View Full Version : Reclaim the Throne! (IC)

2010-11-02, 09:59 AM
The small dark room is illuminated only by a small candle, its light casting shadows everywhere.

The heir and his retainers wait here for an informant and ally who can provide them a way back into their homeland.

2010-11-02, 10:20 AM
(is the idea that all the PCs are in the room, and that the ally and informant are NPCs we will meet shortly, or that the ally and/or informant are one of the PCs?)

2010-11-02, 10:24 AM
(Informant is an npc)

2010-11-02, 10:38 AM
Lady Malavena sits quietly in the room, awaiting the informant. There is a tension in the air, and she isn't sure who this informant is, or whether he can be trusted. It has been nearly ten years since she has seen Breac, and he has grown from the annoying brat of her childhood into a true leader of men.

She is somewhat unsure of herself, although she puts on a bold facade. After all, she did nothing to help him or his father on the fateful day ten years ago.

So she sits in silence, contemplating the situation.

2010-11-02, 12:33 PM

Guillory leans in, towards the table and the pale light of the flickering candle. His eyes are half-closed and he bides his time by tracing a finger through the dust, marking out patterns of overlapping geometric shapes and loose, organic lines. Unlike Malavena, he isn't nervous - he learned to deal with unwanted tension years ago by engaging in various mental exercises, the lazy doodling being only one of them. In addition to that, he has been waiting for this day for a solid decade, so a few more minutes of anticipation are painless in comparison.

One eye opens fully and glances around the table, alighting on Breac. He is amazed, still, at how the man has grown. Although not much older than Breac himself, Jonathan can remember, back when he'd first entered into the employ of the previous king, how unlike the adult the child had been. He is proud, both of the boy's exemplary progress and of his own part in shaping that growth. In many ways, they had grown together.

The eye slides shut and he begins another pattern.

Frozen Messiah
2010-11-02, 12:53 PM
Sumaethas sat in the room reading a small book. His eyes look up for a moment and he notices the tension in the room. "We are building up a new world, do not sit idly by, do not remain neutral, there is a war going on for your mind, if you are thinking you are winning, resistance is victory, defeat is impossible." Sumaethas reads aloud from his book. "I see the propaganda of our cause has been well written. I believe that this will gater the artists to our cause. Your thoughts?" Sumaethas says after finishing and closes his book, one finger in the book to keep his page.

2010-11-02, 02:30 PM
Alfred snorts. And I figured myself a halfway good con. If you can sell that tripe I'll give you my job.

He shoots a glance at his childhood friend. He'd grown up in the past decade, while the halfling had already been through most of his adolescence. I mean, he'd still been shorter than the kid, but not quite by so much. So far, at least, there'd been none of the jests and jocularity of the old days, but then, well, that wasn't surprising.

Malavena looked... skinny, but strong as ever. Alfred gave her a tip of his hat, which briefly turned into a chef's hat before returning to a black cap.

Alfred sighs and flicks out his dagger, sends it hopping over his fingers one two three four and then back up his sleeve.

2010-11-02, 03:37 PM
Malavena idly examines the aura of Alfred's hat, while gazing past him towards Breac. The muted colors of the illusionary magic makes her feel ill at ease. How can we hope to succeed against the King, I have seen myself what he is capable of.

She lets her concentration slip with that thought, and speaks in response to the elf, who she does not know, but who Breac trusts. "If victory in the mind is all that is needed to win, then we are surely doomed to fail. The King has been secure in his victory for a decade. How are we to undermine that?" She tries to mask her nervousness, but it is still present.

Bluff: [roll0]
*note, for those not familiar with PbP conventions, italics indicate thoughts, bold indicates shouting, and normal colored text, with or without quotes, is considered spoken aloud.

Frozen Messiah
2010-11-02, 04:44 PM
Malavena idly examines the aura of Alfred's hat, while gazing past him towards Breac. The muted colors of the illusionary magic makes her feel ill at ease. How can we hope to succeed against the King, I have seen myself what he is capable of.

She lets her concentration slip with that thought, and speaks in response to the elf, who she does not know, but who Breac trusts. "If victory in the mind is all that is needed to win, then we are surely doomed to fail. The King has been secure in his victory for a decade. How are we to undermine that?" She tries to mask her nervousness, but it is still present.

