View Full Version : Legacy of the Crimson Wyrm - The Sunless Citadel [Group One]

Kogan Urufu
2010-11-03, 12:29 PM
20th of Flamerule, 1,372 DR
Legends tell of a proud fortress that stood in the foothills of the Giant's Run Mountains in ages long since passed, southwest of the Port town of Westgate. Few today know what happened within the fortress, but many in the Dragon Coast know of the tales and rumours about what became known as, the Sunless Citadel. Once said to be the den of a cult dedicated to a powerful dragon, the citadel sunk into the earth as a cavernous ravine opened beneath the foundations and swallowed the citadel and the cult whole.

No-one knew what caused the citadel to sink, some say the Gods were angry at the cultists, others maintain that dwarves were involved, some even go so far as to say that the dragon the cult venerated did it himself on a bored whim.

Now, the citadel is infested with Goblins, Kobolds and other malign creatures reside within, and few are brave enough to even approach the ravine. However, for every legend about the horrors within, there is another describing the treasure and artefacts left behind by the cult, awaiting those courageous and foolhardy enough to brave it's darkened hallways.


After days of travelling dirt roads, dusty plains and semi-abandoned trails you spot a welcome sight upon the horizon. You can see the smoke of the hamlet of Oakhurst rising slowly into the crystal clear sky above, the sun dipping low in the clouds to the east, the evening breeze a welcome relief from the oppressive heat of the day.

As you approach the settlement you can hear the sounds of the locals, closing up market shops and scurrying to get out of the heat, the smell of soot hanging in the air as a breeze blows past the smithy, the blacksmith still hard at work. It is only a tenday until the feast of Midsummer and already jaunty music is coming from the inn, the smell of fresh bread, hot stew and ale wafting from the shuttered windows.

2010-11-04, 06:24 AM
Ylva Arkhent

Two persons come walking into the village by the dusty road as the sun is setting. One is a human, the other.... well, mostly human. The first thing one notices about the armoured woman is that her face, neck and probably the rest of her skin, has a silver sheen about it. In the fading sunlight it still glitters softly. Aside from that she seem an ordinary human. She has red hair, gathered in one, long braid and a soft, heartshaped, beautiful face with clear, intelligent green eyes and a mouth that seems to be made for smiling. And possibly kissing.
The almost frail beauty is at a strange contrast with the banded mail she wears, as well as her weapons, most prominent is a greatsword, which hilt sticks out at an angle above her right shoulder, strapped under her backpack. The fact that she can carry, and probably wield, that kind of arms and armour would indicate a woman of strength.
Not much can be said about her fiugre under her heavy set of armour, but she seems to have broad hips.
Hanging by a chain on her chest is a pewter gauntlet in miniature, palm open and facing outwards: the Holy Symbol of Torm. The same can be seen embossed on her helm, hanging on a chain from her left shoulder.

Chained Birds
2010-11-04, 12:37 PM
Talvos Riverdale

Walking alongside a particularly unusual woman with attractive features is a young man engrossed in a book. His average, brown hair sways listlessly with the dust-infused wind; while his dull, ambiguous eyes have little cause to observe the town in front of him due to his attention focused towards the tarnished, burgundy book. He occasionally scribes notes within the book, or immediately switches his concentration to the red-haired lass, and proceeds to write spastically with a gleam of inspiration shining from his eyes.
His wardrobe consists of an archetypal adventurer: loose clothing, gloves, boots, belt, and a glimpse of chainmail seen through openings in the clothing. A well-strung bow firmly latches to his chest, with a small quiver gripping the side of his right leg.
While the items on his person are standard, they all share an unusual black/blue tint. The discoloration promotes a wavy pattern along the bow, armor, and quiver.
He mutters over his shoulder towards his companion

“I hope we find a town soon. Traveling with so few numbers puts us at a disadvantage in combat.”

2010-11-04, 12:44 PM
Karash Krygar

A half-orc wanders through the town carrying a simple spear in hand. He wears leather armor that is strapped tightly across his body. A short swords hands from his belt, as well as a sling and a small pouch. The pair of javelin are strapped to his back are covered by a small backpack. He has olive green skin and very short black hair. His eyes are bright and gold.

As he passes the inn the smell of stew and bread stop him. He glances around before pushing his way through the door.


