you already have a Fortune Lady on the field, but it's not so wonderful for Fire or Wind, which respectively require Special Summon via Fortune Lady and a Normal Summon. Then again, most decks run Earth at 0-2, and Fire and Wind at 1-2 since their effects either aren't generally useful (Earth), don't work well when drawn into the hand (Fire), or rely on very precise field presence (Wind), so that plus running Light/Dark at 3 each makes Reasoning more reliable.

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)

Main Deck: 32
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
11. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-17, 11:25 AM
((Yeah, I threw out the Light incase I hit a Water...))


"I will play a Future Visions, then I will set a card and end my turn."

Field: Future Visions

Soul Absorption



Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Water



Fortune Lady Light
Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Fire

Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Dark
3. Fortune Lady Dark
4. Fortune Lady Dark
5. Fortune Lady Earth
6. Fortune Lady Fire
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Water
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Wind
11. Fortune Lady Wind
12. Rai-Mei
13. Necroface
14. Necroface
15. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu

17. Future Visions
18. Future Visions
19. Terraforming
20. Terraforming
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Fortune’s Future
24. One for One
25. Soul Absorption
26. Gold Sarcophagus
27. Compulsory Evacuation Device
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Mirror Force
30. Skull Lair
31. Skull Lair

2010-11-17, 11:27 AM
"When you activate Future Visions, I chain my facedown Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it."

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll start with Cold Wave (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cold_Wave) to stun both of our spells and traps until my next turn, then play Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Neo-Spacian_Grand_Mole). Grand Mole attacks your facedown, bouncing both monsters to our hands, and both Guardian and Sandman go direct. That ends my turn, and I reveal Boulder twice for my two monsters."
-3800 LP

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Life Points: 8000


Graveyard: 3
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Cold Wave

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa%27ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)

Main Deck: 31
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
11. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
>. Cold Wave
17. Dark Hole
18. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Call of the Haunted
25. Dust Tornado
26. Dust Tornado
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-17, 11:35 AM

"I'm afraid I must concede..."


Soul Absorption



Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Water
Fortune Lady Dark



Fortune Lady Light
Fortune’s Future
Fortune Lady Light
Fortune Lady Fire
Future Visions

Fortune Favors the Bold

1. Fortune Lady Light
2. Fortune Lady Dark
3. Fortune Lady Dark

5. Fortune Lady Earth
6. Fortune Lady Fire
7. Fortune Lady Fire
8. Fortune Lady Water
9. Fortune Lady Water
10. Fortune Lady Wind
11. Fortune Lady Wind
12. Rai-Mei
13. Necroface
14. Necroface
15. Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
16. Future Visions
17. Future Visions
18. Terraforming
19. Terraforming
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Fortune’s Future
23. One for One
24. Soul Absorption
25. Gold Sarcophagus
26. Compulsory Evacuation Device
27. Compulsory Evacuation Device
28. Mirror Force
29. Skull Lair
30. Skull Lair

2010-11-17, 12:05 PM
OOC: This is probably an odd question, but why did you lead with Light rather than Rai-Mei? The latter could have pulled your third Light to your hand early, reducing your deck size by one and marginally increasing your odds of drawing a good card. It probably wouldn't have helped you much in this duel because I was able to destroy Future Visions when you finally drew it (and would have still negated Light with Guardian otherwise), but losing Lights tends to be harder on pure Fortune Ladies than other variants since that card is its best seeker. You did have poor luck in these duels, since it seems you rarely drew what you actually needed to get going.

I'm not sure if you want my thoughts since I run my Fortune deck with E-Hero Zero rather than pure, but you might also consider modifying your trap line-up slightly to improve your ability to remove Light quickly without Future Visions. Torrential Tribute (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Torrential_Tribute) and Dark Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Hole) are good for anti-swarm as well as activating Light, and Slip of Fortune (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Slip_of_Fortune) can negate an attack as well as removing Light (but is otherwise marginal). In the TCG (but not the OCG), Magical Dimension (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Magical_Dimension) can also be used, since it does not miss the timing as long as you do not use its destruction effect. Aside from that, Monster Reborn is such a good reversal card that it seems a shame to not run it unless you're using an RFP deck. Bottomless Trap Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bottomless_Trap_Hole) can be run at two if you have trouble with an opponent's monsters and synergizes with Soul Absorption, but if you don't use it at 2, it's probably better not to use it at all since it's unreliable at 1. I also tend to be fond of Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality) because running it at 3 effectively turns a 40 card deck into a 37 card deck at the cost of one turn's special summon, but it's a judgment call on whether you want to include it or not in a deck that has as much special summoning and draw power as Fortune Ladies do.

On the flip side, Fortune Lady Fire can probably be run at 2 since it's a poor draw (as you've noticed in the first duel), and Skull Lair seems less than useful in general. Oh, and I just noticed, but Necroface is also Limited due to the whole Necromill thing (RFP Necroface to remove 5 cards from your deck and your opponent's deck - if a second Necroface is removed with that, that's another 5 cards milled per deck for 20 total in a single turn, and Shutendoji can recycle it for additional hilarity).

2010-11-17, 12:15 PM
((I was dumb and led with that Light, because in my infinite wisdom, I forgot that Light was card effect only.

I think I'm with you on a lot of those suggestions...Skull Lair seems a bit lack luster...at no time would I have been happy I drew it...

I'll do an overhaul of this deck and see what it looks like...

Would you like to try out a different deck (or the same if you want further testing) against one of the other two that I had?))

2010-11-17, 12:33 PM
Sure, that's no problem. I'll just pick out a new deck at random; most of the testing for this deck I wished to do including the side deck.

Deck selection: [roll0]
1. Five Hundred Miles - Genex/DAD synchro summons
2. Magic Roundabout - stall/burn
3. Miss Fortune - Fortune Ladies + D-Heroes
4. True Soul - Rock Stun
5. Viridian Days - Naturia/Gigaplants

EDIT: Err...well, I suppose that's how it goes. You can pick a deck if you prefer - I've added basic descriptions.

2010-11-17, 12:39 PM
((Oh, well lets have a match, I've got a deck with a side deck that I'll pull up...if you don't mind facing it))


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Arms Misteil
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Aklys
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Phalanx
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Dux
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Legionnaire
16. Dragunity Brandistock
17. Dragunity Brandistock
18. Light and Darkness Dragon
19. Dragunity Primus Pilus
20. Dragunity Primus Pilus
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Dragon Canyon
23. Dragon Canyon
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Cards of Consonance
27. Cards of Consonance
28. Dark Hole
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Future Fusion
32. Pot of Avarice
33. Monster Reborn
34. Mirror Force
35. Torrential Tribute
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Bottomless Trap Hole
38. Call of the Haunted
39. Dimensional Prison
40. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 12:51 PM
OOC: Sure. Rockstun versus Dragunity seems like an interesting match-up

An abandoned building run-down from years of neglect sits at the corner of the dark street. Within, the sound of of an electric guitar fills the air. Leaning against a crumbling concrete wall, a woman with pink hair and an odd duel disc with strings crossing the bridge of the arch that holds the playing field looks up at the newcomer. "Heya. You here for a duel?" she asks with a smile.

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

2010-11-17, 12:55 PM
"That depends, are you looking to lose?"
Replies the small, scaly creature in red robes.
"And after I finish with you, I will stop that infernal noise!"










1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Arms Misteil
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Aklys
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Phalanx
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Dux
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Legionnaire
16. Dragunity Brandistock
17. Dragunity Brandistock
18. Light and Darkness Dragon
19. Dragunity Primus Pilus
20. Dragunity Primus Pilus
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Dragon Canyon
23. Dragon Canyon
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Cards of Consonance
27. Cards of Consonance
28. Dark Hole
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Future Fusion
32. Pot of Avarice
33. Monster Reborn
34. Mirror Force
35. Torrential Tribute
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Bottomless Trap Hole
38. Call of the Haunted
39. Dimensional Prison
40. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 12:57 PM
"Infernal noise? Heh, wouldn't those moral guardians who talk about rock as the tool of the devil be surprised."

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll start the duel with Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality)."

2010-11-17, 01:01 PM
Duality: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(Koa'ki Meiru Sandman, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Koa'ki Meiru Sandman)

"Well, I'm always one for the odd one out. I'll take Thunder King Rai-Oh, summon it, set two more cards, then end my turn."

3. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)

Main Deck: 33
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
13. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Cold Wave
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Call of the Haunted
27. Dust Tornado
28. Dust Tornado
29. Solemn Judgment
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 01:05 PM
"Very Well."


"I will set 3 cards and end my turn."




Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Arms Misteil


Dragunity Phalanx(3)
Mirror Force(4)
Call of the Haunted(5)




1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Brandistock
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragunity Primus Pilus
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Cards of Consonance
24. Cards of Consonance
25. Dark Hole
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Future Fusion
29. Monster Reborn
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Dimensional Prison
34. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 01:21 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Time for the Sandman to enter. I'll summon Koa'ki Meiru Sandman from my hand, and we'll attack. Sandman destroys your facedown, and Rai-Oh goes direct. When my turn ends, I reveal Koa'ki Meiru Boulder to keep Sandman alive."

3. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)

Main Deck: 32
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
12. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 01:26 PM
"When you declare your attack, I flip my Mirror Force! How do you respond?"

2010-11-17, 01:28 PM
"Easy enough. I'll tribute Sandman to negate and destroy Mirror Force. Thunder King Rai-Oh still destroys your facedown monster, and I'll have to settle for that."

3. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 2
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)

Main Deck: 32
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
12. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 01:30 PM
"I figured as much, and my Dragunity Phalanx is destroyed."


"I will set a card and end my turn."




Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Arms Misteil


Bottomless Trap Hole (3)
Call of the Haunted(5)


Mirror Force
Dragunity Phalanx



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Brandistock
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragunity Primus Pilus
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Cards of Consonance
24. Cards of Consonance
25. Dark Hole
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Future Fusion
29. Monster Reborn
30. Torrential Tribute

32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Dimensional Prison
34. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 01:32 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"It was so fruitful the first time, let's try this again. I play Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality)."

2010-11-17, 01:34 PM
Duality: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(Mystical Space Typhoon, Koa'ki Meiru Wall, Thunder King Rai-Oh)

"I'll take Mystical Space Typhoon, then activate it to destroy your slot 3 facedown. I then summon Koa'ki Meiriu Wall in attack position and attack directly. That'll end my turn, and I reveal Boulder in my hand to keep Wall alive."
-3800 LP

3. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 4
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)

Main Deck: 30
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
12. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Call of the Haunted
24. Dust Tornado
25. Dust Tornado
26. Solemn Judgment
27. Solemn Warning
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
30. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 01:39 PM
"You destroyed a Bottomless Trap Hole"


"I will set a card and end my turn."




Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Arms Misteil


Torrential Tribute(4)
Call of the Haunted(5)


Mirror Force
Dragunity Phalanx
Bottomless Trap Hole



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Brandistock
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragunity Primus Pilus
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Cards of Consonance
24. Cards of Consonance
25. Dark Hole
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Future Fusion
29. Monster Reborn

31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Dimensional Prison
33. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 01:42 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Koa'ki Meiru Boulder and attack with everyone for game. Any counter?"

2. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 4
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Bottomless Trap Hole

Main Deck: 29
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
12. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Call of the Haunted
23. Dust Tornado
24. Dust Tornado
25. Solemn Judgment
26. Solemn Warning
27. Solemn Warning
28. Solemn Warning
29. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 01:46 PM
"The summoning of your bolder activates Torrential Tribute!"

2010-11-17, 01:49 PM
"Not bad, not bad. I'll end my turn, then."

3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon
4. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 7
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Bottomless Trap Hole

Main Deck: 29
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
12. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Call of the Haunted
23. Dust Tornado
24. Dust Tornado
25. Solemn Judgment
26. Solemn Warning
27. Solemn Warning
28. Solemn Warning
29. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 01:50 PM

"For starters, I will play Terraforming, summong Dragon Canyon from my deck. Now, I will turn this horrid place into something more hospitable, by summoning Dragon Canyon to the field! Next, I will summon Dragunity Dux (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Dux) equipping it with my Phalanx. Then, I will special summon the Dragunity Phalanx (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Phalanx) to the field and tune them together to summon Dragunity Knight – Gadearg (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Knight_-_Gadearg). Any response before I continue?"

Field: Dragon Canyon



Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Arms Misteil


Call of the Haunted(5)


Mirror Force
Dragunity Phalanx
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Dragunity Dux



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Brandistock
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragunity Primus Pilus

20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Cards of Consonance
24. Cards of Consonance
25. Dark Hole
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Future Fusion
29. Monster Reborn
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Dimensional Prison
32. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 02:03 PM
"My Bottomless Trap Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bottomless_Trap_Hole) destroys Gadearg and removes it from play."

2010-11-17, 03:44 PM
"Grrr...FINE...then I will activate my Trap, Call of the Haunted, summoning Dragunity Dux. I will then send my Dux back to the graveyard to special summon Dragunity Arms Misteil (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Arms_Misteil) and equip Dragunity Phalanx to it. Then I will special summon my Phalanx and tune it to the Misteil to summon Red Dragon Archfiend. My Archfiend will then attack you directly for 3000 Life Points.

This will end my turn."

Field: Dragon Canyon

Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000)



Pot of Avarice




Mirror Force
Dragunity Phalanx
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Dragunity Dux
Call of the Haunted
Dragunity Arms Misteil

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Brandistock
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragunity Primus Pilus

20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Cards of Consonance
24. Cards of Consonance
25. Dark Hole
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Future Fusion
29. Monster Reborn
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Dimensional Prison
32. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend

8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 03:47 PM
"Sorry, but I've got two facedowns. When you special summon Misteil, I chain Book of Moon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Book_of_Moon) to flip it facedown. Since it's facedown when its effect resolves, you can't equip it with anything, and Phalanx stays in your Graveyard. Any other fancy moves?"

OOC: Also, Call of the Haunted remains on the field until the monster it summoned is destroyed. If the monster is only sent to the Graveyard or otherwise removed from the field without being destroyed, Call isn't destroyed, which lets it be bounced by Trunade, Raiza, or Brionac.

2010-11-17, 03:51 PM
*sigh*"None at the moment."

((Thanks for telling me))

Field: Dragon Canyon

Call of the Haunted



Pot of Avarice


Dragunity Arms Misteil(4)


Mirror Force
Dragunity Phalanx
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Dragunity Dux
Call of the Haunted

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Brandistock
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragunity Primus Pilus

20. Dragon Canyon
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Terraforming
23. Cards of Consonance
24. Cards of Consonance
25. Dark Hole
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Future Fusion
29. Monster Reborn
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Dimensional Prison
32. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 03:52 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"And right on cue, the last member of my deck's three-man band appears. I summon Koa'ki Meiru Guardian in attack position, then he trashes your facedown Misteil. I then set one card, and in my end phase, reveal Legendary Jujitsu Master to keep Guardian alive."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 9
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Book of Moon

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)

Main Deck: 28
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
11. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Cold Wave
17. Dark Hole
18. Monster Reborn
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
21. Call of the Haunted
22. Dust Tornado
23. Dust Tornado
24. Solemn Judgment
25. Solemn Warning
26. Solemn Warning
27. Solemn Warning
28. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 03:58 PM

"I will discard a Bottomless Trap Hole to bring a Dragunity Legionnaire from my deck to my hand. I will then play my Legionnaire and attach a Phalanx to it. Next, I will send the Phalanx back to the graveyard to destroy your monster, and finally I will attack you directly for 1200 Life points and end my turn."

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)

Call of the Haunted



Pot of Avarice




Mirror Force
Dragunity Phalanx
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Dragunity Dux
Call of the Haunted
Dragunity Arms Misteil
Bottomless Trap Hole

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragunity Brandistock
14. Light and Darkness Dragon
15. Dragunity Primus Pilus
16. Dragunity Primus Pilus
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Dragon Canyon
19. Terraforming
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Dark Hole
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Future Fusion
26. Monster Reborn
27. Dimensional Prison
28. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 04:05 PM
"When you activate Dragunity Legionnaire, my Koa'ki Meiru Guardian's effect tributes itself to negate and destroy Legionnaire. You got rid of Guardian, but only by losing your own monster, and..."

Draw: [roll0]

"I now summon Legendary Jujitsu Master from my hand, who attacks directly. That ends my turn."

3. Legendary Jujitsu Master (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Jujitsu_Master) (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 10
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Book of Moon
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Dark Hole

Main Deck: 27
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
11. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Cold Wave
>. Dark Hole
17. Monster Reborn
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
19. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
20. Call of the Haunted
21. Dust Tornado
22. Dust Tornado
23. Solemn Judgment
24. Solemn Warning
25. Solemn Warning
26. Solemn Warning
27. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 04:11 PM

"I will discard a Dragunity Dux to bring a Dragunity Legionnaire from my deck to my hand. Then, I will summon the Legionnaire, equip it with the Phalanx, then send the Phalanx back to the graveyard to destroy your Master. Then, I will play Pot of Avarice to send five monsters back to my deck in order to draw two cards."
((Dragunity Phalanx, Dragunity Arms Misteil, Dragunity Dux, Dragunity Dux, Dragunity Legionnaire))

"I will then attack you directly for 1200 Life Points and end my turn."