"Hmm, a good soldier plans for victory and then goes to war whereas a bad soldier goes to war and then plans for victory. You make a good point, I am glad that the prince has found knowledgable people to surround himself with, I do not recall being told your name or did I forget it?" Sumatheas says as he strokes his goatee and has a small smile on his face

Frozen Messiah
2010-11-02, 04:47 PM
Sense Motive:[roll0]

2010-11-02, 05:22 PM
"I am sorry, in all the recent commotion, we have not yet been properly introduced." She rises to her feet, and curtseys as she continues, much more at ease when handling matters of simple etiquette, "My name is Lady Malavena Ird'Kathalin, daughter of Lord Cedric and Lady Tatia of the same household, and ward of house Wilhelm after their deaths. Who I am is a much more interesting question, however, given the current state of affairs. Who do I have the honor of addressing?"

2010-11-02, 05:33 PM

Aries sat in silence, ignoring the tension in the room. His features was calm, as if meditating. Unlike the elf, his eyes will be strained if used to read in this candlelight. So, to spend time he just running arcane formulas through his head. A practice he found long time ago to be helpful to him in maintaining both calmness and sharpness of the mind.

He listens to the discussion between Malavena and Sumatheas but choose not to join yet.

I claim blue for my speech color

Consider that I have cast Greater mage armor today

2010-11-02, 05:36 PM

He mutters under his breath for a moment while she makes her introductions before opening his other eye to look at Malavena so as to respond to her earlier worries. "He's no more the king than I am," he states. His voice is hard but not unfriendly, like polished stone. "The king is dead, the heir still lives. The man who occupies the throne is a treacherous horsefly, an irritation, nothing more."

The eye slides shut.

"We will swat him soon enough."

Lancaster, may I have permission to have bound two vestiges before we arrived? You can't be too careful, you know.

2010-11-02, 05:47 PM
"A king is made king when he can made others to acknowledge his rule, regardless of his way of doing so. People may wish for a better king, or they may not. You may refuse to call him king. None of those matter while most acknowledged his kingship." Aries said to Jonathan

"Who in this land but several of this room's occupants that will acknowledge Breac as the heir" he took a glance at Breac "actually acknowledging him, and act in accordance, not just in the mouth or thought"

2010-11-02, 05:58 PM
He's king so long as your life rides on it. Unless we really are running in gung-ho I suggest we all cultivate Malavena's attitude. It'll keep us all alive. Alfred gives the binder a careful look up and down. He did not like the man already. If our foe really is a 'horsefly' then he's got a bigger, nastier bite than most of his brethren.

2010-11-02, 05:59 PM
Breac Wilhelm, the Dragonheart, heir to the throne, sat at the head of the table and admired the resistance’s choice of meeting ground. The dim light, closed door and lack of an attendant had all of his comrades getting tenser by the moment. Had they been spies or agents of the crown, they would doubtless begin to wonder if they’d been found out. Leave them alone awhile, let the tension build, and it would be much more likely that they’d make a mistake. Breac didn’t need his people tense, he needed them alert. He needed to break the tension.

The prince leaned back in his chair and gave Malavena a slight grin. “Come now, Mala, if a secure mind is all that is needed for victory, then Alfred would never have known the taste of Laras’ pumpkin pie.”

It was likely that the resistance was listening or observing them, but Breac didn’t care. Not many outside of this band knew the story of how Alfred had snuck into the kitchen alone and pilfered the head chief’s secret family recipe pie and replaced it with a look alike. Oh, how Laras prized her secret family recipes. She often cleared the kitchen in the rare times she employed one in the palace, secure in the knowledge that even the Halfling couldn’t pilfer it. Not many also knew how Alfred’d spent 2 weeks almost submerged in soap, scrubbing out every oven in the kitchen after Laras had caught him. Breac considered telling Sumaethas not to bait Malavena, but decided against it. The ancient elf would do as he always did.

2010-11-02, 05:59 PM
(after the elf responds, presumably with his name)

"You may be too kind in mistaking my anxiousness with wisdom. It is just that I have experienced first hand the extent of the false king's cruelty. I know very little of the affairs of state, or of making war," she says as she returns to her seat.

