View Full Version : Of Droids And Muties

2010-11-03, 06:12 AM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=174438)


"They can take my nightvision and stick where the sun don't shine."
Billy Bob spat over the village wall while grumbling to himself: "I'd like to sleep a night or two and not be assigned to guard duty every bloody night. And cousin Eddie is supposed to come back tomorrow. I hope they wake..."
Billy Bob stopped in the middle of his sentence to self and started to listen and look for something intently. His hand instinctevly went for his beaten up Ruger which found its way to his shoulder. As his eyes scanned the surroundings a slight buzzing came riding on the evening wind. His whole body tensed and slowly turned towards the sound.
A beep followed the buzz and soon Billy Bob's eyes could recognize the shape. "Damn beeper. Almost thought it was a real danger.."
Billy Bob lowered his rifle the robot continued to beep and buzzas it slowly advanced towards the wall. Billy Bob continued to monitor its progress until it came within 300 feet. Then he slowly readjusted his rifle "Time to die tin can." And suddenly the robot focused on him
"What the..?" Billy Bob hesitated.
And then he saw the flash and something was hurtling towards him. "Aw, crap."


Randall was worried. You could hear it in his voice. "So Zeebor, you think Eddie and his scavengers will be coming? They are already a week overdue."
The harbor master blinked both sets of eyelids and slowly took his pipe out of his mouth: "Mayor Randall. I honestly wouldn't know." he shrugged: "I keep watching the river for any sign of their boat but so far..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Randall dismissed the rest of the sentence: "Those damned things are g..."
"BOAT!" Zeebor cut into his sentence.
Randall followed his pointing finger in time to see a large keelboat start emerging from the river bend: "Is it them?" hope suddenly returned into his voice.
"The boat looks right, but there is another one tied to it?"
As Zeebor pointed out the anomaly Randall also picked it up "What the hell did they find this time?" his eyes narrowed "And is it only my imagination or are they coming in way too fast?"
But Zeebor was already at the emergency bell which rang out loud and clear.
A buzz of activity exploded as guards came rushing into harbor to answer the bell. Zeebor's eyes were still focused on the big float created by two lashed keelboats: "Idiots. I told them they need at least four guys to crew a keelboat. But will they listen? Of course not." he kept grumbling to himself to the gathered personell he said: "Boys! Looks like our dear Eddie... Excuse me, Edward and his band of scavenegers bit off more than they can chew. As of right now they are coming in on a float that looks to be pretty much out of control. Let's hope this is just because of their overzealousness and not because someone else is in control. Well, out of." He continued: "We are handling this safe - you will first cover the float to make sure it is Edward and his buddies, and then AND ONLY then help them."
As the guards ran to their positions he again grumbled to himself: "And hope they don't take out the dock in the process." as he replaced the pipe in his mouth and turned to watch the rapidly approaching float.

The float was a whirlwind of activity.

2010-11-03, 07:05 AM
Myndes is busily berating the others as he tries to keep one of the boats under control with a pole.

"I told you! I told you, but did you listen? Oh, no. It's just a-- DROP THE FREAKIN' ANCHORS ALREADY!"

2010-11-03, 07:29 AM
"Don't worry, I'm listening!" Faz said, partly mimicing Myndes voice. He hoisted an anchor and heaved it overboard, making sure it also remained connected to the float. "FREAKIN' ANCHOR overboard, sir!" he shouted.

2010-11-03, 07:33 AM
Vortex walks to the side of the boat and attempts to slow its progress by sticking an oar in the water which unfortunately seems to have little effect on their progress.

2010-11-03, 03:55 PM

"Calm down chaps!" Edward called
"I have everything under control."
He stood at the helm of his keel boat, and looked on as the land ahead of them grew bigger and bigger on the horizon. He looked at his navagation wheel in front of him.
"What do you thing, Skeeves? Best approach you've seen in a long time, no doubt."
"Sihr, looks like you might be coming in too quickly."
"What? Nonsense." Edward leaned on the wheel in front of him, as he turned to look at the gecko on his shoulder.
No sooner had he turned, that the wheel gave way under his weight, and the boat turned quickly to port.

2010-11-03, 04:43 PM
As the float finally begins to turn the anchor line draws taut (while Jojo flails about uselessly). The keelboat groan and squeels but holds as the anchor obviously plows a wide path into the riverbed.
The effect is instanteneous as the float jerks wildly and finally begins to slow. Myndes and Vortex nimbly stay on their feet, while the sudden shift is too much for the other three and they are only capable to admire the rapidly approaching dock form their bellies or whatever counts as one for Jojo.
The float still continues to advance on the dock but with every foot its speed lessens and finally it stops mere inches from the dock. A gentle wave is all that hits the dock.
"Well, looks like you girls have got more luck than brains!" is the warm greeting from the old harbormaster Zeebor as the river begins to settle in its track. "Welcome back to Rivendeli."

2010-11-03, 06:49 PM
Jojo eyed the man warily as he scrambled back onto his spindly steel legs.


"...Banana!" The sound uttered from a tinny speaker installed right beneath the glass case holding Jojo's brain.

Jojo took a few tentative steps towards the strange man, his "hands" wringing together eagerly.

"Deli...have banana?"

2010-11-03, 07:16 PM
"Thanks, sir!" Faz says. You can't tell if he's ignoring the insult or is just oblivious to it. "Just glad I could help."

2010-11-03, 08:47 PM
Vortex steps from the boat to the dock and proceeds to quietly and efficiently lash the boot to its moorings.

2010-11-04, 12:05 AM
As Jojo steps forward the sort of relaxed guards tense up and a few even level their rifles at him.
"Whoa, easy boys!" Zeebor raises his hands in a pacifying gesture: "Hey, Jojo. You know we haven't had bananas for as long as you've been coming here - I have a dried apple though."
As he offers a dried apple to the small metallic creature the guards relax again and he continues to the newcomers: "We've been expecting you a week ago. As soon as you are done securing the boats mayor Randall wants a word with." And sudddenly remembers another thing: "And Edward - your cousin's been hurt. Actually I should probably warn you that both metallics," gesturing at Jojo and Vortex "shouldn't be going alone into the village. Especially Jojo."

2010-11-04, 07:00 AM
What happened this time?

2010-11-04, 01:43 PM
"Well this time it was mostly not his fault. Mostly." Zeebpr almost continues but it seems he remembered something: "But this is not my story to tell. Mayor Randall made it a point I was to send you to him as soon as you get in port." He looks around and scratches his head: "Actually he was around just now, looking for all of you, but seems he went back to his place."
"Look. I'd love to tell you anything I know but after you have spoken with Randall." He nods to the float: "As always, I'll be taking care of your stuff while it is in harbor. And if you want some of my moonshine come back later." He winks.
The guards have started to disperse but on every face in every gesture you can see a bit more tension than usual in Rivendeli.

2010-11-04, 03:15 PM
Well, it looks like we need to go see the mayor then. Let us be off. Vortex finishes securing the boat and moves towards the end of the dock to await the others.

2010-11-04, 04:55 PM
"Come on, everyone, cheer up!" Faz says, reaching down to ruffle the hair of the guards as they disperse. He nods to Vortex, and says, "Yup, we should see how we can help make people around here happier."

2010-11-04, 05:29 PM
Myndes glances back at Edward.
"You going to lie around all day, or are you coming?"
He then heads off in the same direction as the Android.

2010-11-04, 06:54 PM
Jojo frantically scurries after Myndes, a mound of spindly metal legs with a pickled brain on top dragging behind it a mess of electrical cables.

Why shouldn't I go alone!? Better stay close to Myndes.

He slows his pace as he approaches Myndes and makes sure to stay within a three foot radius of him at all times.

2010-11-05, 03:23 AM

"I would if I could, but I must check in on my cousin. One must be polite, dontchaknow. In either case, you'd all be lost without my guidance." Edward said, stepping gracefully off his keelboat when it was secure.