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)

Call of the Haunted



Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Primus Pilus




Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Pot of Avarice

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Arms Misteil
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Aklys
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Phalanx
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Dux
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragon Canyon
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Terraforming
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Cards of Consonance
23. Dark Hole
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Future Fusion
27. Monster Reborn
28. Dimensional Prison
29. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 04:18 PM
Pot of Avarice


2010-11-17, 04:23 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"One card facedown, and I end my turn."

3. Facedown card

Life Points: 6800

3. Bottomless Trap Hole
4. Solemn Warning

Graveyard: 11
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Book of Moon
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Jujitsu_Master) (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Dark Hole

Main Deck: 26
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
11. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Cold Wave
>. Dark Hole
17. Monster Reborn
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
19. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
20. Call of the Haunted
21. Dust Tornado
22. Dust Tornado
23. Solemn Judgment
24. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
25. Solemn Warning
26. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-17, 04:26 PM

"I will discard a Dragunity Brandistock (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Brandistock) from my hand to send a Dragunity Arms Laevatein (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Arms_Laevatein) to my graveyard.

Next, I will summon Dragunity Dux (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Dux) and equip it with the Brandistock. Do you have any responses before I continue?"

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)
Dragunity Dux (2100/1000)

Spells / Traps
Dragunity Brandistock
Call of the Haunted



Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Primus Pilus
Dragunity Dux




Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Pot of Avarice

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Arms Misteil
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Aklys
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Phalanx
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Dux

13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Brandistock
16. Light and Darkness Dragon
17. Dragunity Primus Pilus
18. Dragon Canyon
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Terraforming
21. Cards of Consonance
22. Cards of Consonance
23. Dark Hole
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Future Fusion
27. Monster Reborn
28. Dimensional Prison
29. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-17, 04:34 PM
"Actually, I do: Bottomless Trap Hole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bottomless_Trap_Hole) destroys and removes Dux from play."

2010-11-17, 10:24 PM
"Very Well, then I will just attack you with the Legionnaire again...and end my turn."

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)

Spells / Traps
Call of the Haunted



Dragunity Primus Pilus




Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Arms Laevatein

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
Dragunity Dux


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Brandistock
14. Light and Darkness Dragon
15. Dragunity Primus Pilus
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Cards of Consonance
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Dark Hole
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Future Fusion
25. Monster Reborn
26. Dimensional Prison
27. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 10:21 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"Second measure, same as first measure. One card facedown, and I end my turn."

3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 5600

3. Book of Moon
4. Solemn Warning

Graveyard: 12
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Book of Moon
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Jujitsu_Master) (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Bottomless Trap Hole

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Dark Hole

Main Deck: 25
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
11. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Cold Wave
>. Dark Hole
16. Monster Reborn
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
18. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
19. Call of the Haunted
20. Dust Tornado
21. Dust Tornado
22. Solemn Judgment
23. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
24. Solemn Warning
25. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-18, 10:45 AM

"I will summon Dragunity Aklys (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Aklys) to the field. Using its ability, I special summon Dragunity Primus Pilus (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Primus_Pilus) and equip the Aklys to it. When Primus Pilus comes into play, it allows me to equip a Dragunity Dragon from my deck to a Dragunity Winged Beast I control in play. I will take my Dragunity Phalanx from my deck and equip it to my Legionnaire. Do you have any responses before I continue?"

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)
Dragunity Primus Pilus (2200/1600)

Spells / Traps
Dragunity Phalanx
Dragunity Aklys
Call of the Haunted



Dragunity Primus Pilus
Dragunity Aklys




Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Arms Laevatein

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
Dragunity Dux


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Brandistock
14. Light and Darkness Dragon
15. Dragunity Primus Pilus
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Cards of Consonance
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Dark Hole
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Future Fusion
25. Monster Reborn
26. Dimensional Prison
27. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 10:58 AM
"Hmmm, a choice between bad and worse. Solemn Warning (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solemn_Warning) negates and destroys Aklys when it attempts to summon Pilus Primus. Since it's destroyed as a monster and not as an equip spell, that also avoids its effect."

Life Points: 3600

2010-11-18, 11:12 AM
"Then that leave Primus Pilus in my hand.

And with that, I will discard the Primus Pilus to send Light and Darkness Dragon to my graveyard. Then I will attack you once again with the Legionnaire. Then, end my turn."

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)

Spells / Traps

Call of the Haunted







Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Primus Pilus
Light and Darkness Dragon

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
Dragunity Dux


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Brandistock

15. Dragunity Primus Pilus
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Terraforming
19. Cards of Consonance
20. Cards of Consonance
21. Dark Hole
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Future Fusion
25. Monster Reborn
26. Dimensional Prison
27. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 11:17 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"No move. I'll end my turn."

3. Facedown card

Life Points: 2400

3. Book of Moon

Graveyard: 13
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Book of Moon
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Jujitsu_Master) (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Solemn Warning

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Dark Hole

Main Deck: 24
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
7. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
10. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
11. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
13. Book of Moon
14. Cold Wave
>. Dark Hole
15. Monster Reborn
16. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
17. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
18. Call of the Haunted
19. Dust Tornado
20. Dust Tornado
21. Solemn Judgment
22. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
23. Solemn Warning
24. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-18, 11:26 AM
"Hrmm...one lonely card..."


"I will set a card, then I will attack you directly and end my turn."

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)

Spells / Traps

Call of the Haunted





Dimensional Prison(3)


Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Primus Pilus
Light and Darkness Dragon

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
Dragunity Dux


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Brandistock
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragon Canyon
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Terraforming
18. Cards of Consonance
19. Cards of Consonance
20. Dark Hole
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Future Fusion
24. Monster Reborn
25. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 11:32 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"This isn't goin' so hot for me. I'll set another card and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 1200

3. Book of Moon
4. Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard: 13
Pot of Duality
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Wall) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Book of Moon
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Legendary Jujitsu Master (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Jujitsu_Master) (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
Bottomless Trap Hole
Solemn Warning

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Dark Hole

Main Deck: 23
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
7. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
10. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
11. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
13. Book of Moon
14. Cold Wave
>. Dark Hole
15. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
16. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Bottomless Trap Hole
17. Call of the Haunted
18. Dust Tornado
19. Dust Tornado
20. Solemn Judgment
21. Solemn Warning
>. Solemn Warning
22. Solemn Warning
23. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-11-18, 11:43 AM

"I discard Primus Pilus to summon another Legionnaire to my hand. I will then summon the Legionnaire and equip it with a Dragunity Brandistock from my graveyard.

Then I attack you with both Legionnaires, and the one with the Brandistock equipped gets to attack you twice, if needed. Responses?"

Field: Dragon Canyon

Dragunity Legionnaire (1200/800)

Spells / Traps
Dragunity Brandistock
Call of the Haunted





Dimensional Prison(3)


Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Pot of Avarice
Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Primus Pilus
Light and Darkness Dragon
Dragunity Primus Pilus

Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
Dragunity Dux


1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Misteil
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Dragon Canyon
14. Dragon Canyon
15. Terraforming
16. Cards of Consonance
17. Cards of Consonance
18. Dark Hole
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Future Fusion
22. Monster Reborn
23. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg

4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Swallow Flip
6. Swallow Flip
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 11:59 AM
"Well, that's how it goes sometimes. I was hoping you'd think about all the times my facedowns blocked your fancy summons and try the direct method first this time. Still, this match isn't over yet." Her duel disc shifts slightly, extending out as the strings retract into the arch. She reinserts the full deck into it, the disc shuffling and extending five cards "I think I've got how you play, so I ought to play seriously this time, don't ya think? Once again, I lead."

Side Alterations
-1 Cold Wave
-1 Legendary Jujitsu Master
-1 Solemn Warning
+3 Crevice into the Different Dimension

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

True Soul: 40 cards
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
14. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
15. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
16. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
17. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
18. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)

19. Book of Moon
20. Book of Moon
21. Book of Moon
22. Dark Hole
23. Monster Reborn
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Pot of Duality
27. Pot of Duality
28. Pot of Duality

TRAP: 12
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Call of the Haunted
32. Crevice into the Different Dimension
33. Crevice into the Different Dimension
34. Crevice into the Different Dimension
35. Dust Tornado
36. Dust Tornado
37. Solemn Judgment
38. Solemn Warning
39. Solemn Warning
40. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-18, 12:00 PM
OOC: Did an Init roll where I didn't need it, and didn't do an opening draw. >_<

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll set three cards and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Book of Moon
4. Dust Tornado

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Main Deck: 34
1. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
10. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
11. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Dark Hole
18. Monster Reborn
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Call of the Haunted
27. Crevice into the Different Dimension
28. Crevice into the Different Dimension
29. Crevice into the Different Dimension
>. Dust Tornado
30. Dust Tornado
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-18, 12:17 PM
Deck Alterations
-2 Cards of Consonance
+2 Swallow Flip



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Arms Misteil
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Aklys
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Phalanx
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Dux
12. Dragunity Dux
13. Dragunity Legionnaire
14. Dragunity Legionnaire
15. Dragunity Legionnaire
16. Dragunity Brandistock
17. Dragunity Brandistock
18. Light and Darkness Dragon
19. Dragunity Primus Pilus
20. Dragunity Primus Pilus
21. Dragon Canyon
22. Dragon Canyon
23. Dragon Canyon
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Swallow Flip
27. Swallow Flip
28. Dark Hole
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. Future Fusion
32. Pot of Avarice
33. Monster Reborn
34. Mirror Force
35. Torrential Tribute
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Bottomless Trap Hole
38. Call of the Haunted
39. Dimensional Prison
40. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Cards of Consonance
6. Cards of Consonance
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 12:18 PM
"I will set three cards and end my turn."




Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dragunity Dux


Dragunity Brandistock(3)
Dimensional Prison(3)
Call of the Haunted(5)




1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Phalanx
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Dux
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Legionnaire
13. Dragunity Brandistock
14. Light and Darkness Dragon
15. Dragunity Primus Pilus
16. Dragunity Primus Pilus
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Dragon Canyon
19. Dragon Canyon
20. Terraforming
21. Terraforming
22. Swallow Flip
23. Swallow Flip
24. Dark Hole
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Future Fusion
28. Pot of Avarice
29. Monster Reborn
30. Mirror Force
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Bottomless Trap Hole

35. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Cards of Consonance
6. Cards of Consonance
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 12:47 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I'll summon up Koa'ki Meiru Guardian to attack and destroy your facedown. Any counter?"

3. Facedown card
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Book of Moon
4. Dust Tornado

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Main Deck: 33
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
1. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
7. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
10. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
11. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
14. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Dark Hole
17. Monster Reborn
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Crevice into the Different Dimension
27. Crevice into the Different Dimension
28. Crevice into the Different Dimension
>. Dust Tornado
29. Dust Tornado
30. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-18, 12:51 PM
"No counter, you destroy a Dragunity Brandistock"

2010-11-18, 01:00 PM
She nods slightly. "Then I'll end my turn, revealing a second Guardian to keep Guardian alive."

2010-11-18, 01:09 PM

"I will summon my Legionnaire, and equip the Brandistock, I will then send the brandistock to the graveyard to destroy your Guardian. Response?"


Legionnaire (1200/800)



Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dragunity Dux
Dragunity Phalanx


Dimensional Prison(3)
Call of the Haunted(5)

Dragunity Brandistock



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Light and Darkness Dragon
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragunity Primus Pilus
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Dragon Canyon
19. Terraforming
20. Terraforming
21. Swallow Flip
22. Swallow Flip
23. Dark Hole
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Future Fusion
27. Pot of Avarice
28. Monster Reborn
29. Mirror Force
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Cards of Consonance
6. Cards of Consonance
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 01:15 PM
"Guardian tributes itself to negate and destroy Legionnaire when it activates its destruction effect, naturally."

2010-11-18, 01:17 PM
"Naturally, I end my turn."




Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Dux
Dragunity Phalanx


Dimensional Prison(3)
Call of the Haunted(5)

Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Legionnaire



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
3. Dragunity Arms Misteil
4. Dragunity Aklys
5. Dragunity Aklys
6. Dragunity Aklys
7. Dragunity Phalanx
8. Dragunity Dux
9. Dragunity Dux
10. Dragunity Legionnaire
11. Dragunity Legionnaire
12. Dragunity Brandistock
13. Light and Darkness Dragon
14. Dragunity Primus Pilus
15. Dragunity Primus Pilus
16. Dragon Canyon
17. Dragon Canyon
18. Dragon Canyon
19. Terraforming
20. Terraforming
21. Swallow Flip
22. Swallow Flip
23. Dark Hole
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Future Fusion
27. Pot of Avarice
28. Monster Reborn
29. Mirror Force
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Cards of Consonance
6. Cards of Consonance
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 01:19 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"First, I'll play Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality)."

2010-11-18, 01:21 PM
Duality: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(Bottomless Trap Hole, Pot of Duality, Thunder King Rai-Oh)

"I'll take Thunder King Rai-Oh, then I'll summon Koa'ki Meiru Sandman to the field. I attack directly, then end my turn."

3. Facedown card
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Book of Moon
4. Dust Tornado

Graveyard: 2
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)

Main Deck: 31
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
1. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
2. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
7. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
8. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
9. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
10. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
11. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
12. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
13. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Dark Hole
16. Monster Reborn
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
21. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Call of the Haunted
24. Crevice into the Different Dimension
25. Crevice into the Different Dimension
26. Crevice into the Different Dimension
>. Dust Tornado
27. Dust Tornado
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
31. Torrential Tribute

2010-11-18, 01:24 PM
"When you attack, I will flip my Dimensional Prison!"

2010-11-18, 01:32 PM
"And I'll chain my facedown Book of Moon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Book_of_Moon) to flip Sandman facedown, making Dimensional Prison a waste. That ends my turn."

OOC: Same field - Sandman facedown, slot 3 S/T facedown gone.

2010-11-18, 01:35 PM

"I will play Future Fusion, revealing my Five-Headed Dragon! I will send a Dragunity Arms Laevatein, a Dragunity Phalanx, a Dragunity Aklys, a Light and Darkness Dragon, and a Dragunity Arms Misteil from my deck to the grave yard. Next, I will summon Dragunity Dux and equip it with a Dragunity Phalanx from my graveyard. Do you have a response?"


Dragunity Dux (1900/1000)

Dragunity Phalanx
FF - Future Fusion



Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Dux
Dragunity Phalanx



Call of the Haunted(5)

Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dimensional Prison
Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Aklys
3. Dragunity Aklys
4. Dragunity Dux
5. Dragunity Dux
6. Dragunity Legionnaire
7. Dragunity Legionnaire
8. Dragunity Brandistock
9. Dragunity Primus Pilus
10. Dragunity Primus Pilus
11. Dragon Canyon
12. Dragon Canyon
13. Dragon Canyon
14. Terraforming
15. Terraforming
16. Swallow Flip
17. Swallow Flip
18. Dark Hole
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Avarice
22. Monster Reborn
23. Mirror Force
24. Torrential Tribute
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Cards of Consonance
6. Cards of Consonance
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 01:45 PM
"No response. I wonder, are you going for the attack or the synchro summon?"

2010-11-18, 01:54 PM
"You will see. I will Summon the Phalanx, and tune it to the Dux to summon Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Knight_-_Vajuranda) and equip the Phalanx to it. Then I will special summon the Phalanx again and tune it to the Vajuranda to summon Red Dragon Archfiend! Do you have any responses yet?"


RD - Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000)

FF - Future Fusion



Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Phalanx



Call of the Haunted(5)

Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dimensional Prison
Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Dragunity Dux
Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Aklys
3. Dragunity Aklys
4. Dragunity Dux
5. Dragunity Dux
6. Dragunity Legionnaire
7. Dragunity Legionnaire
8. Dragunity Brandistock
9. Dragunity Primus Pilus
10. Dragunity Primus Pilus
11. Dragon Canyon
12. Dragon Canyon
13. Dragon Canyon
14. Terraforming
15. Terraforming
16. Swallow Flip
17. Swallow Flip
18. Dark Hole
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Avarice
22. Monster Reborn
23. Mirror Force
24. Torrential Tribute
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Cards of Consonance
6. Cards of Consonance
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 01:59 PM
"To that, I do. Since Phalanx's effect to special summon itself starts a chain, I can use Dust Tornado (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dust_Tornado) to destroy it. That, I believe, leaves you with one Dragunity Dux at 1700 ATK."

2010-11-18, 02:22 PM
"Well...I will say that was a nice play, but it will not save you. I will send my Dux to the graveyard to special summon Dragunity Arms Misteil (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity_Arms_Misteil) from my hand, equipping it with Phalanx. I will then special summon Phalanx and tune it with my Misteil to summon Red Dragon Archfiend!

But wait, that's not all. Next, I flip my face down card, revealing Call of the Haunted. I will target my Dragunity Arms Laevatein, and when its summoned, I will equip the Phalanx to it as well. Then I will special summon the Phalanx, and tune it with the Laevatein to summon Trident Dragion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Trident_Dragion).

Using Dragions ability, I destroy my Call of the Haunted and my Future Fusion, granting it two extra attacks.

Now, Archfiend, attack and destroy his face down Sandman, and, by proxy, your other face down creature as well! This leaves your field open for three direct attacks from my Trident Dragion!

This should be match, unless you have something special up your sleave."