Malavena smiles at Breac's comment. "Indeed, this false King shall fall, as surely as no pie is safe from our good friend Alfred."

edit- wow, two posts while I was typing most of this one. :)

I think at this point only Breac and Alfred would know Malavena is anything other than an aristocrat this early in the game, just fyi

2010-11-02, 06:09 PM

He draws in a breath and it almost appears as though he's going to speak, but he does not. His finger finishes brushing a pattern into the dust on the table before he wipes it clean with a palm. His eyes, both of them, open and lock on Breac as he speaks; the true king deserves his complete attention. He smiles, then, at the memory of youthful shenanigans.

2010-11-02, 07:13 PM

There is a slight shimmer near a wall and shadows seems to move, to flicker. At first maybe it is the movement of a mouse. Then the figure of a large man steps forward from the shadows. The inky blackness that had hidden him seeming to drip from him onto the floor and reveal his form as he entered the light.
Glenn had sat waiting patiently for some time, listening to the conversation in the room. Now that he was sure that things were secure and that these were indeed the people that Paleia had sent him to assist, he revealed himself. Before swords could be drawn or harsh words uttered, he raised his hands in a both a gesture of peace and to openly display the silver hand insignia that adorned his gloves and chest. At his side was a blade with a serpents head coiled about the handle, and many many daggers, their blades painted black, adorned his chest in a bandola. His face was slightly hidden by a large black floppy hat. However his square solid jaw and the face of a man who had lived life hard only recently was still able to be told by all who paid attention to such things. the man held himself high and proud, his bearings those of a man born to nobility and who held himself in high personal esteem.

"My name is Lord Glenn Narateen. The last surviving member of the noble house of Narateen, loyal servant of the true King Breac, friend of the great and noble Paleia, and manager of the Silver Hand resistance. I have come to ensure your safety personally my lords and ladies and bring personal messages to some of you from Paleia himself." as he finishes his opening words he glances over toward Alfred and smiles a slightly forced smile with an odd look on his face, before returning his gaze to Breac with full reverence.

2010-11-02, 07:34 PM

His one hand still idly doodling on the table as the man finishes his speech, Guillory eases his other hand away from the leather-bound handle of his morningstar and rests it on his knee. He thinks of several different ways that he could have detected the man, had he only the proper spirits bound to his service. He kicks himself, mentally, for having allowed Breac to have been put at risk via his carelessness. He nods a brisk, brusque greeting, but does not speak - he leaves that to his lord.

I hope that using black text is okay - I plan on using colors when manifesting the vestiges. If it's hard to read, though, let me know and I'll change the black to something more visible.

2010-11-02, 07:35 PM

The prince listened calmly to the shadowy figure's introduction before rising from his seat. Had he not been expecting the resistance to be observing them, he might have jumped. As it was, he was thankful that the resistance had men as skillful as Glenn. Breac rose from his seat, letting his arms fall to his sides as he inclined his head in a bow. Deep enough to convey respect, but stopping short of indicating subservience. The gesture brought his hand closer to the hilt of his own blade, but he didn't rest his hand on it. He had no reason to threaten violence.

"Well met, Lord Narateen. I am Breac Wilhelm, lately returned to my people. Your efforts in my absence, as well as those of Lord Paliea and the Silver Hand, are greatly appreciated. Please, take a seat and join us. Share with us the messages you carry." Breac took his seat again, indicating for the others to do the same.

2010-11-02, 07:53 PM

"Thank you your highness"

Glenn bowed deeply, showing obvious subservience where Breac had been careful to avoid it. Glenn knew his place in the scheme of things, no matter how high his skill was. His King was his King. He relaxed his stance and lowered his arms, nodding and smiling to the others.

"Paleia sends his apologies for not being able to attend in person. He is currently errr..." he pauses for a moment "...detained. I am sure you understand that he leads a double life in his efforts, and what this can mean in regards to his abilities to attend rendezvous' such as this, no matter the importance. He has sent myself personally as a gesture of his understanding of the gravity of whom is now involved."

