View Full Version : Paranormal Stupidity x2 [Spoiler & Rant]

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 12:06 PM
Ok, I went to see this film with my sister last night. It was much creepier than the first, not badly done, ties in nicely with the previous PA (PA 2 is actually a prequel).

There was something that killed much of it for me however. The utter stupidity of the people it's happening to. It got to the point it was like any horror film where the only reason the plot works is because its a film and not real life. The point of this film was to be creepy through total believability. Sort of it's specialty. I could not retain my suspension however.

I am going to go into it extensively, so if you don't want some of the spoilerage don't read farther.


Ok, the story begins with this family's house being totally ransacked while on summer vacation. Nothing is stolen except the wife's bracelet made by her sister (the female lead of PA 1). Also, the kid's room is untouched for reasons you'll discover. They make special mention to say, 'It seemed like the ransacking was personal'.

They are kinda freaked out by the entire thing, so, they get an installation of high-tech, motion detecting, night vision cameras around the inner house and outer property to catch it. Weird things happen of course, the live-in nanny, who is there the most, tries to warn them. Of course, the gringos no comprende. She gets thrown out.

Weird things continue to build up. Do they EVER check the cameras? NO! Their house was trashed not even a week ago and they keep hearing things, and seeing things, but they never ever ever check it out... until the pool cleaner keeps being found out of the pool. Then ole Dad is 'haha, pressure is too high' and messes with its settings until he can mimic the taped footage. Doesn't matter footsteps and weirdness is going on, WHO IS MOVING MY GD pool cleaner?!

Later, girl hears banging on the front door while parents are out on the town. Goes to investigate. Sees no one through window or peep hole. So idiot steps outside. Door slams behind her, leaving baby upstairs by itself. She curses, but never ever seems to think 'Hey, maybe a robber just closed it!' Doesn't even have to be supernatural, someone physical could have closed the door.

Calls no police, doesn't break through the glass porch door. She just roams the neighborhood for hours until parents get home. Little bubba however is messed with by demon. Parents come home, girl runs up, has to practically hold a knife to Dad's throat to get him to look at tape. Oh, he says, just the wind slamming the door shut AND LOCKING ITSELF.

Later, wife tells sister (PA1) that it is like when they were younger. Sister refuses to go into it, tells her to ignore it. Doesn't matter her FAMILY MIGHT BE IN DANGER, ignore it.

Oh, and didn't mention the indoor dog is there through all this, barking and warning them. It barks, growls, and no one even checks. One night it finally goes full fledged kick ass on 'something'. It is grabbed, starts whining in pain, and then is suddenly choked off. Well, that's finally enough to get the idiot Dad up. Find dog unconscious but breathing.
Does he check around the house for intruders?
Does he check surveillance tapes?
Does he call the police?
Does he listen to wife?
What does he do? He takes dog and daughter to some all-night vet (???) and leaves wife home, alone, with their young child.

Again, supernatural? Who cares. You're house was just broken into you idiotic excuse to the gender of male, your dog barking warningly, and found unconscious. Fine, take the dog, BUT TAKE ALL THE FAMILY!
Now left home alone, wife is played with by the demon, bitten, generally molested, and then possessed.

Dad and girl both come back hours later (did you drive out of state to take your dog?) to find wife/mother in bed. She won't wake up much later. Dad just can't do it. Haven't spoken with her since the incident either.

Does he NOW look at the tapes?
Does he even call a doctor to look at his comatose wife?

What does he do? HE GOES TO WORK. Daughter is pleading, please stay, I'm so scared, mom's is comatose, dog is comatose, weird things happening, don't leave. Oh, but he has to go. This is an obviously successful individual, so why is he showing all the sense and intelligence and empathy of a brick? We. Don't. Know.

Dad leaves, daughter goes upstairs to take care of little bro, and mom is up and staring evilly at her. Refuses to let her touch the baby. Screams, jumps at her Girl freaks out. Calls dad, dad won't come. Finally, FINALLY she checks the tapes, sees the mom being tossed around by an invisible force. Calls dad, tells him about nasty bites on mom, he finally comes home.

Though he showed no concern earlier, he is in a panic when he arrives, to check on his wife. The girl has to jump him to get him to look at the tape before going up to Demon Bride. Why did he ever buy the system?! Why does he own a guard dog trained to guard?!
Daughter convinces him, he watches, he finally thinks to himself, 'Hmm, levitation isn't normal. Maybe something IS going on.' Good work Sherlock Brick.

He gets the Magical Mexican to come back, gets a possession removal kit going, fun ensues, demon is driven out. Kid is nearly killed, he is nearly killed, and he tells daughter, 'We forget it ever happened. We ignore it.'

So it goes over to dear old sister and we have PA1. She comes back to house month later, possessed, kills everyone because they took no precautions. They hear her in the house and are happy just looking around before settling back to ignore the silliness that is someone possibly being in their formerly ransacked, possessed, demon-infested home and family. I was so enraged by this time I applauded the crack of old Dad's neck snapping. Would have preferred it to be me, but can't always have what we want. You got your entire family killed, now die like the man you never were.

That folks, is why you ignore danger and hope it goes away. Hope you had fun reading.