2010-11-05, 01:57 PM
"Well that would also mean the mayor's house." Zeebor looked up: "Seems that mayor's daughter May cares for Billy Bob a rather big lot and after he was hurt has taken upon herself to take care of him 'till he gets better." And continues onto the end of the dock to watch the river.Edward quickly rejoins the rest of the group and together they pick their way through the village. Several doors slam very quickly as the occupants eyes fall on Jojo and Vortex and some rather murderous looks are offered. But as recognition or the fact that they are travelling with the group sets in, nothing is done. Except an ugly look or two.
Soon they find their way to the village square which is dominated by an ancient two story building that serves as town hall and mayor's mansion.
It appearsmayor was expecting them as he stands up from the chair on the porch as soon as the group rounds the corner and expectantly watches them.

2010-11-05, 03:11 PM
Hello there Mr. Mayor, what happened here while we were gone?

2010-11-06, 03:57 AM
Edward walks straight up to the major, and holds out his hand. "Charmed, I'm sure. I am Edward Carneby Phipps the Second." He waved his other arm generally behind him. "These are my assosciates. I was led to believe that you were taking care of my cousin. Could I go and see him? You see, I did promise to be here for his birthday, and well, I'm a bit late. But I do have a lot of interesting stories. Although it sounds like you've had some excitement here yourselves while I was gone, what what."

2010-11-06, 08:30 AM
Randall almost takes his hand and greets him: "You really don't need to do this EVERY time you get back, Eddie." And catches himself: "Edward. I don't want to get burned, again. Billiy Bob is on the second floor." Without breaking stride he continues: "Could the rest of you join me in the den?" Randall invites them in as Edward runs up the stairs.

2010-11-06, 08:59 AM
"Sure thing, sir," Faz says. "I hope you'll be so kind as to tell us what's happening around here?"

2010-11-06, 04:57 PM
As the mayor ushers the entire group into his den. They try to find places to sit that are not covered by ancient papers written in all manner of text. "Just nudge the papers onto the floor." suggests Randall. And finds his antique - meaning worn, frayed and faded - armchair. "Lucy! Bring some refresments for five guests." And then adds "And nothing too flammable for Eddie! Now, where do I start..."


Meanwhile Edward reaches the top floor and notices a faint smell of medicine coming from one door. As he approaches he also hear hears soft female whispers.

2010-11-07, 08:04 AM
Myndes gathers some papers into a stack and places it to one side as he takes a seat. "I think I've got the gist of the situation, so perhaps you should begin with how the attacks started."

2010-11-07, 01:34 PM
"Well it wasn't attacks as such at first."
Randall begins explaining: "A bout two months ago we noticed some sort of robot coming down the road from the hills. It never got even close before it exploded. So we went to see what it was. We barely got some scrap metal."
He shrugs: "As there were no clues to where it came from and what its purpouse was we did not follow up. Until next day when another came and blew up. And another. And another. And. And. And."
Randall continues: "Nobody really felt like going to investigate and with you boys due to come in in a few weeks we just doubled the guard and kept watch..Thanks dear."
He takes the glass offered by his wife and continues as she ditributes something that looks like beer to all organics. "It was all going OK till about a week ago. I mean every day or night one of these rolled from the hills and blew up but they kept their distance. But then something changed. Billy Bob had the night watch and we are not exactly sure what happened but apparently one of this machines fired something at the wall before blowing up."
He puts his glass on the table. "And the next night another machine fired of a burst before going out in flames. Now everyone got real nervous and a couple of the more hot headed boys formed a posse and went to the hills to look for answers."
He looks solemnly: "They didn't come back. But those machines sure did. Every night they get closer to the wall and every night they do a bit more damage - nothing on the scale of the first attack that harmed Billy Bob. But not for lack of trying."
He looks a decade older as he finishes: "And I'm sure, if nothing is done they will succeed and doing serious damage to the village and its people."

2010-11-07, 02:18 PM
"Wow, that is quite mysterious," Faz says. "I'll certainly help out. Exploring those hills could be fun!" He grasps the baseball bat slung across his back, right next to the shotgun.

2010-11-07, 02:52 PM
Yes, this is something we will have to look into.

2010-11-07, 06:02 PM
Yes. And where there's robots there's likely to be other ancient tech. *smiles faintly*

2010-11-09, 12:01 PM
"This has weighed heavily on our v...." suddenly understanding takes hold: "Wait. Whooat?" He scan the group for signs of mocking: "You will do it? Risk life and limb in almost certain death for the prospect of mistery, fun and maybe some ancient tech? No big speeches from me?" He cracks a genuine smile, the first one you've seen: "Well this calls for a celebratory drink. WIFE! Bring me the botle of the good stuff!" And then turns to the group: "So how can I help you? What do you need to know?"

2010-11-09, 12:11 PM

Edward pops his head around the door frame of the room, "Why hello there cousin? Thought I'd pop in, for a bit of a how do you do, but if you're busy I can come back another time."

2010-11-09, 01:50 PM
"Can't think of much more, unless you can solve the mistery of what if anything lives past those hills." Faz stands up after drinking a tiny bit of the refreshments. "Just let me grab some stuff from my truck..."

2010-11-10, 02:59 PM
A young woman of apparently of slightly feline blood jumps into sitting position as Billy Bob tries to look as much as posssible that he is not pretending to sleep. As he recognises the face poking through the partially opened door his face lights up: "Cousin Eddy! Hell no, I am not busy."
And wilts from a deadly look from the woman: "I mean i am not doing anything." Cringes further into the bed: "Ummmm...nice of you to come by?" he asks tentatively.

2010-11-10, 04:55 PM

"Well, I am all the better for seeing you well, and..." His gaze wandered over to his companion, he smiled "so well cared for. Might you introduce me to your lovely friend?" Edward continued, bowing slightly towards her, and sweeping his hat off his head.

2010-11-11, 03:08 PM
The girl's eyes narrow as she judges Edward and looks for any signs of mockery while Billy Bob sighs as he is not in her focus anymore: "This is May. Mayor Randall's daughter. We are kind of dating..."
"Kind of?" Billy Bob cringes again as the girl refocuses his attention on him: "You think I am nursing you here after you get yourself all burned up just because we're kind of dating."
"Well those 'bots didn't use to shoot before, now did they?"


Meanwhile below:
Randall scratches his head: "I wouldn't know really. But some of the folks did go beyond the hills and survived. But I never really listened to their tales."

2010-11-12, 03:18 PM
Jojo paced frantically back and forth across the room. Something was nagging at his mind, something he couldn't quite put his finger (metaphorically speaking) on... Something about himself... Something about Rivendeli...What was it! He came here because...why...because he had friends here. Friends and food. Lots of delicious, delicious food. But...but weird robots...

"What they want!" He suddenly piped in. He scrambled up to the mayor, looking up into his eyes.

"What the robots want, that they do this?"

2010-11-13, 11:33 AM

May finds no sign of a joke in Edward's face. "I would hope they haven't been. Still, I am pleased that you are well cared for. I have a few friends, and i don't think we'll leave this slight against our family's honour go unpunished. First chance I get, I'm going after these rogue machines."

2010-11-13, 03:06 PM
An insistent and piercing clanging interrupts everyone.

May looks at Edward: "Looks like you'll get your chance sooner than expected."
While downstairs Randall almost drops his glass: "Damn! Another machine." He listens intently for a second: "North gate by the sound of it. Looks like you can get some action right now."

2010-11-14, 04:29 AM
"Quickly then, this could be important".

Myndes gets up, bows curtly and hastens out to the north gate.

2010-11-14, 05:45 PM
Vortex jumps quickly to his feet and follows Myndes to the North Gate.

2010-11-14, 10:16 PM
Jojo runs after them, using psychic energy to lift up the mess of electrical cables running behind him menacingly as they crackle with sparks, while snapping his hands together like crab claws.