Glenn took a seat with the others and from within his clothes withdrew a small pouch. he opened it and 10 sealed letters spilled out upon the table. In an epic gesture of irony they had all been sealed with the royal seal and insignia of the false King over-set by the symbol of the silver hand.
Noting those who raise eyebrows at the seals Glenn explains "The seals are a little joke within the silver hand. We frequently use the false King's seal, without ever actually taking it, sometimes even sending him small notes here and there with his own seal written on his own paper. Childish perhaps, but in dark times such amusements may be grand."

One by one he picks up the letters and offers them to whom they have been addressed. "All of these letters have been written by Paleia himself, I am unaware of the contents of these. They are private and for your own reading at a time of your chosing, be that now or later."/COLOR]
He hands two to Alfred, one silver and one blue. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Open the blue first." he instructs.
Everyone else in the room recieves just one letter each, except Breac who receives one very large, thick and heavy envelope and two smaller letters.

Message me for your letter contents. They are mostly just introductions etc. though.

2010-11-02, 08:02 PM
Malavena takes her letter and puts it into a small bag without reading it. Plenty of time for that later.

2010-11-02, 08:08 PM

Aries consider the man carefully. So here is one of the leaders of this resistance. He has considered the possibility of resistance watching them, but for one to be in the room itself without being noticed is a bit out of his prediction. Probably a strong ward of illusion and abjuration.

Aries smiled inwardly, the fact that he can't sense any magic when this man is almost certainly (he is not so arrogant a arcanist to dismiss other non-magical method utterly) using some impressed him a bit.

"Pleased to meet you, Lord Glenn. My name is Aries Solfennor"

He accept the letter and opened it right away. Wondering if Leo has informed the resistance about him. I should send to him later, he has yet told me how he exactly plan to take part in the grand scheme

2010-11-02, 08:14 PM

Glenn takes care to note Alfred's reaction before he responds to the lady.
"My Lord Solfennor. It is indeed a pleasure to finally meet you also."


Why did I think he was a woman?? o_O lol.

2010-11-02, 08:18 PM
:smallbiggrin: Aries is a guy.

"Please, no need to styled me lord. My house were no longer part of the nobility"

He take a good look on the small book inside the envelope. Witty. Is he telling me that he priced my knowledge? A nice gift nonetheless

2010-11-02, 09:43 PM

Breac set the letters aside for the moment and picked up the envelope. He turned it over, examining it briefly before breaking the seal with his thumb. He pulled the contents halfway free of the envelope, skimming each page before sliding it back into the envelope. "You know, the elves have a story about a giant and a fly. The giant? He was a terrible monster. He would terrorize the town every day and at night he would return to his castle and sleep. No matter what the townspeople tried, they couldn't break into the castle. One day, a fly got trapped in the castle. Try as he might, once the castle was sealed even the fly couldn't escape. Although he couldn't hope to do anything against the giant, it buzzed around the giant's head. The giant, unable to sleep, swatted at the fly. The fly was too quick though."

Breac, finished skimming the contents of the envelope, resealed it and picked up another letter, inspecting it briefly before breaking the seal. "The fly kept buzzing around the giant until giant swatted at it again. Once again, the fly was too quick. The giant tried to ignore the fly, but the fly never gave up. Finally, unable to sleep, the giant got up and turned on the fly in a rage."

The letter had been short, but the news was heartening indeed. It confirmed what he had guessed, but it was good to hear it from another source. It gave him a few new opportunities. He broke the seal on the last letter and started skimming it. "The fly fled through the castle, with the giant angrily trying to crush the fly. The fly lit on one of the castle walls and the giant, still in a rage, tried to smash the fly with all his strength. The fly was still too quick. Instead of hitting the fly, the giant smashed down the castle wall. The townsfolk, seeing the exhausted giant and the gaping hole in the castle, swarmed up to the castle and that was the end of the giant."He spared a glance at the seals upon the letters. "Even little irritations can pile up."

Breac set the last of the letters down. Once again, more good news, if a bit curious. It seemed that he had more options than he had anticipated. "Glenn, please convey my thanks and appreciate to Paliea. His letters will prove most useful. In the meantime, please, tell me of the people. How have they born these last 10 years? Also, I already have some followers who are encamped nearby. Is there a place that the resistance could hide them until the time is right?"