2010-11-03, 12:19 PM
So it goes over to dear old sister and we have PA1. She comes back to house month later, possessed, kills everyone because they took no precautions. =

It's good to get some closure on that point, considering that there were two or three different endings to the first one.

But...um....yeah...sounds pretty much the same as the first movie. Freaky stuff happens, protagonists fail to listen to warnings, male protagonist is fatally stupid, female is possessed, and ignorant woman from the first movie, who is now possessed, kills other protagonists. Yep, sounds about the same.

Needless to say, after the disappointment that was Paranormal Stupidity 1, I had no intentions of seeing this #2. At least now we know that the stupidity from the first movie is a genetic trait that the women of that family seem to select for; Darwin would feel that we're ultimately better off. Who doesn't like happy endings?

2010-11-03, 12:22 PM
What an awesome play by play of the movie. Their stupidity ruins the effect of the movie. It was a creepy ass movie. The camera style is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for this kind of movie.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 12:23 PM
At least now we know that the stupidity from the first movie in a genetic trait that the women of that family seem to select for; Darwin would feel that we're ultimately better off. Who doesn't like happy endings?
Yup, likely to never continue their lines, wife or husband's.

I mean, the dude was dumb in #1, but even he wasn't half as bad or as clueless as those in #2. In #2 they get all the tools to survive this and then resolutely refuse to make use of them.

Stupidity is one thing, but willful stupidity loses my sympathies.

What an awesome play by play of the movie. Their stupidity ruins the effect of the movie. It was a creepy ass movie. The camera style is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for this kind of movie.
Oh, definitely. The concept is great, the making and execution was great, the acting was great. The script was AGONIZING.

2010-11-03, 01:05 PM
Wow, sounds painful.

Does seem to be a trend in modern horror, though. Make the enemy utterly invincible, but make the people trying to deal with it so incompetent that they could be killed by a stiff breeze.

Give me "Aliens" any day.

The Big Dice
2010-11-03, 05:12 PM
Wow, sounds painful.

Does seem to be a trend in modern horror, though. Make the enemy utterly invincible, but make the people trying to deal with it so incompetent that they could be killed by a stiff breeze.

Give me "Aliens" any day.

There's a difference between an action movie, like Aliens, and a horror movie. Quite a big difference, really.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-03, 05:17 PM
There's a difference between an action movie, like Aliens, and a horror movie. Quite a big difference, really.

Even so, the people should at least act like reasonable human beings in situations like those instead of the next darwin award winners.

2010-11-03, 05:18 PM
There's a difference between an action movie, like Aliens, and a horror movie. Quite a big difference, really.

Maybe he meant Alien. The two are really different genre's.

2010-11-03, 05:27 PM
Sadly it's a continuation of several modern trends in horror film. Many people producing horror films grew up among the generation that was pissed off in the 80's due to censorship, and were fans of horror for the sfx because it was genuinely hard to make stuff realistic enough to prevent suspension of disbelief. If you have enough money or ingenuity today that's not such a problem, but producers still think of horror film fans as sfx fans (and to their credit a large chunk of them are. They don't want plot or story they want killing or monsters). So they dumb the writing down, or make the authority figure develop some form of insanity that prevents him from admitting to or acknowledging whats going on around him. Because you cant get person a to nifty death scene b if he's smart is their thinking. I kind of reject that theory, because honestly you can make stuff happen if the protagonists don't know whats going on. If you've never encountered the eldritch cthulhu critter, you have no idea what it can do or how to stop it. That gives the writer leeway, but instead they fall back on "Joe Bob victim number 2 has the intellectual capacity of a cabbage". And they do this because people let them. There aren't many horror films coming out, so the fans all jump out to see whatever is released on opening day, but after that no one shows up, so the companies believe they need to keep money down to what they can make in the opening weekend plus possible dvd sales. That limits their budget and what they can do with their story, so you see the same old same old. Since all the other reviewers are married with children at the online job, I get to do any films with blood, sex, or violence by default. So I get to see all the cult, exploitation, horror type stuff. And there aren't many that have decent writing or arent somehow predictable. Every time I see a trailer I think "Oh this looks awesome!", but then I see the finished product and realize the trailer was a lie by the marketing department to sell a piece of crap that sometimes bears no resemblance to the trailer at all.

The Big Dice
2010-11-03, 05:48 PM
Why should people in movies automatically believe that there is a supernatural force at work? Especially as most people don't believe in any supernatural forces in the real world.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-03, 05:55 PM
Why should people in movies automatically believe that there is a supernatural force at work? Especially as most people don't believe in any supernatural forces in the real world.
There's a difference between believing in the supernatural and what it sounds like these morons did.

2010-11-03, 05:59 PM
Why should people in movies automatically believe that there is a supernatural force at work? Especially as most people don't believe in any supernatural forces in the real world.That's really not the problem here.

The problem, laid out a number of times in the first post (which I assume you didn't read) is that there are a number of mundane explanations for the events that occur (up to a point), and yet the family reacts in a ridiculously stupid manner to them.

You don't need to be a true believer in the supernatural to look at the recordings of your brand-new security cameras after your house has been ransacked.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 06:04 PM
Why should people in movies automatically believe that there is a supernatural force at work? Especially as most people don't believe in any supernatural forces in the real world.
That's fine. You take out supernatural forces and they All. Still. Die.