2010-11-04, 01:02 PM
Ylva Arkhent

The Tormite's lips twist into a friendly smile as her companion comments on needing to find a village soon. She really has lips, even a whole face, made for smiling for while she is undoubtably pretty at all times a smile makes her downright beautiful. "Talvos. Raise your gaze from that book of yours. We've found one."
And not a minute too soon. She was aching from the neck down. A banded mail, any kind of heavier armour really, wasn't made for walking in, that was for sure. But her horse had broken it's leg in two places several days before she met the ranger and the only other choice would have been to carry it in a sack. That wouldn't have been better. So she had been marching in full armour. And she felt it with every fibre of her body. She would sleep well tonight. "Let's find an inn. I'm famished and exhausted." In all she felt a long way from any tale she had ever heard of a paladin in the Order. She might even skip food all together.

Chained Birds
2010-11-04, 01:32 PM
Glimpses over his writing, then returns to the book;

"…this place is too normal. But any place would be better than an open field."

He proceeds to place the book into a bulky backpack. His nonchalant attitude seemed far different than the first time he met Ylva. She appeared before him as something completely different from the norm; something found in stories he’d read at his home in the Dalelands. He acted like an archeologist finding a brand new ancient species, and begged for her to join him on his quest. She may have agreed out of pity for the lowly human, or because of her personality, but after their initial encounter, he steadily took on his true nature.
Luckily, their travels had been peaceful up to this point (except for the incident with the horse), and a rest at an inn wouldn’t leave them any more open to attacks than the lands around them.

“Rest and food are always essential to any travel. I just doubt we’ll find any useful companions in such a typical place.”

He shrugs and readjusts the heavy gear on his back.

“You should be more prepared when something unexpected happens… however that works…"

2010-11-04, 07:07 PM
Ylva Arkhent

Shrugging slightly the silverskinned woman looks about what she can see of the village, keeping an eye out for any inn or hostel. Finally spotting an inn, just after Karash has disappeared from the street, the Tormite grins broadly, and with a deep sense of relief. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"There we go. First drink's on me."

Chained Birds
2010-11-05, 11:54 AM
With little delay, Talvos proceeds to the closest inn, some steps behind Ylva. He may see this as a normal town, but what she said might hold true. Wary of the surroundings, he shifts his weaponry to a more reachable position, in case of ambush or sudden combat.

He thinks to himself, "Never know..."

2010-11-06, 02:41 AM
Ylva Arkhent

Entering the inn, the paladin looks around, scanning the crowd. Not out of any fear of ambush or Banites taken by surprise. Rather she's simply looking for an innkeep or a barmaid to speak to. The attitude of the ranger doesn't seem to bother her much. Even if he seemed much less charming than when they had met she had sensed a good heart in the man from the beginning. And as for charming, well she wasn't looking for a life partner, only an adventuring partner.

Kogan Urufu
2010-11-08, 10:43 AM
Oakhurst Village, Ol'Boar Inn
As the door of the inn opens, you are assaulted by the aroma of hot food, the room large and welcoming, roughly thirty feet by forty feet, the celling ten feet above you. The walls and floors are made of dark wood and a large fireplace takes up the centre of the wall to your right, the door leading to the hallway beyond opposite you as you enter. The room is lit by wall lanterns spaced evenly along the walls and tables and chairs fill the centre of the room, various patrons of the inn drinking, eating and having fun, a young human woman with dark hair and tan skin weaving between the tables carrying a tray of drinks. Behind the bar stands a man six and a half foot tall and built like a bear, judging from his coarse black hair streaked with silver and his pale blue eyes, it was safe to assume he was the father of the waitress and owner of the inn.

The barman sets down the glass he was drying on the worktop and smiles warmly at you, his voice gruff and loud, “Well met travellers, welcome to the Ol' Boar Inn, the name's Garon and I'm the owner.” He nodded his head politely, “So, what'll it be, a hot bowl of stew for your rumbling bellies? Or perchance you want a flagon of ale to cool your throats?”

Chained Birds
2010-11-08, 01:47 PM
Still alert, Talvos leers through the people within the facility. He is well aware of the cheerful atmosphere, but is on a constant threat alarm for things out of the ordinary.
To not appear rude to the bar owner, he gives a courteous smile,

“I’m only interested in a small drink, but my companion is quite famished due to our long trek here.”

He walks over to a table with sufficient seats for two or more, and plops his pack to the side of one of the chairs. He loops the arm strap holding the bag around the chair and proceeds to sit down. He leans back in a relaxed demeanor and searches around the room for any suspicious or out-of-place characters.