RD - Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000)
TT - Trident Dragion (3000/2800)



Dragunity Phalanx





Dragunity Brandistock
Dragunity Legionnaire
Dimensional Prison
Dragunity Arms Laevatein
Dragunity Arms Misteil
Dragunity Aklys
Dragunity Phalanx
Light and Darkness Dragon
Dragunity Dux
Call of the Haunted
Dragunity Arms Misteil
Future Fusion



1. Dragunity Arms Laevatein
2. Dragunity Aklys
3. Dragunity Aklys
4. Dragunity Dux
5. Dragunity Dux
6. Dragunity Legionnaire
7. Dragunity Legionnaire
8. Dragunity Brandistock
9. Dragunity Primus Pilus
10. Dragunity Primus Pilus
11. Dragon Canyon
12. Dragon Canyon
13. Dragon Canyon
14. Terraforming
15. Terraforming
16. Swallow Flip
17. Swallow Flip
18. Dark Hole
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Avarice
22. Monster Reborn
23. Mirror Force
24. Torrential Tribute
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck

1. Five-Headed Dragon
2. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
3. Dragunity Knight – Gadearg
4. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
5. Dragunity Knight – Vajuranda
6. Red Dragon Archfiend
7. Red Dragon Archfiend
8. Red Nova Dragon
9. Stardust Dragon
10. Stardust Dragon
11. Black Rose Dragon
12. Black Rose Dragon
13. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
14. Scrap Dragon
15. Trident Dragon

Side Deck

1. Consecrated Light
2. Consecrated Light
3. System Down
4. System Down
5. Cards of Consonance
6. Cards of Consonance
7. Royal Oppression
8. Royal Oppression
9. Dust Tornado
10. Dust Tornado
11. D.D. Crow
12. D.D. Crow
13. Nobleman of Crossout
14. Trap Hole
15. Trap Hole

2010-11-18, 02:26 PM
"Heh, not bad, not bad." She sighs slightly as she leans back against the concrete wall, still smiling. "I haven't been challenged like that for a while. Well, that's how it goes, sometimes."

2010-11-18, 02:27 PM
"Indeed, now I can finally shut off that infernal racket!"

2010-11-18, 02:52 PM
OOC: That probably didn't give you the testing you were looking for :smallconfused:

2010-11-18, 03:19 PM
OOC: It gave me a little bit. Specifically, it told me exactly what moves not to do. :smallwink:

2010-12-20, 03:24 PM
The stone colosseum rests, ready for the duelists to emerge. A tall, lanky woman in brown khakis and a pith hat leans against a wall. "And here, it is rumoured, the legendary beast lies in wait." Her tone is sardonic as she shuffles her deck. "Pfft, right."

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

Fabled Horn: 40 cards
1. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
2. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
3. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
4. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
5. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
6. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
7. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
8. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
9. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
10. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
11. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
12. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
13. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
14. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
15. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
16. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
17. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
18. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
19. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
20. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
21. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
22. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)

23. Book of Moon
24. Book of Moon
25. Card Destruction
26. Dark World Dealings
27. Dark World Dealings
28. Giant Trunade
29. Messenger of Peace
30. Messenger of Peace
31. Messenger of Peace
32. Monster Reborn
33. Mystical Space Typhoon
34. Mystical Space Typhoon
35. Swords of Revealing Light

36. Mirror Force
37. Solemn Judgment
38. Solemn Warning
39. Solemn Warning
40. Torrential Tribute

The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Fabled Ragin (LIGHT Fiend 5; 2300/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Lightning Tricorn (LIGHT Beast 8; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-20, 03:30 PM
A man in a brown cloak steps into view. His hood is pull over his head, obstructing the view to his face.
"A beast you say? I have heard no such rumors..."

((You may go first...I need to attend to something))


Ruler Agents

1. The Sanctuary in the Sky
2. The Sanctuary in the Sky
3. The Sanctuary in the Sky
4. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
5. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
6. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
7. Mystical Space Typhoon
8. Mystical Space Typhoon
9. Dark Hole
10. Solidarity
11. Solidarity
12. Solidarity
13. Royal Decree
14. Royal Decree
15. Royal Decree
16. Honest
17. Honest
18. Hecatrice
19. Hecatrice
20. Hecatrice
21. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
22. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
23. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
24. Master Hyperion
25. Master Hyperion
26. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
27. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
28. Arcana Force Ex – The Light Ruler
29. Mystical Shine Ball
30. Mystical Shine Ball
31. Mystical Shine Ball
32. The Agent of Creation – Venus
33. The Agent of Creation – Venus
34. The Agent of Creation – Venus
35. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
36. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
37. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
38. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter
39. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter
40. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter

2010-12-20, 03:35 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"That's about what I figured. Another lead, up in smoke. At least I can still have a duel. I'll set two cards facedown and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Needle Worm (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Needle_Worm) (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
3. Mirror Force

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
Dark World Dealings

Main Deck: 34
1. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
2. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
>. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
3. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
4. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
5. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
6. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
7. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
8. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
9. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
>. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
10. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
>. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
11. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
12. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
13. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
14. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
15. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
16. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
17. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
18. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
19. Book of Moon
20. Book of Moon
21. Card Destruction
>. Dark World Dealings
22. Dark World Dealings
23. Giant Trunade
24. Messenger of Peace
25. Messenger of Peace
26. Messenger of Peace
27. Monster Reborn
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Swords of Revealing Light
>. Mirror Force
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
34. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Fabled Ragin (LIGHT Fiend 5; 2300/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Lightning Tricorn (LIGHT Beast 8; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-20, 04:15 PM
"Sorry to disappoint."


"I will discard a Hecatrice to bring a Valhalla from my deck to my hand. I will then play Valhalla. I will then use it's ability to summon The Agent of Wonder - Jupiter into play, followed by normal summoning a Mystical Shine Ball. I will then play Solidarity. I will then attack your face down with my Jupiter and attack you directly with the Shine Ball. Finally, I will set a card and end my turn."


AW - Agent of Wonder - Jupiter (ATK)(2600/1000)
MB - Mystical Shine Ball (ATK)(1300/500)

S - Solidarity
V - Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen



Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen


Royal Decree(2)




Ruler Agents

1. The Sanctuary in the Sky
2. The Sanctuary in the Sky
3. The Sanctuary in the Sky
4. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

6. Mystical Space Typhoon
7. Mystical Space Typhoon
8. Dark Hole
9. Solidarity
10. Solidarity
11. Royal Decree
12. Royal Decree
13. Honest
14. Honest
15. Hecatrice
16. Hecatrice
17. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
18. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
19. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
20. Master Hyperion
21. Master Hyperion
22. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
23. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
24. Arcana Force Ex – The Light Ruler
25. Mystical Shine Ball
26. Mystical Shine Ball
27. The Agent of Creation – Venus
28. The Agent of Creation – Venus
29. The Agent of Creation – Venus
30. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
31. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
32. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
33. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter
34. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter

2010-12-20, 07:55 PM
"That's just how it plays, sometimes. On the other hand, your attack struck Needle Worm (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Needle_Worm), milling five cards off the top of your deck."

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll set another facedown and end my turn."

OOC: Sorry for the delay. A bit of weather turned a quick commute into a three-hour tour.

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 6700

3. Key Mouse (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Key_Mouse) (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
3. Mirror Force

Graveyard: 1
Needle Worm (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Needle_Worm) (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
Dark World Dealings

Main Deck: 33
1. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
2. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
>. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
3. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
4. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
5. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
6. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
7. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
8. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
>. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
>. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
9. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
>. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
10. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
11. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
12. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
13. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
14. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
15. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
16. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
17. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
18. Book of Moon
19. Book of Moon
20. Card Destruction
>. Dark World Dealings
21. Dark World Dealings
22. Giant Trunade
23. Messenger of Peace
24. Messenger of Peace
25. Messenger of Peace
26. Monster Reborn
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Swords of Revealing Light
>. Mirror Force
30. Solemn Judgment
31. Solemn Warning
32. Solemn Warning
33. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Fabled Ragin (LIGHT Fiend 5; 2300/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Lightning Tricorn (LIGHT Beast 8; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-21, 08:05 AM

((Royal Decree, Royal Decree,The Agent of Creation – Venus,The Agent of Creation – Venus,Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler))


AW - Agent of Wonder - Jupiter (ATK)(2600/1000)
MB - Mystical Shine Ball (ATK)(1300/500)

S - Solidarity
V - Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen



Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen


Royal Decree(2)




Ruler Agents

1. The Sanctuary in the Sky
2. The Sanctuary in the Sky
3. The Sanctuary in the Sky
4. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
5. Mystical Space Typhoon
6. Mystical Space Typhoon
7. Dark Hole
8. Solidarity
9. Solidarity
10. Honest
11. Honest
12. Hecatrice
13. Hecatrice
14. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
15. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
16. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
17. Master Hyperion
18. Master Hyperion
19. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
20. Arcana Force Ex – The Light Ruler
21. Mystical Shine Ball
22. Mystical Shine Ball
23. The Agent of Creation – Venus
24. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
25. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
26. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
27. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter
28. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter

2010-12-21, 08:10 AM
((No problem on the wait))

"An interesting choice of cards..."