2010-11-15, 07:13 AM

"Right you are, my dear lady. It appears I must away. Farewell, Cousin. Farewell Madam." Edward dons his hat once more, and heads towards the doorway, and towards the source of the commotion.

2010-11-15, 01:32 PM
Faz pokes his head up from being bent over the back of his pick-up. Two pairs of binoculars are hanging around his neck, and night-vision goggles are strapped to his head.

"That doesn't sound good," he thinks, then heads north towards the sound, his baseball bat and gun ready on his back.

2010-11-16, 04:51 AM
As the group arrives to the northern gate they see that a small group of rather scared guardsmen is trying to peek over the palisade while at the same time trying to stay as far away from the top edge as possible.
"It's coming closer."
"Well shoot it."
"No, you shoot it."
It's getting obvious that until it becomes really urgent no one is going to stick his head out.

From behind the pallisade you can softly hear: >>Quiet please. I am analyzing.<<

2010-11-16, 05:16 AM
Myndes calls up to the guards. "The mayor's asked us to hunt down the source of these 'bots We need to check this one out, so we'll take it from here."

2010-11-16, 05:31 AM
"Ok, sir. We'll just stay here and watch if you don't mind." the relief is almost tangible.

2010-11-16, 05:40 AM
Myndes moves to where he can get a clear view of the 'bot (and some cover). As he does so, his voice echoes in the minds of the party: "It sounds like the robot will not act until it has finished 'analyzing'. I intend to make it start over"

2010-11-16, 02:16 PM
Faz peeks over the edge, using a pair of binoculars if it would help him get a better view.

2010-11-21, 04:07 PM
Jojo, still staying as close to Myndes as possible, readies his shotgun, pulling it out of the duct tape attaching it to his body. His mechanical eyes whir, trying to get a good view.

2010-11-22, 03:27 AM

Edward runs out to join his companions.


2010-11-22, 07:17 AM
As the first eyes look over the edge of the pallisade a machine gun barrage hits the bottom of the pallisade and you see a mechanical beast about 80 feet away.

2010-11-22, 01:26 PM
"Stop that!" Faz shouts. He pulls an object out from his pocket and dashes out from behind the wall (assuming that the drop isn't too high or there is a way to immediately run through it, such as a door or hole) and runs over to the bot, with his baseball bat drawn. Taking the object from his pocket, he sticks it in the back of his neck. His body vibrates; it was a flash neurojack! The energy causes his arms and legs to move so fast that it takes a second to realize he just swung the bat at the robot.
MOVE ACTION: Move 8 squares.
MOVE ACTION: Move 8 squares, is now adjacent to the robot.
MINOR ACTION: Use flash neurojack, thus gaining an extra standard action this turn and a +1 bonus to speed until the end of the encounter.
STANDARD ACTION: Melee basic attack against the robot; [roll0] vs. AC; [roll1] physical damage.

2010-11-22, 02:59 PM
As the bat connects Faz hears an extremelysatisfying crunch followed by a rather unsettling screech. And the machine explodes in a shower of sparks and flying shrapnel.
Which cannot compete with Fazes boosted speed as he dodges the brunt of the explosion. Others are barely realizing what happened as the dust settles and only a tall figure emerges. Silence settles. Only Faz seems to be fidgeting even more than usual.

2010-11-22, 05:36 PM
"Well, so much for that." Myndes heads to the wreck to examine it.

2010-11-22, 08:18 PM
"Faz do good!"

Jojo scrambles over to the wreck on his spindly legs, looking to see if he can salvage any parts to patch onto his body.

2010-11-22, 10:47 PM
"Geethanksguysitwasreallyfunyoushouldtryitsometimel etsexamineittoseeifwecanfindanythingoutaboutwherei tcamefromheydoyouseethoseprettycolorstheyreverypre ttyIthinkImgoingtostaryrunningincirclesnow."

2010-11-23, 04:57 PM
As you examine the few remaining pieces of the machine you slowly begin to spot ancient letters. But they are not making any sense until you spot a man sized pile of metal scrap. A close examination reveals that apparently the entire pile is composed of scrap left over from previous metal visitors. As you star to sift through the detritous more and more letters pop up and slowly you begin to form syllables and then words: "Property of StupendiCo Security"

2010-11-23, 06:05 PM
"HeythatsoundsfamiliarIthinkStupendicowasanancientg roupthatmadeweirdstuffthatwasusefullikerobotsandco mputersandtoothbrushesandmygoodnesswhyareyouallmov ingsoslowlyseriouslypickupthepaceabitweneedtofindw hyancienttechnologyistryingtoblowupthetown."

2010-11-24, 04:41 AM
Myndes checks for the tracks left by the robots thrust.

2010-11-24, 09:08 AM
Some scorch marks can be seen in the immediate vicinity but it is quite hard to guess whether these are from the exhaust or from the explosive decomposition of the robot. You can follow the tracks for about 60 feet north where the exhaust trail becomes virtually indistinguishable from local dirt.

2010-11-26, 06:42 AM
"Vortex, you're good with tech. You make anything of this?"

Myndes gestures towards the wreck.

2010-11-27, 08:29 AM
As Vortex examines the robot he can at once see that the robot is made using patterns common in ancient technology but flawed in certain ways. While this latest robot apppears to be freshly built Vortex can discern at least one flawed design decision for every correct one. A cursory examination of the remains of older robots reveals that they too were recently made but had even more flaws than this one. And soon a pattern reveals itself whoever is making this robots is learning.
The damage and the flaws combined mean that there is no salvageable equipment but there is still enough ammo for one person to arm himself.

2010-11-28, 03:38 AM
As the group is examining the wreckage a couple of the bravest (or unluckiest - you seem to recall some "Rock, paper, scissors from behind the wall) guards slowly nudge towards the group and the dreaded robot.
"Is it dead?" the first one asks from what he considers a sort of safe distance.
"Idiot, don't you see it was a machine. It can't die. It is already dead." Corrects him the other one from the partial cover of the first: "You should ask if it is ...um...er... deadER?"

2010-11-28, 04:20 AM
"Ha, I knew we were forgetting something! Aye, it's dealt with. Say, have all the 'bots come from the north?"

2010-11-28, 10:27 AM
"Well, doh." The smart one appears to be offended and bravely steps from behind his counterpart: "Of course they do. Everyone knows they are coming from the badder steading."
"Oh, come on Duane. Not that again." The danger the robot presented appears to be forgotten as old rivalries push to the front: "No one has ever seen a robot come from ther."
"Well of course they haven't!" Duane appears to be offended: "BECAUSE no one has seen the steading and lived since these robots started coming."

2010-11-28, 11:12 AM
Well, we learned something from this bot at least. Whoever is building them is an amateur and is learning as they go. This is why the bots have gotten closer each time as the builder gets better at assembling these bots. The only lead we have is this steading, maybe we should look into it before they perfect these bots and do some serious damage here. What do you guys think? Vortex turns to each of his companions in turn to gauge their reactions to his suggestion before turning to the guards. This one wont be causing anyone any more harm unless someone cuts themselves on the wreckage. He says with a chuckle. Can you let the mayor know what we have discovered here?

2010-11-28, 05:00 PM
"Badders building robots? I can't really see it, but I suppose it's the best we've got. We should finish our business and make preparations."

2010-11-28, 10:15 PM
"SoundslikeagreatideaIsaywegoassoonaspossibleIdon't thinkIcouldwaitaroundmuchlongergeeitwouldbeawfulif someonehurtthemselvesonthatrubblemaybeweshouldclea nupmanI'mkindarunningoutofbreath..."

2010-11-30, 04:49 AM

"I agree, we should get moving as soon as possible." Edward said, nodding. "The slight against my family name has yet to be righted."

2010-12-01, 09:28 AM
Both guards are much too focused on their argument to respond to anything less than a direct question (probably reinforced by a shove). While the rest do not seem to really care.