[(OOC would a spot or search check be in order, or would I immediately notice the ovious?)]

Kogan Urufu
2010-11-08, 03:16 PM
No you wouldn't need to make a Search or Spot check to see anyone out place since the bar isn't too busy yet. There's no-one in particular, in the corner is an elf having a drinking contest with a dwarf, and losing. Badly. In another is a young half-elven woman tuning a lute and writing on a scrap of parchment and a figure in a black cloak is seated at the bar with his hood up trying to avoid making direct eye contact with anyone.

Also I'd appreciate if you could keep OOC and Rolls in Spoiler Tags, it just makes it look a lot neater. :smalltongue:

2010-11-08, 05:38 PM
Ylva Arkhent

"Famished and exhausted," the armoured woman corrects her companion with a open, friendly smile towards both the ranger and the innkeep. With a heavy sigh of relief she lowers her pack to the floor and leans against the counter. "I'll have both the stew and the ale, please. And a room to boot. Nothing fancy, but alone if it's doable. As long as there's some clean sheets and fresh water for cleaning up I'll be oh so grateful." In her mind she goes through the contents of her purse. The contents should suffice. With that she glances around, taking in the sights, studying the clientele.

Chained Birds
2010-11-09, 01:47 PM
Talvos thinking to himself:
A drinking dwarf, a bard, a loser elf, and a dark, hooded figure. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
This tavern is just like any other tavern; no outstanding people, so no reason to search for allies. I'm suspicious of the barkeep though... Having his young daughter taking orders from drunk and/or dangerous men either means he is strong enough to defend her, or just doesn't understand how trecherous the world can be. Even if he looks battleworn, scars of war can appear similar to scars of peace.

"A room for me too if you have the vacancy."

And I'll be sure to use this format from now on

Kogan Urufu
2010-11-10, 01:33 PM
Garon raises an eyebrow as he looks at Ylva and nods slightly, "Aye, I've got plenty of rooms left for travellers such as yourself." He smiled again and poured two glasses of ale and placed them on the bar, before turning away through a doorway and returning with two small metal keys. "There you are m'lady, your room is the first on the right as you go upstairs, your gentleman friend here is first on the left. You'll find fresh water and towels in both." He placed the keys down by the drinks, "That'll be eight coppers for the ale, ten silvers for the rooms and three silvers for the stew and bread please, Marianna will take your food to you once it's ready."

He went back to drying the glasses but stopped, looking at them curiously, "Though I can't help wondering, what a paladin from the Vast and a Dalelands ranger would be doin' this far west..."

2010-11-10, 02:26 PM
Ylva Arkhent

The silverskinned woman smiles as the innkeeper asks about their business. It's a tired smile but open and proud. What paladin did not like to tell about her Quest? "You are both perceptive and knowledgeable for a humble innkeep, Garon. I am indeed a paladin, coming from Tantras. And we're travelling in search off good deeds to do, adventures to be had. The usual," she says, finishing the explanation with a jest. "I am Ylva of Tantras, by the way." Taking the key she puts it in her beltpouch and subsequently puts the payment on the counter. A gold piece's worth in silver was not something she could afford for long. But for a night she thought it well invested money.

Chained Birds
2010-11-10, 02:54 PM
Laying two gold on the table, Talvos stands up and approuches the bar for his drink. He then stows the key to his room within one of his leg side pockets.

"If the price given is for the two of us, then I'll pay her way, this time. I'm taking my geer to my room and will come down shortly for my change of 6sp and 2cp. Be certain that I will return shortly."

He then briefly wispers to both the paladin and tavern owner,

"Be wary of dark, hooded figures..."

Not wanting to elaborate on his reasons, he calmly walks to his pack and releases the strap from his former seat. He than carries the bulging item to his waiting room whilst the paladin recants her quest...again...


2010-11-10, 10:07 PM
Karash Krygar

The half-orc saunters into the tavern, careful not to poke anyone his spear. He walks to the bar and settles into a stool. He leans the spear against the bar and places his pack to the floor. He glances over his shoulder and watches the barman speak to the the two other travelers. He pulls a stack of 5 gold coins from his pocket and fiddles with him while he waits for the bar man to be free.