"First, I will take this moment to flip Royal Decree before anything else happens. Now, I will summon The Agent of Mystery to the field, which allows me to search my deck for my sole remaining Agent of Creation and put her in my hand. Next, I will remove an Agent of Creation in my Graveyard from play to boost my Agent of Mystery's attack by 800.

Next, I will attack your facedown with my Jupiter, and attack you directly with my two remaining fairies!"

"This will end my turn."


AM - Agent of Mystery - Earth (ATK)(1800/800)
AW - Agent of Wonder - Jupiter (ATK)(2600/1000)
MB - Mystical Shine Ball (ATK)(1300/500)

R - Royal Decree
S - Solidarity
V - Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen



Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
The Agent of Creation – Venus




Royal Decree
Royal Decree
The Agent of Creation – Venus

Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler

The Agent of Creation – Venus

Ruler Agents

1. The Sanctuary in the Sky
2. The Sanctuary in the Sky
3. The Sanctuary in the Sky
4. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
5. Mystical Space Typhoon
6. Mystical Space Typhoon
7. Dark Hole
8. Solidarity
9. Solidarity
10. Honest
11. Honest
12. Hecatrice
13. Hecatrice
14. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
15. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
16. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
17. Master Hyperion
18. Master Hyperion
19. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
20. Arcana Force Ex – The Light Ruler
21. Mystical Shine Ball
22. Mystical Shine Ball
23. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
24. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
25. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter
26. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter

2010-12-21, 08:39 AM
"My facedown Key Mouse (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Key_Mouse) lets me add The Fabled Nozoochee to my hand."

Draw: [roll0]

"Time to shoot the moon. I start with Dark World Dealings (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_World_Dealings), drawing and discarding one card."

2010-12-21, 08:49 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"I discard The Fabled Cerburrel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fabled_Cerburrel), which summons itself to the field. I then activate The Fabled Nozoochee (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fabled_Nozoochee), discarding The Fabled Cerburrel (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fabled_Cerburrel) to summon it to the field. The discarded Cerburrel also activates, summoning itself to the field. I also summon Lock Cat (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lock_Cat), whose effect brings Key Mouse back to the field. I then tune Nozoochee and Cerburrel for The Fabled Unicore (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fabled_Unicore), who tunes with Cerburrel and Lock Cat for Trishula. Trishula removes Royal Decree from the field, The Agent of Creation from your Graveyard, and your single card from your hand, which leaves me free to attack without risk of Honest, destroying your Agent of Mystery, Earth. Finally, I set another card and end my turn."
LP: -900

2. Key Mouse (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Key_Mouse) (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
3. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Trishula,_Dragon_of_the_Ice_Barrier) (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
4. Facedown card
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 2800

4. Needle Worm (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Needle_Worm) (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
3. Mirror Force

Graveyard: 6
Needle Worm (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Needle_Worm) (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 2
Dark World Dealings
Messenger of Peace

Main Deck: 30
1. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
2. Bicorn Re'em (DARK Beast 4; 800/1600)
>. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
3. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
4. Key Mouse (EARTH Beast 1T; 100/100)
5. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
>. Lock Cat (EARTH Beast 3; 1200/1000)
6. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
7. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
>. Needle Worm (EARTH Insect 2; 750/600)
>. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
8. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
>. The Fabled Cerburrel (LIGHT Beast 2T; 1000/600)
9. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
10. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
11. The Fabled Chawa (LIGHT Beast 1T; 200/100)
12. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
13. The Fabled Ganashia (LIGHT Beast 3; 1600/1000)
>. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
14. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
15. The Fabled Nozoochee (LIGHT Beast 2; 1200/800)
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Card Destruction
>. Dark World Dealings
19. Dark World Dealings
20. Giant Trunade
>. Messenger of Peace
21. Messenger of Peace
22. Messenger of Peace
23. Monster Reborn
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Swords of Revealing Light
>. Mirror Force
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Solemn Warning
29. Solemn Warning
30. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 13
>The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
The Fabled Unicore (LIGHT Beast 4; 2300/1000)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Fabled Ragin (LIGHT Fiend 5; 2300/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Thunder Unicorn (LIGHT Beast 5; 2200/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Voltic Bicorn (LIGHT Beast 7; 2500/2000)
Lightning Tricorn (LIGHT Beast 8; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
>Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-21, 09:34 AM
Dealings Draw

Discard Valhalla from my hand.

I actually have two cards in hand...I forgot to update the # :smallsigh:

2010-12-21, 09:40 AM
Random Discard:

(Honest is removed from play)

((I still have one card in hand, does this change your turn?))


AM - Agent of Mystery - Earth (ATK)(1800/800)
AW - Agent of Wonder - Jupiter (ATK)(2600/1000)
MB - Mystical Shine Ball (ATK)(1300/500)

R -
S - Solidarity
V - Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen



The Agent of Creation – Venus




Royal Decree
Royal Decree
Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

The Agent of Creation – Venus
Royal Decree
The Agent of Creation – Venus

Ruler Agents

1. The Sanctuary in the Sky
2. The Sanctuary in the Sky
3. The Sanctuary in the Sky
4. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
5. Mystical Space Typhoon
6. Mystical Space Typhoon
7. Dark Hole
8. Solidarity
9. Solidarity
10. Honest
11. Hecatrice
12. Hecatrice
13. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
14. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
15. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
16. Master Hyperion
17. Master Hyperion
18. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
19. Arcana Force Ex – The Light Ruler
20. Mystical Shine Ball
21. Mystical Shine Ball
22. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
23. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
24. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter
25. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter

2010-12-21, 10:37 AM
OOC: Oh, there actually was an Honest. I'll continue the turn as is. After all, what are the odds that there were two? Fate: officially tempted.

2010-12-22, 01:56 PM

"For starters, I will play Mystical Space Typhoon from my hand and destroy your face down back row card. Now, I summon The Agent of Creation – Venus to the field. I will then pay 1000 Life Points to summon two Mystical Shine Balls from my deck into play.

Now, I will activate Jupiter's ability by removing Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler in my graveyard from the game to grant Jupiter an extra 800 ATK!
Jupiter attacks and destroys your dragon. A Mystical Shine Ball destroys your key mouse, another Mystical Shine Ball attacks your face down. And if it is destroyed, the last Shine Ball and my Agent Venus attack you directly!

This will end my turn."


AC - Agent of Creation - Venus (ATK)(2400/0)
AW - Agent of Wonder - Jupiter (ATK)(2600/1000)
MB - Mystical Shine Ball (ATK)(1300/500)

S - Solidarity
V - Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen







Royal Decree
Royal Decree
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
Mystical Space Typhoon

The Agent of Creation – Venus
Royal Decree
The Agent of Creation – Venus
Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler

Ruler Agents

1. The Sanctuary in the Sky
2. The Sanctuary in the Sky
3. The Sanctuary in the Sky
4. Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
5. Mystical Space Typhoon
6. Dark Hole
7. Solidarity
8. Solidarity
9. Honest
10. Hecatrice
11. Hecatrice
12. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
13. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
14. Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
15. Master Hyperion
16. Master Hyperion
17. Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler
18. Arcana Force Ex – The Light Ruler
19. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
20. The Agent of Mystery – Earth
21. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter
22. The Agent of Wonder – Jupiter

2010-12-22, 02:15 PM
"A palpable blow. My Key Mouse lets me add The Fabled Cerburrel to my hand, and my facedown Needle Worm mills another five cards. Not that it matters, sitting at negative 1600 life." She tips her pith hat at her foe. "A good duel, though it's a pity I couldn't give you a real challenge. Maybe another time."