Dog barks or growls from baby's room and you never go to see what is getting it riled up? Maybe intruder is at the window trying to get in.

You don't call cops nor bust open a glass slide when your door slams and locks you out while baby is upstairs? You wander around outside for hours? Baby is kidnapped and gone already.

Your dog is heard attacking something, and suddenly with a bang its barks are cut off, to be found unconscious, and you don't bother to check house? Call cops? Look at videos? No, you leave wife home alone. Intruder instead comes up from out of the basement and has his way with your wife.

Come back to find wife asleep, won't wake up, still comatose the next morning just like your dog? Don't bother checking her for signs of a beating, or any physical trauma. No, go to work and let her brain hemorrhage while teen-age daughter in no mental condition to be left alone is left alone WITH YOUR KID.

More than half the stuff in this film doesn't even require supernatural. If they'd acted in such a way that people with half a brain would to, normal, every day, totally human, scum I'd have been fine.

Edit: *nods to ninja Revlid*

2010-11-03, 06:08 PM
Why should people in movies automatically believe that there is a supernatural force at work? Especially as most people don't believe in any supernatural forces in the real world.

They shouldn't. But it's a common theme in horror films that even when presented with overwhelming evidence that thy have indeed encountered a supernatural force, people still ignore it. In real life if I walked into work and blood strewn corpses were everywhere, I'd leave and find the cops as fast as I could. In a horror movie I'd go to the cafeteria for a coffee and donut and wander around the place saying "Guys? This joke ain't funny! What are you up to."

Similarly in real life I can't make a pentagram on the ground and conjure up a demon to sell my soul to for services, but in a movie if I witnessed someone doing so, my character would by default assume he was hallucinating. And for the first instance that would be okay. But after the first time my relatives were possessed by said demon, or it pulled me through a window into hell, or it clawed me in a dream and I wake up with burns and claw marks in said area, some dormant survival instinct in my brain should click in and say "Okay. He is a demon, and I do need help", instead of continuing to ignore whats going on. You can explain a lot of stuff that seems supernatural in real life, but in a film if a 600' tall Cthulhu Alien crawls from teh sea and begins eating New York, you should assume it's real instead of a hoax, particularly when it's on your own street. Movie characters aren't written that way. It's a cliche that they accept the supernatural when it's too late for them to save themselves (unless they're the lead and it's meant to have a happy ending, in which case the lead is the only one who accepted the supernatural theory from the beginning and everyone else is dead).

Plus there's also this little problem: If the world they live in contains the supernatural, and there's someone they can go to for help (and there usually is, or at least someone knowledgeable enough to tell you 'you're screwed'), then these events have happened before. They can be super rare, but it implies that magic exists. If magic exists, even if most of the population can't get a handle on it, there should still be enough of a precedent that your character goes "Aw crap".

2010-11-03, 07:05 PM
So Sequel/prequel wasn't as good?

The first one scared me Monday night while I was studying for Greek test happening the next day. I don't understands how the doctor died at the end though of the 1st movie.

2010-11-03, 07:24 PM
Plus there's also this little problem: If the world they live in contains the supernatural, and there's someone they can go to for help (and there usually is, or at least someone knowledgeable enough to tell you 'you're screwed'), then these events have happened before. They can be super rare, but it implies that magic exists. If magic exists, even if most of the population can't get a handle on it, there should still be enough of a precedent that your character goes "Aw crap".
I get what you're saying, but I think it can still be dismissed by most people. Sure, someone can make the claim that a demon is haunting you and they have a way to fix it. But, until it is proven to you, you will likely believe that person to be a crackpot. It's kind of like in the Blade movies. Vampires are very real, but they have gone to great lengths to stay hidden so even though we have someone (Blade and Co.) out killing them the world at large has no clue. The average person in this scenario will consider Blade crazy until they actually see evidence. So, I don't find it unreasonable for a movie character to dismiss what has to sound pretty strange until the evidence is right in front of them because the precedent is so remote and outside the mainstream that most people will have absolutely no knowledge of it (otherwise their world would probably be different if they had reliable evidence of the supernatural).

Having said that, that isn't the case with this movie. The husband acted like an idiot. The way he made the pool cleaner come out of the pool looked nothing like what was happening. No breeze I have ever heard of can pull a door shut and then lock it. The first thing he should've done when the dog was attacked is check the video. When they come home and the wife is comatose, check the video. Oh well. He got what was coming to him in the end.

As for the comment about his line continuing, his daughter was still alive at the end and we don't know what the demon's intentions are for the kid (or it's new body for that matter). His wife apparently was on the receiving end of the demon's preferred method of killing people by throwing them across the room.

The first one scared me Monday night while I was studying for Greek test happening the next day. I don't understands how the doctor died at the end though of the 1st movie.
I only saw the first one once so maybe I am forgetting something, but what doctor are you talking about?

The Big Dice
2010-11-03, 07:28 PM
I saw the movie. On the opening night, no less. And my thoughts were very, very different from the OP. I enjoyed the movie and thought it was a great example of an atmospheric rather than grotesque horror movie.

Especially as they did check the security cameras. They checked the pool cam for the cleaner lifting itself out of the water every night. They looked to see what happened with the door and there were a couple of other things the girl looked over on the footage.