2010-11-02, 09:54 PM

Guillory hides his laugh behind a stifled cough. Leave it to Breac to skillfully invert something his elder had said only minutes before. So, he thinks, I suppose that we'd best be the horsefly. He shakes his head, still laughing inside, and opens his letter with a thumb. He pulls out the folded black cloth and opens it to reveal a slip of paper. He reads the note, nods, and examines the silver embroidery on the cloth. He quirks an eyebrow before folding it again and slipping it into a pocket. He doesn't bother introducing himself; if someone is interested in who he is, he expects that they'll ask.

2010-11-02, 10:00 PM
Well, it seems that letter reading is the activity we are engaged in for the moment, so may as well... Malavena pulls out her letter and opens it, reading over the contents, before replacing it in her bag.

2010-11-02, 10:37 PM
The halfling smiles a bit as Breac brings up old memories. Then he snaps up his letters and snaps off the seals with his dagger, talking as he does so. Ah, just remember, there's a lot of flies out there, and most of 'em end up swatted. Best be sure we're actually quick enough, if we are just a little fly. Alfred coughs. Sir.

Then he flips through the notes with unconcealed disinterest.

2010-11-02, 11:04 PM

Aries placed the book into his bag "Do tell Lord Paleia that I appreciate his gift."

2010-11-02, 11:05 PM
Those who pay attention notice her take out a small pendant of bone on a leather necklace, and then put it back into the envelope and into her bag (she does so subtly, but sleight of hand is not usable untrained).

Bluff: [roll0]
She seems somewhat shocked by the contents of the letter, or possibly the necklace itself, although she attempts to hide it.

Frozen Messiah
2010-11-02, 11:52 PM
"You may be too kind in mistaking my anxiousness with wisdom. It is just that I have experienced first hand the extent of the false king's cruelty. I know very little of the affairs of state, or of making war," she says as she returns to her seat.

"Do not count yourself out so quickly my dear. What is stupidity or nervousness in one case may be wisdom or genius in another." Sumaethas says to Malavena with a large caring smile, "My name is Sumaethas Allalithal, I am one of the Keepers of the Blood who attempt to teach those about to rule and advise those in the throne."

Sumaethas watched the interaction between the young prince and Lord Glenn Narateen who appeared so suddenly out of the shadows. Sumaethas watched ever calm but to those who looked closely his left hand had gained a faint white glow around it but had quickly disappeared when the man had shown himself to come in peace. He was impressed at Breac's use of the folklore that he had told him although in the actual story the giant killed himself, it made him smile.

Sumaethas took his time to open his letter. He examined it all of it, had a small laugh at the seal, and then opened the letter. The small bauble that he takes out instantly intruiges him. "A riddle in the form of an object...I love it" Sumaethas says as he dangles the bauble in front of his eye to let the light pass through it

Sense Motive:[roll0]

2010-11-03, 12:26 AM

"Lord Solfennor, you are of noble blood even if you have not had that which goes with such a privelige. Those of noble decent who are of service to the crown and of the people are still indeed truly noble, and are deserving of the titles that attend nobility. You and I are not so different Lord Solfennor, our family holdings and lines destroyed all but ourselves. We must not forget our nobility else we forget who we are. If we no longer know who we are then how can we know where we stand? I am Lord Glenn Narateen, last of a long line of a proud family. I know that my loyalty is to the rightful heir and the people of our fine Kingdom. "
He finished speaking on time for Breac to start his story and listened intently, nodding at where he could sense the story was going to and the moral that lay therein. He almost snorted at Alfred's comment, but made no retort to it in support of the Silver Hand or indeed, any of the flies within the room.

Glenn nodded to Aries with a smile. "I will pass your thanks on to him."

"A riddle in the form of an object...I love it"
Glenn chuckles "That just about sums up Paleia himself my lord." he says smiling to the ancient elf.
I would love to know what is going on here. He thinks to himself, noting the strange games being played in the room by those in the group and Paleia himself.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2010-11-03, 06:05 AM

Aries is about to rebutt Glenn's statement on nobility, but hold back from doing so when he suddenly thought of his grandfather who is barely known to Aries since he died while Aries was still in cradle. Instead he just nodded and smiled politely to Glenn. No sense in offending a person you just meet. But no, I have never forgotten who I am or who I want to be. But it has nothing to do with 'nobility'.