According to Edwards memory the badder steading is supposed to be a days, walk to the north at the foot of some hill. Edward is also reasonably sure he can find it. What bothers him is the fact, that the badders while not exactly friendly neighbours have never been overtly hostile either.

2010-12-01, 05:36 PM
Faz keeps running back and forth between the rest of the group and 60 feet away, egging them on to get going towards the badder steading.

2010-12-01, 07:37 PM
Not yet, Faz. We've got trucks to sell, equipment to procure, and us meatbags are gonna need some rest. We should endeavour to leave at first light tomorrow. And turn that thing off, it's getting on my nerves."

2010-12-05, 02:16 PM
But Myndes is swiftly overvoted as the rest of the group seems to be drawn by Faz's running. He tries to reason for a rest or a preparation but apparently the boat trip was so boring the others are itching for some action. And soon even Myndes gives up.

As the group starts following Edward and his memory of the way to the badder steading they do notice some burn marks or a pile of robot debris here and there. But these are few and far in between and following these would prove nigh impossible without Edwards directions.

Otherwise the trip is uneventfull and as the evening inches closer the group, slightly tired, turn the final bend and spot a tower made from roughly hewn stone sitting on top of a hill. The road to the tower is flanked by small cliffs where you can se a couple of silhouttes patrolling.

2010-12-05, 07:28 PM
Myndes had to catch up to the others on horseback, as he couldn't really leave his horses tied up on the barges indefinitely.

2010-12-06, 06:53 PM
When Myndes gets back, Faz apologizes. "Sorry, the neurojack and the mutation together made me a little jittery. Well, a lot jittery. I'm mostly normal now." He proceeds to notice a fly hovering towards him, to which he responds by lashing out and catching it between his fingers without killing it.

2010-12-07, 04:35 AM
Don't worry. No one has to do what I say. It's not like I can see the future or anything."

2010-12-08, 04:08 PM
As you approach the base of the tower you first notice a glow coming from the left side of the trail. It puts your hair on end.
The second and third are the crossbows wielded by two badders and the flails wielded by two porkers.
Apparently the group ain't too hapy to see you "GO AWAY!"

2010-12-09, 12:05 AM
Not being a very sociable type, Faz lets the others do the talking and takes a closer look at the glow.

2010-12-09, 04:36 AM
"So you're saying those terrific robots that have been showing up at Rivendeli didn't come from here?"

2010-12-09, 04:49 AM
The porkers show a hint of surprise but one of the badders immediately takes over.
"What the hell YOU talkin' aboot?" he menacingly rises his crossbow: "You come here. To our land. Not even sayin' who YOU are. And accuse us of some crazy stuff!"
He turns to one of the porkers: "Mebbe we should show them what we do to tresspassers?"
Myndes notices that even tho the badder is telling the truth he is not exactly answering the question and probably knows more than he is letting on.

2010-12-09, 05:15 AM
Myndes dismounts. His goggles flash momentarily with purple-tinged light. He speaks slowly and deliberately.
"Who is building the robots?"

2010-12-09, 06:17 AM
"KILL 'EM!" screams the badder in fear of his life. The porker ready their flails and the badders bring their crossbows to bear. Apparently the guards don't appreciate being threatened.

2010-12-10, 01:52 AM
The Porkers are the first to react the one on the right runs to Vortex [J11] and lets out a foul belch. But the stinks so no match for Edward and Vortex. Slightly disappointed at the lack of any effect the porker tries to hit Vortex with his flails and fails.
The other closes in on Faz and Jojo [F11] and lets out his belch and this time the stink penetrates Jojo's shell [9 poison damage & dazed until end of porker's next turn]


2010-12-10, 03:20 AM
"Wrong Answer!"
Myndes produces a bulky mechanical sphere from a bag. As he presses a button and drops it to his left D12 it unfurls into a tripodal robot. As it lands it fires a laser blast at the nearest porker, carving a deep burn into it's hide.

2010-12-10, 01:39 PM
Faz breaks into a run when the battle starts. He doesn't get very far before the Porker attacks them, but he gets a taste of his baseball bat.

Melee Basic Attack: [roll0] vs. AC

Damage: [roll1]

2010-12-11, 08:49 AM
The porker is just barely remaining on his feet.
The badder start nervously moving from behind the cover shooting their crossbows at Faz and retreating back. One almost hits the porker but the other one is much more accurate and pain explodes in Faz's head [6 physical damage] and for a moment or two he is disoriented [grants CA to adjacent enemies]

2010-12-13, 03:37 AM

Edward's eyes go ablaze in indignation at being attacked. "This is not how civilised people solve things." He growled as a flaming whip lashes out at the nearest porker.

Fiery Flare @ Porker in J11
[roll0] v Reflex
[roll1] fire damage if it hits.

2010-12-14, 04:30 PM
Vortex retaliates against the porker that charged at him. bringing his golf club down on its head.

MBA: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2010-12-23, 04:05 PM
The porker in front of Vortex squeals pathetically as his eyes roll up into his skull and he collapses in a heap. That is quite enough for the second porker as he is retreating he swiftly swings his flail at Faz, misses and continues towards the crater [H7].

But Jojo seems to have not been built to withstand poison. Suddenly all the wires and cables go limp. The lights stop flashing and Jojo drops to the ground breaking the glass dome that encased his brain.

2010-12-23, 05:52 PM
The rifle hound springs forward (E11) and fires a shot at one of the badders. As the badder staggers back from the blast, Myndes places a hand to his temple. His goggles flash and the badder's head explodes messily.

"I've been wanting to do that to someone all afternoon."

2011-01-06, 02:24 AM
The remaining badder in fear of his life aims for Faz. And Faz drops with an arrow sticking from one of his eye sockets.

2011-01-07, 11:43 AM

"NOOOOOOO" Edward cried aloud as Faz fell to a Badder's arrow. "Why, you badders. Why? He was so young." He fell to his knees. "Why, God, why do you always take the beautiful ones?" He pointed his finger accusingly at the badder responsible, tears freely streaming down his cheeks.. "He only had one day left until retirement, you gorram badders. One Day." As he buried his face in his hands, a fiery lash appeared and lashed out at the nearest badder.

[roll0] v Reflex
[roll1] fire damage if it hits.

2011-01-07, 02:19 PM
Vortex pulls his crossbow and shoots it at the badder in the back left corner.

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage

2011-01-08, 07:47 AM
Seeing how badly the other remaining guard was hurt by the crossbow bolt, the remaining porker turn tail and tries to run inside the tower.

Mythar seeing his chance rushes from behind the bolder he had been hiding behind watching the group he had been following for a while, hoping to join. He knows this is his chance to prove himself, running down the road ( to I6), pulling his arm back a small blue-white ball of fire forms in his hand that he flings at the fleeing porker.

Hi guys I am a friend! See!

[roll0] vs Reflex

2011-01-08, 08:30 AM
The final porker drops into the crater as he is wreathed in flames.

2011-01-10, 04:41 AM
Myndes and the rifle hound launch attacks at the remaining badger-thing, but the panicked badder evades them all.

2011-01-10, 12:43 PM
For a moment the badder is petrified by the fierce assault he just survived. And then swiftly realises he should be somewhere else. Loosing any pretense at trying to dtop the invaders he drops his crossbow and runs for the door at top speed. He pulls the door and realises it is locked. He slowly turns around.

2011-01-10, 06:03 PM
Maybe now you will answer my friends questions. Bouncing a small ball of flame in his hands.

2011-01-11, 08:18 AM
The badder seems to reach a decision.
At the top of his lungs he screams "FOR IRON KING!!!"
His claws grow and he furiously charges forward, but before anyone can react he jumps into the crater.

A calm silence descends onto the battlefield.