He rubs his chin as if appraising the room, as he listens to the conversation. His stomach rumbles and getting a bit impatient he speaks up and says in a polite manner, "Excuse me barkeep, when you get the chance I would like some bread, stew and ale. A room for the night would be nice as well." He smiles showing off his small tusks.

2010-11-11, 02:29 AM
Ylva Arkhent

Thankfully the paladin drinks deeply of the served ale, drinking faster than she usually does, but still trying to enjoy the taste a little. Therefore she is lagging behind as Talvos hurries upstairs. In a way she would like to hurry up and get out of the armour herself. But emptying a glass of ale in a few gulps while possible is against the Rule. So she keeps herself in check. And so she also notices the half-orc entering. His appearance makes her lift an eyebrow slightly. But only out of surprise, not as a sign of hostility. She just wasn't aware of half-orcs being numerous in this region. As he calls on the innkeep she calmly nods in his direction, one weary traveller to another.

Kogan Urufu
2010-11-13, 06:24 PM
Garon nodded as the Ranger withdrew to his room, turning back to the paladin he grins. "Rather suspicious fellow your companion." He handed her the exact change for both drinks before laughing lightly. He turned around as he heard the Half-Orc speak, his mannerisms better than most in the village.

"Alright," He takes a key from the wall and places it on the counter, "Room twelve, upstairs and to your right, the door at the end of the hall." He poured a glass of ale and placed it down next to the key, "and your meal will be ready in a few minutes, and that's four copper for the ale, three silver for the stew and bread and five silver for a room for the night."

2010-11-14, 02:46 AM
Ylva Arkhent

Smiling ruefully the paladin again pockets her coins. She must really be getting late to think that the price had been for only her room and food, and to accept it. "Talvos is a dour one, for sure, goodman Garon. But he's a good sort at heart."

Calmly the silverskinned woman turns towards the half-orc, a faint, but friendly, smile playing on her lips. "I take it you're not from around here either, are you?"

2010-11-14, 11:09 PM
Karash Krygar

The half-orc takes a gulp of ale and slides three gold coins across the bar to Garon. "Thank you. I won't need change." He says with a flat tone. He pockets the key.

Shifting to face the paladin he shakes his head, "No, I come from the northern city, Melvaunt. I'm not use to small towns like these." He takes another gulp of ale, "I'm Karash Krygar, by the way. What about you? Are you on a pilgrimage?" He asks waving towards her holy symbol.

2010-11-15, 02:50 AM
Ylva Arkhent

"Of a sorts," the silverhaired woman replies. She looks suprised at the three gold coins left by the gentlemanly half-orc. That was enough to pay for three people and still give ample change. Was he showing off or simply unaware of the worth of coin? She had made a mistake or two after leaving Tantras, overpaying as well as being overcharged. It had given her a crash course in frugality and now, while still not stingy with her money she wouldn't make a mistake like that... Well... Unless she was exhausted from a long day's march, she reminds herself when she remembers that she had just about done a mistake like that just a minute ago.
With a mental shrug she returns to the conversation. "My name is Ylva. Ylva Arkhent of Tantras. I'm a Golden Lion and any journey I make is a kind of pilgrimage." The order of Tormite Paladins were renowned for it: always ready to help out the other good faiths and to fight evil and corruption as penance for other people's misconduct during, and before, the Time of Troubles. By the looks of her the paladin can't have been more than three or four years old then, but still she would uphold that Duty as solemnly as if she had been one of the worst offenders herself.

2010-11-15, 11:01 PM
Karash Krygar

Karash nods turning back to the bar and taking another gulp of ale, "I'm on a bit of pilgrimage myself." He says after swallowing. "It's a personal one really. My life time employer pass a month ago, so I gathered my savings and left Melvaunt." He shrugs his shoulders, "I really did have much do after he was gone, my job was my life. Now I'm just traveling and trying to be generous to people the same way my employer was generous to me. At least that's my plan till my savings run out." He finishes frowning thoughtfully.

2010-11-16, 02:13 PM
Ylva Arkhent

The smile the silverskinned paladin shines up, giving her half-human company a brilliant smile he explains his own pilgrimage. And that was truly a fitting description. Impressed she pats the man on his shoulder. "A worthy journey, goodman Karash. Ilmater himself would be proud of you! Do not fret. For a cause as good as that I'm sure the Triad will lend help. Who knows? We might find a forgotten treasure in our travels!" She's not entirely certain the half-orc would have her along, of course, she's neither that stupid nor prideful enough for that. But then again, there must be some meaning to her, a paladin of Torm, meeting a pilgrime like Karash. Torm or Ilmater must mean something with it and she would try hard to help him out.