2011-02-07, 11:04 AM










Go Go Gadget

1. Green Gadget
2. Green Gadget
3. Green Gadget
4. Red Gadget
5. Red Gadget
6. Red Gadget
7. Yellow Gadget
8. Yellow Gadget
9. Yellow Gadget
10. Machina Gearframe
11. Machina Gearframe
12. Machina Gearframe
13. Machina Fortress
14. Machina Fortress
15. Machina Fortress
16. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
17. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
18. Cyber Dragon
19. Cyber Dragon
20. Cyber Dragon
21. Geartown
22. Geartown
23. Geartown
24. Terraforming
25. Limiter Removal
26. Solidarity
27. Solidarity
28. Double Cyclone
29. Power Bond
30. Future Fusion
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
33. Pot of Avarice
34. Pot of Avarice
35. Dark Hole
36. Monster Reborn
37. Mirror Force
38. Ultimate Offering
39. Ultimate Offering
40. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck
1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
4. Cyber Twin Dragon
5. Cyber Twin Dragon
6. Cyber End Dragon
7. Cyber End Dragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon

2011-02-07, 11:43 AM
Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

Viridian Days: 40 cards
1. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
2. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
3. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
4. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
5. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
6. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
7. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
8. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
9. Glow-Up Bulb (EARTH Plant 1T; 100/100)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
13. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
14. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
15. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
16. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
17. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
18. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
19. Spore (WIND Plant 1T; 400/800)
20. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
21. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)

22. Cold Wave
23. Dark Hole
24. Foolish Burial
25. Monster Reborn
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Pot of Duality
29. Pot of Duality
30. Pot of Duality

TRAP: 10
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Dimensional Prison
34. Dimensional Prison
35. Pollinosis
36. Pollinosis
37. Solemn Judgment
38. Solemn Warning
39. Solemn Warning
40. Torrential Tribute

Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Ally of Justice Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Ancient Fairy Dragon (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Junk Archer (EARTH Warrior 7; 2300/2000)
Chevalier de Fleur (WIND Warrior 8; 2700/2300)
Junk Destroyer (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)

2011-02-07, 11:44 AM
Init re-roll: [roll0]

2011-02-07, 12:06 PM
HAHA...two 20s!


2011-02-07, 12:13 PM
An older man in a mechanic's jump suit, covered in oil and grease stands opposite you.
"Hopefully, this old tinkerer will be able to give you at least some competition..."


"I will begin by playing Geartown! Then, I will discard a Yellow Gadget and a Cyber Dragon to summon Machina Fortress! I will then Summon Green Gadget, allowing me to bring a Red Gadget to my hand.

Here I will end my turn."

Field: Geartown

MF - Machina Fortress (ATK)(2500/1600)
GG - Green Gadget(ATK)(1400/600)



Pot of Avarice
Red Gadget




Cyber Dragon
Yellow Gadget



Go Go Gadget

1. Green Gadget
2. Green Gadget
3. Red Gadget
4. Red Gadget
5. Yellow Gadget
6. Yellow Gadget
7. Machina Gearframe
8. Machina Gearframe
9. Machina Gearframe
10. Machina Fortress
11. Machina Fortress
12. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
13. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
14. Cyber Dragon
15. Cyber Dragon
16. Geartown
17. Geartown
18. Terraforming
19. Limiter Removal
20. Solidarity
21. Solidarity
22. Double Cyclone
23. Power Bond
24. Future Fusion
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Pot of Avarice
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Mirror Force
31. Ultimate Offering
32. Ultimate Offering
33. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck
1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
4. Cyber Twin Dragon
5. Cyber Twin Dragon
6. Cyber End Dragon
7. Cyber End Dragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon

2011-02-07, 12:25 PM
The botanist opposite him smiles at his turn. "My, with a skilled first turn like that, perhaps I should be the one to hope to offer a decent challenge."

Draw: [roll0]

"For now, I set three cards and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
3. Mystical Space Typhoon
4. Torrential Tribute

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)

Main Deck: 0
1. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
2. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
3. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
4. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
5. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
6. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
7. Glow-Up Bulb (EARTH Plant 1T; 100/100)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
11. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
12. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
>. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
13. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
14. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
15. Spore (WIND Plant 1T; 400/800)
16. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
17. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
18. Cold Wave
19. Dark Hole
20. Foolish Burial
21. Monster Reborn
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Dimensional Prison
29. Dimensional Prison
30. Pollinosis
31. Pollinosis
32. Solemn Judgment
33. Solemn Warning
34. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Ally of Justice Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Ancient Fairy Dragon (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Junk Archer (EARTH Warrior 7; 2300/2000)
Chevalier de Fleur (WIND Warrior 8; 2700/2300)
Junk Destroyer (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)

2011-02-07, 12:34 PM
"It was not skillful, just lucky..."


"I will summon a Red Gadget to the field, bringing a Yellow Gadget to my hand. Then, I will attack your facedown with my Fortress, and attack you directly with the Red and Green Gadgets!

This will end my turn, assuming you do not have any responses."

Field: Geartown

RG - Red Gadget (ATK)(1300/1500)
MF - Machina Fortress (ATK)(2500/1600)
GG - Green Gadget(ATK)(1400/600)



Pot of Avarice
Yellow Gadget
Machina Fortress




Cyber Dragon
Yellow Gadget



Go Go Gadget

1. Green Gadget
2. Green Gadget
3. Red Gadget
4. Red Gadget
5. Yellow Gadget
6. Machina Gearframe
7. Machina Gearframe
8. Machina Gearframe
9. Machina Fortress
10. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
11. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
12. Cyber Dragon
13. Cyber Dragon
14. Geartown
15. Geartown
16. Terraforming
17. Limiter Removal
18. Solidarity
19. Solidarity
20. Double Cyclone
21. Power Bond
22. Future Fusion
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Pot of Avarice
26. Dark Hole
27. Monster Reborn
28. Mirror Force
29. Ultimate Offering
30. Ultimate Offering
31. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck
1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
4. Cyber Twin Dragon
5. Cyber Twin Dragon
6. Cyber End Dragon
7. Cyber End Dragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon

2011-02-07, 12:45 PM
"When you summon Red Gadget, I activate Mystical Space Typhoon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Space_Typhoon), destroying Geartown. Do you summon with its effect?"

If you do summon:
"That allows me to use Torrential Tribute (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Torrential_Tribute), destroying all four of your monsters, as well as my own."

2011-02-07, 01:01 PM
"Yes, I summon Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon, which promptly gets destroyed by your Tribute. However, after the mass destruction, since you have so kindly filled my graveyard with monsters, I will take advantage of it by playing Pot of Avarice! By sending Cyber Dragon, Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon, and Red, Yellow, and Green Gadgets back to my deck, I can draw two cards!"


"Now, I will play Geartown, then, I will discard a Yellow Gadget, and a Machina Fortress to summon the Machina Fortress from my Graveyard. Next, I will discard an Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon to summon the Fortress that I just discarded from the Graveyard.

Now I will attack you directly with both.

This ends my turn."

Field: Geartown

MF - Machina Fortress (ATK)(2500/1600)







Yellow Gadget
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
Pot of Avarice



Go Go Gadget

1. Green Gadget
2. Green Gadget
3. Green Gadget
4. Red Gadget
5. Red Gadget
6. Red Gadget
7. Yellow Gadget
8. Yellow Gadget
9. Machina Gearframe
10. Machina Gearframe
11. Machina Gearframe
12. Machina Fortress
13. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
14. Cyber Dragon
15. Cyber Dragon
16. Cyber Dragon
17. Geartown
18. Terraforming
19. Limiter Removal
20. Solidarity
21. Solidarity
22. Double Cyclone
23. Power Bond
24. Future Fusion
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Pot of Avarice
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Mirror Force
31. Ultimate Offering
32. Ultimate Offering
33. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck
1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
4. Cyber Twin Dragon
5. Cyber Twin Dragon
6. Cyber End Dragon
7. Cyber End Dragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon

2011-02-07, 01:06 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Let's see. This'll be a tricky move, but if it works, I should be able to reverse the tide. I summon Quickdraw Synchron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Quickdraw_Synchron) by discarding Dandylion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dandylion), which adds two Fluff tokens to my field. I then normal summon Debris Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Debris_Dragon), targeting Dandylion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dandylion), and tune Debris Dragon with Dandylion for Ancient Fairy Dragon. Since I have four monsters on the field, I can only summon one more Fluff token, but that's all I need. Ancient Fairy Dragon destroys Geartown, giving me 1000 LP and giving you the chance to summon a second Gadjiltron Dragon."

1. Fluff Token (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fluff_Token) (WIND Plant 1; 0/0)
2. Fluff Token (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fluff_Token) (WIND Plant 1; 0/0)
3. Ancient Fairy Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Fairy_Dragon) (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
4. Quickdraw Synchron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Quickdraw_Synchron) (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
5. Fluff Token (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fluff_Token) (WIND Plant 1; 0/0)

Life Points: 4000


Graveyard: 5
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
Dandylion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dandylion) (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
Debris Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Debris_Dragon) (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)

Main Deck: 33
1. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
2. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
3. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
4. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
5. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
6. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
7. Glow-Up Bulb (EARTH Plant 1T; 100/100)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
11. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
12. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
>. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
13. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
14. Spore (WIND Plant 1T; 400/800)
15. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
16. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Foolish Burial
20. Monster Reborn
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Dimensional Prison
28. Dimensional Prison
29. Pollinosis
30. Pollinosis
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 14
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Ally of Justice Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
>Ancient Fairy Dragon (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Junk Archer (EARTH Warrior 7; 2300/2000)
Chevalier de Fleur (WIND Warrior 8; 2700/2300)
Junk Destroyer (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)

2011-02-07, 01:24 PM
"I will summon the Ancient Gear dragon from my Graveyard."