As for the dog, if you've got a dog and it starts barking for no apparent reason, you yell at it, telling it to shut up. At least that's what everyone I've ever known who has owned a dog has done.

At no point did the family in the movie respond in a way the seemed unrealistic to me.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 07:30 PM
As for the comment about his line continuing, his daughter was still alive at the end and we don't know what the demon's intentions are for the kid (or it's new body for that matter). His wife apparently was on the receiving end of the demon's preferred method of killing people by throwing them across the room.
Well, ok, yeah, daughter is ok, but she showed a modicum of intelligence, or at least suspicion. Hopefully she got her mom's side.

As for the kid... yeah, was assuming that as it 'wanted its soul' he was a gonner, but suppose it doesn't have to go that way.

Especially as they did check the security cameras. They checked the pool cam for the cleaner lifting itself out of the water every night. They looked to see what happened with the door and there were a couple of other things the girl looked over on the footage.
The only time any but the daughter would look at it is if she almost dragged him to it. Yeah, she looked at it, and then dad scoffed every bloody time until his wife was physically lifted up and drug down the stairs near the very end. Not once in the movie would that man go to check the footage on his own. Also, did they check on the baby, or any other camera while she was locked out? No. I know most folk would check on the baby, make sure nothing happened during the weirdness.

And anyone who owns a dog knows the difference between yap yap and *VICIOUS GROWL* 'I'M ATTACKING SOMETHING!!'

Juggling Goth
2010-11-03, 07:33 PM
Wait, he's even stupider than the guy in the first one? Because first guy was yelling-at-the-telly, I-can't-wait-for-you-to-die stupid.

I think I need to not watch this film, for the sake of my blood pressure. Thanks for the warning.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 07:39 PM
I think I need to not watch this film, for the sake of my blood pressure. Thanks for the warning.
Don't take my word for it, you might see it differently. Apparently some think they acted in a perfectly normal way.

I just hope they also don't show up on the 6 o'clock news because of also reacting 'normally' :smallannoyed:

Innis Cabal
2010-11-03, 07:44 PM
Don't take my word for it, you might see it differently. Apparently some think they acted in a perfectly normal way.

I just hope they also don't show up on the 6 o'clock news because of also reacting 'normally' :smallannoyed:

Don't you think that's just a little bit harsh? I saw the movie to and didn't come to the same conclusion. Not only that but even if there's a difference between attack growl and yap yap doesn't mean that dogs don't do attack growl over nothing at all. I lived in an area with coyote and other wild animals. While they were no threat and to far away for me to hear, my dog would hear them and do attack growls. I just ended up ignoring them as they happened every day for a good long while.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 07:53 PM
Don't you think that's just a little bit harsh? I saw the movie to and didn't come to the same conclusion.
Well, it is possible I am a fairly paranoid person then.

#1. When someone I know and trust (she took care of his kid for a year did the Nanny) says they hear and see weird things, I investigate.

#2. If I heard bangs at my door I wouldn't go out (well, actually I would, after grabbing a knife, a flashlight, and sneak around from a back door), but if for some reason I did I certainly would not roam about doing nothing when the door closed me out.
My Grandfather once smashed a window open because a baby, my mother in fact, (that he could see fine and was in no danger) had rocked its bed in such a way so as to wedge the door shut and was unopenable.
If I think something closed the door on me you bet I'd break in a window, or call the cops. In fact, I've called them for less.

#3. I have coyotes too. Killed many of my cats and chickens before measures were taken against them by the community. The family dog would chase them, growl, even sound vicious... but none of that is quite like being in an actual fight. Also, this is the suburbs in a quiet neighborhood where nothing like that is known. You know why your dog makes that noise. This dog has no reason to.

#4. I would wake up my wife the moment I got home from the vet. I would call 911 if she absolutely would not wake up the following morning.

#5. I would search the house after each strange occurrence. I don't leave my house without locking everything. If I find it unlocked or open I search around the house just in case. If I had cameras I would glance at it, especially if my daughter said she was locked out, or my dog was found unconscious. None of the footage was looked at until at least a day later when the daughter finally couldn't stand it. He in fact told her not to mess with any of it. She disobeyed each time she went over the recordings.

Also, I think you are forgetting they were JUST broken into. By someone who had stolen only a personal affect. It is criminally stupid to be complacent about that and ignore bumps in the night, even if they might be harmless.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-03, 08:02 PM
Well, it is possible I am a fairly paranoid person then.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon that wants to eat your face.

Heck, I agree with you on all your points. I might be a bit paranoid too though so that might not be a huge comfort.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 08:05 PM
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon that wants to eat your face.
Hey, who knows :smallwink:

But I'm checking for humans first. Most of what went on in that house was, to their knowledge, a simple, logical cause yet was like beating them over the head to even acknowledge that much.

Mystic Muse
2010-11-03, 08:07 PM
Hey, who knows :smallwink:

But I'm checking for humans first. Most of what went on in that house was, to their knowledge, a simple, logical cause yet was like beating them over the head to even acknowledge that much.

Yeah, sounds like it. I probably won't personally watch the movie any time soon just because it's not my kind of movie and I still need to watch the first Exorcist movie.

Innis Cabal
2010-11-03, 08:09 PM
I just hope they also don't show up on the 6 o'clock news because of also reacting 'normally' :smallannoyed:

The harsh comment was about this. That is just wildly inappropriate how ever you look at it.