Edit: I almost rewrote this from scratch, feeling that it's a bit... corny... But then again. Ylva is a teenaged, first level paladin. Clearly an idealist. Of course this is about how she would react. I hope you don't mind. :smallbiggrin:

Chained Birds
2010-11-16, 03:34 PM
After planting his junk in the room above, Talvos figures he should check on his companion so she doesn’t mingle with anyone who would deceive her. He doesn’t really know what her street-smarts are, as he witnessed her almost paying double what she owed to the tavern man and not thinking much of it.
He locks the door behind him and proceeds down the stairway noticing her in conversation with a new arrival. Talvos is a little reluctant to deem the new person as nonthreatening, and keeps his bow, located firmly on his chest, within drawing position just in case. He walks over to the bartender,

“Barkeep, I have come for my change.”

He then addresses the strange looking individual after looking at his appearance a little closer,

“I see you’ve met my ally Ylva. I won’t ask why you’ve come to this tavern, as I believe my smiling counterpart may have already asked that. But I, Talvos Riverdale, am under the impression that you are not a human; which means that you are more then welcome to join us on our journey.”

He extends an inviting hand towards the man. Meeting strange things always makes Talvos appear more forward and different than usual.

2010-11-17, 11:14 AM
OOC: Still here, just struggling with figuring out how to bring myself in while the party is in a town. Going for Fist of the Forest means I'm basically a wild mountain man who doesn't use taverns or inns, so...

Yeah, I'm really sorry. I'll think of something. Life's been hectic lately, so I haven't had much thought to devote to this.

Just letting you know I'm not ignoring it.

2010-11-17, 12:46 PM
Hey, that's good to hear. You should have said it earlier in the OOC thread. But better late than never, eh? :smallwink:

Maybe your char could escort someone, a child, village idiot or travelling merchant into town?

Now, get your behind over into the OOC thread. :smalltongue:

2010-11-17, 05:53 PM
Karash Krygar

Karash smiles and opens his mouth to talk when Talvos interrupts him. He shakes his hand and says gruffly, "Well, half-human anyway." He turns back to the bar to dink his ale. "Lost treasure would help support my cause, and I can't see myself settling down..." He gulps, "So since you'll have me I see no reason not to join you two"

2010-11-17, 05:55 PM
Ylva of Tantras

Smiling cheerfully at the ranger and the half-orc Ylva seems rather pleased with the situation. "And that makes us three." Happily she drains her mug and sets it back on the counter. "All the better to do some good here in the world, eh?"

Chained Birds
2010-11-17, 07:10 PM
Taking a chug from the ale he sort of left behind due to the amount of stuff he had to carry up stairs, Talvos contemplates whether the next person they meet will also be a non-human/ dwarf/ elf. Orc, Ogre, Centaur, Harpy, Dragon, maybe even a sentient anthropoid named Bob.

“Oh what a joyous day!”

Towards the barkeep again,

“I’m still waiting for my change.”

Kogan Urufu
2010-11-20, 11:27 AM
Garon raised an eyebrow at the ranger inquisitively and grinned broadly. "You can wait all you want pal, I gave your change to your young lady friend." He sets down the mug he was drying as his daughter came through carrying three trays, each one holding a bowl of stew and a loaf of bread.

"Looks like your food's ready, Dalelander." He turned back to the other customers waiting at the bar and proceeded to serve them thier drinks.

2010-11-20, 12:20 PM
Ylva of Tantras

"Hm?" With a slightly abashed smile the paladin looks down on the counter to where she had stacked the coins. And promptly forgotten about them. "Oh, yes. Right. Here you are, Talvos."
She quickly hands the ranger his coins and turns towards the food, maybe she should have gone up to her room to get out of the armour before eating. But there was no use in letting the food get cold now. The smells wafting towards her does also remember her to just how long it had been since she ate last and her stomach makes it loud as well as clear that she'd better eat up first.

Chained Birds
2010-11-20, 02:15 PM
Taking back the change he was waiting for, Talvos digs into the food with much glee after acquiring a new bizarre ally. The new character’s appearance was quite fitting to a role his group was lacking, although he was still uncertain on what that role might be. Either way, he quickly finishes the food that was given to him, and wanders off towards his room.