2011-01-12, 01:10 PM
Well, that was interesting. I wonder what we will find within that tower? Vortex moves up to examine the door

Perception: [roll0]
Mechanics: [roll1] on the lock

2011-01-12, 01:19 PM
Well I did not expect that. Walks over and looks in the hole. I hope you guys do not mind I followed you. I asked and asked and asked the Mayor to send me, but he would not. So I slipped away just after you left and followed you guys. I caught up just a few moments ago. I did not want to follow to closely.

2011-01-12, 01:51 PM

Edward stands up and puts his hand on whatshisnames' shoulder. "Of course we don't mind, old boy. The more the merrier, what what and all that. He holds a hand out to whatshisname " Sire Edward Carneby Phipps the Second at your service. And might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

2011-01-13, 11:34 AM
A few small sparks jump from him to Edward. OH I am sorry. I was so happy to just catch up. My name is Mythar. it is good to meet you. I am sorry for the lost of your friends.

2011-01-14, 05:40 AM
In the background the tower looms - forebodingly. Once it might have been a magnificient structure, but nowadays it is just a ruin. A sturdy, strong, unassailable ruin but a ruin nonetheless. The bricks are cracked and wethered and overgrown with moss but still appear quite sturdy.
In the middle the great wooden doors silently stand - forebodingly. There appear to be some scorchmarks on the outside of the doors but otherwise they appear quite strong and sturdy.
From behind the doors you seem to just make out some sound of movement - foreboding sounds. Movement, a dry flapping sound and hushed voices.

And during all this the bodies of dead guards lay forgotten while the crater still glows - forebodingly.

2011-01-14, 05:55 AM
The moment of silence passes.
"Looks like you two pyros should get to work on that door."
Having said that, Myndes walks over to the nearest dead guard and turns the corpse over with the butt of his glaive, glancing over for any apparent goods of value.

2011-01-14, 02:20 PM
A small round ball and bottle of some pink fluid rolls from the body.
The ball is:
Radiation Orbiter (Xi) This drone continually changes shape as it circles your head like a tiny satellite. It produces a pulse of flesh-shredding radiation at your command. Head; Power: Encounter Radiation; Standard Action, Close blast 5; Target: Each creature in blast; Attack: Level + 6 vs. Fortitude; Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier + twice your level radiation damage.; Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls with radiation powers.
And the bottle looks like this:

2011-01-17, 06:02 AM

"Of course, dear fellow. I'll get down to it at once" Edward said beginning to lash out at the door with his flame whip.

Not sure if I need attacks rolls or not, so I'll just include them.

v Reflex
Damage-[roll2d8+6 fire damage.

2011-01-18, 05:46 PM
Myndes picks the items up.

Huh. Hold up, this one had some good stuff on him, let's check the others first.

2011-01-20, 06:33 AM
Slowly turning over the second body Myndes realises it is much heavier than it is supposed to be. The plates that from afar seemed to be haphazardly conected with pieces of clothing are actually a metallic suit covered by the tattered clothing. While definetly beat up it still appears to function.

Mk 1 Power Armor (Ishtar) This slightly used metallic suit protects you from harm. Weapon: Heavy; Power: Encounter; Immediate Interrupt, Personal; Trigger: You take damage; Effect: You gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.. Salvage 2: A 2nd-level character can salvage the Mk 1 Power Armor. It becomes Heavy armor: +8 power bonus to AC; +1 armor bonus to Reflex and Fortitude.

Meanwhile the door stands.......ominously.

2011-01-20, 06:54 AM
Myndes strips the corpse of its armour, glancing at the crater from time to time.

"Hrmm... Vortex, are your duplicates expendable?"

2011-01-20, 08:46 AM
Mythar Looks down into teh crator to see if there is anything left of the body of the badder in the crater.

Once he is statisfied with the he goes over and studies the door looking for any hinges or anything else he might be able to unscrew or drill out to open the door.

2011-01-20, 11:24 AM
Vortex remains standing in front of the door and studies it intently.

Science: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2011-01-20, 12:19 PM
As Mythar steps to the edge of the crater to get a better look the ground beneath his feet crumbles. Mythar scrambles for a moment or two and then dissapears from sight.
And then bangs into the ground hard. Immediately he is overcome by a nauseating sensation that appears to be caused by the green glow all around him.
Both bodies are lying side by side.

At the same time Vortex determines that a strong application of force will probably break the bolt locking the door much easier than just whacking the door but his inspection is cut short by the sound of Mythar's fall.

Mythar takes 8 physical damage and ongoing 8 radiation damage (save ends)
Mythar can try one save [roll 1d20 - 10 or higher is success]

2011-01-20, 02:51 PM
Oh Crap! He quickly thries to climb back out and not puke all over himself at the same time.

[roll0] Save vs radiant damage [roll0]
Athletics [roll1]

2011-01-20, 02:57 PM
Before anyone can react Mythar is hauling himself over the edge of the crater. Appart from a few bruises his short excursion seems to have left him in the same condition he was in.

2011-01-23, 05:22 PM
Myndes calls the others over.

2011-01-23, 07:30 PM
Spitting off to the side and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he walks over to Myndes.

2011-01-24, 12:45 PM
Vortex moves to join the others.

2011-01-25, 02:23 AM

Edward follows Vortex.

2011-01-25, 08:19 PM
"Right. These two had some good tech on 'em, so it looks like it'll be worth fishing the bodies out of that crater. Since it's a bad idea to go anywhere near thing, We should throw a rope down. Vortex, you use your duplicate to tie the rope to one of the corpses. Alpha flux just gave me the power to levitate things, so I can use that to let you see down into the crater from a safe distance.

"Once the rope is tied I'll levitate the body out, and Edward and Mythar can pull it clear with the rope. That way, no one has to get even close to the crater. Except the duplicate, but that hardly counts.

"And before anyone asks, I can only levitate things vertically, so the rope is necessary to avoid approaching the crater."

2011-01-28, 02:44 AM
The plan is quickly agreed upon.
Mythar throws a rope into the crater and gets ready as Myndes uses the power of his mind to levitate Vortex he quickly summons on of his duplicates to the bottom of the crater. The duplicate ties the first corpse to rope just in time before it expires.

A heave and a ho and the corpse clears the edge of the crater.

2011-01-29, 07:21 AM
"Easy. Now for the other one"

2011-01-29, 09:38 AM
Yes, lets get him out as well so we can see if they had any interesting equipment on them.

2011-01-29, 02:52 PM
The repeat performance of operation corpse rescue goes even smoother and more efficient than the first and soon there are two smoldering corpse laid side by side on top.
After carefully checking for any residual radiation a search is performed that reveals a pistol with all sorts of lights and appendages and a weird belt with exhaust pipes.

Freeze Ray (Area 52) Neither a death ray nor an ice beam, this weapon puts your enemies in a “timeout.” Weapon: 2-hand ranged; Power: Encounter Force; Standard Action, Ranged 20; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + 6 vs. Fortitude; Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier + twice your level force damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.. Salvage 2: A 2nd-level character can salvage the Freeze Ray. It becomes A light 2-hand ranged 20 weapon: Dex/Int; +3 accuracy; 2d8 force damage.

Unreliable Jet Pack (Area 52) Up, up, and... whoa! Waist; Power: Consumable; Minor Action; Effect: You gain a fly speed equal to your speed until the end of your next turn. Each time you take damage before the end of your next turn, the “auto-jet” engages and pushes you away from the triggering attacker a number of squares equal to your speed after the damage is dealt.

2011-01-29, 11:55 PM
Keeping the Power Armour, Myndes leaves the Radiation Orbiter with the others. He then uses his Levitation to check the crater for anything else that may have dropped in there.

2011-01-30, 05:52 AM

Edward lifts up the orbiter. "This looks like a useful gizmo, doesn't it Skeeves?"
"Shir, it looks a bit dangeroush. Maybe shomeone better capable..."
"Nonsense. Noone could be more capable than I at manipulating such a device. Wouldn't you agree fellows?"

2011-01-30, 03:59 PM
I already have something to follow me around. I am not sure how a new item will react to me ummmmmmmm electric personality. Maybe we should see what we can do about opening the door now?

