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View Full Version : Expanded Hebodomad Fluff [The Gates of Heaven]

2010-11-02, 08:23 PM
Okay, here's the preliminary work on Barachiel. I tried to get all the points done, so let me know what needs more.


Barachiel is the ruler of Lunia, the Silver Heaven, first layer of the sacred mountain of Celestia, and commander to the armies of Celestia. He is also the patron of heralds and of hosts, protecting both the messenger who bears the crucial missive and those who give him shelter from cold and danger.


The current Barachiel is the twenty-third to hold the title of Barachiel, the name and powers being passed down when the previous holder dies. The current Barachiel was a trumpet archon in the service of the previous ruler of Lunia, and became a trusted servant of his master, even going so far as to be named Champion of Barachiel. When battle was needed to repel the forces of evil from Celestia, he would go in the name of his lord to fight powerful fiends and secure the safety of Lunia.

When news reached Barachiel of the Crown of Good being stolen by servants of Tiamat, goddess of evil dragons, and hidden in her lair on Avernus, Barachiel chose to lead an army to the Hells to retrieve it. While seeking the Crown, the celestial army drew the attention of the infernal general Bel who, suspecting a celestial invasion, led his own detachment to intercept. A clash of celestial and infernal forces ensued, fireballs streaking through the sky of Avernus, and in the chaos, celestial scouts managed to breach the Queen of Dragons lair and steal back the Crown, but not before the ruler of Lunia fell under the wicked blade of Bel. The celestial host made a swift retreat under cover of one of the frequent demonic incursions, and fled back to Celestia.

Once back in Lunia, Barachiel’s Champion was chosen as the new ruler of Lunia by Zaphkiel, and he underwent a miraculous change to mirror the appearance of his fallen master.

Appearance & Personality

Barachiel stands 9 feet tall, his body and wings a gleaming silver, his eyes deep violet. He is garbed in a robe set with tiny points of light, like a starry night sky, and he always carries the badges of his office, a silver longsword and a gleaming trumpet. Few mortals know of the Battle of Avernus, but the death of his master weighs heavily on Barachiel’s heart. Whereas his former master was a great lover of music and art, this new one focuses his energy on war and training, that he might prevent the death of his new superiors. He still holds the usual trumpet archon penchant for music and singing, but they are secondary to him. The archons under his command describe him as a tough, dour leader, always scowling and glaring, as if nothing impresses him, and when he addresses anyone except other members of the Hebdomad it is always in a curt and frugal manner, as if too many words would be a great strain on him. Even without his trumpet, he is always easy to hear in combat, his orders like cracking thunder, impossible to miss. When he is sent to herald some great revelation to another, be they mortal or otherwise, he always appears in a peal of thunder, lightning crackling off of his silvery body and dancing along his longsword. He stays for as little time as is needed, and then returns to train and prepare his troops once more. “Just because Celestia isn’t invaded often, doesn’t mean vigilance isn’t needed” he often chides his officers.


The Citadel of Stars consists of a cluster of almost impossibly high towers of violet crystal, rising directly from the sea. The entire structure shimmers with a faint light.

While there are few (or none at all) entrances at see level, the citadel has a myriad balconies for flyers to land, some large enough for dragons, giant birds or other large creatures.

It becomes immediately obvious that this is the home of the Trumpet Archons: the entire structure is hollow, and the interior of the towers is kept empty, gigantic tubes the size of mountains that allows the sea wind to rise through them, playing the entire citadel like a pipe organ


Though he is abrasive and stubborn, Barachiel enjoys intense loyalty from the armies he commands, many of whom are willing to march into the Abyss to protect Celestia. Each of the Hebdomad puts the majority of their warriors at the command of Barachiel in defense of Celestia, and unlike other planar armies, each of these groups sees in each other common allies and friends, making for very few problems in Lunia’s forces.

One especially important member of Barachiel’s forces is his primary Champion, a trumpet archon by the name of Seped. She is a musician of some skill, and is both his chief tactician and his only close confidant, sharing in his battle plans and counseling him on the temperament of the troops and the likeliness of fiendish attack. She often travels far and wide across the planes, searching for signs of demonic or infernal incursion.

Another of Barachiel's Champions is Ziamiral, who is a sword archon obsessed with preening her feathers and maintaining her armor. She believes she has fallen out of favor with Barachiel, but he has merely eased her duties of late due to her meticulous need for order and cleanliness. He admires that she is so thorough with her work, but seeks to gently remind her that she is needed most direly closer to the front lines.


Barachiel considers few beings his true enemy, always willing to forgive and make amends if someone slights him, despite his harsh exterior. He does however consider the infernal general Bel, Lord of the First, to be his enemy. Bel’s slaying of Barachiel’s predecessor, a being he was quite close to, has made Barachiel long for a way to put a stop to the Lord’s machinations in various parts of the multiverse, though he has frustratingly few works to sabotage. The fact that Barachiel and Bel share such similar duties in their respective hierarchies does nothing to quell their animosity, and Barachiel longs for the day that he might challenge Bel in single combat, to test himself against the foe that slew his master.


Other than the Hebdomad, Barachiel has few friends to speak of, instead focusing most of his time on planning for the defense of Celestia, reviewing the defenses, and bringing messages of great importance to various beings. He does however occasionally meet with the god of good dragons Bahamut, who he speaks with about the defenses and such, seeking to get the opinion of someone who sees the multiverse from a dragon’s perspective. The two can speak for hours, and some might even make the guess that they were friends, but both Bahamut and Barachiel would deny it, claiming theirs’ is simply a mutual understanding to protect their home plane from incursion. Barachiel also is known at times to send messages back and forth to the archangel of planetars Isamukemen (or, quite rarely, visit in person). The archangel’s personal war is helpful after a fashion to Barachiel, but it is never something that occupies Barachiel’s mind for more than a few scant seconds, and the real purpose of his inquiries is two-fold. First, an attack upon Arcadia by fiends is very much a threat to Celestia, and secondly, the two have a small rivalry, seeking to best each other in the field of strategy and tactics, seeking to see who the master is.