2010-11-03, 08:21 AM
Paleia is certainly a riddle I should like to solve someday, Malavena thinks to herself. I wonder how he knew a secret I have kept from all but a small handful of people.

2010-11-03, 09:52 AM

Guillory leans back in his chair and listens as the others introduce themselves. He is heartened, perhaps even mildly inspired, by their loyalty to the cause that has brought them all together. His thoughts drift to Paleia's gift. His compatriots have been made aware of the source of his powers, of course. They know that he can conjure up the remnants of long-banished beings and bind them to his service. Telling them had been a necessity, due to the unfortunate side-effects of such magic. But how had the revolutionary known? That's worrisome. If his secret isn't as secret as he'd thought, he might find himself in spots of trouble, and the revolution shouldn't have to suffer a pariah.

Lancaster, I'm assuming that Jonathan can recognize the seal on the seal of the spirit. If you want him to go through hoops to know what it is and who it binds, let me know. Also, Gaiyamoto, which vestige did you intend for the seal to help me summon? Vox, the Faceless Shadow, would probably best fit the theme of the resistance but there are others, especially some higher-level ones, that would be more beneficial.

2010-11-03, 09:07 PM
"Well, now that we have all been introduced, where do we go from here?" Malavena asks as the conversation comes to a lull.

2010-11-03, 09:20 PM

"I'm sure Paleia will puzzle us soon," replied Breac, tucking the letters into the inside pocket of his coat. It was a stout coat, fine wool that had been cut dyed by a master, yet it lacked adornment. He might have been embarrassed to wear it in court, but at the edge of the kingdom it marked him as someone of success. The edges of the kingdom relied heavily on trade to make their living, but trade was in decline. One of the many things he would need to fix once his serpent of an uncle was dealt with.

The prince leaned forward, folding his hands on the table and shifted his attention to Malavena. "Where do we go from here? We start getting things done." His blue eyes swung accross to Glenn. "Lord Narateen, although this is our first meeting, I would ask you to perform a task. First, I will need to know who among Dagnarus's Generals is currently within the capital. Second, how quickly could the resistance start a rumor and make sure it makes its way to the nobility at court?"

Frozen Messiah
2010-11-03, 10:35 PM
The prince leaned forward, folding his hands on the table and shifted his attention to Malavena. "Where do we go from here? We start getting things done." His blue eyes swung accross to Glenn. "Lord Narateen, although this is our first meeting, I would ask you to perform a task. First, I will need to know who among Dagnarus's Generals is currently within the capital. Second, how quickly could the resistance start a rumor and make sure it makes its way to the nobility at court?"

"By the way they write I have a good feeling that they will be able to create such a rumor." Sumaethas says as he holds up the book he was reading from before, "Let me see if I can recall who would be most likely to have been chosen for that title." He closees his eyes and breathes out calmly as he goes over all of the candidates that he rembered.


2010-11-04, 10:18 PM

Guillory scowls at the table. Although his rational, mortal mind responds favorably to Breac's plan to destabilize the opposition with rumors, the voices in his head - neither of which appreciate the place of subtlety in warfare - rail against what they perceive as ineffectual inaction on the part of the young heir.

He leans forward in his seat and eyes his would-be sovereign. "My lord," he says, his voice sonorously low and oddly echoed, as though issuing forth from within an armored helmet, "while I do appreciate the propriety of destabilizing our enemy, I should hope that you have other, more punishing plans in mind for Dagnarus and his fellow traitors?"

2010-11-08, 11:02 PM
The room warps slightly, and suddenly there is an dwarf sitting in the chair in the corner.

"Ullo! H'w yew dewin' tys murnen? Rdy t' ghyt gooin?"

He chomps down on a piece of jerky, and flexes his muscles, which are heavily tattooed with scantily clad gnomish women.