2011-01-31, 04:53 AM
No matter how much Myndes flies around he cannot see anything that would be of use in the crater.

Meanwhile the night is slowly creeping up and dusk has settled.

2011-02-06, 09:47 AM
Hey, if someone pushes really hard in the center of the door, the bolt will probably break. Anyone care to try?

2011-02-06, 05:21 PM
I don't think we have the physical strength to pull that off.
I just checked. I'm the only one with a positive strength bonus, and it's a +2. It's possible that I could break it open faster than it could be burned down, but also about even odds that I'd hurt myself in the process.

2011-02-08, 08:11 AM
Maybe we can pull it apart? He pulls out a cordless drill from his pack. Do you see any hinges anywhere?

2011-02-08, 09:27 AM
Perhaps we can slip something between the doors and affect the bolt directly.

2011-02-09, 06:09 AM
Let's just blast it.

2011-02-09, 08:11 AM
Be my guest, I think I will go have a nap while you work on it.

2011-02-09, 03:48 PM

Edward raises his finger and a bolt of flame impacts upon the door.

2011-02-10, 02:23 AM
The blasting and the whacking is slow and hard work. The doors are solid and thick and more than a little resistant to flame but slowly and surely every hit, every blast leaves a mark.

And then every hit makes the doors creak and whine.

After a while you can actually see the pieces of the door move under impact.

And then with a crash and a bang and a LOT of dust a part of the door collapses and the other piece swings on its hinges.

Perception checks and initiative.

2011-02-12, 07:04 PM
The doors open, for a lack of better word, into an illuminated room that obviously serves as the foyer. But instead of a receptionist there are raised platforms, some sort of a nest on stilts and large planter of odd looking glass. While obviously in dissrepair the room is occupied.

Before even the dust settles some of you can spot a large shape looming in the background of the now open room. And as two additional, barely more than, shadows aim their crossbows you know that you have been expected.
The large shape flaps its wings and its eyes burn with the intensity of small suns while the shapes are easily recognizible as badders.

B's are badders and Y is a Yexil that resembles nothing so much as a large flying lion with bat wings instead of forelimbs. Well and mandibles and laser eyes.
This starts the surprise round (only one action) in which Edward does not get to act.

bad guys
Edward [gets to act in first round]


2011-02-13, 12:56 AM
Myndes quickly ducks through the door and moves to the side.

2011-02-13, 11:33 AM
Mythar quickly moves in to the to room heading the other way from Myndes to stand under platform the badder is standing on to see if he can not give him a hot foot.

OOC- Assuming Myndes went left I went to l7.

2011-02-14, 02:16 PM
As Myndes and Mythar enter the room they immediately come under fire from the baders. Each bader aims at the hero that is closer to the other one and while Myndes evades the bolt easily Mythar is not so lucky. The bolt tears into his side and leaves a big wound. The great monster gives a loud roar, its eyes light up with hellish fire and two beams of concentrated light find Myndes through the openings between the columns and sear his flesh.

B5 vs. Myndes @12 for 10 physical damage - miss
B6 vs. Mythar @28 for 12 physical damage - hit
Y2 vs. Myndes @18 (-2 for cover) ref for 14 laser damage - hit

Now it is Vortex, Then Myndes & Mythar with full turns.

2011-02-14, 02:56 PM
Vortex pulls out his battered crossbow and shoots a bolt at B6

[roll0] vs AC (counting cover)
[roll1] damage

2011-02-14, 03:51 PM
OW! Son of a ....... Glares at the bader across the room.

2011-02-14, 04:55 PM
Myndes steps forward to get a clear shot and fires his handgun at the Yexil. The shot hits it in a vulnerable spot.

"Target the big one, it's vulnerable!"

2011-02-14, 11:48 PM
A small spark of electricity arcs from a finger to the orb that was following Mythar around. It starts to speed up and flies in front of Mythar as the electricity arcs all over the sphere. Larger bolts starting to arc back and forth between Mythar and the sphere.

Mythar presses up against the column and sides around to get a good shot at the large winged lion. Pulling back his hand a small ball of fire gathers in it that he flings at the creature.


Minor Action: Activate Sentinel Orbiter
Move Action: Shift to K6.
Standard Action: Attack vs reflex at Y2 (with combat advantage factored in) [roll0]
Fire Damage [roll1]

2011-02-16, 03:33 AM
Vortex's bolt makes a very satisfying wet thump as it hits the badders torso and blood flows freely around the wound. His hands get slippery and he can barely aim, his arrow strikes the wall as he tries to return fire. The other badder meanwhile continues to attack Myndes with deadly precision.
Howls of fury and pain from the large flying lion give Myndes and Mythar the short satisfaction of quick revenge, but now it is really mad. It fixes the one that last targeted it in its sights and releases its deadly gaze. But nothing happens for all its fury the lion has apparently spent its lasers. Furious it swoops down from its nest and bites into his side.

Laser eyes @Mythar 19 vs. Reflex - Hit - 18 Laser Damage - fizzle
Fly to K4-L5
Elite action - get another standard action
Bite @Mythar 16 vs. AC - Hit - 11 Physical damage
Did it just kill Mythar? Dang this encounter is deadly. Apparently not just yet.
Crossbow @Vortex 9 vs. AC - Miss (cover included)
Crossbow @Myndes 24 vs. AC (cover included) - Hit - 12 Physical damage

2011-02-16, 03:56 AM
Myndes collapses from his injuries.


2011-02-18, 06:18 AM

Edward moves into the room at a leisurely pace and attacks the badder that downed Myndes.

Move to H6
Fiery Flare- [roll0] v Reflex

2011-02-18, 08:12 AM
Vortex summons a duplicate in I8 and moves back from the door to L10.

Stealth: [roll0]

Vortex's Duplicate than moves to J6 and attacks Y2 with Machine Grip

Attack: [roll1] vs Ref
Damage: [roll2]
Effect: On a hit, the target is immobilized until the start of my duplicates next turn (goes directly after me) or until I move to a square not adjacent to it.

2011-02-18, 05:59 PM
Myndes is gradually bleeding out

Failed saves vs Death: 1

2011-02-18, 06:18 PM
We need to get to Myndes! Mythar takes a step back as he raises both his hands and a ball of energy forms between his hands. He flings the ball towards the lions creatures head focusing all his power into the strike.

Move action: Shift back to K7
Free action Over charge Confusion [roll0]
Standard : Confusion attack vs Will [roll1]
Minor action: pray :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-21, 06:48 AM
The flying lion totally looses it. It starts howling in total blind rage. Both badder (not quite realising that the lion is under the effect of confusion) start attacking the Vortex clone to free it. "Francine we'll free you!" And both fail. Francine the focuses its fury on the Vortex clone but misses with its bite. It trashes around with its wings and manages to land a lucky hit sending the clone on the floor where it dissipates. Francine is in no way calmed by her rather futile actions and flies furiously up to look hungrily at the badder that looks at her scared: "Francine?"
At the same time the door on the western wall flies open and another badder comes running through it and hits Edward at the side of his head, momentarily disorienting him.

B6 [bloodied]: attack Vortex clone crossbow @18 - miss
B5: attack Vortex clone crossbow @18 - miss
Y2 [bloodied]: bite v. Vortex clone @14 - miss, wing buffet B5@20 for 8 dmg, save @+2 4-fail
B7: attack Edward crossbow @22(-2 for cover) for 12 dmg+Edward grants CA to adjacent enemies till B7' next turn


2011-02-21, 09:12 AM

Edward walks over next to Myndes. "Come now, is this really the time to be lying down on the job? I mean anything could happen."

Move to F8
Standard trigger Myndes' second wind.

2011-02-22, 10:35 AM
Vortex summons another clone, this time in I10.

The clone then moves to I8 and attacks Y2 with his battered crossbow.