“I hope you all have a good night’s rest for I think tomorrow we better buy supplies we might need from this basic town, then we’d better head out before our presence causes people trouble.
When a main characters stays in a pleasant place for too long, bad things happen to that place… or so I've read.”

He gets to his room and bed, with hopefully nothing halting his passage, and begins to sleep off this eventful/ uneventful day.

2010-11-20, 03:23 PM
Karash Krygar

Karash grunts noncommittally to Talvos' words, while he rips into his bread. "I've been sleeping under a tree for the last two nights, a bed will be nice." He begins to work at the stew. He looks over at Ylva, "Where are you two heading anyway? North, south? East, West?"

2010-11-20, 05:04 PM
Ylva Arkhent

Shrugging slightly the silverskinned woman scoops two spoonfuls of stew into her mouth, not even caring that she's kind of burning her tongue in the process. Hot food. Glorious. When she finally has swallowed she looks to the half-orc again. "Doesn't really matter, I'd say. We came from the south now. But if we go north tomorrow is another matter. I go where I think I might do something of use and Talvos... frankly I think he's happy with just travelling. All part of his grand adventure." She flashes the ranger a rather cheeky grin. But there's no spite in her tone. Rather she seems familial, almost friendly teasingly. Again she starts scooping up stew, wolfing down her food.

2010-11-21, 06:11 PM
Karash Krygar

Karash smiles, "Grand Adventure, I like how that sounds" He looks up at towards the ceiling, though it appears he is not really seeing at all. After a moment of silence he looks down at his meal, and seeing it finished he says, "Well this orc won't be staying up late drinking tonight. The thought of a mattress and pillow is much too enticing." He stands and collects his spear. "I wake at dawn... I'll see you in the morning."

He heads upstairs to his room, where he stows his things, removes his armor and falls into the welcoming bed.

2010-11-24, 04:59 PM
Ylva Arkhent

With a friendly nod to the half-orc as he takes his leave the paladin stays a while longer. After finishing her dinner she calls for some tea to be taken to her room, leaving five copper pieces. If it was too much the rest could be a tip. Torm knows they deserved it. Then she clatters and clanks all the way up to her room. While waiting for her tea she removes the weapons and armour, settling what can be fit in the small wardrobe. Things like her greatsword is propped in the corner closest to her bed and farthest from the door. The dagger she places beneath her pillow. She then makes sure to stay awake for just a little while longer, until she have had her tea, by sitting crosslegged on the floor, back to the wall and praying.
When she finally lets herself succumb to her own exhaustion and goes to bed, after ceremoniously removing her sweatdrenched padded clothing, washing off and donning a clean shirt for the night, she is asleep about as soon as her head hits the pillow.

Kogan Urufu
2010-12-01, 09:08 AM
The next day...

2010-12-01, 12:55 PM
Ylva of Tantras

Waking with the sunrise the silverskinned paladin almost wished that she could have been able to sleep until noon. But no, though she was still young she had years of training that forced her to wake at dawn, if not earlier, no matter what. Supressing a bed groan Ylva sat up, swung her feet of the bed and yawned widely. Immediately she went to the window, knelt in the light and prayed to Torm for strength, guidance and courage. To serve another day.
And stomach growling she then dressed in simple traveller's clothes and went down for breakfast.

Chained Birds
2010-12-01, 02:00 PM
Talvos always had good initiative, and beating the sun to rise was his specialty. His opened as he jumps out of his bed with sudden vigor. Reaching for his bow, he arms an arrow and tumbles to the floor.
After a quick servalence of the room, the window (if there is one in his room), and a quick glance into the hallway, Talvos relaxes somewhat and begins his morning ritual.
-- Ritual –-
Journal Entry: 6 minutes

I witnessed some bizarre occurrences yesterday; I feel we might be followed. Ylva’s horse broke its leg suddenly, only to make us weary enough to take the first lodging we came across. The bar tender was nice, maybe too nice, and gave us room without a second thought. I fear our adventure will be plagued with such clichés until something truly out of the ordinary occurs.
I don’t care for the town we are currently staying in, but at least something good came of it. A young Orc happened to be in the tavern upon my second entry coming from upstairs. He seems fond of starting a dangerous and amazing adventure like me, minus the danger, and I couldn’t help but invite such an oddity into our group.
The day is coming fast; I’d better survey the town for goods and information. Don’t trust the barkeep, but maybe his daughter.”
Shower: 5 minutes
Check for Thievery: 6 minutes
- Take 20 on search check (22)
Re-equip: 5 minutes
Awaken Allies: 45 seconds