2010-11-09, 01:42 AM
An exasperated Alfred buries his face in his hands. Priority number one here is going to be better security. I've meet farmer's daughters who were better guarded than our dear Prince. Isn't one of you supposed to be on that?

2010-11-09, 01:56 AM

"No, Johnathan, I do not intend to let Dagnarus escape justice," replied Breac with an even glare. "Nor do I intend to strike before the time is right." The room chose that moment to interrupt him by warping slightly.

"My apologies, master dwarf, but I don't believe we've met. Is there something I can help you with?"

2010-11-09, 01:10 PM

He nods, the voices in his mind temporarily mollified. The thought of brutal retribution soothes their anger like a cooling salve. Waiting for it will only improve its eventual flavor, like an aged wine. He turns, then, to Alfred. "The Prince's safety is my primary concern," he asserts. "Do you think that I would have allowed a decade to pass in exile only to so carelessly jeopardize our return?" If only to prove his intentions of protecting the Prince, he reaches for his handle of his morningstar when the dwarf materializes and grips the taut leather, waiting for the new arrival to explain himself.

2010-11-09, 03:37 PM
Glenn had moved fast as the room had begun to warp, leaping to his feet with his serpent blade in his right hand and a long dagger in his left. The Dwarf, in his almost unintelligble speak had still not correctly identified himself.
Was this the man they had been waiting for?

Glenn had almost had too much today of this not knowing business.

Frozen Messiah
2010-11-09, 03:56 PM
Since no one was talking about anything of importance to Sumaethas he had went back to reading. When the dwarf teleported in the small amount of wind that was generated caused the pages of the books to flip quickly. Sumaethas sighed in frustration and place the book down on the table. "Well than, since you so rudely came in and your entrance caused me to lose my page I am ready to leave, ah but first introductions. I am Sumaethas Alalithal, 19th Keeper of the Oath and Guide of the Throne, and who might you be?" Sumaethas said calmly to the new guest at the table

2010-11-09, 05:26 PM
Malavena's reactions are not as quick as the others, but she is just as startled by the dwarf's sudden appearance.

"I am getting tired of people appearing out of nowhere! A gentleman would announce himself first, before suddenly appearing in the middle of a bunch of heavily armed adventurers."

2010-11-09, 05:46 PM
Glenn glances over at Malavena.
"You are right." giving her a nod.

2010-11-12, 10:42 AM

"No, Johnathan, I do not intend to let Dagnarus escape justice," replied Breac with an even glare. "Nor do I intend to strike before the time is right." The room chose that moment to interrupt him by warping slightly.

"My apologies, master dwarf, but I don't believe we've met. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Nu, s'muir wyet Eyi cen dui fiur yui."

Since no one was talking about anything of importance to Sumaethas he had went back to reading. When the dwarf teleported in the small amount of wind that was generated caused the pages of the books to flip quickly. Sumaethas sighed in frustration and place the book down on the table. "Well than, since you so rudely came in and your entrance caused me to lose my page I am ready to leave, ah but first introductions. I am Sumaethas Alalithal, 19th Keeper of the Oath and Guide of the Throne, and who might you be?" Sumaethas said calmly to the new guest at the table


Malavena's reactions are not as quick as the others, but she is just as startled by the dwarf's sudden appearance.

"I am getting tired of people appearing out of nowhere! A gentleman would announce himself first, before suddenly appearing in the middle of a bunch of heavily armed adventurers."

"Nixet tuiem Eyi'll muk a beig biaegn!"

2010-11-12, 05:31 PM
Two surprise entrace in a row. His companions are right to be vexed by the situation. He himself is holding back from saying anything or show expression but his rising eyebrow. Instead he observe the dwarf carefully, trying to comprehend his new guest and preparing to counter any suspicious action.

However, the dwarf did nothing but respond to Breac's and the others question with his almost unintelligible speech. Perhaps I should have prepared a spell of translation, he thought in annoyance. "Master Kur, I take that is your name, first of all, will you swallow that thing you are chewing lest we misunderstood what you are trying to say. Second, you show up suddenly here without warning. Please explain your purpose."

2010-11-15, 08:57 AM
What language is he speaking? Some bastardization of common and dwarven? Malavena ponders.