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View Full Version : Druid stat affecting spells

2010-11-02, 05:12 PM
Right i have a druid who is level 10 at the moment in a game. In the game we have alot of heavy damage dealing characters and im honestly trying to avoid that so i tend to stick mostly utility spells and ones that mess up stats in my spell list.

The Game is 3.5 and we have access to pretty much every book going with the exception of Ebberon. While i have looked through a bunch of the books im wondering can you guys help with suggestions for different druid stat affecting spells? The more the merrier.


2010-11-02, 05:25 PM
hmm. most of the ones i can think of are poison based...


Poison thornes (one that I like as it adds +d6 damage to natural attacks and inflicts poison. so Girralion blessing on a Direlion and charge)
Poison Vines (aoe dex damage, and as vine mine can entangle)
Quillfire (ranged envenomed quills. dex damage?)
Spider venom? or am I hallucinating that one?

theres also some disease based ones like contageon that are barely worth mentioning.

things that arnt include Jungle Rapture (not the best spell as it takes days to do anyhting.)
and Dehydrate - save negates, but con damage at range, and non-poison based.

theres also a fairly crap version of ray of enfeeblement at higher levels with a save for half. :/
however for pure grim imagery - Infestation of maggots. ew!ew!ew!ew!ew!

and also it bares mentioning the spells that very few DM's let you use.
like Shivering Touch