Well, it is possible I am a fairly paranoid person then.

Possible or not, I have generalized anxiety disorder and even I don't over analyse this sort of stuff. And I even believe and have encountered paranormal activity. And it's certainly -not- my go to when things are going on I can't explain.

#1. When someone I know and trust (she took care of his kid for a year did the Nanny) says they hear and see weird things, I investigate.

Weird things are weird things. Most people write them off as just people hearing things. That's totally possible. Also see above, even having encountered things I myself cannot explain through rational science...GHOSTS are not my first go to when people tell me they hear "Weird things". Regular people who have never encountered ghosts are certainly not going to jump on that train.

#2. If I heard bangs at my door I wouldn't go out (well, actually I would, after grabbing a knife, a flashlight, and sneak around from a back door), but if for some reason I did I certainly would not roam about doing nothing when the door closed me out. My Grandfather once smashed a window open because a baby, my mother in fact, (that he could see fine and was in no danger) had rocked its bed in such a way so as to wedge the door shut.
If I think something closed the door on me you bet I'd break in a window, or call the cops. In fact, I've called them for less.

Most people won't do that either. The girl didn't see anything. She went out to investigate (people make silly decisions all the time mind you) and the door shut. She had no bloody reason to suspect it was some burgaler or what have you. In fact, assuming it was something like that (even if they got broken in to before) is easily the most paranoid thing to assume. It makes no sense to assume that what so ever.

#3. I have coyotes too. Killed many of my cats and chickens before measures were taken against them by the community. The family dog would chase them, growl, even sound vicious... but none of that is quite like being in an actual fight. Also, this is the suburbs in a quiet neighborhood where nothing like that is known. You know why your dog makes that noise. This dog has no reason to.

Actually...yes...coyote are in the suburbs...or can be. Along with fox and other people walking around and all manner of things a dog might hear and assume a threat and cause them to go on the defensive. And warning and angry growls sound the same unless its a real fight. Most dogs make angry sounds when they hear things that worry them, as said in my previous post. No need to go deeper into detail.

#4. I would wake up my wife the moment I got home from the vet. I would call 911 if she absolutely would not wake up the following morning.

Never said the man was the smartest or most compassionate.

Also, I think you are forgetting they were JUST broken into. By someone who stolen only a personal affect. It is criminally stupid to be complacent about that and ignore bumps in the night, even if they might be harmless.

No I'm not and no it isn't. They set up all manner of things that would trip if someone was in the house. It doesn't sound like you've ever had someone break into your house. When it happens you don't instantly think every sound, pop and groan is a thief. Not only that, but even if it was a personal affect...that means...what? People steal things for no reason what so ever. They have no idea how the break in occurred, just the after effect.

Your looking at it from a perspective of a cynical movie goer and the most cynical I have ever encounter on top of it. I can't remember a positive review of a single horror movie you've -ever- given, and really I'm not surprised you took the stance you did here either.

2010-11-03, 08:19 PM
Well, ok, yeah, daughter is ok, but she showed a modicum of intelligence, or at least suspicion. Hopefully she got her mom's side.

As for the kid... yeah, was assuming that as it 'wanted its soul' he was a gonner, but suppose it doesn't have to go that way.
I agree that is the likely fate of the kid, but since I am assuming there will be a part 3 I'm not willing to just write him off. That and if that was the goal, the demon had the mom possesed long enough to do anything it wanted to the kid so I am assuming it has larger plans.

If it weren't for the crimiinal stupidity this would have been a pretty good horror movie (if you let yourself get sucked in by the "real camera footage"). I go through it by knowing the dad's fate before hand. I just kept telling myself that his stupidity will cost him big time in the end. As is, I was entertained but it had the chance to be better (then again, what doesn't?)

2010-11-03, 08:21 PM
No I'm not and no it isn't. They set up all manner of things that would trip if someone was in the house. It doesn't sound like you've ever had someone break into your house. When it happens you don't instantly think every sound, pop and groan is a thief. Not only that, but even if it was a personal affect...that means...what? People steal things for no reason what so ever. They have no idea how the break in occurred, just the after effect.

I have never been robbed, its still something I think about if I think I hear someone walking around in the house while I'm taking a shower.

2010-11-03, 08:31 PM
Also see above, even having encountered things I myself cannot explain through rational science...GHOSTS are not my first go to when people tell me they hear "Weird things".

You don't ask "Tell me what you saw?" or "Where was it?" then go look yourself? I mean, that just sounds like normal operating procedure to me.

She had no bloody reason to suspect it was some burgaler or what have you. In fact, assuming it was something like that (even if they got broken in to before) is easily the most paranoid thing to assume. It makes no sense to assume that what so ever.

Your home has been broken into before. You hear a noise outside of your home. You go to investigate. When you step outside the door shuts and locks behind you. And you think it's normal to write it off? Basic logic says someone shut and locked that door. Someone who is not your family(as they are elsewhere) and is now alone with a baby in the locked house.

And warning and angry growls sound the same unless its a real fight. Most dogs make angry sounds when they hear things that worry them, as said in my previous post. No need to go deeper into detail.