Possible Plot Hook

The PCs encounter a local warlord (possibly a Disciple of Bel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143257)) who is ordering brutal attacks on the countryside, slaughtering villages wholesale, the few survivors dragged back in chains to his keep to be sacrificed to his infernal lord Bel. Barachiel contacts the PCs, and makes it known that the warlord cannot be allowed to become one of Bel's lieutenants in the Blood War.

2010-11-02, 08:35 PM
Good job His gruff demeanor is an interesting depiction. Notes: His champion was Ziamiral in the BoED, you don't need to keep her as champion but you might want to acknowledge her in some way, or not your choice. Possible Adventure hook the local warlord is actually being groomed by Bel and Barachiel wants you to stop him to frustrate Bel's plans to acquire a new general for the blood war.

2010-11-02, 08:37 PM
I'd suggest changing the thread title so it can be about all the Hebdomad rather than just Barachiel. Otherwise it's excellent and gives whomever takes up the job of statting him a good point to aim for, around 50-51.

2010-11-02, 09:41 PM
Good job His gruff demeanor is an interesting depiction. Notes: His champion was Ziamiral in the BoED, you don't need to keep her as champion but you might want to acknowledge her in some way, or not your choice. Possible Adventure hook the local warlord is actually being groomed by Bel and Barachiel wants you to stop him to frustrate Bel's plans to acquire a new general for the blood war.

Acknowledged Ziamiral, hopefully you don't find it too bad. It's just the Champions in BoED are creatures to be called with spells, while I'd figure a Champion would be a creature chosen to be the lieutenant of the Hebdomad member, the batman if you will.

Plot Hook added.

The Tygre
2010-11-02, 09:45 PM
Very nice. Right on track; enough to really put some meat on Barach's bones, but not so much that the reader gets drowned in it. One thing though; when I said domains, I meant more like personal locations or fortresses. Guess I should have been more specific. :smallredface:

2010-11-02, 09:47 PM
Very nice. Right on track; enough to really put some meat on Barach's bones, but not so much that the reader gets drowned in it. One thing though; when I said domains, I meant more like personal locations or fortresses. Guess I should have been more specific. :smallredface:

I thought that's what you meant. Better to need more in this case than write massively and not need it.

2010-11-02, 10:07 PM
Acknowledged Ziamiral, hopefully you don't find it too bad. It's just the Champions in BoED are creatures to be called with spells, while I'd figure a Champion would be a creature chosen to be the lieutenant of the Hebdomad member, the batman if you will.

Plot Hook added.

No problem, I think its great. Nice hook.

2010-11-03, 04:05 AM
As for "domains":
Planes of Law mentions the Citadel of Stars, without really going into detail. For the Lunia write-up, I've gathered a few ideas:

The Citadel of Stars consists of a cluster of almost impossibly high towers of violet crystal, rising directly from the sea. The entire structure shimmers with a faint light.
While there are few (or none at all) entrances at see level, the citadel has a myriad balconies for flyers to land, some large enough for dragons, giant birds or other large creatures.
It becomes immediately obvious that this is the home of the Trumpet Archons: the entire structure is hollow, and the interior of the towers is kept empty, gigantic tubes the size of mountains that allows the sea wind to rise through them, playing the entire citadel like a pipe organ.

2010-11-03, 04:31 AM
I like this. New Barachiel sounds a bit like a nicer version of Mad-Eye Moody:

"Constant Vigilance!!"


2010-11-03, 04:32 AM
Aye. And that's a good thing for Celestia's first defender.

Something that should perhaps be a little bit more included is Barachiel's and the Trumpet's duty as messengers for the Archons: he's a defender, mainly, but bearing messages to celestials and mortals in heaven's service everywhere is part of his job.

2010-11-03, 10:42 AM
As for "domains":
Planes of Law mentions the Citadel of Stars, without really going into detail. For the Lunia write-up, I've gathered a few ideas:

The Citadel of Stars consists of a cluster of almost impossibly high towers of violet crystal, rising directly from the sea. The entire structure shimmers with a faint light.
While there are few (or none at all) entrances at see level, the citadel has a myriad balconies for flyers to land, some large enough for dragons, giant birds or other large creatures.
It becomes immediately obvious that this is the home of the Trumpet Archons: the entire structure is hollow, and the interior of the towers is kept empty, gigantic tubes the size of mountains that allows the sea wind to rise through them, playing the entire citadel like a pipe organ.

So should I just put that in the Domain section?

2010-11-03, 10:53 AM
Just an idea I had. Feel free to change it or add any number of details.

2011-04-14, 07:38 AM
If I may offer my opinion this one seems to have the strength of a god is that intentional, because the hebdomad aren't supposed to be deities are they?

2011-04-14, 08:00 AM
It's intentional- the project The Gates Of Heaven is, as I recall, intended to be a "Good counterpart" to the project "The Gates of Hell" on Dicefreaks- which statted the archdevils out with godly power.

2011-04-14, 09:23 AM
I will reopen this thread for continued work now that I am finished my many exams. Domiel is already half finished.

Dragonexx, only the OP can necro the thread in the homebrew, I hope this doesn't get us locked.

And yes, the power scale is increased for this project.