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]

2011-02-23, 03:59 AM
Myndes hauls himself to his feet using the staff of his glaive. Glancing around the room, his gaze settles on the injured badder on above him. He takes hold of the quarrel sticking out of him and pulls it free, screaming in pain and anger as he sends a bright bolt of psychic power upwards. The badder jerks about in an odd way before falling from it's perch to the ground, smoke pouring from ears and ruined eyes.

"Much better."

2011-02-23, 09:01 AM
Mythar feeling very scared and hurt from the attacks decides it is time to seek cover and recover for a moment. But before he does he throws a parting fireball at Francine. Banking confusion he yells out. Hey Francine I think he tried to give yo a hot foot! He points at the Bader above hime, then ducking low he makes a run for it and seeks cover out side. Once there he takes a moment to catch his breath and steady his nerves.

Standard Action: Attack vs reflex at Y2 1d20+6
Fire Damage: 2d8+7
Move Action: Move to J10
Minor Action: Secound wind

2011-02-24, 03:28 AM
Francine roars bloody murder as she flaps her (its?) wings. The badder barely manages to shield his eyes. But the onslaught is too much and the badder flies of the platform and lands below. Hard. He just manages to raise his head as Francine's powerful mandibles close on his neck and savage him. Blood dripping from its mandibles Francine finally snaps from her confusion and fixes the nearest target in her malicious glare. "YOU MADE ME HURT MY FRIEND!" she screams at the invaders.
The remaining badder panicks and just manages to fire of a bolt in the general direction of Myndes and Edward before running for the stairs.

Y2 [barely standing...um...flying] - wing buffet v. B5 @15 - hit - 7 physical DMG + push 1 sq (falling damage 7) + prone
bite v. B5 prone @20 - hit - 18 physical
save 16
B7 - crossbow v. good guys @12 - miss


2011-02-26, 04:14 PM

"Pardon me, my friends,, my mind was elsewhere. Where was I?" Edward strides further into the room, and raised his finger towards the fleeing badders, launching a fiery flare towards them.

Move to- I4

Firey Flare
[roll0] v Reflex
[roll1] fire damage on a hit.

2011-02-27, 08:04 AM
Vortex again summons a clone in I10 and the clone then moves to I8 where it pulls forth a battered crossbow to shoot at Y2.

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage

2011-02-27, 07:11 PM
Myndes goggles flash as he blasts Francine's mind with hostile psychic energy.

2011-02-28, 01:34 PM
Having caught his breath Mythar moves up behind the second Vortex and flings a ball of fire.

Move Action: Move to I9
Standard Action: Attack vs reflex at Y2 [roll0] At Francine if up. Otherwise move up to hit the Bader
Fire Damage: [roll1]

2011-03-03, 04:36 AM
As the final blast of Myndes' mind hits Francine her eyes flash and blow out. Her wings stop in mid motion and her entire body then hits the ground with a very wet >FLOP<. The badder's flight takes on even more of a panicky tone as he sees a ball of flame coming to him. But it is in vain, flames engulf him and amidst screams he falls down the stairs. His screams and thuds can be heard for a few seconds and then all is silent.
Finally able to take a better look the heroes take in the room.
The badders were on outcroppings the project from the walls. Apparently they got up by ladders that are now out of reach on the platforms.
Francine had a raised ?nest? of some sort in the corner of the room. Built from all sorts of clothing with a few bits of bone in between.
Set into the floor is some sort of planter that has a very strange grass in it. As Edward touches the grass it sort of tries to grab him back and it requires some strength to pull his hand free.
The last badder was apparently hiding in some sort of barracks with beds and lockers.
The final feature of the room are the stairs leading down. You can almost feel an expectant silence oozing from it.

Roll for charge on USED Omega Tech (10+ on 1d20 means it is still functioning - less than 10 means the tech fumes and splutters and stops working).
New mutations will arrive in 6 or 7 hours.

2011-03-03, 05:07 AM
For some reason Myndes is drawn to search the nest. A simple enough operation when one can levitate.

2011-03-03, 10:43 AM
Mythar watches Myndes float up into the air and slowly walks over to look down the stairs squating, resting and binding his wounds as he looks down.

2011-03-04, 03:42 AM
After a few minutes of searching Myndes finds a small neurojack in the nest.

Endeavor Neurojack (Xi) When you plug this morphing, matte-black device into the back of your neck, you take control of your own physiology. Neck; Power: Encounter; Minor Action; Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever you make an Athletics check, you can roll two d20s and take the total result. If you do so, and you roll a natural 1 on either die, this effect ends and you are slowed (save ends).
Some further searching also reveals a fully loaded handgun. When he is finally satisfied with the search Myndes tries to levitate himself down and suddenly discovers that he cannot. He just barely manages to catch himself. And then he smells a funny smell.

Meanwhile Mythar is looking down the stairs into the darkness after the glow from the flaming badder subsides.

2011-03-06, 04:37 PM
Vortex joins Mythar at the top of the stairs and peers down.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-03-06, 11:58 PM
"Let's check the bodies, search that room over there and then we can take a break."

Myndes begins checking the corpses.

2011-03-07, 05:41 AM

"If you insist, dear fellow. Shame these folk don't seem to be the cleanest. Still I know what to do." Edward draws himself up to his full height "Skeeves, get to work searching those bodies"

Yeth masther.

Perception 16

2011-03-07, 08:22 AM
Vortex maybe I can help with that some. Mythar summons a small ball of fire in his hand and begins to shape it. With a few quick deft strokes he is soon holding a small bird of flame that he tosses down the stairwell to glide on the thermals it creates, or so he would imagine as it may just be the fact he tossed it down.

That is if anything like that is remotely possible. if nothing else I am tossing a bird of flame down that will hopefully offer some light for a moment or two.

2011-03-08, 01:38 PM
The little birds lights the stairway which ends in a hall. The moment the bird clears the hall you can hear the clatter of crossbow bolts.

A careful search of the corpses reveals:
two oblong object of considerable weight
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMNxxLndvWv_gla0ZCrnZzZ2qHccz6V iiEQhfop1lIOSiJc5vVxQ
and two boxes that appear to have some lights that have long gone out
As well as some sort of a cloak:
Envirocape (Area 52) This flaring, nanofacture cloak wraps you in protective folds when radiation threatens. Neck; Power: Encounter; Immediate Interrupt, Personal; Trigger: You take radiation damage.; Effect: You gain resist 15 radiation against the triggering attack. In addition, you gain resist 5 radiation until the end of the encounter.
a face mask
Face Mask (Ishtar) This mask frames your face like a second skin. Sometimes it flashes a nightmarish visage at your foes. Head;; Special: You can use both of these powers in the same encounter. Power: Encounter; Minor Action; Effect: You disguise yourself and gain a +5 power bonus to Interaction checks used to enhance the disguise until the end of the encounter. Power: Encounter; Keywords: Psychic; Standard Action; Close blast 3; Attack: Level +6 vs. Will; Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier + twice your level psychic damage, and you push the target 3 squares.
and some sort of ball with a pin
Fish-Killer Grenade (Area 52) This metallic grenade is perfectly balanced for throwing into ponds. Weapon: 1-hand ranged; Power: Consumable Force; Standard Action, Area burst 1 within 10; Target: Each creature in burst; Attack: Level + 6 vs. Fortitude; Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier + twice your level force damage. If the target is an aquatic creature, you also slide it 5 squares.; Miss: Half damage.

2011-03-11, 07:41 PM
Myndes moves on to search the barracks.

2011-03-12, 02:41 PM
The barracks is pretty much what you would expect old cots, well worn, a table, banged up, and some rickety chairs. On the table you can also see some mugs, A LOT of dirty dishes and a pair of metallic dice. The only other item of note is a notice tacked to one wall:
"Let the robots out when they come up! Jassin messed with one and now Jassin's short an eye. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"

2011-03-13, 05:13 AM
Myndes pockets the dice.