You've clearly never heard your dogs in a real fight then. Because warning growls are distinctly and completely separate from "I am going to kill you" growls. Even if they weren't: You'd have to live in an area where nothing is ever dangerous, ever, to not check on your dogs when they make warning growls. Because I check on mine all the time due to living in an area where mountain cats and bears are a serious threat.

No I'm not and no it isn't.

Uh. If I hear a groan on the steps that sounds like someone's walking up them, then I assume it's a burglar unless I know someone is spending the night in my house and know they come home late. Not only that, but someone who knows you well enough to specifically steal personal and cherished items is obviously dangerous. Particularly if they break into your home, ignore all of your valuable merchandise just to steal that one personal item.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 08:33 PM
Your looking at it from a perspective of a cynical movie goer and the most cynical I have ever encounter on top of it.
Ok, tackling this first.

#1. You're wrong. I have. Off the top of my head look up Cloverfield, The Village, Signs, and Zombieland if you like from my name.

#2. I'm not being cynical. I've had to deal with a lot of crap before. I purposely bought my family a 'Wilderness cam' for Christmas because of stuff that went on around their house. Something like a cheaper version of what this family had. Have already caught a number of men sneaking around and sicced the police on them. I'm not speaking as a cynic, a nut, or a paranoid, but someone with experience and knowledge of what he's saying.

The harsh comment was about this. That is just wildly inappropriate how ever you look at it.
No it's not. I was being sincere. I feel if anyone takes anything like the complacent view or acts as irresponsible as these people to completely non-supernatural but still very possibly dangerous or suspicious occurrences they are quite possibly going to be hurt. I hope they don't however.

Possible or not, I have generalized anxiety disorder and even I don't over analyse this sort of stuff. And I even believe and have encountered paranormal activity. And it's certainly -not- my go to when things are going on I can't explain.
I could write a book on weird crap I've witnessed and its not my first assumption either. It has been said many times that we (I) are not looking to a supernatural cause here. That is not, nor has ever been my point since the first post. I will not repeat myself again.
A malicious human cause would be perfectly acceptable. These people took EVERYTHING as a coincidence without influence of human, spirit or otherwise.

Most people won't do that either. The girl didn't see anything. She went out to investigate (people make silly decisions all the time mind you) and the door shut. She had no bloody reason to suspect it was some burgaler or what have you.
Except she bloody well did suspect. She had it out with her dad because he said it was the wind.

No I'm not and no it isn't. They set up all manner of things that would trip if someone was in the house. It doesn't sound like you've ever had someone break into your house.
I'm proud to say I haven't. However, someone has tried at least several times in every house I've ever lived in. I've moved around a dozen times in my life. My parents current house, all the neighbors were, successfully... twice. We weren't because of precautions. I was staying with them not even two weeks ago and was woke up by my mom screaming someone is on the porch. Took after him, but he went crashing into the woods.

Over 20 times my various homes have nearly been invaded, and I'm not exaggerating or making fiction. I save that for my homebrew.

I know what I'm talking about.

Lord Thurlvin
2010-11-03, 08:47 PM
I rarely watch horror movies, mostly due to the fact that they tend to terrify me to the point of not being able to sleep properly for several nights in a row, but now I want to watch this one just so I can form my own opinion of it.

One question I would like to ask is just what kind of lock was on the door that the daughter had slam shut behind her. At my house, we have doors that are entirely possible to open from the inside while they are still locked, so it's actually really easy for anyone in my family to lock themself outside just by the door closing behind them.

2010-11-03, 09:17 PM
One question I would like to ask is just what kind of lock was on the door that the daughter had slam shut behind her. At my house, we have doors that are entirely possible to open from the inside while they are still locked, so it's actually really easy for anyone in my family to lock themself outside just by the door closing behind them.
I assumed it was a bolt lock and not just one on the door knob itself (whose name I don't know off hand) that you can turn and then pull the door shut to have it lock.

Vorpal Tribble, if you don't mind my asking, where do you live/have you lived (approximately)?

Edit to add: To clarify on the lock, what I mean is that the lock that locked was likely a bolt lock which requires a key (from the outside, unless it is the type that takes a key for either side) to lock or unlock from the outside. The type on the doorknob itself can be turned to the lock position with the door open and then pull the door shut and the door is now locked.

Lord Thurlvin
2010-11-03, 09:21 PM
Edit to add: To clarify on the lock, what I mean is that the lock that locked was likely a bolt lock which requires a key (from the outside, unless it is the type that takes a key for either side) to lock or unlock from the outside. The type on the doorknob itself can be turned to the lock position with the door open and then pull the door shut and the door is now locked.

Well, if it was a bolt lock, then the father was beyond idiotic. I know of no wind that can slide a bolt into the locked position.

2010-11-03, 09:23 PM
Your looking at it from a perspective of a cynical movie goer and the most cynical I have ever encounter on top of it.

Not really. You haven't worked with people who review films for a living. Trust me Vorpal is an optimistic ray of sunshine complete with unicorns and singing baby chipmunks compared to most of the guys I work with. The mere fact that he can mention he likes the film Signs or the Village without subsequently breaking into derisive laughter or mocking the director says he's not entirely pessimistic (which is much nicer way than the guys at work would put it).