2010-12-01, 02:40 PM
Karash Krygar

The half-orc's eyes pop open mere minuets before the sunrise. He kicks his legs out of bed and walks to his window to watch the sunrise. As soon as the sun breaks the horizon he turns quickly dresses and straps on his leather armor. Once dressed he pulls out his dagger and deftly shaves off the beard that has grown overnight. Once his face feels smooth enough to be presentable he collects his arsenal of spears and javelins and heads downstairs.

When he see Ylva coming done for breakfast he smiles. "Morning" He says, "It's good to see you out of the armor"

2010-12-01, 03:14 PM
Ylva Arkhent

"It's good to be out of armour too,[/colour] the aasimar answers. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Those things tends to weigh you down I tell you."
There is a certain amount of gratitude in her voice too, echoing the relief she's professing. Unlike the half-orc she's not armoured yet and there's a reason to it. Not that she won't suit up later. After all, while the armour is hellish to walk in it's even worse to carry in other ways and she's not leaving it behind. "I see you have a habit of waking early too, Karash." The approval is clear when she continues to speak with the man. She doesn't seem the kind to condemn people for sleeping late, but she obviously admires the discipline necessary to rise at dawn. With a rather content smile the paladin continues on down to the common room and, hopefully, breakfast.

Chained Birds
2010-12-01, 04:34 PM
Talvos approaches from upstairs after having already eaten a breakfast from his trail rations.

"Hmm, I guess everyone is up now. Good Sunrise to you all!"

He waves to the two, crumbs from a loaf of bread trickling down his face. Talvos appears slightly concerned over the Paladin’s lack of armor, but figures it’s for the best.

“I was going to scout out the town, anyone want to join me in gathering information about the site we’re heading to. Some knowledge about the local area or nature would also come in handy.
And then we can stop by an equipment shop for anything that might be needed or useful after recieving the information we had gathered.”

Ylva should note that Talvos seems to be slowly reverting back to his uninterested appearance, but for now is in a state of cheerfulness over Karash’s agreement to join them.

-1/3 trail ration (1day)

2010-12-01, 08:01 PM
Karash Krygar

"It's a new habit." The half-orc says answering Ylva's question. "My employer had me keep odd hours, but since his passing I've found I prefer waking to the sunrise than falling asleep to it."

He turns to Talvos as he talks. "That sounds reasonable. I planning on asking around if the town was having in problems I could solve before i joined you two last night. " He glances over at the bar looking for the barman, "I was going to start by talking to the barman... maybe after a hot breakfast."

Chained Birds
2010-12-01, 11:25 PM
"The barkeep might be dangerous, so beware. I sensed a great peril upon being in his presence... But I digress, I'm going to check out the town and will be back with my own info within the hour. Ylva can decide who she follows or if she wants to try her own sources."

He stares between the two,

"Um Ylva, if you go out and buy something you better not overpay now; I'm sure our group can't afford it."

After saying is little speech, he walks toward the doorway fully equiped as usual. He waves to either say 'Later' or 'Are you coming?' to Ylva and soon wanders out the door without waiting for a response.

-- OOC --
Gathering infromation is not his strong suit.
Gather Infromation: [roll0]

2010-12-02, 02:26 AM
Ylva of Tantras

She grins broadly at Karash's idea about asking around if the village had any troubles to help with before moving on. It closely mirrored her own and Talvos'. "An excellent plan you two. And I agree with your idea about breakfast first, Karash."
When Talvos continues to talk, and warn them about the innkeeper, the woman's smile fades a little but doesn't disappear. "Oh, come now, Talvos. He seemed a good and honest sort to me and he has done nothing to earn our distrust. Relax, paranoia doesn't serve anything than to estrange good people from each other." Thereafter she waves goodbye to the ranger, a pink hint of blushing on her cheeks after his admonishment, and starts looking for either the innkeep or his daughter.

2010-12-03, 01:08 PM
Karash Krygar

Karash smiles a bit when Ylva decides to join him in breakfast. He goes to the bar and pulls up the same stool he had the night before. He pulls out a gold coin from his bag and spins it on the bar waiting for the barman to come take their orders