"That looks like everything. Let's take 5 and then move on."

2011-03-16, 01:56 PM
Agreed, keep a watch for these robots though.

2011-03-18, 08:30 AM
After they rest for a bit Mythar takes the lead and trys to quitely move down the stairs, knowing the glow from his hair will give away the fact he is moving down, but hoping they will not hear him and pen point where he is. He watches for the source of the bolts.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2011-03-19, 11:47 AM
Vortex hangs back a bit but cautiously follows down the stairs.

2011-03-19, 12:02 PM
As Mythar slowly descends the stairs he comes to the first switchback. The darkness is still thick but slowly some light is creeping up from below. As he continues each switchback has better light and soon he is able to see that a few places here and there have scorchmarks and debris consistent with the robot the group had defeated in the village. As he reaches the fourth switchback he starts hearing hushed conversation slowly, ever so slowly he moves to the edge and peers around the corner.
After a short flight of stairs the room opens into a brightly lit chamber about 20 feet to each side. This one opens into another room where behind an overturned table Mythar can see two badders that are nervously watching the stairs with readied crossbows.
Soon the rest of the group joins him and Mythar quickly outlines what is waiting for them.

2011-03-19, 06:28 PM
"Say, aren't grenades used to force enemies out of cover?"

2011-03-21, 05:09 AM
"I do believe that is one of their many functions, yes."

2011-03-21, 08:41 AM
So anyone practice throwing things? I am not so good at that myself. Otherwise maybe some one tacks off acros sthe room to act as a distraction for somone else to get close and toss it in?

2011-03-21, 10:01 AM
I don't think I could hit the broad side of a barn by throwing it. But I might be able to get a doppleganger close enough while carrying it.

2011-03-23, 08:40 PM
Sounds like a plan to me. If nothing else will offer us a chance to get closer or to a better position.

2011-03-23, 09:44 PM
I think I can throw the grenade well enough, at least for this job. Anyway, the plan is as we come in, we use the grenade to force the Badders out of their cover and stop them shooting at us, then run straight for the barricade so we might use it for our own benefit. Good?

2011-03-27, 12:49 PM
Sounds like a Plan to me. Lets do this.

2011-04-02, 09:07 AM
Myndes nods slowly preps the grenade and clears the corner to the sight of two grinning badders with aimed crossbows. Apparently it is not wise to disscuss tactics and plans out loud within earshot of the enemy.
Yet apparently preparation does not correct for lousy aim as both badder miss Myndes rather badly. Good aim apparently favors the foolhardy and brave as Myndes lobes the grenade gracefully right between both badders. For a brief moment there is surprise on the faces of both badders. It is quickly replaced by pain as the grenade explodes in a concussive burst.

Badders roled 24 on perception but rolled 10 and 15 oin their attacks. And now Myndes goes again - then enemies and then the rest of the crew.

2011-04-02, 03:48 PM
"They held their ground!"

Myndes fails to hit one of the Badders as he moves for cover.

2011-04-06, 12:36 AM
Just as the word are out of Myndes' mouth. The badgers fire off two more shot,s that pass Myndes' body so closely he could shave with them, and run down the passage leading to the left.

2011-04-06, 04:41 AM
"Scratch that, they scarpered! Move in!"

2011-04-06, 04:33 PM
Mythar moves forward to behind the statue at the corner of the barricade looking over it carefully to look to see where the badders went.

Move action : Move to L5

2011-04-10, 06:42 AM

At Myndes' shout, Edward runs into the room and follows after the badders.

Moving into the room, and follows after the badders cautiously. Not sure how far he needs to go, and what actions he'll have left, so I'll leave it at that/

2011-04-11, 09:02 AM
Vortex follows the others into the room.

I'm not entirely sure what the deal is at the moment so I will just follow them.

2011-04-12, 05:09 PM
Myndes moves to get a bead on one of the fleeing badders and attacks with a mental blast.

2011-04-14, 12:31 AM
The badder's eyes roll back into his head as blood starts to flow from them and he collapses in a small heap. The other badder quickly ducks out of cover and fires of an arrow that manages to strike Edward's shoulder with quite some force despite the cover. He disappears behind the corner just as quickly and another badder appears just in sight. This one much less accurate.

Badder2 appears on I4 and hits Edward (@18 with -2 for cover) for 9 damage. Runs behind corner.
Badder3 appears on E4 shoots, misses and disappears behind corner again.

Stays the same without B1, but will update as soon as someone gets a look around the corner.
http://www.shrani.si/t/1u/yW/22rN0czT/2below.jpg (http://www.shrani.si/?1u/yW/22rN0czT/2below.png)

2011-04-14, 04:50 PM
Mythar activates the orb. Then jumps over the table and runs to press his back against the statue, looking to the right into the alcove to see if it goes any deeper. Glancing into the room looking for a clear shot at one of the badders that have been appearing and disappearing.

Minor Action: activate the Orb.
Move action : Move to L2 Athletics to jump the table. [roll0](if you prefer acrobatics I will take a -2 to the total.)
Attack if I see a badder - Fiery Flare vs reflex [roll1] Fire damage [roll2]

2011-04-15, 12:46 AM
The moment Mythar spots a badder hiding behind some machinery he sends a blast of flame that severly burns the badder. As Mythar settles into his fighting crouch he spots the badder that was already injured by the grenade.


2011-04-15, 08:54 AM
Vortex moves forward to get a clear shot into the room and then fires his battered crossbow at the badder further into the room.

Move: to M3
Standard: Ranged Basic on B3
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage

2011-04-16, 05:41 AM

"Not smart, my friend, not at all." Edward growled as he rounded the corner and attacked the badders.

Move to K3
Attack-Fiery Flare-[roll0] v Reflex on Badder B3

2011-04-16, 05:52 AM
Myndes moves to see into the next room. He spots an enemy and attempts to blast it, but finds his attack dissipated.

2011-04-18, 01:08 AM
The two visible steading guards fall as though a ton of bad news fell on them. One still burns slightly giving the scene an eerie glow. Edward spots another more tough looking badder behind the corner: "Watch out for another knave!" he just manages to warn Myndes. Myndes reacts quickly and changes his balance as he rounds the corner. The badder was expecting someone to come but not that manuever and his flail misses Myndes. Myndes still hurrying to cope with the sudden shift in his posture is unable to properly concentrate and his focus is poor.
The badder's eyes seem to glow and a wave of fear strong enough to be tangible washes over all of you. Mythar is the only one that is unaffected and he sees another badder that looks much like the one that just loosed his anger on you round the corner of the machine. He growls "DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF THE IRON KING!" and charges Myndes. Pain explodes in his legs as he feels the badder's flail conect and tangle in them.

Readied crippling flail:
16 vs AC - Myndes miss
Fear Wave:
17 vs. Will - Edward hit 14 psychic damage and dazed (save ends)
18 vs. Will (cover included) - Myndes hit 14 psychic damage and dazed (save ends)
14 vs. Will - Mythar miss
19 vs. Will (cover included) - Vortex hit 14 psychic damage and dazed (save ends)
Crippling flail:
24 vs AC - Mythar hit 7 dmg and slowed until end of badder's next turn

Dazed - grant CA, only single action, no flanking

The machine appears to be healing the wounds of the badders even after they have died.


2011-04-18, 03:32 AM
Group Telepathy:Vortex, get your clone to disable the machine!

2011-04-18, 10:00 AM
Vortex summons his clone in H4.

Vortex is done now, clone goes directly after
Save vs Dazed: [roll0]

The Vortex clone moves to the machines control panel and attempts to deactivate it.

Mechanics: [roll1]
Science: [roll2]
Whichever is required.

2011-04-19, 03:49 AM

Edward falls over in a dead faint, as the fear overcomes him.

Edward is at -3
Death Saving Throw-[roll0]

2011-04-19, 04:14 AM
Myndes ducks back behind cover as he shakes off the daze.