I love horror films myself. I've watched them night and day since I was a small child. But that has also made me somewhat jaded (which I suspect Tribble is as well). A person who doesn't watch many horror films can occasionally watch something he's never seen before and be blown away, but when you've seen the hundred or so films that inspire it (or that it ripped off) without it presenting a new story line (on top of the hundred or even thousands of other films you've watched) it's hard to not be a little cynical. It gets really hard to not look at a scene you've seen a hundred times before done in one of 10 different ways with there never being anything different. Horror films or any genre film (*cough* rom coms *cough*) tend to inspire lazy writing because certain things have become acceptable to a large enough portion of the fan base that a need for change isn't seen until sales really take a pounding. The industry perception of horror movies is that fans attend them to see a body count. They don't want story, or characterization, or plot, or even logic. They want to see people die in spectacularly painful or inventive ways. As long as you can pull that off, the rest wont matter. Which makes it frustrating for guys like me, because I lvoe the genre, but I want more. When I was 14 or so and slasher movies were the big thing, and they were new and exciting, that was great. But now the movies follow the same 20-30 year old formula. They dont do anything different except use cgi as opposed to old fashioned sfx. I still don't mind watching them, but I want there to be something more. A plot with intelligent people, instead of one that assumes all teens are oversexed alcoholics or potheads or sociopaths so their death doesn't really mean anything. It's not that we're mean, or too cynical, we just want something better than same old, same old.

2010-11-03, 09:31 PM
Well, if it was a bolt lock, then the father was beyond idiotic. I know of no wind that can slide a bolt into the locked position.
I'm assuming it was a bolt lock because it doesn't make any sense for her to set the door to lock (if it was in the knob) before walking outside without any keys while checking for a possible intruder. Yes, the father was idiotic. After this happened (where he actually watched the footage, apparently missing the lock moving on it's own) he didn't bother to check to see if anything happened while she was locked out (like the baby walking around the house).

Lord Thurlvin
2010-11-03, 09:36 PM
I'm assuming it was a bolt lock because it doesn't make any sense for her to set the door to lock (if it was in the knob) before walking outside without any keys while checking for a possible intruder. Yes, the father was idiotic. After this happened (where he actually watched the footage, apparently missing the lock moving on it's own) he didn't bother to check to see if anything happened while she was locked out (like the baby walking around the house).

What I meant to convey with my anecdote (though perhaps I didn't do it very well) was that if the type of door my family has is already locked when someone opens it from the inside, the lock stays locked. Therefore, if you open the locked door and step outside, if it closes behind you it stays locked. You don't necessarily have to lock it before opening the door, it could have been locked by someone hours earlier.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-03, 10:13 PM
Vorpal Tribble, if you don't mind my asking, where do you live/have you lived (approximately)?
Woodstock, Marietta, Kennesaw, Ball Ground, Murrayville, Clermont, Cleveland and Dahlonega, GA
Centerville and Cleveland, OH
White House and Nashville, TN
Glacier Bay, AK (coming soon!)

2010-11-03, 10:20 PM
I only saw the first one once so maybe I am forgetting something, but what doctor are you talking about?

The Balding dude they invited over. Remember the Psychiatrist Dr. Edgar Lauren or something. He dies...they killed kenny...they're bastards.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-11-03, 10:32 PM
I have to say.. I had a BLAST when watching this movie.... probably because I spent half the movie spooking my friend... you know growling, making smart-ass comments, that kind of stuff.

I have to agree with whoever said the camera was just the kind needed, IMO it was a piece of art as far camera work goes (probably a hyperbole; but you get my point)

You know it is weird, when I was younger I couldn't stand horror movies of any kind (probably because my cousins made me watch child's play when I was like 6... not a fond memory) but now I just laugh my butt of, at the sheer stupidity that most "horror" movie protagonies display.. it is just funny.

2010-11-03, 11:31 PM
The Balding dude they invited over. Remember the Psychiatrist Dr. Edgar Lauren or something. He dies...they killed kenny...they're bastards.
When did he die?

2010-11-04, 12:18 AM
Woodstock, Marietta, Kennesaw, Ball Ground, Murrayville, Clermont, Cleveland and Dahlonega, GA
Centerville and Cleveland, OH
White House and Nashville, TN
Glacier Bay, AK (coming soon!)

Man you move a lot. You werent too far from me when you were in Centerville i think

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-04, 07:01 AM
Yeah, kind of ironic I'm accused of hating and cynicalizing all spook movies while my avatar is mimicking the one I gush about the most :smallwink:

Man you move a lot. You werent too far from me when you were in Centerville i think
Lived pretty close to this awesome park filled with osage orange trees. Wonder if it's still there...

2010-11-04, 07:26 AM
Obviously, the father is possessed by a stupidity demon.

Lord Thurlvin
2010-11-04, 07:30 AM
Yeah, kind of ironic I'm accused of hating and cynicalizing all spook movies while my avatar is mimicking the one I gush about the most :smallwink:

As a non-fan of horror films, I would like to inquire as to just what film it references. I have a vague recollection of a movie I saw once in a film store called "Fuzzballs" or some such, but I'm not entirely sure. Googling it gives me no relevant results, so yeah, I'm stumped.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-04, 07:51 AM
Well, I'm not exactly a 'horror' fan so much as a 'thriller' or 'monster movie' fan. Keep away the blood and guts for me.