((You should be at 3000 LP I believe. :smallwink:)


MF - Machina Fortress (ATK)(2500/1600)
AD - Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK)(3000/2000)







Yellow Gadget
Pot of Avarice



Go Go Gadget

1. Green Gadget
2. Green Gadget
3. Green Gadget
4. Red Gadget
5. Red Gadget
6. Red Gadget
7. Yellow Gadget
8. Yellow Gadget
9. Machina Gearframe
10. Machina Gearframe
11. Machina Gearframe
12. Machina Fortress
13. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
14. Cyber Dragon
15. Cyber Dragon
16. Cyber Dragon
17. Geartown
18. Terraforming
19. Limiter Removal
20. Solidarity
21. Solidarity
22. Double Cyclone
23. Power Bond
24. Future Fusion
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Pot of Avarice
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Mirror Force
31. Ultimate Offering
32. Ultimate Offering
33. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck
1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
4. Cyber Twin Dragon
5. Cyber Twin Dragon
6. Cyber End Dragon
7. Cyber End Dragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon

2011-02-07, 01:32 PM
OOC: Ancient Fairy Dragon gives its controller 1000 LP whenever it destroys a field spell. It also lets me add a Field Spell to my hand if I wish, but I won't activate that effect on the grounds that I don't have any Field spells. :smallwink:

"As I thought. I apologize, but I'll be doing this next. Quickdraw Synchron tunes with all of my Fluff Tokens, summoning Junk Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Junk_Destroyer). Since I used three Fluff Tokens, I can destroy three of your cards, namely both Machina Fortresses and your Gadjiltron Dragon. Your Machina Fortresses force me to discard the only card in my hand, Snowman Eater, but I can now attack directly with Junk Destroyer and end my turn."
LP: -2600

3. Ancient Fairy Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Fairy_Dragon) (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
4. Junk Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Junk_Destroyer) (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)

Life Points: 4000


Graveyard: 7
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
Dandylion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dandylion) (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
Debris Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Debris_Dragon) (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
Quickdraw Synchron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Quickdraw_Synchron) (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 0

Main Deck: 33
1. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
2. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
3. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
4. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
5. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
6. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
7. Glow-Up Bulb (EARTH Plant 1T; 100/100)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
11. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
12. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
>. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
13. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
14. Spore (WIND Plant 1T; 400/800)
15. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
16. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Foolish Burial
20. Monster Reborn
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Dimensional Prison
28. Dimensional Prison
29. Pollinosis
30. Pollinosis
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Solemn Warning
33. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 13
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Ally of Justice Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
>Ancient Fairy Dragon (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Junk Archer (EARTH Warrior 7; 2300/2000)
Chevalier de Fleur (WIND Warrior 8; 2700/2300)
>Junk Destroyer (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)

2011-02-07, 01:36 PM
"Well, that was unexpected..."


"I will set a card and end my turn."






Torrential Tribute(3)


Yellow Gadget
Pot of Avarice
Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon



Go Go Gadget

1. Green Gadget
2. Green Gadget
3. Green Gadget
4. Red Gadget
5. Red Gadget
6. Red Gadget
7. Yellow Gadget
8. Yellow Gadget
9. Machina Gearframe
10. Machina Gearframe
11. Machina Gearframe
12. Machina Fortress
13. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
14. Cyber Dragon
15. Cyber Dragon
16. Cyber Dragon
17. Geartown
18. Terraforming
19. Limiter Removal
20. Solidarity
21. Solidarity
22. Double Cyclone
23. Power Bond
24. Future Fusion
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Pot of Avarice
28. Dark Hole
29. Monster Reborn
30. Mirror Force
31. Ultimate Offering
32. Ultimate Offering

Extra Deck
1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
4. Cyber Twin Dragon
5. Cyber Twin Dragon
6. Cyber End Dragon
7. Cyber End Dragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon

2011-02-07, 01:45 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Plants, you'll find, can be quite tenacious. No matter where you go on this green Earth, there will be life. I activate Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality)."

2011-02-07, 01:47 PM
Duality: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(Lonefire Blossom, Cold Wave, Mystical Space Typhoon)

"A difficult choice. Lonefire Blossom can let me finish this in one turn, but if you're not bluffing, your facedown could turn this around, and you have two Machina Fortresses that you can summon if you draw the right card. I take Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy your facedown, then Junk Destroyer attacks directly. I then end my turn."
LP: -2600

3. Ancient Fairy Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Fairy_Dragon) (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
4. Junk Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Junk_Destroyer) (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)

Life Points: 4000


Graveyard: 8
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
Dandylion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dandylion) (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
Debris Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Debris_Dragon) (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
Quickdraw Synchron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Quickdraw_Synchron) (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
Mystical Space Typhoon

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 0

Main Deck: 31
1. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
2. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
3. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
4. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
5. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
6. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
7. Glow-Up Bulb (EARTH Plant 1T; 100/100)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
11. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
12. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
>. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
13. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
14. Spore (WIND Plant 1T; 400/800)
15. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
16. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
17. Cold Wave
18. Dark Hole
19. Foolish Burial
20. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Dimensional Prison
26. Dimensional Prison
27. Pollinosis
28. Pollinosis
29. Solemn Judgment
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 13
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Ally of Justice Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
>Ancient Fairy Dragon (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Junk Archer (EARTH Warrior 7; 2300/2000)
Chevalier de Fleur (WIND Warrior 8; 2700/2300)
>Junk Destroyer (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)

2011-02-07, 02:01 PM
"A Shame, my Torrential Tribute is destroyed..."


"I will play the card, Monster Reborn, Summoning Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon back to the field. He will attack and destroy the Junk on the field. This will end my turn."


AD - Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK)(3000/2000)







Yellow Gadget
Pot of Avarice
Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress

Torrential Tribute
Monster Reborn



Go Go Gadget

1. Green Gadget
2. Green Gadget
3. Green Gadget
4. Red Gadget
5. Red Gadget
6. Red Gadget
7. Yellow Gadget
8. Yellow Gadget
9. Machina Gearframe
10. Machina Gearframe
11. Machina Gearframe
12. Machina Fortress
13. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
14. Cyber Dragon
15. Cyber Dragon
16. Cyber Dragon
17. Geartown
18. Terraforming
19. Limiter Removal
20. Solidarity
21. Solidarity
22. Double Cyclone
23. Power Bond
24. Future Fusion
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Pot of Avarice
28. Dark Hole
29. Mirror Force
30. Ultimate Offering
31. Ultimate Offering

Extra Deck
1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
3. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
4. Cyber Twin Dragon
5. Cyber Twin Dragon
6. Cyber End Dragon
7. Cyber End Dragon
8. Chimeratech Overdragon
9. Chimeratech Overdragon

2011-02-07, 02:09 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Ah. I end my turn."

3. Ancient Fairy Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Fairy_Dragon) (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)

Life Points: 3600


Graveyard: 10
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
Dandylion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dandylion) (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
Debris Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Debris_Dragon) (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
Quickdraw Synchron (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Quickdraw_Synchron) (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
Snowman Eater (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Snowman_Eater) (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
Pot of Duality
Mystical Space Typhoon
Junk Destroyer (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Junk_Destroyer) (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 1
Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)

Main Deck: 30
1. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
2. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
3. Cherry Inmato (DARK Plant 2T; 700/400)
4. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Dandylion (EARTH Plant 3; 300/300)
>. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
5. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
6. Debris Dragon (WIND Dragon 4T; 1000/2000)
7. Glow-Up Bulb (EARTH Plant 1T; 100/100)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose (FIRE Plant 4; 1900/1300)
10. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
11. Lonefire Blossom (FIRE Plant 3; 500/1400)
>. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
12. Quickdraw Synchron (WIND Machine 5T; 700/1400)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
>. Snowman Eater (WATER Aqua 3; 0/1900)
13. Spore (WIND Plant 1T; 400/800)
14. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
15. Tytannial, Princess of Camellias (WIND Plant 8; 2800/2600)
16. Cold Wave
17. Dark Hole
18. Foolish Burial
19. Monster Reborn
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Dimensional Prison
25. Dimensional Prison
26. Pollinosis
27. Pollinosis
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Solemn Warning
30. Solemn Warning
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 13
Formula Synchron (LIGHT Machine 2T; 200/1500)
Ally of Justice Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Drill Warrior (EARTH Warrior 6; 2400/2000)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
>Ancient Fairy Dragon (LIGHT Dragon 7; 2100/3000)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Junk Archer (EARTH Warrior 7; 2300/2000)
Chevalier de Fleur (WIND Warrior 8; 2700/2300)
>Junk Destroyer (EARTH Warrior 8; 2600/2500)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)
Shooting Star Dragon (WIND Dragon 10; 3300/2500)