Anyways, here you go: Those we don't speak of... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbJpJBKUf4k)

Lord Thurlvin
2010-11-04, 07:59 AM
Well, I'm not exactly a 'horror' fan so much as a 'thriller' fan. Keep away the blood and guts for me.

Anyways, here you go: Those we don't speak of... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbJpJBKUf4k)

Oh. I thought you were talking about the fuzzball part of the avatar, not the cloak, though I must admit I didn't know what the cloak was anyway.
But now I'm left with the burning question of just what movie it was that I saw that day. I'm certain it involved ravenous, fanged fuzzballs from space that were killing cattle and people, but I just can't remember the name!

2010-11-04, 08:29 AM
When did he die?

Fast forward to last 13 minutes of the first movie. He should be talking to them soon if not yet. The cast has been calling him all through the movie.

2010-11-04, 08:51 AM
Oh. I thought you were talking about the fuzzball part of the avatar, not the cloak, though I must admit I didn't know what the cloak was anyway.
But now I'm left with the burning question of just what movie it was that I saw that day. I'm certain it involved ravenous, fanged fuzzballs from space that were killing cattle and people, but I just can't remember the name!

IT's meant to be a tribble, actually, as the name implies. A star trek creature.

2010-11-04, 12:26 PM
Oh. I thought you were talking about the fuzzball part of the avatar, not the cloak, though I must admit I didn't know what the cloak was anyway.
But now I'm left with the burning question of just what movie it was that I saw that day. I'm certain it involved ravenous, fanged fuzzballs from space that were killing cattle and people, but I just can't remember the name!
I believe the movie you are talking about is Critters (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090887/) or possibly Critters 2 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094919/).
Edit to add:

Fast forward to last 13 minutes of the first movie. He should be talking to them soon if not yet. The cast has been calling him all through the movie.
I know who you are talking about. I only watched the first movie once and I didn't remember him dying. What were the circumstances?

Mystic Muse
2010-11-04, 12:28 PM
Oh. I thought you were talking about the fuzzball part of the avatar, not the cloak, though I must admit I didn't know what the cloak was anyway.
But now I'm left with the burning question of just what movie it was that I saw that day. I'm certain it involved ravenous, fanged fuzzballs from space that were killing cattle and people, but I just can't remember the name!

Critters maybe?

Lord Thurlvin
2010-11-04, 01:17 PM
I believe the movie you are talking about is Critters (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090887/) or possibly Critters 2 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094919/).

Ah, yes. That's it. You know, someone should start a "post a vague recollection of movie/TV show that you would like to find again but can only remember some elements of and thus can't find it on Google" thread.

2010-11-04, 02:36 PM
Ah, yes. That's it. You know, someone should start a "post a vague recollection of movie/TV show that you would like to find again but can only remember some elements of and thus can't find it on Google" thread.

I think all 4 movies are available as a 4 pack now on DVD...

2010-11-04, 03:04 PM
I think all 4 movies are available as a 4 pack now on DVD...
There is a definite decline in quality as the series progresses, assuming you thought there was quality to begin with. Part 4 involves them going into space, which is usually a bad sign with horror movies (which I assume is what these should be called, though they aren't that horrific). Then again, these creatures came from space so I guess it was only a matter of time.

2010-11-04, 04:35 PM
Critters was my favorite series with one word.

Although, Tremors was a close second.

2010-11-04, 07:40 PM
Critters was my favorite series with one word.

Although, Tremors was a close second.


You might like this one assuming the guys behind it do the film justice.

2010-11-05, 06:09 PM
Honestly, the first one kind of featured, "Dumbest possible people" too.

"Hey, let's put talcum powder on the ground, that will help somehow." "Oh look, something disturbed the powder." "Okay, what do we do about it?" "Let's just go back to sleep" "Well, then why did you put the talcum powder down in the first place if you had no intention of acting on the result?"

"I specialize in ghosts, but this is a demon." "Uh... okay, so do you wanna call a demonologist? Maybe a priest?" "Nah, let's see if it gets better, then call the guy who already said he couldn't help again if it doesn't."

"Hey, I did some vague research and I turned up some vague information on this vaguely happening somewhere to someone at some time." "Okay, what does that tell us?" "Well, it was a while ago and she died... really this was just an attempt to make it seem like this movie has a plot when it's actually just random crap happening." "What should we do based on this information?" "I dunno, let's go to bed."

So... more people doing nothing interesting while a faceless, nameless creature of unknown traits, motivation or limitations does random crap for an hour and twenty minutes before killing everyone in the last 10 minutes? Definitely a Paranormal Activity movie.

I guess I'll catch it on DVD.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-11-05, 06:42 PM
To be fair you do find out what it wants... or what it's assumed it wants. Not 'everyone' dies either. Just the majority. The stupidest ones. That at least is acceptable.

2010-11-05, 06:53 PM
1st movie: it wanted happy time with the girl and than killed her for some reason...
I can totally get the liking her part, but why the killing?
Was it bored?

2010-11-05, 07:15 PM
1st movie: it wanted happy time with the girl and than killed her for some reason...
I can totally get the liking her part, but why the killing?
Was it bored?
It didn't kill Katie. Unless you equate possesing to killing. She is still alive, as 2 people in this one discover roughly 2 seconds before they die.